74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
Evan Davis making a bit of a fool of himself on Newsnight while interviewing the Israeli prime minister.
Who will save the UK and stand up to represent 1400+ (under estimated) raped children over 16 years and more?
797 Lords with their £300 allowance?
650 UK MPS with their 18% pay rise since 2010 during recession and austerity?
David Lammy with his all expenses paid £650 bike?
Theresa May with her Christian teachings?
Jacob Rees-Mogg with his long words and even longer bank account?
Nigel Farage with his banking background?
Jeremy Corbyn who spends D-Day at Finsbury Mosque?
Douglas Murray with his Strange Death of Europe tour?
Keith Vaz with his 9 homes and ongoing investigation?
Jess Philips who says she is the voice of the down troden?
All the posters on going-postal.com?
None of the above, a man sits in a cell tonight whilst all of the above are with their families, in their homes, with their wallets. Tommy sits alone … one man who dared reveal the ugly truth of the UK in 2018 …. #FreeTommyRobinson.
Sir Nigel was in the Metal exchange not Banking. That’s the archetypal Leftist slur.
Benjamin Netanyahu must be looking at Evan Davis during the interview on Newsnight at the minute and be thinking
‘Who the fuck does this joker think he is? “.
It’s actually embarassing.
Rich .
Evan is a pal of maxincony. You could say they are ‘two peas in a pod’?
So, the latest Specsavers Ad, has yet another very mixed race couple sharing a bed. Its ok for BAME’s to be vocal in their unacceptability of white only advertisements, so is it ok for me to be also equally offended in the constant portrayal of mixed race couples in marketing, particularly as this concept is rather alien in the area I live ? (And strangely its ALWAYS a black man/white woman – when it’s depicted the other way around, its generally a mixed race woman and a white bloke).
I am always curious to whether more black men are with white woman than white men with black woman. Is that just a stereotype? There are woman of course but indeed it does seem the other way round more often. Is there any statistics on that?
I will say I get the impression that white men are also ore likely to get with someone from East Asian such as ‘Oriental’ Japanese or Thai that white woman would. Is that a stereotype as well?
Well, in my day, only a certain type of woman went with a black man, (and London aside as that’s a planet on its own), but I still think there’s that same underlying feeling today, but of course opinions are never spoken out loud.
I have always seen far more black men with white women than the other way around; certainly all the advertising agencies appear to agree with me.
If it is the other way around, inevitably, the woman is made out to be an intellectual and the man is portrayed as a bit of a dipstick.
Admiral really gets on my mammaries, J84.
Bloody bint decked out like Nelson and a couple of Omega males!
I wonder if she knows he’s there?
Women who sleep longer are more likely to feel sexual desire the next day
Unless your parents took you back to where they came from to “visit” relatives, then you won’t.
Specsavers seem to have it really bad at the moment. Their website features a disproportionate number of ethnics and one can only assume they have outsourced its development to a company in South Africa. Else they have signed some sort of contract to supply the BBC. Their advertising is not descriptive of this country’s population but prescriptive (no pun intended).
I’ve been a customer for nearly 20 years but won’t be going there again. All businesses involved in this ethnic cleaning propoganda should be boycotted.
Apparently she got into bed with a rapist thinking it was her teddy bear, hence the “shoulda gone to Specsavers” tag line!
It gets better.
Has anyone seen the billboards advertising the drink “Oasis”?
Their new “togetherness bottle”?
Is this a joke?
It is seemingly a double ended bottle. The advert depicts a black guy and a white blonde female drinking simultaneously from the same bottle at both ends.
It’s quite ironic really. I mean, I wonder who paid for the drink, who will get the most and who will be left with the contaminated dregs or die of thirst when the bottle is empty?
Will one of them be raped or stabbed if they take more drink than the other deems fair?
I read a newspaper interview that said that Jordan Peterson was humourless.
I just watch a bit of a talk of his from last year in which he said, “Post-modernists don’t believe in biology, but they act as though they do… they die!”. The audience loved it. Certainly beats anything on The News Quiz.
