Congratulations You have previous for firstness… as I said on the last thread – can some kind soul please re post the ‘don in the Rose Garden’ about USUK relations after we get out of the sad ReichEU please ? It’s a nice morale boost .
For those that missed it, the positive news about Brexit today which has not been given much coverage by Al Beeb is this statement by President Trump………………….
Are they deliberately censoring good Brexit news ?
Boris was right!
I am halfway through a Granchester. I realise it might as well be the BBC. The vicar shouting in church that G-d loves the curate, even though he is a homosexual. Then the detective Geordie’s wife has gone back to work and even though the boss is making a play for her, she enjoys having a salary, money of her own. Oh how I hate modern ideas being written into dramas from times past.
Deborah…I always read your posts, and like to think that if people like you lived near me, we’d be chums; maybe walking a dog or looking at ducks on the village pond!
Please, take some advice from an ageing pensioner, who, with his younger – some may same a bloody-sight-sexier wife – doesn’t hear the rubbish on the bbbc, except when insomnia percolates at two am.
Just ignore the bbbc rubbishy stuff, and enjoy a good book, and if you’re anywhere near Tunbridge Wells, a few glasses of Rioja is the answer!
And am at risk of upsetting fervent DJT supporters. No, not Dave Jee Travis 🙂 but President Donald Jibbering Trump. Poor old boy sounded a bit incoherent in the sound-bite played to me by the BBC on R4’s 6pm News. No doubt that’s why the Beeb selected that segment. Try & make the President look bad even though his position has become a little more solid this week.
Up2 – fortunate that the BBC is only broadcasting to like minded Europeans who can only accept career politicians skilled in lying or betraying their party manifestos ,
And more importantly they can’t vote in American elections .
Their assault on the media story has foundered on most people knowing what political rallies are like, and the realities of actual attacks of severity on MAGA cap wearers. Meanwhile their gay victim story looks like it is collapsing like a Vaseline hat stand. And from OCD to the Muslim sisterhood, the youth wing of the Democrats has managed to piss off everyone, including most Democrats.
The USA seems mostly immune from the blatant use of children in politics so far, but what the BBC has managed to ally itself with here with this ‘Stop Stuff’ protest/strike/TGIF jolly and Head bucket Begum has backfired too.
But this does not mean I cannot despise the sack of 20,000 rats this country is compelled to fund to the tune of £5B a little more each day.
Ken Clarke MP (former Home Secretary) must be getting into his dotage. The LAWYER Ken Clarke is ignorant of the Law. Shamima Begum is not going to be allowed to travel by air. She says she is about to pop.
The airlines are terrified of 1) a pregnant woman giving birth mid-flight and the airline being responsible for sorting out the nationality of the baby [Lex Situs and all that], and, 2) the cabin pressurisation or lack of skilled care causing problems with a) the pregnancy, b) the birth and c) harm to the unborn or new-born and the airline being sued for it.
Therefore, Shamima’s best bet is to try to get to Turkey. Except the Geneva Convention (that is the Geneva Convention not called the Geneva Convention because it causes confusion with the OTHER Geneva Convention – for me, as well as Diane Abbott) has a provision that the first safe country entered has to be where you make your attempt to reach the UK. If the Home Secretary revokes your Passport, you become Stateless and therefore a refugee. A Muslim refugee in a safe Islamic country. What’s not to like for her and the non-Geneva, Geneva Convention? The UK would be entitled to close its doors, if not its heart, to Shamima at that point.
Fed, whichever way, turn left or turn right, I think she would pass through a ‘safe’ country. Israel will detain and deport her as an illegal. They tend to not mess about and stick to the rules. I guess that might be an even better bet for her than Turkey. Try to get to Israel before the Home Sec does anything. Then they will send her plus baby back here although I suppose they might just dump her back in Jordan or Lebanon, whichever she passes through.
This is going to be a big test for Sajid Javid as the Home Secretary. He’ll have to get the revocation in quick and be firm about it.
Much comment about how this Begum woman, at 15 she was a ‘child’ – ‘silly teenager’ , who wasn’t aware of the risks and didn’t know what she was doing.
So, by that reasoning of some, an end should be put to the conversation of 16 year olds having the vote, whether its in a General Election or god forbid a second referendum !
I seem to remember the Brothers Bland, Ed and David, getting particularly upset when the views expressed as a 17 year old by their Marxist father, Ralph Miliband, were highlighted and challenged.
‘He was young’ was the general defence, and so couldn’t be held fully accountable for his allegedly anti-British sentiments. I believe that the Labour party had and were at that time calling for 16 year olds to be given the right to vote.
I read that Rich, and the following was particularly telling……….
“He said: “The idea that you take something that someone writes at 17 and twist it in this way… it does not define what you’re going to be as a grown up.”
Except, Brissles, she was able to sequester her Passport and sufficient funds – without her parents’ & siblings’ knowledge – get herself to the airport and book a flight out of the UK.
Agree Up2snuff, but let us not forget that Sajid Javid is a follower of the techings of Islam and apparantly follows it strictly, then I ask myself why was he made Home Secretary? Well to avoid a civil war I would suggest he closes the doors firmly against this Begum woman in all respects-she has been called a triator and she is one-radicalised ! nonsense all those born to the Islamic faith are radicalised from birth. As lesson to other parents of Muslims who allow their offsrping to join terrorist organisations, deporting the parents of young woman might serve as warning. But I guess not in this mamby pamby semi socialistic government currently sitting on their bums on the green seats of Westminster. Yes I am outraged at the likes of the BBC, The Times and other traiterous media continually grovelling to the Multicultural propaganda.
Not much doubt from the approving tones on the News at Ten just now that the skiving kids have the full support of the BBC. With precocious brats being allowed to spout unchallenged whatever it was their teachers put in their gullible heads.
Yes, RD, and did you notice – the kids were spouting the incorrect & incomplete nonsense from that Adelaide Uni study, released on Monday. That’s pretty impressive indoctrination. I wish they had taught me Applied Maths like that when I was in school.
And while I’m on about the News at Ten, it’s now informing me that fake news is often “used by those who wish to discredit journalism”.
No, it’s generally used to show that journalism is discrediting itself. They are in a state of denial, whilst their credibility gurgles down the drain.
It’s so hilarious that they started the whole fake news meme and it was ten turned against them so brilliantly and brutally by God Emperor Trump. If it were not true it would not annoy them so much.
The media is so politically correct so it is fake almost by default as political correctness assumes certain whopping lies: all cultures are not equal; men and women are not the same; that creed they constantly tell us is peaceful was created in the image of a warlord who was somewhat unpeaceful . . .
Blimey how times have changed. Back in 1964 I went on a protesting march with placards – up to our council offices, in an attempt to save our Saturday night dances !! Perhaps we should’ve marched on no.10 – but it was too far to walk from the Isle of Thanet.
It seems the kids were shouting about climate change and pollution, but when one lad was interviewed he moaned that the government “weren’t doing enough”, and then was contradicted by the interviewer who said the fields were full of wind farms and new implementations for house building included solar panels, so what more did he want ? he was stumped.
This is the generation who cant be arsed to put their litter in the bins, who are the biggest drinkers of fizzy canned drinks and plastic bottles, and I wonder how many of those kids have never eaten a McDonalds out of a polystyrene box !!!!
Strangely its probably their grandparents – the babyboomers, who grew up as the greatest recyclers. Milk only available in glass bottles, no McDonalds as you had to sit down to enjoy a burger in a Wimpey house, no plastic carrier bags, money back on lemonade bottles, no cheap throwaway fashion, and certainly no plastic wrapping on fresh groceries. I had a Saturday job in Woolworths, and all goods were put into paper bags – even the loose biscuits from the glass topped display. I could go on.
Thanet: Margate or Ramsgate? I ask because I was at the Simon Langton School in Canterbury, and had lots of friends from Margate who came on the No 8 bus. Very few came from Ramsgate (No 9).
Ramsgate. In the days when the hoards invaded from London and came down to Ramsgit and Margit for their day trips in the 50’s and 60’s , and the lads with their scooters full of lamps would zoom along the prom 🙂
@Sluff’s comment on BBC thinking on the topic of passionate believer kids Climate Jihadi kids : Yeh stop everyone listen to these kids, the adults aren’t doing enough Muslim Jihadi kids : Yeh they were just young and impressionable, sucked in by a cult, so show some humanity
The Begum extremist (age 19) is yet again prioritised, and the clear editorial line is that we should show some humanity as she was ‘young and vulnerable’ and thus her radical views can be in some way be excused and thus dismissed.
The BBC then shows a voxpop of children aged 9,11, and 14, out on climate change demos, strongly implying they are mature enough to be listened to, and certainly not ‘young and vulnerable’.
The fact they should be at school appears not to have been considered
Like the beebeestan I believe it is our duty as a civilised nation to welcome the Begum girl home with open arms and lavish upon her and her sprogs all the welfare benefits she feels entitled to so she can raise future islamic terrorists in the country she despises. Is that too much to ask?
Ask the families of the Manchester victims how humane and altruistic they feel, and ask yourself how humane and altruistic a silly ISIS bitch is who feels “unfazed” by a head in a bin from a “prisoner of war” executed, or prisoners of war burnt alive in a cage, well deserving of us funding her brood ?
But of course the clip isn’t about that at all, it’s an excuse for the beeb to crowbar in their socialist propaganda. Apparently Sweden’s third most successful act got a kicking from the press — nothing to do with musical shortcomings — their crime was wanting “to be seen as superstars.” Despite reaching number 1 in America and selling 30m records, we’re told “they were definitely considered bad Swedes” because this runs contrary to Sweden’s cutesy, sinister custom of Jante, which is the socialist ideal of conformity and of never being more successful than others.
