There are always repercussions. If the idiots try to wreck the visit and upset the D day commemoration the President will take his revenge.
Count on it and the good people of the USA will draw conclusions about this country that could have real repercussions.
On a personal note. In 1994 I spent some time with an American veteran who had been at Omaha. He had seen the carnage and the extreme bravery of the young soldiers. He had wanted to take his landing craft in as close as possible but had been overruled and had had to watch men and machines drown. He told me that never a day had passed when he did not remember and regret not just ignoring his orders and risking his life to go in close.
The President is here to represent his country and woe betide us if we insult him and his veterans . A people without honour are a rabble and beneath contempt.
Emily Thornberry made the following comment during the BBC EU election coverage. She said that voters she met on the doorstep always told her that they would vote for her but couldn’t this time vote for Labour in the EU elections.
Labour politicians often use this tactic to get a point across. Do they really venture onto the doorsteps of us little people?
Tonights “What the papers say”, BBC reporter stated many times that Pres Trump was lying when he said that he didn’t call Meghan Markle “nasty”. The BBC reporter stated many times that Pres Trump was lying as it was on tape, which was recorded by The Sun.
Thornberry just strikes me as retarded, seriously, she’s clearly not all there – remind me why she ever got elected?
It doesn’t matter what you think about Trump the man, that’s irrelevant, we’re rolling out the red carpet because he is the democratically elected President of the United States – one of our oldest, and supposedly closest allies.
We’re not rolling out the red carpet for Donald Trump, we’re rolling it out for what, and whom, he represents. Any insult to the President during his state visit is effectively a slap in the face for millions, living and dead.
“”London Bridge inquests: Chances ‘galore’ to stop attack, says lawyer””
“”Mr Patterson told the hearing at the Old Bailey in London that “any reasonably competent investigation” had the chance to detect the planning that was going on between the three men.””
The BBC have been running with this all day as their headline. It’s about number nine in priority on Sky news website.
The words ‘attack’ and ‘attackers’ are used rather than ‘Terrorists’.
The Left/BBC like this headline. It takes the glare from the Islamic Terrorists to the police and MI5. A cheap shot by the lawyer and the BBC/Left are sooo grateful.
What the BBC/Left refuse to realise is that there are so many Islamics with the desire and capability to launch an attack that only a minority can be watched 24/7.
“…In 2017, the UK had the highest number of Islamist radicals in the EU numbering between 20-25,000. Of those, 3000 were considered a direct threat by MI5 and 500 were under constant surveillance.”
(I wonder how much that is costing the taxpayer – another benefit of diversity.)
Chubby Eddie Izzard lookalike Thornberry says “He is trying to take away the rights of women worldwide to control our own bodies”
What absolute utter downright bollox !!!!! Where do these lefty freak shows get this garbage from !!!! Staggering thing is, plenty believe it. It’s just pure, unadulterated far left brainwashing and it’s bloody frightening that our national broadcaster just laps it up , unchecked !!!!! Scary times !!
Yeah your right snuff – maybe a vape or X box controller for the kids of those of us who dared to vote for brexit
But for foetus,s of the “woke” class maybe a nice macrobiotic, soya, skinny latte would be far more appropriate – thus proving why us “oiks” need the leadership of the “woke” class and cannot really be trusted with democracy, and even in the womb they are busy saving the planet.
Beltane, I thought I did that in the week with two substantial errors in my posts, not the minutiae from others that usually gets maxi worked up into one of his drive-by snipings.
And what a nasty blue boil on her (his/its) bum too!
Those long arms aren’t really natural are they? Cue a line from one of my favourite ‘songs’, ‘O Superman’
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms”.
That pic has the meaning of a whelk-stall instruction book…
“He is trying to take away the rights of women worldwide to control our own bodies” Means that Donald Trump is trying to rule the world so that he can stop Women from expelling unwanted children from their bodies and dumping them on the rubbish heap. A right that Women had before Christianity was introduced to the Roman Empire. Women also had the right to eat these children.
However the Pope has more Global control over these rights than Donald Trump. So the “He” could refer to a Papist plot.
Hatred of Catholics, Americans, Jews, Russians and the Working Class English is rampant within the Labour Party at the moment. The Labour party is under investigation about this.
”Summer begins ”
Err no!
it begins when the Sun says so, as defined by the Earth’s axis and orbit around it, ie the summer solstice. not when the government’s Met office apparatchiks decide,
Meteorological summer begins on the 01 June 2019
Astronomical summer begins on the 21 June 2019.
Meteorological is the simpler of the two, splitting the year into four seasons of three full months apiece based on the Gregorian calendar, which makes it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics.
I can’t accept that Edd, so I will go with Fed….
Pointless speculation all of this because I heard on the BBC that when we finally leave the EU , summer will be cancelled anyway. It will always be winter, but never Christmas.
You have far more supporters than disparagers. Frequent users on this site know the valuable time and effort you put in, respect mate. Don’t let the buggers get you down.
“Eddy You win the pedant award – sometimes I really get fedup with writing any thing on this site / there is always some smart ass ready to pop away.”
Ahww diddums. Yesterday you were suggesting it might have been a good idea to vaporise hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan with nuclear weapons.
But to point out you made a stupid mistake about when Summer begins…
Evidence that the BBC are ‘confused & mistaken’, at the very least, over the Skripal Affair.
What? Surely, BBC confusion is commonplace these days if they have to tell everyone, via their web-site, that “you can trust the BBC”.
Kinder, more generous folk might say “Oh, they’ve just made a mistake. Easily done with news reporting in a fast moving world.” OK, in those circumstances you would expect a correction (in true Grauniad fashion) and, perhaps, an apology.
Unfortunately, they appear to have told us that they are confused about the truth themselves but without any correction and without any apology. How can we know? Because they are doing this right now!
Then compare it with what we were told by the BBC (faulty as Snuffy’s memory can be, I remember the R4 News broadcast) at the time, that DS Bailey was ‘the one who went to the Skripals aid on the bench seat in Salisbury’.
Was the Skripal incident a false flag operation prepared during and tagged on to the end of Operation Toxic Dagger, a three week operation in which 40 Commando Royal Marines, Public Health England, the Atomic Weapons Establishment and Porton Down’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory collaborated to prepare for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear operations by creating a realistic exercise involving government and industry scientists, British and American intelligence officers and more than 300 military personnel with a chemical decontamination area set up for Operation Morlop, the subsequent and realistic Skripal false flag exercise. Which then made lots of mistakes that included a woman’s death due to the scientist not knowing what the hell the intelligence officers where doing?
Pretty impressive false flag operation to manufacture 2(or3) Russian spies, create a lifetime back story for them, transport them in and out of the U.K. either side of the attempted assassination by poison of the Skripals, subsequently link them with dozens of other KGB(?) spies all listed at the same address which just happens to be KGB headquarters.
Islam is in no way homophobic. It just teaches that homosexuals should be killed.
“Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (This is a sahih hadith)
Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” (Note the implicit approval of sodomizing one’s wife).”
Lucy, The sentence that stands out (literally) in the BBC article is –
“On Thursday, the former chief prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal, who was brought in to mediate the matter, said parents were being “manipulated”.
The BBC have it in bold lettering such that nobody will miss it.
Are the BBC touting the narrative that the parents don’t really mind their young kids being brainwashed?
This would be in line with their general approach to the issue of cultural differences.
Are there a fewer number of Christians who are also protesting?
Never knew why he got one in the first place, maybe a reasonable muscian but a b awful singer. Let’s revoke the knighthood of both E John & Philip Green immediately.
Reg Dwight, why don’t you do one and emigrate to Europe, and don’t bother ever coming back as we don’t want you.
Meanwhile, I am European and a proud Briton, but I don’t regard the EU as giving me any form of citizenship, particularly since 28th March. The Europe I love is the continent, not the fascist dictatorship.
I have never bought a record or CD by Dwight and of that I am pleased.
If Dwight wants to consider himself not British, then he should not make those accusations as that is racism! Let him be a Little EUian rather than a proud Briton who has world vision.
John, I recall there has always been a difference between the weather seasons and the solar seasons, long before Climate Change was a gleam in the Labour Party’s eye. In fact the season weather often did not match its own Met Office schedule for the season, so Climate Change was actually around long before the Labour Party was a gleam in Keir Hardie’s eye and even before the Met Office was a gleam in Admiral FitzRoy’s eye.
Long ago, when the TOADY Prog was a half-decent programme (back in the twentieth century?), the Weatherman of the Day used to mention the first day of weather season and then later in the month mention the first day of solar season or the solstices.
Ooops, apologies to davylars who got there first, further up this Thread
Well John in Cheshire – in fedup world the 1st of June is the start of my summer – would you like to run this site ? I can email the boss with your private details and you can start from Monday 3 June – which this year falls on a Monday ..
I’m sorry if I’ve upset you that was not the intention but the fact is that the Met office have been trying to change the dates of seasons for many years. I don’t know why but it seems to be for their own convenience. It’s just another nail in the coffin.
