If our country is going to get smaller ” due to climate change” , does it make sense to have high levels of immigration?
Another question that is never asked by the BBC .
Just as they never get down to why the two Drill ” musicians ” think it’s lack of employment for da yoof when they come out of university that causes violence .! What were these people studying at university ? Why are we importing people when we even have university graduates unemployed ( and thus stabbing people ) .?
‘Selectively asking questions’ is the mission statement. This morning it was flight ‘rationing’ next perhaps it will be cars or plastics (again). State Broadcaster sets out to get us to think along a clearly lit path of selected issues.
The concept of ‘rationing’ is absolutely fundamental to all of the pseudo-environmental nonsense, whether it is flights, meat, energy, mineral rights, production of greenhouse gases and so on. Because rationing implies both scarcity, which means prices can be maximised to control demand, as well as the need for agencies to allocate or license those resources in a manner which is fair and objective (sic). To be effective, such agencies need to operate at the global level, meaning the UN as the public face, but controlled behind the scenes by a cartel of rich and powerful transnational corporations that seek to maintain monopolies and prevent the emergence of new competitors. In essence, that is what Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are about.
Someone replying to a tweet by the BBC’s film maker Makenzie
15 years ago today Hungary joined the EU… we’re out with @donath_anna as she leads an opposition march in Budapest.
With a eurosceptic party in government here she tells us it’s never been more important to stand up for European values ahead of the upcoming elections. pic.twitter.com/EbRoXoXBY0
(1) Elitism not Populism
(2) Bureaucracy not Democracy
(3) Uniformity not Freedom
(4) Censorship not Liberty
(5) White European Supremacy not Multiracial Commonwealth Pluralism
(6) Liberal Cultural Imperialism not Christian morality
(7) Political Correctness not Freedom of Speech
(8) Environmentalism not Science
(9) Islam and Liberal Fascism not Christianity and Classical Liberty
(10) Supranational Imperialism not National Sovereignty
Number five refers solely to those resident within European Union Commission buildings with security guards and bollards to defend themselves from those multiracial types brought into Europe to replace Europeans with cheap labour and votes for left-wing political parties.
yeah number 5 is not correct… they want to expend the EU with the “Mediterranean union” i.e. include North Africa to further drive down wages, drive up house prices, and move towards more authoritarian militaristic governments that are needed to control the Islam in north African countries.
Another EU policy, never in any manifesto of any party elected to the EU parliament, or any national government of any EU country. In fact, no one even knows about it… unless you look at what is behind the massive influx of Islam into Europe.
“Ms Donath studied sociology with a focus on migration at universities in Budapest and Amsterdam, and then completed an internship at the European Commission before returning to Hungary, where she worked for an NGO that helps asylum seekers with funding from liberal philanthropist George Soros.” IE, an EU apparatchik.
The Iconoclast has a sharp insight into BBC propaganda and he has produced a fine documentary. But he is seriously ignorant and misguided here at 13:40 minutes in:
BBC propagandist: Germans are acutely aware of their Nazi past. And some find parallels deeply troubling.
The iconoclast: Yeah, the Germans are all too aware of their Nazi past because they’ve been constantly beaten over the head with it for seventy f…… years. Guilt and shame, over and over again. Germany as a nation has been treated like garbage over the course of the twentieth century as well.
In fact, West Germany became an honourable nation among the world’s nations at a speed approaching greased lightning just after the Holocaust. Having originally dismantled German heavy industry, the allies began to help rebuild Germany, with the US starting in 1947 and France and the UK following in 1950. Those senior Nazi mass murderers who were not among the few who had been executed were released from prison after serving only a few years of their ridiculously short sentences. Nazis found shelter and lived comfortable lives in countries in Africa, South America and elsewhere.
West Germany was admitted as a UN observer nation as early as 1952, East Germany in 1972 and both countries were admitted as full UN members in 1973.
German engineers moved to Egypt in the sixties and designed missiles to be used against Israel, obviously eager to hand the baton of the Holocaust to the Arabs.
The Iconoclast rails against the idea of today’s Germans feeling guilt and shame? 1 500 000 children were among the 6 000 000 Jews slaughtered by the Nazi butchers and their collaborators in the Holocaust. There are Nazi butchers still living today, who never faced justice. And of course there are large numbers of their direct descendants and active neo-Nazis in Germany today.
It would be abnormal for Germans not to feel guilt and shame over their barbaric past.
But why should Germans feel guilt over things they had nothing to do with?, should African feel guilt because some of their ancestors were cannibals?… Should Muslims feel guilty for thinking Muhammad is the ideal role model for all time even though me murdered 700 prisoners at Khybar and married a six year old child?
Should all British people feel superior because Alexander Fleming and Edward Jenner invested antibiotics and vaccines which combined with the British Industrial revolution has led to the world population increasing from 700 million to 7 Billion over 300 years? Should they all thank the British for being the first empire in history to end slavery?
Should 90% of the world population who are alive thanks to the British pay royalties to the UK for the historical net-brought by the British, even though people alive today did not do these things?
“why should Germans feel guilt” why should today’s Germans feel guilt over WW2 any more than Italians or Scandinavians over their conquests of Britain? When should guilt be switched off – with the third or thirtieth generation? Who decides?
It seems to me that guilt is apportioned according to political allegiance and opportunism.
Perhaps the speed of Germany’s acceptance after WW2 had something to do with the savage and spiteful way in which they were treated after WW1, most especially under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles – a largely French-inspired vindictive humiliation which had a direct influence on Hitler’s rise to power.
Well, you guys make some fair points, but I felt I had to correct The Iconoclast over his ignorance and complete misreading of history.
That’s interesting but I imagine the speed of acceptance had more to do with necessity: the allies felt they had to build Germany up against the Russian threat.
It just seems to me that Germany got off incredibly lightly after the misery and devastation Germans caused in WWII.
Oh Danny boy, when you is in da hole, stop digging, bro.
“Danny Baker ‘so, so sorry’ for disastrous tweet”
The more he ‘explains’ and grovels, the worse it gets.
His crime, of course, wasn’t that he insulted the Royal Family. Bbc ‘comics’ (I use the term loosely) do that all the time, and are roundly applauded for it.
Nor that he mocked the rich and privileged, as he claims he was doing – that’s de rigueur at the lefty beeb.
But the one, unpardonable sin on planet beeb – from which there is no coming back and for which there can be no absolution – is racism.
(Although Stateside, Liam Neeson might just have pulled off the trick with bucket-loads of psycho-socio-confessional gobbledygook.)
well, watching the BBC is definitely making me more racist… i learned from the BBC that brown people cannot handle having their stupid religion criticized or they will turn in to murderous thugs. i think ts genetic…
This would be censored by the BBC because it conflicts with the prevailing liberal fascist ideology, but we are all descended from monkeys. Its just that those in Africa are the oldest surviving hominids not to have gone extinct. Africans are about 150,000 years old and Europeans are about 40,000 years old. So through his grandmother, Archie is about 110,000 years closer to Monkeys than most Europeans. This is not racism but the latest scientific facts extracted from genetic data. But when it comes to scientific facts, modern day liberal fascists are the same as those Victorian creationists who mocked Darwin for suggesting that Humans evolved from monkeys.
Yet again Richard Pinder demonstrates his scientific ignorance. Humans are not descended from monkeys. Anyone with a basic understanding of evolutionary theory knows that that is untrue.
Go on then piku – you slag mr Pindar off with regard to his understanding of evolution . Enlighten us with your correct view ( without tedious cut and paste ).
Or was it just a troll job ?
If Richard thinks he’s descended from an ape (or monkey) he might as well believe – as Prof. Steve Jones, the geneticist, will tell him – that he is descended from a banana. As Richard also shares significance characteristics with a cabbage (as do all humans) he would be well advised not to go too far down that so-called ‘evolutionary’ route. 😉
I wonder sometimes if we are devolving – certainly the availability of huge amounts of information for little cost via the internet has caused mad side effects like the ‘ offence ‘ industry and the ‘ one tweet’ costs- a -career -effect .
As well as digging up thoughtless / drunken / tired comments from years ago .
I know my comment may well encourage someone to get on a very high horse but that’s what I think .
Proportionality goes out of the window along with good old common sense .
Look! Let’s be serious. If Darwin’s theory of evolution WAS correct, we would have four arms. Let’s face it, we need two arms/hands to hold an item, one to hold the nail/screw, and one to hit/screw it.
“If Darwin’s theory of evolution WAS correct, we would have four arms”
Not necessarily. A need for four arms would not in itself have produced four arms, it would have required a random mutation or a series of random mutations to give us four functioning arms in the first place, then natural selection would have arbitrated on the change.
Natural selection is no longer working the way it should because we are interfering in the process. What that means in the long term, God only knows.
I was correct, but in science I would have said Ape. Apes emerged within “monkeys” as sister of the Cercopithecidae in the Catarrhini, so cladistically they are monkeys as well. There has been some resistance to directly designate apes (and thus humans) as monkeys despite the scientific evidence, so “Old World monkey” may be taken to mean the Cercopithecoidea or the Catarrhini. Scientific classifications are now more often based on monophyletic groups, that is groups consisting of all the descendants of a common ancestor. The New World monkeys and the Old World monkeys are each monophyletic groups, but their combination was not, since it excluded hominoids (apes and humans). Thus the term “monkey” is no longer referred to as a recognized scientific taxon. The smallest accepted taxon which contains all the monkeys is the infraorder Simiiforms, or simians. However this also contains the hominoids (apes and humans), so that monkeys are, in terms of currently recognized taxa, non-hominoid simians. Colloquially and pop-culturally, the term is ambiguous and sometimes monkey includes non-human hominoids. In addition, frequent arguments are made for a monophyletic usage of the word “monkey” from the perspective that usage should reflect cladistics.
