Start The Week Open Thread 1 July 2019- including BBC ‘star’ pay

Half way through 2019 and our fight to end the Far Left Biased BBC is looking up . The coming PM has described it as the “Brexit Bashing Corporation “ and there are signs that sooner or later it will be put back in its’ box .

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339 Responses to Start The Week Open Thread 1 July 2019- including BBC ‘star’ pay

  1. Captain Panick says:

    Well, a second first. Comment on the Brexit Party survey. A bit off topic. Question 1. Age. Question 2. Where do you live. The answer of outside the UK stopped the survey stone cold dead. No further questions. That was it. Nigel, dear boy, the question should have been, where are you registered to vote in the UK. That answer was Central Bedfordshire. You lost our money as you do not have a UK bank account, and now we cannot vote on your manifesto. Grollocks.


  2. Mrs Kitty says:

    Oh well podium.


  3. theleftwilleatitself says:

    Podium too ????


  4. theleftwilleatitself says:

    Podium too ????


  5. theleftwilleatitself says:

    Podium too ????


  6. Dover Sentry says:

    So, The Brexit Party are going to contest every seat at the next General Election.

    This will be interesting.

    How are you feeling about this, BBC?


  7. theleftwilleatitself says:

    Thank you Mobdro for letting me watch The Cure, without paying your tele tax ✔️????


  8. Beltane says:

    Ah well, you say ‘podium’ but there could be other factors. It’s all a question of balance, you see. Sometimes the right thing, the moral thing, is to step gracefully to one side and let another, perhaps more worthy representative – of some smaller ethnic group, for instance – to take the honours.
    You will feel better for the minor sacrifice.


  9. Captain Panick says:

    Beltane. On behalf of Mrs Kitty, and the repetitive lefty person. Grollocks.


  10. Mrs Kitty says:

    @ Beltane I refer you to both Ferrari drivers who took their places last week and this week as sulky children, I however am a lady and accept second on the podium graciously. Now having removed our tongues from cheeks, did you enjoy the race as well.


    • Beltane says:

      To be honest Mrs.K my F1 watching follows a pattern of late. Record recorded highlights, skip meaningless blather – most especially if that should include any offerings from the absurd little leprechaun Jordan – watch start, fast forward to end, unless placings list at top left should indicate some sort of unpredictable event on the track. Sometimes watch post-race interviews.
      Each GP is accompanied by the anxious wait for Verstappen to kill someone – as he surely will unless circumstances or the stewards intervene.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Beltane, there was some discussion on TWatO this lunchtime about electric vehicles and the noises that they will be required by law to make at low speeds to warn visually impaired and blind pedestrians of their approach.

        Think my choice for a custom sound for my EV, should I ever be able to afford one would be:
        1. Cossie V8 from the late 1970s or early 1980s ‘beating’ its way from Stowe to Club Corner at Silverstone, or
        2. Matra V12 on the run up to Pilgrims Drop at Brands Hatch as it goes under the spectator footbridge over the track. I used to linger there just to listen to the increasing notes of Cossie V8 to Ferrari V12 to Matra V12 that spanned about an octave, or
        3. Glass milk bottles rattling in a metal (not plastic) crate.


        • soyelcaminodelfuturo says:

          Nothing from me for months and then not even about BBC bias. I shall go to stand in the corner but before I do, my nomination is for Group B Audi Quattro S1 c1986 on full chat overrun dumping unburned fuel into hot manifold. Glorious. I’ll just leave this here:

          I shall return with on-topic polemics in due course.


  11. Richard Pinder says:

    James Delingpole says “The BBC Is the Enemy of Britain and British Values” “Mad though it may seem for an organisation called the British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC viscerally loathes Britain. It despises Britain’s traditions, its values, its indigenous population, its history, its culture, its instinctive conservatism — all of which it wants to remake anew with the kind of Year Zero approach which proved so successful in late ’70s Cambodia” “The BBC is a disgrace, an embarrassment, a monstrosity. Its politics are so relentlessly woke, its bias so shameless, its hatred of the values shared perhaps by the vast majority of its viewers so flagrant, that it is quite incapable of serving its claimed purpose as the nation’s source of fair and balanced information. Any properly functioning democracy would have pulled the plug on such a malign and corrupting institution long ago” “It’s the BBC’s leftwards enlargement of the Overton Window we have to thank for the fact that we’ve got an antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Marxist on the brink of government; the reason that the Conservative government has not dared to do anything remotely conservative; the reason, largely, that people feel like strangers in their own country and no longer feel able to speak their minds”


    • JimS says:

      Delingpole is wrong about the enlargement of the ‘Overton window’, (the range of acceptable political views). The window may well have shifted ‘leftwards’, though I’m not sure what that means nowadays, but its width has now narrowed to the extent that only one point of view can pass through.


    • vlad says:

      Delingpole also writes, in Breitbart: “The scandal is this: the BBC — like the monarchy, like the armed services, like the Church of England, like the City of London — trades on a prestige it has earned over many decades. Thanks to its coverage of wars, coronations, weddings, funerals, its landmark dramas and documentaries, its global reach, it has become part of the national fabric. But it is trading on a false prospectus. The BBC as impartial arbiter, the BBC as beloved Auntie, the BBC as trusted source — these are all ships that sailed long, long ago. What the BBC is now is little more than a creator and promulgator of liberal-left agitprop — still, mysteriously funded by a compulsory fee which all viewers of terrestrial TV in the UK must pay whether they like it or not. Yet because of that false prestige, unfortunately, politicians like Boris are forced to appear on it and pretend that it matters.”
      And: “If Boris Johnson is serious about restoring British greatness when he becomes prime minister, one of the first problems he will have to address is that of an overprotected, arrogant state broadcaster hell-bent on undermining Britain and British values at every turn.”


