I was half watching a film this afternoon, from the sixties, called, ‘Play It Cool’. I caught one of the lines. A person at an airport tells passengers, ‘The conditions in Brussels have deteriorated.’ Had to laugh. How prophetic. If only Teresa could play it cool and finally tell Brussels what they could do with their ghastly little union.
Talking about films…I watched a British film made in 1960 a short time ago and was shocked at the number of health warnings the broadcasters felt it was necessary to issue before it started. Generally, because the film was made before this great age of enlightenment, the viewer should be prepared for shocking views, bad language, bigots, racists, the lack of diversity, homophobia etc.
It was a very gentle comedy in which you’d have to try very hard to find anything remotely offensive… 🙁
The Labour MP for Ilford has gone to TIG and was sobbing tohimself on a bbc politics programme this morning . No mention of the killings and stabbings in his area . Just me me me .
He says he will stand as an independent at the next election but will continue to take his pay until then .
Arctic sea ice is already over half a million square kilometres higher than it was this time last year. 2019 arctic sea ice is already higher than the past four years.
The TR video is still on YouTube and heading for 1.1 million views . The comments are positive and importantly global .
I wonder if twitter will do any thing about the Deputy labour leader twitter which I reported as offensive . ? I think I know the answer. He’d close this site down without a blink .
You would have thought she’d have come up with something a little better than that eh ? Not exactly up to JFK speechwriter standard – or even the WestWing .
So Mr Corbyn what first attracted you to the multimiilion blockvote of the mosque going community ?
The Labour leader was taking part in the fifth annual Visit My Mosque day, in which Muslim places of worship across the UK open their doors to the public https://t.co/egZf3XWYp1
Above photo: I can see three people whose smiles are genuine.
They know that their kind (muslims) are a creeping cancer to the health and wellbeing of this great nation of ours, and they don’t give a fig.
Being bored, I read an article about the history of the muslims/arabs and in one form or another they are have been with us just as long as the Jews, and only in one (1) war I believe have they been defeated (not including modern warfare, as this was written many years ago). The writer may be mistaken? But he quotes historians such as Gibbon, and his description of the Arabs is, “armed against the world”
They were better known amongt the European nations as the “Saracens” or, “Hagarenes, or children of Hagar, of the OT.
The Arabs called themselves Sara-cens, instead of Hagar-cens, to wipe off the reproach of their birth.
Arabs: “armed against the world” eh. Sounds familiar.
Look carefully at the words
Tom Watson says “anti-Islamist” posts are a bad thing
Tom Watson is Pro-Islamist
Isn’t it a good thing to be against Islamists ?
\\ I welcome Facebook’s decision to remove Tommy Robinson pages under their “Organised Hate” policy.
But for far too long
… *anti-Islamist* tirades were given a platform by Facebook // full tweet
I accidentally stumbled on an ‘Independent’ article and found this blurb:
“At the Independent, no one tells us what to write. That’s why, in an era of political lies and BREXIT BIAS (my emphasis) more readers are turning to an independent source.”
We used to think the Guardian a serious newspaper. Now it publishes garbage like this. At least we never thought Stewart Lee (who he – ed) a comic. Why did the BBC let Andrew Neil combust? | Stewart Lee https://t.co/JI0GUkroqk
ZephirJan 13, 20:31 Start the Week 13th January 2025 More starmer lies, will they ever stop ? Keir Starmer set to break election pledges as infrastructure projects are delayed.…
StewGreenJan 13, 19:55 Start the Week 13th January 2025 7:30pm BBC2 @CliveMyrieBBC hosts celebrity charity #Mastermind Tonight’s celebrities are Danny Miller*, Josie d’Arby, Elizabeth Rizzini and Qasa Alom Wow…
StewGreenJan 13, 19:35 Start the Week 13th January 2025 7pm BBC2 a NEws Special about the families thousands of BRITISH CHILDREN gang raped by Pakistani gangs ? No of…
wwfcJan 13, 19:30 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Jailed: Gang of robbers who lured dating app users into ambushes and left victims with broken eye sockets [img]https://www.expressandstar.com/resizer/v2/https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.nw2.gcpp.io%2Fprod%2Fimages%2Foriginal%2F3368bd1ac9a5-knowledge-thumbnails-2025-01-13t183455375.png?auth=084115cd6b816f6090d407ee843748a9a7a85457a2603076d94829605f562bf8&width=600&height=450&smart=true[/img] https://www.expressandstar.com/news/2025/01/13/jailed-gang-of-robbers-who-lured-dating-app-users-into-ambushes-and-left-victims-with-broken-eye-sockets/
StewGreenJan 13, 19:29 Start the Week 13th January 2025 @FedUp2you said “Bbc blindly recites a press release by TTK about AI” See what I said above at 9pm on…
StewGreenJan 13, 19:27 Start the Week 13th January 2025 No Fed you didn’t delete it .. Someone posted a placeholder opening comment that just said “4” marky replied”444444″ I…
What the BBC dodges, changes, etc is what makes its editorial integrity’ so special.
