The Far Left Pro EU Pro Islam BBC Cannot , by law , say anything which might influence voting in any part of the EU until 2200 on Sunday 26th . So it gives us the opportunity to record breaches of the law as the BBC makes unlawful comments .
Out Election Voting papers are in the hands of a pro remain civil service . Will the results be fiddled ?
A pity they do not hip hop back to the sh@thole they ran away from
“France’s Macron urges Brexit clarity after May resignation”
\\President Emmanuel Macron of France has urged “swift clarification” on Brexit after the resignation of UK Prime Minister Theresa May. //
We have waited three years over here, why the sudden haste Mr Macaron?
Mr Macaroni with his cheesy smile.
I’ll get my coat.
As the Italians might say – he’s pasta his best.
King Meggy of Bradford
FU2 mentioned earlier that we should be leaving in 160 days. I recalled that there was supposed to be a ‘review’ in June. Just checked the BBC Remainer’s guide and found no mention of the review. Guess they’ll have to rewrite the whole thing now anyway since the ‘Withdrawal Agreement’ now effectively doesn’t exist?
My doodle and thoughts on her departure:
Just had a quick look at the far left BBC news (real name Bahgdad Broadcasting organisation) and am sickened with the open promotion of muzzies
Birmingham LGBT row: The view from the school gates (muslim homophobia in action)
The mayor who wears a hijab
This is FRONT PAGE NEWS ? muslim rape gangs that ruin thousands of lives, are hidden in regional news, muslim genocide around the world never mentioned ?
Racist murders in Arica ?
Time to complain and I urge any one else to as it the the muslim endless whinges that get this sh@t on the front pages
It is interesting that when there is a ‘good news’ Islam story (like the Islington mayor this morning) it is shouted from the rooftops. Yet when it comes to London Bridge the motivation of of the murderers is simply not mentioned.
I don’t consider it good news, even if the BBC does.
Everywhere they exist, muslims are bad news.
But, down the memory lane:
I thought this BBC ‘hit job’ might come close to violating its own guidelines –
The original article is dated 24 May
Or this one –
Don’t think I have ever seen the words ‘far right’ so many times in the same article!
Incidentally, I don’t know what else ‘BBC’ stands for but Twitter search results are, well, interesting!
It could be, for the time being:
The Boll0cks to Brexit Collective/ conspiracy/ collusion/ collaborators. Delete as necessary.
Toady is on anti-Boris duty. And in full propaganda mode.
Webb attacks the way only a few overwhelmingly white, elderly, ‘wealthy’ people- Conservative party membership- can elect the new PM. He implies that this is hardly democratic.
He forgets about Blair simply handing over to Brown due to the Granita accord in 2007. Convenient memory loss.
On comes little boy PM candidate Stewart to say how undesirable a ‘no deal’ is. The pompous and arrogant Humphrys tries to get him to agree that Boris is ‘ill-informed’, ‘duplicitous’. and a string of other insults I can’t remember offhand, cos he wants a ‘no deal’ (they think!)
The biased bbc in full flow on R4!
They have time to report that SA president Ramaphosa is being sworn in and may appoint a woman as his deputy. Oh, very exciting. No mention of the fact that the ANCs ‘National Democratic Revolution’ is actually stage two of a full-blown Communist take-over. (Stage One, The ‘People’s war’, to grab power, having been completed in 1994)
Al Beeb , parliament and the MSM are still pro-remain. They’re still not listening to the people. The Brexit Party should prepare to fight as a party in the next general election.
Japan laying out the red carpet for Trump. Big, big welcoming ceremonies. Including by the Emperor.
Britain, I suppose, will have snubs and demonstrations.
Very ‘special’ relationship.
We have the talent to muck it up.
I have t heard or seen any comment by President Trump about May standing down . I wouldn’t blame him .
Up2 – He can’t be mad about being received by an outgoing, rejected PM? What would be the point in coming?
I think Mr Trump will enjoy the royal stuff and maybe catching up privately with Mr Farage but otherwise he’ll be off to Normandy as quick as he can . I would .
How will the meeting go between the sobbing Treason May and the POTUS?
Here’s a suggestion:
“You’re Fired”
Trump – I told you the EU would stiff you
May – but they are so nice
Trump what are you going to do now
May I’m going to get a job working for the EU ( officially this time )
Trump – I’m going to drain the swamp …
It was mentioned here (along with other delicious tidbits) – he wishes her well – he says he likes her, and will be talking with her about the possible UK involvement in the collusion saga).
I like Trumpy!
“‘You’re fired!’ America has already terminated Trump”
I found this deliciously and utterly innacurate Guardian article from 24.02.19, (a mere 3 months or so ago) purely by chance. I’ts well worth a read as an example of how real fake news is propagated.
I did like the fact that pelosi released tax docs showing she is worth $196 000 000 … democrats eh?
