The Far Left BBC and the rest of the main stream media reported -with the usual bias – on a march on Saturday by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance. The opposition was described as ‘anti fascist’ therefore labelling the Lads as fascist . This has turned into a term of abuse now – or just for a person with whom one doesn’t agree. From traffic wardens to American presidents the term ‘fascist’ is thrown out as easy hate.
As for Brexit – the BBC will be stirring the pot again to support the EU against Britain in yet another “crunch week” ….
R2 Alistair Campbell is on now, flogging his next autobiography.
… Yesterday I switched off Julia HB cos he was on.
Vine’s asking about the Gordon Brown’s Hot mic moment.
AC’s blaming Sky for breaking protocol.
Rotherham WHITE taxi driver convicted of solitary grooming/abuse of care home girl 15yr old.
\\ There are currently 22 separate investigations under the Stovewood umbrella,
with 147 suspects identified and more than 290 complainants engaging with officers.
24 suspects have been charged and 12 have been arrested (or attended a police station voluntarily) and bailed or released under investigation.//
147 suspects .. so still a lot of court time to go.
The case concluded 3 weeks ago so I don’t understand why some news is only just reporting.
As Peter Sausages says above, the dailyPolitics red mugsare are getting larger.
As a general Election nears I would expect the size of these mugs to grow to the size of beer butts………a bit like Kenny Everett’s giant hands sketch.
In fact giant red hands for the giant mugs……..oops that might spill over to other connotations.
Didn’t hear the whole of World at One but Lady Brooke kept the ‘ hate crime ‘ story nonsense separate from the story on institutional bullying and more in the Mother of Parliaments and in particularly Allegations against the Speaker – who appears to suffer from “ short man disease”.
The MP now in charge of the committee overseeing investigations got the job at the behest of the speaker and decided there is no need to investigate him .
More shocking is that apparently “ gagging orders” have been used to buy off staff members . Corruption in the seat of government – and policiabs why the public has little regards for a lot of them .
Al beeb has finally got round to reporting this serious issue because the Speaker has had to grant an urgent debate . The BBC seems more interested in giving the Saudis – and thus President Trump- a kicking over a dead journo
mr Bercow has apparently announced an independent investigation into himself and other senior management in the Palace of Westminster —- so anyone looking for a gong next year- best foot forward – but bring your own bucket of whitewash .
Maybe Bercow will stand down in favour of someone like Dawn Butler – a black female MP -popcorn time
Has he hired Baroness Shami or Nick Pollard as proven ‘safe pair of hands’ yet?
Apparently the soon to be Lord Bercow of somewhere has let it be known that he will be standing down next Summer – can you imagine the false sentiment about ‘service ‘ and ‘fairness’ he has shown …. unless of course the independent inquiry into the independent inquiry shows alleged criminality ….
Dawn Butler doesn’t know what day it is never mind the ability to remember 650 ( soon to be 600) names to faces.
Come RP – make nice – wouldn’t it be fun ? Instead of a decent fair deputy speaker like Lindsey Hoyle who would be great …. and greatly respected
As an indication of how low we have sunk, after 50 years of ‘progressive’ feminism, the end titles for the film First Man, (the story of Neil Armstrong, first man on the Moon), warns that the smoking scenes were for artistic effect only and that the habit is dangerous.
[Warning: Sitting on top of 460 tonnes of kerosene and 1370 tonnes of liquid oxygen may be hazardous and should not be attempted at home.]
“[Warning: Sitting on top of 460 tonnes of kerosene and 1370 tonnes of liquid oxygen may be hazardous and should not be attempted at home.]”
especially while smoking.
Please also take care in that location when discarding lit matches and cigarette stubs and using cigarette lighters otherwise not only will you ‘reach for the stars’ at high speed, you will see most, if not all of them, before re-entry and the spreading of your ashes without troubling the Crematorium workers in the interim.
“The arts inside the EU promise ever-enriching landscapes. “
The Eurovision Song Contest? Well if Israel and Australia can take part I’m sure we can too. After all someone has to come last.
It’s a mental derangement among trendy whities, that white is bland and boring, whereas effnik is so much more vibrant, with colourfully high crime rates, alcoholic rates, unemployment rates, and let’s never forget, pedophile rates. Reminds me of some Scandinavian dhimmie dummy who said There is no such thing as Scandinavian culture, so let’s import some vibrant rapists.
BBC4 -allegedly the intelligent bit of Albeeb . It has a series with bits of “horizon” from the 70s and 80s when science documentaries were informative and challenging .
Now Albeeb sticks a face in front of any subject – who is obviously more important than the subject – a ‘Dan’ or ‘Dallas’ or “mary’ or bloody Brian Cox – to wander around the planet on the taxpayers’ dime .
