Yet Labour just recently adopted the following definition of Islamaphobia: “Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet beheading gay people is an “expression of Muslimness” because it’s an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded: “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”, referring to the homosexual acts in the ancient city of Lot:
Since Labour are criticizing stoning gay people to death they are targeting this “expression of Muslimness”, so Labour are Islamaphobic by their own retarded definition.
So are the BBC are able to spot this glaring contradiction?, even with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds snatched from the pockets of the “Islamaphobic” working class who they despise so much? Will they force Labour to explain themselves?.
No chance… because the BBC know Labour are lying hypocrites… its just that the sniveling feeble minded traitors at the BBC want to push these shallow self serving lies by Labour, because they share the same contempt of the British working class as the political elite do.
The BBC are a disgrace, lairs, traitors and a national embarrassment… and their efforts to hold Labour to account is laughable, and their pretense at serving the British public is a disgusting lie.
By that reckoning, Labour should condemn islam altogether:
Hadith and Sira
Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (This is a sahih hadith)
Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” (Note the implicit approval of sodomizing one’s wife).
al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 – [Muhammad said] “Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver.”
Reliance of the Traveller, p17.2 – “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.” This is also repeated in three other places.
Yes, instead Labour call for people to be de-platformed and imprisoned merely for pointing out the multitude of disgusting passages in the Islamic texts,, while the BBC lies and slanders them without proving a shred of evidence (Tommy Robinson, Gerard Batten, Anne Marie Waters… and others). These people are so disgusting it beggars belief.
Tony Robinson’s crime was drawing attention of the public to the gang rapes of tens of thousands of young British girls by Pakistani Muslims, while the Establishment willfully turned a blind eye.
Never in recorded history has there been such a grotesque crime where the ruling establishment consented to the rapes of its own young girls by incoming foreigners. The media too ignored it all for decades.
I wish Tony Robinson had been as active as his twin brother – Tommy – in efforts to protect innocent white girls from Muslims and their apologists in state organisations….
At least then, Lord Pearson would have some company.
Two sane men in the asylum, I wonder which Tommy Robinson would prefer, solitary confinement in a muslim infested prison, or the HoL?
Funny thing – this Lefty Liberal (and of course bbc) love affair with Islam that began on 9/11 built and built and had them wetting themselves, fighting to become Islam lover of the decade seems to have come of the rails.
Brunei has impinged on their tiny, closed bubble brains and pointed up the fact that Islam cannot co-exist with liberalism.
I think Lot was the only non-gay in the village. That’s why God sent two representatives; I believe they were angels; to warn Lot to leave ( there’s that word again ) before He destroyed the place.
The city was so depraved, the sodomites besieged Lot’s house demanding he send out the two angels so they could bugger them. Lot even offered the sodomites his daughter if they’d stop demanding the two angels. But the sodomites refused; they wanted some fresh meat, so to speak.
That’s where Godlessness and depravity lead every time.
Lot was a righteous man, not a sodomite which is why God saved him. It has been suggested that the sodomites were homosexual prostitutes, possibly in order to allow the church to some what distance itself from condemnation of gays.
No to worry – Jeremy Hunt of The ‘Tory Party’, has appointed SJW supreme; Amal Clooney who’s always telling us to open our doors to take in immigrants, as ‘Media Envoy’.
She’ll be personally responsible for monitoring and policing UK internet output. Anything and I mean ANYTHING including this website, can be shut down immediately if Amal doesn’t approve…
Here’s our own BBC telling us how this is really a very good idea…
So are the BBC are able to spot this glaring contradiction?,
Islam and the “Religion of peace” is a greater contradiction, violated everyday as Christians are murdered by the hundreds each week for being Christian.
The BBC will never broadcast this ongoing genocide, greater in scale then the one off massacre of 50 Muslims in NZ.
Telegraph seems to have a few pro Brexit headlines/ articles recently.
Was that always so ?
I might even work out how to swich of my adblocker to read them.
The DT has always supported Brexit, but until last summer thought that May would deliver it. Once she produced Merkel’s plan at the Chequers cabinet meeting they turned against her.
They publish Boris on a Monday (pro-Brexit) and Hague on a Tuesday (pro-capitulation), but the editorials and the majority of articles are pro-Brexit. At the moment they are convinced that she is destroying the Conservative Party.
On the other hand their USA coverage is solidly pro-Democrat, and they’ll twist any story to attack Trump.
BBC News – Jaguar Land Rover to start Brexit shutdown
At a glance seems they are stopping for maintenance one week longer than usual.
And this extra week was arranged with the unions way back in January.
And from @Fakenewswatcher
Good old (international) Socialism. You just can’t keep it down. Too many fools and thieves around…
Noticed how in Munich the word ‘expropriation’ is causing controversy. Are we in Germany? Yup.
Ms Merkel, who kicked the whole thing off, by opening borders, is very quiet- as is typical. May could -even now- still learn a thing or two.
The Socialists and the Greens are in the forefront of the grabbing intentions. Not enough social housing (wonder why?) which local gov has to pay for, so the red/green revolutionaries have come up with something, probably imported from….
…South Africa, where expropriation without compensation (ie grabbing somebody else’s property) is a hugely fashionable election topic!
This is how the BBC works. Invent a scare about scarce pomodoro tomatoes – instant story. Highlight the loss of defence autonomy – silence.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) April 7, 2019
I think the man on the BBC told us that a No-Deal Brexit means no Champagne. Only Sparkling wine from Australia, New Zealand and England. Nytimber from Waitrose, Denbies from Morrisons, Balfour from Tescos and Yorkshire Heart from the Internet. But NO Champagne. So I wouldn’t bother looking for any, because the BBC thinks it would be a waste of time. So after Brexit, you can only buy sparkling wine from a country with a Union Jack in its flag. I think the BBC means that this is because the European Union does not export Champagne to none members due to isolationism and racism towards none white European types. The BBC is very upset about this because the staff are all rich Champaign Socialists. The BBC thinks that English Sparkling Wine is for deplorable working class Labour voters not the posh metropolitan upper-class Labour voters who prefer to buy inferior French stuff due to its old fashioned posh image.
Champagne Socilaists they most certainly are. Lot of rubbish being spoken by the doom and gloom gangs in respect to the UK leaving without a deal-for goodness sake, let us tell the winging bunch of no hopers-leave without a deal-we as a nation survived once without too much of a problem so we can do it again.
£1000 to a remainer who can show to us that the BBC has produced a pro Brexit programme ; on television or radio .
I’ll even include a five minute programme broadcast at 2.33 in the morning . Or thereabouts . ( Champagne at St Pancras bar if it’s at peak viewing ) .
With Easter coming up and the inevitable mad scramble for the last lettuce in town, it’s a good time to crank up the fruit and veg threat level. Home grown terror at it’s worst.
All remain voting areas accept the EU nationals that need housing ,or medical care ,or unemployment benefit etc and pay for it .
All EU nationals that transgress the law are given translators paid for by remain voting areas and their incarceration paid for by them .
They then try to reclaim the funds from the EU .
ii) we give every asylum seeker an EU passport , valid throughout the EU but not valid in the UK .
Farage in this Brexit video is rather brilliant. He addresses the Oxford University elite and does well. He’s a man who donated 25 years of his life to achieve Brexit.
I remember an account of the Labour MP, Barbara Castle, at the Oxford Union in the 1970’s saying something like Oxford University becoming the cadet force of the European Community after it lost its roll as the cadet force of the British Empire, when she was there.
Insulting all those posh Pro-European snobs who sneered at a Commonwealth country which produced pineapples, meant that she lost the debate against two Pro-EU mega grease balls called Edward Heath and Jeremy Thorpe. We lost that Brexit referendum and all those students wasted billions of pounds of our money on the EU gravy train.
I suppose Oxford University has become the cadet force for a Maoist People’s democratic dictatorship. Campaigning for a “Peoples Vote” and replacing Colleges with “Safe Spaces” from any real Education.
The Arts, Media, Languages, Psychology and Environmental morons no longer allow scientifically educated people to hold Conferences on University property. Then I read a piece that claimed that these scientists were uneducated, because their conference was not held on University property.
Just checked and for the first time in living memoray (if your three) there is nothing on the BBC news home page about BREXIT. Usual tosh about “changing to non bio washing powder by women in west Africa gave us a sense of empowement” etc etc but nothing on BREXIT…why ?
Including: ‘Using my first tampon put me in A&E’; ‘How pop is blurring the gender lines’; ‘Did Russia meddle in Madagascar’s election’; ‘More pressure to be beautiful in Bangladesh’; and the ever popular ‘The neo-Nazi paedophile who plotted to kill’. Yep, that’s a fairly good balance of the topics that interest the BBC 🙂
There has been a secret policy decision in the State Broadcaster regarding brexit . The issue is relegated to number 2 or 3 . I reported that on Friday of last week bbc news spent 7 minutes on the Boeing crashes and made brexit number 2 .
It’s the same technique used for Islam . Avoid telling the truth so that there is s ‘backlash ‘ against potential Islamic targets . Now it’s ‘avoid brexit’ because there are signs of people doing something about democracy being overturned and not just moaning about it .
I suspect that this week there will be a couple of big news items to further distract people away from the betrayal . If I was a betting man I’d say one ‘happy ‘ story and one ‘sad’ one .
As an aside – Charles Moore – writing in the Telegraph wonders out loud whether is is right not to pay the TV licence because of the overt pro remain bias displayed by the BBC .
It’s good that someone in the ‘mainstream ‘ voices the idea so many friends here live by .
New ULEZ in force in London.
This is going to hit our economy big time. An ideal opportunity to blame it on Brexit. Good for the German car export market . Very timely ?
