May he have a peaceful day
… and a long rest
Link back to last thread, where on Page 3, Page 4 and Page 5 news of the quashing of the Leeds unfair trial was discussed.
James Purnell, former member of the anti-Semitic Labour Party, was appointed as the BBC’s Director of Radio Propaganda and Political Correct Education, in succession to Helen Boaden. This was after Boaden described the bunch of scientifically unqualified environmental activists advising the BBC on Climate science as “the best scientific experts”. She was resigned, retired or forced out of the BBC in 2016. She lives with her husband in Scarborough, near where Jimmy Savile used to live. Savile lived near Cliff Bridge, she lives near the Castle.
The Mair ‘interview’ with Ezra Levant was a classic.
Repeated misrepresentation of facts and a dogged attempt to not talk about those today but harping on about something else to try and swamp reality with allusion and allegation.
I’ve noticed that al Beebus like to pre-record interviews with people like Levant; Raheem Kassam; that chap from Breitbart (who handed Justine Web his @rse a year or so back) and Ann Coulter.
I think it’s so that if it REALLY doesn’t go well, for al Beeb, they can edit or scrap it.
Good point
\\ @MaajidNawaz is never referred to as a former member of a prescribed terrorist organisation,
…. yet Tommy is constantly labelled ex EDL leader. //
Yes, the BBC should read out all the jail terms their guests on Daily politics etc have. The IRA/Sinn Fein guests’ “rap sheet” would be challenging – not to mention the “reformed” jihadists who the government in its wisdom pays vast amounts of money to implement its deradicalisation “initiatives”.
I’ve been a glutton for punishment and have watched Newsshite on two consecutive evenings. What surprised me tonight was Dateless missing out “extreme far-right” in front. of an “activist”.
Sloppy work – will they dock some of her vast and totally undererved pay?
Much more disturbing was Ian Payne on LBC afterwards.
He was actually trying to portray the Pakistani child-rape-gangs as nothing more than common or garden paedoophiles doing what paedophiles do. He simply ignored the fact that this type of grooming/rape is almost exclusively performed by muslims on non-muslims and that these crimes were covered up for years precisely because they belonged to the “community” whose name the establishment dare not speak.
When there are cases of paedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church, the media does not seriously entertain the “a few bad apples” argument and sees the malaise rooted in Catholic doctrines and practices. Oppostion to abortion, nasty nuns in Ireland are all grist to the ideological mill. Strange islamic notions, for example that when a rape is committed both partiesare guilty of adultery seems to pass Payne by. Not to mention blasphemy and the fatwah thing.
The whole purpose was, of course, to claim that TR was “tarring all muslims with the same brush” and maligning all those devotees of the religion of peace. All this “othering”, pointing the finger at a minority can only result in hatred and mass murder holocaust style. See TR is just a nazi thug. QED
Payne must be very, very, very stupid to think he can revive the “it’s nothing to do with Islam” and “Islam is the religion of peace” platitudes of yesteryear – especially when some of the callers are shouty muslims gibbering in broken English about people wrongly interpreting the koran.
We have heard that crap ad nauseam before.
Batten of UKIP fame is on Fatso’s morning LBC session.
Nick Ferrari, the poor excuse for a news reader and mouthpiece for the state, on LBC this morning confirmed my prejudices against the man. He as much as admitted he knows nothing about Tommy Robinson yet persists in trashing his reputation at every opportunity. Gerard Batten hardly got a word in edgewise, and was reproached by Mr Ferrari for not knowing much about Pegida, the European movement to stop the Islamisation of Europe.
Before Mr Batten came on, some git from some university was brought on to tell us that Tommy is a very bad man and virtually everything this man said was mendacious and of course unchallenged by Mr Ferrari. But apparently, according to these two, the MSM has the highest reporting standards and never reports untruths or lies.
But according to them, supporters of Tommy Robinson ‘ have a problem with foreigners’. A lady caller tried to correct Mr Ferrari on his assertions but Mr Ferrari did his usual and spent most of the time she was on, talking over her and speaking in his special patronising voice. Then he made it very clear, repeatedly, that he never used the words ‘ Tommy Robinson’s supporters hate foreigners’. No, he didn’t but it was clear that’s what he was suggesting.
This is a man who admits he couldn’t be bothered to find out something about Tommy Robinson and over ten years of state persecution of the man, knows none of the most rudimentary details of the trial and yesterday’s court decision, and yet speaks as though he alone has the truth and those who disagree with him are bigots and racists.
Well, Mr Ferrari has confirmed my views of him, a man with no shame. Well done Mr Ferrari.
But thank God for the likes of Tommy Robinson, who is more of a man and more of a journalist than you’ll ever be.
“You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. “….
I too was taken in by the Pledge early on, and realised that it was ‘staged’ – in the same way that the Wrestling on ITV in the 60’s (ITV) was similarly fixed. I don’t doubt that they even rehearse their dialogue beforehand.
Yes and why do they always feel the need to refer to Tommy’s “real name” if Tommy Robinson his the name he wishes to use.
They don’t refer to Cliff Richard as “who’s real name is Harry Webb” or the real names of many of their pet “celebrities”.
I wonder if they will start introducing transgenders as Sarah who’s real name is Bob?
In one article in the Daily Mail, they mentioned ‘his real name’ three times. Partly this is to imply that Tommy is somehow dishonest or deceitful by not using ‘his real name’. But I suspect that it is down to that old prejudice of class hatred: Robinson sounds working class, whereas the double-barrelled Yaxley-Lennon sounds more middle class, which the establishment thinks will discredit him in the eyes of the masses. The emergence of a genuine working class spokesman and movement is something that terrifies the powers that be, particularly one where the old leftist clichés and cat-calls of racism, fascism and anti-semitism do not apply. Their behaviour is not a sign of strength, but of their weakness and fear. We outnumber them…
You may be out of date here. With marriages breaking up all over the place or not happening to begin with, lots of children are being given the surnames of both parents – sometime the surnames of three parents. Respectable people with old-fashioned double-barrelled names often give them up so as not to be mistaken for members of this group.
That was my point – I remember during the kinnock era those who opposed him within the labour movement – the militant tendency -were normally referred to as ‘hard left ‘ but that epithet does not exist in al beeb terminology any more .
As usual with al beeb it’s as much what they don’t say.., that betrays the bias.
Taff – the shooting of an 18 year old in my bit of Londonistan on Sunday night featured in the evening standard and was gone . He ain’t dead yet but this batch of shootings and stabbing comes as the lady chief of the Londonistan police blames middle class cocaine users for fuelling a drugs trade which fuels violence .
In fact it’s feral black boys who will attack and stab without blinking because of some turf – girl- training shoe – phone – disrespect . That’s the reality not some complicated criminological theory by someone on £200 000 pa.
At the current rate Londonistan will hit a 100 killings by the end of August – with the traditional vibrant knife fights on the August bank holiday .
Fatso Ferrari on LBC was analysing the reasons for “feral black youth” – single mothers or absent fathers? A woman of hue rang in to explain “sometimes it’s no one’s fault – the father of one of my children died suddenly recently – what can you do?”. Nick did not seem too eager to probe the dynamics of that family.
R4 Midnight news
Their talking voice said “Robinson was filming within the precincts of Leeds Crown court”
.. that is not true AFAIK ..he specifically asked the police and always remained on the street, not on the steps , not on the doorway etc.
It is hard to see how TR outside the court is interfering with court procedings. The policy on naming defendants in rape trials seems wholly inconsistent. The pretext for the Cliff Richards publicity was “victims coming forward” whether any putative trial would be undermined seemigly unimportant. I suppose you could argue in the case of muslim grooming/rape gangs that they had more than enough victims. However, in any other situation the “usual suspects” would be desparate to “get justice for all victims”.
Some comentators have said that there were so many defendents!!!! in the case TR supposedly was trying to undermine, that it was split into three. TR’s reporting was on one of the earlier cases so making a fair trial in trial 2 or 3 impossible
If the trial involved vulnerable child victims why weren’t the defendants remanded to prevent intimidation?
Interest rates: how the MPC makes its decision
By Vishala Sri-Pathma Business reporter, BBC News
”It’s decision day at the Bank of England as policymakers reveal their thinking on what level interest rates should be.”
So will the clowns start to raise interest rates, from 0.5% later today?
umm according to the BBC it’s already happened!
maybe the fools printed the chart too early..
The history of the Home Office under May and still under May, with who is ushered into these fair isles versus those strenuously kept out… could be better.
A Groundhog story about the ‘gender pay’ gap on Radio 4 ‘news’ briefing. A made up thing is news? Obviously zero analysis of the multi variant problem. Just: “We added up all the money men made and women made less and affluent middle class women want more.”
Do they not think we have seen Jordan Peterson debunk it so brilliantly against Newman? Have 15 million watched it now – many of whom are the type to listen to radio 4? A key symptom of the SJW illness seems to be imperviousness to evidence.
They do not care about the evidence: they just want more money and power – raw, Nietzschean will to power from such a supposedly weak group. If you disgagree with them that probably counts as ‘mysogyny’ and could be illegal; for sure, sensible people would not dare mention hate facts. They have become brutal tyrants, embodying he very qualities they sought to overthrow in that vile ‘patriarchy.’
BBC 2018:08:02 “Rajar figures: Listeners swap news shows for music”
“Today’s audience dropped by 839,000 year-on-year, whilst 5 Live Breakfast was down 337,000, according to Rajar, which monitors UK radio listening”
More “analysis” follows, Radio Rockall numbers have increased by 100% (to two) type of “analysis”.
#1 BBC, I challenge your assertion that the minor stations referred to, broadcast music, noise yes.
More importantly.
#2 How does either the BBC or Rajar know that the same listeners have just swapped stations?
Maybe due to “enrichment” there are more listeners to the primitive noise, AKA music, stations, and the reductions in numbers on flagship stations are due to former listeners spending their time becoming informed elsewhere (there are an increasing number of “elsewheres” to choose from in case the BBC is unaware of this).
Maybe be these former listeners have gone elsewhere because of the untrustworthy, lying, perpetually anti British, pro British enemies, fake news, which comprises almost the whole of BBC output.
Vote UKIP and put all these overpaid ****s on the dole and attending the food banks.
Every morning and I mean every bloody morning I wake up to Radio 4 Today programme and always hear them ask the guest “so you want another vote to stop Brexit?”. There is no debate on that show anymore. If they had a proper balanced argument it would make for good listening but the echo chamber it has become is an instant turn off.
Same for Newshite. Emily Maitless interrupts before the Trump/Brexit supporting guest has even got their first sentence out and she then talks over them stating her view of what is right and wrong.
How refreshing it would be if they had a mix of guest presenters. Maybe the Today programme could be occasionally be presented by Nigel Farage. But even if that was the only way for the BBC to save themselves they wouldn’t do it.
Tabs, several BBC presenters have directly said “But we didn’t know what we were voting for.” , John Humphrys and Justin Webb being prime examples. Apart from the fact they were too thick to understand the words ‘Remain’ and ‘Leave’ they obviously did not make time to read ANY of the campaign literature from all sides that flowed through the nation’s letterboxes for weeks.
They also like to complain that ‘people voted Leave because of immigration’. It hasn’t entered their tiny little minds that people probably voted Leave for many reasons, not least that there seems to be no benefit from the UK membership as portrayed and relayed to us by the BBC for 45+ years.
Yes – what were remainers voting for to stay in- more Turks – more Islam – the euro – a ReichEU military run by the cheese eaters – EU unified taxation – and the president of the United States of Europe .
Never an argument aired in their ‘ever closer union ‘ a complete disservice by the state broadcaster and many others .
You have to laugh at how the Beeb will be scratching their heads to why this is happening.
Maybe people are just tired of the predictable and tedious agenda pushing that they force on everyone all the time. Maybe some think there is a chance that they won’t have anything pushed at them if they listen to music. Little chance though, they are always trying to make political points.
I’m really quite surprised no one here has picked up on this given that it’s on virtually every other web site I visit.
A while ago I asked the BBC for its corporate definitions of several words it uses, right & left wing, when that becomes ‘far’ (which it never does with the left), and all of the meaningless isms and fauxbias they like to use.
The BBC response was unsurprising, they don’t know what any of these words mean as a corporation and they don’t have any definitions for them – they apparently leave it up to each individual presenter to use their own definitions as they see them.
That opens up an enormous can of worms for the audience as each presenter can be different and they never set out their own personal definition, making any report made by the BBC utterly meaningless and of little value.
