As President Trump leaves the political mess of Britain we come to the week where we find out whether conservative politicians put country or party first . Al beeb will fuel the fire for their own benefit and we are here to watch and record .
Start the Week Open Thread 16th July 2018
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Yesterday evening I was a fly on the wall at an event, my role being as support for a disabled person. The event was an outdoor brass band and hymn singing sort of do.
I overheard several conversations during the post-singing beer and tea gargling session.
“France has won!”
“She’s made a right mess of things hasn’t she?”
“I don’t think it’s right for a vicar to turn up looking like that.”
“I don’t think we’ll ever get out now. We had our one chance and she’s spoilt it.”
“I shan’t bother voting next time. No point is there?”
They talk of the ‘dangers’ of us leaving the EU but what of the dangers of abolishing democracy?
We fought so hard to get the vote and free speech but they have been done away with in one generation.
We have a constitutional crisis and the politicians don’t appear to realise. If they won’t listen to the largest vote in history and honour its outcome why should we honour their statutes.
Frightening and very dangerous times.
Yes, they are just going to brazenly subvert the will of the nation and there is, in truth, no surprise with that.
They feel their control machinery of state, known and unknown, will assist them in doing it.
They might be right but history is also replete with examples where such assumptions were wrong.
Time will tell and yes, dangerous games.
The will of the people cannot be ignored. Sooner or later it will come back and bite you in the arse, if you are lucky.
Beeb Bro.
I suppose the only way now to preserve free speech is for us to exercise it at all times to whomever and wherever we happen to be, until the final solution for Big Brother will be concentration camps.
Well, there is a saying that history repeats itself.
A lady I am working with today Saadi exactly the same thing. Millions must be thinking the same thing.
I can only think the only reason for May to be doing what she is doing is that the ReuchEU has offered her a high paid liaison job with the ReichEU when we ‘leave’ ( which of course we won’t ).
Twitter has a quote from Soubry saying that we will get our ‘fair share’ of fish in our own waters . Incredible to think she has a UK passport .
Al beeb doesn’t really have to do much on the ReichEU bias as it’s job is almost done.
I wrote to my bretixer MP telling him to do something but no reply yet . He may become an ex MP if he doesn’t do something and not just talk .
Didn`t Guns and Roses have a LP called “Chinese Democracy”?
No surprises then.
But we have no Chinese Army to fear, just a bunch of Hampstead pussywillows, recovering mentalists who have the answers to global warming, but not if they`re male or female.
And we allow this?
If you`re prepared to sacrifice freedom for some peace today, you`ll not have either-and you`ll not deserve it.
Because the Chinese have only one party but a variety of policies, these mutate and evolve( witness Deng and Hu)
We only have one policy-yet a show of many parties.
All we need though is Batten, Anne Marie and others of goodwill, we need Tommy out.
If we can`t manage that, well we`re chicken aren`t we?
And we know what the Chinese will do to us chickens. The EU only provide the warm wired up baths to stun us in.
That comment by Sourdough really gets to the heart of our political elite
‘You’ll get your fair share’. They are OUR waters not everyone elses, hence the fair share is ALL of them.
That’s like living in shared accommodation, buying food for yourself and then your flatmates eating most of your digestives or your cereal and then saying ‘well you got your fair share, what are you moaning about’?
It’s my food, I paid for them and I’ll decide who can have them not be arbitrarily told that I should be grateful for getting some of them.
This woman needs a serious sit down and explain to what the fundamentals of democracy and playing by the rules are.
What on earth does she mean by “a fair share”?
‘Does Love Island have a race, age and body diversity problem?’
The BBC is beyond parody sometimes. Who would have thought young, slim people would feature in a show akin to a beauty pageant/pornography? We love looking at beautiful people and have since the dawn of time, but of course the SJWs are unhappy at this. Should we have obese pensioners on the show then? Then nobody would watch it.
Some say it makes them feel uncomfortable about their image! Maybe stop eating so much and go to the gym then. A bit of body shaming is probably what this country needs given that 10% of the NHS budget goes on treating diabetes. Or just watch something else and stop expecting everyone else to adapt to accommodate your wussiness – a terrible quality nobody should aspire to.
As for the lack of racial diversity it is probably thanks to SJWs like the writer of this article. Producers are petrified of any accusation of racism so it is probably safer to just have white people. Sexual attraction is not something you can fake as well as a political opinion; I personally do not find black women attractive. If a contestant said something like that he would be hung, drawn and quartered in a public execution on the One Show.
Bit similar to al beeb failing to show the World Cup closing ceremony. Don’t get me wrong those mass dancer jobs – like the tedious 2012 Olympics nonsense – do not ring my bell. But they showed the opening one and for the sake of fairness they should have shown the closing one – but knew that the Russians would put sexy girl dancers on and that some sad wimmin would ‘ complain’ about the sexualisation of ladies . As I live and breath .
That sounded like a pub rant but who cares and whose round is it ?
The writings of Gad Saad, the evolutionary behavioural scientist, are interesting in this regard. If I understand correctly, he notes that feminists are often ugly or unattractive, which reduces their chances of finding a mate. Therefore, they seek to de-emphasise beauty and attraction in others, as these are not characteristics they can compete on. There is other research, albeit not from such a distinguished source, that asks whether some women become feminists because they are ugly, or turn/act ugly because they have become feminist. The ‘before and after’ photographs of feminists on social media are often interesting in this regard.
From the year dot women have made themselves attractive to find a mate – natures way of procreation. Who has ever seen a picture of Eve with short hair and glasses ? no, she is always depicted with long wavy hair; and strangely Adam is never bald with a beer gut, pale legs and long shorts !
Despite all the protestations of the ‘Me Too’ movement, and the BBC, women will always wear figure hugging clothes, and wear make up to attract. I always laugh when I hear some say that they dress in that manner ‘for myself’ – rubbish, ! I dress for myself indoors so I don’t frighten the horses, and face the world hopefully looking respectable. Sadly the ship has long sailed when dressing to attract a fella was the priority, but at least I have the memories of attracting many wolf whistles !!!
Indeed women dress as it in the DNA of the species to attract the opposite sex. Men show their desirability by showing off their excellence as providers and defenders of the home.
The above requires that men of a local community bond together as a defence against marauding exterrnal enemies. This principle extends outwards to the nation.
But what we have now is a “no borders no nations” policy, that welcomes openly hostile aliens. It will lead to the death of nation s in the West, and eventually its take over by a regressive ideology that will put a stop to “no borders no nations” bunk.Women’s rights, LGBTQAI( AI – Artificial Intelligence) will all be swiped out in less then a day. BREXIT is about preventing a serious regression to the past, and not trade etc.
Jordan Peterson made the exact same point about make-up and attractiveness in a TV interview, and added the well-known technical point that lipstick is used to simulate sexual receptiveness, and got the standard Lefty-style response of “Surely you’re not suggesting ….” or “You can’t possibly mean to say….”.
The truth, these days, is becoming increasingly unpalatable in “progressive circles”.
George Orwell (is supposed to have) said: “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
It’s hard to know what the rules are — even for insiders — as this former SJW found out to his cost.
I Was the Mob Until the Mob Came For Me
RB “George Orwell (is supposed to have) said: “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ”
It was very much a motto for those living in the Communist era and under its power. Interestingly, it was that which brought down the Ceaucescu Regime in Romania.
