Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
This chap crops up a fair bit, and has invoked the bbc.
Be interesting what editorial integrity the bbc cranks up in response.
Are the Beeb reporting this?
Martin Howe, Chairman of Lawyers for Britain: How the Chequers plan would still leave UK judges subservient to the ECJ
“… the courts of the United Kingdom will be required to “pay due regard” to rulings of the ECJ. This is quite different from the normal principle of international judicial comity, under which courts of treaty parties will look at each others’ judgments with mutual respect. The obligation is not mutual, but is in one direction only, making the UK courts explicitly subservient to the ECJ. There is no suggestion that EU courts should pay “due regard”, or any regard at all, to UK courts, immediately unbalancing the relationship and placing UK courts in an inferior position.”
Starmer will be pleased – I wonder if he is currently looking at Luxembourg properties.
Interpretation of ‘ due regard’ would make lawyers even wealthier – but let’s hope the white paper is shredded by the ReichEU and the majority get what we voted for ..
You have to wonder what due regard actually means. Precedent in the English system has always meant English judgements are followed first, then other British and Commonwealth judgements, followed by judgements from other Common Law countries such as the United States and only then by judgements from other systems e.g. France, Arabia or China. A non Common Law judgement would only have limited persuasive effect and certainly wouldn’t be binding on an English judge.
Has that been reversed and now Civil Law has to be followed?
I have followed BBC news on Twitter and it is such dross: Rooney scored a goal; someone got a tattoo; Love Island gossip.
With all the terror last year, gang violence et cetera one might expect our national broadcaster to be have all hands on deck – exhibit ultra vigilance to try and save lives and rescue our nation.
I imagine their producers giving inverted Churchillian speeches.
“We shall surrender on the streets! We shall surrender in the skies! In our news, culture and education we shall utterly surrender! We shall never fight except against those who notice the elephants in the room!”
Who watches the watchmen? When the national broadcaster whom we are supposed to trust for information has betrayed us so absolutely we enter 1984 territory.
Sport, tattoos, Love Island…….. and the age of the News Editor in charge is ? well, I’d hazard a guess he’s a work experience 18 year old, and those in overall responsibility being around 25. About right for the intellectually sub-normal who rely on Twatter for their news – – – – isn’t that right Lineker ?
AND-Jane Garvey led with “Love island” on her Womans Hour this morning.
Apparently, we`re all talking of nothing else-and those of us who pretend not to just love it, are still desperately happy to have our daughters and grandkids gossiping on about it, over the washing line or at the water cooler.
Dream on Garvey and the Beeb-nobody is bothering with you, even with the turn in the weather.
If the BBC say it`s a trend-it will long have left the port and sailed away.
After Cliff and Lineker-you`d have to be a pretty low kind of dotard to bother listening or watching them.
They are desperate to have us click or converse about their agendas. All contrived, meaning nothing in real life.
I`m focused only on leaving next year-we can settle with the treacherous class after that.
Why would anybody shack up with Adrian Childs? Maybe WH will do something on plain scousers settling for a spud faced faceache.
Part and parcel London
Terrifying moment hooded knife gang raid family home and ‘threaten to kidnap baby’
They is black innt. You can see their hands.
Had a laugh at the last one falling down the stairs. Shame the owners did not get to throw something at them!
At least one white guy though, he was the one trying to hide his face. Might be quite easy to pick him out!
Quick link back to previous thread Page 4 had posts from 2pm Sunday to 2pm Monday
oops I meant Page 3 has yesterday’s and today’s comments which over spill onto page 4
Cheers Stew
Problem for the BBC: being hilariously out diversified by the ”far right”
The UK’s new Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, whoever he is , is on an official visit to China, he has a Chinese wife…
Just like Donald Trump’s visit and his 5 year old Granddaughter Arabella Singing in Chinese.
So how are the miserable BBC going to spin it?
Jeremy Hunt gaffe: ‘My wife is Japanese’
”The UK’s new Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is on an official visit to China – but an embarrassing gaffe is stealing the headlines instead.
Mr Hunt tried to get into his host’s good books by mentioning that his wife is Chinese – but called her “Japanese” instead.
He quickly corrected himself and those at the meeting laughed it off.
But the gaffe is making headlines and, as Mr Hunt himself says, it’s a “terrible mistake to make”.
Lucia Guo was born in Xian in central China. She and Mr Hunt met in 2008, when she was working at Warwick University. They have three children.”
Making headlines where?
At the bbc and the guardian?
As per usual, the BBC isn’t concerned at all that he’s visiting the most populous dictatorship in history with a dictator for life, and a ruling communist party responsible for the death of literally millions of it’s people. But at least the Chinese government doesn’t tweet – which is the main thing.
It was hilarious how white the marches were against Trump’s racism.
The kindergarten creches that pass for editorial offices throughout the MSM are trying to gaffe this to the max. Where comments are allowed in response, they are almost universally panned, bar some die-hard union nurses with an obsessive fixation akin to that of Jon, Paul, George, Ringo, Anthony and Katty for POTUS.
It was a minor slip, laughed off by all around the table. As anyone outside the media bubble is doing at them.
This one really is pathetic isn’t it?
It’s like the Beeb have to output a certain amouny of content because is really scraping the barrel.
Okay people might not like the guy but he made a verbal error which he immediately corrected. He’s also taking about his own wife so clearly meant no offense. Yet in the absolute desperation to find offense, they have to put together a multi point article citing all the ways that it has, and if it hasn’t could, generate an international incident.
What a bunch of unlikeable, miserable finger wagging ‘told you so’s’.
