As President Trump leaves the political mess of Britain we come to the week where we find out whether conservative politicians put country or party first . Al beeb will fuel the fire for their own benefit and we are here to watch and record .
Start the Week Open Thread 16th July 2018
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Busted, the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation
“Busted ! ” shouts our well-upholstered BBC anchor Simon McCoy on the News Channel at 2pm. If the BBC were tabloid, eh? This was a rather obviously unbalanced and somewhat juvenial expression of BBC anti-Brexit office culture that slipped into McCoy’s headlining of the rap over the knuckles meted out by the establishment Electoral Commission to what must seem in their eyes the annoying errant snot-nosed kid that was the Leave Campaign. Expect no such investigations into the slimy whiny goody-two-shoes teacher’s pet establishment-backed Remain Campaign.
You just have laugh at the bias these days and admire the brass-neck of the pro-EU BBC. The editorial language is risible. On the EU Japan trade deal our Simon insists there will be “almost completely no tariffs” Inappropriate adverb use, anyone? To borrow a favourite BBC phrase – many would say…. “almost completely” is an oxymoron. Oxbridge BBC journos, eh? You have to laugh! Of course we know perfectly well why the BBC are so keen to big up this EU Japan deal.
McCoy is now keen to bring us a Remainer Tory live on air from Westminster so the jovial chap continues to shoot the breeze with the gurning giggling Chris Mason for so much airtime that the guilty school boy-like Mason at last admits “We’re waffling”. Eventually the tardy and obscure anti-Brexit liberal-Tory MP arrives to say his piece and complete the BBC’s idea of a job well done. Balanced? Hardly. Brussels Broadcasting Corporation. Busted.
I really hope no one here heard the World at one – with the head girl now sitting on the throne .
The first 22 minutes was the leave campaign allegedly spending 700k more than it was meant to – at least 5 minutes of chooka the moona s speach to the Commons calling for a public inquiry over the brexiteers campaign and saying that the money caused brexit .
This was followed with a queer Asian grass who , no doubt in the pay of Soros , infiltrated the leave campaign and is now full time undermining it . He sounded unhinged .
After the brexit kicking came 5 minutes of anti President Trump poison . Then came the off switch . I’ve never heard TWATO before and that was the last time hopefully .
2 years of brexit denial ….
When a news article paraphrases a statement and also provides the direct quote and the two don’t agree, you have to wonder what they are up to. I don’t want to break it down there’s too much but its all there on that page however e.g.:
BBC – “Mr Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies, saying Russia had no reason to meddle”
Trump – “President Putin says it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason why it would be,”
It’s not the same. The intelligence agencies say Russia did it. Trump doesn’t disagree.
BBC – “Mr Trump later backtracked, tweeting that he had “great confidence in my intelligence people””
Trump – “As I said today and many times before, “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.””
There is no “backtrack”, his position is the same, its in the tweet ffs “As I said today and many times before”
BBC – “Mr Trump also blamed poor relations with Russia on past US administrations RATHER than Russian actions.”
From memory of the video yesterday, Trump blamed everyone, including Russia, for poor relations not just past US administrations.
I think the phrase “MY intelligence people” is a very precise use of words. His, not the USA’s. The official agencies have after all spent his entire presidency accusing him of collusion and so far found nothing but innuendo. He’ll have his own team, one he feels he can trust.
BBC news homepage:
1. Vote EU broke spending law. (Brexit baaaad.)
2. Trump ‘under fire’ for Putin summit. (Trump baaaad.)
3. A story about a disabled woman and a transgender individual doing something. (‘Minorities’ goooood.)
Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
R4 Drama now
Will it be about London black people or London Muslim people ?
Oh it’s about ethnic Chinese people …in London
OK fine Chinese are not over represented on BBC
It’s about Chinese gambling addiction ..good it’s a serious cultural problem.
Ah black character quickly introduced as the Chinese girls boyfriend , they are both paediatricians.
mention made of all the racism the black character gets.
Only a brief mention of a white character …mother who is covering up for suspicious child abuse type bruises on her child.
When girl and black boy go out together the Chinese speak in racist way about blacks
( Doh Chinese in some places speak that way about whites )
In the drama, the Chinese characters are all bad, all gambling addicts :Mother, daughter, grandma, the black guy is the hero.
How have we ended up with racism, sexism and fascism masquerading as anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-fascism? How did this happen?
flake, one of my earliest BBC Forum posts (think it was on Nick Robinson’s Blog as Pol Ed) was a short one with a quote:
“It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world.”
I blame Lola.
As the late Tommy Cooper would have put it – It happened – Just like that!
Hey Stew, ever been called ‘a long-nose’?
Gwailao, if I remember correctly, means ‘big nosed foreigner’, can be both an insult and a term of endearment, depending on exact context… like all such ‘racist’ terms when you think about it.
I had a UK-Chinese friend at Uni who used to call me it sometimes in a jokey way (I do have quite a big nose too). Won’t tell you what he was called (or I’ll probably be arrested for ‘hate crime’). We were good mates, it was just normal everyday banter.
There’s ‘Racism’ (which I’m totally against) and ‘racism’ (with a little ‘r’) which is actually anything but, and all to do with mutual affection, sadly our current generation of snowflakes, and law enforcers, are too stupid to see the difference.
