Thursday the 27th of September 2018 sees the retrial of Tommy Robinson. The State needs to be aware that many in the UK and as importantly – in the few free countries around the world- will be watching .
politicised judges such as the one who gave him 13 months imprisonment knowing full well what the potential lethal consequences could be – must know their own wrongdoing .
Reasoned comments here please for such an important issue to our freedom
I was heartened by the judge who overruled the vile decision by the original judge in the kangaroo court who jailed Tommy Robinson without even allowing him defence by his own lawyer.
Let’s hope tomorrow will prove that British justice is still worthy of the name.
Having read the appeal judgement there was no way that the original ‘ judgement’ and the circumstances around it could have been allowed to stand – plus of course in the appeal there was proper representation .
Worth watching the career of the original judge as well as young Rory – the Tory minister ultimately responsible for Prisons – who was responsible for transferring Mr Robinson to a prison full of Muslim vermin .
Who is this young Rory?
True Too
Rory Stewart – the bloke who used to be in the FCO farting about in Afgee who is now a junior Tory home office minister with responsibility for HMP – Sajid s bitch
Fedup2 – unreal. Yet more evidence that the Tories have become almost as idiotically left wing as Labour.
Another good reason for voting UKIP .
taffman, too true.
Tommy Robinson tells Katie Hopkins: “I’m going to be put back in prison”
the poor lad is broken … i see his suffering, i feel his pain,
I for one will never forgive the police judiciary or the government for this torture that they have employed against a patriotic British working class hero
Great interview from Katie Hopkins, the sort of thing that the BBC would never show. Instead they would show the picture like what G.W.F shows on their post.
Total biased from the albeep. People who just listen to the one sided BBC and don’t listen to the rational, other side of the discussion are such a dumb ass brainwashed zombies. Look at all them trained zombies on that oppose Tommy march, they don’t have a rational brain cell left to see what harm is happening to this great country. The cons are now nearly as left wing as the labour!
For those who haven’t yet seen it, here’s an outraged Paul Weston posing questions to the alleged Home Secretary about the treatment of Tommy Robinson:
Good post TT. I expect in some ways “Home Secretary Javid” and friends probably consider themselves to be in a “wining ” situation. If Tommy gets murdered/dies or is broken in jail he then becomes a formidable warning to the rest of us of what we might expect if we too become too involved.
The majority of the MSM are in their pockets and much of the remainder of the population are either uninterested or too terminally supine to do anything about what is happening .
As Paul said “welcome to sharia compliant totalitarian Britain” The sickening thing is in lots of ways the big beards at the MCB have not really had to lift a finger as the legions of dhimmies in our midst seem to want to do all of the heavy lifting for them.
Oaknash, so true.
And so many in politics, education and the media are complicit in this insidious and treacherous weakening of a great country – the BBC, of course, leading the pack.
I’m hoping there are enough supporters of Tommy Robinson that if these swamp dwellers send him back to prison, there will be consequences for them. I suspect there are enough of them to give Tommy as much money as he needs to fight them all the way to victory. I think resentment and anger have built up and won’t subside until justice is seen to be done – to the swamp dwellers.
By the way what has happened to the Leeds rat posing as a judge? Any punishment coming his way? Of course not. Yet. But God works in his own ways and time and if I was him I’d be quaking in my judicial robes for what God might have in store for him.
Guardian has nice little article say all the pubs around the Bailey will be closed on advise of the rainbow police . Nice touch .
And places of ‘worship’?
Intoxication can be inspired in more than one way.
I believe the civil unrest at his inprisonment played a large part in him being freed. How progressive! Our ROP friends have taught us that if you threaten to riot it gets results. Perhaps Dawn Butler will complain about cultural appropriation.
The comrades are preparing to confront Tommy Robinson’s supporters and demand a jail sentence.
Notice what’s written on one of the placards the scum are holding: oppose Prevent, ie oppose a perfectly reasonable initiative to defeat Islamic terrorism.
Lord help us, the situation is beyond fixing…
Seems to be rather a suspect photo – 15 people, of whom 5 are white. 2 looking away from the camera. Would be surprised if there are more than twenty involved, but I stand to be corrected.
king crimson
Have a look at the Facebook page of the UAF or stand up to racism, where the photo appears with others.
That poster is from the UAF an organization which boasts ex PM Cameron as a founder member.
Can somebody please clarify for me what the specific charges are against Mr.Robinson?.I apologise for my ignorance, i’m certainly not familiar with the law.Surely the Old Bailey is for very serious crimes?…….
His crime is being right wing and standing up to Islamic invasion and jihad. A working class patriot. For that the Establishment will never forgive him.
“His crime is standing up to Islamic invasion and jihad. A working class patriot. For that the Establishment will never forgive him”
We would never have known about the ‘grooming’ gangs were it not for the EDL. He went onto Newsnight and said it outright to the palpable shock of Paxman – a typical champagne socialist who has probably never even met a working class person let alone visited where they live. It puts the Oldham riots in 2001 into context: one strongly suspects the cause of the unrest was the same issue.
