Al beeb busily undermining the UK government negotiating tactic by giving remainers the oxygen of publicity .
After seeing the UK PM disrespected by the Belgium’s PM giving her a Belgium footy shirt I got really fed up . So I did some checks . The population of Belgium is 11 million . The population of Blighty is equal to the 15 smaller countries of the the Reich EU . Only one country has a bigger population – you know the one which habitually takes over other people’s countries using panzers . Yet the UK is being kicked around by the EU and its MSM friends like we are the school wimp . Time to walk away soon unless the Government is playing a very clever game .As if.
Also 2 weeks to go until President Trump pays a visit to Britain which I’m sure will cause both embarrassment and navel gazing by the poisonous Main Stream Media .Prepare for stunts …
The midweek thread contained a video to a House of Lords speech by Baroness Warsi. Unfortunately the Youtube page doesn’t give any details of when the speech was made.
it is however recorded in Hansard Volume 792 ‘Anti-Terrorism:Hate Speech’, 27 June 2018.
It will be seen that Lord Pearson requests that teaching in madrassas and preaching in mosques be monitored for hate speech. The government PUSS fobs him off, telling him how nice the Muslims are at the Finsbury mosque and Lord Pearson reminds him that hatred of the ‘us kuffar’ is central to radical Islam. The PUSS ignores that and tells him that the government is concerned about ‘Islamophobia’.
Baroness Warsi joins in, and making use of parliamentary privilege says:
In effect she believes ‘hate speech’ in parliament should be monitored, (all speech is moderated by the speakers and recorded in Hansard) and prison is the right place for those that have the ‘wrong’ thoughts.
The government weasel then surely gets it back-to-front, (or maybe not), “I agree with her about the importance of people in this House exercising discretion—of course, within the bounds of free speech—about what they say.”
Free speech, of course, by definition, has no bounds.
People of Britain, welcome to your new blasphemy laws.
P.S. Baroness Warsi implies that some of their lordships and honourable members may be terrorists. both houses should demand an apology!
JimS, I too watched it and was equally disturbed.
Lord Pearson’e concerned and valid comments about Islam were met with virtue signalling cries of ‘shame’, ‘shame’ from other members of the House of Lords.
Warsi then stepped in with the PC stick to threaten everyone.
Why is she there? She was never a minister or benefactor to the Tory party.
I’d like all MPs and their Lordships to be reminded of the occasion when that great PM Gladstone raised the koran in the air in the House and declared that while this book exists there will be no peace in the world (need to look up exact words but I think that is close). I would then like to have their opinion on what has changed since then. Anyone doing that now – well what would be the consequence for such a brave individual? That damned book is kept in a protective sleeve on the table in the HoC in case it should be accidentally touched by an infidel.
Warsi has never been voted into any political job. She’s there as a token muzlim.
Guys, from Wiki:
‘From 2010-12, she was co-Chair of the Conservative Party. She served in David Cameron’s Cabinet, first as the Minister without portfolio between 2010–12, then as the Senior Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Office and as the Minister of State for Faith and Communities, until her resignation citing her disagreement with the Government’s policy on the Israel–Gaza conflict in August 2014.’
Careful, there may be a maxi about. He loves to pick us up on any small error – if he can – but doesn’t seem to want to BBC Watch with the same vigour.
Truly frightening. Are some of these snowflakes understanding it now? No of course not, as most of them don’t follow the news, and the Momentum thugs are busy deselecting MPs and persecuting anyone with a few brain cells who disagrees with them. I genuinely know of someone who had a nervous breakdown because they were harassed at University for daring to be active within UKIP youth for a while. Not made up, all true. Good news is that said young person recovered after good support and is studying elsewhere. Sad news is he is taking a break from being politically active. That is the thuggish Corbynista mob for you…backed and loved by Beeb. Boy, are we up said creek without the proverbial paddle.
And how their lordships cried shame when it was pointed out that there is a link between Islam and terror. How ridiculous.
Yet they walked into the Parliament building guarded by armed cops and went through screens and checks for weapons.
Sooner or later an islamic terror attack on the Houses of Parliament is inevitable. Perhaps when the Palace of Westminster is a smoking ruin and hundreds of MPs and peers are dead, the survivors might get it.
Or then again, perhaps there is just no atrocity which will make them re-evaluate their views on the Religion of Peace.
I’ve often said how bad the atrocity would need to be before the MSM and our elected officials would actually realise the problem that Islam in the UK is.
Raping children and blowing them to bits at a concert still not enough.
Yesterday, Gardeners World BBC2.
The innocent tradition of gardening must surely be agenda free right? No. They had to spoil it.
Cut away from Monty Don to a segment with a young woman doing her herb garden. It was ok until she introduced another woman with a “four-year degree”. “Trained herbalist blah blah blah” who then boasted about how she is growing herbs to help “migrants” who don’t have access to healthcare.
What “migrants” don’t have access to healthcare? Illegal ones perhaps?
So is this ‘trained herbalist’ aiding illegal invaders then? And is BBC proudly advertising that?
I gave up after that, even though they cut back to Monty Don I switched it over.
It makes you want to blow your brains out, doesn’t it?
They eat, breathe and sleep sodding diversity – God, I hate them!
OK, so blow your fucking brains out, but consider. First you need to buy a gun, secondly, if you do the dastardly deed, you will leave a hell of a fucking mess that someone else has got to mop up. All that England will get is one less Brexiteer.
I don’t think President Trump would consider that a smart deal and neither do I. Keep posting man.
Mr Lobster: How did you manage an avatar? I have one or two in mind for myself.
It’s been that long ago I honestly can’t remember. I’ll have a dig around and come back to you if that’s okay.
I seem to remember I followed the instructions shown here.
Apologies in advance if this is wrong, but when you get to my age the seawater affects the brain!
