I might be a bit premature here but we must steel ourselves for some virtue signaling from the hated far left BBC in the run up to the Armistice Centenary .
I predict insults to servicemen , insults to the poppy and a desperate attempt to link the coming brexit to The Great War .
I will be so pleased if I am wrong .
I have no interest whatsoever in being first. Indeed, I hope not to be since there is no financial merit or reward in being so.
Any chance of crowdfunding?
Beltane, judging by the number of likes each of your three posts have obtained, at the time of writing, I very much doubt it.
Perhaps if we could introduce an element of compulsion?
……. Er, well … maybe not.
First at last. I wish to thank my family and friends for all the help and encouragement to enable me to reach my goal in being first in something. Took 59 yrs.
Commiserations Pete, but sadly by the time you’ve written and pressed the return key, some other bugger has jumped in ! The answer is to shove any word down, walk away and come back to it later. (that’s my theory anyway)
If it’s any help Pete, the ‘other bugger’ is now racked with guilt. Never mind, there’s still Hammond’s duplicity and financial chicanery to look forward to on Monday.
What you should have done was type an exclamation mark, Katty-style and posted it to bag your spot. Then come back and edit. (Or delete if Beltane has beaten you to it.)
Unless you’re unlucky enough to get one of those mysterious uneditable double posts, in which case you’ll just look like a sad attention-seeker. 🙂
I think, in a real sense we were ALL first. Beltane feigns indifference-but it will turn out to be a career defining highlight of a sad and receding life.
Not that I`d know….er…
Yah! I KNEW it chrisH – secretly, you’re Justin Welby aren’t you?
It’s all ok as the beloved, sainted Jeremy is abolishing wars when he becomes PM just as the last glorious labour PM abolished boom and bust. What could possibly go wrong?
The only thing that could go wrong is Jeremy Corbyn getting elected.
One Emily Dawes of Southampton university wanted to paint a mural of the Great War white because it had too many white men in it .
I have to admit I was shocked but then thought – isn’t it nice that a 20 year old daughter of a millionaire has no conception of war or the site and smell of bodies and their parts –
Particularly since many of the ‘men’ who are killed in war are much younger than her. She has apparently resigned from being president of the students union and will probably bitch about the tidal wave of hate landing on the snowflakes empty head
What a T…t is ll I can say but I am also saying that and WTF a lot recently (mainly at BBC, but also left leaning commentators)- is it just me and my wife ….?
FFS is a handy one to have in reserve James.
My wife is in on it too as she usually throws in a complimentary roll of the eyes after I’ve explained my unedited exclamation of disgust/ despair/ disbelief.
Womans Hour and Question Time within a month.
Her brother George appeared on Vic and Bobs Shooting Stars as I recall.
A recent US study showed that the ‘progressive’ movement is predominantly made up of well-off, middle-class white people, with rather more women than men.
Quite where their overpowering self-loathing and resentment come from, I don’t know.
Looks like the bin man has been crashing about again.
Flooding is a BBC favourite. Sudden, messy… lots of human wailing stories.
Our house is 400 years old. It has never been flooded. It is however not far from a big river.
I was not too concerned as the survey a few decades ago was reassuring. Which is why I did not buy a house on a cliff edge. Or under a flight path.
However, it seems councils upriver have decided that ‘flood plains’ means ‘affordable housing’, but to avoid some issues down the line have stuck some flood defences on the river bank to send the water… down the line.
Lucky they don’t have a House of Lords and grandstanding types there.
I hope no senior BBC hires were involved.
did the tories try to throw the last election
are they making themselves unelectable
or will this bit be implemented for a second referendum
Dementia tax? Free vote on hunting? Strong and Stable boredom? Of course they threw it, in just the same way and for the same reason as they elected a remainer PM.
What an outrage if that headline is true. If you want the right to vote in the UK it’s really simple. Become a UK citizen.
The remarks introducing this thread have , unfortunately , already been entirely justifies. The BBC is running a two part documentary about the 100 days in which the allies pushed the Germans almost out of Franc e and Belgium forcing the Germans to seek an armistice. The first part was shown earlier this week. In it the despicable state funded broadcaster portrayed the German offensive in the spring of 1918 and the Battle of Amiens which was the turning point and the start of the 100 days.
Throughout the entire hour long programme the Scots, Canadians and Australians were mentioned non stop , the French and Americans frequently but the only reference to the English was disparagingly as Poms and the Welsh and Irish weren’t mentioned at all. If you didn’t know you would have thought that the British army consisted only of Cannuks, Aussies and Jocks!
It is true that the Aussies and Canadians were first class shock troops and that they did break through the German lines. But it is a gross insult to the hundreds of thousands of English, Welsh and Irish troops to make out that they simply weren’t even there!
