The BBC and other Main Stream Media predicted this week would be ‘ crunch’ time for Brexit – yet on it goes .
And the Far Left BBC and co enjoy banning things – “woman” , clapping , pay differences , armistice remembrance , and , of course, reasoned debate .
Racist Question Time audience ?
Remember QT when white guy ytried to make some points about racism
but was told he couldn’t cos he’s white.
It is amazing how some people actually think that how the woman shouting and screaming at the bloke is acceptable..and as said on video she is actually shouting racist comments at him… turn it around with him doing the same and what would have happened – he would have been all over the press as right wing racist..somehow she is just an oppressed minority….we are doomed
Is the writing on the wall for Mrs Chamberlain?
Will she go down as the worse PM in British history?
David Davis is calling for a ‘rebellion’ according to the ‘Europhilic’ Al Beeb who is also informing us that doctors and nurses are calling for a ‘peoples vote’.
According to some ‘dodgy poll’………………………..
It is now time for true Brits to stand steadfastly and bring back the nation’s freedom and democracy.
Get behind David Davis and support ‘Leave Means Leave’.
Al Beeb knows that if Mrs Chamberlain goes it will be bye bye Al Beeb. Standby for more project fear.
Al Beeb and MSM will threaten us with a general election ending up with Corbyn.
It will not work because we know their game is up.
“doctors and nurses are calling for a ‘peoples vote’.”
I thought they were all foreigners , so whats it got to do with them
Jacob Rees Mogg was good in Torquay BUT they are still not really ramping it up…its still all a little low key.
Im yet to be convinced they all actually want to drive change forward?…get rid of May?….get a proper Brexit?…I need convincing more……….
You’re absolutely right Taff!
What will be so interesting, is that when Ms Chamberlain is kicked out, the bbbc will be in total disarray and will be asking their mates what a P45 really means!
When the whole bbbc tax-funded crowd loses the TV tax and is reduced to having to gain their own funding, one can imagine a tiny group of mediocre autocue readers, squabbling about ‘news’, and having to resort to twatter or bookface, while there’ll be so many little ‘subsidiaries’ like Asian Networks, Somali and the rest of Africa Radio, The Immigration Channel, Benefits-R-Us, etc. They may even resort to good old programmes like ‘Till death us do part’, to try and get some much-needed dosh to pay the ridiculous salaries to their entertainment tax-avoiding slebs!
The clock is definitely ticking on the bbbc now. You can see the cracks from statements by Peston etc, and when they eventually retire old has-beens like Humphrys, they’ll have nobody to do the job, (non-job), as the ‘newsroom’ is bereft of talent, (if that’s what it’s called), so their news will become like a small freebie village tabloid, and ignored.
Last gasp bbbc! what became of a once-loved organisation, now a pathetic PC band of tubby civil servants, wittering away at the behest of tiresome ‘academics’ and nutters like Campbell, stupid arses like Major and liars like Blair.
Bye Bye bbbc – not long now, try and get out by April 5th next year, you may even get a tax rebate!
Perhaps I am a pessimist, but I fear that when Mrs Chamberlain is kicked out she will be replaced by the esteemed Sajid Javit – peace be upon him – who will take her policies and objectives much further
No….dont think so.
I’m no tax expert but before claiming a UK tax rebate, doesn’t one have to have actually paid UK tax?
Of course you’re right, Navets!
I couldn’t think of anything else to add to my rant, and as a very close relative has a birthday then, we always remember a whole year’s tax coming back!
I wonder how much tax has actually gone missing through devious ‘entertainment’ companies though?
” wonder how much tax has actually gone missing through devious ‘entertainment’ companies though?”
Actually none – if IR35 has been properly applied by HMRC – rthe law actually allows the so-called “missing” tax not to be payable. Do you accept the “personal allowance” and does that much of your tax go “missing”?
@VeteransBritain comment on the bBC.