His book ‘Enemy of the State’ is terrifying. The whole might and fury of the state was thrown at him for daring to expose one massive lie which made the lives of the establishment so much easier; which they had worked so hard to conceal. It seems we live in a free country as long as we accept certain colossal lies. Challenge them and things can get very dark indeed.
Here’s the cowardly supercilious Paxman sneering at TR.
Poxo wasnt alone in that treatment. Brillo pad did it too, and when he was challenged via twitter, he declared himself impartial and ready to treat an islamist the same way.
Strangely enough we are still waiting for that islamist interview, a fact i remind him of occasionally through twitter.
Yes, Brillo revealed himself to be a gutless coward on that occasion, and has since been joined by others such as Juliet Hartley Brewer whose defence of Islam in her interview with Batten revealed her true colours.
There have not been convictions in Luton for ‘grooming’ though it was/is clearly endemic there. It shows how it has been happening on a scale way beyond our darkest imaginings.
Of all the fortunes squandered on ‘equality’ initiatives I bet not one penny has been spent on stopping these poor girls from being raped and tortured.
TR on facebook
I have to be 100% honest with you, whether he goes back to prison today, or not, I think they’re fully intent on making an example of Tommy Robinson. He will be broken, one way, or another, with the intention of intimidating any of the rest of us who feel he might have a point, into keeping our heads down.
Will it work? I am deeply sorry about it, but I think probably, yes. Oh, there will be some who’ll not take it supine, and credit to them, but they’ll be easy prey, or so ‘insignificant’ in the eyes of the authorities, that I don’t think they’ll be worried about dealing with them.
Me? I’ve got a family who depend on me, until my children are grown and flown, I can’t get involved in taking on the authorities, and by the time my kids are independent I’ll just be another angry old man shouting into the wind. That’s the reality for most, isn’t it?
He was a brave man, that Tommy Robinson, when you look at how and why he started down this path, he was naive (very), a young working class lad, but full of courage and a belief in the righteousness of what he was speaking up about. But, he was too bold, too outspoken, and …. too right (not right wing, right as in correct), and that’s going to cost him and his family dearly. Poor Tommy.
Does anyone else remember the weapons inspector David Kelly? Have a feeling it’s always been thus, all the way down through history (Wat Tyler?). You disagree with the state too publicly, too loudly, and have a genuinely good point, and you will be silenced.
Well BBC, I would beg to differ. He aint done for yet. he’s a smart guy, but suffering. The media are shit scared of him. So are the mainstream politicians.
He wont quit.
DC – I’m not sure if I hope you’re right, or hope you’re wrong.
I’m proud of Tommy Robinson, and what he has done, in my eyes he’ll always be a brave and honourable man, a true patriot, but I fear he has pushed things that bit too far, and become a bit too ‘notorious’, for his own well being now.
I really hope I’m wrong and talking crap, it will be a great injustice if anything happens to him, and although many of us aren’t going to be taking to the streets (for whatever reason/s), we won’t forget, or forgive, either.
It is only when people stand up to evil that lives can be saved.. An extreme case but I think it has a relevence here . Take the example of Boenhoffer the Christian pastor who vocally opposed Hitler’s euthanasia program ( Hitler was having killed mentally and physically disabled Germans) Thousands were murdered but due largely to Boenhoffer’s publicity to the programme it had to be halted for a time . Hitler couldn’t risk the population going against him at this critical time.
Bill Hicks made that point: how we always take out the good guys and let the demons run amok. Socrates; Jesus; JFK; Martin Luther King; Abraham Lincoln. . . all taken out. More recently they unpersoned Milo who was doing such great work attacking the dangerous excesses of the Left. Obviously that is not on the same scale but it is the same rule operating.
The silencing is spreading to the web now – I think sites such as this one will disappear one day as either providers are threatened by taxes or prosecution or the free speech deniers move into power.
You make agreeable points about the mistakes young people make in being too outspoken and thus labelled and dismissed .
I guess mrs Tommy will encourage him to think of his family and the threats which the state police will ignore – if not encourage by non action .
The state has decided he has no human rights and as you say will be crushed as a lesson to others . I, too, am just a keyboard warrior and am ready to admit it . But I try to do my bit – even if only a little bit – to slow down the poisoning and death of Blighty.
We all need to spread news of Tommy Robinson and our sharia compliant legal system to other countries, such as the US. Trump and his supporters must be kept informed and this Government must be publically shamed. The destruction of Tommy Robinson should never be forgiven.
Antifa vastly outnumbered so far
Let’s face it they ALL attacked TR.
Racist, they screamed. Islamophobe, they screeched. Muslim Pakistani gangs targeting white girls, don’t be silly, they mocked. What about the white gangs, they sneered.
Well, a few years later, and TR’s only mistake is to have hugely underestimated the scale of the abuse.
So are the likes of Paxman et al queuing up to apologise? Like hell, they sail on smugly in their University Challenge jobs.
Drain the swamp. Ban the beeb. Arrest the traitors.
