Midweek Open Thread 6 June 2018

74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .

Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .

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714 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 6 June 2018

  1. MarkyMark says:

    “This is the first community iftar we have held TAKEN OVER in a church rather than a mosque and the first one we have opened up to the public. We hope to see people there from all walks of life EXCEPT FEMALES WALKS OF LIFE.”

    He added: “This is a male-only event and the church has a capacity of 100 people.”



    • ToobiWan says:

      What is iftar?
      Number of tosses given = zero!


      • MarkyMark says:

        You might not be interested in Islam, but Islam is interested in you.


        • ToobiWan says:

          I wish ’em all the best with that, MM.
          iftar; anagram of I fart!


          • Holly Selassie says:

            Tim Farron.
            A Minor Fart.
            And Kate Middleton-Naked Tit Model!


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      And this Iftar abomination is taking place in a Church because?
      Is it that the “Christian” leadership thinks they need to be diverse?
      Or “progressive”?

      Bible reading: Deuteronomy Chapter 12 Verses 31-31
      “be careful not to be ensnared by enquiring about their gods, saying, ‘How do these nations serve their gods? We will do the same.’ 31 You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshipping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods”


  2. MarkyMark says:

    It does not take long ….

    I read the Jay report once and didn’t want to read it again … but then read it and realised that is the problem … we only look once and try to forget … forget D-Day … forget 5000 people roll onto the shores of Italy every day … forget …that is what the BBC does everyday … helps you forget ….

    They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.

    In two of the cases we read, fathers tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene.

    This abuse is not confined to the past but continues to this day …“What’s the point… I might as well be dead.” (response from raped girl)

    Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE {pdf}
    Word Search: BBC x 0; Islam x 0; christian x 0 ; hindu x 0; religion x 0; oxford x 1;Bitch x 1; Muslim x 2; newspaper x 3; petrol x 4; rape x 26; rotherham x 95;


  3. MarkyMark says:

    EU Commission .. the least diverse place in the world .. LAMMY!


    “United in diversity (BUT NOT IN THE COMMISSION)”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000.

    It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.


    • StewGreen says:

      Here’s another pic, the NATS server is blocking your image
      all white people


      • MarkyMark says:

        Shhhh … Diversity is our Strength.


        • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

          Why are all the men placed at the back? And where exactly are Mr Junkers roving hands?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Diversity is our strength …. you get Diversity …. they have the strength ….


        • ToobiWan says:

          Smacks of Arbeit macht frei, somewhat.


        • taffman says:

          Message to Al Beeb and maxincony…………………….
          Diversity = Division
          Hence the formation of ghettos
          Simples !


          • taffman says:

            London has imported the third world in the interest of ‘diversity’. Hence London has become the Third world.
            Witness the massive rise in thuggery and armed robbery.
            Thanks to Al Beeb and its ‘diversity’ agenda.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        White on the outside, not on the inside 🙂


  4. StewGreen says:

    Huffpo version of Times paywalled story
    \\ BBC secretly used personal companies to pay dozens of its richest “stars” £74million in the past four years. //
    3 people already mentioned this on previous page

    So here’s Huffpo link

    \\ BBC last year paid 66 of its 96 highest-earning presenters £20.8m via personal service companies.
    (I make that an average of £315K each)

    The figure was a £2.3m increase from 2015-16 – £18.5m.

    In 2014-15 the BBC paid £17.9m and in 2013-14 it paid £16.6m through private companies.

    Tax specialists told the newspaper the figures mean the BBC could have avoided paying between £2.2m and £2.8m per year on employer’s national insurance contributions (NIC) and stars could have saved up to £10m.


    • vlad says:

      Tut tut, the sanctimonious beeb and virtue signalling ‘stars’ avoiding taxes eh? Naughty auntie.


    • StewGreen says:

      Times has another full page and an editorial condemning them.
      It said that BBC promised to end the PSC practice 6 years ago
      and accused BBC of tax dodging.


  5. MarkyMark says:

    Why the quotes … is it “NOT” political? What makes it political?

    Austria to shut seven ‘political’ mosques and expel imams {bbc.co.uk 08jun2018}

    … See how the BBC end the story (always skip to the end) … not on the actual story but on EU doing more ….

    Turkey is housing more than three million Syrian refugees and says the EU is not doing enough to help.


