Just over two weeks to the EU MEP elections . The failing Far Left Remainer BBC will kick Project Fear into top gear again with the usual dirt and anti Brexit bias . Maybe they’ll get cause breaking election law – can but hope…
Dear State Broadcaster
Please stop preaching at me.
It is not your job to make me feel guilty about flying.
If politicians want to propose green taxes in their manifestos that’s their job not yours.
Said it before but the bbc ceased to be a public service broadcaster long ago.
It is fully fledged political lobby group, funded by a parasitic levy and completely ungoverned.
I’m told Chris Packham’s rather expensive and exclusive world wildlife tours, costing several £-thousand a head, rely heavily on the ability to fly to various ecological and environmentally exciting destinations.
There’s no hypocrite quite like a BBC sponsored hypocrite.
Never understood why humans have to travel to “exotic” locations, just to annoy the local wildlife. The econuts want to save the planet, they say, but are quite willing to go in their garishly coloured shellsuits, and disrupt the peace and quiet of the countryside around the world.
And the licence fee could be used on more important things than say, always having/using 3 (three) or 4 (four) top of the range TV Cameras at every TV interview when there is only one guest and one interviewer. These days the ferals at the BBC seem to be awash with too much money that the viewer can only sugest that the annual budgets for every TV/Radio Dept can only be described as staggering.
I suppose I should have known by now that no matter what waste the BBC does with the licence fee – that creature Lineker will always escape prosecution. I wouldn’t mind betting that if tghat day should arise when he is brought before a judge; his employer would even pay his fine out of the licence fee.
Scrap the thing .
It robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Let their employees find real jobs .
Rod Liddle in The Spectator:
Are the ‘village idiots’ right about Brexit?
“The former BBC presenter Gavin Esler has very kindly given us an insight into how BBC people think (had we been in much doubt). Esler, who is now standing for election as a member of the hilarious Change UK party, said the following: ‘TV news must stop giving airtime to the “village idiots” of Brexit — the dubious right-wing supposed “thinktanks” and pseudo-experts among ERG MPs who simply haven’t a clue what the implications of Brexit truly are.’
Remarkable, no? The ‘village idiots’ of Brexit are people who support Brexit. That’s a lot more idiots than there are villages, Gavin. This clown wishes the BBC to discriminate against people who are in favour of Brexit and stock the airwaves with people who are opposed to it. Nobody who is opposed to it is an idiot, everybody who is in favour of it is. Esler’s view is common among that fairly large tranche (about 35 per cent) of absolutist Remainers who, appalled at being transgressed by the referendum result, have hunkered down inside their lager, castigating all those who favour Brexit as thick, uneducated, northern Untermensch — even the thinktanks and the MPs. It is also, beyond all question, the default position of all BBC news and current affairs programmes, without exception…”
Brilliant demolition of Esler on BBC Politics, initially by Brexit Party’s Martin Daubney who Esler accused in a spittle charged tirade of ‘Lying when you say I said anything about village idiots’ and then by Brillo who supplied the finest coup de grace by quoting Esler verbatim when he used the term, er, ‘village idiots’.
Probably only a BBC presenter would have the ingrained arrogance to deny such a quote already on record – see Rod Liddle, above – but in his new role as a politician, of sorts, he should do well.
That was a wholly unexpected beautiful moment.
vlad, democracy is being sacrificed to enable the rule by minority mob.
No good will come from it.
BBC front page:
Church of England child sex abuse allegations ‘marked by secrecy’
Danny Baker fired by BBC over royal baby chimp tweet
Hidden away under : UK news / England ? local news / regions / Sheffield and South Yorkshire:
Rotherham child sex abuse: Forty people investigated
immigrants form a certain religion of peace BTW
Trawling the internet for Brexit related stuff and maybe it’s just me but where are the real people supporting remain?
Not the stars of stage and screen, not the comfy middle class, not the privileged political types, not those riding the eco express and not those who think Corbyn is Che Guevara.
gaxvil “those who think Corbyn is Che Guevara”
I think he would be if he could. Guevara was a mass-murdering racist.
These are the folk who really get my goat !! How do snowflakes like Rob actually get thru daily life. They are so fu**in soft !!!!
Hang on … got it …. here’s his info …..
Rob Zabrocky
#autism dad, huskier gentleman, cricket fan, geek, EU citizen, liberal, works in #infosec . #reasonabletyke proud sponsor of @mat_waite
Joined November 2012
#infosec ? Is that the same as #ingsoc ?
My heart bleeds for poor Corbyn-supporting, Labour activist Danny Baker.
