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The BBC again champions the privileged, this time its a rich “TV-star”, and now “victim”, Bobby Norris who is offended by online comments… in this piece of BBC “journalism” we are told that the comments directed to the actor are “homophobic” in origin:
Of course the BBC is confident that authoritarian legislation is coming to crack down on “hate” as they tell us that Parliament (with apparently nothing better to do) quickly responded to the actors hurt feelings by holding a debate. The BBC then tells us that:
“Speaking during the debate: Labour’s Angela Eagle… said ministers needed to take steps to tackle the “growing threat” and “increase in violence” against LGBT people both online and in the real world.”
So i looked up that video of Angela Eagle… who tells Parliament that as a gay woman she does not want to be forced back in the closet. Then she starts pathetically crying, she sats she is worried about religion… THE BBC didn’t mention RELIGION???… ALARM BELLS RING!!!!:
So BBC, are the problems problems Angela Eagle describes “homophobic” in origin???, or are they “religious”???, is there any journalistic rigor in this superficial puff piece at all, or is it all leftist assumptions based on a vacuous and dogmatic ideology???
So I intensely dig around online for around 70 seconds, and it turns out that Angela Eagle is crying because of Islam, and recent Muslim “anti-gay” demonstrations outside Birmingham schools… but she dare not name the religion because she is a coward, who was clearly selected by Labour because she is a gay woman, rather than having any intelligence, merit, conviction, or toughness for public life.
Of course the core reason there are problems with Islam is because in Islam the penalty for homosexuality is death, as Muhammad commanded “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”. Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447.
This refers to the god of the old testament who killed Lots men for engaging in homosexual acts by turning their city upside-down and raining fire and brimstone on to them. This is why in Sharia law homosexuals are thrown off a building head first, then stoned to death.
The BBC is claims to be a “public service” broadcaster, yet what needs to be investigated/answered from this story is:
***Why are the BBC spending licence fee payers money on reporting on the hurt feelings of some third rate celeb?
***Why do MPs have time to debate this, when we have major issues like Islamic child rape and Brexit looming?
***Why is Angela Eagle scared to name Islam as the religion behind the increase in homophobia she describes?
***Why is Labour selecting MP’s based on gender and sexual orientation, who are so fragile as to cry in Parliament?
***Why is Islam antisemitic, homophobic, why do they kill infidels, why do they rape infidel children?
***Why is the government protecting this evil by enacting “hate” laws without any election mandate?
***Why is it becoming illegal to “hate” Islam, while “hate” of non-Muslims who dislike Islam is encouraged?
Of course the BBC does not want to ask or answer any of these questions. They are not interested in truth, fairness, justice, or in the law being applied equally. They are interested propagating some twisted Utopian fantasy based on lies, deceit and cowardice, while grabbing public money by the force of law to make sure they have enough money to escape the societal collapse they are engineering.
This piece shows (yet again) that the BBC make no attempt to answer any of the questions that are actually important to this story, instead they willfully deflect, tell half-truths, and even lie, to push their myopic, inconsistent and dangerous agenda which even a tearful ideologue like Angela Eagle can sense is failing spectacularly and catastrophically on some level.
The BBC are pure filth, and many of the people in this organization should be prosecuted for fraud, as yet again they willfully fail to follow the “BBC charter” of “public interest” so glaringly as to make the licence fee a clear case of fraud, as is obvious by these yet unanswered questions, the missing information, and the lack of anything but the most superficial analysis from the BBC.
The BBC is a malignant cancer that needs to be cut out of the UK establishment.
… Of course, the BBC provide us with same pathetically superficial coverage of the Tommy Robinson trial… completely failing to ask or answer any of the questions of interest to the people who are forced to pay for their propaganda
“Ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been found in contempt of court for his Facebook Live broadcast of defendants in a criminal trial.”
Meanwhile the septic puss oozes of of the seeping wounds in British society left by the likes of the BBC, as outlined by this ex-police officer at Tommy support rally who describes what the UK is becoming… while the glazed brainwashed BBC lies, lies and lies again.
I am so glad that I was able to move to the USA, where at least the second amendment protects the first amendment.
The trial of TR is nothing more than a Stalinist show trial, no matter how strong a case TR had , no matter how brilliantly his defence team pleaded his case, the verdict was never in doubt. He is being tried not because of what he has done but because of who he is and what he represents. The progressive establishment want him silenced and want him punished as an example to anyone else who might put their head above the parapet in defence of those being abused and terrorised by mass migration of third worlders.
They want him sentenced with maximum severity. A repeat of his previous incarceration is certainly possible. Only highly visible , highly vocal mass support for TR can prevent the progressive establishment from having their way.
It is worrying that if we had to rely on the BBC and the newspapers we should simply not know what has been going on with Tommy Robinson and the stitch-up. It is only the “unofficial” media that are telling us thet truth.
She’s excellent. UKIP lost a good one there, sadly her For Britain party will probably only ever get a handful of votes. I expect the Brexit Party consider her beyond the pale too. Such a shame that her views (ordinary common sense to most of us here) never get an airing on the MSM.
Yes I agree imaynotalwayslove you, Marie Waters has much good to say and it is a pity more don’t listen, but our disgraceful traitrous media inc BBC have destroyed the opportunities that this woman might have brought to the political scene-we are in the grip of a rabid political multicultural scenario that is so enthusiastic in its design to destroy our nation, its culture, its once patriotic values. This woman is now a loan voice crying out in the wilderness of demonic evil. Yes I’m mad with it all.
Lobbie, console yourself, you are with the many and not the few, the one per cent, or one at the top in a hierarchical and thus assumed to be male and white dominated (and therefore bad) structure.
(Well done, Deborah, Snuffy was out cold at 10.40pm last night – missed Book at Bedtime, too – rats!)
How are things in the heat of summer? Handling the heat OK? Recovery and mobility improving, I trust.
I’m slowly getting there, thanks very much. It’s taking quite a while to recover, but hopefully I’ll soon be feeling myself again (Oooh, Matron!!).
Lobbie, am glad progress is being made and that you have suffered no slippery rock falls. 😉
Keep flexing those joints. If your Matron is anything like my physio for spinal trouble many years ago (she only looked slightly like a certain AH but behaved fully like one of his Gestapo) you’ll be lucky to come out with joints intact enough to feel anything with your claws. Couldn’t figure out why my head rubbed on the car roof lining every time I went home. Then I realised, I was at least three inches taller …
Not BBC, but I have to have a moan. Was in Genoa and visited a maritime museum. The whole of one floor was dedicated to emigration. It was an expensive exhibition, most of it related to Italians emigrating to the USA. We had passports, were interrogated by immigration inspectors asking about our reasons for going, whether our intention was to undermine the US government. We saw what the cabins were like etc, etc. But the exhibition started by stating that there was no difference between Italians emigrating to the US and those arriving in Italy today…. all are humans. At the end of the exhibition kindly elderly ladies from Africa told us how pleased they were to be living in Italy and a video of a teacher asked children for their experiences of immigrants, whether themselves or those in their class.
This exhibition was for children.. As adults, recognising propaganda, the message was obvious. Worthy of the BBC.
This is what has probably been excluded from the Maritime Museum in Genoa.
1005: The Genoan navy adopts the Flag of England
1795: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of Genoa
1800: The Royal Navy places Genoa under siege and occupation
1941: Operation Grog, the British naval and air bombardment of Genoa
1942: Six heavy night raids on Genoa by RAF Lancaster Bombers
Funny you should post about that, Richard. Due to a post about slavery by your good self below, it somehow triggered in me, my memories of being taught about the Romans (who occupied Britain! Shock!! Horror!!!) – white (more Shock), but probably with a tan until they had spent a year up at Hadrian’s Wall – and who owned slaves. (Even more Shock and Horror.) A subject written about a little by Roman citizen Paul of Tarsus, I seem to recall.
Anyway, I had just looked up St Alban’s Wiki page. He did get a brief, very brief, mention on BBC R4 because last month was the earliest accepted anniversary of his martyrdom, albeit not a centennial one. 1810 years, in case you are interested. St Alban hasn’t had quite the same amount of coverage from the BBC as, say, the Stonewall Riots.
I wonder why?
It will be interesting if the BBC mention him again every year for the next 104* years.
I wonder if they will?
(* The Wiki observes that there are no clear records of the date of death of St Alban. Unlike the end of WW1, BBC.)
Similarly – non BBC – but I found it strange – Royal Academy Summer Exhibition . I’ve always gone alone . Most of it is dross but some is okay .
But I found what was missing was more interesting than what was there. Plenty of brown faces in pictures – but few in the visitor population . No reference to President Trump anywhere – which was strange as artsy types are mostly snowflakes . No sign of a UK national flag of any type and only one exhibit with an EU flag and “no exit “on it – a life size immigrant type door with a lock on it . …..
I know the BBC does a programme on it but like so much of their out put – Biased tick box dross
I go to the BBC Proms most years and very few BAME in the audience which the BBC must hate. But I am sure there are concerts where the majority of the audience are black. What steps are the BBC taking to get me there? Well I guess I would be the immovable object, as the music probably wouldn’t be my cup of tea. I wish the BBC would understand that diversity is OK. It should mean that different cultures can like different things, not that we all have to become a homogeneous mass. Oh dear, has that brought us to Brexit and the EU again?
Yes Fedup2- no sign of our National Flag, how often do we not see it flying now-should be outside every council office in the land, outside every school, and like America inside every class-room-can you imagine how the lefty loonies would act-well this is what it should be. Patriotism! Whereare you where is it ?
Apparently soaring knife crime is all down to urban deprivation and social exclusion, and austerity, according to ex-police chief Leroy Logan who spouts just the sort of psycho-socio-babble the beeb love.
Oh, and we shouldn’t punish the perpetrators for some reason, which you can discover below.
“Jaguar Land Rover announces electric car investment”
Great Brexit news !
That subject has quickly disappeared from the front page headlines.
I expect more companies to follow JLR.
Eastenders. Fictional London. Gay bar now added to set.
Gay pride celebrations. Muslim girl wearing rainbow ribbons in her hair. They really do live in a bubble world don’t they.
I never watch Eastenders, being only too familiar with the real thing.
However, a while ago, a mate of mine called me and told me to switch it on pronto.
We were in a “typical” east end pub…is it The Queen Vic’? And sitting at the bar were five typical east end drinkers. Black bloke, white bloke, black woman, white woman…and at the end, complete with headscarf, Muslim lass. It’s beyond ridiculous!
These scenes only ever happen in some fairy tale bubble that middle class white posers invent. This is how they’d like it to be….but it ain’t.
If you don’t believe me visit the place.
On second thoughts…
Oh yeh, there are.
But none, that I know of in “enriched” Aldgate…Whitecapel or the incredibly diverse Bethnal Green.
Fancy an argument?
Honestly I wouldn’t, because…
I’d win.
The Way Out Club, Minories, Aldgate
Queen Adelaide, Hackney Road, Bethnal Green
Old Ship, Barnes Street, Limehouse
George Tavern, Commercial Road, Stepney
I’m rather warming to her. I love the way she puts the interviewer (who looks like she’s about to cry) neatly back in her box, and wish more had the balls to do so.
Ann Widdecombe handling the ridiculous lefty media in style ????
I think the BBC has a huge problem with HMS Widdicombe because unlike so many timid politicians she openly takes journalists on- as the clip shows .
Imagine if every politician who was asked a question , tried to answer it without too much deviation , but got interrupted just stopped their reply and said
‘Look you’ve asked me a question so keep quiet while I answer it “? Toady would grind to a halt , humph could retire even earlier , Tourette’s Robinson would need more therapy and the Hussain would sound even more out of her depth as usual ….
So we ll see how they try to marginalise Ann Widdicombe but she is too good at sound bites to be out of the news for very long god bless her .
I don’t understand why so many politicians, and interviewees generally, think they have to dance to the BBC’s tune. Interviewers are not elected or anything – if only!
Fear of not being invited back? If more interviewees fought back it would soon become the BBC’s problem.
Anne Widdecombe’s faith (catholic) is extremely important to her, and she certainly wouldn’t make racists comments either in private or public, so it stinks that the media and the twats on social meeja are having a touch of the vapours at one sentence in her speech.
This is now the problem with the behemoth that is social media. NOBODY feels free to express any views without the one brain cell bunch that is the media police. Sadly the press and tv media are just as bad when jumping on the bandwagon because of something they’ve read on Twatter and Arsebook. And don’t get me started on being ‘videoed’ in the street, whether in an altercation or not – is that not invading someone’s privacy ????
At every hearing in this saga, journalists have been abused. People have been spat at, had cameras attacked. A cameraman was punched. Today it was beer can throwing. Lies have been told about us, our reports and events in court. So, it’s pretty obvious why the police were out.
Indeed JimS. Not many little countries can afford to have their whole motorway network street-lit but Brave Little Belgium managed it, long before EU munificence, thanks to the generosity of the Congo.
“…colonies… Mr Verhofstadt, against their empires’
for me it was a reference to – ” On one occasion – incredibly, bearing in mind he was on camera – one of Verhofstadt’s staffers, exclaimed on hearing that we had agreed to the 585-page so-called “Withdrawal Agreement”, that “We have made them a colony!”. The sheer joy that was evidenced on the faces of the European negotiators when it became apparent that we had acceded to the “Withdrawal Agreement” tells you everything you need to know about why they regarded it as a clear victory over Britain.”
The English word “Slave” derives from a White European people called the Slavs, not Black Africans. In medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved, which led to the word Slav becoming synonym to “enslaved person”. Today the European Union treats the Slavs as modern day slaves for German and French companies.
In the ancient world enemy soldiers who managed to survive a battle were taken into slavery, along with any women and camp followers. The surrendering men were sort of considered as leftovers who by rights should have died fighting. As they were seen as ‘the walking dead’ they became property and not really thought of as anything other than a machine that could be worked to (their real) death.