If it’s not politcal sermons from Kuennsberg on how you should actually digest the article you just watched or blatant fake news, it’s this kind of crap.
I forgot to add the link to ‘Jeremy Hunt gaffe’ above
Following this unimportant Hunt gaffe (shades of Trump would/wouldn’t) I fully expect the BBC to absentmindedly put up an article on the web-site or do a programme on the problems of jet lag.
Give it about a week.
Not exactly ‘News’ is it? It’s been on the front page all day (why? Is there nothing else happening in the world today?). But because he’s in the cabinet, the Beeb will run and run with it. Anything to try and force a resignation, and hence try and bring down the government. I’m paying for this cr*p, whether I like it or not. Any more news on the Cliff Richard fine? Nope, I’m paying for that as well! Back to the former, what exactly is the definition of fake news? Surely this qualifies? Something nobody (anybody?) is interested in?? I’m sure the ‘BBC Reality Team’ are beavering away in the background trying to pull together some ‘facts’ to amaze us with. China is close to Japan or something equally mind blowing. Jeez. Back to love island I suppose. Maybe if they sent some thespians there it would be called ‘luvvies island?
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
If the BBC wish to hound a politician into resigning, I think Stephen Kinnock MP is now in pole position on that particular grid.
I wonder …….
“… Is there nothing else happening in the world today?)”. Nothing the BBC would want you to know about. Censorship.
Tonight’s Police & Media priority
Some nasty people the ‘Men of Bridlington” have pulled down the police Rainbow flag
… and sent an email!
.. Police are being pulled off investigating London stabbings and terrorism
Sent an email, so what ? What happened to Voltaire ?
Perhaps the wind reclaimed the rainbow for nature.
Those who think rainbows are best seen in the sky during rainstorms might want to give shopping at Sainsbury and Argos a miss:
It is not certain how much of this gets approval from the Qatar Investment Authority, which as of February 2018 owned 21.99% of the company. Homosexuality, the promotion of LGBT rights and same-sex marriage are illegal in Qatar. Sainsbury and Argos LGBT ‘colleagues’ planning on attending the 2022 World Cup in Qatar might want to think twice.
No ‘real’ men in that Police Station, that’s for sure…nor in the BBC.
Looks like I`m in the top half of the table-maybe top 10 if i`m quick.
I urge all who can to listen to last weeks Delingpole podcast on Breitbart. He interviews Ezra Levante the Canadian founder of Rebel Media and friend of Tommy Robinson. Mr L goes into great detail about how TR has been targetted by the deep state and the tactics that they employed to persecute and jail Tommy. He raises all the questions that we have shared on this site about why was Tommy convicted in a drum head trial and why was he moved fromthe comparative safety of Hull prison to Onley which is full of Islamic fanatics where he has to held in solitary for his own safety. He cites numerous other instances where he demonstrates that Britain is a police state where no dissent from the approved ‘lets all bow down before Islam’ policy is permitted.
It is a chilling interview and confirms all that we feared was happening andhow far down the road of Islamification we are.
Interesting why are non-lib sites routines demonetised by Youtube etc ?
Eminem is allowed to spout hate and violence against Trump..that’s OK
But The Rebel Media’s comment pieces are not OK ?
Google says it’s like a telephone company
but then it censors clients by political views
Well that means it is a publisher and therefore publishing laws should apply it.
Direct link to Naz Shah grilling Youtube execs
Yes if you just searched for something (on Google or Youtube) that carries on through your cookies ..the algorithm put similar videos in your recommended list
..If you don’t want such stuff to appear , then don’t search for it
The MP asks “The judge mentioned a TR video” why have these videos not been banned ?
.. If the judge wanted the video banned it is SHE who could have put in a request ..it is not up to Youtube to keep an eye on the newspapers and make guesses
Ezra points out they only ask about Tommy ..who gives legal unbanned views
They don’t in the vid (fullversion from RedPill) make any questions about real terrorism, except for a brief mention of National Action
Why ?
Cos the MP’s are interested in real issues
..they are interested in Virtue Signalling.
Oh I see @theisland posted the Delingpole , link that I forgot to
Yes I agree – 1hr 10mins well spent.
Ezra speaks clearly about what is happening.
Meanwhile unlike TR, a comedian has just called for violence
Tomorrow is the end of the month and Tommy’s effing judges said they’d try their best to give their decision before the end of July. Does that mean these cruel bastards are leaving their decision until a minute before midnight tomorrow. Or are they so full of hatred for the man that they are going to delay his release to some unspecified future date? If he actually escapes with his life.
I forgot, I should have prefaced the above with:
” England’s No. 1 political prisoner”
According to Ezra the verdict is due tomorrow OR Wednesday.
TR update
Ezra Levant retweeted:
I’m guessing the decision by the LCJ will not be published “for legal reasons “ and the punishment of TR will not be made public. I wonder is the Lord Chief Justice will be as quick in delivering his ruling as the C… who banged up TR in the first place .
Judges protect their own so they’ll close ranks .
I really hope it gets the foreign media coverage it deserves because the domestic msm serves a different master as we know ,….
More generally _ the use of “ for legal reasons. “ is becoming commonplace . The guardian reports some Bangladeshi third world couple being sent to prison today for doing something horrible to their daughter , even after conviction the judge refuses to disclose identities -guessit must Mohammed Islam or similar .
‘Fraid it is the so-called, “Separation of Powers” gone wonky. They are being instructed from above…………….
I second that; it is unmissable. I listened to it twice. It is by far the best analysis of the Tommy Robinson phenomenon I have come across. Levant also comments in detail on the extraordinary Naz Shah/ Yvette Cooper video (linked by another commenter) where they exhibit their hysterical obsession with TR.