The Romanian people were so used to being lied to by their Government that when the Government tried to be truthful and tell the people that no protestors had been harmed in initial demonstrations, they were not believed. The anti-Communist protests and revolution snowballed. The Government then related truthfully that people had been shot, and then no one cared whether it was true or not, the Government had to be removed anyway, one way or another.
The (‘unorganised’) Silent Protest that I advocated earlier on this Thread (below here) was another tactic used successfully against Communist regimes, IIRC, mostly in East Germany.
“Adam is never bald with a beer gut,pale legs and long shorts”.
So THAT’S why I can’t attract the birds. I knew I was doing something wrong. Thank you SO much for that info. and may your Bristols Bristle forever BRISSLES and have these wolf whistles on me. XXXX
PS My wife says the reason is because I look like I’ve been here since the year dot.
Aw bless yer LW ! (and yes, my life long nickname of Brissles was always mis-interpreted, like wot you’ve done 🙂 )
The feminists on average seem to have had very bad relations with men. If a man provided for you, loved you and treated you well then you would like men. If you had been left on the shelf and rejected by men you would hate them, and we all know there is no fury like a woman scorned.
I think of Jordan Peterson’s line about setting your own house in perfect order before you criticise the world. Their houses are a mess which is what drives their will to criticise.
Southwark council is the best place to conduct such research. Plenty of material on public display.
Does Love Island have a diversity problem?
I was just about to post the same. There is a diversity angle to every story with the BBC – unless, of course, it’s street crime or grooming then race no longer seems to be much of an issue.
Lead news story is Greening calling for a second referendum.
“Someone has said something that fits our agenda.”
Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
I particularly enjoyed this sentence in the BBC article:
“Ms Greening, who grew up in Rotherham, where 68% people voted to leave the EU”.
It’s purpose is emphasise that the democratic will of the people is less important that the prejudices and opinions of enlightened folk such as MPs (although Ms Greening represents leafy Putney rather than Rotherham). But is also sounds so much nicer than, say:
“Ms Greening, who grew up in Rotherham, where 1400 girls were raped by predominately Pakistani-heritage Muslim paedophile gangs, whilst the council, police, social services and local politicians turned a blind eye”
Nice one Ian!
Reading Wiki about it all makes one want to vomit, but there again, she’s only a politician, so doesn’t really count.
Dear Impartial, Free and Fair aka Biased BBC,
Wouldn’t you just love to know who the next PM of Britain will be? Here’s the answer!:
Oops, was I supposed to issue a trigger warning first? Sorry!
Insincerely yours,
Right Angle
P.S. At least, unlike probably most of you, Mr Brexit loves England:
“You don’t hear the word England as much as you should. I miss the name England. You understand that. I miss the name England. I think England is a beautiful name. And you don’t hear it very much anymore.”
In case you didn’t listen to the tape:
Right Angle. That’s probably the cleverest name I’ve seen on the internet.
Dear Grumbler,
Wow, thank you so much!!!
Best regards,
Right Angle
Senior BBC correspondent, Justin Rowlatt, took part in the anti-Trump protests and posed next to a sign saying ‘Go Home’ filmed at anti-Trump protest.

The BBC said: ‘The BBC is impartial in its coverage of political issues. Justin Rowlatt was pictured at this rally in a private capacity. He was not involved in news coverage of President Trump’s visit to the UK.’
“…impartial in its coverage of political issues.”?
The BBC controls the news the British public receives which is akin to Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
Five star evidence of bias – that so called journo is obviously after the John Humphrey’s seat on Toady when they sack him for becoming more ga ga
If ” Justin Rowlatt was pictured at this rally in a private capacity. ” as the BBC claim, why was he singled out for filming? Does that not make him a BBC plant?
Was he not the one who briefly went all eco until it became inconvenient?
Still, here is Observer luvvie Nick Cohen opening a can of worms and possibly now regretting it:
This man is probably a mate of Jon, f#ck the Tories, Snow.
This morning, 16th July2018, BBC is in full propaganda about the divine NHS.
According to the BBC, the availability of penicillin to the masses would not have occurred were it not for the NHS. And so on. I couldn’t take this anymore with my morning cereals.
Nothing about the NHS defining who can live and whose “life has to be shortened”. Or the sheer Kafkaesque horror of preventing parents from trying anything to save the life of their baby. Ashya King’s parents having to “kidnap” their son from NHS detention to save his life.
I know quite few old people who have fears of being sent to a NHS hospital as they genuinely fear they may not get out.
I prefer a system where it is in the financial interest of health providers to keep their patients alive then dead.
Ashya King was “cured” by the NHS with his original neurosurgery. His parents dramatically reduced his chances of long term survival (from about 80 to 55%) by preventing he standard radiotherapy which is used to minimise recurrence. The treatment they had insisted on has been available on the NHS for some years in appropriate patients, of whom Ashya was not one. They could easily have killed him by before bundling him into a Campervan with no respiratory supportvetc when he was not able to protect his own airway.
I am usually a lurker on this site and pleased to find likeminded souls, but I’m afraid on this point you are wrong.
Whilst parents views should be taken into account, doctors major responsibility is to their patient. Society does not allow parents to have unlimited control over their child’s life, tragically sometimes there is conflict and then an Impartial legal system intervenes.
Khaa2001Society does not allow parents to have unlimited control over their child’s life, tragically sometimes there is conflict and then an Impartial legal system intervenes.
I have to disagree with you on that point. The parents are the prime custodian of the child. When the state takes on that role, it behaves exactly like totalitarian communist states did. its not surprising then that the next step is when to terminate life of a person regardless of the wishes of the nearest ones.
And who is to decide who is going to take such decisions. A judge? Since when is a judge an impartial mind. And why is impartiality to be a criteria? The parents are the ones who love the child, and will, if necessary give up their lives to save their child. Will an impartial judge do so? Will a doctor? They have no skin in the fight.
Nobody is denying parents love their children, but there are circumstances where the state is deemed to be better able to direct care. In state funded systems like the NHS then the state also has an interest in the cost of care, as compared to the insurance companies elsewhere.
Similar cases – eg Charlie Gard – had a child who was being tortured with no realistic chance of recovery. If I had a child who was unable to be admitted to PICU for care because parents were not prepared to accept the grim prognosis, are they also justified in protesting?
Nobody is denying parents love their children, but there are circumstances where the state is deemed to be better able to direct care.
And that is the issue. The state decides that the state is the final arbiter. No different to totalitarian systems that decide when a human life is to be terminated.
No consideration for the people to whom the decision directly impacts. Is the state, the doctors, the health administrators and the judge, crying every day for the death that was administered impartially? Its not they who cry every day, and blame themselves for not being able to rescue their loved and helpless one from the clutches of an impartial authority. Does the state offer these people any solace? Far from it. The state views the parents as evil, who were intending to torture the one they loved.
In state funded systems like the NHS then the state also has an interest in the cost of care, as compared to the insurance companies elsewhere.
You put your finger on it. A state universal health provider has to “ration” health care. And it ends in admin necessities.
Nevertheless, what is diabolical is that the state went out of its way to prevent any other treatment, even when the parents were prepared to pay, and there was no cost to it, just to enforce the
principle that it was the final arbiter. Dostoyevki has much to say about this.
Toady watch
Why bother ?