Bearing this in mind yesterday, I along with many others lodged a complaint with the BBC that Tommy Robinson in no way qualifies as ‘far right’ save in the definition that anyone to the right of Marx or who disagrees with the BBC bias is ‘far right’.
I have asked them yet again for the definition of the word ‘far right’ as used in this context and how someone who is a campaigner against Islamic excess and government allowance of it can possibly be described this way.
I doubt I’m going to get much of a response especially as I cannot see how libelling a single issue campaigner can be justified, but then that’s the point, the BBC doesn’t have to justify itself, and there is no oversight body forcing them to do so. It can do as it pleases no one is going to ever say no.
Kassam dealt very well with an interviewer who was constantly interrupting and trying to put words in his mouth. He, Bannon, Batten and a few others ought to come out as often as possible to deal with these smug know-alls.
Interesting that the BBC leave it to their reporters to label people as ‘far right’ if that is what they think, because the BBC is supposed to be impartial. These people are the BBC and therefore should give no label apart from their name and their party or organisation.
I have got into the habit of prefacing my comments about this disgusting organisation with far-left. But perhaps it would be more appropriate to add the words, ” for nearly half a century the employer and protector of Jimmy Savile”.
Did you notice the farcical reason suggested for an interest rise “to get pay inflation under control”? The BBC has been pointing out for months, if not years, that pay is not increasing at lower and middle levels. How quickly that is forgotten.
As to Project Fear, I think it has gone way beyond MkII levels unless by MkII, you mean Mk11, (eleven). That might be nearer the mark! (I’ll get me coat, for that last one.)
Nail on the head, Dover. The beeb likes to think it’s all international and cosmopolitan, far above vulgar nationalism, that’s for those horrid little Ukippers and Brexiteers. More Chablis dahling?
Innocent man in Britain jailed by kangaroo court, yesterday freed by court of appeals. In Britain.
This news doesn’t appear on World News webpage. Doesn’t appear on UK News. Doesn’t appear on England News. Doesn’t appear on London News. DOES appear in Leeds local news page section.
Biased BBC broadcast far and wide on every channel when Tommy Robinson was found guilty, surely he can sue them for slander?
“He and his party must be judged by a very simple standard: that the will of the people, expressed on Monday, is accurately and honestly tallied and respected.”
How noble, except that this is an extract from an editorial in the Guardian yesterday. About the recent election in Zimbabwe.
This is the same Guardian that has been, and still is, at the head of a 24/7/365 mission to ignore and pervert the will of the people in the UK.
Am back on the TOADY Watch Chain Gang and am afraid that I have to take a pop at dim wimmin.
#1. is Rachel Reeves MP, Chair of the House Business Committee. She demonstrates that her Committee is not comparing like with like* when they consider the so-called ‘gender pay gap’. It is claimed this woman has not just one University degree but three. Two Masters no less. She also worked for the Bank of England before benefitting from ‘an all-woman shortlist’ to get a Labour Party nomination and elected to Parliament.
She says it would be too difficult to check to see if a woman and a man doing the same job were being paid differently. She instead uses a false comparison and bases proposed government legislation on it.
No wonder our country went bust in 2007-2009.
(*Three cheers for Martha Kearney, btw, who WAS sharp enough to realise the flaw behind Reeves’ thinking and challenged her on it. Shame Martha didn’t really skewer the MP on this point. Woz it cos she’s Labah?)
I was quite surprised that Martha pulled her up on it, but what was more evident was that Reeves was flustered after that..she knew she had been rumbled and it was all shite..
Then she changed tack saying it was about getting more women into the workplace…Funny I thought it was about sign of more men in teaching, nursing , medicine.
These people are intellectual weaklings..and they run the country
We are all doomed
A minor example of the ethnic cleansing of Britain being promoted by the BBC. An article on the news website home page states that the ‘Number of mobile calls drops for the first time’. Naturally it is illustrated by a photograph of a black(ish) woman using her mobile phone. Going to the article itself, we have a contrived photograph of ‘young and diverse’ people, in which the stereotyped Mixed-Race-Woman-With-A-Lot-Of-Hair takes centre stage. To add some human interest, they discuss mobile phone usage within ‘a typical family’, which just happens to be an inter-racial family (presumably one just back from the furniture store, bank or supermarket).
There are a total of 14 people illustrated in the story, of which 7 are white. BMEs make up approximately 14% or 1/7th of the population of the UK, so if the illustrations were representative there would 2 appearing in the story. But it is intended to be prescriptive rather than descriptive of Britain. The motivations may be different, but the means are no different than those of the Nazis with their crude depictions of Jewish people in posters, books and movies in the 1930s.
I’d also add that 2 of the men (on the left) in that line up are gay (no socks!). That make 50% of all men gay – which is typically in Broadcasting House.
All to do with subliminal suggestion. “….Consequently, subliminally perceived messages may be “suggestive” of those behaviors that are mentally activated, as their heightened accessibility increases the likelihood that they will be enacted.”
“…..the insertion of subliminal messages in advertising was a form of intentional deception that was contrary to the public interest.”. The BBC don’t believe so.
This morning the bBC was keen to report that California Governor Jerry Brown said climate change was ‘behind’ the wild fires, but the official cause of the latest Carr fire is listed as “mechanical failure of a vehicle” in the incident report from CAL Fire.
The malfunctioning car is thought to have caused sparks that ignited the ground nearby as high heats promoted tinderbox conditions. High-speed winds meant the fire quickly surged through the Shasta County area, reaching far beyond its point of origination.
However, the bBC is on a mission to brainwash it’s unfortunate audience.
The liberal establishment is in turmoil. On the one hand they run stories in the Times about how young Muslim girls are forced into marriage or raped by their cousins etc. They demonstrate their virtuous liberal credentials by this reporting.
They occasionally remember that Muslim men also have raped tens of thousands of white girls many times each , so perhaps million of rapes in total. Although they often ignore this last bit.
Then they run stories which are extremely biased against a man who was amongst the first to point this out. They hate TR because he tells a truth which they want covered up and darent report themselves.
But as Tommy said yesterday the public are increasingly on his side not theirs.
I hope that the tide could be beginning to turn.
Listening to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning she did highlight the need for a sensible debate about some of the points that Tommy is trying to make.
She mentioned the mass child rapes of children being ignored for fear of being called racist and said something on the lines of people being justified in being worried about this.
However she did spoil it by stating that people turn to “people like Tommy” because nobody else is raising the issues as if Tommy is not the right person to be turning to.
Memory is currently failing me slightly because I cannot remember exactly who contributed to the TOADY item on the announcement from Michael Gove. He is bringing forward arrangements to pay farmers a grant ‘to protect the environment’.
This dim wimmin was either Director of English Heritage or was Dame Helen Ghosh, Director-General of the National Trust. Said female obviously assumed that all farmers were rapacious business people bleeding their land and countryside dry while destroying the environment and wildlife and what she said revealed that assumption.
She was obviously totally ignorant of farmers and farming.
Hopefully, someone like Robin Page will help her understand farming and the countryside.
(* Perhaps Biased BBC has ‘cornered the market’ in brainy women? They are all on here!)
A couple of people have already mentioned the lamentable Nick Ferrari programme. In a way people like him are worse even than the dire BBC. There can be little argument that the Beeb have a lefty agenda, but fatty Ferrari depicts himself as a right winger. I’ve listened to this podgy poser for yonks and at first believed in him. I was wrong. He is far too concerned at looking after his own well paid , cushy job. He likes to pose as a controversial “right winger”, but he’s nothing more than a stooge. You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. He’s a pathetic creature.
I’ve heard him argue in favour of the burqua. I’ve listened as he patonisingly puts down anyone who worries about mass immigration. He had a nice, cosy relationship with Nick Clegg, when Cleggy was Lib-Dem leader. They have these play debates, Chubster Nick versus Liberal Nick. Far too chummy to be real.
He’ll push the agenda just so far to give his half-witted fans something to suckle on, but he’s essentially looking after his own pay packet.
He gets a mint for doing his flagship show. He gets another wodge for being on the box. Easy money. Much safer to go along with the crowd and play the pantomime right winger and collect the checque.
I’ll be tuning in to Rebel Media to receive the real news regarding Tommy Robinson.
I’ll leave Ferrari to his gullible halfwits…
“You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. “………
I admit to being taken in too with the programme the Pledge in the beginning. But I soon realised that its ‘staged’, like the old wrestling matches I used to watch in the 60’s on a Saturday afternoon on the box ; and no doubt rehearse their dialogue beforehand.
Wrestling was fixed???
In a sentence you’ve brought a lump to my throat.
All those long ago Saturday afternoons sitting with my grandfather watching my hero, Mick McManus, waiting for the football results. Fixed?!
You’ve shattered me.
Is nothing sacred?
“Rajar figures: Radio news listeners fall but boost for music shows”
“Today’s audience dropped by 839,000 year-on-year, while 5 Live Breakfast was down 337,000, according to Rajar, which monitors UK radio listening.”
Just note that. A loss of a million listeners for the Today program in one year. Are UK people less intellectually curious than they were a year ago or is there a fault with in the BBC?
I have an idea, how about Jon Sopel spares us his sneering put downs of Donald Trump and actually reports what’s going on in the US economy? Just an idea.
Maybe if they ditch ‘Phones Robbo and Dead Jews Husain and get their scripted opinions sung by Billy Bragg and that Mitch nobody, fortunes will change back?
Or not. At least the market rates still flow no matter what.
Just listening to @BBCr4today. Why is no other guest countering @RaheemKassam on Tommy Robinson? Why is he being allowed to make out he's a legal expert commenting on legal policy? Why wasn't he described as as involved with Breitbart? What on earth is going on?
Guest, yes what an amazing thread.
Am I living in a paralell universe? Far right!?
What do these weekend warriors put in their muesli in the morning.
Have a listen to Evan ‘I will do all the talking’ Davis on offence.
Sweet reason series on radio 4
3 guests, 2 weighted to the left (1 obligatory Labour activist) however Jordan Peterson kept his cool and goaded the so called ‘philosopher’.
Next week, I kid you not, the programme tackles ‘Elites’ missing out the all important word Metropolitan!
1. I was "interviewed" by @NickyAACampbell of BBC 5 about Tommy Robinson. Nicky said, why is Tommy popular? I said, "because he's the only one who talks about Muslim rape gangs." And for the next ten minutes, Nicky said, "don't call them Muslim rape gangs." As you Brits say, QED.
A thought about the persecution of Tommy Robinson and move to replace Treezer. Savid Javid Home Secretary (peace be upon him) Muslim politician of the year, 2017, is a contender for the Tory leadership, and was Home Secretary throughout TRs incarcerationc
Yes and surprised he did not go for a public stoning for TR, with our new Londistan mayor there may be a good reason why they are trying to buy Wembley stadium ??
Why is Tommy Robinson always referred to as the “far right or
extreme right activist?” If you have seen him answering
questions by the students at the Oxford Union you will understand
that he is far from far right on many issues.
So because he objects to Muslim grooming gangs raping 12 year
old white girls he is classified by all a sundry in the media as
being EXTREME. Put me down as being extreme as well.
The media would have him playing at Wembley Park tube station
in a football match. For me he is a right sided wing back playing
next to players at Wembley Stadium of the calibre of Andrew
Norfolk of the Times, who exposed what was going on with
the rape gangs.
Agreed. I’m sick of it now. Being preached to by holier than thou elites with absolutely no clue what it’s like in the real world.
It’s disgusting how they have conditioned us into thinking it’s wrong to speak out. I’m sick of their pathetic “racist” argument.
I want my race to survive and not be wiped out by another race.
If it is racist to put ones own race first then so what. I’m sick of watching the country that my forefathers gave their lives for being surrendered by those who it does not belong to and who have given nothing and who do not deserve to call themselves British.
Foscari I agree that the label is reactionary and ill thought out. I don’t believe that the MSM are aware enough to understand the subtle issues involved with their own worldview.
The Dalai Lama has spoken on the refugee situation before and thinks they should return to their own countries to help rebuild. “When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering,” he said. “The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”
He’s previously said there are too many immigrants in Europe and that Germany should not become an Arab country. As the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara, the Boddhisattva of compassion he’s also a man who knows a thing or two about diasporas since the invasion of his country 60 years ago.
Would the BBC call this a far-right stance? Racist? We’ll likely never know, because it demands a far more subtle analysis — a mature, pragmatic approach to the reality of the situation rather than puffed up self-importance and ideological righteousness.