Thanks for the nod, I’ll check this out soon.
(repost) House of Commons DCMS Committee report on FakeNews
it is entirely predictable they would reach for Prof Lew an expert on “conspiracy theorists”, who just happens to be a big conspiracy theorist about people who have different opinions from him eg he speaks about ‘Climate deniers funded by big oil’
So ClipScep Blog are in a position to analyse his submissions
There are open comments of course
I remember a few years ago, Lewandowsky was on BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind: Tackling Climate Change with Psychology: He seemed to want to put Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers in the loony bin, if they disagreed with him on matters of Climate Science. He also appeared on Laurie Tailors “Thinking Allowed”.
Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, Chair in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Bristol, believes that Climate scientists who disagree with him on Climate science, should be classified with a “mental disorder”
Lewandowsky and the University of Bristol have added Britain onto the list of countries that have: “Political abuse of psychiatry”
This is a cartoon depicting the loony holding his Loony Landings/Climate Science survey.

Richard, think Lewandowsky must have influenced Polly Toynbee. At one point, if I recall correctly, the female Guardian journalist and BBC contributor with the villa in Tuscany wished to have all who denied ‘Climate Change’ locked up in prison camps.
The beginings of full on tyranny I do believe. It won’t stop there.
Damned democracy getting in the way again!
I couldn’t give a monkeys about ‘excluding marginalised groups’. Having just had to re-apply for my driving licence, because of an upcoming 70th, we just do it. (although I have laid on the floor kicking and screaming like a toddler).
No-one squeals about having a driving licence so whats the sodding fuss about an I.D. card ? someone, please explain it to me.
“I couldn’t give a monkeys about ‘excluding marginalised groups’”
Me too!
Yet you try excluding the “as you know!” groups in Bath!
Ves, just read it. Words fail me. Clearly the snowflakes haven’t got the gumption to reply “no I don’t know, so could you explain please”. (although I agree, most have never heard the word ‘please’ )
I do get angry at this lot, purely because in the 60’s you really had to be super intelligent to gain a place at University, and judging by todays standards I would fly into Oxbridge and be award Honours with no trouble at all.
Exactly! I’m trying to put myself in the position of those numpties; so I’d ask myself why did I apply to this uni in the first place! – idiots! I presume some of those idiots will be parents sometime soon: Hey, mom, what do you think should I go to art collegue or not? “who knows?” Oh, go and ask your father! But he’s left the decision up to you? Crazy!
Lucy, isn’t it a wonderful world?
‘We’ worry about foreign influence on the EU Referendum, the US Presidential Election and the 2017 General Election but then ‘we’ worry about asking voters if they are who they claim to be, on the Electoral Roll, before voting.
Hmmmmnnn. Have ‘they’ thought that through?
I wonder.
The reason why Voter ID is more likely to exclude marginalised groups from voting twice is because criminals are a marginalised group who try to vote more than once.
The sooner they are marginalized, the better.
And what about our ‘dim’ student communaeeee, who can barely string two sentences together, but are clearly clued up enough to vote more than once, simply by being registered at more than one address. There surely has to be a priority crackdown on this before the next GE.
Postal voting for all was a big mistake. Friend of a close relative told him that he had registered his dog on the electoral roll. The dog was accepted. It voted Labour.
Common practice where they come from. Its just another adjustment the British public have to make to accommodate.
Think our Naz is importing her third world practices to Blighty – plenty of those letter drop flats with a hundred residents all called ‘mo’ – see Toweristan Hamletistan for the ‘ model’ . Also applies to students of course
Oh dear, no double voting for Labour in the next election?
Social Engineering , “boys will be boys” ? Not according to Al Beeb…………………
Just been to Wickes (a builders’ merchant) and was approached by a fully immersed TG/TV/TS. Not at all convincing, but did my wife or I bat an eyelid? No, couldn’t care less – and I’m a “far right” individual!
UKIP and Al Beeb……………..
Vote or support UKIP .
Fake news. Fake news . Fake news .
If you own or posses a car you could be done for speeding .
Fake news .fake news .
How can that be ? Surely you actually speed before you get a ticket ?
Fake news fake news
Well look at the wording . Does it say if you have a car you will be speeding ?
Fake news .fake news .
Let’s turn it another way , the BBC way .
Fake news .fake news
If you possess a TV set you have to have a licence and we will come round your house if you say you haven’t got one .
Real news real news .
It’s RECIEVING LIVE BROADCASTS that requires a licence , not being in possession of a TV set . The BBC IS LYING mainly by omission , but also by their intimidation .
The BBC . Giving fake information .
Interesting the way the London Evening Standard spins it
“Amsterdam ‘lawless’ after dark because of Brit stag parties,”
..No it is not the British who are running around on scooters with guns
..the vast majority of crimes mentioned have nothing to do with British stag parties.
It’s the same in Mexico, only hen parties leaving beheaded corpses of those who fail the Breezer chug challenge.
On your marks, get set, go!
This so-called ‘Novichok’ thing took an interesting turn last week. Early on in July we were told that the chemical that had hospitalised Sturgess and Rowley was in a perfume bottle. Then we were told that the police were searching for a container. Not necessarily a perfume bottle. A vial, a jar, a syringe, perhaps. While the couple were in hospital, Rowley’s flat was sealed and searched by police. It took them days, ie more than one, to find the container. Find it, they did. They did not tell us what the container was. It was tested by Porton Down chemists who quickly said it was the same substance that had poisoned the Skripals. The implication was exactly the same substance as in the Salisbury poisoning.
