Jeremy Vine, one long streak of piss with a face one would never tire of punching!.
This is a video of the so called road rage incident, showing the entitled shit riding down the middle of a road. The sort of activity that winds up other road users and tars all proper cyclists with the same brush.
I think he was more upset by the fact that he wasn’t instantly recognised, OG.
She did get done for it, turned out she had form on the violence front. Last thing I would do around the smoke is give a bit of lip to someone who doesn’t need sun cream, who knows where it might end, she could have been a chef, butcher or anything.
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2013 … Campaign of posters to ask illegals to go home …
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2016 … Theresa May Becomes Prime Minister
Summary … lots of words, a useless campaign and then become Prime Minister …. Sajid Javid to follow …
The beebistan are getting worried about political trends in Europe, so they publish a helpful country by country guide subtitled ‘Across Europe, nationalist and far-right parties have made significant electoral gains.’
Note their conflation of nationalist and far-right. With echoes of events in the 1930s, it sounds scary right? Well it’s supposed to, of course.
What they are implicitly comparing to fascism could more accurately be called people who love their country (remember that quaint old notion?); people who are less than delighted at being dictated to by the EUSSR mafia in Brussels and having their economies destroyed thereby; people who are less than happy about unfettered illegal immigration with all its concomitant problems; people who are not too enthused about an alien and hostile ‘faith’ growing daily, nor mass rape and regular acts of terrorism, large and small, the majority of which go unreported or disguised.
I’d call them ‘normal’ people, who haven’t yet been brainwashed by the beeb.
In the last few days a famous actor and a famous comedian have had close shaves with violent muggers, on foot and on motorbike.
Perhaps this is the only way the slebs, the luvvies, the glitterati and the liberalati will have their noses rubbed into the brave new world of wonderful diversity they have helped create.
An I-Spy card here, with silhouettes of famous celebrities with a small inducement to “buttonhole” them ( what`s the Arabic-taharrush?).
I`d pay them in Geldofs, Linekers, Adoni and Soubries…..
Maybe even a citizenship prize for the most creative efforts-they`d have proved themselves to be patriots, insh`Allah.
Jeremy Vine produced a paradox that created hilarity at home.
According to the great Jeremy, the cause of chaos on the railways lies with the Government. “Failing Grayling, said the Guardian” says Jeremy.
The solution is to Nationalise the Railways.
But the paradox is that would mean that Grayling would have more powers in running the Railways?
I think the answer to that moronic “BBC paradox of thought” could be that the BBC thinks that the railways should be taken out of control of people like George Stephenson and the Tories and put under the control of people like Mussolini and the Labour Party.
Passenger railways are rarely sustainable
In that the ticket price doesn’t cover the enormous infrastructure cost.
However in London they are like a giant real estate scam, in that by building a £2bn railway you can turn adjoining land worth £10bn into land worth£20bn.
…But that is dependent on having enough speculators
…the music may stop.
Stew, am :-J (tongue stuck firmly in cheek) here, but TRUE* privatisation places that capital cost of buying the land, installing the lines and necessary infrastructure and the risk associated with it firmly in the hands of the rail company. If adjacent landowners benefit, they should make an arrangement with the land seller (if not themselves) to sell at little or no cost to the potential or existing rail company. All Government should do at a distance, on behalf of the taxpayer, is maintain oversight of processes and operation.
What we had from the Conservatives in the 1990s was Fake Privatisation of the nation’s railways. The taxpayer still picks up some of the costs and provides investment for new lines, rolling stock and infrastructure.
You are so right on those last four words.
(* Have tried your prescription for italics (thanks for that) but still cannot get it to work. Must be me, my browser or OS or all 3.)
“An appeal has been made for witnesses of RACIAL abuse in Lincoln
(wow Lincoln must be like 95% white, there are now drunks/druggies downtown but they shout out at anyone)
a pupil of .. is regularly shouted at by people in passing cars cos she wears a hijab .. A HEAD COVERING WORN BY SOME MUSLIM WOMEN
(patronising the listeners a bit ?)
.. officers say it’s been happening for a couple of months and are working on catching who is responsible.”
The Police tweet says
“We are appealing for information to identify those responsible for the RACIAL abuse of a school pupil”
The statement says : RACIAL abuse, Lincoln
“will not tolerate singling out a young girl because of her religious beliefs.”
I do hope the police have checked that the girl is wearing the unusual clothing of her own free-will.
A commenter points out that abuse against those wearing the clothes of a faction of Mohammed United is just abuse, not RACIAL abuse. (religion is an ideology, not a race)
Article also doesn’t mention what was shouted, wouldn’t that make a difference ?
When you are in remote countries people shout at you multiple times everyday using words that in their language can be negative eg “white demon”, “gringo” isn’t entirely positive.
If the Christian, Jew, were dressed highly unusually say with a big mohican/ kilt, the louts would call out at him
.. but that would not be counted as a hate crime.
It’s good to see the police are tackling the really important issues in our country, like knife and gun killings, wholesale rape and grooming of young white girls… and calling a muslima names. I shall sleep safer tonight.
Missed the BBC1 lunchtime news today, but I noticed that yesterday Frank Gardner was up to his usual tricks, trying very deliberately and explicitly to equate ‘right-wing’ terrorism with ‘islamicist’ terrorism. He has been at it for years, always trying to add in the ‘right-wing’ to any report on purely and clearly ‘islamicist’ incidents, attempting to create a 50/50 impression.
I think he needs to be watched carefully and complained about by name after any incident. Of all reporters, I particularly loathe this manipulative and dishonest individual.
Yes, apparently Right wing groups are to be feared as much as Islamic terror groups – according to the gospel of Sam Jaffacake.
Any stories released yet about systematic grooming and raping of Muslim girls by white right wing groups ? or bomb plots foiled by the security services. Equally are there any stories reported about right wing groups using hammers to gain access to occupied cars ? hmmmm thought not.
Excellent article from Conservative Woman although not directly connected to the bias of the state media, just the damage inflicted by its government.
I advise you read it soon, as several of their articles are vanishing.
Indeed a good article. The present Conservative party is certainly no longer conservative in any way, shape or form. I would have said that it is Blair-lite, but that would be an insult to Tony.
Blair was a dishonest, anti-British self-promoter, but at least he knew where he was going and the sort of ‘Britain’ he wanted to create, and why. He had a goal and pursued that ruthlessly.
May is another dishonest, anti-British self-promoter, but she appears to have absolutely no idea where she is going, or what sort of Britain she wants to create. My impression is that she wants to be PM – end of; all else can be talked away, when and as required. How she got to survive as Home Secretary, let alone Prime Minister is a complete mystery to me.
As a Remainer who has professed to ‘implement’ Brexit, she has pretended that the irreconcilable can be reconciled. Unsurprisingly, chaos has resulted.
As for freedom, we got an idea of what the Conservatives felt when Amber Rudd tried to get anyone who so much as looked at a ‘right-wing’ website, locked up. You don’t come across authoritarianism more pure than that. If we actually knew what ‘fascist’ meant these days (when it is simply an easy term of abuse) we might give her instincts that label.
We also don’t actually appear to know what ‘right-wing’ means, other than that using the term a lot allows for a lazy, shallow and superficial form of virtue signalling and ingratiating yourself with the Left and certain other segments of the populace, thereby allowing you to feel very, very self-righteous.
Good Article. Couldn’t agree more.
Also an interesting video with JRM and a Jo Coburn? She is pushing him about his Catholic beliefs.. Who is she? -Doesn’t seem to be able to put together a rationale argument.