Bernard Jenkins is one of the few MPs who can be listened too for a logical argument without interruption – just like JRM . But you have him interviewed by a beeboid on Toady and you can guess the outcome . Last time – memorably – it was that horror Robinson – whose cancer obviously affected his ability to shut up.
Today it was our Justin – who – like the work experience Asian girl – cannot listen to an answer and develop it.
Mr Jenkin gave a clear reason for a full British brexit without giving a 39 billion bribe to pay for the Brussels drinks bill.
Secondly – some beeboid said President Trump and Putin will cause a loss to America because one has 15 months in power and the other 15 years. What an infantile joke of an argument and an insult to those who pay their Albeeb licence tax.
Before any one jumps at me about the mention of cancer in the the above comment – if you listen to Robinson – he is just not right .
All you say must and will forever be disregarded-because I heard this too, and the BBC definitely said “EIGHTEEN”, and not fifteen as you allege.
I am now voting to stay in the EU on account of your error of the century.
And demand an EU Army to enforce all of us to attend classes so this never happens again.
That said, whether we `ll be needing fifteen or eighteen reruns of the referendum until there`s enough raping gangs in the country is not my issue. There could never be enough efforts.
The number of rapes is in the order of 30,000 t0 50,000. Assuming of just 5 men for each girl, the number of men of “Asian” men of “Pakistani heritage” is the region of 150,000 plus. This is over a 40 year period, where the authorities deliberately turned a deaf ear to the cries of young Infidel girls.
Never in all history, anytime anywhere, has there been a crime of such grotesque monumental horror. And all the culprits, politicians, social services, police, will walk. They wont even be pilloried in the MSM, as the MSM too was complicit.
With the deepest respect if you look up my hobbies in “ who’s who” you will find that in my spare time I like to spread “false news” . Which in itself may not be true – well spotted on my error . I was busy trying not to punch out the radio after the Bernard Jenkin interview – which was a great disservice in informing listeners .
For my work I have to attend various meetings where many of the others there are either local government employees or in education. There has recently been repeated whispers that there is a problem in our schools with ‘the Far Right’. Nothing more is said. But as a traditional Conservative I wonder where this Far Right lies. Is it somewhere near my views or Tommy Robinson, or further still to the right? Because of the way the BBC distorts language, I would be fearful of even admitting in those meetings that I am ‘right wing’.
Pretty sure I heard Mayor Khan describe pro Tommy demonstrators as “extreme right wing” on the Marr show yesterday
Get extreeeeeme enough as a Righty and you become a Lefty!
Except in footie where doing so, you take yourself out of play and then have to seek permission from a match official to return to the playing surface.
Were you pleased to see the England football team reach the semi-finals of the World Cup?
Do you think that when the majority of the voters in this country vote for something that the government and civil service should carry out that wish?
Do you think there might be a problem if large numbers of people are brought into this country who have the believe that one must either submit to their viewpoint or be their enemy?
If you say ‘yes’ to one of the above you are ‘right wing’.
If you say ‘yes’ to two of the above you are ‘far right wing’.
If you say ‘yes’ to all three of the above you are ‘extreme right wing’ and probably not reading this as being a day late for returning a library book you will have been arrested at 3 a.m. by twelve armed police officers, brought before a high court judge at 3.15 a.m. and locked up for 15 years by 3.30 a.m.
Yes, England did really well. Played seven, won 3, lost 3 and drew one (which was later won on penalties).
That’s mid-table form in my book!
I would argue that England came fourth (am disappointed they didn’t get the Bronze Medal or ‘podium’, as dear old Murray would say) so that is a Top Ten result. If the BBC is still around in this shape in 60, 70, 80 years time, I expect all the England team who played in Russia to receive a full BBC News mention in the event of their death.
Well, if the BBC can do it for some obscure American musician who never made the Top Ten, then they can do it for our footie players.
And by the way, did you know that it is not only the cricket season but that NONE of the England World Cup team have given birth nine months or ten months ago.
“That’s quite remarkable.”
Deb, there appears to be an ‘atmosphere’ now (that I’ve noticed), that being marginally Right Wing is akin to being in league with the devil ! Conversations I’ve had with clearly left wing voters have become heated from their side, and there seems to be a vehement passion the like of which I’ve never seen before.
It was always Conservative / Labour/ and the rest, with a passive acceptance of who voted what, but not now it seems. To believe the mantra of anything that isn’t Left Wing is like being a Christian thrown to the Gladiators.
I’m finding more and more people to be completely brainwashed, even people old enough to know better.
You can do a little experiment, in your next social situation/party etc where you don’t know many people. Just pretend to be left-wing, anti-Brexit, pro-multiculturalism. And all the other progressive guff. You’ll get a lot of nodding-heads in no time. You’ll certainly make everyone feel at home, maybe get one of those secret Common Purpose handshakes 🙂 I’m sure they must have one.
Even if some of your audience have their doubts about any specific left-wing lunacy, few will be able to voice opposition because most people find it very uncomfortable to go against the group.
Conversely, a few months back at a dinner party – the subject was airport queues and the security checks you have to pass through. I blurted out that maybe they could target people more likely blow 100s of people to bits instead of picking random little old ladies for searching.
On hearing this one woman almost burst into tears she was so angry, her voice was shaking. Luckily the subject moved on quickly after she’d given me the ‘correct way’ of interpreting the problem. You can even trigger them with the tiniest of non-PC jokes.
It’s like we’ve got a dystopian mix of 1984, Idiocracy and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Totally agree.
Yesterday I watched the WC final in an achingly PC/progressive gathering. Lots of smug appreciation for France, nothing to do with the football but because of the team’s immigrant quotient and the admiration for the ‘boys from the banlieue’ (having never set foot in such places themselves).
My repeated mentions and mispronunciations of Umtiti didn’t go down well. But I made sure I persevered extra hard. (If only Russia had made the final, I’d like to have seen how much they enjoyed my Zhirkov joke.)
From the article I linked to above:
How did I become that [self-righteous social justice crusader on social media] person? It happened because it was exhilarating. Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush.
That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation. The people giving me these stars, hearts, and thumbs-up were engaging in their own cynical game:
A fear of being targeted by the mob induces us to signal publicly that we are part of it.
A good description of how this “works”..
A good read Rick, thanks.
“The obscure, instinctive call to individual freedom that lives in every person is constantly denied by the fear of isolation…”
– Schwaller de Lubicz
I just say I`m a political atheist Deborah.
By the time they`re trying to unscramble that, I`ve gone to my next case.
Absolutely no need to ever say what “wing you are”-we`re post political, only the idiot left want you to jump into their polished boxes-that turn out to be coffins.
The Tories seek the same, but can`t enforce it-the Left can and will.
“The truth now lies at both extremes”-only wish I remembered who said that, but I liked it.
I notice that “The Far Right wing” has come into existence when the Nazis were outed as left wing. The real left wing were the communists who killed more people then the Nazis.
The BBC faithfully reports the paraglider protest which was somewhat misguided due to ignorance. The aim of every golfer is to be as far under par as possible.
This morning our beloved (and impartial) state broadcaster are taking great delight in telling us about the pilot of a light aircraft arrested for flying over Donald’s golf course. There was an exclusion zone to offer protection for the president. Blimey, after what we’ve seen with some of these hate fueled, lefty nutters you can hardly blame them.