Charlie Rowley recovered and left hospital. He had some interesting news to pass on. He found a discarded perfume bottle and it was boxed. He took it home ‘as a present for Dawn’. He had it at home for two days before giving it to her. He got some on his hands while assembling the spray component onto the bottle. He inhaled it. He found the residue oily and immediately washed it off under a tap. He gave it to Sturgess. She recognised the brand. She tried it spraying it on her hands and arms and rubbing them together. Probably, no doubt, also inhaling to test the scent. It is what women do.
Dawn Sturgess almost immediately started to feel a headache coming on and then felt increasingly unwell. She went to lie down in the bath and Rowley found her there, fully clothed. We were not told if the bath was full of water. Neither the BBC’s or the Independent’s journalists inform us of that. Did they ask? Rowley called an abulance and the rest is well known. Dawn Sturgess, sadly, died from her exposure to ‘the chemical’.
Some interesting little ‘conflicts’ there. The first is the perfume bottle > not a perfume bottle > perfume bottle in a box scenario.
Second is the assumption that Rowley did not die because he immediately washed off ‘the chemical’. But did Dawn Sturgess, effectively, do so as well by getting into the bath full of water. He inhaled the chemical. She may not have done but is likely, I think, to have done so. There is an interesting comparison between the effects of what the authorities claim is a deadly nerve agent, in concentrated form, on two different people who handled it in pretty much the same way.
Third is the search for something so obvious in a flat (which I assume was not a large one) which suggests it was well hidden. Why would Rowley hide the bottle, concealing it so thoroughly that it apparently took skilled investigators more than a day to find, before going to the hospital to see Sturgess and being hospitalised himself? Skilled and highly paid journalists from the BBC and the Independent did not think to ask. Their even more highly paid Editors did not think to ask them to go back and ask. Strange, that.
Then there is the super quick diagnosis by the chemists at Porton Down. Biased BBCers with good memories will remember it took the Organisation for the Prevention of use of Chemical Weapons several days to decide the Skripal poisoning was caused by “a Soviet era chemical”.
Interesting and interestinger.
Especially when set against this bit of malarkey. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45000472
Also, the residents of the hostel where Dawn Sturgess lived were initially (according to a TV interview of a resident) forced out onto the streets. Later on, police were entering that building wearing bio-hazard suits! No mention, anywhere, that the residents (who could have been contaminated) were turfed out into the community. Who ordered them to get out? Were any medical checks done on those residents and the people they were, subsequently, in contact with?
Spider, it would appear that Dawn Sturgess was living with Charlie Rowley at his flat.
It appears that is where the perfume bottle was hidden, er, I mean left, after they were hospitalised.
Also,a few weeks ago, on early LBC news report; probably during the Steve Allen show; it was reported that the chemical had been found not to be this Novichok stuff. That was the only time I heard that said. And, recently I heard or read a report that the glass container had shattered whereas the reports now sound as though it was found in tact.
Apart from some poor woman dying from some kind of poisoning, I don’t believe anything else that has been reported on this incident.
And where are the Skripals these days?
And doesn’t all this conclude that us, mere members of the public, clearly have more common sense than those journalists (who have a degree or two), and would ask more searching questions than those numb nuts, because some things appear to be patently obvious, but obviously not to those in the gallery shouting out the questions in the earpiece to those on screen.
j-i-c, can’t say I’ve heard anything like that on the Beeb on R4. What I did hear was that there was a re-check going on, on the perfume bottle & its contents. I did wonder if that initial Porton Down assessment was a bit too hasty in view of the complexities of testing for a so-called Novichok.
In this age of FakeNews and FalseNews and FalseFacts, by everyone else, you would think the BBC would wish to be very scrupulous in their newscasting, wouldn’t you?
As to the Skripals, I am a lot more interested right now in the activities of the OPCW who were recalled to Britain to test the contents of that bottle. Absolutely zero interest shown by the BBC, as far as I know.
I wonder why?
They are on their summer hols with Christopher Steele and Pablo Miller in Argentina.
Sky and BBC are proclaiming that the British have changed their mind about Brexit and now wish to remain. These scum will stop at nothing to keep us chained to the EU. What utter meddling, cynical scum these media organisations are; the media are now a weapon of the establishment and enemy of the people. These media scum should be dumped in gimmiegrant camps or bus loads of the ‘enriching’ invading hordes should be dropped off outside their leafy middle class suburbs… I wonder what that lanky leftie tw*t Jon Snow, that dick James O’Brien or that self righteous brat Silly Allen would say if they had enrichers camping in their neighbourhoods and taking craps on their lawns? These snooty lefty scum all live in areas not affected by invaders so they don’t care.
Alex, isn’t Sky ‘foreign’ owned?
Just what is a ‘foreign’ owned company doing trying to influence the result of a British Referendum?
I must have a dodgy molar or something on that side of my mouth.
Be great to invite them all to a media bonding day at The Gower and, just as the beers are chilling and the sausages crisping, arrange for a landing craft of enrichers to crash up (see what I did there?) on the beach in their midst.
Just be worth it to see Tubbo Mardell kneecapped by O’Brien buy time to cover his escape.
At the bottom of my local BB weather page there are 4 “news stories” linked.
1: Are teenagers having less sex?
2: How long are you going to live?
3: Where can UK students study for free?
4 : Festivals 2018: The gender gap in music festival line-ups
( By Reality Check team BBC News) Whose reality?
What a load of freaks they have working at the BBC.
That is the trouble with the BBC – full of freaks and perverts.