I am waiting for somebody to probe a Muslim politician on their faith, the way they seem happy to do with Catholics – at least the Catholics don’t want to kill Gay people and Jews..and I am guessing don’t belief in abortion (could be wrong)
No reason why Sajid Javid, peace be upon him, cannot be pushed for his faith. Does he believe in wife beating, legalization of abortion, punishment for gays, arranged marriages, did the prophet fly to heaven on a winged horse, does Satan fart when he prays to prevent Allah from hearing what he says?
Oaknash : cached version of The Tories don’t understand that a bit of populism might actually make them popular
By Catherine Blaiklock – June 5, 2018
(which was later removed .. I guessing one wrong bit was about homes on Greenfield sites with no funding for schools is wrong, as developers have to pay a charge via section 106 agreements or CIL )
\\ It was a fabulous day: great discussion, great people and a great deal of energy and thought, particularly on ** the disaster of the May government **. (probably the reason it got deleted)
\\ there were so many people in the room who, although naturally conservative by philosophy, are totally horrified by the current May government.//
housing minister
\\ In the whole 30 minutes, never once did she mention immigration. Not once.//
\\ A Conservative activist started talking about the disaster the party is at the grassroots level. //
\\ terrified of facing the facts in case it should lead them to a ‘populist’ policy. //
\\ And at the moment, the Conservative Party is neither for the people nor of the people.//
It was 43 years ago to this very day when Britain voted itself into the (as then) Common Market.
Few of us here might have voted, and it would then have been understandable to vote to stick with the croissants, Blue Nun and Torremolinos flights. Especially in the light of what Heath and Barber, Wilson and Jenkins had done to this country.
Ted should be up for nation fiddling, nasty weirdo.
Anyhoo -43 years today…and three weeks to this very day it will be the 2nd Anniversary of when England Awoke.
Rejoice, pray for Tommy and let`s build something worthy of him to come out to.
Why would anybody pay VAT on March 30th next year?
Let the state gather its own baubles-and lets bring back 12p to the shilling, 20 shillings to the New Pound to be minted for April 1st, with Tommys, Jimmy Goldsmiths, Nigels and Enochs heads on them…
And stuff Magners, only drink Thatchers! Paddy piss!
We were going to have a veto on those things we didn’t like, gradually they became EU ‘competencies’ decided by qualified majority voting in which we were outvoted.
We were going to have ‘free movement’ but assured that in practice it never happened because no-one moved between France, Belgium, Netherlands or Germany to find work. But then they let the East Europeans join with wages a tenth of ours so of course they moved to find work.
We were promised that food prices would rise.
One out of three isn’t bad for politicians’ promises.
Er, yes I voted 43 years ago……… and said NO to joining the common market. The big marketing push was the free movement of work forces, but honestly ? at that time the older generation had no interest in moving to countries where they couldn’t speak the language and only went on holiday, and my generation in our early 20’s were more focused on having a career here, buying a house and socialising to decent music – which the ‘continent’ didn’t have !
Do you remember being told that we would no longer need a passport, Briss?
There would be no loss of sovereignty?
It was purely a trading block?
All turned out just as described didn’t it? socialising to decent music – which the ‘continent’ didn’t have !
How can you possibly forget Johnny Hallyday, Briss? 🙂
If my memory serves me well we were ‘taken into’ the Common Market by Edward Heath in 1973
and the 1975 referendum to ‘remain in’ or ‘come out’?
Over to you Brexiteers ………………….
The in out referendum of ’75 followed a couple of years of industrial action, miners strike, three day week and power cuts, mass, unionised walkouts following a show of hands, quadrupling of fuel prices following the Arab Israeli war (what really killed off the UK’s deep sea fishing industry) fall of fall of Heath’s government , etc.. A lot of people thought that remaining in would consign these activities to history, not sure why, they took place following our membership, so why should they stop with continued membership. How wrong they were.
Here’s a blast from the past on the very night in question. I only wish we had statesmen today of Powell’s calibre, to begin fixing the mess – if we ever do manage to get out of the damned EU.
I’ve been avoiding BBC today but has anyone heard anything about the 2 arrested in Manchester on terrorism charges? It is in newspapers and online but nothing this morning on Beeb?
Could it be that they are not Far Right – because they are the biggest threat to UK according to BBC and the HS…
”Imran Khan QC says:
The question that we might want to ask and have answered is whether RBKC (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council) and TMO (tenant management association) and its associates were guilty of institutional racism.
He asks whether the fact that so many of those who lived in Grenfell Tower were BAME households might be a product of “ethnic or social cleansing”.
There is an over concentration of BME families in the cities’ most deprived neighbourhoods, says Khan.
He refers to a council investigation into mother-of-five Sakina Afrasehabi, 65, who was partially sighted and could not walk unaided, yet was placed on the 18th floor of Grenfell Tower. He says she was treated like a criminal, ended up in Grenfell Tower as a result and ultimately dead.
Our clients want to know why those who died were predominately non-white. ”
Taking the piss
the racism was the councils not renting to indigenous people,.
Who then has to pay literally 3 or 4 times the Grenfelll rent for similar London accommodation.
or live in the sticks and just pay twice as much and have an hour long commute each way
I presume the lawyer is the same one who did the Lawrence inquiry – great way to earn a few bob and give whitee a kicking .
I could not afford to live in ken and Chelsea . These people were effectively subsidised by tax payers doing – as you say – the daily commute from the outer bits of londonistan .
Can always depend on a lefty lawyer to turn a tragic fire into a full on assault on whitee and get a proper guilt trip going . No wonder there can be no integration of these people .
Why does racism have to enter every orifice and exit every orifice of these people? It was a bloody fire started by somebody/thing in a dirty kitchen – I guess it was started by white goods though so could be racist…
These people lived in the centre of London and paid low rents – it was an accident despite the failings of cladding – I would love to have a penthouse flat in central London…and I am guessing there will be a queue to get back into Grenfell when it is reopened. Unless it is to be left as a memorial…
James, I’ve always said how come refugees and migrants manage to live in our capital when the rest of us can barely afford the train fare to get there !
Imran Khan. “The question that we might want to ask” eh?
Only a BAME hustling mockery of a lawyer in London would even THINK of that.
Is there anybody outside the legal media nexus of chattering airbags who would even CONSIDER that to be “something we might want to ask”?
Well remember Imran as a Muslim Gareth Peirce, forever trying to connive with a hijab wearing schoolgirl(and her right to wear it in class) or Sadiq Khan types.
Tariq Ramadan-like in his hooded slipperiness.
Only the legal system creates them.
Feel the nations blood getting leeched by Khan and his mates.
We consider the closure of sharia councils is not a viable option. However, given the recommendations also proposed in this report include the registration of all Islamic marriages as well as awareness campaigns it is hoped that the demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time.
….demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time.
THIS IS THE GOVERNMENTS ANSWER … WAIT AND SEE .. INACTION BY THERESA MAY …”demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time. “
Mona Siddiqui, OBE, FRSE, FRSA[1] (born 3 May 1963[2]) is a British academic. She is Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies at the University of Edinburgh,[3] a member of the Commission on Scottish Devolution[4][5] and a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.[6] She is also a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and Sunday on BBC Radio 4, and to The Times, The Scotsman, The Guardian, Sunday Herald.
How to read the Qur’an. London: Granta Books. 2007. ISBN 9781862079458.
Islam (4 vols). London Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage. 2010. ISBN 9781847873606.
The good Muslim: reflections on classical Islamic law and theology. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012. ISBN 9780521518642.
The Routledge reader in Christian-Muslim relations. London New York: Routledge. 2013. ISBN 9780415685542.
Christians, Muslims and Jesus. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2013. ISBN 9780300169706.
I emailed Walker’s crisps, D and told them that myself and everyone I knew would never buy another packet of their potato based products, whilst the jug eared git was fronting their ad campaigns. They thanked me for my communication and said they would pass my thoughts onto the marketing team.