Although different cultures ( Mesopotamian, Egypt, Greece, Rome) differed in how they handled their slaves,they obviously had the lowest status in the social order. Over time slave owners were encouraged to treat their slaves well if only to discourage slave rebellions.
Slaves who dutifully served their masters could eventually be manumitted, and in many ancient cultures could go on to become powerful ‘freedmen’ giving advice to the king or emperor. Many others had wretched short lives working in mines.
The funny thing is, after it being abolished here in 1833 we are getting regular examples of it in the UK news again. No one in authority seems to be that bothered though. Various ‘travellers’, east europeans, chinese, vietnamese and sundry dodgy diplomats are all at it. But Ann Widdecombe says something the snowflakes dislike and it’s instant pearl-clutching media uproar.
I think the descendents of those ( white ) ( men) who were press ganged by the Royal Navy could be due compensation …good one for the sharks once PPI claims end next month ….
A doodle and thoughts on this week’s madness from America and the left’s plans to somehow win the electoral college system by *really* winning California by an even greater amount than last time round.
“After the leave vote we are going through this ethos that it’s ok to be racist or homophobic.”
Nonsense. People are ridiculously tolerant and decent in this country – we are renowned for our politeness and reticence. I see everyone getting on remarkably well wherever I go but the vile BBC wants to hatefully push this idea that we’re viciously hateful, which itself is a hate crime to me.
Last night walking to the station I passed four different groups hanging out and having fun, each of which was multiracial. How positive is that? Barely anyone is remotely racist these days but we will never, ever hear a positive story about race relations on the rancid BBC.
We just want to take control back: Brexit is nothing to do with hatred but a basic, vital human desire to be in control.
I’m expecting this site to be very quiet over the weekend for a multiple of BBC related reasons ranging from attacks on boris , TR,HMS Widdicombe ( they scarred of her ) , homosexuality ( as ever ) and routine London murders ( one shooting death Friday ).
I – for one – am having a BBC free weekend .
So not too much to moderate . Thank you – almost all .
I lied . I also lied about avoiding the BBC . As a result my blood pressure is through the roof because I have just listened to a civil servant called ‘sir John sores ‘ the former chief of the MI6 giving a Toady interview which should stand as an example of how far the bubble – him – are out of touch with the views of mere voters –
Of whom is attitude seems to be that they are a ‘ thick inconvenience ‘ – he seems to have the same attitude about prospective PMs .
There is danger about . He questions the quality of prospective PMs – including Comrade Corbyn – and of course BoJo .Danger . As a voter mr saws has every right to comment and campaign . But as a public figure – with a tax payers pension – he had in my view a duty to control his language and public exposure .
If Comrade Corbyn won a General Election – without clear evidence of corrupt practices – then he is the PM . I can’t stand him – but I would have to hold my nose and accept the legitimacy of the vote and the outcome .
People like Sir John Saws – a brexit denier and generally – anti democrat – demonstrates how much we need to leave the EU and then take on the cancer which has infected Blighty .
This civil servant describes Britain as ‘having a nervous breakdown ‘. I challenge this – it’s the remainers going through the grief laden nervous breakdown because like Mr Sores – they can’t accept democracy either .
Not enjoying Wimbledon then? That eternal celebration of Englishness with immaculate lawns, polite clapping, muted cheering for the underdog, strawberries with cream, and the Red Arrows? I thought that’s the sort of thing that would be right up yours treet!
A pity. Some splendid tennis and even more than one British player making it to the first weekend. You’d like it, really you would.
Later today in what promises to be rousing speech in his inimitable style, ex-PM Gordon Brown will call for immediate expulsion of any proven anti-Semites from the Labour party. And he will go further, asking for the appointment of a minister specifically tasked with overseeing the expulsions.
If I could be so bold Gord, might I suggest that you have within your ranks the very person ideally suited to the task: Keith Vaz.
Keith’s record for probity and diligence is second to none and no finer politician could be trusted with rooting out such swines – dietary laws not withstanding – from Labours ranks.
I would, if I may, go further and suggest two able lieutenants custom-made for such posts: Baronesses Chakrabarti and Warsi. These two stalwarts can only add credibility and status to the ministry. Sami has already proved the ideal ‘ferret’ to seek out such people while Sayeeda Warsi will add her own balanced views together with the cross-party co-operation so vital for success.
Ex-PM Gordon Brown, together with the then Home Secretary Jackie Smith, apparently circulated all UK police forces in 2008 with a ban on investigations of so-called ‘muslim rape gangs’ – but there’s no need to go into that now.
Beltane ,
You be nice to Jackie Smith – the poor girl couldn’t afford to buy porn for her husband out of her own pay or even more importantly had to claim for a 99p bath plug on taxpayers expenses .
Excellent idea about a labour anti anti Semite task force. Mr Vaz is waiting in the wings for the yearned for Cabinet seat along with the lovely shabbi – what better way to gain further credibility ..?
This is what a fellow subscriber had to say following Mrs T May’s intro concerning the EU’ s Commission President.
‘Is there NOTHING or NO-ONE who can rid us of the cancerous malignancy called Theresa May who continues to inflict the most pernicious damage on the country she professes to ‘love’! God help us all!’
Germany now runs the EU- The position of EU Commission President is the most powerful in Brussels. The Commission is the sole body which can propose legislation. In addition it dominates the vast majority of the work which is monitored on a daily basis. In a very real sense it controls the agenda and sets the course of continuing EU integration by its daily actions. On the EU turning into a superstate with its own army, Mrs von der Leyen has been one of the most enthusiastic and outspoken Ministers in the German Government. In her own country she is the most unpopular of the senior ministers, presiding over a dysfunctional Bundeswehr which would barely be able to see off an attack by Monaco, let alone Russia.
If she manages to get approved by the EU Parliament, Mrs von der Leyen will escape a great deal of the censure (and formal investigations) being heaped on her in Berlin, and she will be free in Brussels to pursue an aggressive policy of EU federalism (are shades of Nazism coming forward?). Seems clear that post-Brexit will never agree with this Von der Leven on anything – should have voted against the appointment of an arc-federalist German to be head of the Commission. What did the BBC say about this issue-dam all.
Why does everybody harp on about the Last Night? It’s just a party at the end of the festival. But then we know perfectly well why they don’t approve.
The concerts are very accessible but stubbornly refuse to become more diverse. The LSO concerts in Trafalgar Square are even more accessible – they’re free – but they’re not very diverse either.
There’s certainly a case for challenging the way that Proms programming has been going under BBC control, but if the Guardian is concerned about “symbols”, there are other music genres that might be worth expressing concern about. Drill, for instance. I think I’m right in saying that the Proms still enjoys a low murder rate.
Thanks Stew
Does that mean this is also a fake account?
At the end, outside a few partisan Canadian's who were there for some reason, nobody in court had the slightest doubt what the verdict would be. Was open and shut.
Blue tick is not a hard and fast rule
cos not every celeb has bothered
and if you are a rightie you may well be denied a blue tick.
That Kate Adie account only tweets righties comments and has existed since 2018
Another account @KateAdie1 has existed since 2009 and is kept in protected that is more likely to be the real account. and just kept for private messaging
That James Doleman looks like a member of the international antifa cln. They cover for each other by writing PR stories.
PR writing especially from a lefty Alinky tactic mode , involves writing what you want o be true, they don’t necessarily believe
ve what they write, nor do they proffer proper evidence to back up their claims it’s often complete bluff.
You missed the one about Breaching Reporting Restrictions being a strict liability offence. Which it is. You are free to campaign to have the law changed of course.
So it doesn’t matter what the intention was. It doesn’t matter that the policeman said it was ok to film outside. Reporting restrictions were in force, he was reporting on the trial, so an offence was committed.
I guess @WildWoman has had a few beers
and is just being provocative.
Jo Brand incited people to pour acid over Farage, which is illegal
We of course accept she wasn’t being serious
and I bet you would have said she only *intended* it as a joke..
Intention matters and is the difference between murder & manslaughter.
It certainly isn’t obvious contempt if you stand across the pavement from the court and read out info already in the public domain.
Note in particular that “The prosecution must show that the person accused of incitement intended or believed that the person incited would, if acted as incited to do so, do so with the mens rea appropriate to the offence.”
Happy reading, Mr Green!
Unlike criminal contempt, this is an offence that can be tested before a jury. The Crown Prosecution Service hasn’t shown any serious inclination to bring a prosecution against Ms Brand but you could always bring a private prosecution.
The island
I was just going to recommend the tweet you put up because there is a thread about it on the excellent “
is the BBC biased ?’
Site which still comes up around number 5 on the search engines .
Ms Adie might have seen some marks on the wall as a new PM with solid views about the BBC prepares for office – even the dullest witted BBC type must realise how overtly biased their whole corrupt enterprise has become .
@ThIsland despite this not being Adie
There is positive news
I met someone yesterday, who had a brief interaction with a BBC presenter about Climate. Words to the effect of ‘You know you were right, I can’t believe that we insiders have been in a bubble, but of course I can’t say more’
We do chip away at the mountain, so it might have holes like Swiss cheese .. but there is a wall of PR people and Labour/union machines are pushing the other way. also well financed NGOs likeGreenP XR etc.
Ooops! Just read your post. Well, at least it confirms that I wasn’t imagining it this morn – it really was Anti-Conservative Party, start to finish on the TOADY Prog.
TOADY Watch #1 and only, I think, perhaps, maybe … a touch of the Jeremys (Corbyn & Hunt) possibly there how topical is that? Snuffy has his finger on the pulse of the nation, y’know.
Listening from 7a.m., with both the News & the TOADY Prog content, it appears that the BBC have given up.
Yes, given up.
Given up all pretence of impartiality and political neutrality. They are now the anti-Conservative Party party, aligned – mostly, I guess – to the LibDems but with a hankering for new, old, new, improved old Labour and the soft socialist Left and all the wonders it holds.
I learned that Tommy’s trial was presided over by two ‘justices’ and no jury and that the court vaguely resembled an appeal court.
Not sure how that works. What if the two had opposing opinions on his guilt? Doesn’t an appeal court generally have an odd number of judges so that conflicting opinions can be resolved by the decisions of the majority?
Seems to me that only two judges and no jury is evidence that the guilty verdict was decided before the trial. If true, this would be yet more grim evidence of the UK’s decline into a police state.
Since these two alleged members of the judiciary are seriously senior I’m wondering how much higher Tommy can go in his intended appeal against the verdict.
Anyway, he has made an emotional call for help so I gave a few more shekels. There’s a box on the donation form for comments so I wrote about the strong support he has on this site and pointed to the articles and comments that have been written expressing that support, particularly about his brilliant Panodrama.
I wrote that I admire and respect him for the way he gets up every time the police state knocks him down and keeps fighting for a just cause – which is the universal cause of the oppressed against the oppressor.
While we here are armchair warriors, he is on the front lines – a genuine modern-day hero.
Still, armchair warriors have their place and I think we have made, and continue to make, a valuable contribution against the despicable BBC and its ilk.
It’s all about “the power of the narrative”
Once people like in this case the judges get a narrative in their heads, that trumps truth.
eg The narrative of “That Jimmy Saville he’s so nice”
was so powerful ..he was able to go on abusing
It seems strange that judges, who are trained to be impeccably fair in their judgements, would be swayed by a popular narrative.
It’s also strange to me that a person can be tried for the same ‘crime’ twice. Surely his original ‘contempt of court’ trial and immediate imprisonment was such a miscarriage of justice that he should have been freed unconditionally? Yet the appeal court chose to hand the case back to the attorney general to decide on another trial.
What’s also really disturbing is that the charges against him have been changed three times that I can recall. The cops who originally arrested him outside the court said he was ‘disturbing the peace.’ That was then changed at the ‘trial’ to ‘contempt of court.’ And on Thursday the ‘prosecution’ added other charges to the ‘contempt of court’ charge.
It seems to me that they are making the rules up as they go along, to best realise their obsession to destroy Tommy Robinson.
Judges are not trained to be ‘ impeccably fair’ . They are trained to lie on behalf of their client for money . If justice comes out of it – that’s a bonus .
They’ll use high minded language like ‘ test the evidence ‘ but in real life it’s just a matter of pushing a clients case .
They then take this ‘ skill’ to the bench where they seize on some facts to get to the finding they desire
In the case of TR the judgement will be detailed and lengthy and aimed to achieve 2 things
1 – justification for the finding
2 – enough to give grounds of appeal to wear down TR and cost even more in money time and effort
The Appeal will fail – when granted because this is a political trial and not a legal one . The issue of ‘ proportionality ‘ which has infected the legal system since the HRA came in – has been thrown away in the case of TR.
Where is the ‘ public interest’ in pursuing this case ? Apart from sending a message to non conformists like TR that you will be crushed by the State .
As for the 2? Judges -I’m sure they’ll have had a friendly chat in chambers about the directions of their respective careers – which in due course will ascend nicely – after the appeal process is exhausted of course .
I hope TR lands up in the ECHR in this case but the stress will be considerable I think .
Fed – I agree with your comments on judges. I lost the respect I had for judges when al-Megrahi was convicted in the Netherlands of the Lockerbie bombing. The evidence seemed weak but the three Scottish judges found him guilty. It’s been called the greatest miscarriage of justice in a Scottish court in a hundred years (Professor Robert Black). There is a suspicion the three judges were leaned on by the Lord Advocate to come up with the “right” verdict. I thought judges were incorruptible men of strong character, but this travesty of justice proved to me that most of the establishment and our ruling class are cowards to the core.
Yes, you can be tried twice in England and Wales since the Criminal Justice Act 2003, but only for certain specified crimes such as murder, rape or armed robbery, and then only if “new and viable” evidence comes to light.
It doesn’t apply here since Contempt of Court is not one of these offences, but then nobody has been tried twice here. On appeal the original trial was found to be flawed on a technicality and a retrial was ordered in the interest of scrupulous fairness, that is not a second trial but a rerun of the original trial with the flaws removed. Meanwhile the accused was released from prison on bail and has enjoyed considerable freedom while awaiting the retrial. He doesn’t seem to have had to surrender his passport for example, because he was seen and filmed in Portugal recently, apparently striding up to somebody and felling them with a punch. No matter as that is for the Portuguese police to deal with and he is back in Britain.