Thanks. I’ll give it a go.
Lobster to Dover Sentry:
“Apologies in advance if this is wrong, but when you get to my age the seawater affects the brain!”
Little Jim: “He’s fallen in the wat-errr!”
Lobby, just read our Black Country heroine Doreen Tipton’s column in yesterday’s Express & Star, you’ll be smiling after that!
Doreen for Prime Minister!!
I gave up on “Gardeners World” when Geoff Hamilton somehow managed to die. So many of the television personalities I have admired seem to just die. Strange.
@Lucy at tweet

\\ Seeing #GardenersWorld uncritically present a group like Herbalists without Borders is very disappointing, especially alarming that in that segment it seemed that they could be treating chest infections and mental health issues of migrant communities with herbs //
yep BBC are doing
#1 Product Placement for Lefty agenda of “help illegal migrants”
#2 Product Placement for Quack Doctors
4 years training or not she is not a proper doctor
If migrants come legally then they should have the same medical care and that’s proper doctors, with proper medicines not just medieval herbs .
(Not that herbs aren’t OK for certain things, but after a proper doctor advised)
@hwbglobal on twitter
When dear old Nigel departs, guarantee the replacement will be a black Labrador, or more likely poodle.
Love this programme, but I wondered why two weeks ago when he going on about rabbits eating his vegetables, he didn’t just leave the dogs in the garden overnight?
Still nothing on the BBC’s website about that deal that our Prime Minister got us with our cousins in Australia?
I see that Danny Dyer (who I actually like) made a few cheeky digs towards Cameron (who I also like) and Corbyn seeing the chance to get one over on Cameron decides to join in and this of course becomes news: ‘Corbyn is down with the kids!’
The Tories are ahead in the polls again though so I guess that most of the British public no longer take much notice of the BBC’s garbage
Beeboid speaks
\\ Robin Ince @robinince
It is interesting to see how “free speech warriors” have so little interest in how the murder of journalists effects* free speech if the murderer doesn’t coincide with their pronounced bias. //
8 (he means “affects” ..he presents a BBC science show)
That’s like saying that Tommy doesn’t care about white rapists cos he doesn’t turn up at their trials.
Bottomline is there is no coverup about white rapists so he doesn’t need to
I thought that the young man in the Univ Adelaide photo was explaining to the women exactly how long his member was.
That`s a Subway 9″ if I`m not mistaken.
Never mind the length of his cock. What about the expanse of his mind? I imagine he just trousered the cheque and fucked off. I would have done the same at his age.
New European?
At least they can give the Guardian away to thick students-and the BBC, same thing really.
But the “New European”?
I`d love to see what happens when someone buys it, bet some alarm goes off and you get a chance to go into Robert Maxwells flotation tank.
It has no adverts, no-one would pay to be in it.
It has no readers-and when you see that Bonnie Greer and Mitch Benn are regulars, you can see why.
Don`t feel Soros for them though, vanity publishing on Alastair Campbells hallucinogens.
This foul ranting “newspaper” with its vile headlines (that’s as far as I ever get) is on the top left side of the newspaper rack, with the Guardian at my local Co-Op! Every day there will be remaining guardians with the Telegraph usually sold out by lunchtime Then of course my local Co_Op always orders far more Gs than it ever sells, not much commercial sense there!
First of all, I would like to welcome newcomer’s contributions on to this site, the more the merrier……………………..but surely, I am not the only one who thinks this site is just a talking shop? I do not consider any news from the gob of the BBC as normal news, this disappeared along time ago.
This whole BBC thing needs to be closed down and closed down NOW…………….it is not fit for purpose!
So we can moan about it…to the delight of our friend Big Bollockscony (or on second thoughts not so big)…..but what are WE really going to do about it?
What are we going to do about it? Fuck all Sir/Madam, because we do not own the media. We could get a million anti BBC protestors on the streets but the media owners have the whip hand and they use it to make their opponents look like loonies, criminals or Nazis. Unfortunately the bulk of the general public seem to believe that what comes down the tube into their homes is either truth or entertainment. Nothing is pure entertainment and their truth is subjective.
Good post Lefty
Start by not renewing your TV licence.
Next, tell your mates. Simples.
Yes it’s talking but it’s not a shop . Would you consider that the nature of any type blog is an exchange of views .
I posted earlier in the day that I see the purpose as evidencing the bias shown by the al beeb for the time when someone with power realised something must be done .
I decline to pay the tv tax . That’s a moral choice for me . If you think people here just moan and nothing changes then that’s an opinion for you – maybe you can come up with a practical way of changing things . You know where we are when you find that solution .
I actually find your post as insulting as a maxicony one – I know the troll will enjoy a mention
OK Fedup2,
That’s it for me,
I don’t pay the licence… the way……..carry on in your own little world
“Own little world “ how very condescending of you – is that you Maxi ? Do tell – or don’t
I notice you didn’t comment on my rationale for contributing here – which is another maxi trait of ignoring the view of a writer and just going for the Guardian like slag off
I’m not sure that I should reply…………….but I will….just check out my previous posts, if you think I am Maxi in disguise, then you will find that you are totally mistaken.
But if this is how you wish to treat genuine posters since you took over then good for you. Good bye!
So what are your proposals?
I commented in another post that marches and protests do little to change things either – if it did I would be ‘out there’, but honestly ? I’d rather put my feet up at home and make my point at the ballot box where it does matter.
“… make my point at the ballot box where it does matter.”
Not here it doesn’t. I live near my famiy’s roots in the Valleys and a rusty bycicle would win if it were adorned with a red rosette. Nepotism also rules, our present Borough councillor inherited the seat when her/his dad died in office! Labour hierarchy is a few closely related families, and the Kinnocks are only the top of the heap.