The bastards still there though! Dear Mr Wan
Thank you very much for your recent email.
We are always very happy to receive consumer feedback and please be assured that I have forwarded your comments on to our Marketing Team for their attention.
Thank you very much for your enquiry. We place enormous value on the views of our consumers.
Toobi, I’ve just joined you in emailing Walkers expressing my displeasure at Lineker, and do not intend to buy any of their products whilst he is still in post.
My diet is 800 calories.
If I thumped Lineker after eating a packet of his awful crisps, would I have some left I wonder?
Next weeks Year 8 maths exam question.
“We invited someone on from the DUP but they didn’t return our calls.”
The DUP treat the bBbc with the same respect it shows them. Probably couldn’t be arsed being made to answer to the shit-stirring Greasy Stella about abortion in Northern Ireland, something that is eff all to do with the ex-lobbyist, ex-PR consultant, ex-Cambridge, ex-all women shortlist English MP from a London constituency.
This, as well as having Labour activist parents and being descended from Viscounts and Baronets, obviously make Stella more qualified to speak for women in Northern Ireland than the people that they actually vote for, men and women, or indeed themselves, in the bubble that she and the bBbc share.
With all that is wrong in London at the minute surely she and her media co-conspirators have more applicable issues/causes/bandwagons closer to home that they could be championing/pushing/jumping on. The people of Northern Ireland will decide the abortion issue in Northern Ireland, not the bBbc or unrepresentative Labour politicians whose main reason for being where they are is their gender. You don’t and won’t have any say in this so why should the DUP waste time debating these issues with you?
If only more people would treat this collective shower, the bBbc and Labour, with the contempt and disregard that they deserve.
Like anyone I can argue with someone who begs to differ from my point of view. But reading the Times today, both my blood and piss are at boiling point. Any sperm in my ball sacks, well thats boiling too. James Marriott….. If you want to know why all western civilisation is getting flushed down the shitter than just read it. If you don’t have access I have kept it and will post it word for f**king word if needed. But trust me you don’t.
I’m not a violent person, but if James Marriott crossed my path, well he would spend the rest of his miserable life feeding from a f**king tube.
@OldEngineOil He got a kicking in the comments
Comment \\ “This is exactly the spirit of underwhelming pragmatism that has served us so well over the years.”
Unfortunately there has been a shift from underwhelming to undermining as all things English have gradually become the regular target of the MSM left wing journalists and politicians.
It is only recently that people have started to get fed up with this constant whining and criticism of English values and are now pushing back.
The left wing MSM have of course labelled such people as “alt-right” in an attempt undermine their position but quite clearly this is not the case.
Having pride in ones country is psychologically beneficial both at a group and personal level, the reverse is to feel ashamed and disenfranchised and this is exceedingly damaging and leads to the kind of social fragmentation and gang culture we are now seeing in some of our cities, especially London. //
English events!
Seems as if the BBC are not alone in killing off English events. Our local cricket field is now a building sit for affordable homes for ….we know… migrants.
And the council provides endless festivals of dance, cooking, music from exotic lands thus adding up diversity boxes ticked.
It’s a national calamity.
I was talking to a builder last week, G.W.F. on one of these sites and he told that they get the most inquiries from people who live in “enriched” areas and are fed up with the celebration of diversity.
Why is the government so bothered about what happens to Sky News – it doesn’t belong to them (does it?). They seem particularly bothered that Fox does not control it. Are they worried that it might not toe the globalist line?
Tom Watson said Labour’s priority going forward was to “safeguard the future of Sky News” which is a “beacon for independent and rigorous journalism”. Ha ha!
Just a quick observation – I worked as an IT contractor at BBC for several months – mainly at Portland Place, sometimes at White City. I have to say that I have never worked with such a friendly, helpful bunch of people. They were also, highly skilled technically. However, after a few weeks , myself and a few other contractors started to notice some rather strange behaviour – for, instance, there was a complete absence of any kind of ‘workplace banter’. Now, I’m ex-Forces as were some of the other contractors, so our idea of ‘banter’ may be a little extreme – but at the BBC there was none at all ! They also seemed to socialise exclusively with each other – evenings and weekends they just mixed with each other.
After a while , we started to call them ‘Moonies’ – like some weird cult ! Lovely people, but not really ‘in the real World’. I loved my time working there, but not exactly people you would ‘want next to you in a trench’. Now, when I watch the BBC News, I can’t help but cringe – such a shame that the BBC has descended so low….
Good post Hillbear. And I can entirely believe it.
It seems to be a similar thing for the police force.
They don’t seem to socialise with anyone on outside either..
Claw hammer attack at London bus stop. Couldn’t find it on beeb webshite, but then the attacker wasn’t hideously white, and worse, there are CCTV pictures. Quick, bury.
0944 GMT London Tuesday 05 June 2018. SO FAR, we have not had the insulting byte/s from “London mayor” Sadiq Khan on the just-released Met Police Video and statement about the Poplar Recreation Ground Bus stop claw-hammer attack by a “black teenager” on a “schoolboy waiting at
Al. Beeb. Moaning about councils cutting funding for clap clinics . Perhaps it might encourage the fuckers to control themselves a bit .
Let’s hope the money is spent on the. more deserving such as social elderly care. Won’t hear that from al Beeb though.
\\He listed stagnant wages, “left-out communities”, migration, sovereignty and the NHS as issues that needed to be addressed alongside the finer points of Brexit, describing the referendum result as a “huge political earthquake”.
Appealing to the “Westminster leaderships”, he added: “We’re not addressing these problems, we’ve got to address them now.”//
No Mr Brown, we voted out, “Brexit Means Brexit”
The London politicians are not listening to the people, they are undermining the democratic will of the nation by their arrogance. If this decision is reversed parliament will be discredited.
I have found it. This left wing gent who supports Class War and Antifa is working to create a left wing alternative to Question Time because it is dominated by Oxbridge types with an ‘obvious right wing bias’ and a ‘brexit obsessed audience’.
The left alternative to the right wing BBC will be available on You Tube soon.
It has been reported that both a mosque and a Sikh temple in Beeston, Leeds, have been subject to arson attacks last night.
Police say the “hate crimes” are linked.
Wow, they can confirm a “link” and confirm its hate crime already.
I smell a rat. Probably a put up job to point the finger at the so called far right.
Strange how they can never find a link between the various Islamic atrocities of assorted severity, always pretending that they can’t understand what’s happening.
Lady DPP has to apologise because of covering up / failing to disclose evidence about alleged rapes. MSM blame game . But they put pressure on the police and CPS to increase rape prosecutions and convictions. . As usual the likes of. Al. Beeb and c4 want it both ways. Methinks they don’t want the DPPs head because of her femaleness.
Hi, Fedup2 – do you think this reveals something about the institutional behaviour of the British police force and the people that are running the police?
We now have evidence of police not investigating / quashing evidence if the allegations involve a certain group of men raping and sexually abusing lower class white girls … and now we have this – evidence that the police are withholding evidence to get convictions if the men accused of rape happen to be white, English, British …
A case raised of a kid (20) charged with rape where there was no disclosure of text messages from the so called victim which should have cleared him show how unbalanced the trial process is . Did anything happen to the false victim ? The police who covered it up? The prosecutor ?
If the likes of TR can get 13 months for what he did then a few of the types I’m describing deserve bird ….
In which the BBC asks a BBC regular to offer a BBC-approved quote:
The Today Programme
‘I’ve got a portrait of Nigel Farage under a person with a sick bucket.’ Coordinator of the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, Grayson Perry, on how he creates political art.
I wonder what all involved left at the studio door?