There obviously has to be a bit of vibrancy , how we are all immigrants and something to do with plastic bottles … sad really ..
I write this as there was a programme about geology with a girl presenter with the now regulation local accent – in this case Jordy like .
They never seem to show them 70s horizons
that said we were in for terrible global cooling.
Albeeb reports wage growth is fastest in ten years – 3.1% year on year ? Who cares if people earn more money and pay less tax….
…. let’s talk about Muslims being victims or hate crime or being chopped up by fellow Muslims in a Wahhabi embassy pretending to be a civilised state. . .
3:30pm Basically all BBC environment progs are run by Greenpeace types
so feed you half the story ALL the time,
but this sounds barking
Man vs Woman vs Planet Costing the Earth
\\ Which sex is the worst planet offender and why does gender matter if we want to stop global warming?
Lucy Siegle and Tom Heap find feminism could be key to environmental solutions //
Lucy Siegle seems to do a lot of promoting of electric cars
8pm R4 Simon Cox
Fuelling the Future? File on 4
\\ As the UK’s biggest biofuel plant closes, File on 4 asks whether the government’s renewable energy plans go far enough to hit key targets
…. And yet, research shows investment in green energy fell 56% last year, the biggest drop of any country – with policy change, subsidy cuts and ‘stop-start’ support from ministers being blamed. //
Apologies not BBC, but there is a piece on conservativehome, by Stewart Jackson (David Divis’ Chief of Staff) that everyone in the country should be made aware of. If you thought that we were perhaps being paranoid about Theresa May, I’m afraid its even worse than you think.
Stewart Jackson: Mendacity, duplicity, subterfuge and misjudgement. How I saw an establishment coup wreck a clean Brexit.
Good article by Jackson. Time to ditch TM and install someone like Bill Cash as caretaker PM.
9pm BBC1 drama about British-Pakistani in London
The BBC web radio player has become BBC Sounds
I notice that if I listen to a prog then at the end it automatically opens a new prog.
Twice it’s done that on me and twice the random show has been about some black SJW issue.
As many here know, Sky news is now as barmy environmentally left wing as the BBC and Guardian.
Sky News web site has an interview on their website, sorry “a grilling from Sky news”, with Claire Perry, the Energy Minister by someone called Aubrey Allegretti. He used to write for the Huffington Post, the intensely left-wing online newspaper.
Now Perry is a lying tory scum minister and Allegretti is a left-wing social justice warrior, so of course he needs to educate her. We are of course grateful for the time the soft left spends tirelessly lecturing the rest of us.
“Claire Perry … admitted she drives a diesel car.”
Oh my God, NO! You mean she drives the very car the BBC/SKY and other environmentalists, like the clueless Allegretti, were demanding we drive just a few years back? If we didn’t drive diesel cars we would be destroying the planet. The minor detail that diesel cars pump out nitrous oxide and nitrous dioxide which not only kills people but is a larger component of the greenhouse gases than carbon, didn’t faze your average, scientific illiterate, Guardian reader.
Perry also, “talked down installing solar panels on her house.” Oh no! She doesn’t have those useless, tax payer subsidised white elephants on her roof? Like the majority of the population then.
But phew, Perry is “”prescribing” people eat less meat,” because as every BBC and Sky employee know, its animals who are destroying the planet!
Clearly Animals are working in conjunction with the hegemonic oil companies, along with the dark forces of the US military-industrial complex and the running dog lackies of the imperialist capitalist West to destroy the planet. Because that’s what they all do. Why can’t the rest of us understand this? No wonder Sky and the BBC have to scold us so much. The evil that animals and oil companies are perpetrating has to be stopped.
(BTW if you meet Allegreti in the street please don’t point out to him that the planet has actually been cooling dramatically for the last 10,000 years whilst animal numbers are increasing like popcorn in a heated saucepan – it will only confuse him.
But at least Perry “vowed” to buy an electric car. After all electricity creation doesn’t involve any carbon emissions does it? No doubt in Allegretti’s vacant head all the power we need can be produced by a bunch of wind farms dotted around the coast along with a few more solar panels decorating our rooves.
Allegretti further earns the dunce cap of the morning (so far) by saying, “Energy service Green Business Watch says around 80% of the maximum electricity can still be generated by panels on East/West facing panels.” He forgets to laugh at them and ask why the Germans are building coal powered power stations and why the French are using Nuclear power. All they need to do is put a lump of glass on your rood for electricity.
A few years ago, Sky news was a serious intelligent news gathering operation. Its decent in to BBC/Guardian nonsense has been faster than a torpedoed ship sinking.
I think the sky employees all see the day when they are fired and need a job with al beeb -hence singing the same Far Left song . Can always get another journo.