Silence speaks volumes.
The long, bad ‘bye’.
Have you got any idea of the number of people who read the comments on this site?
I would guess that the number of visitors is increasing, many reading but not posting.
The result is more are becoming aware of the bbc left wing, anti Brexit, anti Trump bias (as well as the rest of their tricks and omissions)
Posters like wronged who listed the number of remain voters to leave voters on question time for example give out information and people will share it.
Every bit helps and biased bbc website is a small part of the bigger picture which includes the likes of Tommy, Breitbart, JRM and some other decent mp’s, UKIP and lots of other smaller parts making up a growing movement where people are starting to turn away from the liblabcon way of doing things.
Populism is how the MSM are describing it (in their sneering way) but our numbers are growing and we will win in the end.
This site is a valuable reference point.
I often talk to friends about how untrustworthy the BBC is. More and more of them are coming to hold the same opinion, but those who need to see evidence of the lies can be referred here. The people who post here provide chapter and verse on how the BBC promotes its own agenda rather than reporting on events.
A friend of mine , very much on the left, told me recently in an attack on my politics that my views were the same as the people on the biased bbc blog. This was his ultimate put-down!
The first rule of discussion forums is that there are far more lurkers than you’d think. Seemingly most people don’t want to pop their head above the parapet and make a public comment..
Such a pity that we live in a kind of society where people can’t speak freely , cos their boss might find out, or cos they are a teacher or celebrity.
Though a lot of people know they can get a Google email and use that to create an alter-ego for online purposes.
It is noticeable how sites overlap and how an expose of Harra’s latest climate trickery here might quickly make it into the climate blogs etc.
Similarly info from here bounces onto twitter or facebook.
Twitter or are still the best tools for checking news
BTW I just found this site
anyone using it ?
The outright prohibition of BBC censorship enshrined in law. So as to end attempts by BBC management to restrict access to information, or pressure on journalists not to publicise or discuss certain events or subjects. End by law, the use of Freedom of Information exemption by corrupt BBC journalists as was exposed in the 28gate scandal.
Force the BBC by law to allow freedom of opinion and freedom of speech for those who voted for freedom from the EU and also those with a PhD in a causational climate science. End International concerns about the extent of D-Notices and superinjuctions used in British court proceedings, used by the British remainer establishment to censor embarrassing information from the indigenous British public, such as paedophilia and terrorism.
End the revengeful Hate laws, used by backward revengeful religions and regressive and revengeful Liberal ideology, as revenge against freedom of speech exposing their lies and corruption.
As Alan would frequently point out in the past, our main task as Beeb Watchers and Beeb Listeners is to pick up on the bias of the BBC.
In addition, in this era of FakeNews/FalseNews/FalseFacts that the BBC like to accuse other media players of, we have the additional task of calling out the BBC’s deviations from 100% accuracy that Ritula Shah (Presenter of The News Tonight on R4) famously claimed for them recently on that programme.
Then there is another possible task, that of critic. Evaluating BBC programmes to help others understand what they are receiving from the generously taxpayer-funded BBC.
Apologies for posting this again.
But it makes many points and is also funny. The narrator is also very pro Brexit!
ex-SAS Trooper to lollipop man.
Branson presumably would provide the drugs for them though-so they`d enjoy the trip as he does.
Probably ram packed, just as Corbyn said-so they`d have to sit on the floor anyway.
We still restocking Bransons wine celllar after that hurricane, he`s a British shitizen you know.
A dissolute reprobate and huckster, without the redeeming riffer that Jagger(another Faustian fellater) has by way of a sidekick.
BBC NHS-Love-in
8pm BBC Radio4 The Birth of the NHS : On the 70th anniversary of the NHS, Martha Kearney offers a fresh perspective on its creation as she opens up the files held at The National Archives
8pm BBC2 The NHS: To Provide All People
A film poem to mark the birth of the NHS 70 years ago, charting a day in the life of a present day regional hospital. Written by Owen Sheers and performed by a stellar cast of acting talent, including Michael Sheen (Welsh lefty/ anti-Brexiteer)
I think the BBC can smell blood
Lobby – Yesterday, I was listening to the ” BBC world at one” and they appeared to be wondering aloud in a very chaste, journalistic fashion that – wasnt it time that Theresa May “faced down” the remainers in her cabinet and the reality will be that we will all have to accept a much softer brexit.
No bias there then – and of course Aunty has not been one of the main driving forces in project fear and keeping the remain cause at the top of the agenda.
And whilst we are talking about the quality and unbiased approach of the BBC this disgusting piece of “journalism” from our Emily has to be up there with some their best – what professionalism!
That woman is toxic!! She is full of hate !! She is **not** a journalist she is a propagandist who does not allow people to put forward an alternative point of view. Just think about it folks!! Do you really want to pay £150 a year for people like her to spew forth hate?
Crone /England what also struck me was the patience he actually had with this ghastly BBC harridan. I think she had absolutely no idea she had been put back in her box – at least in Petersen VS Cathy Newman she realised the game was up and at least had a little bit of humility about it before going again.
I think Maitlis sums up in so many ways the things I now despise about so many of our middle classes – their hypocrisy, their virtue signalling, their blindness to the problems of any one but themselves and most of all their arrogance and firm belief that only they have the answers – despite history proving them wrong time and time again.
Oak – My anger is 90% directed to those white middle-class comfortably off lefties like Maitless. Yes I’m unhappy about the country hosting unemployable people who’ve no right to be here and will be a burden for ever, and I’m sad we won’t get a decent Brexit, if at all.
But while there are no counter-arguing TV outlets like Fox News, and while no properly right-wing people are ever allowed on TV the BBC-loving, Guardian reading fools will smugly continue to ruin the country for everybody else. While they run the show we’ll never have a say on who can turn up here and blag off welfare and the NHS.