That they violated this warm and fuzzy socialist dogma is, to the BBC, more important than the music or their worldwide popularity. I’m sure even Marx took some time out to feed the ducks or something, but at the BBC there is no downtime from agenda. The revolution will be televised, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Wimmin’s football? My first thought as that video began was that there would be tension as they were both in a relationship with a guy who was two-timing them. Silly me.
Whoever edited the video is probably going to be fired as it was inadvertently shown that there weren’t many more spectators than players. I guess mainly friends and family and a few reserve players were watching.
And there you have it. Alex Younger MI6 head said the critical security relationship Britain has with Germany and France doesn’t end with Brexit. The first sensible reporting at the bbcfir a very long time. Where cooperation is required us bees sovereignty and independence doesn’t undermine humanitarian and security initiatives like watching evil cyreos like that b**** who wants to come back to uk to have her IS rat with the nhs.
Hilarious. 30 year old asylum seeker in school uniform posing as pupil. Didn’t fool one kid who asked what the 30 year old was doing in the maths class.
Mass student rallies around the country demanding climate action before many were rained on. I believe a few students marched in Manchester. The bbc is such a pathetic drama queen.
If Maxi turns up can he please give us the name and history of the man who is supposed to have “pushed” a BBC cameraman at a Trump rally.
.. so we know that wasn’t a staged false flag thing too.
Yes, that’s something I’ve been questioning since this incident took place. The continued lack of curiosity by the media makes me smell a particularly odiferous rodent.
Both Soubry and Boles, duplicitous dullards that they are, once again indulged by the MSM, the Fail now as bad as most of the others.
It doesn’t actually say which bBBC programme Soubry appeared on but as Ms Mantis is pictured that thankfully narrows it down, for the moment anyway, to Newsnight. Although it could well of been any, or all, of the bBBC current affairs programmes that have Soubry and her political-suicide squad on speed dial.
The Daily Mail seems to have changed into a schizoid version of the Guardian. The editor worships Theresa May and her beautiful Brexit Deal, and hates anyone who finds fault with it. He regards Nigel and the ERG as enemies of the Tory party and its Remain supporting MP’s who voted for Theresa’s Brexit Deal. Therefore the Daily Mail remain voting editor is desperately trying to convince his readers that the Daily Mail still supports Brexit, because the word “Brexit” and not “Remain” is in Theresa’s “Brexit Deal”, which is actually a way of turning Brexit into Remain, by intensifying the deception that we are an independent nation to the point that Oily Robins thinks that the Daily Mail has convinced its readers that we have left the EU, when we haven’t.
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery & Ignorance Is Strength: George Orwell
Remain Is Brexit, Brexit Is Remain & Ignorance Is Strength: Theresa May
I’ve been a reader of the D/Mail for decades, but since the new Editor took over some months ago, its not the same. Its now too interested in campaigns, ridiculous celebrity articles that covers a double page spread, and far too much content on ‘wimmins stuff’. Its now a waste of money, the D/Express is similar but less pages, and I refuse to buy the comic-like red tops.
At the time Murdoch was blamed for turning the Sun into a pro-Blair mouthpiece, with the results we still suffer from. But who persuaded or forced firmly pro-Brexit Dacre to step down to be replaced with Remainer Grieg?
It had to be someone or some organisation prepared to accept a massive drop in sales, someone happy to interfere with the preferences and politics of a firmly established readership, someone prepared to do anything, overt or covert, to change a democratic decision. It’s almost as though the government forced the issue – but luckily we live in a society where freedom of the press is paramount. Isn’t it?
Thanks to Sky, I learnt something new about man-made Climate Change today. US Musician, Theodore Anthony Nugent, is intelligent enough to agree with those scientists who think it’s a Hoax.
But all I know about insects and temperature is that I thought it was obvious that the number of insects increased from winter to summer due to warming. But now school children are been taught that warmth not cold causes insects and polar bear life to die. Children also believe that Global Warming is real even though it ended in 1997. Some temperature records in the US were amended down before 1997, and up after 1997 to produce a temporary revival of the Global Warming scare. But that was due to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Temperature Records Fraud, not reported by the BBC. Now we have global cooling stating from February 2016. Global Warming in 1997 was 0.76 Kelvin above normal, today its 0.25 Kelvin above normal.
The solar cycle 24 maximum peaked in April 2014 with a smoothed sunspot number of only 81.8, the lowest since the Dalton Minimum. Earlier than predicted by Astronomers in 2006, cooling started in February 2016, a global temperature decline to -0.64 below normal is predicted, equating to the experience of the Dalton Minimum. But we will have to wait until the 2040’s for Global Warming to recommence, frightening school children into going on strike.
Richard the lunatics have taken over the asylum, i was watching the Weather channel in the Untied States a few weeks ago during their annual big chill and the meteorologist (no sorry strike that)… tv presenter’s actual words were “this polar vortex is caused by global warming and climate change”. The dunce obviously got his degree in The Day after Tomorrow studies.
So it doesn’t matter if we have an ice age that lasts 2 millions years starting next week, we are still responsible for it with our puny co2 emissions. It is unfortunate that the human race is so fallible that very large numbers of people can be hypnotized into believing rubbish.
Thrilling interview on Five Live with a mixed race man who is half Indian but looks white; apparently it offends him when people assume he is British and ignore his Indian heritage. What a loser, who cares?
One of my best friends at university was half Indian and I don’t think he once mentioned it; we were too busy talking about football, girls, cooking and the billion things that are more fun and interesting than race.
Why do they think race is so important and defines everything? It does not. Whenever I turn on radio 4 they seem to be talking about it. Front Row had a woman whinging about ‘black writers being ghettoised and not promoted properly.’ Maybe she wrote a rubbish book? Maybe Thomas Sowell sells more books than her because he is intellectually rigorous and never plays the race card.They say by having more minority performers they will attract more minorities to the station but surely they are just as bored and irritated by this nonsense as anyone else?
Do they think minorities think like toddlers?
“This person has the same skin colour as me so I must listen!”
You’d be forgiven for thinking you’d tuned into social justice campaigner TV this morning as BBC Breakfast brings us a string of reports it thinks are ‘news’.
“There must be a LGBTQ footballer out there…!”
Oh, that oft-heard plea so dear to BBC hearts.
Seems semi-professional Altrincham FC of the National League (North) are to wear rainbow coloured shirts this afternoon. Stop the world I want to get off (as Rigsby once said in an episode of Rising Damp).
Well, it is LGBTQ+ kick it off side month (I think) coinciding with LGBTQ+ History Month… or somesuch.
And then we have a report on GPS electronic tags for offenders – so the authorities can save on shorter term prison sentences in our heavily over-crowded jails.
This will make you laugh…. the BBC earnestly informs us offenders complain the tags are “uncomfortable” and give them “anxiety” when they may stray into areas they shouldn’t. It’s not exactly a ball and chain, is it?
Never mind TV, what about Farming Today (Radio 4 at 0630).
Not an obvious place for bias and agenda setiing, but to the bBBC no opportunity should be wasted.
There you could have heard about ‘City Farms’.
Which naturally featured BAME kids being enabled to see horses (WTF) and a big push on mental health issues and the benefits of the outdoors.
That’s two ticks in the boxes before 7am.
I don’t know that anyone needs to scour the BBC looking for evidence of bias. It is there everywhere – all the time – it is modelled on the Nazi / Stalinist method of inculcating the BBC doctrine in everything .
Very rarely something is untouched and it comes as a shock to hear or see it .
As for maxi – resident troll – I’ve been trying to groom him into expressing his own view as opposed to playing a high and mighty judge over a comment made by fellow poster .
I think I’m getting there because it is good to discuss as opposed to just cut paste shout and troll .
I know it is difficult to get some one who doesn’t want to see – to see . But worth the effort …
Smollet latest is that the Nigerian brothers have been released by police, no charges.
\\ “Due to new evidence as a result of today’s interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the #Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete,” Ahern wrote. //
It’s said. Smollet has hired a top DEFENCE attorney.
The police merely say there is no evidence yet that the attack was faked. Smollett refused to give his phone to the police. It was reported that he was speaking to his manager when the attack took place. Then why refuse to let the police check the phone for possible evidence? The police also say they have numerous surveillance footage of him walking home but none of the alleged attack. Also, when he arrived home he still had the noose around his neck that the attackers supposedly put there. Very strange – would he not have taken it off at the first opportunity? There are other inconsistencies in his story too. But what is alarming is the way the media and the liberal Twatterati don’t wait for confirmed facts but jump straight in with blame laid at the feet of so-called Trump supporters. Fake news indeed.
11:30am R4 Correspondent expect digs at Bannon and Hungary
BBC NPC programming “Orange man bad,…… Muslim or black are super special”
\\ The remote religious retreat which has become the intellectual spearhead of Steve Bannon’s plans for a populist revolution in Europe. Edward Stourton visits the Trisulti monastery in Italy from where the vision of the former chief strategist to Donald Trump is being spread.
Lois Pryce is in Jamaica. As the battle against gang violence continues, and soldiers patrol some of its streets, she visits a village which claims to have almost no crime at all.
Nick Thorpe examines plans to boost the fertility rate in Hungary with cash and cars on offer for people willing to do their patriotic duty and make babies.
Sarah Treanor meets a young Muslim woman in Zanzibar who is flying drones to map the island and help save lives.//
I was disappointed to hear JRM on LBC last night saying UKIP “is moving towards a more extreme form” and that TR is an “extremist”.
He said it politely.