The Handbloke’s Tale
One does wonder whether perhaps our BBC are intending to go the full reverse Margaret Atwood on us as they cast such gimpish limp betas as Roger Johnson beside their regulation feisty femmes the likes of Victoria Fritz. Does the BBC Breakfast red sofa subtly stand for men’s subjugation the way the red cloak has a become such a feminist icon (£19.99 off ebay, if you must, and you know you want to. You could always say it’s for Halloween as an excuse, you saucy so-and-sos). Fritz and her servile co-presenter play host this morning in the Paper Review to the real powerhouse – one Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon – campaigner for girls in stem. Don’t tell me you don’t know what that means – all hail to her! The Mail may shriek as loud as possible about a Somali rapist’s deportation being bungled and the corporate broadsheet press all fret about Brexit as per bloody usual, but our BBC reviewer is commenting this morning on the smaller inside page stories. Hidden talents. Poor little Roger performs nicely for his betters: “What’s my hidden talent? I don’t have one” he cringes. Drug dealers and money launderers must have been lobbying hard for the £50 note because it seems we are about to get a new one. And of course, there’s no worries this particular redundant plastic artefact will end up in a Pacific turtle’s gut, oh no, only the likes of Scarface and Arabs visiting Harrods will ever get to see it close up. But never doubt it will assuredly become a platform for virtue signallers. The two opposing sides in this next confrontation in the Culture War are already lined up – Winston Churchill versus Rosalind Franklin (?… no, me neither), Mary Secole et al. Good luck Winnie, it’s the just the beginning of the end for you, pal!
And here’s another thing: Olivia Colman is apparently mooted for playing the Queen in the new series of The Crown. “Mmmm” approves our Victoria Fritz. What, no actress of colour, no gender bending casting? I could just see Roger in a gold frock and court shoes. You’re slipping into outmoded patriarchal ways, Netflix.
Looks like some British and brave, SJW leaning passengers disrupted the deportation of a rapist
Not a BBC story and probably wont be = I am surprised that the Mail these days covered it.
Yes it is quite strange how the Mail has become Guardianlite.
Meanwhile the metropiltan (pseudo) liberal mob froth like the old stereotype of a Daily Mail or Sun reader.
Look how they have turned up their hate to 11 on the Tommy Robinson issue.
8:50am Howard Jacobson was frothing against hiss-spit-Trump and Kavenaugh
‘I’m not saying he is 100% guilty but…. ‘
‘how any sentient human being could vote for’ (Trump)
Yet dozens of Radio4 listeners called it “Excellent”, “brilliant”
…Meanwhile in the real world lots of people at the Mid-terms will vote for Trump
In Radio4Land Kavanaugh brings you to think of the appallingness of men
But the not the 5,000 plus victims of groom/rape/trading gangs in Rotherham and other provincial towns.
never heard of Neil but his tweets look quite good….
I always agree with Winton’s Tweets on everything except that he seems a Remainer
Must listen to Jacobson whining – he must have another tedious book coming out -,QT and Toady next I suppose .
I remember that the Americans apply the “ who would you have a beer with ?” Question to voters – I bet I know what the real answer is – apart from the screaming desperate democrats so ably given a voice by al beeb .
Stew – It appears that pretty much of all of the main papers (maybe with the exclusion of the Telegraph) have become just like the radio and TV in that they are all either very pro Remain or are trying to sell us Theresas Chequers document as some sort of pragmatic compromise rather than the risible surrender agreement it is in reality.
The Mail (which I now no longer buy) being managed by pro remain Geordie Greig and the Express now taken over by Mirror Group.
The timing of these changes being Oh so very convenient for Theresa- I wonder?
Stew, Oak,
There’s an article about the Democratic Football Lads Alliance gathering in Whitehall yesterday that says a whole lot about the direction the Mail are going in, following the path the rest of the mainstream press have already taken.
Perhaps Stew could use his expertise link us to it, it’s worthwhile reading just to marvel at the level of incoherence and misrepresentation that it achieves in both words and pictures, truly awful. This article started off as the main headline yesterday, only allowing 38 comments which #CCBGB, before being hidden away towards the bottom of the page today by a hopefully and rightfully embarrassed editor.
The Mail Online is supposedly separate to the Daily Mail but I think that it might well prove to be the rock that the print version perishes on. It has become, especially on a Sunday, increasingly more anti-Trump and pro-Remain and seems to now be staffed by sensationalist ex-Independent and ex-Heat ‘journalists’ with their spellcheck set to Yank. It’s popularity I think is based on the fact that it is packed full of fluff and is free.
However, it still manages to be more relevant and more representative, and also more journalistically thorough, than the bBbc who fail to mention this march at all anywhere.
