Comrade Corbyn has declared his support for the rapidly failing BBC but suggested that there be a ‘British digital corporation’ to rival Netflix or Amazon. Meanwhile , back on Planet Earth , the BBC has not commented about the thoughts of a potentially future Prime Minister .
He also seems to want beeboids to declare their Social Class. Now there’s a giggle . Maybe users of this site should assign a five star system to those appearing on BBC output and have a special category for no class at all…
The empty Grand National with no Sandwiches looking into the empty sky where planes once flew eating tripe. The Remainers vision of Brexit.
Grand National ‘could be hit by no deal Brexit’, warns racing group { 26aug2018}
By Clare Matheson
5 live Wake Up To Money reporter
No Grand National ? If this is true the EU will shoot itself in the foot. To rub salt in to their wounds, Herman Van Rompuy is telling us that the UK will break up if we leave the political dictatorship? Nowt yet on Al Beeb about that claim? I wonder why ?
No Mr Rompuy, Ireland will leaver the EU followed by Italy then Greece because of the wrong type of “tourists” arriving in those Mediterranean Countries thanks to Ms Merkel.
Crashing out of the EU would potentially have a huge impact on Irish trainers and Irish horses.
Again that loaded phrase from the BBC, yet they would claim to be impartial providers of news.
Crashing out?
Going over a cliff edge?
Come on BBC-why not flying blind into the twin towers of Progress and Diversity?
Or doing a Germanwings with the nations youth, as the Toffs wilfully lock the cabin and go off their meds in a psychopathic suicide mission.
Jonestown?…Waco, Aberfan?…
Maybe not Mid Staffs or Heysel though.
Millie Dowler would have voted to stay in the EU, Jimmy Savile wanted to leave the EU so the paedos were free to come into the country without having to claim residency in Belgium or Austria.
True fact,BBC style.
Christian Country decides to throw in the towel…Which God?
The BBC has pledged to “raise our game” on religion by increasing the portrayal of all faiths in mainstream shows.
The corporation said it would “enhance” the representation of religion on TV and radio dramas and documentaries.
So sad, no mention of the call to prayer five times a day. I’m sure the BBC could fit that in. C’mon BBC take the hint, my ‘off’ button finger is becoming well exercised.
Call to Prayer, or Call to Arms?
O/T : I was reading an interesting article about the mysterious loss of the Confederate submarine Hunley in 1864 and its subsequent discovery, salvage and restoration process. In the comments section, one caught my eye :
“It sank due to Brexit.”
I ‘ad to larf 🙂
That’s a good idea. For anywhere that the left allow comments, the comment should always be that Brexit caused it or will prevent it as appropriate. The more ridiculous the better. People would then start treating genuine “Brexit scare” stories like the jokes they really are.
The BBC’s Mark Easton likes to tell us from time to time that there is plenty of space in the UK for more immigrants as only 0.1% of the country is ‘densely populated’. This is a BBC Fake Fact, as Mark Easton has re-interpreted the term Continous Urban Fabric (CUF) to suit his purposes.
CUF is a measure of the land that is imperviously covered, i.e. ‘concreted over’. There is clearly a limit to how great a percentage this can be as ultimately it reduces the amount of groundwater available in an area and increases the need for drainage infrastructure like sewers.
One of the places that Mark Easton’s New Britains might come from are the refugee camps in Africa/Middle East. Most people would say that they were densely populated, as the refugees are herded together in tents or shelters rather than buildings. Yet by the Easton fake measure, because there is nothing to stop any rain from reaching the ground, these camps are not CUF and so can ‘easily’ take many more immigrants!
LBC : coming up Richard Dawkins about his anti-religion book for children.
Maajid Naawaz has said Mandleson will be the first item so I guess Dawkins will be on just before or just after 1pm
Maajid Naawaz is now ranting against the Labour Party
says that it is institutionally racist against Jews
and recommends that the parliamentry group leave the Labour Party and form a new centre party
Farage just said that he’ll be on LBC again tomorrow BH Monday

and that next Sunday’s show will be live from Perth as part of his Deplorables Downunder tour
Very fast schedule
Well, they always say its harder to hit a moving target !
I`ll be surprised if the Keeweez let him in to speak.
Jacintas just had a baby, he`ll only stress them all out.
Kiwis?…after their backflip into irrelevance with Laura and Stefan, they`re just she-wees these days.
Ask the wife-or better still any female back from Bestival.
I wonder if the Australian police will send him a bill for their protection services, as they did to Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux?
I hope that UK journalists, yes, those that would be happy to see an islamic caliphate for the UK and/or unending multicultural diversity, understand what islam does to wayward journalists. But no, I don’t think they do being drunk on the concept of Open Borders and the Globalist/NWO vision of the World. Let this be another warning………
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: No-deal ‘risks break-up of UK’ – Herman Van Rompuy””
“”A no-deal Brexit could lead to the break-up of the UK, the ex-president of the European Council has warned.””