Is JRM really that ignorant, or is it truly a case of ‘worlds apart’?
theisland, Rees-Mogg is friendly with Farage at the moment and has said he wants to see him back in the Conservative Party eventually.
So he is just backing up his new mate.
Rees- Mogg has no problems with mass immigration as far as I can tell.
To him kippers must look extreme.
It’s just a reminder for us to never trust a Tory.
I noticed on the 08h00 Toady news that Nick Robinson was leading with the item that Begum’s family wants her brought back to the UK by our authorities.
It is not only the treacherous Robinson who irritates, but also the suspicion that our weak, spineless government will cave in on this one at the first opportunity, because some treacherous court or judge has decreed it.
As for the beeb, it is 100% unsurprising that it would campaign on behalf of this little terrorist from the first opportune moment.
She’s a keen Muslim and I think she should have the chance to raise her baby in a Muslim country. The UK isn’t there quite yet, sorry bbc, much as you would love that to be so.
Its all to do with the long term plan that elevates terrorism to the norm. As the Emir of Londonistan said, “all part and parcel of……”. That principle may well be alright for where he comes from, Pakistan. Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster is fully behind the plan. That is, until a bomb is planted on their property and/or staff are killed or maimed. Perhaps one of the reasons why they are quickly insulating themselves by engaging muslims and blacks – ‘look at us, we are really like you and fully support your actions…..’
“That is, until a bomb is planted on their property and/or staff are killed or maimed.”
You or I might be worried about being bombed, the BBC staff are worried that ‘careless’ language from politicians that they don’t like might result in a little jostling in the street.
The Daily Mail would appear to agree with the beeb. They publicize the case of one Tania Joya, who was an ISIS bride, but returned to Britain and sees herself as ‘completely rehabilitated’. Seems she is now happily married etc etc. For the Mail, the case is thus reinforced for Begum to come ‘home’.
So there are rotten media outlets beyond the beeb, eagerly campaigning. What twisted motives do they have, I wonder? Or is it simply more virtue signalling?
If the Mail, along with the BBC and other alleged media, is now bowing to Islam out of PeeCee, there could be at least one positive outcome: they could in time be forced to remove that hideous RH side panel with the endless gossip about half-naked celebrities.
How about showing some humanity to the people who will live in fear of her if she returns to the UK.
And to those taxpayers who will foot the bill for her presumed safe house, new identity, protection squad etc etc. Not to mention the social services and NHS costs for the child.
Funny how rights only go one way in such cases.
And presumably her ‘husband’ would then be eligible to join her in the UK along with his extended family.
And at the same time, the UK ‘government’ has, to its eternal shame, denied asylum to Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian under sentence of mob ‘justice’ for ‘blaspheming’ the Koran.
The ‘authorities’ in the country have lost what little remains of their collective mind.
“The community that rejected NATURAL GAS” also New York state
… Today GWPF reports Homes cannot get new gas connections to their house, cos due to the blacklisting of shale gas and new big gas pipelines the state has a shortage of gas .
Update from Hamburg, Germany and all sectors of business are in a flap, also saying they’ve no time to set things up for no deal.
And for Brit residents who wish to stay, they will have to have a job with reasonable salary and pass a language test.
And for Brit residents who wish to stay, they will have to have a job with reasonable salary and pass a language test
And I assume that all an Islamic terrorist has to do to stay in Germany is to say, “Well, Merkel invited me, so here I am. Look forward to more mass rape and killing in the name of Islam.”
But possibly the German government is not quite as idiotic in these matters as Theresa and company.
Another new apology from Newsnight
… BTW sticking an apology away at the end of prog is not OK by me, that’s the same as hiding them away on page 37
I would have put up an internet video and then linked to in in the progs opening credits and again in the closing credits.
Am pleased the BBC have fully apologised on air for Emily Maitlis’ comments about me last week on Newsnight. pic.twitter.com/35m0dWuIm8
If next Friday, radical Muslim parents stage a School Strike Day against what they claim is the pushing of homosexuality & trans issues in school, would the metrolib media give it big coverage ?
“Making Islamophobia a Crime”. UK – If it comes to pass……….
Neil Armstrong: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” No, no, no. That’s wrong. Perhaps it should now be: “That’s one small step for islam, one giant leap for for the ‘religion'”
Guess who has a hand in this?
“The cross party group of parliamentarians is co-chaired by Anna Soubry MP and Wes Streeting MP.”
Aim? inter alia, “The Group was established to ……..celebrate the contributions of Muslim communities to Britain…..”.
But spot the sub-heading in the index which is devoted to the, “……contributions of muslim communitites to Britain….”…………..(not). I haven’t got the time nor inclination to trawl through the document and identify those, “….contributions….”. Question is, if any contributions are supplied do they balance the bombings, murder, rape and violence that is a part of islam in the UK? Alternatively, perhaps the extrodinary levels of violence these people inflict is merely their own way of showing their love of the UK and the indigenous population ………….
Draw your own conclusions.
A phobia is an irrational fear, I have many rational reasons to “fear” extremists exclusively from this “religion” who loath this country, its culture,religion and government and foreign policy, are willing to put their satanic death cult religion above our laws, for example on womens rights, forced marriages, anti semitism, free education, genital mutilation, homosexual tolerance,support for terrorist organisations, and repeatedly sexually and racially abuse children exclusively from outside their religion, therefore, for so called islamophobia…not guilty m’lud
Climate Kids : BBC’s top science educator is promoting the strike
..Note the words “what they believe in”
The passion of the younger generation in standing up for what they believe in is incredibly inspiring. We adults all need to listen, and do better. #ClimateStrikehttps://t.co/MrdLsbLIrx
But as president of the Humanist Society Alice doesn’t like people who push mere “beliefs”
Let’s turn this around. Can you explain to me why a state-funded school should push a religion – which reflects a small minority of belief in this country – on all its pupils?— Prof Alice Roberts (@theAliceRoberts) November 11, 2018
Just got another email from another uniquely funded NGO…
38 Degrees Logo
Dear Rube,
This is the kind of email we normally send you a lot. But I wanted to ask you for help with a project that will make 38 Degrees members like you and me even more powerful. Obi Wan level.
This year, we want to grow the number of people who take part in our campaigns – from stopping people asking about waste in our NHS, to protecting our avocados and Champagne after Brexit. So we can win more campaigns that matter to all of us.
To do that, we need to learn a few more tricks of the trade from some of the best advertisers and marketing experts in the country. There are millions of us who receive 38 Degrees emails so the likelihood is between us we’ll know even more BBC staff happy to chip in on twitter, ‘views their own’ .
So Nish, do you know any experts in propaganda or growing a busin… ‘community’ rapidly, who could help us out? Or maybe you know about this yourself!
38 Degrees believes in pretending to be open and transparent about everything we do. Some broadcasters play tricks or do sneaky, underhanded editorial. That’s so us. But we keep getting caught. What we want is to learn from the experts about how to con more people in to our campaigns for a Britain only a slapper in a blue bunny suit or diverse head boiler can thrive in.
So Emily, do you know any experts in censorship and enhancing the narrative, who could help us out?
Thank you for everything you do,
Mike, Rachel, Holly and the 38 Degrees team
Bet the team had a great sing song under Nelson’s Column yesterday.
I cancelled my Sky subscription last year mainly because of their bias and the loss of so much football to other broadcasters but still watched live tv through my Skybox. That was until earlier this week when the interview of Transport Minister Jesse Norman by Jo Coburn, Laura Kuennsberg and Labour’s Jenny Chapman and their excessive use of the “mansplaining” insult tipped me over the edge. Sky box out, no more live tv.
Although YouTube, through my smart tv, offers me Sky News live. It also offers me news items galore, some from the Sun, but most from the bBBC and the Guardian. When I search for news on YouTube the bBBC are the provider of choice.
I just wonder how much this costs? If Sky want to do this, fair enough, but how many other partners are the bBBC using the licence fee to pay to peddle their propaganda?
“When I search for news on YouTube the bBBC are the provider of choice.”
I suppose it just goes to show YouTube hasn’t joined the throng in seeking out and eliminating, ‘fake news’.
Rich – I, too , cancelled sky for similar reasons but – boy- do they want me back . But why pay for all the virtue ticking stuff just to watch a bit of footy ?
If Fox was still available I might pay for that but I won’t pay for lefty TV .
Looks like some sort of honey trap. Well done lady, may it be one more nail in the coffin of the Evil Empire, one more stake in the vampire’s black heart.
I hope there is a lot more material, with a little more substance in this Panodrama stunt – the BBC have had plenty of time to limit the damage that Tommy Robinson seems to think it will cause.
If I were him, I’d keep my plans to myself, until the last minute.
Just a week to go, now, until the ‘Tommy Takedown’ video is shown outside the far-left bbc collective buildings in Salford, by Tommy Robinson and his team.
Will any MSM fake journalists cover it?
Will the far-left bbc collective acknowledge it?
Will there be any sackings of those involved?
I doubt the answer to these questions is anything other than ‘no’.
Will there be a police investigation and any prosecutions? I doubt it but I hope so. If the far-left bbc collective is to regain any semblance of integrity, then actions must have consequences.
Objectively – what does that clip do ? Unless of course mr Sweeney is tired and emotional on the taxpayers ‘ dime . I’d bet there will be a receipt paid for by the beeboid ….. by now …
For the record – never had time for him – and the comment about white working class amazonians being viewed as ‘exhibits ‘ last week were shameful .
BBC “Look over there those bad people are all conspiracy theorists”
… Russians Trump, Russians Trump, Russians Trump etc.