President Trump, ever the gentleman. But maybe also damning her with faint praise. He also responded to a question about the fake Russia document, saying he might talk to Dancing Terry about it when they meet. I’d love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation because I think she’s up to her eyeballs involved in that illegal activity. Maybe she’ll spend the rest of her days languishing in a US prison cell:
Now Toady has Mc Donnell on, suggesting (with complicity of Webb) that the new PM needs attacking the minute he/she gets in, since they weren’t ‘democratically elected’.
Two words for them: Gordon Brown.
Dare say Webb would love a Ramaphosa-style hegemony, featuring good old Communism, as a destination.
I listened McDonnell – any one interviewing that thug would have to wash their hands afterward .
He and his Party are so used to Labour supporters just turning up to vote labour without question that he had that Stalinist arrogance .
I think our Justin was frightened of him . McDonnell re using the terms “hard “ and “extremist” to those who want to leave . Which is the majority – as will be displayed at 2200 on Sunday night .
In my opinion McDonnell is the real enemy to those like me – Corbyn is just menacing froth who sells fruit from the money tree to capture the dumb young .
Ironic really that whoever takes over as PM will have to be approved by the DUP.
Why do you think he and his party are quite fond of the following group of like-minded lefties who also yearn to bring in a commie state :
The Fabian Society logo.
I have another two words. Jim Callahan.
Is that Matt Hancock on Toady, sounding very much like T May-lite?
OH Yipee, Toady is having Amber Rudd on, later. Thankfully, she isn’t standing.
Fake – they are all positioning to do a deal with Boris to get in his cabinet . Hippy Amber has already done it .
It’s such a pitiful ritual . They really don’t get how people feel – as the results Sunday night will show .
Mat Hancock – lightweight .
The real immigration scandal is that after those whose application for whatever fails they are allowed to stay instead of being sent back to where they came from.
If you can see light at the end of the tunnel, you’re facing the wrong way
I first heard that joke ages ago, applied to South Africa. Seems the ‘government’ there is intent on making it a reality.
I recall that old ANC communist, Joe Slovo, who apparently conceded that Stalin was not such a great man. Took Slovo about 40 years to come to that conclusion.
After the Rainbow Nation entered the wonderful stage in its development of true democracy with Mandela rising to power, Slovo became Minister of Housing, or something. Minister of Disinformation would have been more appropriate.
Having said that, it’s also fair to acknowledge that Apartheid waged a really dirty war against dissidents and terrorists, not always distinguishing between the two. Slovo’s wife, Ruth First, was murdered by a parcel bomb, probably intended for Slovo.
Now, however, black South Africa is going overboard in revenge against whites for Apartheid. BBC hacks would never mention this fact, probably not even in hushed tones amongst themselves. And so they are complicit in the ongoing slaughter in the killing fields.
I’m sure that when the last of the White South African have been murdered or thrown out the place will go tribal and they’ll be at war again .
That’s very likely. Shortly before Mandela came to power, the Xhosa and Zulu were killing each other like there was no tomorrow as the battle for power became tribal.
The persecution of the the Afrikaners, who have a distinct language, culture and faith, has been under-reported for many years
That disgusting lowlife, Peter Hain, made it his life’s work to destroy white South Africa.
As the saying goes, you don’t get a title in our country for doing good things, you get one for doing bad things.
When the day of reckoning comes at least we’ll know how to recognise them and where they are lurking.
TT – there certainly was a dirty war against the ANC. The Nats were unwise, wanting to hold onto full power, ending up ‘having’ to hand over everything. There was little intelligent politics there.
However, the ANC was nothing like as benign as it made out. It ruthlessly eliminated any other BLACK opposition. Today, we are learning that the peaceful, multicultural, face of the ANC under Mandela, disguised a Stalinist-style, black hegemony. My guess is that the EFF is in reality, still a part of that set-up.
Few ‘average’ blacks have benefitted economically from the ANC take-over. A white elite was replaced by a black elite in 1994. It has become wealthy through corruption.
All true.
Up2- the wonderful Rory Stewart got boxed in by Toady, to declare he wouldn’t serve in a Boris cabinet?
Before the end – Rory was the ‘go to’ remainer Tory for a suppprt comment for traitor May … you’ll recall he was prison minister who promised to resign if violence in prison wasn’t reduced by August but was let off the hook and promoted to cabinet after some Tory minister had to resign .
Rory must have a strange mirror at home because when he looks in it he sees a british PM . Others might say otherwise …
“Rory Stewart”?
“Open Society Foundations have also given more than a quarter of a million euros in the last year to the European Council on Foreign Relations, which lists among its Council members Chuka Umunna (who was supported by Best for Britain), Minister Rory Stewart, Emma Reynolds, Minister Jo Johnson, and the First Secretary of State (and defacto Deputy Prime Minister of the UK) Damian Green.”
That same, ‘Rory Stewart’?
The BBC as we know are very, very pro-Remain. They fear a pro-Brexit PM.
But, what can a pro-Brexit PM achieve when over 70% of Conservative MPs are pro-Remain?
The BBC fear Farage more than anything. And with good reason. He will tackle the BBC head-on.