I suspect that the programme makers were following BBC orders to belittle the contribution of the English as much as possible , after all the BBC is determined to destroy England and the notion of Englishness. I am Not sure why the Taffs and Micks got the same treatment though.
The whole programme was a travesty much along the lines of Blackadder and the Monocled Mutineer from years ago. The BBC just hates the English and hates the Army and never misses a chance to do the English down. It was one of the most sickening programmes I have seen.
Program made by BBC Scotland, DT, which speak volumes.
Ah thanks I missed that . Why on earth are they allowed to be so partisan , to the point of giving a totally wrong impression of events?
Because Hadrian very sensibly built his wall, Edward I hammered them, ‘Bonnie’ Prince Charlie lost, and we won the World Cup.
On the other hand, they were first to explore the concept of transgender cross-dressing.
I shall have to report you for kiltophobia.
Actually, it’s amazing how many times I’ve been asked by women what I’m wearing under my kilt. All these opportunities to be offended wasted because I didn’t realise this was mental upkilting. I presume I can still make a complaint and that evidence won’t be required?
Thanks – I’ve got those documentaries on the machine and will watch with due caution .
There is such a vitriolic ‘braveheart ‘ element of Scotland which uses ‘ england’ and “ English “ as a term of abuse – and encourages response . It’s sad but the fervent oil price – based nationalism – but give it away to the ReichEU is a socialist dream .
I dread that this early November is going to be painful to someone like me who has read many of those stories from the Great War and Second World War and the loss of our country as a result .
It seems the Argies are stirring the pot again regarding their non-claim to the Falkland Islands:
The problem this time around, there isn’t a Margaret Thatcher to give some leadership, unless Dancing Terry thinks she and her dancing troupe can distract the Argies long enough for us to build up our armed forces again; with real men who don’t emote, wear make-up and women’s clothes or stick their arses in the air five times a day.
Since Treezer Quisling May is involved we will no doubt end up agreeing to every negotiating point the Argentines want plus paying for the 1982 war plus giving the Channel Islands, the Isle of Skye, Anglesey and the Isle of Wight as compensation. She will then return say what a great deal it is and weasel her way to another leadership “fightback”.
We will pay them to take it and bend over backwards apologising for our crime of colonialism…..
So now truth is emerging about those ‘bombs’ sent to high-profile (deranged) Democratic opponents of President Trump. Rather like the Soros-funded march to the border, the timing was always suspicious.
From Patrick McCarthy on American Thinker October 26, 2018 under the title ‘Fake Bombs are not bombs’ : …. “So a person or persons unknown deployed the fake bomb scare; phony, inert devices lacking detonating devices, meant to look like bombs but clearly evident as a hoax to bomb experts. Those who were in the room with the device sent to CNN took pictures of it and tweeted them out They knew it was not dangerous the minute they saw it but are so convinced the rest of us are idiots that they pretended it was an actual threat”.
He continues (I’ve substituted BBC for the abbvs. of American news netrworks) … “Anchors on [the BBC] regularly lie, omit news they do not like, and strive to indoctrinate how we all think about every issue that affects us all day after day. They should be ignored because they do not report the news, they are the enemy of truth and the [British] way [of life]”.
When the truth becomes clear, what’s the betting there will be silence from the BBC.
Like the Las Vegas shootings a year ago.
No meaningful follow up or analysis.
Like Abedi at the Ariane Grande concert, can only assume that it might help Trump and hurt the Dims if the context and truth were ever to emerge.
So the BBC will be saying nothing won`t they? Like they usually do.
Wasn’t it the fakers at CNN during the Iraq war who were broadcasting live, apparently from Baghdad when there was a supposed airstrike alarm. The two clowns, talking heads, one donned a conveniently placed US army helmet and the other cretin put on a gas mask. Then they stood looking at each other wondering what the script tells them to do next. And they expected their audience to believe they were under attack; it was so bad it wasn’t even funny.
That’s the level of intelligence that the MSM entertainers attract. Isn’t it, far-left bbc?
The BBC is up to its usual tricks:
in which was reported:
“Mr Trump returned to the theme later as he departed the White House for a rally in North Carolina, denying his rhetoric was to blame for the bombings”.
Cheap and nasty BBC as usual, trying to attribute blame for a heinous act by someone with previous onto Donald Trump.
There was also this:
“Former intelligence chief James Clapper, one of the recipients of Friday’s packages, told CNN: “This is definitely domestic terrorism, no question in my mind.”
He said that anyone who had been a critic of President Trump needed to be on the alert and take extra precautions”.
Really? Anyone? What a load of old tosh from someone who felt forced to resign from a previous post over claims he had lied to Congress.
The BBC certainly knows how to scrape the bottom of the swamp to find those it can quote.