#Projection is a libmob characteristic
Turned on Dateline London to try and find some proper grown-up debate. First voice I heard was the whiny leftie journo man-child Owen Jones. Another day, another BBC platform for the wee fake news peddlar.
The BBC Twiiter homepage sets out the orgs primary aims
.. they highlight stopping plastics
Is this Greenpea ce or the BBC ?
The large header graphic on someone's Twitter homepage tells you what their main aims are This is the BBC's Twitter homepage … £4.4bn pa of public funded resources & a primary aim is AGAINST plastics ! pic.twitter.com/36Y2HdZKKf
Guess they have lots of spare cash they gotta spend somewhere.
They don’t just provide news and TV programmes these days, they can campaign, lobby and push their agendas all around the World.
Ain’t it great!
“Guess they have lots of spare cash they gotta spend somewhere.”
One example of this is the look and make of clothing which BBC staff wear in front of camera.
In the olden days (10 yrs or so back) BBC reporters always seem to wear the names/designs you could buy at Asda etc but these days every young reporter wears jackets and tops that look custom made. Some of their clothing looks absolutely horrible. It would be interesting to see their clothing bill at the end of each financial year. But we never will.
This is a promotional photograph for a television programme to be broadcast in Sweden soon entitled The First Swedes, it’s about the first people to settle in what is now Sweden. It seems like our beloved state broadcaster is not alone in manipulating a nation’s history.
I have specialVictimhood status, cos I’m ginger haired and brought up in Britain where the leader of the main religion has an image in every church, and I can’t identify with him, cos in none of those images does he have ginger hair.
I demand that the Church of England reisissues a set of Children’s bibles ..where all the main characters are gingers
Of course there is no need to fill British history books with black characters , cos actually you CAN identify with a character no matter what they look like.
I’m sure a young black kid can identify with KIng Richard, Thomas-Paine or even Boedica etc.
Of course media shouldn’t be peecee-ing history by filling stuff with needless black characters
But when it comes to acting, good look to every black actor ..he/she should be able to act the character of any part given to him ..it doesn’t have to just be Othello, he could be Romeo, King Arthur or Jesus, Cinderella or whatever ..and still not distort history.
Well I went through a theatre period last year in Londonistan and gave up as I got confused working out who characters were meant to be with wimmin playing chaps and black actors playing roman italians in Shakespeare stuff .
All ‘right on’ in front of a hugely whitee audience . Maybe it’s just a kind of mad phase of tick boxing .
Stew – I think you have a serious point – ethnic gingers are under represented in the meeja . It doesn’t reflect the number of gingers in the general population .
There should be a series on great gingers , ginger history month and celebrating vibrant ginger culture … and cuisine . Ginger Genda issues .
Some Black African countries are named by Whites who exhibited racism in naming them. The worst case is (1) Niger, from the Latin for Black. An illegal word in English, so the BBC uses the word “Nijair” instead (2) Nigeria is also from the Latin for Black (3) Sudan is from the Arabic for Black, and (4) Ethiopia is from the Greek for Burnt-face.
Also I believe Cilla Black was born White with Ginger hair.
On the question of Climate change and Children- I would think we can all be assured that those children whose parents are paying for their education would never have been allowed to bunk off school-the parents whether they would condone or not, a days fees at a private school would negate any such event. Climate change has been going on for millions of years.
tarien, I gather from a BBC R4 news item last evening that when some of these children return to some of their schools they may immediately personally experience a little bit of climate change during this exceptionally warm period during this winter: a frosty reception from their Head Teachers.
Thank god the extremist far right white supremacist network RebelNews
have now got another viewpoint from the SJW angle with new reporter Miles MCInnes .
Speaking of newspapers, which we were, the BBC on TOADY this a.m., tell me the school pupils in yesterday’s ‘Climate Strike’ was “all over the newspapers and heavily covered, as you would expect” …. except it is not.
Not as far as the front pages are concerned.
The Guardian has it as a big lead item, squeezed by weekend CO2 creating consumption items. FT has it in second place, topped by CO2 creating extra mobile coverage as lead item. One other paper, the i, has a taster for inside coverage.
So that is 2 and a bit newspapers’ front pages out of 10.
I’m sure it will be covered in the inside pages of most or all papers but Justremainin Webb was a teeny bit misleading in his language used in the (first?) newspaper review.
As we listen to the censored bbc news and note the bits that lie by omission, careful editing, the opinions of only the well chosen – we know we can trawl the net for different sources and arrive at a consensus.
Hey, isn’t that what a multi million pound, top flight news service is supposed to do?
Strange to relate, though the state sponsored and governed news providers in other places, although biased, they bias in favour of their nation and not against it. Maybe we are unique in that respect?
Lock – yes it’s almost a self parody and if one is able to withstand taking it seriously a small dose of a sober sounding beeboid reporting the death of some unknown ‘cultural icon’ can be quite funny .
Does take a sick sense of humour -with which i hope I am truly blessed ….
If this terrorist girl is allowed to resume her life back in England then at the very least the baby should be taken from her.
If a UKIP supporting couple are deemed unfit to look after a child as we saw a few years ago then this seriously damaged girl cannot be allowed to bring the child up.
Maybe about 2050 when we are ruled by a sharia government (birthrate will make this a certainty) then this girl may be seen as a good role model but while we still have a (diminishing) say in how the country is governed she should be kept away from the child to give it a chance of a normal life.
When the BBC or The Times brings this terrorist/mother to the UK she will have a great future on BBC shows – celeb mastermind – baking – singing and doing The News Quiz .
and standing as the ISIS party candidate for the Islamic republic of Tower Hamletstan .
The advertisers will love her too – skin products in harsh environment ;Booster drinks after a hard day executing non believers . The best bed for a good nights sleep before destroying historic culture .
And of course her lucrative ‘after dinner speech’ career
She needs an agent pronto
What I’d like to know is why the whole of isis wasn’t just wiped out .
Now we know This Week with Andrew Neil will end this summer, what a golden chance to replace it with yet another lefty beeb ‘news’ show. He is the ONLY beeb presenter that doesn’t follow the lefty pro EU anti Trump agenda.
What’s the betting a bright new show will feature a virtue signaling lefty and even more likely a woman. Maitlis, Michal even Abbott.
Off switch yet again.
I don’t think the BBC is going to replace it with another Politics show -it will just be repeats of people making huge amounts of easy cash buying houses and selling them on – of that show where they wear matching tee shirts and do something to do with auctions …. both of which is my sort of hell .
Panda.. Perhaps they will let that nice Owen Jones present his own programme as he is such a regular at the bBBC . Shame to let that giant intellect languish at the Guardian.
“Now we know This Week with Andrew Neil will end this summer,”
Bet whenever poor Andrew first walked into any of the millions of BBC canteens he probably felt/still does feel like I felt on my first day at art school – way out of his depth – because all he saw on every table, all the very young BBC reporters with shaven heads/tattoos/dyed hair/tongue-studs-a-plenty every where he looks.
So he looks through the frosted glass door of said canteen and in dismay says “I never thought that I would be having me butties with the sparrows in the park.
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
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JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
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JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
First ?
The rest must be down the Pub ?
Congratulations You have previous for firstness… as I said on the last thread – can some kind soul please re post the ‘don in the Rose Garden’ about USUK relations after we get out of the sad ReichEU please ? It’s a nice morale boost .
Backlinks : Midweek thread got to 5 pages
but most of Friday’s 11am to 8:30pm came on page4
– page3 covered the previous 24 hours on Thursday
We have a side thread by Andrew Montford, who debunks the Greenblob, writes about dramaqueen Harrabin telling R4Today not to over dramaqueen
For those that missed it, the positive news about Brexit today which has not been given much coverage by Al Beeb is this statement by President Trump………………….
Are they deliberately censoring good Brexit news ?
Boris was right!
Thanks very much

I am halfway through a Granchester. I realise it might as well be the BBC. The vicar shouting in church that G-d loves the curate, even though he is a homosexual. Then the detective Geordie’s wife has gone back to work and even though the boss is making a play for her, she enjoys having a salary, money of her own. Oh how I hate modern ideas being written into dramas from times past.
Deborah…I always read your posts, and like to think that if people like you lived near me, we’d be chums; maybe walking a dog or looking at ducks on the village pond!
Please, take some advice from an ageing pensioner, who, with his younger – some may same a bloody-sight-sexier wife – doesn’t hear the rubbish on the bbbc, except when insomnia percolates at two am.
Just ignore the bbbc rubbishy stuff, and enjoy a good book, and if you’re anywhere near Tunbridge Wells, a few glasses of Rioja is the answer!
Not first.
And am at risk of upsetting fervent DJT supporters. No, not Dave Jee Travis 🙂 but President Donald Jibbering Trump. Poor old boy sounded a bit incoherent in the sound-bite played to me by the BBC on R4’s 6pm News. No doubt that’s why the Beeb selected that segment. Try & make the President look bad even though his position has become a little more solid this week.
Up2 – fortunate that the BBC is only broadcasting to like minded Europeans who can only accept career politicians skilled in lying or betraying their party manifestos ,
And more importantly they can’t vote in American elections .
Fed, that’s right. Poor old Sopey was having to admit again this week that President Trump’s position with his electorate was getting stronger.
American Booty is having a bad week.
Their assault on the media story has foundered on most people knowing what political rallies are like, and the realities of actual attacks of severity on MAGA cap wearers. Meanwhile their gay victim story looks like it is collapsing like a Vaseline hat stand. And from OCD to the Muslim sisterhood, the youth wing of the Democrats has managed to piss off everyone, including most Democrats.