“But, what can a pro-Brexit PM achieve when over 70% of Conservative MPs are pro-Remain?”
Phase 1 announce that the UK has just left the EU, stop the cheques.
Phase 2 ensure that the EU collapses.
Ensure current MPs are de-selected and replaced with genuine Conservatives.
Grassroots Conservatives are 90% for a no deal departure.
I am not a candidate for leader of The Conservative Party, but if I was, 300 Conservatives MPs would go to jail.
My MP is supporting Hunt, also known as
“Jeremy Hunt: a Remainer who now ‘believes in Brexit’. Where have we heard that one before?”
TT – there certainly was a dirty war against the ANC. The Nats were unwise, wanting to hold onto full power, ending up ‘having’ to hand over everything. There was little intelligent politics there. (Actually, they didn’t have to hand over anything, but could have carried on reforming; but you can only do that with a simultaneous iron fist, as you are raising expectations, and the MSM -especially in the West- would have been quite merciless about that.)
However, the ANC was nothing like as benign as it made out. It ruthlessly eliminated any other BLACK opposition. Today, we are learning that the peaceful, multicultural, face of the ANC under Mandela, disguised a Stalinist-style, black hegemony. My guess is that the EFF is in reality, still a part of that set-up.
Few ‘average’ blacks have benefitted economically from the ANC take-over. A white elite was replaced by a black elite in 1994. It has become wealthy through corruption.
“The Soros Web”. Named as accolytes of Soros, see familiar names in this article and the covert connections.
Drain the massive swamp!
Not strictly BBC, but Paul Weston on form, here:
Hi Old Goat, my dam computer is buffering like mad these days, do you by any chance have a conscript of what Paul Weston was saying. I have always found him a clear thinker on the avenues of Islam and its thinking. Thank you. I will give my email address as and when.
Basically, the Police are employing 100s of “Community Assessors” who will decide whether or not an applicant gets any further with the selection process. Paul noticed that one of the “assessors” already in place in the Met, is one Lutfur Ali, who has the same name as someone who has a record of being an ex Tower Hamlets councillor, who had been embezzling money for a muslim organisation, Having written to the Met to confirm this (and received no reply), and applied to the Met’s Freedom of Information department, and not been given any information because it was “private”…
Not just any muslim organisation: The Islamic Forum of Europe. A Dispatches documentary suggested the IFE are an extremist organization with a hidden agenda that went against Britain’s democratic values.
What an idea – a community assessor to vet white candidates for the police to ensure that ex military won’t get it but plenty of vibrant types will . At least the anti corruption department will have plenty of work …
I fear the good mr Weston will be on an Islamic target list by now …
Thank you Old Goat.
Sad, and frightening.
Just after talking about Greater Manchester Police undermining democracy and aiding muslim terrorists in Oldham
At 6:18 Paul W says:
It hardly needs saying that this just isn’t normal … in fact it’s so abnormal it beggars belief
Oh how I long for just ‘normal’.
“allies are bitter at the way in which Eurosceptic MPs and ministers angling for her job have conspired to bring her down – apparently unconcerned about the potential damage to the party and the prospects for delivering Brexit. ”
I know we talk about politicians being in a Westminster bubble, isolated from the real world, but they would have to be a complete isolation chamber without any contact with the outside world to think that any further damage was possible to do to their party after May has wrecked it.
The Tories in some polls are behind even the Green Party, and if there was a general election tomorrow, they would be wiped out. It might not even be possible to rebuild this party given the damage which has been wrought upon it.
It is amazing to see Tory politicians belieing their party is on a sound footing even when they are amongst the burning wreckage.
That is why Thoughful there is only man that can have any chance of correcting the situ and that is Boris Johnson, whose reputation, good bad or indifferent is regarded all over the world and in particular with the USA. We need very tough strong leadership that will most likely not be to everyones liking, so be it. Our backs are against the wall, so we need a dose of Churchillian character out in front.
State of British ‘justice’ which is now so pathetic criminals laugh at the judge after sentencing.
Guardian Opinion Brexit
[Currently on this Guardian page, there is an advert for their dating agency, two people shown, same sex.]
“Now it’s a fight to the finish between a no-deal Brexit and remain
Jonathan Freedland”
[Freedland, in the still increasingly (to my amazement, I did not think it possible to go further) far far far left Guardian, creates some entirely figmental equivalence, and imaginary legitimacy, between the result of the 2016 referendum and the wailings of the treasonous EU lovers who have been lying to all Europeans as to the nature, intentions, and future of the EU, for fifty years.]
“Theresa May’s departure and the rise of the Brexit party may have ended any prospect of a compromise with the EU”
[A compromise with the EU, Guardian newspeak for remain.]
“It means that the choice that will soon face the country is starker than before: a no-deal Brexit – or no Brexit at all.”
[Lying Guardian nonsense, the choice was made in 2016, JF and fellow traitors have been the only ones in the “no Brexit at all” camp.]
“… we might look back wistfully at a prime minister who at least sought to smooth our departure …”
[The low IQ Freedland/Hyde appreciation society, which inhabits BTL Guardian columns, will be very pleased.