The original reason given for arrest was Breach of the Peace, a very common all-purpose catch-all in English law. That is a matter for the magistrates court. The charge was criminal contempt of court under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 by reason of reason of a) contempt in the face of the court in that he attempted to interview the accused in a case currently before the court, b) disobedience of a court order, namely the reporting restrictions in force and posted on the door of the court, and c) breaching an undertaking to another court, in that in following a previous conviction at Canterbury Crown Court he received a suspended sentence and was told not to do it again.
Crimininal contempt is a strict liability offence and is not subject to jury trial. Once again you are perfectly within your rights to campaign that but it’s been that way for nearly forty years now and it’s generally agreed that it works pretty well.
That’s the law I’m afraid. Maybe you think that if the law says that then the law is a ass, but the law is the law and it can’t be changed just because it works against you.
@WildWoman “He was seen and filmed in Portugal recently, apparently striding up to somebody and felling them with a punch. ”
Did he just stride up to some and punch them ?
On the day he was milkshaked video showed two occasions where people just went up to him in the street and threw punches at him
One persons connected with Tommy’s head.
BTW you understand that the Canterbury trial was a stitchup as TR was not in the court building as we would see it.
But outside the door in the street , where people had always thought it OK to film ?
WildWomanOfThe Woods
“Maybe you think that if the law says that then the law is a ass, but the law is the law and it can’t be changed just because it works against you.”
Parliament has changed many laws, eg, laws about homosexuality.
Perhaps you can tell us if maxincony is gender fluid?
BBC Breakfast and Newswatch – despite lot of people raising the question about why they send so many reporters to cover the same thing (womens football) and why they put womens football before during and after the news…they say ‘ we thought hard about this and we think we got it about right’ …stock in trade bull…not sure why they have Newswatch..nothing changes
Then Breakfast newspaper – a lovely Black lady flags up stories about hmm… racism at university, sexism in medicine, getting more girls into science…same old sh..e …but BBC presenters fawning and lapping it up…I don’t know about you but I am getting fed up with it all..
“not sure why they have Newswatch..nothing changes”
The narrative is plucky presenter facilitates viewers complaints only to let the producer have the last soothing word. It’s like those ‘reality’ shows – the same programme every week.
“”Asian officer accuses Met Police of discrimination””
“”The 54-year-old, who joined the Met in 1989, claims she would have progressed faster and further had she not been discriminated against over many years.””
“”The temporary chief superintendent was investigated over allegations she breached police honours rules, but was cleared of gross misconduct last month.””
I think the problem is that BAME candidates are overpromoted so as to fulfil diversity quotas.
Having already been promoted beyond their capabilities, they cannot understand why they do not keep getting promotions. They do not realise that it is only because they are BAME that they got promoted in the first place. Ability or competence had nothing to do with it.
Its the same in the film industry, yes it was unacceptable that for decades black people played the token maid/butler etc, but in modern times only the very best, irrespective of colour, will make the big time, but the black lobbyists have to make an ‘agenda’ out of it.
There are now some excellent black actors/actresses – eg, Denzil Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson, Will Smith, and a particular favourite actress of mine is Olivia Spencer, but whereas the thousands of white actors/actresses who make a living out of B movies and ‘live in hope’ (normally seen on the Hallmark film channel where Meghan Markle was a regular, and hardly Hollywood as entertainment journalists like to report), inferior black actors won’t admit they don’t cut the mustard and make ‘issues’ about it.
Science and Engineering (and it’s a field I work in) need intelligent, hardworking, gifted Scientists and Engineers. Gender, race, sexuality, class (and anything else I forgot to mention) are totally irrelevant, and no hindrance to getting on in the field, which is very much about mental capabilities and nothing else – think about Stephen Hawking for a second.
That has been the case as long as I can recall, and I’ve worked in the field for over 25 years. Also for as long as I can recall there have been outsiders (always outsiders) pointing out that there aren’t ‘enough’ women in Science and Engineering, belittling Scientists and Engineers as ‘misogynist dinosaurs’ and enforcing ‘positive discrimination’ on us. Honestly, I’ve never come across misogyny, or sexual harassment among Scientists and Engineers, factory floor workers, rig drivers, builders, teachers, HR, yes, graduate Scientists and Engineers no, never, nerds are too scared of women to harass them.
When I was a young undergrad in a class of 56 boys and 3 girls, I would very much have liked a few more girls (especially good looking ones), I was so jealous of friends doing Biology with a gender ratio skewed the other way, I actually considered swapping degree. However, the three girls who took their first degree with me all excelled and were among the top achievers, they were respected friends and colleagues, never sexually harrassed, and have all gone on to do well in various fields. They studied Engineering and Science because they really wanted to, and had a talent for it, not because of some kind of ‘quota’, and as a result are excellent Scientists and Engineers. Those who enter the profession because they’re pushed by outsiders who want to see ‘equality’ in the field, seem neither keen, not gifted – how is it helping to promote them at the cost of boys who really want to do it?
As for BAME, there were loads of them on my degree (nearly half, if I recall rightly), although most were overseas students, rather than UK. I’ve had friends and colleagues from a dozen different countries and of all ethnicities, especially South Asian and Chinese.
If you look at the numbers there are less women in Science and Engineering, but there are less men in Primary Education, Nursing and Care too… maybe it has something to do with the fact that many young boys like to play with cars and make things, whilst many young girls like to play with dolls and dress up? Not ALL, no, but most, yes, and in my experience, it happens even if parents and school try, really, really hard to enforce ‘gender non-stereotyping’.
Mother Nature wins again, she always does in the end.
There was a time when finding a good woman engineer was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Now they are trying to convince us that actually hay is as good as needles.
No doubt there are exceptionally good five-foot basketball players, but they are rare. But change the rules and five-foot players can be even better than six-footers! We have seen education ‘feminised’ and now the workplace has to be made ‘female-friendly’ too.
I suspect this suits British managers who never liked engineers anyway, they are the awkward squad. Far better to have some of those nice girls that did what the teacher asked and put it in a nice folder! All good compliant stuff, all boxes neatly ticked!
Result no innovation, no risk taking, no anticipating problems. Who cares? Lessons will be learned(!) New contracts placed to fix what should never have been done in the first place. Great for the balance sheet, bad for the customer.
“……maybe it has something to do with the fact that many young boys like to play with cars and make things, whilst many young girls like to play with dolls and dress up?” And scream for no apparent reason.
Only yesterday I was speculating on why two local households with girl children do not step in to reduce or stop these girls emitting high pitched screams/shrieks in the garden. It can be ear shattering roughly once a minute for no logical reason. I don’t hear the boy children screaming. So I guess my displeasure will end naturally when all the girls ‘transition’ to boys……………
It was always a ‘given’ in the workplace for decades that despite doing the same job as a man, the woman would always be paid less. It was always ‘assumed’ that the woman would leave to have babies – never to work again, whereas the chap would need the extra because of the family he would have to keep.
I was an estate agent for many years back in the 70’s/80’s and did my time calculating square footages to give accurate valuations on properties. I knew it was ever thus that my male colleagues of the same age earned more, but the wound ran deep when a young male school leaver and 14 years my junior came to the firm, and I had to teach him the ropes. Fast forward 5 years, and despite us both doing the same job, he now earned a couple of thousand per annum more than me, totally regardless of the fact that I had taught him all he knew. The word ‘aggrieved’ doesn’t begin to cover how I felt.
Toady earlier, I could only put up with a very small portion of today’s menu of Critical Theory from our own, “Beauty” before hitting the off button. So, I missed the main display of faux anger and disbelief on the 0800 news bulletin that, shock horror some Conservative voters have received two, yes, TWO ballot papers. Our “Beauty” is concerned that there will unlikely be any repercussions as the ballot is a private matter not covered by legislation. Umm…..maybe a minute and a half at the most.
Funny you should mention a cunning plan Pugz because I’ve been thinking. Now I know that’s not always the wisest move, but bear with me.
Just suppose this whole BBC bias business is one giant scam? How so? Well, look at the people they consistently choose to mould our opinions and put the BBC/Guardian/lib-elite case.
Take Alastair Campbell. An alcoholic in remission with well-publicised mental issues, a bully who sees himself as some sort of Machiavelli while the reality is closer to Mussolini. Outside of politics and the BBC a non-entity, as much despised as pitied.
Then there’s Polly Toynbee, a faded, jaded pseudo socialist with a career founded and maintained on a book written by an uncle and opinions as valid and valued as any similarly gifted parrot of the same name.
Owen Jones, the Peter Pan of politics, trading on his gayness – his boyfriends must be sorry for him – with as much genuine credibility and less charisma than Lilly Savage.
Mary Beard, Dan Snow, Norman Smith, Zoe Williams, Alhibi-Brown, Roger Harrabin, Diane Abbott…the list goes on and anyone on this site could double it.
Now. Who in their right mind would choose such people to represent informed thinking, balanced opinion, public concerns, the national interest? Makes you think, surely?
So what if it were to be a scam, hatched years ago by Lord Reith to dupe us into believing the BBC has lost its way, only to surprise us all with a dramatic U-turn to beat all U-turns. Of course, we’d all be up faeces-creek with no paddles, and Maxi would be at a loose end, again, but what if, eh?
The racist beeb, which pretends to be colour blind, is in fact acutely aware of colour, which ‘colours’ its whole world view and how it reports events.
For example it systematically downplays black (and islamic) crime, while systematically highlighting, glorifying and exaggerating their achievements.
It’s a combination of political agenda and virtue signalling: look how un-racist we are.
Erm, because she’s a very talented fifteen-year-old who has defeated a three-time champion and two other seasoned players in reaching, who appears to be charming, well-balanced, mature for her years and not at all given to on-court theatricals and tantrums? What’s not to like?
“”Carola Rackete: How a ship captain took on Italy’s Salvini””
“”The Italian government’s position is that Libya’s coastguard should take migrants back, and that rescue ships are acting as a taxi service that facilitate traffickers’ work. Many Italians seem to agree.””
“”Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, the man nicknamed Il Capitano (The Captain) by his supporters, delivers live broadcasts on Facebook in which he thumbs his nose at the EU. Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron, the leaders he blames for ruining the union, are regular targets.
“Italy has stopped bowing its head to obey,” he wrote on Twitter in August 2018, two months after taking office, and after ordering Italian ports to prevent rescue ships carrying migrants from docking. “This time there are those who say NO,” he wrote.””
This BBC feature is typical of their favourable left wing attitude to illegal immigration.
The female captain of the ‘rescue boat’ that patrols the med looking for illegal immigrants is regarded by the BBC as a heroine and a counter view is not supported.
The Italian government is hostile to both the EU and illegal immigration. Not approved by our far-Left BBC, of course.
Dover Sentry
I suspect that The Soviet Union did not collapse but merely changed it’s name to The European Union and moved it’s headquarters to Brussels with the BBC and many other Western European useful idiots acting as it’s propaganda arm. Trouble is a lot of patriotic Europeans seem to have noticed. So interesting times ahead.
It’s been warm in Alaska apparently. Not quite sure how the BBC will spin this one ?? What could the reason be in BBC eco warrior land ?? Oh yes ,,,, very subtle BBC !!!!
Yet all they want to do is to just “blend into society” !!!. They don’t want any fuss , any special treatment , just to be treated like any other citizen ….. BUT …..They just can’t help themselves ……attention seeking is what it’s all about.
The 7 musical child prodigies in one family the Times says
Here’s 2
We're looking forward to tonight's concert with Jeneba and Aminata Kanneh-Mason, younger sisters of @ShekuKM, as seen on Britain’s Got Talent, The Baftas and BBC Young Musician! It's 6-7pm in our Recital Hall & tickets will be available on the door for £5. ????
but also in the magazine , with less flattering photos
how Candace Owens and George Farmer got together, and will get married
\\ He’s the son of a lord, and a former Tory who defected to the Brexit Party. She’s a right-wing American who believes black people should dump the Democrats. Nigel Farage played Cupid. This summer they cement their special relationship – by getting married at a Trump family vineyard.
Thursday’s Times2 had a front cover with Idris Elba and 2 further pages of photos of him.
The leisure section is looking way less than 87% white
more like 55%
Just finished listening to Pick of the Pops on Radio 2; 1975 some really good music but I digress. The news came on and there was a report from Ben Hunte, the BBC LGBT correspondent.
BBC LGBT correspondent!
Did a bit of a search and uncovered this…
The BBC have certainly got value for money because not only is Ben Hunte gay, he’s black as well.
“As the first BBC LGBT correspondent, Hunte will sit in the news-gathering division. Whenever an LGBT story breaks, he’ll appear on the 6 or 10 o’clock news, across the websites or on the Today programme.”
Not all The Evening Standard readers agree with the BBC having correspondent who covers only LGBT stories. I think this letter speaks on behalf of a lot of people…
…… ” tearing down barriers and busting stereotypes ”
Au contraire.. you are actually creating them. Why a correspondent has to be identified by his sexuality completely defeats the purpose. How many years have homosexuals battled to be accepted as ” just one more ” in society? Yet every where you look it’s lbgt this and lgbt that as if setting up a seperate society. Bonkers!”
Encouraging to see our television licence money spent wisely.
Hi Cassandra
We’re hosting a left of centre friend over the weekend.
But they do still have a little common sense and recognition of OTT political correctness.
Thus, unprompted, they showed me an advert for Co-op strawberries in today’s Times.
Here is the strapline
‘100% British strawberries. Fresh, juicy, and HELP FUND LGBT+ causes like Liverpool City Region Pride Foundation.
FFS doesn’t even begin to cover it.
It does however ensure reduced Co-op business from the extended Sluff household
“setting up a seperate society. Bonkers!..Encouraging to see our television licence money spent wisely.”
