67 days until the UK leaves the EU. State Tax funded broadcasters will push against democracy with their political bedfellows even more than the oh so long previous two years
Our columns will be full and busy with evidence of their clear bias . I might have to go to a Thread every 2 days …phew
First. OK Get Maxi
I don’t think Maxi is very well.
Usually fatal.
In the later stages the patient hallucinates.
Imagining that they are intelligent and well informed.
They make unfounded accusations of ignorance and stupidity.
They invoke The Beeble as an infallible source of knowledge.
After death their relatives are welcomed into Beeble land.
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Who to follow on Twitter ?
Try https://twitter.com/DVATW“David Vance from Northern Ireland
Stew thanks for the support . Mr Vance sure gets some flak from the droids on the twitter . I don’t engage . Waste of screen time .
Second. Get Carter.
And…the BBC at last and for the first time will be broadcasting a pro-Brexit programme next month!
…not really.
Help the Ag-Grieved!
(That’s my nickname for Help the Aged by the way.)
As I can now count myself as old, although considerably younger than Toynbee, Cable and Major (what a ‘firm’! they are) I am highly ag-Grieved by a touch of the Dominics and the attempt to steal a democratic vote from under me. Please give generously. Cash, Shares, Stocks, (Bearer Bonds especially welcome) but no old clothes or cameras or hi-fi or furniture (the Snuffy household has those, thank you), anything valuable to build up a fund because I would like to sue Mr Dominic Grieve MP, à la Gina Miller.
Shouldn’t they be known as the “In-firm”?
Good idea, Rich. Especially as they always seem to be ‘in’ when the BBC telephone asking if they can come into Broadcasting House to comment (adversely) on Brexit.
Watching Les Mis this Sunday evening on the BBC. I know it isn’t going to end well. But I am counting the number of non white actors to estimate whether the BBC has reached its target ( isn’t 15% their aim?). Anyway I think they have exceeded it but it takes my mind off the story.
As I noted on the last thread, the level of multicultural representation in Paris in the 1840s was clearly higher than anyone realised.
In some ways, does it matter? It’s just a story. The trouble is, they’ve gone to a lot of trouble to get the historical look right, in settings and costumes. So a clear historical misrepresentation is jarring, particularly once you start to notice these things.
What is more sinister is the brainwashing. Look, people, there have always been lots of immigrants living amongst us. Why are you so concerned about seeing more now? It’s perfectly normal.
A couple of years ago I had problems with Barnet Council and in despair got the MP involved. After the first time the MP said the council would be contacting me shortly. They didn’t. I had to go back to the MP a second time. Annunaki, thank you, you have explained what was going on.
I feel for you Deborah as you are unlikely to get a reply and telephoning will be fun as they all fob you off to anyone and everyone that is, if you do find someone willing to pick up the phone, I advise not calling between 8 am to 12 as they will all be eating their breakfast in the office, or, as happened every week, evacuating an 11 story building due to toast left in the toaster setting off the alarms, (burnt garlic bread last time at 9 am…) diversity is working well in Barnet, a fragrant place to work, BTW a good day when I told them to sod off and walked out
12 to 3 they will be out shopping, after 3 maybe good luck
I’ve lost count during my lifetime the number of times I’ve said “I’m sorry ?” or “pardon ?” when being diagnosed or assessed by a non-white doctor. Nothing wrong with my hearing, but articulation/enunciation may be fine in the W.Indies/Africa/ India, but not easily understood in the depths of an English village.
Many doctors for whom English is not their first language attend language courses where one teaching method is to role play medical examinations and discussions with patients.
One teacher on a language course initiated a role playing exercise with a couple being advised regarding a fertility problem.
The doctor, facing the couple, asked, ‘How high is your cunt?. After an embarrassing moment it turned out that the doctor was asking about the man’s sperm count.
If we’re having a bit of Barnet bashing, couple of months ago I called to ask some basic questions about GP surgeries in the borough which the woman couldn’t answer. She was however kind enough to enquire further, so I got a call back a month later to tell me she didn’t have any answers.
Just found out they’re not collecting food recycling anymore. I would give them a call to find out why but I’m not sure whether to refer to them as the brown bins or bins of colour
Annunaki- If it’s any consolation (and I know it’s not), an entire country -South Africa- is experiencing more or less what you are. And Worse, Much worse.
What is the answer?
RD, folk here with good memories will remember when I was rather peeved about Dickensian. Some folk on here were getting uppity about a child BAME actress being in the Old Curiosity Shop. That was actually believable. (Think: child brought back to UK from sugar plantation, or similar.)
What WAS UNBELIEVABLE was the complete absence of Jews apart from Fagin. In East London of the period, you would expect to see some, including Rabbis, in the street scenes. Even more unbelievable, in the docklands scenes, was a complete lack of Chinese and other south-east Asian seamen along with those from West Africa & North Africa. Not just that, but some of the wealthy households may well have had Indian servants, including Butlers, who may well have been in full national dress. They, too, should have been visible in the street scenes where they would have been sent out on errands.
