Less people are using the BBC -both television and radio . Less people are using its print version – The Guardian . Instead people are choosing Netflix and Amazon .
Although we record left bias week after week perhaps it will be the consumer who ultimately forces the BBC to serve the British and not its favoured minorities .A few politicians moan but won’t do anything else so for the time being the BBC feels immune .
Treezer comes out well, too.
Anyone else noticed that since all the twitter polls etc showing the public support for Boris , BBC and SKY seem to have stopped wall to wall coverage and debate on it. Funny that. I assume its been a real shock to them to actually see not everyone believes the bile they peddle up. Sure now they cant quite fathom that people have a actual opinion outside the london media bias left bubble.
Well, you’ve gotta larf….
No, seriously. You HAVE to. Or risk a fine.
“Man Defending His Wife ‘Lynched’ By Six Youths In France……..The location of the attack, Val-d’Oise, lies just north of the ‘no-go’ heavily migrant-populated suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis, which often see incredibly brutal attacks and riots, including a 37-year-old man having his gold teeth ripped out by thieves in the area last month.”
Guess what I’m thinking?
TOADY Watch #1
The Humph brings on James Clapper to comment on the US decision for further sanctions on Russia for the Skripal (note) poisonings. It appeared to this listener to be a thinly disguised attack on President Trump. John Humphrys did not ask Clapper whether he was a registered Democrat or a Democrat voter. We know he has expressed unfavourable opinions of Trump in the past. Dishonest work, BBC.
The item started with Sopey in the US. Sopey stated that the US immediately expelled Russian diplomats following the Skripal poisoning. If I recall correctly Sopel is wrong, they did not. It was several days before the UK expelled Russian diplomats following the poisonings. The action was followed in about 24 hours by some European countries. The US followed, I think, in another 48 hours. This is all very different from Sopel’s ‘immediate’.
Jon Sopel is, I think, at risk of auto-immolation. He has ceased to foam at the mouth and spin violently, in alternating directions, about a vertical axis. I felt sure I could hear smoke pouring out of his ears this morning on TODAY.
Beeb trots out clapped-out Clapper for its latest anti-Trump fiction on Toady. He sounds ‘depressed’ about the President, the beeb prompts. Tsk, tsk. They decide that Trump probably has only about 35% support in the US. Sounds like a lot of clap-trap. I suppose on tomorrow’s Toady we’re due for Brennan.
Meanwhile, as a bookend, the bbc brings out one of them Professors for a quote:
I am amazed how people like him seem to know everything that’s going on in the White House…was he making statements of fact or just blowing his opinions? I am guessing the latter – and if he waved his finger at me I would snap it off..
He might be better getting back to handbags at dawn with Owen.
Has the far-left bbc reported on this current and continuing atrocity by the barbaric Turks against the Yazidi people?
It seems the Turks just can’t help themselves when it comes to their abominable acts, whether it’s Armenian Christians, Greek Christians or Yazidis.
The bbc World Service hourly pumps out stories of racism, sexism, discrimination, corruption, repression and generalized horror from around the World and yet that all pales into insignificance when compared to the doings of Donald Trump and those indigenous people of Europe trying to hang onto their culture, standards and country.
My eleven year old doesn’t get and neither do I.
The BBC leader web page makes the second most important
feature ” US drink-drive suspect tells police she s is a clean white
girl.” The officer was white.
I suppose the converse of this if Fox in the USA reported that a knife
bearing boy in London on being arrested told a black
police officer that ” I am just your normal clean black boy .”
Front page news BBC? Oh sorry BBC on line. You have to follow
instructions from BIG BROTHER .
10am R4 News.
First item – US sanctions on Russia. News, albeit old news, day old news, now.
Last item – pure advertising. A couple are selling raffle tickets as their house has has not sold via conventional methods. The ticket price and location, London, are mentioned along with some details of the property.
The first item is in breach of a commitment by a former Director General AND a former Controller of Radio 4 that the BBC would NOT broadcast old news.
The last item is in breach of the BBC’s Charter that it carries no advertising.
I am getting old but I do reckon my judgement is sound and this just doesn’t make sense.
bbc WS on the abortion debate, “It’s not about killing babies, it’s about having a good society’.
Below is letter written to the Times regarding Boris Johnston and his remarks…fascinating…
No mention on any news outlet..!!!!
Dr Taj Hargey, Imam, Oxford Islamic Congregation, tells The Times
“Sir, Boris Johnson should not apologise for telling the truth. His evocative analogy is unfortunate but he is justified in reminding everyone that the Wahhabi/Salafi-inspired fad of female facial masking has no Koranic legitimacy. It is, however, a nefarious component of a trendy gateway theology for religious extremism and militant Islam.
The burka and niqab are hideous tribal ninja-like garments that are pre-Islamic, non-Koranic and therefore un-Muslim. Although this deliberate identity-concealing contraption is banned at the Kaaba in Mecca it is permitted in Britain, thus precipitating security risks, accelerating vitamin D deficiency, endorsing gender-inequality and inhibiting community cohesion.
