Are any of them fit enough to run a chip shop? By the time the working committee had established if chips are racist or not the business would be bankrupt. Number 4, at one time couldn’t turn the radio/tv on without her popping up, keeping her well under wraps now aren’t they?
Sometimes the BBC actually tells us things that maybe their corporate pals would have preferred remain hidden!
Last week’s Last Word told us about Tom Jago, the drinks marketeer who developed Bailey’s Irish Cream, Malibu and Le Piat D’Or.
Apparently there was lots of cream going spare as a result of milk being sold skimmed and Bailey’s wanted to shift more of their product so Jago put the two together and the result was… vile. So he added Nesquik and the plebs sucked it up! Malibu, the world’s best-selling Caribbean rum, was concocted in South Africa, a no-no place, new name, new ‘origin’ and Bob’s your uncle! Similary Le Piat D’Or, too bland for a wine-lover, but OK for the plebs once it had the marketing make-over.
Perhaps Cameron should have put Jago onto selling the EU? “Les Anglais aiment l’Union européenne”
BBC1 Question Time, near the beginning, the Union bloke said “…we need a general election and get rid of all the Tories”. The entire audience cheered louder than a North Korea audience clapping and cheering for Kim Jung Un.
Balanced audience my arse. I’d say 99% are Momentum and the few Brexiters who have spoken so far are saying “I voted Brexit but I wouldn’t again”.
If you go on the website you can apply to be in the audience.
The questions are quite loaded…and they want to know your Brexit/Voting preferences etc…hence the audience are obviously hand picked to fit the BBC agenda?.I was thinking of going to Cannock next week and lying about my allegiances…still not sure.To be honest I think QT is just past its sell by date….
LuckyHarry, yes she does appear to be a REAL doctor, unlike all these jumped up medical doctors. Before the late 19th Century ‘physicians’ weren’t considered well enough qualified to have the title of ‘Dr’, unlike us academically qualified types who’ve been called ‘Dr’ since the middle ages. The clue is in the qualification, it’s not called a doctorate for nothing, whereas medical types have a ‘mere’, medical training (actually, I have nothing but respect for most of the medically qualified, but using the same title does cause confusion, sometimes disastrously so!)
She is a Historian, presumably with a PhD in History from some Uni, or other, who works for the BBC (BBC Radio London, in fact). at least that’s what it says on her twitter profile, but I suspect she’s entered that herself, so who really knows?
You can petition BBC Radio London if you want, but as they all seem to be horrible SJW/Feminist (NPC) types there, with identikit points of view on everything, I really wouldn’t raIse your hopes too much.
Do you remember her ?..she was the one protesting on Twitter about when TR came out of the Old Bailey
‘How dare the police allow him to speak on a platform in the street’
and then you look at her own Twitter page top-banner photo
which shows her speaking from platform in the street. my October 23, 2018 at 6:48 pm post
Following post below… for some reason they’ve dropped a new sky into this image. Bad bit of retouching but maybe the brief was to make it look more dramatic than an overcast background.
Stew, the ‘blurring’ is typical depth of field (DoF) from using a long lens and where the flag is close to the camera. Very unlikely it has been doctored — all photo agencies like Getty have strict rules on retouching of editorial photos (as opposed to creative which is a different category).
The other flag looks like it’s For Britain (below; centre).
@TerminalMoraine DoF that sounds logical BUT why didn’t they simply crop the photo to be square ?
So i reckon it is a For Britain flag that has been blurred
taffman, I cannot help wondering whether the PM’s unsatisfactory deal document was her response to Civil Servants making the running/making life difficult/trying to subvert Brexit/trying to overturn Brexit during the negotiations in Brussels. Something straight out of Yes, Prime Minister.
We may be remembering in ten, twenty-five, thirty and fifty years time, with some fondness, memories of ‘The PM’s Revenge’.
Wow BBC local news did not rig the vox pop tonight.
A friend was in a small town today where the BBC were doing a vox pop
You rarely hear a Remain voice around town except from people like the teachers from down south are in the pub
The people expected the BBC to edit the vox pop to have only Remain voices
When the 60 second bit came on the local news my friend knew most of the people interviewed
..and so of course they said “Just get on with it”
..surprisingly the local BBC did not try to greatly rig the vox pop
There was a “second vote” voice, 2 female ethnic Chinese he’d never seen, probably from a bus trip that was in the town today from Hull..
The local news presenter is quite different from the national people, you can see him grimace as the metroliberal bosses foist stuff onto the progs agenda
..cos sure enough when stuff like an anti-Brexit item is played the tweets/comments that come in during the show, that he reads out at the end of the prog, overwhelmingly take the regions normal pro-Brexit view
… and likewise on other metro-liberal issues political correctness etc.
We know that not all BBC are cannot all be fanatic anti-Trump anti-Brexit people , anti-Tory,anti-UKIP , like we see from their London staff
but they keep their head down,
most of the local BBC TV/Radio staff do retweet that London stuff but that local presenter just keeps his views to himself except on charity stuff.
What does the BBC page bold and underline in this story – not the ridiculous attitude and actions but a Colonial era law…WTF
India has had enough time to change any law it likes – it’s not the fault of the British Empire they have chosen not to.
Yet again the BBC deserves to lose the B at the front – it clearly doesn’t value it
I’m a lover of classical music so tuned in to BBC4 last night to watch a programme about classical music after WW1. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recollect there being many BAMEs around that time in this country and certainly not in the classical music field yet for the first 10 minutes the musicians shown were OVERWHELMINGLY black (oh, plus one real (far East) Asian). And to cap it all the presenter was a guy called Lenny Henry, apparently an expert on such music. I was half expecting the BBC to have commissioned Peter Jackson to digitally colour in footage of Elgar, Holst and Vaughn Williams so they too were black! BBC agenda? Nah
For years, the BBC has regarded the Proms, Radio 3, and classical music generally as a problem to be addressed. The usual story is that black people are somehow being excluded, in spite of the fact that people from the Far East, with a culture which is in many ways entirely different from ours, don’t seem to have a problem. This exclusion is apparently so effective that even free concerts in Trafalgar Square are almost exclusively white.
If they don’t want to go, leave them alone. And yes, I know about Chineke.
Image , Chrome detects Musicweek as unsecure site and blocks it large copy of that image (that would fill this page)
It’s a classical concert in Trafalgar Square , and shows all the audience are white.
Dont worry about brexit people . The Daily mail is gonna sort it all out for us. Apparently there is a backlash at us Brexiteers because what we all really want is Theresa to just get on with the “deal” or should it be the “BIGGER DEAL”
Nice of the Mail to speak on my behalf. I feel pleased that I stopped buying this paper a couple of months ago. Not only were they instrumental on inflicting the Appeaser on us, they are now full on Remain.
Comments could be going better = Ha ha
The agreed narrative now seems to be that those of us who believe in democracy, national sovereignty and who wish to Brexit are extremists whilst Remainers and those supporting May along with those pushing for a second referendum are sensible moderates.
Who would have thought that the bBBC/ Guardian and the Mail would get into bed together so quickly?
Payne/Oaknash. I agree with both your comments. I understand that the Mail has undergone management changes, and doesn’t it show !
I’ve been a regular reader for decades (the red tops are too comic like for my taste, and I cant cope with broadsheets), and in the main most of their columnists write intelligent pieces. Lately however, we’re getting ‘soundbite’ reporting, and yes, tittle-tattle. I don’t buy a newspaper to read about disputes between neighbours concerning the size of their bloody hedges ! and how the face of Cheryl Cole/Tweedy/Whatever is changing, which is what we’re now getting.