This term-“far right”?
Make your critics duistinguish between their many titles for us.
Right, far right, extreme far right, alt right etc.
In particular make them tell you why you`re “far” right as opposed to just being “right”( as we inevitably are with these thickies).
When and how do I go from being right wing to extreme/far right wing?
Never forget-these thickies have long been banned from ever looking at anything “right wing”. They know nothing.
Make this clear to your audience in the pub. They know nothing that the BBC, Jezz or the Guardian etc has not already prechewed and spat into their sour mouths.
They`re thick, carry a brick in your bag if it might turn nasty too.
The Far Left are Fascist, not us. They are state minions with media and viciousness-just prefer pastel shirts to brown ones, they rarely wash so they`ll be black by autumn.
Good point Foscari.
How come that the BBC don`t think it “extreme” to be willing to
a) turn your borders open to Muslim jihadists with no questions to be asked?
b) lock up political prisoners who point out Muslim grooming gangs are getting a different layer of law than the rest of us?
c) let ex Commies get a prospect of running your defence forces and spy networks, let ex IRA and PLO suckies be Foreign Secretaries, and let bankrupt Marxist apologists get their nads on the nations savings and taxes?
Nobody has ever tried to do all this before, so brazenly to a sovereign nation-so why are WE extreme both to call it out, as well as actively fight it?
Must we ALWAYS let the left dictate the language we saddle around for them. THEY are the fascist extremists, we just want our country back. It was never theirs, we were daft to let them assume that it was.
1. Black man with a gun
2. Black woman with a phone
3. Black rapper who was stabbed to death
4. Black woman walking (2 white men behind her)
5. White woman crying
6. White woman looking at shop window
Overall 8 people in total in all the photos and 50% are black. This seems to be the current BBC black / white target ratio.
I hope the BBC have measured the distance from those male, pale, stale subpersons to the virtuous black engineer/doctor superperson to ensure that sufficient respect is being shown.
We can only be gratefully enriched that the wisdom of these colonists have raised us to the status of Soweto.
Tabs – Interesting, to ask the question ‘WHY’ that has been done, and is being done in almost every program and advert you see! In my little village/town we are all hideously white (or 99% are), so I feel that the beeb, which I’m paying for, is not representing me or my reality.
1 Only the big cities’ reality can be reflected on the beeb.
2 Re-education is in full swing. Someone on this site said we still live in a democratic Britain, not a totalitarian state. I hate to disappoint him/her. We are far closer to the latter. A false/selective reality on the BBC and virtually all media tells you we are being prepared for big change. I’m all for Brexit, but I fear -even out of Brussels’ tentacles – this will continue. It’s a media mindset thing, and politicians seem happy with that.
3 Deliberate racial discrimination by the beeb and other media, purely to give whitey one in the eye, or simply to prove the broadcaster is ‘liberal’. (So they think – wrongly)
Happy to explain to anyone why, when we have elections, parties, the ‘rule of law’ etc, we are actually closer to the totalitarian model. I’m sure every undergraduate Politics student would be outraged at that statement. Stuffing ‘diversity’ down everyone’s throat actually does NOT prove we are ‘liberal’. One could argue precisely the opposite.
Piece on Beebs website about the Zimbabwe violence post election. Interesting that they quote Amnesty International raising the matter of free speech. A quick internet search and I could find no such concerns expressed by them over the jailing of TR. How odd!!!!
The regular feel-our-mental-anguish slot on Radio 5 now is doing a piece on ‘Aphantasia’. (Wiki calls it “the suggested name for a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind’s eye and cannot voluntarily visualize imagery.”) With this condition, some people can’t visualise items from menu descriptions in restaurants. A woman skipped some pages of Lord of the Rings because she can’t make mental pictures of the landscapes.
Oh the suffering. Surely a nationwide campaign is needed… proper funding, community outreach workers and an aphantasia awareness week.
“Oh the suffering. Surely a nationwide campaign is needed… proper funding, community outreach workers and an aphantasia awareness week.”.
If they can do it for the imported FGM, I agree, they can do it for every abnormality.
Melanie Phillips a BBC girl known for her critiism of Islam finds much to object regarding TR’s supporters. Looks to me like the establishment are circling the wagons against an internaltional backlash.
Says Melanie
‘The reaction to this by his fans, whipped up by by his supporters in America, was that the state had locked him up to stop him speaking the truth about Islamisation, that he had done nothing at all wrong, it was a kangaroo court, it was a secret court, he was a political prisoner treated as an enemy of the state, he had been jailed because the state wanted him murdered in prison, Britain was now under the rule of sharia law, and so on and imbecilically on.
The ruling by the Lord Chief Justice shows that every assumption made by Robinson’s supporters except for one was totally wrong.’
By the way Melanie, everyone at the BBC have revealed his name ‘Robinson (real name, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)’ so f***ing what.
Me-thinks our Melanie will get some cheers next time she appears on Question Time.
And by the way Melanie. TR was drawing attention to grooming gangs, men who have been raping children for decades ignored by the elites in the media.
Perhaps Melanie Phillips has a thing about ‘real names’: “According to her account, the name “Phillips” was imposed by British officials who were unable to pronounce her family’s Polish name”
The fact is that Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner. His treatment stems laregely from who he is and what he believes in, not just what he has done or alleged to have done and that is the key point.
Your views on most things are sound, Melanie, but please: the policy must be ‘No enemies on the right’.
Very disappointing, from somebody who always seemed sensible. She is, however, married to Joshua Rozenberg who was dismissive of TR in the usual establishment/Secret Barrister way when interviewed before the appeal.
Melanie’s continued criticism of TR and his supporters has been hugely disappointing, especially the pointed dig at ‘whipped up by his supporters in America’. That sounds like that’s from the ‘Didn’t know what they were voting for in the referendum’ playbook. Yes Melanie, all of his supporters are gullible fools easily seduced by those brash Americans and not capable of any independent thought.
Highly illuminating that even those on the right reach for the very same tools that the left do when virtue signalling to all their establishment cohorts.
Clearly his supporters were in the right Melanie because his incarceration was wrong, the trial was rushed and hence clearly the judge (and the system supporting him at the time) had an agenda that they wanted to be followed – Lock up Tommy and get him out of the picture as quick as possible.
I’ll remember to not be as supportive when she is talking about the state of Israel and expecting people to take the time to listen to her rather than trying to close her down.
One of the worst crimes nowadays is ‘guilt by association’ so Melanie wishes to maintain some ‘blue water’ between herself and TR.
I wonder how much she really knows about him? Along with ‘guilt by association’ we have the ‘someone told me’ method of determining who is right and who is wrong. For anyone open to hearing TR’s side his address to the Oxford Union might be a good start.
Methinks Melanie protesteth too much, would she like to spend some time in solitary confinement? After all it would only be the state protecting her from criticism on Question Time!
Like Tommy or not there are very many people in this country that are frustrated by the absence of any democratic method of expressing their concerns. Love mass immigration? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! Love the EU? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! Love Islam? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! None of the above? You extremist, racist, xenophobe, just shut up!
Part of Melanie’s argument is that the state isn’t broken because it has shown that it can put matters right – eventually. I’m sure we would all be happy to receive a posthumous apology. In theory it is still allowable to criticise Islam in this country. In practice the police will threaten you with ‘breach of the peace’. If you do get arrested ‘due process’ will eventually see you released, making Melanie happy. Unfortunately ‘guilt by association’ and ‘someone told me’ will mean that you might no longer have a job and your children will be in care. If you have a problem with that then use your democratic rights, vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem!
Re Melanie.
Like Peter Hitchens, like Christopher Booker? We owe them. But all three will know their Old Testament, like Moses they will not be inheriting the land that they`ve long been describing and warning us of.
They are all tired and formulaic, indeed all now have blind,black spots that they`d not have had years ago-spiritual cataracts maybe?
Edmund Husserl-German philosopher who was so mistreated by Heidegger and the Nazis, unfeted by Adorno or Arendt-used a word for this spiritual and moral tiredness in the culture.
All our three heroes are weary, who can blame them?
Let alone know that they`re either wrong, misinformed or compromised.
Thankfully we of Tommys era are on the subs bench and raring to go.
Mels wrong, but we forgive her, If we leave any legacy like hers, we`ll be doing grand.
Saw Tommy hugging his kids last night-now THAT is what we`re fighting for.
Hitler opened the Berlin Olympic Games(1936), Anne Frank wrote her last diary entry(1944)-and Kurt Huber/Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Club of 1942/3 are our templates for action now.
Let the streets be the medium, let we White Rosies see what Tommy means, and how we turn these Haw Haws, Birdwoods and EU Gauleiters into horsemeat.
Should be a good long , hot summer.
Interesting that the BBC leave it to their reporters to label people as ‘far right’ if that is what they think, because the BBC is supposed to be impartial. These people are the BBC and therefore should give no label apart from their name and their party or organisation.
You should note that ms Phillips is married to a lefty beeboid called Joshua Rosenberg who has long contamined a one respectable programme called “ law in Acton “ – a weekly digest of lefty Human Rights that and this .
I suppose if one sleeps with a beeboid one is going to get infected sometime .
It’s good that Melanie thinks it gets put right in the end but what if something had happened to TR whilst he was waiting to be put right. I’m sure she would have pied that off with a ‘oh well’.
Another black DJ youth killed on the streets of London. Another weeping and wailing relative saying the Government should be doing sumfink, like everyone else when they experience a tragedy. Um, what DO they expect the Government to do ???? On the one hand they whinge when the ‘government’ gives advice and then its called living in the ‘nanny state’, and then double whinge when they cant get their own lives in order.
Sadly over the past 40 years the word ‘MATURITY’ has left the vocabulary. I saw a photo of the crowds at Stanstead waiting to see the arrival of the contestants of Love Island return home. To my utter astonishment amongst the crowds were clearly young men in their 20’s !!!! WTF ?? This is the disheartening level our young have reached.
When I met my late husband in 1970 he was 23, and he and his mates would work hard all week and then it was suits & ties at the weekends to socialise. He would have rather poked sticks in his eyes than be seen waiting with a gaggle of women for some nomarks to come home. His response would have been “Are you having a laugh ?”
So this kid/adult culture that is now our society does not bode well for future generations, particularly where we now have toddlers going to nursery who can barely speak.
They don’t just whinge, they riot if the police / authorities show the slightest bit of backbone by, say, implementing stop and search or zero tolerance policies. And of course the beeb make any solution to the problem even more impossible by refusing to even acknowledge who is committing all the knife / gun crime and screaming waycism at anyone who goes near the subject.
Concerning your point about immature man-childs, quite so: just when we need strong, mature people at all levels of society, we have confused trans pansies wondering what gender they are this morning and police painting their nails and twerking with the effnics to appease them. God help us.
“just when we need strong, mature people at all levels of society, we have confused trans pansies wondering what gender they are this morning and police painting their nails and twerking with the effnics to appease them. God help us.”…….
Excellently put. (I love the term trans pansies 🙂 ! )
Maybe instead of bemoaning the govt, they could take a moment to address the problems within the community that they keep claiming to be a part of.
They are always a community when seemingly being repressed by an outside force but never a community when being affected by the same thing time and again.
Surprise, surprise quite a lot of people don’t believe what they hear on BBC news any more and demonstrate their distaste by turning off. I’ve never been one for kicking a man when he’s down but…
What’s the betting our Fergal has a ‘lomp in his troat’ as he reports on the latest killings from Harare? Why, it seems like only yesterday he was showing us democracy in action as all those orderly queues waited patiently to register their rigged votes.
The elite’s naivety never ceases to amaze – but we continue to pay for the privilege.
He looks probably do one of those memorably sickening cheesy jobs bringing his kids into whatever sob story he is currently writing a book about . Bloody embarrassment
BBC News
1 hr ·
Are ???? fans dropping the ???? for more ?????
BBC.COM Listeners turn away from radio news shows
That would be BBC, radio news shows mostly, BBC.
Off facebook, so the idiot graphics they use may not translate once I post. #CCBGB there. However, it does also link to a page with comments open (for now):
Not surprising the BBC are completely out of touch with British people, they concentrate on minorities, migrants and diversity, and their vicious anti Brexit propoganda day in day out is sooo over the top. More and more and more peopl are tuning off BBC News, both on TV and radio, as it is so out of touch and biased against the UK. It used to be trusted but now is a mess, it needs sorting and fast.
Third highest seems to have fallen foul of BBC sensitivities.