Now State Broadcaster has a LGBT correspondent perhaps they can have a (pro) Brexit correspondant? Given the patchy approach to unbiased reporting; why not set up left and right wing channels and be done with it?
Maybe PhilipGreen or a black guy or a Muslim who knows ?
\\ ..the wealthy establishment figure as reported in the Times today.
Despite being accused of serious sexual abuse and assault, he was granted anonymity by the courts. The protection of his reputation was the important thing, seemingly. //
.. 3 pages, The Times talks about the courts pulling tricks on them
.. yeh ask TR
No real surprise with the TR stitch-up. It’s clear that the verdict was made some time ago and it just needed a kangaroo court to make it official.
What *is* sinister and very worrying is the reason *why* they found him guilty. There must be a strong probability that the guilty verdict was passed to placate Muslims everywhere, to avoid bloodshed and retribution by the Muslim swarm which infests this country.
This can also be seen within the MSM. It’s one of the reasons why the bBBC always buries the anti-muslim news in their regional pages, yet if one of the muzzies so much as passes a GCSE exam it would probably get front-page news and would be an “inspiration” to everyone.
Keep them happy, ignore their murderous, homophobic, barbaric, stinking way of life and maybe they won’t blow us up. It will only get worse.
I watch way too much soccer, as do most of my friends. Yet neither I nor anyone I know has seen anything of the women’s football world cup. So who are these record TV audiences, where are they? They don’t live or work near me.
I’m puzzled too. I have been watching it but nobody I work with has. So, yeah, who are these record audiences?
The football is actually frustrating – nay, infuriating – to watch. Passes are inaccurate, overhit, delayed or telegraphed. Hesitation alternates with rushed play. Teammates don’t seem to be on the same wavelength.
The only things that have impressed me are the athleticism and fitness of the USA team and the analysis of Hope Solo – the only pundit who is well worth listening to.
Dunno how they measure the TV audience. Maybe quite a few people were just channel hopping, saw the women’s football and switched to something else. Maybe some thought it was men’s football and then switched.
I just watched the England-Sweden game. Not bad, but it’s true that it’s nowhere near the standard of the men’s game. Still, both teams really tried hard and that alone made the game more enjoyable to watch than many men’s games, where they so often play tactically, like playing for time when ahead.
I won’t reveal the score here since people have surely recorded the game to watch later (ahem).
Have to agree they tried hard TT, but it’s difficult to understand just what Phil Neville has been teaching them.
It may sound trite, but with so many women having a strange but well-established lack of spacial awareness, the same obviously seems to apply in football. That’s not being sexist or condescending, it’s simply true and I can’t pretend to know why, but until someone understands the problem and rectifies it, they seem destined to struggle.
The US team is not as powerful or skilled as everyone seems happy to confirm – much to their mental advantage – they just use aspects of the mens’ game to better effect than their opposition .
Very interesting observation about spatial awareness. In the Sweden-England game, the goalie kicked 2 balls out within a few minutes, without being under pressure.
Well who would have thought it, the Times has thrown in the Remain towel and given its full backing to Boris for PM on the grounds that the Tories must now deliver Brexit if they are to defeat the Labour , Lib Dem challenge and he is the choice of a large majority of Tory members. The Remain readership of the newspaper is going nuts , subscriptions cancelled , refusal to believe that this once great newspaper, not my words, has fallen to such depths, etc etc. Once this bastion of Remainerdom has fallen the rest will surely follow.
All this goes to show that if a Leaver had been PM after Cameron we would have been out long ago and probably with a decent ‘deal’. If any proof was needed that the elite have tried their best to sabotage the democratic will of the people , this is it.
Hi Sluff
I expect you’re on your umpteenth bottle of champagne with your socialist chum Comrade Moet by now. You both may be interested to to know that the BBC are intending to update and bring back a popular comedy from the seventies, ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mom’.
Naturally it will address LGBT themes such as Gloria’s transvestism and explore Lofty’s experiences of BDSM with Battery Sergeant Major William’s as well as other issues that the BBC are obsessed with currently.
I fully expect it to be as terrible as some of their other revivals (e.g. Porridge).
I wonder who the 21st Century version of Michael Bates will be and whether they will brown-face him? And I assume Sgt Major Shutup will now be a black disabled muslim lesbian?
The BBC seem a bit snotty over not being invited to the THE Royal christening!
I first saw this on this mornings news and was appalled at the way the news was presented with a very recognisable BBC unrelated and snide remark attached.
Basically the Royal couple have decided.
1. No News media at the event.
2. No list of guests.
3. Photos only to be placed on their Instagram account and not released directly to the press.
A smack in the gob for the BBC and other news “outlets”. Basically they said keep out of this and leave us alone!
So how to the BBC deal with this and express their rage?
Of course, by attaching a story about the amount spent on the couples new home at the bottom of the article, apparently paid from the public purse…. So the BBC urging people to feel angry…..i.e. that will teach them Royals not to demean and ridicule us the all powerful “peoples” media who pay for them!
Typical BBC nasty tactics run on both Their TV news and website!
Read BBC’s Jonny Diamond (Royal Correspondent who may be becoming redundant soon!) he writes…
” Those (The BBC) hoping for more than a glimpse of the royal christening today will have been disappointed.
There was no television coverage, nor have press photographers been invited.
Normally a list of godparents would be released, but this time, says the palace, in keeping with the wishes of those chosen by Harry and Meghan, their names will be kept private.
It all points to a very different royal event, part of the continuing desire by the Duke and Duchess to raise their son Archie out of the spotlight.”
He continues….
“Coming so swiftly after the revelation that almost £2.5m of taxpayers’ money was spent renovating a property for Harry and Meghan – it has led to questions about visibility. (FROM THE BBC!)
The previous understandings about public (THE BBC’s) access to royal events appear to have been abandoned by a couple determined to do things their own way.”
I for one can see straight through this slime. Roll on their demise!
Sorry, have to disagree with you Digg. Ok, so they might want to bring their son and any future kids up in private. Let them do so, Kate & William seem to be pulling it off with no problems, yet have no bother with releasing photos of them for human consumption. And what’s with the nonsense of not releasing details of the birth or the godparents ? What does he think we will do ? storm the bloody Palace in a rush for selfies ?? The information is released and then we’ll forget all about it. Who sodding cares anyway ?
Since Harry’s marriage he’s clearly in awe of his actress wife, to the point of becoming petty and truculent to the outside world, except when it suits. He’s royal, so knows how the ‘game’ is played. Instead he seems to be wanting the A List celebrity lifestyle funded by us, so he can relax away from the plebs in the Soho Farmhouse surroundings he is becoming rapidly accustomed to.
I know I sound harsh, but Harry lost all credibility with me, when for whatever reason, he never met his future father in law face to face, and still hasn’t. The debacle that followed at his wedding, could have been resolved with a bit of common sense, but instead the attitude of “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets” prevailed. He needs to be careful that all the love felt for him as a little boy could easily ebb away.
Ha ha! John Bercow in a tee-shirt literally screaming at Roger Federer for an autograph at the end of his match. Federer ignores him and walks away.
Boris Johnson please take note.
He didn’t ignore him Cass, simply couldn’t see the little chap among all those adults. He should have stood on Sally’s shoulders – then again she may well have been otherwise engaged elsewhere.
The superstitious believed in magic talismans.
One is called The Praidlogo
…the superstitious believed that the The Praidlogo Talisman gave them immunity from attack from a tribe called the Libmob.
One tribe called Channel-Faiv thought ‘you can’t be too careful’ so they mixed in the brown and black of the African Praidlogo as well.
An unusual occurrence . A bbc employee criticising other bbc employees . According to The Independent news source someone purporting to be a mr Ken Bruce says that Toady presenters like their own voices so much that they don’t allow interviewees to explain themselves .
So I ask – you mr Bruce – who is obviously a user of this site – to come forward . The issue of the conduct of toady presenters disrupting those with whom they do not agree – such as Brexiter s – is daily fodder for us ….
Sorry, me again. At then end of This Week Boris is filmed in the Heck sausage factory surrounded by Muslim women packing the sausages. The sausages were pork; how come they csn handle haram, non halal products but the ones working in M & S told people to go to another till?
Your Muslim detection antenna have got a false positive
… cos looking at the middle woman you see her head visor in the up position.
The black things are not hijabs, but safety helmets with visors, chinguards & ear defenders.
So I guess they work in a different factory area where big machines splash stuff around, and for the film they’re just pretending to work on the packing line.
Note that Boris & the supervisor just use the normal hairnets and bare clean hands. image taken from Twitter video
Cassandra – I’ll second that ( sad me – I taped it ) but Mr Neill’s clinical quartering of a French EU journo mouthpiece trying to defend the anti democratic coronation of corrupt Germans and French to run the monster was a thing of beauty . If I hadn’t been aware of the nature of his ‘victim ‘ – I almost felt sorry for it . But – Naaah.
I wrote earlier today about the ex head of MI6 moaning about the inconvenience of people voting for a cause with which he does not agree .
I always look for motivation – in his case I believe it is personal advancement . He is only a ‘knight ‘ which earns him a few bob on the boards of various companies but does not have the kudos of the Peerage .
That is what I believe ‘they’ are all after . A lifetime in a paid for club with no responsibility .
So we will see more creatures like him come out from under their pensioned rock auditioning to Teresa May for a place on her farewell so called ‘honours list ‘ .
London’s Bridges floodlight project
Our overlords the MetroElite sat that cos the common is a great sinner the skies are warming and so they have imposed a great penance upon him and ordered him to wear hair shirts instead if heat his home or light his home with fossil fuels.
.. Yet they have also ordered a huge art installation illuminating London’s bridges.
Surely this Londons Bridges floodlight project will have a helluva CO2 footprint cradle to grave ?
If one bulb costs thousands
\\ During the next year or so, 15 of London’s bridges across the Thames will become glimmering art installations decked in glorious fountains of light. It’s a £40m project (funded, you will doubtless be pleased to learn, largely by private donors including the Rothschild Foundation) designed to bring the Thames to life at night.
But we’re not talking about tacky coloured amusement-park fairy lights, this highly engineered project is by the American artist Leo Villareal, who designed the stunning illumination of San Francisco’s Bay Bridge.
Architect Charlie Luxton accompanies a nervous Villareal during a test run at Waterloo Bridge and dangles in a harness from a bridge as he helps to fit a light. Just one light (these are top of the range, not domestic bulbs) costs £3,000 and takes an hour to install. Still, it should look lovely when it’s done
That French woman is one of the journalists who appear on “Dateline London”. The French ones are usually the most snooty and patronizing towards this country, surprise, surprise.
Sadly Fed, you are 100% correct. The ex security chief was completely accurate in his assessment of the calibre of the current politicians being as ‘dire’.
‘Lions led by Donkeys’; I wonder what today’s politicians would be described as.? Certainly wouldn’t be vertebrates.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
First, I hope
Congratulations Deborah!
And you did it without the aid of a quota system.
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The BBC again champions the privileged, this time its a rich “TV-star”, and now “victim”, Bobby Norris who is offended by online comments… in this piece of BBC “journalism” we are told that the comments directed to the actor are “homophobic” in origin:
Of course the BBC is confident that authoritarian legislation is coming to crack down on “hate” as they tell us that Parliament (with apparently nothing better to do) quickly responded to the actors hurt feelings by holding a debate. The BBC then tells us that:
“Speaking during the debate: Labour’s Angela Eagle… said ministers needed to take steps to tackle the “growing threat” and “increase in violence” against LGBT people both online and in the real world.”
So i looked up that video of Angela Eagle… who tells Parliament that as a gay woman she does not want to be forced back in the closet. Then she starts pathetically crying, she sats she is worried about religion… THE BBC didn’t mention RELIGION???… ALARM BELLS RING!!!!:
So BBC, are the problems problems Angela Eagle describes “homophobic” in origin???, or are they “religious”???, is there any journalistic rigor in this superficial puff piece at all, or is it all leftist assumptions based on a vacuous and dogmatic ideology???
So I intensely dig around online for around 70 seconds, and it turns out that Angela Eagle is crying because of Islam, and recent Muslim “anti-gay” demonstrations outside Birmingham schools… but she dare not name the religion because she is a coward, who was clearly selected by Labour because she is a gay woman, rather than having any intelligence, merit, conviction, or toughness for public life.
Of course the core reason there are problems with Islam is because in Islam the penalty for homosexuality is death, as Muhammad commanded “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”. Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447.
This refers to the god of the old testament who killed Lots men for engaging in homosexual acts by turning their city upside-down and raining fire and brimstone on to them. This is why in Sharia law homosexuals are thrown off a building head first, then stoned to death.
The BBC is claims to be a “public service” broadcaster, yet what needs to be investigated/answered from this story is:
***Why are the BBC spending licence fee payers money on reporting on the hurt feelings of some third rate celeb?
***Why do MPs have time to debate this, when we have major issues like Islamic child rape and Brexit looming?
***Why is Angela Eagle scared to name Islam as the religion behind the increase in homophobia she describes?
***Why is Labour selecting MP’s based on gender and sexual orientation, who are so fragile as to cry in Parliament?
***Why is Islam antisemitic, homophobic, why do they kill infidels, why do they rape infidel children?
***Why is the government protecting this evil by enacting “hate” laws without any election mandate?
***Why is it becoming illegal to “hate” Islam, while “hate” of non-Muslims who dislike Islam is encouraged?
Of course the BBC does not want to ask or answer any of these questions. They are not interested in truth, fairness, justice, or in the law being applied equally. They are interested propagating some twisted Utopian fantasy based on lies, deceit and cowardice, while grabbing public money by the force of law to make sure they have enough money to escape the societal collapse they are engineering.
This piece shows (yet again) that the BBC make no attempt to answer any of the questions that are actually important to this story, instead they willfully deflect, tell half-truths, and even lie, to push their myopic, inconsistent and dangerous agenda which even a tearful ideologue like Angela Eagle can sense is failing spectacularly and catastrophically on some level.