@Rich just search Twitter and it comes up
Generally the tone of FLA marches is peaceful
cos if someone does raise their fists the rest of crowd or stewards close them down
There can be undercover antifa agitators there to initiate stuff, mingling with FLA
As ever you can a full picture by watching the full livestreams on Youtube
and Tommy’s Facebook page is best for news about him.
Cheers Stew.
I haven’t listened to Pointless Views for literally years, but Jibber-Jabber Jacobson’s mindless rant was completely unhinged and I found it hilarious. Like royalists in the Civil War who were driven to madness and suicide by the execution of the king and the collapse of their world view, JJJ and other remoantards and anti-Trump monomaniacs really do seem to have suffered some form of mental breakdown – Post Referendum Stress Disorder where they replay the trauma over and over in their minds. Poor souls, how bitter and twisted they must now be.
It was “EU calling, EU calling” on both the BBC and LBC this morning. Grieve was pushing the line that wanting Brexit was a contradictio in se, a logical impossibility like squaring the circle or inventing a perpetual motion machine. Madgit Nawaz, who thinks he is the Socrates of the airwaves, was following the same line of thought and compared Brexit to the paradox of the “irrestible force meeting the immovable object”. There is no paradox as the whole question is based on contradictory suppositions. Madgit seems to think Eire and GB both being in the EU somehow caused the NI border to disappear. I suppose this is the self deception Irish nationalists cling to so they can pretend they are living in a United Ireland. Madgit conjures up the spectre of a return to violence in NI if there is a hard border. Well that’s it then, “resistance is futile”, we must be assimilated by the EUborg! You could apply the same argument to Eire leaving the British Empire. No doubt Eire citizens were “worse off” leaving the British Empire, but that consideration did not bother then to much. The subservience of Sinn Fein and the SNP to the EUborg must be one of the greatest historical sell outs ever.
If the NI border will be the only land border between the EU and GB, what is the channel tunnel? What about Gibraltar?
My prediction is that when we get out of the EU. The Republic of Ireland, the EU and Al Beeb will be stuffed.
The R of I has been a parasite on the UK ever since it was given independence. The R o I has been weaponised by the EU.
Al Beeb is good at spending other people’s money, so let them make their own money.
All the press are going left…they need to sell papers….simples
Re disruptive passengers. What annoys me about incidents like this is the rules only need to be applied to stop it. Even the Swedes did that. Our enforcers only seem to want to appease the crowd to avoid trouble.
From the Civil Aviation Website ” The punishment for disruption varies depending on the severity. Acts of drunkenness on an aircraft face a maximum fine of £5,000 and two years in prison. The prison sentence for endangering the safety of an aircraft is up to five years….”
The only problem I can see is the beeb would report it and side with the SJWs. Maybe a few fines and imprisonments are needed otherwise, like hijackings, it encourages copycats.
James Purnell, a trougher who has never had a real job, says ‘research’ shows more than half of us are gay and a ‘heteronormative’ BBC will not ‘cut ice’ with homosexuals.
I imagine they just want good nature programmes or whatever and could not care less about pronouns. This idea that homosexuals need to be treated like vulnerable children is patronising nonsense – in my experience gay men are especially talented and successful. If you can take a cock up your ar*e I imagine you are strong enough to deal with anything – I sure as hell could not.
I wish parasites like Purnell could cut some actual ice – do something real like lay bricks in the rain for £10 an hour. They dream up all this nonsense to justify their vastly overpaid jobs.
It is impossible to test but I would wager my house that if all these ‘equalities’ professionals quit their jobs and just stopped hectoring us relations between groups would actually improve. They are constantly emphasising the few things that divide us rather than the infinite things we have in common. Plus it is so, so f**king annoying.
After Howard Jacobson’s frothing at 8:50am
the 9am show brought on Dominic Grieve who told us that basically Brexit is impossible
… wow I am surprised that Radio 4 made space for him to say that …. NOT.
Anna adds
Brexit. The only Brexit that we get will be Brino and in years to come one or other of our elite governments will reapply to join. No referendum required. The whole negotiation is a sham designed by the elite to pull the wool over a Leavers eyes . But of course it won’t work. All Leavers know that the elite are putting their selfish requirements above the votes of the majority of the people and no amount of twisting the truth by the BBC et al will disguise that. The elite are Going to ride rough shod over democracy , we all know it , and they will have to live with the long term consequences of that whatever they are.