Via “Knuckle Dragger” Guido
Peston on Sunday is no more, reports Amol Rajan. Viewers who want to watch his Remoaner whinge fest will now have to tune in at 22:35 on Wednesdays instead. Victory for Marr and Ridge…
Hi StewGreen, is there something going on at Guido – I can no longer read the comments. I have also noticed that “Disqus” a system for posting comments – seems to be off-line.
Must be you : My comments from 34 mins ago is still “pending”
My comment from 20 hours ago was approved
Are lefty sites the same ? last I saw bile was pasted every few seconds there
But a Guido article shows how when Tory Youth group Activate got shut down cos of it’s Hatey messageboards
My guess is that Labour supporters posted stuff like “gas the chavs”, to try to ruin everything, and succeeded.
I use an adblocker – because I just can’t get on with the ads – which slows down the loading of the webpage and takes up most of the space of my screen with flashing and moving images.
The ads also slows down my computer – because the ads use up a lot of working memory, causing my computer to freeze and other problems.
So it seems to be that – but this is something that has only happened recently. I tried another browser (which I haven’t linked an adblocker to) and all the disqus comments appeared.
I note that disqus has recently been purchased by a company that makes money in selling targeted ads. They also specialise in data mining. I wonder if disqus is now not allowing access to their comments threads to those using adblockers.
Me too, S and when I go to a site that doesn’t like ad blockers, a message pops up saying either they rely on advertising to fund the site or to whitelist the site. Both are told to swivel and the page loads as normal.
As to Discuss, I only used it once to post two words, “Common Purpose” in answer to a question, the post stayed up for a whole 5 minutes before disappearing. Not used it since.
Read it and weep. So as an expectant mother in labour, would you be allowed to refuse her service on the basis of her past conduct? Or would this be racism? Or a hate crime?
\\ It said her decision to proceed with a vaginal delivery “was negligent and fell below the standards ordinarily to be expected”, however it did not amount to “serious misconduct”.
The panel found this to be an isolated incident where the unusual circumstances, emergency situation and the doctor’s genuine belief meant that the outcome “was not reasonably foreseeable”. //
After the national anthem at the White House "Celebration of America" event (scheduled after the Philadelphia Eagles reception was cancelled),, someone shouted, "Stop hiding behind the armed services and the national anthem." The crowd booed.
Loobyloo – I think, in principle, one should be able to refuse being treated by anyone one feels may not be competent.
Certainly, the concluding paragraph of the tribunal’s report is severely critical, and one would expect that, on that basis, the doctor would not be reinstated as a consequence – read the wording.
On another level, anyone can make a mistake, especially after being on duty for far too long.
This is topical, given the decision to relax visa restrictions on foreign doctors. So, the questions is: where will they be recruited from? And 2=how will their qualifications be judged ? 3 Who will be judging? 4 Why are we not training enough doctors within the UK?
There are other questions, but does anyone know an answer to these?
Channel 6 ITV Family Guy animation
Peter has gone thru a phase and is now a Muslim
with a lot of Muslim friends , who want to bomb Quahog City
..catch it on +1 Channel 27
(see under American free speech, mainstream TV doesn’t have to be PC)
Bit nonplussed on the way into school where some Olympic poppet said that she had to get medals or people would lose their jobs as support staff. Mad.
When did sport become so joyless and boring that bureaucrats and fund trufflers like her could take up minutes with Gary Richardson.
Look pet-it`s a game, its shit-now go and do something useful.
Consider Gary-no matter how shit he is,how vacuous his news items? He always gets a wedge for it, the BBC pay win, lose or draw.
Heard a bit of Front Row tonight on Radio 4.
They firstly spoke to some Channel 4 writer about his upcoming drama.
Why are they doing that, aren`t Channel 4 meant to be somehow different-didn`t they used to be rivals?
Or do Grenfell, Brexit and Trump, Islam and vast salaries and Guardian gigs make them part of the same Purpose?
They also reviewed a nasty little computer game where a vampire kills things like racists or slum landlords. It was moral apparently, but not realistic or exciting enough.
But hey-if we get a few landlords killed or a white dad killed?…then that`s suitable for our kids and the BBC have now told us plenty about where to get it.
Isn`t this incitement? How are the BBC getting away with this?
Suppose they`ll moan about Fox News, but think that this is OK?
Does anyone know who Kate Spade is / was ?
Is it rhyming slang for something .? Al beeb seems very exercised by this American lady apoarently topping herself ….
@BBCTheOneShow Can you please explain why Alex has been wearing Kate spade clothing for the last few days? Surely its product placement? Pretty sure the BBC isn’t allowed to advertise? ????????
Wonder whether we need to give the lefties a city of their own to abuse in regard of the slave trade? If we gave them Bristol or Liverpool or Glasgow-couldn`t they just level that one city to the ground and cry for Kunte Kinte?
Which one got the most out of slavery?
Hilarious some BBC progs are funded by eco-charity connected to Al Gore
yet they say “We are independent of outside interests and arrangements that could undermine our editorial integrity.”
“Our audiences should be confident that our decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests. ”
Lol, lol, lol
Taking the Temperature, which focuses on the battle against climate change and the people and ideas making a difference.
This BBC series was produced with funding from the Skoll Foundation
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Imagine if the Manchester bombing where 22 people were LOST according to Theresa May was reported in this manner … imagine ….
“Libyan migrant dies in blast at Manchester Arena.” (made up story).
. . . real story on BBC ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
A very gleeful Jeremy Vine having many a go at ‘Failing Grayling’.
Somehow I don’t think the minister re-wrote the timetables personally.
Jeremy Vine, one long streak of piss with a face one would never tire of punching!.
This is a video of the so called road rage incident, showing the entitled shit riding down the middle of a road. The sort of activity that winds up other road users and tars all proper cyclists with the same brush.
BBC star my arse!
How can one be seen “blaring one’s horn”?
She should have just flattened the twerp.
I think he was more upset by the fact that he wasn’t instantly recognised, OG.
She did get done for it, turned out she had form on the violence front. Last thing I would do around the smoke is give a bit of lip to someone who doesn’t need sun cream, who knows where it might end, she could have been a chef, butcher or anything.
Why should we not be surprised?
Well, “the Devil finds work for idle hands” so, put them to work.
Oh, so, that won’t work. What about training?
Conclusion: untrainable. What now? Well, this is clearly not the “second economic miracle” that Merkel forecast. However, the German taxpayer can rest assured that the importees languishing on the dole will break the Social Security bank, all 1.8 million of them. Ah well, that’s alright then. What’s that you say? Their relatives? Well, they’ve just commenced ferrying in the families of the “Refugees” to add to the SS budget. All good for Germany and the EU and us by the way, because we stay in (Treezer permitting) long enough for these “Refugees” to obtain the right to travel and live within the EU?
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2013 … Campaign of posters to ask illegals to go home …

2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2016 … Theresa May Becomes Prime Minister
Summary … lots of words, a useless campaign and then become Prime Minister …. Sajid Javid to follow …
Kind of reminds me of the letters that I am now getting every month (are they getting more desperate?).
“Dear Legal Householder you have been selected for investigation”.
(If I posted unwanted letters to ladies that I fancied each month I am sure I would be charged with harassment/stalking.)
The beebistan are getting worried about political trends in Europe, so they publish a helpful country by country guide subtitled ‘Across Europe, nationalist and far-right parties have made significant electoral gains.’
Note their conflation of nationalist and far-right. With echoes of events in the 1930s, it sounds scary right? Well it’s supposed to, of course.
What they are implicitly comparing to fascism could more accurately be called people who love their country (remember that quaint old notion?); people who are less than delighted at being dictated to by the EUSSR mafia in Brussels and having their economies destroyed thereby; people who are less than happy about unfettered illegal immigration with all its concomitant problems; people who are not too enthused about an alien and hostile ‘faith’ growing daily, nor mass rape and regular acts of terrorism, large and small, the majority of which go unreported or disguised.