      • tarien says:

        Indeed vlad, but how could it be done? to close down the BBC-it is already supposedly under national governance-of course clear out the dross and well overpaid contributors/news readers, reporters, jounalists et al, and replace- what with? Yes we all know that Lord Reith would be truning in his grave, and I’m unfortunately old enough to remember the days when Radio was imprtant and a delight in our household long before that, sometimes excellent but more often than not that terrible thing the TV thing arrived!


  12. Celtic_Mist says:

    They have just pushed through zero net emissions by 2050 to become law without a mandate.

    It must be gross hypocrisy then that Brexit hasn’t happened.

    There should be a mechanism to redress non mandated Government actions.

    Oops, just remembered, there is…


    • Not Gwent says:

      “zero net emissions by 2050 to become law”

      I wonder if they also got rid of “parliament cannot bind its successors”?


    • tarien says:

      It will never happen by 2050 or perhaps 2150-this world could not reliably exist without some sort of fossil fuel intervention-of course there should be a mechanism to redress non mandated Government actions, we are not totally communist just yet. Anyway can you see the UK with about 46 million vehicles on its roads, let alone other countries in the world getting rid of all their diesel / Petrol vehicles by 2050.


  13. JimS says:

    Nick Robinson on Feedback was telling us how upset he was about people calling MPs ‘traitors’, debate being an imprtant part of democracy.

    Well Mr Robinson, we had the debate, we had a vote and ‘democracy’ said we are to leave the EU.

    We had a general election, the two main parties said they would take us out of the EU, they ‘won’ the vote.

    But our PM, who said we would leave the EU, set up a department for that very purpose and then set up her own secret team to do the exact opposite. The ‘loyal’ opposition, that said in the election that we should leave the EU, appointed someone that thought we should stay as its shadow minister. Meanwhile the EU must have received more UK MPs briefing against us than both of Mrs May’s competing negotiating teams combined.

    Mr Robinson, democracy only works when the losers accept defeat, something that most of our MPs and the BBC can’t accept.

    Traitor is too mild a word,


    • vlad says:

      But he’s not upset by Stormzy getting Glastonbury to sing F**k the government and f**k Boris??

      Or Lamey saying he would ‘pour whatever I can get my hands on’ shortly after Jo Brand’s battery acid quip??


  14. LastChanceSaloon says:
    Sun 30 Jun 2019 14.00 BST
    Guardian Opinion Media
    How can we lure back all the people who avoid news? Emily Bell
    Initiatives such as Tortoise aim to engage audiences alienated by Brexit and Trump

    [It will seem obvious to BBBC contributors that we are not “alienated by Brexit and Trump”.
    We are alienated by incessant lies about Brexit, Islam, the UN, Trump etc by almost every Journalist and Politician in The West.]

    [The Guardian does not even tell its readers/viewers who Bell is.
    She has a Wikipedia article, she is Professor of Professional Practice at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Not taking her own advice.]

    [Here is the currently top comment demolishing the Bell nonsense.]
    dholliday 15h ago
    How can we lure back all the people who avoid news?
    By actually reporting the news, rather than spinning it to support preconceived agendas.


    • Not Gwent says:

      “reporting the news, rather than spinning it to support preconceived agendas”

      This will never stop as newspapers are mock political parties at heart preaching to their constituencies.

      What is wrong for one such newspaper of the airwaves to be funded by taxation.

      Impartiality is the stuff of unicorns.


  15. vlad says:

    What? Some people are escaping mass brainwashing by the liberal establishment? Quick, they must be apprehended immediately and forced to read the Grauniad and watch al beeb 24/7.



  16. digg says:

    The Independent must have given this story to the best bully in the Independent 2nd year. It really sounds like it’s written by a 12 year old.

    Japan gives Trump colourful map to help him understand its investment in US

    They really should consider giving these assignments to a grown up, this is so classroom childish and bitchy it serves the exact opposite effect to the one I think they intended.

    They do not seem to grasp that quite a lot of us know exactly what nasty game they are playing in the little bubble-world.


  17. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1

    Space tourism from Cornwall. Surprise, surprise. A question was asked about (CO2) NetZero and emissions. The spokesman, George C Whiteside, claimed a lower carbon footprint for it than a transatlantic flight.

    “You cannot be serious!” “I do not believe it!”

    Well, it is Wimbledon fortnight.

    No follow up by an intelligent, well-briefed (by the Editorial team), knowledgeable Presenter Rick Nobinson. Contrast that with his hectoring of certain politicians. Hmmmnnn.

    I wonder why?


  18. andyjsnape says:

    Funny how the eu.bc never has any negative news re the EU.

    Funny how the eu.bc can never find anything positive to say about brexit!

    Overdue this dictatorship was shutdown/replaced and certainly not funded by the UK tax payer – who it generally no longer represents


    • Fedup2 says:


      Humph going full interupt on a Tory called Hancock . I cannot understand why Tory MPs go on the BBC any more because of the hostility they receive .