The retrogressive Islamic clergy has succeeded in persuading ill-informed Muslims through suspect secondary sources that God wants women to cover their faces, when in reality it is a toxic patriarchy controlling women. Is it any wonder that many younger women have internalised this poisonous chauvinism by asserting that it is their human right to hide their faces? Johnson did not go far enough. If Britain is to become a fully integrated society then it is incumbent that cultural practices, personal preferences and communal customs that aggravate social division should be firmly resisted. For this reason Britain must emulate France, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria and Denmark in banning the burka.”
I believe he was on Julia Hartley Brewer’s show on Talk Radio this morning but I didn’t hear him.
I’ve just scanned through that article. A woman who wears a face veil tells of some abuse she got last week. And some abuse she got two years ago.
Wow, I don’t know how she copes. Maybe she should try working in a shop where she would be sworn at multiple times on a daily basis. My wife works in a shop, she’s treated like **** by burka wearers who pick up stock, open it, then throw it back down because they don’t want it. Just a thought, maybe they’re “taking things out” on everyone else?
I imagine the full body garment is excellent for shoplifting and imagine the cries of racism at any security person who would dare to challenge them.
Yes, The behaviour at the “Next” sale is a sight to behold. Dozens of items scooped from the rack & then discarded onto the floor.
“we’re Bri..ish citizens………..” of course they are ! Said the four guests on Victoria Derbyshire. Two scarves, one full on niquab and one free of everything. But how many generations will it take before its recognised ?
Ask anyone on any other part of the planet what they imagine a ‘British citizen’ would look like. The answer certainly wont be a person of colour, or having the patois of the Caribbean, or wearing a turban, or having a veil covering. Nor would they imagine them to be of Eastern European extract.
In the same way, we imagine Scandinavians to be in the main blonde and blue eyed. Immigration, culture and birth rate is creating a new genre of Scandinavian, but that is not the image we have ingrained in us.
TOADY Watch #2
The ‘attack’ on a bookshop in London. It happened nearly a week ago – last weekend – if my memory serves me well.
How do I know? The BBC web-site informed me earlier in this week. Why is it on BBC Radio 4’s TODAY Programme this morning when a former Director General AND a former Controller of Radio 4 both gave firm commitments years ago that the BBC WOULD NOT BROADCAST OLD NEWS? Someone should be sacked.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Eddie Mair leaves BBC for LBC – a rat leaves a sinking ship to board another sinking ship
It will be interesting to see if there is any adjustment of his “own views” once he is free of the biased bbc.
Or how he responds when he opens up the phone lines to the great unwashed and doesn’t have a firewall to protect him from those disgusting unfiltered popular opinions.
Only started listening to LBC after Farage got his show.
I’m not so sure unfiltered public opinion is given an airing. They are always talking about “1st time callers” so this suggests that there are “nth time callers” and that they rely on some sort of “caller pool” they tap into
Mair and NoBrain as copresenters – ideological mutual masturbation at its most hideous.
Does NoBrain actually have any callers? He seems to spend most of the time soliloquizing.
This morning, when I switched on, he was opining that ” white, christian men had done more to spread the fear of ISIS and Al Qaeda, and so do their work than 9/11 etc”
NoBrain seems to think the main strategic aim of Big Beard terrorism is “to divide us”. This assumes that “we”, whoever we are, were united in the first place. How many “British” muslims outraged by the ISIS “perverters of Islam” actually went to Syria to fight against ISIS?
That’s a very good point. I’m sure that there is a lot of vetting going on with the callers.
I’m guessing Mair has an ego too big for the Humph chair on Toady so needs somewhere where his pay isn’t going to be questioned and gets even more days off . If only he would take some of his friends with him – like the idiot who does the Sunday show .
Visitors for London museums are down and the chiefs are wondering why. Terrorism is not mentioned though that seems the obvious reason to me. I am loath to visit London and I live just down the road.
Still, it’s worth having a leg blown off as long as you can go for a curry afterwards.
Terrorism and the fact that the mayor is happy for it to be announced around the world that it is more dangerous than New York.
Maybe those stats got revised by the Beeb in a desperate PR cover up but when foreigners are thinking that London would be a charming little place of rainy days, polite queuing, red buses and tea it must come as almost a greater jarring shock to hear people discussing rampant gun and knife crime.
That and of course that our Mayor is content to piss off half of the country from which we receive a huge chunk of tourists and that maybe citizens of places like Japan, who understand the merits of protecting your culture, don’t want to come to a place that is losing or has lost the thing that makes it feel unique and now just resembles any European ghetto replete with cheap arse chicken shops, kebab houses and a disparate unfriendly group of people with no connecting cultural glue.
Reduction in tourism to Londonistan can only be a good thing for the likes of Londonistaners like me . The damn places are all free. Go to any major city in the world and queue to pay .
I argue that the Londonistan taxpayer gets no benefit whatsoever out of tourism . It is run by foreigners for foreigners
As for falling numbers – even when the euro and dollar exchange rate is so favourable – I guess a mixtures of killings, moped crime ,acid attacks and the feeling that the place is a lawless Islamic State with a non effective police social service – might have a bit of an effect . Al beeb contributes regularly to the falling reputation of the Capital .
Notice I didn’t even mention terrorism – which is due ….
“I argue that the Londonistan taxpayer gets no benefit whatsoever out of tourism”
It depends on what you are interested in.