I’d call them ‘normal’ people, who haven’t yet been brainwashed by the beeb.
In the last few days a famous actor and a famous comedian have had close shaves with violent muggers, on foot and on motorbike.
Perhaps this is the only way the slebs, the luvvies, the glitterati and the liberalati will have their noses rubbed into the brave new world of wonderful diversity they have helped create.
An I-Spy card here, with silhouettes of famous celebrities with a small inducement to “buttonhole” them ( what`s the Arabic-taharrush?).
I`d pay them in Geldofs, Linekers, Adoni and Soubries…..
Maybe even a citizenship prize for the most creative efforts-they`d have proved themselves to be patriots, insh`Allah.
Jeremy Vine produced a paradox that created hilarity at home.
According to the great Jeremy, the cause of chaos on the railways lies with the Government. “Failing Grayling, said the Guardian” says Jeremy.
The solution is to Nationalise the Railways.
But the paradox is that would mean that Grayling would have more powers in running the Railways?
I think the answer to that moronic “BBC paradox of thought” could be that the BBC thinks that the railways should be taken out of control of people like George Stephenson and the Tories and put under the control of people like Mussolini and the Labour Party.
Passenger railways are rarely sustainable
In that the ticket price doesn’t cover the enormous infrastructure cost.
However in London they are like a giant real estate scam, in that by building a £2bn railway you can turn adjoining land worth £10bn into land worth£20bn.
…But that is dependent on having enough speculators
…the music may stop.
Stew, am :-J (tongue stuck firmly in cheek) here, but TRUE* privatisation places that capital cost of buying the land, installing the lines and necessary infrastructure and the risk associated with it firmly in the hands of the rail company. If adjacent landowners benefit, they should make an arrangement with the land seller (if not themselves) to sell at little or no cost to the potential or existing rail company. All Government should do at a distance, on behalf of the taxpayer, is maintain oversight of processes and operation.
What we had from the Conservatives in the 1990s was Fake Privatisation of the nation’s railways. The taxpayer still picks up some of the costs and provides investment for new lines, rolling stock and infrastructure.
You are so right on those last four words.
(* Have tried your prescription for italics (thanks for that) but still cannot get it to work. Must be me, my browser or OS or all 3.)
Radio LIncolnshire news
The Police tweet says
“We are appealing for information to identify those responsible for the RACIAL abuse of a school pupil”
The statement says : RACIAL abuse, Lincoln
“will not tolerate singling out a young girl because of her religious beliefs.”
I do hope the police have checked that the girl is wearing the unusual clothing of her own free-will.
A commenter points out that abuse against those wearing the clothes of a faction of Mohammed United is just abuse, not RACIAL abuse. (religion is an ideology, not a race)
Article also doesn’t mention what was shouted, wouldn’t that make a difference ?
When you are in remote countries people shout at you multiple times everyday using words that in their language can be negative eg “white demon”, “gringo” isn’t entirely positive.
If a bad mother made her girl wear a Grimsby Town football scarf and hat .. I’m pretty sure that people would call out at her.
Is that treated as a HATE CRIME ?
Does it also apply to abuse of christians, jews etc ?
If the Christian, Jew, were dressed highly unusually say with a big mohican/ kilt, the louts would call out at him
.. but that would not be counted as a hate crime.
Gingers get a lot stick as well, Grant 🙂
It’s good to see the police are tackling the really important issues in our country, like knife and gun killings, wholesale rape and grooming of young white girls… and calling a muslima names. I shall sleep safer tonight.
Missed the BBC1 lunchtime news today, but I noticed that yesterday Frank Gardner was up to his usual tricks, trying very deliberately and explicitly to equate ‘right-wing’ terrorism with ‘islamicist’ terrorism. He has been at it for years, always trying to add in the ‘right-wing’ to any report on purely and clearly ‘islamicist’ incidents, attempting to create a 50/50 impression.
I think he needs to be watched carefully and complained about by name after any incident. Of all reporters, I particularly loathe this manipulative and dishonest individual.
FNW – Dont you dare critiscise Frank are you disabledphobic or something!
Yes, apparently Right wing groups are to be feared as much as Islamic terror groups – according to the gospel of Sam Jaffacake.
Any stories released yet about systematic grooming and raping of Muslim girls by white right wing groups ? or bomb plots foiled by the security services. Equally are there any stories reported about right wing groups using hammers to gain access to occupied cars ? hmmmm thought not.
Excellent article from Conservative Woman although not directly connected to the bias of the state media, just the damage inflicted by its government.
I advise you read it soon, as several of their articles are vanishing.
Indeed a good article. The present Conservative party is certainly no longer conservative in any way, shape or form. I would have said that it is Blair-lite, but that would be an insult to Tony.
Blair was a dishonest, anti-British self-promoter, but at least he knew where he was going and the sort of ‘Britain’ he wanted to create, and why. He had a goal and pursued that ruthlessly.
May is another dishonest, anti-British self-promoter, but she appears to have absolutely no idea where she is going, or what sort of Britain she wants to create. My impression is that she wants to be PM – end of; all else can be talked away, when and as required. How she got to survive as Home Secretary, let alone Prime Minister is a complete mystery to me.
As a Remainer who has professed to ‘implement’ Brexit, she has pretended that the irreconcilable can be reconciled. Unsurprisingly, chaos has resulted.
As for freedom, we got an idea of what the Conservatives felt when Amber Rudd tried to get anyone who so much as looked at a ‘right-wing’ website, locked up. You don’t come across authoritarianism more pure than that. If we actually knew what ‘fascist’ meant these days (when it is simply an easy term of abuse) we might give her instincts that label.
We also don’t actually appear to know what ‘right-wing’ means, other than that using the term a lot allows for a lazy, shallow and superficial form of virtue signalling and ingratiating yourself with the Left and certain other segments of the populace, thereby allowing you to feel very, very self-righteous.
Good Article. Couldn’t agree more.
Also an interesting video with JRM and a Jo Coburn? She is pushing him about his Catholic beliefs.. Who is she? -Doesn’t seem to be able to put together a rationale argument.
I am waiting for somebody to probe a Muslim politician on their faith, the way they seem happy to do with Catholics – at least the Catholics don’t want to kill Gay people and Jews..and I am guessing don’t belief in abortion (could be wrong)
No reason why Sajid Javid, peace be upon him, cannot be pushed for his faith. Does he believe in wife beating, legalization of abortion, punishment for gays, arranged marriages, did the prophet fly to heaven on a winged horse, does Satan fart when he prays to prevent Allah from hearing what he says?
Yes GWF Cathy Gingel did a good article on populism this morning which has now disappeared. I hope its just a glitch but these days you never know!
Oaknash : cached version of The Tories don’t understand that a bit of populism might actually make them popular
By Catherine Blaiklock – June 5, 2018
(which was later removed .. I guessing one wrong bit was about homes on Greenfield sites with no funding for schools is wrong, as developers have to pay a charge via section 106 agreements or CIL )
\\ It was a fabulous day: great discussion, great people and a great deal of energy and thought, particularly on ** the disaster of the May government **. (probably the reason it got deleted)
\\ there were so many people in the room who, although naturally conservative by philosophy, are totally horrified by the current May government.//
housing minister
\\ In the whole 30 minutes, never once did she mention immigration. Not once.//
\\ A Conservative activist started talking about the disaster the party is at the grassroots level. //
\\ terrified of facing the facts in case it should lead them to a ‘populist’ policy. //
\\ And at the moment, the Conservative Party is neither for the people nor of the people.//
I Tweeted it all in 3 screenshots
Go to third tweet to see selected comments.
It was 43 years ago to this very day when Britain voted itself into the (as then) Common Market.