It all boils down to ‘An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman who were drinking together in a bar…’
BigBro, you are right. A Singapore friend of Chinese origin told me all about that. Snuffy also wears it as Badge of Honour. 😉
It equates to Rosbif from French people or Limey from Americans. I don’t see them as insults but rather merely as friendly national ‘nicknames’.
IIRC, Stew has spent time out East and will have probably heard it used. Without malice.
I was once by a Japanese chap I was doing business with in Tokyo. As he was Japanese I took it to be a term of endearment and thought no more of it.
Gaijin you mean
In Japan in areas where foreigners are rare I heard it very often
the whole playground shouting gaijin, gaijin, gaijin as I walked past.
Gweilo : From Cantonese from 鬼 (gwai2, “ghost”) + 佬 (lou2, “guy, man”)
That seems fine in Guanjo China, but Hong Kong people tend to seem very rude (different cultural values)
If I am with ethnic Chinese in Borneo/Malaysia they usually call me
“ang moh”
It literally means “red-haired” and originates from Hokkien
..It’s applied to all white people.
In many countries just having white skin gives you 2 characteristic to the locals
#1 They think that all white people are beautiful (bizarrely)
#2 They think that all white people are cash machines you spend all you time , showing how poor you really are.
Oh there was NHScultism as well
The doctors were portrayed as super perfect always on overtime , cos the NHS is so stretched.
Leave supposedly broke spending rules – of course. First they did not give us proper information; then it was the Russians; then Cambridge Analytica stole it; now going 50p over budget or whatever is the most grave affront to democracy since time began.
We all remember their disgust at Obama meddling with our democracy; or their sneering at how spectacularly wrong their prophecies of doom turned out to be; their outrage at the governor of the Bank of England breaking protocol to bully us into voting remain, along with the rest of the elite.
Roland, am I correct in thinking that all of the electoral commission are remainers?
I’m sure I read that somewhere.
Looks like it.
Hmm, all hideous (ly white)
Worth adding this perspective
The Anti-Brexit Campaigners are getting very dirty. On TWatO, the Montacutie was implicitly asking not just for a second EU Referendum but for the result of the first to be declared void and for it to be run again.
Shahmir Sanni was their ‘contributor’. He complains the Leave Campaign cheated and broke Electoral Law. He claims he is doing this whistle blowing for the sake of our democracy and for the well being of his country.
Vaguely recognising the name, I did a little research. I found a Guardian article: I then meandered on to check on one of the PMs two new advisors, Cleo Watson, (replacing Hill & Timothy) who was mentioned in the first Sanni Guardian interview that I found.
Another link came up to a Guardian interview, that I thought was about Watson. It wasn’t. It turned out to be about Sanni. Same date as the first but the time was different, it was two hours earlier. Interesting.
Was it a re-write? Was one for print and the other for on-line or vice versa? Were they written for different deadlines? Updated with new information in the 8.01pm version? The interviewee given approval rights? (I don’t know if the Guardian does that sort of thing. It is usually resisted by Editors.)
Whatever. It appears that the Montacutie or her Editor or their support journalists might have been a leeeetle more thorough in their preparation if they wanted to be truly impartial for today’s programme and not present damaged & seriously questionable goods as evidence. To be fair, they did mention that Sanni had been in a relationship with another person working for the Leave Campaign and this was now a broken one.
What they did instead was help to present Sanni as an innocent, well-intentioned, whistle blower. That is echoing the Guardian articles where Sanni is presented as a EU sceptic who would still vote Leave.
However, the Guardian articles appear to present Sanni as a volunteer at 8.01pm. In the other here: – at 6.12pm on 24 March he was an obviously appointed staffer.
I quote: “Sanni, who was treasurer and secretary of BeLeave at 22, is still a committed Eurosceptic and works at the TaxPayers’ Alliance campaign group.”
Volunteer? Hmmnnn. Think not.
Then the money. Follow the money. Sanni spoke of “nearly a million pounds.” As someone who has had Treasury functions, I would call that ‘nearly two-thirds of a million pounds’ or even ‘a rounding to half a million pounds’ or ‘half a million plus’. The implication on TWatO was that this was £1m and it all went to Cambridge Analytica to run an Internet campaign targeting young people to encourage them to vote Leave. No mention from Sarah at that point of the BBC’s message for the last two years that all the young people voted Remain. I wonder why?
In the first Guardian article this caught my eye “Most of the £625,000 donation went to a Canadian data company called AggregateIQ, which has links to Cambridge Analytica”. That is rather different to the implication on TWatO. £1m to CA, not AIQ. Hmmmmnnnnnnnn again.
So Sanni as Treasurer and Secretary (was that Company Secretary with legal responsibilities?) signed off on the payment which today was £1m but was actually part of only £625,000. And it went to AIQ not CA. Hmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
I have to say that the Electoral Commission (EC) have a difficult job on their hands if their key witness is so imprecise.
Kate Hoey MP, one of the heroes of the Leave campaign in 2016, was asked to comment on the EC’s decisions and she started by observing that most of the EC staff are open Remainers. I have no evidence one way or the other. Sarah did not challenge that. I wonder why? Because it is true? The Referendum vote, like a GE, is a secret ballot. If Kate was making that claim, she must know the EC staff have self-declared as such to be able to state it on radio. Of all MPs at Westminster, I think Kate Hoey has unimpeachable integrity so I’m inclined to believe her but then I am biased of course.