Yes Taffman,
And the ULEZ is due to spread to my bit of town in a couple of years . And I bought a diesel German car because the UK government encouraged me to do so .
Hopefully the need to dispose of said car will be mitigated by the pay out I should receive for being in the Class action on German industrial fraud currently taking place . Apparently this may be concluded by the end of 2019 …
taffman, diesel buses – there are still some in the capital although TfL has stopped buying new ones – and diesel coaches pay £100 per day.
There’s a fare increase for poorer and middle income people to pay.
When the Fuel Duty Escalator was introduced by the Major government in 1992 (effective 1993, IIRC) bus fares rocketed in the capital. The bus companies then had to be subsidised by the State but fares did not reduce.
What about Diesel trains ??? Try breathing in at Victoria Station in Manchester you’d choke on the fumes… how they going to handle that they must be major polluter but seen as green by the leftys.
Although fares in London were artifically cheap before then, as Red Ken was mayor and had reduced tubes and buses to a flat fare of 20p if I remember correctly. Arguably the only good thing he did.
@Fedup2 @Taffman it’s easy : You just buy an old model clapped out Toyota Prius , cos that is exempt.
Since the battery has stopped working you’d be driving on petrol all the time an pushing out more “pollutants” that 5 diesel cars etc.
… Apparently that is what thousands of Uber drivers do.
The government is proposing to fine websites that carry ‘online harms’ and the BBC – as the state broadcaster – is currently running it as the lead item on their ‘news’ website (itself possibly the biggest source of ‘online harm’ in Britain). The usual suspects are trotted out – the need to protect against terrorist content, child pornography etc. These matters are illegal and consequently already covered by laws relating to obscenity, terrorism, incitement etc. But as usual, this is just a smokescreen and the real targets are so-called hate crimes, harassment and fake news. In other words, this is about censorship and shutting up criticism of the crumbling liberal fantasies of globalism, mass immigration, interventionist wars, climate change, big business and so on.
Some examples are woven in e.g. “Misinformation is listed as a potential harm, and Health Secretary Matt Hancock has talked about the damaging effects anti-vaccination campaigners have had” (translation: vaccines are big money, with margins of 4000% on some products and pharmaceutical companies don’t want anyone rocking the boat). Or, “the spread of fake news could be tackled by forcing social networks to employ fact-checkers and promote legitimate news sources.” Ultimately, this means that only ‘approved’ news providers will be permitted e.g. Associate Press, CNN, BBC, with their content promoted by Facebook, Google etc.
Interesting to contrast this with another article the BBC are promoting, in which a ‘British’ woman and ‘Londoner’ (they are keen to emphasise these aspects) is facing jail in Dubai for calling the new wife of her ex-husband ‘a horse’ on Facebook. As ever, the comrades are too dumb to make the link between the draconian censorship they tacitly approve of and hope to benefit from and where it ends up.
OFCOM: stuffed with ex-Labour and ex-BBC acolytes. And the old chestnut of the industry regulating itself – Google has just abandoned its attempt to setup an ‘Ethics board’ after employees objected to one of the 25 board members having broadly conservative views. Diversity and inclusion in everything… except opinions.
The state broadcaster is shifting its attack on President Trump. This time he is “fixated “ on border control ( says our Justin ). In beeboid world this is a bad thing because they don’t like borders .
As smug Justin ( the bbc Matt frei ) was saying this I recalled the promises Mr Trump made during his election campaign ‘build a wall ‘ – so that is what he is doing . And if the current home land security boss doesn’t deliver – they get fired .
I muse that a non politician keeps his promises but full time politicians – here – don’t keep there own
As an aside – US unemployment is as low as it has been since 1960 …..3%? Unemployed …
Recently, someone commented here that we have not been exposed to the Sopel virus much over the last couple of months. I wonder why. Could it be that he is working assiduously to distance himself from any connection with his Saint (‘get to the back of the queue’) Obama?
I am an avid follower of the gradual but positive exposure of the Deep State in American politics. By far the best source is Tom Fitton on the ‘Judicial Watch’ channel ( I recommend this albeit not directly Judicial Watch:
When the connection between the conspiracy to destroy President Trump and Obama (‘Call me Barry’) emerges into the light of day and the latter is prosecuted, have sympathy for Sopel. He’ll have to take off his walls all his pictures of himself and ‘Barry’ in the White House and the Rose Garden.
Ok Up2 – I admit – I heard that too. An ideal interviewer for the senior beeboid journo – Humph . No killing slugs or flys . Let the flys go free.
Apparently the garden is the last place where British people get to kill animals . Judging by the level of road kill on the roads I’d disagree with this assertion .
Fed, I drove past a RK pheasant t’other day. There’s lunch, I thought. Unfortunately it was beyond the slip road, and stopping on a motorway except for an emergency ist verboten.
David Lammy is a man filled with rage. His twitter profile pic encapsulates that clearly.
But, he is another far left hate preacher who can say anything he likes, he is far left and black after all.
He sits on twitter all day giving it out but CANNOT take any criticism at all. Folk like Lammy make my blood boil. Here is a tweet from yesterday and you guessed it, its Brexit related so the term “cliff edge” is there !!!!
Thankyou Lord Brexit for pointing out this parasite huge expenses claims …..
Ha our mate LordBrexit who marched along with us from Doncaster to Nottingham
..A guy never involved in politics before, but motivated from the Brexit stitch-up.
I have started watching ITV breakfast – actually for Piers Morgan – don’t always agree with him but at least he is able to argue both sides – This morning Richard Madeley was on (I quite like him) interviewing Sadick Kahn – I don’t like him 🙂 – about this ULEZ. He was pushed hard by Madeley and you could see his arrogant face squirming – whilst he repeated stupid statistics and and the public health crisis in London…and made dumb comments about how he was going to ‘fix’ the air pollution….
Then switch to BBC to see him interviewed by sofa boy Dan.. what an easy ride he got….no squirming just allowed to make the same unfounded statements..apparently there is a direct link to dementia and air pollution and just about every other illness and disease…what a load of crock….the BBC clearly don’t like upsetting him….but then they let him go on about a people’s vote and withdrawing article… more project fear….
Same here. Mon – Weds for Piers Morgan … a real change to the usual libtards. Fair do’s to Piers, he openly admits he is a Remainer but unlike 99.9% of other Remainers he actually understands the reasons why people voted leave and always states that the Referendum result must be implemented. Top bloke. Takes no prisoners whoever he interviews, left or right.
Dan Walker on the other hand ..the wettest of wet blankets and the epitome of a far left liberal bbc hard remainer. He is unwatchable. Worst thing is, he really thinks he is the dogs knackers.
The programme is triumphant! ‘The UK is going to have the toughest Internet regulation in the world.’*
Those of us with some insight and experience can see the future.
An official Regulator will be appointed, no doubt on a commensurate salary, circa £150,000-200,000 paid by the taxpayer. Can’t see The Regulator operating alone. A staff will be created with layers of Management. You guessed, also paid by the taxpayer.
The Regulator and The Senior Management will not actually do the work. They will go round TV and Radio studios explaining “Lessons will be learned.” and “Regulation & our power needs to be increased.” and “We need more staff to cover the whole of the UK but Government is not funding it.” whenever there is a tragedy or something unfavourable attributed to the Internet.
The people doing the work, the under-managers and their staff on average salaries will then be terrified by The Senior Managers and The Regulator whenever something goes wrong or is deemed to go wrong. In fear of their jobs and mortgages, they will transfer the terror – not to the owners of the Internet businesses (perhaps overseas) but to the senior and middle management (and down to their staff) in this country. They, in fear of their jobs and mortgages, will clamp down on and will restrict anything and everything they deem to be ‘bad’.
Who decides what is actually bad? Is their judgement good and accurate? Is it biased? Is it subject to the fashions and mores of the day? Are they competent to make the judgement?
It is not hard to see where it will all go horribly wrong. Am I being cynical? I think it is a realistic view of the future. If you don’t believe me, think back to the Ebola Crisis a couple of years back. The Director of Public Health England was more concerned about cigarette smoking in the open air than keeping that disease out of the UK.
(* All internet competition to the BBC will be squashed?)
The government is openly threatening to shut down dissident media – user generated content. The excuse will be child protection and hate speech. Think what a Corbyn government would do with those powers. Remember @OwenJones84 says the @spectator is guilty of spreading hate.
Looks like an older version of the little middle aged youth wishing death on old folk after QT.
????Internet sites could be fined or blocked if they fail to tackle "online harms". Here's what the government are saying about their plans on @BBCBreakfast????
Just tried to put a FoI request into BBC – anyone just getting a page saying set up a gmail account?
They seem to be making it really difficult to submit an FoI
Electric car miracle
” the car broke down, and an engineer was flown out from Europe to fix it for him. So much for all those CO2 emissions savings supposedly demonstrated by his self-indulgent making of this trip.”
I tell you that cos the BBC only let that slip out on the radio. The web reports don’t mention that.
\\ Wiebe Wakker has arrived in Sydney, after driving there in an electric car from Amsterdam over the course of almost three years.//
Peter Martin adds 2 more flight
\\ A check showed that the wheel suspension was worn and a new one had to be flown in from Delhi;
– There was also a short circuit in the garage, causing the charger of the car to explode. Result: he could only continue on a slow charger and had to fly a new charger from the Netherlands. //
So that is 3 occasions there were special flights.
Was he trying to save GHGs ?
Yes “He said that it was intended to prove the viability of electric vehicles as a means of slowing the pace of climate change.”
People have of course hitchhiked around the world ..and therefore used less CO2
An article in the Telegraph today points out that jsu 16% of under 35s say they would vote Tory in a damning indictment of Mays disastrous ‘leadership’.