The BBC are pure filth, and many of the people in this organization should be prosecuted for fraud, as yet again they willfully fail to follow the “BBC charter” of “public interest” so glaringly as to make the licence fee a clear case of fraud, as is obvious by these yet unanswered questions, the missing information, and the lack of anything but the most superficial analysis from the BBC.
The BBC is a malignant cancer that needs to be cut out of the UK establishment.
… Of course, the BBC provide us with same pathetically superficial coverage of the Tommy Robinson trial… completely failing to ask or answer any of the questions of interest to the people who are forced to pay for their propaganda
“Tommy Robinson guilty over Facebook broadcast”
“Ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been found in contempt of court for his Facebook Live broadcast of defendants in a criminal trial.”
Meanwhile the septic puss oozes of of the seeping wounds in British society left by the likes of the BBC, as outlined by this ex-police officer at Tommy support rally who describes what the UK is becoming… while the glazed brainwashed BBC lies, lies and lies again.
I am so glad that I was able to move to the USA, where at least the second amendment protects the first amendment.
The trial of TR is nothing more than a Stalinist show trial, no matter how strong a case TR had , no matter how brilliantly his defence team pleaded his case, the verdict was never in doubt. He is being tried not because of what he has done but because of who he is and what he represents. The progressive establishment want him silenced and want him punished as an example to anyone else who might put their head above the parapet in defence of those being abused and terrorised by mass migration of third worlders.
They want him sentenced with maximum severity. A repeat of his previous incarceration is certainly possible. Only highly visible , highly vocal mass support for TR can prevent the progressive establishment from having their way.
It is worrying that if we had to rely on the BBC and the newspapers we should simply not know what has been going on with Tommy Robinson and the stitch-up. It is only the “unofficial” media that are telling us thet truth.
Here is the kind of analysis the BBC should be providing on this story:
But they won’t because they are not a news organization, they are a globalist propaganda outfit.
She’s excellent. UKIP lost a good one there, sadly her For Britain party will probably only ever get a handful of votes. I expect the Brexit Party consider her beyond the pale too. Such a shame that her views (ordinary common sense to most of us here) never get an airing on the MSM.
Yes I agree imaynotalwayslove you, Marie Waters has much good to say and it is a pity more don’t listen, but our disgraceful traitrous media inc BBC have destroyed the opportunities that this woman might have brought to the political scene-we are in the grip of a rabid political multicultural scenario that is so enthusiastic in its design to destroy our nation, its culture, its once patriotic values. This woman is now a loan voice crying out in the wilderness of demonic evil. Yes I’m mad with it all.
Blast! I’m third! The tide had gone out and I got stranded in a rock pool.
Join the queue. I went for a cup of tea and here I am, late .
Unfair, I demand a second go.
Sorry lobster – but the tide does come back in on Sunday night . Don’t get boiled in the heat !
Time and tide wait for no man, the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse get the cheese .
Lobbie, console yourself, you are with the many and not the few, the one per cent, or one at the top in a hierarchical and thus assumed to be male and white dominated (and therefore bad) structure.
(Well done, Deborah, Snuffy was out cold at 10.40pm last night – missed Book at Bedtime, too – rats!)
How are things in the heat of summer? Handling the heat OK? Recovery and mobility improving, I trust.
I’m slowly getting there, thanks very much. It’s taking quite a while to recover, but hopefully I’ll soon be feeling myself again (Oooh, Matron!!).
Lobbie, am glad progress is being made and that you have suffered no slippery rock falls. 😉
Keep flexing those joints. If your Matron is anything like my physio for spinal trouble many years ago (she only looked slightly like a certain AH but behaved fully like one of his Gestapo) you’ll be lucky to come out with joints intact enough to feel anything with your claws. Couldn’t figure out why my head rubbed on the car roof lining every time I went home. Then I realised, I was at least three inches taller …
Not BBC, but I have to have a moan. Was in Genoa and visited a maritime museum. The whole of one floor was dedicated to emigration. It was an expensive exhibition, most of it related to Italians emigrating to the USA. We had passports, were interrogated by immigration inspectors asking about our reasons for going, whether our intention was to undermine the US government. We saw what the cabins were like etc, etc. But the exhibition started by stating that there was no difference between Italians emigrating to the US and those arriving in Italy today…. all are humans. At the end of the exhibition kindly elderly ladies from Africa told us how pleased they were to be living in Italy and a video of a teacher asked children for their experiences of immigrants, whether themselves or those in their class.
This exhibition was for children.. As adults, recognising propaganda, the message was obvious. Worthy of the BBC.
This is what has probably been excluded from the Maritime Museum in Genoa.
1005: The Genoan navy adopts the Flag of England
1795: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of Genoa
1800: The Royal Navy places Genoa under siege and occupation
1941: Operation Grog, the British naval and air bombardment of Genoa
1942: Six heavy night raids on Genoa by RAF Lancaster Bombers
Funny you should post about that, Richard. Due to a post about slavery by your good self below, it somehow triggered in me, my memories of being taught about the Romans (who occupied Britain! Shock!! Horror!!!) – white (more Shock), but probably with a tan until they had spent a year up at Hadrian’s Wall – and who owned slaves. (Even more Shock and Horror.) A subject written about a little by Roman citizen Paul of Tarsus, I seem to recall.
Anyway, I had just looked up St Alban’s Wiki page. He did get a brief, very brief, mention on BBC R4 because last month was the earliest accepted anniversary of his martyrdom, albeit not a centennial one. 1810 years, in case you are interested. St Alban hasn’t had quite the same amount of coverage from the BBC as, say, the Stonewall Riots.
I wonder why?
It will be interesting if the BBC mention him again every year for the next 104* years.
I wonder if they will?
(* The Wiki observes that there are no clear records of the date of death of St Alban. Unlike the end of WW1, BBC.)
Any special reason why they should be?
I assume the first item is a leg-pull, unless you are very ignorant about English history, never mind Genovese.
Similarly – non BBC – but I found it strange – Royal Academy Summer Exhibition . I’ve always gone alone . Most of it is dross but some is okay .
But I found what was missing was more interesting than what was there. Plenty of brown faces in pictures – but few in the visitor population . No reference to President Trump anywhere – which was strange as artsy types are mostly snowflakes . No sign of a UK national flag of any type and only one exhibit with an EU flag and “no exit “on it – a life size immigrant type door with a lock on it . …..
I know the BBC does a programme on it but like so much of their out put – Biased tick box dross
I go to the BBC Proms most years and very few BAME in the audience which the BBC must hate. But I am sure there are concerts where the majority of the audience are black. What steps are the BBC taking to get me there? Well I guess I would be the immovable object, as the music probably wouldn’t be my cup of tea. I wish the BBC would understand that diversity is OK. It should mean that different cultures can like different things, not that we all have to become a homogeneous mass. Oh dear, has that brought us to Brexit and the EU again?
Oh I do admire people who know the word “homogeneous”. There aren’t many of us left.
Yes Fedup2- no sign of our National Flag, how often do we not see it flying now-should be outside every council office in the land, outside every school, and like America inside every class-room-can you imagine how the lefty loonies would act-well this is what it should be. Patriotism! Whereare you where is it ?
Apparently soaring knife crime is all down to urban deprivation and social exclusion, and austerity, according to ex-police chief Leroy Logan who spouts just the sort of psycho-socio-babble the beeb love.
Oh, and we shouldn’t punish the perpetrators for some reason, which you can discover below.
And there was me thinking it was all down to knives knicked from the kitchen.
“Urban deprivation”?
More like a drugs war .
Import the third world and you get a third world culture.
Ganja, weed , chewing chewing khat etc etc etc
I notice that it is the same white hand wielding the knife in the BBC article.
Maybe it’s the hand of Lord Hall Hall? Ready to make the programming budget cuts, so he can keep his pledge on free over 75’s TV licences.
The hand holding the knife in the picture in that article was the wrong colour.
“Jaguar Land Rover announces electric car investment”
Great Brexit news !
That subject has quickly disappeared from the front page headlines.
I expect more companies to follow JLR.
No mention on BBC that Forterra are expanding and will have the largest brick factory in Europe in the UK…good news – not by BBC standards
Yes, more bricks needed to build more houses for more and more people coming in to the country.
Despite Tory promises.
Eastenders. Fictional London. Gay bar now added to set.
Gay pride celebrations. Muslim girl wearing rainbow ribbons in her hair. They really do live in a bubble world don’t they.
Remember, Al Beeb is full of actors just like our present parliament .
You can alter that by voting and supporting UKIP and The Brexit Party
I never watch Eastenders, being only too familiar with the real thing.
However, a while ago, a mate of mine called me and told me to switch it on pronto.
We were in a “typical” east end pub…is it The Queen Vic’? And sitting at the bar were five typical east end drinkers. Black bloke, white bloke, black woman, white woman…and at the end, complete with headscarf, Muslim lass. It’s beyond ridiculous!
These scenes only ever happen in some fairy tale bubble that middle class white posers invent. This is how they’d like it to be….but it ain’t.
If you don’t believe me visit the place.
On second thoughts…
There are of course no gay bars in London. Oh no!
Oh yeh, there are.
But none, that I know of in “enriched” Aldgate…Whitecapel or the incredibly diverse Bethnal Green.
Fancy an argument?
Honestly I wouldn’t, because…
I’d win.
The Way Out Club, Minories, Aldgate
Queen Adelaide, Hackney Road, Bethnal Green
Old Ship, Barnes Street, Limehouse
George Tavern, Commercial Road, Stepney
Just for starters.
I’m rather warming to her. I love the way she puts the interviewer (who looks like she’s about to cry) neatly back in her box, and wish more had the balls to do so.
Emma going the ‘people at home’ bbc #wefiles route is quaint, when the number bbc speaks at, much less for, plummets daily.
She’s lost none of her fire. In fact she seems better than ever.
I think the BBC has a huge problem with HMS Widdicombe because unlike so many timid politicians she openly takes journalists on- as the clip shows .
Imagine if every politician who was asked a question , tried to answer it without too much deviation , but got interrupted just stopped their reply and said
‘Look you’ve asked me a question so keep quiet while I answer it “? Toady would grind to a halt , humph could retire even earlier , Tourette’s Robinson would need more therapy and the Hussain would sound even more out of her depth as usual ….
So we ll see how they try to marginalise Ann Widdicombe but she is too good at sound bites to be out of the news for very long god bless her .
Good point.
I don’t understand why so many politicians, and interviewees generally, think they have to dance to the BBC’s tune. Interviewers are not elected or anything – if only!
Fear of not being invited back? If more interviewees fought back it would soon become the BBC’s problem.
Anne Widdecombe’s faith (catholic) is extremely important to her, and she certainly wouldn’t make racists comments either in private or public, so it stinks that the media and the twats on social meeja are having a touch of the vapours at one sentence in her speech.
This is now the problem with the behemoth that is social media. NOBODY feels free to express any views without the one brain cell bunch that is the media police. Sadly the press and tv media are just as bad when jumping on the bandwagon because of something they’ve read on Twatter and Arsebook. And don’t get me started on being ‘videoed’ in the street, whether in an altercation or not – is that not invading someone’s privacy ????
When is Emma going to interview Jordan Peterson ?
That would give her viewing numbers a boost .
Dom does fit of vapours.
With a few exceptions, his glee club joins in.
Emily ❤️ Marina.
Marina ❤️ Emily back.
Emma will be jelly.
‘…colonies… Mr Verhofstadt, against their empires’
I took that as a reference to the not very nice Belgian empire.
[See Belgian Congo]
Indeed JimS. Not many little countries can afford to have their whole motorway network street-lit but Brave Little Belgium managed it, long before EU munificence, thanks to the generosity of the Congo.
“…colonies… Mr Verhofstadt, against their empires’
for me it was a reference to – ” On one occasion – incredibly, bearing in mind he was on camera – one of Verhofstadt’s staffers, exclaimed on hearing that we had agreed to the 585-page so-called “Withdrawal Agreement”, that “We have made them a colony!”. The sheer joy that was evidenced on the faces of the European negotiators when it became apparent that we had acceded to the “Withdrawal Agreement” tells you everything you need to know about why they regarded it as a clear victory over Britain.”
from Storyville – Brexit: Behind Closed Doors.
one of the few decent offerings from the beeb in recent times
The English word “Slave” derives from a White European people called the Slavs, not Black Africans. In medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved, which led to the word Slav becoming synonym to “enslaved person”. Today the European Union treats the Slavs as modern day slaves for German and French companies.
Sorry, Richard, you can’t say that.
Don’t you know that David Lammy owns the word?
In the ancient world enemy soldiers who managed to survive a battle were taken into slavery, along with any women and camp followers. The surrendering men were sort of considered as leftovers who by rights should have died fighting. As they were seen as ‘the walking dead’ they became property and not really thought of as anything other than a machine that could be worked to (their real) death.
Although different cultures ( Mesopotamian, Egypt, Greece, Rome) differed in how they handled their slaves,they obviously had the lowest status in the social order. Over time slave owners were encouraged to treat their slaves well if only to discourage slave rebellions.
Slaves who dutifully served their masters could eventually be manumitted, and in many ancient cultures could go on to become powerful ‘freedmen’ giving advice to the king or emperor. Many others had wretched short lives working in mines.
The funny thing is, after it being abolished here in 1833 we are getting regular examples of it in the UK news again. No one in authority seems to be that bothered though. Various ‘travellers’, east europeans, chinese, vietnamese and sundry dodgy diplomats are all at it. But Ann Widdecombe says something the snowflakes dislike and it’s instant pearl-clutching media uproar.
I think the descendents of those ( white ) ( men) who were press ganged by the Royal Navy could be due compensation …good one for the sharks once PPI claims end next month ….
A doodle and thoughts on this week’s madness from America and the left’s plans to somehow win the electoral college system by *really* winning California by an even greater amount than last time round.
A gay Muslim transsexual is on radio 5. Jackpot!
“After the leave vote we are going through this ethos that it’s ok to be racist or homophobic.”