No blue tick on this tweet but seems genuine
@MaggieOliverUK Ex GMP Detective Constable. Rochdale Whistleblower. CBB 2018. Spearheading the “Never Too Late To Tell” Campaign
And the Yorkshire Post says the counselling package for grooming victims still has not come through.
(in the print edition , but not online for some reason ..just been removed from Pressreader also)
Ah BBC has it
\\ Victims of childhood sexual abuse are waiting months to get counselling, a report has revealed.
More than 100 survivors of the Rotherham abuse scandal are on waiting lists of up to six months to get access to support. //
I shudder when I see those mugshots – just the thought of having one of those on top of you makes me want to heave.
“the men are trying to exploit Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights – which safeguards the right to family life.”
What about Tommy Rob1nson’s right to a family life?
Maybe he can get compensation eventually!
Or maybe he is the wrong ethnicity.
I have had it with the Guido Fawkes site. I posted a comment just now in response to Guido’s clickbait article about MP Alan Duncan. Guido was claiming that Duncan was backing a second EU referendum. What Duncan actually said was:
“It would, I suppose, just be possible to ask the people in a referendum if they liked the exit deal or not. But that would mean the choice would be between the exit deal on offer or having no deal at all. It would not in reality offer people the option of reversing the original decision to leave the EU and so remain inside it”.
So Duncan was not actually backing a second referendum. He was speaking hypothetically. My comment was on topic. It wasn’t abusive or offensive, and yet it has been rejected by Guido’s overzealous filter or moderation or whatever it is. Order-order.com has really gone downhill in the last couple of months – blocking perfectly reasonable comments. I’m not going to waste any more of my time posting comments there. In fact, I may not bother visiting the site at all. It’s become as bad as left-wing sites that report fake news or don’t allow comments.
The ongoing investigation into the Grenfell Tower fraudsters case seems to be gathering speed. We’re already into double figures, but as far as I can see, there seems to be a complete lack of diversity among those trying to make money out of this tragedy. Thus far I haven’t detected a single indigenous Brit who’s been caught up in these despicable shenanigans.
In a modern country that prides itself on equal opportunities this appalling lack of diversity is clearly worrying…
Anyone heard a squeak from David Lammy?
So Look North reported the perps excuse that victim made up the claim, cos she was in league with the EDL
how did you report it when he was convicted
seemingly cos the jury didn’t believe the EDL bit ?
You simply stopped mentioning the EDL bit
“Rotherham man”
Hmmm I wonder what sort of influences could have led this “Yorkshireman” to carry out such crimes.
@Dystopian yes it was weirder that that , when I searched to see if the BBC had promoted that second story URL this is the result that Twitter gave me only 1 BBC result

.. Can you see there is No preview pic giving us a clue to ethnicity
I’ve got two stories
– May 22nd \\ Rotherham child sexual abuse claim ‘made up to boost EDL cause’ //
– May 31 \\ Rotherham man jailed for sexual assault on teenage girl //
At first glance it’s not obvious they are connected
… only when you click and get the preview image of the brown man, does it become possible the two stories are connected
Now there are 2 complainants which was the alledged EDL girl ?
The first story tells us
#1 Mr Javed denies two counts of sexual assault in relation to the alleged incident. (aged between 12 and 13)
#2 He also denies a further charge of sexual assault and one count of rape relating to a second complainant.
The second story says “He was cleared at Sheffield Crown Court of rape and two other charges of sexual assault relating to another girl.”
Seemingly he was cleared of raping #2 , and cleared of 2 charges of sexual assault on #1
It tells us he was “jailed for two years for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl.”
So that seems to be #2
For complainant #1 , her evidence was not enough
For complainant # 2, her evidence was not enough for rape, but enough for the other incident of sexual assault
Perhaps there was no evidence of that influence that could be put to the jury? Simples.
I’ve never heard such bloody twaddle ! Listening to ‘commentators’ giving one of many reasons why House of Fraser are shutting stores, because………. “customers are looking for more of an ‘experience’ when they go shopping now, and H of F have stayed stuck in another era”.