The BBC are have a field day(s)…How many times can they ask people (remainers) what they fear/problems they think they will have with Brexit…even had Rob Lowe on and asked him what he thought about Brexit (he was actually quite good in answering but not).
Basically they allow anyone to say negative things without any balance…project Fear 3…..
Yes, this article is good for clearing one’s head even though it doesn’t mention the dreadful fishing/territorial waters and defence/military betrayals.
Unfortunately, it appears that no-one with the necessary leadership qualities, who wields any power (if indeed he/she exists), reads this site or similar.
It is a shame that HMQ seems unable, for a host of reasons, to help us. What a tragic end to her long and dutiful reign. Perhaps we should initiate a ‘humble address’.
Why is R4 (8.43 am) ‘repeating’ John McDonnell interview from yesterday? If it isn’t a repeat it sounds virtually the same…WTF again. John McDonnell is not credible…why interview him again? Why not find a Brexiteer…??? Are they struggling to find anyone who wants to talk to them?
Now interviewer talking about a “people’s vote”…radio going off
Poor Andrew Neill has to preside over the embarrassing “the week”
Last night he was foisted with the Hon Dan Snow – a beeboid so up himself I’m surprised he doesn’t disappear – and disappointed at that . The hon Snow refered to brexiters as ‘headbangers’ and looked like he got away with it until Portiloo took exception . No apology .
Snow was one of those ‘celebs ‘ who thought that their image and project fear would fool the unwashed plebs into staying in the ReichEU – and failed .
His money is probably in a tax exempt trust – he is married to one of the richest women in the country – after all.
Feel sorry for Mr Neil having to preside over ‘this week’. It must be aimed at drunk politicians who probably find the ‘in jokes’ funny .
Constant PM/EU/Deal on TOADY this morning. Never have I been so grateful to hear the Racing Tips and I do not like horse racing.
I think there is one thing that absolutely terrifies ardent EU enthusiasts and fanatical Remainers: the UK leaving the EU without a deal and there being no real problems at all.
10am news “Sources tell the BBC that Michael Gove will not be resigning”
Then they played the seg from Mrs May’s LBC phone-in this morning
The last caller who said “Do you consider yourself like Chamberlain ?”
and the reply from May which seemed practiced and polished
where she said she WOULD be delivering closed borders and no funding the EU …. but she didn’t say when these would actually be implemented
May is very good at delivering Churchill like sound bites, probably written for her. However the delivery of the promises never seems to match the words, sometimes being the exact opposite.
There will be no more elections until Brexit. Speaking to Andrew Marr she said “I don’t think there’s a need for an election. I think the next election will be in 2020″. Announced a General Election in May 2017 after taking office in July 2016.
” Strong and stable” Government. Result majority wiped out.
No deal is better than a bad deal. Result alienates both leavers and remainers and creates more chaos.
Whatever she says the opposite is usually the result.
I think I should buy shares in bulldozers and lime.
As from 30 March next year there will be millions of diabetics dropping dead daily because the eu will stop sending insulin.
I’m on to a winner here……unless the media is not telling the truth.
I’d have thought that the NHS was totally capable of using their new millions of our money saved from wasting on EU pensions and benefits for all the dross we’ve funded over the years, like Kinnock, Mandelson etc, and get Amazon to pop over the Channel on a couple of chartered boats, and bring back enough insulin to cover the whole country in a few hours!
It’s these project fear soundbites so loved by failed remainers, that make us all just a little bit firmer in our resolve to kick them all into touch!
And that liar blair with his nutter mate, campbell can go and piss off too. Nasty sleazy little twerps.
Really ? , ‘half of Britons ‘ ?, and which half would that be ? the half that voted Remain the first time around ? so they’ve polled over 30 million people then. I must have been out walking the dog at the time.
If a 3rd referendum delivered the same 52:48 result in favour of Leave, do you really think the Remoaners would say ‘okay, fair enough, we’ve lost’ and walk away with their tails between their legs? Soubry, Clarke, Starmer, Gardiner et al would continue their agenda to thwart Brexit. In the early hours of the morning after the last referendum, the elite mob were already mobilising and vowing to overturn Brexit. Bankrolled by billionaires, their campaigns continued unabated. Leave funding smears, more project fear, and the lobbying of the EU’s negotiators by former PM’s and other has beens.
May and Robbins are not the only traitors.
Take a bow, bBBC, your part in all of this will not be forgotten.
The Union Jack is the correct way up, when the thin diagonal white stripe nearest the flagpole, is under the thick diagonal white stripe nearest the flagpole. If the thick diagonal white stripe is under the thin diagonal white stripe, then the flag is upside
Lies and statistics..
They sampled 1499 Sky not much bias then. Makes the headline lies. Who can I complain to?
The questions did not contain a ‘go back’ and renegotiate option – after all why would they?
I never did like Sky and probably never will – I suspect they are too worried about their EU business
That has been the game all along. Make it so horrible that people change their minds.
I suspect it’s going to work, but I’m not sure the Establishment has thought through the inevitable consequences of subverting a popular vote in this manner.
May really is hopeless at doing deals.
Her election manifesto was terrible.
Her ‘brexit deal’ is also rubbish.
I bet there are time-share salesmen and used car dealers out there salivating at getting May into their offices looking to get something from them.
Salesman. “This car is for sale at £20,000”
May. “I’ll give you £30,000 and not a penny more”
Salesman. “You drive a hard bargain, you’re a bloody difficult woman but you’ve got yourself a deal”
Her actual General Election campaign – focused on herself- was also an embarrasing fiasco. The CP should have got rid of her then. Why didn’t it?
The ‘Brexit deal’ has been the biggest piece of theatrical deception I’ve ever seen!
What fools we all are.
As Taffman always says, vote UKIP. Please come back, Nigel.
Salesman. “You drive a hard bargain, you’re a bloody difficult woman, but £35,000 and you’ve got yourself a deal, and then we can talk about putting an engine in it, it’ll be ready in 20XX.
Never trusted Gove. A mercenary by any stretch of the immagination. If he continues to support Treezer and her, “deal” he is by far, more two-faced than I thought. Ditto for the other ardent Brexiteer, Liam Fox.
Sun and Metro take time to report an important exciting story
“Tommy Robinson accidentally posts Instagram video of himself losing his temper at wife
The English Defence League co-founder was sharing footage of a chicken burger on his Instagram stories last night when he flipped”
Then you watch their 20 second video (which is only audio)
and all he says , in a not very shouty voice is
“Give me the charger …pause … give me my f**king charger”
I would hardly call that “LOSING your TEMPER” or “flipped”
Just cos you use the f-word doesn’t mean you lost your temper’s more like “snarked”
Breaking news Steve Baker has told members of the ERG that the 48 letter threshold has been exceeded by “dozens more”. “Unconfirmed at the moment though”
SURRENDER: May’s EU deal means European Court “decides everything” according to former EFTA Court President.
“Unbelievable that a country like the UK, which was the first country to accept independent courts, would subject itself to this.”
… strangely, Labour’s Brexit spokesman, Sir Keir Starmer QC, is seeking to perpetuate in every conceivable way the jurisdiction of this foreign court over the UK after we have left the EU. At the weekend, he wrote to the Prime Minister demanding that the ECJ should continue to exercise jurisdiction over the UK during any transitional period, and threatened an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill to make this happen if the PM does not agree. And yesterday he argued that the ECJ should have jurisdiction over the UK for the indefinite future where we wish to enter into arrangements with EU agencies.
