So , Ladies Gentlemen and confused .. Thursday marks the sentencing of a journalist after a politically motivated trial in Britain . The BBC will cover it and fight for ‘press freedom ‘ right? Or maybe it’s the kind of ‘press freedom ‘ of which they do not approve . The British State will also want to send a signal to less courageous folk about the cost of challenging what it has allowed to happen – and which is continuing to happen to children in bits of Britain politicians and journalists seldom think of yet alone visit .
I would never recommend a BBC programme – but Wednesday night sees the broadcast of a report on anti semitism in the Labour Party ….
It is certainly remarkable how much effort has been put in to prosecuting what, by any measure, is a relatively trivial affair.
The sort of activity that anyone concerned about ‘holding power to account’ would be paying attention to.
But then maybe some black lesbian has been refused a coffee in some two-horse town in the US and we mustn’t waste the headlines should we?
Link back to last page of previous thread
page4 took us to last thing on Tuesday
I expect the BBC are w#####g themselves silly with excitement with the thought that TR may get put away and hopefully injured or even murdered in prison. They have probably already written some sanctimonious headline to the effect that “he had it coming” if the worst does happen. As his book title said he is “The Enemy of the State” and dont they know it.
He is the man the MSM and establishment are most afraid of, not only because of exposing the establishment cover ups over the “grooming” scandals but especially the BBC after he exposed their lies, distortions and manipulations in his “Panodrama” documentary. It is also interesting that controls on the alternative media went into overdrive immediately after Tommies documentary got shared so widely. Remember these days the BBC and the state are one, with the tale wagging the dog, beautifully illustrated in the BBC Leaders “debate” and creepy Javids” Islamophobia” challenge
What is for sure, with the countries judiciary now politically controlled it is very unlikely that he will get away Scot free – That establishment reptile Geoffrey Cox will make sure of that.
Anyway spare a thought for Tommy today – the best of British.
Yes, I think tomorrow is crucial, not only for Tommy Robinson of course, but for the state of British democracy. If those judges jail him (again) Britain will be that much closer to a police state.
If they have any regard for justice, they will sentence him to time already served and allow him to walk free. If they don’t, posterity will judge them harshly indeed.
Yes, I’ll be thinking of Tommy Robinson, a true modern-day hero and fighter for justice in these appalling times.
If I read the judgement correctly -31 pages – I think the effect of it is to agree to the request by the AG to jail TR for contempt . Now he has already done 10 weeks of torture and they can jail him for up to 2 years .
It must be attractive to lock him up for the maximum period to shut him up and – when he has been ‘forgotten ‘ after a few months – say the coming Christmas – have a Muslim gang or prison officer kill him of with a ‘suicide ‘.
I never thought I’d write like this . But the was the State has gone after him again and again in these circumstances sign posts the way the country is going .
I m as concerned for TRs family as much as him because the malevolent forces running things would happily go after them too to send a message .
Of interest is the alliance, through support for Islam, of the state and the loony far left, including Cameron’s UAF, Antifa, Left Unity, Trots and anarchists. but also disturbing is the relative silence from many conservative voices. Sure, Mogg is anti TR, but we have to see whether some of the other conservative voices – like the heavily censored Conservative Women – speak out.
I think yours is a fair assessment. I suppose the judges could also delay the sentencing, just as they have delayed his trials so as to torture him, it seems.
Of course, all we can do is hope for the best.
If TR isn’t sent back to prison it will be the authorities fear a backlash , not because they believe that he ought not to be sent there. The establishment want TR silenced because he dares to speak the truth on behalf of millions who have been cowed into silence by an establishment which has sold their country down the river. Our police , judiciary , politicians , civil service and a MSM have conspired against the best interests of the British people for at least the past twenty years. Leaders like TR are trying to wake the majority whilst there is still time to avoid the very worst of the fate that awaits us if we do nothing. If they succeed the establishment will lose their power and their position. So as all elites do throughout history they try and shore up their position by taking ever more repressive measures against ordinary folks and the key is to remove their leaders, in this case Tommy.
Incredible, isn’t it. Just a few years back I never would have imagined that the UK could deteriorate this much this soon, with the full complicity of the weasels in power.
Can Boris turn this around, I wonder. After all, he is only one man.
I agree. I think that over the past decade we have seen a rapid acceleration in the suppression of the British people by their ‘leaders’ . Even if a combination of Nigel and Boris get us out of the EU they are both committed to continued immigration in one form or another. In a post EU environment this will almost inevitably lead to an increased % of third worlders amongst the arrivals. In that respect Brexit is a double edged sword , emotionally I want the Globalist and EU to be given a good kicking but at the same time I would much rather have Poles than third worlders, a thousand times more in fact.