“”Herman Van Rompuy told the Observer leaving the EU without a deal posed an “existential threat” to the UK.””
Project Fear. Bring on the ex-President of the European Council.
(It’s current President is Donald Tusk).
No axe to grind there, then?
Our Brexit Bashing Corporation continues it’s malicious mission at our expense.
But even when Rumpy WAS some cheese at the E.U, absolutely nobody would have listened to a word he`d say-if indeed he ever said anything.
How many of these Parmesan sock balls do the BBC and the Remainiacs intend to parade before us as if they`re Romain Emperors?
As opposed to gnomic haiku puffs, forever to be sucking the EUs big end for a pension and a chance to sniff Will Huttons cat litter tray.
Aren`t Austria the current nation in charge of whatever the EU spouts until it gets the salt slugging next March 30th . C`mon Aussies-YOU want to go too, get out whist you still can!
The most terrifying fear for Champaign Socialists must be the fear of having to buy English sparkling wine due to Brexit.
A state of emergency could be demanded by the House of Lords. The Lords could even demand the return of the Duchy of Normandy. What’s left of the British Army could then be ordered to go to the Channel Islands for an invasion of France. French locals would then doff their hats and shout “Vive la Duchesse!”, to which the Queen would reply “Well, I am The Duke of Normandy!”
Its on the news of Scotland but not on the front page of Al Beeb’s website . I wonder why ?
“Optician ‘did nothing wrong’ when he had sex with stranger in eye exam room”……………….
You guessed correctly even without exploring the link………..
He didn’t do anything wrong. So your implication is misguided. Just because Muslims do a lot of bad things, it doesn’t mean they’re automatically guilty of every allegation.
“Muslims do a lot of bad things”.
I wish that were the title of a bBBC documentary.
On BBC News at the moment is live coverage of the Pope being driven in his milk float around Dublin, with thousands of people lining the route.
And what strikes me is the almost complete lack of BAME’s in the crowd. Most refreshing actually.
Coming up next on bBBC – “Is Dublin racist?”.
… Milk float …. !!! love it.
I`m finding that the Catholics are just about the only permitted “christian denomination” that gets publicity these days.
They like Pope Francis, they know that Juncker, Kohl and the rest of the EU “Solidarity” munchkins at least have a token religious taint from post-war days.
They abuse kids like Islam and the BBC, and think of themselves as victims from way back-even though they were equally culpable of hideous martyrdoms when THEY were in power.
Beware. Real Christianity will be replaced by Francis, John Bell and the rest of them. Europhiles, UN suckups with that global reach wanted.
Kaffir, CAFOD? Who`s to say?
The World This Weekend at one o clock radio 4 .
Five minutes about the Pope in Ireland .
Twenty minutes about corruption and abuse in the Catholic Church , including criticism from Catholics about the church .
Five minutes about the demise of John Mcain , including a dig ar Trump .
Ok it’s fair to expose , analyse , criticise and denounce wrongdoings in any religious denomination . But does it happen to all of them , including non Christian religions ?
Nope ! 30 minute cookery programme hosted by a Muslim, 3 minute news segment on child abusing Muslims.
If I. S aren`t cooking kids after abusing them, then the BBC are failing to engage the Muslim sector, based on what you`re saying Brissles.
A child abusing moslems? Now that would be news.
Wonder how the death of Millie Dowler could be revisited to stick the boot into Trump?
Only saying this because the nauseating goo that the BBC is pumping over John McCain is only getting spouted because he hated Trump. And Trump rightly despised him in return.
To hear the likes of Obama and the BBC lauding this grasping nomark to the skies is typical of the left. They only like people when defeated and dead.
And his chips are crap, thankfully he`s had his now.
You see? When the BBC big up a stiff, you just KNOW that it`ll all be about surfing the shrouds to get Trump gone, or keep us nailed up on the Frankfurt Gold Cross by the EU.
The dead let them channel what they want said in all cases.
Only thing McCain ever did in his pointless life was to get taken as a POW-how is THAT an achievement?
Ah well, at least he gave us Sarah Palin. So why aren`t the left pleased at his vision in promoting female talent then?
When my dog dies-I will NOT be inviting Trump to Redditch Pets Palace to pay his respects.
Can I get on the BBC to say this now, whilst there`s no news? That gives me ten years anyway.
The Left boast: ‘Grab ’em by the Pandora’s, or failing that by the Bush’
Couldn’t help but notice this morning’s BBC tv mealy-mouthed eulogies for the old geezer where name after name was dropped from the live presidents society. They do love a defeated conservative. Awkward: a McCain pic pops up with the fragrant and sound Sarah Palin but no BBC comment that she had been his running mate. No matter the Beeb will be led by the Gruan…
‘John McCain opened Pandora’s box – Sarah Palin came out, but Trump was hiding behind her’
Obama told the FBI to keep Pandora’s box closed – The Clinton death count and the Russian and British involvement in creating the Trump dossier are leaking out of the box, but the liberal media are trying to put it back. Ignorance due to BBC Censorship is increasing to the point where the BBC is asking the viewer all the questions, such as “Why is there a measles outbreak in Europe?” or “Why do homes in the UK have separate hot and cold taps?”