And another Tory Brexit stopper
oops westmonster have a video where they go down to devon and get the opinion of her constituents
Soubry plays the Lord Halifax role in 1940 – the difference being he wanted to appease the Third Reich – Soubry and her type want to appease the EUReich .
No wonder al beeb loves her
There are two Tommy Robinsons.
One a 2D hate figure conjured up by our lying media.
The other is a tribune of the people that our government is trying to kill.
TommyOphobia or TommyPhobia is the word
BBC’s scientific expert on quantum physics debunked.
#tommyophobia Remember Lucy Allan the Tory MP for the groom/rape gang town of Telford
did call out the BBC for that hitjob against Batten
and the way it encourages people to throw the label “racist” at people who dare raise grooming gang issues.
When the masterplan to engineer a vastly reduced majority was only a partial success – even after dementia taxes, hunting rethinks and other vote losers, our government of sorts has continued to bumble through with the state of the nation a self-serving parody. Now they seem to be pinning their hopes on Universal Credit to lose them the election following failed Brexit ‘negotiations’ , leaving Labour to make the mess worse.
There was a time when politicians were honourable, with their country’s status paramount, now it’s running for cover, praying the pension stays safe.
The only saving grace will be watching all our favourites on the BBC desperately trying to justify Corbyn, MacDonnell and Abbott as their Venezualan National Theme Park goes into liquidation.
BBC 1 TV ‘Sunday Morning Live’ from 11.30
A feature was on a female ‘pop star’ called Nadine something of Pakistani heritage. She was brought up in a Norweigan village. Her father was Pakistani and her mother Norwegian. (She was the only BAME in the village…).
She spoke of how good life for muslims in the UK was before 9/11. She said that immediately after 9/11 in a racist attack at her school she had her head banged against a locker, causing the side of her head to split.
She spoke of how scared now she is to be a muslim and that her songs articulate her fear.
The interview was conducted by a twenty-something brown snow flake with the obligatory croaky voice. She nodded and winced throughout. She accepted fully without question all the artificial victim-drivel poured over both her and the audience.
Yep… this country is soooo racist that our singer is doing very well.
Simon says… pretty much what he wants, as he is leaving a democracy to go to a hotbed of nut jobs who send their sick to be treated by road. And their hit teams by tunnel paid for by the EU. Weird.
No mention of the border with Egypt. And Gaza is “the heart of the problem “? no mention of hamas’s charter to murder every Jew in the world. The real heart of the problem is nothing to do with land but Islamism and it won’t stop with Israel.
BBC decides to hop on a bandwagon.
Doesn’t go well.
Everyone knows that If people don’t eat meat they have to get enough protein from other sources which can also have negative effects on ‘The Planet’. Ask the tofu eaters about South American rainforest being cleared to grow soya? If it doesn’t walk around on legs it has to be grown in the ground, a lot of ground, as does green biofuel.
I love corned beef but don’t buy the stuff from Brazil because that also involves unacceptable land clearance. (Most corned beef used to be sourced from Argentina which is sort of ideal for beef production but now most of it seems to be from Brazil).
Anyway, the point is that you don’t get nuanced arguments about what is best to eat in the media. Like almost everything, it is made into an oversimplified emotional struggle between the forces of good and evil.
I m concerned about closer to home such as fishery conservation . The quota system means throwing fish which have been caught and killed back into the sea . An awful waste of life.
Al beeb and the like care less about such issues and would rather send an old Attenborough or similar half way around the world to look at plastic bottles .
Agree Fedup. Cutting down waste as far as possible on a worldwide basis might solve the problem in itself; that, and preventing overpopulation in the places where it is a problem. I don’t agree that it’s ok for Africa to grow from 1 to 4 billion pop. because they only use a fraction of the resources of the evil west. That will change.
Brilliant Brexit speech at the Torquay rally. Well worth listening to. Nigel, Jacob and Tim Martin from Wetherspoons.
Never thought JRM and Mr Farage would share. Platform but great to see…
I thought it was brilliant. They came from three different directions but it was solid and excellent. Audience were very enthusiastic and supportive and it was a glimmer of hope….
Of course, not a ‘dicky bird’ about it from our own ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation. I think we should ask for them to remove ‘British’ from their name as they most certainly do not represent the British people nor do they stand up for what is truly British.