You jest but there is a serious point here, that not only does Al beeb brainwash its viewers, it also drags all the MSM / broadcasters to its lefty views and prejudices, like the gravitational force of malign black hole.
Scrap the tax NOW.
diesel shaming
What type of car you drive doesn’t say much about you CO2
or pollution output.
A guy who scraps an old diesel for a trendy electric is certainly worse than someone who drives a diesel at limited mileage
Andcnew diesels are pretty clean on pollution anyway.
As many here know, Sky news is now as barmy environmentally left wing as the BBC and Guardian.
Sky News web site has an interview on their website, sorry “a grilling from Sky news”, with Claire Perry, the Energy Minister by someone called Aubrey Allegretti. He used to write for the Huffington Post, the intensely left-wing online newspaper.
Now Perry is a lying tory scum minister and Allegretti is a left-wing social justice warrior, so of course he needs to educate her. We are of course grateful for the time the soft left spends tirelessly lecturing the rest of us.
“Claire Perry … admitted she drives a diesel car.”
Oh my God, NO! You mean she drives the very car the BBC/SKY and other environmentalists, like the clueless Allegretti, were demanding we drive just a few years back? If we didn’t drive diesel cars we would be destroying the planet. The minor detail that diesel cars pump out nitrous oxide and nitrous dioxide which not only kills people but is a larger component of the greenhouse gases than carbon, didn’t faze your average, scientific illiterate, Guardian reader.
Perry also, “talked down installing solar panels on her house.” Oh no! She doesn’t have those useless, tax payer subsidised white elephants on her roof? Like the majority of the population then.
But phew, Perry is “”prescribing” people eat less meat,” because as every BBC and Sky employee know, its animals who are destroying the planet!
Clearly Animals are working in conjunction with the hegemonic oil companies, along with the dark forces of the US military-industrial complex and the running dog lackies of the imperialist capitalist West to destroy the planet. Because that’s what they all do. Why can’t the rest of us understand this? No wonder Sky and the BBC have to scold us so much. The evil that animals and oil companies are perpetrating has to be stopped.
(BTW if you meet Allegreti in the street please don’t point out to him that the planet has actually been cooling dramatically for the last 10,000 years whilst animal numbers are increasing like popcorn in a heated saucepan – it will only confuse him.
But at least Perry “vowed” to buy an electric car. After all electricity creation doesn’t involve any carbon emissions does it? No doubt in Allegretti’s vacant head all the power we need can be produced by a bunch of wind farms dotted around the coast along with a few more solar panels decorating our rooves.
Allegretti further earns the dunce cap of the morning (so far) by saying, “Energy service Green Business Watch says around 80% of the maximum electricity can still be generated by panels on East/West facing panels.” He forgets to laugh at them and ask why the Germans are building coal powered power stations and why the French are using Nuclear power. All they need to do is put a lump of glass on your rood for electricity.
A few years ago, Sky news was a serious intelligent news gathering operation. Its decent in to BBC/Guardian nonsense has been faster than a torpedoed ship sinking.
Is double-posting a comment wasting the Earth’s resources?
Please think of the ozone layer!
whoops! Apologies
This should trigger an outbreak of TDS.
I foresee Katty retweeting claims of criminal behaviour by POTUS on the grounds that Horseface is use of hatey words towards women.
You really got to hand it to MrTump – he really is not a politician – and now loves to bait the snowflakes …
Anthony has gone large.
It is amazing that while many liberals claim the need to be individuals, if you hate ONE woman it clearly means you hate ALL women, like they are some kind of hive connected single organism.
Is katty getting ratty?
What about President Trump calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas? Did that make katty ratty too?
Does he mean Cathy Newman(Anne Of Cleves) or Laura Kuennsberg?
Ford came under fire from the French government on Oct. 15 over its plans to close a money losing factory producing gearboxes in Blanquefort.
847 jobs lost
If that was in the UK the media would blame Brexit.
What a beauty – The Guardian announces that Tommy Robinson “anti Islam campaigner’” is to be tried by JusticeHilliard on October 23.
Surely – if a jury is involved – it has just been prejudiced by falsely describing TR as ‘anti – Muslim ‘ . We here know the nuance of fighting the evil groups of Muslims do and those who are the enemy trying to turn Blighty into a caliphate – over Fedups dead body of course . .
I’ve just watched a Tommy Robinson trial update on YouTube, by real reporter Tommy Robinson himself and I’m sure he said there will be no jury. This judge is going to be both prosecutor and judge. They should have gone to the Attorney General for him to decide whether to proceed with the case and if so, to appoint a judge. But once again, the judicial swamp dwellers aren’t following their own procedures.
Oh , and this creature has added more charges to real reporter Tommy Robinson’s charge sheet!