Therefore, I, Richard Pinder, was and always are scientifically correct, and knew it. I bet Piku must be employed by the BBC as a scientific adviser.
If I could , I would award you the Biased BBC Nobel Prize for mammalian research or whatever , That Danny Baker has a lot to answer for . I missed his show today – which I only recently discovered and provides inspiration for the short stories I have not yet writtened .
I heard that from 40,000 years ago, they split from us and that they probably spent thousands of years living like Eskimos until the end of the last Ice age, so got slitty eyed. While Europeans spent thousands of years on the Russian steeps, so didn’t get slitty eyed.
And yet the Mongols, who also inhabited their own extension of the Russian steppes, also had slitty eyes.
Could it have been the poor reception for BBC World Service causing them to screw eyes up in concentration, or did they perhaps disagree with some of the more multicultural concepts they were being encouraged to embrace?
Too, Chinese and Mongoloids have different skeletal structure to others.
40,000 years is virtually a blink in terms of evolution for such majpr changes. Also there are no traces of the “in-betweeners”, if 40,000 is the conjectured time scale.
Think I might open a shop in central London selling very small hidden microphones for when most homes in the UK are bugged by our thought police (and yes, you lot in the shetlands who think because of your remoteness you won’t need to buy one – well, think again)
I think there is some inverted racism going on with Prince Archie
A certain cohort hyped the birth as “mixed race”
Thus making criticism of it as a far worse sin
.. that criticising a white baby.
(tongue in cheek here and after a few conspiracy theories with girlies for drinks)…….. we are now of the opinion that Meghan has not given birth at all !!! It started when one of our number – ex midwife, announced that Meghan was clearly further forward with her pregnancy when she first announced her pregnancy – thus appearing to look like a February birth rather than late April.
Then the clear reluctance to give where the baby was born – home or hospital, and the ‘ungrateful’ absence of public recognition of the attending medical team. Which all begs the question, WHY NOT ???
We came to the conclusion that a surrogate has had the baby, and being the ahem actress she is, Meghan would feel right at home in wearing an expanding pregnancy undergarment. Now we’ll see how long she’ll be out of the public eye before she has ‘snapped’ back into shape.
(and you all thought the talk was of blokes and sex when a group of females get together 🙂 )
Brissles I completely agree. Girly talk opened my eyes to this and I did a bit more research. Odd size ever changing up and down bumps that wobble from side to side, very strange shaped kicks, and a rather normal size baby having looked like triplets four months ago. It’s face very carefully hidden from show. Seems everything is not as it’s being told to us, even the birth dates and times all of a shambles. The big question is why, and what is this rather toxic couple holding over the Royals’ that makes them comply with this very strange behaviour. I don’t recall The Queen with staged photos for the US media meeting her other great grandchildren. All very strange! And no, sorry RobRoy pillow fights are private!
Well clearly something is not adding up English L !! and I know that post pregnant ladies still have a tummy to shift, but Meghan looked as though another due date was in the offing, in those few moments she deigned to be in public in the long gallery.
Another seat on LBC I guess ….it’s where political refugees thrown out of the BBC seem to go now ( except that gobby chap who used to do the 5pm show )
“Sri Lanka MP Says Gov Failed to Stop Attacks Because of Muslim Politicians”
In a nutshell the article states that for years there had been intel about militant Islamic groups arming themselves, but the authorities failed to act on it “out of fear of the Muslim politicians”.
What I saw of QT, I think the programme makers are failing in their ability to filter who goes into the audience or the Brexiteers are becoming more vociferous.
I’ve also noticed that some brexiteers are getting through the screening and into the QT audience.
Did you notice that we had double the normal number of brexiteers on the panel. There were 2 on the show.
Somebody at bbc is in for it.
What did that woman in the audience say that had Fiona saying about lowering/raising the tone. Was it something about see you next Tuesday?
You are spot on about the editing. Yes, the show was like that, but I note how that extract ends with the stupid Labour shmuck making an apparently important and well-delivered point to oppose Farage when in fact he was mostly unimpressive and weak during the rest of the programme.
Remember the huge and prolonged outrage over those murdered at Christchurch?
Well in the first 5 days of the annual Ramadan Bombathon, the number of murdered has more than doubled those at Christchurch.
I have to stop watching The Pledge or I’ll be had up for having murderous thoughts.
Tonight there was a discussion about Margaret Thatcher, and 4 out of the 5 either hadn’t been born or were toddlers when she came to power. Yet there they were – the charming Afua, peabrain June and jailbird Maajid, commenting on a subject they know nothing about but had plenty to say.
At least Nick Ferrari was around and could remember how we lived under Labour before Thatcher came to power, – and there’s the rub with that programme, there was only Gregg ‘dick’ Dyke who was of an age of seniority. But sadly he never gave a balanced view. The programme is geared to mainly 30 – 50 year olds, who could be discussing the Boer War for all they know. The programme badly needs more 60 and 70 year olds to tell it how it was before we entered the Common Market, and how life was outside of the bubble they clearly live in.
I listened to The Nick Ferrari Show the other day on LBC and was surprised with his choice of the two ‘objective experts’ he had on to comment about what Danny Baker had said.
The next guest asked to comment on the Baker story was Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who once when asked in a TV interview what she thought of white people responded with, “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
They both said that Baker was a very bad boy with his racist comments but I must admit I wasn’t really listening, I just thought that these two clearly demonstrated the hypocrisy of the left shining through.
It’s okay to be hateful and vile towards people as long as it’s the right kind of people.
Not surprising at all. Given the choice media like heat over light.
I have been pondering this in light of Hugs and now Fran’s ineffectual and ignored pleas to BBC staff not to post anything iffy on twitter lest they have to fly somewhere for a while until it blows over.
She's changed her Twitter handle. Don't tell me the BBC has started enforcing a separation between their people promoting their books & businesses, & their social media operating as part of their BBC functions while they're paid by us?#r4today#bbcwomen#bbcpay@CommonsCMS@ofcomhttps://t.co/3f58TXxHOn
It’s good that the BBC pulled the repulsive Ms Allen MP . ( see election speech from constituency about honouring brexit I never watch the programme so no loss to me .
But I am concerned about how much money the BBC paid for it ?
Obviously it’s not my money as I don’t pay the tv licence ( never will ) but I have a thing about wasting taxpayers cash .
Not as much as the 3.5 billion overspend on a crap emergency services radio network which was being reported earlier …
Clearly there is a difference between campaigning in what is effectively a hustings where you can be debated, and a platform to giggle and either be filleted or feted depending on whether Ian approves of your politics.
Clearly the producers either were ignorant or knew full well what they were doing, and proceeded on the basis of no such thing as more publicity.
And here she is milking it for all it isn’t worth.
Maybe I'm just not as funny as Nigel Farage eh #hignfy@haveigotnews !? He's so funny, he seems to be on the BBC all the time! An explanation would be appreciated, not least to acknowledge the hard work of the entire crew who worked diligently to put the show together. https://t.co/lV6ZDa90qr
‘Have I Got News For You’ forced by BBC executives to drop its programme today because they were featuring the wrong party leader. Only Farage is allowed on the BBC. Everyone else constitutes bias!
A strange time for the BBC to suddenly become concerned about balance – though with Ms Allen, Hislop and Merton together I can see their reasoning – but surely where QT was concerned Farage was balanced by Soubry, so political minefields were avoided?
Naturally, the level of Anna Soubry’s mental balance is another question altogether.
The bbc has got to tone down the bias ( if it can ) because of the ‘communication act 2003 ‘ as well as the Ofcom guidelines – particulary section 6 regarding treatment of parties during election campaigns .
The above comes from 2 minutes of Google – which obviously the thick smug producers of that bbc show couldn’t be bothered to research … unless there are sinister goings on going on ….
Yeah, Mr Adonis.
So were Amber Dudd, Anna Soubry, and some Labour nonentity not also on Question Time with Farage or was I just dreaming about the three Remoaners on the programme?
Mrs Brown also admitted that she’s a racist. But it seems it’s ok for this muslim immigrant to be a racist in our country; she’s not going to lose her job, she’ll still be asked into TV and radio programmes to spew her racial hatred with impunity.
If these ethnics hate white people so much and they hate living amongst us, there are plenty of other countries for them to live in; I wish they’d all just sod off and leave us white folks in peace.
I remember the time before the Common Market. Grandma talked about Britain winning the Boer War, First World War and the Second World War. Uncle talked about policing the British sector of Germany. Dad did his bit for the decolonisation of the West Indies and after Granddad tested designs of experimental aircraft that defeated the Nazis in the war, he suspended his retirement in the 1960’s to complete the Blackburn Buccaneer for Britain’s defence, then apologised to his grandson for not retiring earlier, so as to take me to the local park for a ride on the motorboats. The Beatles ruled the European pop charts. Every other year, Britain came first or second in the Eurovision Song Contest, forcing all other European nations to sing in English to be able to win. Then we fd it up by following the European unionist ideology of Heath, Napoleon and Hitler.
BBC1 Saturday morning –
A programme called ‘ chimpanzee’ .
In the current climate I hope that someone is going to report the BBC for possible racism in the way it is doing so with the Danny Baker allegation . No doubt the Stasi will knock his door down at dawn on Sunday after being accused of such a terrible crime .i enjoyed the Danny Baker show -I was not surprised he was a red sauce chap .
It’s on at the same time the Danny Baker Show used to be – which hasn’t been replaced by a fitting programme such as a documentary about the 60s combo ‘ the monkeys ‘ ….
Silly season comes earlier every month …
OT, but the thread to this from BBC fave Femi is funny.
I'm not a politician. I have no experience of constituency politics. I've never spent more than 24hrs in Peterborough. I'd have to juggle the by-election, EU Elections & Brexit. And I had 48hrs to launch a campaign.
Wasted my time watching this creature . The day when parties are destroyed – so that any favoured son can just be ‘ parachuted in’ to be elected will be just another step in draining the swamp .