Half of the Tory voters are now past retirement age, and the only possible explanation for this is that they can remember conservative leaders such as Margaret Thatcher before the present crop of Marxists destroyed the party, in the name of expediency.
Clearly the Tory party has no realistic future on the far Left of politics with a now clearly Marxist leader and so many spineless toadies incapable of even seeing the reality of what is going on in front of their eyes.
The average age of MPs (from all parties) is now 50, and as the Tories don’t really have that many youngsters I suspect that they have a demographic towards the older.
Again this is a failure of central office which should have been actively pushing younger candidates rather than the elderly.
So many mistakes have been made by the privileged elites who mismanage the party that it is difficult if not an impossibility to envisage a long term future, or even a short term one for that matter.
Reminds one of the Spitting Image sketch, “What about the vegetables? ” Waiter to Thatcher who replies “They’ll have the same as me”.
Trouble is we have a vegetable as a PM too.
gaxvil – Ah, the days of Maggie. Those were the days. She would have sorted things out in 2016. Backstop? No, no, no! Rubbish! I can see Grieve, Bercow, Letwin, Boles et al getting handbagged! By now we would have left and sorting out the final little hobbles, if any.
Soubry? Oooh, I hate to think. No, actually, spend some time imagining the scene…
T houghtful,
I was amused this morning by an item/exchange on Toady. Some Minister telling us plebs that there will be a 3 month consultation on some issue or other, before the Goverment propose appropriate legislation.
I was reminded of my own connection with the Government as a principal Consultee (and eventually the offer to become a, ‘Special Advisor’ to a Select Committee) in relation to changes in certain laws back in the early 2000’s. It doesn’t take too long to work out the political process. Here’s a very condensed version of the well plodded path: Concern about a issue is flagged up; Government whimsically expresses a desire to explore the, ‘abuse’ further to establish whether there is a problem; Years wear on with Ministers (yes plural – musical chairs), continually declaring that they cannot see a problem but, if one exists, the stock description is, the perpetrators are, “only a tiny minority”. This, when that assertion is blatantly wrong. The Government eventually find a positiion and allow the process of, ‘Consultation’ to work itself out over the years although they will have already decided on the legislative remedy. This helps to further the illusion of, ‘Democracy’ at work when they know the input of the Consultees will be largely ignored. But not, of course for the Trade Bodies and lobbyists.
When eventually that process works itself out, people wonder why ‘half-baked’ legislation emerges. It all stinks to High Heaven……..
LBC – Director of HS resigns due to frustration from lack of support from Government Departments and Congress.
(Resignation letter view-able on Fox News)
BBC – Director HS resigns no reason was given. It is understood there have been tensions between her and Trump.
Kirstjen Nielsen’s resignation letter
“I hope that the next Secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts in fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders and which have contributed to discord in our nation’s discourse.”
#BiasedBBC NewsDay 6am Monday "Trump has replaced his Homeland Security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen *He gave no immediate reason for the change*, but there has been talk of tensions between the pair for months. whereas @LBC news quotes lack of support from Gov depts & Congress ->
We are punished with Customs and Import charges if we wish to purchase outside the EU which is why we need Free Trade. China seems to get round it by shipping from a warehouse in the UK but your PayPal goes straight to China – funny that.
Did anyone hear Peter Oborne on Toady? At 8.55 am?
He was a Brexiteer who has changed to Remain, cos ‘everything has been going wrong’, the UK is in danger of breaking up, starting with NI etc. -for this Brexit is to blame. Now he has seen the light. Just what beeb wants to hear!
It’s when you deliberately start off on the wrong foot, doing it the EU way (an admission that you’re not sovereign in the first place) rather than your own way, that things ‘go wrong’. Put a Remainer in charge….
Fraser Nelson was there, cos he had gone the other way. But his case was so vague cos there was little time left by 9.00 am, it couldn’t really be examined. It was all about Oborne. Another little Toady trick.
And then they act surprised when we get pissed off and start referring to ‘traitors’.
Sick of manipulation.
Oborne is not an independent commentator, and he follows the line his bosses at the Daily Mail order him to follow. He is therefore a staunch defender of Theresa May, and has been for some time. He defended her ‘turd’ of a withdrawl treaty, despite all the other voices howling no, and as May moves to a new phase where she is more actively trying to prevent Brexit so Oborne has followed his bosses instructions.
The Mail has been remain for a long time and it would seem to be moving even further in that direction. Presumably Viscount Rothermere is worried he might have pay some tax if the UK leaves the EU
“In 2013, Private Eye reported that Viscount Rothermere falsely claims non-dom status, in order to avoid paying tax on his stately home, Ferne House. This move saves him several millions of pounds in tax annually. He was a supporter of the former Conservative Party leader David Cameron.”
So #1 Last year the DailyMail changed editor and came out as GuardianLite and anti-proper Brexit and as a supporter of May’s BRINO deal
Now #2 its columnist Peter Oborne has also had a change of heart
Twitter widely quotes the Huffpo headline
\\ Pro-Brexit Daily Mail writer Peter Oborne
calls for ‘long pause’ as leaving EU has turned UK into a ‘laughing stock’ //
Have to agree with you Stew. I have been a reader of the Mail for decades, and for me anyway it was a good read under Paul Dacre. Sadly now, its become a comic for mainly women issues (and yes I’m female – the last time I looked), alongside ‘community projects’ or endless petitions.
At this rate I’ll be forced to transfer to the D/Express and its 6 pages of content !
Martin Howe, unlike liar May, tells us the truth about the legally-binding Withdrawal Agreement and its backstop Protocol with no unilateral exit clause.
[My somewhat inadequate summary follows]
The backstop Protocol is a customs union, so if we cannot do a long-term deal with the EU, then we will automatically fall into it and will be stuck there until the EU lets us out. And the Political Declaration requires the UK to submit to a customs arrangement built on the backstop.
The legal linkage between the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration means that the EU will be legally entitled to require the UK to enter the backstop and stay there indefinitely.
Geoffrey Cox’s claims that we could remove ourselves from this customs union in the future are wrong unless the backstop Protocol is stripped from the Withdrawal Agreement (which it won’t be). The latest appeasement plan seems to be to enter into a long-term customs union agreement in addition, without a normal notice clause, which makes the situation even worse.
Also, on State aid controls – EU rules on State aid would fully apply during the transition period, but then the UK would be compelled to carry on applying them even after we have left the transition period as part of the backstop. The European Commission would “supervise” us, and we would continue to be bound by the judgments of the European Court of Justice on the ever-expanding scope of EU State aid rules.
[I always thought ECJ lover Starmer would be personally keen on Treezer’s ‘deal’ for this very reason – hence his fence sitting].
Island – Please don’t insult the slitherers. If they bite you, you might not like it, but it will have been done in an honest way. That’s what they do, for humans read mostly defensively…
Key word: honest.
An Israel/ Britain alliance group sought legal advice on whether Linda Sarsour could be denied entry to the UK for seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of beliefs & fostering hatred that might lead to inter-community violence. Apparently the threshold was not breached.
I’ve never ever felt the urge to attend any official visit, royal weddings celebrations, etc. in my whole life, but I must say, I’m very tempted to go to this and cheer his visit with a MAGA hat on shouting, “Donald, lets join up like we did 70 years ago, bash the Bosh and make it 3-0.”
dazzer- agreed! Imagine if we had a Trump:
I see Juncker, Verhostadt, Barnier, et al adrift in a small boat in the Meditteranean, looking for land….
flying the yellow and blue, of course.
(Personally, with the AfD getting nearly 20% in their last election, I wouldn’t want to bash the Bosh. Merkel and the treacherous politicians, is quite another story. I also read the comments in their papers, usually agree fully with 98%; the journalists are an entirely different matter!
Believe me, their elites and media have them every bit under the jackboot as ours do!)
Footnote: Looking at Saturday’s Telegraph cover banner headline: “Brexit Betrayal”, I would like to exempt them from my final comment. Now, if the German MSM had one of those…
Their regrettably limited and much pressurised/vilified (far right, neo-Nazi, fascist etc) ‘compact-online’ is fine.
And to understand how fine, you have to appreciate that a criticism of neo-Nazi in Germany (where the Swastika is banned – criminal offence) is rather different from here. Always surprised to see them still going.
In the Daily Telegraph today, Charles Moore , a regular columnist and once the editor of the newspaper, calls for a nationwide License Fee strike because of the BBC extreme Remain bias. Many public figures have called for abolition of the loathsome corporation in the past but I can’t remember one calling explicitly for a LF strike before. I think that a good , peaceful show of civil disobedience would be for all those disgusted and angry at the way the liberal establishment has betrayed the Brexit vote and with it democracy , would indeed to mount a mass LF strike. Perhaps , in response to Moore’s column, someone will step forward who knows how to plan and organise one.
Just give up paying for the Licence Fee. Sell your TV. If it is not worth anything that someone is willing to pay, I suggest giving it away via Freecycle.
Go cold turkey. In 6 years you will have saved the best part of £1000. After a while you do not really miss it.
How then do people end up in prison for licence evasion?
When I gave up TV, I wrote to the TVLA explaining in detail what I was doing and why, only watching DVDs and using the set as a monitor.
In the early days, the phrasing of the letters they sent was quite alarming so I wrote back giving them both barrels. Recently it’s been more civilised.
Now and then they ask if I’m still not using a TV for broadcast and, now, there is an additonal question about internet catch ups. I just tick the relevant boxes and then they leave you alone for a couple of years.
If the licence fee goes, it’s likely that the BBC will be financed from general taxation.
