The Far Left BBC and the rest of the main stream media reported -with the usual bias – on a march on Saturday by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance. The opposition was described as ‘anti fascist’ therefore labelling the Lads as fascist . This has turned into a term of abuse now – or just for a person with whom one doesn’t agree. From traffic wardens to American presidents the term ‘fascist’ is thrown out as easy hate.
As for Brexit – the BBC will be stirring the pot again to support the EU against Britain in yet another “crunch week” ….
At the beginning of the month BBC “business” ran this:
New car sales plunge 20% in September
The drop in UK sales was nothing to do with Brexit, but the Beeb couldnt resist giving it an anti-Brexit twist by devoting half the article to potential post-Brexit problems
Now today we have EU producers announcing massive sales slumps
VW, FCA and Renault lead emissions-driven European sales slump
European Car Sales Slump 23% as New Emissions Tests Start
It’s a bit quiet in Beeb land about this
A dose of VD.
Sorely missed.
Yes farewell – look out for Norwegians …
Guest Who,
My message to the said disgruntled German:
Auf Wiedersehen, nimm sie mit und komm nicht zurück.
At least John Cleese is going somewhere with a nice climate.
Well, keeps saying he is.
Seems to be on the bbc a lot still to share.
Oh dear, how sad, what a pity, never mind. The fewer anti-Britain people in the country the better.
Usual BBC agenda of replacing everything British in the UK is clear to see on the BBC News website homepage right now.
Near the bottom they have:
1. Syrian refugee who lives in a stately home
2. The bang on the head that knocked English out of me
As it happens the subject deserves criticism, but this illustrates bbc kindergarten techniques well; coy lure to solicit groupie result to in turn RT.
Well, the bbc has let the feminist loons loose on Newsnight. Maybe even some Wimmin.
Result: #CCBGB
I agree with Piers Morgan.
Most women don’t want to compete for bathroom shelf space with a bloke.
The downfall of macho man began when Beckham started using moisturiser, wearing a skirt and wearing a headband.
An expensive smelling aftershave, a well fitting suit or tux is all a chap needs to have women falling at his feet !!
The one with the ship on the bottle used to work with me, but then I was always a bit cheap.
Noooooo Anne, the little ceramic bottle was the height of sophistication back in the day – and the old formulae really did smell good !
Brissles, I’m unfortunately old enough to remember that wearing a headband, showing off legs and possibly using moisturiser did teenage lads no harm at all when attracting the female of the species.
Mind you, you had to be pretty nifty with a tennis racket to pull it off.
From my experience as a man…women are looking for a smart tall handsome gentleman who is ‘clean cut’, noble, reliable, works and has ‘christian’ principles?…. and holds the door open?….this is my overwhelming experience.
So….I must be mixing with the wrong types
Also…….. women cant get enough of Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn type role models?………
L/Harry, doesn’t that speak volumes ?
Women still hanker to have the glamour and appeal of Kelly and Hepburn, AND want a chap of equal standing.
In reality, look around any town centre and you’ll see women free of make-up, hair pulled back, overweight and wearing leggings; generally accompanied by a bloke wearing scruffy trainers, long shorts exposing a pair of hairy legs with one heavily tattooed, a football or logo T shirt, and a beer belly.
I do try not to mix with the wrong types.
Sorry girls, it was Denim that floated my boat way back.
Maybe we need a closed group to discuss all this, my better half has a well gone Denim soap on a rope for special occasions.
be good to share, my real friends won`t listen.
Rightly so, say my daughters.
It was a different time-and its not Brut anyway,,,urgh!
LBC, Nick Ferrari just laid into BBC for weak schedule, after the topic of over-75s licences.
He’ll be doing the topic of West Ham coach suspended for not pulling on a black mask and throwing smoke bombs with antifa
– he went with the FLA march , so that is very very bad.
That’s him in the checked shirt
9:31am LBC discuss
\\ Why @NorwichCityFC’s Delia attending the anti-Brexit march this Saturday despite 69% of Norfolk voting leave //
\\ There is no suggestion Phillips, who later deleted his tweets, was involved in any trouble and it is not thought he has broken any club rules by merely attending the weekend march.
The DFLA claims to oppose “all forms of terrorism and extremism” but has been accused of having links to far-right organisations. //
I’m sure the WHFC lawyers will say – no breach of employment contract as it was a legal protest for a legal protest group. If he is disciplined I’m sure the awful HRA will kick in – but it’s a sad country when a man gets crap for expressing legitimate political beliefs .
Ah @Fedup yes someone on Twitter agrees
\\ So, let me get this correct, if you coach a youth football team, your basic human right to protest has to be removed from you!
Like to see how that pans out in the Law courts if West Ham decide to dismiss him! //
.. Maybe they’ll end up paying him to leave.
The witch-hunt is the fallacy of guilt by association
If a man has broken the law, prosecute him.