We have traitor MPs , toilet paper manifestos and people like him which is disrespectful to the voters of Peterborough .
No one should become an MP for a constituency unless they have really lived there for – say – 5 years . Born there would be better of course ….
I’d also like to have the US process of local elections for candidates who, once selected by the local voters then stand in the general election.
There’s something wrong with the present system where the party hierarchy choose who we’ll be allowed to vote for.
With the news this morning that air travel must be curtailed, surely Dame Emma Thompson will fly in from LA to tell the beeb what great news this and to let us know once again just how virtuous she really is!
Guest – thanks for the link – our sister site doing good works as usual . The Burgon Labour MP was often put up by Labour HQ to do slimey hatchet jobs for the comrades – I’m guess not any more .
He claimed that he never made the speech , then couldn’t remember it , then taken out of context , then it was a long time ago ….. both the speech and the lies should be enough to destroy his career ( see D. Baker ) but the level of integrity / honour varies greatly …..
Vince’s hip and groovy campaign slogan hits a new low and can only add to the ‘Esler Effect’.
Misguided oldy Vince has managed to disgust, offend and further alienate. Quite an achievement for the Liberals.
A right wing Yank stumbles, and the BBC goes mental.
And Rob… ‘has spoken’.
I have spoken – and I know this is just anecdotal – to three lots of parents who say their kids (British teenagers) are Shapiro fans. Think that means scrutiny is required.
AFP have a fact check service
I don’t know if it is as bad as BBC Reality Check /Snopes/ Fullfact etc.
It seems to focus on the third world and people puttig up photos of an old natural disaster for a news one
???????? Dramatic video footage has been viewed more than half a million times in Facebook posts which claim it shows Cyclone Fani hitting the east coast of India in May 2019.
But the footage actually shows Cyclone Vardah hitting India in December 2016 https://t.co/tyzL8Ky1H3
SHOCKER: As of April 25, 2019, 6,289 "Nigerian doctors" were practicing in the UK. 1,039 of them moved to the UK in just one year. @AFPFactCheck@AFPhttps://t.co/HgCFeMlHT7
Always good to find another reason for a street party – the Guardian has won TWO Digiday Awards!
This stretches credulity – despite Digiday Awards not enjoying a particularly high profile – but even better, they got their prestigious recognition for ‘…the positive changes made within the industry.’
Continuously begging for funds and giving away huge numbers of copies to create spurious circulation figures may be seen as positive changes, but at heart it’s still the most self-indulgent and pretentious of newspapers, read by self-indulgent and pretentious micro-metropolitans . Awards won’t change that.
I love all this false stuff about racism – since in Londonistan the majority of stabbings are carried out by black males when I wander down the street and see a group of young black males I decide each time whether they are a threat . More so if the hoods are up to conceal identity from the now defunct cctv cameras .
I guess that makes me a racist in the eyes of the BBC . And I could care less .
I sometimes do updates on the latest local stabbings but can’t be bothered any more as they are too regular .
According to the black race hate peddler on Andrew Castle’s LBC show this morning Fed, those young black males pointing their Rambo knives at your throat should be quaking in their boots because of your white privilege.
The Mayor of London (United Kingdom) now has Police protection due to the level of threat he’s receiving ?
What with that and chasing Tweeters, not to mention Danny Baker and pedophile vigilantes the Met will have their hands full.
Maybe the cops protecting the mayor will need protection themselves – and they’ll have to be Muslims to be able to go into the places the Emir frequents …
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
“now has Police protection due to the level of threat he’s receiving ? What with that and chasing Tweeters, not to mention Danny Baker and pedophile vigilantes the Met will have their hands full.”
And all those stories using only a tenth of the budget that Brown, Blair and Co forked out for the Madeleine McCann case.
You could just as truthfully have shown muslims blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan. islam is a cult of destruction. Christianity is the religion; giving hope and trying to help people build a better life for themselves, spiritually and earthly.
In Christianity, fulfilling what was intended but never fully realised in Judaism except through the faith of the ‘Old Testament saints’, God is engaged with any willing human beings who wish to join in, in a process of recovery, rebuilding, restoration, renewal, reformation and more besides that halts the ruination and decay of leaving Eden.
There are echoes of the gaining of knowledge and creativity that God intended humankind to have that exist beyond that early expulsion from the Ideal. Those echoes can be found even in the unregenerate, in the atheist and in the lapsed Believer as well as in the most devout of Christians. They lead to the discoveries we have seen come out of exploration of our world and its God-given built-in benefits and qualities as well as its sin-consequenced sicknesses.
Medical science would be one obvious example. The exploration of, firstly, the globe and then, more recently, the universe would be another. Marky Mark put up an example of the art of painting. I am constantly reminded of the God-built miracles and creativity that comes from music.
The Creator built into His creation the capability of resonance and sound and metal creation from raw ores. How and when did humankind first discover how to stretch a bit of animal sinew or gut or skin in order to make music? Then how to stretch metal, eventually leading to wire and the piano and more wires and the electric guitar.
Then we can admire and be amazed by the capabilities of musicians themselves. I will admit to a certain fondness for the work of JS Bach, a Christian composer who sought to glorify God with his work. “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul” (Johann Sebastian Bach) Handel, in my view, similarly. A French actress (may have been Isabelle Huppert) paraphrased an older quote about JS Bach: ‘God should be grateful to Bach for proving that He – God – exists.’
It wasn’t that long after the death of Bach that another musician and mathematician sat down and calculated that composers would run out of notes that could be arranged together to form a unique piece by the end of the 18th century and if not then by, at the very least, the end of the 19th century.
Whatever your feelings about contemporary music may be, there is good evidence that that aspect of creativity still has plenty of notes to play with. 🙂 One of the many ‘built-in’ wonders of our world.
Reference the ridiculous current neurotic news agenda about zero emissions, climate emergency etc.
I beleive it is the case that under the EU emissions trading rules, if the UK reduce CO2 creation by one tonne then some other country in the EU can ‘buy’ the right to produce an extra tonne.
So by being ‘virtuous’ we both penalise our own people and reward another country.
PS I also understand that in their rush to eliminate Nuclear Power, Germany produces 39% of its electricity from coal. Yep, self-righteous, ‘green’ Germany.
Oh to be an eco-puritan, when I can shoot myself and my country in the foot, arm, legs, head etc. and feel good about it.
Largely correct. So-called ‘Carbon offset trading’ is worth tens of billions, which is primarily why it exists. In essence, it is the medieval religious practice of Indulgence given a modern (and profitable) twist: pay rather than pray for someone else to take away the sin.
In a country of 65 million and rising typically at 300,000 a year through unfettered mass immigration, it is impossible for any government to micromanage the lives of each and every individual.
So why does the BBC constantly suggest it can and bombard us with an array of individual hard luck stories with the strong inference that the government is to blame?. The person who died from a Pret a Manger sandwich, a Nigerian facing deportation (today), individuals not getting unlimited NHS money spent on their rare condition, various non-male, non-female LGBT situations, and many more.
In BBC la la land, there should be a limitless provision of resources for every conceivable combination of individual circumstances, to be paid for, needless to say, by the majority who have no personal problems……..but increasingly may well feel the need to define one in order to get noticed and access everyone else’s cash.
There really is a simple solution to this, an additional 10% tax on anyone in the ‘creative industries’ earning over £100K pa to pay for the social justice things they believe the state should provide.
In addition why should it be possible for British performers to go live in a foreign country and pay no tax to the government whilst still banging on about how taxpayers money should be wasted?
US citizens have to pay US taxes where ever they are in the world so why shouldn’t UK citizens?
Actors at the bottom end of their profession have a tax concession no other groups are privileged to, it’s only fair when they rise to the top they recognise that and pay their fair whack.
Helped along by close-up intrusions on personal grief – now to be shared Jeremy Kyle-style for our vicarious enjoyment – together with further tearful statements on court steps and meaningless repetitions of ‘lessons having been learned’.
All exhibitions which were once private and discrete, and upper lips were stiff with something quaintly referred to as personal pride.
In the same way that every week during PMQs you can be guaranteed that there will be at least one question on a constituents very personal, very specific circumstances, without any context or any real detail being given, directed at the Minister supposedly directly responsible for their predicament or to the PM herself.
It’s politicking and virtue signalling to a large extent. It’s also often a complete misunderstanding of the situation and lack of subject knowledge by the person asking the question and a simple means of covering their own arse when the issue is looked into in more detail and the “victim” is found out to be at fault, like most of the “Windrush generation” too lazy to sort their citizenship out themselves. The “welfare” industry that so many of our politicians and the bBC move in the same circles as, charities and quangos, are the only ones who really benefit.
In the case of the bBC itself, it is shit-stirring and filler, but they share the politicians belief in state-control and big government, in creating a state and mindset of need and helplessness to encourage voters and viewers to believe that they have our best interest and welfare at heart and are needed, when they do not and are not.
10 minutes on 2 traitor MPs working on the EU sell out
10 minutes on a Traitor Tory MP on getting rid of a Traitor PM
10 minutes on Two traitor MPs discussing the spending of 4 billion pounds rebuilding their parliament .
All presided over by The Sun ‘s Tom Dunn who should be ashamed of the smug bias .
As for the rebuild . Sell off their Palace – stick them on a ferry in the Thames ….
I have watched four reports on the main BBC news about the attacks on London Bridge and Borough Market. I have one question , who carried out the attacks? Was it fairies , because the BBC haven’t once mentioned the words Islam or Muslim, what an insult to all those that suffered .
Earlier in the week our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster described the drop in the number of GP’s. This drop, “has fallen in a sustained way for the first time since the 1960s.” So say the Nuffield Trust, “In an analysis carried out exclusively for the BBC…..”. https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/news-item/is-the-number-of-gps-falling-across-the-uk
The Nuffield Trust provide handy (and very current) graphs which narrow down the results into UK geographical regions.