The real reporter Tommy Robinson believes it’s a stitch up and they are planning to send him back to prison. Apparently all the other MSM hacks and fake reporters who were present in Leeds on the day Tommy Robinson was jailed for doing his job of reporting, have had their cases dealt with and none of them has been jailed. But apparently there are still reporting restrictions in place on this case so none of the details can be released to us, the general public; you know, we who pay their effing wages.
I see on the UAF Facebook page that they are preparing for a demonstration against the racist’ Tommy Robinson outside the court.
The state’s army of street thugs will make mischief without any fear of arrest.
Perhaps the police can be persuaded to politely ask them to surrender their weapons this time.
The prosecution will try to delay it again to try to wear down support adjourn it to make a Ruling until Christmas or New Year .
Do it again for some other jumped up reason . Make the defence legal bill swell against limitless taxpayers state funding .
Trying to push TR over the edge and each time imposing restrictions preventing him from speaking of the issues affecting British people for what could be another 3 or 4 months irrespective of the trial outcome .
Yet to look up the track record of the allocated trial judge but I bet he is ‘ reliable ‘ which is vital for a political show trial in UK these days .
Either way the judge will take orders from the Government. Either to dump an embarrassing case or go for extended punishment.
The outcome will not be based on any principle of justice or from an independent judiciary
I was on the internet to see what the BBC has to say about the sequence of intermittent ice ages the planet has been subjected to over the past million years. I say intermittent, but really it’s been 85-90k per ice age (10 of them) followed by 10-15k ‘warm’ interval. So 90% ice age the past million years. Were currently around 11.5k into a warm interval (& not the warmest by a long way), so an ice age WILL develop within the next couple of thousand years.
Surprisingly, this came in the search:
Unsurprisingly, clicking on it i got:
“Sorry, that page wasn’t found
Please check your typing and try again”
No problem, i can go to the wayback machine:
The page was deleted after March 13th 2018, and contained the following text:
“During the last 2.6 million years or so in the Quaternary period, ice ages, also called glacial ages, were times of extreme cooling of the Earth’s climate where ice sheets and other types of glacier expanded to cover large areas of land. BETWEEN ICE AGES THERE WERE WARMER INTERGLACIAL PERIODS AND WE ARE NOW LIVING DURING SUCH A TIME
There have been many ice ages during the last 2.6 million years but when people talk about the Ice Age, they are often referring to the most recent glacial period, which peaked about 21,000 years ago and ended about 11,500 years ago.”
This report has been on the bbc website since july 2011. 7 years it’s been there, and suddenly it’s deleted.
No,no,no,no! Delete!
Admitting we are between ice ages is just not on-message. Regardless of it being an irrefutable fact, it doesn’t fit the narrative. Room 101 beckoned.
The science is settled, the planet can only get warmer and it’s our fault. Sheer buffoonery!
Have the reasons for the Ice Ages been explained . Is it cow farts ?
The sheer arrogance of settled science to say without doubt that our co2 output is determining the climate is breath taking – even thinking about the periods involved in geological time is enough to head fry – yet the science – politic – journo industry sells it and the taxes to go with it without doubt .
BBC has fakery in its blood
Certainly the number of terms they conjure up to try and explain it away, fooling no one but themselves and the inhabitants of the HoP, is growing exponentially.
Did someone say, BBC fake news?
I wonder if Simonstown is named after Simon of Gaza?
All about water levels. Apparently.
As ever, ITTB is forensic.
I saw the tweet in complement a few days ago.
What Simon is like I have no clue. Looks like a dishevelled Brian Cox without the stargazing enthusiasm. Certainly seems to be on the same frequent flyer deal.
But what Simon says about Gaza is utter BS.
Hur D. Hur.
Simon headed there soon now? Heaps safer.
ITV local : sombre piece about period poverty
and the “red box” scheme
“15% of girls have difficulty in affording sanitary products
… blah blah”
In the world that I see , they are available in the Pound Shop.
Oh they’ve moved in to Little Girls football training at Lincoln City
Finishing with High Speed shed racing.
in a their series about about a guy crippled with motor neurone disease taking crazy challenges.
Ah one item was about schoolkids doing CPR in Linclon.
Of course headscarfed Muslim girls are pretty scarce in Lincolnshire
..but no a whole bunch just happened to be put right at the front in front of the camera and one gave an interview.
Then Look North Hull began; which led with : little girl allergic to milk accidentally given a brownie with some milk in.
Emm I doubt that doubt that story would have got reported if it was not for the Pret A Manger case.
ITV National news
#3 Item 40% rise in religiously related hate crime oover the last 2 years .
Partly in response to terror attacks.