Several years ago I did battle on an obscure blog frequented mostly by a handful of British leftists. I pointed out that rape is frequently used as a weapon of war – not only as an act of lust and to punish and humiliate the enemy civilian population, but also to potentially diminish it demographically.
It’s quite evident that Pakistani Muslims, who have no intention of integrating into British society, have been using this weapon of war against young British girls while the establishment, to its eternal shame, not only turned a blind eye to the mass rape but connived with the rapists against these vulnerable children and their families.
I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for all those in the establishment who enabled this war against their own citizens.
My daughter is just by the Old Bailey , having a break.
She says it`s wonderful, sending me pictures.
God Bless and keep all the man, lads and ladies out there by the court-looks packed and very noisy.
If the BBC mention it I`ll be amazed-luckily, no-one really cares if they do or not these days.
She said her cafe owner was told to shut shop, by the community plod.
Sense we`ve got them nervous…about time too.
THE Trial has been adjourned pending a ruling by the learned judge on whether to proceed.
In my view this should take no longer than a few days but I suppose the system what to bleed TRs legal fees as part of the psychological punishment
The case also has a smell of Abuse of Process now because of the publicity around it prejudicing any reasonable jury – selection of course would be based on demographic neutrality right?
I thought there wasn’t a jury for this trial?
Watching a LegDram on 5 Catchup called ‘Bull’. It is about trial science and jury selection.
If there is one, who the prosecution and bbc find acceptable will be fascinating. Maybe the delay is to wait for the ISIS bunch to get back and be served jury duty notices?
Note from the Independent on the postponement.
I have no idea why they are asking for written submissions on how to proceed.
I guess the turn towards sharia style law is proving difficult. Perhaps, Savid Javid Jihadist Home Secretary needs advice before instructing the judge.
I see the mob who hectored Rees Mogg’s children, Class War, have been calling for protests in support of Tommy’s imprisonment.
Ezra’s key tweet
The judge now refers to a future date for a “substantive hearing”. So that makes it clear: the main hearing will not happen today. Today is a planning/procedural day. Not the main trial.
The judge thinks that will be Oct. 23rd. Just to clarify: that would be for the main substantive hearing, on whether or not Tommy Robinson was in contempt, back in May, in Leeds. Five months earlier.
So judge turns up says we are gonna have a delay and then in a few weeks a proper trial.
Then asks Tommy’s lawyer when he’s free.
The press tweet ‘
eg this one from A Kennedy family member in America
\\ @EmmaKennedy tweeted
Adjourned at defence’s request.
They say they’re not ready. This is quite surprising.//
(Tweets under it call her lying)
Ezra says
“The BBC reporter is saying there’s an enormous public interest in the case.
He’s asking for clarification for what he can report
(I think — he didn’t really ask a question). ”
.. ie the beeboid is agenda pushing
Whatever the reasons, the independence of judiciary and that law is blind is blown out the water.
The crowds doubtless helped, but not kicking off as hoped threw a spanner. The Daily Mirror tried a stir by captioning a photo of TR as ‘smirking’. The bbc is known to do this too to push events. All goes pear shaped and #honestmistake makes it all go away.
Given protest presence at such things is during working hours, maybe they are also trying to exhaust supporter reserves leaving paid state officers and Antifa soap dodgers to be filmed by scores of bbc ‘reporters’?
Maybe its my suspicious mind but as the Tory conferance is about to start it wouldnt have been safe to have sent him to prison (in thier minds) they would have feared mass uproar at the conferance.This is the last thing they would want. My mind is possibly working overtime but as we all know the police and judges are more than ever in the polititioms grip. The trial in a few weeks time will be more convienant. Maybe im just too suspicious !!
Yes, good point about the Tory Conference. They will have their hands cut out with Corbyn’s thugs trying to intimidate the delegates. But if Tommy’s supporters were there it might be too much.
Another thought that crossed my mind is that the judge has not fully accepted Javid Savid’s sharia led argument and wants to cover his back.
Meanwhile we await comments from our fearless media. How about it Melanie Phillips, you’ve been backing the state against Tommy, or Yaxley Lennon as you tell us.
I note that the hearing is reported on Yahoo news (credit to them) but the comments are disabled ‘for legal reasons’. The enemies of free speech making sure that the majority cannot be heard.