Christ, have I missed something ? What sort of sodding ‘experience’ are they talking about ? You go in a shop, you look around, buy what you want and come out – what else can you do ????? I have to admit to being as guilty as the next person, I do a lot of online shopping now, purely for not facing the hordes of crowds and the shops never having in stock what I want, and bugger all to do with lack of ‘experience’ !!
People not wanting to go out shopping on busy streets crowded with people and vehicles, whatever could have caused them to prefer to stay away from such places?
Absolutely Brissles and Al.
We’ve had enough of shopping ‘experiences’ in places where they like to encourage mopeds, hoodies and threatening behaviour. As far as we’re concerned, a quick click on any website, then it’s ‘bing-bong’, “parcel for Senator O’Blene – sign here if you will, and a good day to you and the fragrant Senora”!
The online experience is what we always wanted – to get something fast and easy. I’m buqqered if T.Wells or the worse place, Maidstone, is going to charge me a several quid to pay for parking after endless queues, get mugged, get hot and sweaty and pay through the nose for the usual trash they poke in your face!
‘Experience’ my @rse… The bbbc love old-fashioned quotes from the Mary Quant era don’t they!
‘Bye High Street…
Gone yet…?
I may not be as wise as the arts and humanities left wing environmentalists employed by the BBC to wag fingers at us. And as male type person shopping isn’t exactly a hobby. But have shops thought about having some staff in them with people on tills? And by people, I am referring to adults.
And no I don’t a f*******g store card, 5 year insurance or give you my email address so you can let me know about more shopping experiences. Just sell me what i want as quickly as possible.
Just a thought.
Probably Graduates with ‘managerial’ degrees have taken over the running of the business although they have never sold a penny whistle in their lives.
This is the image the beebistan use to illustrate their ‘article’ about knife crime.
Because as we know, the vast majority of knife crime is committed by whitie. Innit.
The ‘article’ itself is as clear as mud, almost as if the beeb didn’t want you to know that street crime is shooting up.
And here’s the reality.
“Kids who kill” – Daily Star.
The next DFS tvc?
Oh the poor dears they look like they have had such an unhappy upbringing in this horrible racist country though (sarc).
There’s something about the faces and I can’t put my finger on it. Could they be similar?
One of my favourite videos to watch:
Regarding Youtube, and yes I know about Google and it’s politics, my ‘Recommended’ is full of gay pride month shite. Seems even the Internet is no place to hide from all the Marxist brainwashing.
Regarding Youtube, OEO, I linked a video on this thread a couple of days ago. It was made by a 15 year old Manchester girl, that same day, in support of TR and goes on to say how she and her friends cannot walk down the street, her hatred for May and Corbyn and her support for Brexit, same with all her friends.
It was taken down within hours!
Warning !
Often the Goons don’t appear as such.
A ‘colleague’ of mine from Bristol, has informed me that they often pose as ‘market researchers’ who knock on doors of ‘evaders’ asking many questions, but couched within are ‘traps’ to implicate the participant. Don’t participate, despite the petty rewards offered.
Other Goons creep about looking through windows in the hope of catching evaders watching TV. If they are rumbled they appear lost, asking if they are at a house number which much further away.
Be on your guard.
Luckily for the bbc, they are ‘unique’ and ‘exempted’. Apparently.
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/bbc-secretly-used-private-firms-to-pay-stars-millions-8q3khwwb8 (Paywalled)
This the key to undermining al Beeb – the old guard. like Attenborough and Dimblebys are paid. through companies. So cut their tax bill. If we could get those details we could. get change.
You’ll never guess what Anthony is up to…
TOADY Watch #1
Apparently, the RAF have been attacking targets in Syria. Trying to deal with enemies sometimes known as ISIS. Jonathan Beale (BBC Defence Correspondent) and the BBC are not on our side.
BBC then “We must do something.”
BBC now “You did something. You bastards!” *
With the BBC as they are now ‘on our side’ we (the UK) can never win.
* with acknowledgement to Guest Who (I think)
My memory still working OK, then? Wow!
There are times when I listen to the BBC and I can feel my brain turning into old, cold porage. TOADY Watch is becoming harder. I blame the constant Brexit bashing from the BBC.