Some might say they are as bent as a 9€ bill.
Ffs how much longer are we going to see that stinking terrorist lovers face on the front page
Corbyn? Jones?
I was half watching a film this afternoon, from the sixties, called, ‘Play It Cool’. I caught one of the lines. A person at an airport tells passengers, ‘The conditions in Brussels have deteriorated.’ Had to laugh. How prophetic. If only Teresa could play it cool and finally tell Brussels what they could do with their ghastly little union.
Talking about films…I watched a British film made in 1960 a short time ago and was shocked at the number of health warnings the broadcasters felt it was necessary to issue before it started. Generally, because the film was made before this great age of enlightenment, the viewer should be prepared for shocking views, bad language, bigots, racists, the lack of diversity, homophobia etc.
It was a very gentle comedy in which you’d have to try very hard to find anything remotely offensive… 🙁
Question…how have by-elections not happened yet for all the MPs that have quit there parties?
It’s a disgrace
Because they genuinely believe that their constituents voted for them as a wonderful representative…not for any Party… 🙁
The Labour MP for Ilford has gone to TIG and was sobbing tohimself on a bbc politics programme this morning . No mention of the killings and stabbings in his area . Just me me me .
He says he will stand as an independent at the next election but will continue to take his pay until then .
Continue to take pay from a job he quit ? Hmmmm I wonder if my employer will allow this ?
Australians can see Global Warming news on their TVs, which the BBC doesn’t allow us to see
We all know climate change is a money spin.
I’m all for greener cars and future.
I can’t wait for people to wake up to all the lies were being made to eat
Not the NYT. Now run by the ex BBC DG.
The TR video is still on YouTube and heading for 1.1 million views . The comments are positive and importantly global .
I wonder if twitter will do any thing about the Deputy labour leader twitter which I reported as offensive . ? I think I know the answer. He’d close this site down without a blink .
You would have thought she’d have come up with something a little better than that eh ? Not exactly up to JFK speechwriter standard – or even the WestWing .
The Female Archer taking aim at sexism
And where is this terrible sexism
Birmingham, Bradford, Britain? …
no bhutan
ffs talk about trawling the world for pathetic sob stories
I don’t listen to Jeremy Whine. Does he play this one of Yusuf’s?
I have to admit that I don’t remember a spate of teenage shootings after it was released – in 1967.
So Mr Corbyn what first attracted you to the multimiilion blockvote of the mosque going community ?
Above photo: I can see three people whose smiles are genuine.
They know that their kind (muslims) are a creeping cancer to the health and wellbeing of this great nation of ours, and they don’t give a fig.
Being bored, I read an article about the history of the muslims/arabs and in one form or another they are have been with us just as long as the Jews, and only in one (1) war I believe have they been defeated (not including modern warfare, as this was written many years ago). The writer may be mistaken? But he quotes historians such as Gibbon, and his description of the Arabs is, “armed against the world”
They were better known amongt the European nations as the “Saracens” or, “Hagarenes, or children of Hagar, of the OT.
The Arabs called themselves Sara-cens, instead of Hagar-cens, to wipe off the reproach of their birth.
Arabs: “armed against the world” eh. Sounds familiar.
I hope the egg was free range organic and halal – and obviously non white ….
Our thoughts and prayers should be with the egg at this difficult time .
Genius…a non white egg…I’d of preferred the egg was white …you know hard boiled ????????????
better still a scotch egg
PS why no diversity ?
There are no Muslim men in the picture
The 2 posts above show that a few brave whistle blowers are waking up to the truth of our situation and daring to speak out.
Sadly, too little too late.
Look carefully at the words
Tom Watson says “anti-Islamist” posts are a bad thing
Tom Watson is Pro-Islamist
Isn’t it a good thing to be against Islamists ?
\\ I welcome Facebook’s decision to remove Tommy Robinson pages under their “Organised Hate” policy.
But for far too long
… *anti-Islamist* tirades were given a platform by Facebook //
full tweet
Oh dear…Steptoe has been hit by an egg whist surrounded by his largest voting block at Finsbury park mosque…
And with that A NEW THREAD
I accidentally stumbled on an ‘Independent’ article and found this blurb:
“At the Independent, no one tells us what to write. That’s why, in an era of political lies and BREXIT BIAS (my emphasis) more readers are turning to an independent source.”
Independent of what, one might well ask.
Shots fired.