Regrettably (but far from unexpectedly) this ‘News’ as conveyed by our, “Worlds Most Trusted”, does not join any dots and indeed, the usual ‘red-herring’ like BBC reporting takes us off with its omissions on a tangent to protect anyone recognising the ‘facts’. Total dishonesty in my view.
Note, the Nuffield Trust highlight the worst areas of low GP coverage which they assert is, “…particularly marked in certain regions of England such as North West London and the East of England.”
HeyHo! map of the 32 Boroughs of London. Check out the Boroughs North West: https://londonmap360.com/london-boroughs-map#.XNaQC6TTVpg
And marry them up to:
The ethnic population of the UK broken down in numbers provided by that unfailingly honest and unbiased publication, The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/may/18/ethnic-population-england-wales
Anybody notice anything startling? Anything which casts a true reflection on where GP’s perhaps simply don’t want to be practising?
I’ll say no more……………..
You don’t suppose all this furore about HIGNFY and Heidi Allen has been, how could it be put, contrived? I mean they must have known days, probably weeks, in advance of who was down to appear on what programme and when and that, crucially, the EU elections were on May 23?
Then again, there’s an inevitable conclusion that some might hope for, that Farage is seen to be unfairly favoured and the BBC are actually so unbiased they are prepared to break the rules?
But that would surely mean someone at planning level at the BBC might have deliberately created the situation – and they don’t do things like that. Fortunately.
This by the Guardian shows the appearances by guest on question time. It is only correct up to 2015, but it does show the shocking Londoncentric bias of the BBC.
Nigel Farage is apparantly now joint equal top guest with several grumbles about this, however Brexit is an important subject so it might be expected.
“Sri Lanka attacks: The family networks behind the bombings”
Al beeb admits that behind the terror attacks in Sri Lanka, vast family and community networks are involved.
Yet in the UK they’re quite happy to take at face value when friends, neighbours and family members plead complete ignorance in cases of terrorism or paedo rape gangs.
Radio 4 Any Questions is very biased this afternoon, the first question was about a ‘proven’ climate emergency, then Brexit, and a question about whether Britains private schools should be banned.
Who ever thought that these were balanced questions has a screw missing.
Fiction becomes truth.
At the 2017 general election, the joke in the Sluff household was that Corbyn was going to lower the voting age to 10 and give out free sweets to all primary school children.
Now 16 year olds are to get £10 per hour. Just think how many young males on boats across the Med will enjoy hearing that.
Just waiting now for the ‘lower the voting age’ policy. You read it here first.
Corbyn and McDonnell may be more than a little Marxist inclined but they share a political capability evidenced in the Labour premierships of Wilson, Blair and Brown: the creation of diversionary and temporary appealing policies and soundbites to match.
I think we will find that vanishingly few 16 year olds will be getting £10 per hour. Regardless of the merits or otherwise of the proposal, the intended or unintended consequence of this will be to largely eliminate 16 year olds from the employment market. Employers will prefer mature workers with proven track records over unproven youngsters, or eliminate the roles altogether. There’s a reason that supermarkets and burger bars have invested in self-service tills and ordering points, which helps remove them from the overheads of minimum wage legislation whilst simultanteously putting pressure on smaller shops and eateries that cannot afford such investments.
Muslim yob who threatened to shoot and stab ‘English pigs’ at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre is spared jail
Ryhan Ali, 23, told theatre staff he was going to ‘get a gun’ and kill English scum
When police arrived to arrest him, he branded an officer a ‘racist white c***’
Earlier that morning, he had appeared in court for racially abusing hospital staff
Serial racist was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years
And when police arrived to arrest him, he branded an officer a ‘racist white c***’
Astonishingly, hours before his foul-mouthed rant, Ali had appeared in court for racially abusing two security guards after flying into a rage at a hospital.
After abusing staff and making threats to rape a man’s wife and kill his children, police were called and he was arrested.
Prosecutor Edward Hollingsworth said Ali had wandered into a ward from A&E and was sitting in a corridor.
Security guards told him he should not be there and asked him to return to A&E.
But he became verbally aggressive towards them, calling one of them ‘English scum’ and a ‘white b*stard.’
The court heard that on March 15 this year, while subject to a community order for earlier racially aggravated public order offences, he phoned his probation worker.
Calling him a ‘black b*stard’, Ali told him: ‘I’m not scared of you. I’m going to come next week and sort you out, you f***ing black bastard.’
On April 9 he made a 999 call where he hurled racist abuse at the call handler.
She recognised his voice as a result of previous calls, and politely said: ‘Hello Ryhan, how can we help you?’ But he responded by calling her a ‘white bitch.’
At midnight on May 2, he made the 9th in a sequence of 999 calls, during which he was abusive towards the call-handler, using racist language and calling him a ‘dickhead’ and a ‘retard.
Isnt it funny how many beeboids, when they leave Al Beeb, start supporting left wing causes and denounce the centre-right by rote?
Maybe Paul Mason or Polly Toynbee could enlighten us why this is?
In every organisation where I, or friends and relatives, have worked, there has been a specific procedure for sacking employees: verbal warnings, written warnings, interviews, time to mend yourself etc. I realise that some such as Baker might be on a freelance basis with a contract of some sort, but what about Sir Tim Hunt for example, forced to resign from UCL.
Current employment law means it’s usually quite hard to get rid of people except by declaring their ‘role’ redundant. Also you have to be very careful when letting go certain types of folk.
Do people now have to sign contracts of employment agreeing to instant dismissal if they exhibit wrong-think?
The new Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, confesses on Today this morning that he has never had a glass of sherry. (The Poet Laureate receives 600 bottles of sherry.) What sort of poet is that? We’re not living in Merry England anymore, are we? Shakespeare, the Mermaid Tavern, Falstaff and his sack – are all melted into air.
They have proper booze in Yorkshire not yer poofy southern sherry . Maybe mr armitage can give the sherry to his lady wife – who I understand is a BBC producer – I bet they neck sherry – even in Salford which presumably is where naughty beeboids go as a punishment by WC1A HQ….
…. jeez is that 600 bottles a year ? I’d better start writing poetry …
There was a young lad who was stabbed
Who didn’t think it was too bad
Til he rang 999
Which took a long time
Now our thought and prayers ….
I’m willing to predict that the far-left bbc collective will never report on any of the topics covered by the person; could be a man or woman because the voice sounds computer generated; who posts this on YouTube. The presentation is quirky but the content is interesting and informative. It’s about 33 minutes long so may be a little too long for some:
Did BBC cover birth demographics ?
\\ almost 30% of births are from foreign-born mothers,
rising to 58% in London (higher than in *any* other city
and to 76% in ONE borough, Brent. //
The Times says it’s OK cos those foreign born mothers don’t have so many children each
In addition
7% of primary school kids weree born outside UK, half were EU https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/up-to-75-of-babies-are-born-to-migrant-mothers-in-parts-of-uk-j2xv9r858
To give some counterpoint, I’d like to know what percentage of those are to those where neither parent is from the UK? (speaking as someone with 2 kids and a wife from the US) The real problem is that within the EU/nonEU stats, there’s no breakdown between is it France vs Bulgaria or is it Yemen vs Canada. After all it’s not as if you here folks complaining about “Those Japanese coming over here, stealing our senior investment board directorships”
Forced second votes are the means through which authoritarians seek to protect their power, by dressing up attacks on democracy in the guise of public consultation.
Respect and thoughts for Cédric de Pierrepont and Alain Bertoncello, French Commando Hubert, killed in rescue mission that saved 1 American, 1 South Korean and 2 French hostages. #France#USA#Korea#Commandopic.twitter.com/ebJAFlqvVB
@JamesOBonkers I see the merger ref Port Talbot has been scrapped due to EU anti-trust concerns – I will leave it to James in his fair non-patronising and totally unbiased show to broadcast this fact and explain to thicko such as moi how the EU is helping the UK steel industry
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9fkQ0mWf/Screenshot-2025-03-10-121223.png[/img]
The BBC and Parliament are a bed of Brexit traitors.
Let us never forget this. I certainly won’t.
and they’ve betrayed Britain on 100 other things
– Friday’s posts 10am to 10pm were on page 4
– page 3 began Thursday noon
If our country is going to get smaller ” due to climate change” , does it make sense to have high levels of immigration?
Another question that is never asked by the BBC .
Just as they never get down to why the two Drill ” musicians ” think it’s lack of employment for da yoof when they come out of university that causes violence .! What were these people studying at university ? Why are we importing people when we even have university graduates unemployed ( and thus stabbing people ) .?
‘Selectively asking questions’ is the mission statement. This morning it was flight ‘rationing’ next perhaps it will be cars or plastics (again). State Broadcaster sets out to get us to think along a clearly lit path of selected issues.
The concept of ‘rationing’ is absolutely fundamental to all of the pseudo-environmental nonsense, whether it is flights, meat, energy, mineral rights, production of greenhouse gases and so on. Because rationing implies both scarcity, which means prices can be maximised to control demand, as well as the need for agencies to allocate or license those resources in a manner which is fair and objective (sic). To be effective, such agencies need to operate at the global level, meaning the UN as the public face, but controlled behind the scenes by a cartel of rich and powerful transnational corporations that seek to maintain monopolies and prevent the emergence of new competitors. In essence, that is what Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are about.
These two Petitions could do with more signatures from those who have not yet signed:
In Memory of Freddie Starr a victim of the hate filled political correctness of the Fascist Left.
Here is an excellent breakdown on of a recent BBC propaganda piece, it exposes their lies and propaganda for the filth it is:
That voiceover sounds like a known Welsh comedian/actor
I wondered if he defected from the BBC.
70K views already.