The east side of the City of London of the period would also have had a number of Dutch, Germans and Russians. Their languages would have been heard on the street. There is still a Dutch Reformed Church in the City of London but I suspect services may be held in English today. Either that or Afrikaans, maybe, as present-day London has a sizeable South African community.
If a TV production is just providing equal opportunity casting, then fine but it really should be stated before each episode is broadcast. Historical accuracy is something else but needs to be thoroughly researched. That historical accuracy, if done well, is a sure defence against any Lenny Henry-type accusation of lack of opportunity for BAME actors and actresses.
Remember Brian True-May, The producer of ‘Midsomer Murders’ on ITV? In 2011 he said “that one reason for the show’s popularity was the absence of ethnic minorities….We’re the last bastion of Englishness and I want to keep it that way.”
Later on he was sacked, sorry, suspended over his comments.
One thing that the Brexit debate demonstrates very clearly is that ‘The Establishment’ (I include the BBC and the MSM) has never listened to public opinion (Brexit clearly demonstrates this) but has imposed and continues to impose it’s decisions on the indigenous population of this country, regardless of the negative consequences that communities have to suffer. Illegal immigration continues unabated, the legal pursuit of the Muslim Pakistani paedophile gangs (groomers as they are nonchalantly called by the MSM) continues at a snail’s pace, murders of young black men by young black men are not being dealt effectively because that would mean apportioning blame and that would upset…..the black community. FGM, acid attacks, violent crime, illegal abattoirs, ‘honour crimes’, the list keeps going on and on.
I watch TV shows set in the recent past because it is the England I grew up in. To me it was a nicer and safer place to live. but ‘nostalgic’ drama won’t let me indulge in my fantasy anymore. Endeavour had a black girlfriend and had to contend with Jamaican Yardies trying to take over Oxford and in Broadchurch (set in Cambridge), a party of black civil rights activists from the US visit and proclaim how badly they are treated by white people. The episode ends with the white vicar leaving with his black girlfriend.
In his novel “1984” George Orwell wrote:
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
Television (and radio) broadcasts today depict a false history by people for who it will serve to achieve their Marxist / social engineering aims of fundamentally changing the society that we live in. Part of this process is being done by shoe horning black and Asian actors from races who played little or no part in forming British history into historical dramatic roles to reinforce the lie that they did. The purpose of this is to give the false impression that black and Asian people have an inalienable right to influence society now, because they already have in the past.
A toast to Brian-True May!
And to you Cassandra, because -despite their best efforts, they haven’t got to you! You mind is your own.
Thank you, FNW!
I think they used to refer to the couple of hours between 8 and 10 on Sunday nights as the ‘ habitat’ hour or similar with ancient white reference in programmes like heartbeat -morse – midsummer to lull the population into thinking that they still possessed their country before the third worlders of various types arrived to tell them they were guilty of this that or the other – an of course – run them over or blow them up in gratitude for being housed and fed in anothers’ country .
Blimey! Don’t get me started on the poxy multi-ethnic ads that proliferate across commercial telly!
Cass, I think you meant to say Grantchester, aired last week, rather than Broadchurch.
Thanks Brissles, of course you are correct, it was Grantchester!
“Trump offers ‘compromise’ to end government shutdown”… the BBC tells us, and goes on to show us a video “Dreamers: “America is the only country I’ve known” to pull our heart strings. Then they showcase how unfair and evil Trump is in trying to exchange an extension of the “Dream act” for border wall funding.
They then go on to tell us “There are some 700,000 Dreamers, who were young when they entered the US with their parents illegally, The Dreamers are currently protected from deportation under a programme that allows them to work but not get citizenship. It is a programme Mr Trump has been trying to rescind.”
Oh Mrs Diddums, how terrible!!!
What deceptive propaganda outfits like the BBC never mention, are that there are tens of thousands of children who come to the US legally with their parents each year, stay for decades under various visas legally… and when the visas run out they have to leave the US, and for them its just tough s***.
I personally know a German girl who came to the US when she was six with her father on a F1 VISA as a PhD student (5 years). Then he spent two years on something called an OPT permit to transition from education, then six years on a H1B work VISA… then her parents had to leave because all their VISA options ran out. By that time she was in a US collage (university) and on her own F1 student VISA for four years, and then on the OPT which only lasts a year for degree students.
Then all her VISA options ran out because she did not find an employer to sponsor her…. and so after 18 years in the US from age 6, she had to leave because she did not succeed in getting any corporate VISA sponsorship. The likes of the BBC completely ignore children like this who arrived in the US legally, and who were in the US legally all along for nearly two decades, and yet they are not eligible for the “Dreamers” deal BECAUSE they were following the law.
The BBC just don’t give a toss about these people… Why?.
The truth is the “Dreamers” BS is not about helping children, or fairness. The BBC like many of these corrupt institutions are interested in fundamentally undermining the laws and institutions of the West, by pushing for special categories of people who are ruled by a parallel legal system. They think the child on a VISA is privileged so it’s OK to kick them out of the US after 18 years… but want a parallel legal system for the “unprivileged” illegal migrant, who is allowed to stay so producing equality of outcome, by force of law.