I hear you. I saw Anderson Cooper being wildly over dramatic that we could have been mourning dead ex-presidents etc.
Do they really think that the public are that stupid that we would believe that something you send in the post to Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama or Santa Claus would actually be opened first by that person.
The sender is a crackpot but the idea that this was ever a credible threat is ridiculous. They were sent in the f******g mail people, it’s hardly Al Queda.
back links to previous thread
We’d just started on page 7
– Thu evening page 6
– Thu morning page 5
… Plus we have new comments on page2 of the Tommy Robinson OB Trial thread
Stew – thank you for doing that each time – I’ll have to try and watch a foo yoo toob vids to work out how to do it … ta again .,
FakeNews on pg 8 Yorkshire Post
– 300,000 sign petition opposing fast track for fracking proposals
” HUNDREDS OF thousands of people have signed a petition opposing proposals to fast-track fracking through the planning system, ..”
But when I check it says “199,698 of 200,000 signatures”
So what’s going on ?
From Drill or Drop
\\ *Three* petitions with a *total* of 300,000+ signatures were handed in this morning to the government, opposing its plans to fast-track fracking decisions in England //
The YP article never mentions the 300K is a composite of 3 petitions. It continually says “the petition”
Doh you can’t just add up 3 petitions
… cos each activist and their dog probably signed each position !
pseudo-Greenism is all about PR not truth.
Re Fracking “EARTHQUAKE” jesus ..so tiny you need a monitor a mile down to spot it.
The Earth’s crust is probably rumbling away all the time down there
scale 7 is a real quake
since it’s a logarithmic scale today’s 0.8 tremor in Lancashire is very small
2.5 is the EU limit
The last tremor detected in Lancashire BEFORE fracking was this
in August
2018/08/05 10:29:52.6 53.727 -2.343 9 1.0 BAXENDEN, LANCASHIRE
scale 1.0 is of course a magnitude stronger than today’s 0.8
Or “subsidence”, as it used to be known in coal mining areas.
The BBC report “Fracking Suspended After Earthquake”
This earthquake was 0.8 on the Richter scale
The Reuters headline was very different
“Cuadrilla pauses fracking at UK site after tremor”
in which the first sentence describes it as a minor tremor
I’m sure the unnamed BBC reporter was just following orders.
Probably Philip Green isn’t a very nice man – nobody making that amount of money will do so without being nasty to people. However whoever he was bullying or making sexual advances to had choices – they could walk. Only a week ago, last Friday, 30 men were sent to jail for what they did to children – ie girls. These were vulnerable young people who didn’t have the same choices as those moving in Philip Green’s circle. I wonder if the BBC will drop the stories about Sir Philip as quickly as they did the men found guilty last week.
Well they’re still going on about Racist Man On A Plane a week later, whilst Huddersfield has gurgled down the memory hole. As predicted.
Philip Green may or may not be a nice man.
Peter Hain may or may not be a nice man either and I wonder what he would say about Tommy Robinson if asked.
He always has a nice tan though – you helped pay for it..
Changed my mind about what he did – I was in favour of Naming Green but then thought – Hain doesn’t know the full facts and what is really to be gained by naming when there is an ongoing court case .
Green cost me money when one of his dodgy companies went south but that’s my fault .what he did with the BHS pensioners was wrong and greedy . I think he doesn’t deserve a gong .
But he should not have been named .
Perhaps we’ll know shortly if it was a false flag hoax or not.
I’m not sure what he’s basing this on, but I’m sure the BBC will tell us soon.
Hmm.. don’t know how reliable this is.
He looks like he has an awesome moisturising regime.
Why has his hair been added with an eyebrow pencil?
I wonder if he is mentally ill?
Al beeb will find he is a distant relative of TR –
A bit of tech info as the MSM continues to melt down.
That is a natty cement mixer. New purchase or has the NYPD had to deal with such things before?
Oct 18 The News UK boss laid into BBC clickbait
\\ “They are chasing online traffic by publishing popular news content which bares no resemblance to the BBC’s charter commitments and they are challenging subscription websites by offering commentary, analysis and long-form journalism.
“Vitally, by offering all of this for free, they are reducing the leverage of commercial publishers to challenge the platforms to offer a fair value for our content.” //
or free here
I hear from Al Beeb that two gay dads have a baby penguin while up in Scotland Ruth and Jen follow up on behalf the lesbians.
BBC doing their best to say outing Philip Green was okay – it’s just that they can only find a few vitriolic feminists to agree..despite them not even knowing if a woman was involved…
I don’t like him one bit but find it difficult to believe that Sir (how) Peter Hain did it out of public interest – Has he had an issue with Green in the past? Let me know when he is convicted then it might be interesting…
How does this square with the stuff over Tommy somehow playing fast and loose with the majesty of due legal process?