The pilot was flying with a banner attached that had the words “Well below par”. Hmmm…
The dear old Beeb clearly want us to know all about this because I’ve heard it three times already this morning. They’re clearly sympathetic with the views of the flyer.
Whenever the Tommy Robinson case is argued and I point out that the man is being kept in solitary confinement, locked in a prison cell for 23 and a half hours a day, those intolerant liberals who think TR got what he deserved always say “Well, he broke the law.” So…
Do you think this pilot will get 13 months?
I am trying to work out why the flyer has not been named …. or whether the court will choose not to publish it ?
Who ever it is should avoid going to America because I’d guess 20 years in a federal prison is waiting .
£250 fine, Jeff, maybe £300 max. Perhaps Bound Over, as well, or whatever the Scottish equivalent is.
To be fair, he didn`t add to the carbon footprint as he flew over.
Unlike Cliff Richard and that BBC/Yorkshire Police helicopter.
Imagine all that hot flatus and bloviation by the idiot left up there got him up there on warm currents of self regard.
Maybe we should do him for upskirting. Why else would he be up there peering into private hotel grounds?
Its a pity the bastard wasn’t shot down.
I wonder if the US Secret Service or the British police were in charge of the security of the POTUS. In any case the pilot is bloody lucky.
I’m fairly certain that the US Secret Service will no longer leave the security of the POTUS to the incompetent British police.
NCBBC, BBC R4 relayed that the flying protestor was covered by American marksmen and their scopes were so good they could read the banner.
“That’s no big deal. Let the guy go. If he turns in at us, put an incendiary round in and everyone shoot for the canopy.”
In, Out or Shake-it-all-about
As I commented hereabouts on Sunday concerning the Andrew Marr interview with Labour Mayor Little-Man-Khan – the show left this viewer with the impression the BBC man was pursuing an interest in a second EU referendum.
This seemed an out of kilter editorial decision with a guest most viewers would want questioned on subjects related to President Trump protests or the captial’s soaring violent crime centred in some very particular communities.
Allowing Khan, the Labour man, to weigh in on what is at the moment an intra-Tory EU squabble was time-wasting and opened the door to party political cant from Khan.
However, it gave both Marr and Khan the opening to paint a mini project fear mark 15 as they talked of airliners grounded and food stocks running low.
The BBC are very keen to make us fear a No Deal outcome.
Now this morning the BBC pushes hard the Remainer former cabinet minister liberal-minded Tory Justine Greening’s call for a second referendum.
Apparently this would simplify the Brexit issue.
Oh, by the way, Greening (a minority of one MP) on her BBC platform calls for a three-way vote. Presumably “In, Out and Shake-it-all-about”.
It gets better. She wants voters to have two votes. So they can rank their choice of Brexit, or not, or maybe, putting their favourite first and then their second favourite second.
She reckons this will clear up the issue. I make that six different combinations or permutations.
The woman is either very confused in her own mind or this is simply another cynical move by a Remainer to hoodwink an electrate which has already made a decision she didn’t like and doesn’t want to carry out on our behalf. Backed of course by our national broadcaster.
AISI, it is a con. The idea is to divide the Out (a.k.a. OUT!) vote. You can really only have a Referendum on a binary vote. It would be possible to have a two-part Referendum with a clear separation between each part.
Q1 Do you wish to accept the final offer or reject it?
Q2 If you reject the offer do wish to try to Remain in the EU (subject to the agreement of the EU*) or Leave the EU?
Except, it probably wouldn’t be put like that with the two OUTs on one side of the ballot. I suspect even then, there might be an attempt to confuse.
* The important point that ought to have been put to Justine Greening by a truly neutral BBC presenter, Justin Webb if he was such, is the fact that the UK has technically left the EU already. Article 50 has been filed. We are now in the transition phase of leaving.
There is no guarantee that the EU, Council or Commission, let alone both, would agree to void the Article 50 Notice. They would probably tell us that the UK has to get to the back of the line, queue, whatever. “Oh, hello Barak. Didn’t see you there. You crept in quietly. Are you over here to interfere with Trump or Brexit or both or merely to watch and play some golf?”
Toady 2
Justin having chat with a young snowflake about some new television ‘comedy ‘ programme where a funny man does a false interview of someone famous. The girl editor of Toady has introduced an’arts’ bit where smug luvvies slag the normal victims off in collusion with which ever smug beeboid who has the job . I actually had no interest in what they were talking about and no desire to listen except to report it here. The off switch on al beeb today has been hit .
For Stew Green 😉
Evidence: the BBC is biased against Brexit.
First TOADY interview post 7am News with Justine Greening MP, Remainer. Final question to JG from JW “Are there others who think this in the House of Commons?” “Yes, there are.” Interview ends – in fact JG was allowed to talk freely without hesitation or interruption but with plenty of opportunity for repetition.
Second TOADY interview before 8am News with Bernard Jenkin MP, Brexiteer. BJ is continually interrupted by The Humph, doesn’t have the opportunity to finish answers and is talked over.
Postscript 1: 8am and 8.30am News & News Bulletin carry Justine Greening’s call for a Second EU Referendum.
Postscript 2: Bernard Jenkin, like Owen Paterson, spoke very well on Brexit, for Brexit and on behalf of Brexiteers. Thank you to both gentlemen.
Al beeb is reporting that speed limits in motorway roadworks are going to be raised when no one is working on them . This is another assault on British culture .
The ceremony of driving through miles of roadworks where nothing is going on and moaning about it is one of our most precious human rights and the bit where the roadworks finally end and you accelerate away into the speed camera positioned to capitalise on you frustration is a great British tradition .
Fed, speed limits or transport taxes are often brought up by governments, especially Conservative ones – although Labour have also done it – apparently to divert attention.
I wonder why?
The government floated the ‘increase in fuel duty’ story a little while ago to judge reaction so I guess it’s coming – this story is , I suppose , a carrot to show how understanding they are – echo of cones hotline .
‘Science’, according to the bbc.
(Nifty lab coat).
WTF is all I can say…..
she appears to be looking at a piece of her own genitals as far as I can see
At first glance she has long dark hair – then I looked again.
It’s a protective visor, surely?
Wasn’t Tim Hunt forced to resign, and I believe ended up emigrating the country, because he said that women scientists can sometimes cry when you criticise them.
What in gods name then is the Beeb saying here…I’m outraged!
Webb on R4 in interview with an Israeli. Justin ignores all the good points made by the Israeli, which would have been a useful basis for discussion. He gets in what HE wanted to say, no discussion at all: Israel attacks children. Point made, Justin says goodbye; hardly any discussion at all of many valid points made by the guest, which are never debated. What a surprise.
Our unbiased broadcaster excels, again.
Would you believe there is now a station in London called ‘Gareth’ -in honour of Southgate- for 24 hours?
I don’t think there will ever be a place called ‘sterling corner’ though ….
I should have thought that Southgate’s obsession with that quite useless young man, would be sufficient reason not to do this station gimmick. The waistcoat doesn’t impress me. We wonder why England did so poorly?
One reason of several: Gareth stuck with Sterling, a graceless striker unable to score, good at flinging and falling, rushing about waving his arms and pulling outraged faces; if that’s Southgate picking a winning team… (A lot of self-deception going on; Sweden are really the only serious team we managed to beat, and even the useless Germans -following the merkel diktum of letting everyone in- were able to do that.)
9am BBC News Bulletin is interesting.