Looks like more people are noticing the BBC’s agenda and not liking it.
Fair representation is all anyone wants.
It’s funny that I often hear from Black celebs that they never saw anyone like them (black/asian) in books and on TV..
it’s strange how that doesn’t seem to matter around the other way.
This comes under the category of Al Beeb taking the piss/rubbing our nose in diversity. Why would they not include a white kid for representation?
I also don’t believe the totals given for money raised by CIN. It increases each year. Really? Who would trust Al Beeb with their donations these days?
Also, have they removed these tweets?
Pity that vote of no confidence couldn’t be widened to include the bBC.
The Withdrawal document tells us ” You’ve just been Sir Humphried”
And as for the 5 pages dedicated to the future relationship via ” best endeavors”…….anyone who buys that would be akin to the arab buying sand!
BBC appears to be backing their girl. Gove likes May and the BBC are coming around to sell the benefits of the deal.
Gove is not only confident in May; he is ‘absolutely confident’ in May, . he told reporters on Friday that he was focused on working in cabinet to get “the right deal in the future”.
And if I hear Treezer talking about every fibre in her being once more, I will scream.
Last year, his brother was jailed for life for plotting to behead someone on Remembrance Sunday.
“You became, and in my judgement as shown by your online activities away from your contact with Abu Yusuf, deeply committed to the ideology of a brutal and barbaric organisation that sought to hijack and corrupt an ancient and venerable religion for its own purposes and you wanted to be part of it.“
R4 Y&Y yesterday had Greenpeace on about single use plastics
Now today the prog is at WWF’s HQ in Woking …and Dave Lewis of Tesco is also there
The WWF voice “I was just the other day in the suhado in Brazil”
(The BBC’s @adinacampbell tweeted Oct 30 : “We travelled with @TanyaMSteele ahead of today’s #WWF research. Full report coming up in #BBCNewsTen” )
Now the beeboid asks Tesco : are you in talks with suppliers about stockpiling for Brexit
..he deflects ..We’re busy with Christmas.
Now the beeboid asks Tesco : are you in talks with suppliers about stockpiling for Brexit ?
..he deflects ..We’re busy with Christmas.
Currently listening on BBC radio R4EX to the news Huddlines from 1979.
There is wonderful sketch near the end about the Common Market/EU. I do not do links etc. but it repeated at 7.30 tonight 16th Nov. on R4Ex I really, really recommend a listen. So unlike the way the BBC of today.
In a new tab I went to the 4eX schedule page, scrolled down to 12:30pm
put my mouse over the link and right clicked to select the “copy URL”
I then came back to this tab and put my mouse in the white comment box, and clicked ctrl-V to paste that URL
That’s it cos http links automatically become functional here
There are 2 urls you should never directly post here : people’s main twitter profile
cos that fills the page with all their tweets etc.
and our own which similarly expands
which is why I encoded this next link
Thanks for link but you have to “Sign in” or “Register” to see it which I haven’t done ‘cos I just know that they will ask me if I have a TV Licence …. and I haven’t!!
The BBC misses 2 words
“A picture of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wearing” EXPENSIVE-LOOKING “clothes prompted waves of controversy online on Thursday.”
cos the congress woman ” has spoken of her financial struggles.
… said she will find it difficult to pay her rent until she picks up her first pay cheque in January.”
Ocasio Cortez called this misogyny when Eddie is just pointing out how expensive her clothes are when she cries publicly that she can’t afford rent
— midsommar black history month guy (@BigStudentLoans) November 16, 2018
It seems she took offence when somebody tried to make the point that whilst she claims she struggles and may find it difficult to pay her rent until she gets paid..despite having what I assume are expensive clothes (maybe not maybe it’s Primark).
Trouble is he went about it the wrong way – he took a picture of her from behind and posted it…now she seems to think he was taking it of her bottom – I doubt it very much…now she is using the sexist angle..
BUT why is this on the BBC website – IT is not news..really
He took no picture
He merely tweeted a photo of her some insider had taken from behind
She deflected by dramaqueening ‘misogeny, he took a picture of my ass’
You can’t see her ass in the pic
They claim he was being “sexist”. Presumably if Neil had referred to her as a “mad cat person” it would have been OK. They’d better get PC Plod onto Neil then. After all, the police don’t have more important matters such as burglaries and muggings to deal with, do they?
Hahaha .. vlad … what if you are a Tory Brexiteer woman then? Am presuming wimmin will trump (God bless him) Tory and Brexiteer. It does get very confusing especially with ageing brain cells.
Reading “Islamic Fascism” by Hamed Abdel-Samad. Fascism feeds on grievance & humiliation (Germany post WWI defeat) or nostalgia for past glory (Mussolini’s dreams of Imperial Rome). Islamism fits both. Also hates Jews. Early leaders of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood adored Hitler.
Breitbart on that Paypal thing of banning a violent Antifa group, and the Proudboys who merely reacted by defending themselves and then banning TR
Then banning Ukip
Now an interesting thing about that Breitbart article , it mentions a guy I just mentioned up the page, an Antifa antiTommy activist who deleted tweets last night after I mentioned them here.
He makes accusations that TR is a nasty piece of work.
Now the rule is that if a libmobber throws out accusations then they are PROJECTING their own flaws
and lo Breitbart say
British left-winger Mike Stuchbery currently collects donations from Patreon. Yet he has repeatedly encouraged and supported violence on his Twitter account, most recently defending an incident in which a teenage Trump supporter was attacked and robbed in a Whataburger restaurant for wearing a MAGA hat. Although he later backtracked on those statements, Stuchbery has also said that Trump supporters are the modern-day equivalent of Nazi brownshirts and that Nazis should be punched.
Patreon insists that Generation Identity, which publicly disavows violence, is violent, and went so far as to ban Brittanny Pettibone simply for expressing support for the group. But Stuchbery, who uses Twitter to openly defend violence, is allowed to continue using Patreon.
More on Stuchbery and projection
..I had suspected some kind of mental illness, and yes he is on a regime of daily medication.
– His tweets show he has called on followers to get targets banned from Twitter.
He himself sent a reply once “Kill whitey”, which he regrets sending .
Saturday on ItV a super privileged person will claim big #Victimhood
The Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain has said that she has to prove herself because she is a dark-skinned Muslim woman
Don’t you get sick and tired of these celebs of colour making these claims that they have to work harder, be twice as good, do this do that because of their colour.
It’s hard for anyone to be successful…and as some have commented above maybe their colour actually helped…no that can’t possibly be true..
Next it will be she had a hard life, slept in a cardboard box with no roof on a motorway…
casting around today for some alternative news as BBBC faux praises May and sinks lower into the pit of vacuous soundbites and trivia.
Happened upon LBC and the huge intellect (his words) of James O’B. Second time i have so stumbled this week.
First, caught his amazing impression of a Leave voter, clearly of low intellect with a slow cockney-ish drawl along the lines of Duhhhh! How I laughed at his searing wit.
Today, piss take rendition of Rule Britannia aimed at the patriotism of sovereignty seeking leavers. All because of a democratic vote that he and his fellow bubble dwellers lost. Sad innit.
It’s a very attractive job – but of travel between London and Brussels but no responsibility or work to do as Olley – lord Robinson is doing all the selling out in the Cabinet Office .