All 23 of them.
Here at we recognise more lying leftybollocks when we read it. “smooth our departure”, the left wing infiltrator tried to stop our departure.]
[Now the climax]
“Some Tory remainers hope for an outbreak of honesty, as the new prime minister tells their party that the Brexit of their dreams cannot, after all, be done”
[“Honesty” and “remainers”, in the same sentence! Just call them traitors.]
[There is much more nonsense, and more lies, from JF, for those of a robust disposition.]
[From the, currently, highest rated comment. It seems there is only one valid version of democracy, where the far left are always victorious.]
“Also the day we do leave, will be the day that the campaign to rejoin will really start in earnest,
and it is going to build and build until it is overwhelming, whatever happens to the UK in the meantime.
I doubt that anybody will hear the last of this until we actually do rejoin the EU”
Excellent post, LCS. Thank you for putting up with reading the Guardian so that many others on here do not have to.
I sure hope that the EU Election results gives Jonathan Freedland and the Guardian a very clear indication that the country still wants, quite clearly, to leave the EU.
I think we are all going to find the sheer conceit of those Conservative MP’s who are throwing their hat, as it were, into the ring for a go at being elected Prime Minister of the UK so annoying and pathetic. For my money there is only one man, and yes we need a man, who could put the EU in its place to a greater extent, could take us through a No Brexit deal if needs be and quite frankly having read the latest Withdrawal Agreement, a No Brexit deal is best for us all, leaving the UK in a stronger postion to make its eals with the EU, as they mostly definitely want us more than at present we want them, given the unstable situation in Europe. That man the future Prime Minister should be Boris Johnson. The rest of the contestants to my mind are too Liberal too weak in their outlook, which is not best for the UK just now. Johnson is known all over the world and no matter what the socialist BBC might try and pursuade the voter differently with their continual poking of fun at him, BJ is the best man for the job right now.
I would never vote for Boris the liar, Boris the buffoon, Boris the expedient.
Boris is a product of the rotten school, and hence he will make as rotten a PM as Cameron did. This is a man who voted for Mays turd of deal because it was expedient to getting the old school tie into Downing street, and if he does ever get hold of power you can expect him to sell this country down the river to get what advantages him.
There is also a whiff of corruption about him too regarding taking bribes from the Iranian government to facilitate the terrible Obama nuclear deal.
I can’t honestly think of a worse candidate than Johnson to lkead the Tories to sure and certain election defeat, and the UK into another rotten deal.
Two years (plus one from the previous session) is long enough for this parliament to get the job (both main parties claimed they were up for) done.
A new PM, new manifesto, new election, new parliament, go around and try afresh. The lot we elected in 2017 are a busted flush. They can’t be relied on even to agree on the day of the week.
NG, – for you TOADY Watch #4 formerly known as #3 ‘cos that one got pinched! 🙂
I’d be careful about wishing for another General Election before 2022. I think Jeremy Corbyn’s life expectancy as Labour leader might not be too long. He is, after all, older than the outgoing PM and is now 70. He is a Brexiteer.
John McDonnell (also an OAP! but a Remainer) was quite clear on the programme this morning: Labour is a Remain Party. They are after the youth vote, hence the recently announced bribe .. er … I mean commitment .. ummhhh ….. no, aspiration …. to raise the Minimum Wage for all workers, including 16 and 17 year olds, to £10 per hour.
I suspect that if the new Conservative leader faces, as PM, a vote of No Confidence and wins, that McDonnell will ‘arrange’ for Corbyn to step down and a leadership contest to take place.
Likely winner? With Chuka Umunna gone, Jess Phillips might be the ‘Chosen One’.
Jess Philips? The thinking Gaurdianistas Wrong Daily?
I had heard that beyond a good photographer, she possessed political street smarts.
This tweet suggests not.
The gorilla barmaid.
A silly, chippy generalisation about a school of over 1300.
The performance of the largely state-educated T May does not seem to support your case, nor does G Brown.
I took him, perhaps wrongly, to mean “school” as in “old-school”, “trained up in a hard school”, etc., rather than the actual institution at Eton.
Nice concept tarien, if it were true. It’s all too easy to forget that Boris ran for cover immediately after the referendum result. Nowhere to be seen. He even allowed gormless Gove to knife him without any spirited retaliation.
No, not Boris. He’s great fun, erudite, quick witted and not afraid to lampoon himself – but in all other respects he’s a coward, immoral, dishonest and disloyal. An archetypal politician in fact, but not a Prime Minister, and certainly not the one for our current situation.
I have a vote when it gets down to the last 2. I am not sure that I want Boris – but if I see that certain Conservative MPs manipulate who the last 2 candidates are to ensure they are both Remainers, I will be exceedingly angry. By the way has Dominic Grieve been deselected? Does he still get a say on who the next leader is?
I know some here disagreed with it when I last suggested on this site, but I am sure when Mrs May was appointed, the Party deliberately maneuvered it for Mrs May to be left with only a weak candidate in the ring (Andrea Leadsom – at the time unknown and untested) to ensure her crowning.