Do you really believe that London (or York or Edinburgh, for that matter) could support its wide range of attractions without tourism?
“It is run by foreigners for foreigners ”
Well thank God for better educated foreigners.
This site is like the Sun on a bad day.
Anne -not being a reader of The Sun – I can’t comment . I just write about what I see . You pay to go in the Met in New York or the Louvre in Paris ( but I’m sure from your tone you know where they are) . Go to the Nat Gallery – no tourist pays anything for the upkeep of that institution .
I don’t see any benefit from the tourist economy in my back water of Londonistan – public transport is full up most of the time and guest workers service tourists staying in Town. As for’ soft power’ – a joke .
Go on – prove otherwise .
If you don’t like the site can I suggest The Guardian – where comment if free – unless you want to talk about Tommy Robinson – of course – there you go I’m reinforcing your prejudiced stereotyping for you .
“no tourist pays anything for the upkeep of that institution”
And do they get free food and accommodation as well? Do they get free theatre/concert tickets? Do they get free admission to exhibitions such as the outstandingly successful Pink Floyd Exhibition at the V&A? Free goods in the West End? Free trips to Oxford, Stratford and elsewhere? They spend money and pay tax.
Believe it or not, there are viable alternatives to this site without resorting to The Guardian, but assuming I’d be happier there seems typical of the simplistic black/white mindset of many people here. Just a mirror image of the BBC. And your dismissive reference to “foreigners” without any qualification whatsoever was pure Alf Garnett.
Perhaps you should leave your “back water” occasionally. This country is very rich culturally and those awful foreigners with their awful currencies provide considerable financial support. But then if you prefer to stay at home shouting at the TV, I suppose you would see them as nothing more than a nuisance.
“This country is very rich culturally”
Indeed it is, if one is referring to highly intellectual Western exemplars in the fields of literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, philosophy, science and mathematics.
Certain other regions of the globe also have a history of achievement in these fields.
However there is another field, anthropology, in which cultures are investigated, but this use of the term culture is unconnected to the high culture noted above.
Anthropologists can investigate societies which have no examples whatsoever of high culture.
The term multicultural lumps both definitions of culture together and pretends they are equal. Sorry but most of have noticed this lie.
Almost all of the “culture” of non European origin, currently in the UK, is of the latter kind and has been a great success: If you are a white hating Communist.
I view multiculturalism as a contamination and pollution of higher European values.
That was very sweet of Anne to go to all the bother of creating an account to post on a site she doesn’t like, just to tell us that.
I came here expecting more. Didn’t happen.
Just a cliquey echo chamber, and probably the only place where “Londonistan” is still considered witty.
Kudos for avoiding ‘you lot’ though.
If no longer witty, still an apt description and bl**dy tragic.
Of course you did, dear. Now run along. Haven’t you got some crochet to be getting on with?
That reply is uncalled for Roland. We allow maxi to spout all sorts of rubbish but just because Anne has a different point of view she gets howled off the site. For goodness sake it’s getting more like a howling lefty mob on here every day.
Old crone – I’m not for howling people with a different view of this site . But I do object to The Sun reader line as well as Alf Garnett . Which must have been good because a Labour prime ministers’ son in law was in it.
This discussion is not about al beeb but i feel I must answer it because – unfortunately for me I can quote facts about
Gain / loss in relation to people – foreigners – coming to Londonistan because – sadly – I had a job with the now deduct LGA on the issue – the bottom line was that Londoners / londonistaners lose because no politician has the guts to properly tax tourists . Fact. End .
The modus operandi strongly suggests to me that Anne has been here before, hence the tone of reply.
Oh Anna – londonistan is not based on wit – it’s based on demographics . Go google the most popular boys names and see what you get . Boroughs like Newham are now officially minority – majority populations . The whites have all run up the a12 to get away from the Muj .
I know you won’t disclose your post code but I can assure you londonistan is just that .
Give me another Alf garnett – sun reader casual snowflake Democrat pejorative and see where we go from there in your delightful al beeb multicultural world .
Go on cut and paste me as a ‘ little englander’ .
Don’t give up. You appear to be a very feisty girl.
Now, what evidence do bring to the table of Al Beeb’s bias?
We all look forward to seeing more of your posts on the subject.
Damn right Taff – if wrong I ll eat cheese British of course .
Taff I fear Anne has run of to ‘ comments are free’ to sob about Sun Readers and Alf Garnett viewers ..if she / he/,fluid gender identier gives the site a bit of welcome publicity then that would be great .the downside being that the left seems to go for ‘cut and paste’ criticism as opposed to anything remotely original or coherent .
I eagerly await Anne’s posts on Al Beeb’s bias.
That’s why she came here isn’t it, Anne?
Anne? Anne ……..?
Indeed taffman. A steady stream of new folk do grace this site, and most welcome and welcomed.
However, there can be the odd one who has the odd notion that by way of introduction the best thing is to steer clear of the site purpose and make generic claims about everyone who uses it.
This at best is counter-productive, especially if some kind of point is being attempted. And claims of bullying if responses are in kind, or simply less than kind, reminds one of a victimhood technique that used to work, elsewhere, by certain groups.
Expecting more of what precisely ?