How Gove and Fox can stay in the Cabinet is beyond me but I suppose they are playing the personal career game .
The Leicester fire , court hears it was a murderous insurance scam by 3 Kurdish Muslims
with the 37 year old letting his 22 yeatr old Polish girlfriend die cos she knew too much
4 other people died in the flat above.
The defendants were caught on shop CCTV buying petrol and smoke alarms.
There are times when the capital sentence seems ideal. // Insurance plotters murdered five in Leicester shop blast, trial told | News | The Times –
I see that the Beeb are delighted that Gove and Fox are backing Theresa May. I’m not surprised by that oily snake Gove but Fox.
Okay, he doesn’t come across as the most reliable but the ‘deal’ effectively destroys the role that he was meant to be serious about – International Trade – but clearly wasn’t.
And Leadsom, jesus christ woman. How is this abomination anything like what you campaigned for? Letting this go and rubber stamping it is a betrayal of all of those who supported you. Do you have no code or conscience?
There is a quote from Saint Exupery which sums those two up
“The seed of the bramble can only become bramble”
Nothing more to say about either of them.
They are now what they were always going to be.
Wind Sand and Stars . One of the best insights into the Islamic mindset I have read.
Written in the 1930s . By no means hostile but SE understood the huge gulf that separates our ways from theirs and documents it well.
Read it if you can.
Quite right Payne, Gove’s duplicity started immediately after the Referendum, stabbing Boris and starting the chain of uncertainty developing into incompetence and chicanery that we now enjoy. Had there been a united, dependable and reliable group prepared to oversee Brexit, May would never have had the opportunity to f**k the process as comprehensively as she has.
Another government inspired bit of double dealing is, all too obviously, Dacre’s replacement as editor at the Mail. That a once forthright – if too frequently dismal – source of news has suddenly begun to embrace the party line is shameful though at least it leaves bBBC paramount in reliability.
PS Asterisks in deference to those who prefer to call a spade an agricultural implement.
Thank you and everyone here for their restraint under very trying circumstances .
I like industrial language but it’s best not used here because we might upset the snowflake beeboids looking at the site as well as the poor kid from the ‘hate police’ looking for some one to do …
Thanks for continuing Fedup! It’s a refuge for myself and many others in these exasperating times.
I agree on the language front – you have to have rules (ie what sort of language is too far..f & C, speaking with true violence, racism, homophobia). I’m not a prude by any stretch but I know when something feels wrong. I think it’s a pretty good reflection of this site that only a few have been banned over the years (as far as I know).
Talking of that, where is Maxi?
Milli keeps on sounding out his return to Blighty to save our country – he thinks he is the only one who can .
Thankfully the nonsense about another party of remainers is too late now . The big barrier is to get those 856 pages ditched by the time the heads of EU states are due to meet the PM – whoever that might be .
On the up side the weather will be getting worse and we ll have our own borders in the Spring Stew …
Someone called Stephen Barclay has taken on the Brexit Job – must be a gong in it – Sir Stephen
Stew, BBC News always states that the undocumented illegal immigrant Muslim 3rd world invaders who steal boats and sail over here are never caught or arrested, but are ‘RESCUED’.
Ottoman Balkans again? Been saying for years: watch Erdogan. He wants to be Sultan of a revived Ottoman Empire, and perhaps even bag the good old EU in the process. Today ‘Die Welt’ carries an interesting article about Bosnia headed: ‘The Erdoganisation of the Balkans’.
Only, this time the Sultan has a very bold and very solid foot in Germany (my observation, not that of ‘Die Welt’). Merkel is paying him E6billion to ‘protect’ her borders, by stopping the flow of migrants. Is there anyone more foolish and treacherous than this woman? (I know someone comes to mind, but keep your eyes on the Ottomans for a minute, cos the media like to divert you with Kashoggi and other trivia).
The article I speak about tells of how the new Ottoman Sultan is pouring money into Bosnia and other Balkan states, rebuilding mosques etc etc
The EU, which May is so keen to keep us attached to, not to mention Labour, Limpdums, beeb etc, may in the not to distant future be dominated by new member, Turkey. And it is just possible that by then the Balkans will have been ‘Erdoganised’.
And the ‘West’ think Putin is the enemy. There’s no delusion quite like self-delusion! (Will we live long enough to see a ‘repeat’ of WW1, in which The Ottomans are the prime mover, and the Germans &EU enlisted to help them, or is this simply the old imagination, getting carried away?)
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
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1. Is Jeremy Corbyn fit to be Prime Minister.
2. Is Tom Watson fit to be Deputy Leader
3. Is John McDonnell fit to be Chancellor
4. Is Diane Abbott fit to be Home Secretary
5. Is Emily Thornbury fit to be Foreign Secretary
6, Is Kier Stammer fit to be Secretary of State for European Union.
Are any of them fit enough to run a chip shop? By the time the working committee had established if chips are racist or not the business would be bankrupt. Number 4, at one time couldn’t turn the radio/tv on without her popping up, keeping her well under wraps now aren’t they?
Sometimes the BBC actually tells us things that maybe their corporate pals would have preferred remain hidden!
Last week’s Last Word told us about Tom Jago, the drinks marketeer who developed Bailey’s Irish Cream, Malibu and Le Piat D’Or.
Apparently there was lots of cream going spare as a result of milk being sold skimmed and Bailey’s wanted to shift more of their product so Jago put the two together and the result was… vile. So he added Nesquik and the plebs sucked it up! Malibu, the world’s best-selling Caribbean rum, was concocted in South Africa, a no-no place, new name, new ‘origin’ and Bob’s your uncle! Similary Le Piat D’Or, too bland for a wine-lover, but OK for the plebs once it had the marketing make-over.
Perhaps Cameron should have put Jago onto selling the EU? “Les Anglais aiment l’Union européenne”
I love stories like that – I always wanted to be in marketing so selling stuff with a glamour brand would always have been fun .
I like the yeast extract was a waste produce from beer production
BBC1 Question Time, near the beginning, the Union bloke said “…we need a general election and get rid of all the Tories”. The entire audience cheered louder than a North Korea audience clapping and cheering for Kim Jung Un.
Balanced audience my arse. I’d say 99% are Momentum and the few Brexiters who have spoken so far are saying “I voted Brexit but I wouldn’t again”.
If you go on the website you can apply to be in the audience.
The questions are quite loaded…and they want to know your Brexit/Voting preferences etc…hence the audience are obviously hand picked to fit the BBC agenda?.I was thinking of going to Cannock next week and lying about my allegiances…still not sure.To be honest I think QT is just past its sell by date….
Just another thing on Tommy

I notice the Wales online article uses a Getty image of Tommy with a blurred red/whit and blue flag underneath him,
..why the blurring ?
There is a flag in the crowd it an identitarian flag or something ?
I see the hateyfa have organised a big march against on Saturday 17th
Is she a real ‘Doctor?’….if so I would be petitioning where she works….what a horrible SJW/Feminist virtue signaler…yuk….
LuckyHarry, yes she does appear to be a REAL doctor, unlike all these jumped up medical doctors. Before the late 19th Century ‘physicians’ weren’t considered well enough qualified to have the title of ‘Dr’, unlike us academically qualified types who’ve been called ‘Dr’ since the middle ages. The clue is in the qualification, it’s not called a doctorate for nothing, whereas medical types have a ‘mere’, medical training (actually, I have nothing but respect for most of the medically qualified, but using the same title does cause confusion, sometimes disastrously so!)