However, read the Guardian articles, listen to TWatO again or for the first time on Radio iPlayer and make up your own minds.
What there can be no doubt about is that the Remain losers will not let go and are trying desperately, WITH THE HELP OF THE BBC, to overturn or even cancel Brexit. Roll on 29 March next year. Mrs May, please get us completely out and away from this evil institution called the European Union. Then please sort out the BBC.
Thank you – your analysis of that programme and its extreme bias is far better than mine . Normally I just shrug and think “that’s al beeb” but the extreme bias this time made me angry and even more determined to try to help change the awful evil empire it has become
Fed, you are welcome. I wouldn’t have bothered with all of the above apart from that coincidental discovery. I didn’t even read the Guardian articles slowly & thoroughly but during the speed read of the second, the 18.12pm one, (looking for a connection to the PM’s new advisers) the difference between ‘Volunteer’ and ‘Treasurer & Secretary’ leapt out and grabbed my eyeballs and brain with it.
Sarah Montague is presenting a very different ‘face’ on TWatO to that she had on TODAY. Think in a way, I was a little shocked at her obvious anti-Brexit bias.
Must have motivated me. Help. I’ve just spent nearly two hours on this. Must get some jobs done. Cheers.
Two Minutes Hate
It’s ok to hate certain people apparently, just so long as they’re white, Right and non-muslims.
The anti-Trump vitriol has reached psychotic proportions.
Yes, Vlad, to me they are displaying signs of serious mental illness. Trust me, I know about mental illness. Britain is sick to its very core. How can we fight back ? If I can be hounded out of my last two addresses, partly for expressing my views, then what hope is there? The liberal left globalists are more toxic than a high dose of arsenic.
Heaven knows when we`ll be Peak Lunacy with the global elites, but really not sure how much more they can dial this up.
It`s just the sound of whining, a scraping axle along the road to hell-the wheels have long gone off the wagon.
Who listens any more to them?
they have answers to Trump and stopping us leaving the EU, to global warming etc-but have yet to accept that XX chromosomes give you a lady garden, XY gives you a chest rug.
If they can`t face THAT truth-imagine how mad they are to think that they have answers to anything else.
Peak lunacy-may last a while, but eventually they`ll tire themselves out. But we`ll need to sort them, they`re not nice people.
If you don’t use Moonpig, do you use AirBnB ?
The Conservatives spent millions backing Remain.
Now, had they spent millions backing Leave….??
DS, we’da been out already, Oi Vey!
We would have been busy adapting to life outside the EU, pushing on to new horizons.
And enjoying this great summer a bit more.
BBC Meddling in Politics.
A carefully timed story aimed at damaging UKIP
I suspect that each year some of such murderers are Labour councillors but that is not reported.
LP Carefully timed and worded. The headline implies he is still a UKIP councillor. First line of the report states he is a former councillor. CYA if anyone wants to complain about the story based on the headline. BBC masterclass in “non bias”.
This false equivalence the media go for saying that these National action lone-wolf teenagers are the same as Islamist terrorists.
There have been two reason cases in both it seems like an autistic nutter decides to do a nutty violent attack , he then tells someone else in the group and then the police move in if half the group is undercover police anyway.
Ultimately these autistic lone wolves sometime kill people, but it’s not the same threat level as a centrally driven Islamist organisation.
In yesterdays case
\\ Nazi-obsessed teen, Jack Coulson 19, who kept ‘Big Book of Mischief’ bomb manual in swastika shrine bedroom admits terror offence //
The Yorkshire Post takeaway message was …blah blah Jo Cox
but I see the online article is shorter
There are some in the alternative media who say, and with good evidence to support it, that the murder of Jo Cox was “deep state” but made to look like Mr Mair, who was actually a quiet man with depression who had no political affiliation. Mair’s family are convinced it wasn’t him in the police interview when he is not even saying “No comment”, so of course no chance for family to hear that and know it was not their family member. I daresay I could be sent to the gulags for writing this, but the analysis by one well known alt media broadcaster is excellent and believable. Allegedly a “deep state” assassination in order to derail Brexit. Appalling if true.
BBC festivals : Countryfile Live will be at Castle Howard, N. Yorkshire Austust 15-18 NEXT YEAR
There will also be another edition at Bleheim Palace, Oxon..2 weeks earlier.
Do you mean life will go on after 29 March? And that the bBC are complicite in planning for this future?
They must be getting desperate.
“With the UK on course to leave the European Union in March next year, the country faces four possible scenarios.”
Scenario 3: Stay in the EU
LOL, how in a democratic system is “Stay in the EU” a possible outcome of “leave the European Union in March next year”.
WTF is this, doublethink?
Anyone would think there wasn’t a statute enacted to make it so or something
NHS Charidee single
NHS Voices | With a Little Help from My Friends | #NHS70 | NHS 70th Birthday Charity Single 2018
……….. #NHScultism
Stew, I’m not sure I can remain friends with you after that. 😉
Right I’ll get Elon Musk to tweet you
..with an outrageous sneering label he does
PR not news
“Up to 10 new species of shark could be heading our way due to climate change:”
… according to research commissioned to mark (PROMOTE you mean) Nat Geo WILD’s week-long “Sharkfest” of TV programming this week
Stew, so all we need to do is get the remainers and climate warriors to swim the channel to save the EU and the planet – problem solved.