“There has been a particular rise in hate crime for those of Muslim or Jewish faith”
(hmm interesting that ITV chose to bunch them together like that)
Reporter “In the streets of Manchester and across the Britain MINORITY COMMUNITIES are living with an increasing threat !
a surge of crime motivated by a HATRED of their religion
.. with Muslims being the biggest target”
(..hmmm I not sure if that’s true ..of course all violent attacks are wrong whether against Ginger, Muslim, Gypsy, Chinese or Black
but drunks shouting out , or stirrers on Twitter should not be in the same stats
Also ITV says “crime motivated by a HATRED of their religion”
Hmm they’ve shown no evidence that crimes such as their examples were motivated by “people who hate a religion”, more likely there’s something deeper like personal revenge or the attackers are weird nutters)
Then it goes onto an example
“Hajaz Mahmood was one of them, when his living room window was broken and a pigs head thrown inside”
Mahmood “… I was with 6 year old daughter and my son sat on the sofa”
Reporter “one possible explanation for ISLAMOPHOBIA is the increase in terrorist attacks
.. but other faiths are being targeted too
Here we are in Manchester’s oldest kosher restaurant which was forced to close for 9 months when a liquid was poured through a window and set on fire ”
..speaks to Jewish owner.
“The attack was among 94,000 hate crimes reported last year”
(… come on, you can only get such a number by including Twitter stuff.. yet your examples are of real world seriousness)
In Part 2 of the ITV News
” a British winter-olympian retires with a message for all young girls”
(is that news ?) (She’s a tea tray rider)
kosher restaurant fire
the oldest one I presume this is prestwich, where it managed to be for such a long time without being firebombed , before the rop started moving in. Which would be about the same time the synagogues starte employing security guards.
sometimes 1 + 1 makes 2
When I was on a course up north recently at a university, a bloke told me that there were now sanitary bins in the gents loos-so called “care bins”.
This is to allow lesbians opting to be blokes that day, to use the gents loos and still be “bloody blokes”( Partridge meant it as a joke, but here we are!).
So lads-something to look forward to. If you want help in how to plait the jamrag threads and set fire to them ( awful smell, but Bonfire Night is near)-then do contact me at said Yooniloony.
No prizes for guessing the uni either.
Breitbart reports that Sweden has started a “handgrenade” amnesty ….
Bet that won’t be mentioned on al beeb ..
Now thats just asking for trouble on so may levels….which poor sod gets the job of accepting them ? and who has to work within 50 metres ?
Delingpole going into one…
With all these new hate crime categories coming in, why don’t they simply say it’s ok to do anything bad and hateful to ordinary white men but doing it to everybody else is a hate crime.
Basically, hate crimes can be against everybody except normal white men.
Yes, you can apparently mock someones regional accent but not their accent if they are from another “race” just about sums it up
We keep hearing that the eu always wait until the last minute during negotiations and then things may happen.
Instead of extending these negotiations and implementation periods or delaying article 50 or whatever other ruses they think up to keep us in the eu, just extend everything by 1 week after March next year saving 51 or 101 weeks (when nothing will happen apart from various meetings full of windbags making a lot of noise but saying nothing)
All, ‘smoke and mirrors’ the deal has already been done and they look forward to the public heaving a sigh of relief when that admission is finally made.
I did wonder why the MSM spent to much time smearing Kavanaugh, maybe becuse:
There is a growing consensus in the narrative within the alternative news community (commentators, their insiders, and members in general) that has become too big, too coherent to ignore. Even among the more skeptical of the commentators who have long bemoaned that real tangible action of disclosure and legal proceedings seems to be taking forever, there is now a real optimism, even a certainty among several, that this time things will be different.
The broad strokes of the narrative go as follows: Donald Trump was originally asked by a military and political Alliance of patriots to run for office, and the election of Donald Trump in 2016 represented the triumph of this Alliance over the Deep State and their chosen candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump ran on an anti-establishment platform that resonated with awakening voters as Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp’–essentially indicating that crimes that were being committed against the American people would be brought to light and the Deep State insiders perpetrating them would be brought to justice.
Since Donald Trump took office, the Alliance has been working meticulously to convene secret Grand Juries to indict Deep State criminals, keeping the indictments sealed until everything lines up to enable them to make mass arrests and begin military tribunals. The confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh seems to pave the way for legal support from the Supreme Court, as needed, to authorize actions that will get the ball rolling such as the release of unredacted FISA Documents which will lay bare the complicity of key players gumming up the works such as US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, which will lead to their removal from power and finally end Deep State obfuscation.
Fingers crossed.
It is about time that Trump revisited his campaign promise to “Lock Her Up”.