I’ve been listening since 6am and am sure there are four or five things to pick them up on but at 7.06am, can I remember?
You my sympathies. Sometimes I just want to turn the radio off. and keep it off. But then I know there’s all that bias going on and I’m missing it .
And sympathy to you, too, Fed. Yes, bias spotting is important. Have we got enough yet?
It was some years ago that I discovered the bliss of turning the radio off. The birdsong then becomes noticeable and a soothing, healing thing. I still enjoy switching off. Prior to all that, BBC R4 was on for much of the day while at home. [ Except when TMS was compulsory listening. 😉 ]
Trouble is, I feel compelled to at least stay clued in to the wider world, even if through a BBC filter so TODAY, Book of the Week, TWatO, TWT and other stuff still feature in the Snuffy household.
When I was little I used to get up to listen to Handel’s Water Music with my dad which was played to start off the Home Service for the day. When I married, Mr D had to get used to there being a radio in every room, often several on at once, as I listened to Radio 4. Now I may start with Radio 4 but as it is usually a drama in Syria, or a book set there, or a programme about Syrian street food or just Toady rising to a crescendo with their anti Brexit fervour, well silence is golden in my home.
As ‘liked’ by Rob Burley and Emily M..
Usual disclaimers apply.
You hum it bbc; Mitch will play it.
Looking bad for Jezfest when Owen is caught trying to tout his comp tickets to Paul Mason and Jasmine Lawrence in the green room.
2018 BGT (Britain’s Got Talent) – Gives a man with no voice international audience and voice to the UK.
2018 BGT (Britain Gags Tommy) – Removes the voice of a man who tried to give a voice to children being raped in the UK.
Vote for TR in the Pride of Britain Awards – how inconvenient for them when he gets thousands and thousands of votes.
The petition to release him is now within touching distance of 600,000. For all the good it seems to be doing.
Still, the fact that a petition ignored by the MSM regarding someone so demonised by them can gather such numbers shows a massive disconnect. Something will have to give and when it does, the outcome is going to be very unpredictable. And possibly messy.
TOADY Watch #2.
An American, female, brought on to comment about Foreign Directed Investment. The love affair continues. Why can there not be a Brit to comment on such things, eh BBC?
There was me hoping for a full English / British brexit and now its being watered down .
Maybe I should just accept that we will technically leave in 294 days and then deal with al Brussels afterward .
History really will wonder what the hell we were doing allowing a remainer PM run brexit .
Strong and stable ….
Sadiq Khan ….
Sadiq Khan shouts ban Trump and campaign to stop coming to the UK.
Sadiq Khan silence on Erdogan (Turkey).
Sadiq Khan silence on Xi Jinping (China).
Sadiq Khan silence on Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Arabia).
Sadiq Khan silent on Al Quds march in London.
Theresa May ….
Theresa May backs EU over USA.
Theresa May backs Iran over USA.
Theresa May backs EU over UK.
On form today Marky.
Make your own list … it’s rewarding and terrifying at the same time.
East verses West.
That is just brilliant!
This needs to go viral.
MarkyMark – I assume this isn’t your creation – but rather you took it from elsewhere. I say this because if it was your creation you could have perhaps taken out image rights for its use & become an overnight millionaire (maybe) – but maybe also a target for Jihad from Corbyn & Owen et al.
Not my image … but who cares. The EU will stop all linking soon so enjoy linking galore ….
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
(with thanks to going-postal.com)
TOADY Watch #3
BBC: “We are breathing micro plastics from car tyres.”
Highly unlikely, BBC. Tyre components do not normally include plastic. From a childs bicycle, maybe, but you will not find that on public roads and it will be too heavy to reach your lungs anyway.
Same is true of proper road tyres. Remember Murray Walker, BBC commentator, and his ‘marbles’? Suggest you go to a corner on a public road, preferably one with a rough surface, and look at the road near the kerb on the exit, diagonally opposite the apex. There you will see the rubber dust. That is where the ‘rubber’, not plastic, tyre wear goes as beads or marbles.
Those Government and BBC Priuses running on what now?