The USA seems mostly immune from the blatant use of children in politics so far, but what the BBC has managed to ally itself with here with this ‘Stop Stuff’ protest/strike/TGIF jolly and Head bucket Begum has backfired too.
But this does not mean I cannot despise the sack of 20,000 rats this country is compelled to fund to the tune of £5B a little more each day.
Ken Clarke MP (former Home Secretary) must be getting into his dotage. The LAWYER Ken Clarke is ignorant of the Law. Shamima Begum is not going to be allowed to travel by air. She says she is about to pop.
The airlines are terrified of 1) a pregnant woman giving birth mid-flight and the airline being responsible for sorting out the nationality of the baby [Lex Situs and all that], and, 2) the cabin pressurisation or lack of skilled care causing problems with a) the pregnancy, b) the birth and c) harm to the unborn or new-born and the airline being sued for it.
Therefore, Shamima’s best bet is to try to get to Turkey. Except the Geneva Convention (that is the Geneva Convention not called the Geneva Convention because it causes confusion with the OTHER Geneva Convention – for me, as well as Diane Abbott) has a provision that the first safe country entered has to be where you make your attempt to reach the UK. If the Home Secretary revokes your Passport, you become Stateless and therefore a refugee. A Muslim refugee in a safe Islamic country. What’s not to like for her and the non-Geneva, Geneva Convention? The UK would be entitled to close its doors, if not its heart, to Shamima at that point.
Lawyers on here, if I’m wrong, please correct me.
She can always make her way to the French coast and then drown in the English Channel trying to get to a country which is no longer her ‘home ‘.
Fed, whichever way, turn left or turn right, I think she would pass through a ‘safe’ country. Israel will detain and deport her as an illegal. They tend to not mess about and stick to the rules. I guess that might be an even better bet for her than Turkey. Try to get to Israel before the Home Sec does anything. Then they will send her plus baby back here although I suppose they might just dump her back in Jordan or Lebanon, whichever she passes through.
This is going to be a big test for Sajid Javid as the Home Secretary. He’ll have to get the revocation in quick and be firm about it.
Much comment about how this Begum woman, at 15 she was a ‘child’ – ‘silly teenager’ , who wasn’t aware of the risks and didn’t know what she was doing.
So, by that reasoning of some, an end should be put to the conversation of 16 year olds having the vote, whether its in a General Election or god forbid a second referendum !
I seem to remember the Brothers Bland, Ed and David, getting particularly upset when the views expressed as a 17 year old by their Marxist father, Ralph Miliband, were highlighted and challenged.
‘He was young’ was the general defence, and so couldn’t be held fully accountable for his allegedly anti-British sentiments. I believe that the Labour party had and were at that time calling for 16 year olds to be given the right to vote.
Alistair Campbell, Ken Livingstone, says it all really doesn’t it?
I read that Rich, and the following was particularly telling……….
“He said: “The idea that you take something that someone writes at 17 and twist it in this way… it does not define what you’re going to be as a grown up.”
I know Brissles, that was the bit I hoped you would get to.
The shared mindset of the so-called ‘progressives ‘ baffles me even more than it seems to confuse them.
Yeah, right.
Except, Brissles, she was able to sequester her Passport and sufficient funds – without her parents’ & siblings’ knowledge – get herself to the airport and book a flight out of the UK.
Yeah, right … again!
PS: appreciate point you are trying to make. 😉
Apparently she is suffering, like this nation generally, from Stockholm syndrome.
“Lawyers on here, if I’m wrong, please correct me.”
No maxi?
Agree Up2snuff, but let us not forget that Sajid Javid is a follower of the techings of Islam and apparantly follows it strictly, then I ask myself why was he made Home Secretary? Well to avoid a civil war I would suggest he closes the doors firmly against this Begum woman in all respects-she has been called a triator and she is one-radicalised ! nonsense all those born to the Islamic faith are radicalised from birth. As lesson to other parents of Muslims who allow their offsrping to join terrorist organisations, deporting the parents of young woman might serve as warning. But I guess not in this mamby pamby semi socialistic government currently sitting on their bums on the green seats of Westminster. Yes I am outraged at the likes of the BBC, The Times and other traiterous media continually grovelling to the Multicultural propaganda.
Not much doubt from the approving tones on the News at Ten just now that the skiving kids have the full support of the BBC. With precocious brats being allowed to spout unchallenged whatever it was their teachers put in their gullible heads.
Roland – but on the upside those ever so hard d working teachers get Friday afternoon in the pub .
Yes, RD, and did you notice – the kids were spouting the incorrect & incomplete nonsense from that Adelaide Uni study, released on Monday. That’s pretty impressive indoctrination. I wish they had taught me Applied Maths like that when I was in school.
Perhaps they should all start walking to school and drinking mains water from reusable bottles. Maybe that would help.
Well, I assume they’ll all eschew any lifts by car and tell their parents they don’t wish to fly anywhere nice for their summer holiday.
Kids – boycott the 4×4 hour of 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm and Walk to and from school . Do that and then talk about reducing air pollution
And while I’m on about the News at Ten, it’s now informing me that fake news is often “used by those who wish to discredit journalism”.
No, it’s generally used to show that journalism is discrediting itself. They are in a state of denial, whilst their credibility gurgles down the drain.
American Beauty is in top form.
It’s so hilarious that they started the whole fake news meme and it was ten turned against them so brilliantly and brutally by God Emperor Trump. If it were not true it would not annoy them so much.
The media is so politically correct so it is fake almost by default as political correctness assumes certain whopping lies: all cultures are not equal; men and women are not the same; that creed they constantly tell us is peaceful was created in the image of a warlord who was somewhat unpeaceful . . .
The decline and fall of the Airbus A380, a vehicular metaphor for the Political project that the company’s so fond of
knowing the way Concorde went, any surprises?
The BBC has descended into farce.
Guest – hilarious – I wonder if newsnight has enough viewers to register on the rajar numbers . And why nobody protesting nood ?
Blimey how times have changed. Back in 1964 I went on a protesting march with placards – up to our council offices, in an attempt to save our Saturday night dances !! Perhaps we should’ve marched on no.10 – but it was too far to walk from the Isle of Thanet.
It seems the kids were shouting about climate change and pollution, but when one lad was interviewed he moaned that the government “weren’t doing enough”, and then was contradicted by the interviewer who said the fields were full of wind farms and new implementations for house building included solar panels, so what more did he want ? he was stumped.
This is the generation who cant be arsed to put their litter in the bins, who are the biggest drinkers of fizzy canned drinks and plastic bottles, and I wonder how many of those kids have never eaten a McDonalds out of a polystyrene box !!!!
Strangely its probably their grandparents – the babyboomers, who grew up as the greatest recyclers. Milk only available in glass bottles, no McDonalds as you had to sit down to enjoy a burger in a Wimpey house, no plastic carrier bags, money back on lemonade bottles, no cheap throwaway fashion, and certainly no plastic wrapping on fresh groceries. I had a Saturday job in Woolworths, and all goods were put into paper bags – even the loose biscuits from the glass topped display. I could go on.
Thanet: Margate or Ramsgate? I ask because I was at the Simon Langton School in Canterbury, and had lots of friends from Margate who came on the No 8 bus. Very few came from Ramsgate (No 9).
Ramsgate. In the days when the hoards invaded from London and came down to Ramsgit and Margit for their day trips in the 50’s and 60’s , and the lads with their scooters full of lamps would zoom along the prom 🙂
@Sluff’s comment on BBC thinking on the topic of passionate believer kids
Climate Jihadi kids : Yeh stop everyone listen to these kids, the adults aren’t doing enough
Muslim Jihadi kids : Yeh they were just young and impressionable, sucked in by a cult, so show some humanity
Like the beebeestan I believe it is our duty as a civilised nation to welcome the Begum girl home with open arms and lavish upon her and her sprogs all the welfare benefits she feels entitled to so she can raise future islamic terrorists in the country she despises. Is that too much to ask?
“Is that too much to ask?”
And a free ticket to the next Ariana Grande concert.
Well actually my friend – yes. Now go and have sex and travel.
Vlad, as your name implies, that is a truly humane and altruistic comment.
Ask the families of the Manchester victims how humane and altruistic they feel, and ask yourself how humane and altruistic a silly ISIS bitch is who feels “unfazed” by a head in a bin from a “prisoner of war” executed, or prisoners of war burnt alive in a cage, well deserving of us funding her brood ?
I think BBC4 might be the last saving grace of the beeb as they do good docs; currently the home page is promoting an interesting looking programme about Sweden’s pop music success.
But of course the clip isn’t about that at all, it’s an excuse for the beeb to crowbar in their socialist propaganda. Apparently Sweden’s third most successful act got a kicking from the press — nothing to do with musical shortcomings — their crime was wanting “to be seen as superstars.” Despite reaching number 1 in America and selling 30m records, we’re told “they were definitely considered bad Swedes” because this runs contrary to Sweden’s cutesy, sinister custom of Jante, which is the socialist ideal of conformity and of never being more successful than others.
That they violated this warm and fuzzy socialist dogma is, to the BBC, more important than the music or their worldwide popularity. I’m sure even Marx took some time out to feed the ducks or something, but at the BBC there is no downtime from agenda. The revolution will be televised, 24/7, 365 days a year.
It seems they have some interest in Switzerland as well, this time over on bBBC3.
Pick your propaganda here, you’re spoilt for choice with this one.
Simples: Switzerland done international deal with UK. Therefore, BBC hate Switzerland.
Wimmin’s football? My first thought as that video began was that there would be tension as they were both in a relationship with a guy who was two-timing them. Silly me.