      The BBC doesn’t like the idea of Parliament to be closed in order for the A50 extension to expire and we leave as voted for .

      There was no question that this is just another democratic device to achieve an outcome – much on the way that a criminal MP was used to push through a Remain vote .

      All options have to be available . And this interview was an example of The Brexit Bashing Corporation doo g it’s thing trying to frustrate democracy .

      I can only think that BoJo sent Hancock on to see if it was worth BoJo going onto the BBC. The answer is ‘ no’- particularly if he beat them and they cut him short with a “and now the weather “ censorship technique .

      The Commons goes on holiday on 24 July and comes back 3 sept . Will anyone miss those traitors . ?

      Stop press

      This was followed by the traitor chrissy Patten who started bumbling on about “honour”. When a politician uses a word like that then you know they have no true argument . Just wind

      Since when did “honour” and politicians have anything in common ?
      ( same with journos )


      • G says:

        “Humph going full interupt on a Tory called Hancock . I cannot understand why Tory MPs go on the BBC any more because of the hostility they receive .”
        I have a theory. Some years ago, the Government recognised the country was sat over a powder keg of explosives just waiting to go off, that being, “Multiculturism” which could not and will not work. They induced the broadcasters, primarily the BBC to enter into a clandestine pact to force the appearance of natural multiculturism on the public. Hence the disproportionate display of blacks and muslims on advertisements and now, most programmes. In exchange, the broadcasters were given a political ‘open field-day’ when dealing with everything else.
        How else can they have the free rein to thrust all the other objectionable narratives on the viewing public?


      • The General says:

        I wrote to Cameron when he was PM to ask why he tolerated the treatment he received from the BBC and their constant criticism of his Government. I received a reply from ‘someone’ saying he was perfectly happy with the reporting of the BBC !!!!!!!!
        Tories are constantly harangued and ‘lectured’ by BBC presenters.
        If I could suggest to any Tory about to appear on the BBC to go and look at Margaret Thatcher’s interviews and how she dealt with the hostility. She certainly did NOT smile benignly and back away.


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2

    The BBC deliberately raising the spectre of tariffs – and deliberately misunderstanding & misleading the listener over who pays tariffs yet again – in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit.

    Let’s be clear: if tariffs are imposed by the EU in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit they are not paid by the UK, they are not paid by the exporting business in the UK. They are paid by the customer in the EU.


  20. Foscari says:

    An “interesting” feature on the BBC website today on why Indian,
    Pakistani, 2nd, 3rd , fourth generation born and bred in the UK
    support India and Pakistan when in comes to cricket, but
    support England when it comes to football. It’s F–KING DIVERSITY
    in the teams. You see England have ONLY got Rashid and Moeen Ali
    in their side who are of Indian sub continent heritage , most of the rest
    of the team according to the BBC went to private schools.
    Fair enough Pakistani and Indian cricket supporters. I am sorry
    all the team don’t have your heritage. BUT I don’t believe the
    Diverity b@@@@@@@ks for one minute. That’s BIG BROTHER
    from the BBC Diversity and Positive Discrimination position on
    why HE or SHE or IT supports every other team than England!!!!!

    Censored Fedup – wasting my time over a capitalised tank again


    • tarien says:

      So right Foscari-these people cannot call themselves English/Welsh/Scottish can only refer to the fact that they hold a British Passport (if they do). Why would they want to be British when they so obviously are not patriotic towards the country that has given shelter and the chance for a better life- my wife of Scottish parents was born in Singapore, but that did not make her a Malay. Her parents held British Passports and were proud to be British as well as Scottish.


      • G says:

        Truth be known, they probably hold dual passports anyway.
        Nb. That’ll make it easier when the time comes to ship these people back to the homeland, the, ‘other’ nationalitiy of the passport held……………


        • The General says:

          No Tarien, if the situation did occur the ‘other nationality’ passport would disappear and they would claim to be BRITISH and to be legal recipients of all the benefits and ‘rights’ that entails.


          • Khaa2091 says:

            India does not allow dual nationality, I don’t know about Pakistan.

            Despite the support for the other team, I am prepared to bet that most only hold British passports


            • theisland says:

              I think most of us on this site know who is ‘British’ and who isn’t.
              Our passports have been debased, and without stringent measures being introduced in law we shall never recover.


            • vesnadog says:


              If poss, I hear that the Nigerians would be pleasantly surprised if they could hold 5 or poss, 10 passports of differing nations.

              More than one passport helps them “fly- in” and “fly-out” of those nations after the Debit cards of frail pensioners were obtained by their British relatives who gain employment in the British Social Services. Copy!


    • Foscari says:

      Fedup- Sorry -I didn’t realize that the B word was censored as well.
      I don’t often swear. This article on the BBC really got my goat up.
      It’s possible that England may play India in the semi -finals At
      Edgbaston again. It wouldn’t surprise me if the ICC who are
      dominated by the Indian money in the game don’t allow ANY
      England supporters in the ground this time. I suppose they were
      generous in allowing 10% in yesterdays match.
      Actually as I wrote yesterday the first , second, third and fourth
      generation Indians born in England had the savvy to buy nearly
      all the tickets when they were issued.Just like their Pakistani “cousins” know how to get hold of nearly all the Election Postal Ballot tickets!
      What I can’t stand on actually SKY as well as the BBC the way
      that “English” commentators must show absolutely no support
      for the English side. You can hear in the Austrialian, Indian, Pakistani,New Zealand etc etc commentators and pundits
      intonations of who they want to win, and quite rightly too.
      BUT not OUR lot.
      I expect BIG BROTHER has read them the riot act over this. It’s
      funny you wont find Jonathon Pearce the commentator on the
      Women’s World Cup being guided by BIG BROTHER . He does
      let you know that he supports England. And why not ?