On the subject of air quality, I was in Oxford Street in London recently and there was someone at the roadside measuring air quality.
However, flying low above Oxford Street, up and down, back and forth, was a helicopter. I pondered the chance of a false reading – a false high reading – which might be enhanced thanks to the helicopter. I wonder if there was a connection to ground level operation?
“Oh, not another conspiracy theory!” ‘some’ might say but then there is this: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/emissions-of-air-pollutants
Guessing Anthony, Katty, Jon, etc are not big fans either.
GW, BBC big fans?
Blowing methane?
Could be a problem there, Mr Mayor.
OT, but it is rather fitting that BBC Green Room regular Shami’s son is at BBC boogeyman target Nigel’s alma mater.
I wonder if he plays rugger against Abbott Jr?
Hooray! Day4 and the BBC have finally dropped Jane “suicide handbag woman noone had heard of” Spade from the front page 🙂
Boooo! She has been replaced with Lily Allen instead 🙁
Is she crying?
Has the embedded BBC LA-la Editor captured the moment?
It’s an example of the profound, deep corruption inside the BBC. The full-length article on Lily Alien is not news: it is a shameful piece of advertising, possibly worth several thousand pounds on the open market. Only it is not paid for the ‘artist’ or her record company, it is indirectly paid for by the licence payer. She receives this publicity because she is one of the BBC favourites, on account of her views on migrants, waycism, Brexit and all the other BBC narratives, and has a new album to promote (no, me neither).
All totally innocent of course. Mind you, the relationship between the BBC and the pop industry has been of concern in the past:
Gillian Reynolds, an ally of ours here on Biased-BBC, is on Desert Island Discs right now.
BBC please note: good old upward mobility. Primary School > 11-plus > Grammar School > Oxford.
Finally, acknowledgement by the BBC that black people are racist against non blacks!
[She’s fought hard to become a model and told BBC Minute: “I’m not normal, and I’m OK with that.”]
Terribly un-PC statement. Of course you are normal dear-just different.
The BBC sets the scene for tonight’s BBC2 programme about last year’s Manchester terrorist atrocity by telling us, On May 22nd, 2017 a Manchester-born man detonated a homemade bomb at an Ariana Grande pop concert, killing 22 people and himself.
Did he do it coz he was born in Manc?
well it does rain alot, perhaps with a bit more global warming us northern monkeys will stop blowing ourselves up
BBC Question Time
All five panellists voted Remain.
This is what the BBC call balanced.
This is an example of why no one trusts the BBC.
Their arrogance is defined by the fact that they think we are too stupid to notice.
They probably have a point, in a large proportion of the electorate…
wronged you write .. “Their arrogance is defined by the fact that they think we are too stupid to notice” …
No .. they just don’t bloody care anymore!
“All five panellists voted Remain.”
Just like the Question Time studio audience did.
I think they didn’t like it when some panellists on earlier question times said out loud that they were the only ‘leave’ voter on the panel.
They have solved that problem as they now have ‘no’ leave voters to point out the bias.
TOADY Watch #4 (last one for today – promise)
BBC R4 advertising. An author. Written books. New book. Questions about Trump. What?!
Yes, an American author – another one – on the BBC. Wot? No Brits? Well, at least the American is a female and not male, again, so the quota must be overflowing by now.
U2S ,
And what was the subject ? Why it’s about race , and no day ( or Toady show) would be complete unless something was aired about this subject .
Whether Geordie Grieg’s editorial stance in the Mail on Sunday was based simply on antipathy to Paul Dacre is only surmise. What’s for sure is that under this Tin-Tin lookalike the DM will rapidly become a red-top Guardian and the stance on Brexit will reverse, something our ‘government’ will appreciate and support with enthusiasm – and which of course is why Harmsworth gave him the job.
In the short term the BBC will be frustrated by the lack of such a major whipping-boy to deride, but as sales fall away, Paul Mason and Polly Toynbee gain regular columns and Littlejohn is jailed for hate speech, Britain’s favourite broadcaster will concentrate its venom on the inherently weaker Express.