I became slightly hypothermic on the late May Bank Holiday Monday back in 2005. It may have been May 30th or 31st, can’t remember. I was wearing a ski jacket plus sweater but the windchill plus the low temperature plus standing around at times meant that I got to the point of constant shivering and went home a.s.a.p.
Did all the right things at home save a warm bath. Outdoor clothes kept on, warm drinks plus food, but I didn’t stop shivering even when asleep in bed until over halfway through the night. At that point I relaxed and started to sleep soundly.
Tomorrow should be the hottest day of the year so far. 🙂 Enjoy, whatever your self-identified seasonality!
As has been already said, the Solstice is an astronomical event, the longest day of the year. The 1st of June has no astronomical significance whatsoever, the division of the year into months being entirely man-made and arbitrary. I get really irritated by the pretence of the Met Office that the seasons begin on the 1st of months.
Fed up, as a member of this site for many many years can I say the hard work and many hours spent on this site are greatly appreciated. Contributors were always polite and informative and open to reasoned debate rather than petty interventions.
Do hope you continue your excellent administration.
‘prescribed’, I think you meant. That’s if you have in mind the current LimpNonDems desire to do a Jane Horrocks’ Nicola, ‘Life is Sweet’ to anything and everything to do with Brexit and squeak “Bollloxxx!”
Proscribed according to Snuffy’s defective memory ist verboten, ‘und so nein Bollockses, bitte.’
Assistant pedant award, please. 🙂
I’ll take it in the ice cream equivalent of Bluebottle’s pound of dolly mixture. It sure is warm enough. Lovely day!
Two weeks ago – as you might have seen from a comment l made I put in a formal complaint that the BBC code of practice had been breached on a world at one when a Lib Dem – in a recorded interview was allowed to say “bollocks to Brexit “
I sited the part of the code which has been breached , that there was no forewarning of bad language at 1pm on a Sunday .
I got a ‘this in complicated ‘ response a few days later but since then heard nothing . I expect an apology to be broadcast by the beeboid mardell at the very least – but I’m not holding my breath .
I never really considered formally complaining before but I thought this was a bit much in all the circumstances .
I’m actually Fedup2 – because I cancelled membership once but then came back . But recently thought about giving up again .
I’m mainly Fedup because I remember when times were better . Naturally material things have generally improved but Blighty is losing its soul – as you can see from the behaviour of politicians – who have been shown to largely believe only in themselves .
And this sleeps through every thing. Link the visible amorality of politicians to the group behaviour ( unthinking ) of those in the BBC and other state agencies and it’s a poisonous time .
But if I have learnt one thing – nothing stays the same .
May 16 i logged another of those Times articles
Articles shouting “far right”
which seem to be written by Labour Party front groups like the HateyNoHopers
This one was supposed to be about “hate videos” on Youtube
Yet never mentioned jhadi videos instead it was a veiled attack on TR
Of course there are no TR videos saying ‘behead Muslims’
May 16 on page they carried an article about Tasnime Akunjee saying he will sue on behalf of Jamal
but the word already knows that cos he sent the crazed guy around to Tommy’s kids house
.. The Times article had no open comments
Of course what the mean is “Birmingham LGBT row: Islamic Protesters banned from school”
However the BBC does tell us that this whole saga started when “parents raised a petition in January claiming some of the teaching contradicted Islam.”
So i wonder how LGBT contradicts Islam… lets spend 5 second doing a search, because the BBC with their thousands of “journalists” are incapable of doing that… three seconds later, here we go:
“The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”. Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas, in AbuDawud, Book 38, Number 4447
Lots men of course are famous in the old testament for engaging in anal sex…. and god punished them by turning the city upside down and raining brimstone on their heads…
Which is why in Sharia law the favored method of killing LGBT people is to throw them head first from a tall building and then stone them to death as they lay twitching on the ground.
Of course the BBC fail to explain why homosexuality is against Islam… that is because they are not journalist, they are lying deceitful filthy sacks of sh**.
Catching up
May 19 : 52 migrants have been discovered in the English Channel off the #Kent coast bound for #Dover this weekend. They included 6 children, all Iranian or Iraqi.
More than 700 migrants have tried to reach Britain in small boats travelling across the Channel in the last 14 months.
4,00 got through according to the Times
I guess they’ll be a fair number not counted there
Commenter \\ Can we be told the nationalities of the those sacked?
The overall coverage of this issue has been, since it came up, designed to look as if the abuse was being perpetrated by UK aid workers. Little or nothing has been said about the fact that the majority of on-the-spot aid workers are actually local nationals – employed by Oxfam and similar NGOs. //
ETS and the cheating English tests
\\ Pakistani companies set up hundreds of bogus colleges to cheat the visa system.
Many were eventually closed but some still exist.//
However the libmedia reporting is strange
eg Times title : Home Office ‘failed to protect innocent students in cheat case’
.. The test agency’s were bogus. Yep some of the students did speak enough English to pass without cheating
but is the government supposed to give students a free pass ?
11,000 left Britain
4,100 were allowed to stay
of them 500 are now citizens
According to a Democratic Alliance leader, she was a human rights activist. But for the alleged journalists at the BBC, the fact that she was concerned about the murders of white farmers would disqualify her own murder as newsworthy.
Found this delightful Tweet from a chap called Daeshawn Hakeem-Abdullah who describes himself as ‘a Black male who stands up against racism, Western sexism, and Islamophobia for social justice. Inshallah.’
He then goes on to say this in response to Annette Kenneally’s murder…
‘When I read about how the diverse peoples of South Africa have finally stood up to that RACIST White Bitch named Annette Kenneally, I dance for joy because I know that SOCIAL JUSTICE will triumph over all RACISM.’
His other tweets are just as bitter (and insightful)
@RobRoy the account Hakeemania_314
is one he just uses for trolling
He’s probably a non-Muslim who likes winding people up
Like he has a tweets saying “I don’t hate, I love. I love Allah ” then others that begin “I hate”
Repeal the Yvette Cooper/Oliver Letwin Act
This response was given on 31 May 2019
The Government did not support this Act nor the manner in which it was passed. It remains Government policy that it is in the UK’s best interest to leave the EU with a deal as soon as possible.
In a turn of events, I looked at the BBCs site from a US computer. The overseas version has adverts, which is a refreshingly innovative way to pay for a website (rather than a dubiously legal poll tax). Anyway, today it featured a tobacco advert! On the BBC! It’s not even like they have a excuse that “it’s based on browser history” because I don’t buy tobacco online.
When you look at the BBC’s news site in the US, not only does it have advertising (acceptable I guess) but it allows tobacco advertising, which is fairly surprising given its usual nanny state stance on things.
I haven’t seen it but I am pretty sure it is cr*p..and linked to some form of Feminism, Trans or other platform. I will come back when I have seen it – may be I am wrong….but if BBC promoting it….
Summer is a comin in
Loudly sing cuckoo
Grows the seed and blows the mead
And springs the wood anew
Sing Cuckoo!
Ewe bleats harshly after lamb
Cows after calf make moo
The oldest song in the English language. It celebrates the time of year when the sun gets warmer and life starts happening. Who cares what the flaming official date is!
So have a happy summer Fed and everybody who is able to appreciate the joys of the season.
But I suppose there are a few people who would rather correct my wording of the song’s intro above as not being the original wot was written in 1045.
Granted. I used ‘The Wicker Man’ version which is close to the original because I can’t find my original copy. Anyway pedants, stop haggling and switch off the depressing beeb and go ye forth and enjoy spiritual renewal in the glorious British change of season.
And if you are stuck inside, I suppose you could always watch ‘The Wicker Man’ (1973) (Avoid later US version)
I’m happy to start my personal summer in May, Yasser. Get the wind and showers of March & April out of the way and I’m raring to go. Unfortunately this year, the cold, hard, unyielding May (different but also similar to Wind Chill post above) was holding on … and on …. and on.
Fortunately on 26th/27th May this year, things started to heat up a bit.
ti, me, too, for Brexit. Am not going to wish away summer, though, because my rapidly ageing joints now love the heat that I found difficult as a child.
I am pretty sure that these days Noaksy, wouldnt have not got a job with Aunty as a “male” presenter. Unfortunatly now, the possession of “balls” is a distinct disadvantage and only those with a rainbow coloured, vegan friendly “mangina” need apply.
TOADY Watch #1
BBC are desperate to sink the possibility of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. The TOADY prog are campaigning against it – again! – this morning.
Leaving with out deal, as I understand it, frees the UK from all ties to the EU.
Leaving without a deal also saves the UK lots of taxpayer money. The BBC, on the other hand, love spending taxpayers’ money because they have lots of it to squander.
Yesterday – I noticed on Toady it was interviewing that woman from the CBI and kept on saying how “business” was so concerned.
Since when did the CBI represent all “business” in the UK?
Oak, so that really begs the question of Carolyn Fairbairn: why have you opposed Brexit in March 2019 and again in 2019 when the ‘uncertainty for business’ would now be two whole months behind us.