‘Spookily there’s no such daypart detail for Radio 2, where there’s interest in the performance of the new Jo and Simon show, launched halfway through the reporting period”.
BBC editorial integrity and ‘detail’. Or not. Transparency to be proud of.
Meanwhile. in other news, complaints from, well, everyone (on a SKY News poll basis, an entire solar system):
And will he and his family be given police protection against the hard-left mob, or the bearded ones? Like hell he will, they’re probably giving out his address to them as we speak.
I hope he sues the hell out of the various authorities who put him behind bars and in harm’s way.
I hope TR didn’t tell the whole truth about going on holiday because MSM will chase him and his family until they get a reaction worthy of broadcasting . I’m guessing the weekend papers – particularly the Mail will really go for him and his family .
Since TR is prefixed with “ extreme right “ by every broadcaster I wonder why they don’t do the same with the likes of comrade Corbyn, Mcdonald and their mouthpiece the boy Owen Jones as ‘ hard left’ since that is what They really are …..
Oh, this is hysterical – give yourselves a break from documenting the BBC bias and watch America’s Comedian-in-Chief in action instead (please race on to about 33 minutes in – I tried to do a video clip, but decided not to risk it in the end):
President Trump: “… They say he’s not acting presidential. Well, I say it’s a lot easier to act presidential than to do what I do. Anybody can act presidential.” Hilarious demo follows: “Ladies and gentlemen of the state of Florida, thank you very much for being here. You are tremendous people. And I will leave now because I am boring you to death. Thank you.”
The key word is “ACTING”.
People like O’barmy and Blair could ACT presidential. It’s an ACT.
The faux gravitas, the self-deprecating humour, the distant, visionary gaze into the middle distance, the quivering voice, the catch in the throat, the understated delivery, the pregnant pauses.
Slippery Blair could do this “I’m really torn on this decision but I must do the right thing” thing.
O’barmy could look cool and skinny… and light-black, all of which got him elected, and got him his Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing.
All an act.
Blair – being an amoral barrister – could carry off a good speech as though he really meant it. I saw him deliver a great speech promising nothing when he was shadow home sec and at the end he got a standing ovation . I sat there looking up at all the punters clapping and thought ‘ wow – this fraud will go far ‘ .
Got to hand it to president Trump – he never stops campaigning and going to speak with his supporters . In his job it must be really easy to drowned in the swamp and stay in the Oval Office – but every week he is out and about .
Not being a follower of the American democrat Mafia I don’t know who they might line up against him in 2020 – I guess it’s another flawed spoilt Kennedy Or the Obama woman
Yes, really funny RA.
His “acting presidential bit” after 31 minutes is brilliant-never seen anybody mock the heritage media like Trump does.
As he says-they`ve all been ACTING Presidential-which is what the media seek.
He`s the first i`ve ever seen who actually IS presidential-who does the job and tells the people as he goes along what and why he`s doing it.
Oh, how the mediation lobby must despise him forver bypassing and scorning them.
And I saw a poll that says he`s believed FAR more than the US news channels and papers-ration of 9:1 .
Not mentioned by anybody though. Suppressed poll, like all the others they`ve yet to make up.
Good to see Toady’s listener numbers are down 10%. They never discussed actual quality of programming throughout their quest for ‘peak diversity.’ On their loopy liberal planet it’s ok for nobody to be listening as long as half the contributors are female.
Funny that…I was waiting for a discussion on why their listener numbers are down..but unless I missed it..they didn’t
If it had been 10% up do you think they would have been crowing over it..yep
You can imagine the back room now – for god sake make something really important happen so we can bury this….or issue a statement like
‘we have made some important strategic changes and it takes time for these to take effect – we think we have got it about right..’
I think everyone on this site can tell them why their figures are down….
They`ll have lost loads of teachers and public sector drones, now getting their last taste of Europe before it shuts down next April when we`re not paying for it.
All the public sector drones rely on Radio 4 for their sickie soundtrack, their endless bitchslapping and below stairs slitherings.
Think only retired public sector parasites, and current community arts lollards etc ever bother with Radio 4. Endless, mindless liberal liquid manure like a Paris merde street vacuum van, but with the suction reversed
Lucy, looks about right. There are three Treaties there that the UK should have had a democratic say as to whether we should sign but in each case, the Government of the day did not allow it.
Almost certainly because they were terrified we would say ‘No’ and if made to vote again like Denmark and Ireland, we would say ‘No, let us Leave’.
My odd experience on re-tuning to Radio 4
Ever one to go against the crowd, despite the plummeting listening figures, on a whim I tune into Radio 4 for The World At One. Ah, those familiar one o’clock pips of yore. It’s all a bit more female than it was in the good old days. Now we have the plummy attitude of Sarah Montague and hushed incredulous tones of Corrie Corfield. The voice of Radio 4 still raises a smile when it has to contend with such new-fangled concepts as “Drill Rap”. You can’t help imagining those BBC presenters up on the bench in horsehair wig and full judge’s regalia turning up their noses and feigning incomprehension at some particularly disreputable slang. “Drill Rap?” (An urban sub-genre of hip hop defined by dark, grim, violent, nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats, M’lud).
And so to the sad case in Wales of the poor child apparently killed by the violent physical abuse of an adoptive father. The usual familiar tale of failed social services systems. Gradually the story unfolds in the same all too familiar way. The regulation public sector apologies and resolve to examine their own navels once again. The something must be done moment. That is, apart from anything to support the conservative idea of the regular mother-father two-parent family. Given the public sector never likes to miss an opportunity one waits for someone to mention funding. But what is this sudden new discordant note dropped into the familiar old tune?
“The social workers “liked” this couple”. Really? We were under the impression adoption was really really hard – strictly by the book, rule laden, loads of questions, vetting and form-filling and waiting etc? In their regulation template interview what are the BBC and the authorities dancing around here? Was there some inside job adoption? Why did this ultimately fatal adoption go ahead? Just as one thinks one will have to buy one of tomorrow’s tabloids to get the inside track at last our BBC presenter blows the gaff: “What” she asks the social work spokesperson “do you think it was about them [the adoptive couple]… they were a gay couple, middle class, professional couple…?” Take your pick but I think, luv, you just answered your own question. And you and your ilk may just have created the cultural climate for this sad case to have happened.
As discussed on Wednesday the head girls’ real name is ‘Lady
Brooke ‘ as I understand her beta ‘arff is a viscount or baron or similar .
If the MSM keep hammering TR for his previous name – why not Lady Brooke the beeboid and Lady Nugee the socialist .
My own theory is that those who voted ‘Remain’ didn’t understand what they were voting for. I think they are largely the uneducated. Or perhaps the overeducated. Now they want a second vote cos they don’t understand that referenda don’t keep being repeated until you get the outcome YOU want. They are that stupid.
I guess they must be masochists too, cos they would get flattened even more resoundingly in a second referendum. People simply have no desire to be ruled from Brussels. They have to put up with enough crap being ruled from London as it is.
I think that should have been a front opened up ages ago – instead brexiters are just beaten by a constant list of soros lies . Luckily they were go overdone that now they are are joke .
Well they clearly couldn’t have known because virtually every single thing they were told would happen – hasn’t.
You’d think that would be the single most damaging piece of evidence when the remainers are orchestrating rumblings of wanting another referendum.
But as a caveat, I will say that I think everyone knew what they were voting for and even if they didn’t, it doesn’t matter. When you grant people the responsibility of a vote, you have to trust that they will vote however they see fit.
If they want to research it, ask a friend or even flip a coin, that is their right and the Remainers should never forget that.
fnw, the BBC bravely opened a HYS – remarkably – on the poor RAJAR figures released today.
Comments, as they say, did not go their way.
If the comments were accurate (who knows how many multiple accounts there are, Fifth Columnists, ‘shillers’, etc.?) then the BBC is considered to be very anti-Brexit and they have upset a least two Remain voters that I saw. Many, many, others appear to be fed-up with the continual negativity and bleating, whether over Brexit or some ‘isshoo’ or claimant or other ‘need’.
You might be right about the likely result of a second EU Referendum but it will be vital for the Leave campaign to be very well organised & disciplined and not at all complacent.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Cummon you lot let’s hear it for Fedup2 for running this site!
Da iawn.
Well done.
May he have a peaceful day
… and a long rest
Link back to last thread, where on Page 3, Page 4 and Page 5 news of the quashing of the Leeds unfair trial was discussed.
Thanks stew –
An important day .
Thankyou @Fedup2 (former biscuit stealer at a playgroup)
libmob rule #4
Always refer to people with something negative from the past, rather than who they are today.
James Purnell, former member of the anti-Semitic Labour Party, was appointed as the BBC’s Director of Radio Propaganda and Political Correct Education, in succession to Helen Boaden. This was after Boaden described the bunch of scientifically unqualified environmental activists advising the BBC on Climate science as “the best scientific experts”. She was resigned, retired or forced out of the BBC in 2016. She lives with her husband in Scarborough, near where Jimmy Savile used to live. Savile lived near Cliff Bridge, she lives near the Castle.
RP, he is also BBC Director of Disaster, er, sorry, BBC Director of Digital.
Sack James Purnell please, DG.
Oh, and has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
I ask because the BBC still have THIS on their web-site:
The Mair ‘interview’ with Ezra Levant was a classic.
Repeated misrepresentation of facts and a dogged attempt to not talk about those today but harping on about something else to try and swamp reality with allusion and allegation.
LBC got a real winner there.
I’ve noticed that al Beebus like to pre-record interviews with people like Levant; Raheem Kassam; that chap from Breitbart (who handed Justine Web his @rse a year or so back) and Ann Coulter.
I think it’s so that if it REALLY doesn’t go well, for al Beeb, they can edit or scrap it.
Good point
\\ @MaajidNawaz is never referred to as a former member of a prescribed terrorist organisation,
…. yet Tommy is constantly labelled ex EDL leader. //
Corbyn, erstwhile friend of terrorists.
Khant, ex-defender of extremists, radical islamists and hate-preachers.
Yes, the BBC should read out all the jail terms their guests on Daily politics etc have. The IRA/Sinn Fein guests’ “rap sheet” would be challenging – not to mention the “reformed” jihadists who the government in its wisdom pays vast amounts of money to implement its deradicalisation “initiatives”.
I’ve been a glutton for punishment and have watched Newsshite on two consecutive evenings. What surprised me tonight was Dateless missing out “extreme far-right” in front. of an “activist”.
Sloppy work – will they dock some of her vast and totally undererved pay?
Much more disturbing was Ian Payne on LBC afterwards.
He was actually trying to portray the Pakistani child-rape-gangs as nothing more than common or garden paedoophiles doing what paedophiles do. He simply ignored the fact that this type of grooming/rape is almost exclusively performed by muslims on non-muslims and that these crimes were covered up for years precisely because they belonged to the “community” whose name the establishment dare not speak.
When there are cases of paedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church, the media does not seriously entertain the “a few bad apples” argument and sees the malaise rooted in Catholic doctrines and practices. Oppostion to abortion, nasty nuns in Ireland are all grist to the ideological mill. Strange islamic notions, for example that when a rape is committed both partiesare guilty of adultery seems to pass Payne by. Not to mention blasphemy and the fatwah thing.
The whole purpose was, of course, to claim that TR was “tarring all muslims with the same brush” and maligning all those devotees of the religion of peace. All this “othering”, pointing the finger at a minority can only result in hatred and mass murder holocaust style. See TR is just a nazi thug. QED
Payne must be very, very, very stupid to think he can revive the “it’s nothing to do with Islam” and “Islam is the religion of peace” platitudes of yesteryear – especially when some of the callers are shouty muslims gibbering in broken English about people wrongly interpreting the koran.
We have heard that crap ad nauseam before.
Batten of UKIP fame is on Fatso’s morning LBC session.
Nick Ferrari, the poor excuse for a news reader and mouthpiece for the state, on LBC this morning confirmed my prejudices against the man. He as much as admitted he knows nothing about Tommy Robinson yet persists in trashing his reputation at every opportunity. Gerard Batten hardly got a word in edgewise, and was reproached by Mr Ferrari for not knowing much about Pegida, the European movement to stop the Islamisation of Europe.
Before Mr Batten came on, some git from some university was brought on to tell us that Tommy is a very bad man and virtually everything this man said was mendacious and of course unchallenged by Mr Ferrari. But apparently, according to these two, the MSM has the highest reporting standards and never reports untruths or lies.