    • StewGreen says:

      another BBC quote headline
      that would never never influence a jury in a trial that was ongoing
      \\ Rotherham child sexual abuse claim ‘made up to boost EDL cause’ //

      That Girl A didn’t see him convicted against her
      but Girl B did see him get convicted on one of the 2 counts against he abused her.

      It’s quite possible that Girl-A was an EDL stooge
      but it’s quite possible she wasn’t & that the guy was falsely cleared on those 2 counts cos of BBC bias.


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Sod Turkey.
      They`re Muslims. And so hospitality to their Muslim brothers( less so sisters , of course) is a sacred duty.
      Why would they come here, Turkeys big and as liberal and democratic as Islam gets..honestly.


  6. StewGreen says:

    @TalkRadio Angry remainiac puts phone down on JHB


    • ChrisMorrison says:

      Time for your afternoon nap MiLord, we are getting a little confused – congratulations Julia, did him up like a kipper.

      Pompous late middle-aged government hack from the Brown days telling whoppers left right and centre. Picked up on them – obviously very upset since Julia rather rudely intruded into his self-important world. You tell lies all the time, he retorts but is unable to mention a single example. What a priceless ass.

      Great journalist – Cathy Newman, watch and learn.


      • ID says:

        The unctuous, self-enchanted Lord Bollox-Clown seems to have been slithering around various studios oozing nonsense all day.
        The patrician Powell and the haughty Baroness Altmann CBE, to name but a few, seem to have been following in Lord BC’s wake of slime. They all seem to have the same speech defect, pronouncing “power” as “paaaaahhhhw”. All this sudden enthusiasm for a “people’s vote” by the great and good is baffling. I thought they thought referendums and plebiscites were merely ruses used by demogogues to gull the peasants and grab power. The abortion referendum in Eire is hailed as a triumph of democracy with everyone knowing “all the facts” and having a god-like appreciation of all the consequences.


    • Fedup2 says:

      If bollock brown had a soul – he sold it long ago to the vile Soros for whom he speaks .


      • sharethedebate says:

        Bollock Brown not only with Soros but also CEO of Smartmatic that so unhackable electronic voting machine used all over USA!!


  7. StewGreen says:

    Yes there are white paedophiles who collect images
    ..it’s not just Pak/Bangla groom/rape gangs
    Both terrible but I don’t think the magnitude of crime or proportion of reporting is the same .


  8. G.W.F. says:

    Tomorrow there will be a demonstration for the release of Tommy Robinson.
    The Trades Unions along with UAF/Antifa and the Labour Party will be supporting the capitalst Tories who have locked Tommy up
    Apparently its fascist and far right to question his imprisonment.

    Well done Treezer and Javid Sajit (peace be upon him) for engaging the support of these shit bags.



    • ToobiWan says:

      Antifa have no problem with certain ropers though, G.W.F
      From AMW.
      “Antifa” defend extremist imam while pretending to oppose hate
      “Antifa” in South London plan to disrupt my campaign, accusing me of “hate”, yet they defend and support an imam known for extremist views.

      A group of fascists who call themselves “anti-fascists” (see here), have organised a rally to protest my right to participate in the democratic process in Britain. They don’t like me. They don’t like that I tell uncomfortable truths about the ideology of Islam, they don’t like that I question the corporate-socialist tyranny of the EU, and they don’t like that I poke a great big hole in their open-border, we-are-all-alike, everything-is-America’s-fault, infantile delusions.

      They don’t like me, or my party, but they do like some people. On Saturday 9th June, the “anti-fascists” will assemble in support of the Lewisham Islamic Centre.

      Let’s have a little look then, at the Lewisham Islamic Centre, known to have been attended by the murderers of Lee Rigby.

      The imam of the latest mosque to gain the unconditional support of “Antifa” is one Shakeel Begg. In 2016, Begg took the BBC to court for libel when it had referred to him as an extremist. He lost.

      In the ruling, Justice Haddon-Cave stated that Begg “clearly promotes and encourages violence in support of Islam and espouses a series of extremist Islamic positions”. He added “Shakeel Begg is something of a Jekyll and Hyde character. He appears to present one face to the general, local and inter-faith community and another to particular Muslim and other receptive audiences. The former face is benign, tolerant and ecumenical. The latter face is ideologically extreme and intolerant.”