Fairbairn is just as brainless and stupid and useless as Theresa May appears to be.
Yes Cassandra – your term “once upon a time” being the key.
Now the BBC far prefers to focus on different sorts of “fairy stories”
(draw your own conclusions)
I mean, it's great if you want to be immediately followed by Rudy Giuliani laughing at you and saying you're not a serious candidate…
The complaint regarding Kuensberg’s comment during the BBC’s EU Election night coverage that ‘a certain type of person voted for Farage’ was glossed over. The response of the BBC’s ‘Head of News Gathering’ was that she could have said that about any Party so attach no importance to it.
The ‘Head of News Gathering’ (how Orwellian!), was dressed in the traditional attire of the Left i.e. a dark suit with an open necked shirt and stubble, with a slightly too short hair cut.
The lack of balance on the Election night panel was countered by suggesting that the Brexit Party’s representatives were engaged in the election and not available.
No mention of Alastair Campbell’s ouburst against the Brexit Party Chairman that his party was gathering Roubles. This outburst was not opposed by Huw Edwards at the time.
The complaint regarding the BBC counting votes as if in a Referendum was dismissed and they gave it credence by elaborating this point.
Why do the BBC do Newswatch? They never ever agree that their viewers got it right and they got it wrong…there must be something in their license that says they have to imitate care for viewers opinions.
Anyone with a brain could hear the snide in Kuensberg’s voice…and as for viewers saying the BBC has a pro Brexit bias –ha ha ha
If anyone thinks the number of candidates for Tory leadership is accidental they need to think again. It’s an orchestrated scheme to take as long as humanly possible to get a leader in position – probably sometime in September. By that time it will be too late to re-open negotiations, or the EU will refuse, and Britain will leave the EU on WTO rules.
The Tories know that this is the only way their party is going to survive. They don’t have a plan to fix their wholly disparate party so expediency and short termism is the name of the game.
If only. Do you really think they are that clever and if they were that they would be that unified ?
I sincerely hope however that you are right.
The anti Trump, virtue signalers, are massing.
At the head of the queue to show their ire will be those three great men, Corbyn, Bercow and Khan. What a tawdry trio!
Corbyn leads a political movement that is now supported by thugs and anti Semites. He’s shaken hands with every terrorist and despot. If someone tried to assassinate the Queen he’d be there, telling us we shouldn’t be judgmental and inviting him to Parliament for tea and biscuits.
Bercow, as we all know, is a pumped up little peacock of a man. He’s a bellowing bully, far too fond of his own voice and opinions. There have been numerous complaints about his attitude to his staff, but the strutting midget continues to be the worst speaker in living memory. He feigns outrage at Trump’s views and connections and yet when he was a young Conservative he was a member of a group that advocated hanging Nelson Mandela.
And what can we say about Mayor Khan? He claims that Trump’s attitudes to women and minorities aren’t welcome in multicultural, inclusive London. Bollocks! I want him here! And Khan, for all his posing, PC pretence, is a member of a mosque that keep women separate from their menfolk. There’s also the embarrassing fact that he fought to have Louis Farrakhan allowed into our country. This delightful bloke is a black separatist and Jew hater. He’s on record as saying that Hitler had the right idea. What a bleedin’ charmer.
These PC posers make me sick!
I vote that we do a swap. Let the Yanks have Corbyn, Bercow and Khan.
We’ll have Trump.
The 30th Anniversary of Tianneman Square is next week, I’m told.
Some anniversaries the BBC love to publicise, love to celebrate. Others get a mention. While yet others, the Russian Invasion of Czechoslovakia, the d’Oliveira Affair, the death of Jan Palach, for example, are quietly overlooked.
There’s an important one (or two if you count 23 June!) coming up later this month. After their ‘schoolboy howlers’ of last year, I wonder if they’ll get it right?
Wall to wall football. I wonder why the BBC love football so much? Do they think it helps make them appear ‘ordinary’ to people?
Wall to wall Conservative leader candidates. Tory Grandee, Alan Duncan is brought on to whittle them down. He suggests a limit of ten candidates for future contest. How different is that from the twelve or thirteen they have so far? Perhaps, like the BBC, ‘sums’ is not his strong point.
Also like the BBC, he is quite good at sticking it to Bojo while acknowledging that Boris Johnson leads the field.
Well, in my view, in that situation you don’t need a limit on candidates: you need a different field, a whole new Party.
How does Duncan plan to cut it down to 10? Ensure 10 remainiacs apply so the others can be discounted? I agree that there are far too many. It looks pathetic but after the first vote most will not pursue their campaign further as they will realise that they would never get the support. They will recomment their supporters to follow another candidate. I predict a maximum of five in the second vote, and only two will be standing after it.
As a Aaron Banks inspired Conservative Party member, I cannot see who my vote will eventually go to. All candidates revolt me and I have no confidence whatever that any one of them will ‘right’ the sinking ship. Pity its not a General Election.
I predict you won’t get a choice of Steve Baker or Priti Patel, if either of them run.
Those two appear to be the least tainted by their voting record. You’ll have to be very lucky with Raab or McVey but I wouldn’t put any money on it. Boris will be a favourite, but I’ve no confidence in him delivering.
With the rest we’ll just be Remaining with the WA. To be honest I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
David Lammy is on LBC now trying to do damage limitation for The Labour Party re the antisemitism issue.
You realise by listening to him that he is arrogant man who can only answer questions with well rehearsed shallow and emotional soundbites (“…If nothing else it’s been a little bit lonely but I’m a fighter”).
It’s quite funny to listen to Labour Party sycophants ringing him to tell him what a decent intelligent man he is and not only are they Labour Party supporters but that they are Jewish as well!
There definitely seems to be an anti-Corbyn tone in some of his comments, I wonder if there is an anti-Corbyn backlash starting?
This short video clip sums the man up:
Guest, at least Lammy hasn’t been spending time writing books when he should be working on behalf of his constituents.
Leading Together: A New Vision for Political Leadership on Race (2002)
Out of the Ashes: Britain After the Riots (2012)
Taking its Toll: The Regressive Impact of Property Crime in Britain (2015)
Tribes (2019)
David Lammy hasn’t seen police for a while …… and if he had it would be harassment, no doubt.
When I was a child there were more policemen on the streets, but not that many. They weren’t exactly everywhere. I don’t know how they did it but, somehow, my school friends managed to refrain from stabbing each other in spite of penknives being common, normal even amongst boys. A penknife wasn’t generally regarded as a potential weapon. I know they weren’t banned from classrooms because I clearly remember that we sharpened pencils with them if a sharpener wasn’t handy.
Not a posh area, either. Don’t anybody dare tell me that things haven’t got worse.
Agenda pushing on Radio4 on Sunday
There’s all the normal propaganda shows plus these
5:45am Profile : Sonita Alleyne is the first black woman to lead an Oxbridge college.
7:10am The religion prog, might as well be called the BAME special interests show as the items have very little to do with religion
Afghan Connection a charity working to improve the lives of young Afghani’s through cricket
(where’s the religion bit ?)
– 75th anniversary of D-Day stories of the military chaplains. (actual religion connection)
– Grenfell Tower fire, the Bishop of Kensington Graham Tomlin talks about his report on the legacy of the tragedy and the social issues it continues to raise.
– child sexual abuse in religious institutions, Truth Project. We hear from survivor Angharad Woolcott (Sky story) and Ann-Marie Field boss of the Independent Inquiry
7:54am Radio 4 Appeal : Singer-Songwriter Michael Kiwanuka makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Kids Club Kampala.
11:15 Desert Island Discs : Lubaina Himid
\\ Her own work focuses on black identity, often shining a light on the slave trade and the contribution made by the people of the black diaspora //
12:04 Note that zoelyons, is on Just a Minute, She was on the News Quiz 24 hours earlier.
12:32 The Food Programme
Faith, Fasting and Feasting – A Ramadan Special
Yasmin Khan and comedian Tez Ilyas talk food and fasting in Ramadan 2019
13:30 Translating for Mum and Dad
Dr Humera Iqbal explores the unique experiences faced by young translators.
15:00 Vanity Fair :Anarchic reboot of Thackeray’s satire.
Al Murray as the narrator…. getting paid for his part in the BBC Campaign “Stop Farage”
17:00 File on 4 : Failures in the way recycling is set up in the UK is contributing to pollution in our seas (R)
(Actually only a tiny fraction of world pollution comes from UK most comes from Asia)
17:40 Repeat : Profile : Sonita Alleyne is the first black woman to lead an Oxbridge college.
19:15pm A Union Jacked comedian … a non lefty ? *
21:25 repeat Radio 4 Appeal : Singer-Songwriter Michael Kiwanuka makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Kids Club Kampala.
23:30 Yasmin Alibhai-Brown : The vibrancy of Islamic culture
This twitter picture is too big to fit on this screen,
.. The Full image down to Yasmin
Right what about 19:15pm A Union Jacked comedian ?
In this stand-up special, comedian Jacob Hawley discusses his experiences of living in Britain
and how it feels being a working-class man from a leave-voting town.