” By the way has Dominic Grieve been deselected? Does he still get a say on who the next leader is? ”
Will be interesting to see who wins then watch out if they re-appoint Herr Grieve to Attorney General.
TOADY Watch #1
The programme is rolling out the candidates for Tory Party leader in true to form, non-biblical fashion, three by three. This despite the fact that MPs will select two for the Party members to choose from.
I note, however, that every opportunity from both the News headlines down to the specific interview with declared candidates, is being taken to traduce Boris Johnson. I am no fan of Bojo, having lived in London under his and Ken Livingstone’s ‘reigns’ as Mayor of London.
The BBC’s approach on R4 is notable, however, but does not increase my enthusiasm for Boris Johnson as PM one iota. It is rather dangerous, I think, for the BBC to be doing this, for reasons that should be obvious.
The only way the Conservatives will support a No Deal is if they feel threatened enough by the growing power of The Brexit Party to do so.
If we achieved a No Deal via the Conservatives, would this be the end of The Brexit Party?
Dover, not the end but the start of a possible steep decline, I think.
That will be dependent on three factors:
1. A name-change after Brexit,
2. The development of a truly conservative Manifesto, and,
3. If there is no clash or conflict with UKIP over 2., then the possibility of a merger, thus solving the problem and need for 1.!
I like the name, “The Brexit Party”. I would like to see both the party and its name continue long into the future, long after this current EU carry-on is over. It could be a party that was a haven for patriotic, freedom-loving, independently-minded and self-reliant people who love Britain and its institutions and traditions. Even in a hundred years’ time, one would only have to utter the word “Brexit” and people would instantly know where you stand in your political philosophy.
Tarien -during the EU campaign mr Farage said he’d do a deal with the devil if it meant getting out of the EU without a sell out .
I find boris Johnson repulsive but if he can get us out – I’d vote for him . It’s more important than personalities .
As Gordon Brown put himself in the news the other day, with his helpful party funding comments, he should be on the lips of any State Broadcaster employee every time Labour bleat about the new PM being elected by only a few.
NG, you have just spoilt my TOADY Watch #2 or #3! 🙂
An alternative TOADY Watch #2 😉
Another Hh.h.ha.Hancocks H.h.Half Hour @ 8.10am. Afterward, am filled with gloom. Find myself listening to another Theresa May.
I can see this thing going very badly for the Conservative Party with the Parliamentary MP members choosing two very unsatisfactory candidates for the wider Party membership to choose from, say, Matt Hancock and, say, Sajid Javid purely so that Remainer Conservative MPs can have the satisfaction of sabotaging Brexit.
That way, they settle two scores. With the country as a whole for voting Leave and depriving them of David Cameron and a majority, and with the European Research Group and the Democratic Ulster Unionist Party for being, well, democrats and refusing to vote for BRexit.In.Name.Only.
Apol accepted – after all chance for some fun and it’s a BH w/e & the sun is out after rain! 🙂
9:50am Radio4 where’s the usual band of BAME guests ?
They have Arlene Philips, a blonde Dutch female comedienne
ah no they have a wheelchair athlete
..Johnboy Smith the guy who describes himself as a Kent country lad who was shot at 16 by a farmer for jumping over the wrong fence.
Em isn’t that code for gypsy ?
And when I check on Twitter it comes up straight away.
.. Ah right at the end of the interview they mentioned prejudice against Romany Travellers
..The farmer served 11 months in jail.
The old BBC tweet describes him as Romany Gypsy
BTW The Dutch comedienne just quoted the milgramme experiment proved peole will easily become Nazis
..Nope those famous psychology experiments are myths
and should not be taken at face value
They were subject to reporting bias
President Trump has made official visits to at least 20 countries, all of which were respectful and dignified.
Only in the UK was our ‘special ally’ met with disgraceful snubs and demos, and the forthcoming visit may be even worse given the hysterical political atmosphere currently prevailing.
All aided and abetted by the world’s most trusted broadcaster and their vile little cabal of Trump-hating American correspondents.
When I was at school, way back in the 60’s, we had regular testing and sports days where everyone tried to win or be the best they could, perhaps improving on a personal best.
I think now it’s normal that there are no losers and no winners (in case some young snowflake is traumatised by coming second or last in a race and therefore has no future because they think they are a failure)
We had the 11+ where brighter pupils were given grammar school places with a more intense education that others may find too challenging and these pupils were educated at a pace which suited them better.
Now everyone is lumped together and given the same education which is too slow for some and too fast for others.
All so that everyone is equal and nobody ever loses.
I wonder if this no loser system at schools is a reason why the lefties/liberals will not accept they lost the referendum and band together in gangs dressed like jihadi-ninja black clad masked rioters and protestors such as hnh and antifa.
They are not used to being told no and are ill prepared for life after school.
EG, good point. Of course, our national broadcaster has not – at least on R4 – had any MP observing on, commenting on, musing on, the full and correct democratic position after the Brexit vote.