Greening’s Call is included, a statement from an equivocating MP (sorry missed the name – too busy wittering on here) is also included but no mention, unless I missed it, of the Brexiteer Bernard Jenkin’s view.
The BBC are really and truly devious.
The bbc at its impartial best.
Wheel on Tom. Get the sound bite. Make it the headline.
It’s like JRM has them rattled. Not sure the BBC/Watson/play the man route really works beyond the Paul Mason red plaque in the W1A gents.
Maybe they are scared as The Mogg might soon be PM or is that just wishful thinking?
I think it is about time the people who voted for Brexit made their voices loud…we do need a march and anyone who voted has to go…I think only some body like Farage possibly JRM can motivate this to happen..We need to do something.
I haven’t read the white paper yet but if David Davis says its crap then it probably is..who would you rather have negotiating for you – and ex SAS officer or Teresa May? hmmmm
Rather than a march, JA, with all the possibility of counter marches, potential for disruption and police involvement and the skewing of the News narrative, I favour something very different.
Spontaneous gatherings of Brexiteers, gathering unannounced in public spaces (those spaces not covered by any legal restrictions), all just standing completely silently, heads bowed, for some minutes before dispersing equally silently. Not even a whisper.
No banners, no placards, no leaflets, no litter, no trouble and no noise but perhaps significant clothing (Union Flag T-shirts? Hats? ‘Total Brexit, please’ T-shirts) being worn.
I reckon that if that happened often enough and was taken up by increasing numbers, ‘the authorities’ would start to get a bit spooked and wonder if trying to dilute Brexit to the point of worthlessness was maybe not such a good idea after all.
im pretty sure that they would find someway of pronouncing that illegal and send in the fully geared up riot plod
Indeed, Kaiser, but what would they do in the age of mobile phones, instant video and the instant Internet.
Start a ruck? The claims for legal compensation would become a tsunami.
Kettle people in? Think that has been declared illegal in Court.
Try to charge the people for holding an unauthorised march? The Court testimony would be wonderful to hear. Accused after accused stating “I came from over there and was on my way there when I stopped for a breather/to think about what I was going to do/to meditate/to check my route/to pray.” then the next one states the same but indicates a different direction entirely and so on through all the defendents. IIRC, you cannot charge someone for ‘going about their lawful business’, especially, if done in a quiet and peaceful manner. That last bit is the reason for not having a march with banners and placards and chants and noise and litter unless it is authorised and a route agreed in advance with the police.
Charge people for obstruction? What obstruction? There would be none.
Charge people for threatening behaviour? What threatening behaviour? Being silent? Standing still? Nope. Can’t see either of those getting a person into Court.
Nice idea but doomed by the MSM who will definitely not show it or even mention it.
Demon, they would not need to. The authorities are the ones to spook. The MSM have no conscience to prick. They need no votes to get to where they are. That is one reason why they fear the Democratic Forest of the Internet.
Government needs a moral authority from the people. Lose it and you are back in June 1625.
I agree Up2 marches can be divisive but I really cant think of anything else to make the Government (loose term currently) take notice.
Maybe a campaign that every Brexiteer sends a letter to Number 10..
I am sure there are people on this site with more and better ideas but I am up for one that works and can get some traction in the media
All drive our cars to somewhere .
Or gridlock Treasona on her way out to a foreign meeting .
JA, handwritten letters do make Ministers (more importantly the Civil Servants and researchers and aides who act as firewalls before the Minister or Sec. of State sees them) pay attention.
E-mails can be dismissed if you are not a constituent of the MP or Peer concerned. Computer printed, photo-copied or Xerox’d letters also tend to be treated as a bulk mail campaign and the influence they represent are discounted substantially downward, sometimes on a scale of 400 or 500 down to against 1 of the handwritten type.
Avoid coloured ink other than blue/blue-black/black, too, as that is associated with weirdos and frequent complainers.
Keep the letter short and polite with no insults, no rude words. Include some praise, if possible, or express an interest in and sympathy for the difficult task(s) facing the recipient. One way of starting is in response to a Press Conference or TV/Radio interview: “I listened to you this morning on BBC R4 TODAY and …. “.
Hinting that you would be interested to hear an opposing view 1. lines up a reply rather than a mere acknowledgement, and, 2. makes the recipient and their aides think a bit. Don’t be too disappointed if you merely receive a standard reply with a leaflet and an invitation to join the Party.
£17.4 million people should;
A) Refuse to pay tv licence
B) Refuse to pay council tax
C) Refuse to pay any tax.
As I wrote to my MP a few minutes ago, remember the phrase “no taxation without representation?” What happened next?
I was going to post something else about TOADY today but I have completely forgotten what it was. A wonderful summer is obviously getting to me. Is it time for an ice cream yet?
I did note that Soapey was allowed space for a rant on TOADY about Trump. I may have to subject myself to a dose Radio iPlayer to refresh my memory. While eating ice cream, of course. Radio iPlayer can be like radiation, dangerous if too much or of the wrong type.
What’s wonderful about this summer? It’s currently stifling. We have all the windows open & fans going in work but it’s still unbearable. Hot weather is a curse. I see the West side of Britain is currently getting loads of lovely rain.
Please send some here. I loathe hot weather almost as much as I loathe the BBC
At least you didn’t do a duplicate post – duplicate post .,. Enjoy
Yes, don’t know what happened to my post last night that duplicated. Do you have deletion powers, Fed?
My PC started to hang. I suspect: 1. ageing PC, not enough RAM, and 2. EU legislation on cookies, grrrrrrr!, with too much tat being ascribed to pages viewed, etc. etc., – and having cleared things a bit, my post in draft was still there in the box on the page so I hit ‘Post Comment’ again. That might be the reason for the duplication.
Gotta go. Things to do. People to see. Cheers!
Up – yes i can delete stuff but would only do it if there is an outcry and it goes beyond and above to cause offence. I’d also say if I’d done it but I won’t delete repeats repeats ( sometimes my humour is far too dry ).
It seems the theme for today in the news is traducing people’s reputations.
1. LBC try to taint Steve Bannon because he swore at the LBC biased political editor after the on air interview. Nick Ferrari had their biased political editor on his show whining about Steve Bannon, as though he’s never been sworn at before.
2. That Charlatan in chief, Elon Musk, has traduced the good name of one of the divers who rescued the Thai boys by accusing him of being a paedophile. Apparently in a fit of pique because they didn’t use Mr Musk’s ridiculous tube suggestion.
Elon Musk’s top tactic for getting people to stop labelling you “billionaire”
… label self as : Musk the guy who shouts “PEDO guy” at people who disagrees with him
Especially if the guy is the lead rescue hero in the Thai boys case *
Cos all WHITE people who live in Thailand must be “sus”pected of being paedophiles (according to Musk)
Musk added “Bet ya a signed dollar it’s true.”
Thai based blog reproduces deleted tweets
* BBC defined his role
An Oz news tweet video contains all the main parts
When the Tories next get their new PM then Corbyn will be finished for once and all. Give it time and he would be begging all the Tories to not get rid of May. She is his useful idiot just like he is one to the Tories.
Corbyn does seem a bit small compared to Trump though. I wonder what the Americans would think of him?
Links to previous thread 24 hours ago .. Page 3 began lunchtime Sunday
At the excuse to talk ” second Brexit referendum” BBC5Live leaps in
..why they call it ” second EU referendum” ?