I think all the cod, haddock and whiting should get together to welcome these 10 species of shark who are coming to enrich the waters around us bringing with them their way of life and giving the diversity that our local fish will surely welcome (apart from the racist fish)
They can live the dream, just like our red squirrels are enjoying the enriching grey squirrels.
Tommy’s appeal tomorrow
WEDNESDAY 18/07/2018
At 10:30AM
Reporting Restrictions: This case involves reporting restrictions
201802593 C4 Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (Linked with 201802867 C4/ 201802865 C4/ 201802864 C4)
Reporting Restrictions: This case involves reporting restrictions
201802867 C4 Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon
Reporting Restrictions: This case involves reporting restrictions
201802865 C4 Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon
Reporting Restrictions: This case involves reporting restrictions
201802864 C4 Stephen Chrstopher Yaxley-Lennon
So this appears to relate to ?four counts of reporting restrictions – plenty to get him on then.
I’ve also just posted an update on Paul Golding on page 1
Are we allowed to know whether we are allowed to know our wonderful free country of secret trials and lawyers running the show ? Am I in contempt now???are you for reading this ?
Yes you are right. Looks like WITH reporting restrictions.
So we are not allowed to know anything.
Not that we dummies would understand anyway.
Well said. It’s amazing that in any other country trials held in secret would be considered a bad thing. Something forcibly prevented from exposure and out of the public eye would be viewed with mistrust. But seemingly in the UK, it’s fine. We should have absolute faith in the judiciary because they won’t let us down, they’re on our side.
It’s not like they are fed or controlled by the same apparatus that had been proven to hide, bury and stall cases against children in towns and cities around the country.
Totally agree – Under Theresa May and Rudd the Home Office became a lot more political (see original arrest of Tommy Roinson and locking him up with muslim inmates) and also far more politically correct eg all males accused of rape were considered guilty until proven innocent.
With Common Purpose “graduates” infesting most of our institutions we are well on the way to aping Eastern Germany in the 1970,s.
I think this has sped up since the Brexit vote, some of these “graduates” probably realising that people are starting to wake up as to what is going on around them.
The police can no longer be trusted – fortunately the army hasnt quite fallen yet so there is still hope – but we must also do our bit.
As for the Tommy Robinson appeal – I am not too hopeful, I suspect they will only let him out when they feel he is more compliant, if not they will insist he serves his full sentence with all its attendant dangers.
I hope I am wrong but establishment are truly frightened by his charisma and following and will do everything they can to break him.
Thanks for that, guess it’s buried miles deep in the news search engines.
Maybe best if our political prisoner is keep unjustly locked up.
And now attacking the competition…….
The BBC was reporting on “after-hours trading” not actual market
So the shares opened at that guess of down 12.8% and started rising
so far they are only 6.31% down on last night
..oh now 6.09% down now
is that a plunge ?
I’m guessing al beeb didn’t declare an interest in seeing its main competitor doing badly .,
I’m not a Netflix type yet but I wonder if someone some day will suddenly think “the bbc can be cut down “ as other providers are readily available with better quality programmes . Sticking poldark or pretty pictures of animals on won’t be enough .
Battle lines are being drawn …. whose child is it? The Governments or Gods?
“The (school) union is urging the Government to take steps in ENSURING parents do not selectively prevent their children learning about individual religions”
Backlash : Sweden election polls , 25.6%
That’ll be the one led by the Swedish born child of Iranian migrants
May’s Brexit quote at the Farnborough Air Show yesterday:
“”What we are proposing, is a solution that respects the Brexit result…””
WTF? How can you have a solution that ‘respects’ the result? What does ‘respect’ mean in this context?
Will the BBC seize on this? Do pigs fly at Farnborough?
The BBC’s position has been all along that the ‘reasonable’ people want to remain in the EU and the ‘extremists’ want to leave.
Nothing May does will be ever right in the eyes of the BBC because she is an ‘evil toreee’, despite being the extreme left-wing daughter of Blair.
In fact she has done a ‘Blair’ now, remember the ‘rubbing the noses in diversity’ business? Well she is proposing to give her ‘extremists’ a Brexit all right – we will leave the EU, having given everything away first! Our crops will be burnt and our fields will be salted! We will be like the slaves set free during the harshest of winters, starving and freezing, with our noses against the window, desperate to get back in with no vote, no rebate, no finance industry, no armed forces and no pound.
And the BBC will be ecstatic and cry out “Bravo monsieur Barnier! Nous sommes vos bons et fidèles serviteurs.”
I’m raging !
Further to my comment above where I said I had written to my MP – who happens to be a remainer, I received a reply this afternoon, which was the usual bluff and stuff about getting the best deal for the country blah di blah.
Then he finished with the following ;………….
“There are likely to be further developments, and I note your concerns. I would ask that you reserve judgement for a while until we see what the final deal turns out to be.