      This is not unusual of course, sharia-supporting imams and jihadists tactfully show one face to a Western audience routinely (one of tolerance and “inter-faith”) but when they are in the safety of the mosque, the true ugliness reveals itself.

      Even the Islamist-appeasing BBC has seen fit to state that “Imam Begg is extremely influential among followers of hardline conservative Islam in the UK”.

      What might this mean? What springs to mind when one thinks of “hardline conservative Islam”? Do you think it is supportive of free speech, or does it call for death for blasphemy and apostasy? Is it supportive of gender equality, or does it consider a woman the property of men? Is it supportive of gay rights perhaps, or have a warm attitude towards Britain’s Jews?

      We all know the answers.

      “Hardline conservative Islam” calls for the death of apostates and blasphemers, treats women as worth half of a man, kills homosexuals, and preaches the complete annihilation of the Jews.

      How fortunate are the victims of hate therefore that “Antifa” protects them from me, while defending “hardline conservative Islam” unequivocally and unconditionally.

      But this is who they are, this is “Antifa”. They don’t oppose hate in any way, shape, or form, they relish it; provided it’s the right kind of hate, and is directed towards our country, our people, and our way of life.


    • Despairada says:

      I suppose BBC will report this, giving it the interpretation that with overwhelming numbers of anti-Fs, Tommy has no significant support in the Country.

      God help us.


  9. ToobiWan says:

    Cowardly Labour duck out of debate
    So it seems that Janet Daby, the Labour Party candidate for Lewisham East, has decided not to attend the 38 Degrees hustings organized for Tuesday next week. I’m not even remotely surprised.

    Janet Daby could, instead of mindlessly smearing me as ‘far-right’ (in order to get the applause she seeks), engage with me in honest debate. That she won’t, is evidence that she can’t, and there are many resaons why.

    If the Labour candidate had the courage to show up next week, I would ask her why it is that a Labour-dominated area like Lewisham continues to suffer such high levels of poverty. Why are Lewisham’s children so failed in education, why is homelessness and child poverty so prevalant in Lewisham? She has no answer, that’s why she’s decided not to turn up.

    What if I asked her about the crippling debts placed upon the NHS by the Labour Party? PFI arrangements have financially crushed many hospitals, such that they will spend a generation merely paying off the interest. Labour did this to the NHS, why?

    Why also did Labour bring private corporations (like Virgin) in to the health service? Why did Labour introduce competition? Daby will not answer these questions because she can’t; the Labour Party is the problem.

    Instead of facing me as an MP should be expected to, Daby has decided to play the victim and virtue-signal card. That’s all she’s got. She has no answer as to the state of the country. She has no answer to crime, to poverty, to educational underachievement. Nothing. But she’ll pretend, and she’ll portray her cowardice as virtue, by refusing to ‘share a platform’. Will she refuse to share a platform with those who support the Lewisham Islamic Centre (see here)? Of course not, no doubt she’ll praise them to the hilt.

    Janet Daby has told the people of Lewisham that she is too busy for them. As a back-up, she’s decided that not ‘sharing a platform’ will do.

    This is pathetic. We live in a democracy, but instead of facing her public, Daby and the Labour Party will continues to ignore us.

    We can only change this when we vote to change it. Vote. Vote For Britain.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Any SJW Virtue Signalling tonight ?
    7:30pm C4 Grenfell Dispatches, (wow a break in the almost blanket ban in reporting on Grenfell)
    BBC1 Graham Norton, has Usain Bolt on
    10pm BBC2 Frankie Vyle
    10:45pm ITV film Bend It Beckham, (daughter of orthodox Sikhs joins a football team)


  11. StewGreen says:

    wow another break in the almost blanket ban in reporting on Grenfell
    Before Grenfell: a Hidden History
    BBC2 at 9pm on Wednesday 13th June.

    193 people died in the Herald of Free Enterprise ferry disaster.
    Was the same level of POLITICISED reporting ?


  12. MarkyMark says:

    You can promote Islam or you can promote freedom of thought with freedom of speech. You cannot promote both.