Firstly I applaud your action and your courage in telling the BBC where to get off but I still think that if the BBC is to be seriously damaged the refusal to pay the License Fee needs to be organised on a national basis. People need to be alerted to the mass action and encouraged to join. Made aware of the safety in numbers and the reasons why people are taking mass action must be well publicised in the public sphere. People need to be mobilised and that takes organisation.
We asked the UKIP guy the other day about about Ukip being tarnished with the “BNP racist” reputation. He pointed out that ex-BNP can’t join Ukip but that’s not the same with Labour where actual BNP
councillors like Trevor Maxfield, Maureen Stowe and Angela Sinfield had defected and been welcomed into Labour.
I I wonder how many of them were plants from Labour front groups like Searchlight , Hope Not Hate anyways ?
As a Christian, I always live in Hope, not hate.
But I certainly wouldn’t join that group. translate it into PC and the meaning changes…
As a Brexiteer, I oppose the UK being ruled from Brussels/EU.
No problems at all though, with Europe or Europeans. Speak some of their languages, and happy to so do. Beware of PC muddle!
This is true, John. Interesting, that your namesake, when on Patmos, recorded a “prophecy” (1.3) i.e. over time, not only geographical location. (Einstein may have stumbled onto something when he spoke of ‘spacetime’. Even more interesting, that John claims only to be the scribe, not the author. But that is another story.)
And isn’t (3.17) then an absolutely perfect description of this seventh and final age? So accurate, we really don’t need The Telegraph or anyone else to tell us where we are…
Of course, there are those who will give you an argument.
Radio Lincolnshire 11:42am
Presenter : “Today ULEZ, , emissions from road transport are a huge part of the risk to our health
.. A new book by Londoner* Beth Gardiner, Choked: The Age of Air Pollution and the Fight for a Cleaner Future, shows this is a global human health problem. ..”
* “Londoner” Beth comes on and she has a North American accent
They are talking the presenters car.
“diesel is very toxic”
..Then lays into wood burning stoves..she does say they are “toxic”
.. and bang they’ve moved onto traffic report.
She’s doing the interview circuit : Radio Essex have put up a clip
The thing is, as Julia Hartley Brewer pointed out this morning, that the air is actually getting cleaner year on year.
It is simply the tightening of regulations that has lowered the “acceptable” thresholds for so called pollutants.
For crying out loud …. NOBODY CARES !!!! The constant need for attention from these groups is infuriating . But the BBC love it. Why should Grime embrace transgender ??? Why ??
Re Khan’s Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ).
If everyone who needed to drive a vehicle into London today just simply didn’t then London would have ground to a halt.
Maybe people need to start withdrawing their labour en masse.
Khan knows full well it won’t “save lives”. The traffic will continue but the money will come rolling in.
So it’s okay for pollution to carry on “killing people” as long as the vehicle drivers pay to do it.
Maybe that’s what he could do about knife crime. Bring back stop n search, but if they’re found carrying a knife, fine them and send them on their way to continue to stab one another.
Did you notice how he has made it easier for small business under 10 people to get aid to upgrade cars – hmm now I wonder what socio-ethnic group fall into this category in London more than most?
Cynical? Moi ?
I wonder why the government wants to get control of the internet?
Do they have something they would like to deny?
These are terrorists using children for shields as the “Palestinians” do
Migrants started fires and attacked police at the Greek-North Macedonian border, demanding it's reopened.
Are these people refugees? Or are they invaders who mean to undermine the very soul of European civilisation.
Surely all women and children isn’t it, and a few male doctors , scientists etc just looking for a better life ???? That’s what the BBC constantly tell us, so therefore, must be true ??
Cant imagine any of them causing any mither what so ever, the BBC tell me they all just want to integrate and be part of western civilisation , so again , must be true. The BBC said so.
beeb 1 lunchtime news: Adam Fleming :Luxembourg: see/hear Merkel (relaxed) and Macron (tough) playing good cop, bad cop!
Oldest trick in the book…
Surely beeb haven’t fallen for…. oh wait…
So PM going to see the ReichEU leaders again . She’ll come back with another piece of paper saying we’re not really leaving .
Macron and the kraut must be laughing their bits off .
I wonder if May will take Comrade Corbyn along ? She can give him advice on what needs fixing when he moves into Number 10 and the launch codes for the Nucs
I bet Gerry Adams never thought he’d have nuclear weapons
Ever since Paul Dacre was made an offer he couldn’t refuse and made way for Geordie Grieg, that deliberate interference in our ‘free’ press has allowed the government to deflect the tone of a once highly influential and firmly Brexit newspaper.
Now Mail columnist Peter Oborne joins the queue of turncoats, pockets his silver and ‘confesses to reservations about the economics….’
When the dust has settled we need a full enquiry into the whole sorry saga – except there’s not a single person with the honesty to conduct it. Not the Archbish, P. Toynbee or Owen, obviously. Any ideas?
The leaver on the panel, Andrew Bridgen, was getting shouted down and talked over by all the others (all remainers of course) and mostly ignored by coburn who is as impartial as a Bercow.
Any time he started talking she quickly shut him up with the old “moving on” or other similar tricks used to stop any leaver from making a point
I wish he would have said “it’s like being on question time being the lone remainer on here”
I suppose this is the bbc getting it ‘about right’
How can any sane or reasonable human think the bbc is impartial. Are those who say it is impartial knowingly lieing or just terminally stupid?
Earlier I watched an unbearable few minutes of Sky News (bBC out of the question).
Apparently the Cooper Bill will sail through all its stages in the HoL today and immediately receive Royal Assent – no ifs, no buts.
HMQ should at least insist on time to think about it – preferably for a few weeks.
Guardian writer laments “a concerted campaign to hollow out a whole culture” and “to terrorise a whole people”. Who’s that then — ISIS? Boko Harem? James O’Brien? No, it’s China’s treatment of Muslims. Seems they’re on a bit of a mosque-bashing spree which isn’t going down too well at the Guardian (not of course to be compared with e.g. Egypt or Pakistan’s persecution of Christians).
‘Rachel Harris is reader in ethnomusicology at Soas University of London, and an expert in Uighur culture and religion’.
Just stumbled on this BBC 3 feature; it seems timely given the forthcoming clampdown on internet speech. Bright backgrounds, a jaunty soundtrack, the usual W1A homogeneous diversity and sinister undertones.
I grew up watching “Why Don’t You?”… now there’s “Things Not To Say.”
This is what happens when the Stasi do kids telly.
Times : 5 NHS clinicians resign transgender clinic after life changing treatments hastily given to vulnerable children with little to no evidence or consideration.
MP’s response ?
… turn on the messenger.
So, 5 clinicians at the clinic resign, horrified that they've been complicit in converting thousands of healthy gay kids to straight, and making them infertile in the process.
If I did the same with the Facebook desktop version then the link would be a massive one and begin www
but it would auto embed here , but also take a lot of space
Some arsehole was on Radio 2 at lunchtime claiming that the ‘poorest in society simply cannot afford to have a car’ and then followed up that in Central London is where the Capital’s poorest live.
Now I’m no property expert, but I suspect if you can’t afford to run a car, there’s little chance of you affording a 2 up 2 down in King’s Road.
The poorest people in London are the African/Muslim immigrants and refugees
Somehow they end up living in prime location council housing like Grenfell etc.
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
So the BBC tells us, that the Labour party condemn Islamic Brunei because they will stone gay people to death:
Yet Labour just recently adopted the following definition of Islamaphobia: “Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet beheading gay people is an “expression of Muslimness” because it’s an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded: “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”, referring to the homosexual acts in the ancient city of Lot:
Since Labour are criticizing stoning gay people to death they are targeting this “expression of Muslimness”, so Labour are Islamaphobic by their own retarded definition.
So are the BBC are able to spot this glaring contradiction?, even with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds snatched from the pockets of the “Islamaphobic” working class who they despise so much? Will they force Labour to explain themselves?.
No chance… because the BBC know Labour are lying hypocrites… its just that the sniveling feeble minded traitors at the BBC want to push these shallow self serving lies by Labour, because they share the same contempt of the British working class as the political elite do.
The BBC are a disgrace, lairs, traitors and a national embarrassment… and their efforts to hold Labour to account is laughable, and their pretense at serving the British public is a disgusting lie.
By that reckoning, Labour should condemn islam altogether:
Hadith and Sira
Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (This is a sahih hadith)
Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” (Note the implicit approval of sodomizing one’s wife).
al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 – [Muhammad said] “Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver.”
Reliance of the Traveller, p17.2 – “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.” This is also repeated in three other places.
Yes, instead Labour call for people to be de-platformed and imprisoned merely for pointing out the multitude of disgusting passages in the Islamic texts,, while the BBC lies and slanders them without proving a shred of evidence (Tommy Robinson, Gerard Batten, Anne Marie Waters… and others). These people are so disgusting it beggars belief.
Tony Robinson’s crime was drawing attention of the public to the gang rapes of tens of thousands of young British girls by Pakistani Muslims, while the Establishment willfully turned a blind eye.
Never in recorded history has there been such a grotesque crime where the ruling establishment consented to the rapes of its own young girls by incoming foreigners. The media too ignored it all for decades.
I wish Tony Robinson had been as active as his twin brother – Tommy – in efforts to protect innocent white girls from Muslims and their apologists in state organisations….
A Cunning plan indeed Baldrick, to be disguised and otherwise known as Yaxley Lennon.
Sir Tony Robinson if you please. Personaly I would make Tommy a Lord. Now think of that image Tommy in the Lords.
At least then, Lord Pearson would have some company.
Two sane men in the asylum, I wonder which Tommy Robinson would prefer, solitary confinement in a muslim infested prison, or the HoL?
This is a Thought Crime.
PS: The above is not poking fun, as ridiculing Thought Crime is itself a Thought Crime.