On the one hand it’s deplorable that an off-message joke can get you sacked by the pc thought police. On the other, how delicious when a right-on lefty is hoisted by his own petard.
The media ‘snowflakes’ are already out apologizing and forgiving him .
Bet he is back in Al Beeb within a year. Does he still get a pension?
Anyone else outside the media bubble would have been all but executed.
Oh! how so many people are easily offended these days .
Al Beeb’s Political Correctness has come back to bite them on their @r&e .
Enjoy !
Why is there no HYS running on this one Al Beeb ?
Has Sir Nige’s Brexit Party produced a manifesto yet for the Peterboro’ by-election? If there are any members on here (I’m still a Tory waiting for my chance to vote down Treasoner May before I jump the sinking ship), what do they think of a manifesto which included, inter alia :
-reduction of House of Lord powers to advisory only, with no possibility of delaying Government business, pending abolition of the HoL
-reduction of HoL attendance allowance to £150 per diem and making it taxable (the greedy barstewards get subsidised food and booze in the HoC anyway)
-implementation of the recommendations of the last Boundary Commission
-no benefits for immigrants other than NHS care until they have paid taxes for five years, including the provision of social housing
-passported elderly relatives to be supported entirely by the family members sponsoring them, to be assessed medically prior to arrival and to receive NO retirement benefits, including pension support
manifesto? What’s the point of one of those? Without binding manifestos there might as well be a ream of blank printer paper produced as they are utterly devoid of meaning.
Anyone recall the Blair ‘PROMISE CARD’ ?
or the ‘ed’ stone?
For goodness sake TBP has only been going for five weeks and has yet to stand in any election let alone a General one.
Nigel said he will never use the word, ‘manifesto’ as it equates with lies. (see Tory and Labour manifestos).
He will instead refer to their, political platform which, if you listen to his speakers you will get a clue as to what that might be.
As for the rest, think fairness, common sense and looking after our own. But quite how we are supposed to move forward while still governed by the EU makes Brexit TBPs priority at the moment.
Farage to appear on tonight’s QT with Rudd, Sourby et al.
Clearly a setup and an attempt to show Farage in a bad light.
The bbc will be praying for violent protest and a lynching.
you cant barrage the farage
especially not with lightweights like those
be interesting to see what the crowd makeup is as its been a bit grumbly brexiteer recently, I cant see the beeb letting that happen again
how did northhampton vote??
QT wants to help the Tories along on their path to self destruction
Or at least a Millwall football scarf thrown from the audience by a leftist green directly at Mr Farage but falls round the neck of traitor Rudd.
The BBC4 prog – Storyline – Brexit Behind Closed Doors (2 parts) is actually worth watching. Part 1 was on last night and part 2 tonight, 9 p.m. It shows the contempt with which we are held in Europe.
Piece from Guido to give you a flavour –
Any info on who is involved in this documentary at the BBC? If, as it seems, it’s strongly critical of the EU, then it’s a rare creature indeed.
Perhaps John Sweeney is involved. He did a documentary critical of the EU some years back. It would perhaps be a way to redeem himself after his demolition at the hands of Tommy Robinson.
Which reminds me: when is the eagerly-awaited Panorama, provisionally titled Tommy Takedown going to be inflicted on the unsuspecting masses?
Or has the BBC put its collective tail between its collective legs and run from it?
Not a BBC production. Verhofstadt apparently invited a Belgian film maker (Lode Desmet?) to follow him around for two years while the Brexit negotiations were going on. Some people were a bit concerned about the camera filming discussions but Verhofstadt told them not to worry ‘as it wont be shown right away’.
Maybe, just a very big maybe –
the bbc has an eye to it’s future survival ?
Thanks for that. I can’t access British TV, but I’ll see if I can get it elsewhere.
Here you go … for all those who don’t pay the licence out of conscience.
“it’s strongly critical of the EU, ”
Not in my opinion. Rather the opposite.
It reminds us leave voters just what utter contempt the EU and its MEPs has towards the British people.
But we already knew this. May didn’t – they laugh at her behind her back and she probably wouldn’t care less if she did know. That’s what you get when you know who your friends are.
I’ll have to reserve judgement till I can see it.
Fair enough.
Having said that, I learned I will be unable to see it as I don’t live in the UK and I’m politely told that due to copyright issues it’s not for my eyes when I try to access the documentary.
That’s a pity as I’m sure that after watching the second episode I think you would discover that it was in fact the EU team who had been serious therefore very well prepared for the discussions ahead.
The British team came over as being absolutely “unprepared” to go into their talks with the EU team.