Whoever edited the video is probably going to be fired as it was inadvertently shown that there weren’t many more spectators than players. I guess mainly friends and family and a few reserve players were watching.
And there you have it. Alex Younger MI6 head said the critical security relationship Britain has with Germany and France doesn’t end with Brexit. The first sensible reporting at the bbcfir a very long time. Where cooperation is required us bees sovereignty and independence doesn’t undermine humanitarian and security initiatives like watching evil cyreos like that b**** who wants to come back to uk to have her IS rat with the nhs.
I see the Daily Mirror are running a free TV licence campaign
Some blog writes about it
Hilarious. 30 year old asylum seeker in school uniform posing as pupil. Didn’t fool one kid who asked what the 30 year old was doing in the maths class.
Mass student rallies around the country demanding climate action before many were rained on. I believe a few students marched in Manchester. The bbc is such a pathetic drama queen.
And if Farage had led the kids in a Strike for Brexit
…media would have been the same ?
Even today Newsbeat was trying to downplay
And the previous BBC headline was quite dramaqueening
Smollet previously had a snarly hatey rant against Trump calling him “nigga”
If Maxi turns up can he please give us the name and history of the man who is supposed to have “pushed” a BBC cameraman at a Trump rally.
.. so we know that wasn’t a staged false flag thing too.
Yes, that’s something I’ve been questioning since this incident took place. The continued lack of curiosity by the media makes me smell a particularly odiferous rodent.
Can they say that? Is that not racialist? I hope the reporter isn’t whi…
Oh, they are brothers. With the same mother and father. Probably.
Reminds me of Tory campaign billboard in the 90s in streatham “we call a spade a spade”.
Or the article could be headlined, “Actual Conservatives join the conservative party”.
Both Soubry and Boles, duplicitous dullards that they are, once again indulged by the MSM, the Fail now as bad as most of the others.
It doesn’t actually say which bBBC programme Soubry appeared on but as Ms Mantis is pictured that thankfully narrows it down, for the moment anyway, to Newsnight. Although it could well of been any, or all, of the bBBC current affairs programmes that have Soubry and her political-suicide squad on speed dial.
The Daily Mail seems to have changed into a schizoid version of the Guardian. The editor worships Theresa May and her beautiful Brexit Deal, and hates anyone who finds fault with it. He regards Nigel and the ERG as enemies of the Tory party and its Remain supporting MP’s who voted for Theresa’s Brexit Deal. Therefore the Daily Mail remain voting editor is desperately trying to convince his readers that the Daily Mail still supports Brexit, because the word “Brexit” and not “Remain” is in Theresa’s “Brexit Deal”, which is actually a way of turning Brexit into Remain, by intensifying the deception that we are an independent nation to the point that Oily Robins thinks that the Daily Mail has convinced its readers that we have left the EU, when we haven’t.
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery & Ignorance Is Strength: George Orwell
Remain Is Brexit, Brexit Is Remain & Ignorance Is Strength: Theresa May
I’ve been a reader of the D/Mail for decades, but since the new Editor took over some months ago, its not the same. Its now too interested in campaigns, ridiculous celebrity articles that covers a double page spread, and far too much content on ‘wimmins stuff’. Its now a waste of money, the D/Express is similar but less pages, and I refuse to buy the comic-like red tops.
Brissles, the London Nearly-All-Day Standard is going the same route as the Daily Mail under its new Editor, a Mr George Osborne.
At the time Murdoch was blamed for turning the Sun into a pro-Blair mouthpiece, with the results we still suffer from. But who persuaded or forced firmly pro-Brexit Dacre to step down to be replaced with Remainer Grieg?
It had to be someone or some organisation prepared to accept a massive drop in sales, someone happy to interfere with the preferences and politics of a firmly established readership, someone prepared to do anything, overt or covert, to change a democratic decision. It’s almost as though the government forced the issue – but luckily we live in a society where freedom of the press is paramount. Isn’t it?
Thanks to Sky, I learnt something new about man-made Climate Change today. US Musician, Theodore Anthony Nugent, is intelligent enough to agree with those scientists who think it’s a Hoax.
But all I know about insects and temperature is that I thought it was obvious that the number of insects increased from winter to summer due to warming. But now school children are been taught that warmth not cold causes insects and polar bear life to die. Children also believe that Global Warming is real even though it ended in 1997. Some temperature records in the US were amended down before 1997, and up after 1997 to produce a temporary revival of the Global Warming scare. But that was due to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Temperature Records Fraud, not reported by the BBC. Now we have global cooling stating from February 2016. Global Warming in 1997 was 0.76 Kelvin above normal, today its 0.25 Kelvin above normal.
The solar cycle 24 maximum peaked in April 2014 with a smoothed sunspot number of only 81.8, the lowest since the Dalton Minimum. Earlier than predicted by Astronomers in 2006, cooling started in February 2016, a global temperature decline to -0.64 below normal is predicted, equating to the experience of the Dalton Minimum. But we will have to wait until the 2040’s for Global Warming to recommence, frightening school children into going on strike.
“But we will have to wait until the 2040’s for Global Warming to recommence”
Does this mean that we’ll have two decades of the BBC reporting on school children demonstrating against the impending Ice Age?
Richard the lunatics have taken over the asylum, i was watching the Weather channel in the Untied States a few weeks ago during their annual big chill and the meteorologist (no sorry strike that)… tv presenter’s actual words were “this polar vortex is caused by global warming and climate change”. The dunce obviously got his degree in The Day after Tomorrow studies.
So it doesn’t matter if we have an ice age that lasts 2 millions years starting next week, we are still responsible for it with our puny co2 emissions. It is unfortunate that the human race is so fallible that very large numbers of people can be hypnotized into believing rubbish.
Thrilling interview on Five Live with a mixed race man who is half Indian but looks white; apparently it offends him when people assume he is British and ignore his Indian heritage. What a loser, who cares?
One of my best friends at university was half Indian and I don’t think he once mentioned it; we were too busy talking about football, girls, cooking and the billion things that are more fun and interesting than race.
Why do they think race is so important and defines everything? It does not. Whenever I turn on radio 4 they seem to be talking about it. Front Row had a woman whinging about ‘black writers being ghettoised and not promoted properly.’ Maybe she wrote a rubbish book? Maybe Thomas Sowell sells more books than her because he is intellectually rigorous and never plays the race card.They say by having more minority performers they will attract more minorities to the station but surely they are just as bored and irritated by this nonsense as anyone else?
Do they think minorities think like toddlers?
“This person has the same skin colour as me so I must listen!”
was it Steve Chalke ?
I can find anything on Twitter or Facebook
You’d be forgiven for thinking you’d tuned into social justice campaigner TV this morning as BBC Breakfast brings us a string of reports it thinks are ‘news’.
“There must be a LGBTQ footballer out there…!”
Oh, that oft-heard plea so dear to BBC hearts.
Seems semi-professional Altrincham FC of the National League (North) are to wear rainbow coloured shirts this afternoon. Stop the world I want to get off (as Rigsby once said in an episode of Rising Damp).
Well, it is LGBTQ+ kick it off side month (I think) coinciding with LGBTQ+ History Month… or somesuch.
And then we have a report on GPS electronic tags for offenders – so the authorities can save on shorter term prison sentences in our heavily over-crowded jails.
This will make you laugh…. the BBC earnestly informs us offenders complain the tags are “uncomfortable” and give them “anxiety” when they may stray into areas they shouldn’t. It’s not exactly a ball and chain, is it?
Give me the strength to switch off!
Never mind TV, what about Farming Today (Radio 4 at 0630).
Not an obvious place for bias and agenda setiing, but to the bBBC no opportunity should be wasted.
There you could have heard about ‘City Farms’.
Which naturally featured BAME kids being enabled to see horses (WTF) and a big push on mental health issues and the benefits of the outdoors.
That’s two ticks in the boxes before 7am.
Maxi says you lot Scour the internet for signs of agenda pushing on the BBC
I don’t know that anyone needs to scour the BBC looking for evidence of bias. It is there everywhere – all the time – it is modelled on the Nazi / Stalinist method of inculcating the BBC doctrine in everything .
Very rarely something is untouched and it comes as a shock to hear or see it .
As for maxi – resident troll – I’ve been trying to groom him into expressing his own view as opposed to playing a high and mighty judge over a comment made by fellow poster .
I think I’m getting there because it is good to discuss as opposed to just cut paste shout and troll .
I know it is difficult to get some one who doesn’t want to see – to see . But worth the effort …
Smollet latest is that the Nigerian brothers have been released by police, no charges.
\\ “Due to new evidence as a result of today’s interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the #Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete,” Ahern wrote. //
It’s said. Smollet has hired a top DEFENCE attorney.
The police merely say there is no evidence yet that the attack was faked. Smollett refused to give his phone to the police. It was reported that he was speaking to his manager when the attack took place. Then why refuse to let the police check the phone for possible evidence? The police also say they have numerous surveillance footage of him walking home but none of the alleged attack. Also, when he arrived home he still had the noose around his neck that the attackers supposedly put there. Very strange – would he not have taken it off at the first opportunity? There are other inconsistencies in his story too. But what is alarming is the way the media and the liberal Twatterati don’t wait for confirmed facts but jump straight in with blame laid at the feet of so-called Trump supporters. Fake news indeed.
Update: It appears it’s all falling apart for Smollett.
CNN surprisingly are reporting this but BBC News have yet to catch up – if at all they bother to.
11:30am R4 Correspondent expect digs at Bannon and Hungary
BBC NPC programming “Orange man bad,…… Muslim or black are super special”
\\ The remote religious retreat which has become the intellectual spearhead of Steve Bannon’s plans for a populist revolution in Europe. Edward Stourton visits the Trisulti monastery in Italy from where the vision of the former chief strategist to Donald Trump is being spread.