“Londonistan”? That’s a good one! Hahahahahahahha.
And Paki versus Brit ? language racism
How can we make the story about our adversary Trump, thinks the BBC. The US government announces additional sanctions against Russia over the Skrypal affair. Cause for pleasure that our big brother is standing by us? No! The BBC Moscow correspondent (& probable old MI6 hand) Steve Rosenberg wants to emphasise that Trump has done his best to frustrate the imposition of these sanctions.
My thoughts – Perhaps Trump thinks there are bigger fish to fry or he is Putin’s puppet.
One of those defining moments – can you remember where you were when you found out Edward Mair had delivered his final smug self righteous lump of al beeb bias . I’m sure the traffic stopped and al beeb played somber Music on all its Asian networks ..
Why hasn’t it got an Asian TV service with a daily programme on how to pick up 12 year old white girls … ideas maxi … why so quiet. Miss you… maybe you have been signed up to the John McDonnell New Anti Nazi League … ah I remember them the first time round…..
ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1 but of course the techniques were refined long before
Being a follower of President Trump on the Twitter it might be noticed that he has a very high success rate for the endorsements to political office he makes.
Foreigners such as Sopel try to paint a picture of despond but it doesn’t look like in the hearts and minds of American voters – whom I assume he never meets whilst ensconced inside the Washington beltway …..
Some woman somewhere arrested for drink driving. Why would the beeb want to push this to the second most important ‘news’ item on the home page? Because add the race bait shoehorn and it becomes: US drink-drive suspect tells police she’s ‘clean, white girl’.
When stopped for speeding, she asked police to let her off, telling officers “she had perfect grades her whole life, was a cheerleader and sorority girl, had graduated from a “high accredited university” and that her partner was a police officer”.
Those sneaky whiteys up to no good again!
* Three days ago
† From Bluffton, South Carolina (pop. 12,893)
Oops — sorry Foscari, just saw your post about same.
But then, have you noticed – we are assailed constantly with anti Trump propaganda and yet how often have you heard anyone wish Hilary Clinton was in ?
Sssssssshhhhhhhh ………………………….
Having been out of Blighty for a while I am returning expecting the streets of the East End of Londonistan to be covered with disguarded Muslim lady wear as the liberated girls all run off to Boots to buy lippy under their newly granted freedom – with al beeb doing an outside broadcast complete with a vibrant lady intern complaining about sold out cosmetics for Asian babes ….
Or am I wrong..?
Well no, you see the Government, with the help of their media, propaganda machine, conspire to facilitate and encourage a section of the male population to repress their womenfolk under the guise of, freedom of choice.
The are already fully made up, and their hidden curves resplendent in Janet Reger underwear underneath the voluminous shrouds, ready to pounce on the old man once indoors.
I did a job once where we wanted to know where the mosques and madrasahs are in the 32 London Borough s. We’re located ( just for google )It was painful .,the charity commission had idea . Between you and me I wondered how many drones it would take to destroy the threats to America and us .
Just received my Lidl email alert for special offers, headed: “A Taste of Spain, Health & Wellbeing…”.
Oh No! I immediately thought, they’ve got here already……….
Boris Johnson’s comments still the lead story on their site. Is that four days now? We could be on for a record here.
Beeb Brother, let’s hope this is a defining moment :0) The majority of the population agree with Boris but probably have been reluctant to express their views – interesting to see where this goes.
Indeed, it could be a watershed moment. The day a taboo was broken, the day the emperor was shown to have no clothes, the day we took back the right to mock the ridiculous, even if it’s politically incorrect to do so. Dare I say, the day we got off our knees and began to stand up for ourselves against the invaders, against the lib-left inquisitors and thought-controllers, and above all, against the vile traitors at the beebistan.
It’s just a tiny start, but who knows where it might lead.
I hope you are right. But if the Whip is withdrawn and Boris is no longer a Tory that will end his career. Will he apologise under duress or stick to his principles? If he apologises or is even prosecuted for islamophobia (they will find some way to get him) that will be a huge win score for the forces of islamisation.
I am so angry at the fuss that is being made about this and the BBC are stoking it.
As someone clever said.
Why should Muslims choose whether to wear a burqa or not?
They can`t even choose their own husbands yet.
Where`s the BBC on THAT then?
Like other viral trends – if it was that good, most of the World would be doing it. The women can say it’s their choice but we know it’s not and if you made your child wanted to march around in a black sack in this heat. Good Lord we don’t even treat dogs like that.
Making a child wear even the supposedly acceptable hijab is child abuse.
I get the impression that politicians are unaware, despite numerous warning signs, that the tectonic plates underpinning the main parties have shifted radically. At the moment people still largely vote Tory or Labour as they have nowhere else realistic to go but the pressure is building and something is going to give very shortly.
Many of us, I’m sure, don’t particularly like the party they vote for but hold our noses to keep out a party they like even less. I’m already at the stage of despising all the main parties so much that I can’t lend my vote to any of them, regardless of who it lets in. I wonder if the Tories, by investigating Boris for something most people agree with, will cause a number of Tory voters to conclude they’re as bad as Labour and finally abandon them? This could just be the breaking point.