Utter hypocrites aren`t they? Hain is a prize pill, typical Labour blow in.
I’m stll waiting for Peter Hain to go to South Africa to live now it has rid itself of apartheid.
Time we had a coalition of leavers, Labour, Conservative and UKIP. Leave means Leave……………..
I have put this link on because you wont see it on Al Beeb.
Oct 18 Andrew Norfolk also had a problem with courts withholding info, and had to get a court order
Manchester \\ carers reported that the woman was
“offering her telephone number to any number of Asian males”
with whom she came into contact //
\\ The woman, 23, who has severe learning disabilities and an IQ of 52, was repeatedly exploited during a court-approved, two-month trial period this summer in which *random men*
were permitted to visit her Manchester care home between 10am and 4pm each day.
She was also taken to shisha bars and had *sex in public on numerous occasions*,
including in a taxi and at the back of a bowling alley,
because the care company paid to look after her would not physically intervene.
In August carers reported that the woman was “offering her telephone number to any number of Asian males”
with whom she came into contact.
She “doesn’t always recognise them when they arrive at the door and they sometimes don’t recognise her”.
The sexual activity was brought to an end after two months. Last month, in a report to the court, a psychiatrist warned that allowing her to continue to be exposed to such a “high level of risk” was unacceptable, unprofessional and might lead to “sexual abuse, violence, injury or death”.
Details of the case are being disclosed today after the court ordered the release to The Times of documents revealing the danger to which she was exposed. //
\\ From the age of nine, she was reported missing ten times in five years and “significant concerns arose that [she] had been subjected to sexual activity with men, particularly Asian men”.
This included “sexual violations and rapes” while she was still a child. //
How did she come to have an obsessional interest in Asian men and exposing herself to them ?
\\ When she became a teenager, she was assessed as being among “the small percentage of young women with autism whose obsessional interest relates to men”, particularly “men from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds”.//
In 2016 she married a restaurant waiter who was a Bangladeshi citizen.
He was not aware that on the 2 days a week she wmas not there, she was having sex with multiple men.
The case has gone to the High Court.
This autistic woman
– Has the mental age of a child
– Has the sex drive of a 12 year old boy
If middle aged women were sleeping with such a boy , then they would be rapists.
Those men who are sleeping with this mentally young woman ARE rapists,
Also there must be some drugs. or therapy to treat her compulsion
#honestmistake ?
How long before Cesar Sayoc is linked with Tommy Mair by some balanced seeker of truth on the world’s most envied news source?
On the other hand, take another look at the photo in the text higher on this page. Surely that’s Jo Coburn with her hair cropped off the background?
It’s all very reminiscent of Thomas Mair, who I thought had lost the EU referendum, and I still think the margin would have been greater. There’s much about him that didn’t add up but about which the media was uncurious.
However, it can’t be denied that if this letter bomber is indeed a Trump supporter it’s a setback.
I wonder if he has ever been to Manchuria?
The concept would have failed if he’d not been a Trump supporter Roland. Nazi memorabilia in the bed-sit next, you’ll see.
Sorry, Fat fingered mis report…
As it seems he’s 137 3/4 Sitting Bull, surely Custer’s toupee in the teepee surely?
This would appear to be the thinking behind bbc editorial integrity time and space commitments, yes.
There is a snippet of Jeremy Corbyn losing it on c4 news on the twitter which I haven’t seen before but as the commentary say – imagine someone with such a short fuse getting any where near real power .
Bbc ‘getting it about right’ as always. Or…
Guest I really wish you had put a warning on that vile nonsense
……………………….. and the yellow poppy is to remember our politicians including Camoron, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn and Naz Shah who also sold out thousands of our kids who were abused by “Asian Men” and who also were more than happy to chuck our ex soldiers to the dogs as soon Phil Shiner and friends sniffed out the chance of ruining a patriots life for the sake of a few hundred quid.
I like the extra rider they add for the black poppy. “communities’ contribution to the war effort”. Why dont they just say black soldiers.
I always thought that the red poppy was for remembering ALL, black, white, trans, ponies, etc, etc
I wonder if our virtue signalling MPs will wear more poppies than an old Commy General has medals on Sunday
Carrie is going to be soooooooo jelly.
Sofia : never heard of her
Good luck to her and her agents on the deal.
Second that. I don’t view / no licence so it’s no odds to me. Others wasted money.
Bbc back in its happy place.
Maybe he’ll name it Harry?
Guest Who
There was a time when people afflicted like this man were put on show in circuses and freak shows so that the public would pay to see them
Think that is degrading?
Now people are forced to pay the BBC £150 each year, an organization which does the same thing.
‘Roll up roll up, see the man born without a cock getting a new one’.
“Now people are forced to pay the BBC £150 each year, an organization which does the same thing.”
Just don’t pay – Simples !