Until people like her are forced off the air and the BBC has its funding ended we will carry on down the same doomed path. A country that will look like a cross between Pakistan, West Africa and Somalia within a few more generations.
Our middle class socialist ‘intelligentsia’ will by then have scarpered to somewhere ‘whiter’. They are the real enemy. They are despicable, worthless, cowardly scumbags and I would gladly replace them all for immigrants – Christians from the middle-east, South Africans or Zimbabweans. People who might actually be grateful and productive!
Imnot – I think the trouble is is that all of these “bien pensants” have infiltrated through all of society (and not just the BBC and politics) trying to brainwash us all to their fashionable viewpoints.
They have “profesionalised” and weaponised so many different professions making them accessible only if you have a degree such as policing, nursing or nature Conservation work where you now have to have a “degree” to get on where before experience, hard work, common sense and a vocation was all that you needed .
But now it is all about qualifications and identity. Is the applicant the right sex/orientation to fill the quota. And of course once one of these creatures obtains a position of influence they will of course be influencing on who gets recruited.
Their influence on institutions has also been malign. I was thinking today of going to Lanhydrock a national trust property, and this is on – “We’re commemorating the 100th anniversary of women gaining a political voice through their right to vote by sharing the stories of some of the women who came before that time, bringing these women out from history’s shadows”.
Probably with the help of “Common Purpose” even the once benign Nation Trust appears to have been weaponised.
In short the swamp extends far beyond politics and whether we will be able to drain it – who can tell with these bastards hanging on like limpets.
But at the end of the day it will be a pure battle of wills
“… A country that will look like a cross between Pakistan, West Africa and Somalia [and all the wars that go with it] within a few more generations.”
She isn’t a journalist. Originally she trained to be a hairdresser. Perhaps she should go back to it. Yes, it is more demanding than working for the BBC but at least it provides a useful service to the public.
As online sellers, about 6 years ago we did a delivery ourselves to a buyer in London . The buyer was a blonde female in a very nice ground floor conversion of a large house . There was something a bit familiar about her and we heard what we thought was the radio playing in the background but when we got chatting with her she told us that she worked for the BBC as a French correspondent , it was only Emily ” Mateless” and the voice on the radio was a recording of herself .
We left sniggering at how desperate someone would have to be to be recognised that they would be playing a recording of themselves for couriers doing a delivery ( she wasn’t to know we were the actual sellers). It just stunk of someone desperate for recognition , she’s not changed a bit , she’s still just really needy and a sad individual to boot .
Was the salon called ‘Hedge Backwards’ by chance?
Here is the Newsnight piece. The Hungarian Foreign Minister was very impressive, was fun to watch Emily’s mask slip and see her anger get the better of her and lose control of the interview.
”this is no longer a democracy it’s creeping authoritarianism”
Someone in the British establishment accusing a Hungarian
(or anyone else) of that is taking the piss,,,
Sanctimonious cow.
But she and her ilk are starting to panic, they’re losing the arguments, they’re on the wrong side of history, the people are rejecting their policies across the continent.
Scrap the extortion tax, scrap the beeb, orf with their ‘eds.
Hopefully we’re reaching their “Ceausescu on the balcony” moment.
“Some say*” they should meet the same fate.
*copyright BBC
“Hopefully we’re reaching their “Ceausescu on the balcony” moment.” Not quite there yet but the drip drip of criticism I sense is getting there but by less paying any attention rather than open criticism that doesn’t really work. Problem for the BBC is, most viewers/listeners with any brain want accurate news. Not ‘cherrypicked’, massaged, manipulated and distorted and/or omitted at the BBC’s discretion. Once they turn to alternative sources for, ‘real’ news as they must, they eventually get what they want along with the realisation that the BBC cannot be trusted. That distrust spreads like a virus.
As I see it, in conversation, you can easily distinguish those strict devotees to BBC news. Just throw in the name ‘Trump’ to any conversation and you immediately, by the response, know whether that person gathers their news from a variety of sources or the BBC. As a rule of thumb, those that turn their nose up immediately on that topic are almost certainly obtaining their news solely from the BBC and/or MSM. I always respond by replying, “obtaining your ‘news’ from the BBC leaves you lacking any balanced fact on the subject, If you don’t seek news from other sources you will be stuck – on the wrong side of history – with opinions that are sure to eventually leave you with egg on your face”. In the main, they go quietly off and explore on their own: the revelations do the rest…….
Talk about pots and kettles, now we know of the kangaroo courts that we have here. I would have her arrested for insulting her intellectual superior.
Emily is indeed unbalanced.
Thanks for putting that up, Englands, as the BBC have decided in 2016 to go back on an agreement that people without TV Licences could use iPlayer for catch-up TV. Good to watch what other posters here are discussing. Peter Szijjarto did a brilliant job for his Government there in the face of Emily’s rudeness and stupidity.
Smell blood? Yes. I expect Clare has just removed her jam rag. When I was young even the girls used this term. Back in the days when girls were girls and boys were boys. — Beam me up Lord!!
I heard that some snowflake had declared she was on blob in the chamber . Perhaps all members should declare when they last had a pee or crap before standing up the speak – as a matter of solidarity in discussing bodily functions .
Yep, of course they can, Woof, woof, woof!
Now this is language I understand. Trouble is I’m 78 years old and at this time of night I begin to teel fired. One beer too many I fear. Goodnight all.
Goodnight Lefty x We all feel tired I’m afraid x
Smell blood? Yes. I expect Clare has just removed her jam rag. When I was young even the girls used this term…
At your age Lefty, I would have expected better. Don’t know where you’re from, but not a phrase I remember being heard – in fact it was never discussed.
Please don’t let this blog become a vulgarians talkfest. Fedup.