Oh yes Doublethinker, your double thinking is 100% correct, Brexit could be a double edged sword, so much more then we have to fight against the increase of immigration from outside Europe and be brave enough to stop all those that follow the teachings of Islam entering the UK, let alone Europe. Islam will from the seven years I have endeavoured to study it, eventually if not stopped will destroy Christian western Europe and in paricular the white indig peoples. Nothing I repeat, absolutely nothing will alter or be allowed to alter the words of the Koran-that being the case we will have to recognise that we are at war with Islam. I don’t claim that lightly.
In a commomsense world we should be having Poles rather than third worlders. Most people here would surely agree with that.
Very well put Oaknash, certainly the tail wagging the dog scenario- the continued villification of this man by the socialistic media/BBC et al, just confirms all our thoughts as to how matters now proceed-many interesting web sites across Europe report on the TR case-one in particular that clearly illustrates what is going on with and in connection with the EU is ‘Gates of Vienna’ good common sense reporting-something we don’t get much of here in the UK. Self endorsing, sefl congratulatery, self opinionated pontificating journalism is what we get. Certainly will spare a thought for the continued bravery of this Man-let us hope that the authorities will realise the delicacy of his situation and keep TR in a single person cell and away from the Islamists the UK keeps in Prison instead of deporting them or………….
Toady Watch
Fascinating piece on the NHS and overseas patients moaning about being charged for the service . It’s so wrong – any one in the world should be able to come to Britain and use the ‘wonderful’ NHS for nothing . You – yes you – should pay for them .
The reporter sounded like she was reporting a funeral – Kathrine Nye? – but she should have be celebrating that their NHS is charging people for using the service .
They gave an example of a pregnant foreigner who was charged £10000 for emergency maternity treatment . And the problem is ?
No one made the connection between the money collected from foreigners using the NHS being used to pay for BBC TV licences for the over 75s ….. thus linking 2 overblown ‘loved ‘ british institutions which we have no choice but to pay for .
Naturally those representing the medical’ profession ‘want to do away with the inconvenience of charging those not entitled to it – but they would wouldn’t they .
Well I’d go further – no evidence of NI contributions – ( adults ) then no NHS treatment . I’d charge for emergency treatment too.
FE2 I wonder what these Consultants and Doctors view would be if there were no roads to drive on because law abiding citizens refused to pay road tax or no police because we refused to pay our rates. The majority of these taxes comes from normal working people not self Consultants on 100k plus a year.
Moral grandstanding is such a fine thing, when you can afford it.
The medics have the most powerful trade union, closed shop that has ever existed. They abuse their position in order to make political points to ensure that the NHS , or rather their own terms and conditions, is held above the necks of politicians like an executioners axe.
I heard that. A really excruciating libtard listen.
I was waiting and waiting for the mournful presenter to ask the obvious question of the poor unfortunates, why did you not take out travel insurance’?
It never came. Of course.
Or ‘why didn’t you bring your EHIC card’?
Nope. That one neither.
We can think of the questions to ask. The pathetic BBC ‘investigative journalists’ somehow cannot.
The obvious solution to the NHS Overseas Patient problem is that the charge for UK Visas is increased to include a one-off premium for health insurance. You present your Passport & Visa at the Surgery or Hospital, you get treated & the NHS claims the money from the insurer. Simples.
Is there something I have missed?
(The case of the eight month pregnant woman tourist was a bit strange. I thought there was a (medical) rule that you do not travel in your final month. Is that not right?)
I’ve just been charged £40 for a doctor’s signature on a vacation refund form caused by a cancellation in favour of cancer treatment. In cash. Easy to charge the natives.
PM Watch
Well the ITV did a fair job . But looking at the two Tories planning to be the next PM I thought ‘is this the best available ?’ .a bloke who looked and sounded like he should be selling sensodyne toothpaste and a blustering joker who couldn’t put a coherent sentence together .
But as long as one of these characters gets us out – cleanly – by 1 November – they’ll be worth it .
Jeremy Hunt would be a failure at selling toothpaste. People would take one look at him and realise that he was actually selling snake oil.
Boris? Dunno if he is PM material. Perhaps if he combs his hair…
What really is worrisome of course, is him voting for May’s ‘deal’ third time around.
“Here are my principles,” says the politician. “And if you don’t approve of them I can find some others.”