She is a Historian, presumably with a PhD in History from some Uni, or other, who works for the BBC (BBC Radio London, in fact). at least that’s what it says on her twitter profile, but I suspect she’s entered that herself, so who really knows?
You can petition BBC Radio London if you want, but as they all seem to be horrible SJW/Feminist (NPC) types there, with identikit points of view on everything, I really wouldn’t raIse your hopes too much.
Do you remember her ?..she was the one protesting on Twitter about when TR came out of the Old Bailey

‘How dare the police allow him to speak on a platform in the street’
and then you look at her own Twitter page top-banner photo
which shows her speaking from platform in the street.
my October 23, 2018 at 6:48 pm post
Following post below… for some reason they’ve dropped a new sky into this image. Bad bit of retouching but maybe the brief was to make it look more dramatic than an overcast background.
Stew, the ‘blurring’ is typical depth of field (DoF) from using a long lens and where the flag is close to the camera. Very unlikely it has been doctored — all photo agencies like Getty have strict rules on retouching of editorial photos (as opposed to creative which is a different category).
The other flag looks like it’s For Britain (below; centre).
@TerminalMoraine DoF that sounds logical BUT why didn’t they simply crop the photo to be square ?
So i reckon it is a For Britain flag that has been blurred
Square format rarely used for editorial. Also some foreground interest makes a stronger shot (from the creative POV)
No look how that shot is so TALL and thin..that is unusual
Hmm… aspect ratio of 1:1.5 is not so unusual. But I admire your Theresa-like perseverance on this one Stew!
So Michael Gove is understood to be considering quitting according to Al Beeb. Where has he been till now?
The sooner the better!
Will the next Brexit Secretary be Oliver Robbins?
He may be unelected but, hay ho he appears to be have been doing the job anyway?
taffman, I cannot help wondering whether the PM’s unsatisfactory deal document was her response to Civil Servants making the running/making life difficult/trying to subvert Brexit/trying to overturn Brexit during the negotiations in Brussels. Something straight out of Yes, Prime Minister.
We may be remembering in ten, twenty-five, thirty and fifty years time, with some fondness, memories of ‘The PM’s Revenge’.
Could be a title for a new Goon Show.
According to LBC earlier this evening there is a genuine family matter he has had to attend to.
Well its not going to be Michael Gove ?
Wow BBC local news did not rig the vox pop tonight.
A friend was in a small town today where the BBC were doing a vox pop
You rarely hear a Remain voice around town except from people like the teachers from down south are in the pub
The people expected the BBC to edit the vox pop to have only Remain voices
When the 60 second bit came on the local news my friend knew most of the people interviewed
..and so of course they said “Just get on with it”
..surprisingly the local BBC did not try to greatly rig the vox pop
There was a “second vote” voice, 2 female ethnic Chinese he’d never seen, probably from a bus trip that was in the town today from Hull..
The local news presenter is quite different from the national people, you can see him grimace as the metroliberal bosses foist stuff onto the progs agenda
..cos sure enough when stuff like an anti-Brexit item is played the tweets/comments that come in during the show, that he reads out at the end of the prog, overwhelmingly take the regions normal pro-Brexit view
… and likewise on other metro-liberal issues political correctness etc.
We know that not all BBC are cannot all be fanatic anti-Trump anti-Brexit people , anti-Tory,anti-UKIP , like we see from their London staff
but they keep their head down,
most of the local BBC TV/Radio staff do retweet that London stuff but that local presenter just keeps his views to himself except on charity stuff.
What does the BBC page bold and underline in this story – not the ridiculous attitude and actions but a Colonial era law…WTF
India has had enough time to change any law it likes – it’s not the fault of the British Empire they have chosen not to.
Yet again the BBC deserves to lose the B at the front – it clearly doesn’t value it
I’m a lover of classical music so tuned in to BBC4 last night to watch a programme about classical music after WW1. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recollect there being many BAMEs around that time in this country and certainly not in the classical music field yet for the first 10 minutes the musicians shown were OVERWHELMINGLY black (oh, plus one real (far East) Asian). And to cap it all the presenter was a guy called Lenny Henry, apparently an expert on such music. I was half expecting the BBC to have commissioned Peter Jackson to digitally colour in footage of Elgar, Holst and Vaughn Williams so they too were black! BBC agenda? Nah
For years, the BBC has regarded the Proms, Radio 3, and classical music generally as a problem to be addressed. The usual story is that black people are somehow being excluded, in spite of the fact that people from the Far East, with a culture which is in many ways entirely different from ours, don’t seem to have a problem. This exclusion is apparently so effective that even free concerts in Trafalgar Square are almost exclusively white.
If they don’t want to go, leave them alone. And yes, I know about Chineke.
Image , Chrome detects Musicweek as unsecure site and blocks it
large copy of that image (that would fill this page)
It’s a classical concert in Trafalgar Square , and shows all the audience are white.
May kept the Brexit negotiations secret as she knew what the public response would be.
As ever, treason is conducted behind closed doors and in secret.
Something for the the BBC’s highly paid investigative journalists to explore, perhaps? Or more likely, not.
Dont worry about brexit people . The Daily mail is gonna sort it all out for us. Apparently there is a backlash at us Brexiteers because what we all really want is Theresa to just get on with the “deal” or should it be the “BIGGER DEAL”
Nice of the Mail to speak on my behalf. I feel pleased that I stopped buying this paper a couple of months ago. Not only were they instrumental on inflicting the Appeaser on us, they are now full on Remain.
Comments could be going better = Ha ha
Jesus, what has happened to that newspaper. Only concerned with side bar tittle tattle and pointless gossip.
What a trashy rag.
Oak, Payne,
The agreed narrative now seems to be that those of us who believe in democracy, national sovereignty and who wish to Brexit are extremists whilst Remainers and those supporting May along with those pushing for a second referendum are sensible moderates.
Who would have thought that the bBBC/ Guardian and the Mail would get into bed together so quickly?
Payne/Oaknash. I agree with both your comments. I understand that the Mail has undergone management changes, and doesn’t it show !
I’ve been a regular reader for decades (the red tops are too comic like for my taste, and I cant cope with broadsheets), and in the main most of their columnists write intelligent pieces. Lately however, we’re getting ‘soundbite’ reporting, and yes, tittle-tattle. I don’t buy a newspaper to read about disputes between neighbours concerning the size of their bloody hedges ! and how the face of Cheryl Cole/Tweedy/Whatever is changing, which is what we’re now getting.
I was watching ‘ movies for men’ which is far more better for my health than far left BBC news.
There was a programme on Goebells and how e used every element of the state and culture to sell his message .
After a bit he realised that the people were getting a bit fed up with the constant message so the regime had to ‘ lighten up’ from time to time .
This succeeded . Then I wondered what programmes he used – then I realised it was
Strictly , Match of the day and the like …..
The 585 page draft Agreement was released on the afternoon of Wed 14.
At 11.03 pm that day Keir Starmer tweeted that he had carefully read and analysed it, a claim he was repeating on early morning TV yesterday.
I do not believe he has the competence to have ‘analysed’ it during that short time, unless …
The BBC are have a field day(s)…How many times can they ask people (remainers) what they fear/problems they think they will have with Brexit…even had Rob Lowe on and asked him what he thought about Brexit (he was actually quite good in answering but not).