Lois Pryce is in Jamaica. As the battle against gang violence continues, and soldiers patrol some of its streets, she visits a village which claims to have almost no crime at all.
Nick Thorpe examines plans to boost the fertility rate in Hungary with cash and cars on offer for people willing to do their patriotic duty and make babies.
Sarah Treanor meets a young Muslim woman in Zanzibar who is flying drones to map the island and help save lives.//
I was disappointed to hear JRM on LBC last night saying UKIP “is moving towards a more extreme form” and that TR is an “extremist”.
He said it politely.
Is JRM really that ignorant, or is it truly a case of ‘worlds apart’?
theisland, Rees-Mogg is friendly with Farage at the moment and has said he wants to see him back in the Conservative Party eventually.
So he is just backing up his new mate.
Rees- Mogg has no problems with mass immigration as far as I can tell.
To him kippers must look extreme.
It’s just a reminder for us to never trust a Tory.
Agree. Very disappointing.
I noticed on the 08h00 Toady news that Nick Robinson was leading with the item that Begum’s family wants her brought back to the UK by our authorities.
It is not only the treacherous Robinson who irritates, but also the suspicion that our weak, spineless government will cave in on this one at the first opportunity, because some treacherous court or judge has decreed it.
As for the beeb, it is 100% unsurprising that it would campaign on behalf of this little terrorist from the first opportune moment.
She’s a keen Muslim and I think she should have the chance to raise her baby in a Muslim country. The UK isn’t there quite yet, sorry bbc, much as you would love that to be so.
If this woman’s family want her back home, why don’t they use their own money and go and fetch her?
As for me, I’d strip her and her family of British citizenship and deport them, together with all the other muslim terrorists and their families.
Its all to do with the long term plan that elevates terrorism to the norm. As the Emir of Londonistan said, “all part and parcel of……”. That principle may well be alright for where he comes from, Pakistan. Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster is fully behind the plan. That is, until a bomb is planted on their property and/or staff are killed or maimed. Perhaps one of the reasons why they are quickly insulating themselves by engaging muslims and blacks – ‘look at us, we are really like you and fully support your actions…..’
“That is, until a bomb is planted on their property and/or staff are killed or maimed.”
You or I might be worried about being bombed, the BBC staff are worried that ‘careless’ language from politicians that they don’t like might result in a little jostling in the street.
or move to pakistan im sure they will let her in
The Isis woman does not have a baby. At present it is merely a bunch of insignificant cells. Ask a feminist
“The Isis woman does not have a baby. At present it is merely a bunch of insignificant cells. Ask a feminist”
But I’m an “insignificant bunch of cells?”
We all are.
The Daily Mail would appear to agree with the beeb. They publicize the case of one Tania Joya, who was an ISIS bride, but returned to Britain and sees herself as ‘completely rehabilitated’. Seems she is now happily married etc etc. For the Mail, the case is thus reinforced for Begum to come ‘home’.
So there are rotten media outlets beyond the beeb, eagerly campaigning. What twisted motives do they have, I wonder? Or is it simply more virtue signalling?
If the Mail, along with the BBC and other alleged media, is now bowing to Islam out of PeeCee, there could be at least one positive outcome: they could in time be forced to remove that hideous RH side panel with the endless gossip about half-naked celebrities.
I set my browser to block images from the DM website
Can’t you hack into the BBC and prevent them from printing and broadcasting anything?
How about showing some humanity to the people who will live in fear of her if she returns to the UK.
And to those taxpayers who will foot the bill for her presumed safe house, new identity, protection squad etc etc. Not to mention the social services and NHS costs for the child.
Funny how rights only go one way in such cases.
Sluff, true too.
And presumably her ‘husband’ would then be eligible to join her in the UK along with his extended family.
And at the same time, the UK ‘government’ has, to its eternal shame, denied asylum to Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian under sentence of mob ‘justice’ for ‘blaspheming’ the Koran.
The ‘authorities’ in the country have lost what little remains of their collective mind.
The BBC, impartial. As ever.
“The community that rejected NATURAL GAS” also New York state
… Today GWPF reports Homes cannot get new gas connections to their house, cos due to the blacklisting of shale gas and new big gas pipelines the state has a shortage of gas .
Blast from the past
One year ago “BBC’s Fake Climate Claims Now Becoming A Habit” MARCH 22, 2018
… has anything changed ?
… Dramatic claims, banging on, then later grudging stealth-corrections
Update from Hamburg, Germany and all sectors of business are in a flap, also saying they’ve no time to set things up for no deal.
And for Brit residents who wish to stay, they will have to have a job with reasonable salary and pass a language test.
And for Brit residents who wish to stay, they will have to have a job with reasonable salary and pass a language test
And I assume that all an Islamic terrorist has to do to stay in Germany is to say, “Well, Merkel invited me, so here I am. Look forward to more mass rape and killing in the name of Islam.”
But possibly the German government is not quite as idiotic in these matters as Theresa and company.
Another new apology from Newsnight
… BTW sticking an apology away at the end of prog is not OK by me, that’s the same as hiding them away on page 37
I would have put up an internet video and then linked to in in the progs opening credits and again in the closing credits.
If next Friday, radical Muslim parents stage a School Strike Day against what they claim is the pushing of homosexuality & trans issues in school, would the metrolib media give it big coverage ?
Hmmm ….. so far as I’m aware Muslims aren’t too keen on the old LGBTIQ thingy. IED is more their bag.
“Making Islamophobia a Crime”. UK – If it comes to pass……….
Neil Armstrong: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” No, no, no. That’s wrong. Perhaps it should now be: “That’s one small step for islam, one giant leap for for the ‘religion'”
Just found the report Bill Warner, above, waved around –
Click to access Islamophobia-Defined.pdf
Guess who has a hand in this?
“The cross party group of parliamentarians is co-chaired by Anna Soubry MP and Wes Streeting MP.”
Aim? inter alia, “The Group was established to ……..celebrate the contributions of Muslim communities to Britain…..”.
But spot the sub-heading in the index which is devoted to the, “……contributions of muslim communitites to Britain….”…………..(not). I haven’t got the time nor inclination to trawl through the document and identify those, “….contributions….”. Question is, if any contributions are supplied do they balance the bombings, murder, rape and violence that is a part of islam in the UK? Alternatively, perhaps the extrodinary levels of violence these people inflict is merely their own way of showing their love of the UK and the indigenous population ………….
Draw your own conclusions.
Maybe the girls are getting a bit fitter as it’s safer to walk home than get into a taxi.
Every cloud……
A phobia is an irrational fear, I have many rational reasons to “fear” extremists exclusively from this “religion” who loath this country, its culture,religion and government and foreign policy, are willing to put their satanic death cult religion above our laws, for example on womens rights, forced marriages, anti semitism, free education, genital mutilation, homosexual tolerance,support for terrorist organisations, and repeatedly sexually and racially abuse children exclusively from outside their religion, therefore, for so called islamophobia…not guilty m’lud
Climate Kids : BBC’s top science educator is promoting the strike
..Note the words “what they believe in”
But as president of the Humanist Society Alice doesn’t like people who push mere “beliefs”
Does Alice feel inspired when she see British ISIS jihadi child brides demonstrating ?
\\ It’s good to see CHILDREN standing up for
…. what they’ve been told to believe in. //
Posters made by Socialist Worker
Bet they left loads of plastic litter.
And polystyrene burger boxes.
Just got another email from another uniquely funded NGO…
38 Degrees Logo
Dear Rube,
This is the kind of email we normally send you a lot. But I wanted to ask you for help with a project that will make 38 Degrees members like you and me even more powerful. Obi Wan level.
This year, we want to grow the number of people who take part in our campaigns – from stopping people asking about waste in our NHS, to protecting our avocados and Champagne after Brexit. So we can win more campaigns that matter to all of us.
To do that, we need to learn a few more tricks of the trade from some of the best advertisers and marketing experts in the country. There are millions of us who receive 38 Degrees emails so the likelihood is between us we’ll know even more BBC staff happy to chip in on twitter, ‘views their own’ .
So Nish, do you know any experts in propaganda or growing a busin… ‘community’ rapidly, who could help us out? Or maybe you know about this yourself!
38 Degrees believes in pretending to be open and transparent about everything we do. Some broadcasters play tricks or do sneaky, underhanded editorial. That’s so us. But we keep getting caught. What we want is to learn from the experts about how to con more people in to our campaigns for a Britain only a slapper in a blue bunny suit or diverse head boiler can thrive in.
So Emily, do you know any experts in censorship and enhancing the narrative, who could help us out?
Thank you for everything you do,
Mike, Rachel, Holly and the 38 Degrees team
Bet the team had a great sing song under Nelson’s Column yesterday.
I cancelled my Sky subscription last year mainly because of their bias and the loss of so much football to other broadcasters but still watched live tv through my Skybox. That was until earlier this week when the interview of Transport Minister Jesse Norman by Jo Coburn, Laura Kuennsberg and Labour’s Jenny Chapman and their excessive use of the “mansplaining” insult tipped me over the edge. Sky box out, no more live tv.
Although YouTube, through my smart tv, offers me Sky News live. It also offers me news items galore, some from the Sun, but most from the bBBC and the Guardian. When I search for news on YouTube the bBBC are the provider of choice.
I just wonder how much this costs? If Sky want to do this, fair enough, but how many other partners are the bBBC using the licence fee to pay to peddle their propaganda?
“When I search for news on YouTube the bBBC are the provider of choice.”