In the meantime let me ask you if you want a further vote upon this, and if so what sort? A referendum on the deal, one with more options or no further vote upon the issue at all? ”
Why ask me if I want a further vote on this ? it was not something I had indicated, and it makes me wonder if there are plans by the Remainers to push for a second referendum. It would seem that this lot are finding every loophole imaginable to stop Brexit going through, and I’m disgusted with my MP that he is using a tactic of asking his constituents if they want another referendum !!
Name names which one be he?
I’ve sent 2 emails to mine, Kit Malthouse, Housing Minister since last Monday. Took him 4 days to reply to the first in which he told me the Whitepaper really is the brexit we all voted for. I responded with 17 points as to why I didn’t agree also pointing out that I’d had thank you emails from 2 of the MPs who resigned from government last week after I praised them. Finally pointed out that I’ve now joined UKIP.
Finally, and I know it’s childish but I signed off as follows:
Yours disobediently,
The reprehensible, deplorable, swivel-eyed-loon, closet racist, bigot, little Englander, Brextremist,
extreme Right Winger, populist, nationalist, Fascist, pleb, unhinged, unbalanced, headbanger,
knuckle-dragger, pensioner, stupid, poor, uneducated or any of another dozen pejorative
soubriquets the Remain-leaning wish to give those like me just because I happen to believe in the
United Kingdom,
Alistair Burt.
Thanks we need to know who the enemy is
Tell him that you are joining UKIP and your mates are doing the same. You can bet that a lot of our MPs or their researchers read this site .
Awesome, bil
Ta. I’ve really surprised myself this week. Never having contacted an MP before I’ve now contacted 9 and had responses from 3.
Totally fed up by being called names by MPs that don’t know me or those like me and who are just standing up for their principles and their democracy.
And, just to add, been reading this fantastic site for years but havent really contributed much until this week. Being ignored by your elected representatives I guess does that.
Well done for writing to 9 MPs. You are braver than I am.
The funny thing about this is them even asking whether you want another referendum.
Why are you asking me a question when by the very nature of you asking on this particular topic demonstrates that you aren’t capable of accepting my, or the other 17.4 million citizens, answer?
Here’s my reply…………
In response to your question in the last paragraph, no, I do not see it is necessary to have another Referendum. The country made their decision, and it should be abided by. I don’t seem to remember having a second referendum in June 1975 when the Government were happy for us to enter the E.U ! There was no outcry for another vote by the opposing side back then because they didn’t agree !
The DG should really issue instructions to the BBC staff to stay away from science, facts, maths and calculations.
If you are feeling a bit bruised and battered by another day of Brexit-bashing by the BBC have a little chuckle, ‘on the house’, while looking at this:
The Electoral Commission is merely yet another process driven, bureaucratic obstacle that was left to us by Blair.
He debauched all that he laid his sweaty mitts upon-but his long term legacy is the bureaucratic landmines and booby traps that he left-the likes of Adonis, Chakrabhati and postal ballots for Muslims and electoral fiddles in Falkirk and university cities.
A process led dogs dinner for the likes of his wife to coin it in for ever.
Hollowed out wasps nest, in need of Rentokil. Not the likes of the BBC and Soubry etc who are just vermin, C Diff etc.
Hope Vote Leave point out that the Remainers are far more guilty and we have yet to see their expenses, Soros and the like.
But we won`t-the Electoral Commission are Blair recycles “across the political spectrum-but all will hate Brexit as much as Trump, so who believes a word?
Tommy in jail, and Brexit in the dock now-when ARE we going to sort these fuckers out?
The BBC surely have to walk the streets to get a vox pox once in a while-yet we let them get their hit piece, and let their treachery go unremarked.
No, we neeed the BBC to watch its mouth. Their endless whining on our state paid intercom embarrasses me as an Englishman.
Just listened to the radio 3 6pm news and they did actually report that the Leave organisation stated the Electoral Commision’s judgement was wrong and politically motivated. I have to give credit even though we don’t see it often.
And read somewhere above I think that Kate Hoey did an interview and said the electoral commission (is it me are the all hideous(ly white)) were all Remain-leaning?
Remind me how many £ millions did the Tory Gov. spend on their ‘remain’ booklet that was sent to every house in the nation ?
9 as far as I remember. Don’t get me wrong, I believe the Electoral Commission is corrupt as it won’t investigate the Remain spend which was much greater. I also believe the Remain campaign was far more corrupt led by the bBC. I was just noting the bBC were mostly unbiased in the report I heard.
Also of note is that since Dacre’s been pushed I note the the Daily Fail has 4 Project Fear articles.
bil, it was on TWatO with Sarah Montague after Shahmi Sanni had had his say.
Thanks Up2. Usually listening to Radio 3 then and refuse to sign up to iPlayer. Hate the Labour movement with a passion after the 1970s when it destroyed my childhood, long long story that my MP and Conservative associaton are now aware of, but I’ve always liked and respected Kate. Thoroughly decent an principled. Just wish there were more politicians of all colours like her.
Apologies if you guys have already covered this but you have to criticise the Beeb for their inflammatory headline about Henry Cavill.
So I’d heard how he’d made some comment about the difficulties of dating and flirting in the #MeToo era, which are valid concerns. So I did a quick google search to look into it a bit more and I see that there is a story on the BBC about it. I click on it and the headline is
Henry Cavill: Actor apologises after #MeToo rape backlash
Wow, hang on a minute. Are the Beeb really that stupid not to know how toxic the word Rape is? Yet they throw it into the title with scant regard for how damaging even the connection to that word could be.