      • Captain Panick says:

        Foscari. Supportive commentating for your own country has never been surpassed since the Seoul Olympics Hockey Final between GB and Krauts, in the words of Barry Davies, “Where were the Germans? And quite frankly, who cares!”


      • Fedup2 says:

        It wasn’t just that . It was because you put That word in CAPITAL letters . Rant by all means
        But sometimes I feel like one of those cleaners who have to clean up after mindless teenagers who assume some one else deals with their litter .
        And to be honest – I’m not far from either deleting rather than editing posts and letting the author moan – as someone did last week accusing me of ‘ brown nosing ‘ another editor .
        When that happens I start to think . Why bother – there’ll be someone else happy to do the admin . No one is irreplaceable.


  21. Ed Hitter says:

    The BBC certainly has a blind spot when it comes to covering the Brexit Party.
    Yesterday the Party held its Big Vision rally attended by thousands in Birmingham; a truly newsworthy event reflecting the amazing growth of a grass roots mass movement giving hope to millions of democrats.
    There was brief coverage later on the BBC website, focused on the party’s policy of clearing student debt, and at one stage I spotted a ten second film on the news channel that simply said the event had happened, but without any reporting.
    Not a mention, however, of another major announcement made at the rally about the scrapping of the business rates system in order to support businesses and regenerate high streets across the country – its a vote winner, which I guess is why the BBC ignores it.
    Now, 16 hours later, there is nothing anywhere on the BBC. Not even on its Brexit page, which clearly shows the utter contempt and bias of this out of touch left wing propaganda corporation.
    Myopic, misleading, utterly miserable stuff from the BBC. As it’s sainted friend Stormzy might say: “F… BBC.”


    • taffman says:

      Political Censorship by the so called ‘impartial’ broadcaster .
      Members of Parliament that visit this site – take note.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Agree, I looked at website most of yesterday just to see if there was any mention – nothing and nothing on main Tv as far as I can see
      but when the Change group or whatever they are called had a cup of tea together the BBC were all over it..
      No bias in BBC 🙂


  22. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3

    Rick Nobinson raises the spectre of the break-up of the UK in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit. He omits to point out that both of those desires and aims on the part of ‘nationalists’ (nationalism of which the BBC do not normally approve when it applies to the UK as a whole, or to England in part) existed for a long time prior to the 2016 EU Referendum.

    Dishonest Nobinsonism from Rick, in my view.


  23. andyjsnape says:

    Booo – sorry if i upset anyone.
    I guess the beeb will report this as offensive to someone lol


    • taffman says:

      Booo to you too!


      • andyjsnape says:

        arrrh, i dont pay my tv licence to be offended like this!

        sorry meant to say i dont pay for my tv licence lol


  24. Thoughtful says:

    Proof that Boris Johnson exhibits the usual Tory trait of cowardice and uselesness and as a product of the rotten school, the only things he understands are expediency and the old school tie.

    He understand that the BBC are wholly biased against him, his party and the majority of the British population who voted leave, yet he is not prepared to do anything about it, because that would require some courage and vision and the Tories have neither.


    • Helen Richardson says:

      If the PMs who were not products of the “rotten school”, as you childishly call it, had done a better job over the years, we would not have the problems we are facing today.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Childishly call it? Most of the problems we face today are the result of Camerons time in office, a product of the rotten school.

        Let me remind you that Boris and Rees Mogg both voted for Mays deal just so they could get Boris into number 10 – that’s expediency and the old school tie. They knew the deal was as they called it ‘a turd’ but they were prepared to sell us all down the river just so they could get the old school tie back in number 10.

        Cameron moved the Tory party to the left to get elected – expediency, and in the process wiped out any vestige of conservatism the party had. He filled not only the cabinet with the old school tie, but any external position he had control over with them as well.

        It was Cameron who set up the Marxist Theresa May to succeed him, and Cameron who expediently having lost the referendum resigned saying he didn’t want to put the work in.

        It is impossible to get away from the disaster Cameron left the country with. Instead of putting right the wrongs of BLiar he continued them, and made them even worse.

        I think I’ve pretty much nailed it calling it the rotten school because that’s what it is.


        • Helen Richardson says:

          “Childishly call it?”

          Yes, I do.

          And our problems go back well beyond Cameron, in spite of what you might want to think.

          M Thatcher, who was better than most, singularly failed to halt the onward march of the Left on social issues and, of course, in the BBC which, as Delingpole explains in Breitbart, has done a massive amount of damage. Immigration had also become a serious problem in certain parts of the country long before Blair managed to make it worse.


        • tarien says:

          Just look at T Blair, perhaps the worst of the lot and the biggest traitor ever-should have been hanged long ago.


        • The General says:

          “That rotten school” Dear oh dear, join the Labour Party.
          If you were about to undergo major surgery would you object if the surgeon went to “that rotten school”? That is just the attitude which directs the objectionable performance of the BBC.