  13. StewGreen says:

    Another Germany case to be under-reported
    but I note the Times story actually starts to list recent sex murders by migrants. … Susanna Feldman case

    Comments could be going better
    \\ The terrible plight of these refugees who have the resources to jump on a flight with the whole family at a moment’s notice. …
    … And also return to a place they were supposedly seeking refuge from, so presumably Iraq is Ok – or at least more ok after all for the whole family than being failed asylum seekers remaining illegally in Germany //


    • MarkyMark says:

      Message to Merkel … you cannot UNRAPE a child.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      The German press reports that the suspect, Ali B., has been arrested in Iraq. It is not clear yet whether this signifies an extradition to Germany for the alleged crime.
      He fled with his family of 8, apparently unnoticed by the authorities and the airline concerned, via Istanbul.
      What is surprising is that he was known to the police, having committed a range of crimes which would have landed the average German in jail, pronto.
      Is this not somehow a very familiar picture?
      Will it not happen over and over again, while authorities do nothing?
      Merkel and her associates have a lot to answer for.
      (Not least of which is the list of laws she has broken and treaties she has ignored. A wave of crime has been one result.)


    • vlad says:

      He probably killed her for saying No. Or for being a bit old.


  14. MarkyMark says:


    The BBC Board is responsible for ensuring that the Corporation fulfils its mission and public purposes as set out in the Charter.
    It does this by:

    * setting the strategic direction for the BBC;
    * establishing the creative remit;
    * setting the BBC’s budget;
    * and determining the framework for assessing performance.

    “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”



    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Mr Tom Lube, what a strange name.


    • StewGreen says:

      That maybe the BBC board but in the top 100 management I seem to recall a Sikh accountant cos the BBC’s third highest paid. (maybe he’s gone )
      \\ A 2017 report found that only 6 per cent of top management positions are held by BME staff,//
      Gautam Rangarajan Director, Strategy is on £150 plus
      This is quite a good list ..Why is Brian Cox on £250K ? ..he’s not on every day.

      Click to access annex_annual_report_201617.pdf


    • G says:

      That’s really a ethnically diverse range of faces……………….


  15. StewGreen says:

    If you get murdered in the US, make sure you get murdered in the right city, cos some cities have a near zero arrest rate.
    The Times try to spin it as ‘black murders not cleared up, cos of white police depts.
    Of course deepest sympathy to honest black victims, but I think something more complex is going on.


  16. MarkyMark says:

    “United by Diversity” …. The BBC and EU are UNITED in agreeing that everyone except themselves will be DIVERSE.



    • Fedup2 says:

      I stopped watching any programme with a Dimbleby on it years ago – with the excellent of seeing Dimbleby seniors’ mush when the brexit vote came in .
      Any way I heard that lady Shabi whitewash was boasting about her ever so ‘umble origins and being sent to a school for plebs. Did she say her offspring is getting £18000 a year education at Dulwich College . Socialists eh?


  17. StewGreen says:

    @Marky talks about brown faces
    Today Sadiq at Netley Primary School
    \\ London mayor @SadiqKhan meets pupils at Netley Primary School in north London, where he announced plans to expand London’s ultra-low emission zone//
    I spot at least 1 white child in the photos tweeted

    “Mr Khan made the announcement on Friday as he launched a new study to measure the impact of air pollution reduction strategies on the health of children in London and Luton”


    • StewGreen says:

      That photo has almost all girls
      In the tweets one adult is wearing the hijab.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      No need for the emir to wear a Christian tie in that particular school.


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Green for Grenfell then?
      Is that a couple of women uncovered at the back?
      Heck, even a couple of girls in the assembly too.
      Very 1834. Progress.


  18. StewGreen says:

    Times Letter : BBC’S BAD FORECASTS
    \\ Sir, Tourism bosses in Bournemouth highlight an important point when they query the accuracy of the BBC weather app ( June 7). It has long puzzled me, too.
    The summary icon for our weather here today is a dark cloud with rain. Yet looking at the more detailed hour-by-hour summaries, all but one show light cloud, without any rain whatsoever. There is further confusion in that at 8am there is apparently a 57 per cent chance of precipitation — but the icon for that hour shows no rain, whereas at 9am, with only a 38 per cent chance, some light rain appears with the icon for that time. Such confused messages seems standard. Someone at the BBC ought to sort out this mess. //


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Listening to the al beeb 5 o’clock news I was just musing that if President Trump was in charge of negotiating he’d say about the Irish issue EU -“ if you want a border you build one” then the republicans can attack the EU and not us.

