Start the week open thread 4 June 2018

As Parliament returns from another holiday the Soros funded Remain campaign will intensify with the aid of al Beeb.

I’m we ll find plenty for this Thread.

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452 Responses to Start the week open thread 4 June 2018

  1. Guest Who says:

    The national broadcaster of the U.K.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      How do the BBC get away with this ? This is pornography for BBC executives, under the guise of worrying about our weight.
      Not we oldies though.
      But the hotties, porno fantasies for seedy blokes and (no doubt) the more senior end of their womens directorate there too.
      If my son was putting that one around, or passing it on-he could lose his job, and his lads would be getting sex offender warnings.
      The liberal elite are softening us up aren`t they?
      Like the Telegraph always seeking jiggly lissom A Level successful girls for their photos on the front page.
      Perv porn by stealth. And probably linked with tissue sales in Rotherham and Oxford newsagents and booze busting kebab outlets too.
      We need to stuff the BBC -quickly.

      P.S. Nice round number here now 450! Glad to round it up!


  2. fakenewswatcher says:

    Rajiv Menon QC, lawyer for the person in whose flat the Grenfell fire started, had a go at ‘posh, swanky high rises in London’ today and said: ‘so race and class are an element’ and the ‘fire was as political as it gets’.
    A second lawyer gets the same VIP treatment on the BBC lunchtime news, lead item. And is equally intent on exploiting this tragedy for an agenda well beyond the issue in court, as did Imran Khan.
    So now the fire is political? The BBC’s Tom Burridge likes to refer to it as ‘the biggest fire since WW2′, clearly willing to play the lawyers’ game.
    Yes, there was incredible negligence and incompetence by some companies involved, but there is a big push on now to make it sound like a DELIBERATE act on the part of the builders and authorities, based on race and class.
    These people have crossed the line between defending their clients, a legitimate activity, to political agitation. They think their ethnicity and legal position makes them untouchable.
    I, on the other hand, wonder whether we are not seeing hate speech, thinly disguised as legal argument. (Then again, one could argue that it is explicit, and not disguised at all -that’s how bold they’ve become). The media -unsurprisingly- play along. Will the authorities?


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Good spots fakey.
      I heard the BBC refer to some Muslim casing London to commit his terror as being on “hostile reconnaisance”. If that doesn`t become a hate crime for the BBC and its legal nonces before too long, then I`ll be amazed.
      It will be used to stop us marching or visiting our allies I`m sure.
      As for his “political fire”?
      We`re living in this mad world of lawyers, media and grievance seekers, so they can make any word salad that they like , and get it on a guideline, a code of practice or Gina Millers email server within a day.
      Thank God for Orwell-imagine he`ll be getting removed before too long if we keep going like this.