Strange how McCain lands up as a great statesman and sad loss – but at the time of his campaign he appoints Sarah Palin – hated as much as President Trump – but that is now forgotten .
I don’t suppose President Trump will be invited to the funeral nor will he be bothered with such a swamp dwellers’ meet up .
Not al beeb but sky – some coked up reporter was enthusiastically screaming about the crowds and great atmosphere -except that the camera showed that behind him the streets were empty and there was no one at the illegal stalls selling vibrant things to vibrant people —who were not there…
The BBC were doing a mournful head count today re the Popes visit(8am “news” Radio 4)
Half a million turned out in 1979, today only 45, 000 expected.
File under Trump and “nobody loves ya, piss orf”.
And what percentage share-how many more-people listen to the BBC since 1979 then?
If the Catholics have lost 15% of their churchgoers in a years attendances at mass,-as the BBC have done as they slough off Today listeners this last year?-will the BBC be telling us?
Think they`ll be consolidating the base, regrouping their forces, refreshing formats and experimenting with diverse means to continue to lead the world in diversifying excellent programming.
That`s the Beeb excuse for dying every day on its fat arse anyway.
Other excuses are-of course-available.
Australian Politics : the pushing out of Turnbull was entirely triggered by his mad climate/renewables policy of him trying to shove it through and having to back down cos the party wouldn’t back him.
WUWT says the LA Times misled by falsely saying the rumpus was about immigration.
Then commenters point out the latest long BBC story also drops mention of Climate/renewables
Inconvenient truths ?
But the new PM has not turned away from Turnbull’s dream so a minister wanting cheaper energy has just resigned
” I will always put reducing power prices, before Paris.”
Calling out Corbyn on Hamas : “brilliant piece in today’s Telegraph by Sir John Jenkins, British Consul-General in Jerusalem, 2003-06.”
In complement.
Someone in the British Government must have been on at the BBC for not including enough anti Trump propaganda in reports of war hero McCain.
I can imagine Diversity May being rather pleased with this tougher article which focuses on how McCain battled with the evil mysoginist, draft doging cowardly Trump.
Yes Diversity May – another nail in Anglo US relations from the loyal Beeb
Mr McCain was a bad man and I hope that he repented and acknowledged Jesus as his saviour before he died, otherwise he’ll be experiencing global warming first hand.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, I recall that none of his fellow servicemen from Vietnam had a good word to say about him. He sang the praises of his captors on radio and endangered the lives of other servicemen by his reckless behaviour. He sounds more like a coward than a hero ( which is a much overused word) to me.
During the Bathhouse Barry presidency, Mr McCain actively prevented any measures by the USA to protect Christians in Syria; I remember a report of him gatecrashing a meeting in Washington D.C. between middle Eastern Christian delegates and government officials and haranguing them for having the temerity to ask the USA for help against the muslim mass killings of their fellow Christians.
Think that McCain suffered as a POW, maybe he`s now “square with the house” as The Green Mile puts it.
Did he further Gods agenda?
Well, he gave us Sarah Palin, and therefore it could be argues that we got The Donald.
Mc Cain will certainly be well ahead of anybody in the media who currently is using his death to continue their vendettas against the duly-elected POTUS.
And imagine that Maggie and Dennis are cranking up the fires and spit roast skewer for Heseltine and his like.
Those thwarting Brexit are hellbound, the church wouldn`t know-so don`t ask them.
St Enoch of Wolverhampton South , PBUH!
Had to push the ‘off’ button on R4 again, after waiting for a half-hour of poetry in the 4.30 slot usually dedicated to that craft, and receiving instead a hideous, trashy American black power presentation. Called ‘the last poets’ or something, leaving it one for any length of time would have meant (over and above allowing sound pollution to spread) having to reach for the nearest headache tablets.
Always so concerned about ‘racism’ the beeb quite forgot all about its ‘principles’ bringing us that garbage, and presumably also forgot about most of its listeners. Poetry? Plllease….
Shouldn’t be surprised, really…
Makes you wonder who listens to the nonsense ? According to al beeb the sons and daughters of the West Indies are all off to West London for the annual stab mug and rape fest . More rain Monday please
Not much moaning about the cost of a three or more day security operation -unlike when the head of state of our closest ally comes to visit.
The bookmakers have for a long time had silly Donald trump bets available,i’m looking to do a real bet on hillary and obama going to jail.Alas unable to find any offers.[ let me know if you hear of any]Obama’s site BarackObama@Thepresobama just shows how angry he is. I think he knows what’s coming.