They’d also be happy if laws which discriminate against law-abiding people, result in the destruction of the West… because they think that then everyone will “come together” in a utopia. However, as anyone with half a brain knows, an orderly system of laws applied equally to everyone is what makes a country strong, cohesive, and prosperous… along with a common values system and a strong work ethic of the citizens. The left, aided by the BBC will destroy these prosperity creating traits, so their ridiculous fantasies won’t come true.
Institutions like the BBC (and many MPs) work tirelessly to create a dystopian system of double standards to achieve this. We see this is Brexit betrayal, we see this in council housing for Jihadis while ex UK-military are living on the street, we see it in Islamic child gang rape, Sharia law, selective imprisonment for offensive speech… and of course they push the same evil in the US with the preferential treatment given to illegal migrants who have broken the law, while disadvantaging law abiding people.
Make no mistake, the BBC (like Islam) is evil, even if many of the individuals in the organization are not…. and the grand dystopian vision of different laws for different people to force equality of outcome will be the ruin of the West and may plunge us in to a dark-age from which the human race may never recover. In the end all people will be equal in a mire of corruption, envy, paranoia and superstition that makes the rest of the world poor… we will have equality in poverty.
The most disgusting part however, is that these elites in the BBC will ensure that they have special laws and rewards for themselves for their virtue of giving away someone elses birth-right… their push for an Orwellian society is basically motivated by their own short term profit at the expense of future of everyone else’s children.
Truly sickening.
If the so-called “Dreamers” did not equal “Democrat voters”, I doubt the likes of Schumer and Pelosi would be quite so keen on them.
The Democrat Party would be out of voters if it did not keep on importing new ones, to “do the jobs Americans won’t do”, which is to say, “vote Democrat”.
Interesting weekend travelling around, Bath, Glastonbury and last week Norwich lavenham etc, one thing in common with all of them, also including anywhere rural (apart from Countryfile…..).
ITV news is a news website that reports the news, BBC news is a “news” website that takes every opportunity to show photos of black people for some strange reason. Two days ago a news article about doctors shows a black woman and a student news report shows a black woman both nothing to do with the story but just as an example of someone visiting the doctors etc,. , total on front page was photos of five black people (but none involved with crime….) I have never seen a black person in any of the above places I am sure thay are around but not too many. So why does the BBC want to give the impression that they form the majority of our population when the complete and utter opposite is true ? and science fiction (apart from Doctor Who…) New BBC _Doctor wimmin and the black men.
Enforcing “diversity” upon us will only divide us further through genuine resentment
The likes of Mark Easton would be the first to decry the idea that ‘we are being taken over’, yet for the TV watcher that is exactly what they see.
If TV had a total ban on showing ‘black’ people then anyone worried about their local experience of ‘being taken over’ might conclude that as TV is ‘black free’ that their experience was atypical and they might be reassured.
Similarly if one’s aim was to have people living in harmony, regardless of race, then one wouldn’t over-play the race angle, a killing is a killing not a ‘hate crime’. One wouldn’t go out of the way to find stories from small town America about a ‘black person’ who might have received bad service in a pizza shop, yet the BBC clearly trawls the web for such tales.
I guess reporting peace is boring while a good riot sells.
Annunaki- I was going to write about the same ” photo opportunity”
on the BBC website, but thought “what the heck , it goes on every day.”
I know this may sound childish to many ,and probably is. I am a
Spurs football supporter . I sometimes comment on the games on
the BBC football website. I have just been a supporter since I was a
kid and my history teacher George Robb who was the last
amateur to play for England , played for Spurs as well as being a
teacher at Christ’S College Finchley.
Although a Spurs supporter I can enjoy any good football being
played , even Arsenal! I know that Liverpool and Man City are better than Spurs.
These BBC football websites are infested by trolls. 13 year old
kids saying how much they hate all the other teams , other than
their own. They are pleased when players from other teams
are badly injured etc etc etc. I told you it was childish.
Anyway yesterday Harry Winks scored a very late goal to give
success to Tottenham.
Some troll wrote “what kind of name is WINKS ?” I replied it was an ENGLISH name along with other players who played for
Tottenham who were English IE Kane, Rose Ali, Dier, Trippier.
And that I was proud of my team that had so many English
players in their side and who had reached the Semi-Final of
the World Cup. I also wrote that many of these trolls couldn’t
even spell the names of players in their team.
My “contribution” was BANNED by the moderator ( now that’s
an anachronism) for being RACIST.
Foscari: PC is a curse that has numbed the minds of normal peopIe, preventing them from thinking independently. I was a Spurs supporter way back when they won the league and cup double in 60/61. My hero was Jimmy Greaves. I recall Danny Blanchflower , vividly R.I.P.
Then, one day Leeds, I believe, played Albert Johannsen, against whom I have nothing personal. Au contraire- I wished him luck.
And things began to change, So, today we are where we are, as they say. That’s just the way it is. Don’t let them get under your skin, those kids.
Me too Fakenw….. I remember the headlines when Ossy Ardiles and Ricky Villa came to play for the club – they were FOREIGNERS for God’s sake !!!!
dele alli english … yer banned
Fos – at least tonttenham United got the 3 points so let the trolls troll . How is Harry winks an English name ? You’re kidding .