Nonsense. People are ridiculously tolerant and decent in this country – we are renowned for our politeness and reticence. I see everyone getting on remarkably well wherever I go but the vile BBC wants to hatefully push this idea that we’re viciously hateful, which itself is a hate crime to me.
Last night walking to the station I passed four different groups hanging out and having fun, each of which was multiracial. How positive is that? Barely anyone is remotely racist these days but we will never, ever hear a positive story about race relations on the rancid BBC.
We just want to take control back: Brexit is nothing to do with hatred but a basic, vital human desire to be in control.
I’ve heard the BBC are going to make an updated version of a popular crime show from the seventies…
#2 original clip
‘Regan has he been telling porkies ?… we don’t like that
.. we’re vegan now’
‘No, it’s OK sir, it’s the real soy’
I’m expecting this site to be very quiet over the weekend for a multiple of BBC related reasons ranging from attacks on boris , TR,HMS Widdicombe ( they scarred of her ) , homosexuality ( as ever ) and routine London murders ( one shooting death Friday ).
I – for one – am having a BBC free weekend .
So not too much to moderate . Thank you – almost all .
Ha ha, while Fed is away…
I lied . I also lied about avoiding the BBC . As a result my blood pressure is through the roof because I have just listened to a civil servant called ‘sir John sores ‘ the former chief of the MI6 giving a Toady interview which should stand as an example of how far the bubble – him – are out of touch with the views of mere voters –
Of whom is attitude seems to be that they are a ‘ thick inconvenience ‘ – he seems to have the same attitude about prospective PMs .
There is danger about . He questions the quality of prospective PMs – including Comrade Corbyn – and of course BoJo .Danger . As a voter mr saws has every right to comment and campaign . But as a public figure – with a tax payers pension – he had in my view a duty to control his language and public exposure .
If Comrade Corbyn won a General Election – without clear evidence of corrupt practices – then he is the PM . I can’t stand him – but I would have to hold my nose and accept the legitimacy of the vote and the outcome .
People like Sir John Saws – a brexit denier and generally – anti democrat – demonstrates how much we need to leave the EU and then take on the cancer which has infected Blighty .
This civil servant describes Britain as ‘having a nervous breakdown ‘. I challenge this – it’s the remainers going through the grief laden nervous breakdown because like Mr Sores – they can’t accept democracy either .
That’s it . Done .
Not enjoying Wimbledon then? That eternal celebration of Englishness with immaculate lawns, polite clapping, muted cheering for the underdog, strawberries with cream, and the Red Arrows? I thought that’s the sort of thing that would be right up yours treet!
A pity. Some splendid tennis and even more than one British player making it to the first weekend. You’d like it, really you would.
Later today in what promises to be rousing speech in his inimitable style, ex-PM Gordon Brown will call for immediate expulsion of any proven anti-Semites from the Labour party. And he will go further, asking for the appointment of a minister specifically tasked with overseeing the expulsions.
If I could be so bold Gord, might I suggest that you have within your ranks the very person ideally suited to the task: Keith Vaz.
Keith’s record for probity and diligence is second to none and no finer politician could be trusted with rooting out such swines – dietary laws not withstanding – from Labours ranks.
I would, if I may, go further and suggest two able lieutenants custom-made for such posts: Baronesses Chakrabarti and Warsi. These two stalwarts can only add credibility and status to the ministry. Sami has already proved the ideal ‘ferret’ to seek out such people while Sayeeda Warsi will add her own balanced views together with the cross-party co-operation so vital for success.
Ex-PM Gordon Brown, together with the then Home Secretary Jackie Smith, apparently circulated all UK police forces in 2008 with a ban on investigations of so-called ‘muslim rape gangs’ – but there’s no need to go into that now.
Beltane ,
You be nice to Jackie Smith – the poor girl couldn’t afford to buy porn for her husband out of her own pay or even more importantly had to claim for a 99p bath plug on taxpayers expenses .
Excellent idea about a labour anti anti Semite task force. Mr Vaz is waiting in the wings for the yearned for Cabinet seat along with the lovely shabbi – what better way to gain further credibility ..?
Keith Vaz… Real name Nigel Vaz. Just saying.
BBC will approve.
This is what a fellow subscriber had to say following Mrs T May’s intro concerning the EU’ s Commission President.
‘Is there NOTHING or NO-ONE who can rid us of the cancerous malignancy called Theresa May who continues to inflict the most pernicious damage on the country she professes to ‘love’! God help us all!’
Germany now runs the EU- The position of EU Commission President is the most powerful in Brussels. The Commission is the sole body which can propose legislation. In addition it dominates the vast majority of the work which is monitored on a daily basis. In a very real sense it controls the agenda and sets the course of continuing EU integration by its daily actions. On the EU turning into a superstate with its own army, Mrs von der Leyen has been one of the most enthusiastic and outspoken Ministers in the German Government. In her own country she is the most unpopular of the senior ministers, presiding over a dysfunctional Bundeswehr which would barely be able to see off an attack by Monaco, let alone Russia.
If she manages to get approved by the EU Parliament, Mrs von der Leyen will escape a great deal of the censure (and formal investigations) being heaped on her in Berlin, and she will be free in Brussels to pursue an aggressive policy of EU federalism (are shades of Nazism coming forward?). Seems clear that post-Brexit will never agree with this Von der Leven on anything – should have voted against the appointment of an arc-federalist German to be head of the Commission. What did the BBC say about this issue-dam all.
Typical Dead White Male claptrap from the BBC’s in-house paper:
The Guardian view on classical music: art or status symbol?
Why does everybody harp on about the Last Night? It’s just a party at the end of the festival. But then we know perfectly well why they don’t approve.
The concerts are very accessible but stubbornly refuse to become more diverse. The LSO concerts in Trafalgar Square are even more accessible – they’re free – but they’re not very diverse either.
There’s certainly a case for challenging the way that Proms programming has been going under BBC control, but if the Guardian is concerned about “symbols”, there are other music genres that might be worth expressing concern about. Drill, for instance. I think I’m right in saying that the Proms still enjoys a low murder rate.
Is this a chink of light perhaps?
There’s no blue tick on that Kate Adie account
So it’s not THE Kate Adie
I’ve learned one new thing today – look for a blue quality mark.
Thanks Stew
Does that mean this is also a fake account?
Blue tick is not a hard and fast rule
cos not every celeb has bothered
and if you are a rightie you may well be denied a blue tick.
That Kate Adie account only tweets righties comments and has existed since 2018
Another account @KateAdie1 has existed since 2009 and is kept in protected that is more likely to be the real account. and just kept for private messaging
That James Doleman looks like a member of the international antifa cln. They cover for each other by writing PR stories.
PR writing especially from a lefty Alinky tactic mode , involves writing what you want o be true, they don’t necessarily believe
ve what they write, nor do they proffer proper evidence to back up their claims it’s often complete bluff.
Thanks again.
So in other words it’s a complete minefield for us straightforward old codgers who don’t have twitter accounts.
(However, we know what we know, even if it can’t be proven in court).
Re the TR case, I shall be interested to see what @JoshuaRozenberg comes up with next week by way of analysis.
You missed the one about Breaching Reporting Restrictions being a strict liability offence. Which it is. You are free to campaign to have the law changed of course.
So it doesn’t matter what the intention was. It doesn’t matter that the policeman said it was ok to film outside. Reporting restrictions were in force, he was reporting on the trial, so an offence was committed.
I guess @WildWoman has had a few beers
and is just being provocative.
Jo Brand incited people to pour acid over Farage, which is illegal
We of course accept she wasn’t being serious
and I bet you would have said she only *intended* it as a joke..
Intention matters and is the difference between murder & manslaughter.
It certainly isn’t obvious contempt if you stand across the pavement from the court and read out info already in the public domain.
Whether Jo Brand committed a criminal offence may be a matter to be tested in court. I think this puts it better than I could.
Note in particular that “The prosecution must show that the person accused of incitement intended or believed that the person incited would, if acted as incited to do so, do so with the mens rea appropriate to the offence.”
Happy reading, Mr Green!
Unlike criminal contempt, this is an offence that can be tested before a jury. The Crown Prosecution Service hasn’t shown any serious inclination to bring a prosecution against Ms Brand but you could always bring a private prosecution.
The island
I was just going to recommend the tweet you put up because there is a thread about it on the excellent “
is the BBC biased ?’
Site which still comes up around number 5 on the search engines .
Ms Adie might have seen some marks on the wall as a new PM with solid views about the BBC prepares for office – even the dullest witted BBC type must realise how overtly biased their whole corrupt enterprise has become .
Some people are saying it’s a fake account.
I’m sure Stew will tell us.
@ThIsland despite this not being Adie
There is positive news
I met someone yesterday, who had a brief interaction with a BBC presenter about Climate. Words to the effect of ‘You know you were right, I can’t believe that we insiders have been in a bubble, but of course I can’t say more’
We do chip away at the mountain, so it might have holes like Swiss cheese .. but there is a wall of PR people and Labour/union machines are pushing the other way. also well financed NGOs likeGreenP XR etc.
Ooops! Just read your post. Well, at least it confirms that I wasn’t imagining it this morn – it really was Anti-Conservative Party, start to finish on the TOADY Prog.
TOADY Watch #1 and only, I think, perhaps, maybe … a touch of the Jeremys (Corbyn & Hunt) possibly there how topical is that? Snuffy has his finger on the pulse of the nation, y’know.
Listening from 7a.m., with both the News & the TOADY Prog content, it appears that the BBC have given up.
Yes, given up.
Given up all pretence of impartiality and political neutrality. They are now the anti-Conservative Party party, aligned – mostly, I guess – to the LibDems but with a hankering for new, old, new, improved old Labour and the soft socialist Left and all the wonders it holds.
I learned that Tommy’s trial was presided over by two ‘justices’ and no jury and that the court vaguely resembled an appeal court.
Not sure how that works. What if the two had opposing opinions on his guilt? Doesn’t an appeal court generally have an odd number of judges so that conflicting opinions can be resolved by the decisions of the majority?
Seems to me that only two judges and no jury is evidence that the guilty verdict was decided before the trial. If true, this would be yet more grim evidence of the UK’s decline into a police state.
Since these two alleged members of the judiciary are seriously senior I’m wondering how much higher Tommy can go in his intended appeal against the verdict.
Anyway, he has made an emotional call for help so I gave a few more shekels. There’s a box on the donation form for comments so I wrote about the strong support he has on this site and pointed to the articles and comments that have been written expressing that support, particularly about his brilliant Panodrama.
I wrote that I admire and respect him for the way he gets up every time the police state knocks him down and keeps fighting for a just cause – which is the universal cause of the oppressed against the oppressor.
While we here are armchair warriors, he is on the front lines – a genuine modern-day hero.
Still, armchair warriors have their place and I think we have made, and continue to make, a valuable contribution against the despicable BBC and its ilk.
It’s all about “the power of the narrative”
Once people like in this case the judges get a narrative in their heads, that trumps truth.
eg The narrative of “That Jimmy Saville he’s so nice”
was so powerful ..he was able to go on abusing
It seems strange that judges, who are trained to be impeccably fair in their judgements, would be swayed by a popular narrative.
It’s also strange to me that a person can be tried for the same ‘crime’ twice. Surely his original ‘contempt of court’ trial and immediate imprisonment was such a miscarriage of justice that he should have been freed unconditionally? Yet the appeal court chose to hand the case back to the attorney general to decide on another trial.
What’s also really disturbing is that the charges against him have been changed three times that I can recall. The cops who originally arrested him outside the court said he was ‘disturbing the peace.’ That was then changed at the ‘trial’ to ‘contempt of court.’ And on Thursday the ‘prosecution’ added other charges to the ‘contempt of court’ charge.
It seems to me that they are making the rules up as they go along, to best realise their obsession to destroy Tommy Robinson.
Judges are not trained to be ‘ impeccably fair’ . They are trained to lie on behalf of their client for money . If justice comes out of it – that’s a bonus .
They’ll use high minded language like ‘ test the evidence ‘ but in real life it’s just a matter of pushing a clients case .
They then take this ‘ skill’ to the bench where they seize on some facts to get to the finding they desire
In the case of TR the judgement will be detailed and lengthy and aimed to achieve 2 things
1 – justification for the finding
2 – enough to give grounds of appeal to wear down TR and cost even more in money time and effort
The Appeal will fail – when granted because this is a political trial and not a legal one . The issue of ‘ proportionality ‘ which has infected the legal system since the HRA came in – has been thrown away in the case of TR.
Where is the ‘ public interest’ in pursuing this case ? Apart from sending a message to non conformists like TR that you will be crushed by the State .
As for the 2? Judges -I’m sure they’ll have had a friendly chat in chambers about the directions of their respective careers – which in due course will ascend nicely – after the appeal process is exhausted of course .
I hope TR lands up in the ECHR in this case but the stress will be considerable I think .
Fed – I agree with your comments on judges. I lost the respect I had for judges when al-Megrahi was convicted in the Netherlands of the Lockerbie bombing. The evidence seemed weak but the three Scottish judges found him guilty. It’s been called the greatest miscarriage of justice in a Scottish court in a hundred years (Professor Robert Black). There is a suspicion the three judges were leaned on by the Lord Advocate to come up with the “right” verdict. I thought judges were incorruptible men of strong character, but this travesty of justice proved to me that most of the establishment and our ruling class are cowards to the core.
Yes, you can be tried twice in England and Wales since the Criminal Justice Act 2003, but only for certain specified crimes such as murder, rape or armed robbery, and then only if “new and viable” evidence comes to light.
It doesn’t apply here since Contempt of Court is not one of these offences, but then nobody has been tried twice here. On appeal the original trial was found to be flawed on a technicality and a retrial was ordered in the interest of scrupulous fairness, that is not a second trial but a rerun of the original trial with the flaws removed. Meanwhile the accused was released from prison on bail and has enjoyed considerable freedom while awaiting the retrial. He doesn’t seem to have had to surrender his passport for example, because he was seen and filmed in Portugal recently, apparently striding up to somebody and felling them with a punch. No matter as that is for the Portuguese police to deal with and he is back in Britain.