No chance when the feds were infiltrated by democrat supporters at the highest level . A similar thing happened where when Blair planted snowflakes in the police at the highest level leading to an ineffective mess going after easy wins like the ridiculous ‘ hate’ crime nonsense .
Wait till the oig 2.0 report comes out. Fireworks expected.
Your read of the likes of comrade Corbyn and al beeb singing from the same ( non religious song sheet) would explain why he has had such a free ride for so long .
Only when film from a few years ago is exposed do people see what Corbyn is . When he was put up as leader all of those who did it knew of his past but failed to realise kidults didn’t know because MSM has wiped his racist past clean .
Corbyn has always been an enemy of Britain – his unquestioning support of the bastard Irish Republican terrorists evidences than . The sooner he is gone the better…
I’m guess they don’t understand that “ice free” doesn’t mean 100% ice-free and only applies in the peak summer
..and that also R4 have had Prof Peter Wadhams predicting it for years that have already passed
They then link to a big promo page for their Under the Weather podcast.
= Under the Activist Blather podcast
Yes, climate alarmist “experts” made predictions 20 or 30 years ago that the Arctic would be completely free of ice by 2010 or 2015 or whenever. And of course their predictions turned out to be completely wrong.
You have all these climate “experts” making predictions on the Earth’s climate in 2100. But, to be frank, if they can’t accurately predict the Earth’s climate 10 or 20 years ahead, what chance have they got of making accurate predictions for over 80 years ahead?
Given the two were not BFFs, it is hardly surprising McCain didn’t want Trump at his funeral, and likely a relief for Trump.
However how the entire MSM is getting overly moist at how classy it is that in his will he asked Obama to read from a TelePrompTer there is quite the stretch.
I bet Katty, Jon and Anthony are hoping for VIP tickets to emote… and carefully avoid the bits from the past that suit neither his legacy or their part in reporting it.
Guest – the line mr trump used about mr McCane being a failure for being a POW wasn’t his best moment.
. But president Trump campaigned on emptying the swamp and the deceased was a dweller there for many years .
Trump has many failings, and motormouth boor is high up there.
However this was the dirty trenches of politics. And will never change.
Nor will historical revisionism based on propagandistic editing in and censorious editing out by the likes of the UK’s national broadcast disgrace.
Fed, GW, I agree, but was that not a bit of ‘irony’ from POTUS?
Is not irony currently very fashionable?
Jus’ askin’
The fact that we all remember this great line from Trump shows how effective it was.
True enough to hurt, but harsh enough to get us all talking.
Bet Trump had been provoked before he said it too, who can imagine how much bile that poor guy has to wade through these days, and since he put himself forward too in the US slime pit.
It`s Trump or Trouble-REAL trouble. The elite know this, so why don`t we?
“Green light for LGBT equality”
The green man on pedestrian signals has been replaced by symbols to represent lesbian, gay, transgender and heterosexual relationships in Manchester city centre this weekend. The designs were made by Siemens to support Manchester Pride.
How much lower are we going to sink?
Made by Siemens eh? Coincidence or double entendre?
Come again?
If I’m not L or B or G or T, does that mean I can’t cross the road?
Green is wrong. The figure should be rainbow-coloured. When the signal is complicated enough, people will start being mown down as they try to cross. A small price to pay for ideological progress, I suppose.
Can’t wait to see the lesbian symbol……..
This one still intrigues, not least for the comments attracted.
I think this one sums the bbc up so well.
Red cap boy was born in Russia
I think he was involved in the fairly clumsy stunt where they invaded the lefty bookshop.
There is no Muslim congress woman .
There is Ilhan Omar, who won the Democrat primary to stand for congress
\\ If Omar wins the seat, she will become one of the nation’s first Muslim women in Congress ― she’ll likely be joined in the historic feat by fellow Democrat Rashida Tlaib, who won her primary for a House seat in Michigan last week. Tlaib is all but guaranteed to win in November in her heavily Democratic district, earning a spot in the nation’s history books.
For Omar ― who was born in Somalia and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya before coming to the U.S. at age 12 ― breaking barriers will be nothing new. When she was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2016, she became the nation’s first Somali-American legislator.//
the story about her brother marrying her brother sounds too wow to be true..and has been around since 2012
BUT PJmedia carry a story
I thought the invasion of the lefty bookshop was a false flag affair. Do you really know that that boy was involved?
He’s in the bookshop video
You can see AHatey No Hoper talking bout it
..but I do agree with her that red cap seems autistic.
False flag ? the invasion of the bookshop was real and got 3 people expelled from UKIP , the idea was a bit mad so I suspect the group is infiltrated by antifa.
Redcap was carrying a stick in a Free Tommy march when his mate was throwing punches and the rest of the crowd was being peaceful. Thus him and his mate gave the newspapers the photo they wanted.