If the Quakers stoned people for the same reasons…what would the BBC’s reaction be?
Funny thing – this Lefty Liberal (and of course bbc) love affair with Islam that began on 9/11 built and built and had them wetting themselves, fighting to become Islam lover of the decade seems to have come of the rails.
Brunei has impinged on their tiny, closed bubble brains and pointed up the fact that Islam cannot co-exist with liberalism.
The Leftie love afair began earlier than that, with groups like Red army faction, baader meinhof, ?
And lets not loose our heads over “Chop Chop Square” in downtown Saudi every friday after afternoon prayers.
Homos and Muslims
Two silly groups that love being the centre of attention,
I’m sick of hearing about both.
Correction Lot was the fellow who was involved in Sodomy in Sodom and Gomorrah… must make sure i criticize Islam using accurate information.
I think Lot was the only non-gay in the village. That’s why God sent two representatives; I believe they were angels; to warn Lot to leave ( there’s that word again ) before He destroyed the place.
The city was so depraved, the sodomites besieged Lot’s house demanding he send out the two angels so they could bugger them. Lot even offered the sodomites his daughter if they’d stop demanding the two angels. But the sodomites refused; they wanted some fresh meat, so to speak.
That’s where Godlessness and depravity lead every time.
Lot was a righteous man, not a sodomite which is why God saved him. It has been suggested that the sodomites were homosexual prostitutes, possibly in order to allow the church to some what distance itself from condemnation of gays.
No to worry – Jeremy Hunt of The ‘Tory Party’, has appointed SJW supreme; Amal Clooney who’s always telling us to open our doors to take in immigrants, as ‘Media Envoy’.
She’ll be personally responsible for monitoring and policing UK internet output. Anything and I mean ANYTHING including this website, can be shut down immediately if Amal doesn’t approve…
Here’s our own BBC telling us how this is really a very good idea…
So are the BBC are able to spot this glaring contradiction?,
Islam and the “Religion of peace” is a greater contradiction, violated everyday as Christians are murdered by the hundreds each week for being Christian.
The BBC will never broadcast this ongoing genocide, greater in scale then the one off massacre of 50 Muslims in NZ.
I wonder if Peter Tatchell knows what islam tells its followers to do to homosexuals?
“Should those of us who think the BBC is biased against Brexit refuse to pay our licence fees?” asks Charles Moore in the Telegraph.
Telegraph seems to have a few pro Brexit headlines/ articles recently.
Was that always so ?
I might even work out how to swich of my adblocker to read them.
The DT has always supported Brexit, but until last summer thought that May would deliver it. Once she produced Merkel’s plan at the Chequers cabinet meeting they turned against her.
They publish Boris on a Monday (pro-Brexit) and Hague on a Tuesday (pro-capitulation), but the editorials and the majority of articles are pro-Brexit. At the moment they are convinced that she is destroying the Conservative Party.
On the other hand their USA coverage is solidly pro-Democrat, and they’ll twist any story to attack Trump.
Backlinks …cos as ever we’ve just posted a load of stuff, before the new thread began.
page 4 has most of Sundays posts
page 3 started 2pm Saturday
Thanks as always Stew . Lots of comments and incidents not to be missed . And unfortunately events can mean stuff can be forgotten .
BBC News – Jaguar Land Rover to start Brexit shutdown
At a glance seems they are stopping for maintenance one week longer than usual.
And this extra week was arranged with the unions way back in January.
Just had to wait 6 months for a Range Rover looks more like bad management than anything to do with Brexit.
And from @Fakenewswatcher
Good old (international) Socialism. You just can’t keep it down. Too many fools and thieves around…
Noticed how in Munich the word ‘expropriation’ is causing controversy. Are we in Germany? Yup.
Ms Merkel, who kicked the whole thing off, by opening borders, is very quiet- as is typical. May could -even now- still learn a thing or two.
The Socialists and the Greens are in the forefront of the grabbing intentions. Not enough social housing (wonder why?) which local gov has to pay for, so the red/green revolutionaries have come up with something, probably imported from….
…South Africa, where expropriation without compensation (ie grabbing somebody else’s property) is a hugely fashionable election topic!
A lot of irony Trudeau, Climate, Windfarms ec.
Tomato news
This is nonsense… there will be more variety, for example both straight and bendy bananas will be available for a start when we leave the EU…
“bendy” jip? That’s surely a homophobic description……………..
I think the man on the BBC told us that a No-Deal Brexit means no Champagne. Only Sparkling wine from Australia, New Zealand and England. Nytimber from Waitrose, Denbies from Morrisons, Balfour from Tescos and Yorkshire Heart from the Internet. But NO Champagne. So I wouldn’t bother looking for any, because the BBC thinks it would be a waste of time. So after Brexit, you can only buy sparkling wine from a country with a Union Jack in its flag. I think the BBC means that this is because the European Union does not export Champagne to none members due to isolationism and racism towards none white European types. The BBC is very upset about this because the staff are all rich Champaign Socialists. The BBC thinks that English Sparkling Wine is for deplorable working class Labour voters not the posh metropolitan upper-class Labour voters who prefer to buy inferior French stuff due to its old fashioned posh image.
Champagne Socilaists they most certainly are. Lot of rubbish being spoken by the doom and gloom gangs in respect to the UK leaving without a deal-for goodness sake, let us tell the winging bunch of no hopers-leave without a deal-we as a nation survived once without too much of a problem so we can do it again.
£1000 to a remainer who can show to us that the BBC has produced a pro Brexit programme ; on television or radio .
I’ll even include a five minute programme broadcast at 2.33 in the morning . Or thereabouts . ( Champagne at St Pancras bar if it’s at peak viewing ) .
Maxiconomy , tell your friends .
With Easter coming up and the inevitable mad scramble for the last lettuce in town, it’s a good time to crank up the fruit and veg threat level. Home grown terror at it’s worst.
A couple of suggestions
All remain voting areas accept the EU nationals that need housing ,or medical care ,or unemployment benefit etc and pay for it .
All EU nationals that transgress the law are given translators paid for by remain voting areas and their incarceration paid for by them .
They then try to reclaim the funds from the EU .
ii) we give every asylum seeker an EU passport , valid throughout the EU but not valid in the UK .
Farage in this Brexit video is rather brilliant. He addresses the Oxford University elite and does well. He’s a man who donated 25 years of his life to achieve Brexit.
I remember an account of the Labour MP, Barbara Castle, at the Oxford Union in the 1970’s saying something like Oxford University becoming the cadet force of the European Community after it lost its roll as the cadet force of the British Empire, when she was there.
Insulting all those posh Pro-European snobs who sneered at a Commonwealth country which produced pineapples, meant that she lost the debate against two Pro-EU mega grease balls called Edward Heath and Jeremy Thorpe. We lost that Brexit referendum and all those students wasted billions of pounds of our money on the EU gravy train.
I suppose Oxford University has become the cadet force for a Maoist People’s democratic dictatorship. Campaigning for a “Peoples Vote” and replacing Colleges with “Safe Spaces” from any real Education.
The Arts, Media, Languages, Psychology and Environmental morons no longer allow scientifically educated people to hold Conferences on University property. Then I read a piece that claimed that these scientists were uneducated, because their conference was not held on University property.
It looks like he may have wasted 25 years of his life…..I do hope not.
Nigel Farage: “It’s [the panel] so skewed in one direction, I thought it was a BBC programme”
Just been watching Star Trek Discovery on Netflix. There is a weird alien from another dimension called May.
I do not believe that can be coincidence.
May, you, die well: A Klingon parting phrase. Probably after negotiations failed
Just checked and for the first time in living memoray (if your three) there is nothing on the BBC news home page about BREXIT. Usual tosh about “changing to non bio washing powder by women in west Africa gave us a sense of empowement” etc etc but nothing on BREXIT…why ?
Quite an amazingly balanced homepage – apart from Newsbeat which has blacks in all the 5 stories.
Including: ‘Using my first tampon put me in A&E’; ‘How pop is blurring the gender lines’; ‘Did Russia meddle in Madagascar’s election’; ‘More pressure to be beautiful in Bangladesh’; and the ever popular ‘The neo-Nazi paedophile who plotted to kill’. Yep, that’s a fairly good balance of the topics that interest the BBC 🙂
There has been a secret policy decision in the State Broadcaster regarding brexit . The issue is relegated to number 2 or 3 . I reported that on Friday of last week bbc news spent 7 minutes on the Boeing crashes and made brexit number 2 .
It’s the same technique used for Islam . Avoid telling the truth so that there is s ‘backlash ‘ against potential Islamic targets . Now it’s ‘avoid brexit’ because there are signs of people doing something about democracy being overturned and not just moaning about it .
I suspect that this week there will be a couple of big news items to further distract people away from the betrayal . If I was a betting man I’d say one ‘happy ‘ story and one ‘sad’ one .
As an aside – Charles Moore – writing in the Telegraph wonders out loud whether is is right not to pay the TV licence because of the overt pro remain bias displayed by the BBC .
It’s good that someone in the ‘mainstream ‘ voices the idea so many friends here live by .
New ULEZ in force in London.
This is going to hit our economy big time. An ideal opportunity to blame it on Brexit. Good for the German car export market . Very timely ?
Yes Taffman,
And the ULEZ is due to spread to my bit of town in a couple of years . And I bought a diesel German car because the UK government encouraged me to do so .
Hopefully the need to dispose of said car will be mitigated by the pay out I should receive for being in the Class action on German industrial fraud currently taking place . Apparently this may be concluded by the end of 2019 …
taffman, diesel buses – there are still some in the capital although TfL has stopped buying new ones – and diesel coaches pay £100 per day.
There’s a fare increase for poorer and middle income people to pay.