Few of us here might have voted, and it would then have been understandable to vote to stick with the croissants, Blue Nun and Torremolinos flights. Especially in the light of what Heath and Barber, Wilson and Jenkins had done to this country.
Ted should be up for nation fiddling, nasty weirdo.
Anyhoo -43 years today…and three weeks to this very day it will be the 2nd Anniversary of when England Awoke.
Rejoice, pray for Tommy and let`s build something worthy of him to come out to.
Why would anybody pay VAT on March 30th next year?
Let the state gather its own baubles-and lets bring back 12p to the shilling, 20 shillings to the New Pound to be minted for April 1st, with Tommys, Jimmy Goldsmiths, Nigels and Enochs heads on them…
And stuff Magners, only drink Thatchers! Paddy piss!
I was young but can remember the common market campaign- some really big lies which have carried on ever since
So many second rate politicians – which seems to be the norm . Very few with a clear direction yet alone an idea to improve Britain .
I am looking forward to the time when campaigns can be run to “ buy British “ which was made illegal by the Nazis in the Reich EU.
We were going to have a veto on those things we didn’t like, gradually they became EU ‘competencies’ decided by qualified majority voting in which we were outvoted.
We were going to have ‘free movement’ but assured that in practice it never happened because no-one moved between France, Belgium, Netherlands or Germany to find work. But then they let the East Europeans join with wages a tenth of ours so of course they moved to find work.
We were promised that food prices would rise.
One out of three isn’t bad for politicians’ promises.
Er, yes I voted 43 years ago……… and said NO to joining the common market. The big marketing push was the free movement of work forces, but honestly ? at that time the older generation had no interest in moving to countries where they couldn’t speak the language and only went on holiday, and my generation in our early 20’s were more focused on having a career here, buying a house and socialising to decent music – which the ‘continent’ didn’t have !
Do you remember being told that we would no longer need a passport, Briss?
There would be no loss of sovereignty?
It was purely a trading block?
All turned out just as described didn’t it?
socialising to decent music – which the ‘continent’ didn’t have !
How can you possibly forget Johnny Hallyday, Briss? 🙂
Except there wasn’t free movement of people in the EEC that we joined on 1 January 1973.
It came with the text of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992.
If my memory serves me well we were ‘taken into’ the Common Market by Edward Heath in 1973
and the 1975 referendum to ‘remain in’ or ‘come out’?
Over to you Brexiteers ………………….
Taffman, I suspect there’s more chance that David Walliams will come out before Britain comes out of the EU!
The in out referendum of ’75 followed a couple of years of industrial action, miners strike, three day week and power cuts, mass, unionised walkouts following a show of hands, quadrupling of fuel prices following the Arab Israeli war (what really killed off the UK’s deep sea fishing industry) fall of fall of Heath’s government , etc.. A lot of people thought that remaining in would consign these activities to history, not sure why, they took place following our membership, so why should they stop with continued membership. How wrong they were.
That bloke gives me the creeps!
Here’s a blast from the past on the very night in question. I only wish we had statesmen today of Powell’s calibre, to begin fixing the mess – if we ever do manage to get out of the damned EU.
The majority (90%) of prisoners in custody for terrorism related offences on 31 March 2017 declared themselves as Muslim. Nine prisoners (5%) were of a Christian denomination.
Only three ‘white extremists’?
I think I can see where May et al are going with their terrorist(killer)/extremist(protestor) equivalence.
By the time they have rounded up a few posters from here they should have achieved ‘equality’.
See how they marked the anniversary of the Manchester attack
by focusing on VIctims … of post attack hate-crime
I’ve been avoiding BBC today but has anyone heard anything about the 2 arrested in Manchester on terrorism charges? It is in newspapers and online but nothing this morning on Beeb?
Could it be that they are not Far Right – because they are the biggest threat to UK according to BBC and the HS…
Tiny article buried under local Manchester news
contrast with Express
probable National action and some overly sticky stickers
its Whitefield so it could be militant zionists
but its a council house so im taking a guess at M******
Never mind Tommy Robinson … BBC are asking the most important questions of our time … “How many wizards are there in the UK and Ireland?”
£3.5bn News Service …
Very, very interesting………….
A petition to, “…..Defend the right to criticise islam in Europe” (!!??)
Stable doors come to mind. Anyway I’m going to sign up.
over at the Grenfel enquiry
”Imran Khan QC says:
The question that we might want to ask and have answered is whether RBKC (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council) and TMO (tenant management association) and its associates were guilty of institutional racism.
He asks whether the fact that so many of those who lived in Grenfell Tower were BAME households might be a product of “ethnic or social cleansing”.
There is an over concentration of BME families in the cities’ most deprived neighbourhoods, says Khan.
He refers to a council investigation into mother-of-five Sakina Afrasehabi, 65, who was partially sighted and could not walk unaided, yet was placed on the 18th floor of Grenfell Tower. He says she was treated like a criminal, ended up in Grenfell Tower as a result and ultimately dead.
Our clients want to know why those who died were predominately non-white. ”
Taking the piss
the racism was the councils not renting to indigenous people,.
Who then has to pay literally 3 or 4 times the Grenfelll rent for similar London accommodation.
or live in the sticks and just pay twice as much and have an hour long commute each way
I presume the lawyer is the same one who did the Lawrence inquiry – great way to earn a few bob and give whitee a kicking .
I could not afford to live in ken and Chelsea . These people were effectively subsidised by tax payers doing – as you say – the daily commute from the outer bits of londonistan .
Can always depend on a lefty lawyer to turn a tragic fire into a full on assault on whitee and get a proper guilt trip going . No wonder there can be no integration of these people .
Why does racism have to enter every orifice and exit every orifice of these people? It was a bloody fire started by somebody/thing in a dirty kitchen – I guess it was started by white goods though so could be racist…
These people lived in the centre of London and paid low rents – it was an accident despite the failings of cladding – I would love to have a penthouse flat in central London…and I am guessing there will be a queue to get back into Grenfell when it is reopened. Unless it is to be left as a memorial…
James, I’ve always said how come refugees and migrants manage to live in our capital when the rest of us can barely afford the train fare to get there !
Imran Khan. “The question that we might want to ask” eh?
Only a BAME hustling mockery of a lawyer in London would even THINK of that.
Is there anybody outside the legal media nexus of chattering airbags who would even CONSIDER that to be “something we might want to ask”?
Well remember Imran as a Muslim Gareth Peirce, forever trying to connive with a hijab wearing schoolgirl(and her right to wear it in class) or Sadiq Khan types.
Tariq Ramadan-like in his hooded slipperiness.
Only the legal system creates them.
Feel the nations blood getting leeched by Khan and his mates.
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review.
We consider the closure of sharia councils is not a viable option. However, given the recommendations also proposed in this report include the registration of all Islamic marriages as well as awareness campaigns it is hoped that the demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time.
….demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time.
THIS IS THE GOVERNMENTS ANSWER … WAIT AND SEE .. INACTION BY THERESA MAY …”demand for religious divorces from sharia councils will gradually reduce over time. “
Independent reivew my arse
Mona Siddiqui, OBE, FRSE, FRSA[1] (born 3 May 1963[2]) is a British academic. She is Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies at the University of Edinburgh,[3] a member of the Commission on Scottish Devolution[4][5] and a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.[6] She is also a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and Sunday on BBC Radio 4, and to The Times, The Scotsman, The Guardian, Sunday Herald.
How to read the Qur’an. London: Granta Books. 2007. ISBN 9781862079458.
Islam (4 vols). London Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage. 2010. ISBN 9781847873606.
The good Muslim: reflections on classical Islamic law and theology. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012. ISBN 9780521518642.
The Routledge reader in Christian-Muslim relations. London New York: Routledge. 2013. ISBN 9780415685542.