‘Maybe he’ll name it Harry?’
And Maybe he’ll attend the national LGBT conference next year – I hear that its being held in his local BIG TOP (tigers/ lions excluded)
Some idiot has tried to smash the glass case in Salisbury Cathedral and make off with the best-preserved copy of Magna Carta. Fortunately he failed to do so.
The ever-helpful BBC provides a guide to “What is Magna Carta?”
Now I would have thought, or perhaps I should say, hoped that this would be superfluous: any reasonably educated Englishman knows perfectly well what Magna Carta is.
Our cut-out-and-keep guide informs us that one of the major principles enshrined in the document is that “no free man shall be imprisoned without the judgement of his peers”.
I think that one must have slipped the minds of those that jailed TR a few weeks ago.
My first thought was that the Attorney General was trying to recall them.
I’m so pleased that our wonderful media have their priorities right.
Wherever I look, BBC, LBC, ITV, Sky and even the bloody Telegraph, they’re obsessed with the cantankerous old git on Ryan Air who abused an elderly black woman.
The Telegraph even went so far as to track down some distant relatives of the old miscreant; sort of second cousins twice removed, who said they hadn’t seen him for thirty odd years. Useful journalism!
Meanwhile, almost forgotten by the MSM, two police officers have been stabbed with a screwdriver in north London, after apprehending a man (ahem!) who was seen acting suspiciously.
Now, don’t misunderstand me. The old boy shouldn’t have behaved in such an aggressive and uncouth fashion, but…
Two policemen were attacked, not just abused. They weren’t only sworn at, they were stabbed and they were put in hospital and…so I’ve heard…the attacker will be charged with attempted murder. Assaults on police used to be rare and were considered a very serious crime…back when we were a civilised country.
The useless media, across the spectrum, are vying to pick up PC Brownie points by manufacturing outrage and consternation at the conduct of one foul mouthed, misanthropic old Meldrew, while trying to ignore a potentially horrific crime.
They are shameful!
Powerful cartoon Lefty.
And in this illiterate age, maybe it will have to be cartoons like this that will subvert what is happening. Certainly more effectively that rhetoric practices.
Maybe Charlie Hebdo were onto something, but how sad that our only true radicals are doing cartoons, and not changing much in reality.
You do wonder if these are just strange times or just the way things will be in web world where some stuff is blown up and other incidents never happened .
Bit like that silly little 20 year old twitting that she was going to white wash a WW1 mural because of too many white men – that will stay with her for ever when pre web she d just been an immature kid.
Defaming Muhammad does not fall under purview of free speech, European court rules
We are doomed. This is very worrying.
Sorry if it’s already been discussed.
It needs more discussing. If applied here it will either shut Tommy Robinson up or put him in jail for a long time.
And I have my fears that our bold presenters and politicians will not defy this ruling, which basically says that you cannot link those who are said to follow Mo’s life with child sexual abuse.
It could also be the final confirmation to the sheepie – why we should have left the EU.
So it’s a crime to tell the truth about bad Mo?
Well it certainly hasn’t been discussed on the BBC, as far as I can tell.
As I understand this cretinous judgment, it is not fair to say that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a paedophile, because although he did have sex with a nine year old girl, they were married at the time, and were still married when he died, and she was 18. Therefore (it seems) he was not attracted to her because she was a child.
It is also fair to say that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was also attracted to adult women, such as his many wives and sex slaves. It is therefore deeply hurtful to muslims to imply that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a paedophile.
I think I agree with that. He wasn’t only a paedophile. He was a rapist and murderer as well. A much more well rounded sex criminal, you might say.
To ‘defame’ – 1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of (someone) by slander or libel. See Synonyms at malign.
2. Archaic To disgrace.
Stay within the wording of the quaran and all the rest of the documents to be safe.
Well I guess that means we can apply it to Jesus too – so no more Life of Brian…
What happened to the world when we could all make fun of each other? Wasn’t one of the great British attributes the ability to laugh at ourselves as much as anyone else?
No more…all Jokes must be passed by the British Board of Political Correctness
We are doomed.. but lets just say hopefully the ECHR won’t matter a F* when we leave the EU
Have we been told that we shall leave the jurisdiction of the ECHR?
Bit of a barney going on on Radio 4 Any Questions now.
Gerard Batten, Anna Soubry, Caroline Flint and some trade union guy I think
Guess who’s getting the flak?
Mastermind watch
If you listen to the general knowledge round in this tired old nonsssense you can hear the Al beeb multicultural brainwashing committee in action – Islam questions – wimmin questions – bongo bongo questions . It’s best watched on fast forward .
Nothing new there then. The media mini-showtrial. Self-enchanted dross from politics, the libtard commentariat and luvviedom think they show their intellectual superority by shouting down the Miscreant with the “wrong views”.