The article goes on to effectively make Cavill’s point when the Beeb chooses to give publicity to a bunch on unknown Tweeters and their apparently newsworthy opinion of Cavill. To their grudging credit, they do then follow the article with some comments supporting Cavill though these are from guys who I guess would be easily dismissed as men putting Bros before Hoes.
Either way the ridiculously sensational and irresponsible headline is pretty disgusting.
Notice a massive barrage of anti-Brexit propaganda on all fronts by Al Beeb and MSM today. Project fear in large doses all at the same time. Could this be desperation? The more the flak, the closer to the target.
Yep, 4 of 6 articles in the Daily Fail right now are pure Project Fear. The Remain-leaning really have the wind up them.
There might be a bit of respite tomorrow – Wednesday – as apparently it’s the 100th birthday of Mandela – so the bubble will be competing to see who can be the most ‘right on’ . Princess Meghan of Hollywood set the bar quite high today so I guess they’ll want to replace all statues of British heroes with Mandela
Or name a town , airport or battle ship after him.
Or a burning tyre dump after his fragrant wife, no longer with us.
Unemployment down to same level as 1975.
Anything on Al Beeb about this positive news?
Yes, but low unemployment of this type is actually bad news for everyone apparently, thanks BBC for covering all negative angles
flake & taffy, did you notice that Kamal was on just after the OBR item. Now, in my book, you cannot have record numbers in work (in the age of the Minimum Wage) without there being record tax receipts, both of Income Tax AND National Insurance.
Someone is telling porkies!
And poor old Kamal is not sharp enough to spot it. Oh dear! How much do the BBC pay him as a so-called ‘Economics’ Editor? Whatever it is, it is far too much. P45 for Mr Ahmed, please. Taxi for Mr Ahmed.
Don’t forget there are more people in the UK now than there was in 1975.
Fed, precisely. It is interesting that some politicians and the BBC are being devious on this employment malarkey. Employment figures were kept long before 1971. I remember Roy Jenkins speaking about them on the BBC’s (Alvar Lidell voice or Wallace Greenslade voice) “The Home Service.” {I thank you, Wal! Keep taking the tablets there, Wal!}
Unemployment was lower and the proportion of the population in work was higher in the mid-60s than at present. Labour actually introduced a tax on employment in the 1960s called Selective Employment Tax.
It wasn’t a good idea.
Ooops, sorry taffman, was replying to you here. My brain fade. I have actually picked up Kamal on that very point on his Blog – I guess – one month ago.
Having 75 percent of the workforce employed is bad news because average pay isn’t going up – according to al beeb . They’d be bitching away with Toynbee and the rest if yoot unemployment was at Reich EU levels.
Does this mean record numbers of immigrants claiming Working Tax Credit (or whatever it’s called now)? Under Brown’s magic economic structure the more people in work the more foreigners claiming benefits.
Two years on and we are still in the EU !
Parliament is a stage full of actors.
Al Beeb is full of actors who think they are politicians.
Stop this charade and vote UKIP.
The BBC are convinced that the Russians interfered in the EU Referendum, via the Canadians, or is it the other way round? The BBC are convinced that the Russians interfered in the US Election via the Democratic Party’s naughty e-mails in order to get Trump elected. What? Russian spies in Russia wrote the e-mails? Whatever.
The BBC language doesn’t allow for ‘alleged’ or ‘claims’ or ‘suggestions’; it is stated as settled fact. The Russians caused the Brexit vote (dubious overspending claims notwithstanding) & got Trump elected instead of Clinton.
The BBC are quite happy not just to look the other way but to actually write an article about American an interference in French sporting triumph and in French politics & society.
No condemnation from the double-standard BBC for Khaled Beydoun. The triple sin is not condemned by the BBC. They must be approving then.
Seems the corridors still need reinforcing.
My Aldi Mojito swung in around a quarter the price.
And all, in addition, just children.
Mas, Nada, mas.
Channel 4 news doing its best to make the parliamentary goings on exciting . I bet if you asked the average person about brexit they’d just say “ why haven’t we left yet?
Looking good for a no agreement brexit – let’s hope .eh max?
C4 are not the only ones getting overly excited. Iain Stale LBC’s rectum ripper in chief was expecting momentous consequences from the Vote of Votes – vote of confidence, collapse of government, constitutional crisis, four horsemen of the apocalypse – the usual “Tuntentheater” as we say in the old country.
Ma Merkel said years ago that there will be no cherry picking.
No deal was, therefore, the most likely outcome. The only thing the EU is concered about is the completion of the European Project.
And here is a story about the most trusted and transparent news broadcaster in the world.
John Sweeney performs a masterclass on leaving his politics on his sleeve.
Sweeney went mad post his Scientology fracas. Poor dear never recovered. I seem to remember it was their accusation of paedophilia that triggered him, but I may be wrong.
Stalin would also approve of the BBC trying to brainwash people.
Guest Who
Video blocked due to BBC copyright
BBC staff group share what their salaries are
\\ Members of the group wore badges emblazoned with their salaries during meetings with Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the director-general, it is claimed.//
Hm info like what you pay your staff is a corporate asset has value and therefor should be kept secret.