Interesting comment on TR’s website
Tommy, please don’t take this the wrong way. You might not realise it but your use of the yoof speak affectation in which the ‘tee’ sound in words is not pronounced really does make you sound, to many people, like a yobbo. I know it’s just prejudice but it’s something you need to deal with if you are going to maximise the efficiency of your campaign. I’m not talking about a regional accent here (there’s nothing wrong with regional accents; you should hear mine) I’m talking about the ‘yoofspeak’ affectation that now covers the whole country and is overlaid onto all regional accents. It isn’t an accent itself; it’s an affectation — a fashion thing — that to many people immediately identifies the speaker as a member of an uneducated group of young people. Yes, that’s prejudice, but prejudice is a fact of life and if you can avoid it you should for the sake of your campaign. ‘Yoofspeak’ just makes you sound stupid. So please for the sake of Britain avoid ‘universi—iy’; say ‘university. Don’t say ‘diversi—y’, say ‘diversity’. Watching the first few minutes of your Katie Hopkins interview you say ‘nine-een eyi two’ instead of nineteen eighty-two, ‘thir-y five’ for thirty five, ‘fer-iliser’ for fertiliser, ‘terroris atroci-ies’ for terrorist atrocities, and so on. If you can manage to drop this bad speech you will gain immeasurably in credibility (not ‘credibili-y!) amongst many people who want to support you. Instead of sounding like an uneducated member of the herd you will sound like someone worth listening to. Listen to people on TV and radio. The authoritative voices, the ones people instinctively respect, pronounce their words fully, including the ‘r’ sound. Please note that I am not taking the piss out of your working class origins; I have such origins myself. My only concern is for the success of your campaign. I am deeply aware of the sensibilities of the middle Englanders and people in the older age groups. If you are to succeed you must carry these people with you. The way to do that is to sound like an intelligent working class person. That means speaking like a grown up.
Best wishes.
Fred Stubber,
I disagree. I think his cause is so just and the courage he has displayed in following it through so exceptional that the minor matter of the way he speaks is insignificant.
As far as I’m aware, he’s always spoken like this, so it’s not an affectation.
Nigel Kennedy’s accent is an affectation because there’s evidence on film that he didn’t sound anything like it when he was younger.
Whats wrong with having a real accent , we dont all speak like the metrosexual london elite
The majority of people I know from London and Kent drop the T’s, pronounce L’s like W’s & Th’s like V’s. That’s old people & young alike.
I fawt it was a London fing 🙂
(They don’t appreciate an Irishwoman lecturing them on their pronunciation)
Wel mi tink is beda than dem tarks lark dis init!
Kentucky fried chicken adverts only one narty narn! Init!
Lord Pearson, with his perfect enunciation of English, is a strong supporter of Tommy. I doubt he has given a second thought to the way in which Tommy speaks.
Lord Pearson is not who he needs to convince. It is Mr & Mr Average he needs to get through to and it’s a sad fact of life that many will hear the dropped t’s and not the point he’s making.
Yes, I don’t think it’s avoidable. He is who he is and elocution lessons would probably alienate some of his core support.
I think some aspects of his presentation have improved – he has slowed down and sounds less excitable.
My first impression of Tommy Robinson was that he was a ‘semi-literate, far right, racist thug with a silly name’, but then the BBC told me to think that.
He has suffered from just about as much muck slinging as the MSM could hurl, and yet… here we all are, still listening to what he has to say. He is working class, he probably isn’t very well educated, he is of ‘Northern’ origin… so what? His message is clear and he speaks with fire in his belly, because he believes sincerely in what he says. He’s actually a better speaker and leader than most in our political class, despite their ‘education’ at Eton and Oxbridge, simply because he is genuine.
Now, if Tommy Robinson was leader of the Labour party… the question perhaps should be, why isn’t someone like him leader of the Labour party?!
I feel for Ezra Levant who came to the trial today from Canada because there is no one in Blighty reporting on what is really going on .
I suspect some form of reporting restriction has been imposed including not reporting that restrictions have been imposed – if you get my drift . The judiciary would try this on to try and prevent a successful ‘ abuse of process ‘ submission due to publicity .
There could be trouble for Ezra Levant.
See link from ITV
Note this piece in the report.
‘After a brief hearing at the Old Bailey on Thursday, video footage appearing to show Robinson at a window within the court building as crowds chanted their support below was posted on the Twitter account of Ezra Levant, a reporter for the right-wing Rebel Media organisation.
Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 (CJA 1925) makes it an offence to photograph people within court precincts.
Perhaps the legislation didn’t intend to cover people filming from outside in. And the issue of consent might be an issue . However I’m sure the comrades will report it for the state police to investigate and report to the judge .
It looks to me from s41(2)(c) that we’re back to the meaning of “precincts of the building“ again.
Not a helpful thing to do
But would it be in the public interest to prosecute ?
You’d have to charge the person who filmed and then prove they did and that not just leant their friend their phone.
And from a practical point is the footage different from that taken from a legal position ?
The crowd were obviously so loud that they could be heard from inside that window, TR could have gone downstairs crossed the road gone up that non-court building and the filmer filmed him talking there and the footage would be the same.
It’s not like the footage shows judges or proceedings etc.
I accept if this footage was on court precincts then someone did break court rules.. but a wise authority would just give a warning rather than seek prosecution. An attempt at prosecution when so many other more serious offences are not prosecuted would look ridiculous.
In Leeds someone filmed from the street across to the window where the judge looking down on Tommy
There was no attempt to prosecute this.. of course not,
Ah a thought
That window footage is no longer on TRs FB page
#1 It was a TR team mistake ..and should be apologised for.
But it comes after 100 mistakes by the state.
The last of which was to bring Tommy to court today and then cancel today on the grounds that otherwise it might prejudice the Leeds Rape trial part 2..