    The way all beeb treats barnier you’d think he was their boss .


  20. Guest Who says:


    ‘It told the Times the practice had never been an attempt to avoid tax or national insurance; it reported the deals to HMRC and said that its contracts with freelancers reflected their obligation to ensure that they paid the correct amount of tax.”

    Further to my last mention of the BBC and FOIs, on the few occasions they can be dragged kicking and screaming to admit something, it always amazes me how the BBC seems able to report on itself in ways such that no other bodies seem involved. And almost always via anonymous spokesweasel.

    Here I very much doubt the Times has made its accusations without, I don’t know, doing some journalism?

    What are the actual facts? ICO? HMRC? Anyone?

    The BBC saying the BBC gets it about right these days is not going to wash.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I tried a bit of research to find out how much the Dimbleby twins get from al beeb into their company . Unfortunately I would have had to pay to get access to the accounts so didn’t get that far obviously other Dimblebys are officers of the company to nicest sewn up.

      I have a special place for them because they are the epitome of smug al beeb condescension and occupy positions as a result of family contacts .
      Peerages due I suppose – let’s get the House of Expenses up to a thousand snouts .


      • Beltane says:

        David sold the family newspaper chain for £12m in 2001 so, even assuming he split the proceeds with his brother, the lads aren’t too strapped.
        Obviously there had to be a perfectly legitimate reason, but I always found it a bit odd that nobody seemed to query the ownership by supposedly impartial scion of the BBC, father Richard, of a newspaper group.


  21. Holly Selassie says:

    Got no telly now, so the Radio 4 endless bias is all I get.
    But it`s all water off a ducks back, I simply don`t believe a word of it.
    And I`m grateful for everybody here who is documenting the endless rolling bias and contempt. But rest assured that Ross and Brand finished the BBC s credibility with one half of the plebs, and Savile did for the other half.
    Nobody under 35 gives a toss, even watches the BBC anymore, Their desperation to connect is pathetic, only lefties, lib moanies and the infirm and old give a stuff. Women bitching in the public sector too.
    They have no effect, if they had we`d have stayed in the EU.

    Don`t pay for them ,and see them as quisling paedos, who`ll get a reckoning for all this.


    • Oaknash says:

      Welcome to the club Holly – believe me it is much better for your blood pressure and at least you are not contributing to an organisation that patronises and pretty much hates the majority of people in this country.


  22. Guest Who says:

    The national broadcaster of the U.K. does find a very particular kind of person, doesn’t it?


  23. G.W.F. says:

    US celebrity chef and television personality Anthony Bourdain has been found dead in his hotel room, aged 61, of an apparent suicide.

    Trump or Brexit?



  24. StewGreen says:

    Look North : St Bob Geldof flew up by helicopter to Bridlington today
    His spouting.. “This region had a large vote for Brexit ..now you are setting up Yorkshire devolution, which the EU planned anyway ..so you’re ODD PEOPLE”
    “Nigel Farage IS A LIAR… I think Britain has knifed itself IN THE GUTS, and I think people know that !”

    Headline speaker, Sir Bob Geldof, along with social entrepreneur, Josh Littlejohn MBE,
    Geoffrey Boycott OBE and hosted by journalist and broadcaster Naga Munchetty
    Tickets cost £125 per person, or £1,000 for 10

    If it were free I’d watch Geoffrey


  25. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Oh if only the BBC and Hard Labour were running this country.
    Just heard Dimbly asking a Labour nomark( Burger? Bugger?) how he`d keep the House of Fraser staff in jobs. Labour of course have always looked out for these national brands and high street flagship shops, and our Labour MP obviously has run a successful shop chain or two, because he sounded like he really knew what to do. The Stoke audience seemed pleased and lapped it all up.

    Imagine that Hard Labour will have a Venezuela whelk stall up and running in Burslem on Sunday. Dianne Abbott can tell us how many jobs will be created by her party then.

    This only doubles up on the BBC this morning on Today, when the CEO of House Of Fraser got told how to run his shops by a BBC “Business Correspondent”.
    How do they get away with this? Hacks, interns,talking heads and presenters?
    They are called such things, because they make sell and know f***all, except for what their bosses say is to be chucked out there.
    For a Soviet monoculture bunch of traitors and business haters, both Labour and their swinging sporran of a BBC seem to know how to generate money and not piss it up a wall.
    Do tell.