But according to them, supporters of Tommy Robinson ‘ have a problem with foreigners’. A lady caller tried to correct Mr Ferrari on his assertions but Mr Ferrari did his usual and spent most of the time she was on, talking over her and speaking in his special patronising voice. Then he made it very clear, repeatedly, that he never used the words ‘ Tommy Robinson’s supporters hate foreigners’. No, he didn’t but it was clear that’s what he was suggesting.
This is a man who admits he couldn’t be bothered to find out something about Tommy Robinson and over ten years of state persecution of the man, knows none of the most rudimentary details of the trial and yesterday’s court decision, and yet speaks as though he alone has the truth and those who disagree with him are bigots and racists.
Well, Mr Ferrari has confirmed my views of him, a man with no shame. Well done Mr Ferrari.
But thank God for the likes of Tommy Robinson, who is more of a man and more of a journalist than you’ll ever be.
“You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. “….
I too was taken in by the Pledge early on, and realised that it was ‘staged’ – in the same way that the Wrestling on ITV in the 60’s (ITV) was similarly fixed. I don’t doubt that they even rehearse their dialogue beforehand.
Yes and why do they always feel the need to refer to Tommy’s “real name” if Tommy Robinson his the name he wishes to use.
They don’t refer to Cliff Richard as “who’s real name is Harry Webb” or the real names of many of their pet “celebrities”.
I wonder if they will start introducing transgenders as Sarah who’s real name is Bob?
In one article in the Daily Mail, they mentioned ‘his real name’ three times. Partly this is to imply that Tommy is somehow dishonest or deceitful by not using ‘his real name’. But I suspect that it is down to that old prejudice of class hatred: Robinson sounds working class, whereas the double-barrelled Yaxley-Lennon sounds more middle class, which the establishment thinks will discredit him in the eyes of the masses. The emergence of a genuine working class spokesman and movement is something that terrifies the powers that be, particularly one where the old leftist clichés and cat-calls of racism, fascism and anti-semitism do not apply. Their behaviour is not a sign of strength, but of their weakness and fear. We outnumber them…
They are usually reticent to mention any names in court cases due to the non-British origins.
You may be out of date here. With marriages breaking up all over the place or not happening to begin with, lots of children are being given the surnames of both parents – sometime the surnames of three parents. Respectable people with old-fashioned double-barrelled names often give them up so as not to be mistaken for members of this group.
Certain group activities can lead to postcodes as surnames.
Mo E10BH is popular. Apparently.
Brilliant point, Dyst!
Yes maybe they should refer to Mo Farah as Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah which is his real name. But I’m sure they won’t.
Does the BBC ever refer to anybody as “hard left”?
That was my point – I remember during the kinnock era those who opposed him within the labour movement – the militant tendency -were normally referred to as ‘hard left ‘ but that epithet does not exist in al beeb terminology any more .
As usual with al beeb it’s as much what they don’t say.., that betrays the bias.
No because that would offend their masters at Labour and Momentum
I see that Al Beeb reports yet another stabbing in London .
But what are they not reporting ?
Taff – the shooting of an 18 year old in my bit of Londonistan on Sunday night featured in the evening standard and was gone . He ain’t dead yet but this batch of shootings and stabbing comes as the lady chief of the Londonistan police blames middle class cocaine users for fuelling a drugs trade which fuels violence .
In fact it’s feral black boys who will attack and stab without blinking because of some turf – girl- training shoe – phone – disrespect . That’s the reality not some complicated criminological theory by someone on £200 000 pa.
At the current rate Londonistan will hit a 100 killings by the end of August – with the traditional vibrant knife fights on the August bank holiday .
Fatso Ferrari on LBC was analysing the reasons for “feral black youth” – single mothers or absent fathers? A woman of hue rang in to explain “sometimes it’s no one’s fault – the father of one of my children died suddenly recently – what can you do?”. Nick did not seem too eager to probe the dynamics of that family.
The reason is obvious: Third World people bring Third World problems.
R4 Midnight news
Their talking voice said “Robinson was filming within the precincts of Leeds Crown court”
.. that is not true AFAIK ..he specifically asked the police and always remained on the street, not on the steps , not on the doorway etc.
So that kinf of false reporting is prejudicial
And another example of fake news.
It is hard to see how TR outside the court is interfering with court procedings. The policy on naming defendants in rape trials seems wholly inconsistent. The pretext for the Cliff Richards publicity was “victims coming forward” whether any putative trial would be undermined seemigly unimportant. I suppose you could argue in the case of muslim grooming/rape gangs that they had more than enough victims. However, in any other situation the “usual suspects” would be desparate to “get justice for all victims”.
Some comentators have said that there were so many defendents!!!! in the case TR supposedly was trying to undermine, that it was split into three. TR’s reporting was on one of the earlier cases so making a fair trial in trial 2 or 3 impossible
If the trial involved vulnerable child victims why weren’t the defendants remanded to prevent intimidation?
This is the summary of the judgement from the Court of Appeal, interesting reading.
Click to access yaxley-lennon-judgment-summary.pdf
A triple stabbing in diverse and vibrant Sarf London, innit. Colourful too, mainly red.
It’s in the same street as a previous fatal shooting.
The mother of the previous victim declared:
“It’s not about race, it’s not about nation, it’s not about culture. Nothing. It’s just a human race.”
Yep. A race to the bottom.
Interest rates: how the MPC makes its decision
By Vishala Sri-Pathma Business reporter, BBC News
”It’s decision day at the Bank of England as policymakers reveal their thinking on what level interest rates should be.”
So will the clowns start to raise interest rates, from 0.5% later today?
umm according to the BBC it’s already happened!
maybe the fools printed the chart too early..
It speaks volumes when Sky’s top story is this
Home Office accused of failing forced marriage victims by ‘giving husbands visas’
No mention on Al Beeb.
Apologies, link hasn’t copied properly.
The history of the Home Office under May and still under May, with who is ushered into these fair isles versus those strenuously kept out… could be better.
A Groundhog story about the ‘gender pay’ gap on Radio 4 ‘news’ briefing. A made up thing is news? Obviously zero analysis of the multi variant problem. Just: “We added up all the money men made and women made less and affluent middle class women want more.”
Do they not think we have seen Jordan Peterson debunk it so brilliantly against Newman? Have 15 million watched it now – many of whom are the type to listen to radio 4? A key symptom of the SJW illness seems to be imperviousness to evidence.
They do not care about the evidence: they just want more money and power – raw, Nietzschean will to power from such a supposedly weak group. If you disgagree with them that probably counts as ‘mysogyny’ and could be illegal; for sure, sensible people would not dare mention hate facts. They have become brutal tyrants, embodying he very qualities they sought to overthrow in that vile ‘patriarchy.’
If John Humphries has a pay cut and Carrie Gracie has a pay rise then the BBC, former maker of decent programmes, reduces its ‘gender pay gap’.
None of which makes any difference to the men, women and sexually confused that aren’t on the BBC’s ‘rich list’. Ideology, not injustice.
BBC 2018:08:02 “Rajar figures: Listeners swap news shows for music”
“Today’s audience dropped by 839,000 year-on-year, whilst 5 Live Breakfast was down 337,000, according to Rajar, which monitors UK radio listening”
More “analysis” follows, Radio Rockall numbers have increased by 100% (to two) type of “analysis”.
#1 BBC, I challenge your assertion that the minor stations referred to, broadcast music, noise yes.
More importantly.
#2 How does either the BBC or Rajar know that the same listeners have just swapped stations?
Maybe due to “enrichment” there are more listeners to the primitive noise, AKA music, stations, and the reductions in numbers on flagship stations are due to former listeners spending their time becoming informed elsewhere (there are an increasing number of “elsewheres” to choose from in case the BBC is unaware of this).
Maybe be these former listeners have gone elsewhere because of the untrustworthy, lying, perpetually anti British, pro British enemies, fake news, which comprises almost the whole of BBC output.
Vote UKIP and put all these overpaid ****s on the dole and attending the food banks.
Every morning and I mean every bloody morning I wake up to Radio 4 Today programme and always hear them ask the guest “so you want another vote to stop Brexit?”. There is no debate on that show anymore. If they had a proper balanced argument it would make for good listening but the echo chamber it has become is an instant turn off.
Same for Newshite. Emily Maitless interrupts before the Trump/Brexit supporting guest has even got their first sentence out and she then talks over them stating her view of what is right and wrong.
How refreshing it would be if they had a mix of guest presenters. Maybe the Today programme could be occasionally be presented by Nigel Farage. But even if that was the only way for the BBC to save themselves they wouldn’t do it.
The BBC has become its own mental illness.
Tabs, several BBC presenters have directly said “But we didn’t know what we were voting for.” , John Humphrys and Justin Webb being prime examples. Apart from the fact they were too thick to understand the words ‘Remain’ and ‘Leave’ they obviously did not make time to read ANY of the campaign literature from all sides that flowed through the nation’s letterboxes for weeks.
They also like to complain that ‘people voted Leave because of immigration’. It hasn’t entered their tiny little minds that people probably voted Leave for many reasons, not least that there seems to be no benefit from the UK membership as portrayed and relayed to us by the BBC for 45+ years.
Yes – what were remainers voting for to stay in- more Turks – more Islam – the euro – a ReichEU military run by the cheese eaters – EU unified taxation – and the president of the United States of Europe .
Never an argument aired in their ‘ever closer union ‘ a complete disservice by the state broadcaster and many others .
You have to laugh at how the Beeb will be scratching their heads to why this is happening.
Maybe people are just tired of the predictable and tedious agenda pushing that they force on everyone all the time. Maybe some think there is a chance that they won’t have anything pushed at them if they listen to music. Little chance though, they are always trying to make political points.
Tommy Robinson – far right activist
I’m really quite surprised no one here has picked up on this given that it’s on virtually every other web site I visit.
A while ago I asked the BBC for its corporate definitions of several words it uses, right & left wing, when that becomes ‘far’ (which it never does with the left), and all of the meaningless isms and fauxbias they like to use.
The BBC response was unsurprising, they don’t know what any of these words mean as a corporation and they don’t have any definitions for them – they apparently leave it up to each individual presenter to use their own definitions as they see them.
That opens up an enormous can of worms for the audience as each presenter can be different and they never set out their own personal definition, making any report made by the BBC utterly meaningless and of little value.
Bearing this in mind yesterday, I along with many others lodged a complaint with the BBC that Tommy Robinson in no way qualifies as ‘far right’ save in the definition that anyone to the right of Marx or who disagrees with the BBC bias is ‘far right’.
I have asked them yet again for the definition of the word ‘far right’ as used in this context and how someone who is a campaigner against Islamic excess and government allowance of it can possibly be described this way.
I doubt I’m going to get much of a response especially as I cannot see how libelling a single issue campaigner can be justified, but then that’s the point, the BBC doesn’t have to justify itself, and there is no oversight body forcing them to do so. It can do as it pleases no one is going to ever say no.
The beeb are far-liberal, extreme-liberal, hard-liberal.
(Tongue in cheek posting, hence I’ll get my Ooooowww! in, in advance)
vlad, are you saying the BBC are Alt-Left then?
Expression choquée!
In the modern idiom the BBC should be Ctrl-Alt-Del, especially Del.
Raheem Kassam this morning on R4 Today got away with describing islam as fascist and hit back at the presenter calling TR far right.
Did anyone hear all of that? I switched on in the middle and I’m not entitled to iPlayer BBC.
They probably wont ask him on again.
Kassam dealt very well with an interviewer who was constantly interrupting and trying to put words in his mouth. He, Bannon, Batten and a few others ought to come out as often as possible to deal with these smug know-alls.
Thanks for mentioning this. Managed to enjoy it on YouTube last night. Always nice to see Raheem sticking it to the Beeb.
She’ll have been high fiving the rest of the studio after that one.
However, beyond the door at which they all leave their politics, allegedly, anyone rational will have heard a dire attempt to outdo Cathy Newman.
The bbc is a spent force.
Interesting that the BBC leave it to their reporters to label people as ‘far right’ if that is what they think, because the BBC is supposed to be impartial. These people are the BBC and therefore should give no label apart from their name and their party or organisation.
Far left impartial BBC.
I have got into the habit of prefacing my comments about this disgusting organisation with far-left. But perhaps it would be more appropriate to add the words, ” for nearly half a century the employer and protector of Jimmy Savile”.
I wonder if the timing of the Bank of England’s interest rate rise is designed to give the impression of hardship to coincide with project fear mkII?
Did you notice the farcical reason suggested for an interest rise “to get pay inflation under control”? The BBC has been pointing out for months, if not years, that pay is not increasing at lower and middle levels. How quickly that is forgotten.