#2 The press had lied about the size of the crowds putting at dozens of hundreds, so it is in the public interest to have footage of that 1,500. proving the press wrong
The state can’t make 100 mistakes and then jump on one tiny mistake by team Tommy.
The CourtNewsUK photographer has done a photo looking up INTO the window and TR
So it would be a bit weird to say a photo INTO the precincts is OK
But a photo looking OUT is not OK
Someone else pointed what if TR was in the building nextdoor to the court, you’d get the same images.
Ezra Levant took the said photo. He flew from Canada to give an honest report of the trial as we cannot trust the UK media.
The photo might be cited to prevent him arriving in the UK to cover the next trial.
Whatever the legal position is – we are beyond justice and fairness now.
“The photo might be cited to prevent him arriving in the UK to cover the next trial”
Yes, this is my fear also.
The authorities will take advantage of any slip up.
A substitute reliable reporter needs to be lined up by TR/Ezra just in case.
Ah ah – it says ‘in ‘the precinct not’ into’ the the precinct . It’s all about the definition of ‘precinct’ which I guess is in the case law which I might look up on bailii over the weekend as it is a matter within the political show trial of TR.
In this video Ezra explains the day Yes from minute 2:45 It seems after the court Ezra is with the lawyers in the cafe who are debriefing Tommy. Then after that Ezra overcome with the amazing crowd outside calls TR over .. “look at this” as you would. And since you are in a cafe you’d think nothing of just whipping your phone out and videoing that scene.
It wouldn’t occur to you at that moment ‘oh hang on this cafe is in a court building so I am not allowed to show people what I can see out of the window’
I quote
\\ another month and I mean I’m not complaining it was a long flight here and go home seven hours each way for 20 minutes in court that’s a little bit crazy
but actually what happened in court has made less of an impression on me than the amazing support on the street
I don’t know if you can even hear it there’s still now hours later hundreds of people singing Tommy Robinson chants there was a moment after court where Tommy and his lawyers were debriefing in the cafeteria in the court
and I went up there and I just got a bottle of water and let the lawyers have their chance to talk to Tommy privately
So I just went to the window to look down at the crowd and when I pulled back the blinds the crowd saw me and maybe they recognized me or maybe they saw that it was someone with Tommy’s ….
and the chant came up Oh Tommy Tommy
and I was just up there and to look down I felt a you know one degree of separation the deep love that Tommy has amongst the British people
And when he was done conferring with his lawyers I said Tommy come to the window and just look down
And I had my iphone camera out and I just showed Tommy looking down and they could see him because it was only a couple of stories up that was a very interesting moment for me it showed the deep connection that Tommy has
I earlier compared Tommy’s reception to that of a rock star but that’s not accurate,
because rock stars come and go the affection towards rock stars is usually shallow and ephemeral and fashionable it’s light hearted it’s it’s of the moment
but I believe that the people who are here for Tommy are deeply committed deeply informed about the matter and have a level of engagement that no rock star has //
and it’s very interesting and Tommy I think really respects and appreciates that
because for one thing it’s the public that has crowdfunded his legal fees and that’s the save Tommy dot-com crowdfund we have another smaller crowd fund just to fly me back and forth.//
Surely a responsible judge would say ‘ah yes, I can see how you got caught up in the emotion, and no harm’s been done so let’s move onto the important stuff’
Hopefully even more support for Tommy at the next trial. Turn up the volume folks make sure that they know are not going to have it all their own way.
Because Labour decidedd decades ago that they could increase their vote share by importing lots of ethnics who would continue to vote for them. But this idea may be time limited because as Muslims become more numerous they will form their own party and push Labour into becoming more and more Islamophilic, see Corbyn right now, which will alienate the indigenous Brits. At least is should alienate them but they are demonstrating such stupendous stupidity that it might not!!
“He’s actually a better speaker and leader than most in our political class”
As for the accent
People who want to disagree with TR will use the accent as an excuse –
The vast majority of people in this country unfortunately only want to know when Corrie or *east enders is on – in my opinion . Does it make me a snob or a realist ?
* other mainstream programmes are available involving cum dancing or opportunity knocks ….
Can anyone remember the film about Eric Cantona and the postie who was being harassed and threatened by money lenders? I’m sure I watched it on the BBC. All his mates , about 100, turned up outside the money lender’s house and let him know the score if he didn’t end the harassment. It worked like a treat.
It’s surprising what important lessons can be learnt from old films and dear old auntie.
Watched the Kavanagh hearing on TV. It’s a political stunt by Dr Ford, little to do with justice, IMHO. Took her 36 years to pop up. Desperate Democrats. Another chance to get at Trump.
Wonder what angle the 6 news on the Beeb will take?
Oh yes, Sopel is on.
Now we know.
(Apologies if I’ve popped up under the wrong heading)
Have they followed up this news of three years ago with their ‘latest’ on the subject?
“Journalists take MEPs to top EU court over expenses”
Not on your Nelly.
The ‘journalism’ practised by the bbc is as unique as it is forgetful.
It’s really quite depressing to see the numbers who don’t think the BBC should interview anyone they disagree with. Though one or two rather nail Our Rob.