Jacob Hawley is a BBC New Comedy Award Finalist,
a tattoo-emblazoned young man from a working class, leave-voting town,
… who now boasts an arts degree, a vegetarian girlfriend
and an almost convincing concern for climate change
– so not far off Billy Elliot
Could he possibly be a caricature, a parody ?
Oh yes
Jacob Hawley uses his show to rally against Brexit, and lampoon outdated ideas of race, sexuality, and gender, says @RBanerjee23
If I ever decide to get my views on race , sexuality or the price of fish from a politically correct, woke soy boy, you all have my written permission to shoot me.
I’m sure there was a time when comedians were men who told funny stories which made people laugh. I think they were called “jokes”. Now we have “wokes”, and it’s not a laughing matter.
BRILLIANT – Brexit Party MEP Lance Forman explains to the BBC how his family company has traded free with the world for 115 years. The presenter's response: "yeah but the EU wasn't invented then!!!" This is sadly what we're dealing with Brexiteers!!!
Lol. Look at her little indoctorated bias BBC brain whirling around. She has been brainwashed. Completely unable to fathom how life could possibly exist outside the EU. Terrifying.
Strange. There’s very little coverage of the Brexit Party on BBC.
One thing perhaps of interest. I joined the Brexit Party and pay £25 per year. I and other members received an invitation to apply as a Brexit Party MP. The requirements were preferably to have business experience or to have achieved in life.
This is contrary to the main parties who recruit from university etc.
This to me is a positive direction for the party to take.
For the first time in ages I have watched a complete series on BBC, Rocket Summer or some such name. The first couple of episodes, I think that there were six altogether, weren’t too bad. but after that it rapidly descended into a farce which only a child could have taken seriously. Of course it turned out that , as is now totally predictable on the BBC, the true villains were right wing racists determined to prevent the end of Empire. But the way in which the later episodes unfolded was ridiculous, infact, it was infantile. Is this the best that the BBC can do with our money?
Because the story involved some elements of espionage I drew in my mind a comparison with Tinker Tailor Soldier and Smiley’s people from the late 70’s and early 80’s. The contrast is extraordinary. The Le Carre series we’re totally believable , serious , thought provoking, absorbing entertainment. This Rocket Summer was trivial, totally unbelievable tripe. Perhaps it isn’t just the BBC that has regressed to childhood but the whole country. Anyway it has confirmed my view that the BBC must be avoided at all costs.
I’m glad you have confirmed my decision not to waste a second of my precious time watching this rubbish.
I saw the trailers for it, set in the 1950s, but with a black man in the secret service. Please spare me this politically correct posturing.
They spend ages trying to get the right clothes, cars and the rest to match the period, but then decide to make the cast multi-racial at a time when this was simply impossible? Do me a favour. What a bunch of woke retards.
The use of the quota of POCs actors meant some characters played by them were incongruous. But that problem is a reflection of the multiculturalism which the state sponsors in the UK in the 21st century. But the imposition of quotas , which the dramatist must cope with , doesn’t excuse the silly plot that was produced. If the BBC produced this series for adults they must think that those adults were dumb , gullible and easy prey for their leftist , woke propaganda.
Rape in Europe at the hands of muslim so-called, “Refugees” has not gone away. The media simply don’t convey the crime.
Amnesty International say, in its report titled: “Europe: Time for Change: Justice for rape survivors in the Nordic countries” –
“Women in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) encounter multiple barriers in accessing justice for rape and sexual violence. High levels of rape and widespread impunity stand in stark contrast to the high scores the region has achieved in gender equality in many areas of life. The situation facing survivors of rape is not uniform across the four countries but there are disturbing parallels among them.”
I’d amend the title to, “Europe: Time for Change. Issue all women with firearms”. That would sure be the ‘justice’ the women would welcome.
Times : their barking lefty reporter has put John McDonnell on the magazine cover.
I don’t think Tommy, Farage or Ukip would be given the same PR
Four years ago he was heading for retirement. Now John McDonnell could be the most left-wing chancellor the country has ever seen. So who is he? The genial bank manager wooing the City? Or Labour’s radical hard man? @RSylvesterTimes meets him
They signal also by doing a double page photo of 4 womens sport England captains.
They think women are underrepresented
..which isfunny cos everyone knows that women easily make up most images in magazines
.. and probably newspapers.
Look atthe wall of women’s face at the newsstand shelves.
What a posed shot that is. A ‘man of the people’ image with his mug of tea. BBC/Labour love to pose with a tea-mug. Makes them ‘accessible’ to the little-people.
On BBC/Labour TV Breakfast News, the pair always have a tea-mug in front of them. Anybody ever seen them take a sip?
Blair did the same thing. He posed on camera outside Downing Street in shirt sleeves and carrying a tea-mug.
#WrongSpeak : Dutch MP Geert Wilders has slammed Twitter for its alleged anti-conservative bias after his page got *briefly* blocked.
Twitter often tolerates death threats against me, but not a factual tweet by me about a colleague. Madness
It contained criticism aimed at his political opponents
– the center-left D-66 party, which Wilders denounced as
“suckers …who import ever more Islam and then weep crocodile tears over the consequences, such as honor killings.”
And what a nasty blue boil on her (his/its) bum too!
Those long arms aren’t really natural are they? Cue a line from one of my favourite ‘songs’, ‘O Superman’
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms”.
That pic has the meaning of a whelk-stall instruction book…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
And so say we all.
Missed something ?
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 started 10pm Thursday
and continued until 5pm Friday when we started page 5
There are always repercussions. If the idiots try to wreck the visit and upset the D day commemoration the President will take his revenge.
Count on it and the good people of the USA will draw conclusions about this country that could have real repercussions.
On a personal note. In 1994 I spent some time with an American veteran who had been at Omaha. He had seen the carnage and the extreme bravery of the young soldiers. He had wanted to take his landing craft in as close as possible but had been overruled and had had to watch men and machines drown. He told me that never a day had passed when he did not remember and regret not just ignoring his orders and risking his life to go in close.
The President is here to represent his country and woe betide us if we insult him and his veterans . A people without honour are a rabble and beneath contempt.
Anyone notice the similarity between Snowball from animal farm and a certain Labour front bench politician.
Lady Nugee, also known as Emily Thornberry, in the style they say about people that they dislike.
Does she squint all the time from the force and dynamism of her sincerely held beliefs, or is she so fat she can’t open her eyes properly?
Emily Thornberry made the following comment during the BBC EU election coverage. She said that voters she met on the doorstep always told her that they would vote for her but couldn’t this time vote for Labour in the EU elections.
Labour politicians often use this tactic to get a point across. Do they really venture onto the doorsteps of us little people?
Tonights “What the papers say”, BBC reporter stated many times that Pres Trump was lying when he said that he didn’t call Meghan Markle “nasty”. The BBC reporter stated many times that Pres Trump was lying as it was on tape, which was recorded by The Sun.
So here is is.
What Pres Trump said was the he didn’t know that Markle was nasty (about him). And that was in reference to Meghan being nasty about him.
Blatant lying from the BBC.
Al Beeb at its best, payed for by you.
Here is the report by the BBC
US President Donald Trump has denied calling the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, “nasty” despite the comments being recorded.
“I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’,” he tweeted on Sunday, adding: “Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold!”
Mr Trump made his remarks about the duchess in a Sun newspaper interview ahead of his state visit to the UK.
and The SUN recording
What Pres Trump said was the he didn’t know that Markle was nasty (about him). And that was in reference to Meghan being nasty about him.
Katie Hopkins is brilliant. Thanks for posting.
She would make a fantastic Brexit Party MP.
For some reason, the BBC don’t like her 😉
Emily Thornberry is not worthy of discussion. Next?
Thornberry just strikes me as retarded, seriously, she’s clearly not all there – remind me why she ever got elected?
It doesn’t matter what you think about Trump the man, that’s irrelevant, we’re rolling out the red carpet because he is the democratically elected President of the United States – one of our oldest, and supposedly closest allies.
We’re not rolling out the red carpet for Donald Trump, we’re rolling it out for what, and whom, he represents. Any insult to the President during his state visit is effectively a slap in the face for millions, living and dead.
Thornberry and her kind ought to be locked up.
Yup, Enema Thornberri-berri, the whine that keeps giving Brexit a boost at every sneer!
BBC Online News:
“”London Bridge inquests: Chances ‘galore’ to stop attack, says lawyer””
“”Mr Patterson told the hearing at the Old Bailey in London that “any reasonably competent investigation” had the chance to detect the planning that was going on between the three men.””
The BBC have been running with this all day as their headline. It’s about number nine in priority on Sky news website.
The words ‘attack’ and ‘attackers’ are used rather than ‘Terrorists’.
The Left/BBC like this headline. It takes the glare from the Islamic Terrorists to the police and MI5. A cheap shot by the lawyer and the BBC/Left are sooo grateful.
What the BBC/Left refuse to realise is that there are so many Islamics with the desire and capability to launch an attack that only a minority can be watched 24/7.