That mo fella is quite a role model for diving . His nickname at training is jacques – jacques
Coustow – care less about frog spelling
Sometimes a single point spins off in so many different directions, it is hard to keep up. But worth it.
So Mrs Chamberlain’s Brexit relies on the Good Friday Agreement ?
Anything about this on Al Beeb yet ?
Come on Al Beeb wake up !
War on fatbergs
It appears that Al Beeb is interested nay obsessed with fatbergs? At first I thought it was about Diane Fatbot, but it is more about the mass of fat in the sewers. Burn the stuff as it would make excellent fuel .
just went into a fudge shop in Wells and was told it was the vegan section this afternoon, FFS so asked for the bacon fudge, no luck
Taffman -please stop talking about fat burgers – I’ve been watching Bernard manning on you tube again. Sad loss
Fed, need an h in burgher and then you are OK, jah, Mynheer?
[ Please see previously in the Thread. 😉 ]
I do wonder why the BBC are so perverse, and after some thought, the only reason I can come up with is they are ll the victim of a socialst Blair second class education. I also had the misfortune of one of these educators on a course that had ittle to do with science or history and it was disconcerting to find that there are those that are simply brainwashing children so they have little hope until they form their own minds, that tends to come after eonomic reality kicks in I.E. getting a job and paying for your romanian pickpockets, albanian gangsters and paki rapist legal fes etc
“Three migrant boats land in Kent after crossing Channel”
And they keep on coming …………………is someone turning a blind eye ?
Sooner or later a few of em will wash up dead . See the sobbing then – state funeral – relatives flown in – our thoughts are with – the full beeboid light show .
and not forgetting ”lessons will be learned” !!!
Call me callous, but when I hear journos bleating about the dangerous journey the migrants undertake on their lilos across the channel and risking their lives. I just shrug, and think, well they don’t have to. If they die they die, its on their own head, and this country should not feel any blame.
“not feel any blame.”
Dead invaders, it cheers me up.
“State funeral” but not a gun-carriage to carry the money donated to their funeral costs?
They should get Prince Phillip over to drop them off in Dover.
Seems we are waiting for two cutters to arrive to patrol the Channel in order to intercept small boats transporting illegal immigrants into Britain.
So what are they going to do? They are going to remove them from the dangerous vessel and transport them safely TO BRITISH SOIL where they will be given a leaflet produced by the Government explaining that now they are in Britain they will be given accommodation, clothing, food, an allowance of approx £38 per person per week, access to our National Health Service etc.
Smugglers can assure their Clients that they can safely climb aboard their rickety unseaworthy craft in the knowledge that they will be ‘rescued’ within minutes by the British Navy and taken to claim residency in the UK.
So we can expect more and more boats full making the journey.
What is it going to be like in the Summer ?
“Macedonia and Greece: Clashes in Athens over neighbour’s name change”
Is there more to this story than meets the eye ?
Is it something about discontent with the EU ?
Hey taffman maybe we cn get some fags and booze over the channel…or maybe not what is their priority …
romanian pickpockets are ok its that freedom of movement that is wrong, it is freedom of the dregs of europe to beg and take from those that work and pay taxes
Skywatchers await ‘super blood wolf moon’
”Skywatchers are gearing up for a lunar eclipse, which some are referring to as a “super blood wolf moon”.
During the spectacular event, the Earth’s natural satellite turns a striking shade of red.
The entire eclipse will be visible from North and South America, as well as parts of western Europe (including the UK) and north Africa.”
It’s not just fatbergs that the BBC is obsessed with it’s full moons.
I don’t care what anyone says , NO WAY did moons have all these silly names a few years ago.
And I guarantee they all look virtually the same – just darker
”Will the moon appear red?
Yes. ”
No it won’t
”Is it safe to look at?
While solar eclipses are dangerous to view directly, the light from lunar eclipses is much fainter and so is completely safe to view without special equipment.”
The BBC had to ask,,,
I hope it wasn’t a mentally ill “lone wolf” moon. They are renowned for turning everything blood red.
Melanie Phillips commented last week on new “Thought Police” and the nastiness of the libmob
In the way their sport is to find someone who maybe inccocently has said something un-PC .. and then lay in with buckets of nastiness~
She gave the example of James Watson DNA expert’s opinions on race.
“Behaving so unpleasantly to James Watson on the basis that his unpleasant attitudes are unacceptable adds a layer of hypocrisy to the vindictive and intolerant self-righteousness that is now progressively shutting down rational debate.
hear hear !
Yes, in the case of Dr Watson, why let scientific facts get in the way of the agenda. It’s not as if the left do scientific facts when it comes to climate change or anything else.
BTW the top comment on Mel P’s article
“We need, all of us, whatever our background, to constantly examine the stories inside which and with which we live. We all live in stories, so called grand narratives. Nation is a story. Family is a story. Religion is a story. Community is a story. We all live within and with these narratives.
“And it seems to me that a definition of any living vibrant society is that you constantly question those stories. That you constantly argue about the stories. In fact the arguing never stops. The argument itself is freedom. It’s not that you come to a conclusion about it. And through that argument you change your mind sometimes.