J Hunt was a Remainer and I do not belive he has changed that view-he will endeavour to delay the departure from the EU one way or another-his friends in the EU need the UK tied in-our money such as we have is absolutely necessary to keep the EU functioning-but recently new people were voted into high positions within the EU and one a woman, who has no love for the UK-with Germany shuddering under a declining economy, the demise of one of its major banks, an aging ex east german leader who is hanging on by her teeth, with Italy about to explode and will tear itself away from the EU if poss also Greece likely to jump ship, Hungary not at all happy with the present EU’s immigration policy, I think it is a good time for the UK to pull out and start paddling our canoe like crazy.
Facts for losers – BBC’s ‘selected’ facts
Glad to see the Tory debates on ITV, fairly well organised and presented.
Paid for out of earned income.
The one on the BBC was of course, let us remind ourselves, a totally biased shambles with Emily Maitlis well out of her depth.
Paid for out of a compulsory £4bn a year tax.
It’s join the dots time on Toady.
During my pre 0700 doze I heard someone ‘interviewed’ (i.e. given an easy ride) bemoaning our lack of progress on global warming. As usual, cars are evil (though a third runway at Heathrow is apparently OK. Strange)
Later on, at around 0725 I think, a trailer for the Moral Maze on the subject of fast fashion.
Michael Buerk unexpectedly asserts that third world sweatshop clothes manufacturing in Bangla Desh and elsewhere creates more global warming emissions than the whole of aviation and shipping put together !!!!!!
Now I find that a bit hard to believe but what fun it would have been if the interviewer in the earlier piece had asked the global warning protestor ‘from where do you buy your clothes and where were they manufactured?
But that would have been well beyond the capability of the ‘investigative journalists’ at our world class impartial state broadcaster. Especially when there is a narrative to advocate.
Off now back to my cave to put on my animal skins (Vegan of course) before a day of tilling the soil with my bare hands. No fertilisers allowed of course but I allow myself to use tools made of wood and flint.
Of all beeboids to interview John Major – they give it to Meeshall – who clearly had no conception of the meaning of the words he was using to challenge our exit from the EU.
It was really sad because a journo earning their pay – like Brillo – would have taken him apart . But that’s the BBC – all this lady did was give JM a soap box to stop brexit .
She didn’t even know that the reason 31 october is significant is that that is the date the EU ‘gave us ‘ as an A50 extension .
At least the PM who ‘gave us’ the Referendum vote has the decency to keep his mouth shut – but JM May have taken the Soros euro for all we know – he is fond of money after all..
Labour will vote against any ‘Tory deal’ or No Deal. They would then negotiate their own brexit deal and then campaign against it because they’re a party of remain.
All completely rational to the bBBC though obviously.
Has anyone noted the wheedling, non or relatively little interrupting Mishal Hussein in her interview with Remoaner favourite Sir John Major. Modulated tones, allowing Major to push his Remoaner viewpoint. Compare and contrast with her normal technique when ‘interviewing’ Tories or Brexiteers.
And at the end they were chuckling about cricket . Cricket ! If I write a bad word here I have to delete myself . So in this case words really do fail me . Oh Maggie – where are you ?
Indeed, Peter, and here is TOADY Watch #1
Strangely supine, mindless Mishal interviews failed Premier, John Major who is a Remainer and EU Integrationist – by definition.
1. Funny how the BBC for about two days, pointed out the EU inclinations of anyone interviewed (in the wake of the Johnson/Symonds eavesdropping recording) on the TOADY programme but now no longer take the trouble to inform the listener so there is no doubt about bias.
2. Mishal has obviously been up late, (partying at the pub?) after the Conservative Leadership contest debate yesterday evening. She is brain dead and not sharp enough to point out to Major that the date of 31 October is not set as an artificial deadline by Bojo or Hunt, it was set – if I recall correctly – by the EU States in response to Theresa May’s request for a June deadline extension from the first extension they granted to 12 April.
3. Apart from not interrupting Major or harassing him during his replies, she asks a peculiar question about the 1992 General Election and supposed newspaper revelations about corruption. She didn’t get to the core of the issue – the Maastricht Treaty. I wonder why?
4. I left the room during the Ambassadorial bit, but I wouldn’t mind betting that Mishal didn’t ask the really big question – “As a pro European, one who wishes to remain in the EU, are you happy for the UK to lose its independent statehood, eventually to be incorporated and subsumed into the nation of Europe?”
It would have been educational, informative and entertaining to have listened to John Major squirm and wriggle his way through a reply to that!
This was followed up by Matt Hancock, brought on to show ‘balance’.
Justin conducted an aggressive interview with him, bullying and manipulating; Webb at his toxic, biased best!
Some balance.
Even now, radio4 is trying hard to follow up last night’s debate with R4 spin on issues. Seb Kane and Katy Balls.
Every now and then Mishal uses leading questions to steer the whole thing to her conclusion.