It is rather like the Begum being our fault for us not preventing their ‘radicalisation’.
We really must try harder.
“…In 2017, the UK had the highest number of Islamist radicals in the EU numbering between 20-25,000. Of those, 3000 were considered a direct threat by MI5 and 500 were under constant surveillance.”
(I wonder how much that is costing the taxpayer – another benefit of diversity.)
Chubby Eddie Izzard lookalike Thornberry says “He is trying to take away the rights of women worldwide to control our own bodies”
What absolute utter downright bollox !!!!! Where do these lefty freak shows get this garbage from !!!! Staggering thing is, plenty believe it. It’s just pure, unadulterated far left brainwashing and it’s bloody frightening that our national broadcaster just laps it up , unchecked !!!!! Scary times !!
Thoughtful, yeah, accurate for one year and thirty weeks!
Hollow legs!
Seriously alarming artwork!
What language is that book written in? It doesn’t appear to be English.
Surprised the baby isnt smoking a fag!
Clutching a mobile ‘phone, Oak.
Fags are so passé
Yeah your right snuff – maybe a vape or X box controller for the kids of those of us who dared to vote for brexit
But for foetus,s of the “woke” class maybe a nice macrobiotic, soya, skinny latte would be far more appropriate – thus proving why us “oiks” need the leadership of the “woke” class and cannot really be trusted with democracy, and even in the womb they are busy saving the planet.
Steady on Up2, no point stirring up maxi.
Beltane, I thought I did that in the week with two substantial errors in my posts, not the minutiae from others that usually gets maxi worked up into one of his drive-by snipings.
Perhaps he was away on holiday?
Is she related to Mr Tickle?
So Picasso is illustrating medical journals now?
With all that is going on, nothing surprises me any more.
And what a nasty blue boil on her (his/its) bum too!
Those long arms aren’t really natural are they? Cue a line from one of my favourite ‘songs’, ‘O Superman’
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms”.
That pic has the meaning of a whelk-stall instruction book…
Is that the ‘man baby’ Trump inside Lady Nugee trying to take away her right to control her own body?
Just asking ‘cos I heard he was inside Stormzy once, but that can’t be right ‘cos the BBC also told me Stormzy was a male rapper.
Well her arm looks a bit long !
“He is trying to take away the rights of women worldwide to control our own bodies” Means that Donald Trump is trying to rule the world so that he can stop Women from expelling unwanted children from their bodies and dumping them on the rubbish heap. A right that Women had before Christianity was introduced to the Roman Empire. Women also had the right to eat these children.
However the Pope has more Global control over these rights than Donald Trump. So the “He” could refer to a Papist plot.
Hatred of Catholics, Americans, Jews, Russians and the Working Class English is rampant within the Labour Party at the moment. The Labour party is under investigation about this.
”Summer begins ”
Err no!
it begins when the Sun says so, as defined by the Earth’s axis and orbit around it, ie the summer solstice. not when the government’s Met office apparatchiks decide,
Think that is the 21st this year.
Eddy You win the pedant award – sometimes I really get fedup with writing any thing on this site / there is always some smart ass ready to pop away .
Instead of correcting me – why not write some thing useful about BBC bias . People like you really pee me off
I’m really thinking of giving this job up . Wanna take it over Eddy ? You’re welcome to …
Meteorological summer begins on the 01 June 2019
Astronomical summer begins on the 21 June 2019.
Meteorological is the simpler of the two, splitting the year into four seasons of three full months apiece based on the Gregorian calendar, which makes it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics.
I can’t accept that Edd, so I will go with Fed….
Eddy, as I do not read “the Sun” how will I know when summer begins?
Pointless speculation all of this because I heard on the BBC that when we finally leave the EU , summer will be cancelled anyway. It will always be winter, but never Christmas.
You have far more supporters than disparagers. Frequent users on this site know the valuable time and effort you put in, respect mate. Don’t let the buggers get you down.
“Eddy You win the pedant award – sometimes I really get fedup with writing any thing on this site / there is always some smart ass ready to pop away.”
Ahww diddums. Yesterday you were suggesting it might have been a good idea to vaporise hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan with nuclear weapons.
But to point out you made a stupid mistake about when Summer begins…
Poor little baby.
BiasedBBC summed up in a single post.
Congratulations 🙂
Evidence that the BBC are ‘confused & mistaken’, at the very least, over the Skripal Affair.
What? Surely, BBC confusion is commonplace these days if they have to tell everyone, via their web-site, that “you can trust the BBC”.
Kinder, more generous folk might say “Oh, they’ve just made a mistake. Easily done with news reporting in a fast moving world.” OK, in those circumstances you would expect a correction (in true Grauniad fashion) and, perhaps, an apology.
Unfortunately, they appear to have told us that they are confused about the truth themselves but without any correction and without any apology. How can we know? Because they are doing this right now!
Notice the fifth sentence in this article:
Then compare it with what we were told by the BBC (faulty as Snuffy’s memory can be, I remember the R4 News broadcast) at the time, that DS Bailey was ‘the one who went to the Skripals aid on the bench seat in Salisbury’.
This obvious conflict was picked up here six months ago:
BBC, it is time for you to come clean on your role in the Skripal Affair. You are being poisoned by a Novichok of your own making.
Was the Skripal incident a false flag operation prepared during and tagged on to the end of Operation Toxic Dagger, a three week operation in which 40 Commando Royal Marines, Public Health England, the Atomic Weapons Establishment and Porton Down’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory collaborated to prepare for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear operations by creating a realistic exercise involving government and industry scientists, British and American intelligence officers and more than 300 military personnel with a chemical decontamination area set up for Operation Morlop, the subsequent and realistic Skripal false flag exercise. Which then made lots of mistakes that included a woman’s death due to the scientist not knowing what the hell the intelligence officers where doing?
Pretty impressive false flag operation to manufacture 2(or3) Russian spies, create a lifetime back story for them, transport them in and out of the U.K. either side of the attempted assassination by poison of the Skripals, subsequently link them with dozens of other KGB(?) spies all listed at the same address which just happens to be KGB headquarters.
Test it seems some posts are being edited and not appearing on this site . Bit sinister .So if yours doesn’t show up don’t blame me …
Islam is in no way homophobic. It just teaches that homosexuals should be killed.
“Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (This is a sahih hadith)
Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” (Note the implicit approval of sodomizing one’s wife).”
Stephen Fry instantly regreted celebrating Iftar with his new Muslim pals.
Lucy, The sentence that stands out (literally) in the BBC article is –
“On Thursday, the former chief prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal, who was brought in to mediate the matter, said parents were being “manipulated”.
The BBC have it in bold lettering such that nobody will miss it.
Are the BBC touting the narrative that the parents don’t really mind their young kids being brainwashed?
This would be in line with their general approach to the issue of cultural differences.
Are there a fewer number of Christians who are also protesting?
Anyone notice that most of protesters are men…although the BBC always finds the women..
Elton John is ‘ashamed of the UK’.
The feeling is entirely requited.
Shouldn’t his knighthood be revoked?
YAXLEY LENNONREG DWIGHT!!))Never knew why he got one in the first place, maybe a reasonable muscian but a b awful singer. Let’s revoke the knighthood of both E John & Philip Green immediately.
Reg Dwight, why don’t you do one and emigrate to Europe, and don’t bother ever coming back as we don’t want you.
Meanwhile, I am European and a proud Briton, but I don’t regard the EU as giving me any form of citizenship, particularly since 28th March. The Europe I love is the continent, not the fascist dictatorship.
I have never bought a record or CD by Dwight and of that I am pleased.
If Dwight wants to consider himself not British, then he should not make those accusations as that is racism! Let him be a Little EUian rather than a proud Briton who has world vision.
Would Elton have said that in 1940 when Germany ruled Europe and wanted us as a compliant colony and…..wait a minute..
The first day of Summer is 21st. June regardless that the far-left bbc or the Met office are trying to change it to the first of June.
John, I recall there has always been a difference between the weather seasons and the solar seasons, long before Climate Change was a gleam in the Labour Party’s eye. In fact the season weather often did not match its own Met Office schedule for the season, so Climate Change was actually around long before the Labour Party was a gleam in Keir Hardie’s eye and even before the Met Office was a gleam in Admiral FitzRoy’s eye.
Long ago, when the TOADY Prog was a half-decent programme (back in the twentieth century?), the Weatherman of the Day used to mention the first day of weather season and then later in the month mention the first day of solar season or the solstices.
Ooops, apologies to davylars who got there first, further up this Thread
Well John in Cheshire – in fedup world the 1st of June is the start of my summer – would you like to run this site ? I can email the boss with your private details and you can start from Monday 3 June – which this year falls on a Monday ..
I’m sorry if I’ve upset you that was not the intention but the fact is that the Met office have been trying to change the dates of seasons for many years. I don’t know why but it seems to be for their own convenience. It’s just another nail in the coffin.