It was quite embarrassing to watch. I was left with the impression that all along MAY/Davis/Boris/Raab thought that all along Brexit wouldn’t happen and in fact they were the ones slowing the whole process down. It left me quite annoyed to think that May and the UK team were the one’s lying all along.
Clearly May and her team – any one of them – never wanted Brexit.
What a mongrel mob of traitor MPs we have. If Brexit goes through it won’t be through the efforts of that lot. Roll on the GE.
”May didn’t – they laugh at her behind her back”
she is 100% one of them. they laugh with her – at us
If Esler was in a proper new party he would be under interrogation right now by the party hardman( following his stage appearance on the politics show) ….someone like Z from Pulp Fiction…..
“OK son, first things first…………….,” take them duds off”
Jeremy Corbyn landed on my doormat this morning with the message: “Labour will bring our country together.” More than half the country wants to leave the EU, the Customs Union and everything else, and he thinks that ignoring this will bring us all together and make us feel all warm and cosy. He really is a cretin, isn’t he, and a dangerous one as well. He still believes, like all the others in our glorious parliament, that regardless of their treacherous actions, they will all be able to carry on as before and we, the little folk, the stupid ones, will forget it all, shrug our shoulders, go back to our usual voting patterns, and leave the MPs – and all those others that ‘know best’ – to continue to make the important decisions for us. We must prove them wrong and it starts on the 23rd May. Let us make them wish they had never allowed these elections to take place.
Andrew Neill (or was it Peston) saying the Brexit party has no manifesto and is only an ‘out of the eu’ party.
Farage could do 2 things if he gets in with a brexit party majority at the next GE.
First, out of the eu on wto.
Then, change the voting system to PR and make it law that any future change must have a 75% majority. This is to stop labcon reverting to the current system. I think all other parties would support this.
He could then call another GE.
And our votes would all count.
Hmm no manifesto ? “a public declaration of policy and aims,”, albeit one aim fulfills the requirement does it not ? and if anyone puts any faith in a manifesto they are sadly misguided, a simple google search, for example, under “Cameron’s lies” will show that, and research will probably provide many more examples prior to that but I can’t be bothered
”the Brexit party has no manifesto and is only an ‘out of the eu’ party.”
More than enough for me !
Conservative party- keep us in EU whilst talking leave
and channel money to the rich from the poor via ‘austerity’.
Labour – anything that’s pro: homo, PC or immigrant.
Lib dems – talk talk talk them jump in bed with either of the above parties.
“Lib dems – talk talk talk them jump in bed with either of the above parties.”
Bet those bed clothes and mattresses stink to high heaven. Can’t imagine how you can get rid of those yellow and red – with a tint of blue – stains out.
BBC Radio 4 PM pushing the Democract meme on abortion with a correspondent from the leftist New York Times railing about Trump and Brett Kavanaugh causing the atmosphere on the Supreme Court has changed to (Shock Horror) conservatism.
It’s highly doubtful that any changes to Roe Vs Wade are going to come from this, but it doesn’t stop the left scare mongering, and screaming before they are bitten.
There was no voice citing the opposite argument which is becoming more comon on the BBC these days.
When you analyse the Danny Baker affair, he has been sacked not because it is an insult to the Royal Family but because the BBC has perceived it as an insult towards black people. Baker’s protestations of innocence are based on his correct assumption that he can ridicule the Royal Family with impunity. But for a fatal second he forgot that there are protected species in left wing comedy.
Despite being a lifelong Labour supporter, Corbyn supporter and firm anti-Brexiteer, these credentials weren’t enough to save Danny Baker (real name Daniel Baker). For some reason, the esteemed State broadcaster declined to print the rather tame ‘offensive’ photograph on their news (sic) website.
I bet it is about two seconds since someone INTENTIONALLY called Farage a monkey
ah yet they called him a monkey’s arse
and superimposed his face
Another tweeter
Again intentional hate
another Farage as a monkey
and another one
I see that Al Beeb are not running a HYS (yet) with the Baker headline ?
Look North Hull opened with 2 headlines
#1 A deliberately inclusive rugby team has been launched
called The Hull Roundheads
#2 When the club launched a facebook page , people took the mickey
the report opened
” another part of the inclusivity is that they have a female coach”
.. The report ended “they will be playing against predominately gay teams”
Twitter search shows me the team hasn’t really just launched
.. it started in August 2018
The presenter seems to be for some reason protecting his genitals with his hands.
….. Next story interview young new voters re EU election
..included pro Brexit and anti-Brexit kids
“The presenter seems to be for some reason protecting his genitals with his hands.”