Appreciate the point . I volunteered to help out with the site and hopefully update the threads to keep them manageable .
I don’t want to unnecessarily want to alienate people who want to express themselves Regards al beeb bias – but saying that if people are going off subject into the realm of causing offence then the delete / edit button might have to be tried out .
I’m not on a power trip and just want to support the cause . Please tell me what you think of what I have just written .
I’ll stick a plea on the start the Week thread as well I reckon …..
Thank you for responding quickly. My comment was bit terse and can look as if it was aimed at Brissels which it definitely wasn’t . It was just that I had noticed how the standard of some of the conversations were slipping. If people don’t mind the sort of tone I was referring to then there is no problem and I wouldn’t expect you to say anything just to protect my poor tender snowflake feelings.
I haven’t received much in the way of upticks so perhaps it is not going to be a problem. I don’t get offended but people who I introduce this site to well might.
So I think you are doing a great job Fed-up.
Excuse this ramble but remember, I sleep under Southern Stars and the witching hour doth approach. And I am long due for bed and perhaps a little grumpy.
Yasser – fair points I think – for the record I’m currently pretty hot as I’m near the equator Hence sometime unusual posting times . I will put a very gentle reminder about comment on the next thread . I hope they don’t have a go at the messenger and don’t want to be accused of running the site or doing a power grab . I’m sure The Boss keeps and eye and feedback is both useful and wince making …
As a reader of Guido, I am no longer shocked at some language used in blogs (tongue in cheek). But I really prefer clean language and I expect the only use of the ‘c’ word to be when highlighting its use by Justin Webb and McNaughtie when they are talking about the Minister for Health and the BBC May find it funny, but I don’t. If the language on this site is not to my liking, then the comment doesn’t get an uptick. What more can I do? But please I know we come here to get a load off our chests, but the comments are stronger if the language is clean.
I very much wish that people who are tempted to post crude remarks would think again before doing so. They are just as offensive as the BBC comedians who continually utter obscenities.
Am with Yasser, Deborak and Banania here. However, this site is a whole lot better now than four or five years back. And, yes, the language & posts from Commenters on Guido was even worse.
Keep going folks. You are all great and provide welcome humour, wit and insights into our nation, world and our beloved (ahem! sort of) BBC.
It’s not on al beeb but it’s breathtaking . Twitter is rebroadcasting a thank you from the leader of the opposition to the military thanking them for their service – it being armed forces day . The video is 69 seconds long
Now I remember the attitude the leader of the opposition had to the British Army trying to keep the peace in North Ireland in the 70s and after . There wasn’t any support for dead and injured squaddies and cops from him then
In fairness to Corbyn – in the video he does look as though he is being forced to do it and the words do stick in his lying mouth .
There is a post on Twitter which day by day records the names and details of murders and violence by the IRA to remind us of the sacrifice and loss .
Margaret Thatcher Addresses the U.S. Congress: House of Representatives Session (1985)
Doesn’t work for me I’m afraid !
Nor me at first. The video seems to start about 45 seconds in, but the picture quality is abysmal.
nope after video quality is only dodgy at the start
here is a link straight to minute 4
Jesus Thatcher doesn’t start until the 15th minute
Stew, I didn’t know she was a Mexican immigrant. 🙂 Did anyone inform Reagan?
Theresa May should watch a Thatcher video …. then some Thomas Sowell ….
“We in Europe have watched in admiration the burgeoning of this might American economy. There’s a new mode in the United States, a visitor feels it at once. The resurgence of your self confidence and your national pride is almost tangible.” – Margret Thatcher 1985 @37:35
That Adelaide mansplaining story only broke 18 hours ago
BBC seem to have it before Australian media.
I went to check Andrew Bolt’s take, bur he’s written nothing so far.
I suppose only the BBC thought it worth reporting – the others probably have more important things to do like filing their nails, doing the washing up or going for a dump.
by the way look how the BBC photo has this word over it
BTW It’s not a university poster
What we have here is an example of how BBC types construct FALSE-narratives from info where there is no context.
#1 We have a photo of a man talking as 5 bored women look on
#2 Next to it is a promo for University of Adelaide
Someone has cropped that so we can’t see it’s a line of posters
#3 So some people got the wrong end of the stick
.. that is the end
Cos we don’t know anything about that photo
..Are they all models just in for a gov DIVERSITY photo ?
.. Is it a real lecture shot of a student explaining things ?
Full context of the billboards
What we have here is a bunch of snowflake sjw’s at the beeb permanently on the lookout for something to be offended by.
And of course it fits in with their overarching view that white man = bad.
And we PAY for THAT !?!?
Banksy story proves it’s about the politics and not the quality of the art.
R5Live tonight between 10 and 10.30pm had some appalling items. A young black man alleging police harassment in London, no matter that the cops are perhaps at last waking up to the knife crime. He kept moaning on about how he was a busy man and didnt have time to make a formal complaint to the police. What a tosser. Then we had a nauseating piece about gay chemsex parties and all the diseases that are picked up and spread. Interviewer never judging of course, oh no, we can kill the elderly and vulnerable and rape children, that’s nothing, but don’t you dare criticise chemsex and the resultant cost to the NHS. Could it be that someone at the Beeb has finally twigged that we British are stirring, like a sleeping lion or dragon finally waking up and smelling the coffee…very little detail on who these guests were, but was used to get in dig at DUP for daring to promote more Christian ideas. It is almost as if someone is in there doing it so as to generate public outrage and action, even if we allow for limited listening figures on a Saturday night. I reckon they might have been actors. Truly appalling but we all know it is no good making a formal complaint, but better to spread around the media. Truly rotten to the core.
Seems like the British public are ‘stirring’ in ways the market rate talents may come soon to register.