The original BBC video got pretty hammered
955 upvotes vs 3.9K downvotes
Someone replying to a tweet by the BBC’s film maker Makenzie
Ten evil European Union values:
(1) Elitism not Populism
(2) Bureaucracy not Democracy
(3) Uniformity not Freedom
(4) Censorship not Liberty
(5) White European Supremacy not Multiracial Commonwealth Pluralism
(6) Liberal Cultural Imperialism not Christian morality
(7) Political Correctness not Freedom of Speech
(8) Environmentalism not Science
(9) Islam and Liberal Fascism not Christianity and Classical Liberty
(10) Supranational Imperialism not National Sovereignty
Is number 5 the right way round ?
Number five refers solely to those resident within European Union Commission buildings with security guards and bollards to defend themselves from those multiracial types brought into Europe to replace Europeans with cheap labour and votes for left-wing political parties.
Brilliant except #5
yeah number 5 is not correct… they want to expend the EU with the “Mediterranean union” i.e. include North Africa to further drive down wages, drive up house prices, and move towards more authoritarian militaristic governments that are needed to control the Islam in north African countries.
Another EU policy, never in any manifesto of any party elected to the EU parliament, or any national government of any EU country. In fact, no one even knows about it… unless you look at what is behind the massive influx of Islam into Europe.
Have a read……
“Ms Donath studied sociology with a focus on migration at universities in Budapest and Amsterdam, and then completed an internship at the European Commission before returning to Hungary, where she worked for an NGO that helps asylum seekers with funding from liberal philanthropist George Soros.” IE, an EU apparatchik.
The Iconoclast has a sharp insight into BBC propaganda and he has produced a fine documentary. But he is seriously ignorant and misguided here at 13:40 minutes in:
BBC propagandist: Germans are acutely aware of their Nazi past. And some find parallels deeply troubling.
The iconoclast: Yeah, the Germans are all too aware of their Nazi past because they’ve been constantly beaten over the head with it for seventy f…… years. Guilt and shame, over and over again. Germany as a nation has been treated like garbage over the course of the twentieth century as well.
In fact, West Germany became an honourable nation among the world’s nations at a speed approaching greased lightning just after the Holocaust. Having originally dismantled German heavy industry, the allies began to help rebuild Germany, with the US starting in 1947 and France and the UK following in 1950. Those senior Nazi mass murderers who were not among the few who had been executed were released from prison after serving only a few years of their ridiculously short sentences. Nazis found shelter and lived comfortable lives in countries in Africa, South America and elsewhere.
West Germany was admitted as a UN observer nation as early as 1952, East Germany in 1972 and both countries were admitted as full UN members in 1973.
German engineers moved to Egypt in the sixties and designed missiles to be used against Israel, obviously eager to hand the baton of the Holocaust to the Arabs.
The Iconoclast rails against the idea of today’s Germans feeling guilt and shame? 1 500 000 children were among the 6 000 000 Jews slaughtered by the Nazi butchers and their collaborators in the Holocaust. There are Nazi butchers still living today, who never faced justice. And of course there are large numbers of their direct descendants and active neo-Nazis in Germany today.
It would be abnormal for Germans not to feel guilt and shame over their barbaric past.
But why should Germans feel guilt over things they had nothing to do with?, should African feel guilt because some of their ancestors were cannibals?… Should Muslims feel guilty for thinking Muhammad is the ideal role model for all time even though me murdered 700 prisoners at Khybar and married a six year old child?
Should all British people feel superior because Alexander Fleming and Edward Jenner invested antibiotics and vaccines which combined with the British Industrial revolution has led to the world population increasing from 700 million to 7 Billion over 300 years? Should they all thank the British for being the first empire in history to end slavery?
Should 90% of the world population who are alive thanks to the British pay royalties to the UK for the historical net-brought by the British, even though people alive today did not do these things?
“why should Germans feel guilt” why should today’s Germans feel guilt over WW2 any more than Italians or Scandinavians over their conquests of Britain? When should guilt be switched off – with the third or thirtieth generation? Who decides?
It seems to me that guilt is apportioned according to political allegiance and opportunism.
Perhaps the speed of Germany’s acceptance after WW2 had something to do with the savage and spiteful way in which they were treated after WW1, most especially under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles – a largely French-inspired vindictive humiliation which had a direct influence on Hitler’s rise to power.
Well, you guys make some fair points, but I felt I had to correct The Iconoclast over his ignorance and complete misreading of history.
That’s interesting but I imagine the speed of acceptance had more to do with necessity: the allies felt they had to build Germany up against the Russian threat.
It just seems to me that Germany got off incredibly lightly after the misery and devastation Germans caused in WWII.
Oh Danny boy, when you is in da hole, stop digging, bro.
“Danny Baker ‘so, so sorry’ for disastrous tweet”
The more he ‘explains’ and grovels, the worse it gets.
His crime, of course, wasn’t that he insulted the Royal Family. Bbc ‘comics’ (I use the term loosely) do that all the time, and are roundly applauded for it.
Nor that he mocked the rich and privileged, as he claims he was doing – that’s de rigueur at the lefty beeb.
But the one, unpardonable sin on planet beeb – from which there is no coming back and for which there can be no absolution – is racism.
(Although Stateside, Liam Neeson might just have pulled off the trick with bucket-loads of psycho-socio-confessional gobbledygook.)
I just called my little boy a “little monkey”… but he’s white, so i am racist? is there a rule book one can download for this leftist nonsense?
Just keep watching the bbc and all will become clear.
well, watching the BBC is definitely making me more racist… i learned from the BBC that brown people cannot handle having their stupid religion criticized or they will turn in to murderous thugs. i think ts genetic…
This would be censored by the BBC because it conflicts with the prevailing liberal fascist ideology, but we are all descended from monkeys. Its just that those in Africa are the oldest surviving hominids not to have gone extinct. Africans are about 150,000 years old and Europeans are about 40,000 years old. So through his grandmother, Archie is about 110,000 years closer to Monkeys than most Europeans. This is not racism but the latest scientific facts extracted from genetic data. But when it comes to scientific facts, modern day liberal fascists are the same as those Victorian creationists who mocked Darwin for suggesting that Humans evolved from monkeys.
Yet again Richard Pinder demonstrates his scientific ignorance. Humans are not descended from monkeys. Anyone with a basic understanding of evolutionary theory knows that that is untrue.
Go on then piku – you slag mr Pindar off with regard to his understanding of evolution . Enlighten us with your correct view ( without tedious cut and paste ).
Or was it just a troll job ?
Our closest relatives are the great apes – chimpanzees and bonobos. Monkeys aren’t apes.
For Gods sake piku – is that all it is was ? The common miswording between apes and chimps?
Thought it was some lemarkian / catastrophe type evolutionary theory argument . Yawn
So accuracy isn’t important on this website? Thanks for the confirmation.
It has been ‘settled’, BBC style?
I think Richard got it ‘about right’
The website s about the BBC not bloody biology
If Richard thinks he’s descended from an ape (or monkey) he might as well believe – as Prof. Steve Jones, the geneticist, will tell him – that he is descended from a banana. As Richard also shares significance characteristics with a cabbage (as do all humans) he would be well advised not to go too far down that so-called ‘evolutionary’ route. 😉
Sealioning isn`t edgy ……

You may wish to read this:
I wonder sometimes if we are devolving – certainly the availability of huge amounts of information for little cost via the internet has caused mad side effects like the ‘ offence ‘ industry and the ‘ one tweet’ costs- a -career -effect .
As well as digging up thoughtless / drunken / tired comments from years ago .
I know my comment may well encourage someone to get on a very high horse but that’s what I think .
Proportionality goes out of the window along with good old common sense .
Look! Let’s be serious. If Darwin’s theory of evolution WAS correct, we would have four arms. Let’s face it, we need two arms/hands to hold an item, one to hold the nail/screw, and one to hit/screw it.
“If Darwin’s theory of evolution WAS correct, we would have four arms”
Not necessarily. A need for four arms would not in itself have produced four arms, it would have required a random mutation or a series of random mutations to give us four functioning arms in the first place, then natural selection would have arbitrated on the change.
Natural selection is no longer working the way it should because we are interfering in the process. What that means in the long term, God only knows.
I was correct, but in science I would have said Ape. Apes emerged within “monkeys” as sister of the Cercopithecidae in the Catarrhini, so cladistically they are monkeys as well. There has been some resistance to directly designate apes (and thus humans) as monkeys despite the scientific evidence, so “Old World monkey” may be taken to mean the Cercopithecoidea or the Catarrhini. Scientific classifications are now more often based on monophyletic groups, that is groups consisting of all the descendants of a common ancestor. The New World monkeys and the Old World monkeys are each monophyletic groups, but their combination was not, since it excluded hominoids (apes and humans). Thus the term “monkey” is no longer referred to as a recognized scientific taxon. The smallest accepted taxon which contains all the monkeys is the infraorder Simiiforms, or simians. However this also contains the hominoids (apes and humans), so that monkeys are, in terms of currently recognized taxa, non-hominoid simians. Colloquially and pop-culturally, the term is ambiguous and sometimes monkey includes non-human hominoids. In addition, frequent arguments are made for a monophyletic usage of the word “monkey” from the perspective that usage should reflect cladistics.
Therefore, I, Richard Pinder, was and always are scientifically correct, and knew it. I bet Piku must be employed by the BBC as a scientific adviser.
If I could , I would award you the Biased BBC Nobel Prize for mammalian research or whatever , That Danny Baker has a lot to answer for . I missed his show today – which I only recently discovered and provides inspiration for the short stories I have not yet writtened .
Last time I looked human DNA was 22% banana – given some of the stuff doing the rounds at the moment – that might have to be looked at ….
I spot a monkey in the room
Why do Europeans look so different from Chinese?
Which came first the mouth or the ears?
I heard that from 40,000 years ago, they split from us and that they probably spent thousands of years living like Eskimos until the end of the last Ice age, so got slitty eyed. While Europeans spent thousands of years on the Russian steeps, so didn’t get slitty eyed.