The original reason given for arrest was Breach of the Peace, a very common all-purpose catch-all in English law. That is a matter for the magistrates court. The charge was criminal contempt of court under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 by reason of reason of a) contempt in the face of the court in that he attempted to interview the accused in a case currently before the court, b) disobedience of a court order, namely the reporting restrictions in force and posted on the door of the court, and c) breaching an undertaking to another court, in that in following a previous conviction at Canterbury Crown Court he received a suspended sentence and was told not to do it again.
Crimininal contempt is a strict liability offence and is not subject to jury trial. Once again you are perfectly within your rights to campaign that but it’s been that way for nearly forty years now and it’s generally agreed that it works pretty well.
That’s the law I’m afraid. Maybe you think that if the law says that then the law is a ass, but the law is the law and it can’t be changed just because it works against you.
@WildWoman “He was seen and filmed in Portugal recently, apparently striding up to somebody and felling them with a punch. ”
Did he just stride up to some and punch them ?
On the day he was milkshaked video showed two occasions where people just went up to him in the street and threw punches at him
One persons connected with Tommy’s head.
Both those times he didn’t respond to the baiting by attacking them.
Here he explains Portugal how 3 times he warned the guy off, but he kept coming back at him.
BTW you understand that the Canterbury trial was a stitchup as TR was not in the court building as we would see it.
But outside the door in the street , where people had always thought it OK to film ?
Do you think Maxi has wandered into the woods and emerged as a wild woman?
WildWomanOfThe Woods
“Maybe you think that if the law says that then the law is a ass, but the law is the law and it can’t be changed just because it works against you.”
Parliament has changed many laws, eg, laws about homosexuality.
Perhaps you can tell us if maxincony is gender fluid?
BBC Breakfast and Newswatch – despite lot of people raising the question about why they send so many reporters to cover the same thing (womens football) and why they put womens football before during and after the news…they say ‘ we thought hard about this and we think we got it about right’ …stock in trade bull…not sure why they have Newswatch..nothing changes
Then Breakfast newspaper – a lovely Black lady flags up stories about hmm… racism at university, sexism in medicine, getting more girls into science…same old sh..e …but BBC presenters fawning and lapping it up…I don’t know about you but I am getting fed up with it all..
“not sure why they have Newswatch..nothing changes”
The narrative is plucky presenter facilitates viewers complaints only to let the producer have the last soothing word. It’s like those ‘reality’ shows – the same programme every week.
BBC Online News:
“”Asian officer accuses Met Police of discrimination””
“”The 54-year-old, who joined the Met in 1989, claims she would have progressed faster and further had she not been discriminated against over many years.””
“”The temporary chief superintendent was investigated over allegations she breached police honours rules, but was cleared of gross misconduct last month.””
Her rank is the same as a Chief Constable and she earns more because of the London allowances.
How has she been discriminated against for promotion ???
I think the problem is that BAME candidates are overpromoted so as to fulfil diversity quotas.
Having already been promoted beyond their capabilities, they cannot understand why they do not keep getting promotions. They do not realise that it is only because they are BAME that they got promoted in the first place. Ability or competence had nothing to do with it.
Its the same in the film industry, yes it was unacceptable that for decades black people played the token maid/butler etc, but in modern times only the very best, irrespective of colour, will make the big time, but the black lobbyists have to make an ‘agenda’ out of it.
There are now some excellent black actors/actresses – eg, Denzil Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson, Will Smith, and a particular favourite actress of mine is Olivia Spencer, but whereas the thousands of white actors/actresses who make a living out of B movies and ‘live in hope’ (normally seen on the Hallmark film channel where Meghan Markle was a regular, and hardly Hollywood as entertainment journalists like to report), inferior black actors won’t admit they don’t cut the mustard and make ‘issues’ about it.
Science and Engineering (and it’s a field I work in) need intelligent, hardworking, gifted Scientists and Engineers. Gender, race, sexuality, class (and anything else I forgot to mention) are totally irrelevant, and no hindrance to getting on in the field, which is very much about mental capabilities and nothing else – think about Stephen Hawking for a second.
That has been the case as long as I can recall, and I’ve worked in the field for over 25 years. Also for as long as I can recall there have been outsiders (always outsiders) pointing out that there aren’t ‘enough’ women in Science and Engineering, belittling Scientists and Engineers as ‘misogynist dinosaurs’ and enforcing ‘positive discrimination’ on us. Honestly, I’ve never come across misogyny, or sexual harassment among Scientists and Engineers, factory floor workers, rig drivers, builders, teachers, HR, yes, graduate Scientists and Engineers no, never, nerds are too scared of women to harass them.
When I was a young undergrad in a class of 56 boys and 3 girls, I would very much have liked a few more girls (especially good looking ones), I was so jealous of friends doing Biology with a gender ratio skewed the other way, I actually considered swapping degree. However, the three girls who took their first degree with me all excelled and were among the top achievers, they were respected friends and colleagues, never sexually harrassed, and have all gone on to do well in various fields. They studied Engineering and Science because they really wanted to, and had a talent for it, not because of some kind of ‘quota’, and as a result are excellent Scientists and Engineers. Those who enter the profession because they’re pushed by outsiders who want to see ‘equality’ in the field, seem neither keen, not gifted – how is it helping to promote them at the cost of boys who really want to do it?
As for BAME, there were loads of them on my degree (nearly half, if I recall rightly), although most were overseas students, rather than UK. I’ve had friends and colleagues from a dozen different countries and of all ethnicities, especially South Asian and Chinese.
If you look at the numbers there are less women in Science and Engineering, but there are less men in Primary Education, Nursing and Care too… maybe it has something to do with the fact that many young boys like to play with cars and make things, whilst many young girls like to play with dolls and dress up? Not ALL, no, but most, yes, and in my experience, it happens even if parents and school try, really, really hard to enforce ‘gender non-stereotyping’.
Mother Nature wins again, she always does in the end.
There was a time when finding a good woman engineer was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Now they are trying to convince us that actually hay is as good as needles.
No doubt there are exceptionally good five-foot basketball players, but they are rare. But change the rules and five-foot players can be even better than six-footers! We have seen education ‘feminised’ and now the workplace has to be made ‘female-friendly’ too.
I suspect this suits British managers who never liked engineers anyway, they are the awkward squad. Far better to have some of those nice girls that did what the teacher asked and put it in a nice folder! All good compliant stuff, all boxes neatly ticked!
Result no innovation, no risk taking, no anticipating problems. Who cares? Lessons will be learned(!) New contracts placed to fix what should never have been done in the first place. Great for the balance sheet, bad for the customer.
“……maybe it has something to do with the fact that many young boys like to play with cars and make things, whilst many young girls like to play with dolls and dress up?” And scream for no apparent reason.
Only yesterday I was speculating on why two local households with girl children do not step in to reduce or stop these girls emitting high pitched screams/shrieks in the garden. It can be ear shattering roughly once a minute for no logical reason. I don’t hear the boy children screaming. So I guess my displeasure will end naturally when all the girls ‘transition’ to boys……………
I wish I could post an intelligent and articulate reply but I can’t, so I’ll post one of my daft pictures instead…
Love it Cassandra! Tragically, not as farcical as you might think.
It was always a ‘given’ in the workplace for decades that despite doing the same job as a man, the woman would always be paid less. It was always ‘assumed’ that the woman would leave to have babies – never to work again, whereas the chap would need the extra because of the family he would have to keep.
I was an estate agent for many years back in the 70’s/80’s and did my time calculating square footages to give accurate valuations on properties. I knew it was ever thus that my male colleagues of the same age earned more, but the wound ran deep when a young male school leaver and 14 years my junior came to the firm, and I had to teach him the ropes. Fast forward 5 years, and despite us both doing the same job, he now earned a couple of thousand per annum more than me, totally regardless of the fact that I had taught him all he knew. The word ‘aggrieved’ doesn’t begin to cover how I felt.
Toady earlier, I could only put up with a very small portion of today’s menu of Critical Theory from our own, “Beauty” before hitting the off button. So, I missed the main display of faux anger and disbelief on the 0800 news bulletin that, shock horror some Conservative voters have received two, yes, TWO ballot papers. Our “Beauty” is concerned that there will unlikely be any repercussions as the ballot is a private matter not covered by legislation. Umm…..maybe a minute and a half at the most.
Funny you should mention a cunning plan Pugz because I’ve been thinking. Now I know that’s not always the wisest move, but bear with me.
Just suppose this whole BBC bias business is one giant scam? How so? Well, look at the people they consistently choose to mould our opinions and put the BBC/Guardian/lib-elite case.
Take Alastair Campbell. An alcoholic in remission with well-publicised mental issues, a bully who sees himself as some sort of Machiavelli while the reality is closer to Mussolini. Outside of politics and the BBC a non-entity, as much despised as pitied.
Then there’s Polly Toynbee, a faded, jaded pseudo socialist with a career founded and maintained on a book written by an uncle and opinions as valid and valued as any similarly gifted parrot of the same name.
Owen Jones, the Peter Pan of politics, trading on his gayness – his boyfriends must be sorry for him – with as much genuine credibility and less charisma than Lilly Savage.
Mary Beard, Dan Snow, Norman Smith, Zoe Williams, Alhibi-Brown, Roger Harrabin, Diane Abbott…the list goes on and anyone on this site could double it.
Now. Who in their right mind would choose such people to represent informed thinking, balanced opinion, public concerns, the national interest? Makes you think, surely?
So what if it were to be a scam, hatched years ago by Lord Reith to dupe us into believing the BBC has lost its way, only to surprise us all with a dramatic U-turn to beat all U-turns. Of course, we’d all be up faeces-creek with no paddles, and Maxi would be at a loose end, again, but what if, eh?
FFS, what’s your gripe with Mary Beard? I think anybody with the charisma to make Classics popular deserves a lot of kudos.
BBC : Coco Channel…
I’ve had Coco for dinner, tea, supper and today breakfast…I wonder why there is such enthusiasm hmmm? 😉
A rhetorical question, I know.
The racist beeb, which pretends to be colour blind, is in fact acutely aware of colour, which ‘colours’ its whole world view and how it reports events.
For example it systematically downplays black (and islamic) crime, while systematically highlighting, glorifying and exaggerating their achievements.
It’s a combination of political agenda and virtue signalling: look how un-racist we are.
Erm, because she’s a very talented fifteen-year-old who has defeated a three-time champion and two other seasoned players in reaching, who appears to be charming, well-balanced, mature for her years and not at all given to on-court theatricals and tantrums? What’s not to like?
www – “talented fifteen-year-old who has defeated a three-time champion and two other seasoned players in reaching, who appears to be charming,..”
“reaching”? .. is that one of the new Olympic sports?
I may puke!
“… reaching the fourth round.”.
Senior moment I’m afraid.
bless you..don’t be afraid…worry’s all part of the ageing process apparently.
BBC Online News:
“”Carola Rackete: How a ship captain took on Italy’s Salvini””
“”The Italian government’s position is that Libya’s coastguard should take migrants back, and that rescue ships are acting as a taxi service that facilitate traffickers’ work. Many Italians seem to agree.””
“”Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, the man nicknamed Il Capitano (The Captain) by his supporters, delivers live broadcasts on Facebook in which he thumbs his nose at the EU. Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron, the leaders he blames for ruining the union, are regular targets.
“Italy has stopped bowing its head to obey,” he wrote on Twitter in August 2018, two months after taking office, and after ordering Italian ports to prevent rescue ships carrying migrants from docking. “This time there are those who say NO,” he wrote.””
This BBC feature is typical of their favourable left wing attitude to illegal immigration.
The female captain of the ‘rescue boat’ that patrols the med looking for illegal immigrants is regarded by the BBC as a heroine and a counter view is not supported.
The Italian government is hostile to both the EU and illegal immigration. Not approved by our far-Left BBC, of course.
Dover Sentry
I suspect that The Soviet Union did not collapse but merely changed it’s name to The European Union and moved it’s headquarters to Brussels with the BBC and many other Western European useful idiots acting as it’s propaganda arm. Trouble is a lot of patriotic Europeans seem to have noticed. So interesting times ahead.
It’s been warm in Alaska apparently. Not quite sure how the BBC will spin this one ?? What could the reason be in BBC eco warrior land ?? Oh yes ,,,, very subtle BBC !!!!
Alaska, part of which is 400 miles from Vancouver.
Alaska, 1,400 miles north to south.
Anchorage, which isn’t within the Arctic Circle.
Apples, which aren’t pears.
London, 1,252 miles from the Arctic Circle.
Warm in Alaska? Well maybe but never fear the winter will be a bugger.
Yet all they want to do is to just “blend into society” !!!. They don’t want any fuss , any special treatment , just to be treated like any other citizen ….. BUT …..They just can’t help themselves ……attention seeking is what it’s all about.
Is this the new look SNP?
Times 3 page spread about the sister of Sheku Kanneh-Mason the kid who won BBC Musician of the Year
The 7 musical child prodigies in one family the Times says
Here’s 2
Meanwhile the Times magazine has a big Nadiya spread
You can see from Twitter, that they’ve done almost the exact story before.
but also in the magazine , with less flattering photos
how Candace Owens and George Farmer got together, and will get married
\\ He’s the son of a lord, and a former Tory who defected to the Brexit Party. She’s a right-wing American who believes black people should dump the Democrats. Nigel Farage played Cupid. This summer they cement their special relationship – by getting married at a Trump family vineyard.
This is a love story for the age of Trump and Brexit. She is a beautiful African-American conservative activist, adored by the president and dedicated to rallying new troops to his side with a mixture of charm and verbal zingers.
He is a Brexit-championing hedge funder and son of a Tory peer who fell head over heels at first sight and poured out his lovestruck heart to Nigel Farage.//
Thursday’s Times2 had a front cover with Idris Elba and 2 further pages of photos of him.