Basically they allow anyone to say negative things without any balance…project Fear 3…..
I thought this was an excellent summation of where we were and where we are that was put together by Breitbart.
Just for those who switched off, as I did, during the last few months due to building anger.
Yes, this article is good for clearing one’s head even though it doesn’t mention the dreadful fishing/territorial waters and defence/military betrayals.
Unfortunately, it appears that no-one with the necessary leadership qualities, who wields any power (if indeed he/she exists), reads this site or similar.
I’m with Raheem on this:
It is a shame that HMQ seems unable, for a host of reasons, to help us. What a tragic end to her long and dutiful reign. Perhaps we should initiate a ‘humble address’.
Why is R4 (8.43 am) ‘repeating’ John McDonnell interview from yesterday? If it isn’t a repeat it sounds virtually the same…WTF again. John McDonnell is not credible…why interview him again? Why not find a Brexiteer…??? Are they struggling to find anyone who wants to talk to them?
Now interviewer talking about a “people’s vote”…radio going off
Poor Andrew Neill has to preside over the embarrassing “the week”
Last night he was foisted with the Hon Dan Snow – a beeboid so up himself I’m surprised he doesn’t disappear – and disappointed at that . The hon Snow refered to brexiters as ‘headbangers’ and looked like he got away with it until Portiloo took exception . No apology .
Snow was one of those ‘celebs ‘ who thought that their image and project fear would fool the unwashed plebs into staying in the ReichEU – and failed .
His money is probably in a tax exempt trust – he is married to one of the richest women in the country – after all.
Feel sorry for Mr Neil having to preside over ‘this week’. It must be aimed at drunk politicians who probably find the ‘in jokes’ funny .
Constant PM/EU/Deal on TOADY this morning. Never have I been so grateful to hear the Racing Tips and I do not like horse racing.
I think there is one thing that absolutely terrifies ardent EU enthusiasts and fanatical Remainers: the UK leaving the EU without a deal and there being no real problems at all.
Just heard that all the Tory whips have been recalled with immediate effect.
Are the 48 letters in?
Fingers crossed
10am news “Sources tell the BBC that Michael Gove will not be resigning”
Then they played the seg from Mrs May’s LBC phone-in this morning
The last caller who said “Do you consider yourself like Chamberlain ?”
and the reply from May which seemed practiced and polished
where she said she WOULD be delivering closed borders and no funding the EU …. but she didn’t say when these would actually be implemented
May is very good at delivering Churchill like sound bites, probably written for her. However the delivery of the promises never seems to match the words, sometimes being the exact opposite.
There will be no more elections until Brexit. Speaking to Andrew Marr she said “I don’t think there’s a need for an election. I think the next election will be in 2020″. Announced a General Election in May 2017 after taking office in July 2016.
” Strong and stable” Government. Result majority wiped out.
No deal is better than a bad deal. Result alienates both leavers and remainers and creates more chaos.
Whatever she says the opposite is usually the result.
You heard it on the BBC
I think I should buy shares in bulldozers and lime.
As from 30 March next year there will be millions of diabetics dropping dead daily because the eu will stop sending insulin.
I’m on to a winner here……unless the media is not telling the truth.
My top tip for shares is Siemens. If Corbyn gets into power then Siemens will be building all the gas chambers like they did before.
Well according to May “Geoffrey Boycott stuck to it and he got the runs in the end”
The only way I can see May getting the runs is with laxatives!
She already has verbal diarrhoea though
“the eu will stop sending insulin.” which is made in Wrexham!
I’d have thought that the NHS was totally capable of using their new millions of our money saved from wasting on EU pensions and benefits for all the dross we’ve funded over the years, like Kinnock, Mandelson etc, and get Amazon to pop over the Channel on a couple of chartered boats, and bring back enough insulin to cover the whole country in a few hours!
It’s these project fear soundbites so loved by failed remainers, that make us all just a little bit firmer in our resolve to kick them all into touch!
And that liar blair with his nutter mate, campbell can go and piss off too. Nasty sleazy little twerps.
Which EU rules would prevent the Netherlands from continuing to sell us insulin?
Got an agenda Sky ?
Really ? , ‘half of Britons ‘ ?, and which half would that be ? the half that voted Remain the first time around ? so they’ve polled over 30 million people then. I must have been out walking the dog at the time.
If a 3rd referendum delivered the same 52:48 result in favour of Leave, do you really think the Remoaners would say ‘okay, fair enough, we’ve lost’ and walk away with their tails between their legs? Soubry, Clarke, Starmer, Gardiner et al would continue their agenda to thwart Brexit. In the early hours of the morning after the last referendum, the elite mob were already mobilising and vowing to overturn Brexit. Bankrolled by billionaires, their campaigns continued unabated. Leave funding smears, more project fear, and the lobbying of the EU’s negotiators by former PM’s and other has beens.
May and Robbins are not the only traitors.
Take a bow, bBBC, your part in all of this will not be forgotten.
Sky’s flag is upside down or in distress
Lies and statistics..
They sampled 1499 Sky not much bias then. Makes the headline lies. Who can I complain to?
The questions did not contain a ‘go back’ and renegotiate option – after all why would they?
I never did like Sky and probably never will – I suspect they are too worried about their EU business
1499 you say?
On the other hand
That has been the game all along. Make it so horrible that people change their minds.
I suspect it’s going to work, but I’m not sure the Establishment has thought through the inevitable consequences of subverting a popular vote in this manner.
Unfortunately SkyNews is FakeNews – I wrote to them yesterday to complain about their Anti-Brexit bias.
Wrong too….
Tough talk from PJ Watson. There never was going to be Brexit.
May really is hopeless at doing deals.
Her election manifesto was terrible.
Her ‘brexit deal’ is also rubbish.
I bet there are time-share salesmen and used car dealers out there salivating at getting May into their offices looking to get something from them.
Salesman. “This car is for sale at £20,000”
May. “I’ll give you £30,000 and not a penny more”
Salesman. “You drive a hard bargain, you’re a bloody difficult woman but you’ve got yourself a deal”
Her actual General Election campaign – focused on herself- was also an embarrasing fiasco. The CP should have got rid of her then. Why didn’t it?
The ‘Brexit deal’ has been the biggest piece of theatrical deception I’ve ever seen!
What fools we all are.
As Taffman always says, vote UKIP. Please come back, Nigel.
Salesman. “You drive a hard bargain, you’re a bloody difficult woman, but £35,000 and you’ve got yourself a deal, and then we can talk about putting an engine in it, it’ll be ready in 20XX.
Gove decides not to quit. Looks like Treezer is safe.
Are the rats crawling back on to the sinking ship in time for a second referendum?
They smile at your face……..
Never trusted Gove. A mercenary by any stretch of the immagination. If he continues to support Treezer and her, “deal” he is by far, more two-faced than I thought. Ditto for the other ardent Brexiteer, Liam Fox.
Sun and Metro take time to report an important exciting story
“Tommy Robinson accidentally posts Instagram video of himself losing his temper at wife
The English Defence League co-founder was sharing footage of a chicken burger on his Instagram stories last night when he flipped”
Then you watch their 20 second video (which is only audio)
and all he says , in a not very shouty voice is
“Give me the charger …pause … give me my f**king charger”
I would hardly call that “LOSING your TEMPER” or “flipped”
Just cos you use the f-word doesn’t mean you lost your temper’s more like “snarked”
How the hell is that news ?