I’m afraid you can forget the Express . It has been sold to Trinity Mirror whose mission appears to be squandering its shareholders’ money by promoting socialism.
You can expect both the Mail and the Express to be fully fledged ‘liberal’ rags within a year.
Oops! Well you know I meant Rothermere, just showing my age.
Doubt it. Circulation is everything and the editor will go if it falls.
2016 … Hard Brexit. (Referendum)
2017 … Soft Brexit. (Remain people complain)
2018 … Compromise Brexit. (Backstop)
2019 …. No Brexit. (Jeremy Corbyn)
Well done Theresa May … taking a winning hand and coming out with nothing.
BBC Report “Iraq arms cache explosions destroy Baghdad mosque (MOSQUE WHICH WAS HOLDING THE MUNITIONS! NICE ONE BBC!)” {bbc.co.uk 07jun2018}
“It did not give an exact location of the cache, but some security officials said it (GUNS AND BOMBS) was inside the mosque.”
. . . reminds me of this old chestnut . . .
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
No doubt the current BBC would have some good headlines for the Kamikaze attacks.
‘ Japanese pilots lost in horrific crashes into US warships’
‘US warships fire on Japanese aircraft. Many crash into ships impeding their path’
‘Far right ‘ US government vessels in Japanese waters cause Japanese planes to crash with all pilots lost.
‘Kami-kaze pilot converts to islam and commits halal hara-kiri in death dive.’
I wonder how many would go bang in this country if, say, a fridge should catch fire, MM?
I always thought the reason you had to take your shoes off before you enter a Mosque was to reduce the chance of electric static build up between the shoe and carpet which could lead to spark and an explosion. Normal practice when entering explosive storage areas.
I thought it was to keep the pavement clean when you came out.
Curiously, you also have to remove your shoes when you enter airport security too. I wonder why if it’s nothing to do with Islam.
I wonder if other mosques contain munitions. Is that something to do with Islam?
A major justification for the removal of the Elgin marbles from the Parthenon was that the Turks were using the building as a munitions store. So yes Dystopian, it very probably is another symptom of the well-documented and endemic peaceful purpose.
You are not getting the BBC message! Whenever there are shouts of Allahu Akhbar and somebody is beheaded on the steets of London or hacked to death, this is not “real islam” showing what it can do, this is a “perversion of islam”. What puzzles me is that the religion of peace is so susceptible to violent perversion. Satanists claim to be big on evil, human sacrifice and bloodthirstiness in general, but, as far as I know, there have been no satanist mass casuality atrocities.
Nor any Sikh, Hindu, Shinto, Jain, Zoroastrian or Buddhist ones either, strangely.
A “perversion of islam”. Sure, BBC but please, tell me what handbook those perverts work to in their belief in doing, “Gods work”………
Man reads book.
Book says kill everyone who is not like him.
Man follows book.
Man described as Mentally ill.
Book protected by a word … Islamophobia.
Man reads book.
Book says have sex with children.
Man follows book.
Man described as exercising his freedom to follow religion.
Victoria Derbyshire accuses the raped girl of being part to blame as she lied about her age.
I like yours!
I went to a comprehensive school and I am now shadow attorney general and appearing on Question Time. Yes Lady Chakrabarti – Shami to the plebs – was appearing on our favourite programme and indulging in a spot of modest bragging. Of course some uncharitable souls might point out that she has never created a penny of wealth in her life and made it to the House of Lords and an unelected shadow government post just hours after whitewashing the Labour party of charges of anti-semitism.
Education questions are tricky for members of the Labour party like Lady Whitewash. That is why they prefer windy rhetoric when things look as if they could get difficult. Milady asked – how about grammar schools for all children, otherwise know as comprehensives? – and this of course is meaningless piffle designed to deflect attention from the fact that she sends her own son to a fee-paying private school.
Do as I say, not as I do – hypocrisy so blatant that it is only achieved by individuals that know they can get away with it and simply don’t care what everyone thinks. Questioned in the past on her son’s choice of school, she went into full noblesse oblige mode and refused to get into the personal stuff – “…I’m afraid I am going to leave it at that”.