As to Project Fear, I think it has gone way beyond MkII levels unless by MkII, you mean Mk11, (eleven). That might be nearer the mark! (I’ll get me coat, for that last one.)
So yesterday Mark Carney raised interest rates “to get pay inflation under control”
Today he sticks his nose in again and warns us of the chaos a no deal Brexit would bring about and expresses concerns about a “pay squeeze”
So which one is it to be?
Besides…who’s pay inflation is he referring to? Politicians? Bankers?
My thoughts exactly. Remainders like Carney are trying their best to defend the EU.
The beeb were all cock-a-hoop about ‘a new dawn’ for Zimbabwe.
Within hours it’s descending into violence and chaos.
Cock-a-hoop to cock-up.
Apparently the video ‘contains upsetting scenes’ -WTF?
Oh, so that is not Spain being vibrantly enriched with blood…. ‘new blood’?
A bit like London then!
I wonder if these places have anything in common……
BBC Online News:
“”Memorial to Dambusters crew downed by German gunners””
“”The audacious attack on German reservoirs in the Ruhr Valley with “bouncing bombs” was a major coup for the BRITISH””
Strange how the BBC/Left distance themselves from the British?
They are the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation?
Or in the BBC eyes, were the British then different to today? They could be right.
Nail on the head, Dover. The beeb likes to think it’s all international and cosmopolitan, far above vulgar nationalism, that’s for those horrid little Ukippers and Brexiteers. More Chablis dahling?
Innocent man in Britain jailed by kangaroo court, yesterday freed by court of appeals. In Britain.
This news doesn’t appear on World News webpage. Doesn’t appear on UK News. Doesn’t appear on England News. Doesn’t appear on London News. DOES appear in Leeds local news page section.
Biased BBC broadcast far and wide on every channel when Tommy Robinson was found guilty, surely he can sue them for slander?
“He and his party must be judged by a very simple standard: that the will of the people, expressed on Monday, is accurately and honestly tallied and respected.”
How noble, except that this is an extract from an editorial in the Guardian yesterday. About the recent election in Zimbabwe.
This is the same Guardian that has been, and still is, at the head of a 24/7/365 mission to ignore and pervert the will of the people in the UK.
Am back on the TOADY Watch Chain Gang and am afraid that I have to take a pop at dim wimmin.
#1. is Rachel Reeves MP, Chair of the House Business Committee. She demonstrates that her Committee is not comparing like with like* when they consider the so-called ‘gender pay gap’. It is claimed this woman has not just one University degree but three. Two Masters no less. She also worked for the Bank of England before benefitting from ‘an all-woman shortlist’ to get a Labour Party nomination and elected to Parliament.
She says it would be too difficult to check to see if a woman and a man doing the same job were being paid differently. She instead uses a false comparison and bases proposed government legislation on it.
No wonder our country went bust in 2007-2009.
(*Three cheers for Martha Kearney, btw, who WAS sharp enough to realise the flaw behind Reeves’ thinking and challenged her on it. Shame Martha didn’t really skewer the MP on this point. Woz it cos she’s Labah?)
I was quite surprised that Martha pulled her up on it, but what was more evident was that Reeves was flustered after that..she knew she had been rumbled and it was all shite..
Then she changed tack saying it was about getting more women into the workplace…Funny I thought it was about sign of more men in teaching, nursing , medicine.
These people are intellectual weaklings..and they run the country
We are all doomed
It can easily be checked that male doctors earn a few percent more than female doctors.
It can also easily be checked — but never is — that male doctors work considerably longer hours than female doctors.
The “progressive” Left — scrupulous at enforcing double standards.
When she worked at the Bank of England, did they give her a new mop and bucket?
A minor example of the ethnic cleansing of Britain being promoted by the BBC. An article on the news website home page states that the ‘Number of mobile calls drops for the first time’. Naturally it is illustrated by a photograph of a black(ish) woman using her mobile phone. Going to the article itself, we have a contrived photograph of ‘young and diverse’ people, in which the stereotyped Mixed-Race-Woman-With-A-Lot-Of-Hair takes centre stage. To add some human interest, they discuss mobile phone usage within ‘a typical family’, which just happens to be an inter-racial family (presumably one just back from the furniture store, bank or supermarket).
There are a total of 14 people illustrated in the story, of which 7 are white. BMEs make up approximately 14% or 1/7th of the population of the UK, so if the illustrations were representative there would 2 appearing in the story. But it is intended to be prescriptive rather than descriptive of Britain. The motivations may be different, but the means are no different than those of the Nazis with their crude depictions of Jewish people in posters, books and movies in the 1930s.
Demonstrating the fact that, strictly and correctly speaking, Nazism is of the Left, not of the Right.
Firm (the ‘so-called Far Right’) Conservatism does not (and should not) prescribe. Instead it respects freedom of and for choice.
I’d also add that 2 of the men (on the left) in that line up are gay (no socks!). That make 50% of all men gay – which is typically in Broadcasting House.
All to do with subliminal suggestion. “….Consequently, subliminally perceived messages may be “suggestive” of those behaviors that are mentally activated, as their heightened accessibility increases the likelihood that they will be enacted.”
“…..the insertion of subliminal messages in advertising was a form of intentional deception that was contrary to the public interest.”. The BBC don’t believe so.
This morning the bBC was keen to report that California Governor Jerry Brown said climate change was ‘behind’ the wild fires, but the official cause of the latest Carr fire is listed as “mechanical failure of a vehicle” in the incident report from CAL Fire.
The malfunctioning car is thought to have caused sparks that ignited the ground nearby as high heats promoted tinderbox conditions. High-speed winds meant the fire quickly surged through the Shasta County area, reaching far beyond its point of origination.
However, the bBC is on a mission to brainwash it’s unfortunate audience.
At 9 this morning Evan ‘Albert’ Davies of Al Beeb is interviewing Jordan Peterson about the polarisation on social media.
I wonder if he, Albert, will be as dumb as dumb Kathy, he usually is.
Pwterson should run rings around the diseased looking creep.
For you Fedup2, as a token of my appreciation for Biased BBC…
Spot on. Love it 🙂
The liberal establishment is in turmoil. On the one hand they run stories in the Times about how young Muslim girls are forced into marriage or raped by their cousins etc. They demonstrate their virtuous liberal credentials by this reporting.
They occasionally remember that Muslim men also have raped tens of thousands of white girls many times each , so perhaps million of rapes in total. Although they often ignore this last bit.
Then they run stories which are extremely biased against a man who was amongst the first to point this out. They hate TR because he tells a truth which they want covered up and darent report themselves.
But as Tommy said yesterday the public are increasingly on his side not theirs.
Just thinking the same thing, Dt, it’s as if they don’t want to miss a ‘bandwagon’ but feel they have to push the driver off first.
I hope that the tide could be beginning to turn.
Listening to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning she did highlight the need for a sensible debate about some of the points that Tommy is trying to make.
She mentioned the mass child rapes of children being ignored for fear of being called racist and said something on the lines of people being justified in being worried about this.
However she did spoil it by stating that people turn to “people like Tommy” because nobody else is raising the issues as if Tommy is not the right person to be turning to.
It’s called the class system.
TOADY Watch #2, more dim wimmin.*
Memory is currently failing me slightly because I cannot remember exactly who contributed to the TOADY item on the announcement from Michael Gove. He is bringing forward arrangements to pay farmers a grant ‘to protect the environment’.
This dim wimmin was either Director of English Heritage or was Dame Helen Ghosh, Director-General of the National Trust. Said female obviously assumed that all farmers were rapacious business people bleeding their land and countryside dry while destroying the environment and wildlife and what she said revealed that assumption.
She was obviously totally ignorant of farmers and farming.
Hopefully, someone like Robin Page will help her understand farming and the countryside.
(* Perhaps Biased BBC has ‘cornered the market’ in brainy women? They are all on here!)
Seconded. Well done Alicia, Lucy and all other female BBBC users.
I have recently started to log on to Conservative Woman website, I like it. Might be worth a visit for anyone unfamiliar with it.
A couple of people have already mentioned the lamentable Nick Ferrari programme. In a way people like him are worse even than the dire BBC. There can be little argument that the Beeb have a lefty agenda, but fatty Ferrari depicts himself as a right winger. I’ve listened to this podgy poser for yonks and at first believed in him. I was wrong. He is far too concerned at looking after his own well paid , cushy job. He likes to pose as a controversial “right winger”, but he’s nothing more than a stooge. You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. He’s a pathetic creature.
I’ve heard him argue in favour of the burqua. I’ve listened as he patonisingly puts down anyone who worries about mass immigration. He had a nice, cosy relationship with Nick Clegg, when Cleggy was Lib-Dem leader. They have these play debates, Chubster Nick versus Liberal Nick. Far too chummy to be real.
He’ll push the agenda just so far to give his half-witted fans something to suckle on, but he’s essentially looking after his own pay packet.
He gets a mint for doing his flagship show. He gets another wodge for being on the box. Easy money. Much safer to go along with the crowd and play the pantomime right winger and collect the checque.
I’ll be tuning in to Rebel Media to receive the real news regarding Tommy Robinson.
I’ll leave Ferrari to his gullible halfwits…
“You can see that most clearly on that Sky prog he does surrounded by Greg Dyke and other lefties. “………
I admit to being taken in too with the programme the Pledge in the beginning. But I soon realised that its ‘staged’, like the old wrestling matches I used to watch in the 60’s on a Saturday afternoon on the box ; and no doubt rehearse their dialogue beforehand.
Wrestling was fixed???
In a sentence you’ve brought a lump to my throat.
All those long ago Saturday afternoons sitting with my grandfather watching my hero, Mick McManus, waiting for the football results. Fixed?!
You’ve shattered me.
Is nothing sacred?
Sorry Jeff, and yes I used to watch with my Granddad, can you imagine Jackie Pallo surviving the weight of Big Daddy when he fell on him ha ! ha !
“Rajar figures: Radio news listeners fall but boost for music shows”
“Today’s audience dropped by 839,000 year-on-year, while 5 Live Breakfast was down 337,000, according to Rajar, which monitors UK radio listening.”
Just note that. A loss of a million listeners for the Today program in one year. Are UK people less intellectually curious than they were a year ago or is there a fault with in the BBC?
I have an idea, how about Jon Sopel spares us his sneering put downs of Donald Trump and actually reports what’s going on in the US economy? Just an idea.
Jon doesn’t get out of bed for less than 10,000 Katty RTs.
Maybe if they ditch ‘Phones Robbo and Dead Jews Husain and get their scripted opinions sung by Billy Bragg and that Mitch nobody, fortunes will change back?
Or not. At least the market rates still flow no matter what.
Interesting thread.
Clearly the problem is the bbc is too right wing.
No, really.
He’s trying to make out it is a guest, but those circled wagons are falling off a cliff.
Anonymous lawyers vs., as Ezra pointed out, the most senior in the land.
I’m sure government lawyers ands police are avidly searching some way to put TR back in custody.
Havec a look at the 2nd photo in the link
The banners read ” No to Islaqmophobia” , ” No to anti- semitism”.
Contradiction here. One cant achieve both symultaneousl, unless one first achieves Judenfrei in the UK as a first step.
Guest, yes what an amazing thread.
Am I living in a paralell universe? Far right!?
What do these weekend warriors put in their muesli in the morning.
Have a listen to Evan ‘I will do all the talking’ Davis on offence.
Sweet reason series on radio 4
3 guests, 2 weighted to the left (1 obligatory Labour activist) however Jordan Peterson kept his cool and goaded the so called ‘philosopher’.
Next week, I kid you not, the programme tackles ‘Elites’ missing out the all important word Metropolitan!
Yes I heard that. Ostensibly 4 versus 1, and Evan was heard a little too often for my liking.
Love the way Peterson knows he has to interject in order to be heard.
Surely this comes straight from some Rebuttal Unit. Alastair Campbell?
Can you trust the BBC?
I think no, you cannot trust the BBC. Maybe in the past, not now. In the future? Who knows?
This one is a keeper:
Guest, when I followed your Twatter link I saw this gem:
Good question! (Pardon my French but) BBC where is the fucking news?
A thought about the persecution of Tommy Robinson and move to replace Treezer. Savid Javid Home Secretary (peace be upon him) Muslim politician of the year, 2017, is a contender for the Tory leadership, and was Home Secretary throughout TRs incarcerationc
Yes and surprised he did not go for a public stoning for TR, with our new Londistan mayor there may be a good reason why they are trying to buy Wembley stadium ??