… but, you can’t punish him for what his friends do.
It’s very Stasi like that if someone doesn’t conform to metroLib values , you can phone the HnH Snitch-line and get their life destroyed without due court process.
I checked the TR FB page to see if there was any discussion of this guy’s case, there was none .
.. But there is a remarkable recording if not fake , of an angry Army Major saying that the British Army travels the world to fight for Freedom of Speech .. but then immediately contradicts himself by saying he hates TR and every soldier needs to get off any social media group supporting TR or there’ll be serious consequences.
The TR page also has a debunking of violence reports at last Saturday’s rally , including the story of how the guy beating a policeman was actually a Muslim with a stick who was then let off by police.
Checking Twitter I spot the Guardian and Guardian Sports retweeting that West Ham story again and agai, quite a campaign for them.
Politico has an update on the Ezra Old Bailey photo story
“There’s a photo of a female barrister photographing the crowd from the approximate same position.
Who are these overpaid idiots who don’t know the rules of their own jobs?
In any event, it makes it much harder for them to take any action against Ezra. “
What’s the evil thing the West Ham coach said ?
“I was too. The football fans were sticking to the agreed route and Antifa chose to confront the march.
They had there face covered up.
We didn’t. Ask yourself honestly who instigated the trouble??”
If Mark Phillips had been involved in violence then that would be wrong.
You should just video Antifa violence and walk away instead of stooping to their level.
I listened to a interview on YouTube in which Stella Greasy MP explains her colleagues and she, the political elite, are working hard to increase the grounds on which a claim of ‘Hate Speech’ can be made as a, Hate Crime. I prefer to use the word, “claim” as distinct to “allegation” as once the police have been contacted they cannot question whether you lied or not because your claim is based upon your feelings having been hurt. How can the legislation be extended? Well, simply, apparently, by increasing the individuals affected. One new category intrigues me as it will be hate speech based on age discrimination. Fun times are ahead for all on this blog!
Before you all start reminiscing on events that have caused you to “suffer” hurt feelings and contemplate being able to complain to the thought police, ponder on this. Increasing the categories of persons affected will not end. It will go on and on and on. Why? Well simply because as the months and years wear on, more abused will inevitably make their case and the then legislation will be seen to be, “not fit for purpose” and needing urgent updates. All those with a penchant for wearing pink socks may wish to step forward and present their hate speech abuses to our Stella right now. Sound farfetched? Don’t you believe it!
Whatever, these claims of hurt feelings will eventually clash. For example, hypothetically, I suffer hate speech abuse from a muslim and I respond in kind. What are the police/courts to do? It will be one persons word against another. That’s why a, ‘pecking order’ will be needed I foresee. One that will take us back to where we are now which is, Islam in position 1 and all other categories beneath. So, in that pecking order, I will be the guilty one because my age discrimination is of a lesser status that the muslim’s hurt feelings.
Makes sense to me.
G, thanks for the chuckle at the end of the first paragraph.
Let me know when I should file my complaint about Sir Vince Cable’s comments in the spring of this year.
G, I’ve posted this before but to add to your good points:
This piece of research from Nottingham Trent University was picked up by the beeb earlier this year. It is funded by Nottinghamshire Police and the Crime Commissioner and states: “Misogyny hate crime is understood as ‘incidents against women that are motivated by the attitude of men towards women and includes behaviour targeted at women by men simply because they are women’.
There’s a subtle shift from the current Home Office definition where the act has to be “motivated by hostility or prejudice.” Notice the change? Now simply an ‘attitude’ is enough. Who determines what that attitude is, we’ll find out in due course.
Think you’re right that Pandora’s box is being opened.
Police probe attack on two Jewish protesters outside ‘pro-Corbyn’ meeting that left woman in hospital ‘after being repeatedly kicked in the head’
Jewish protesters were chased and kicked by two women outside a meeting
Corbyn supporters attended the London event alongside the Palestinian Solidarity Group (PSC)
It is not clear whether the women were members of any of the groups
One woman suffered ‘serious concussion’ and was taken to hospital
Watch the BBC cover this one
St George
Perhaps someone should raw the attention of the Jewish Board of Deputies to this. Maybe they will stop attributing anti semitism to the far right.
Totally agree…I’m from Tottenham originally and the main problems come just down the A10 where I don’t see a great deal of skinheads …quite the opposite many many covered heads…. Never has the british public lied to such a scale.. I see a BBC asian radio editor is is court for allegedly ( Tommy Robinson mode) releasing one of the Rotherham’s Victims names… We know which side of the fence tha beeb is on
St, George
Sorry -didn’t you leave the word “up” out of the last sentence?
Paddington station: Passengers face major disruption
The two photos of the crowds are 100% full of white people trying to get to work.
But sure enough, at the bottom of the article, the BBC managed to find a black guy to interview.