The Global warming alarmist PR MO
Construct narrative by cherry picking experts
..intimidate other experts from speaking up
.. and use your media friends like the BBC
Paul Matthews has a Cambridge PhD in fluid dynamics
He tweets
if you click the date stamp of the tweet it takes you to his tweets which are well worth reading.
Oh I’ll give you the With replies link so that you can see ALL of Paul’s tweets
My beeb highspot – the beeb mardell interviewing Lady Antionia Frazer about some toilet paper left behind by one H Pinter involving a Thick American President nuking London . Apparently the pres was GW bush but the far left BBC got a soundalike President Trump impersonator .
It was painfully bad and they should have been ashamed to put it on the radio . The racism of the BBC treating a failed President like the non white one who is delivering his campaign promises is truly embarrassing for the State Broadcaster .
As for Lady Antonia – shamefully smug aristo . Nearly spoilt my day -until al beeb said they are running a series on “ why people are angry “
Any way back to brexit – General Election called by the end of the week / month …. labour remain Tory brexit . A50 suspended . £ down the loo….
Why does “Lady Antonia Fraser” still use the surname of the husband she cuckolded? Surely it could not be because it sounds just that little bit posher than “Mrs Antonia Pinter”? Maybe she didn’t want anyone to think she was Jewish.
As to this sketch by the notoriously anti-American Harold Pinter, there may be a reason he put it away in a drawer: he realised it was shit. Why drag up a sketch he wrote ten years ago attacking George W Bush, only to use it to have a go at Donald Trump?
Silly me, I have answered my own question.
Going back to that pathetic interview by far left jo Coburn where she lost it against the superb Gerard Batten.
The only conclusion to come to is that the bbc is on the same side as these mass r@pists of our little white girls. They support them.
Anyone who tries to get justice for these little girls is attacked by the bbc and the rest of the MSM.
It makes no sense yet heroes such as Tommy are being ganged up on by ‘liberals’ (national socialists) who support the ‘grooming’ and attack the righteous law abiding citizens.
Doing the right, humane thing today gets you labelled far right.
How did we get so crazy.
Why is the left still winning this assault on common sense and reason.
I think it’s the effect of 24 hour news . The time has to be filled with trivia about dancers kissing or meaningless anniversaries or traditions .
The bigger picture is lost along with perspective of those with whom the group – liberals – do not agree . And are consigned to the disposable ‘ far right ‘ label .
And too many people forget quickly — such as with the past of labour hierarchy .
Difficult to judge how long this will go on or what the outcome will be . Something from a clear blue sky might come and change the world ..
Its OK to be a lefty racist though:
A Corbyn supporter is facing arrest after failing to appear in court to answer allegations that he branded a senior Labour figure a ‘Jewish pig’ and a ‘bloodsucker’.
Frid Milani, 69, is accused of telling Lord Levy, a key ally of former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, to ‘p*** off to Israel’ in an email on March 28.
The message allegedly read: ‘I see that you dare to criticise the Labour leader. Who the hell are you to comment on Jeremy Corbyn?
‘You are just another Jewish pig, bloodsucker living on taxpayers’ money. What are you doing in this country anyway?
Why don’t you p*** off to Israel? We don’t need Jewish bastards like you in this country.’
Mr Milani, who lives in Wembley, North-West London, was charged with sending a grossly offensive message, but failed to attend Westminster magistrates’ court last Wednesday.
Change Jewish / Jew / Israel to muslim / Paki and Pakistan and imagine the outcry……
IForget about being invited to turn up to a police station they would be hammering your door down and the BBC would be w@nking into their lattes writing headline stories about it
Ridge on Sunday on Sky interviewed IDS and for about 4 minutes she let him talk about brexit .
Something which could never happen on the far left BBC – which is very sad for a State Broadcaster .
Al Beeb ………………….”Brexit :All you need to know”
Or what ‘they’ want you to know.
I smell a rat .
The “on this day” bit on twitter reminds us that today this is the anniversary of the 1984 attack by the PIRA on the UK government under Mrs Thatcher coupled with a picture taken a couple of days later of Jeremy Corbyn MP , Ken Livingstone and mr Gerry Adams outside the Then UK Parliament .