Must be great being of a coloured origin these days (hope i got the right terminology, cos i lose track on whats right and acceptable these days) cos you can just throw the good old, never fails RACE CARD into ANY situation you want …its like VISA and mastercard is the RACE card …just accepted everywhere, without comeback . Of course Sky feel the need to make sure we know its a indian family in the headline
Yes and let’s illustrate the racism using multiple Union Jack logos. That horrendously racist flag!
Look at those horrid far right aircraft!
Never mind,, Home Sect, Savid Javid (peace be upon him) is not going to fly the howwidly waaycist British Flag at border posts once we leave the EU.
I wonder whether he will choose a flag representing his kind
Bit confused: The Mail article states – “In a letter of response, an official wrote: ‘Whilst your suggestion has been noted, we consider it to be for port operators to determine if flags are flown at ports of entry to the UK.” Unless there’s more, Javid appears to have nothing to do with it much less deny the use of the Union flag. Is this a classic example of Fake news? Its certainly BBC style but a little amateur even for them.
Then I am sure that Sajid Javid, as a Minister of the Crown, will step in after reading this in a national newspaper and demand that his country’s flag is flown at all border posts. He does have a say in our flag doesn’t he?
“These horrid far right aircraft” have a much better safety record than many airlines from the enrichment area. Inexplicable.
Sky rather having it’s own #CCBGB moment there, deservedly so. Between the racism, stirring and blatant inaccuracy by omission, seems a mixed bag. All we need is Kay Burley to squawk that’s she’s no longer using BA and I might use them again.
Hmmm ….. Sky ?
Crystal clear at such times why they deleted Fox News from their channel list.
Returning from the USA via Vancouver my BA flight filled up with what I presume were the visiting elderly relatives of New Canadians on the way back via London to India.
One elderly man gestured to a young ‘flight attendant’ who rushed to his aid. He pointed at his bag on the floor. She looked at it, then said, “If it is too heavy for you sir then it is too heavy for me”, turned on her heel and rushed away.
After a week in the service-orientated USA I though, “Home at last!”. If you want first-class treatment fly first-class.
Remember when BA decided to go all Effnic and global, and adopted ridiculous liveries for the tailfins of their planes?
Everyone hated them. UK passengers for the insult to our flag, international passengers who wanted reassuring solid British qualities of calm under pressure, reliability and dependability (not a f*cking flying carnival with ganja smoking pilots); the pilots and air-traffic controllers who didn’t know who the f*ck was on the runway.
That could be a metaphor for Britain today: a diverse, dysfunctional Tower of Babel.
Didn’t Maggie drape a handkerchief over the tailfin of a model to register her disdain?
Just looked it up on Wiki: ‘Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher showed her displeasure at the designs by covering one of the new tailfins on a model 747 with tissue paper” (Should have been toilet paper). She declared, “We fly the British flag, not these awful things.”
‘Thatcher also indicated with these fins the airline would lose its identity.’
Today May would have asked to have the star and crescent moon added on.
Makes you wonder if theresa pushmay-pullmay should be traveling with one of the Arab airlines like Saudia or Emirates or the rest of the Arab airlines. As theresa pushmay-pullmay grovels enough to the Arabs.
Typical agenda pushing. Why is their race important, how about the noisy child who was probably ruining the flight for absolutely everyone on board.
But oh no, we can’t tell off the little ‘un, let’s just explain the error of his ways to him. Maybe I’m out of touch, but if you can’t control your kids don’t subject everyone else to the little bastards!
How’s this for BBC bias. Muslim rape gangs presently rampant in our towns but the BBC wants to highlight…..historical catholic school abuse!
I thought exactly the same – at one point the investigator banged on about the Schools still not separating education and religion. BBC interviewer incredulous…Hmm where else might that be an issue? Maybe its time to investigate all forms of child abuse in places of religion/education..No wait – we can’t. Only Christians allowed..
Yep, it’s called diversion tactics.
Anyway they hate Christianity.
Think they like the migration foot washings of Pope Francis, as well as nuns opposed to the death penalty this week though vlad.
Not Christians, I grant you.
EU compliant Catholics-the clues in that flag with the virgin Marys stars on it.
The Catholics died with Edith Stein-and she was Jewish really.
And Benedict was the last decent man they`ll ever see again.
It was always the problem with the original shape of the Common Market after the signing of the Treaty of Rome ( clue) that it would be a wet socialist / Catholic outfit – which is why that shit de Gaulle bounced Blighty the first time it tried to join . It didn’t want Protestant common law attitudes coming its way because corruption , nepotism and the rest of the viruses still affecting Brussels would have been bought to light .
There is a scene in the courtroom drama ” A few good men” when
Tom Cruise the lawyer for the defence says that he is going
to get Colonel Jessup played by Jack Nicholson , to admit he ordered
the Code Red, Which was responsible for the death of a marine.
“Jessup is going to admit it because ,he want’s to.”
Go on BBC get one or many of the plethora of women presenters or
males for that matter to present the news wearing the BURQA!!
Go on BIG BROTHER from the Diversity department. You know
you want to.
You force the internet BBC home page to make a story of a white
drunken women driver in the USA a major story. As you do
with a “race” story every day. What’s the big step ?
Go on , you want to stuff the burqa down the throats of
us indigenous Brits. Do a a Colonel Jessup and give us a
sartorialy dressed news presenter wearing a BURQA!!