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head – it will be the location for the biggest muslim prayer meeting…London Hajj…
With Corbyn bashing Jews and Sajid Javid bashing Tommy Robinson and supporters, we have a Labour- Tory battle for 3 million moslem voters.
Tommy message on his Facebook
Dear God I hope those children can be kept somewhere safe.
he looks thin to me
Why is Tommy Robinson always referred to as the “far right or
extreme right activist?” If you have seen him answering
questions by the students at the Oxford Union you will understand
that he is far from far right on many issues.
So because he objects to Muslim grooming gangs raping 12 year
old white girls he is classified by all a sundry in the media as
being EXTREME. Put me down as being extreme as well.
The media would have him playing at Wembley Park tube station
in a football match. For me he is a right sided wing back playing
next to players at Wembley Stadium of the calibre of Andrew
Norfolk of the Times, who exposed what was going on with
the rape gangs.
if objecting to pedo rape gangs and or terrorism far right, then 99% of the country should be far right
this is not racism this is simply right vs wrong
Agreed. I’m sick of it now. Being preached to by holier than thou elites with absolutely no clue what it’s like in the real world.
It’s disgusting how they have conditioned us into thinking it’s wrong to speak out. I’m sick of their pathetic “racist” argument.
I want my race to survive and not be wiped out by another race.
If it is racist to put ones own race first then so what. I’m sick of watching the country that my forefathers gave their lives for being surrendered by those who it does not belong to and who have given nothing and who do not deserve to call themselves British.
Foscari I agree that the label is reactionary and ill thought out. I don’t believe that the MSM are aware enough to understand the subtle issues involved with their own worldview.
The Dalai Lama has spoken on the refugee situation before and thinks they should return to their own countries to help rebuild. “When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering,” he said. “The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”
He’s previously said there are too many immigrants in Europe and that Germany should not become an Arab country. As the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara, the Boddhisattva of compassion he’s also a man who knows a thing or two about diasporas since the invasion of his country 60 years ago.
Would the BBC call this a far-right stance? Racist? We’ll likely never know, because it demands a far more subtle analysis — a mature, pragmatic approach to the reality of the situation rather than puffed up self-importance and ideological righteousness.
This term-“far right”?
Make your critics duistinguish between their many titles for us.
Right, far right, extreme far right, alt right etc.
In particular make them tell you why you`re “far” right as opposed to just being “right”( as we inevitably are with these thickies).
When and how do I go from being right wing to extreme/far right wing?
Never forget-these thickies have long been banned from ever looking at anything “right wing”. They know nothing.
Make this clear to your audience in the pub. They know nothing that the BBC, Jezz or the Guardian etc has not already prechewed and spat into their sour mouths.
They`re thick, carry a brick in your bag if it might turn nasty too.
The Far Left are Fascist, not us. They are state minions with media and viciousness-just prefer pastel shirts to brown ones, they rarely wash so they`ll be black by autumn.
Good point Foscari.
How come that the BBC don`t think it “extreme” to be willing to
a) turn your borders open to Muslim jihadists with no questions to be asked?
b) lock up political prisoners who point out Muslim grooming gangs are getting a different layer of law than the rest of us?
c) let ex Commies get a prospect of running your defence forces and spy networks, let ex IRA and PLO suckies be Foreign Secretaries, and let bankrupt Marxist apologists get their nads on the nations savings and taxes?
Nobody has ever tried to do all this before, so brazenly to a sovereign nation-so why are WE extreme both to call it out, as well as actively fight it?
Must we ALWAYS let the left dictate the language we saddle around for them. THEY are the fascist extremists, we just want our country back. It was never theirs, we were daft to let them assume that it was.
Right now the BBC News website has 6 photos…
1. Black man with a gun
2. Black woman with a phone
3. Black rapper who was stabbed to death
4. Black woman walking (2 white men behind her)
5. White woman crying
6. White woman looking at shop window
Overall 8 people in total in all the photos and 50% are black. This seems to be the current BBC black / white target ratio.
I hope the BBC have measured the distance from those male, pale, stale subpersons to the virtuous black engineer/doctor superperson to ensure that sufficient respect is being shown.
We can only be gratefully enriched that the wisdom of these colonists have raised us to the status of Soweto.
Tabs – Interesting, to ask the question ‘WHY’ that has been done, and is being done in almost every program and advert you see! In my little village/town we are all hideously white (or 99% are), so I feel that the beeb, which I’m paying for, is not representing me or my reality.
1 Only the big cities’ reality can be reflected on the beeb.
2 Re-education is in full swing. Someone on this site said we still live in a democratic Britain, not a totalitarian state. I hate to disappoint him/her. We are far closer to the latter. A false/selective reality on the BBC and virtually all media tells you we are being prepared for big change. I’m all for Brexit, but I fear -even out of Brussels’ tentacles – this will continue. It’s a media mindset thing, and politicians seem happy with that.
3 Deliberate racial discrimination by the beeb and other media, purely to give whitey one in the eye, or simply to prove the broadcaster is ‘liberal’. (So they think – wrongly)
Happy to explain to anyone why, when we have elections, parties, the ‘rule of law’ etc, we are actually closer to the totalitarian model. I’m sure every undergraduate Politics student would be outraged at that statement. Stuffing ‘diversity’ down everyone’s throat actually does NOT prove we are ‘liberal’. One could argue precisely the opposite.
Another example of 50:50 white black ratio and/or blacks centre stage…
1st photo has 3 women drinking. Black one in the middle and one of the two white ladies has her face hidden.
2nd photo of a group of people raising their glasses features 4 people in the centre, 3 black one white, and all ladies.
It’s relentless!
No – it’s only half way there.
Piece on Beebs website about the Zimbabwe violence post election. Interesting that they quote Amnesty International raising the matter of free speech. A quick internet search and I could find no such concerns expressed by them over the jailing of TR. How odd!!!!
The regular feel-our-mental-anguish slot on Radio 5 now is doing a piece on ‘Aphantasia’. (Wiki calls it “the suggested name for a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind’s eye and cannot voluntarily visualize imagery.”) With this condition, some people can’t visualise items from menu descriptions in restaurants. A woman skipped some pages of Lord of the Rings because she can’t make mental pictures of the landscapes.
Oh the suffering. Surely a nationwide campaign is needed… proper funding, community outreach workers and an aphantasia awareness week.
God knows what the logo would look like though.
“Oh the suffering. Surely a nationwide campaign is needed… proper funding, community outreach workers and an aphantasia awareness week.”.
If they can do it for the imported FGM, I agree, they can do it for every abnormality.
“God knows what the logo would look like though.”
I can’t imagine!
Definitely a case for another million blue parking badges .
I thought aphantisia was a Disney film
What do you mean by “look like”? Aphantasiac
Melanie Phillips a BBC girl known for her critiism of Islam finds much to object regarding TR’s supporters. Looks to me like the establishment are circling the wagons against an internaltional backlash.
Says Melanie
‘The reaction to this by his fans, whipped up by by his supporters in America, was that the state had locked him up to stop him speaking the truth about Islamisation, that he had done nothing at all wrong, it was a kangaroo court, it was a secret court, he was a political prisoner treated as an enemy of the state, he had been jailed because the state wanted him murdered in prison, Britain was now under the rule of sharia law, and so on and imbecilically on.
The ruling by the Lord Chief Justice shows that every assumption made by Robinson’s supporters except for one was totally wrong.’
By the way Melanie, everyone at the BBC have revealed his name ‘Robinson (real name, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)’ so f***ing what.
Me-thinks our Melanie will get some cheers next time she appears on Question Time.
And by the way Melanie. TR was drawing attention to grooming gangs, men who have been raping children for decades ignored by the elites in the media.
Perhaps Melanie Phillips has a thing about ‘real names’:
“According to her account, the name “Phillips” was imposed by British officials who were unable to pronounce her family’s Polish name”
The fact is that Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner. His treatment stems laregely from who he is and what he believes in, not just what he has done or alleged to have done and that is the key point.
Your views on most things are sound, Melanie, but please: the policy must be ‘No enemies on the right’.
Very disappointing, from somebody who always seemed sensible. She is, however, married to Joshua Rozenberg who was dismissive of TR in the usual establishment/Secret Barrister way when interviewed before the appeal.
The class system is alive and well in the UK. Always will be.
Melanie’s continued criticism of TR and his supporters has been hugely disappointing, especially the pointed dig at ‘whipped up by his supporters in America’. That sounds like that’s from the ‘Didn’t know what they were voting for in the referendum’ playbook. Yes Melanie, all of his supporters are gullible fools easily seduced by those brash Americans and not capable of any independent thought.
Highly illuminating that even those on the right reach for the very same tools that the left do when virtue signalling to all their establishment cohorts.
Clearly his supporters were in the right Melanie because his incarceration was wrong, the trial was rushed and hence clearly the judge (and the system supporting him at the time) had an agenda that they wanted to be followed – Lock up Tommy and get him out of the picture as quick as possible.
I’ll remember to not be as supportive when she is talking about the state of Israel and expecting people to take the time to listen to her rather than trying to close her down.
She had a hit piece on TR and his supporters on her weblog which i have followed for some years. I unsubscribed yesterday.
This surprises me. I thought Phillips had more intellectual honesty. Evidently she’s a part of the deep state after all.
kingkp, yes, as intellectually honest as anyone suggesting that ‘Obama-worship’ was whipped up by his supporters in the UK.
One of the worst crimes nowadays is ‘guilt by association’ so Melanie wishes to maintain some ‘blue water’ between herself and TR.
I wonder how much she really knows about him? Along with ‘guilt by association’ we have the ‘someone told me’ method of determining who is right and who is wrong. For anyone open to hearing TR’s side his address to the Oxford Union might be a good start.
Methinks Melanie protesteth too much, would she like to spend some time in solitary confinement? After all it would only be the state protecting her from criticism on Question Time!
Like Tommy or not there are very many people in this country that are frustrated by the absence of any democratic method of expressing their concerns. Love mass immigration? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! Love the EU? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! Love Islam? Vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem! None of the above? You extremist, racist, xenophobe, just shut up!
Part of Melanie’s argument is that the state isn’t broken because it has shown that it can put matters right – eventually. I’m sure we would all be happy to receive a posthumous apology. In theory it is still allowable to criticise Islam in this country. In practice the police will threaten you with ‘breach of the peace’. If you do get arrested ‘due process’ will eventually see you released, making Melanie happy. Unfortunately ‘guilt by association’ and ‘someone told me’ will mean that you might no longer have a job and your children will be in care. If you have a problem with that then use your democratic rights, vote Conservative, Labour or LibDem!
Re Melanie.
Like Peter Hitchens, like Christopher Booker? We owe them. But all three will know their Old Testament, like Moses they will not be inheriting the land that they`ve long been describing and warning us of.
They are all tired and formulaic, indeed all now have blind,black spots that they`d not have had years ago-spiritual cataracts maybe?
Edmund Husserl-German philosopher who was so mistreated by Heidegger and the Nazis, unfeted by Adorno or Arendt-used a word for this spiritual and moral tiredness in the culture.
All our three heroes are weary, who can blame them?
Let alone know that they`re either wrong, misinformed or compromised.
Thankfully we of Tommys era are on the subs bench and raring to go.
Mels wrong, but we forgive her, If we leave any legacy like hers, we`ll be doing grand.
Saw Tommy hugging his kids last night-now THAT is what we`re fighting for.
Hitler opened the Berlin Olympic Games(1936), Anne Frank wrote her last diary entry(1944)-and Kurt Huber/Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Club of 1942/3 are our templates for action now.
Let the streets be the medium, let we White Rosies see what Tommy means, and how we turn these Haw Haws, Birdwoods and EU Gauleiters into horsemeat.
Should be a good long , hot summer.
Interesting that the BBC leave it to their reporters to label people as ‘far right’ if that is what they think, because the BBC is supposed to be impartial. These people are the BBC and therefore should give no label apart from their name and their party or organisation.
You should note that ms Phillips is married to a lefty beeboid called Joshua Rosenberg who has long contamined a one respectable programme called “ law in Acton “ – a weekly digest of lefty Human Rights that and this .
I suppose if one sleeps with a beeboid one is going to get infected sometime .
Great post JimS.
It’s good that Melanie thinks it gets put right in the end but what if something had happened to TR whilst he was waiting to be put right. I’m sure she would have pied that off with a ‘oh well’.