Greenings 3 option idea is a non-runner from the start
..see how it splits the Brexiteer vote into 2
Rather surprised just how badly things are going for the BBC’s blatant attempt at creating a movement here.
At least, so far.
May change when the mob wakes up later. Last week must have exhausted them.
Is there a F-Off option on Radio 5 Live?
You’re right StewGreen, a clear and blatant attempt to split the Leave vote so that Remain can claim a victory.
They don’t even try to mask their blatant vote rigging games do they. Are we in Zimbabwe or something?
Switch-on-Bingo win
…. Channel5 TV had Yasmin Alibhai Brown shouting about Mo Farah
Then the other guest said “not one injury in the rescue of theThai boys”
…The poor Thai navy diver died on day 2, you plonker
10 hours ago YAB was on the BBC with ANOTHER LEFTY ! so much for impartial BBC
Ali Baba Brownstuff is enough to make anyone racist.
Trump sometimes displays his unfortunate political aberration of stating the obvious. In this instance, that if the UK stays totally aligned with the EU rulebook on trade in goods and agriculture, then a US trade deal is dead. As we had already been told the same thing by Canada and Australia-(and it is fairly obvious !), this should not have come as a great surprise, but of course it caused a wee bit of trouble with Madam May who has continued to lie through her teeth on this, having got “the Duck “to backtrack, or rather backquack during his visit.
It’s all brewing up nicely within the Tory party, with the possibility of significant numbers of Brexit MPs rebelling with White Paper torpedo amendments this evening. Meanwhile there are the inevitable cross party Remainer calls for a 2nd referendum. May is so tone deaf (her only Thatcherite quality) she fails to hear the waves crashing on the cliffs, while Boris bangs on today in the Torygraph about ‘Global Britain’ seemingly oblivious of Trump’s very clear warning that the so-called “Special Relationship” is pretty irrelevant as far as he is concerned, and most certainly stuffed if we stay joined at the hip to the EU. (Treezer stills seems to think our slightly shifty 2 % of GDP is sufficient for NATO when Donald has already made it painfully clear that he expects much more, and an extra 500 squaddies for Afghanistan is not going to solve that).
Can May last until Christmas ? She can probably survive any Brexit back-bench revolt in the short term as they don’t have the numbers, but I am convinced that Barnier and Co will deliver the coup de grace (intentionally or otherwise), once they start to unpick her “Third Way”. The Tory Remainers are counting on their “core” vote holding up because of fears about a Corbyn government (which with its comedy club shadow Front Bench has a pretty limited use-buy date), but the days of ‘core” votes have long gone, and I would say Corbyn stands a pretty good chance of wiping his feet on the No10 doormat. Just how many Tory Brexiteers would actually vote Labour in a protest vote is impossible to guess, but it seems the zombie UKIP is now up and kicking again with Farage saying he will stand for Party Leader in their election due next March. If Farage does put the gloves back on, UKIP will split off enough votes to sink the Tories good and proper. When you piss-off 17.4 million voters you are asking for it.
Just as an aside while, the SNP et al were shouting at El Trumpo on his golf course they seem to have missed the following news item :
“Danish retail billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen has acquired 11 Scottish estates in recent years and is now Scotland’s largest landowner. All in all, Povlsen’s Caledonian holdings amount to 88,000 hectares.”
An Angle/Jutish invasion of Scotland – Nicola should be pleased-
Sharia May has single handedly re-invigorated UKIP
those who saw UKIP as a one issue party are returning to it now they realise no other party is actually going to do BREXIT
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Woman’s Hour any agendas today ?
Move along nothing to see
The rest of the weeks guest presenters appear to be secret, except for Katie Price
I’ll bet the blacks and others currently murdering one another in Londonistan will sure listen to her…………..
just heard her, she wants everyone out in the leafy suburbs to take notice and feel for these children.
we do do love , we do, but we also notice you skirting around and avoiding the FACT it is black people stabbing everyone and no one wants to mention it, or take responsibility
Woman’s Hour. A vehicle for non-stop propaganda. Even its title indicates the overt DISCRIMINATION. Can you imagine, for one second, a MEN’S hour? Nope. Neither can I. THIS is INEQUALITY writ large.
The case for women is currently being made on virtually every other R4 program, whether about culture or science.
There is no need for a separate program for women, especially not one run by the likes of Garvey, who is purely interested in using it for propaganda.
Woman’s Hour was created back in the days after the War when it was rare for women to go out to work. Their job was to stay at home and manage the house and kids. TV ownership was in its infancy, so radio was the only form of entertainment and information. In those days the programme dealt with ‘respectable’ women’s issues like the best way to clean an oven, or remedies for child ailments. Clearly dated now, but it was of its time.
Of course its evolved, but I doubt if there is an audience for it now – most retired ladies are busy looking after the grandkids or picking them up from school, and generally being more active. Certainly young stay at home mums won’t be listening to R4 and everyone else will be at work, or watching Father Brown in the afternoons !!
I do understand this background entirely, Brissels. It once made sense to have such a program. But that was when the world was rather different from the one today.
Since the beeb et al are constantly moaning about inequality, to have such an exclusive program today seems a complete contradiction of what they claim to believe in. We both know that it is now used for a quite different agenda than when it started off.
Isn`t she Bercows Bible Blesser?
Used to do Wogans Thought For the Day, no wonder she`s gone so far.
Less hair than Desmond Tutu, and another double barrelled name. Who else to speak for the decaying church in Parliament?
Just examining the Twitter feed it would be more accurately described as ‘Black Woman’s Hour’.
Despite what anyone thinks of Paul Golding (Britain First), our Stasi are apparently harassing and intimidating him AFTER he’s done his time. I confess I never got a response from Britain First to my request for a transcript/video of the original claimed offence in N Ireland so cannot comment on the original matter as to whether the prosecution was warranted. But now, it would appear, as Paul Golding states in the video, he has no conditions or licence restrictions on his release that he has to comply with and he can therefore do as he wants. However, in the covering email it states: “………Paul is accused of breaching his ‘Post Sentence Supervision’ but he has observed the rules scrupulously.” No rules or conditions? Which is it?
See for yourself.
Human Rights law, is predicated upon the ‘get-out’ card implanted which provides that, in effect, your Human Rights are all well and good except for “…..subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order……”. (Art. 9). And mainly similar in Art.10 but additionally, “….such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security…”. So, you make the law up as you go along as Treezer et al had done and the State is protected.
Seems you can embed a facebook video just by posting the URL
which you get by rightclicking over the posting time on the facebook page
see comments
May God forgive the police, the probation service and the whole judicial system for what they are doing to Paul Golding, Jayda Fransen and all the other normal patriotic Englishmen and women across our country who are being persecuted.
Evil walks the streets in our land and it’s clothed in the uniforms of the state apparatus.
this is what really happens if you oppose Islam, britain first maybe a bit out there, to say the least but this has echoes of how tommy robinson is treated.
Question is, when will the police/establishment feel they have enough power to go after the likes of douglas murray someone who cant simply be painted as the football hooligan nazi type.
Question is, when will they feel they can come after biasedbbc members?
When the muslim Council of Britain tell them to.
(Is it me or does their logo look like it’s devouring the B for Britain?)
Go to their website and you will see the Union Jack… but in brown! Code for their intention to convert / conquer Britain?