Al Beeb has been the instrument of its own demise.
Its end is nigh ……………………
I wish it was, but people who feed in the BBC trough will fight to keep it.
Weather report:
It was so cold this morning that I saw a socialist with his hands in his own poskets!
The stats may not be looking good for the Beeb. Even the Toady Prog relayed the news this a.m. that Netflix signed several million new subscribers in the LAST MONTH alone!
Their latest greedy move, scrapping or means testing the Free Licence for over 75s, will probably backfire even more badly than the iPlayer rule change of 2016. I reckon that drove many who wish to be legal completely away from the BBC. I know of two households who went and signed up for alternatives via the internet.
They haven’t any more moves left after those meannesses other than continually grovelling for increases in the Licence Fee. They played a dangerous game and are losing badly in a very competitive broadcast (in the widest sense of broad!) world.
The Independent has a headline “Religious hate crime rises 40% in England and Wales – with more than half directed at Muslims”
The article states “The Home Office said terror offences may also be considered hate crimes, but while the Finsbury Park attack was counted because it was directed against Muslims, Islamists’ declared hatred for western values could not yet be counted.”
So describing a muslim woman as looking like a letter box is considered a hate crime but killing people in the name of Islam isn’t.
And they wonder why we don’t believe a word they say.
“White House Notifies Congress: US-UK Trade Deal at the Front of the Queue”
I’m looking forward to Jon Sopel’s tweet that Obama is a liar and can’t be trusted.
Third- it is a bit surprising that Soros hasn’t paid a few ex something’s like barrack to do a remain gig – some luvvies as well class A ones as opposed to the “ only gay in the village “ has beens.
Maybe some will turn up on their March looking for a bit of exposure to get a job – in panto – perhaps .
Indoctrination easy as ABC.
A) Definitely cool: World Service wants to know “How are you making Islam cool again?”
B) Definitely not cool: Hate crime spike. (Word count for Muslim/Islam = 7)
C) Err…? Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran responsible for 84% of all executions in 2017. (Word count for Muslim/Islam = 0)
“A) Definitely cool: World Service wants to know “How are you making Islam cool again?””
What’s this? Has islam come up with another ‘cool’ way of killing people? Perhaps our far left Marxist State Broacaster is alluding to deviants of islam being locked in a freezer.
I wondered too, interesting choice of phrase isn’t it?
Perhaps she’s referring to a historical nerdy period that set in after the golden age of the skateboarding Imams in the 14th century.
I understand Barnier is offering Brexit negotiations another year. So, things are shaping up exactly the way we thought they always would:
Fudge everything to create a Brexit in name only, then drag everything out indefinitely, so that people will lose interest in Brino and let the whole endless business slide, so we can stay after all. If the ‘impasse’ really remains a topic of conversation, insist that so much time has passed, there just has to be a ‘people’s vote’. (Most of the elderly who voted ‘leave’ will have died off by then, the Remainers think.)
What has definitely been forgotten by now, is that the referendum was an exercise in DIRECT democracy, in which the people pass on to the EXECUTIVE a direct instruction for implementation. The executive is made up of government ministers, not by parliament. Parliament, as the LEGISLATURE doesn’t come into that decision at all. So the whole business about parliament ‘convincing’ everyone that -as we have ‘representative’ government (which is true, but they do not come into play, other than to IMPLEMENT through legislation, the DECISION TAKEN BY THE PEOPLE once a real Brexit has taken place), and they are our representatives- they needed the final say, was a sort of parliamentary COUP DE ETAT over the people.
Add to that the whole show being run by Remainers in No10 and No11, with the beeb as a mouthpiece, and you can see the strongly anti-democratic currents that flow in our so called ‘model democracy’ and the much-vaunted ‘mother of parliaments’. (Not to mention Cameron’s one -sided ‘information brochure’, another cynical Remainer effort).
And our lot have the cheek to criticize the Duma and make out that Russia is a sort of dictatorship!!
What I was trying to point out above, is that Brexiteers have been lied to and conned by our wonderful ‘democratic’ institutions long before Treezer ever started off on her sham ‘negotiations’.
1. Long before the referendum, Cameron sent ‘the people’ a one-sided pro-Remain brochure, paid for by taxpayers, ‘informing’ them about the vote. At best, this exercise was cynical. At worst, illegal.
2. After the referendum, parliament staged a coup de etat by pretending that, as the UK is a ‘representative democracy’, they needed to take control of the process, by having a final say. That coup de etat was not only the overthrow of the government, but -more directly – of the people, who are supposedly ultimately sovereign. The government, full of Remainers and led by a Remainer, seemed to have no problem with this coup. Surprise.
Nor did our wonderful watchdog media. Surprise again.
3. The negotiations start. Now you really have a chance to derail Brexit. So, be non-assertive. Act subservient. Like a rebellious province brought to heel. If money is demanded, pay up. Pay more.