They have so many student interns working for them it has become something like the Houses of parliament were everyone is from the same bubble. Same background, same education, same mindset.
I bet there is not one person in the BBC who has been in the military, police or fire service. Not one real engineer with real experience etc.
It is one big Student Union bar full of Owen Jones types with their twisted views on the real world and real people.
Tabs, more than ‘half’ the BBC are engineers.
There are the engineers who take care of the techie stuff in studios and control rooms and the service spaces between floors and in the basement (I’ve seen the stuff they have to deal with at BH – eeeeek!) and who go out in the OB Trucks to set up for things like Any Questions and Question Time. Then there are the ‘engineers’ who ‘engineer’ the News and other stuff.
I must stop doing that.
And go see the dentist.
….. 1. Are teenagers having LESS sex ? …..
God almighty, I never had ANY teenage sex, ( unless a quick fumble and knee trembler in the back row counts), we were too bloody scared ! No worries about chlamydia / aids / then, and as for the horror stories about Gonorrhea and other STD’s that in itself was enough of a contraception !
bBBC NorthWest ‘news’ tonight tells us that Muslims in Manchester have ‘genuine concerns’ about being targeted by the Police.
bBBC NorthWest ‘news’ doesn’t tell us that millions of normal people have genuine concerns about being targeted by Muslims.
Or being targeted by police for being rude about Moslems.
BBC4 tonight :
Leading Lady Parts followed by Snatches 🙂
Desperate measures.
You mean like Jewish people who in Berlin have been told by officials not to wear anything identifying themselves as Jews. Can’t think why.
Germany “gripped ” you say Beeb?
Trump has made them loopy and simply unable to have any sense of language or discernment.
It`s all judgey and discrimation to them-so the bigger and more inflated their words, the more we`ll care.
Sorry Beeb, Innoculated, you`re both mad AND bad these days.
No-one`s listening.
Up to their old tricks with the kids again.
Following on the Supreme Court decision on allowing medical euthanasia – seeing that it was a unanimous verdict – it now allows care homes and hospitals to get rid of those they don’t want – with the consent of relatives – or even better for the care homes- no relatives at all.
The court seems to think doctors are upstanding and honest . Well I, from personal experience , know this is not the case .
Doctors are self employed and those attending care homes have a financial interesting in signing off on those no longer wanted .
I wonder how long before some whistle blower reports hospitals or care homes which are ‘offing’ defenceless victims under a false cloak or medical abuse .
Shipman .
Just a thought, Treezer’s dad was an Anglo Catholic priest in the same hospital as Dr Bodkin Adams of easing the passing fame. He was there for six years and as a priest must have known of over 160 patients being despatched. It seems as if Treezer’s Government is approving a similar range of healthcare
Too right.
My Mum was in a £3600 a month home owned by a GP, by sheer coincidence the head of practice serving the home. Did not go well.
Conflict of interest much? The CQC, LGO and PHSO were all on par with the Electoral Commission and BbC parliamentary inquiry committees for competence and trustworthiness.
LBC now : Farage is on holiday
so they seem to be fishing to find people who want a second referendum.
And quoting the Sky Poll.
“Only 1 in 5 believe now is the time for a second referendum, but when a deal is made, many people say they want a second vote then.”
Does the bbc have an irony editor?
Oddly comments arent going Kinnock’s way. In fact you could cut and paste them onto BiasedBBC site and they would fit in perfectly . – though some might appear a little too rude and personal.
But the good news is, that we are NOT ALONE!
JHB better watch out if J’Obsworth catches her without a bodyguard.
LBC do not need to look very far to find remain flatulators aching for the “Peoples Vote”. Madgit, Fogerthy, O’Brien etc. etc. Only Iain Stale is vaguely leave – I think he wants a “pink” Brexit.
Recently, Repentent Brexiteer callers have been confessing how stupid their reasos for voting leave were. Of course, no mention of the remainers who voted to stay because they thought they would not be allowed to go to Ibiza post Brexit or feared gran would be deported from her retirement home in Spain.
@ID when LBC callers speak to Farage or JRM they often say
“You know I was actually a Remain voter, but now I have seen how unreasonable the EU are being I’ve changed sides”
But 4 in 5 believes that its not the time for a second referendum – which sounds so much better !
Strange how every commentator on Sky or the BBC always say’ while i don’t believe Jeremy is personally an anti semite he has allowed it to take hold…..blah blah blah’. Well no. I believe he is an anti semite full stop.
Abbott and McDonnell can’t add up, but Corbyn surely can. There are about 250,000 Jews who can vote, and about 3,000,000 Muslims.
Has Al Beeb covered this yet? ………………………………
If not why not ?
Found it !
Hidden away in ‘Leeds and West Yorkshire’.
Where is maxincony when you need him ? He should have pointed it out and jumped down my throat .
Forced marriage: Leeds parents jailed over Bangladesh wedding
The story is framed by a building of a court building
whereas if it were white people the photo of the actual perps would have been used.
BBC probably argue that the iD of the victim has to be preserved.
As a matter of interest, have there been any reports of groups of white illegals being smuggled into Europe, or the UK? Any white illegals found in the back of lorries coming into England, or rubber boatloads of white illegals coming ashore on Spanish beaches? What about the USA, are there hordes of white English speaking illegal families crossing in from Mexico?
What about mass immigration of white people into the Middle East and Africa?
I must have missed all those reports or is this just another example of selective reporting by the MSM and the far-left bbc?
More depression for snowflakes – and particular – sopel – that President trump is offering to meet with his opposite number in Iran .
Nothing may come of it but jaw jaw is better ….