I suppose the newspaper revelation that the socialist MP for Canterbury – Rosie duffield sends her two sons to a Grammar School despite campaigning for their abolition isn’t going to be seen much – if at all – on al beeb .
Education is the big labour weaken which cannot be concealed – the likes of D Abbot sending her offspring to a private school shows the Hippocracy.
I know the socialists pretend they need their kids equipped for the class war but we all know that is rubbish and is just advancement in social climbing using money provided by the taxpayer .
It will be really interesting to see if she is re-elected next time. She is completely hopeless (not, admittedly, a disqualification), but even the new-style woke Canterbury will surely some one with a bit more intelligence and common sense?
It’s ‘The Gavin and Bonnie Show!”.
Bonnie is a lefty talentless black hustler who couldn`t even get a graffiti gig back in Chicago-so like Sarah Churchwell, Loyd Grossman and Rich Hall now piles a trade this side of the pond, and on BBC troughers conditions.
She decided where Blue Plaques go in London-how the hell, what kind of country would let HER do that?
Only us.
Gavin is an empty linen suit, where else would he end up but as something big in Higher Education? None of that election business, only the little people ask to be voted in. Gavin -like Patten, Osborne etc has no need for YOUR approval.
Fucking Sun King times and conditions-need some blood on their pantaloons that isn`t menstrual, or from the poor they`ve sacrificed
“Our Bonnie lies over the ocean”-because Our Bonnie has been allowed to pimp off us, for simply being a black Obama airsock. Get her gone!
Come on…Tommy Robinson in fear of his life, Gavin Esler in his lavender pod and free to fuck with us?….for this Bridgwater cannot stand, the REAL Colyton Rebellion is coming ” inchalet”
Nothing to do with the bbc, but in case Bbc Trending eventually picked up on the original meme, this one is a hoot.
Murder 101 has quietly happened in Londonistan – 20 year old stabbed to death in deptford Saturday night . So we are about to exceed the ‘ average ‘number per year : the Emir of Londonistan can very quiet when he chooses and al Beeb leaves him alone . No called for the police chief to be replaced or the mayor to increase police funding ( which I think is of little value now that they have become an extension of the Labour Party – with few honourable exceptions ).
Surely the Home Secretary and Prime Minister are ultimately responsible in stopping this crime wave. What ever happened to Black Lives Matter?
Has the PM made any comment? Has Al Beeb pursued the matter?
Parliament is a House full of actors .
In The Times this morning.
“Free All Prisoners Campaign” Hosted by Momentum
No sign on BBC web site of this forward-thinking groups views on the victims of state brutality.
“The Empty Cages Collective” want to end the prison system in the UK. As Oonagh Ryder explains “crime is a meaningless term that functions to focus control on poor Black, Asian and minority ethnic people.”
I can’t think why the left is losing votes.
Damn – last thing needed is for the banged up to have even the slightest hope of getting out even earlier…. this must be a spoof unless Oonagh really does see Pakistan paedophile rape gangs as victims …
The crime is to tell people about the crime, as opposed to doing it.
Without BBC credentials, Labour approval or EU funding.
It`s a crime to say such things that threaten social cohesion or arab supremacy as agreed after the oil hike of 1973.
We`ll soon be finding out what real crime is, and will be ready.
Trailer for the new BBC Bodyguard series, Sunday nights.
Drone, ominous music:
In a world where just one man is left working in the entire police and security forces of the United Kingdom, women have taken every single job. Trapped in a BBC world of diversity, the bodyguard has to make an entire series credible, just by being recognizably male.
His every moved thwarted by BBC box tickers. Watch how the BBC pretends the only reason for Islamic terrorism in the UK is because of western interference in Afghanistan and Iraq. No mention of Muslims, (coughs), sorry, Asians, blowing up people in countries like France or Germany, who weren’t involved in Afghanistan.
Can our hero overcome the obstacles planted by the BBC box tickers? Erm, no chance. The entire series is like continuously stubbing your toe on a copy of the Guardian made of concrete.
scribbling, that last line = LOLx5 x10 even!
Yes it only needed Diana Dors as prime minister to turn it into a reworking of The Two Ronnies long-running sketch!
I was a bit surprised to see a female Muslim as a suicide bomber, rather than an enraged 60 year-old Daily Mail reader, (far-right extremist doncha know), but then she was clearly innocent and put up to it by her male husband and that because of the wicked white foreign policy of the politicians.
Presumably the BBC is looking for export sales in the USA, what with all the politicians ‘effing’ everyone and every thing. Real life isn’t like The Thick Of It, the most junior civil servant could and would shop anyone ‘effing’ at them and it would be acted upon – welcome to the totalitarion ‘PC’ world you helped create BBC!
I was surprised that anyone with mental issues that the Bodyguard clearly has, would be let anywhere near a gun, let alone have a job as a protective force. I can see him holding his estranged wife and kids as hostage in a future episode !