Don’t tell the EU your people have voted to leave, so you are OUT. Since parliament has already hijacked the will of the people, and parliament is full of Remainers, let the EU tell you how it’s gonna be.
4. As negotiations drag out, pretend, reluctantly to go along with the EU, cos it’s all ‘too complex’. Play along, creating endless issues and problems where there really are none, if you know what you want.
5. When finally you run into a real problem, a nasty one left over from real – and not manipulated democracy- like a few unwilling DUP MPs, work on a cunning plan. After all, you’ve already bribed them once before. And they could do the one thing that really matters to you: put you out of power. Nasty business, this democracy stuff.
you forgot ca-moron coming back with his tail between his leg and a nothing butty full of empty promises that he tried to sell to the country as EU reform
Kaiser, good point continually forgotten by the BBC. (What has happened to the BBC’s memory – they cannot all have age-related/drug-related dementia, can they?)
They had a EU PM or Trade Minister on R4 on Monday (I think) who kept saying “We are sorry the UK is leaving.”. Had I been presenting, I would have asked the killer question: “Why then did you give David Cameron almost nothing when he asked the EU to make some positive changes before the UK Referendum?”
Maybe they are trying to drag the whole thing out until 5 May 2022 when the next election is due.
A two year transition period will go into 2021 so the campaign can start early for a “People’s election” to stay in or rejoin ….
The other bit the bbc has chosen to ignore is the idiot democrat claiming to be a native Indian and it turns out she is 1/1050?% Native American – she was obviously claiming racism
Or the prostitute ordered to pay President trumps Legal fees . Apparently fools contributed £600000 to her which will now go to our great president.
Metaphoric pussy grabbing – not nice -but I write it whilst it is still legal -sorry to any cats .,
BBC added fake crowd noise to highlight video (yesterday in The Times has reports 16/Oct/2018)
‘The BBC has been forced to remove a video of Welsh rugby highlights from its website after it was spotted that fake crowd noise had been added to the clips’.
Oh really, fancy that! The home of fake news and false reporting goes unpunished, but we know the BBC well enough that they will add it when it may go unnoticed. So no surprise for BBC watchers to add ‘extra’ crowd scenes and ‘false’ cheers to the EU remainers are all standard practice (easy to do by lazy and bored-stiff BBC staffers). So what is there to stop them adding false cheers to a second EU referendum? Why should they stop at Rugby? Woman’s Football perhaps – and then the big camp followers on Corbyn’s coronation speech… Huge crowds cheer as the first Commnunist leader since the last one takes us back into Brussels for the very last time…. Huge Crowds throng Camden high Street, Hampstead in tears as Marx is restored on Parliament square, BBC license fee is fixed for the next hundred years and double pay awards for the BBC staff with several hundred ‘extra’ diversity targets to meet. Loud cheers all round could be heard echoing around BBC confines (so they say), the cleaner possibly.
The BBC and accuracy is hardly much better.
Hope Anthony Zurcher or Nick Robinson are not around when they drop their next one.
How many years has the BBC been putting out trailers with ‘sixes per second’ cricket rather than the reality of three days of watching grass grow?
Totally agree…I’m from Tottenham originally and the main problems come just down the A10 where I don’t see a great deal of skinheads …quite the opposite many many covered heads…. Never has the british public been lied to on such a scale.. I see a BBC asian radio editor is is court for allegedly ( Tommy Robinson mode) releasing one of the Rotherham’s Victims names… We know which side of the fence the beeb is on
This is from the Guardian, so it’s more about the BBC mindset than anything.
Why has the UK stopped producing pop superstars?
Some of the commenters are seriously suggesting that the decline in British pop (if that’s true, I haven’t given it much thought) is due to the unavailability of the “dole” to help out budding musicians while they potter around with guitars perfecting their art.
So there you have it. The icons of Western civilisation owe their existence to the dole. What else are we missing out on in 2018, apart from decent politicians? The ones we have should probably be on the dole.
R4 DJ Humphrey speaking to Coveney, Irish Govt fella this morning.
This ” jolly craicster” was getting on fine until Humph asked him if building a wall on the Irish side of the border was the answer……..
Covisney didnt like that…..but a young Scottish Conservative ,Ross Thomsom” ( on JoCo) ysterday netted down this huge Irish issue to a very small %age of goods actually passing that border….and mainly local milk churns.
Time the Irish Mist was blown away………they have milked this particular “coo” to the point of smelly cheese.
Very apt analogies there s.grub as Coveney, who inherited his seat in the ‘Rebel county” from his financially none-too-transparent father, apparently qualifies to lecture us on our obligations and the needs and wants of the British people through having obtained a degree in Agriculture.