          • Thoughtful says:

            It might have passed you by, but it was down to Camerons expedient decision making that the BBC was rewarded it’s Royal Charter and therefore an extension of the TV tax just at the time of the Brexit referendum.
            There has to be a suspcion that Cameron did some dodgy deal with the BBC in return for remain support -something they would have given without an inducement.

            It’s thanks to that expediency that we all remain here looking for an end to the bias and the appalling faked news. I’m not sure I’m the one who should be joining the Labour party !


      • taffman says:

        Helen Richardson
        Three years on following the ‘Referendum for independence’, we are still shackled to the EU, despite the ‘hundred promises ‘.
        Its The Brexit Party and UKIP for me next time. They will abolish the Telly Tax.


        • Helen Richardson says:

          Last time I checked, May wasn’t a product of the “Rotten School”.

          Perhaps she attended in secret, following a gender reassignment. Ask Thoughtful.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Thoughtful and Helen, you have a point about the naming of the rotten school, well, it was a bit of a mess 😉 at lunchtimes.

        However, the worst offenders re the EU when PM were all ‘Grammar School Boys’ – Ted Heath, John Major and Gordon Brown. All did their country wrong in regard to the EU. None have apologised for it.


  25. Doobster78 says:

    So the Lefts current hero, Stormzy, has been found to have tweeted some homophobic words in the past. As we know, this is something that always outrages the left so today, just for all of us here, i will monitor the twitter feeds of the following people, and copy the tweets showing their blind outrage, and calls for Stormzy to be sacked by his record label etc, on here.

    David Lammy
    Owen Jones
    BBC News
    Sky News
    Anna Soubry
    Jess Phillips
    Jeremy Corbyn
    Gary Lineker
    Gavin Esler
    Emily Maitliss
    Dianne Abbott

    Shouldn’t be long as these liberal lefty types are always very quick to pounce on such wrongdoing.


    • StewGreen says:

      The new Beast of Stormzy
      quotes of 2017 tweets


      • StewGreen says:

        A stormzy fan is unrepentent
        despite the lyrics

        Is there no dodgy character Corbyn will not attach himself to for PR purposes ?


        • Doobster78 says:

          another supporter


          • StewGreen says:

            Lammy would prefer
            ‘the justice of young black kids criminals being non-criminalised”

            Don’t notice Lammy expressing sympathy with this weekends victims of crime.


            • Doobster78 says:

              LOL. You’ve just got to admire the “selective” nature of the Leftists outrage !! He was a teen and apologised … all OK and forgotten then !!!! Pathetic, those double standards of the left on show again !!!


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          The idea that Jizz stayed up past his bedtime to watch Stormzy is hilarious. I imagine he is still trying to come to terms with skiffle.

          The fact is that Jizz has no hinterland beyond his allotment. He is a doctrinaire Marxist, for whom left wing politics is everything. He even split from one of his wives when she wanted their son to go to a grammar school.

          The man is a political zealot, a humourless commissar who would send his own children to the gulag if the party ordered. So I can’t see him watching Stormzy, whatever the lyrics. This tweet is clearly false, written by a Labour appartchik in a desperate attempt to make Jizz look cool wit da kidz.

          A £4 billion news organization might want to look into this. Not the BBC of course, no another £4 billion news organization, obviously.


      • StewGreen says:

        Details from the 2017 PinkNews article
        \\ In at least 19 tweets between 2011 and 2014, the MOBO Award-winning artist outlined what he thought deserved this kind of homophobic response.//

        They make the comparison
        \\ Labour suspended Jared O’Mara MP .. after he allegedly referred to gay people as “fudge packers” and “poofters”, also alluding to anal sex as “driving up the Marmite motorway”.
        The comments were posted in 2002, two years before Mr O’Mara stood as a Labour candidate in local Sheffield elections.

        So is there a double standard in Corbyn loving Stormzy ?


    • Fiter says:

      the most likely response from all the usual suspects will be either
      1, Right wing conspiracy fuelled by hatred of non white people
      2, No comment because i haven’t read the tweet


  26. StewGreen says:

    What’s with all these parties promising to give all this stuff away free ?
    Where are the magic unicorns that ill be paying for it ?
    Even the Brexit Party is promising zero percent student loans
    Labour Manchester are promising free youth transport
    .. hich put some people on the empty buses/trams but will increase the city’s CO2 footprint
    Than both Tory guys are doing give aways
    Labour planning a tax on parental gifts
    as if there isn’t a million ways around that
    Like them giving you free rent or employing you as a carer. trusts etc.


    • Not Gwent says:

      This is how democracy works.

      To win offer the electorate ‘free’ stuff to be paid for by one or other or in combination of

      a) themselves
      b) other people
      c) their children and grandchildren.

      Who can resist ‘free’ stuff?


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      I’ve noticed that there’s no mention of anything for pensioners in these giveaway promises.
      High rate tax payers such as politicians get a couple of thousand £s.
      Raising NI thresholds give non retired workers a rise.
      Student debt payments or interest rates changes give the young more money.
      More pay for civil servants and public sector workers.
      Rise in Armed Forces budget will give them pay increases.

      All well and good yet pensioners, probably the Tory core voters, are taken for granted and remain on one of the worst pensions in Europe.