Kevin Costner (sigh !) wouldn’t have such problems – I think I’d throw myself on top of him (to protect him of course, lol !)
Is there anyone out there that can post evidence of Al Beeb’s right wing bias or pro Brexit bias ?
Or even pro Ukip propaganda ?
Several dead in Florida .
I can picture Al Beeb’s editorial night shift brain storming session…………. ‘how can we pin this on Trump or Zionists ?’
BBC webshite is quick to highlight the Florida shooting is by a white male.
That’s a very short time after treating the shootings as a ‘breaking news’ story.
Readers may notice a slight contrast with several examples of attacks in London where the BBC bends over backwards not to mention the colour of the perpetrators
Try as I might, I just cannot work out why their approach differs……….
“Try as I might, I just cannot work out why their approach differs”
I don’t think you are trying hard enough?
😉 😀
Not sure how verifiable this is but I doubt the BBC will get anywhere near putting this line up as possibility. Personally, I think speculation so close to an event isn’t wise in either direction.
Al Beeb tells us that “The Liberal Democrat’s Sir Vince Cable is to announce a shake-up of the party’s rules, in a move that could see someone who is not an MP become leader.”
They will probably call for under eighteens to get the vote in a so called ‘Peoples Vote’ next to fix it to stay in the EU.
Yes, who among us is surprised that the Liberal Left seek to get under 16s into politics?
Labours P.I.E collective will be sniffing the bander machine on Upper St once more, the BBC happy enough to get their fingers on the nub of youth as was standard before Jimmy Savile clouded issues for a while.
Tight shorts, toggles and back packs…more Brownshorts, less Brownshirts-but same end result.
Oh look, here comes the Childrens Servicing Directorate at the BBC to do a fun run series for cBeebies….
I see a liberal activist called Kay Burley tweeted excitedly about certain issues like the temporary release of the Iran Beeboid and Obama’s tweet about McCain
Maybe this Kay Burley might like to work in the media.
She was the model for the Chucky doll.
Excellent Brissles
Facebook announces they’ve closed a lot of pro-Corbyn and anti-Brexit accounts controlled by the Iranians
..that doesn’t fit the BBC narrative so they reported it as
“Facebook and Twitter remove accounts linked to Russia and Iran campaigns 22 August 2018″
and then buried on the technology page
The actual Facebook statement makes it clear the main issue was IRAN “We’ve removed 652 Pages, groups and accounts for coordinated inauthentic behavior that originated in Iran”
It mentions Russia in a different issue at the end.
I do wish they’d stop calling the mooted second referendum “the people’s vote”.
We had the people’s vote 2 years ago.
‘They’ are adept at coining such terms.
They also control the microphone via which selected guests can use it.
And the broadcast by which it is sent.
Hence the message people are subjected to.
Thereby controlling the narrative.
And the result.
Excerpt from ‘A Crash Course in Propaganda’, by Lord Hall Hall of W1A.
Toady has a section about the upcoming election in Sweden. Immigration is alluded to but of course they interview a couple who are not worried about it.
I hate this narrative over fact. Just interviewing certain people is so lazy and of course you can find people – or maybe even get people to say – pretty much anything you want. How many immigrants have they accepted? How many are employed? How many claim benefits and how much does this cost? In FAIR surveys with a proper number of participants etc, what do the majority of people think? They do not do that as it will expose their Neverland fantasy of multiculturalism for the nightmare it really is.
The burning question this morning. As it’s a Bank Holiday, are we going to get a Start The Week thread?
Or will this one linger, with no one posting lest their comment disappear into an old thread that nobody reads any more? Decisions, decisions.
Another burning question, RD: today is an anniversary.
A one year anniversary. The BBC like anniversaries. I wonder if anyone at the BBC has remembered and will bring us some information. Information that they really promised to us but, to the best of my knowledge, have not delivered. Naughty BBC!
Anyone on here remember the big UK ‘happening’ from one year ago?
I`m going to say “gender pay gap” here Up2!
I for one will never forget where I was when I found out that Jeremy Pilkington Smythe got a better business class freebie to slag Trump off than did Jocasta Smythe Pilkington.
My tears dissolved my old license, in fact-and I do hope that the BBC won`t let this one go-Womans Hour until 2021 at least.
chris, the only entry – ’twas a quiet day on here – but no, you are wrong.
Remember at August Bank Holiday Monday? Beachy Head? ‘Gas’ cloud from the sea? About 100 people ‘hospitalised’?
The BBC were going to tell us what the ‘gas’ was, once it had been analysed. They promised. Eerie precursor of Salisbury and Amesbury and the BBC’s defective reporting on those events. Trusted? The BBC?
Conservative Woman, today.
“Mrs May’s war on motherhood”
Please read this.
Worth a gander, too.