In the real world, ratings are what drive rates.
Guest – I read the al beeb comment that figures didn’t include iplayer stats . Methinks word of mouth / Twitter that a programme is a dog is enough to stop punters downloading it -unless it’s so bad it becomes art of course .
It’s nice to see exotic multicultural dosh getting what it deserves .
Disagree that “it is no good making a formal complaint” It may not achieve a result sadly because there are too few people who do complain. If each complainant by law has to get an answer then the BBC are forced to spend their money in employing staff and if they went further with the complaint, much time, money and effort to rebut the complaint. Put them to work to justify the “appalling” views they are spreading. Why should they be allowed to get away with this without being challenged directly ! if not satisfied with the response inform your local MP .
I’ve done my bit. No tv licence, no view, no complaints to be made. I’d prefer to think that I’m helping to strangle the BBC behemoth where it really hurts.
Complaining is a trial, and the outcome as inevitable as it is frustrating.
But still worth it.
They do get logged, and even if the true stats are lied about, stored.
One day there will be an accounting, and no amount of protected pension pot will make it comfortable.
Right now I would take a coup d’etat, or at least take over of the BBC by some people with an IQ higher than 90.
The more savvy in BBC Press may need to massage any headline away from the ‘Top European’ headline of the head of the world’s least impartial broadcaster.
May not play quite so well with the majority who did not vote the W1A way.
Calling out the Unhinged Left in 2018
: The new Republican Party ad
The Republicans out there seem to get an even harder time than our Tories. Are the American Democrats being hijacked by the American equivalent of our aggressive Labour supporters?
He can stray on occasion, but I do like it when AN serves a luvvie more used to unquestioning bbc support.
To me Lucy Siegle and Robert Llewellyn seem like PR tarts for the Big Green Hedge funds
(Whose profits come from SUBSIDIES
And subsidies are not paid by unicorns
..they are paid for by the rest of us )
Lucy Siegle has worked as the Guardian eco correspondent since 2012 and simultaneously appears on the BBC
I forgot Lucy also rolls along the hallowed corridors too.
Bit awks come the freelancer Xmas bash.
Pretty sure I read about it here too, but over at ITTB a point is made I would like a bbc spokesweasel, Lord Hall or the House Flokker to explain away:
“Monkey Brains30 June 2018 at 13:03
(As seen on bBBC)….
At last! The BBC’s role in spreading gang violence via support for drill music is being exposed:
This is one of those issues that exposes the hypocrisy and cynicism of the BBC elite. They promote guns and sexism when it suits them.”
But I know they can’t, so they won’t.
And neither will Sharon Whiter Than White or whatever eunuch is poncing around the DCMS supposedly in charge either.
How times have changed!
In the past, the BBC has banned songs from the following artists; Cliff Richard, Frank Sinatra, Noël Coward, the Beatles, Ken Dodd, Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, the BBC Dance Orchestra, Tom Lehrer, Glenn Miller, and George Formby. In addition, 67 songs were banned from BBC airplay as the first Gulf War began, including ABBA’s “Waterloo”, Queen’s “Killer Queen” and the Boomtown Rats’ “I Don’t Like Mondays”.
and Steeleye Span, Toobi, if my memory serves me well.
Looks at W1A.
And W1A, if it retains a hint of shame, should look at its shoes and shuffle.
How long before this poison pixie will be back on getting serious respectful nods from Groper Marr and Bag Lady Maitis?
One from the bbc school of ‘what might have been nudged along’….
Integrity? Nada seems about right.
Retweeted by one Jeremy Bowen.
For some reason.
Hope his cameraman down there didn’t cop one.
Seems that when Prince William went to visit with Palestinian and UN officials in Ramallah, his vehicle was stoned by Palestinian children. This according to Quds News.
But Isn’t that the traditional Palestinian welcome?
We just need to be a bit more tolerant. We welcome someone by cheering they throw rocks.
We celebrate new year by cheering some of our new “New Europeans ” have a grope-athon instead.
Cultural relativism – thats all
Reminds me of ‘Riverdance’. Thinking of ‘Riverdance’ and the Irish Governments plan: ‘Project Ireland 2040’ –
I’m sure these, “Palestinian protesters” would fit in rather well in Ireland. Methinks the IRA terrorism levels need updating with new skills in killing and maiming. After all, it is 2018.
Guest Who,
Best reply to that Palestinian protesters Tweet =
“It’s not Palestine it’s actually Greater Manchester this morning.”
That looks very, er, ghey…
Tunde Ogungbesan ” Big Brother” from the Divesity Department
at the BCC has proudly announced that there are 417 transgenders employed by the BBC.
Nobody knows that in the survey conducted if anyone was
taking the piss or for that matter which hole the piss may of
been coming from , when answering the survey.
There were 8% who said they were from the BLT community
or whatever it is called. Ogungbesan said that only 2%
were lesbians and more lesbians were needed. He, or should I
say ” It” because for being politically correct I dont know
what Tunde’s personnal sexual orientation is, and the BBC
has a policy to use whatever pronoun any individual wants
to be called.
To be honest it’s good to know why the BBC takes diversity
so seriously . I for one couldn’t care less. However I just wonder
how many Conservatives work at the BBC. Do you think there are
That comes from the Mail
Only 22 comments
First time in a while they’ve pre-moderated comments
Surely it’s no surprise that the BBC breaks its own rules about reflecting its audience.
We already know they are all Metro-libs.
No surprise the BBC over-favours trans
.. Trans are top-trumps in SpecialVictimhood groups, they rank higher than mere women. So hire one and you get top Virtue Signalling points.