Have watched these tactics on the German BBCs many times when Pegida and AfD were in their infancy just before and after Merkel’s folly. Who’s laughing now!!
I have just listened to Any Questions on youtube (I refuse to ‘sign in’ to bBC).
Disgusting. How Gerard keeps his cool faced with these idiots is beyond me.
Caroline Flint also confirmed my fears that ‘moderate’ Labour MPs are likely to be persuaded by Keir ‘gissa EU job’ Starmer to support Treezer’s plotting.
I’ve got a new theory that just as some people have the mental age of a child, some people have the mental age of a child on some SPECIFIC ISSUES ie have magical thinking
eg you can be a top biologist, but not appreciate how pathetic Paris Agreement is at reducing CO2
eg2 eg you can be a top journalist, but not appreciate how a unfriendly challenging tweet is nowhere near as bad multiple gang rape
That’s why the political system can get carried away thinking domestic smart meters will make a difference
.. instead of concentrating on smart monitoring to reduce wastage at large government or industrial sites. etc.
What I’m saying is that the kind of people who are absolutely certain the Brexit bogey man is going to get us, are the ones who are like children,
.. they have a mental age of a child on this issue.
And you know how children have tantrums !
Stew – good point. People think if you’re smart in one area, you must be smart in all areas. But this is demonstrably untrue. Alan Turing thought in 1952 that it was a good idea to go to the police and report that his homosexual lover had robbed him. W.B. Yeats once had to consult his wife on whether their home had electricity. There are many instances of geniuses appearing to be unworldly, naive, ignorant or even quite stupid on matters outwith their primary area of expertise.
Question Time seems to think that a young pop star who has sold millions of albums must have political views worth listening to.
Fake bombs in America … have they arrested Tommy Robinson yet ?
..He’s bound to have been on the phone to the bomber at time the guy was posting the parcels.
… Or at least sent him a direct message the week before
..i mean posted a general message to all his Facebook followers that the bomber read on his mates phone a month ago
..Or the bomber once Googled “Tommy Robinson”
.. There must be some way Tommy is guilty.
I don’t know about anyone else here, but when I hear about food eaten wrong, the first one that comes to mind is this:
Guess where it came in the list?
Trick question. It doesn’t feature.
Deleted and started again while you were helpfully getting the bl**dy image! For some reason it wouldn’t accept the wiki link. There has to be an easier way.
Whenever I put the radio on there is always a mention of how bad Brexit is. It is two years plus since the referendum and its is almost as if the media, which is mostly Liberal – most especially Al Beeb, has been given carte blanche by the ‘powers that be’ to change the mindset.
Look how many times the EU has ordered other European nations to ‘re think’.
1984 Anyone ?
If we ever get out imagine what the propaganda division of albeeb will be doing to get us back in again within 5 years – it will go on and on until a new politician comes along with the drive to end albeeb.
The end is nigh for Al Beeb.
You can all make it sooner by dumping the Telly Tax .
From what I can gather, any attempt by the UK to re-enter the EU after we had left would be met with opposition of the most vehement kind by MEP’s of other countries who are heartily sick of those nasty UKIP types not agreeing to everything they say. Similarly, they don’t actually want us to hold a second referendum in case we decide to not leave..
I think the Britain which might apply to rejoin the ReichEU would not be the one we recognise .it would be giving itself to the ReichEU and promising to sign up to the U.S. of Europe and pay for it too. The PM role would go and be replace by a ‘gowlliter’ in accordance with the ReichEU plan.
The national flag would be replaced the the EU rag – with – perhaps a little flag in the corner …
Does Lord Tony Hall ever watch the BBC?
He must know that the viewing figures are going down esp. with the young ‘yoonists’. The very audience they are trying to attract.
Message to Lord Hall……
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Taffy – I expect Tone doesnt give a shit.
why should he, he is very much like the old style Commie leaders urging their workers to even greater sacrifice for the revolution whilst at home indulging in all their pecadildos in birds, booze, boyz, art and expensive cars.
He is in the same class as Soros, the beeboids and our politicians.
In some ways these tossers probably get a perverse pleasure out of making some lives and ruining others – as I am sure TR could confirm.
If the government have not bought the BBC to heel by now , they never will. Their future is tied up in our future and whether or not people get pissed of enough to actually do something about these wankers – All of them.
My apologies about the expletives – but these people make me rather cross.
Lord Hall, a fool of our times all of the time.
“Downing Street has reassured fans of Strictly Come Dancing that the show is not at risk from Brexit, following claims by Sir Vince Cable.”
According to Al Beeb? More brainwashing.