When the Fuel Duty Escalator was introduced by the Major government in 1992 (effective 1993, IIRC) bus fares rocketed in the capital. The bus companies then had to be subsidised by the State but fares did not reduce.
What about Diesel trains ??? Try breathing in at Victoria Station in Manchester you’d choke on the fumes… how they going to handle that they must be major polluter but seen as green by the leftys.
Although fares in London were artifically cheap before then, as Red Ken was mayor and had reduced tubes and buses to a flat fare of 20p if I remember correctly. Arguably the only good thing he did.
Free buses for kids means fat kids . But spend 50k on a survey by a ‘friend ‘ to prove it ….
@Fedup2 @Taffman it’s easy : You just buy an old model clapped out Toyota Prius , cos that is exempt.
Since the battery has stopped working you’d be driving on petrol all the time an pushing out more “pollutants” that 5 diesel cars etc.
… Apparently that is what thousands of Uber drivers do.
The government is proposing to fine websites that carry ‘online harms’ and the BBC – as the state broadcaster – is currently running it as the lead item on their ‘news’ website (itself possibly the biggest source of ‘online harm’ in Britain). The usual suspects are trotted out – the need to protect against terrorist content, child pornography etc. These matters are illegal and consequently already covered by laws relating to obscenity, terrorism, incitement etc. But as usual, this is just a smokescreen and the real targets are so-called hate crimes, harassment and fake news. In other words, this is about censorship and shutting up criticism of the crumbling liberal fantasies of globalism, mass immigration, interventionist wars, climate change, big business and so on.
Some examples are woven in e.g. “Misinformation is listed as a potential harm, and Health Secretary Matt Hancock has talked about the damaging effects anti-vaccination campaigners have had” (translation: vaccines are big money, with margins of 4000% on some products and pharmaceutical companies don’t want anyone rocking the boat). Or, “the spread of fake news could be tackled by forcing social networks to employ fact-checkers and promote legitimate news sources.” Ultimately, this means that only ‘approved’ news providers will be permitted e.g. Associate Press, CNN, BBC, with their content promoted by Facebook, Google etc.
Interesting to contrast this with another article the BBC are promoting, in which a ‘British’ woman and ‘Londoner’ (they are keen to emphasise these aspects) is facing jail in Dubai for calling the new wife of her ex-husband ‘a horse’ on Facebook. As ever, the comrades are too dumb to make the link between the draconian censorship they tacitly approve of and hope to benefit from and where it ends up.
OFCOM are mentioned in the News article (as a possible candidate for regulator).
If phone regulation is an example of their work then I’m expecting that nothing good comes of this.
OFCOM: stuffed with ex-Labour and ex-BBC acolytes. And the old chestnut of the industry regulating itself – Google has just abandoned its attempt to setup an ‘Ethics board’ after employees objected to one of the 25 board members having broadly conservative views. Diversity and inclusion in everything… except opinions.
Toady watch
The state broadcaster is shifting its attack on President Trump. This time he is “fixated “ on border control ( says our Justin ). In beeboid world this is a bad thing because they don’t like borders .
As smug Justin ( the bbc Matt frei ) was saying this I recalled the promises Mr Trump made during his election campaign ‘build a wall ‘ – so that is what he is doing . And if the current home land security boss doesn’t deliver – they get fired .
I muse that a non politician keeps his promises but full time politicians – here – don’t keep there own
As an aside – US unemployment is as low as it has been since 1960 …..3%? Unemployed …
Recently, someone commented here that we have not been exposed to the Sopel virus much over the last couple of months. I wonder why. Could it be that he is working assiduously to distance himself from any connection with his Saint (‘get to the back of the queue’) Obama?
I am an avid follower of the gradual but positive exposure of the Deep State in American politics. By far the best source is Tom Fitton on the ‘Judicial Watch’ channel ( I recommend this albeit not directly Judicial Watch:
When the connection between the conspiracy to destroy President Trump and Obama (‘Call me Barry’) emerges into the light of day and the latter is prosecuted, have sympathy for Sopel. He’ll have to take off his walls all his pictures of himself and ‘Barry’ in the White House and the Rose Garden.
Judicial Watch is promising a take down of the Obama regime. I hope they can deliver, as the criminals are embedded deep.
TOADY Watch #1
Programme been spoofed again?
Vegan comes on just before 7am to encourage us to ‘Hug a Slug’. I suspect a comedian getting ‘under the wire’. What? Sarah Sands gullible? Probably.
Bang goes that Vegan lettuce.
Ok Up2 – I admit – I heard that too. An ideal interviewer for the senior beeboid journo – Humph . No killing slugs or flys . Let the flys go free.
Apparently the garden is the last place where British people get to kill animals . Judging by the level of road kill on the roads I’d disagree with this assertion .
Fed, I drove past a RK pheasant t’other day. There’s lunch, I thought. Unfortunately it was beyond the slip road, and stopping on a motorway except for an emergency ist verboten.
David Lammy is a man filled with rage. His twitter profile pic encapsulates that clearly.
But, he is another far left hate preacher who can say anything he likes, he is far left and black after all.
He sits on twitter all day giving it out but CANNOT take any criticism at all. Folk like Lammy make my blood boil. Here is a tweet from yesterday and you guessed it, its Brexit related so the term “cliff edge” is there !!!!
Thankyou Lord Brexit for pointing out this parasite huge expenses claims …..
Ha our mate LordBrexit who marched along with us from Doncaster to Nottingham
..A guy never involved in politics before, but motivated from the Brexit stitch-up.
I have started watching ITV breakfast – actually for Piers Morgan – don’t always agree with him but at least he is able to argue both sides – This morning Richard Madeley was on (I quite like him) interviewing Sadick Kahn – I don’t like him 🙂 – about this ULEZ. He was pushed hard by Madeley and you could see his arrogant face squirming – whilst he repeated stupid statistics and and the public health crisis in London…and made dumb comments about how he was going to ‘fix’ the air pollution….
Then switch to BBC to see him interviewed by sofa boy Dan.. what an easy ride he got….no squirming just allowed to make the same unfounded statements..apparently there is a direct link to dementia and air pollution and just about every other illness and disease…what a load of crock….the BBC clearly don’t like upsetting him….but then they let him go on about a people’s vote and withdrawing article… more project fear….
Same here. Mon – Weds for Piers Morgan … a real change to the usual libtards. Fair do’s to Piers, he openly admits he is a Remainer but unlike 99.9% of other Remainers he actually understands the reasons why people voted leave and always states that the Referendum result must be implemented. Top bloke. Takes no prisoners whoever he interviews, left or right.
Dan Walker on the other hand ..the wettest of wet blankets and the epitome of a far left liberal bbc hard remainer. He is unwatchable. Worst thing is, he really thinks he is the dogs knackers.
Minor media gob changes sides. Media loses its sh*t.
Good look, Rach.
Context : “Peter Oborne, former chief political commentator of The Daily Telegraph, and former strong Brexiteer ”
“I was a strong Brexiteer. Now we must swallow our pride and think again
If we are to leave the European Union we want a sensible Brexit. There’s no chance of that just now.”
Further context: Open Democracy being one of those entities with ‘Democracy’ in its title just for the Lolz.
TOADY Watch #2
The programme is triumphant! ‘The UK is going to have the toughest Internet regulation in the world.’*
Those of us with some insight and experience can see the future.
An official Regulator will be appointed, no doubt on a commensurate salary, circa £150,000-200,000 paid by the taxpayer. Can’t see The Regulator operating alone. A staff will be created with layers of Management. You guessed, also paid by the taxpayer.
The Regulator and The Senior Management will not actually do the work. They will go round TV and Radio studios explaining “Lessons will be learned.” and “Regulation & our power needs to be increased.” and “We need more staff to cover the whole of the UK but Government is not funding it.” whenever there is a tragedy or something unfavourable attributed to the Internet.
The people doing the work, the under-managers and their staff on average salaries will then be terrified by The Senior Managers and The Regulator whenever something goes wrong or is deemed to go wrong. In fear of their jobs and mortgages, they will transfer the terror – not to the owners of the Internet businesses (perhaps overseas) but to the senior and middle management (and down to their staff) in this country. They, in fear of their jobs and mortgages, will clamp down on and will restrict anything and everything they deem to be ‘bad’.
Who decides what is actually bad? Is their judgement good and accurate? Is it biased? Is it subject to the fashions and mores of the day? Are they competent to make the judgement?
It is not hard to see where it will all go horribly wrong. Am I being cynical? I think it is a realistic view of the future. If you don’t believe me, think back to the Ebola Crisis a couple of years back. The Director of Public Health England was more concerned about cigarette smoking in the open air than keeping that disease out of the UK.
(* All internet competition to the BBC will be squashed?)
‘The UK is going to have the toughest Internet regulation in the world.’
Makes you proud, doesn’t it? Nobody will be offended – or at least none of the favoured groups that seem to matter.
We all know it’s about control. Make the dangerous internet conform to the bland, biased, amateurish standards that the BBC maintains.
You want freedom? Try China, it might be an improvement.
Looks like an older version of the little middle aged youth wishing death on old folk after QT.
Guidio doing a post on censorship
Absolutely. I haven’t visited his site since he banned me; and I’m still in the dark about why.
I was also banned without any reason given. I wondered whether it was cos he might have thought I was black.
So an external moderator will block and fine companies for fake news and racism, hate speech, violent content etc..
Good luck on the fake news – hope they have better luck than Ofcom with the bbc.
Just tried to put a FoI request into BBC – anyone just getting a page saying set up a gmail account?
They seem to be making it really difficult to submit an FoI
Using whatdotheyknow?