We will now have a whole day of listening to John Major on R4 news, as R4 uses him for their own objectives.
She’s not called ‘useless’ Hussein for nothing…..
Do you notice that the BBC is continuing to ignore that the Brexit Party gained 29 seats in the Euro elections ? No reference to this in the chat between John Soros major and the downright slow meeshall …
I’m looking forward to someone learned explaining how a judicial review can counter the supremacy of parliament if Boris gets to close the traitorous monster down .
And Webb is not called JustRemainIn for nothing ….
.. although if we do remain in it’s gonna cost.
That man is a traitor in every way-sadly he doesn’t realise it. Why the H do our stinking media want to allow him any air time? Oh of course to advertise their great-‘we listen to all sides of the argument,’ theme.
Usually the BBC applies to a coroner to exhume Helsetine but this time of year he’s probably in an overseas palace counting him money – which I understand he got from ‘property developing ‘.
So they get Major – who is always after a few shillings when he has seen how Blair has financed himself after office . Project Fear must be due to roll Blair out again fairly soon for his song and dance routine …
beeb STILLLLLL going on about impeachment
Yes beeb, the world gets it you dont like Pres. Trump
If , as looks increasingly possible , the President wins a second term I am looking forward to seeing the faces on the BBC the morning after. Even the Washington Post poll has the President popularity at 44% , some other polls have him touching 50%, which is far too high for impeachment . It’s also a decent position to be in at this stage in the campaign. But the President has an ace in the hole, the Russia Hoax. When AG Barr’s report is delivered the American people are going to find cast iron proof that senior Dems, the Obama WH, CIA, FBI and MSM knowingly conspired to tip the election and then to depose the President.This will add many more % points to his approval ratings and give him a landslide in 2020.
Why the Welsh Assembly is a waste of money………………….
“Welsh school uniforms to be cheaper and gender neutral”
Meanwhile there is a shortage of Hospitals, doctors and nurses , etc etc etc .
Its merely an overblown talking shop no better than a mickey mouse village council chamber .
Worth reading Toby Young on the joys of Welsh and Scottish education.
But ensure there are no sharp objects near at hand as you do.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
Hi Taff, sorry i’ve posted the same, only just saw your posting
If TR goes to prison, it will harm the establishment. There will be a reaction.
Further, it will add thousands and thousands of votes for The Brexit Party.
Many voters may not entirely approve of TR, but their response to this abuse of process will be against the establishment.
In a way, the imprisonment of TR will galvanise politics far beyond what we have now.
Dover – the reaction will involve a bit of eye rolling followed by some MSM – look this way – technique – maybe they’ll have the nudie pictures of a minor ‘royal ‘ ….
Bit like the nonsense about a swamp dwelling FCO employee coming up against a head of state with no time for swamps – which the likes of the BBC turn into ‘principle ‘.
And as for the leak inquiry – I can almost quote the line from Humphrey in ‘yes prime minister ‘ “ do you want a leak inquiry or do you want us to find out who actually did it ?” .
I’d start in the Washington Embassy …..
Ambo plays victim . PM supports . Sends message by making him a peer when `May moves out – job done .
“Major: I will seek a judicial review to stop Parliament shutdown”
I smell a general election in the wind.
Be prepared.
Tory leavers need to unite with UKIP and The Brexit Party in forming a coalition for Freedom and Independence.
“You can no longer edit this comment.”
Whats going on here ?
taffman odd things have been happening these past couple of days with posting comments including vanishing posts.
Taff / Not – I ve not noticed it being any different but maybe it’s being ‘hacked’. If we lose the site is suggest “is the bbc biased ‘ be the resting place – I think we will be more than welcome .
I think John Major is losing his marbles. He said Parliament hadn’t been prorogued since the days of Charles II in the 1640s. (Wrong. It was Charles I.) He also said he’d been in the Conservative Party for sixty years and had joined on his sixtieth birthday.
“I think John Major is losing his marbles”…..
We all thought that when we had the image of him in bed with Edwina Currie !!
Z, so am I. I yelled at the radio at that point (funny – I’m not 40 anymore) about ‘the wrong Charles’ but I forgot to put it in my post above.
gender neutral school uniforms anyone?–cKpoj-whCfwW-W9wgwLqFFF6wwXBokfrs4q4-Ha24_mg
Yes I wondered about that? Mao suits anyone?
Also badges are discouraged. All identity must be wiped.
Good heavens what next- gender neutral school uniforms-if long trousers were felt too warm by some boys then wear shorts I did as long trousers were not permissable until I was 13-we were tough !