Dyed in the wool Tory voters, if you want a Full Brexit your only option now is to vote and support UKIP. Put the fear of God up your Tory MPs! That’s the only way that they will shift from their pathetic pro EU stance and support the democratic result of the referendum of this great nation. We are lions led by donkeys. Donkeys wearing Blue Rosettes
TFFT – I shall definitely be voting Tory to save “Strictly”
There’s a lot of dyed in the wool Tory voters on this site. 😀
Strictly would be seriously at risk if Vince Fable were ever a contestant.
State media out of control? SNAFU.
It’s part of C4 Stand Up For Cancer Charidee night
\\ Donate £50 and we’ll insult @PiersMorgan, //
‘The best’ edit suites can contrive.
I suppose President Trump is well known for his sense of humour.
I don’t suppose it occurred to her that he was extracting the urine?
I think the president was trying to be polite. Poor Steph would have been in for a shock if he had told her what he really thought.
It’s riding high on the BBC’s news webpage as I type. The BBC must think a 6-year-old story is news.
Would she have preferred it if he’d said she looks like a man in drag?
And of course, six years ago when she was a minor reporter and he a billionaire businessman, her smart – if fictional – put-down would have been a natural response?
Only on the BBC do farts smell of violets.
Naively, I had high hopes of ‘Made in Britain’ the new BBC2 series, even with Steve McGovern striding manfully from set to set. And I had even thought, what if the BBC had been running programs like this for the past two years, building up the country and showing us the history behind the world’s first powerhouse? How different things might be today if we’d been encouraged from the outset to be enthusiastic and positive since the referendum – with lessons from the past to illustrate a potentially bright new future.
Silly, I know. This was the BBC so we had a gay cook getting all sweaty with a small sledgehammer, and a gifted though small slip of a girl doing all the blacksmithing. The ‘ceramic artist’ with blue eyebrows added colour and yet would still have frightened the children had they not been in bed, while a shiny person of colour added vitality to the mix as only such persons can.
Another tour de force from Mugabe Towers. Well done.
Wot, no trans in a wheelchair? They’re losing their touch.
Me and my Wife sat there head in hands..half laughing half crying at this show. We too, had high hopes, but it looks like it was made by a left slanting arts graduate that doesn’t know much about business…maybe it will get better but I suspect the next show will be a black lesbian basket weaver..
The Now Show , Radio 4 , 6.30pm , repeat tomorrow at 12.30 .
This is supposed to be satire . Satire should be a threat to The Powers That Be which is why the PTB hate satire .
The PTB don’t hate this programme that purports to be satire because it doesn’t threaten them , it reinforces the PTB meme of what constitutes acceptable thought . And this is because the BBC is part of the PTB that try to regulate thought as Orwell described in his writings .
So tonight’s programme and the repeat tomorrow is a classic , of bad taste and bigotry .
The usual;
Trump bad .
Brexit bad .
Then a dig at some individuals who won’t have a right of reply , like Dyson , Jacob Rees Mogg and Piers Morgan . So hard is it to get a rejoinder to this programme that it wouldn’t be worth it because not only for the effort involved , but the humourless participants of this show would paint any complainant as humourless for objecting to their worldview . As a thug who relinquished you of your wallet could could add some humour to the criminal act and portray you as a fuddy duddy for not seeing the bright side of your loss .
But it’s not just right wing people that the show had a go at . Two prominent people of the left were satirised ; Jeremy Corbyn and Macdonnell .
But here’s the interesting thing , what did the show have a go at them for ?
Crap policies , hypocracy , ineptitude ?
No . It’s that they weren’t sufficiently supportive of the usual left wing ” progressive” policies that the BBC wants everyone to
adhere to .
Corbyn and John McDonnell didn’t attend a BBC approved rally and thus their loyalty for the cause could be questioned for a second or two . What’s the point in bussing in -a la Caucescue- the workers en mass if the People’s Committee Chairman doesn’t attend ? Had he done so the Now Show could have inflated the figures for those attending from the BBC news inflated figures of 700 ,000 to 1.5 million or more . I mean , who hasn’t met somebody who took part in the People’s Democratic Republic /March On Rome 1922 / People’ s Vote thing last Saturday ? It was so big it would have eclipsed a Pride march .
Next week of course is another Now Show but in case you miss it I can tell you that they will more than heavily insinuate , imply or even state that
Trump is stupid , perhaps imoral
Brexit is stupid , perhaps complex
A left wing / progressive politician hasn’t made the best of a weakness of a right wing politician or hasn’t been vigorously supporting the BBC take on world events and policies that should be pursued . Or he/ she/trans failed in an interview when a good session with a luvvie media consultant would have put things straight .
And that around 8.45 in the morning on the Today Programme there will be a piece about Racism . If not something current , something dragged out of their archives .
I’m not in the Magic Circle , no crystal ball , I’m not blessed with future vision , a soothsayer , deciphering Nostodamus ,Mother Shipton or the Delphic Oracles .