Of course the smell of bs is ripe and the Irish, for all the British should give a dam, really need to be careful here. Their attempts to ingratiate themselves with the EU and to prove themselves more nationalistic than the domestically threatening Sinn Fein, comparable to the situation pre-Referendum between the Cons and UKIP, have placed amateurs like Coveney and Varadkar in amongst the big boys. For a deb-tridden economy built on the sands of foreign investment and dependent on UK markets their bluff needs to be called and their treachery remembered. A boycott of Irish goods by all would be a start, it doesn’t cause our family any problems.
No chance of questions being asked or their false assertions queried on the traitorous bBBC though as the Irish Government seem to have opened a consulate in Broadcasting House.
Sex kitten Lady Nugee seems to be on TV almost every day now…yesterday she was telling us what a great guy Bercow is and that he NEVER bullied or sexually assaulted HER in any way… 🙂
Nugee’s lawyerish off-the-taxi-rank devotion to whatever her cause may be on any particular day, no matter how far-fetched and without fear or favour or the slightest reference to any belief or principal she may personally possess (if any) is almost admirable.
thats like peter sutcliffes wife on TV saying she’s still alive so therefore peter is innocent
“Sex kitten Lady Nugee….. ”
CB, do you have a link to her videos on xhamster? It would be scary, like watching the original series of Dr Who from behind the sofa, but I wouldn’t be able to look away.
“…he NEVER bullied or sexually assaulted HER in any way.”
Well, would you? Virtuous indeed!
Nike take the knee but their shares drop the ball
I don’t suppose our BBC avid US watchers Soapy Sopel or Katty Kay will rush to tell us this but I listen to conservative voices from the States and I hear the Colin Kaepernick effect on Nike in the last couple of weeks has seen their stock market price under perform the DOW by 8%
Good ideas probably coming to you via the tory party soon
after Manchester uni students union banned clapping
what else do they have /want
QTIPOC (queer trans and intersex people of colour ) , seems being both BME and LGBTQ wasnt quite enough for them.
Compulsory black history month
Compulsory lgbt history month
Compulsory global week
Compulsory islamophobia awareness month
though some at senate were apparently uncomfortable with the word “Compulsory”
one senate member wanted remote resists because if you live 600miles away in scotland its a 6 or 7 hour journey, I presume this senate member lives in the shetlands and failed their exams
Seems Owen Jones was livid he was not invited to speak at a seminar recently.
Turns out it was a Bar Mitzvah for Quilecoatl Xitlamec.
But Owen crashed it and spoke anyway. Then blocked all the guests.
True story. I have learned. From sources.
‘The students who fear for their ambitions amid college cuts’
‘These six young people are ambitious and determined.
They are an aspiring teacher, a future social worker, a would-be accountant, a budding cardiologist, a wannabe pilot and a veterinary surgeon of tomorrow.
But they fear their dreams, and those of young people like them, may be thwarted by further education funding pressures.
They are all students at New City College in east London, which is closing the doors to its six campuses on Wednesday so staff can join a march against the cuts.
The aspirations of these students are as high as the office blocks of the international banks that provide the backdrop to the Poplar campus where they are based.’
The wannabe pilot first or third from the right?
And how are the lives of the former abused from Rotherham progressing?
Who knows, who cares?
I wonder if the wannabe veterinary surgeon would mind having a look at my pet pig ……
R4 Drama Tommies is about regular First World War soldiers
Today’s plot there are two gay soldiers and writes a love inscription in a book of Shakespeare’s Sonnets.
Then by accident someone takes the book to the library with a bunch of books to return. The male head librarian incensed and ready to call the police
..luckily a woman steps forward and says that Daniel is not a male at all but a nickname that applies to her as she is like Brave Daniel in the bible.
True story?
They were only playing leap-frog.
P.S. Apologies that I’m only commenting on other posts, but it’s weeks since I last watched anything on the BBC.
Holy reality check, batperson!
This could have serious consequences with Yvette’s spare room now being used by a family member for the foreseeable.
And the curse of Strictly going political.
mean while
I wonder, will the BBC be reporting on the POTUS’s success?
They are switching all resources to the 1k thrust condom as we speak.
Isn’t it interesting how Saudi Arabia can kill thousands in Yemen with barely a murmur from the media. But should one journalist meet a sticky end at the hands of the Saudis, we never hear the end of it.
Add in a liberal dose of TDS, and you start to get this.
I wonder if the EU will be resurrecting the Compiègne Wagon especially for Teresa May to sign the Brexit deal?
Reporting restrictions ?
someone says that third Huddersfield was over days ago, but nothing has been reported.
Would the courts now be arguing that reporting it, would prejudice T Robinson’s trial ?
Head of anti-homophobia group assaulted in Paris
Elephant in the room?
Your US mid-term elections daily digest
If anyone’s been reading this bBBC coverage of the US mid term elections, it’s so ridiculously biased it’s laughable. I feel a bit exhausted and despondent about complaining about them tbh. Hopefully so few people actually read it that it will have little effect.