I have heard that a group of retired intelligence officers in America have already said there are many actions under suspension. Presumably there are lots of FBI officers informing on the swamp and its actions, as well as CIA agents. It looks like Theresa May could be being kept in office until the 6th November, so as to take the flack, because of the roll of MI6/MI5 in creating fake information about what went on in Baghdad, Washington and Salisbury. As an example, just before the Salisbury incident, Dr Robin Black, who was head of the detection laboratory at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Porton Down), said that Mirzayanov’s formula for Novichok did not work. In fact he submitted a scientific paper to that effect just before the incident. So there is already evidence that the MI6/MI5/MSM story is similar to the weapons of mass destruction story. We will also find out if its true that at least one of the two Russian agents had previously stayed in Salisbury, and sold fake information about Trump to Skripal, for personal gain, rather than for mother Russia.
Do they really think a few restrictions on vile Choudary will stop his nefarious activities? He’ll find a hundred ways to get round them with the eager help of his co-religionists.
In a. half normal society he’d be swinging from a lamp post, or at least packed off to some Muslim hellhole – plenty to choose from.
“He’ll find a hundred ways to get round them with the eager help of his co-religionists.”
he will find one way round it with the help of the the government , human rights and police protection and most likely bbc appearance fees
Choudary’s finest, said by one holding a British passport: (has a lot to say about crime and punishment, like most criminals)
Muslims consider the honor of the Prophet Muhammad to be dearer to them than that of their parents or even themselves. To defend it is considered to be an obligation upon them. The strict punishment if found guilty of this crime under sharia, the Islamic law, is capital punishment implementable by an Islamic State. This is because the Messenger Muhammad said, ‘Whoever insults a Prophet, kill him
I believe that adulterers should be stoned to death. I believe that we should cut the hands off of thieves. I believe the Sharia should be implemented in Denmark. Maybe we should change the Christiansborg Palace [the Danish Parliament building] to Muslimsborg to have the flag of Islam flying over the parliament in Denmark. I think this would be very nice.
Muslims who convert to Christianity are not protected. That carries capital punishment. He would be given the opportunity to repent, and the Sharia court would need to determine if he was really a Muslim in the first place, did he know what he was doing, and once all of that has been determined, there is capital punishment for that in Islam.
In Sharia, nobody will be able to sell pork publicly. Nobody will be drinking alcohol. Pornography will be banned. Gambling will be banned. In terms of the economy, the wealth which is not tangible, either good or deficit, things like insurance, pension, stocks, shares, etc., they will be prohibited because you’re supposed to deal with things, which are goods, which you can see, which you can trade with.
In Paul Homewood’s BLOG, “Not a Lot of People Know That,” he frequently exposes the biasedBBC’s dishonest coverage of Climate Change. His latest ‘beauty’ is –
//As we found out last week, the directive has come down from on high at the BBC to ramp up climate alarm at every opportunity they get. The memo has evidently been received in the BBC newsroom, who broadcast this flagrantly dishonest piece yesterday about African penguins on Outside Source (at about 51 minutes in)
Unfortunately the programme expires on iPlayer tonight, but this is the full transcript:
The next report is about the African penguin population and how it’s rapidly declining. Conservationists are saying their habitat is being hit by rising tides caused by climate change.”//
The real reasons for the decline in population are here as the Organization for the Conservation of Penguins explains:
I wonder if MGD means to imply that if Hillary had won
big Democrat Party donor Weinstein
would have continued to get away with sex crimes that people knew about during all the time of Democrat President Obama ? #MeToo
… Trump derangement syndrome
Good point Stew.
And one we need to reiterate ceaselessly. None of this would have come out if Bill and Harvey had been able to use Hillary to rub out the evidence(oo er)
The Circle: Alex Hobern on how he became ‘Kate’
Al Beeb severely scraping the barrel.
My thinking is that Silicon Valley have decided that we`re to get our globalised one world, despite our clear voting history. History is a moveable feast, we may yet be corralled not to vote for patriots if the information can be massaged and managed for consent.
Trump and Brexit have badly disrupted the smooth slide to a globalised Islamic hell with The Fed and WTO in charge of the electronic blips that might once have been cash.
The SMS madness and media hysteria can only be understood in these terms. A secure elite would not be after a Tommy or a Katie-really small fry, but these elites are quaking.
WE need to be studying and knowing the pinch points.