Instead, they produce and perpetuate partial truths or complete untruths:
– Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to Remain in the EU.
– The country is divided.
– It was a narrow win for Leave.
BBC Online News:
“”Treorchy Italian cafe to close after 84 years””
“”One of the few remaining Italian cafes in the south Wales valleys is to close its doors after 84 years in business.””
“”Station Cafe in Treorchy, which opened to customers in 1935, will close for the last time on Saturday.””
“”Dom Balestrazzi and his wife, who came to Wales from northern Italy with their parents, are retiring – and their children do not want to take it on.””
Why is this feature on the front page of the international BBC News website?
Ah, I understand now. Immigration good! Immigrants work hard!
DS, that also destroys a myth that the BBC like to perpetuate, one that exists among some young people here, that leaving the EU will mean there is no chance to study, live and work in another EU country.
Amazing but they broadcast a series of personal views in the normal R4, Book of the Week slot, during the pre-EU Referendum campaign that included at least two people from European EU countries (one was German) who moved here to study and have remained since the 1960s or early 1970s.
People do not need the EU to be socially mobile.
More surprises from the EU. Dutch exit polls show ‘surprising gains’ for pro-EU parties – which is surprising since we have been told that releasing data from exit polls is in breach of EU election rules. Bending rules comes as no real surprise though, given that surprisingly it takes three days to organise, or reorganise, results.
Let’s hope Sunday’s results also come as no surprise. Not a shock.
I have to say I am concerned that we will see the same here. The Brexit Party’s high poll numbers may have led to complacency and the Remain side is highly motivated to vote now. Plus I am absolutely certain the postal votes will have been fiddled, as they always are and indeed seem designed to be.
A breakdown between postal votes and votes in person would make interesting reading, but I’m not sure figures are ever made available in this country. I do recall a few years ago a vote elsewhere in Europe (I forget which country now, possibly Austria?) where a candidate of the right, designated “far right” by the media, was in the lead. Until the postal votes were added. At the time I did some number crunching on this site and worked out that the vote against the candidate on the right would have had to be 80% or so to overturn the lead. Others had come to the same conclusion but the media was unconcerned and disinterested.
That is what we are up against, before I even start to wonder about ballot boxes being in the care of predominantly Remain officials for 3 days.
I spoke to the staff at our Polling Station and they said that most votes had been postal. (I’m not a resident of Tower Hamlets, by the way).
Orthodox Jewish support for TR
Thanks for the link. Great ammunition for showing that TR is not a racist.
I wouldn’t be surprised if TR and many others land up applying to Israel for political asylum from the British State -matters are rapidly going down hill -with or without the coming demographic change .
I got slapped with an accusation of ‘ melodrama’ on here earlier in the week – and I am only seeing things from a Londonistan point of view but unfortunately this place calls the shots .
I don’t think TR would ever leave voluntarily.
Have steeled myself to listen to the repeat of Any Questions on BBC R4, @ 1.15pm.
Second question, about Conservative Party leadership race, demonstrates that Sir Anthony Seldon (biographer of 3 and a bit PM’s) has a peculiar view of democracy.
He doesn’t appear to like democracy.
He does not approve of Parliamentary democracy – the Tory MPs choosing two candidates for the final round. He doesn’t like the thought that only 100,000 or so Conservative Party members will then choose between the two. Apparently.
How peculiar some people are. I know that our democracy has its failings but it is better than all the alternatives, this side of a Theocracy.
Is Sir Anthony Seldon a Fascist, a Nazi, a Communist?
Is Sir Anthony Seldon a Fascist, a Nazi, a Communist?
Hmm I wonder how many prominent establishment figures like Selden would likely identify as a Fascist or a by a process of elimination he must be a communist! Like 95% of the people the mainstream throws at us on the telly or the radio 🙂
imay, I’m a bit strange in that I view National Socialism, Fascism and Communism as all one side of the same coin with everyone else on t’other side. There’s good evidence, in my view for that, especially as both pay lip-service to democracy and use it to gain some power but then swiftly remove it when it no longer suits their purpose. Both types (NatSocs and Communists both tend to be fascistic) expect absolute loyalty to The Party and fidelity to its aims. Those aims can wobble around a bit, no doubt due to a lack of democracy.
Where they do differ is that National Socialism tolerates a religious belief, especially if slightly wacky or superstitious or pagan or a mix, while Communism in its various forms is absolutely atheistic. In fact, so much so, that one notable Communist leader – Enver Hoxha in Albania – pretty much declared himself to be god and one or two or three other Communists have done the same or come close to that.
When Seldon expressed his disapproval of the Conservative Party’s chosen democratic path to a new leader, he did it in such forceful tones I wondered if he was a Monbiot, a Soubry or, I guess most appropriately, a Hobsbawm.
Seems strange for a biographer of Prime Ministers who would all endorse (British) democracy to take that view but there you are. Democracy is under attack in Britain like never before, even compared to the 1970s when there was talk of military coups.