And yet the Mongols, who also inhabited their own extension of the Russian steppes, also had slitty eyes.
Could it have been the poor reception for BBC World Service causing them to screw eyes up in concentration, or did they perhaps disagree with some of the more multicultural concepts they were being encouraged to embrace?
Too, Chinese and Mongoloids have different skeletal structure to others.
40,000 years is virtually a blink in terms of evolution for such majpr changes. Also there are no traces of the “in-betweeners”, if 40,000 is the conjectured time scale.
If the lefties like you then no matter what you say it will be OK. However, you won’t know if they like you until you say it.
j-i-c, brilliant!
Think I might open a shop in central London selling very small hidden microphones for when most homes in the UK are bugged by our thought police (and yes, you lot in the shetlands who think because of your remoteness you won’t need to buy one – well, think again)
Think I might do very well.
We knew you were thinking about opening that shop .
Yours – watching –
ReichEU Stazi …
I knew it was you. But I was too shy to say owt. Hee hee.
I think there is some inverted racism going on with Prince Archie
A certain cohort hyped the birth as “mixed race”
Thus making criticism of it as a far worse sin
.. that criticising a white baby.
(tongue in cheek here and after a few conspiracy theories with girlies for drinks)…….. we are now of the opinion that Meghan has not given birth at all !!! It started when one of our number – ex midwife, announced that Meghan was clearly further forward with her pregnancy when she first announced her pregnancy – thus appearing to look like a February birth rather than late April.
Then the clear reluctance to give where the baby was born – home or hospital, and the ‘ungrateful’ absence of public recognition of the attending medical team. Which all begs the question, WHY NOT ???
We came to the conclusion that a surrogate has had the baby, and being the ahem actress she is, Meghan would feel right at home in wearing an expanding pregnancy undergarment. Now we’ll see how long she’ll be out of the public eye before she has ‘snapped’ back into shape.
(and you all thought the talk was of blokes and sex when a group of females get together 🙂 )
‘and you all thought the talk was of blokes and sex when a group of females get together.’
Don’t spoil if for us, Brissles. Next you’ll be telling us you don’t do pillow fights in your underwear when on a sleepover.
Leave us something for the dark, cold nights :0)
And like your theory btw… you may be onto something there (still involves sex though)
Brissles I completely agree. Girly talk opened my eyes to this and I did a bit more research. Odd size ever changing up and down bumps that wobble from side to side, very strange shaped kicks, and a rather normal size baby having looked like triplets four months ago. It’s face very carefully hidden from show. Seems everything is not as it’s being told to us, even the birth dates and times all of a shambles. The big question is why, and what is this rather toxic couple holding over the Royals’ that makes them comply with this very strange behaviour. I don’t recall The Queen with staged photos for the US media meeting her other great grandchildren. All very strange! And no, sorry RobRoy pillow fights are private!
Time to rewatch “the omen” ?
Well clearly something is not adding up English L !! and I know that post pregnant ladies still have a tummy to shift, but Meghan looked as though another due date was in the offing, in those few moments she deigned to be in public in the long gallery.
Brissles, you’ll be putting our Richard Pinder out of business if you go on like that!
Another seat on LBC I guess ….it’s where political refugees thrown out of the BBC seem to go now ( except that gobby chap who used to do the 5pm show )
What al beeb won’t tell you about Sri Lanka:
“Sri Lanka MP Says Gov Failed to Stop Attacks Because of Muslim Politicians”
In a nutshell the article states that for years there had been intel about militant Islamic groups arming themselves, but the authorities failed to act on it “out of fear of the Muslim politicians”.
A bit like here then.
“Brexit debate heats up on Question Time”
Is this how the show really was ?
Biased editing .
What I saw of QT, I think the programme makers are failing in their ability to filter who goes into the audience or the Brexiteers are becoming more vociferous.
I’ve also noticed that some brexiteers are getting through the screening and into the QT audience.
Did you notice that we had double the normal number of brexiteers on the panel. There were 2 on the show.
Somebody at bbc is in for it.
What did that woman in the audience say that had Fiona saying about lowering/raising the tone. Was it something about see you next Tuesday?
You are spot on about the editing. Yes, the show was like that, but I note how that extract ends with the stupid Labour shmuck making an apparently important and well-delivered point to oppose Farage when in fact he was mostly unimpressive and weak during the rest of the programme.
Remember the huge and prolonged outrage over those murdered at Christchurch?
Well in the first 5 days of the annual Ramadan Bombathon, the number of murdered has more than doubled those at Christchurch.
Yet nary a whisper from al beeb.
I have to stop watching The Pledge or I’ll be had up for having murderous thoughts.
Tonight there was a discussion about Margaret Thatcher, and 4 out of the 5 either hadn’t been born or were toddlers when she came to power. Yet there they were – the charming Afua, peabrain June and jailbird Maajid, commenting on a subject they know nothing about but had plenty to say.
At least Nick Ferrari was around and could remember how we lived under Labour before Thatcher came to power, – and there’s the rub with that programme, there was only Gregg ‘dick’ Dyke who was of an age of seniority. But sadly he never gave a balanced view. The programme is geared to mainly 30 – 50 year olds, who could be discussing the Boer War for all they know. The programme badly needs more 60 and 70 year olds to tell it how it was before we entered the Common Market, and how life was outside of the bubble they clearly live in.
I listened to The Nick Ferrari Show the other day on LBC and was surprised with his choice of the two ‘objective experts’ he had on to comment about what Danny Baker had said.
The first up was Greg Dyke. Those of a certain age will remember Dyke in 2001 when he was the corporation’s director-general, describing the BBC as, ‘hideously white’.
The next guest asked to comment on the Baker story was Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who once when asked in a TV interview what she thought of white people responded with, “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
They both said that Baker was a very bad boy with his racist comments but I must admit I wasn’t really listening, I just thought that these two clearly demonstrated the hypocrisy of the left shining through.
It’s okay to be hateful and vile towards people as long as it’s the right kind of people.
Not surprising at all. Given the choice media like heat over light.
I have been pondering this in light of Hugs and now Fran’s ineffectual and ignored pleas to BBC staff not to post anything iffy on twitter lest they have to fly somewhere for a while until it blows over.
When does the ‘views my own’ disclaimer work its magic and when not? Like so much else BBC, things seem at best variable, depending.
Dubious image humour of taste: immediate termination.
Outright political campaigning: ‘personal view’, nothing to do with the BBC. Gary and Jasmine both doing very well still, thank you.
And Hugh Sykes has ‘liked’ this one.
It’s good that the BBC pulled the repulsive Ms Allen MP . ( see election speech from constituency about honouring brexit I never watch the programme so no loss to me .
But I am concerned about how much money the BBC paid for it ?
Obviously it’s not my money as I don’t pay the tv licence ( never will ) but I have a thing about wasting taxpayers cash .
Not as much as the 3.5 billion overspend on a crap emergency services radio network which was being reported earlier …
I am now interested in ‘the rules’.
Clearly there is a difference between campaigning in what is effectively a hustings where you can be debated, and a platform to giggle and either be filleted or feted depending on whether Ian approves of your politics.
Clearly the producers either were ignorant or knew full well what they were doing, and proceeded on the basis of no such thing as more publicity.
And here she is milking it for all it isn’t worth.
And here, inevitably, is….
A strange time for the BBC to suddenly become concerned about balance – though with Ms Allen, Hislop and Merton together I can see their reasoning – but surely where QT was concerned Farage was balanced by Soubry, so political minefields were avoided?
Naturally, the level of Anna Soubry’s mental balance is another question altogether.
The bbc has got to tone down the bias ( if it can ) because of the ‘communication act 2003 ‘ as well as the Ofcom guidelines – particulary section 6 regarding treatment of parties during election campaigns .
The above comes from 2 minutes of Google – which obviously the thick smug producers of that bbc show couldn’t be bothered to research … unless there are sinister goings on going on ….
Yeah, Mr Adonis.
So were Amber Dudd, Anna Soubry, and some Labour nonentity not also on Question Time with Farage or was I just dreaming about the three Remoaners on the programme?
Mrs Brown also admitted that she’s a racist. But it seems it’s ok for this muslim immigrant to be a racist in our country; she’s not going to lose her job, she’ll still be asked into TV and radio programmes to spew her racial hatred with impunity.
If these ethnics hate white people so much and they hate living amongst us, there are plenty of other countries for them to live in; I wish they’d all just sod off and leave us white folks in peace.
Bris thank you – never seen it – never will
I remember the time before the Common Market. Grandma talked about Britain winning the Boer War, First World War and the Second World War. Uncle talked about policing the British sector of Germany. Dad did his bit for the decolonisation of the West Indies and after Granddad tested designs of experimental aircraft that defeated the Nazis in the war, he suspended his retirement in the 1960’s to complete the Blackburn Buccaneer for Britain’s defence, then apologised to his grandson for not retiring earlier, so as to take me to the local park for a ride on the motorboats. The Beatles ruled the European pop charts. Every other year, Britain came first or second in the Eurovision Song Contest, forcing all other European nations to sing in English to be able to win. Then we fd it up by following the European unionist ideology of Heath, Napoleon and Hitler.
BBC1 Saturday morning –
A programme called ‘ chimpanzee’ .
In the current climate I hope that someone is going to report the BBC for possible racism in the way it is doing so with the Danny Baker allegation . No doubt the Stasi will knock his door down at dawn on Sunday after being accused of such a terrible crime .i enjoyed the Danny Baker show -I was not surprised he was a red sauce chap .
It’s on at the same time the Danny Baker Show used to be – which hasn’t been replaced by a fitting programme such as a documentary about the 60s combo ‘ the monkeys ‘ ….
Silly season comes earlier every month …
Ha ha -Ta Cass – RIP— Peter Tork
Monkeys evolved from Beatles within a decade.