Fosi, clearly like me, you can quote the script before the characters say it, as the film has been aired the same number of times as my age !!
R4. Boris has a complaint against him..BBC bring on somebody to talk about it…he starts ‘well I don’t know exactly what the complaint is..BBC then continue ‘well nor do we…’
Well done, get two people who know nothing to talk about something which is nothing..BBC reporting excellence
Having led previous lunchtime TV1 news bulletins with attacks on Boris, the hypocritical beeb now sit back and comment on ‘complaints’ being received, without providing any details. WE’RE USED TO PROPAGANDA, but now it seems we also have to subsidise POLITICAL ASSASSINATION!
Whenever you think they’ve gone as low as they can get, you find out that there’s lower still…
Noted the 6a.m news headlines led with Boris on Today with yet another Tory nakka we`d not know saying that he needs to say sorry-to who? The BBC? Anjem or those two Beatles in Syria?
The Rutles?
By 7a.m it had been cleared from the headlines.
I`m guessing they were ringing around, and waiting for their papers to confirm that they told them yesterday-and now, reporting this as “news”. Apparently the Mail was not as critical as the rest-but Nick was sure as hell not going to tell us what he meant by that.
What the Papers Say was once a weekly wry look at the whole news output over the week.
All we get now is endless mouthing of what the Guardian say about what the BBC told them about Boris-and then the Guardian repeat what the BBC say about Boris…very Chuckle Brothers.
Boris needs to laugh at their games, and double up on them. The prepare to take the Tories over so we lose Grieve and Soubry.
Nick Robinson`s got a Party for them to form, he said so yesterday.
Unite for Chains…stay in the EU and let Islam do its worst with you, as we look sad and get “Don`t Look Back In Anger” as sung by John Sargeant and Richard Bacon.
Bbc should have brought in bbc complaints as expert pundits.
Mind you, the six month dead air waiting for them to say anything may prove awks.
Though for many, still welcome.
I am astounded at the airspace and column lengths given to this gobby minority and their subtle and not so subtle ways of refusing to integrate and thrust their death cult intolerant religion upon us whilst demanding our tolerance.
It may be apposite to observe that they thrive on comments made criticising them and emails with complaint links fly from mosque to mosque and are sent around to all and sundry within their kommunihi. This is one reason it has been blown out of all proportion, they are organised agitators : a lesson for us all….
Yes, but according to them, they may be a ‘minority’ but they’re still BRITISH citizens !!! so that’s alright then.
Yep they have their rights do they not, like the individual who decided, at a village cricket match a few evenings ago who decided to march into the little gathering put his prayer mat down, take off his shoes (why >) and start praying in our midst, well done….
”Boris Johnson’s burka jibe: Why do some Muslim women wear the veil?”

Usual lesson on identifying Islams various sub gang colours/ styles
OK BBC here’s a lesson for you, on what a veil looks like

-so in future you won’t confuse it with a bit of rag!
google image search
According to Al Beeb, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, stated that Boris did not commit an offence.
OK, but shouldn’t MPC Dick be spending her time looking into far more important offences such as those carried out by nasty people in London wielding knives?
Perhaps I have my priorities wrong or is there a serious institutional problem within the Home Office that goes back many years? Who came up with the idea of Hate Crime ?
It is a method of criminalising anyone, as it is not even the person who is the so-called “victim” of the crime that can now be a “victim” but anyone else who reports it having read it or seen it etc etc, can be “offended” and now also becomes a victim, which is truly insidious and Orwellian.
It does nothing to improve the cohesion or behaviour of society in my opinion but serves as a useful charter for shit stirrers and agitators
Has half of the European Union committed a hate crime by banning the burka?
Blair’s government did in the mid 2000s. But for one vote they would have enacted an actual blasphemy law…although the hate crime laws are tantamount to the same thing w.r.t Islam. That was the objective. They knew what was going on in many towns across the UK at the time and this was one means of ensuring no one got out of line and kicked up a fuss. They were scared stiff of riots as had happened a few years before up north. So once again Blair is the culprit. I don’t believe in capital punishment with one exception.
Noted this taffman.
1. How come the BBC Asian Network get to ask the head of the Met about something that Boris wrote in a national paper.?
Asian network-the clue is in the title.
2. How come the BBC site tells us that Boris “has committed no offence”-did the Asian Network actually ask her if he HAD committed an offence then? It`s what they`d do.
3. Did the Asian Network ask their fave Asian-Sadiq Khan- to come in and explain why crime is through the roof in that metropolis of theirs? Did they ask about why any sane country would want to import beheading psychos who put their passports on the fire a few years back?
Would like to hear MY questions asked just for once.
But no-BBC snitchers-a bunch of Frei` s and Cricks still aren`t they? Weasels.
On my read it is not for Ms Dick to rule upon the intel disclosures she might receive .
Hate crime ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxSNeD7tbI
Watch the Religion of Peace thugs attack TR.
I was recently verbally attacked by one too.
ROP my arse.
The BBC stooping to new lows. Islamic terrorists training children to kill. Pretty horrific stuff, but look at the headline…quite unbelievable even by BBC standards
The bbc seems to have a unique way with headlines too.