I’d make it a habit to try to poach competitors staff by offering the a little bit more and then withdrawing the would stuff their morale.
Since the Electoral Commission has been kicking for another referendum by trying to get a leave group prosecuted I thought I’d look at the membership
I naively thought that corruption in this country doesn’t really show up but if you look at this bunch of remainers there is no natural justice – god – one of them worked for al beeb .
This outfit looks like a waiting room for peerages or the characters on it know where the bodies are buried .
Secret trials , political sentences , restrictions on on left protests , a political police and prosecuting agency – and now a corrupt judicial body.
Didn’t even mention a biased state broadcaster
Al Beeb’s ‘Politics’ section tells us what are “The UK’s four Brexit options”.
Pop over and have a look at the Bias.
May has got to go, Vote UKIP.
We have been deceived .
Seems to have taken the loss of gig poorly.
Bizarre world most of those commenters on the JameSob Thread inhabit.
They obviously did not listen to TWatO today.
how far far far left must you be to think the BBC is the broadcasting arm of the tory party jeeez louise
I really don’t know as to how ‘Islamophobia’ became a criminal offence.
There is no ‘phobic’ criminal offence as regards anything else in life.
Where was the challenge to this legislation from the BBC?
Should in fairness the ‘phobia’ be applied to all religions?
The BBC is all about fairness, is it not?
I suffer from acute bbc-phobia. I hope I’m not breaking the law. Is the beeb a religion? Or a disease perhaps.
I noted one of our friends here identifies as having “beebophobia”.
Now either she needs re-educating with compulsory Womans Hour editions with Laurie Penney until her ears bleed? Or else she should get a Blue Badge, happy pills for life and a Channel 5 show with a Wintaval panto, or at least a chance to turn the Diwali lights on the bodhi tree in Ladywood High Road.
And I think she`s been making us all beebophobic, does the DSM have room for this one?
I am already covered by the DSM ! If the thought police come and get me, so be it. I am fed up with watching my country being destroyed in the space of a few decades by the globalist, liberal elites and the brainwashed snowflakes who support them. Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave. This country, and the BBC, is sick to the very core, well at least the Establishment, civil service, education, social services, judiciary, police etc seems to be. Beebophobic and proud of it and have no TV or licence and never will until the Beeb become a subscription service. I might then get a TV, but I will not be subscribing to the Beeb. I can already hear the sirens coming for me !
You`re safe with us Beebo.
can`t lock us all up, and we know we`re over the target when they`re as serially loopy as they`re being at the moment.
Brexitrump seems to have unhinged them, we really need to put them out out of their misery.
Got fifty years of barnacles to get off the boat though, so a few razor cuts.
No Bible-no comment.
So phobias are a fear of something. I fear spiders but don’t hate them as I know they have an important ecological role.
I do hate clowns but no longer fear them.
BBC Online News:
“”BAME characters should be ‘more central’ in children’s books””
“”Project leader Farrah Serroukh said: “If young readers are only experiencing characters from certain backgrounds in certain contexts, it tends to skew their perspective on those people.””
“”If you only see them in a social justice context or as struggling, being oppressed or on a quest for liberation, then the understanding can be diminished for both BAME and non-BAME children.””
I have a child of 3 and another aged 6.
I am very familiar with kids books. Each book has at least 30% of the characters as BAMEs.
BBC children’s daytime programmes have over 70% BAMEs.
Weren`t we told to throw all our gollywog books away?
I`m not going back to the charity shop, just to be PC. Not now.
“I have a child of 3 and another aged 6.
I am very familiar with kids books. Each book has at least 30% of the characters as BAMEs.”
DS, if they’re only 3 and 6 you shouldn’t be reading them so many crime stories. You’ll give them nighmares.
Nor me Alicia. And sorry Farrah Serroukh, but honestly ? I suspect that me and most of the population couldn’t care less what you think or want. If its a problem for you then write your own books, but I’m damned if alien cultures to my country are going to make me feel guilty. We may seem that we have a stiff upper lip, but we don’t half think a lot !
Just watched the Keiser report on RT. All about the banking system and the collusion between the state, the banks & laterally the MSM. Thought it to be rather poignant on a day that the leave campaign has been accused of cheating to the tune of 60K. Neil Mitchell was the guy being interviewed and seemed pretty self assured in his accusations. Well worth a watch and it intertwines in my opinion with the current Brexit stitch up.
I don’t know if this is fake news or not but it certainly makes interesting reading regarding President Trump’s meeting with President Putin. It might also explain why a known communist is secretly leading our Brexit negotiations and doing his best to undermine them.
Ex Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder’s dalliance with the Russians seems to have gone unnoticed. He is a personal friend of Putin and unlike Trump has referred to Putin as a. “lupenreiner Demokrat” (a true democrat). Just before leaving office he okayed billions for the Batlic pipeline and then immediately took up a directorship on the board of the Russian company involved.
Money seems to be the prime motivation for his bromance with Putin, but he has also supported Putin when Estonia wanted to remove a Soviet war memorial accusing the Estonians of outrageous conduct.
It seems ridiculous to claim that Russia is an enemy, give it leverage over an important strategic resource and have a former leader sit on the boards of majority state-owned energy companies.
Interesting reply in The Times comments.