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Well it made me chuckle……is that still allowed?
Ah the launch today, is the kit launch
Here’s The kit launch Twitter thread
– A clip of the Look North item
Hangon the main national headline today
is “BBC sacks Danny Baker cos he sent a tweet” FFS
the fat champagne socialist just got dumped on by his humourless offenceatron npc mates, tough titty dont care
the more that get crucified because their jokes are taken the wrong way the better
the sight of a load of republicans jumping to the “defence” of “royalty” makes me laugh
Don’t know if this has been mentioned regarding our newest royal, but
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, (who’s real name is Archie Harrison Battenburg-Windsor )
The name Battenberg was last used by Prince Francis Joseph of Battenberg, who died childless in 1924. Most members of the family, residing in the United Kingdom, had renounced their German titles in 1917, due to rising anti-German sentiment among the British public during World War I, and changed their name to Mountbatten, an anglicised version of Battenberg.
Anyone know when and why they changed from Saxe-Coburg und Gotha to Battenberg? And please don’t say it’s a piece of cake.
I have a confession to make.
On a holiday earlier this year I took a number of photographs of monkeys (mainly howler, spider and capuchin) which I subsequently shared with a number of friends.
Should I hand myself in to the authorities for my racist behaviour?
Is it OK for a monkey to take his/her/zers photograph?
Monkey selfie copyright
“A man facing 12 offences including five rapes is being visited by a judge in prison after refusing to appear in court.”
A ‘snowflake’ Police Force and a ‘snowflake’ Judge.
What has this Great nation become ?
They are preparing for the time when they have to hold their courts for mass rape and murder of blasphemers in the local Mosques under the direction of the local Sharia Council.
Check out this DISGUSTING hysterical headline from the BBC …….then, watch the clip and see for yourself how there is nothing at all to report. Pathetic anti Trump bias.
Trump derangement syndrome in full effect . The epitome of FAKE NEWS
Did you complain ?
Yes. I know it will fall on deaf ears but hey !! That is blatant fake news..
The Twitter video
The context is very clear
First Trump says
Something is said from crowd
Trump has an OMG you said that on his face
‘Jeez only on the panhandle could you get away with saying something like that’
… and moves on
Of course you’d expect the Democrat PR machine to try and twist the situation for PR
..and their main advertising platform ie the BBC is keen to help.
“Something is said from crowd
Trump has an OMG you said that on his face
‘Jeez only on the panhandle could you get away with saying something like that’
… and moves on”
That ‘something’ was; “shoot them”.
What Trump actually said was; “That’s only in the panhandle you can get away with that statement [laughter]”.
He didn’t say, “Jeez”. The fact that you deliberately had to misquote Trump in order to defend him is quite telling…
Audience member suggests shooting migrants – Donald Trump makes a joke about it – hahaha. Because that’s funny isn’t it…
Also referred to; “as laughing it off”.
There’s that smell again
Next time a beeboid / libtard (same thing) tells you how empowering the muslim veil is, tell them to watch this vid by Amnesty:
“Nasrin Soutudeh has been sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. Her crime? Daring to speak out against Iran’s laws forcing women to wear the hijab.”
Not bBBC specifically, but something that we can all relate to.
I have just seen the new HSBC advert with Richard “We are not an Island, we are more than that” Ayoade back with another nauseating condescending preachy bout of propaganda.
This new advert is trying to tell us to embrace change, meet different types of people etc (you get the idea) and climaxes with Ayoade standing on the white cliffs of Dover, telling us that “now is not the time to batten down the hatches”. He may as well be standing there with an enormous welcome mat built into the cliff FFS.
It isn’t an advert. It’s propaganda. And I really really hope that HSBC end up losing customers because this is appalling.
And therein lies the similarity with the bBBC.
Non Snowflake
“Barclays shifts billions of pounds to Dublin because of Brexit”
In Jan this year Al Beeb reported the above .
I immediately closed my Barclays’ account . It probably did not make much of an impact on them but I certainly felt good afterwards.
Try it .
Straight white men portrayed as stupid in adverts
#1 The Vodaphone adverts ..he thick so doesn’t understand V
#2 The Marcus Brigstocke “data self” adverts
Brigstock stupid enough not to buy a razor
“Straight white men portrayed as stupid in adverts”
Because OBVIOUSLY “Marcus Brigstocke” represents ALL straight white men…
Do you know something about Marcus the rest of us don’t Maxi?
One of your ‘mates’ from the cottaging scene perhaps?
“One of your ‘mates’ from the cottaging scene perhaps?”