Even worse for the sjw’s will be the unredacting of the 20 pages of the Carter Page FISA warrant demanded by Nunes, the constitutional storm that will be unleashed when it turns out the Senate Intelligence Committee ordered the release of the unredacted Carter Page FISA warrant to Buzzfeed and the publishing of the Cohen tapes which will humiliate the MSM. Even they can’t put the lid on these. Trump winning bigly as usual. The man just can’t stop winning.
RT now : ‘Oh for BME they get longer sentences for the same crime
… then they contradict themselves
..the whites enter a guilty plea
.. the BME don’t and therefore don’t get a jail discount fro being honest.
These relevations were all in the Lammy report. Seems such a long time ago. The shtick at the time was miscreants of hue so distrusted the justice system and all those male, stale, pale judges that they were reluctant to admit guilt. Makes no sense of course. I suppose you could argue all their lawyers were white so the people of colour didn’t believe them either.
Strange how m’luds and lawyers are slaves to their prejudices in this case, yet possess divine detachment when judging Brexit cases, even though they publically declare themselves as remainers
I created this earlier. I was annoyed because I got a request to sign my name to a referndum request for a second referendum, so I made one of my own. If anyone wants to sign and help me get it off the ground I would be grateful, although I suspect it won’t get enough signatures. The text of my referendum request is as follows:
The British people voted for Brexit, and not for a second, or third, or fourth referendum. They also did not vote for a fudge. Unlike the remainers who were misled by the Remain campaign, 99.9% of those voting for Brexit knew what they were voting for. It was made clear by both sides of the campaign that a vote for Brexit was to leave the EU and all of its agencies.
So it is no to a further referendum on this issue, and yes to a full Brexit: even if it means we do not get a deal with the EU who are making any agreement impossible to accept and still to claim with a straight face that this form of Remain is actually Brexit. If those negotiating from the EU refuse to behave like democrats, then we must accept that we have no deal and we will not pay the un-owed money they demand and we will continue to trade with them on WTO rules as we already do with most of the World.
Only Brexit is Brexit.
Signed…might be worth promoting it on the homepage of this site
Demon, signed. 🙂
Thanks to those of you who have signed.
This is amusing. http://www.continentaltelegraph.com/brexit/memo-to-the-guardian-we-dont-have-a-national-food-service/
Not bbc… any more… but here is their Mr. Crick jumping on the pathetic little carnival float they are trying to turn into a parade.
Must say I am astounded any woman ever let the greasy little oaf within a barge pole’s length.
The sneering condescension in that guys statement speaks volumes yet I imagine he thinks he’s being really clever in making a witticism that none of us knuckle dragging neanderthals will detect as being a dig at Hunt.
He didn’t make a gaffe, he literally mis-spoke a word and he doesn’t need reminding about the nationality of his wife. There was no malice or stupidity in Jeremy’s error, it was a simple human mistake.
These grade A, c rags are just highlighting what petty, mean spirited douche bags they really are. But they should stick at it because all they are doing is humanising Hunt and revealing how odious they actually are.
The bitch is back
There is plenty to complain about in this misleading BBC report on the release of Ahed Tamimi from Israeli prison. Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi released from prison
“She has been released from prison after serving an weight month sentence for slapping an Israeli soldier” Totally misleading The reality is she accepted a deal and plead guilty to four charges, including assault, incitement and two counts of obstructing soldiers. The eight months included four months already served. She could have faced years in prison for 12 charges including assaulting security forces, throwing stones and using Facebook “to incite others to commit terrorist attacks”.
“She was kicking the soldiers outside her home, reportedly an hour after they shot her 15-year-old cousin in the head with a rubber bullet” A slap or a kick what does it matter (except to accuracy standards the BBC claims)? It is true the Tamimi clan has a reputation for violence including murder so her cousin being hurt is no surprise. Her aunt assisted in carrying out the infamous 2001 Sbarro pizza bombing in Jerusalem that took the lives of 15 Jews, half of them children eating lunch.
Still the implication is that she was provoked by the shooting. Nothing could be further from the truth. She has been attempting to provoke Israeli soldiers and police to a violent response since 2012. Each incident (I count six) was photographed by her darling mother.
“Since the incident, Ahed has become a heroine in the Palestinian territories”. Actually long before. She has been feted as a heroine in front of Palestine Authority President Abbas, South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
“To resist is normal. Not to resist is abnormal” Bassem Tamii, Ahed’s father interviewed without challenge. The 4th Geneva Convention only has two categories of residents in occupied territories: Protected persons and combatants. The veteran teenage provocateur surely falls into the later category.
“The residents organise weekly protests to oppose the neighbouring Israeli settlement built on Palestinian land”. Should the BBC be parroting Palestinian claims without a ‘says’ or ‘claims’ as they inevitably do with Israel? The Supreme Court of Israel rejected Palestinian claims of ownership of the Havlata Hill, which is now in the centre of Halamish. Based on aerial photos from the turn of the 20th century, showing the disputed land to be barren, and Ottoman Empire land law specifying that land not worked for over ten years becomes state land, the land on that hill was declared state land and freed for settlement constructions. This court ruling became the precedent for future land ownership disputes.
Nida Ibrahim BBC reporter [she comes] “to a new reality being the new iconic face of Palestinian resistance”. Hardly new. Where has Ms Ibrahim been for the last few years if she thinks Tamimi’s notoriety is something recent? Palestinian resistance? Surely a loaded term, at best?
Still this piece of Palestinian propaganda is exactly what we have learnt to expect from the BBC.