The BBC told me something in 2015 that I believed which wrecked my life, they made me believe that all migrants were peace loving …. Gavin Hewitt in 2015 touched me mentally and corrupted my mind.
. . . .
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.”
– Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
“In 2016, around 2% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). This has increased from 1.7% in 2015 (a statistically significant increase). London had the largest proportion of the population who identified as LGB (2.7%), which could be associated with a relatively young and diverse population.”
overwhelming majority in our country
General Facts and Figures: In Britain over 10 million people have a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability – this is over 18 per cent of the population. The most common types of impairment for adults in Britain are those associated with a difficulty in mobility, lifting and carrying.
overwhelming majority in our country
A broad church ? how dare that insidious bastard use that word after pandering and begging to every bloody mosque in the country for votes by refusing to acknowledge muslim and thus corbyn labour racism against jews and promote tolerance for every “minority” imaginable whilst ignoring muslim complete intolerance for those very minorities
Pictures posted on Facebook show a good 1,500 Tommy supporters yet the media are saying 100-200 or even ‘dozens’.
I suppose the person who counted them may well be ‘scoop’ Abbott.
How do the media think they can blatantly lie and not be caught out with today’s multi social media.
Social media is challenging UK state censorship, although govt is trying hard to outlaw those wo do not agree with their views, north korea, soviet russia and china are more overt with their methods but the aim is the same in the UK …
650 MPs.
797 Lords.
1 Quote ….Leonardo da Vinci quote
How many people there are who could be described as mere channels for food, producers of excrement, fillers of latrines, for they have no other purpose in this world; they practice no virtue whatsoever; all that remains after them is a full latrine.
Funny just watching Michael Palin in North Korea, what would happen to anyone who said anything bad about their country ? they may be locked up quite quickly he said, we have the right to freedom of speech in the UK , he said, …best wishes Tommy
and their offspring, they all have the inaliable right to breed and for the taxpayer to pay for their upbring
Libmob and Guardian’s coverage seems Orwellian
eg The Independent
\\ Tommy Robinson case – as it happened: EDL founder walks free from Old Bailey as judge adjourns hearing
Far-right figurehead was freed from prison last month over ‘procedural deficiencies‘ in original Leeds Crown Court hearing
Lizzie Dearden at the Old Bailey @lizziedearden //
They say ‘procedural deficiencies’
.. to describe a trial which was found by the Lord chief justice to be totally flawed and was completely overturned and a new trial ordered.
I say ‘kangaroo court’
Damn autocorrect I wrote “GuardianLand’s” and it changed it
Yes, I agree, I wrote f off you BBC bastards and it came out oh dear Aunty has been biased again
I see from the screenshot by by eminent colleague Roland Deschain upthread that a photo is regarded as taken in court if it is taken within the precincts of the court building.
Does this mean then that if I take a photo of a friend while standing outside a court building I have taken it in court? And would it be regarded as taken in court even if the court building did not feature in the photo?
I can’t help being reminded of the horrific case of the Iranian-Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi, raped and tortured to death for taking photos of family members of prisoners outside the notorious Evin prison and then exposing the film to the light when an official demanded she hand her camera over.
Given the total disregard of the human rights of Tommy Robinson at the hands of the establishment, as he was sentenced and jailed without access to his lawyer, moved to a Muslim-filled prison where he was likely to be murdered and then shoved into solitary confinement for his ‘safety,’ one wonders how far Britain has now shifted from a civilized democracy towards a state like Iran, which terrorises its own citizens.
It looks as if the left are prodding the government to nail Ezra Levant for his photographs.
Tommy’s next trial will have only pro government reporters as they have an excuse to ban Ezra from returning to the UK.
Tory Ministers deserve buckets of shit poured over them at their conference. Make no mistake, they are behind the destruction of Tommy Robinson, not to mention many other maligned patriots.
Not mentioned by BBC.
Headlines on Sky.
“”Tommy Robinson: I don’t care if I incite fear of Muslims””
The full unedited Interview with Sky News is on TR’s fb page (1h 15 mins).
I haven’t watched it yet.
Sky only showed 8 minutes of it.
It was recorded before Thursday.
Sky have done a complete hatchet job on Tommy.
Their interview bears no resemblance to the full recording.
It’s edited beyond any balanced interview.
But, that’s what we expect from the media now so no surprises there.
The media are united in support of Islam
Sky lies.
I don’t understand why TR would give an interview to the MSM unless it was for much needed cash . The vermin are always going to cut it to make it conform to the narrative . Luckily sky news is failing in the same way the Far Left BBC is — we’re all off to amazflix
Having watched TR’s video, all I can say is that it was a brilliant exposé of Sky News lies. TR had the foresight to have the whole video recorded clandestinely expecting the Sky News would want to retaliate for TR’s earlier public refusal to talk to Sky and denounciation of Sky as liers, broadcast on Sky. Forensic, incontrovertible proof of. Sky’s undemocratic, agenda. Hope TR got paid for the interview, it would be very partial redress foor the ongoing smear campaign.