“And that’s how societies grow. When you can’t retell for yourself the stories of your life then you live in a prison. … Somebody else controls the story.” – Salman Rushdie
Narrative, story, community, vibrant… ugh!
“Pakistani heritage” – what a peculiar expression. Even English heritage sounds like something fake.
Not BBC Bias but general comments on the situation.
The expenses scandal highlighted how corrupt many of our representatives are.
Today MPs are warning other MPS that trust may be lost in the future if etc.
Which cloud cuckoo land do they inhabit? Trust in MPS was lost long ago.
They clearly do not work for us, they work for themselves and, more ominously, for others.
The EU has been totally corrupt for decades.
Hence the UK decision to leave.
My preferred solution to the current crisis is funeral services.
But, after the crisis has been resolved, what then? Clearly the model is broken.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I suggest the default position should be that MPs are inherently potentially untrustworthy and their freedom of movement must be restricted, their actions monitored, controlled, recorded, assessed, published and, where required, punished.
Also needed is action to curtail global plotters and local plotters like Common Purpose, usually known as Socialists.
What I am trying to do is establish whether there is some sort of popular agreement for change.
I believe Brexit, real Brexit, needs to be followed by major political changes.
Not MPS, meeting in broom cupboards discussing how soon they can get the UK back in the EU.
Comments please.
Do they work for you?
The bbc has an uncanny knack for rerunning stories that have not worked the first time; presumably in hope that they might a second.
In true EU fashion! That’s what taking EU millions does for you…………
Guest. This was on Breakfast Saturday – when they managed to say – Brexit factor ..or Brexit is a significant factor in 5 stories..they never explained how it is a factor or how significant a factor – just kept throwing it in..Fake news at its best
is it a french photo?
who carries a yellow vest in their car in uk ?
“Who carries a yellow vest in their car in uk?”
Ironically, probably Guardian readers.
Maybe BBC N. America could interview BBC fave Mehdi?
At least he didn’t mention ‘cattle’… did he?
Justin chats with the bbc canteen manager.
Goes badly.
They make all jobs min wage for the riff raff and are now complaining that people are shunning the ones were you get treated badly and are the hardest work.
People are willing to do almost anything if the money is good enough
Once again – support from our friends in the Commonwealth (New Zealand) – https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/01/20/brexit-boost-new-zealand-pm-vows-stand-uk-whatever-you-decide/.
No mention of this on the BBC – not on the Front Page, News, World, UK, Australia or Politics pages – no mention whatsoever!!
No wonder people do not go to the Biased BBC if they want to see the news!!
Guest, lojo
Had Australian on R4 who basically said we have done most of work on trade so can get it all going quickly..wasn’t what the BBC wanted to hear so interviewer twisted to ah but…people say..etc but the Aussie had an answer for everything..didn’t go well for BBC
Watched a disgusting report from Mark Easton on the BBC news last night around 10ish. It was regarding the Settled Status report. He was clearly pushing his own agenda, that as a liberal BBC wetwipe, these poor people shouldn’t have to go through this process let alone pay £65 for the privilege. It was basically a anti home office piece.
Strange how these BBC cretins like Mark Easton will be the first to cry foul when these people are being deported for now following procedure even tho they had full and fair warning !!!
Remember this post. By the end of the week the Government will have waived the £65 fee. You can see where the BBC are going with this, they were making noises on BBC breakfast also regarding the cost and we all know when the BBC liberal snowflake, latte drinking elite go on a crusade, the government buckle. Watch this space.
I’ll be honest. When I voted for Brexit, charging £65 to people from Europe who have lived here for some time wasn’t high on my agenda.
It’s a good job you’re not wanting to go to the USA then, the cheapest visa they have is $160.
Although if you’re in UK its only $14.
And how is the present price of a passport justified? They introduced a huge increase to pay for all the interrogation centres they thought they were going to need. That was in the sinister days of “Passport and Identity Service” – remember that?
If the Lithuanians near me are anything to go by on past experience, they will claim a refund from the benefits system despite just acquiring a Jaguar car.
Doobster They waived it by today (Monday)!
Any chance of this weeks lottery numbers please?
9-10am JRM on LBC Get involved by calling Jacob on 0345 60 60 973.
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A BBC vet. ‘Views his own’. Apparently.
Also a bit iffy on the MAGA issue, along with fellow BBC but not quite enough to count employee Nish.
Jesus that is pretty casual racism Sykes transmits to his 5,500 followers

My tweet
on MAGA he retweets other people’s pile-in hate as well as adding his own

Would have been marginally more humorous if the BBC creep had said Keith Moon…what a prize tosser! Nice to know I’m not paying his salary anymore.
2019-01-21 00:00 BBC NEWS England Tyne and Wear
“UKIP member called for Gina Miller to be beheaded*”
“You can see more on this story on Inside Out on BBC One in the North East and Cumbria at 19:30 GMT on Monday 21 January”
I bet you can.
* Also described by the BBC as “cuts to the neck”.