Another black DJ youth killed on the streets of London. Another weeping and wailing relative saying the Government should be doing sumfink, like everyone else when they experience a tragedy. Um, what DO they expect the Government to do ???? On the one hand they whinge when the ‘government’ gives advice and then its called living in the ‘nanny state’, and then double whinge when they cant get their own lives in order.
Sadly over the past 40 years the word ‘MATURITY’ has left the vocabulary. I saw a photo of the crowds at Stanstead waiting to see the arrival of the contestants of Love Island return home. To my utter astonishment amongst the crowds were clearly young men in their 20’s !!!! WTF ?? This is the disheartening level our young have reached.
When I met my late husband in 1970 he was 23, and he and his mates would work hard all week and then it was suits & ties at the weekends to socialise. He would have rather poked sticks in his eyes than be seen waiting with a gaggle of women for some nomarks to come home. His response would have been “Are you having a laugh ?”
So this kid/adult culture that is now our society does not bode well for future generations, particularly where we now have toddlers going to nursery who can barely speak.
They don’t just whinge, they riot if the police / authorities show the slightest bit of backbone by, say, implementing stop and search or zero tolerance policies. And of course the beeb make any solution to the problem even more impossible by refusing to even acknowledge who is committing all the knife / gun crime and screaming waycism at anyone who goes near the subject.
Concerning your point about immature man-childs, quite so: just when we need strong, mature people at all levels of society, we have confused trans pansies wondering what gender they are this morning and police painting their nails and twerking with the effnics to appease them. God help us.
“just when we need strong, mature people at all levels of society, we have confused trans pansies wondering what gender they are this morning and police painting their nails and twerking with the effnics to appease them. God help us.”…….
Excellently put. (I love the term trans pansies 🙂 ! )
Maybe instead of bemoaning the govt, they could take a moment to address the problems within the community that they keep claiming to be a part of.
They are always a community when seemingly being repressed by an outside force but never a community when being affected by the same thing time and again.
Surprise, surprise quite a lot of people don’t believe what they hear on BBC news any more and demonstrate their distaste by turning off. I’ve never been one for kicking a man when he’s down but…
Au contraire Cassandra, kick away… or the bastard might get up again.
And you’ll feel so much better for it.
What’s the betting our Fergal has a ‘lomp in his troat’ as he reports on the latest killings from Harare? Why, it seems like only yesterday he was showing us democracy in action as all those orderly queues waited patiently to register their rigged votes.
The elite’s naivety never ceases to amaze – but we continue to pay for the privilege.
He looks probably do one of those memorably sickening cheesy jobs bringing his kids into whatever sob story he is currently writing a book about . Bloody embarrassment
BBC News
1 hr ·
Are ???? fans dropping the ???? for more ?????
Listeners turn away from radio news shows
That would be BBC, radio news shows mostly, BBC.
Off facebook, so the idiot graphics they use may not translate once I post. #CCBGB there. However, it does also link to a page with comments open (for now):
Top so far:
6. Posted by fireyMoosse
Not surprising the BBC are completely out of touch with British people, they concentrate on minorities, migrants and diversity, and their vicious anti Brexit propoganda day in day out is sooo over the top. More and more and more peopl are tuning off BBC News, both on TV and radio, as it is so out of touch and biased against the UK. It used to be trusted but now is a mess, it needs sorting and fast.
Third highest seems to have fallen foul of BBC sensitivities.
‘Spookily there’s no such daypart detail for Radio 2, where there’s interest in the performance of the new Jo and Simon show, launched halfway through the reporting period”.
BBC editorial integrity and ‘detail’. Or not. Transparency to be proud of.
Meanwhile. in other news, complaints from, well, everyone (on a SKY News poll basis, an entire solar system):
Still, the market rates are, luckily based on a secret BBc recipe not apparently ratings based, or terribly transparent either:
Tommy Robinson is HOME!
He is having 2 week holiday, no phone etc- good idea.
Looks like he has lost weight..
And will he and his family be given police protection against the hard-left mob, or the bearded ones? Like hell he will, they’re probably giving out his address to them as we speak.
I hope he sues the hell out of the various authorities who put him behind bars and in harm’s way.
Who would trust police protection?
I hope TR didn’t tell the whole truth about going on holiday because MSM will chase him and his family until they get a reaction worthy of broadcasting . I’m guessing the weekend papers – particularly the Mail will really go for him and his family .
Since TR is prefixed with “ extreme right “ by every broadcaster I wonder why they don’t do the same with the likes of comrade Corbyn, Mcdonald and their mouthpiece the boy Owen Jones as ‘ hard left’ since that is what They really are …..
Oh, this is hysterical – give yourselves a break from documenting the BBC bias and watch America’s Comedian-in-Chief in action instead (please race on to about 33 minutes in – I tried to do a video clip, but decided not to risk it in the end):
President Trump: “… They say he’s not acting presidential. Well, I say it’s a lot easier to act presidential than to do what I do. Anybody can act presidential.” Hilarious demo follows: “Ladies and gentlemen of the state of Florida, thank you very much for being here. You are tremendous people. And I will leave now because I am boring you to death. Thank you.”
There, wasn’t that fun!
The key word is “ACTING”.
People like O’barmy and Blair could ACT presidential. It’s an ACT.
The faux gravitas, the self-deprecating humour, the distant, visionary gaze into the middle distance, the quivering voice, the catch in the throat, the understated delivery, the pregnant pauses.
Slippery Blair could do this “I’m really torn on this decision but I must do the right thing” thing.
O’barmy could look cool and skinny… and light-black, all of which got him elected, and got him his Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing.
All an act.
Blair – being an amoral barrister – could carry off a good speech as though he really meant it. I saw him deliver a great speech promising nothing when he was shadow home sec and at the end he got a standing ovation . I sat there looking up at all the punters clapping and thought ‘ wow – this fraud will go far ‘ .
The more ‘convincing’ they are, the less I believe them – it just means they’re better actors.
He promised nothing, you say? And he delivered nothing, so I guess that one time he accidentally spoke the truth.
Got to hand it to president Trump – he never stops campaigning and going to speak with his supporters . In his job it must be really easy to drowned in the swamp and stay in the Oval Office – but every week he is out and about .
Not being a follower of the American democrat Mafia I don’t know who they might line up against him in 2020 – I guess it’s another flawed spoilt Kennedy Or the Obama woman
what’s the idea of rallies ?
did other presidents have them,
Hard to imagine clinton hillary having anywhere near enough energy for the job.
She didn’t she kept falling over !
Michael Obama I suspect . Wouldn’t that be just fab for the liberal left to have a black female President .
Yes, really funny RA.
His “acting presidential bit” after 31 minutes is brilliant-never seen anybody mock the heritage media like Trump does.
As he says-they`ve all been ACTING Presidential-which is what the media seek.
He`s the first i`ve ever seen who actually IS presidential-who does the job and tells the people as he goes along what and why he`s doing it.
Oh, how the mediation lobby must despise him forver bypassing and scorning them.
And I saw a poll that says he`s believed FAR more than the US news channels and papers-ration of 9:1 .
Not mentioned by anybody though. Suppressed poll, like all the others they`ve yet to make up.
Interesting that they didn’t use “hail to the chief “ for the entrance -thanks Right Angle .
Good to see Toady’s listener numbers are down 10%. They never discussed actual quality of programming throughout their quest for ‘peak diversity.’ On their loopy liberal planet it’s ok for nobody to be listening as long as half the contributors are female.
Funny that…I was waiting for a discussion on why their listener numbers are down..but unless I missed it..they didn’t
If it had been 10% up do you think they would have been crowing over it..yep
You can imagine the back room now – for god sake make something really important happen so we can bury this….or issue a statement like
‘we have made some important strategic changes and it takes time for these to take effect – we think we have got it about right..’
I think everyone on this site can tell them why their figures are down….
They`ll have lost loads of teachers and public sector drones, now getting their last taste of Europe before it shuts down next April when we`re not paying for it.
All the public sector drones rely on Radio 4 for their sickie soundtrack, their endless bitchslapping and below stairs slitherings.
Think only retired public sector parasites, and current community arts lollards etc ever bother with Radio 4. Endless, mindless liberal liquid manure like a Paris merde street vacuum van, but with the suction reversed
I don’t know the source for this but it’s quite alarming if it’s accurate
Keep voting till you get it right, plebs!
Lucy, looks about right. There are three Treaties there that the UK should have had a democratic say as to whether we should sign but in each case, the Government of the day did not allow it.
Almost certainly because they were terrified we would say ‘No’ and if made to vote again like Denmark and Ireland, we would say ‘No, let us Leave’.
My odd experience on re-tuning to Radio 4
Ever one to go against the crowd, despite the plummeting listening figures, on a whim I tune into Radio 4 for The World At One. Ah, those familiar one o’clock pips of yore. It’s all a bit more female than it was in the good old days. Now we have the plummy attitude of Sarah Montague and hushed incredulous tones of Corrie Corfield. The voice of Radio 4 still raises a smile when it has to contend with such new-fangled concepts as “Drill Rap”. You can’t help imagining those BBC presenters up on the bench in horsehair wig and full judge’s regalia turning up their noses and feigning incomprehension at some particularly disreputable slang. “Drill Rap?” (An urban sub-genre of hip hop defined by dark, grim, violent, nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats, M’lud).
And so to the sad case in Wales of the poor child apparently killed by the violent physical abuse of an adoptive father. The usual familiar tale of failed social services systems. Gradually the story unfolds in the same all too familiar way. The regulation public sector apologies and resolve to examine their own navels once again. The something must be done moment. That is, apart from anything to support the conservative idea of the regular mother-father two-parent family. Given the public sector never likes to miss an opportunity one waits for someone to mention funding. But what is this sudden new discordant note dropped into the familiar old tune?
“The social workers “liked” this couple”. Really? We were under the impression adoption was really really hard – strictly by the book, rule laden, loads of questions, vetting and form-filling and waiting etc? In their regulation template interview what are the BBC and the authorities dancing around here? Was there some inside job adoption? Why did this ultimately fatal adoption go ahead? Just as one thinks one will have to buy one of tomorrow’s tabloids to get the inside track at last our BBC presenter blows the gaff: “What” she asks the social work spokesperson “do you think it was about them [the adoptive couple]… they were a gay couple, middle class, professional couple…?” Take your pick but I think, luv, you just answered your own question. And you and your ilk may just have created the cultural climate for this sad case to have happened.
As discussed on Wednesday the head girls’ real name is ‘Lady
Brooke ‘ as I understand her beta ‘arff is a viscount or baron or similar .
If the MSM keep hammering TR for his previous name – why not Lady Brooke the beeboid and Lady Nugee the socialist .
Looks like another Thommo winner over the pond.
The bbc alumni really are da bomb.
Wow – that is one serious chip – she d get on well with McCain
My own theory is that those who voted ‘Remain’ didn’t understand what they were voting for. I think they are largely the uneducated. Or perhaps the overeducated. Now they want a second vote cos they don’t understand that referenda don’t keep being repeated until you get the outcome YOU want. They are that stupid.
I guess they must be masochists too, cos they would get flattened even more resoundingly in a second referendum. People simply have no desire to be ruled from Brussels. They have to put up with enough crap being ruled from London as it is.
I think that should have been a front opened up ages ago – instead brexiters are just beaten by a constant list of soros lies . Luckily they were go overdone that now they are are joke .
However al beeb has no comedy outlet for them
Well they clearly couldn’t have known because virtually every single thing they were told would happen – hasn’t.
You’d think that would be the single most damaging piece of evidence when the remainers are orchestrating rumblings of wanting another referendum.
But as a caveat, I will say that I think everyone knew what they were voting for and even if they didn’t, it doesn’t matter. When you grant people the responsibility of a vote, you have to trust that they will vote however they see fit.
If they want to research it, ask a friend or even flip a coin, that is their right and the Remainers should never forget that.
fnw, the BBC bravely opened a HYS – remarkably – on the poor RAJAR figures released today.
Comments, as they say, did not go their way.
If the comments were accurate (who knows how many multiple accounts there are, Fifth Columnists, ‘shillers’, etc.?) then the BBC is considered to be very anti-Brexit and they have upset a least two Remain voters that I saw. Many, many, others appear to be fed-up with the continual negativity and bleating, whether over Brexit or some ‘isshoo’ or claimant or other ‘need’.
You might be right about the likely result of a second EU Referendum but it will be vital for the Leave campaign to be very well organised & disciplined and not at all complacent.