Halt die Fresse, Lügenpresse!
Far-right mob turns out for former EDL chief’s trial.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry 🙁
Now that Tommy Robinson gets a pre-title of “Former EDL Leader …”.
… can MAAJID NAWAZ have “Former Terrorist ..”?
… can Alistair Campbell have “Former aid to Tony Blair …”
… can Theresa May have “Former Head of the European Affairs …”
Jeremy Corbyn, former friend of every anti-western, far-left terrorist group in the world.
I would settle for Theresa May former prime minister
New editor think he can get away with going Left and still keep the people who buy his paper …
Yep, I’m confused at the current aim of this newspaper…it was like a switch was flipped with arrival of a new editor. People are still deriding and throwing snide comments at the paper to gain laughs from their own bubble not seeming to realise that it’s becoming much like any other anaemic offering.
Perhaps they aim to be the new ‘go-to’ paper for the BBC? 🙁
No longer bring the Mail to the staffroom to annoy them all, seeing as its so crap these days.
They`re basically following the money and clickbait for celebrity gossip.
Littlejohn is the last of them, can`t imagine he`ll be there much longer.
Tommy Robinsons case has shone the light necessary to show us who are TRUE patriots-and who choose to see it as a weekend option in Charlbury.
I realised what is missing from the march with Anjem Choudary …. all the peaceful moderate Muslims who disagree with Anjem Choudary ….England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population) … so how many are moderate?
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
My comments on the above discussion were wiped out. I will try again.
Here is a new angle on discussions about the evil far far far right fascist Tommy Robinson.
Apparently, as in the above video, the left must carry blame because they have hushed up discussion about the grooming gangs and terror, so that the discussion has been taken up by the far far right fascists like TR in order to advance their far far right fascist agenda.
There is a circular argument here which presupposes that TR and supporters have a far far right agenda other than objections to the grooming gangs and terror including the origin of these activities. So it would be helpful if we could be told exactly what is the additional agenda.
Adding to this crap in the video is Brendan O’Neil of Spiked, which is allegedly committed to absolute freedom of speech. But Spiked operates censorship akin to the BBC’s HYS, which is not aimed at abuse, but rather what does not fit in with Spiked’s agenda.
Nice one Brendan, part of the establishment now, earnings from the BBC along with the other pro Islamic lefties.
Interesting discussion and actually watchable as long as that dumb lefty woman is muted every time she opens her mouth.
Why interesting? Well, it’s not every day that you see a BBC hack (or hackess in this case) hosting a discussion that moves a fraction towards the truth.
That favourite member of the National Union of Journalists one Owen Jones has penned a Column in the BBC comic saying that the rise of the ( Far) Right is the media’s fault because it shouldn’t have given publicity and implied legitimacy .
In Jones world the only permissible public comments are those which comply with his view. Every thing else is. “Far” something .
By preventing the publication of contrary views things will be better —according to Master Jones -a 34 year old kidult .
So – no free speech – no listening to alternative views of the world . Does that remind you of anything ?
I don’t say this lightly – nazism – totalitarianism.
Jones is a child of the 80s a frightening view of our future – in his world this site and my comment – this comment – would cease to be -exterminated – for all the best reasons of course -as those who run those extermination camps would have said .
I’d love to meet Owen Jones .
By the way – comments are not allowed on the Owen Jones column . Free speech indeed . Really hope one of his minions monitors this site …
I’m wondering whether there is/needs to be a biased Sky website.
Not that I have/ever watch Sky.
Looking at comments here, won’t be getting it either.
I think not – because there is no legal requirement to pay for Sky – unlike the State Broadcaster . The best way to object to Sky is to go to a better product provider – I have up my £55 a month to Sky when I belatedly realised they were ripping me off for loyalty . Now they ring up every month to get me to return for £22 a month . Never again .
With a bit of luck the new owner will destroy the brand .
Thanks, up2. Having just watched the 7pm news on Channel 4, I suppose all one can say is MSM remain MSM. Kylie on Channel 4 spun out every bit as biased a narrative as the beeb on the Kavanaugh issue. Sopel has competition.
So I’m wondering about Channel 4 as well.
Such an utterly transparent a move as the Dems are trying to pull off, should be called out by every channel. Instead we get the same old dishonest story everywhere.
Sleazebag Clinton got away with the Lewinski business, cos (I seem to remember) the Dems had the majority in the SC. Now they haven’t, so anything to get at Trump some other way.
I’m not even commenting on whether Blasey Ford is telling the truth or not, and I’m not a great Trump fan, as far as the person goes. (His policies are A1 though; he gets it). I’m merely disgusted by the hypocricy and the dishonesty, in particular– of the biased media. Oh, to have a Fox News and a Tucker Carlson!
If the rapes are not racially motivated why do they call our children white trash.
Very powerful video. I hope it’s being watched worldwide. I just wish that more women were visible in those crowds.
Me too.
People are telling me Facebook is removing it. I have posted it in other places, such as Me We. If we have to fight the fake news of the state broadcaster and the elites, we have to spread material where we can. Get it out to US friends.