The risk of maintaining objectivity has seldom been a major impediment in bbc ambitions.
im told by a young man today that he likes history at school
they have done
english civil war (i asked which one , he stared back blankly)
industrial revolution
invasion of america
invasion of africa
Invasion of Africa ?? thought it was the other way round, housing benefit statistics may be able to qualify that belief
They should be teaching the invasion of Britain now, I was challenged in that opinion when working for a lefty local authority (which one isnt at the officer level) and they said we have always had visitors, and I said yes, but not those who come here under false pretences such as claiming to be refugees who are not, who claim to be children who are not, who seek to impose their religion and values upon us with knifes, guns and bombs, backed up with their own council of Britain, who seek to undermine our culture and religion, demand their own places of worship all over the country, then demand their own moral values in the ghettoes they create within these places…….. I was sent on a re education course. : yes they do that now…I left anyway
Spent a wonderful time in a typical London council, fire alarm regularly going off due to garlic bread burnt in microwaves (yes the smell of burnt garlic bread in the the workplace. lovely) as they all had breakfast at 9 am to 10 am in the office,when they bothered to turn up, the few white personnel (ALL WIMMIN) first task in the office was eating cereal . toast . then all cooking fish and other curries from 11 am onwards middle of the office phones not answered too much to deal with customer enquiries which was why I was brought in but a waste of time trying to instill any kind of customer service ethic they all were fireproof cause they were black, iss their culture innit I was the only white male on that floor and there were very very few others around, which certainly did not reflect the “diversity” of the area as there are white males in the area, but..go figure next time you try to get customer service
I lived in Brixton for years as it went downhill. In all the shops was the worst customer service I’ve ever seen.
It is ok; the licence fee will provide.
f**k me people fame at last
Cologne Station seems to be ‘where it is at’.
Not in a good way, mind.
You better start writing your award speech.
Meanwhile, a bbc commissioning editor puts a call in to an agent who has been ignored for a while…
Ace thread, btw.
So, guess who left what at the studio door again?
Interesting how the BBC raise their revenue, despite the lack of diplomatic skills of the visitees:
It may be worth taking time to ponder, this organisation that espouses diversity, equal rights, poverty as a result of Tories etc etc etc and tolerance, this is the underling truth of how it actually treats people outside of its caball to the brink of intimidation until it is challenged by those few who are lawyered up enough to stand to the the overt bullying and intimidation of the BBC debt collectors, something to bear in mind when we listen to the holier than thou spoutings on their website
Raising cash to pay for their skinny lattes and large salaries while they destroy our culture and despise the (white) working class
BBC is very interested in promoting 2 things
#1 NHS
and #2 Non-whites (except if they are Chinese/Japanese) and especially Muslim practisers
So will they be interested in an Asian Dad and his campaign to thank the NHS and initiate Oct 15th 2019 as the First National Thank the NHS Day ?
Also tweeted by @bbcWM, @BBCEngland, @bbcmtd BBC Midlands Today
This is Katty’s latest retweet:
What on Earth is she on?
How’s the BBC have staff within Penguin Books ?
my You Tube account has suddenly crashed on me tonight?
I have been watching Faith Goldy and the disgusting situation in Toronto……and I have been watching Shapiro, Iconoclast and Way of the World amongst others……do you think somebodys on to me?……
(by the way Canada is going down the tubes big time….the Marxist lunatics have taken over the asylum…..scary stuff for anyone who hasnt seen whats going on…)
@Luckyharry69 your YouTube crashed
what’s that mean ?
They blocked your account or something ?
(answer me me in a new post otherwise I probably won’t see it )
Heard on bbc this morning that there’s a petition to get Harry McGuire on the new £50 note and they were wondering who else could possibly be considered.
For me there is one stand out person, a true patriot who has given so much to try and help normal ordinary Brits.
Tommy Robinson (of course)
If it has to be a wimmin then Katie Hopkins.
Both fully deserving recognition.
If anyone knows how to do one of these petitions to get either of the above as the face on the £50 note then I’ll sign it.
I’d love Donald Trump on it as well.
I think Margaret Thatcher should be on the £50 note.
Heads up. JHB on Talk Radio soon to be discussing “should the BBC scrap the free tv licence for over 75’s? “
Two tranny stories, Syrian refugee, Brexit bill will be 36 million, and a muzzie pic in a Hijab on front page of website this morning, group wank time at the BBC
I Toady Watch
Bercow – the movie . Humph led a fair discussion between a hypocrite- Tom Brake ( lib remainer)
And a lady explaining the seriousness of the Dame Cox report on bullying in the Palace of Westminster.
Whether or not Bercow ( remainer red tory) resigns ( he won’t ) – it is pretty breathtaking that certain MPs – such as the lovely Stella Creasy ( aristo Labour remainer man hater)
– scream about sexism at the drop of a fascinator
Or get people sacked for saying something stupid on twitter –
But are happy to keep a creature like Bercow in place – concoct a story about ‘ need for experience ‘ or ‘ need brexit continuity’ which , dear reader, is nonsense because there are 2 deputies .
At least now when Bercow does those bombastic parliamentary putdowns he will be seen for what he is .
I notice there is little reporting of the views of former speakers or former senior MPs . Speaks volumes
PS – looks like al beeb chose not to get an MP who wants Bercow to go – smell the bias)
This is important because when the ultimate vote to leave the ReichEU is due – the speaker must be seen to be fair – Bercow is biased and tainted .