With the above article, note that they don’t discuss Betos DUI conviction which was under discussion last night on Fox. Just a mention that Cruz is ‘Lyin’ Ted’.
The BBC, poking their nose into other people’s business as usual.
Fortunately the only people looking for news from al beeb will be democrat snowflakes who are 1/1000 Cherokee.
Fortunately the image al beeb has of itself as the “ worlds favourite broadcaster “ was once but not any more — a Beauty like CNN , NYtimes and washing Post. Found out courtesy of popular US Presidents amongst others like the growing numbers here…
Anyone enjoying the new BBC game show. the idea is to hold Trump responsible for anything that happens in the world – obviously not including turning around the US economy, producing the lowest jobless figures for 44 years, increasing the wages of the poor and forcing the rich to pay their taxes.
You have to pin the blame for a dreadful event on Trump. The winner at the moment is to associate the murder of a Saudi journalist in Turkey to Trump. That’s going to take some beating.
I think Katty may be in pole position.
I fear I may imminently find myself blocked.
The loss will be hers, but cautionary responses to her increasingly frantic efforts seem to get ignored in favour of the sycophants, so maybe not. She provides a great service to any seeking examples of why Tony or Fran have their fingers crossed behind their backs when making claims about doors.
There is also that mooted new policy in light of the exemption that using twitter and then blocking negates any requirement to pay the TVL.
If introduced, I wonder if it will be retroactive? The restoration efforts will be funny.
“I’m baaaaaaaack!”.
So whilst media were busy reporting “Hate Crime up” they didn’t hype up this story
\\ Oct 15
Tesco stabbing: Huddersfield supermarket blocked when “three attacked with machete” //
Presumably if it was a white person knifing a non-white it would be suddenly very newsworthy.
R4 Drama now about a tenants dispute in a block of flats
The Turkish Muslim refugee says he gets racist abuse from the gay guy
..but then his own phone recordings show that he called the guy a nasty faggot
..the police jump up and say “wow that’s a hate crime”
..Now the female ex-tenant says she has had nasty letters from the gay guy calling her a “slut and a dyke”
ah he’s not really a gay guy.
Ah yes it was all the whiteys that were the baddies.
Yes sure the Muslim smashed up his apartment smashed up his apartment, but that was only cos he was angry about losing his job.
White guy#1 was a nostalgic bigoted man, who had been repressing his homosexuality, so had been vulnerable and got in love with White guy#2 pretending to gay, who convinced him to join in secretly buying the freehold of the flats and then engaged in poison pen letters to get tenants to move out so that the apartments could be sold at a higher price.
So White guy#1 stopped covering up and came forward that Guy#2 had stabbed Muslim man with a fork.
So Muslim guy released and White Guy#2 set for jail.
What a nice piece of afternoon entertainment…….. yet more turgid, dreary, mind-numbing box ticking.
Bring back Paul Temple.
Not on the BBC and never will be, but chilling:
France is fracturing but Macron remains in denial
Macron ‘knows’, of course,that Nationalism is to blame.
The cowardly way out.
If you had to tell the truth, Macron, you might antagonize a few people who may just go to town with knives and bombs and stuff.
So the safe option is to lie like your feet stink.
And you have very smelly tootsies indeed, Mr President.
Better pray the Nationalists don’t turn nasty as well, coward…
Poor Theresa…………..I fear what awaits her in Brussels is the 3/2/1 music ….and a winged angel like Ted Rogers.
A Vault with the inscription LE Bill = £39 billion
In Twoooooooooo
A nuw UK flag with Ulster in blue and stars
In Threeeeeeee
A big Scotty in kilt —when’s oor turn tae jine likesay
As the great Jim Bowen would say…SuperSmashingGreat!
Is polygamy no longer a crime?
All you need to say is you idenfify as a Muslim and bingo, you’re home free.
They should have stuck to willy thrusting.
R4 Now Laurie is talking about celebs threatening to leave the country, and then not following through.
Were the examples he gave of any lefties
..Nooh, instead he reels of a list of righties Jim Davidson, Tracey Emin etc.
His guest wrote a book : The list of Millionaire Tax Flight
..I thought Nei Kinnock actuall did move to Switzerland for tax purposes ..and then got caught out when his Danish wife tried to claim off paying tax off the family home in Denmark, on the grounds that was Neil’s main residence.
It was Kinnock’s lad Stephen who moved to Switzerland, whilst his wife was Danish PM. The explanation for this unusual living arrangement which his accountant gave the Danish tax authorities was that Stephen was bisexual, and not living with his wife. But these days Stephen says that was not the case, it was all a misunderstanding. So that’s all right.
Good job he’s a leftist. If he was a conservative they would love it on the Now Show and the News Quiz. Lucky for him there are no enemies on the left.