I became slightly hypothermic on the late May Bank Holiday Monday back in 2005. It may have been May 30th or 31st, can’t remember. I was wearing a ski jacket plus sweater but the windchill plus the low temperature plus standing around at times meant that I got to the point of constant shivering and went home a.s.a.p.
Did all the right things at home save a warm bath. Outdoor clothes kept on, warm drinks plus food, but I didn’t stop shivering even when asleep in bed until over halfway through the night. At that point I relaxed and started to sleep soundly.
Tomorrow should be the hottest day of the year so far. 🙂 Enjoy, whatever your self-identified seasonality!
As has been already said, the Solstice is an astronomical event, the longest day of the year. The 1st of June has no astronomical significance whatsoever, the division of the year into months being entirely man-made and arbitrary. I get really irritated by the pretence of the Met Office that the seasons begin on the 1st of months.
I could care less – I’ve taken that down . I’m not bothering putting up s preamble any more .not worth the effort .
Fed up, as a member of this site for many many years can I say the hard work and many hours spent on this site are greatly appreciated. Contributors were always polite and informative and open to reasoned debate rather than petty interventions.
Do hope you continue your excellent administration.
Double agreed with knobs on (even if I cant swear anymore!!!!) when theres so much to swear about!
Oak, apparently you can say bollocks. This has been so proscribed by our betters.
‘prescribed’, I think you meant. That’s if you have in mind the current LimpNonDems desire to do a Jane Horrocks’ Nicola, ‘Life is Sweet’ to anything and everything to do with Brexit and squeak “Bollloxxx!”
Proscribed according to Snuffy’s defective memory ist verboten, ‘und so nein Bollockses, bitte.’
Assistant pedant award, please. 🙂
I’ll take it in the ice cream equivalent of Bluebottle’s pound of dolly mixture. It sure is warm enough. Lovely day!
Two weeks ago – as you might have seen from a comment l made I put in a formal complaint that the BBC code of practice had been breached on a world at one when a Lib Dem – in a recorded interview was allowed to say “bollocks to Brexit “
I sited the part of the code which has been breached , that there was no forewarning of bad language at 1pm on a Sunday .
I got a ‘this in complicated ‘ response a few days later but since then heard nothing . I expect an apology to be broadcast by the beeboid mardell at the very least – but I’m not holding my breath .
I never really considered formally complaining before but I thought this was a bit much in all the circumstances .
Even for the most selfless cat lover after a while herding the creatures night after day must lose its appeal.
How did you come to choose the name Fedup? Has this sort of annoyance happened before?
I’m actually Fedup2 – because I cancelled membership once but then came back . But recently thought about giving up again .
I’m mainly Fedup because I remember when times were better . Naturally material things have generally improved but Blighty is losing its soul – as you can see from the behaviour of politicians – who have been shown to largely believe only in themselves .
And this sleeps through every thing. Link the visible amorality of politicians to the group behaviour ( unthinking ) of those in the BBC and other state agencies and it’s a poisonous time .
But if I have learnt one thing – nothing stays the same .
Whic sector accouts fot 2/3 of strikes ?
……………………. Education of course
May 16 i logged another of those Times articles
Articles shouting “far right”
which seem to be written by Labour Party front groups like the HateyNoHopers
This one was supposed to be about “hate videos” on Youtube
Yet never mentioned jhadi videos instead it was a veiled attack on TR
Of course there are no TR videos saying ‘behead Muslims’
May 16 on page they carried an article about Tasnime Akunjee saying he will sue on behalf of Jamal
but the word already knows that cos he sent the crazed guy around to Tommy’s kids house
.. The Times article had no open comments
More misleading BS from the BS-BBC “Birmingham LGBT row: Protesters banned from school”
Of course what the mean is “Birmingham LGBT row: Islamic Protesters banned from school”
However the BBC does tell us that this whole saga started when “parents raised a petition in January claiming some of the teaching contradicted Islam.”
So i wonder how LGBT contradicts Islam… lets spend 5 second doing a search, because the BBC with their thousands of “journalists” are incapable of doing that… three seconds later, here we go:
“The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”. Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas, in AbuDawud, Book 38, Number 4447
Lots men of course are famous in the old testament for engaging in anal sex…. and god punished them by turning the city upside down and raining brimstone on their heads…
Which is why in Sharia law the favored method of killing LGBT people is to throw them head first from a tall building and then stone them to death as they lay twitching on the ground.
Of course the BBC fail to explain why homosexuality is against Islam… that is because they are not journalist, they are lying deceitful filthy sacks of sh**.
I suppose the dress code is ‘a jumper ‘
Catching up
May 19 : 52 migrants have been discovered in the English Channel off the #Kent coast bound for #Dover this weekend. They included 6 children, all Iranian or Iraqi.
More than 700 migrants have tried to reach Britain in small boats travelling across the Channel in the last 14 months.
4,00 got through according to the Times
I guess they’ll be a fair number not counted there
May 16th : BBC pay reforms
“Five thousand job titles have been streamlined to 600 across six pay bands.”
How many staff got a raise ? 2,000
How many pay cut : zero
CCBGB . all anti BBC
BBC have just done an article on the use of FB to spread “fake news”
It is worth having a look at the BBC’s activity on FB because, maybe it’s my imagination, but I detect a bias in every one of their posts.
May 16 Oxfam sacks 79 staff in anti-abuse drive
Good job that Tommy Robinson is not working there
..and instead they had staff similar to sleazy Brendan Cox
Commenter \\ Can we be told the nationalities of the those sacked?
The overall coverage of this issue has been, since it came up, designed to look as if the abuse was being perpetrated by UK aid workers. Little or nothing has been said about the fact that the majority of on-the-spot aid workers are actually local nationals – employed by Oxfam and similar NGOs. //
ETS and the cheating English tests
\\ Pakistani companies set up hundreds of bogus colleges to cheat the visa system.
Many were eventually closed but some still exist.//
However the libmedia reporting is strange
eg Times title : Home Office ‘failed to protect innocent students in cheat case’
.. The test agency’s were bogus. Yep some of the students did speak enough English to pass without cheating
but is the government supposed to give students a free pass ?
11,000 left Britain
4,100 were allowed to stay
of them 500 are now citizens
May 23 : South African activist who spoke out against attacks on white farmers found dead
A South African woman who regularly spoke out about attacks against the country’s white farmers has been found dead on her land in Limpopo province.
“beaten to death”
Here’s an SA article on this shocking murder.
According to a Democratic Alliance leader, she was a human rights activist. But for the alleged journalists at the BBC, the fact that she was concerned about the murders of white farmers would disqualify her own murder as newsworthy.
A suspect has been arrested.
You white people, I don’t like you, says a black worker at a Licensing Dept. office, also in South Africa.
Surely the BBC will report this vile racism and then stick to the story like glue?
No, wrong colour racist, wrong colour abused.
The BBC has to be among the most racist organisations on the planet.
State Broadcaster also has an issue with religious persecution.
Found this delightful Tweet from a chap called Daeshawn Hakeem-Abdullah who describes himself as ‘a Black male who stands up against racism, Western sexism, and Islamophobia for social justice. Inshallah.’
He then goes on to say this in response to Annette Kenneally’s murder…
‘When I read about how the diverse peoples of South Africa have finally stood up to that RACIST White Bitch named Annette Kenneally, I dance for joy because I know that SOCIAL JUSTICE will triumph over all RACISM.’
His other tweets are just as bitter (and insightful)
@RobRoy the account Hakeemania_314
is one he just uses for trolling
He’s probably a non-Muslim who likes winding people up
Like he has a tweets saying “I don’t hate, I love. I love Allah ”
then others that begin “I hate”
Is he one of the Shropshire Daeshawns?
Government Response
Repeal the Yvette Cooper/Oliver Letwin Act
This response was given on 31 May 2019
The Government did not support this Act nor the manner in which it was passed. It remains Government policy that it is in the UK’s best interest to leave the EU with a deal as soon as possible.
And if ever you needed proof what a waste of time these petitions are…
A doodle and thoughts on the US-Mexico story.
In a turn of events, I looked at the BBCs site from a US computer. The overseas version has adverts, which is a refreshingly innovative way to pay for a website (rather than a dubiously legal poll tax). Anyway, today it featured a tobacco advert! On the BBC! It’s not even like they have a excuse that “it’s based on browser history” because I don’t buy tobacco online.
How the BBC Bias works
‘How the BBC Bias works’ video – ‘progressive’ liberalism in the arts
I haven’t seen it but I am pretty sure it is cr*p..and linked to some form of Feminism, Trans or other platform. I will come back when I have seen it – may be I am wrong….but if BBC promoting it….
Summer is a comin in
Loudly sing cuckoo
Grows the seed and blows the mead
And springs the wood anew
Sing Cuckoo!
Ewe bleats harshly after lamb
Cows after calf make moo
The oldest song in the English language. It celebrates the time of year when the sun gets warmer and life starts happening. Who cares what the flaming official date is!
So have a happy summer Fed and everybody who is able to appreciate the joys of the season.
But I suppose there are a few people who would rather correct my wording of the song’s intro above as not being the original wot was written in 1045.