The item was about the Swedish polls putting a new, anti immigrant party in front of the usual ones. Some people knocked this in true, liberal elite, BBC style, and this was in the middle of a response to such a posting:
“Indeed, we met so many Nigerians from Germany, or Somalis from Denmark, that we asked Oxford University’s Migration Observatory to crunch the numbers on how many EU migrants are not originally from Europe. They found that 141,000 people, 7% of those who came to the UK under EU rules were born outside the continent. Somalis are one of the biggest such groups, with an estimated 20,000 coming to the UK from the Netherlands alone. Studies show that between one third and a half of the entire Dutch Somali community has moved to the UK.” The Guardian 2014
Puts things in perspective. Thanks.
This is the Guardian and not the BBC but still relevant because we all know they read it. They are accusing Nigel Farage of being a nazi as ever, yet he seems to be critical of the photoshop job in question in his tweet. Am I going mad or am I just seeing the two minute hate in action?
I was going to comment on the piece but they have closed it down so I came here to verify my sanity with sensible people.
It is rrelevant to your point, but I do wonder, as an aside, how many migrants the large lady in the picture has let in through her door and settle in her house.
I would be astounded if it is more than zero.
“A smart customer doesn’t accept a smart-meter”
British Gas are trying to bully me into having one. I ignore their letters and calls. My excellent GP, who retires very soon, told me this week that his mother gets the same pressure to have a SmartMeter. He rings them up on her behalf and tells them she is not interested. The technology is not yet fully developed, and they could be used to switch off a customer’s supply remotely. I’ll be switching away from British Gas soon, but just want to do more research on the other suppliers. Are any of them good on price and customer service ? Doubt it these days.
They call Bannon’s talking sense a “meltdown” ?

I listened to this yesterday Stew and it was a thing of beauty.
Poor little blustering Theo being treated with the contempt he deserves on air and then off air being given the bollocking of his life by someone who has actually been around the block a few times.
Nice middle class boys like him with a nice degree should be treated with much more respect by “ignorant” ex advisers to the POTUS who was also the executive chairman of major independent news organisations.
Twats like this will never ever get it. They are surprised that grounded people like Bannon and Tommy Robinson cannot respect their “civilised” middle class viewpoint because they have no real idea of what is really going on in the real world. The world they created but generally do not live in.
These bastards can never accept that the castles they preach from are built on sand and because they live well away from the “diversity” they so applaud,they will never be touched by the grim realities of what they are facilitating.
After crapping his nappy and getting little support from Nigel he then went onto twitter for a bit of a cry wank “Mummy nasty man swore at me”
I am sure he received lots of virtual sudocream from his lefty friends (except for Raheem Kassam) who said no Theo “Fuck you” Ha ha ha!
But this is just so typical of these arseholes. And at the end of the day the only people who would actually agree with him are the same beeboid/Gaurdian reader types who are also responsible for creating this multicultural mess that they try con us with .
As for the rest of us back in the real world – it was a bloody good laugh!
Thanks for posting. I’m delighted to hear Bannon giving it both barrels. The comments on the Twitter were the usual virtue signalling guff.
When Alastair Campbell lets loose, it’s all entertaining but when Bannon does he’s suddenly “inciting violence” and “should be deported”.
I’m glad Theo had his ‘right on’ bubble punctured. Maybe he had a chance to smell the air that many of us actually live in.
LBC, Nick Ferrari,a short while ago reporting on a man who called 999 to report that he had just murdered his wife. It seems that Mr Ferrari and therefore LBC are determined to let us know that man is or was a UKIP councillor. This is the MSM yet again using every opportunity to trash the reputation of UKIP as a whole by the actions of one man who may or may not still be connected to it. In just the same way they taint and belittle Tommy Robinson by calling him far right and founder of the EDL every time they have to mention him.
By the way, today’s the day of Tommy’s appeal. I hope he is released from prison today. I doubt either the far-left bbc or LBC will report on it, unless of course he’s sent back to serve the rest of his sentence, when they’ll be wetting their knickers in glee.
The whole of the MSM, far-left bbc, LBC, Sky they are all swimming in the same swamp.
Interesting when media headlines, and copy, stop at ‘Man’, and when they leapfrog residence location, age, etc to employment history.
You have to laugh when you see the Beeb and MSM losing their shit that Trump didn’t berate Putin for his people daring to hack into the DNC party (helped in no small part by Hilary choosing to conduct state business on her own private email).
Maybe Trump should have torn another strip off Theresa May for how two of her people Lauri Love and Gary McKinnon hacked into the FBI, Nasa and NSA during her time as home secretary amongst others to steal and view data.
Nevermind how remarkable it was that both of them suffered from Aspergers, the mildest form of autism, and were both depressives that could potentially commit suicide if they were extradited which was a useful coincidence.
When the Beeb are banging on about the US being hacked by a country that is always on the look out to target them, as the US are of them, that the Americans and Trump could be rightly aggreived at these total dicks from their special relationship ally that keep hacking into their shit and then escaping justice because they are bed wetting idiots who didn’t know what they were doing.
The UK has a special relationship with the US yet it is our citizens that have been making the deepest penetrating hacks (after the Chinese) and it is our citizen that came closest to assassinatig their democratically elected president.
We really have no right to be shouting our mouth off given the shit that we’ve pulled.