We are meant to have a robust mechanism in place to prevent the MSM from reporting lies, distortion and false news.
The Guardian today runs an article entitled “What’s wrong with young people today? They don’t get drunk any more”
In the article, the reporter Richard Godwin, asks “Is Brett Kavanaugh not proof enough that a youthful enjoyment of beer is healthy, masculine, and fully compatible with appointment to the highest office?”
We have national newspaper, and one of it’s reporters, implying that the only reason Brett Kavanaugh got appointed to his position on the Supreme Court has nothing to do with his legal qualifications but instead rides on his ability to drink beer.
What is the point of OFCOM if they ignore the lies and dishonesty that the extreme left report every day?
Bad losers…
Could the fact that there has been an exponential increase in the number of muslim young people [Mohammed, in all its spellings has, after all, been one of the most popular boys name for a while] have some bearing on the fact that “young people don’t get drunk any more”?
So the appalling things that young Muslim men do, are done when they’re sober?
I shudder to think what they’d do with a few drinks inside them……
4:30pm R4 Media Show James Harding, the former Director of BBC News, explained “every journalist explains there is something called FALSE BALANCE so we shouldn’t do that”
ie in medialand’s simplistic world the idea that you ‘should have 2 voices is dangerous, cos one might be be wrong and you don’t want to give them free publicity; so better just pick the truthful guy and air him/her’
That is a flawed concept cos
#1 even if someone is wrong it can be worth giving them MORE time cos their opposer can expose those flaws.
#2 More importantly the media can pick the wrong winners
eg It will pick Prof Peter Wadhams cos he will always say the ice is going to be gone next year
..and it ban Prof Bob Carter RIP cos he would oppose the alarmism narrative.
The thing is taxppayers don’t want to pay for policies decided only on Alarmist Wadhams preaching ..and therefore feel short changed.
I think the problem can be seen daily on Toady .
An interviewer talks to an interviewer – two opposing views of equal quality are rarely seen
On top of this comes the false time pressure it imposes presumably because the editor prefers false excitement to discussions of depth and value .
My time writing this is limited because it’s now time for the weather ( yawn).
“False Balance”? Is that when our far left Marxist State Broadcaster gets a hold of fresh comments from Barnier such that the EU would extend a transition period and they report on that ‘in-between’ period but by only referring to the UK having no vote, still paying in, still subject to the Euro.Court et al. But, no mention whatsoever of Free Movement continuing also. I would call that ‘False Balance’.
Coming up on Radio Lincolnshire :
“Men are failing to come to the police and check is their new partner has a history of violence”.
..I think they chose that wording cos they want to say “WoMen are failing to come to the police and check is their new partner has a history of violence”.
What they could say, is “Police are reminding people that if they have concerns about possible violence of a new partner, new laws mean that the police can run a history check”
Reverse Bliar’s abolition of the death penalty for treason (means withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights – wonderful!) and try these three contemptibles for treason.
Say what you like about the French.
But the guillotine was recyclable, eco friendly and involved no palaver or chemicals, guns of greasy ropes and hard sums.
No-outdoor healthy day for the family, old ladies at the front in the special section getting good views in a caring environment.
The electric chair would hardly make a warming car cushion if we relied on the Greens to set the energy policy.
So-and this is controversial-but after Brexit can we ask the French to send us some Meccano and balsa wood, as we try to build something to honour our debt to French concorde as it were.
No-the least I can say, does Sheffield still make steel, or do we need Tata to do us a decent blade?
how to deal with being with being called Nazis and being proud of your country.
ps: don’t psii off the guy at 1:51 (deliberately miss spelled)
If you don’t know why I put this up, I was in the Argentina Brasil border during the Falklands. Chile helped us more than can be made public and were called Nazis. Didn’t matter they still helped us.
Good tunes, although I think the chap at 1.38 is working his way through the alphabet.
I have to agree about Chilean help during the Falklands, e.g. without information from their long-range radar we’d have lost more ships. I’ve always thought that Blair’s determination to prosecute Pinochet (1998-2000) was because he’d helped us against Argentina.
Going back to your video clip; it does remind me of this one.
Sorry – yet another post that has nothing to do with the BBC – except the BBC did everything possible to help Blair against Pinochet.
Absolutely classic bias from the socialists at the bBBC.
On the 6pm news we get the story about a massive power cable problem outside Paddington and the huge disruption caused.
Cue a vox pop, carefully selected of course, with a lady who rants ‘ why don’t they renationalise the railways?’
Slight problem. The root cause has not been determined. And the electric cables in question are the responsibility of Network Rail. Which IS already in public ownership.
Impartial? I don’t think so.
Would anyone care to wager what are the chances that, in the event of the utterly unaccountable Network Rail being found responsible, the BBC broadcast a vox pop calling for further privatisation?