Hardly loses his temper sounds like he was very calmly asking but not being heard so used an expletive at the 3rd request. Big deal.
Breaking news Steve Baker has told members of the ERG that the 48 letter threshold has been exceeded by “dozens more”. “Unconfirmed at the moment though”
Almost exactly one year ago (Nov 13, 2017) Martin Howe, Chairman of Lawyers for Britain, wrote this article for
… strangely, Labour’s Brexit spokesman, Sir Keir Starmer QC, is seeking to perpetuate in every conceivable way the jurisdiction of this foreign court over the UK after we have left the EU. At the weekend, he wrote to the Prime Minister demanding that the ECJ should continue to exercise jurisdiction over the UK during any transitional period, and threatened an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill to make this happen if the PM does not agree. And yesterday he argued that the ECJ should have jurisdiction over the UK for the indefinite future where we wish to enter into arrangements with EU agencies.
Apparently the producers of this mornings BBC Breakfast TV, Children in Need special erred on the side of under-representing white kids
Looks like more people are noticing the BBC’s agenda and not liking it.
Fair representation is all anyone wants.
It’s funny that I often hear from Black celebs that they never saw anyone like them (black/asian) in books and on TV..
it’s strange how that doesn’t seem to matter around the other way.
‘White’s’? Those that really pay the bills……………
This comes under the category of Al Beeb taking the piss/rubbing our nose in diversity. Why would they not include a white kid for representation?
I also don’t believe the totals given for money raised by CIN. It increases each year. Really? Who would trust Al Beeb with their donations these days?
Also, have they removed these tweets?
I agree Looby .. and where does all the money go? Anyone got a breakdown of this? I wouldn’t give them a broken button.
Pity that vote of no confidence couldn’t be widened to include the bBC.
The Withdrawal document tells us ” You’ve just been Sir Humphried”
And as for the 5 pages dedicated to the future relationship via ” best endeavors”…….anyone who buys that would be akin to the arab buying sand!
BBC appears to be backing their girl. Gove likes May and the BBC are coming around to sell the benefits of the deal.
Gove is not only confident in May; he is ‘absolutely confident’ in May, . he told reporters on Friday that he was focused on working in cabinet to get “the right deal in the future”.
And if I hear Treezer talking about every fibre in her being once more, I will scream.
VD – @0:34 “Just explain who Olly Robbins is, cos I tell you most of the country has no idea.”
(We at the bBC like to keep the peasants in the dark).
Merry Muslim Musings …
Last year, his brother was jailed for life for plotting to behead someone on Remembrance Sunday.
“You became, and in my judgement as shown by your online activities away from your contact with Abu Yusuf, deeply committed to the ideology of a brutal and barbaric organisation that sought to hijack and corrupt an ancient and venerable religion for its own purposes and you wanted to be part of it.“
Marky Mark
Hijacking Islam. Ought to be a law against it.
Highjacking and corrupting a venerable religion! No, he and his brother were taking the tenets of islam and its so-called prophet literally.
R4 Y&Y yesterday had Greenpeace on about single use plastics
Now today the prog is at WWF’s HQ in Woking …and Dave Lewis of Tesco is also there
The WWF voice “I was just the other day in the suhado in Brazil”
(The BBC’s @adinacampbell tweeted Oct 30 : “We travelled with @TanyaMSteele ahead of today’s #WWF research. Full report coming up in #BBCNewsTen” )
Now the beeboid asks Tesco : are you in talks with suppliers about stockpiling for Brexit
..he deflects ..We’re busy with Christmas.
Now the beeboid asks Tesco : are you in talks with suppliers about stockpiling for Brexit ?
..he deflects ..We’re busy with Christmas.
Funny how Greenpeace and veganism seem to be fashionable and correct these days. Shows you who is in power at Al Beeb.
Currently listening on BBC radio R4EX to the news Huddlines from 1979.
There is wonderful sketch near the end about the Common Market/EU. I do not do links etc. but it repeated at 7.30 tonight 16th Nov. on R4Ex I really, really recommend a listen. So unlike the way the BBC of today.
With the new system I can longer link to the minute
so click
and go to minute 19
Not very politically correct at all
Many thanks Stew.
I and I suspect others could do with a
tutorial section on links etc.
In a new tab I went to the 4eX schedule page, scrolled down to 12:30pm
put my mouse over the link and right clicked to select the “copy URL”
I then came back to this tab and put my mouse in the white comment box, and clicked ctrl-V to paste that URL
That’s it cos http links automatically become functional here
There are 2 urls you should never directly post here : people’s main twitter profile
cos that fills the page with all their tweets etc.
and our own which similarly expands
which is why I encoded this next link
For more see bottom of this page
BTW You pick up the URL of a Twitter or Facebook post by right-clicking over its timestamp
Thanks for link but you have to “Sign in” or “Register” to see it which I haven’t done ‘cos I just know that they will ask me if I have a TV Licence …. and I haven’t!!
Is one supposed to post pictures of her naked then?
The BBC misses 2 words
“A picture of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wearing” EXPENSIVE-LOOKING “clothes prompted waves of controversy online on Thursday.”
cos the congress woman ” has spoken of her financial struggles.
… said she will find it difficult to pay her rent until she picks up her first pay cheque in January.”
It seems she took offence when somebody tried to make the point that whilst she claims she struggles and may find it difficult to pay her rent until she gets paid..despite having what I assume are expensive clothes (maybe not maybe it’s Primark).
Trouble is he went about it the wrong way – he took a picture of her from behind and posted it…now she seems to think he was taking it of her bottom – I doubt it very much…now she is using the sexist angle..
BUT why is this on the BBC website – IT is not news..really
He took no picture
He merely tweeted a photo of her some insider had taken from behind
She deflected by dramaqueening ‘misogeny, he took a picture of my ass’
You can’t see her ass in the pic
Apologies Stew my mistake
agree with everything you said…
I see Andrew Neil is in trouble with some delicate flowers at the BBC for referring to Carol Codswallop as a “mad cat woman”:
They claim he was being “sexist”. Presumably if Neil had referred to her as a “mad cat person” it would have been OK. They’d better get PC Plod onto Neil then. After all, the police don’t have more important matters such as burglaries and muggings to deal with, do they?
Did they complain 6 months ago when Andrea Leadsom used the very same analogy about a Labour man ?
Animal Liberation on the case on behalf of bi polar felines.
The way things are going, you soon won’t be able to make any comment about wiimin, blacks or muslims that are less than 100% favourable.
Men of course are fair game, as are Tories, Brexiters etc.
watch the Bolt report from Australia on You Tube…he is brilliant.unless you already have……
Hahaha .. vlad … what if you are a Tory Brexiteer woman then? Am presuming wimmin will trump (God bless him) Tory and Brexiteer. It does get very confusing especially with ageing brain cells.
Richard Dawkins still on Paypal ?
Breitbart on that Paypal thing of banning a violent Antifa group, and the Proudboys who merely reacted by defending themselves and then banning TR
Then banning Ukip
Now an interesting thing about that Breitbart article , it mentions a guy I just mentioned up the page, an Antifa antiTommy activist who deleted tweets last night after I mentioned them here.
He makes accusations that TR is a nasty piece of work.
Now the rule is that if a libmobber throws out accusations then they are PROJECTING their own flaws
and lo Breitbart say
More on Stuchbery and projection
..I had suspected some kind of mental illness, and yes he is on a regime of daily medication.
– His tweets show he has called on followers to get targets banned from Twitter.