“(Is it me or does their logo look like it’s devouring the B for Britain?)”
Reminds me of a character in an old arcade game only that was yellow and it used to chase characters in burkas..was it Paciman?
This is truly appalling and needs wider publicity.
Why does it take three police officers to arrest someone for allegedly breaching terms of post-sentence supervision? And what exactly has that got to do with counter-terrorism?
The finger must point at Home Secretary Javid Savjid peace be upon him. God help this country should he replace May. His kind will have complete control over the police and the law.
Update from Paul Golding (11 mins video)
Paul went voluntarily to Bromley Magistrates Court supervised by two counter-terrorism officers – he wasn’t arrested. At the court the National Probation Servce tried to have him imprisoned for 14 days for breaching his probation by not telling them he was planning to go to NI (he did tell them and he was entitled to travel there – but in the end he didn’t actually go). Paul presented all his evidence and the Magistrate rightly threw the ‘case’ out. Incompetence or a politically motivated act by the ‘powers that be’? Paul intends to sue the NPS – good luck with that Paul!
This is the second time recently that May has tried to lose a vote by offering a rubbish option (or manifesto)
In her GE manifesto she could not have offered a worse set of options, fox hunting ffs.
Now this extreme soft (non) Brexit fudge which has united just about everybody, leavers and remainers, in seeing how crap it is.
She failed to lose the GE and now is trying to fail at Brexit where she will somehow deny the democratic will of the population.
52%-48% too close?
2-1 to Croatia v England was also too close.
Keep replaying it until we win.
EG, 4-2 is too close, too. Did one of them hit a post or crossbar yesterday, at all, before going in?
Where were YOU the day that Justine Greening took the news world by storm as she called for a second referendum?
One thing about Trump-when he`s here, they`re obsessed and loopy.
Now he`s gone they really think that what a Greening, Gummer, Miller, Patten, Dorrell says somehow matters to us.
Poor sods-like the Don Revie era when ANYBODY got an England cap-so today, you`ll be hard pressed to find anybody that the BBC interviews who has not been a shadow this, or a here today, gone tomorrow “lesbian on expenses” that,
When will Amber Rudd climb Mt Olympus to tell us what SHE thinks? Will the BBC let us know?
The fair and impartial BBC have always been anything but fair and impartial but “Lily Allen a master of social media?”
Donald Trump is a master of social media but they seem to have a different opinion.
Lily Allen? “MASTER”?
Hate crime-get onto W.H and bring them down-this is sexist!
They must explain this-her dad was a master, he being the very embodiment of a bit of rough that Fry and the BBC crave in his tighty whities.
The BBC assigning an embedded Lily squad with her and her PR team for every sniff and sniff suggests master baiting here.
DE: “Greek crisis veteran Varoufakis warns Barnier’s job is to make sure Brexit talks FAIL”
It was obvious from the start that the EUSSR would do all in its power to sabotage Brexit. Added to which a majority of MPs and Lords feel likewise, as well as May, much of the msm, and of course the bbc.
No wonder Brexit’s in such a mess.
Dead right Vlad.
Yanis predicted all this in a fine article, published during and after the Referendum vote, where he describes Merkel, Macron and Selmayr etc as they screwed Greece over for the benefit of Germany and their EU allies.
And yet he STILL said we should vote to Remain-and I have never had any clear answer why(given that had happened to him and the Greeks) he persists in his madness. You can`t hold remaining with the destruction of your own country can you?
Yanis can-as can all his cool elite in power worldwide.
I well remember too that Barnier was appointed by Juncker as his first response to our vote. Who knows haw and why-but i`m not waiting for fifty year old papers to confirm that they`re paid to let Islam give us what`s left of their oil and gas if we give them our daughters and helots for slavery.
I`ll start there, until I get told otherwise. Suggest you all do the same too.
Another Brexiteer resigns the drip drip way an actual tactic ?
\\ Scott Mann @scottmann4NC
It is with a great deal of sadness that I have tendered my resignation as a Parliamentary Private Secretary at the Treasury. //
Paraphrase : ‘The people of Cornwall voted to have control, and I will vote in accordance with their wishes’
Tweet has letter
“Another Brexiteer resigns the drip drip way an actual tactic ?”
It means that the BBC can’t bury the story that there are Tories who oppose May’s capitulation. Every time there’s a resignation they have to report it – although as briefly as possible.
Website homepage with its finger on the pulse of the nation once again.
ok that made me lol. If there was a cynicism award, really… 😀
Not a sport fan or too clued up on details, but that reads oddly to the point of bizarre.
Don’t doubles involve two people?
Or even four?
Migration figures: EU migration to UK lowest since 2013, ONS says
I notice the BBC decide to use a London photo which has about 99% white people in it as if to say there is hardly any dark skinned people in the UK because of Brexit.
Any other article they cannot resist showing us diversity but not in this article.
Net migration figure just released.
Even if it was 0 it would mean about 300,000 more benefit claimers arriving and losing very many cash rich, self sufficient proper English citizens.
Just think,
If somehow UKIP had won a GE back in the ‘90’s, we would probably have a population about 5-8 million less, we would be out of the eu and all the costs and evil associated with it would have gone, no queues for hospital appointments, plenty of housing for everyone, cheaper as well, the list is almost endless yet here we are, stuck with the left parties, liblabcon, and they have ruined just about everything they have been involved with.
Tommy would not be in prison as the police would not have been politicised to the far left. Political correctness would have been binned. Schools and universities would be starting to lose the far left bias and teach real history instead of far left propaganda, the bbc would have been cleansed of the far left and would dramatically change to become an impartial broadcaster, so many wonderful things we on here could fill pages, books even, with.
Yet, look where we are. Things like soubry are calling themselves Tory (instead of a sort of liberal communist)
‘Net’ migrations are a big part of the big lie. Immigration = 600,000 people, plus the undocumented. Emmigration = around 300,000.
Who emmigrates? Anyone on the dole? Nope. Anyone on a really low paying job? Nope. Pensioners, who continue to claim their pension but spend it elsewhere? Yep. Top high-flyers, educated by British school systems and universities, going to a high-paid job elsewhere, to earn and pay tax? Yep again. So we gain 600,000 people, some good for the economy, but many not – but the ones who leave are all a loss to the economy.
Worst of all worlds.
“Who emmigrates? Anyone on the dole? Nope. Anyone on a really low paying job? Nope. Pensioners, who continue to claim their pension but spend it elsewhere?”
Simples. Those who have dual passports: Nigerians, Pakistanis etc. I’d not call it ’emigration’ rather a ‘hop out and hop back’, whenever you please but, with a dual passport, you will probably be accounted for on the way out but won’t be accounted for on the way in – again – whenever you like. All, “good” for the numbers.
I remember him!
The prototype provided of the “dead bird in a box” that was supposed to “seal the deal” on our staying in the EU.
Pathetic Tory supplicant No1.
And we got May by way of “Tory Party improvement”.
Will we ver get the story on how Leadsom was tricked out of the contest by that Times Remainer Rachel Sylvester?
The Tories are finished, only hope Jacob, Boris and David are men enough to crawl out of the wreakage and give us the Brexit Party.
The dead bird in a box smells very much like Tories.
God almighty ! the news channels are giving a minute by minute account of Trump’s itinerary in Russia. The only thing they’re leaving out is when he produces a f…t and his bathroom breaks !