Christians, Muslims and Jesus. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2013. ISBN 9780300169706.
Presenter on Talk Radio now is very angry at Gary Lineker and is calling out the bBBC on his employment.
Presenter has invited calls to discuss
0344 4991000 or @talkradio
I emailed Walker’s crisps, D and told them that myself and everyone I knew would never buy another packet of their potato based products, whilst the jug eared git was fronting their ad campaigns. They thanked me for my communication and said they would pass my thoughts onto the marketing team.
The bastards still there though!
Dear Mr Wan
Thank you very much for your recent email.
We are always very happy to receive consumer feedback and please be assured that I have forwarded your comments on to our Marketing Team for their attention.
Thank you very much for your enquiry. We place enormous value on the views of our consumers.
Kelly Bisla
Consumer Relations
Toobi, I’ve just joined you in emailing Walkers expressing my displeasure at Lineker, and do not intend to buy any of their products whilst he is still in post.
My diet is 800 calories.
If I thumped Lineker after eating a packet of his awful crisps, would I have some left I wonder?
Next weeks Year 8 maths exam question.
797 House of Lords.
650 MPS.
£300 per day for the Lords.
18% Pay rise for all MPs.
0 Want a successful Britain.
Joco on the Daily Politics today.
“We invited someone on from the DUP but they didn’t return our calls.”
The DUP treat the bBbc with the same respect it shows them. Probably couldn’t be arsed being made to answer to the shit-stirring Greasy Stella about abortion in Northern Ireland, something that is eff all to do with the ex-lobbyist, ex-PR consultant, ex-Cambridge, ex-all women shortlist English MP from a London constituency.
This, as well as having Labour activist parents and being descended from Viscounts and Baronets, obviously make Stella more qualified to speak for women in Northern Ireland than the people that they actually vote for, men and women, or indeed themselves, in the bubble that she and the bBbc share.
With all that is wrong in London at the minute surely she and her media co-conspirators have more applicable issues/causes/bandwagons closer to home that they could be championing/pushing/jumping on. The people of Northern Ireland will decide the abortion issue in Northern Ireland, not the bBbc or unrepresentative Labour politicians whose main reason for being where they are is their gender. You don’t and won’t have any say in this so why should the DUP waste time debating these issues with you?
If only more people would treat this collective shower, the bBbc and Labour, with the contempt and disregard that they deserve.
Like anyone I can argue with someone who begs to differ from my point of view. But reading the Times today, both my blood and piss are at boiling point. Any sperm in my ball sacks, well thats boiling too. James Marriott….. If you want to know why all western civilisation is getting flushed down the shitter than just read it. If you don’t have access I have kept it and will post it word for f**king word if needed. But trust me you don’t.
I’m not a violent person, but if James Marriott crossed my path, well he would spend the rest of his miserable life feeding from a f**king tube.
Thanks for reading my rant!
@OldEngineOil He got a kicking in the comments
Comment \\ “This is exactly the spirit of underwhelming pragmatism that has served us so well over the years.”
Unfortunately there has been a shift from underwhelming to undermining as all things English have gradually become the regular target of the MSM left wing journalists and politicians.
It is only recently that people have started to get fed up with this constant whining and criticism of English values and are now pushing back.
The left wing MSM have of course labelled such people as “alt-right” in an attempt undermine their position but quite clearly this is not the case.
Having pride in ones country is psychologically beneficial both at a group and personal level, the reverse is to feel ashamed and disenfranchised and this is exceedingly damaging and leads to the kind of social fragmentation and gang culture we are now seeing in some of our cities, especially London. //
As the BBC no longer reports of English events … can the English get their own channel?
Oh dear!
‘Miss America waves bye bye to bikinis’
‘We are no longer a pageant. We are a competition.’
So, what are they competing for…best SJW I presume. There certainly won’t be any right of centre candidates.
Why not have them in large black long dresses with black headgear and then they can’t be judged on their looks. Oh…
(enforced modesty-dress)
English events!
Seems as if the BBC are not alone in killing off English events. Our local cricket field is now a building sit for affordable homes for ….we know… migrants.
And the council provides endless festivals of dance, cooking, music from exotic lands thus adding up diversity boxes ticked.
It’s a national calamity.
I was talking to a builder last week, G.W.F. on one of these sites and he told that they get the most inquiries from people who live in “enriched” areas and are fed up with the celebration of diversity.
Only a man can run an airline, says Qatar boss
Bwa ha ha!
Carolyn Knapp-Shappey did a fair job, even though it was held together by gaffer tape and hope
Except when he’s a beardie – one, in particular can’t seem to run a railway, either.
Government clears way for Sky bid battle
Why is the government so bothered about what happens to Sky News – it doesn’t belong to them (does it?). They seem particularly bothered that Fox does not control it. Are they worried that it might not toe the globalist line?
Tom Watson said Labour’s priority going forward was to “safeguard the future of Sky News” which is a “beacon for independent and rigorous journalism”. Ha ha!
Looby – maybe RT will buy it. It loses. £ 600 million a year apparently.
Just a quick observation – I worked as an IT contractor at BBC for several months – mainly at Portland Place, sometimes at White City. I have to say that I have never worked with such a friendly, helpful bunch of people. They were also, highly skilled technically. However, after a few weeks , myself and a few other contractors started to notice some rather strange behaviour – for, instance, there was a complete absence of any kind of ‘workplace banter’. Now, I’m ex-Forces as were some of the other contractors, so our idea of ‘banter’ may be a little extreme – but at the BBC there was none at all ! They also seemed to socialise exclusively with each other – evenings and weekends they just mixed with each other.
After a while , we started to call them ‘Moonies’ – like some weird cult ! Lovely people, but not really ‘in the real World’. I loved my time working there, but not exactly people you would ‘want next to you in a trench’. Now, when I watch the BBC News, I can’t help but cringe – such a shame that the BBC has descended so low….
“such a shame that the BBC has descended so low….”
It was alway like that, only now there is a forum where people can talk about it.
Good post Hillbear. And I can entirely believe it.
It seems to be a similar thing for the police force.
They don’t seem to socialise with anyone on outside either..
Al. Beeb radio Quentin Somerville crying over the Americans using artillery in Raka to kill plus civilians.
The American soldier he interviewed had to remind mr. Somerville that. People get. Killed. In wars.
Claw hammer attack at London bus stop. Couldn’t find it on beeb webshite, but then the attacker wasn’t hideously white, and worse, there are CCTV pictures. Quick, bury.
There was recently terrible stabbing attack on a woman and child.
For a long period of time there was little mention, and when there was it referred, at best, to a… ‘man’.
Most ridiculously, the Keystone Kops put out an APB saying they knew who he was, but failed to give his name or add a photo.
There is now both name and imagery, and the initial coyness of both police and media is explained if not excused.
The media still seem to be much more interested in ‘news’ from anywhere but here though.
Maybe they are keeping space free for the Mayor of London to issue his next pearl of wisdom?
CCTV shot
Al. Beeb. Moaning about councils cutting funding for clap clinics . Perhaps it might encourage the fuckers to control themselves a bit .
Let’s hope the money is spent on the. more deserving such as social elderly care. Won’t hear that from al Beeb though.
\\Gordon Brown warns of Brexit ‘paralysis’//
\\He listed stagnant wages, “left-out communities”, migration, sovereignty and the NHS as issues that needed to be addressed alongside the finer points of Brexit, describing the referendum result as a “huge political earthquake”.
Appealing to the “Westminster leaderships”, he added: “We’re not addressing these problems, we’ve got to address them now.”//
No Mr Brown, we voted out, “Brexit Means Brexit”
The London politicians are not listening to the people, they are undermining the democratic will of the nation by their arrogance. If this decision is reversed parliament will be discredited.