Of course Lady Whitewash is in the very best of company. A few years ago Diane Abbott castigated both Tony Blair and Harriet Harman for sending their children to selective state schools. It then emerged that Ms Abott sent her son to a fee-paying private school.
People was Chakrabarti don’t give tuppence for how the majority of people live their lives. They owe their wealth and elite position to who they know and the favours they accumulate as they climb the greasy pole. Fine, that’s how political power often works but the rest of us can do without the pathetic modest bragging g and rank hypocrisy.
PS. Five panelists last night – all voted remain in the EU referendum. No bias there, David might argue.
Exactly, Shami has made millions from the tax payer by running down this country in favour of every fashionable left wing cause over the interests of the peoples who pay her wages.
I bet the lefties and SJW’s will be outraged about this one….
Is BBC’s Chris ‘£2.3m Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Evans available?
“The BBC secretly used personal companies to pay dozens of its richest stars £74 million in the past four years despite promising to curb the practice in 2012.” {times.co.uk 08jun2018}
“Last year the BBC paid 66 of its 96 highest-earning presenters £20.8 million via personal service companies”
1(m) + 1(f) = 1 or more children.
1(m) + 1(m) = 0 children .. need to add a third person (1f) to have children … child will not see original mother.
1(f) + 1(f) = 0 children .. need to add a third (1m) to have children … child will not see original father.
1(rfm) + 1(sf) = 4+ children.
m = male.
f = female.
rfm = religious fanatatic male.
sf = subjugated female.
“1(m) + 1(m) = 0 children .. need to add a third person (1f) to have children … child will not see original mother.”
1(m) + 1(m) = 0 children .. need to add two more people (2f) to have children – one for the egg and one for the womb so it’s easier to pretend there is no connection with either women.
Just a small correction but shouldn’t
sf = subjugated female.
actually be
sfcf = subjugated first cousin female.
1(rfm) + 1(sfcf) = 4 + disabled children.
Will have add all the additions … thanks everyone!
Is YouTube changing beautiful?
Comments could be going better.
With friends like the EU ….

And yet, she seems to like it there.
An alternative would be to walk out, come home and tell her cabinet to get a move on, and to tell their departmental recalcitrants to get a move on, and implement the will of the people. Bang a few heads if needed.
The objectives are all pretty clear and attainable. But you need guts and conviction, and she has neither.
So everything has been made complex, fudged, etc By now even the objectives will look vague, like silhouettes in the smoke of a rubble-strewn WW1 battlefield. And every step forward has been made to look just as perilous.
And the enemy within give us fine words, full of passion, signifying nothing, and slip the latest wad of our cash into their pockets.
I didn’t think I could despise a Prime Minster as much as Tony Blair, but TM has made me change my opinion. She is almost making TB look good!
Very different people, I think. May is weak, bien pensant and out of her depth.
IMO, Blair is just plain evil.
I think you are right, Marion.
The first person May deceived, in her eagerness to be PM, was herself.
She convinced herself she could tackle a major project she was actually against, and then proceed to try fooling everyone else.
And weak, yes. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
(I think Boris is right, this time–Trump would give Barnier something to think about!).
Those photos of May all alone at the EU are all part of the act.
A pathetic pantomime to make it look like she is all alone, isn’t one of them, when actually she is 100% on their side not Britains.
100% loved by them.
And it’s working, even here, instead of being called out for what she is – a filthy traitor-
people are saying May is weak, friendless, ineffective etc.
Give me strength…
Judging by her performance to date, you may well be right, Eddie.
If you are, we can assume that everything we have seen since the referendum is an elaborate charade, in which her entire party is complicit, to a greater or lesser degree.
Would that mean the outcome of the ‘negotiations’ are a foregone conclusion; we are IN, we will stay IN, regardless of how it’s disguised, and there was never a snowball’s chance of our leaving, in the first place? The ‘Hotel California’ scenario?
Meanwhile, after Italy, Austria, Visegrad etc , I’ve been hoping the entire show is going to be closing down sometime soon..?
May did the same all talk, no action with immigration- when she was home security.