Just a reminder …
… the twitter feed faithfully notes anniversaries of civilians police officers and soldiers murdered by terrorists in the cause of creating a socialist United ireland
Did not take the new BBC Doctor Bint long to prioritise the real problems in the universe..we can assume some tranny Daleks next may need some help with a pink or rainbow respray, and another episode spent welding walking frames onto disabled cybermen FFS ?
“Doctor Who takes on racism and the civil rights movement as new Time Lord Jodie Whittaker meets bus heroine Rosa Parks”
The morons really have taken ove the BBC asylum and are running amok
Will probably not be too long and the tardis will need a new gearbox and a few dents pulled out
At least the Tardis will be nice and tidy inside.
Probably all swept under the flux capacitor while she makes another trip to planet handbag with a galactic credit card
Wait until a dalek has to go upstairs!
You can imagine the mock horror of a transgender getting the glad eye by a dalek, and him squawking ‘go upstairs for a seeing to’, and she gets there and he (it) can’t!
Why on earth the bloody show ever gets on the air these days, I just cannot fathom!
Mxterminate! Mxterminate!
It’s a long time since I watched Doctor Who but I’m sure the purpose of the belt of vertical strips was a modification that allowed a Dalek to climb stairs.
The gay daleks
Only a matter of time, they’ll be back on the Doctor Bint show
The reality of islam:
Wake up population………….
We need our own, binding constitution, one that all immigrants have to sign up to on pain of losing their citizenship when they show their true colours like Choudary et al, despite the fact that this particular snake is born in this country, he should also be criminalised if found in breach of a British constitution, and we want no immigrants or muslim council of Britain involved in its drafting. An 85% indigenous majority should have that proportionate amount of influence in its drafting
I think we already have that Constitution you describe…BUT it isnt taught and hasnt been taught to the ‘PLEBS’ over 50 years.The Politicians/Academics and Lawyers are aware of it…but its hidden away.
Americans quote their constitution constantly…the first, second their 13th amendments etc….The USA are far prouder and more aware of their democracy than we are which is worrying.I would suggest we have given that away to Europe over 50 years?……….its time to take it back………I agree…we need to reestablish our rights.The British Constitution…….?
Interesting. I wonder if all those highly paid, talented bbc journalists were aware of this, will become aware now, and yet still feel that, like Rob Burley about Tommy Robinson, decide it really isn’t that newsworthy? Until it is. Or something.
Meanwhile, another one to miss?
Bet Jenny from da Bloc is conflicted.
A bit of nostalgia – from the days when BBC comedy was funny.
Comedy : A new panelist on R4 News Quiz had a go at taking the P out of Climate Alarmism
After her 90s the co-panelists responded
9m17s Woman “It’s nice to hear a News Quiz panelist whose views coincide with those of Donald Trump”
“er diversity”
: Man “BBC requirements that there must be one person on the panel who denies it utterly, perhaps while LITERALLY smoking a burning tyre”
(Is that implying the tyre should be around her neck ?)
Polls, eh, what are they like?
RE Nostalgia, a personal favourite:
Probably banned now for being dummyist or something
I’ve just seen a couple of minutes of Dr Who while the adverts were on elsewhere. Is the new Dr based on Leanne Battersby or a young Victoria Wood?
What awful acting by everyone in a bloody awful programme. And the bBbc are proud of this. Oh dear.
As I sit here watching Dr Who, I wonder if the annoying northern woman terrible squeaky actor cast as the usual dim whitted assistant has a point other than to fill the quoter. I then realise she is the Dr who received so much praise last week.
What a awful lack of presence – inane
I refuse to watch Dr Bint on principle, they will just keep adding any re watches to their statistics, and parade how brilliant it is to have a wimmin doing anything and everything and black people, and how popular it is with everyone, but they will probably edit out the scenes where she thinks she is stuck in a black hole until a bloke points out she has left the handbrake on the Tardis
I’ve just seen a couple of minutes of Dr Who while the adverts were on elsewhere. Is the new Dr based on Leanne Battersby or a young Victoria Wood?
What awful acting by everyone in a bloody awful programme.
Sorry folks this comment seems to have appeared twice. Dr Who is still crap.