Thanks Guest…submitted
Electric car miracle
” the car broke down, and an engineer was flown out from Europe to fix it for him. So much for all those CO2 emissions savings supposedly demonstrated by his self-indulgent making of this trip.”
I tell you that cos the BBC only let that slip out on the radio. The web reports don’t mention that.
\\ Wiebe Wakker has arrived in Sydney, after driving there in an electric car from Amsterdam over the course of almost three years.//
Most media reprinted the press release : Yahoo “Dutchman ends ‘world’s longest electric car trip’ in Australia”
Meanwhile, shock news…
Peter Martin adds 2 more flight
\\ A check showed that the wheel suspension was worn and a new one had to be flown in from Delhi;
– There was also a short circuit in the garage, causing the charger of the car to explode. Result: he could only continue on a slow charger and had to fly a new charger from the Netherlands. //
So that is 3 occasions there were special flights.
Was he trying to save GHGs ?
Yes “He said that it was intended to prove the viability of electric vehicles as a means of slowing the pace of climate change.”
People have of course hitchhiked around the world ..and therefore used less CO2
An article in the Telegraph today points out that jsu 16% of under 35s say they would vote Tory in a damning indictment of Mays disastrous ‘leadership’.
Half of the Tory voters are now past retirement age, and the only possible explanation for this is that they can remember conservative leaders such as Margaret Thatcher before the present crop of Marxists destroyed the party, in the name of expediency.
Clearly the Tory party has no realistic future on the far Left of politics with a now clearly Marxist leader and so many spineless toadies incapable of even seeing the reality of what is going on in front of their eyes.
The average age of MPs (from all parties) is now 50, and as the Tories don’t really have that many youngsters I suspect that they have a demographic towards the older.
Again this is a failure of central office which should have been actively pushing younger candidates rather than the elderly.
So many mistakes have been made by the privileged elites who mismanage the party that it is difficult if not an impossibility to envisage a long term future, or even a short term one for that matter.
Reminds one of the Spitting Image sketch, “What about the vegetables? ” Waiter to Thatcher who replies “They’ll have the same as me”.
Trouble is we have a vegetable as a PM too.
gaxvil – Ah, the days of Maggie. Those were the days. She would have sorted things out in 2016. Backstop? No, no, no! Rubbish! I can see Grieve, Bercow, Letwin, Boles et al getting handbagged! By now we would have left and sorting out the final little hobbles, if any.
Soubry? Oooh, I hate to think. No, actually, spend some time imagining the scene…
T houghtful,
I was amused this morning by an item/exchange on Toady. Some Minister telling us plebs that there will be a 3 month consultation on some issue or other, before the Goverment propose appropriate legislation.
I was reminded of my own connection with the Government as a principal Consultee (and eventually the offer to become a, ‘Special Advisor’ to a Select Committee) in relation to changes in certain laws back in the early 2000’s. It doesn’t take too long to work out the political process. Here’s a very condensed version of the well plodded path: Concern about a issue is flagged up; Government whimsically expresses a desire to explore the, ‘abuse’ further to establish whether there is a problem; Years wear on with Ministers (yes plural – musical chairs), continually declaring that they cannot see a problem but, if one exists, the stock description is, the perpetrators are, “only a tiny minority”. This, when that assertion is blatantly wrong. The Government eventually find a positiion and allow the process of, ‘Consultation’ to work itself out over the years although they will have already decided on the legislative remedy. This helps to further the illusion of, ‘Democracy’ at work when they know the input of the Consultees will be largely ignored. But not, of course for the Trade Bodies and lobbyists.
When eventually that process works itself out, people wonder why ‘half-baked’ legislation emerges. It all stinks to High Heaven……..
LBC – Director of HS resigns due to frustration from lack of support from Government Departments and Congress.
(Resignation letter view-able on Fox News)
BBC – Director HS resigns no reason was given. It is understood there have been tensions between her and Trump.
Kirstjen Nielsen’s resignation letter
“I hope that the next Secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts in fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders and which have contributed to discord in our nation’s discourse.”
Perhaps we should take the BBC at it’s word and prepare for Brexit by simply boycotting and avoiding all EU produced products?
We are punished with Customs and Import charges if we wish to purchase outside the EU which is why we need Free Trade. China seems to get round it by shipping from a warehouse in the UK but your PayPal goes straight to China – funny that.
Did anyone hear Peter Oborne on Toady? At 8.55 am?
He was a Brexiteer who has changed to Remain, cos ‘everything has been going wrong’, the UK is in danger of breaking up, starting with NI etc. -for this Brexit is to blame. Now he has seen the light. Just what beeb wants to hear!
It’s when you deliberately start off on the wrong foot, doing it the EU way (an admission that you’re not sovereign in the first place) rather than your own way, that things ‘go wrong’. Put a Remainer in charge….
Fraser Nelson was there, cos he had gone the other way. But his case was so vague cos there was little time left by 9.00 am, it couldn’t really be examined. It was all about Oborne. Another little Toady trick.
And then they act surprised when we get pissed off and start referring to ‘traitors’.
Sick of manipulation.
Oborne is not an independent commentator, and he follows the line his bosses at the Daily Mail order him to follow. He is therefore a staunch defender of Theresa May, and has been for some time. He defended her ‘turd’ of a withdrawl treaty, despite all the other voices howling no, and as May moves to a new phase where she is more actively trying to prevent Brexit so Oborne has followed his bosses instructions.
The Mail has been remain for a long time and it would seem to be moving even further in that direction. Presumably Viscount Rothermere is worried he might have pay some tax if the UK leaves the EU
“In 2013, Private Eye reported that Viscount Rothermere falsely claims non-dom status, in order to avoid paying tax on his stately home, Ferne House. This move saves him several millions of pounds in tax annually. He was a supporter of the former Conservative Party leader David Cameron.”
So #1 Last year the DailyMail changed editor and came out as GuardianLite and anti-proper Brexit and as a supporter of May’s BRINO deal
Now #2 its columnist Peter Oborne has also had a change of heart
Twitter widely quotes the Huffpo headline
\\ Pro-Brexit Daily Mail writer Peter Oborne
calls for ‘long pause’ as leaving EU has turned UK into a ‘laughing stock’ //
Have to agree with you Stew. I have been a reader of the Mail for decades, and for me anyway it was a good read under Paul Dacre. Sadly now, its become a comic for mainly women issues (and yes I’m female – the last time I looked), alongside ‘community projects’ or endless petitions.
At this rate I’ll be forced to transfer to the D/Express and its 6 pages of content !
Martin Howe, unlike liar May, tells us the truth about the legally-binding Withdrawal Agreement and its backstop Protocol with no unilateral exit clause.
[My somewhat inadequate summary follows]
The backstop Protocol is a customs union, so if we cannot do a long-term deal with the EU, then we will automatically fall into it and will be stuck there until the EU lets us out. And the Political Declaration requires the UK to submit to a customs arrangement built on the backstop.
The legal linkage between the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration means that the EU will be legally entitled to require the UK to enter the backstop and stay there indefinitely.
Geoffrey Cox’s claims that we could remove ourselves from this customs union in the future are wrong unless the backstop Protocol is stripped from the Withdrawal Agreement (which it won’t be). The latest appeasement plan seems to be to enter into a long-term customs union agreement in addition, without a normal notice clause, which makes the situation even worse.
Also, on State aid controls – EU rules on State aid would fully apply during the transition period, but then the UK would be compelled to carry on applying them even after we have left the transition period as part of the backstop. The European Commission would “supervise” us, and we would continue to be bound by the judgments of the European Court of Justice on the ever-expanding scope of EU State aid rules.
[I always thought ECJ lover Starmer would be personally keen on Treezer’s ‘deal’ for this very reason – hence his fence sitting].
They are all evil snakes.
Island – Please don’t insult the slitherers. If they bite you, you might not like it, but it will have been done in an honest way. That’s what they do, for humans read mostly defensively…
Key word: honest.
You are right – I stand corrected (but you get my drift).
An Israel/ Britain alliance group sought legal advice on whether Linda Sarsour could be denied entry to the UK for seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of beliefs & fostering hatred that might lead to inter-community violence. Apparently the threshold was not breached.
Clearly she did not reach the Robert Spencer evaluation criteria……
I’ve never ever felt the urge to attend any official visit, royal weddings celebrations, etc. in my whole life, but I must say, I’m very tempted to go to this and cheer his visit with a MAGA hat on shouting, “Donald, lets join up like we did 70 years ago, bash the Bosh and make it 3-0.”
dazzer- agreed! Imagine if we had a Trump:
I see Juncker, Verhostadt, Barnier, et al adrift in a small boat in the Meditteranean, looking for land….
flying the yellow and blue, of course.
(Personally, with the AfD getting nearly 20% in their last election, I wouldn’t want to bash the Bosh. Merkel and the treacherous politicians, is quite another story. I also read the comments in their papers, usually agree fully with 98%; the journalists are an entirely different matter!
Believe me, their elites and media have them every bit under the jackboot as ours do!)
Footnote: Looking at Saturday’s Telegraph cover banner headline: “Brexit Betrayal”, I would like to exempt them from my final comment. Now, if the German MSM had one of those…
Their regrettably limited and much pressurised/vilified (far right, neo-Nazi, fascist etc) ‘compact-online’ is fine.
And to understand how fine, you have to appreciate that a criticism of neo-Nazi in Germany (where the Swastika is banned – criminal offence) is rather different from here. Always surprised to see them still going.