Granted. I used ‘The Wicker Man’ version which is close to the original because I can’t find my original copy. Anyway pedants, stop haggling and switch off the depressing beeb and go ye forth and enjoy spiritual renewal in the glorious British change of season.
And if you are stuck inside, I suppose you could always watch ‘The Wicker Man’ (1973) (Avoid later US version)
Blessed Be
I’m happy to start my personal summer in May, Yasser. Get the wind and showers of March & April out of the way and I’m raring to go. Unfortunately this year, the cold, hard, unyielding May (different but also similar to Wind Chill post above) was holding on … and on …. and on.
Fortunately on 26th/27th May this year, things started to heat up a bit.
For those of us not keen on heat or glaring sunshine – roll on Autumn (and specifically 31 Oct)!
ti, me, too, for Brexit. Am not going to wish away summer, though, because my rapidly ageing joints now love the heat that I found difficult as a child.
After all you don’t want to be singing this too soon:
Well worth a read.
I am pretty sure that these days Noaksy, wouldnt have not got a job with Aunty as a “male” presenter. Unfortunatly now, the possession of “balls” is a distinct disadvantage and only those with a rainbow coloured, vegan friendly “mangina” need apply.
TOADY Watch #1
BBC are desperate to sink the possibility of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. The TOADY prog are campaigning against it – again! – this morning.
Leaving with out deal, as I understand it, frees the UK from all ties to the EU.
Simples, as ‘they’ say.
The Withdrawal Agreement, as currently configured, has a couple of EU hooks in it which could be used to reel the UK back into the EU in a relatively short period of time. This is an excellent site and the following is worth a read.
Leaving without a deal also saves the UK lots of taxpayer money. The BBC, on the other hand, love spending taxpayers’ money because they have lots of it to squander.
Wait until Greta is head of the Citizens’ Assemblies.
Yesterday – I noticed on Toady it was interviewing that woman from the CBI and kept on saying how “business” was so concerned.
Since when did the CBI represent all “business” in the UK?
But like the BBC ‘speaks for the nation’.
Ironically, the head of the BBC was once top floor Aunty.
Oak, so that really begs the question of Carolyn Fairbairn: why have you opposed Brexit in March 2019 and again in 2019 when the ‘uncertainty for business’ would now be two whole months behind us.
Fairbairn is just as brainless and stupid and useless as Theresa May appears to be.
If “business” must have certainty, as that tiresome woman is constantly telling us, how businesslike can it be?
The BBC did produce informative and entertaining programmes once upon a time Oak…Burnt Cork.
Brilliant. The days when comedy was irreverent, and more importantly, funny.
Yes Cassandra – your term “once upon a time” being the key.
Now the BBC far prefers to focus on different sorts of “fairy stories”
(draw your own conclusions)
And should one wish to enjoy basking in adoration, there is always….
The graphic not counting The Conservatives as a party in favour of leaving the EU was because they didn’t have a manifesto.
The State Broadcaster official wasn’t asked whether The Brexit Party should similarly have been greyed out for the same reason.
The complaint regarding Kuensberg’s comment during the BBC’s EU Election night coverage that ‘a certain type of person voted for Farage’ was glossed over. The response of the BBC’s ‘Head of News Gathering’ was that she could have said that about any Party so attach no importance to it.
The ‘Head of News Gathering’ (how Orwellian!), was dressed in the traditional attire of the Left i.e. a dark suit with an open necked shirt and stubble, with a slightly too short hair cut.
The lack of balance on the Election night panel was countered by suggesting that the Brexit Party’s representatives were engaged in the election and not available.
No mention of Alastair Campbell’s ouburst against the Brexit Party Chairman that his party was gathering Roubles. This outburst was not opposed by Huw Edwards at the time.
The complaint regarding the BBC counting votes as if in a Referendum was dismissed and they gave it credence by elaborating this point.
Great post Dover
Only to add that it wasn’t so much what Kuensberg said that got my goat as the snide tone of voice in which it was said.
This technique of demeaning by tone was then deployed towards Trump after eight o’clock.
Why do the BBC do Newswatch? They never ever agree that their viewers got it right and they got it wrong…there must be something in their license that says they have to imitate care for viewers opinions.
Anyone with a brain could hear the snide in Kuensberg’s voice…and as for viewers saying the BBC has a pro Brexit bias –ha ha ha
If anyone thinks the number of candidates for Tory leadership is accidental they need to think again. It’s an orchestrated scheme to take as long as humanly possible to get a leader in position – probably sometime in September. By that time it will be too late to re-open negotiations, or the EU will refuse, and Britain will leave the EU on WTO rules.
The Tories know that this is the only way their party is going to survive. They don’t have a plan to fix their wholly disparate party so expediency and short termism is the name of the game.
There’s a dozen already.
When Steve Baker joins in will it be a……
I’ll get me coat.
Emmanuel, that is actually really clever. Made me laugh.
If only. Do you really think they are that clever and if they were that they would be that unified ?
I sincerely hope however that you are right.
The anti Trump, virtue signalers, are massing.
At the head of the queue to show their ire will be those three great men, Corbyn, Bercow and Khan. What a tawdry trio!
Corbyn leads a political movement that is now supported by thugs and anti Semites. He’s shaken hands with every terrorist and despot. If someone tried to assassinate the Queen he’d be there, telling us we shouldn’t be judgmental and inviting him to Parliament for tea and biscuits.
Bercow, as we all know, is a pumped up little peacock of a man. He’s a bellowing bully, far too fond of his own voice and opinions. There have been numerous complaints about his attitude to his staff, but the strutting midget continues to be the worst speaker in living memory. He feigns outrage at Trump’s views and connections and yet when he was a young Conservative he was a member of a group that advocated hanging Nelson Mandela.
And what can we say about Mayor Khan? He claims that Trump’s attitudes to women and minorities aren’t welcome in multicultural, inclusive London. Bollocks! I want him here! And Khan, for all his posing, PC pretence, is a member of a mosque that keep women separate from their menfolk. There’s also the embarrassing fact that he fought to have Louis Farrakhan allowed into our country. This delightful bloke is a black separatist and Jew hater. He’s on record as saying that Hitler had the right idea. What a bleedin’ charmer.
These PC posers make me sick!
I vote that we do a swap. Let the Yanks have Corbyn, Bercow and Khan.
We’ll have Trump.
Send them Naz Shah and Rupa Huq as well.
TOADY Watch #2
The 30th Anniversary of Tianneman Square is next week, I’m told.
Some anniversaries the BBC love to publicise, love to celebrate. Others get a mention. While yet others, the Russian Invasion of Czechoslovakia, the d’Oliveira Affair, the death of Jan Palach, for example, are quietly overlooked.
There’s an important one (or two if you count 23 June!) coming up later this month. After their ‘schoolboy howlers’ of last year, I wonder if they’ll get it right?
TOADY Watch #3
Wall to wall football. I wonder why the BBC love football so much? Do they think it helps make them appear ‘ordinary’ to people?
Wall to wall Conservative leader candidates. Tory Grandee, Alan Duncan is brought on to whittle them down. He suggests a limit of ten candidates for future contest. How different is that from the twelve or thirteen they have so far? Perhaps, like the BBC, ‘sums’ is not his strong point.
Also like the BBC, he is quite good at sticking it to Bojo while acknowledging that Boris Johnson leads the field.
Well, in my view, in that situation you don’t need a limit on candidates: you need a different field, a whole new Party.
See my post above about this.
I sure hope so, Thoughtful. I keep saying and thinking (and hinting in reference to that silly Fairbairn CBI woman) ‘if only, if only’.
TM has destroyed her Party. Margaret Thatcher divided the country. At least under Theresa May as PM, the country could be said to be uniting again.
Against her.
Against the Conservative Party.
And I hope uniting, increasingly, for Brexit and getting completely away from the poisonous EU.
How does Duncan plan to cut it down to 10? Ensure 10 remainiacs apply so the others can be discounted? I agree that there are far too many. It looks pathetic but after the first vote most will not pursue their campaign further as they will realise that they would never get the support. They will recomment their supporters to follow another candidate. I predict a maximum of five in the second vote, and only two will be standing after it.
As a Aaron Banks inspired Conservative Party member, I cannot see who my vote will eventually go to. All candidates revolt me and I have no confidence whatever that any one of them will ‘right’ the sinking ship. Pity its not a General Election.
I predict you won’t get a choice of Steve Baker or Priti Patel, if either of them run.
Those two appear to be the least tainted by their voting record. You’ll have to be very lucky with Raab or McVey but I wouldn’t put any money on it. Boris will be a favourite, but I’ve no confidence in him delivering.
With the rest we’ll just be Remaining with the WA. To be honest I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
The Beeb run a morning article linking obesity to cancer
30mins later
ha ha a fatty and on oldie complaining about the bodies on love island (whatever that is)
so many ABS on display not enough fat people not enough old people
even fatties deserve love apparently.