He himself sent a reply once “Kill whitey”, which he regrets sending .
Saturday on ItV a super privileged person will claim big #Victimhood
The Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain has said that she has to prove herself because she is a dark-skinned Muslim woman …
More likely she won the British Bake Off competition only because she is a dark-skinned Muslim woman
Ironically, she only won GBBO because she is a dark-skinned Muslima.
Don’t you get sick and tired of these celebs of colour making these claims that they have to work harder, be twice as good, do this do that because of their colour.
It’s hard for anyone to be successful…and as some have commented above maybe their colour actually helped…no that can’t possibly be true..
Next it will be she had a hard life, slept in a cardboard box with no roof on a motorway…
She should be ashamed of herself, encouraging obesity, sugary diets, fat faced kids unable to play sport etc.
Al beeb website carrying the names and faces of 6 Muslim Pakistani child rapists.
Nothing new there
But I’m guessing the story will be relegated to loca news by 6 pm and then gone with all the others .
No BBC re-edits yet
actually that BBC story just doubled in length
Now onto third version
it’s interesting how in the basic version the names are clearly listed, but by the third version they are buried within blocks of text.
Yep now the next morning , not even on UK page
It’s half way down the England page.
Outrage as members of Merkel party’s youth wing filmed singing ‘Nazi-era’ song
Old habits….
Cheers Stew
Nice tecky.
casting around today for some alternative news as BBBC faux praises May and sinks lower into the pit of vacuous soundbites and trivia.
Happened upon LBC and the huge intellect (his words) of James O’B. Second time i have so stumbled this week.
First, caught his amazing impression of a Leave voter, clearly of low intellect with a slow cockney-ish drawl along the lines of Duhhhh! How I laughed at his searing wit.
Today, piss take rendition of Rule Britannia aimed at the patriotism of sovereignty seeking leavers. All because of a democratic vote that he and his fellow bubble dwellers lost. Sad innit.
Patriotic cockney by the way, not as offended as perhaps I should be. Must remember to eat my snowflakes in the morning!
So who is the next brexit sec?
K Clarke ?
It’s a very attractive job – but of travel between London and Brussels but no responsibility or work to do as Olley – lord Robinson is doing all the selling out in the Cabinet Office .
How Gove and Fox can stay in the Cabinet is beyond me but I suppose they are playing the personal career game .
Fed, careers that will last until the next GE then a 20 year posting to Siberia.
The Leicester fire , court hears it was a murderous insurance scam by 3 Kurdish Muslims
with the 37 year old letting his 22 yeatr old Polish girlfriend die cos she knew too much
4 other people died in the flat above.
The defendants were caught on shop CCTV buying petrol and smoke alarms.
We presumed it was another terrorist thing like a bomb factory
… Didn’t police/media say it was a tragic accident ?
For once the BBC page doesn’t look evasive
Note The Times again does not allow comments on a Muslim story… maybe cos ongoing court case ?
Heard a BBC report on the conviction . The names were not mentioned which automatically raises the suspicion .
I see that the Beeb are delighted that Gove and Fox are backing Theresa May. I’m not surprised by that oily snake Gove but Fox.
Okay, he doesn’t come across as the most reliable but the ‘deal’ effectively destroys the role that he was meant to be serious about – International Trade – but clearly wasn’t.
And Leadsom, jesus christ woman. How is this abomination anything like what you campaigned for? Letting this go and rubber stamping it is a betrayal of all of those who supported you. Do you have no code or conscience?
There is a quote from Saint Exupery which sums those two up
“The seed of the bramble can only become bramble”
Nothing more to say about either of them.
They are now what they were always going to be.
Dave- wasn’t it he who wrote something about stars and wind? Very fashionable, are stars. Specially on blue.
Wind Sand and Stars . One of the best insights into the Islamic mindset I have read.
Written in the 1930s . By no means hostile but SE understood the huge gulf that separates our ways from theirs and documents it well.
Read it if you can.
Quite right Payne, Gove’s duplicity started immediately after the Referendum, stabbing Boris and starting the chain of uncertainty developing into incompetence and chicanery that we now enjoy. Had there been a united, dependable and reliable group prepared to oversee Brexit, May would never have had the opportunity to f**k the process as comprehensively as she has.
Another government inspired bit of double dealing is, all too obviously, Dacre’s replacement as editor at the Mail. That a once forthright – if too frequently dismal – source of news has suddenly begun to embrace the party line is shameful though at least it leaves bBBC paramount in reliability.
PS Asterisks in deference to those who prefer to call a spade an agricultural implement.
Thank you and everyone here for their restraint under very trying circumstances .
I like industrial language but it’s best not used here because we might upset the snowflake beeboids looking at the site as well as the poor kid from the ‘hate police’ looking for some one to do …
Thanks for continuing Fedup! It’s a refuge for myself and many others in these exasperating times.
I agree on the language front – you have to have rules (ie what sort of language is too far..f & C, speaking with true violence, racism, homophobia). I’m not a prude by any stretch but I know when something feels wrong. I think it’s a pretty good reflection of this site that only a few have been banned over the years (as far as I know).
Talking of that, where is Maxi?
would you donate to a charity that pays David Milliband £680K
And the media have the gore to shout that Tommy is in it for the money !
Milli keeps on sounding out his return to Blighty to save our country – he thinks he is the only one who can .
Thankfully the nonsense about another party of remainers is too late now . The big barrier is to get those 856 pages ditched by the time the heads of EU states are due to meet the PM – whoever that might be .
Bet he won’t be bringing his booty with him!
Another good ‘socialist’.
Wow Wednesday it was three boats of migrants caught in the channel
– 10 on fishing boat
– 9 in dingy
– 5 on rigid inflatable.
On the up side the weather will be getting worse and we ll have our own borders in the Spring Stew …
Someone called Stephen Barclay has taken on the Brexit Job – must be a gong in it – Sir Stephen
And Remain Rudderless is back.
island- big surprise, eh? now all those who look at undesirable websites can get locked up again…?
Stew, BBC News always states that the undocumented illegal immigrant Muslim 3rd world invaders who steal boats and sail over here are never caught or arrested, but are ‘RESCUED’.
Ottoman Balkans again? Been saying for years: watch Erdogan. He wants to be Sultan of a revived Ottoman Empire, and perhaps even bag the good old EU in the process. Today ‘Die Welt’ carries an interesting article about Bosnia headed: ‘The Erdoganisation of the Balkans’.
Only, this time the Sultan has a very bold and very solid foot in Germany (my observation, not that of ‘Die Welt’). Merkel is paying him E6billion to ‘protect’ her borders, by stopping the flow of migrants. Is there anyone more foolish and treacherous than this woman? (I know someone comes to mind, but keep your eyes on the Ottomans for a minute, cos the media like to divert you with Kashoggi and other trivia).
The article I speak about tells of how the new Ottoman Sultan is pouring money into Bosnia and other Balkan states, rebuilding mosques etc etc
The EU, which May is so keen to keep us attached to, not to mention Labour, Limpdums, beeb etc, may in the not to distant future be dominated by new member, Turkey. And it is just possible that by then the Balkans will have been ‘Erdoganised’.
And the ‘West’ think Putin is the enemy. There’s no delusion quite like self-delusion! (Will we live long enough to see a ‘repeat’ of WW1, in which The Ottomans are the prime mover, and the Germans &EU enlisted to help them, or is this simply the old imagination, getting carried away?)