Oooo look! A flying pig!
Quite right Sluff
I was also going to point that one out. I wonder how many people they questioned.
I travel on longer distance trains quite frequently and my daughter has a two train commute into London. The vast majority of delays and cancellations are infrastructure (therefore National Rail) problems: signals, points, overhead cables, vehicles crashing into railway bridges, weather. Also, trespassing on the line, and, depressingly frequently, people trying to or succeeding in killing themselves. The latter is horribly tragic but one suicide or accident of this sort can mess up the trains for hours and at large distances.
Occasionally a train breaks down ( insufficient maintenance?) or the driver turns up late or not at all (staffing problems). Then there are the strikes – nationalised industries don’t have those do they?
Remember when he used to host the ‘Got it about left’ show?
Raymond Snoddy did used to be a good guy
who exposed the press getting things wrong
Jesus, NOW his twitter output is the same MetroLib fanatical Anti-Brexit, Anti-Trump hatefest
..latest retweet contains 2 different angles of attacking Brexit.
I heard that interview and I didn’t hear any sign of probbrexit bias . The question about ‘ a wall’ was a fair – particularly since the issue about who will build it is a fair one . The irony could be for the ReichEU to force Eire to wall off ‘ the North’ . Now there would be a thing .
Inflation is down to 2.4% and pay rises are higher, so we are all a little better off.
How can the BBC spin this as doom and gloom.
Easy. By focussing on working age benefits. Which are frozen.
The fact that they are funded by the rest of us seems not to have occurred by the BBC. Whose salaries we here are rising massively in lieu of bonuses. Paid for by the licencee fee payers.
Trebles all round.
“By focussing on working age benefits. Which are frozen.
The fact that they are funded by the rest of us seems not to have occurred by the BBC”
Theye’re funded by those of us who pay taxes – which doesn’t seem to apply to most of the “talent” at the BBC.
As Katty Kay, John Simpson, etc spiral further into derangement, their broadcasting vehicle of choice is mentioned here:
‘This leads to the “filter bubble” where people get to hear from people who think the same way and generally agree with one another, pumping out the same views and sharing content that agrees with them’
But only for those who voted ‘Leave’, despite a £4,000,000,000 propaganda machine trying its best on every platform, and failing.
I have just listened to the most extraordinary thing I have ever heard on Radio 4.
I happened to switch on the PM programme at about 5.50, in the middle of a discussion with some American guy. They were talking about psychopaths. It soon turned out they were talking about Trump!
This no-mark had co-written “The Art of the Deal” with Trump in the 80s. This insight now leads him to denounce the president, saying he should not be allowed access to nuclear weapons, that if he could, he would imprison all his enemies, and that this dweeb thinks his life might be in danger. Yes, truly, he seems to think Trump will do a Clinton on him.
Amongst other things, the economic recovery in the USA is not real, it is just the “rich getting richer”, and Trump does not care if we all die because of global warming. On and on and on.
This load of bollocks only finished with the end of the PM programme at 6.00 pm. Over ten minutes of pure, insane hatred of the president. I had thought the BBC’s Trump Derangement Syndrome could not get any worse, but this was an incredible new low.
Defund the BBC!
Hi Rob, I came here to make the same comment. I made it closer to 20 mins than 10 mins.
That the BBC allowed Tony Schwartz to insanely rant his hatred for Trump, just coincidentally before the midterms, shows how low the BBC will dredge the depths of their bias.
Tony Schwartz’s voice was quivering like a girl throughout his rant and God knows what Jonny Diamond’s purpose was apart from holding the Schwartz hand, he didn’t ask one searching question of him, and passed over his threat (?) to leave the USA if Trump won. Twenty minutes plus of non- story in lieu of proper grown up news – no change there then.
Rob – funny – I turned it on for the weather . The al beeb fixation with the leader of another country is an indication of their lost mindset .
What do they gain? American voters arent going to listen to a foreign broadcaster . They have Fox and CNN and their own local stations .
So what is the point ? I really have no idea . I suppose their are still in stages of grief following the end of the failed Obama regime and the failure of yet another Clinton . Otherwise just don’t get it .
It was close to 20 mins, Rob. I remember hearing the original interview with this twat back in 2016 and that was bad enough. I couldn’t get over how Jonny Dymond questioned him – he spoke in hushed, soothing tones as if this guy was a Holocaust survivor. Just unbelievable bile and b*llocks. And how can the hell this guy claim Trump might have him killed? It sounded to me that this Schwartz guy was the one seeking attention (a claim he laid at Trump’s door).
And they let him talk about hurricanes getting worse due to climate change. I’m firing off a complaint. I turn on PM with the vague hope of catching up with world events (even with the beeb’s biased slant), but this was a complete non-story. The BBC are really starting to panic and are really taking the p*ss with this shite.
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