I’ve just watched newsnight, apparently we’re all doomed, the sandwich (or butty where I’m from) is no more after brexit. I heard it from some expert in a pin striped suit, he’s from the British association of sandwich makers. How deep is this fuckin’ barrel BBC? What next? The beggars guild complaining about the exchange rate?
It was surreal. Laughable really. Sandwiches for Christ’s sake. Brexit mania has finally done ffor our Emily and seriously I feel she needs a holiday.
There are no import duties unless we impose them. She just could not grasp this and seemed to think the EU imposes export duties. Insane.
It shows the complete lack of any commercial nous in the BBC . Not surprising considering the way it is funded.
The EU will continue to trade otherwise farms all over France Spain Ireland etc will go to the wall along with hauliers and ancillary trades. We spend serious money
The need and urge to trade is inherent in us and we will overcome all obstacles because we have to to survive. The Beeboids just will never get this.
What a cossetted bunch of idiots they are.
Dave S
Yes, Dateless was unusually shouty tonight.
The concept that an independent state can decide matters for itself is alien to her. The doors of the EU prison are about to open, but remainers cower in a corner too fearful to escape.
Holland sends 15% of its meat exports and 15% of its fruit and vegetables to UK. Rather than send tonnes of its produce to rot at the border unpaid for, presumeably Dutch producers would be looking for new buyers long before “Brexit doomsday”. Could they switch a sixth of their production on a single day? Surely we would be noticing shortages in Dutch produce now as they divert to other markets.
The WTO bogeyman is always raised. As the WTO want to liberalise trade and the tariffs it stipulates are maxima beyond which countries cannot go without negotiations, it is hard to see what the problem will be..Does the “transition period” apply or not?
What is worrying is the dependence on Europe for so many products – food, insulin for a start.
What happens if things go down the pan in the EU – a new Euro crisis, for example?
The picture that the remainers like to paint is of lots of British trucks stuck in queues waiting to cross the channel. However a large part of the cross-channel traffic consists of Spanish, French or Polish vehicles. I can’t see their owners being too happy paying their drivers to go nowhere and to watch their truck depreciate in a stack at Dover.
Similarly we never hear about all those EU aircraft that are going to be ditching mid-Atlantic when UK air traffic control suddenly finds itself unable to accept in-bound flights with EU destinations. But then we will never be nasty, unlike our ‘friends’ in Europe!
Even if you accept the “EU blockade scenario”, we are not living in Napoleonic times. Any indication that the French customs are on a “work to rule” would mean that no haulier would send trucks to Dover to clog up the whole transport system. Tough for all those Polish truck drivers who couldn’t return home for their next load.
What happens to all the design engineers, web designers, copywriters and translators who send their work peer to peer on the internet? Are the EU customs going to check every electron for compliance?
I believe the french have worked out a cunning plan with Treason May.
After the great BLT and egg mayonnaise riots of 2019 – They will tempt us back – by offering us cake. But not miserable English – cake that reminds us only of cloudy days but sophisticated french citrons, St Honore cakes and Madeleines. The sort of things you can only buy in Paris and Islington that remind us of sunny days, good conversation, fine wines, sophistication, vibrancy and of course molotov cocktails, personal enrichment and no-go zones.
I think we have a lot to look forward to.
Oh, but you must take into account the just-in-time supply chain cliff edge certainty that business must have. After all, nobody voted to be worse off.
I have not posted for quite a while, however I want to sincerely thank all of you for helping maintain some of my sanity in a world which I no longer feel connected with or understand. I have not switched on my television for at least a month, probably 2 months and I will never switch it on again. As for my radio that has been off for even longer. The BBC are a disgrace and completely untrustworthy. I could rave (rant) on but what’s the use. I will continue to enjoy everyone’s comments and perspective. Hopefully, eventually the narcissistic ego bloated over paid, nasty, evil two faced double standard double dipping shit heads at the BBC will be forced to live in an enriched multicultural community even having to send their kids to a school where their kids are the odd ones out. Am I racist? YES
Am I islamophobic? YES Am I anti European? NO Am I anti BBC? YES.
Where is Skippy when you need him ?
Al Beeb informs us that No 10 is not involving the army in Brexit ?
Did they realise that their Project Fear 2.4 is becoming transparent and the people recognised it as being
Fake News ?
Lots of Brexiteers are in the British Army, or have family in the forces and would be well ‘informed’.
Does anyone believe the Sky Polls that says that the ‘people are calling for a second vote’?
Neither do I .
Does anyone believe any person that says they “had voted for Brexit” but are now changing their mind?
Neither do I.
Vote or support UKIP.
Oddly, given all this chat about a second referendum our BBC news editors seem to have misplaced this clip.
Ha !
That one has come back to bite them on the backside .
that general election worked a treat, May managed to lose her big majority, that would have made Brexit easier.
She wasn’t doing as badly as expected , so for no other reason mentioned stopping the state pension ‘triple lock’ guarantee.
Toady lead with a story about sexual exploitation – the producers must be orgasmic. I bet the issue is massively exagerrated and they just want to be all virtuous and superior whilst basking in the safe space of a Grounhog story. All that finger wagging: you worry they might dislocate something.
Bear in mind that it isn’t just Labour that loves Islam, our so-called conservative PM regards Lauren Southern as being more extreme than those ‘British’ lads welcomed back from beheading in Syria. Even the ‘far right’ Nigel Farage bends his knee to the brown-eyed boys.
Something very strange is going on when mainstream politicians worry about offending the ‘2%’ yet for decades have ignored the much, much larger percentages that oppose mass immigration or the EU. It’s almost as if they are working to a hidden common purpose.