Just using form like I do when I go to the races .
Radio 4 now, London Women moaning about men etc, loving diversity etc.
(LATENIGHT Woman’s Hour)
Radio 5 now, London Women moaning about men etc, loving diversity etc. *
serious ..the BBC never have any self awareness
* (ah the Radio5 thing was a part of tonight’s special on office sexual politics)
The finacée of the tortured and murdered Saudi journalist has a good deal to say on many subjects, not least what bastards the Saudi authorities are. So what is the beebistan headline?
“Khashoggi fiancée snubs Trump invitation to White House.”
I’ve received a letter with a window in the envelope saying Visit Approved .
Well now who be this be ?
I hurriedly tore open the envelope thinking this is the time I’m officiously recognised as a citizen of upstanding and royalty , the Prime Minister or Mayor is officially visiting to bestow some small honour for my services to local tourism , because I tell strangers good pubs to visit .
Alas it was not to be .
It was the usual rubbish from TV licensing about their database and upset ness because I wasn’t paying for something that everyone should pay for . I’m not sure if they’re in with the Mafia but the threats make me suspect a link . They certainly run the same way , which is ; we have a service , you pay for that service , you pay if you use our competitors , you pay if you don’t use either . Funnily enough it’s like Sicily , you can’t go to the police about them .
But then we have one thing in Britain that puts might on our side of right . Not the Magna Carta , not the Bill of Rights , Common Law or Precedence . But Approved Victim Status . This trumps the lot but I need help . I have hay fever and was depressed by England’s knockout against the devious Croatians who used clever tactics and skill against our boys but what else is there? What Approved Victim can I be ?
Who ‘aproved’ that, Crapita’s Mickey Mouse?
Out on patrol tonight my colleuge asked “where has the global warming gone. Its gone bloody cold!”
I retorted “climate change my boy, climate change. That’s what the weather does, it changes.”
Even Al Beeb admits its “Feeling Cold.”
Listening to radio broadcasts tonight it’s all desperate MSM V President Trump and Its the MSM that is getting desperate .
Expect more tomorrow morning.
On the BBC news homepage they have as a full story: an illustration of a woman with her head in her hands and a vibrator reflected in her eyes with the headline: “Is my vibrator stopping me enjoying sex?”
Not only is this headlined on the BBC’s news homepage, it also appears in every single news story, as one of the headlined stories on the sidebar of that webpage. The following is taken from a children’s news science story entitled “Splosh! How the dinosaur-killing asteroid made Chicxulub crater”
This is just one example of the BBC sending messages accessible to children of a sexual nature – in effect grooming them for sex. The BBC, Jimmy Savile and Muslim Rape Gangs – what do they have in common?
If, as the snowflakes on the left are claiming, President Trump has to take responsibility for the postal bombs in the US because of his behaviour, when are they going to start blaming Bill Clinton for all the rapes and sexual harassment?
About as likely as the bbc is going to ‘analyse’ inconsistent legal standards…
Contempt of Court?
You’d think the media would be all over it like they were with Tommy Robinson.
Or is this the wrong sort of contempt of court?
I find this deeply satisfying.
Peter Hain has, for his entire career, been a holier than thou, self-righteous tosser.
He was, it seems, happy to take a retainer from this law firm, but was too idle to find out that they were representing the Daily Telegraph v Sir Philip Green. If he didn’t bother to check, they may just as well have been representing Sir Phillip Green for all he knew!
He has shown himself up as a lazy smart arse, the sort of know-all who can’t be bothered to check his facts before taking his place in the centre stage. It’s all about him.
I expect he thought he would be lauded as some sort of hero standing up for the little people against The Man. Instead he looks exactly what he is, a petulant idiot, who is interfering with a legal process he does not understand.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer prick.
Hain is all about being ‘against the powerful’…
Yeah, right!
Thanks for letting us know, LORD Hain. Are you getting worried about your unelected/illegitimate power status?
(Khashoggi seems to be a MSM hero for standing up to unelected power. Listened to an entire philosophic debate on the topic on R4 ‘Moral Maze’ last night. Oh, the agonizing. Meanwhile, back at the ranch…)
Not sure how long the ‘unique funding’ reliance can be sustained on Doctor Rainbow vs. sci-fi on Netflix or Prime.
Even with a bunch of colleagues in oversight and government to keep insisting their pensions are the envy of the world.
The article reports, among other things, Lord Hall as having under consideration the abolition of free licences for the over 75’s due to the succession of cuts the Corporation has faced. We are, he claims, getting less and less from the BBC when, in fact, we, the public, all want more.
BBC comedy isn’t dead, it’s resting due to it having been stunned, stunned by the relentless attack on its finances. BBC comedy stuns easily, you know.