I suppose it just goes to show YouTube hasn’t joined the throng in seeking out and eliminating, ‘fake news’.
Rich – I, too , cancelled sky for similar reasons but – boy- do they want me back . But why pay for all the virtue ticking stuff just to watch a bit of footy ?
If Fox was still available I might pay for that but I won’t pay for lefty TV .
Before the ‘Rupert Murdoch Scandal’ the Sky sales reps used to make frequent visits to my road and house.
Not much since, if at all.
I wonder why?
Looks like some sort of honey trap. Well done lady, may it be one more nail in the coffin of the Evil Empire, one more stake in the vampire’s black heart.
I hope there is a lot more material, with a little more substance in this Panodrama stunt – the BBC have had plenty of time to limit the damage that Tommy Robinson seems to think it will cause.
If I were him, I’d keep my plans to myself, until the last minute.
I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a damp squib.
And to think I used to feel guilty when I claimed a tenner on expenses back in the day when I worked for BT.
Just a week to go, now, until the ‘Tommy Takedown’ video is shown outside the far-left bbc collective buildings in Salford, by Tommy Robinson and his team.
Will any MSM fake journalists cover it?
Will the far-left bbc collective acknowledge it?
Will there be any sackings of those involved?
I doubt the answer to these questions is anything other than ‘no’.
Will there be a police investigation and any prosecutions? I doubt it but I hope so. If the far-left bbc collective is to regain any semblance of integrity, then actions must have consequences.
Objectively – what does that clip do ? Unless of course mr Sweeney is tired and emotional on the taxpayers ‘ dime . I’d bet there will be a receipt paid for by the beeboid ….. by now …
For the record – never had time for him – and the comment about white working class amazonians being viewed as ‘exhibits ‘ last week were shameful .
BBC “Look over there those bad people are all conspiracy theorists”
… Russians Trump, Russians Trump, Russians Trump etc.
#Projection is a libmob characteristic
Turned on Dateline London to try and find some proper grown-up debate. First voice I heard was the whiny leftie journo man-child Owen Jones. Another day, another BBC platform for the wee fake news peddlar.
The BBC Twiiter homepage sets out the orgs primary aims
.. they highlight stopping plastics
Is this Greenpea ce or the BBC ?
Guess they have lots of spare cash they gotta spend somewhere.
They don’t just provide news and TV programmes these days, they can campaign, lobby and push their agendas all around the World.
Ain’t it great!
“Guess they have lots of spare cash they gotta spend somewhere.”
One example of this is the look and make of clothing which BBC staff wear in front of camera.
In the olden days (10 yrs or so back) BBC reporters always seem to wear the names/designs you could buy at Asda etc but these days every young reporter wears jackets and tops that look custom made. Some of their clothing looks absolutely horrible. It would be interesting to see their clothing bill at the end of each financial year. But we never will.
This is a promotional photograph for a television programme to be broadcast in Sweden soon entitled The First Swedes, it’s about the first people to settle in what is now Sweden. It seems like our beloved state broadcaster is not alone in manipulating a nation’s history.

I have specialVictimhood status, cos I’m ginger haired and brought up in Britain where the leader of the main religion has an image in every church, and I can’t identify with him, cos in none of those images does he have ginger hair.
I demand that the Church of England reisissues a set of Children’s bibles ..where all the main characters are gingers
Of course there is no need to fill British history books with black characters , cos actually you CAN identify with a character no matter what they look like.
I’m sure a young black kid can identify with KIng Richard, Thomas-Paine or even Boedica etc.
Of course media shouldn’t be peecee-ing history by filling stuff with needless black characters
But when it comes to acting, good look to every black actor ..he/she should be able to act the character of any part given to him ..it doesn’t have to just be Othello, he could be Romeo, King Arthur or Jesus, Cinderella or whatever ..and still not distort history.
Well I went through a theatre period last year in Londonistan and gave up as I got confused working out who characters were meant to be with wimmin playing chaps and black actors playing roman italians in Shakespeare stuff .
All ‘right on’ in front of a hugely whitee audience . Maybe it’s just a kind of mad phase of tick boxing .
Stew – I think you have a serious point – ethnic gingers are under represented in the meeja . It doesn’t reflect the number of gingers in the general population .
There should be a series on great gingers , ginger history month and celebrating vibrant ginger culture … and cuisine . Ginger Genda issues .
Declaration – My cousin is a ginger
Some Black African countries are named by Whites who exhibited racism in naming them. The worst case is (1) Niger, from the Latin for Black. An illegal word in English, so the BBC uses the word “Nijair” instead (2) Nigeria is also from the Latin for Black (3) Sudan is from the Arabic for Black, and (4) Ethiopia is from the Greek for Burnt-face.
Also I believe Cilla Black was born White with Ginger hair.
SG & Fed
Dare I say -HEAR HEAR ….
Floki from da hood?
On the question of Climate change and Children- I would think we can all be assured that those children whose parents are paying for their education would never have been allowed to bunk off school-the parents whether they would condone or not, a days fees at a private school would negate any such event. Climate change has been going on for millions of years.
tarien, I gather from a BBC R4 news item last evening that when some of these children return to some of their schools they may immediately personally experience a little bit of climate change during this exceptionally warm period during this winter: a frosty reception from their Head Teachers.
Thank god the extremist far right white supremacist network RebelNews
have now got another viewpoint from the SJW angle with new reporter Miles MCInnes .
Here’s an earlier woke Miles McInnes video
Speaking of newspapers, which we were, the BBC on TOADY this a.m., tell me the school pupils in yesterday’s ‘Climate Strike’ was “all over the newspapers and heavily covered, as you would expect” …. except it is not.
Not as far as the front pages are concerned.
The Guardian has it as a big lead item, squeezed by weekend CO2 creating consumption items. FT has it in second place, topped by CO2 creating extra mobile coverage as lead item. One other paper, the i, has a taster for inside coverage.
So that is 2 and a bit newspapers’ front pages out of 10.
I’m sure it will be covered in the inside pages of most or all papers but Justremainin Webb was a teeny bit misleading in his language used in the (first?) newspaper review.
BBC Online News:
“”Jacob Rees-Mogg comments on concentration camps””
It turns out that Mogg was comparing the death rate in Boer War camps with Glasgow at the time.
But the BBC wanted the headline of course to suggest that Mogg was a holocaust denier.
BBC News is now funnier than BBC Comedy shows
As we listen to the censored bbc news and note the bits that lie by omission, careful editing, the opinions of only the well chosen – we know we can trawl the net for different sources and arrive at a consensus.
Hey, isn’t that what a multi million pound, top flight news service is supposed to do?
Strange to relate, though the state sponsored and governed news providers in other places, although biased, they bias in favour of their nation and not against it. Maybe we are unique in that respect?
Lock – yes it’s almost a self parody and if one is able to withstand taking it seriously a small dose of a sober sounding beeboid reporting the death of some unknown ‘cultural icon’ can be quite funny .
Does take a sick sense of humour -with which i hope I am truly blessed ….
… or just get out “the day today” DVD ….
“BBC News is now funnier than BBC Comedy shows”
Lock, you’re setting the bar very low on this one.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
If this terrorist girl is allowed to resume her life back in England then at the very least the baby should be taken from her.
If a UKIP supporting couple are deemed unfit to look after a child as we saw a few years ago then this seriously damaged girl cannot be allowed to bring the child up.
Maybe about 2050 when we are ruled by a sharia government (birthrate will make this a certainty) then this girl may be seen as a good role model but while we still have a (diminishing) say in how the country is governed she should be kept away from the child to give it a chance of a normal life.
When the BBC or The Times brings this terrorist/mother to the UK she will have a great future on BBC shows – celeb mastermind – baking – singing and doing The News Quiz .
and standing as the ISIS party candidate for the Islamic republic of Tower Hamletstan .
The advertisers will love her too – skin products in harsh environment ;Booster drinks after a hard day executing non believers . The best bed for a good nights sleep before destroying historic culture .
And of course her lucrative ‘after dinner speech’ career
She needs an agent pronto
What I’d like to know is why the whole of isis wasn’t just wiped out .
“sharia government (birthrate will make this a certainty)”
Unlike the UK government, Islamic governments do have excellent “Foresight”.
Emmanuel Goldstein
If this terrorist girl is allowed to resume her life back in England then at the very least the baby should be taken from her.
It’s not a baby. Just a bundle of cells with no moral status. Ask a feminist
Now we know This Week with Andrew Neil will end this summer, what a golden chance to replace it with yet another lefty beeb ‘news’ show. He is the ONLY beeb presenter that doesn’t follow the lefty pro EU anti Trump agenda.
What’s the betting a bright new show will feature a virtue signaling lefty and even more likely a woman. Maitlis, Michal even Abbott.
Off switch yet again.
I don’t think the BBC is going to replace it with another Politics show -it will just be repeats of people making huge amounts of easy cash buying houses and selling them on – of that show where they wear matching tee shirts and do something to do with auctions …. both of which is my sort of hell .
Panda.. Perhaps they will let that nice Owen Jones present his own programme as he is such a regular at the bBBC . Shame to let that giant intellect languish at the Guardian.
“Now we know This Week with Andrew Neil will end this summer,”
Bet whenever poor Andrew first walked into any of the millions of BBC canteens he probably felt/still does feel like I felt on my first day at art school – way out of his depth – because all he saw on every table, all the very young BBC reporters with shaven heads/tattoos/dyed hair/tongue-studs-a-plenty every where he looks.
So he looks through the frosted glass door of said canteen and in dismay says “I never thought that I would be having me butties with the sparrows in the park.