And the peace loving lefties called for the Prime Minister to kill herself. Minimal coverage. (insert shocked face)
“* Also described by the BBC as “cuts to the neck”.
The BBC? – as always, cognisant of their followers sensibilitities. A more warm and wonderful organisation you could not hope for…….
‘Head injuries ‘ is also a bland term used for such medieval slaughter whilst the Muslims call out the name of their false god and prophet .
Looks like Hatey no Hopers trying to a guilt by association smear
Someone posted something on Facebook in 2016 when he Kenneth Allen was not in UKIP .. in 2018 He rejoined UKIP
People say stuff on Facebook/Twitter, but if it’s against Trump/Farage/Tommy it’s no taken further
the BBC report doesn’t give us the post or context
It’s not really a Gina Miller thing
The guy is prone to make outbursts there are partial quotes about pig a a mosque, migrant rape, etc. but no quote of the Gina Miller post
The report quotes Batten : he hoped the BBC would not try to smear UKIP or himself by means of “guilt by association”
..which of course is what the BBC is doing
What he did back in 2016 is one thing
No media show any screenshots of the Facebook post
..so I can’t judge it.
The reporting style of the BBC is another
The title is a big claim which seems to be about today
only when you get into it do you see it’s about Facebook and 3 years ago
A better title would be “Northeast man posted some incendiary comments on Facebook in 2016″
The video is pointless ‘We door stepped the man and he wouldn’t answer our questions”
Its only a beheading if it undertaken by the “far right”
That would upstage Jo Cox.
Much horror and wailing from politicians and bBeeboids on the bBBC about the Good Friday Agreement being endangered by eform filling/filing and some imaginary inert benign infrastructure being installed at the Northern Irish border. Not much discussion anywhere about the detonation of a bomb in Londonderry being a breech of the GFA.
The BBC is asked some questions, which the BBC often says they are exempted from answering.
The red hat Catholic school boys
Jake Tapper is a CNN anchor
He is quoting a correcting story
The youngsters were white, male, Christian and Trump supporters.
Therefore guilty of 4 of the most heinous sins imaginable in beebland.
Case closed.
Sky News being total bastards as usual by still claiming that the young lads harassed the NA, when the full vid patently shows this to be untrue…check out the leftist scum in the States calling for all sorts of foul things to happen to the boys here on Twatter. Truly sickening…
I am exploring the significance of, ‘spoilt votes’ presently as it may well be my intention to vote that way the next time I have an opportunity. This action has been mentioned here a few times. Anyway, a good summary of that approach to voting is explained here:
If there is any value in voting after the current events maybe consider voting for some -non party – local character trying to save the whales or Wales or similar .
My current MP- IDS – has tried ( I believe ) to carry out the wishes of his constituents but there are a majority of MPs who could care less ( grieve Soubry easy examples )
pop over to your local mosque they will be happy to help
Woman’s Hour
Jane Garvey “Let me apologise for this *hetero-normative* question
.. Have you ever proposed to a man ?
We ask why women wait for men to ask”
FFS you feel you have to apologise to LGBTQ+ BEFORE you ask a general question
Not directly bbc – but relevant .
It looks as though the campaign to stop the A50 date is gathering pace . Last week the Brussels drunks said they might consider it – but only upto the EUReich fixed elections on 23 May this year .
So a50 will only be extended 2 months if we are to leave . Because , obviously , if we are leaving we don’t need to take part in ReichEU elections – right ?
Which is further evidence that the fix is going in to remain in the ReichEU .
If this happens – and we are still in it after 29 March – after being told again and again that we are leaving on that date by the PM then the vote of the uk citizen/ subject really really won’t be worth anything .
Is it only me that finds it strange that the EU can’t negotiate May’s Withdrawal agreement by adding a time expiration on the backstop but they can negotiate a time expiration on their extension to A50?
Is there something subliminal in the way BBC Radio2 management
have chosen two new feMALE presenters named : Cox and Ball ?
It was not meant to go that way, the vote, by those that control us, same with Trump, and they F’cking hate it and will do ANYTHING to get their own way despite the will of the people, and they have…..
Stew – it is so tempting to answer that one but I’d have to report myself….
I am ok with Zoe so much better than the noisy ginger one she acually has a genuine reason for being there
The ginger one is going to do the breakfast show on Branson radio . I’m sure this matters but in my view – since the state broadcaster takes listening figures so seriously can it but diminish bbc output . ?
Imagine that though “wake up to ginger “ .
But Doctor bint and her black friends ? saving the universe from nasty white men.
City Am reports that a petition started 7 months ago to unseat Dominic grieve QC – enemy of the people – has reached 10000 and apparently gathering a lot more .
Grieve must be looking forward to a job in Brussels as a commissioner if he succeeds in overturning democracy with his best buddy – lord bercow of brussells .
If the remoaners get their second referendum why will it be that leave have to win two referendums to be able to leave yet remain will only need to win one referendum to stay in?
Why is it that the remoaners are causing all these problems with legal challenges like grief is continuously coming out with and the boles/balls joint coup idea.
Where are our side on all this.