      • Not Gwent says:

        “the Tory core voters, are taken for granted”

        That worked for May in 2017.


      • Pat..original says:

        A further twist of the knife from our esteemed broadcaster…an over 75 year old relative has just had a letter informing him that his licence fee will be reinstated next July.


  27. Jeff says:

    This is just an observation on how our nation has changed.
    It was about 42 years ago that Bill Grundy interviewed an up and coming pop ensemble, The Sex Pistols, on his early evening magazine programme. It went horribly wrong.
    Possibly their manager had encouraged them to be as obnoxious as possible to gain the notoriety they craved; whatever…
    They started effing and blinding and Bill, in an attempt (I think) to humiliate them, encouraged them to further outrages.
    The viewers were incensed and poor old Bill was pretty soon picking up his P45.

    Come forward to Glastonbury 2019. There is the all too predictable foul mouthed tirade from an ugly and inarticulate, talentless toss-pot, who then goes on to launch an obscene verbal assault on the front runner in the Conservative Party leadership race and talks a lot of utter bollocks about “inequality.”
    Of course the crowd, almost exclusively white, left leaning, middle class and privileged, loved it. Natch!

    The leader of her majesty’s opposition, no less, congratulates this ghastly oik and eulogises his contribution to society.
    Most of us can see Stomzy for the pretentious wally he really is. However Corbyn is forever desperate to get “down with the kids”.
    In the words of that 1970s punk poet laureate, Mr Johnny Rotten…
    The man’s a complete cxxx!


    • BRISSLES says:

      Sadly this (c)rapper style of music is now infiltrating the tv adverts, whether its pizza , tea bags or a promo for a sport, but the advertising industry (average age 23) would do well to remember that the age of the majority of the buying public is over 60 ! and we all switch off when that garbage starts to make our ears bleed.


      • Up2snuff says:

        I am starting to doubt whether the BBC know anything about what the public like and contemporary music after reading this and cite it as evidence:

        “Robert Smith would probably hate it if you called his band a national treasure, but The Cure are truly one of the best groups this country has ever produced. Constantly inventive and always brave, they’ve been weaving themselves into the fabric of British pop since the mid-70s, and they’re no strangers to headlining Glastonbury either. They’ve now equalled the record for the most headline performances (four in total), although it’s been a while since we last saw them at Worthy Farm (1995). “

        I would suggest that the critic that really counts: the listening and paying public who buy the vinyl, tapes, CDs and downloads – as well as their viewings online via YouTube and similar – tend to go for other bands first, then maybe The Cure and not necessarily as first or second choice from the Punk era.


      • JimS says:

        Advertising isn’t about selling a product it’s about winning awards!

        Just like modern TV, no viewers but lots of BAFTAs.

        Can’t wait for the Black And Ethnic Minority Advertising Award Show, hosted by Sir Lenny on BBC 1, 2 and 4.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Jim, The Cure were OK at that – winning or at least getting nominated for awards – but were none too hot in the sales department awards. Nary a No.1 to Mr Smith’s name in mainstream charts for singles but they did get a No.1 for an album in New Zealand and for singles on Alternative Music charts in the USA.


      • vesnadog says:


        “Sadly this (c)rapper style of music is now infiltrating the tv adverts,”

        And the recent sight of a 9 yr old white girl doing some kind of rap song/dance in her parents [holiday] living room while trying to sell us an holiday on a certain jet company add made my flipping blood boil.

        Some people argue that society is not getting worse. I disagree. When did we ever see young girls dancing in scanty clothes dancing in the same way we see adults dance in nightclubs on TV?

        The producers/commissioners of said adds are clearly deadened to the rights and wrongs of decency.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      There is the all too predictable foul mouthed tirade from an ugly and inarticulate, talentless toss-pot…

      That’s a bit harsh on old Attenborough, surely?


      • Helen Richardson says:

        And Attenborough doesn’t go in for crotch-grabbing.

        At least I don’t think he does.


  28. vesnadog says:

    Nicky Campbell, BBC Radio 5 Live, this morning; asking Tory MP Fox about his relationship with Boris:

    So will you work with a liar?

    Answer: I won’t answer a question like that. But, if Boris wants me too I will work with him.

    This Campbell creature sure hates Boris.


  29. G.W.F. says:

    Good article on BBC censorship by Conservative Woman. Shame they are so heavy handed in censoring their own comments page


    • Banania says:

      It isn’t them, it’s disqus. CW haven’t the staff to pay close attention, but they will answer particular queries about instances od apparent censorship. It is a very blunt instrument, simply triggered by certain words, and is easy to outwit.


  30. StewGreen says:

    If your friend is trapped in an abusive marriage you tell them
    ..”You’d better stay in it, cos leaving will be too difficult” ?



    • Not Gwent says:

      “an abusive marriage”

      It’s a club where one member didn’t like the rules and decided to leave three years ago.

      The abuse is coming from the mother (of parliaments).

      We couldn’t expect the club to play nice with us after we said we wanted to leave (though anyone who has attended primary school knew that already).


  31. Thoughtful says:

    Some light humour from a while ago when men were men and PC was non existant:



  32. English Lass says:
    “Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is preparing to fight an early winter snap general election to win a third term for Fine Gael if a Brexit deal is hammered out by Halloween.”
    Sorry I thought that the deal had been hammered and that it was immovable? Or perhaps???