Since I put this thread up I thought it only right to watch the whole unedited interview . I don’t know who the Sky interviewer is but he was doing his masters’ bidding by interrupting and preventing TR from explaining his view .
. It’s as though there is a circuit in the journos head which senses the truth and danger in comments by TR which could wake people up to the danger of Islam .
The reporter failed to get TR upset by starting by talking about the effect on his family . C word comes to mind because any thing else to not proportionate to his conduct .
I wish TR would slow down his delivery – not change his accent which was tediously discussed here yesterday .
sky lies 6 times in 61 seconds
To be fair to Farrell, he seemed utterly clueless, simply phoning in what he assumes had happened. No checking.
It`s his editors and researchers who need to be held to account, the likes of Jason just pipe it up. A talking head , amoral lefty pigmy.
I have been out of country for 4 days and boy has it been good not to listen to BBC…
So Trump’s man Kavanaugh is definitely a bad man….no facts just words of a psychology professor from the 80’s….why is nobody questioning the veracity of the Professor – they all seem to be assuming she is a good, upstanding person and brave to come forward etc.. somewhat of an imbalance..and he is a sexual predator…evidence ….??/
And person who lived near Grenfell on R4..they have been told to make a decision to go back…R4 ‘that must be hard’.. Woman’ Yes’…R4 ‘sounds like you need help ‘ Woman ‘yes, but its not there’ R4 blah bah
So it’s not just Grenfell tenants but those who lived nearby – WTF!
Great to be home..
R4 Brazil politicians – a right wing populist…and then a left wing..
hmm why are right wing populists? and never left wing? Why add the phrase at all why not just a right wing politician and a left wing politician? Me thinks BBC have a reason
James- Heard that bit as well. And instantly we know what the beeb line on Brazilian politics is going to be! They discredit and disqualify themselves in a single breath. So I’ll be going elsewhere for news on Brazil.
I did like the point TR made that MSM describe his supporters as ‘far right’ and the lefties as ‘ anti fascist ‘ this implying that is supporters are fascists – as opposed to people who don’t like their country being invaded by those with a culture and way of life alien to or judeochristian way of life .
Fedup2, absolutely. If the psycho-left call anyone who is anti-Islam as racists. they are implying that Islam is a race. Although we all know it isn’t, if we take them at their definition then those who propound that Muslims are superior to everyone else are people who believe in their “racial” superiority. That is the text-book definition of a fascist, particularly a nazi.
By backing these nazis the “anti-“fascists should be fighting themselves.
“I’m a muslim and I’m superior” @9:03-9:04 mins
The state doesn’t appear to know what to do with creatures like this except to appease them.
I have just had a thought, as I tend to preface any mention of the state propaganda organ with ‘ far-left’, I think in future I’ll preface any mention of Tommy Robinson with ‘ real journalist’. Because that’s what he is and that’s what he was when he was arrested and imprisoned by the Leeds rats.
It also distinguishes him from the fake reporters that occupy the hive that is the far-left bbc.
I gather from ‘’ that their venue for a conference on border security in Munich tomorrow is sold out. A certain well-known British guest (relevant here) has been invited to speak. There is a livestream on their Facebook site, they say.
If you have a little German, may be worth a visit. And the guest of honor will certainly be speaking English.
The hotel host suddenly cancelled at the last moment -a well rehearsed trick by cowards- but a better venue was instantly found.
Beware though, there will be AfD people present. Mrs Merkel assures us they’re all neonazis. Democratically elected, but nevertheless, Mutti KNOWS. So many people around who only pretend to like democracy…
Footnote: I notice their latest hard print issue covers the subject of ‘Hate Media’, subtitle: ‘Journalists as mob for the regime’. Nuff said.
how to edit sound bites to make a narrative and promote a lie
Thanks Kaiser
(Link to full Sky interview further up this page).
Also as discussed above:
Ezra Levant under police investigation – City of London Police say they are looking into it.
Regarding the CoL Police, I suggest they look much closer to home for offences committed.
Tommy crowned European patriot.
Pile them on Tommy, and all those mealy mouthed cowards on the so called right, might have the guts to come out in your support. Hear that Melanie Phillips, Brendan O’Neil, Brillo and al bin Hartley Brewer.
Thank you GWF. All readers here: if you have a little German, always have a look at ‘compact-online’. The only German paper/site that has any honesty and doesn’t crawl up Merkel’s b…..! The border conference is being live streamed on the compact site.
If you don’t, this group are worth learning some German for.
‘Die Welt’, FAZ, etc are described as conservative, but they’re about as conservative as the CDU. The ‘Sueddeutsche Zeitung’ is very like the Guardian, so useful only if you run out of loo paper. Sometimes they are available in English. But you will get beeb-type bias from all of them. (Not so their commentators, who solidly give them hell, when they do have the courage to open for comment. The editors still don’t get the message. Or pretend not to. ‘Die Welt’ has the courage to run frequent surveys; they can count on an 80% conservative outcome, no matter what the issue, frequently with hundreds of thousands of respondents.)
TR looking healthier .