What a bizarre response. Not that you’re obsessed or anything…
Its pretty obvious that you are obsessed with trolling .
Have you any Al Beeb Bias to post – No ?
Nowt about Baker’s monkey business ?
Hello Maxicony,
Nice of you to drop by , and coincidentally so do I .
Now you know the challenge don’t you . I think the figure is £100 pounds but tell me if you can win more .
Prove that the BBC has produced a programme , television or radio , that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that Brexit is a Good Thing . Contact me or the site organisers to claim your prize , if ever it could be claimed . This weekend there is a bonus ; the same applies to President Trump . Double up and I’ll give you triple the prize .
And there’s more .
Fifty pounds if there’s been a Friday so called comedy News Quiz or The Now Show that’s not made a snarky comment about President Trump or Brexit .
And yet even more .
The Beeb has managed to be sneering about Donald Trump in the FOOD programme and GARDENERS QUESTION TIME. So fifty pounds if they’ve done the same in those shows about the EU and Hilary Clinton AND I’m throwing in Barak Obama as well . What the heck , another bonus , Climate Change .
Well why not ; I’m throwing the net open , mass immigration to the UK as well . I can afford to be generous when I challenge anyone to show the BBC is not a Gramscian filled organisation.
If you’re stumped on any of the above , why not take my Dover Challenge ? Ask for details .
Maxi is Al Beeb’s finest ambassador for abolishing the telly tax. He just doesn’t know it yet.
Ouch Maxi, that was hurtful…
Actually no, not really, I find your response more ‘bizarre’… and a tad defensive perhaps?
I’m not obsessed with anything personally, and I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve brought the subject of cottaging up… um, ever… perhaps it’s you who is obsessed? (and a little defensive there?).
well when he speaks he claims to know what we all think
Don’t know who this max, person is?
Is he part of the up and coming anti-family BBC “pink tolerance machine”?
stupid glasses, stubble and some tattoos the normal twitter twats
Desperately trying to create a “twitter storm” which actually consists of 20 w@nkers whingeing about how offended they are whilst exercising active racism against the Jewish community and defending those who promote genocide around the world
QT took 15min of soubry and rudd before farage allowed to speak
but the crowd completely with him, I think the BBC have lost control of the narrative
It looks like the next Euro elections will return a Brexit Party/UKIP Tsunami?
Lets “Tell them again” we want out!
Followed up by a coalition Brexit Party/UKIP win in the 2022 General Election.
the thing I picked up from question time is MP’s cant agree how to best f**k us over and keep us close to the EU whilst pretending to leave
they still dont get it ,
Adrian Chiles just read out my text on Radio 5.I suggested we would have a coalition of right wing parties at the next election…UKIP/Brexit Party and possibly Tories to form a government……
I also said the BBC would be abolished…….he found the text hilarious and laughed all the way though it taking the p@@s?…..so there you go.
just thought I would share that……
He who laughs last……..
If I were trying to put together a right-wing coalition, there would be a tiny handful of ERG tories I might consider letting join, if they asked nicely.
All the rest of them would be invited to go forth and multiply!
we dont train enough doctors
our doctors go to america and new zealand for more money
so we get doctors from india and eastern europe
question I have to ask myself is why dont indian and eastern european doctors go to america and new zealand instead
are we getting the dregs??
The headline is encouraging,
but then you read the article and although, or perhaps because, it reeks of the usual bBC bs you are left none the wiser. Damning praise, constructive criticism, or “on the whole we get it just about right”?
I really don’t think that they “get it” at all.
An Indian born psychiatrist told me that the exam they have to take whilst still in India, to practice in the UK, is far easier than the one to get into America and Australasia. NOW it makes sense !!!
Again the problem is greatly compounded by too many people in the country.
Same for emissions, schools, hospitals, social services, police and housing.
No one wants to say it because of the worn out, predictable, branding as racist. Although, since when have Poles, Romanians, Latvians and Spaniards been a none white race? But then I guess, xenophobe covers that one.
Until we get people who will speak on matters that have become heresy to mention, we will continue our downward spiral.
Better a ‘racist xenophobe’ with a doctors appointment than a doomed virtue signaler without one.
“Again the problem is greatly compounded by too many people in the country.”
Actually, (and here comes the religious stuff so turn away now).
The same God of the Jews who destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70 because His people returned to Idols and to foreign rule (Rome) appears to be doing something very silmilar by calling the Jews back to Israel and replacing the Jew’s inj England with a foreign people – Islam.
Thereby giving Great Britain back to foreign rule (EU) again.
We asked for it and now we are getting it.