The leisure section is looking way less than 87% white
more like 55%
Just finished listening to Pick of the Pops on Radio 2; 1975 some really good music but I digress. The news came on and there was a report from Ben Hunte, the BBC LGBT correspondent.
BBC LGBT correspondent!
Did a bit of a search and uncovered this…
The BBC have certainly got value for money because not only is Ben Hunte gay, he’s black as well.
“As the first BBC LGBT correspondent, Hunte will sit in the news-gathering division. Whenever an LGBT story breaks, he’ll appear on the 6 or 10 o’clock news, across the websites or on the Today programme.”
Not all The Evening Standard readers agree with the BBC having correspondent who covers only LGBT stories. I think this letter speaks on behalf of a lot of people…
…… ” tearing down barriers and busting stereotypes ”
Au contraire.. you are actually creating them. Why a correspondent has to be identified by his sexuality completely defeats the purpose. How many years have homosexuals battled to be accepted as ” just one more ” in society? Yet every where you look it’s lbgt this and lgbt that as if setting up a seperate society. Bonkers!”
Encouraging to see our television licence money spent wisely.
Hi Cassandra
We’re hosting a left of centre friend over the weekend.
But they do still have a little common sense and recognition of OTT political correctness.
Thus, unprompted, they showed me an advert for Co-op strawberries in today’s Times.
Here is the strapline
‘100% British strawberries. Fresh, juicy, and HELP FUND LGBT+ causes like Liverpool City Region Pride Foundation.
FFS doesn’t even begin to cover it.
It does however ensure reduced Co-op business from the extended Sluff household
And if you look closely at the lady in the CO-OP TV add she is exactly a fella.
“setting up a seperate society. Bonkers!..Encouraging to see our television licence money spent wisely.”
Now State Broadcaster has a LGBT correspondent perhaps they can have a (pro) Brexit correspondant? Given the patchy approach to unbiased reporting; why not set up left and right wing channels and be done with it?
Maybe PhilipGreen or a black guy or a Muslim who knows ?
\\ ..the wealthy establishment figure as reported in the Times today.
Despite being accused of serious sexual abuse and assault, he was granted anonymity by the courts. The protection of his reputation was the important thing, seemingly. //
.. 3 pages, The Times talks about the courts pulling tricks on them
.. yeh ask TR
No real surprise with the TR stitch-up. It’s clear that the verdict was made some time ago and it just needed a kangaroo court to make it official.
What *is* sinister and very worrying is the reason *why* they found him guilty. There must be a strong probability that the guilty verdict was passed to placate Muslims everywhere, to avoid bloodshed and retribution by the Muslim swarm which infests this country.
This can also be seen within the MSM. It’s one of the reasons why the bBBC always buries the anti-muslim news in their regional pages, yet if one of the muzzies so much as passes a GCSE exam it would probably get front-page news and would be an “inspiration” to everyone.
Keep them happy, ignore their murderous, homophobic, barbaric, stinking way of life and maybe they won’t blow us up. It will only get worse.
NS, I think TR will be seen as one of the first to be jailed by the UK government for blasphemy against Islam. As you say, it will only get worse.
I watch way too much soccer, as do most of my friends. Yet neither I nor anyone I know has seen anything of the women’s football world cup. So who are these record TV audiences, where are they? They don’t live or work near me.
I’m puzzled too. I have been watching it but nobody I work with has. So, yeah, who are these record audiences?
The football is actually frustrating – nay, infuriating – to watch. Passes are inaccurate, overhit, delayed or telegraphed. Hesitation alternates with rushed play. Teammates don’t seem to be on the same wavelength.
The only things that have impressed me are the athleticism and fitness of the USA team and the analysis of Hope Solo – the only pundit who is well worth listening to.
Yep, she is one H Solo who would definitely shoot first……..
Dunno how they measure the TV audience. Maybe quite a few people were just channel hopping, saw the women’s football and switched to something else. Maybe some thought it was men’s football and then switched.
I just watched the England-Sweden game. Not bad, but it’s true that it’s nowhere near the standard of the men’s game. Still, both teams really tried hard and that alone made the game more enjoyable to watch than many men’s games, where they so often play tactically, like playing for time when ahead.
I won’t reveal the score here since people have surely recorded the game to watch later (ahem).
Have to agree they tried hard TT, but it’s difficult to understand just what Phil Neville has been teaching them.
It may sound trite, but with so many women having a strange but well-established lack of spacial awareness, the same obviously seems to apply in football. That’s not being sexist or condescending, it’s simply true and I can’t pretend to know why, but until someone understands the problem and rectifies it, they seem destined to struggle.
The US team is not as powerful or skilled as everyone seems happy to confirm – much to their mental advantage – they just use aspects of the mens’ game to better effect than their opposition .
Very interesting observation about spatial awareness. In the Sweden-England game, the goalie kicked 2 balls out within a few minutes, without being under pressure.
Still, I’ll be glued to the final this evening.
At the UKIP meeting the other night a woman said she was the only one in her office that watched the big game US vs England.
“Hope Solo – the only pundit who is well worth listening to.”
Fully agree with you.
I loved her response to that BBC interviewers question:
so who on the English team does the US fear and respect?
To be honest with you all USA sports people NEVER look at nor study the opposition as we are usually confident that we are always the best team.
Same in business – I believe.
I would have loved to see the BBCs editors face when they heard that answer.
Well who would have thought it, the Times has thrown in the Remain towel and given its full backing to Boris for PM on the grounds that the Tories must now deliver Brexit if they are to defeat the Labour , Lib Dem challenge and he is the choice of a large majority of Tory members. The Remain readership of the newspaper is going nuts , subscriptions cancelled , refusal to believe that this once great newspaper, not my words, has fallen to such depths, etc etc. Once this bastion of Remainerdom has fallen the rest will surely follow.
All this goes to show that if a Leaver had been PM after Cameron we would have been out long ago and probably with a decent ‘deal’. If any proof was needed that the elite have tried their best to sabotage the democratic will of the people , this is it.
Sunday Times was Remain
Weekday Times was for Brexit
… though most journos are for Remain
Hi Sluff
I expect you’re on your umpteenth bottle of champagne with your socialist chum Comrade Moet by now. You both may be interested to to know that the BBC are intending to update and bring back a popular comedy from the seventies, ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mom’.
Naturally it will address LGBT themes such as Gloria’s transvestism and explore Lofty’s experiences of BDSM with Battery Sergeant Major William’s as well as other issues that the BBC are obsessed with currently.
I fully expect it to be as terrible as some of their other revivals (e.g. Porridge).
I wonder who the 21st Century version of Michael Bates will be and whether they will brown-face him? And I assume Sgt Major Shutup will now be a black disabled muslim lesbian?
Update it? Maybe it will be re-titled Buggery In The Sunshine.
The BBC seem a bit snotty over not being invited to the THE Royal christening!
I first saw this on this mornings news and was appalled at the way the news was presented with a very recognisable BBC unrelated and snide remark attached.
Basically the Royal couple have decided.
1. No News media at the event.
2. No list of guests.
3. Photos only to be placed on their Instagram account and not released directly to the press.
A smack in the gob for the BBC and other news “outlets”. Basically they said keep out of this and leave us alone!
So how to the BBC deal with this and express their rage?
Of course, by attaching a story about the amount spent on the couples new home at the bottom of the article, apparently paid from the public purse…. So the BBC urging people to feel angry…..i.e. that will teach them Royals not to demean and ridicule us the all powerful “peoples” media who pay for them!
Typical BBC nasty tactics run on both Their TV news and website!
Read BBC’s Jonny Diamond (Royal Correspondent who may be becoming redundant soon!) he writes…
” Those (The BBC) hoping for more than a glimpse of the royal christening today will have been disappointed.
There was no television coverage, nor have press photographers been invited.
Normally a list of godparents would be released, but this time, says the palace, in keeping with the wishes of those chosen by Harry and Meghan, their names will be kept private.
It all points to a very different royal event, part of the continuing desire by the Duke and Duchess to raise their son Archie out of the spotlight.”
He continues….
“Coming so swiftly after the revelation that almost £2.5m of taxpayers’ money was spent renovating a property for Harry and Meghan – it has led to questions about visibility. (FROM THE BBC!)
The previous understandings about public (THE BBC’s) access to royal events appear to have been abandoned by a couple determined to do things their own way.”
I for one can see straight through this slime. Roll on their demise!
And a rousing cheer for Meghan and Harry too!
Read the article here::
Well said digg,
If Al beeb thinks we feel sorry for it, well we don’t ✌️
Sorry, have to disagree with you Digg. Ok, so they might want to bring their son and any future kids up in private. Let them do so, Kate & William seem to be pulling it off with no problems, yet have no bother with releasing photos of them for human consumption. And what’s with the nonsense of not releasing details of the birth or the godparents ? What does he think we will do ? storm the bloody Palace in a rush for selfies ?? The information is released and then we’ll forget all about it. Who sodding cares anyway ?
Since Harry’s marriage he’s clearly in awe of his actress wife, to the point of becoming petty and truculent to the outside world, except when it suits. He’s royal, so knows how the ‘game’ is played. Instead he seems to be wanting the A List celebrity lifestyle funded by us, so he can relax away from the plebs in the Soho Farmhouse surroundings he is becoming rapidly accustomed to.
I know I sound harsh, but Harry lost all credibility with me, when for whatever reason, he never met his future father in law face to face, and still hasn’t. The debacle that followed at his wedding, could have been resolved with a bit of common sense, but instead the attitude of “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets” prevailed. He needs to be careful that all the love felt for him as a little boy could easily ebb away.
Others taking it well.
A few tweets later
Ha ha! John Bercow in a tee-shirt literally screaming at Roger Federer for an autograph at the end of his match. Federer ignores him and walks away.
Boris Johnson please take note.
He didn’t ignore him Cass, simply couldn’t see the little chap among all those adults. He should have stood on Sally’s shoulders – then again she may well have been otherwise engaged elsewhere.
Ride Sally, Ride.
The superstitious believed in magic talismans.
One is called The Praidlogo
…the superstitious believed that the The Praidlogo Talisman gave them immunity from attack from a tribe called the Libmob.
One tribe called Channel-Faiv thought ‘you can’t be too careful’ so they mixed in the brown and black of the African Praidlogo as well.
An unusual occurrence . A bbc employee criticising other bbc employees . According to The Independent news source someone purporting to be a mr Ken Bruce says that Toady presenters like their own voices so much that they don’t allow interviewees to explain themselves .
So I ask – you mr Bruce – who is obviously a user of this site – to come forward . The issue of the conduct of toady presenters disrupting those with whom they do not agree – such as Brexiter s – is daily fodder for us ….
Please everyone, watch the last episode of This Week with Andrew Neill. Brilliant television. They’re ending it in two weeks.
Bar stewards!
Sorry, me again. At then end of This Week Boris is filmed in the Heck sausage factory surrounded by Muslim women packing the sausages. The sausages were pork; how come they csn handle haram, non halal products but the ones working in M & S told people to go to another till?
Your Muslim detection antenna have got a false positive

… cos looking at the middle woman you see her head visor in the up position.
The black things are not hijabs, but safety helmets with visors, chinguards & ear defenders.
So I guess they work in a different factory area where big machines splash stuff around, and for the film they’re just pretending to work on the packing line.
Note that Boris & the supervisor just use the normal hairnets and bare clean hands.
image taken from Twitter video
Cassandra – I’ll second that ( sad me – I taped it ) but Mr Neill’s clinical quartering of a French EU journo mouthpiece trying to defend the anti democratic coronation of corrupt Germans and French to run the monster was a thing of beauty . If I hadn’t been aware of the nature of his ‘victim ‘ – I almost felt sorry for it . But – Naaah.
I wrote earlier today about the ex head of MI6 moaning about the inconvenience of people voting for a cause with which he does not agree .
I always look for motivation – in his case I believe it is personal advancement . He is only a ‘knight ‘ which earns him a few bob on the boards of various companies but does not have the kudos of the Peerage .
That is what I believe ‘they’ are all after . A lifetime in a paid for club with no responsibility .
So we will see more creatures like him come out from under their pensioned rock auditioning to Teresa May for a place on her farewell so called ‘honours list ‘ .
Lord Olly Robinson will be there too …
London’s Bridges floodlight project
Our overlords the MetroElite sat that cos the common is a great sinner the skies are warming and so they have imposed a great penance upon him and ordered him to wear hair shirts instead if heat his home or light his home with fossil fuels.
.. Yet they have also ordered a huge art installation illuminating London’s bridges.
Surely this Londons Bridges floodlight project will have a helluva CO2 footprint cradle to grave ?
If one bulb costs thousands
\\ During the next year or so, 15 of London’s bridges across the Thames will become glimmering art installations decked in glorious fountains of light. It’s a £40m project (funded, you will doubtless be pleased to learn, largely by private donors including the Rothschild Foundation) designed to bring the Thames to life at night.
But we’re not talking about tacky coloured amusement-park fairy lights, this highly engineered project is by the American artist Leo Villareal, who designed the stunning illumination of San Francisco’s Bay Bridge.
Architect Charlie Luxton accompanies a nervous Villareal during a test run at Waterloo Bridge and dangles in a harness from a bridge as he helps to fit a light. Just one light (these are top of the range, not domestic bulbs) costs £3,000 and takes an hour to install. Still, it should look lovely when it’s done
I suspect that, should any harm come to Tommy Robinson, they won’t be needing any fancy illuminaires to light up London.
That French woman is one of the journalists who appear on “Dateline London”. The French ones are usually the most snooty and patronizing towards this country, surprise, surprise.
Sadly Fed, you are 100% correct. The ex security chief was completely accurate in his assessment of the calibre of the current politicians being as ‘dire’.
‘Lions led by Donkeys’; I wonder what today’s politicians would be described as.? Certainly wouldn’t be vertebrates.
Here’s a cheerful little film for a Sat night. If you’ve been thinking the MSM are little more than money whores you’re right.