Can they not do anything about these anti democratic ‘honourables’
Does anyone know if anything ever came of the proposal to be able to de-select MPs like soubry and Nicky (I’m an mp, you can’t talk to me like that) Morgan, because now is the time to do it.
I suppose it was just another politician promise which, as we all know, is worthless.
Fed up, there’s also a petition to get rid of soubry and it has shot past the 40,000 mark.
There would have to be more than two questions, as a minimum:-
1. Remain
2.Leave with no deal.
3.Accept May’s deal or similar deal.
So this would mean there is certain to be be a stalemate unless one option achieved more than 50%.
Hello again, not been away, just busy.
Victoria Derbyshire is such an odious old single issue anguish monger.
She gets the female and well balanced New Zealand PM on her show and pushes her to criticise Trump. She refuses, what’s he like in person she pushes. The same as he is in on TV she says. Derbyshire doesn’t get the response on Trump so moves onto sexism in politics. She still isn’t playing and pushes again. Still nothing – what about MeToo Derbyshire she goes on.
What is wrong with the BBC? She wanted to use a female PM as a lever to drive the ideological divide between the sexes.
She even manages to find a viewer suggesting that New Zealand lamb will be more expensive after Brexit. NZ PM isn’t playing that game either – restates how important NZ feels trade with the UK is so there’ll be a deal.
End the BBC.
So the bbc, who have spent the last few weeks promoting veganism, are now bothered about the price of meat!
One can look back upon the life we have led and one can look at those who now have a view on how we conduct ourselves, in fact we have little choice, and, maybe this is the way things should be, our opinion is informed by different values, all I will state is the comforts and qualities our millennials enjoy are completely and utterly made through OUR effort and we get old and will die so good luck with your albanian gangsters `and romanian beeg eeshues and now the turkish sex assaulters keep working to pay for them and when you decide that your tax is too much…….whach you gonna do you ? dont have enough money to buy a house or even rent a place ???????
These very snowflakes who can’t afford houses, so stay at home with mum n dad into their thirties,are the same idiots who think the lack of housing has nothing to do with immigration. Yet there is a leaflet, recently brought to our attention by Katie Hopkins, that tells the immigrants they can choose a house or a flat.
The same idiots who can’t get hospital appointments then say it’s waycist to suggest that it’s due to immigration and health tourism. The same idiots who complain about lack of school places but then welcome “refugees”.
They say it’s lack of funding. So they want to pay more taxes? When they can’t afford a house.
11am R4 more racebaiting
the premise is that an Black/Asian girl is going to uni and she thinks her skin colour won’t fit in
“She feels that Kings College London is more diverse than Cambridge”
Out of 3000, just 58 were mixed Black Asian and only 28 were black
..that’s 30 out of 1000, that is 3% .. tht’s about same as general population She’s obviously left the rest of the BAME off the stats
..if you account for them it’s probably 15-20% non-white or something
The fact that she won’t go unless it’s high makes her seem like the racist.
You’ll notethis Cambridge college master says BAME admissions are 22%
So that is ABOVE background population
The prog mistatesthe context by only stating figs for black
“the universities poor record in relation to black students, who make up just 2.2 per cent of the under-graduate population”
Marky Marky also posted uni demographics
But when the BBC lie it’s too late .. the lie has gone, and the correction never reaches day light …
Friday 17 November 2017: Question Time, BBC One, 27 October 2017
A questioner referred to “low and decreasing numbers” of non-white and “poor” students at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
In fact the number of BAME (Black and minority ethnic) students at both universities has increased since 2014.
Research by David Lammy MP, to which this question referred, did not in fact include figures for students from poorer backgrounds.
Whoa how can these UK big UK universities be 40-60% none white ?

60% at Queebn Mary
why has no media thought this a problem ?
There is a choice bias in that none whites go for Medicine and Law, and whites don’t. But is there anti-white racism as well ?
Plus Obviously UK universities are a mafia who like to sell fake-dreams to foreign students.
Do they do a degree in knife crime or Grime “music” and how to slap your bitch ?
I had millions of dreams last night like every night
In one 2 guys were preparing a lecture at university, part1 they used the notes of an old expert and part2 they brought on a black rapper ..and I don’t mean a smart guy like from Public enemy, but some dozy grime rapper ..who was awful
Nevertheless the office staff who were half black and half white PC people came out of their offices to watch and applaud.
In another dream I dreamt a pregnant mother was with her 4-year old and on her dress stomach was a big velcro circle flap.
The kid lifted it up and it showed the cartoon image of a fetus.
So the kid could see what pregnancy was about.
I swear I’ve never seen anything like that, it just came from my brain.
//Can robots be racist? – Engineering a fair future: Why we need to train unbiased AI.//
Institutions have been taken over by the left liberal nuts, even the likes of the IET which is fully anti-Trump.
No doubt the BiasedBBC will join the chorus.
#CCBGB here too.
GW so far that Telegraph article has no comments
unless they’ve deleted some.
i suspect the article was cutNpasted from BBC PR
It says they have no current replacement, that seems to indicate she is leaving suddenly or something.
Translated : “My goal has been to manipulate every broadcast, by allowing the elite, minorities of every description and the left-wing to speak, but never normal Britons”.