Worth keeping handy lest the bbc decide to ‘report’ via that unique edit suite they deploy when the narrative demands.
with the over 40 tax and the extra taxes to cover the NHS
we are looking at some massive tax rises being proposed by the so called conservatives
why dont they just save us all the bother of choosing and merge with the labour party
Kaiser, am planning to write something on Conservatives and tax but I have noted that for the last couple of weeks the BBC have been very keen to promote the belief that the Conservative Party never seek to increase taxes, notwithstanding the increase this year of the BBC Licence Fee and Council Tax beyond the 2% permitted limit, to name but two.
This is the problem with UK criminal laws seeking to promote islam and leaving the adherents of islam to decide whether a British national (or any other) has uttered, ‘Hate Speech’ Where can that end? Simply mentioning islam in passing or, as I do, refuse to type the word islam without a capital letter at the beginning?
“Singer on trial for insulting Islam — for pointing at a mosque with her left hand” – “This is the ultimate outcome of “Islamophobia” initiatives: if one determines never to insult Islam, there is virtually no end to the possible insults.”
“Ultimate outcome”? Surely not. Islamic lobbyists have come this far with their organised and unequaled efforts to persuade this liberal/left Government to create law in their favour. With a goal devoid of a goalkeeper, why stop now? Keep knocking them home I say.
BBC-trained beta male tv presenter Christian Fraser jumps the shark
“Oh so you think it was a sign of enviromental recovery [a great white shark has just been spotted in over-fished Spanish waters by a British marine biologist], I assumed it was…. climate change”
Perhaps it was Emily Thornberry gone for a dip. Where has she gone for her summer hols?
Off with Di to join Michael Moore storming the ramparts of the White House.
If only Hannibal had had them at Lama.
Seems like it was “climate change”, AS but not recent CC.
Yet again, the BBC is bleating about the admittedly poor USA policy of separating the children of illegal aliens (undocumented migrants in their eyes) from their parents, and describing it invariably as “Trump’s policy”. I have never heard the BBC mentioning that 1) President Trump was following US law, 2) that that particular law was made under Clinton’s presidency and was approved by him, 3) that separating children from their illegal parents took place under Clinton, Bush and Obama, 4) that Pres. Trump repealed the law and is keeping illegals and their children together. Whilst broadcasting the massive protests against what the BBC term ‘Trump’s policies’, it would be too much to expect they would point out that no such protests took place under Obama. The BBC – purveyor of fake news, par excellence.
Apparently the Congressional hearings with Rosenstein et al are not happending either. A scandal that dwarfs the criminality exposed during Watergate is somehow not newsworthy.Funny that. And whatever happened with the Trump/Putin collusion story? There was a time the BBC wouldn’t shut up about just tumbleweed. I wonder why.
Oh dear,
Pretty sure there is a Nigerian imam in that shot. Somewhere. All good.
BBC Online News:
“”The Nigerian imam who saved Christians from Muslim gunmen””
As always, the BBC avoid reporting on the regular massacre of Christians by Muslims across the world, but focus on one alleged act of rescue by a Muslim.
Balanced reporting??
An interesting soft interview with Andrew Marr talking with former US diplomat Madeleine Albright. She seems to be suggesting that Donald Trump is a fascist, or at the least, is leaning that way.
Of course she’s going to be all over the Beeb with lots of salivating hacks nudging her to say something outrageous against Trump. She mentioned the awful scenes from last week with children of illegal aliens being separated from their parents. It’s all easy stuff.
But did Marr do his journalistic job and remind Madeleine of what she said in 1996 regarding the US sanctions on Iraq that was estimated to have led to the deaths of half a million children? No he didn’t. And I’d have thought the deaths of all these innocents was far more fascistic than the recent separations.
Oh, for the record in 1996 Ms Albright said re the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children “We think it’s worth it.”
A right charmer, isn’t she?
I’m sure that Marr/BBC are aware that the ‘separation policy’ was employed by Obama and Clinton.
But now of course it doesn’t fit with the BBC/Left anti-Trump narrative to say so.
None-too-bright Albright suggested earlier on the Today programme that President Trump is a fascist, referring (scandalously) to Mussolini. On the slightest examination (by anyone who is not a blinkered leftist or never-Trumper) one can see that Pres. Trump is the opposite of a fascist, his overriding policy being to move power away from the state (esp. Washington bureaucracies) and return it to the people (local decisions), and aiming to ensure that everyone is free to express opinions and not only those mandated by a lefty, progressive, PC cabal. These aims are not characteristic of fascism.
He’s also faced with the challenge of ‘winding back’ all the sickness that the liberal/left has imposed over the years. Problem as I see it, is that eight years is not enough.
So the bbc is still trying to get her to provide the money quote?
And she is responding?
Clever girl.
Don’t forget Albright was a speaker at the infamous Cambridge meeting attended by Stefan Halper, Christopher Steele, Sir Richard Dearlove and Carter Page so she is implicated in the clandestine joint CIA/FBI/GCHQ/MI6 operation launched by Brennan to bring down Trump.
Things they ignore.
The ‘wrong’ sort of news.
Rise of rapes in Sunderland.
Unfortunately the Real Priti Patel account doesn’t tweet such truths
OOPS. Mea Culpa.
Thanks Stew.
(More haste – less speed).
I originally saw the story via AMW’s twitter feed
And the BBC stay silent on this?
Of course it would be terrible to have something to bring down Corbyn’s big government in waiting!
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc has reported on this:
No, of course they haven’t. Because it’s a report on ethnics as they really are and not what the far-left bbc propaganda paints them as being.
The Sunday Times (paywalled) has an article penned by Camilla Long in which she describes Donald Trump as “the world’s biggest liar”.
How sad to see a once great newspaper reduced to the level of gutter press and fake news.