Change, the Greens and the Lib Dems are talking in the media and doing themselves no favors at all and as for Corbyn, his vilification of Farage smacks of bitterness and jealousy.
funnily liz kendalls moment of the week on this week
Suicides of young men and how we must talk about it and solve it
funny though if sargon accuses that giant biatch jess phillips of laughing at the matter he is a misogynist (non) rape supporter
strange very strange
and just when I had hope or her
she smears sargon as a misogynist racist because she has read the transcript from hope not soap (but has never obviously listened to sargon talk about his BLACK grandfather)
batten reminds her that sargon if now suing for libel
the multiway UKIP smearing goes on, but at least it gives farage a clear run
For the first time in a couple of years I watched BBC Question Time.
Tonight should have been called the ‘Soubry Show’. She was allowed more airtime than any of the others.
Farage delivered heavy hits for both the Brexit Party and common sense. He was outnumbered four to one. These odds are quite normal on QT, so I hear.
The Labour mouthpiece was an unknown. His performance will ensure that he remains an unknown.
Rudd spoke in Tory mantras and deserves no further mention by me.
The Remain voting token-business-man favoured a compromise but could equally have been a confused Labour MP.
The host Fionna Bruce seemed impartial for much of the time. Not easy for a BBC employee and she will probably receive a warning tomorrow 😉
The businessman was a Leaver – “Labour for Leave”.
I also – I scrolled past Sourby so, for me, the show was over rather quickly.
It is the second time in two decades I’ve watched QT – I’ll not bother again.
I couldn’t watch Question Time
A; because I haven’t got a television
B; because I haven’t got a licence .
So I’m guessing Anna Foghorn Soubry pulled a long face at least three times , glowered once at Nigel Farage , interrupted everyone, mumbled a bit when others were talking and added three hundred thousand votes to the Brexit Party?
Exactly! Rudd was not far behind, though.
Sentry: Rudd is desperate to be PM. She would be a May clone, so would not be welcome in my eyes. Sorry to say this, but we need a man. A REAL man. Not some pathetic creature like Gove or Brokenshire, failures both. Although I was a huge fan of Maggie, there are NO Maggies around. I wish there were; we would be out by now, with a real LEAVE scenario. Maggie wouldn’t have let the EU run the show.
Germany is the same. Merkel has been there forever, and wrecked Europe in the process. Her successor appears to be a female clone, Kramp- Karrenbauer. In a guy called Merz, the CDU had an experienced financial heavyweight available. But no, it had to be an inexperienced woman and Merkel clone!
And if we don’t have Rudd, we have Truss. Or Leadsom. Or Morgan. What is it with Britain and Germany?
The men seem to have all lost their cojones.
Have we not just learned that Merkel and May have fouled up big time?
fnw, Mrs T was arguably the most successful PM of the post-WW2 years but she was a failure in at least four key areas. She ‘stuffed’ or ripped off the ‘small man’, the ordinary person – the one that she pretended to champion and counted on to be voted into Government – regularly during her time in office. She divided the UK. She failed in a most important tax reform. She messed up the UK economy, together with the help of a Chancellor, on three key occasions.
Her career ended in failure over that important tax reform via the Community Charge.
Theresa May’s career is ending in equally dismal failure on five fronts: her Downing Street promise, the 2017 General Election, Brexit, destroying the Conservative Party and damaging the UK’s democratic processes and traditions.
I grant you many of your criticisms Snuff, but she was light years ahead of May, a dismal liar, who failed at the Home Office and has been shredding her party and country ever since her appointment as PM.
I grant you many of your criticisms Snuff, but she was light years ahead of May, a dismal liar, who failed at the Home Office and has been shredding her party and country ever since her appointment as PM.
“….Rudd is desperate to be PM. She would be a May clone, so would not be welcome in my eyes.”
Don’t forget the small army (like me) who responded last year to the suggestion from Leave.UK to join the Cons Party for just this sort of vote and deselections. Latter proven to work. Or should I rephrase to the current expression: “meaninful votes”?
It is an amazing skill practiced by politicians and such – The ability to talk and talk and say absolutely nothing.
A thoughtful soul always puts Question Time up on YouTube shortly after it is broadcast. (I’m not saying that too loud as the BBC might claim copyright and force YouTube to remove the programmes.)
The BBC apparently does not broadcast QT outside the UK, but I was able to watch it this morning on YT in Israel.
