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- MarkyMark Mar 26, 10:27
Midweek 26th March 2025
“A man has been charged with the abduction and rape of a 13-year-old girl in Brighton. Hamdan Alshamsi, 20, of… - MarkyMark Mar 26, 10:24
Midweek 26th March 2025
We have 650 MPs 800 Lords 40,000 on UK terror watchlist. New soldiers, NHS workers, scientists, diversity managers, everyday ….… - Fedup2 Mar 26, 10:23
Midweek 26th March 2025
Let’s hear it for Hamdan Alshamsi – 21 a third worlder who chatted up a 13 year old British girl… - Fedup2 Mar 26, 10:15
Midweek 26th March 2025
Yes it’s the Britain has been destroyed and not worth defence line ….. - MarkyMark Mar 26, 10:03
Midweek 26th March 2025
Tool maker. First woman chancellor. Taylor swift tickets were priceless. - Zephir Mar 26, 09:54
Midweek 26th March 2025
Sometimes I wish Russia would invade, then they can bloody well “flee war” again out of here. Despite getting a… - Zephir Mar 26, 09:47
Midweek 26th March 2025
You forgot “fair” and “fairness” Or their interpretation of that in their twisted little nazi minds: i.e. It’s only fair… - Fedup2 Mar 26, 09:44
Midweek 26th March 2025
Finance statement – drinking game ( yes bit early ) A double for ‘ when I worked in the Bank… - Fedup2 Mar 26, 09:41
Midweek 26th March 2025
Up2 – much chewing of fat with the democrats – AOC is on the road with Bernie sanders when she’s…
agw anti-American anti-conservative anti-Israel anti Israel. pro Palestinian Antisemitism BBC - sickeningly biased at all times. BBC agenda BBC bias bbc bias and balance. bbc bias by omission BBC censorship BBC Question Time BBC selectivity bias Biased BBC climate change dhimmis general thread immigration Islam israel Mark Mardell obama obama bias Obamalove open thread pro-labour pro-palestinian pro EU pro Hamas pro Islam pro Labour bias pro Obama PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. pro Obama BBC agenda question time question time live Richard Black save gordon. USA politics US economy US News US politics US presidential elections
Monthly Archives: May 2019
Midweek Thread Wednesday 29 May 2019
Over To You
No shame for Tommy Robinson
As far as I can tell, the BBC is not expressing much glee over Tommy Robinson’s failure to become an MEP. It seems to be leaving that up to like-minded ‘journalists’ at the Guardian and the Independent.
Guardian and Independent of what, one might ask.
As I surfed for UK results of the EU elections, the BBC informed me that the UK European Union Party got 33 576 votes, the Animal Welfare Party got 25 232, the Women’s Equality Party got 23 766, the Independent Network got 7 641 and the Socialist Party of Great Britain got 3 505 votes. All of them were trounced by Tommy Robinson with 38 908 votes.
Then I saw that Independents got a total of 80 280 votes. The BBC offered no breakdown of these votes so I turned to the excellent coverage by Wikipedia to see if Tommy had any close competitors among them:
He didn’t. In fact, his closest competitor was an Independent in Scotland with 6 128 votes and all of the 11 Independents who stood in London only managed to share just over 7 000 votes.
No shame for Tommy Robinson. In fact, those who strive to bring him down, including that most-trusted broadcaster, are the ones who should be ashamed.
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
A questionable time was had by all
Many have seen the powerful indictment of the establishment by the lady in red on Question Time and noted how Fiona Bruce moved on to another question without responding. Still she let her speak for some time about the disgusting attack by the ‘Asian’ gang on Tommy Robinson’s rally with police connivance. I guess we should be grateful that the BBC doesn’t edit comments like hers out of QT. But I won’t say that too loud.
There was a bunch of notable comments against government deception and failure here – concluding with a passionate denunciation of Cameron by the guy in the blue jacket.
There was a weird reaction from Fiona Bruce to this pertinent question:
Can the European elections today be seen as the referendum on Brexit?
She sighs in response before turning to a panel member. Perhaps the sigh shows her weariness with a question she’s heard a lot lately. Perhaps it also shows her feelings about the likelihood of The Brexit Party demolishing the government and the opposition.
As usual it was a Remoaner or Brexit-in-name-only panel on the impartial and most-trusted broadcaster, but many in the audience supported a genuine Brexit. I imagine that was a small concession to balance during the elections.
Long Weekend Open Thread 24 May 2019
The Far Left Pro EU Pro Islam BBC Cannot , by law , say anything which might influence voting in any part of the EU until 2200 on Sunday 26th . So it gives us the opportunity to record breaches of the law as the BBC makes unlawful comments .
Out Election Voting papers are in the hands of a pro remain civil service . Will the results be fiddled ?
Mid Week Open Thread 22 May 2019
Having looked at the average turn out for EU elections the UK average is about 35% against an EU average of 42%. All indications are that the turn out will be far higher for the UK this time . But notice something – no public leader debates on the TV – and possible breaches of election law by the BBC in their coverage .
We wont find out the results of the EU Elections until Sunday the 26th May . The bigger the vote for The Brexit Party – the bigger the distraction exercise by the BBC …
Oh Yes – and if you vote – please use a pen .
Start the Week Open Thread 20 May 2019
Over to you
Weekend Open Thread 18 May 2019
spoiler alert – the BBC and the rest of the biased media will do all it can to disrupt democracy by attacking Brexit supporters in the run up to the EU elections …
Midweek Open Thread 15 May 2019
A week to the EU elections . Tommy Robinson is facing a political show Trial and the failing BBC is rolling out anti British bias as never before- despite having to obey election laws.