  33. StewGreen says:

    11am R4 Doubleplus Good
    ..the character in the doco is both Polish and trans lesbian
    \\ Ellie and Ollie were once a lesbian couple. Then Ollie began the process of transitioning from female to male. Grace Dent follows the story, as the couple negotiate the change. //

    The next prog is the Loose Ends repeat
    which for the first time ever doesn’t include 2 black guests, not even one
    just Mobeen Ali as BAME


  34. TrueToo says:

    I see that the eminent Boris Johnson sat down for an interview with Sky.

    Sky must have learned some tricks from the sly BBC, like the poor sound quality, unflattering photograph and uncomfortable chairs to make those the BBC doesn’t like appear in the worst possible light.

    So here we have Boris sitting in a classroom on a flimsy chair for children, with his hair in a mess.

    The last of course is his own fault but for the rest he should be looking at Tommy Robinson for instructions on how to deal with the media. I paraphrase:

    You want to interview me? No, you are not choosing the venue. You’ll come to my turf at a time of my choosing. You don’t approve of my conditions? Then don’t interview me.


  35. Doobster78 says:

    Poor old Gavin. Every day on twitter, campaigning against this , that and t’other .

    He backed Remain – LOST
    He backed Change UK – LOST
    Anti Trump – LOST
    Hates Boris – GOING TO LOSE

    His twitter feed is full, and i mean full of Pro EU drivel. People like Gavin, live in such a little bubble that they have no idea that it is THEMSELVES and THEIR actions etc, that have fuelled this backlash against the Left and awoken those who were never particularly vocal. Keep up the good work Gavin ………


    • Not Gwent says:

      The bus again.

      A Martian landing today would ask why the number and the campaign weren’t branded a lie three weeks before polling day 2016?

      A scab picked and picked. I don’t care what the ‘true’ number was or is. I suppose it must matter to someone; else why do the losers keep banging on about it?


      • TrueToo says:

        Not Gwent,

        Remainers losers keep on going on about Boris’ bus because they don’t have anything else.


        • Beltane says:

          Poor old Gav seems to have overlooked that 350m euro is £313m, giving Boris an unexpected bonus.


        • Up2snuff says:

          TT, you are right. This week past we had Nick Clegg sink the Remainer belief that its was the Russians wot wun it.

          They’ve missed the bus over a month ago. It has gorn. It has left. It has driven up the road to Brexit to rumble with idling diesel engine adding its percussive tones to the choir eternal. Those Remainers who still go on about it haven’t been paying attention because one of their own tried to get Bojo into Court over the sign on ‘the coach’. (As corrected by an enthusiast who responded to Gavin Esler’s tweet.)

          The case was thrown out at pre-trial.


  36. JamesG says:

    Interesting article by Toby Young (which I think anyone can read by registering if you’re not a subscriber):

    “Portland Antifa are the real fascists
    Beating up a journalist because he criticises your political ideology is what the Nazi party did in Germany
    Toby Young”


    • Beltane says:

      With the notable exception of Matthew Parris, whose primp-mouthed woke waspishness is as predictable as it is pedestrian, the contributors to the Spectator provide a beacon of hope in the political darkness. Boris was editor for a while.


      • Banania says:

        Not only Parris; they also have the dreadful Nick Cohen an Alex Massie, and other occasional frights. Charles Moore and Rod Liddle are dependable though.


  37. andyjsnape says:

    i guess the beeb is over qualified to give a report on subjects like this


  38. TrueToo says:

    Paul Joseph Watson’s latest incisive demolition of the left, The Tears of a Clown, has had nearly 530 000 views and over 7 500 comments in just two days on YouTube.


  39. Guest Who says:

    For subject, author and publisher, #CCBGB


  40. StewGreen says:

    Glastonbury hypocrisy


    • Roland Deschain says:

      That’s odd. The BBC told me only last night on the 10pm news that it was the most environmentally-aware audience ever who wouldn’t go near plastic.

      That ageing rocker Attenborough held them spellbound with his latest song about the evils of plastic.


    • vesnadog says:

      “Glastonbury hypocrisy”

      Why would these Glastonbury children clean the rubbish up after they leave – they never clean their own bedroom up – mummy’s maid always does it.


  41. StewGreen says:

    FamousLeftyTolerance against Australian reporter Andy Ngo who was covering Antifa protests in Portland


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I’m sure both Jon Sopel and Katty Kay we’re beside themselves with indignation on Twitter last time a journalist was attacked. So far, not a peep about Andy Ngo.


    • StewGreen says:

      After attack live video msg


  42. andyjsnape says:

    beeb does it matter!!!

    the european broadcaster feels they need to report on this!


  43. StewGreen says:

    Gervais wisdom


  44. Not Gwent says:

    State Broadcaster news front page

    “Cliff Richard and Paul Gambaccini launch sex offence anonymity campaign”

    In my opinion this is what I’d expect an unbiased article to read like. Arguments are put for and against leaving little or no room for any accusation of bias.

    If only this was the standard.


  45. Doobster78 says:

    Thought they all went on bikes !! Lefty ECO warriors hey !!! They all HATE cars and preach endlessly to us about diesel emissions and the environment !!! Bunch of absolute HYPOCRITES !!!!! These are the same r soles that will be blocking London soon in protests about clean air and banning diesel cars. Morons .