Hate Crime again in Italy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BNP2y7ELus
unbelievable. It reminds me of the crime around here where I am right now. I don’t go out after 10 pm. Hbf Duesseldorf.
But did she deliver ?
should have supported the BNP decades ago
Are you sitting down?
I hope so. Because I want to thank the BBC. Yes, really.
The other day, they used 2011 census data plus other estimates to put the number of burka/niqab wearing women in the UK in the range 5000-15000.
Given the population of 65 million and rising rapidly it’s a drop in the ocean.
But contrastt the size of that minority with the level of furore and synthetic indignation surrounding Boris J and his weird descriptions of the UK postal service. Very revealing.
One might almost think there was a hard left Muslim agenda at play………..and guaranteed to get sympathetic priority treatment by our fine impartial statist broadcaster….
ones too many
ones too many
Not surprised, but still disappointed.
A hundred Muslim women who wear the niqab or burka have signed a letter to Mr Lewis, calling on him to withdraw the Conservative whip from Mr Johnson and launch an independent inquiry into Islamophobia in the party.
I must have missed the occasions when these women have organised a protest against their menfolk raping children and committing terrorist atrocities.
First time I have heard of a muslim withdrawing a whip for a transgression,
last rape gang (Oxford) enjoyed using a whip on a 12 year old girl white schoolgirl tied up to a bed while hurling racist abuse
And one of them appeared on Iain Dale’s LBC programme. A professional agitator if ever there was one but Iain swallowed all her tales of insults received hook, line and sinker.
Who cares or gives a damn they dont know who they are talking to anyway with a black blob as an avatar, maybe its the royal mail who are getting worried
Can`t imagine the BBC ever giving a damn about the ratepayers of Northamptonshire until today.
Way outside the M25, bit northern and reminding them of Corby..not Corbyn.
But Paddy O Connell seemed awful exercised and wanting answers from their Council-what about the Children Commissioner and her warnings re catastrophes?
As opposed to Rotherham or Rochdale eh Anne?
Anyway it`s down to austerity and the Coalition-nothing to do with Icelandic Banks and Labour anyway.
What will happen to all those Urdu translators and housing waste co-ordinators for Magna NOW?
Let alone the salaries of all those councillors ,who will trouser something akin to what Paddy gets, Anne gets maybe?
Paid to care-the lot of `em, no questions REALLY asked.
MY solution-let BBC Radio Northamptonshire take over the running of the council? The BBC seem to know everything, might as well give them a council or two to prove it. Might be a reduction in Eddie Mairs pay, but we could ask him to take over and lead us on.
Could there possibly be a minority which has passed the BBC by?
Nope. BBC London today bring you….people with autism using the London Underground!!!!!!
Shock. Horror. The escalators go too quickly! It is too noisy!
And then the fishing expedition, ‘ contact us at …xyz… for your experience of the Underground’.
The BBC. World class at shit-stirring.
PS stop press. And if that wasn’t enough minority for you then the One Show go to a working men’s club to get three members to go Vegan for a week. You really just cannot make it up.
They could have been sensible and commented on the problems deaf people have during underground evacuations during an emergency with only tannoys but there we go maybe too many white deaf people.
I wonder if any poor sap who agrees gets hit with the bbc t&cs as happens when they want a photo for free to fill their dead air with.
Or, are you willing to do the police job for us he is a real danger to the public and we’ve run out of videotape and we are very busy investigating hate crimes, and picking up the bodies of black knife victims but we are too frightened to stop and search black people for knives
BBC and the state hand in hand
BBC Online News:
“”Boris Johnson facing Tory investigation over burka comments””
First Paragraph:-
“”Boris Johnson is facing a POSSIBLE investigation into breaches of the Conservative Party code of conduct.””
Notice the lie? Headline says Boris is ‘facing’ Tory investigation.
First line of report says ‘possible’.
The BBC do this often. Put their lie into the headline and hope readers won’t notice it. Job done. Damage done.
He is a Nasty Tory in the BBC eyes and a threat to their Marxist utopia.
They are all at it, but the bbc is getting positively shameless.
Bad enough hiding behind ‘could’, or one degree of separation “quotes”, especially from anonymous sources, but the projections in headlines taking a body copy guess at best to a fact on the banner is now rampant.
No wonder few trust them any more.
Could I just state for the record that I am NOT offended by Mr Johnson’s comments? I am certain millions of my fellow citizens share these views.
Should I be writing to someone at the BBC or the Tory Party or signing a petition somewhere?
The words ‘free speech’ seem to be mysteriously missing from the debate.
Hate to repeat but I did say this earlier:
I am astounded at the airspace and column lengths given to this gobby minority and their subtle and not so subtle ways of refusing to integrate and thrust their death cult intolerant religion upon us whilst demanding our tolerance.
It may be apposite to observe that they thrive on comments made criticising them and emails with complaint links fly from mosque to mosque and are sent around to all and sundry within their kommunihi. This is one reason it has been blown out of all proportion, they are organised agitators : a lesson for us all….