Worth signing up to Conservative Women, it improves with each issue
G.W.F – I can definitely recommend it. Whilst still regularly visiting Biased BBC (and I still think this is an excellent site) I generally dont post here so much as I cannot now even stand listening to R4 which originally I tolerated with wry amusement but now R4 instantly grinds my gears as soon Diamond Johny or Mishal “Right on” Hussein open their poisonous mouths.
I admire all of your patience!
Same here Oak.
I have no telly, like all those round here who matter in Wessex.
I have nothing to say, a joy though to find it`s endless groundhog day for the BBC though.
Bit like music dying when rap came in and refused to get off the potty in 1989.
The media died when it confused Watergate with news-Lynard Skynard said that right.
I always thought rap would be a short-lived fad. After all, how many versions of no tune can you make that people are prepared to listen to?
Clearly, more than I had bargained for as I can’t believe it’s still around today.
Chris the BBC reminds me of a once loved, favourite family record which has now become scratched and useless. The owners have replaced the speakers, replaced the needles and even replaced the record deck. But no-one has the guts to do the one thing that needs to be done – Chuck the bastard in the bloody bin where it belongs!
R4 Today opening news item:
“A leaked memo shows the People’s Vote campaign is seeking to change Labour policy on a second referendum. It is not an attempt to dislodge the incumbent Labour leadership.” (I paraphrase).
I strongly suspect that the memo’s author – former Labour spinner Tom Baldwin – himself “leaked” the memo directly to his buddies at Al Beeb.
In what sense is this news? The campaign in question seeks to influence the policy of Labour and other political parties consistent with its objective of getting a second referendum – duh, what else would it be doing?
Baldwin has recently written a book (also covered by Al Beeb) about the evils of paid political advertising on social media, which he thinks should be banned.
But he’s got no problem with his buddies at Al Beeb advertising his “People’s Vote” wheeze at the licence payer’s expense.
It’s fake leaks, folks.
‘Leak’ is such a fake term.
‘We spoke to a fellow trougher comrade and we agreed to say the following.’
None of it is news anymore. It is just stories which fit our agenda. Within ten years they will be utterly toothless and irrelevant.
‘re Gina Miller and others, Supreme Court, January 2017’
Leak-as in incontinence in kanga pants?
Has the BBc given us other since they lost the election in 2010?
The4 BBC are the Official Opposition, very much Hitlers house organ before he too got power with an Enabling Law-refer to Gina Miller and George Soros for exactly how they`ll try it this time.
I have decided to attempt to keep an ongoing list of pro and anti Brexit headlines appearing on the BBC’s main webpage each day. Here is today’s, this time in the guise of the paper reviews but guess what gets the prominence?

When the BBC continue to cite the Sun and The Star to push their Remoaning, we know they`re at the bottom of the barrel.
Can only assume the limited English endless press releases direct from Brussels that the BBC normally churn out are still too difficult for the BBC interns to read-so we`re reduced to tabloid junk until they`re all back from Greece, Tuscany-and those shady trysts in Bangkok or Marrakesh with their boys.
Note the BBC press reviews have to include online liberal B/S too these days-all that horrid ink from the papers must play havoc with their tighty whiteys.
Seems the market rates are earning their fees even over the holidays.
er, would that be the world oil prices that have more than doubled since January 2016?
Jus’ askin’ .. . . .
As to comments, how can I put this…
May be an issue with the link.
Here’s a possible reason why:
BBC News
Is Sweden a utopian dream or a multicultural nightmare? Delve into truth, lies and manipulated narratives.
(via BBC Newsnight)
Meat, vegetable and dairy prices are set to rise “at least” 5% in the coming months because of the UK’s extreme weather this year, research suggests.
So not just a “good summer”, then!?
Being a towny I thought that agricultural businesses could invest in a bit of water storage / irrigation to keep their crops alive but no doubt some one will tell me why it can’t be done .
Toady delivered the goods this morning – price of stuff going up because of low yield . I think they chatted to the NFU lady ( remainer policy to keep cheap labour high profits and Reich EU subsidies -from taxpayers ) and then when free trade was raised to buy from cheaper countries the instant reply from the thick NFU bod was ‘ Australia has had a drought for 7 years” . I was dumbstruck but the beeboid – think it was the dead labour leaders’ daughter screwing it up again – just flowed along .
– I was waiting for President Trump to get the blame by the cost of my Friday Cod and chips going up by 20p to £5.80 but sadly it didn’t happen – turned off then so missed the daily ‘slag of trump session’ .
I’m letting the Thread run a bit but will put a new one up when there’s bit of a gap – maybe 5 a.m….unless any one wants me to put one up sooner of course ….
Dear Fedup2, yes you are obviously a townie. Droughts don’t happen very often and farmers don’t know in advance. The cost of water storage and pipes or tractors to get the water to the fields would be enormous. The volume of water needed for cereals would be huge and potatoes even greater. 19 years out of 20 the stored water would be unused as August is usually one of the wettest months of the year. A license to extract is expensive and even then in chalk or limestone areas it might not be possible to reach the appropriate field. As for volume of water needed, when I was preparing for my 11+ I had to calculate what the weight of 1 inch of rain would be to cover an acre. Whilst I cannot remember the exact answer, its quantity made an impression.