    • Old Goat says:

      Serves you right. Did none of those situations ever cross your leftie minds before you set out?


      • Beltane says:

        Think of the agonising decision. Sit in closed car with ‘eco-friendly’ diesel grunting away and air-con at full blast, or sit silently waiting with windows open, breathing in all the fumes from all the other ‘eco-friendly’…etc…etc.


    • vlad says:

      Good. If they have any sense they won’t go back to the lefty noisefest next year.


      • BRISSLES says:

        The simple answer is, not to go in the first place !!! Only those with a single brain cell go on the roads at bank holidays and Glastonbury.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Mrs GWF took a day off work today. She works in London and travels for an hour by train. Experience tells her that the stench from Glastonbury people on the train is unbearable.


          • BRISSLES says:

            Two years ago at the last ‘glasto’ there were double page photo spreads in the tabloids at the detritus left behind by the hoards, the press this time have been a bit quiet in showing us what was left behind this year. Its ok to report on rivers in foreign lands being clogged up with plastic and waste, but not so much about the hypocrisy of festival goers in this country.


  46. Up2snuff says:

    This is a wonderful quote – I wonder if the BBC took care of the translation from Mexicanese or whether it was done by Agence France Presse (AFP) or independently – whatever, it should go down in history as a memorable quote:

    “State governor Enrique Alfaro described it as incredible, according to AFP.
    “Then we ask ourselves if climate change is real. These are never-before-seen natural phenomena,” he said. “

    I could not possibly comment beyond that it appears to be déjà vu all over again.


  47. digg says:

    Been thinking about Jeremy Hunts “vote catcher”proposal to give university fees back to student entrepreneurs who manage to build a business employing people for 5 years.

    Now this might be a bit of untypical left thinking on my part but giving money back to all those who can prove they don’t need it doesn’t seem to make sense to me, it equates to giving Gary Lineker an extra months pay check for every 5 appearances on TV, did he not think this through or am I getting soft in my old age?


    • Up2snuff says:

      digg, I think you are right.

      I’m afraid we have entered the Silly Season a bit early this year (must have been the heat on Saturday last) but this year it is the two Conservative leadership candidates who have gone silly instead of the media.

      This bidding war is quite daft.

      If there is a General Election, a lot of that promised by whoever wins will quite likely not make it into a Manifesto.

      If there is no quick General Election, a Budget will have to be held and it is now a winter date and IIRC comes after 31 October. As soon as a winner is announced, assuming they can command a House majority and win a beckoning finger to bow before HM, the new PM will have to sort out Cabinet appointments. Then the new PM with the new (or old) Chancellor need to sit down with Treasury officials to look over the books of UK Plc and see what they can actually do.

      Then, hey ho, it’s off to the Party Conference we go. At which point, all the other Parties will enter the crazy phoney war of bidding up this bribe and that bribe for the media to convey feverishly to the electorate. That, too, may then require some adjustments back at No.10 & No.11.

      Then there’s the small matter of sorting out the EU and 31 October 2019. Oooooooooooohhh! Scary.

      Looking five years into the future?

      Forget it.


  48. theisland says:

    Hunt’s ministers at the Foreign Office – EU meeting last November


    Security and defence

    The Council discussed a range of security and defence issues. Ministers welcomed the second tranche of projects under Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and stressed the importance of agreeing arrangements for third country access by the end of the year. The Council welcomed the establishment of a civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Compact, to improve civilian responses to security threats. It agreed to strengthen the role of the Military Planning and Conduct Capability, and to conduct a Coordinated Annual Review on Defence as a standing activity to provide an overview of defence spending, national investment and defence research efforts. The Council also adopted a ‘partial general approach’ on the European Defence Fund.

    We’d be in ALL of this if Hunt pushes through May’s exit deal as he plans to do


  49. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Regarding the £39 billion we ‘owe’ the EU.

    We need two lists.
    One showing the assets we have in the EU such as monies held in banks and our share of the buildings paid for from our net contributions over the years, about £500 billion I would guess. These buildings must belong to somebody and as a net contributor we must own some part of them along with fleets of cars and other hardware.
    The second list should itemise what we are supposed to owe the EU. We could go down the list and tick or cross out the various claims that the EU is trying to get us to pay for.
    I think it would be like a burglary insurance claim where the insured is after screwing the insurance company for as much as possible.

    After checking the EU claims for our money and arriving at a believable sum we should take the sum of all our assets from any sum we still ‘owe’ and whatever is left should be paid or if we are in credit, reimbursed.

    If they want to charge us to participate in any EU project they can tell us what it would cost and we could decide if we want to join in. We could also charge them for, for example, intelligence information or use of parts of our defence capabilities.

    We should at the very least be given the itemised bill to scrutinise and come back with a realistic offer.
    It should be published for public scrutiny.


    • Scroblene says:

      Calling Ms Abbott, calling Ms Abbott!

      Calculator please!

      Good idea, Emmanuel, but they’d lie through their teeth like they do when they don’t ever sign off their accounts over there!


  50. Sluff says:

    Our democratic friends over at the EU have failed to agree their next arch-federalist representatives in their smoke-filled room meetings over the weekend.
    Naturally the BBC is keen to report on this failure, which they do………..on the Europe page of the webshite.
    On the main page….nothing, How strange.
    The phrase ‘burying bad news’ comes to mind.