The bbc morning email shows just how deranged the bbc mindset is. These are their ‘top’ stories:
Canada legalises cannabis use
Canada has legalised the possession and use of recreational cannabis, but there are doubts about whether it’s prepared. It becomes only the second country – after Uruguay – to make the move. A nationwide market selling the drug has opened, with 15 million households being sent an explanation of the changes.
Until legal stores are more widely available, some unlicensed cannabis retailers, which have increased in recent years, may stay open. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says legalising and regulating the drug will keep it out of the hands of young people and cut criminals’ profits. But opponents say it will cause health problems, endanger public safety and increase drug-impaired driving. Meanwhile, here’s how the debate’s going in the UK.
Woo-hoo, no more having to slip security a fiver to look the other way at W1A when the baggie is dropped off!
EU summit: May seeks to end Irish border deadlock
Theresa May will address fellow EU leaders on Wednesday evening about her plans to end the deadlock in Brexit talks caused by the Irish border issue. Hopes of a breakthrough at the summit aren’t high, says BBC political correspondent Iain Watson, but the PM will be keen to strike an upbeat tone.
Downing Street says Mrs May has told fellow ministers not to be “downhearted” if she and fellow European leaders do not set a date for a November summit to thrash out their differences. There’s reportedly growing expectation in government that a final agreement (if any is reached) may now be pushed back to December.
Is there a way through all this, asks BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg. And, here’s all you need to know about Brexit, including the Irish border impasse.
Plus, BBC Europe editor Katya Adler asks whether the EU is as united over Brexit as it seems.
What, actual reporting? No, sillies… ‘all you need to know’. Plus, Katya.
Boy, five, rubs Prince Harry’s beard
Prince Harry’s been getting an early taste of the more minor rough and tumble of fatherhood. During a visit to Dubbo, in New South Wales, five-year-old Luke Vincent touched the Duke of Sussex’s beard. He later remarked that he had unknowingly breached royal protocol because his “favourite person in the world is Santa Claus”.
The bang on the head that knocked English out of me
Hannah Jenkins speaks English in the morning and German in the afternoon. It’s not a routine she chose to adopt – but something her brain requires her to do. It all started with a cycling accident.
The bbc, Hate not Soap, antifa and a raft of Ropthugs will be buying Bromptons.
Apropos BBC “top stories”: the thematic merry-go-round spins in ever decreasing circles –
in no particular order and I could go on but here’s some of the main ones…
– legalise it, we’ll advertise it
– don’t look grandma, euthanasia
– Trump bashing and other innuendos to click bait the kids
– Society’s most vulnerable and other mythical tribes star in a public sector fantasy adventure tale
– Brexit, too hard, too expensive, but basically evil and racist
– Royals we like doing the PC thing but catch them one step out of line…
– Oh look, how quaint, there’s a hijab !
No doubt the kidult lefties running al beeb dream of cannabis legalisation and will spin the Canada experience with no negatives .
In my bit of London you can smell cannabis morning noon and night – it’s effectively legal because the old bill are charging around hunting hate crimes .
But legalisation of more drugs means even more health issues so leave the Canadians to it .,
Its nationwide now isn’t it? Far from London but still in England I can walk past groups of yoofs and the smell just about knocks you over, thats what they are smoking not the yoofs themselves. They aren’t threatening or intimidating in the main, its just not the nature of the area. But they obviously have very little fear of plod as regards their smoke of choice. All the paraphernalia appears easy to come by, main brand shops selling king size rizla, I mean really, when have you ever seen the hardened roll up man reaching for king size. Fourty years ago you could walk into isolated Highland bars and catch a blast, its the prevalence which is worrying now. A dumbed down populace on dope may be a very attractive prospect in some quarters.
BBC London tv news this morning where we forget red double deckers and instead jump aboard the Brussels blue propaganda bus.
Our ‘news where you are’ airs a blatant bit of pro-EU fluff from some Paris-based outfit that reckon 20,000 city jobs ‘could’ move to France over the next blah-de-blah…
Either the memo has gone out to every BBC department to pull out all the stops, or (as they almost say in Star Wars) the EU Force is strong in these BBC boys and girls.
With unemployment low and wages rising the benign economic weather is certainly causing The Empire to want to Strike Back.
Toady 2
The Irish foreign minister being interviewed by Humph -up goes the blood pressure . The Irish sound as though they are equal to the UK which they are not . There are 3 million Irish with 1 million ReichEU guest workers – their exports to Blighty are huge in comparison to imports from UK
Yet the Irish foreign minister makes demands on Us… their economy could die with a full Brexit and they need to know it.. leave now please.