  26. StewGreen says:

    Hijab-watch 9:10pm Channel5
    : Smiley Muslim girl Bella is Jane McDonald’s guide around Sydney Opera House.


  27. Dystopian says:

    Yet again the news agencies refer to them as far right.
    Why is it far right to look out for your indigenous population and put them first?

    I wish we had a strong leader with common sense, hopefully before it’s too late.

    Look at all these countries who are waking up. Maybe that’s because they don’t have the vile bBBC


    • Eddy Booth says:

      I don’t see anything wrong with putting your own race first, I’m talking about loving your own race not hating other ones , as people did until a few years ago, after all we are same virtually the same family/ancestors and ‘blood’.

      The politically correct, in control of media and schoold managed to make that view seem abhorrent .
      Then they came for normalizing homos, even bent marriage and letting them adopt vulnerable children in asick experiment.
      they won that battle too, we now even have a Gay Shame month.

      Now they are coming for the nationals, hating on them until they conform


      • Jeff says:

        Eddie, for Gawd’s sake, get a grip.
        I was with you all the way and then you veered off talking about “normalising homos” and “bent marriage.” This is just silly. Whilst I agree that these endless, pointless and facile Gay Pride events just tend to irritate and show gay people in the most ridiculous and stereotyped fashion, there’s no need to be so offensive.
        We’re all on the same side here. Come on Eddie.
        You know it makes sense…


  28. Dover Sentry says:

    Interesting that the top EU and BBC hierarchy have no ethnic minorities.

    Have any of you read Animal Farm by George Orwell?

    Ironically, it is Orwell who has been ‘adopted’ by the BBC.


  29. ID says:

    I’ve just heard Hammond say on the news that he wants a “collaborative approach”. At least he has “fessed up” and admitted he is a collaborator. Perhaps the word has lost the connotation it used to have.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    #BGT … New show by Simon Cowell … Britain Gags Tommy.

    Contestants tell Simon about real life problems in the uk. Simon then presses a button which sends a message to the police who have to lock the person up in the fastest time. The audience are then asked if they think constetant was arrested for the right reasons.


  31. MarkyMark says:

    If truth is the first casualty of war, then we have been at war for a long time …..

    Grooming. .. truth is the sadistic rape of children. Rotherham case is 1400+ over 16 years or 2.3 million cries for help (based on 2 rapes a week per child).

    Racist …. truth is that this word hid 1400 children bein raped.

    Dreamer, undocumented,irregular or climate refugee …. truth is these are people illegally crossing borders with 1.5 million in 2015 when Merkel suggested Africa migrates to Germany without eu28 consent.

    Far right ….. truth is that the BBC have a far left in Labour but ignore it because you cannot have too much socialism, but ignore Venezuela . Also far right is connected with Hitler.

    Victim …. truth is being warped to include criminal as victim.See BBC reporting suicide bomber in Germany as Syrian migrant blows up. Or when total dead includes the criminals.


  32. pugnazious says:


    When the Sunday Times ran the above story the BBC studiously ignored it.

    Clearly someone has had a word and now they respond with alacrity and eagerness previously unknown….the Sunday Times today…


    The BBC frontpage story today:

    Leave.EU ‘downplayed Russian links’
    ‘The founder of Leave.EU, Arron Banks, has confirmed he will appear before MPs this week to answer new allegations about his links with Russia.

    It has been reported that Mr Banks, who bankrolled the unofficial leave campaign, had more contact with Russian officials than he previously admitted.

    The allegations come as MPs investigate accusations Russia attempted to influence the EU referendum.

    Has the BBC got an agenda? Not bothered about Russian support for Corbyn but Trump and Brexit? Putin interferes in Brexit, that’s bad, Obama swans over here and tells us to vote Remain and that’s OK? It’s OK that a foreign billionaire, Soros, tried, and is still trying to buy our democracy and sabotage Brexit? Rather than condemn him the BBC ran a story glorifying him, painting him as a liberal saint rather than what he really is, a man who uses his money to destroy nations and societies and to bend the world to his own vision.