Just reminding you all
Can I expect a sweet and sour pork recipe from Nadiya Bakeoff?
Who is this nadyia? I’m guessing she is a bbc pin up girl for getting shot back in the afgee for upsetting the boys with beards and AKs .
Must be worth some tv licence tax cash …
James Burke ( tomorrow’s world fame ) is back on R4 for a mini series .he saw the light and left Blighty ages ago so it will be interesting to see if the beeboid poison has contaminated him –
The first sign is usually “ the first woman to do something “ which they love putting out at the moment .
Fed, great fun it was, too, although not an original idea. Remember the ‘Nine Degrees of Separation’ thing, then the ‘Everyone is Hungarian’ thing?
I was going to post how pleasant it was to listen to something that had been well researched AND DID NOT HAVE AN AGENDA! but this will have to do.
Thanks up – I miss mr Burke as he pushed me toward a career in science which I failed to achieve.
I ll try to catch up on the catch up
Thanks again
Luckily she wont get raped by a Muslim, because she has her anti-rape headscarf on to indicate she is not meant for rape.
Its a sad fact that if the children in Rotherham had been wearing anti-rape headscarfs there would be far fewer Islamic child rapes.
Can anyone deny that is true???
I’d love to see someone make that statement on Question time, then watch a lying politician deny it was true.
Can you imagine the Question time question:
“I’d like to ask the panel, should all female children be wearing anti-rape headscarves to reduce the number of Islamic child gang rapes???, yes no answer please!”
Of course the BBC rig the questions and the audience… so it won’t happen.
Chinese Year of the pig
If someone put a Chinese calendar next to a mosque would they be put in prison and killed there?
Ugly Twitter threat from former Beeboid @MrJohnNicolson
\\ Journalist. @TalkRadio presenter.
Media consultant. Former BBC & ITV news anchor & correspondent. Proud member, 2015 group of SNP Westminster MPs. //
Against Tommy
and then against Red Hat boys
\\ No the story in Washington very simple – group of young pro Trump thugs harass an elderly Native American man. //
Nicholson achieved something the SNP thought could never happen – losing his seat despite playing the brave heart ‘ hate the English ‘ card whenever put on the spot .
As a. Aside -in case anyone missed those figures in a busy last week – 1.6 million Scot vote to remain -1 million voted to leave . So the SNP position comes from 600 000 people – about 5 London constituencies

While we are all transfixed with Brexit and can think of little else, Africa goes on at its own pace, doing things its own way. But it would be a very great mistake to forget it exists, and to take our eyes off it.
And while we go out of our way to lift everything African to a status superior to whites in the UK and Europe, basking in our guilt for real and imagined sins, reality suggests a more measured approach.
In the latest ‘Daily Maverick’, Editor Branco Brkic writes under the heading ‘Democracy in Africa. What Democracy in Africa?’ about the failed ‘election’ in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the collapse of Zimbabwe, as President Managagwa hurries back in his luxury Dreamliner to find at least 16 dead and the country in flames. He has even decided to give Davos a miss, so things must be serious…
South Africa, its own infrastructure falling apart after 25 years of corrupt ANC government, is offering to help Zimbabwe. The old Communist inspired ‘liberation movements’ stick together, even when decay and ruin -which is of their making- descends on them. In this case it’s the ANC and ZANU-PF, two ruiners of nations, if ever there were any.
We need take no lectures from anyone from that sad continent, or from anyone eagerly claiming its heritage, and happy to tell us we need to adapt to them and do things their way.
Not happy to go to Cambridge because there are not enough students who look like you? Try one in Africa, if you think you will feel at home there. But do look carefully first, at what is happening to the continent. You may discover that you are actually privilidged beyond your wildest dreams. And that a little gratitude and humility may not be out of place, whatever they may tell you at the BbC.
I picked up somewhere a week or so ago that the largest chunk of Overseas Aid from this country goes to South Africa by far. I suppost that throwing money away is OK because its only taxpayers money the political elite’s bottomless pit.
G – Question is, what control is there over that aid? If it goes to SAG, I fear it will vanish into the streams of self-enrichment at all political levels and at every stage of any project.
If HM High Commission in Pretoria keeps a tight rein and inspects and double-checks everything and everyone, there is a chance the money will actually go where intended. A small one, but a chance, nevertheless.
Much of the ANC actually couldn’t care less about ‘the people’. When they wanted power, they were prepared to ‘necklace’ them, cut them to ribbons, you name it. No great love lost there. Ruthless and brutal. We don’t like to mention any of that, since it’s only the colonialists who did it, apparently. And the media, both there and here, will always follow the prescribed narrative.
More to the point: the small segment of South Africans who pay the bulk of the taxes collected by the state are actually being driven from the country. And with them go the skills required to produce goods and keep the infrastructure and factories going. When those go, everything goes.
Look at Zimbabwe. Talk about a bottomless pit. You ain’t seen nothing yet…
So the question is: how often is someone from SAG (essentially ANC) at the till? Will HM try to influence Good Governance? That is a VERY, VERY BIG challenge. Without that, the High Commission may as well close and the staff come home.