You are not alone Richard.
OT, but the thread to this from BBC fave Femi is funny.
Especially the QC control.
Wasted my time watching this creature . The day when parties are destroyed – so that any favoured son can just be ‘ parachuted in’ to be elected will be just another step in draining the swamp .
We have traitor MPs , toilet paper manifestos and people like him which is disrespectful to the voters of Peterborough .
No one should become an MP for a constituency unless they have really lived there for – say – 5 years . Born there would be better of course ….
I’d also like to have the US process of local elections for candidates who, once selected by the local voters then stand in the general election.
There’s something wrong with the present system where the party hierarchy choose who we’ll be allowed to vote for.
I like the way he uses five words when just one will do , thus what he said in five minutes could easily be condensed into sixty seconds.
Yes – the characteristic of an expenses claiming traitor politician .
( are they really claiming for their brats upto 21?)
As an aside – the lefty mp being interviewed about his anti Jewish speech which he denied giving was high humour yesterday ..
With the news this morning that air travel must be curtailed, surely Dame Emma Thompson will fly in from LA to tell the beeb what great news this and to let us know once again just how virtuous she really is!
Lies, damn lies, and [BbC redacted as exempted]
Guest – thanks for the link – our sister site doing good works as usual . The Burgon Labour MP was often put up by Labour HQ to do slimey hatchet jobs for the comrades – I’m guess not any more .
He claimed that he never made the speech , then couldn’t remember it , then taken out of context , then it was a long time ago ….. both the speech and the lies should be enough to destroy his career ( see D. Baker ) but the level of integrity / honour varies greatly …..
Looks like the bbc loaned Vince their special lens.
Shocking crowd scenes ….
Pleasant location though. I thought they usually met under a bridge in Deptford.
I fail to see the attraction, however, of a man with the charisma of a terminally depressed undertaker.
The Esler Effect
Vince’s hip and groovy campaign slogan hits a new low and can only add to the ‘Esler Effect’.
Misguided oldy Vince has managed to disgust, offend and further alienate. Quite an achievement for the Liberals.
Apparently Prince Harry is racist – really, it seems you can be a racist without being aware of it.
Black Privilege allows you to nullify anything or anyone with the cry of ‘RACIST’.
A right wing Yank stumbles, and the BBC goes mental.
And Rob… ‘has spoken’.
But Rob does tend only to speak those who suit, and then edit for effect.
There is getting to be an element of riding coattails to this now.
AFP have a fact check service
I don’t know if it is as bad as BBC Reality Check /Snopes/ Fullfact etc.
It seems to focus on the third world and people puttig up photos of an old natural disaster for a news one
Always good to find another reason for a street party – the Guardian has won TWO Digiday Awards!
This stretches credulity – despite Digiday Awards not enjoying a particularly high profile – but even better, they got their prestigious recognition for ‘…the positive changes made within the industry.’
Continuously begging for funds and giving away huge numbers of copies to create spurious circulation figures may be seen as positive changes, but at heart it’s still the most self-indulgent and pretentious of newspapers, read by self-indulgent and pretentious micro-metropolitans . Awards won’t change that.
I think the Guardian is funded by public sector subscribers like the BBC and local councils …..
I love all this false stuff about racism – since in Londonistan the majority of stabbings are carried out by black males when I wander down the street and see a group of young black males I decide each time whether they are a threat . More so if the hoods are up to conceal identity from the now defunct cctv cameras .
I guess that makes me a racist in the eyes of the BBC . And I could care less .
I sometimes do updates on the latest local stabbings but can’t be bothered any more as they are too regular .
Stabbings are no longer news now (unless the stabber is white)
According to the black race hate peddler on Andrew Castle’s LBC show this morning Fed, those young black males pointing their Rambo knives at your throat should be quaking in their boots because of your white privilege.
The Mayor of London (United Kingdom) now has Police protection due to the level of threat he’s receiving ?
What with that and chasing Tweeters, not to mention Danny Baker and pedophile vigilantes the Met will have their hands full.
Maybe the cops protecting the mayor will need protection themselves – and they’ll have to be Muslims to be able to go into the places the Emir frequents …
the wheels of the bus go round and round .
My mate said, ‘What’s Danny Baker going to do now that he’s been sacked?’
I said, ‘Whatever it is, he’s gonna knead more dough.’
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
“now has Police protection due to the level of threat he’s receiving ? What with that and chasing Tweeters, not to mention Danny Baker and pedophile vigilantes the Met will have their hands full.”
And all those stories using only a tenth of the budget that Brown, Blair and Co forked out for the Madeleine McCann case.
Police protection for the Mayor of Londonistan? Well, I guesss that’s all part and parcel………..
We should all learn from Islam ,,,,

You could just as truthfully have shown muslims blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan. islam is a cult of destruction. Christianity is the religion; giving hope and trying to help people build a better life for themselves, spiritually and earthly.
In Christianity, fulfilling what was intended but never fully realised in Judaism except through the faith of the ‘Old Testament saints’, God is engaged with any willing human beings who wish to join in, in a process of recovery, rebuilding, restoration, renewal, reformation and more besides that halts the ruination and decay of leaving Eden.
There are echoes of the gaining of knowledge and creativity that God intended humankind to have that exist beyond that early expulsion from the Ideal. Those echoes can be found even in the unregenerate, in the atheist and in the lapsed Believer as well as in the most devout of Christians. They lead to the discoveries we have seen come out of exploration of our world and its God-given built-in benefits and qualities as well as its sin-consequenced sicknesses.
Medical science would be one obvious example. The exploration of, firstly, the globe and then, more recently, the universe would be another. Marky Mark put up an example of the art of painting. I am constantly reminded of the God-built miracles and creativity that comes from music.
The Creator built into His creation the capability of resonance and sound and metal creation from raw ores. How and when did humankind first discover how to stretch a bit of animal sinew or gut or skin in order to make music? Then how to stretch metal, eventually leading to wire and the piano and more wires and the electric guitar.
Then we can admire and be amazed by the capabilities of musicians themselves. I will admit to a certain fondness for the work of JS Bach, a Christian composer who sought to glorify God with his work. “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul” (Johann Sebastian Bach) Handel, in my view, similarly. A French actress (may have been Isabelle Huppert) paraphrased an older quote about JS Bach: ‘God should be grateful to Bach for proving that He – God – exists.’
It wasn’t that long after the death of Bach that another musician and mathematician sat down and calculated that composers would run out of notes that could be arranged together to form a unique piece by the end of the 18th century and if not then by, at the very least, the end of the 19th century.
Whatever your feelings about contemporary music may be, there is good evidence that that aspect of creativity still has plenty of notes to play with. 🙂 One of the many ‘built-in’ wonders of our world.
I had to check that you hadn’t resurrected this from April 1st.
Somehow, Einstein managed to get by without a hairdresser.
Reference the ridiculous current neurotic news agenda about zero emissions, climate emergency etc.
I beleive it is the case that under the EU emissions trading rules, if the UK reduce CO2 creation by one tonne then some other country in the EU can ‘buy’ the right to produce an extra tonne.
So by being ‘virtuous’ we both penalise our own people and reward another country.
PS I also understand that in their rush to eliminate Nuclear Power, Germany produces 39% of its electricity from coal. Yep, self-righteous, ‘green’ Germany.
Oh to be an eco-puritan, when I can shoot myself and my country in the foot, arm, legs, head etc. and feel good about it.
Largely correct. So-called ‘Carbon offset trading’ is worth tens of billions, which is primarily why it exists. In essence, it is the medieval religious practice of Indulgence given a modern (and profitable) twist: pay rather than pray for someone else to take away the sin.
Ian, has it also not been an opportunity for fraud, not just that highlighted by Sluff, but the other more criminal sort?
Danny Baker presents a tweet with a chimp that is dressed up to perform … is he any different? Isn’t he back tracking and performing as expected?
I hear the police are now investigating Danny Baker for hate crime. Fair enough, so long as ALL hate crime is investigated without exceptions.
In a country of 65 million and rising typically at 300,000 a year through unfettered mass immigration, it is impossible for any government to micromanage the lives of each and every individual.
So why does the BBC constantly suggest it can and bombard us with an array of individual hard luck stories with the strong inference that the government is to blame?. The person who died from a Pret a Manger sandwich, a Nigerian facing deportation (today), individuals not getting unlimited NHS money spent on their rare condition, various non-male, non-female LGBT situations, and many more.
In BBC la la land, there should be a limitless provision of resources for every conceivable combination of individual circumstances, to be paid for, needless to say, by the majority who have no personal problems……..but increasingly may well feel the need to define one in order to get noticed and access everyone else’s cash.
There really is a simple solution to this, an additional 10% tax on anyone in the ‘creative industries’ earning over £100K pa to pay for the social justice things they believe the state should provide.
In addition why should it be possible for British performers to go live in a foreign country and pay no tax to the government whilst still banging on about how taxpayers money should be wasted?
US citizens have to pay US taxes where ever they are in the world so why shouldn’t UK citizens?
Actors at the bottom end of their profession have a tax concession no other groups are privileged to, it’s only fair when they rise to the top they recognise that and pay their fair whack.
Helped along by close-up intrusions on personal grief – now to be shared Jeremy Kyle-style for our vicarious enjoyment – together with further tearful statements on court steps and meaningless repetitions of ‘lessons having been learned’.
All exhibitions which were once private and discrete, and upper lips were stiff with something quaintly referred to as personal pride.
In the same way that every week during PMQs you can be guaranteed that there will be at least one question on a constituents very personal, very specific circumstances, without any context or any real detail being given, directed at the Minister supposedly directly responsible for their predicament or to the PM herself.