“Harvey Weinstein pleads not guilty to rape charge in court”
Innocent until proved guilty .
This could be interesting ?
A repeated challenge…………………
Is there anyone out there who can offer some evidence of Al Beeb Right wing bias or pro Brexit bias .
Probably not Taffman. Even Maxincontinent can’t offer anything other than copy n paste of people’s comments along with insults.
There is a sign on his door, “Do not disturb – In safe space ”
I have found it. This left wing gent who supports Class War and Antifa is working to create a left wing alternative to Question Time because it is dominated by Oxbridge types with an ‘obvious right wing bias’ and a ‘brexit obsessed audience’.
The left alternative to the right wing BBC will be available on You Tube soon.
Well done! You may claim your cigar.
He is maxincony’s sock puppet reading from a prepared script.
“Labour amendment seeks ‘full access’ to EU market”
“Labour , you are the weakest link” Conservatives, you are even weaker .
Now is the time for someone ‘with’ balls to revive UKIP.
It has been reported that both a mosque and a Sikh temple in Beeston, Leeds, have been subject to arson attacks last night.
Police say the “hate crimes” are linked.
Wow, they can confirm a “link” and confirm its hate crime already.
I smell a rat. Probably a put up job to point the finger at the so called far right.
Strange how they can never find a link between the various Islamic atrocities of assorted severity, always pretending that they can’t understand what’s happening.
Lady DPP has to apologise because of covering up / failing to disclose evidence about alleged rapes. MSM blame game . But they put pressure on the police and CPS to increase rape prosecutions and convictions. . As usual the likes of. Al. Beeb and c4 want it both ways. Methinks they don’t want the DPPs head because of her femaleness.
Hi, Fedup2 – do you think this reveals something about the institutional behaviour of the British police force and the people that are running the police?
We now have evidence of police not investigating / quashing evidence if the allegations involve a certain group of men raping and sexually abusing lower class white girls … and now we have this – evidence that the police are withholding evidence to get convictions if the men accused of rape happen to be white, English, British …
A case raised of a kid (20) charged with rape where there was no disclosure of text messages from the so called victim which should have cleared him show how unbalanced the trial process is . Did anything happen to the false victim ? The police who covered it up? The prosecutor ?
If the likes of TR can get 13 months for what he did then a few of the types I’m describing deserve bird ….
In which the BBC asks a BBC regular to offer a BBC-approved quote:
The Today Programme
‘I’ve got a portrait of Nigel Farage under a person with a sick bucket.’ Coordinator of the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, Grayson Perry, on how he creates political art.
I wonder what all involved left at the studio door?
Via “Knuckle Dragger” Guido
Peston on Sunday is no more, reports Amol Rajan. Viewers who want to watch his Remoaner whinge fest will now have to tune in at 22:35 on Wednesdays instead. Victory for Marr and Ridge…
Hi StewGreen, is there something going on at Guido – I can no longer read the comments. I have also noticed that “Disqus” a system for posting comments – seems to be off-line.
Must be you : My comments from 34 mins ago is still “pending”
My comment from 20 hours ago was approved
Are lefty sites the same ? last I saw bile was pasted every few seconds there
But a Guido article shows how when Tory Youth group Activate got shut down cos of it’s Hatey messageboards
My guess is that Labour supporters posted stuff like “gas the chavs”, to try to ruin everything, and succeeded.
I use an adblocker – because I just can’t get on with the ads – which slows down the loading of the webpage and takes up most of the space of my screen with flashing and moving images.
The ads also slows down my computer – because the ads use up a lot of working memory, causing my computer to freeze and other problems.
So it seems to be that – but this is something that has only happened recently. I tried another browser (which I haven’t linked an adblocker to) and all the disqus comments appeared.
I note that disqus has recently been purchased by a company that makes money in selling targeted ads. They also specialise in data mining. I wonder if disqus is now not allowing access to their comments threads to those using adblockers.
I’m running Adblock Plus
Me too, S and when I go to a site that doesn’t like ad blockers, a message pops up saying either they rely on advertising to fund the site or to whitelist the site. Both are told to swivel and the page loads as normal.
As to Discuss, I only used it once to post two words, “Common Purpose” in answer to a question, the post stayed up for a whole 5 minutes before disappearing. Not used it since.
Tribunal rules decapitated baby doctor can return to work
Read it and weep. So as an expectant mother in labour, would you be allowed to refuse her service on the basis of her past conduct? Or would this be racism? Or a hate crime?
\\ It said her decision to proceed with a vaginal delivery “was negligent and fell below the standards ordinarily to be expected”, however it did not amount to “serious misconduct”.
The panel found this to be an isolated incident where the unusual circumstances, emergency situation and the doctor’s genuine belief meant that the outcome “was not reasonably foreseeable”. //
…annnnnd, Anthony again has the scoop…
So much explained.
Loobyloo – I think, in principle, one should be able to refuse being treated by anyone one feels may not be competent.
Certainly, the concluding paragraph of the tribunal’s report is severely critical, and one would expect that, on that basis, the doctor would not be reinstated as a consequence – read the wording.
On another level, anyone can make a mistake, especially after being on duty for far too long.
This is topical, given the decision to relax visa restrictions on foreign doctors. So, the questions is: where will they be recruited from? And 2=how will their qualifications be judged ? 3 Who will be judging? 4 Why are we not training enough doctors within the UK?
There are other questions, but does anyone know an answer to these?
Channel 6 ITV Family Guy animation
Peter has gone thru a phase and is now a Muslim
with a lot of Muslim friends , who want to bomb Quahog City
..catch it on +1 Channel 27
(see under American free speech, mainstream TV doesn’t have to be PC)
Stew, this?
Looks like the Clinton Foundation have upped the budget with BBC PR.
Remember her DAD is all over the BBC networks with his new book.
He’s Quagmire from Family Guy
Bit nonplussed on the way into school where some Olympic poppet said that she had to get medals or people would lose their jobs as support staff. Mad.
When did sport become so joyless and boring that bureaucrats and fund trufflers like her could take up minutes with Gary Richardson.
Look pet-it`s a game, its shit-now go and do something useful.
Consider Gary-no matter how shit he is,how vacuous his news items? He always gets a wedge for it, the BBC pay win, lose or draw.
Heard a bit of Front Row tonight on Radio 4.
They firstly spoke to some Channel 4 writer about his upcoming drama.
Why are they doing that, aren`t Channel 4 meant to be somehow different-didn`t they used to be rivals?
Or do Grenfell, Brexit and Trump, Islam and vast salaries and Guardian gigs make them part of the same Purpose?
They also reviewed a nasty little computer game where a vampire kills things like racists or slum landlords. It was moral apparently, but not realistic or exciting enough.
But hey-if we get a few landlords killed or a white dad killed?…then that`s suitable for our kids and the BBC have now told us plenty about where to get it.
Isn`t this incitement? How are the BBC getting away with this?
Suppose they`ll moan about Fox News, but think that this is OK?
Does anyone know who Kate Spade is / was ?
Is it rhyming slang for something .? Al beeb seems very exercised by this American lady apoarently topping herself ….
Jesus her brand was sold for $2.4bn in May 2017
Wonder whether we need to give the lefties a city of their own to abuse in regard of the slave trade? If we gave them Bristol or Liverpool or Glasgow-couldn`t they just level that one city to the ground and cry for Kunte Kinte?
Which one got the most out of slavery?
did any of them ever pass thru liverpool did the trade winds work like that
Hilarious some BBC progs are funded by eco-charity connected to Al Gore
yet they say “We are independent of outside interests and arrangements that could undermine our editorial integrity.”
“Our audiences should be confident that our decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests. ”
Lol, lol, lol
Lucky he left his politics at the door back in the day. And the bbc still wheels him on to ‘analyse’.