In the Daily Telegraph today, Charles Moore , a regular columnist and once the editor of the newspaper, calls for a nationwide License Fee strike because of the BBC extreme Remain bias. Many public figures have called for abolition of the loathsome corporation in the past but I can’t remember one calling explicitly for a LF strike before. I think that a good , peaceful show of civil disobedience would be for all those disgusted and angry at the way the liberal establishment has betrayed the Brexit vote and with it democracy , would indeed to mount a mass LF strike. Perhaps , in response to Moore’s column, someone will step forward who knows how to plan and organise one.
Double, doesn’t need planning or organising.
Just give up paying for the Licence Fee. Sell your TV. If it is not worth anything that someone is willing to pay, I suggest giving it away via Freecycle.
Go cold turkey. In 6 years you will have saved the best part of £1000. After a while you do not really miss it.
Or just stop paying and keep your TV.
If a goon comes calling, close the door in his face.
I do!
How then do people end up in prison for licence evasion?
When I gave up TV, I wrote to the TVLA explaining in detail what I was doing and why, only watching DVDs and using the set as a monitor.
In the early days, the phrasing of the letters they sent was quite alarming so I wrote back giving them both barrels. Recently it’s been more civilised.
Now and then they ask if I’m still not using a TV for broadcast and, now, there is an additonal question about internet catch ups. I just tick the relevant boxes and then they leave you alone for a couple of years.
If the licence fee goes, it’s likely that the BBC will be financed from general taxation.
Don’t engage with them at all.
Firstly I applaud your action and your courage in telling the BBC where to get off but I still think that if the BBC is to be seriously damaged the refusal to pay the License Fee needs to be organised on a national basis. People need to be alerted to the mass action and encouraged to join. Made aware of the safety in numbers and the reasons why people are taking mass action must be well publicised in the public sphere. People need to be mobilised and that takes organisation.
We asked the UKIP guy the other day about about Ukip being tarnished with the “BNP racist” reputation. He pointed out that ex-BNP can’t join Ukip but that’s not the same with Labour where actual BNP
councillors like Trevor Maxfield, Maureen Stowe and Angela Sinfield had defected and been welcomed into Labour.
I I wonder how many of them were plants from Labour front groups like Searchlight , Hope Not Hate anyways ?
As a Christian, I always live in Hope, not hate.
But I certainly wouldn’t join that group. translate it into PC and the meaning changes…
As a Brexiteer, I oppose the UK being ruled from Brussels/EU.
No problems at all though, with Europe or Europeans. Speak some of their languages, and happy to so do. Beware of PC muddle!
Your infiltration point taken, though.
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of hate. Jesus hates sin.
This is true, John. Interesting, that your namesake, when on Patmos, recorded a “prophecy” (1.3) i.e. over time, not only geographical location. (Einstein may have stumbled onto something when he spoke of ‘spacetime’. Even more interesting, that John claims only to be the scribe, not the author. But that is another story.)
And isn’t (3.17) then an absolutely perfect description of this seventh and final age? So accurate, we really don’t need The Telegraph or anyone else to tell us where we are…
Of course, there are those who will give you an argument.
Radio Lincolnshire 11:42am
Presenter : “Today ULEZ, , emissions from road transport are a huge part of the risk to our health
.. A new book by Londoner* Beth Gardiner, Choked: The Age of Air Pollution and the Fight for a Cleaner Future, shows this is a global human health problem. ..”
* “Londoner” Beth comes on and she has a North American accent
They are talking the presenters car.
“diesel is very toxic”
..Then lays into wood burning stoves..she does say they are “toxic”
.. and bang they’ve moved onto traffic report.
She’s doing the interview circuit : Radio Essex have put up a clip
A “dirty” future? Or an immobile, unlit, colder and more expensive future. I know which one I’d go for…
The thing is, as Julia Hartley Brewer pointed out this morning, that the air is actually getting cleaner year on year.
It is simply the tightening of regulations that has lowered the “acceptable” thresholds for so called pollutants.
women get top billing at sporting event
pssssssttt BBC wrestling isnt real
For crying out loud …. NOBODY CARES !!!! The constant need for attention from these groups is infuriating . But the BBC love it. Why should Grime embrace transgender ??? Why ??
“Nate pictured in 2010, before he transitioned”
But he didn’t transition…..she did!
I really haven’t got a clue what Grime is.
But I know I’m agin’ it.
Doobster – All part of an agenda?
Doobster – All part of an agenda?
BBC got some obsessions ?
Here’s last week’s show
Don’t the blacks have their own radio station, radio 6?
Same for the muslims.
It’s more than we white folks have.
Radio 1 Extra
BBC (south) Asian Network covers the Indian subcontinent diaspora
What is it with GRIME at the BBC – oh I know they live and breath it…and yes Doob
We are sick of it – live how you want to but stop bloody complaining
Next week’s headline Why no old white men in GRIME? It’s a national disgrace
Re Khan’s Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ).
If everyone who needed to drive a vehicle into London today just simply didn’t then London would have ground to a halt.
Maybe people need to start withdrawing their labour en masse.
Khan knows full well it won’t “save lives”. The traffic will continue but the money will come rolling in.
So it’s okay for pollution to carry on “killing people” as long as the vehicle drivers pay to do it.
Maybe that’s what he could do about knife crime. Bring back stop n search, but if they’re found carrying a knife, fine them and send them on their way to continue to stab one another.
Did you notice how he has made it easier for small business under 10 people to get aid to upgrade cars – hmm now I wonder what socio-ethnic group fall into this category in London more than most?
Cynical? Moi ?
I wonder why the government wants to get control of the internet?
Do they have something they would like to deny?
These are terrorists using children for shields as the “Palestinians” do
Surely all women and children isn’t it, and a few male doctors , scientists etc just looking for a better life ???? That’s what the BBC constantly tell us, so therefore, must be true ??
Cant imagine any of them causing any mither what so ever, the BBC tell me they all just want to integrate and be part of western civilisation , so again , must be true. The BBC said so.
beeb 1 lunchtime news: Adam Fleming :Luxembourg: see/hear Merkel (relaxed) and Macron (tough) playing good cop, bad cop!
Oldest trick in the book…
Surely beeb haven’t fallen for…. oh wait…
So PM going to see the ReichEU leaders again . She’ll come back with another piece of paper saying we’re not really leaving .
Macron and the kraut must be laughing their bits off .
I wonder if May will take Comrade Corbyn along ? She can give him advice on what needs fixing when he moves into Number 10 and the launch codes for the Nucs
I bet Gerry Adams never thought he’d have nuclear weapons
Is it Sauerkraut for starters and a French tart for afters?
Ever since Paul Dacre was made an offer he couldn’t refuse and made way for Geordie Grieg, that deliberate interference in our ‘free’ press has allowed the government to deflect the tone of a once highly influential and firmly Brexit newspaper.
Now Mail columnist Peter Oborne joins the queue of turncoats, pockets his silver and ‘confesses to reservations about the economics….’
When the dust has settled we need a full enquiry into the whole sorry saga – except there’s not a single person with the honesty to conduct it. Not the Archbish, P. Toynbee or Owen, obviously. Any ideas?
Another typical politics live today.
The leaver on the panel, Andrew Bridgen, was getting shouted down and talked over by all the others (all remainers of course) and mostly ignored by coburn who is as impartial as a Bercow.
Any time he started talking she quickly shut him up with the old “moving on” or other similar tricks used to stop any leaver from making a point
I wish he would have said “it’s like being on question time being the lone remainer on here”
I suppose this is the bbc getting it ‘about right’
How can any sane or reasonable human think the bbc is impartial. Are those who say it is impartial knowingly lieing or just terminally stupid?
Earlier I watched an unbearable few minutes of Sky News (bBC out of the question).
Apparently the Cooper Bill will sail through all its stages in the HoL today and immediately receive Royal Assent – no ifs, no buts.
HMQ should at least insist on time to think about it – preferably for a few weeks.
Guardian writer laments “a concerted campaign to hollow out a whole culture” and “to terrorise a whole people”. Who’s that then — ISIS? Boko Harem? James O’Brien? No, it’s China’s treatment of Muslims. Seems they’re on a bit of a mosque-bashing spree which isn’t going down too well at the Guardian (not of course to be compared with e.g. Egypt or Pakistan’s persecution of Christians).
‘Rachel Harris is reader in ethnomusicology at Soas University of London, and an expert in Uighur culture and religion’.
Is that the most Guardian byline ever?
Just stumbled on this BBC 3 feature; it seems timely given the forthcoming clampdown on internet speech. Bright backgrounds, a jaunty soundtrack, the usual W1A homogeneous diversity and sinister undertones.
I grew up watching “Why Don’t You?”… now there’s “Things Not To Say.”
This is what happens when the Stasi do kids telly.
Times : 5 NHS clinicians resign transgender clinic after life changing treatments hastily given to vulnerable children with little to no evidence or consideration.
MP’s response ?
… turn on the messenger.
This is an example of how far this sickness has spread:
BBC Facebook:
BBC News
Will a new Ultra Low Emissions Zone help clean the air Londoners breathe?
(via BBC Science News)
#CCBGB Not least because they managed to convert a thermal imaging camera into a ‘pollution detector’. Apparently.
Today’s “Londoners” are used to mucky air.
I grabbed the link by rightclicking over the Facebook post’s timestamp
If I did the same with the Facebook desktop version then the link would be a massive one and begin www
but it would auto embed here , but also take a lot of space
Some arsehole was on Radio 2 at lunchtime claiming that the ‘poorest in society simply cannot afford to have a car’ and then followed up that in Central London is where the Capital’s poorest live.
Now I’m no property expert, but I suspect if you can’t afford to run a car, there’s little chance of you affording a 2 up 2 down in King’s Road.
The poorest people in London are the African/Muslim immigrants and refugees
Somehow they end up living in prime location council housing like Grenfell etc.
I wonder how many of those unfortunate people that died in Grenfell where actually legal tenants ?