It’s politicking and virtue signalling to a large extent. It’s also often a complete misunderstanding of the situation and lack of subject knowledge by the person asking the question and a simple means of covering their own arse when the issue is looked into in more detail and the “victim” is found out to be at fault, like most of the “Windrush generation” too lazy to sort their citizenship out themselves. The “welfare” industry that so many of our politicians and the bBC move in the same circles as, charities and quangos, are the only ones who really benefit.
In the case of the bBC itself, it is shit-stirring and filler, but they share the politicians belief in state-control and big government, in creating a state and mindset of need and helplessness to encourage voters and viewers to believe that they have our best interest and welfare at heart and are needed, when they do not and are not.
Great post, Sluff!
Fed, what’s up?
Week in Westminster
10 minutes on 2 traitor MPs working on the EU sell out
10 minutes on a Traitor Tory MP on getting rid of a Traitor PM
10 minutes on Two traitor MPs discussing the spending of 4 billion pounds rebuilding their parliament .
All presided over by The Sun ‘s Tom Dunn who should be ashamed of the smug bias .
As for the rebuild . Sell off their Palace – stick them on a ferry in the Thames ….
and sink it
Kaiser —- yes I left that open – or tow it to mainland Europe since most of them love their ReichEU so much ….
What about all the muslims who have been and continue to attack the likes of Tommy Robinson, why aren’t their hate crimes being investigated?
In fact forget about the absurd labelling of hate as a crime, what these muslims are doing are crimes.
I have watched four reports on the main BBC news about the attacks on London Bridge and Borough Market. I have one question , who carried out the attacks? Was it fairies , because the BBC haven’t once mentioned the words Islam or Muslim, what an insult to all those that suffered .
Suggesting that those involved were anything other than proud heterosexual sons of allah may make you liable to a fatwah…..
Earlier in the week our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster described the drop in the number of GP’s. This drop, “has fallen in a sustained way for the first time since the 1960s.” So say the Nuffield Trust, “In an analysis carried out exclusively for the BBC…..”.
The Nuffield Trust provide handy (and very current) graphs which narrow down the results into UK geographical regions.
Regrettably (but far from unexpectedly) this ‘News’ as conveyed by our, “Worlds Most Trusted”, does not join any dots and indeed, the usual ‘red-herring’ like BBC reporting takes us off with its omissions on a tangent to protect anyone recognising the ‘facts’. Total dishonesty in my view.
Note, the Nuffield Trust highlight the worst areas of low GP coverage which they assert is, “…particularly marked in certain regions of England such as North West London and the East of England.”
HeyHo! map of the 32 Boroughs of London. Check out the Boroughs North West:
And marry them up to:
The ethnic population of the UK broken down in numbers provided by that unfailingly honest and unbiased publication, The Guardian.
Anybody notice anything startling? Anything which casts a true reflection on where GP’s perhaps simply don’t want to be practising?
I’ll say no more……………..
You don’t suppose all this furore about HIGNFY and Heidi Allen has been, how could it be put, contrived? I mean they must have known days, probably weeks, in advance of who was down to appear on what programme and when and that, crucially, the EU elections were on May 23?
Then again, there’s an inevitable conclusion that some might hope for, that Farage is seen to be unfairly favoured and the BBC are actually so unbiased they are prepared to break the rules?
But that would surely mean someone at planning level at the BBC might have deliberately created the situation – and they don’t do things like that. Fortunately.
Was listening to TOADY this morning from the beginning, Beltane.
I thought funny. Funny, I thought.
That News item about HIGNIFY, repeated very half-hour, appears to be a little prominent. Are the BBC wanting to tell me something?
I wonder what it could be?
This by the Guardian shows the appearances by guest on question time. It is only correct up to 2015, but it does show the shocking Londoncentric bias of the BBC.
Nigel Farage is apparantly now joint equal top guest with several grumbles about this, however Brexit is an important subject so it might be expected.
“Sri Lanka attacks: The family networks behind the bombings”
Al beeb admits that behind the terror attacks in Sri Lanka, vast family and community networks are involved.
Yet in the UK they’re quite happy to take at face value when friends, neighbours and family members plead complete ignorance in cases of terrorism or paedo rape gangs.
Radio 4 Any Questions is very biased this afternoon, the first question was about a ‘proven’ climate emergency, then Brexit, and a question about whether Britains private schools should be banned.
Who ever thought that these were balanced questions has a screw missing.
Labour says…
BBC does PR.
Fiction becomes truth.
At the 2017 general election, the joke in the Sluff household was that Corbyn was going to lower the voting age to 10 and give out free sweets to all primary school children.
Now 16 year olds are to get £10 per hour. Just think how many young males on boats across the Med will enjoy hearing that.
Just waiting now for the ‘lower the voting age’ policy. You read it here first.
Corbyn and McDonnell may be more than a little Marxist inclined but they share a political capability evidenced in the Labour premierships of Wilson, Blair and Brown: the creation of diversionary and temporary appealing policies and soundbites to match.
I think we will find that vanishingly few 16 year olds will be getting £10 per hour. Regardless of the merits or otherwise of the proposal, the intended or unintended consequence of this will be to largely eliminate 16 year olds from the employment market. Employers will prefer mature workers with proven track records over unproven youngsters, or eliminate the roles altogether. There’s a reason that supermarkets and burger bars have invested in self-service tills and ordering points, which helps remove them from the overheads of minimum wage legislation whilst simultanteously putting pressure on smaller shops and eateries that cannot afford such investments.
Muslim yob who threatened to shoot and stab ‘English pigs’ at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre is spared jail
Ryhan Ali, 23, told theatre staff he was going to ‘get a gun’ and kill English scum
When police arrived to arrest him, he branded an officer a ‘racist white c***’
Earlier that morning, he had appeared in court for racially abusing hospital staff
Serial racist was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years
And when police arrived to arrest him, he branded an officer a ‘racist white c***’
Astonishingly, hours before his foul-mouthed rant, Ali had appeared in court for racially abusing two security guards after flying into a rage at a hospital.
After abusing staff and making threats to rape a man’s wife and kill his children, police were called and he was arrested.
Prosecutor Edward Hollingsworth said Ali had wandered into a ward from A&E and was sitting in a corridor.
Security guards told him he should not be there and asked him to return to A&E.
But he became verbally aggressive towards them, calling one of them ‘English scum’ and a ‘white b*stard.’
The court heard that on March 15 this year, while subject to a community order for earlier racially aggravated public order offences, he phoned his probation worker.
Calling him a ‘black b*stard’, Ali told him: ‘I’m not scared of you. I’m going to come next week and sort you out, you f***ing black bastard.’
On April 9 he made a 999 call where he hurled racist abuse at the call handler.
She recognised his voice as a result of previous calls, and politely said: ‘Hello Ryhan, how can we help you?’ But he responded by calling her a ‘white bitch.’
At midnight on May 2, he made the 9th in a sequence of 999 calls, during which he was abusive towards the call-handler, using racist language and calling him a ‘dickhead’ and a ‘retard.
Who to believe? I wonder if the bbc will look into it?
Isnt it funny how many beeboids, when they leave Al Beeb, start supporting left wing causes and denounce the centre-right by rote?
Maybe Paul Mason or Polly Toynbee could enlighten us why this is?
Re Danny Baker and others instant dismissals.
In every organisation where I, or friends and relatives, have worked, there has been a specific procedure for sacking employees: verbal warnings, written warnings, interviews, time to mend yourself etc. I realise that some such as Baker might be on a freelance basis with a contract of some sort, but what about Sir Tim Hunt for example, forced to resign from UCL.
Current employment law means it’s usually quite hard to get rid of people except by declaring their ‘role’ redundant. Also you have to be very careful when letting go certain types of folk.
Do people now have to sign contracts of employment agreeing to instant dismissal if they exhibit wrong-think?
He must have a “monkey business” clause in his contract
The new Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, confesses on Today this morning that he has never had a glass of sherry. (The Poet Laureate receives 600 bottles of sherry.) What sort of poet is that? We’re not living in Merry England anymore, are we? Shakespeare, the Mermaid Tavern, Falstaff and his sack – are all melted into air.
They have proper booze in Yorkshire not yer poofy southern sherry . Maybe mr armitage can give the sherry to his lady wife – who I understand is a BBC producer – I bet they neck sherry – even in Salford which presumably is where naughty beeboids go as a punishment by WC1A HQ….
…. jeez is that 600 bottles a year ? I’d better start writing poetry …
There was a young lad who was stabbed
Who didn’t think it was too bad
Til he rang 999
Which took a long time
Now our thought and prayers ….
I’m willing to predict that the far-left bbc collective will never report on any of the topics covered by the person; could be a man or woman because the voice sounds computer generated; who posts this on YouTube. The presentation is quirky but the content is interesting and informative. It’s about 33 minutes long so may be a little too long for some:
Political Greens are almost always #FakeGreen nutters
… green is living frugally
.. not having a second home
.. Energy Minister Claire Perry claims for second home and £10K/year extra for her grown up kids living there as well
Did BBC cover birth demographics ?
\\ almost 30% of births are from foreign-born mothers,
rising to 58% in London (higher than in *any* other city
and to 76% in ONE borough, Brent. //
The Times says it’s OK cos those foreign born mothers don’t have so many children each
In addition
7% of primary school kids weree born outside UK, half were EU
To give some counterpoint, I’d like to know what percentage of those are to those where neither parent is from the UK? (speaking as someone with 2 kids and a wife from the US) The real problem is that within the EU/nonEU stats, there’s no breakdown between is it France vs Bulgaria or is it Yemen vs Canada. After all it’s not as if you here folks complaining about “Those Japanese coming over here, stealing our senior investment board directorships”
Forced second votes are the means through which authoritarians seek to protect their power, by dressing up attacks on democracy in the guise of public consultation.
It might be an idea to post a link to what actually happened rather than just caopying and pasting someone elses tweet which says next to nothing ?
Bet the welsh welch Labour remainer MPs will be queuing up to make meaningful comments about the benefits of ReichEU membership ….