Constantly swore she was on course to getting it down to 100 k net, but let record numbers.
Guess the globalists UK/EU plan is to keep everything in limbo until the next election, with labour winning on a stay in mafesto, then seen as the second referendum as mandate to remain.
Don’t you just wish that she’d think …. “Oh f**k ’em. We can simply leave on June 23rd and they can whistle for the money.” …. One can dream!
What would happen if 17.4 million people voted for UKIP?
They would still only get one seat due to the UK voting system.
Well in that case the UK voting system needs changing.
Cleggy claimed that he wanted the system to change. But not for reasons of democracy. It was a shameful attempt to put the Lib Dums in a perpetual coalition. UKIP would have still been excluded by Westminster scheming.
3.8 million votes per UKIP MP.
25K votes for an SNP MP.
* sorry but I seem to have touched the report comment (on Dystopians post) on my iPad, so close to the reply.
If any mod reads this please disregard my mistake.
Duly noted . I’m power crazed now with life and death moderation ability . Look out maxi ( I jest as I believe in free speak – however bloody stupid it might be ).
Here we go again with Jane Spade mark 2….
Anthony Bourdain: Celebrity chef found dead at 61
Who? Who he is doesn’t matter. What does matter is he was friends with Obama, a LGBT activist and spoke out against Harvey Weinstein.
That will do for 3 days of front page news.
P.S. Anyone know if this dead man spoke out about Brexit and what was his viewpoint? 🙂
I hope it wasn’t food poisoning , caused by one of my relatives that had gone off ……
…. or been chewing on the plastic again…
( not a yoofamism)
I’ve never heard of him either,
thought it might be another bent suicide, but he had a wife
So perhaps too much shite food- them chefs never look healthy
Islamic ownership of the Independent had no influence at all on the reporting ….
. . . . .
The Prophet Mohammed declared all men were free – no one being superior to another except by way of righteous conduct. He further took great steps to abolish slavery and liberate women across the Arab world whose status as chattel was widespread. This was long before similar battles were won in the West against unjust slavery and for the liberation of women.
In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.
BBC stirring up racial tensions as per usual..
“Virgin Trains has apologised to Olympic gymnast Louis Smith after he claimed staff only checked the tickets of black people in his first class carriage.”
Supposedly it’s ok for the bBBC to only offer employment to and to check the CV’s of black people though?
Whenever I’ve travelled on Virgin First Class they’ve checked every sodding ticket.
Indeed lob- their train managers would be the pride of the ss from my experience . Avoid .
oh dear poor fella, is this the one who was banned for mocking the ROP
seems like he is back on board with the project
Obama … “You will go to the back of the queue if you LEAVE the EU.” (threat)
UK … “OK, We Left!”
Trump …. “You can come to the front of the queue!”
May … “No thank you, we want to stand behind France, Germany and Iran in the EU queue.”
“If the UK had a deranged national broadcaster, it would look like the BBC”.
Beautifully stated! I note that, one day ago, when President Trump spoke about having talks with G7 leaders, he mentioned Trudeau then Macron, that’s all. Toxic May has spent a year berating the President on numerous issues, and so it’s hardly surprising he’s side-lining her. Sadly, though, that could mean us too (come on, Nigel, put another word in for us ill-governed people).
But the EU is a source of honey and milk ….
“(EU) Article 13 appears to provoke such legal uncertainty that online services will have no other option than to monitor, filter and block EU citizens’ communications if they are to have any chance of staying in business,”
. . .
“Add to that, the EU wants to apply the Robocop approach to extremism, hate speech, and anything else they think can get away with, once they put it in place for copyright. This would be disastrous.”
Although his politics may no be to everyone’s taste the meme below seems apt in response the Beeb and the EU. I used a meme while we still can.

Rebel Media: Morrisey’s endorsement of AMW. I wonder how long utube will allow this to stay up?
white 87.2%,
black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%,
Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%,
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%,
mixed 2%,
other 3.7%
(2011 est.)
It’s interesting how the authorities are refusing to update the ethnicity figures compared to the 2011 census. Before 2011 they used to issue updates every year or so based on estimates of the latest trends.