Perhaps if she went the gym or for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa watching love island whilst eating pizza she might find some
Now on R4 they have Tom Daly’s gay husband talking about their new baby etc.
David Lammy is on LBC now trying to do damage limitation for The Labour Party re the antisemitism issue.
You realise by listening to him that he is arrogant man who can only answer questions with well rehearsed shallow and emotional soundbites (“…If nothing else it’s been a little bit lonely but I’m a fighter”).
It’s quite funny to listen to Labour Party sycophants ringing him to tell him what a decent intelligent man he is and not only are they Labour Party supporters but that they are Jewish as well!
There definitely seems to be an anti-Corbyn tone in some of his comments, I wonder if there is an anti-Corbyn backlash starting?
This short video clip sums the man up:
I presume the MPs one never sees or hears from are working to serve their constituents? This fellow seems pretty much on screen 24/7.
Guest, at least Lammy hasn’t been spending time writing books when he should be working on behalf of his constituents.
Leading Together: A New Vision for Political Leadership on Race (2002)
Out of the Ashes: Britain After the Riots (2012)
Taking its Toll: The Regressive Impact of Property Crime in Britain (2015)
Tribes (2019)
The sooner the time comes when we start shipping these people out the better………….
David Lammy hasn’t seen police for a while …… and if he had it would be harassment, no doubt.
When I was a child there were more policemen on the streets, but not that many. They weren’t exactly everywhere. I don’t know how they did it but, somehow, my school friends managed to refrain from stabbing each other in spite of penknives being common, normal even amongst boys. A penknife wasn’t generally regarded as a potential weapon. I know they weren’t banned from classrooms because I clearly remember that we sharpened pencils with them if a sharpener wasn’t handy.
Not a posh area, either. Don’t anybody dare tell me that things haven’t got worse.
Agenda pushing on Radio4 on Sunday
There’s all the normal propaganda shows plus these
5:45am Profile : Sonita Alleyne is the first black woman to lead an Oxbridge college.
7:10am The religion prog, might as well be called the BAME special interests show as the items have very little to do with religion
7:54am Radio 4 Appeal : Singer-Songwriter Michael Kiwanuka makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Kids Club Kampala.
11:15 Desert Island Discs : Lubaina Himid
\\ Her own work focuses on black identity, often shining a light on the slave trade and the contribution made by the people of the black diaspora //
12:04 Note that zoelyons, is on Just a Minute, She was on the News Quiz 24 hours earlier.
12:32 The Food Programme
Faith, Fasting and Feasting – A Ramadan Special
Yasmin Khan and comedian Tez Ilyas talk food and fasting in Ramadan 2019
13:30 Translating for Mum and Dad
Dr Humera Iqbal explores the unique experiences faced by young translators.
15:00 Vanity Fair :Anarchic reboot of Thackeray’s satire.
Al Murray as the narrator…. getting paid for his part in the BBC Campaign “Stop Farage”
17:00 File on 4 : Failures in the way recycling is set up in the UK is contributing to pollution in our seas (R)
(Actually only a tiny fraction of world pollution comes from UK most comes from Asia)
17:40 Repeat : Profile : Sonita Alleyne is the first black woman to lead an Oxbridge college.
19:15pm A Union Jacked comedian … a non lefty ? *
21:25 repeat Radio 4 Appeal : Singer-Songwriter Michael Kiwanuka makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Kids Club Kampala.
23:30 Yasmin Alibhai-Brown : The vibrancy of Islamic culture
This twitter picture is too big to fit on this screen,
.. The Full image down to Yasmin
My God! it is, as they say, “Wall to Wall”.
It should be known as the, ‘BAME Broadcasting Corp.’
Right what about 19:15pm A Union Jacked comedian ?
Could he possibly be a caricature, a parody ?
Oh yes
I guess he’s got to grow up at some point in the future.
If I ever decide to get my views on race , sexuality or the price of fish from a politically correct, woke soy boy, you all have my written permission to shoot me.
I’m sure there was a time when comedians were men who told funny stories which made people laugh. I think they were called “jokes”. Now we have “wokes”, and it’s not a laughing matter.
This is the way to go with comedy ……………………..
Good day for a day out at the seaside then, even if it’s raining.
A view from those who say the BBC is biased the other way
Yeh fancy them banging on about D-Day with it being 75 years ago.
Lol. Look at her little indoctorated bias BBC brain whirling around. She has been brainwashed. Completely unable to fathom how life could possibly exist outside the EU. Terrifying.
she is thick…she really doesn’t get it….anyone know who she is?
Martine Croxall is her name. Always thought she was a bit of a milf to be honest !!!!!! Lol.
Strange. There’s very little coverage of the Brexit Party on BBC.
One thing perhaps of interest. I joined the Brexit Party and pay £25 per year. I and other members received an invitation to apply as a Brexit Party MP. The requirements were preferably to have business experience or to have achieved in life.
This is contrary to the main parties who recruit from university etc.
This to me is a positive direction for the party to take.
For the first time in ages I have watched a complete series on BBC, Rocket Summer or some such name. The first couple of episodes, I think that there were six altogether, weren’t too bad. but after that it rapidly descended into a farce which only a child could have taken seriously. Of course it turned out that , as is now totally predictable on the BBC, the true villains were right wing racists determined to prevent the end of Empire. But the way in which the later episodes unfolded was ridiculous, infact, it was infantile. Is this the best that the BBC can do with our money?
Because the story involved some elements of espionage I drew in my mind a comparison with Tinker Tailor Soldier and Smiley’s people from the late 70’s and early 80’s. The contrast is extraordinary. The Le Carre series we’re totally believable , serious , thought provoking, absorbing entertainment. This Rocket Summer was trivial, totally unbelievable tripe. Perhaps it isn’t just the BBC that has regressed to childhood but the whole country. Anyway it has confirmed my view that the BBC must be avoided at all costs.
I’m glad you have confirmed my decision not to waste a second of my precious time watching this rubbish.
I saw the trailers for it, set in the 1950s, but with a black man in the secret service. Please spare me this politically correct posturing.
They spend ages trying to get the right clothes, cars and the rest to match the period, but then decide to make the cast multi-racial at a time when this was simply impossible? Do me a favour. What a bunch of woke retards.
The use of the quota of POCs actors meant some characters played by them were incongruous. But that problem is a reflection of the multiculturalism which the state sponsors in the UK in the 21st century. But the imposition of quotas , which the dramatist must cope with , doesn’t excuse the silly plot that was produced. If the BBC produced this series for adults they must think that those adults were dumb , gullible and easy prey for their leftist , woke propaganda.
No thanks.
The Camoron pose.
All his mirrors at home tell him he looks like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. . .
lol thousand upticks tricky
Rape in Europe at the hands of muslim so-called, “Refugees” has not gone away. The media simply don’t convey the crime.
Amnesty International say, in its report titled: “Europe: Time for Change: Justice for rape survivors in the Nordic countries” –
“Women in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) encounter multiple barriers in accessing justice for rape and sexual violence. High levels of rape and widespread impunity stand in stark contrast to the high scores the region has achieved in gender equality in many areas of life. The situation facing survivors of rape is not uniform across the four countries but there are disturbing parallels among them.”
I’d amend the title to, “Europe: Time for Change. Issue all women with firearms”. That would sure be the ‘justice’ the women would welcome.
Times : their barking lefty reporter has put John McDonnell on the magazine cover.
I don’t think Tommy, Farage or Ukip would be given the same PR
They signal also by doing a double page photo of 4 womens sport England captains.
They think women are underrepresented
..which isfunny cos everyone knows that women easily make up most images in magazines
.. and probably newspapers.
Look atthe wall of women’s face at the newsstand shelves.
Nadiya has her 2 page column as well.
What a posed shot that is. A ‘man of the people’ image with his mug of tea. BBC/Labour love to pose with a tea-mug. Makes them ‘accessible’ to the little-people.
On BBC/Labour TV Breakfast News, the pair always have a tea-mug in front of them. Anybody ever seen them take a sip?
Blair did the same thing. He posed on camera outside Downing Street in shirt sleeves and carrying a tea-mug.
Props to impress the little-people.
It’s got PR written all over it
They are shit aren’t they ? !!
Sheffield market crowd standup to #VegSupremacists
EHRC has asked for notes from Baroness Chakrabati’s THOROUGH Labour anti-Semitism inquiry.
…. ‘oh meetings were informal, we didn’t keep notes’
#WrongSpeak : Dutch MP Geert Wilders has slammed Twitter for its alleged anti-conservative bias after his page got *briefly* blocked.
Twitter often tolerates death threats against me, but not a factual tweet by me about a colleague. Madness
It contained criticism aimed at his political opponents
– the center-left D-66 party, which Wilders denounced as
“suckers …who import ever more Islam and then weep crocodile tears over the consequences, such as honor killings.”
And what a nasty blue boil on her (his/its) bum too!
Those long arms aren’t really natural are they? Cue a line from one of my favourite ‘songs’, ‘O Superman’
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms”.
That pic has the meaning of a whelk-stall instruction book…