OK Camilla Long does her “reality” that Trump is evil, then complains about that the NYT doesn’t confirm it
Then she moves onto the documentary, Inside the American Embassy,
and again complains they didn’t find the dirt of her “reality”
Come back later and all the comments will be against her. So far there are only3
\\ the ToL review of TV for the week chooses to focus on yet more drivel about the Trump presidency and the gilded lives of US diplomats.
Did she not watch Storyville This is Congo?
That is an example of seriously good documentary making.
A moving, truly awe inspiring vision of the desperate lives led in the DRC, a country with a population of 80 million where recent conflict has led to the deaths of over 5 million people.//
She does a bit of ‘lite’ work for the BBC on such as hignfy, iirc.
There may be a contractual obligation on par to that the EU imposes with Clegg, Adonis, etc.
In the spirit of ‘balance’:
She seems to have embraced BBC ‘editorial integrity’ and professional rigour well.
Ref her ‘piece’ on Tommy Robinson a couple of weeks ago, Camilla Long makes a ‘virtue’ out of ignorance.
The Times and ST have been drifting leftward and gutterward for years.
Soon they’ll be indistinguishable from the beeb.
The msm are morphing into an amorphous blob.
We need a Fox News and a Tucker.
Marr Show
Labour’s Dr Allin-Khan She said she still works as a Doctor – Marr says – What you work full time as a MP and you are a doctor? A sensible question…
She says – well not full time as I have a 7 day a week job as an MP – but I go into A&E as much as I can….
Now the truth…According to her GMC record she is on a postgraduate training course (how is that possible if she works 7 days a week as an MP at our expense?) and is up for revalidation – So she HAS to do some work as medic to keep the title ( A&E is the easiest place to do this).
She makes out she is some angel helping people with her skills, supporting the NHS but actually just doing bare minimum to keep medic title..
No challenge from BBC . Is it any wonder we don’t trust MPs
Also, doctors who work A&E over weekends earn ‘loads a money’.
2K is not unusual and one doctor stuffed his pants with over £11K for 2 days work.
Ah, ole 2 Jobs.
Both of of which in other realities either need vast money to cope with workload, or could result in catastrophic failure if not eased by infusion of more.
She seems to be going for both. With the assistance of Groper.
She should not even want a 7 day job as an MP. The reason so few of them are any good is that politics is the only life they know.
Sunday Politics: Sarah Smith has nothing better to do than rehash a smear campaign against Farage.
Fred Her dad would be proud . Viewing figures on that must be in the tens
Big business is bound to fund remain as its in its interests to import cheaper labour then existing in Blighty . It’s the other end of the stick with socialists wanting what they think are poor foreigners who will instinctively vote labour to get other people’s money through benefits / fraud .
I recall this point being made quite a bit during the referendum debates and notice how – in al beeb terms – they never happened . – do they ever play extracts from those debates?
Like trying to frighten the British by saying there will only be one vote on leaving and ever since trying to get another vote to get the result Brussels wants
I sometimes try to run out the potential outcomes of a second vote . I always thought the first one would be fixed by remainers .
I think the second could be fixed too – but even if there was – say – a 10% majority remain vote next time what would that say ? – particularly to long term attitudes to the political and ruling class yet alone triumphalist remainers and the ReichEU . ? And of course – al beeb ….
And as franglais said of me in an earlier post here – “ back in my “own little world “.
Met Police stop and search legitimately in answer to community requests.
This happens.
And that’s why the police are reluctant to get involved.
I don’t blame them.
But the BBC/Left will never understand that.
“”The officers were wearing body worn video. The footage has been reviewed by senior officers who are satisfied at the way the search was conducted.””
Clearly this is the ‘new’ norm for the police and this norm is acceptable?
Just noticed that when you copy the ‘copy link’ page on Facebook, you don’t get the Facebook thread with the comments. I imagine the bbc prefers it this way.
@GW To get to the Facebook comments just click the time below the word Newsbeat
– but if you click on the bottom of the graphic it takes you to the WEB story.
See how I can make a link direct to comments by changing the www into “m.”
Tvm 😉
BBC News Watch yesterday in the morning … 30jun2018 7:56am I think … the BBC talked about why anti-Brexit was covered, but the pro-Brexit was not covered and the reporter said that the BBC had the RIGHT to NOT BORE the public 😉
I will watch that thanks – and then put in a complaint…
I will as well.
Oddly the BBC have not found time to give their long-suffering viewers a few facts about the broadcaster that is the envy of the world.
No one is watching it.
The viewing figures for Saturday night have not been lower since records first began.
Jeez not even 5% of UK population watched BBC1’s expensive prime Saturday drama’s
\\ Troy, a £16 million historical epic co-produced with Netflix, drew an average audience of just 2.3 million viewers.
Hard Sun, a thriller about two detectives who discover that the earth is about to be destroyed, had an audience of 2.9 million.
Both were panned by critics, with one describing Hard Sun as “almost impressively bad”.//
Sorely missed. No doubt the bbc market reputation for delivering audiences in the scores will ensure future rates are commensurate for such a talent.
I suppose he’ll continue doing public relations for the Labour Party
Less ‘impartially’, perhaps?
I would like to see precise a definition of fake news, as the BBC are, it seems, intent upon giving the population the impression that we are as a population concerned about transgenders, gay couples, muslims and their concerns, obviously, and wimmins rights whatever they are, when you will have to travel far to hear these concerns expressed anywhere, which begs the question, who is promoting fake news ? there are many concerns in this country and they often the polar opposite of what our national brodcaster wishes to foist upon us, the political and ideological bias of this organistation shines through everything they “report”
My definition of fake news would be when the BBC pretended that Brexit had led to the indigenous white population murdering, polish people. When the truth was a pole racial abused dome black children and a 14 year old took a swing at him. The drunk pole fell to the pavement and struck his skull.
No murder, nothing to do with indigenous whites, and definitely NOTHING to do with Brexit.