Roger Bolton was telling us in Feedback that they were one of the mechanisms for ‘holding the BBC to account’. The only problem, as often is the case, no-one from the BBC could be bothered to be held to account.
Why they are so reluctant I don’t understand as Roger’s ‘inquisitions’ are usually along the lines of ‘why aren’t you persuing our agenda enough?’ rather than ‘why the agenda?’.
Most listeners to music surely are more interested in quality rather than genitalia but the BBC’s ‘Mr Proms’ (shouldn’t he be a woman too?) is concerned that no archive shall remain unresearched to find any woman composer of the past and, regardless of quality, all you girls out there are guaranteed 50% plus of the slots in the future.
Ditto with woman presenters. Ability, pleasant speaking voice, all of no account, we must get those ‘quota queens’ in place, Bolton thinks so and so does the BBC, so that’s nice!
I did enjoy one bit of the programme, a listener called The Infinite Monkey Cage ‘smug’. Concise, precise and bang-on.
So-called, “The White Paper” CMD 9417.
Back dated to 2017.
Click to access The_United_Kingdoms_exit_from_and_partnership_with_the_EU_Web.pdf
Skipping through, I would simply observe that if you were a Remainer such as Treezer et al and or the BBC and its acolytes, the Plan (because that’s what it is) will be a wet dream. Put simply, ‘F**k all you that voted to leave’.
Personally, I have some sympathy with the claim that, “the people didn’t know what they voted for”. Turns out they voted for confusion. I view the claim positively certainly not negatively (the people are too thick line of reasoning). The people assumed they would get a clean ‘out’. I certainly did but I had my doubts about the wording at the time. The voters were never definitively given the option whether to vote for a clean break, no connections (or Hard Brexit). I have and do again, blame Cameron and the devious Parliamentary Counsel under, no doubt instruction, who drafted the £9 million booklet and the legislation that went with it. It is OK in retrospect to claim the people didn’t really know what they voted for – the failing in Government (as still now) is to understand that the people want a hard Brexit and, as Boris so delicately put it, “F**k business”.
People wanted to leave the EU. It’s that simple. Those who voted accordingly are not concerned with government keeping this part or that connected to the EU. That would mean only partially leaving.
And you cannot partially leave any more than you can be a little bit pregnant. You either are, or you aren’t.
You’ve either left, or you haven’t. What is happening now is what you get when try to avoid that clear distinction. We can’t be a little bit in and a little bit out of the EU.
I know you were for Leave so this isn’t an attack at you but rather all those who endlessly bang the drum that we didn’t know what we voted for – it doesn’t matter. We voted with our hearts and not our minds. We made an emotional decision based on what we felt, not that which was provable.
We didn’t need to analyse the facts of how we benefitted from the EU (not that we could trust them) but rather how we FELT about what was happening to this country and we made a decision. A decision that we were asked to make by the very people attempting to now thwart that decision.
When you choose to have a child you can’t calculate the exact financial cost, you can’t be certain of the impact on your finances or your time or how it will change you. You know you want it, you give it some thought but ultimately you make the leap because it FEELS right.
Likewise when you choose to divorce someone, you can’t know how that is going to play out financially. You don’t know if you’re going to be broke and living in a one bed apartment eating beans out of tin or living large on a fat settlement. But ultimately once again, you make the leaps because it FEELS right.
In this endlessly regulated and litigious world, the remainers endlessly harp on about ‘not knowing’, but not everything can be mapped out for people. You can’t provide a 25 point bulleted list for the most stupid amongst us to figure out.
Sometimes in life you can’t have someone always holding your hand, sometime you can’t have someone always showing you the way and indemnifying you against any form of risk or blame – that’s life and that is why the referendum was only open to adults who you hope would understand the responsibility of their decision.
And even if they didn’t, it isn’t up to us to tell them how to reach their decision. When you give people the power of the vote, you also have to give them the responsibility to make a choice in whatever way they choose – whether flipping a coin, going on what granny said or voting from their heart.
Have to disagree a smidge. Ever since Maastricht I’ve told people sovereignty was my ONLY interest, mine, Parliament’s and the UK’s. 1689 Bill of Rights Supremacy clause pretty emphatic.
The reason I disagree is that although I feel passionately about this (there’s my heart talking) I also knew, and told whoever would listen, there would be costs and that it would take 5-10 years to disentangle ourselves. My finishing line is always: I’d rather be poor and free than rich and a slave. However, I’ve always been positive this great nation would prosper outside the EU. I may be wrong, but I’d be happy being free and poor.
I’ve known exactly what I wanted and why and the potential consequences since 1993.
Maybe not all who voted can say that and maybe generally you maybe right.
Oh I agree that there would be costs involved. Just like we know that there would be costs with having a child or with getting divorced.
My point was that the exact detail and minutaie (sp) wasn’t important. My mind didn’t need to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and know the exact costed future, because my heart knew it was the right thing to do.
Our thoughts are as one
Now … and then ….
Remember when words were important … when we became enlightened because they could turn into actions …. this photo gives me hope ….
“At the @O2 in London today with @SamHarrisOrg @jordanbpeterson & @DouglasKMurray . History will be made. Tickets : ”
R4 First World war drama now, today’s episode has two male soldiers kissing each other ..long item
Has the EU obsessed BBC had anything to sat about the immigrant riots in Paris yet?
Just “vandals”, Lucy, letting off a bit of steam.
Import the third world, become the third world and Macron wants more of the primatives!
I mean, anything to SAY
It’s been going on for weeks –
News compliments of the BBC?…………………..
Just imagine how much worse it would be if the African French team had lost the football!
A question that should be put, simply, to every Alistair, Andrew, Anna, Ken, Owen, Polly and Harry by BBC interviewers.
But won’t be.
Oh Dan , a great guy who made some excellent points about the need for us to Leave the EU and then on the day of victory, when he could have been a player in the new Brexit order, cacked his whaff and start back peddling about staying in the Customs Union.
From having so much to say about a brave new UK outside of the EU, he rendered himself irrelevant and not wanted by either side of the argument.
His performances in debates and his ability to keep calm and answer questions with elan was a sight to behold but he simply blew it (unless of course he didn’t actually want it).
Just joined this site as I can no longer sit back and watch the deterioration in journalistic standards set by the BBC. As a former journalist and editor on newspapers that tried to be fair and balanced, I am astounded at the blatant disregard for fairness in most BBC reporting. Today we have the news agenda set by the reported comments of a former minister who always backed Remain. Is this really the main news of the day? Who really cares? Worth a filler, as we would have said on the news desk back in the day!
welcome Ed im sure you will find being here very cathartic
Welcome Ed
‘Some might say’ that this site achieves nothing and is just a talking shop. But I say , apart from protesting by not paying their TV tax this site is a testament to al beeb and it’s total bias . Fair comment is one thing but when the state broadcaster becomes a self appointed driver of the kind of country it wants that’s a different thing.
It’s been going on for so long Ed … so long …
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
Regarding your paragraph on BBC social engineering. If my maths are correct that leaves just 19% that may or may not be comprised of fit, white, British, heterosexual males.
Sounds like a declaration of war to me.
Welcome. It will be interesting to read the comments from a former media insider. I could learn a lot.
Welcome Ed, no doubt your inside expertise will be a valuable contribution to this blog.