BBC Radio 4 Start the Week: Storytelling at Edinburgh with Andrew Marr, chatting with the approved arts community….
5 minute listen and we have pro-migration and anti-Trump stories and songs
Wot, no anti-Bexit themes?
Be fair, it’s only been a 5 minute listen!
BBC Online News:
“”What does it mean to look Muslim?””
“”Muslim men and non-Muslim men in the Netherlands and Belgium have been swapping clothes as part of a photography project to combat stereotyping.””
“”Participants in the travelling project want to start conversations about identity and encourage people to think about how they perceive Muslims in their community.””
The BBC again creating victims of their favourite religion.
Perhaps the BBC should create a feature entitled:
“Why don’t Muslims Integrate Anywhere?”
Dover – I would be more impressed if the BBC did a piece on “What does it mean to look like a Christian” maybe in Saudi Arabia or Cairo or even “What does it mean to look like a white, underage, teenage girl in Rotherham” Or even “What does it mean to look like a white farmer in South Africa” – Shant be holding my breath on waiting for any of these!
Speaking of which, Oaknash, the TOADY Prog had a Syrian Christian on, a Bishop I think, to start to educate listeners about some real truths about Assad’s Syria. Unfortunately, the poor old Bishop had his wires a bit crossed about where Yeshua of Nazareth* was born.
Sarah Smith either did not know or did not wish to correct the Syrian Christian on air. Kind but … . .
. . . kinda allows the spread of FakeNews/FalseFacts even while setting the record straight on the history of Christianity in Syria. I do hope this marks the end of the BBC hate campaign against the new media. The Beeb are every bit as guilty as any media organisation on the FakeNews/FalseFacts front.
(I fully expect to have my hopes dashed about that next month.)
It does remind me, however, that the BBC are running a week or two late in their annual (unthinking) moan on TOADY, Wimmins Hour and Euan Yores about Christmas cards, decorations and Christmas related-goods appearing in our shops at the end of August.
* PS. It was not in Nazareth, btw.
Snuff – But was the point made that under Assad there were many different faiths tolerated but under the “help” from the Western democracies this pretty much was reduced down to just one religion?
Oooh – I wonder which religion that could possibly be?
Prince Charles spoke up for the Syrian Christians.
People for whom the BBC would not like us to feel sympathy: persecuted Christians and South African farmers.
Been noticing this lady’s name pop up on the beeb frequently all year. (Not talking about LK here). She must be as important as Trump or Putin thought I, but why? At last I know. Thanks, pug.
Lotsa beeb pressure to get her off the hook.
But they chucked her back in the jug again.
Every now and then the Germans come up with a really expressive word. ‘Schadenfreude’ is one such. Nasty stuff.
Anyone else feel it?
Furthermore, sounds as if the beeb don’t mind sending women and children into a situation of clear and present danger, to do their dirty work?
So a sense of guilt would explain the blanket coverage?
Another thing bugs me about their excessive coverage of that Iranian woman. Reportedly Iran does not accept the concept of dual nationality. So why does the bBBC always refer to her as Zaghari-Ratcliffe, winding up the Iranians every time they use her hyphenated name?
You need sufficient particulars of what you are accused of in order to get a fair hearing if you are Alex Salmond
but not if you are Tommy Robinson
Can’t see the women joining in this one.
I’m not going to walk about dressed in a nightie.
A much more sensible idea-yes?
Only the BBC would DARE to assume that this is how white men in western culture dress.
How insulting do these liberal scum get to make some kind of aisnine, subliminal point.
It`s the liberal hacks and snappers who crap themselves in the face of Islam-hence their hatred of braver souls like the Jews.
Fuck the fuck off BBC scum.
Bet the Muslims wouldn`t have worn a tie for the BBC, let alone a poncy linen suit-that also shows liberal follow through when a Muslim looks at them funny.
If the one on the right wears that shirt for too long then he’s in danger of being thrown off the top of a very tall building…….
One’s a non-Muslim ?? surely not.
A lot of work and has gone into that slick BBC video
I have no objection to any religion/cult/beliefsystem promoting themselves with THEIR OWN MONEY
but when the BBC use licence payers money to make PR for Muslims in Holland surely this is wrong ?
This photo of advanced 7th century meat preparation in the UK is doing the rounds on social media.
Not to be found in BBC food programmes.
Wanna die in jail?
Throw a bacon sarnie over the fence.
At times like this I really do feel the need to say “God really is great”
I wonder if this is Allan’s Snack Bar
I was going to do a gag along the lines of “Muslims scrape up the remains of a gay man they’ve thrown off a tall building” but I decided that would be in bad taste.
Isn’t that Nadia preparing something scrumptious?