Another BBC competition, another predicted winner .- Who saw the Great British Menu (cooking a banquet for the NHS heroes) ? Apart from a judge who is so obese she has to waddle, this year a change was made, and out of the 4 chefs (3 white and one mixed race) getting a meal to the banquet, there was to be a Champion of Champions, voted for by those eating the meal. Even if you didn’t watch, you know who won.
After watching the shambles that was this programme, I’m surprised any chef worth their salt would have anything to do with it.
On arrival at the venue (St Barts) they had to construct their own kitchen – that wasn’t expected, then a kitchen porter threw much needed ingredients into the bin, and then food was plated and going cold while awaiting the arrival of the serving staff. Chaos.
Dr Who.. propaganda masquerading as entertainment. I will get to work on my script of Jethro the Cornish fisherman taken by the Corsairs and his adventures in the White slave markets in Morocco. The bBBC will luv it.
Poor Douglas Adams must be spinning in his grave if he knew how science fiction has regressed to a tick box nonsense . I managed 5 minutes . The forthcoming Christmas special with the required meet up of past doctors will be a special yawn .
Looks like the right wing party in the local kraut election has done pretty well because the far left bbc is not reporting it. Too busy going on about a Saudi journo who got minced in the embassy – maybe that half wit hiding in the Ecuadorean embassy should start worrying …
Dr Bint goes back in time to appeal the parking tickets for the Tardis on double yellows on the school run
Great parody
excellent….great post….who has done this?……it takes me back 40 years when pop music was edgy!…very good
This is Daniel Bostock, British lad through and through, with great talent. Check his You Tube channel for skits on the left, Owen Jones, antifa, and the media. Often removed, as this will definitely have to go.
His BitchUte has more vids
Trying to watch Doctor Who (apparantly its ‘sci-fi’ according to the BBC)….just to see what the fuss is about.( I haven’t watched it since John Pertwee was the Doctor and I hid behind the sofa..and thats the truth)..but the usual 2018 (women’s)BBC ‘themes’ are coming through nicely… essence there’s no characterization or plot,no dialogue,..its just dull.BUT women are VERY IMPORTANT…….
Women of course are superheroes!!…yippee!(none of them have ANY fallibility at all!)…and Bradley Walsh (token white useless middle aged guy with stubble) is……well i’m not sure what he is there for?……..there’s the token ‘black’ guy…token asian looking woman and they all have ACCENTS…more yippee!.(ey up!!)… in half an hour or so I didnt have a CLUE what the point of the episode was.
Where was the moral of the story?What did we learn?How did we get excited or interested?.Is mainstream BBC output being confused with CBBC?…….(Countryfile has become Blue Peter?)
.I think I will try some repeats of Twilight Zone on You Tube….the original series (1956?) is really powerful stuff….from a ‘nostalgic’ time when Rod Serling wrote great scripts with real actors/real scripts and great story lines….that genuinely made you think…without the CGI ……I think “The Lonely” is one of the best with Jack Warden and Jean Marsh (of upstairs/downstairs fame)…..absolute class and proper SCI-FI.
Doctor(ess) Who?
Isn’t it great – looks like the talks in the ReichEU have failed – so a day closer to an honest brexit … not the spin al beeb will put on it .
Did the BBC hate Obama for all of his first two years as President?
Did they have nothing good to say about him?
They’ve managed this with Trump.
Can we expect BBC Panorama to explore this bias?
I have just been listening to Analysis on R4. “Operation Tory Black Vote”. Essentially, the BBC were exulting in the fact that the Tories are not capturing enough of the black vote to form a national government in the near future. Apparently, 30% enrichment in any constituency will ensure a tory loss and by 2022 there will be 120 constituencies with 30% enrichment.
As all the nasty old white racists who vote Tory are croaking in large numbers (thanks NHS) and the young are now more open, inclusive and politically correct, the BBC is even more sure the future will be a white-free utopia. As effnics are more likely to vote remain, the “People’s Vote” will come out right too. No wonder Labour promote uncontrooled mass immigration to the max – they can “rub the right’s nose in diversity” and have GE victory from now to kingdom come. According to the BBC, the community of tintedness hates the Tories because of Enoch Powel, Tebit’s cricket test and all that futile legislation designed to keep net immigration down to the “tens of thousands”. How can such small shoulders have so many chips on them?.
I thought it was “stop and search” and the “ethnic pay gap”. The BBC shot themselves in the foot with the “ethnic pay gap” confabulation. If there is a large ethnic pay gap it cannot also be true that the typical member of an ethnic community is contributing more to the treasury than the typical aboriginal.