Daily MaIL EXCLUSIVE: Dentist mother is locked up for three days with daughter, four, in Dubai jail for having glass of wine on Emirates flight from Gatwick – and now could be detained in UAE for a year
according to the Daily Mail but, bother to read you will see she arrived with wrong visa and then started shouting and arguing this does no one ANY favours, I travel in China they can be difficult but last thing you do is shout and protest loudly when you are in the wrong
“During a tense standoff with the immigration officer, Dr Holman said he became angry with her and refused to answer her questions. She said he then asked her if she had been drinking.”
Funny how she is the one doing the questioning, with an invalid visa, every time it seems with a certain element within our country, always a “glass or two of wine”, ONLY, compare to “lager louts” who are apparently, never dentists
I don’t remember needing a visa for Dubai..special arrangement etc? Unless they aren’t uk citizens
Shes Swedish living in UK
Wife wants to go to Morocco, I said keep clear, I’ll take you down Bury Park Road, Luton its much the same, if you are stupid enough to go anywhere near these savages territories then take the consequences, it is obvious from the above some “feisty” little mumsnet harridan and her precious daughter met her match, live and learn, its not like bullying other motorists along the school run in your range rover, and parking it wherever you like, and I am willing to bet my life thats her mindset
And that includes aid workers and any one else that thinks you can improve the lot of the 90% of war victims we see on tv everyday, ” feed our kids while daddy spends his money on guns and bonbs” the worst recently being the red jumper appeal which, never ever mentioned, but, if you look closely was to feed the kids of the south sudan bastards who have stolen BILLIONS from his countries oil reserves while we raise money to feed his children.
BBC are keen on scandals, what about that one ? or are black african theives not worth mentioning, only hundreds of thousands of starving children though corruption, but Grenfell well thats woth another look…and again, and
Harvy Weistein again and again and again touching womens legs, but, 12 year old school chidren gang raped again nope just the once then the usual bbc silence
There have been dozens of complaints about Boris Johnson !
He ought to give them the same consideration that the BBC gives to the dozens of complaints it gets about its dire output .
Ignore them .
Oh, they do respond and it is quite amusing to read: for example:
Thank you for contacting us regarding an online article on President Trump’s UK visit.
We understand you feel the report implied Mr Trump was straining UK police forces.
(not true I quite clearly objected to their article which stated that it was a strain on our police forces)
The article outlined the US president’s itinerary and explained how local police forces were preparing for his arrival. We also noted that protests are expected in London and Scotland.
Mr Trump’s first presidential trip to the UK will be a significant event. We will cover different aspects of it as they unfold.
BBC News doesn’t have a view on whether or not Donald Trump is a good president. A fundamental part of the role of our editors and correspondents is to give our audience an informed, impartial and comprehensive analysis of key news stories. We believe our reporting on President Trump has been entirely consistent with this.
All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning. We included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Thank you for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
I understand you felt that the report ‘Mary Berry plays drums for Rick Astley at Camp Bestival’ was “not news.”
Choosing the stories to include on our site, the order in which they appear and the space devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every reader will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it is news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls on the site.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but the team at the BBC News website appreciate the feedback when readers feel a story might have received unnecessary coverage.
Please know that your complaint has been forwarded to senior management and the team at the website and we have included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensure that your complaint has been seen quickly, by the right people. This helps inform their decisions about current and future reporting.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Terry Hughes
BBC Complaints Team
Thank you for getting in touch regarding BBC News Website.
Your correspondence doesn’t specifically refer to an article which caused you concern, but your concern appears to the lack of reporting about rape perpetrated by ‘Pakistani gangs’ against young girls and that you feel the BBC are “Muslim sympathisers”.
In previous reporting on Operation Sanctuary, we’ve stated that those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle. Where relevant we will continue to report in the same manner.
BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover. We are careful to check and report the facts surrounding any debate, examine relevant arguments, and offer detailed analysis. We believe that by doing this our audience can then make up their own minds.
I appreciate your feedback and I can also assure you that your complaint was included in our overnight feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Kind regards
Gareth Murray
BBC Complaints Team
Thank you for getting in touch about the BBC News website.
To reiterate our previous response, it’s not for us to introduce religion as an element of a story when it didn’t form part of the relevant criminal case.
Your original complaint was that “In England there has been many instances of organised child abuse by a particular sector of our society (Muslims)” but don’t explain which specific cases you’re referring to or offer any evidence as to why the religion of the perpetrators was relevant.
Where there’s no specific reference to the impact of religion in a case by the police, prosecution, judge or other relevant parties, then it’s not editorially relevant or appropriate to include it when reporting these criminal cases.
We also think readers would be in no doubt from our reporting of these types of cases as to the identity of the perpetrators, as our court reporting routinely includes their names and pictures.
We’ve also published and broadcast a range of articles looking at the wider issue (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22522232 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40909065 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7sEIhMJgSI)
We’ve noted your points but do not consider they have suggested a possible breach of the BBC’s standards to justify further investigation or a more detailed reply.
If you are dissatisfied about our decision not to take your complaint further, you can contact the BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) who will consider whether this was an appropriate decision.
If you wish to contact the ECU please write to it within 20 working days of receiving this reply. You can email ecu@bbc.co.uk or write to: Executive Complaints Unit, BBC, Broadcast Centre, London W12 7TQ. Please include the case reference number which you have been given.