Up2 I wasn’t trying to be snarky in case it came across like that. From what I’ve read about Seldon he sounds like a patrician one-nation Tory. A biographer and academic, probably like a wetter version of Jacob Rees-Mogg? I dunno, I’m guessing.
You’re right about those political philosphies being all part of the same coin. My broad definitions would be something like :
Nazism – purity of race comes first
Fascism – the state comes first
Communism – party nomenklatura comes first and then ruin everything anyway!
All of them require strongmen ‘cult of personality’ leaders.
I suspect Seldon is aghast that the grassroots tory riff-raff might elect a ‘populist’ figure like Boris who might be beastly to the EU by not immediately capitulating to all their demands .
I’m no fan of Boris – I can’t see him getting the trains to run on time and I don’t think us British would let it go so far as to let him invade Poland. 🙂
Snuff – ‘Totalitarianism’ may be how your starting observation could be encapsulated by Political Theory. Nothing ‘strange’ about it, really. Philosophies hostile to democracy, all.
When people are fearful to talk ‘out of line’ with prevailing politically correct ideas, when language is twisted and emptied of meaning, when you can promote world-changing ideas with a single word, or close down criticism with a single word, where are you at?
It’s not easy. You can have apparent pluralism, at first glance. Take broadcast media: we have huge choice, it would seem. But what if the message is essentially the same? (Were it not for the internet, the situation would be infinitely worse.)
Take political parties, and their main actors: in the ‘big two’ parties, which person do we trust to tell us the truth? Again, so much choice, it seems at first glance…
Take the past three years: has that really been the best we could come up with? How on earth did we get there? Are we really out of it?
Or take key players in the civil service…
Or parliament…
Subtle, isn’t it?
(The beauty of the three unpleasant political ideologies you mention is how, with wisdom of hindsight, very obviously undesirable they are?)
Andy Warhol said everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame.
I wonder if Matt Hancock will buck the trend and get his ‘half hour’
Reading through The Times (lefty) and The Telegraph (centre?), the one word about Ms May they don’t seem to like using is ‘dishonest’.
If I had to describe her in one word, that would be it. If I am allowed another, it would be ‘manipulative’.
Saying one thing, doing the opposite. Lying endlessly. Probably to herself. Endless platitudes. Lotsa lefty stuff: May could easily have fitted into Labour.
Playing one side off against the other was her favourite game. Always trying to bully and blackmail.
She has WASTED three years, very deliberately. I am trying hard to think of something good to say about her. I disappoint myself in not being able to.
She left, saying she ‘loved’ her country. The final lie?
They also seem to ignore her dumb attempt to placate the IRA for some reason by continuing to go after security forces for doing the job .
It’s as though they don’t matter – but I suppose someone with her socialist principles doesn’t really care for the military .
Good riddance to a traitor – so many more.
fnw, Fed & Banania, there’s an article on the excellent Conservative Woman web-site, that wonders out loud whether Theresa May may still try to frustrate Brexit or impose her sort of warped Brexit on the UK in the two months remaining to her instead of booking the removal van and choosing some new curtains for her Constituency home.
Duplicitous? Good choice of word, Banania. Combine with conflicted.
Someone close to her must have asked or pointed out to her that her & the EU’s WA breached her red lines and then asked how she reconciled it all. I think she was just able to bounce in her mind from a clear BRINO/N. Ireland damaging deal into believing that it was truly all that could be achieved with the EU and would thus turn out right in the end.
Anyone watch HIGNFY? I know why I stopped watching it now.. Jess Phillips MP was on it. She didn’t seem like a woman that would be upset by what Carl- UKIP said, in fact she tried to make a joke about him being covered in milkshake ..BBC didn’t mention her desire stabbing Jeremy Corbyn
– and yet again it confirmed that the people we have in the HoP are lightweights, and it seems more so with the females selected on woman only short lists e.g. Phillips, Rayner, Onasanya (ex MP)…an observation not a sexist comment .
JA – Obsessed with ‘equality’, (a core socialist principle), ‘The West’ has wandered into the shortlist/quota trap: parliaments have to be ‘diverse’. Merit is no longer important. Ability is irrelevant. Morality is so old-fashioned. Even the Law is almost irrelevant. (Witness lawbreaker extreme, Ms Merkel, ‘leading’ her country.)
Regrettably, Ms May (imho) took Merkel as her model, which I have been saying for two years, here. Witness the lust for power, which justifies anything – sit tight and hold on, regardless. (Compare to the startling eagerness of Cameron to vacate his office). The lies. The manipulation. The bullying. etc. etc.
What has saved Merkel’s bacon, by comparison to Ms May, is I) she did not have Brexit to fulfil, and 2) she has had the BIG German chequebook, which -in a single word- could encapsulate the Markel foreign policy. 3) saddled with historic guilt, the Germans seem willing to do almost anything to appear ‘nice’, including tolerating a typical GDR mole, now in her fourth term of office. While Britain is going to be endlessly hammered for ‘colonialism’, the guilt people feel is quite dissimilar.