Hypocritical – adjective
behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case
RE Danny Baker responds to sacking: are we sure that is him ? looks like Jonathan King to me
I personally found the sacking of Danny Baker hilarious. He was quite happy to go around with his virtue signalling champagne socialist mates, endorsing Corbyn and gobbing off about brexit whilst all the time trading on his “Bermondsey roots” and love of “footy” like some sort of trophy, pet cockney. The elitist illegitimate s at the BBC could regularly put him on show to demonstrate how they were still in touch with Londoners.
But those days have gone. London has gone and Danny is the wrong colour and wrong culture and he is confused. Aunty has new friends now and is bored with his cheeky chappy ways.
I cant say i have much sympathy for him . I didnt hear him calling out for the reinstatement of Scruton or defending Sargon. And now he is a victim of the same progressive grinding machine he has been supporting himself.
Danny was too thick to realise that offence is now the only game in town and if you have made a career out of humour (which is always offensive to someone on the left) then you are yesterdays news.
Grovel, bleat and virtue signal all you like Danny, your toast and Aunty no longer likes you.
Ha ha ha!
Oak .Agreed the pleasure of watching progressives getting hung up on their own barbed wire is enormous. Baker obviously didn’t get the memo from central control that Harry and Megan are the pin ups for the new woke loons and are to be feted and fawned over.
Yes it was noticeable that they interviewed one of his colleagues at the station – one Scarlett Douglas – who has a second job presenting Homes in the Sun on channel 4. She is the right colour – black, female and wears outrageous clothes and hooker shoes. According to the opening blurb on this programme, she has several years experience at buying and selling properties, not bad for a 31 year old model, extra, dancer, actress and presenter.
Surprised she hasn’t joined Afua and June on the Pledge !!!
Re Storyville BBC4.
There is too much to be said about this by way of condemnation and disgust. But………
It showed the EU is a self-perpetuating vanity cake, the constituents of which are made up by a pompous bureaucratic class and an army of fawning lickspittles,- I did wonder what the Irish contribution was, now we all know..
Verhofstadt at his stately pile in Umbria, making his own wine then racing his vintage cars..that’ll go down well with the masses.
Barnier…another braying ass, as were all of ‘em.
What to say about May?..nothing, she’s toast…at some point.
All this is paid for by people who actually work for a living.
I’m not sure that anyone shown in this two-part documentary comes out of it in a particularly good light….For me, it all had a very distinct whiff of Hubris about it.
That’s good, yohodi.
Anything that increases voter turnout in the EUro Elections is fine by me. Hopefully enough Remain voting Brits will have had their backs rubbed up the wrong way by that documentary and will vote accordingly.
Hopefully …..
A good assessment. The upper echelons of the EU appear to be strange half-people. I can’t work out what the purpose of the programme was – assuming there was an ulterior motive – but it revealed little or nothing about e.g. the creation of the WA or the ongoing backroom interference by … [answers on a postcard].
I’ve come to the conclusion that TM is a malfunctioning automaton that Phil winds up each morning.
Yes Verhofstadt’s Irish ‘lady’ revealed her visceral hared of the British. So much for the EU bringing the peoples of Europe together!
Rather it shows why the likes of Sturgeon would like to be ‘independent’ members of the EU, it would give them a stage on which to scream insults whilst hiding behind the skirts of the big girls.
RIP Freddie Starr (real name Freddie Yaxley-Lennon Starr).
Come on BBC let’s see some tributes-how about the Hitler sketches?
TOADY Watch #1
Nick Robinson talking ‘complete LibDems’ about Brexit and the Irish border at 7.45am. You DO NOT cross the border to vote in each others’ Elections, Nick. That cosy view of ‘present EU togetherness’ is complete nonsense unless you are voting illegally and trying to defraud the system. More BBC EU propaganda tosh!
As any voter knows, you vote where you are registered to vote.
Gun fired at London mosque. No suggestion of far right it was only a “man”.
Nothing to see here move along.
TOADY Watch #2
The Home Office is about to waste more taxpayer money on a telecomms project for the Emergency Services. Any offence felt in the TOADY Studio at the BBC? Any strident protests? Any howls of rage on behalf of the poor taxpayer?
Wasting taxpayer money is par for the course as far as the Civil Service and the BBC are concerned.
Given the bbc ability to blow £100,000,000 in a heartbeat, doubtless the bbc only empathises with the ability of their civil service colleagues to waste eye watering amounts through incompetence and inefficiency,
TOADY Watch #3
The BBC have been forced to properly understand tariffs – ie. who pays – by the current ‘China-USA’ so-called ‘trade war’.
I cannot help but wonder whether the BBC will continue to completely misrepresent tariffs in the event of a No Deal departure of the UK from the EU?