A sinister little programme indeed.
It’s quite racist to suggest that black people don’t vote Tory, and that the Labour Party owns them
Analysis on R4. Now there’s an oxyoron.
The problem with this kind of analysis is that it ignores a few inconvenient truths.
There is a saying that a young person who votes Conservative has no heart and an older person who votes Labour has no brain. We live in an ageing society and no matter how many of us nasty old white racists die today, there will be more replacements tomorrow, white and black.
People who have worked hard for a number of years do, in my view, come to despise the notion of immigration of the scale that threatens to undermine what they have worked hard for and my own personal observtions lead me to believe this to be the case regardless of one’s ethnic origin.
It doesn’t take long for the youth, yet to experience the adult world, to become fully immersed in the world of work and lose the silly idealistic notions engendered by their previous lack of maturity.
Based on the above, I do not believe that another people’s vote would give a different result, the demographic would not be materially different this time compared with the last. The truth is, there will not be another people’s vote and the BBC and others know this, so what they are doing is going into overdrive with the propoganda offensive to claim that another vote would produce a different result. What a bunch of fraudsters they are.
Demographics will win out in the end. Blair’s “cunning plan” really has turned out to be a cunning plan. Immigrants do vote preferentially for Labour, as, of course, do all who leech off the private sector tax payer. The expansion of the student population has meant that more young people remain brainwashed for longer. Tory pandering to various immigrant groups is futile – all it would achieve is more rapid marginalisstion of the native population. According to Analysis, Tory grandees are now worrued that “white middle-aged men might be unfamiliar with the protocol associated with entering a Sikh temple”. There was even a Hindi song on video for the 2015 election. A “Sikhed up” Camerloon asking Indian voters to “join hands together and finish off the job” was the star.
Last week’s Countryfile began :
Ellie speaks with serious hushed voice
“Our wildlife is in trouble,
.. many species are just hanging on
.. sightings that were once commonplace are now rare”
(image is of a hedgehog … which we see quite often around here AT NIGHT)
Scene change to location..”.I’ve been watching wildlife since I was young
I remember hearing screeching swifts …
.. seeing dozens of rabbits in the fields (you mean like we get in our orchard ..b*stards)
.. and after long car journeys my Mums OLD car windscreen, it would be covered in insects, you don’t see that anymore”
(hmm insects are down but car designs are more slick and stick resistant)
sombre music
“It feels like a lot of change in not much time”
(Yes we used to burn straw stubble ..animals would have died…maybe insect predators)
..(VT shots of species)
…. “The TV and Countryfile can be guilty of painting a rosy picture, but that isn’t always a reality”
“..animals on the brink , pushed to the edge of extinction “
‘The Planet can be saved by getting us to eat less meat’
Nope, it can be fixed by encouraging wild animals that are carnivores to eat more Greens.
.. Once free of the damn Greens cluttering up the environment with their wind turbines, and Chinese Lithium mines for electric car batteries and sticking their hands out for subsidies
nature will thrive
and our ears will be less polluted .
A Reuters article about post-brexit automation of a sort you would not find anywhere in the BBC.
Muslims again, the scourge of the human race…The Houthi movement (Arabic: الحوثيون al-Ḥūthiyyūn IPA: [ˈħuːθij.juːn]), officially called Ansar Allah (anṣār allāh أنصار الله “Supporters of God”), is an Islamic religious-political-armed movement that emerged from Sa’dah in northern Yemen in the 1990s
Yemen could be ‘worst famine in 100 years’
The United Nations is warning that 13 million people in Yemen are facing starvation.
It’s calling on the military coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, to halt air strikes which are killing civilians, and contributing to what the UN says could become “the worst famine in the world in 100 years”.
Yemen’s civil war began three years ago, when Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, seized much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.
After seven devastating years of civil war in Syria, which have left more than 350,000 people dead, President Bashar al-Assad appears close to victory against the forces trying to overthrow him.
So how has Mr Assad got so close to winning this bloody, brutal war?
A joint investigation by BBC Panorama and BBC Arabic shows for the first time the extent to which chemical weapons have been crucial to his war-winning strategy
Wow you really couldn’t make it up!
This is why our once great nation has no hope.