Or do I err?
No I agree..and in my view the UK along with many of its institutions including universities from which our future leaders spring, once the ency of the world, are now toilets of education as a result
fnw, the other thing that saved Merkel’s bacon was that the other EU grandees, Tusk, Juncker, Verhofstadt. looked the other way when Mutti threw open the doors of the EU, breaking all the rules on acting together.
Had any other national leader done that, those guys would have been down on them like a ton of bricks. For example, as they have tried to do with Orban and also Morawiecki.
Hello, hello, that strange ‘You can no longer edit this comment.’ thing has popped up again. Cannot remember how long I had left on the clock but I was well inside the time limit.
Most peculiar!
HIGNFY used to be a bit radical, now just mirrors beeb-think most of the time.
Phillips isn’t unequivocally a lightweight.
Looks like we are going to see some new adverts on daytime TV “ are you an EU citizen ? We’re you denied a vote in the UK? Then ring £Bindmans – you could be entitled to compensation from the taxpayer for an election which should never have happened “…..
and which may be illegal if the UK actually left on 29 March ..,
The bBC don’t have to worry about ratings YET.
It was inevitable that the BBC would find a reason to get rid of brillo. Any interviewer who knows his stuff and gives everyone a hard time is going to be unpopular and challenging to the BBC propagandists .
The last good honest decent journo / interviewer on the BBC gone . At least when people like me are ranting we don’t have to make exceptions about the dross group thinking bbc ‘ journos ‘ ….
BBC’s idea of breaking news – the replies are worth reading
CM -this was reported, along with much bbc joy that Taiwan became the first Asian country to give gay sex the thumbs up.
As for ‘breaking’ news, it must be awfully quiet out there…
Gay sex thumbs ups
off to think about somthing else now
8 illegals today (so far)
18 on Friday
They are “Channel migrants” apparently.
island – notice the beeb have given a footnote definition of ‘migrants’ as including ‘economic migrants’.
So, we look forward to receiving 100 million or so, this year. Actually, 200 million would also qualify, or double that…
The beeb hasn’t given this much thought.
An infestation of Merkelmania…
Reported by the bbc: the swearing in -amidst many fine words- of Cyril Ramaphosa, as president of SA.
Not reported by the bbc: six farm attacks in a small area known as the Boland, over the last four days; nor the murders, rapes, tortures on farms elsewhere, during the last week; with boiling water, let’s say…
For the beeb, some news ‘breaks’ from SA, some doesn’t.
‘Afriforum’, which reported the news, also reported that the old South African anthem ‘Die Stem’ was sung at the 82nd Flemish song festival in Antwerp, in remembrance of the farmers who have been murdered in SA. Ramaphosa won’t be pleased…
A school in brum where mussies are up against the queers . The head of the ‘equality commission ‘ himself a queer ( Jewish ) says he is considering using the law to ensure that queer stuff is taught in the school . Even Jess Phillips – the new comedy resident MP on MSM in on the case,.
What I’ve described so far has the makings of a major motion picture – sponsored by a popcorn company …
Declaration – I’m not queer , Jewish , Muslim or involved in education or a fan of the awful Jess Phillips – but it is a bit of a case study in things to come .
The BBC will naturally avoid this story as much as it can,,,
This is about much more than this school. It is about who has the right to decide how the children are brought up the parents or the state. The state is determind to take over but it has come up against the Muslim parents and that is problematical for the state enforcers.
It would move much more openly against Jewish or Christian parents but it has to be careful with Muslim ones.
There are strange alliances in the making now.
The smart money goes on the Muslims – as they top the victimhood
Not bias but a common BBC B/H weekend bungle: no-one on duty at the BBC realised how ‘McDonald’s fears for Norwegian church’ on the web-site Home Page reads with the apostrophe of a corporate name in place.
An ‘ I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again ‘ moment when you read the actual article:
Maybe Old McDonald will still be able to go to morning worship after milking the cows on the Sabbath.
The BBC also had a couple of ‘ISIRTAs’ in the 7am News on R4 this morning, which were spotted and deftly handled and corrected on air by the newsreader.
This Mohammedan fellow explains very well what is happening in Britain now with the media and political class.
Just now and again Hollywood liberal luvviedom meets reality, and they don’t like it one bit.
“George Clooney: Amal and I ‘have real security issues on a daily basis’ due to ISIS case.”
(Not reported by al beeb, usually so keen on all things Islamic and all things Hollywood.)
This Week has been one of the few TV programmes, never mind political programmes, I have enjoyed in recent years. Moving the show to 7pm on BBC2 is a great idea. BBC2 should be the place where intelligent viewers can watch intelligent programmes at godly hours. Why is it assumed that people who are interested in politics don’t have to get up early for work the next day?
Anybody here remember After Dark, Channel Four’s live, late-night, open-ended discussion programme from about thirty years ago? I remember a drunk Oliver Reed taking on lesbian feminist Kate Millett. Wonderful TV. The kind of talk programme they do not dare broadcast now.