For globalism to work, it requires a dumbed-down population that will accept lower standards of living and never be able to challenge the system. Islam fits the bill perfectly; as Churchill wrote: “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” Europe is a particular problem for the globalists: Africa and the Middle East are going nowhere quickly; China is happy to be a reasonably self-contained totalitarian society that churns out the goods to the enterprises owned by the globalists; India is beset by poverty and regional concerns that will occupy it for the rest of the century. From an American perspective, it wants Europe as a solid market for its goods but not be a strong commercial competitor. Even if a fractured, Islamised Europe results in tens of thousands of deaths a year, the elite still think it desirable in the context of a continent that experienced tens of millions of deaths in two world wars. Plus, they are themselves isolated from the resultant social problems, much as the barons and earls were in their castles a thousand years ago.
And if they could bring back capital punishment just for Tommy Robinson, they probably would.
Oh dear . Muslims have genuine fear. So do we, fear of being blown in to ten thousand pieces when I go for some milk
If only they did fear us then they might just learn to behave themselves. And dress accordingly in public places.
They are not letting this one go.
Oh God I love egg mayonnaise butties
Would it be too simply to just grow them ourselves?
Eating whats in season is more healthy anyway.
Jon, Katty and Anthony must be saying ‘OmG’ in unison.
In other news, Naz Shah is advising the BBC on how not to say anything stupid, impartially. Apparently.
Here’s a short video from the BBC telling us of the terrible things that await when Brexit kicks in and we leave the EU:-
For those of you who don’t want to listen to the smug, smarmy BBC presenter, reporting from a swimming pool in Benidorm, I’ve summarised what he says below:-
1) Planes will not be allowed to fly to Europe
2) You’ll need a visa and it’s going to cost you more money
3) You’ll have no emergency health care so you could die whilst on holiday and no-one will care
4) Roaming charges will be re-introduced and so you won’t be able to use your mobile phone.
5) “Benidorm has felt the Brexit effect since the vote in 2016 and now you get less Euros to the Pound”
Desperate, pathetic and fake news.
The national broadcaster of the U.K.
BBC : The No. 1 Western Ladies’ Depopulation Agency ?
– for explanation and context see item below
It’s ok, Madonna and Angelina have plenty of spares.
“Girl killed in Smethwick was on way to mosque prayers”
The BBC headline clearly implies that an innocent little girl was killed just because she was a muslim.
Turns out she was a random victim in a traffic incident.
World class reporting from the most trusted news agency in the world .
This poor Manchester lad ‘died’ whilst at ‘work’ in the U.K.
Yes this is how they demonstrate their gratitude.
Remember the outrage at this poster? Does it apply to Libyan refugees?
I wonder what the relatives of the 22 would think about it now.
If this “refugee” hadn’t been ‘rescued’ 22 people would still be alive and many more not maimed for life.
Why did he do it? No doubt the bBBC will blame our horrible waycist country-or Brexit!
The BBC is an utter disgrace again today – further censorship by omission.
Even ITV’s Good Morning Britain show carried the Manchester Arena murderer ‘betrayal’ story prominently on its new bulletin. It is splashed all over the Daily Mail front page.
So what do we get on BBC TV? Not a squeak.
Come the paper review, the Mail is not even mentioned. Come the news round-up, and again the story is not mentioned.
Check the website – there is a single reference in the newspaper front pages round-up, but no separate news coverage at all!
Put a search in under the bomber’s name and the most recent item that pops up is about Muslims in Manchester fearing persecution as a result of the Prevent strategy.
A minister or someone in the public slips up and says something ‘inappropiate’ and they’re all over it like a rash, but on this they can’t be bothered.
Yes, it was an act of betrayal by Salman Abedi to murder in the country that rescued him…..but I’d argue that there is a whiff of betrayal by the BBC!
“Sickening act of betrayal”
But not to them. They have no allegiance to our country. They do not respect our laws. They only have allegiance to Allah and they must carry out their Jihad.
Quite so Ed.
The beebistan can’t bring themselves to report this hugely significant story. The nearest they get is the rather slippery technique of posting the Mail revelations under their Papers section, thereby ‘keeping their hands clean’ as they no-doubt see it. “Wasn’t us guv, we didn’t say it.”
And no doubt they will disappear the story altogether asap, unless it gains traction in the msm, in which case they may be shamed into covering it properly.
But that’s assuming the beeb know shame.
Why has it taken so long for this piece of information to surface?
I smell a cover-up from on high.
Of course it was – they didn’t want a huge backlash against NGO’s and ‘rescue’ by Navy..it would not have played well for the Lefties at BBC and other public organisations.
However if they didn’t know until now it shows how little we know about these ‘refugees’ which is just as bad…
Be fair to them, its a tough one !
Is Al Beeb’s propaganda team trying to work out a story that would point the finger of blame at the Royal Navy?
Hence the delay?
So surely when Emily Matlis was ripping Orban for daring to say that importing immigrants means you could be importing terrorists, this is exactly the example that she was trying to ignore.
But I’m sure the parents and relatives of the 22 who were killed will be grateful that their Govt isn’t being portrayed as xenophobes by the state broadcaster. I’m sure that keeps them warm when they are passing the bedroom door behind which their child no longer lives.
Sadly, knowing the area well as I do, I wonder how the BBC will report it if the girl was killed by a Muslim driver? Muslims feature quite a lot now in fatal road accidents in Birmingham, drugs are often involved…
Muslims often play the ‘victim card’ when this happens…
Pity the kids named ‘Back seat of a Nissan’.
The No. 1 Ladies’ Population Agency ?