It seems according to the BBC, America putting tariffs on Chinese goods is damaging to America, but the EU putting tariffs on British goods is not damaging to the EU .
Yes, Nibor, they are going to struggle with that one ….
……. or probably not bother.
Meanwhile, an excuse to switch off BBC R4: James Naughtie is on at 11am.
Now BBC Radio Humberside is debating free speech
The expert sounds reasonable
He said ‘if someone says something offensive
.. there is an option to TEACH..or TOLERATE
but British people have a culture of doing neither
They go away and get more and more wound up ‘
I’d say that, rather libmob members see an opportunity for PR so instinctively try to leverage the incident for their pet political agenda
and quickly to try to stir up a mob to shout “he’s a witch, burn him”
about SMALL things, but not on bigger things
eg a UNINTENTIONALLY clumsy tweet
… vs cases of actual sexual crime
‘instead of explaining , we say we are offended
.. that puts the focus on being offended rather than explaining’
I switched on R4 ten minutes ago, and -given wimmin complaining about their position at the bbc, thought I had hit ‘Woman’s Hour’, the daily home of complaining wimmin, so I looked at my watch.
I had merely hit ‘The Reunion’, so today we can have two hours of wimmin complaining about how wimmin are discriminated against at the beeb, and in society, without stop.
I suppose on R4 we will soon have a separate hour for ‘wimmin of colour’, complaining about their lot as well as about racism, added to wimmin’s hour, then we will know not to switch on at all before the lunchtime news?
Only thing to beware of then is ‘Late Night Wimmin’s hour’. Plus the manny cultural programmes like e.g.’The Film programme’, ‘The book programme’, ‘Open Country’ etc, which have been completely taken over by wimmin…
9am Reunion, about FEMALE news readers
9:45am Daily book : biography of female BBC newsreader Babita Sharma
(see how shes earns a salary and then gets a top up from BBC promoting her book)
10am Woman’s Hour “Why do fewer women hike alone than men? ”
10:45am drama “The heroine Sara, who is in her late twenties, leaves her native Sweden to visit her much older pen pal Amy in a remote part of Iowa, a town aptly called Broken Wheel.”
11:30am Hugo Rifkin looks at the power of journalists.
– campaigning polemicist Owen Jones, political reporter Sam Coates, and investigative journalist James Ball
12:18 Vegan booze : The challenges finding clearly labelled vegan booze
2:15 The dustopian future drama series
After war has destroyed England, English people are forced to beg to become refugees in Wales
typo : dystopian
\\ The Times’ Hugo Rifkind is a very specific type isn’t he? All the distinctive arrogance of someone utterly confident that they’re the cleverest person in the room, but with no awareness whatsoever that it’s a pretty stupid room. //
Rikind asserted that “Owen Jones, you are the most powerful columnist in Britain”
11:37am “Donald Trump called journalists the enemies of Democracy”
..thatS not true Trump said “FakeNews is the enemy of democracy”
Other progs
3pm Non-gardener Kathy Clugston presents Gardeners Question Time (chosen cos sh is female)
8pm Any Questions?from Jesus College Cambridge.
with Richard Burgon MP, Sir Ed Davey MP, Suella Braverman MP, Liz Saville Roberts MP.
8:50pm Lefty Val McDermid ponders how we can fix homelessness.
11pm Caroline Criado-Perez champions the life of Jane Austen
23:55 Baz and Jay – Life as BAME Policemen
Two former colleagues compare notes on their working lives as BAME policemen.
You know what?
I’m coming round to the idea that may should remain pm (and Corbyn labour leader)
As each day goes by, these two manage to alienate more and more of their own voters so that I’m starting to think that the Brexit party could win the next GE.
If may and/or Corbyn were replaced by somebody competent it would mean some of their own voters staying with them hoping their party might improve.
With these two clots in charge they are worth their weight in gold to the Brexit party and UKIP.
“Trump To Be Denied Honour Of Addressing UK Parliament During State Visit In June” according to Huff Post.
So the repulsive Bercow, Corbyn et al win, causing damage to the interests of this country by insulting our greatest ally and trading partner.
Well done, traitors.
P.S. I’m not sure how much of an ‘honour’ it is to address that motley crew of incompetent time-servers.
” repulsive Bercow, Corbyn et al win, causing damage ”
The repulsive one – if he had the power – would no doubt control air traffic control and even divert Trumps plane back to the US.
Plainly His hatred for the President is practically a disease and like a wild fire, is spreading rapidly throughout the BBC and EU.
Time the whole mongrel mob visited the doctor to be put down. Although, if we wait a bit the next GE will see to that.