Anyway what parent would allow their son to got to school wearing a skirt, come on, unbelievable. Just leave it as it is and tell the Welsh schools not to be so silly and not to listen to the gripes of the snowflakes. It is really incomprehensible.
Younger readers may need reminding that John Major took us in to the European Exchange Rate mechanism aka ERM. Which was the predecessor of the Euro.
It ended ignominiously in our exit. George Soros reputedly made a billion pounds out of it.
The Tories never recovered and Blair won in a landslide in 1997.
A fine record, Mr Major. Not.
But he is a Euro fanatic, which is all that counts in bBBC-land.
Major has always spoken in favour of EU membership. To be honest I’d be surprised if EU supporters weren’t throwing every spanner into the machine for implementing the result of the 2016 referendum.
Of course in effect democracy has broken down. To me it’s odd that a former Conservative PM doesn’t seem bothered by that.
Sluff, “The Tories never recovered” and, arguably, whole chunks of the population didn’t recover either. This was the start of the second Conservative Party inspired recession in just a handful of years, Lawson* causing the first in 1988 and then Major, who really should have known better as a qualified Banker and former Treasury Secretary, overruling his Chancellor Norman Lamont*. (Another reason why Sajid Javid should not be allowed to occupy No.10 Down Street, there’s all the wrong recent history behind the job for Conservatives.)
* Something notable. Both Lawson and Lamont have repented in public of their sins committed as Chancellor of the Exchequer and both, if I recall correctly, have become fairly fervent supporters of leaving the European Union or EUNation as it must surely now be known.
I stand to be corrected but the early 90s recession was when we were in the ERM.
Growth resumed after leaving the ERM with lower interest rates and an initially lower pound which gradually recovered as growth resumed.
Ironically dear old Ken Clark was quite fiscally prudent and the economy was in pretty good shape by ‘97 but the political damage had been done.
Blair even agreed to keep spending levels to the Tory plans for his first 2 years.
People in Hull get beaten up everyday
especially if they are late teens
Yes every so often it’s girls
but cos this time the girls friends threw in the word lesbian
it gets registered as a hate crime
So Sky report it as national news.
BBC local 9am mentioned it in passing.
A sobering thought:
‘Sedition’ – “language or behavior intended to persuade other people to oppose their government and change it, sometimes by using violence”.
The UK law as regards, ‘Sedition’ was abolished in 2009 as a result of the Human Rights Act 1998 in which, it was felt that due to the UK and, “…today’s society where freedom of thought and expression is a protected right in the U.K. under the Human Rights Act 1998….”, ‘Sedition was a redundant concept. Please forgive the authors as this item was written in 2012 when ‘hate speech’ and all the growing paraphernalia of anti-democratic efforts by Government to stifle the public’s free speech, did not exist.
Much as most decry the actions of past UK Governments, in this abolition, they may well have done the right thing……………
Major Prorogued Parliament in the cash for access saga. This woman knows what she’s talking about.
She’s the ex-Director of Legislative Affairs at No 10.
Sentry – not something Justin Webb would have asked about in the interview, since he was furthering R4 ideology by using Major as a battering ram to attack Boris, (and Major was happy to let himself be used).
So any question that might undermine Major, on this particular occasion, was streng verboten.
fnw, it was Mishal doing the interviewing of majorly failed Major now a minor figure on the world stage. She did ask about that scandal. I’d forgotten that Major had sent them all home early (PM’s could do that then) with words addressed to his own side: “It’s time for the bastards – sorry FedUp2, but it’s a historical quote – to put up or shut up.”.
That’s one reason why I would not have a Fixed Term Parliament Act. A Prime Minister should always be able to call a General Election when they want, for whatever reason, especially in the national interest. Or in that particular case, not in the national interest but I did enjoy as a spectator the drubbing that Labour took.
A new properly conservative government would surely repeal the awful fixed term act?
I was amazed when I saw the BBC Headline: How one website helps hundreds seek asylum
Bold as brace was the totally accurate statement: “Renouncing Islam – known as apostasy – is punishable by death under sharia law.” Apologies, I can’t get a proper cache image.
Fast forward a few hours, however, it had been replaced with: “In some Arab countries ex-Muslims can be prosecuted for renouncing their faith, and in Saudi Arabia those convicted of apostasy may be sentenced to death.”
The Beeb in fully taqyia mode. Shameful liars.
Click to access LegaliseApostasyNowPresentationv4.pdf
“UK economy returns to growth but slowdown fears persist”
Question : Where do these “fears” originate and who promulgates these “fears” ?
taffman “Question : Where do these “fears” originate and who promulgates these “fears” ?”
Answer: Kamal Ahmed.
(Faisal Islam made his first appearance, I think, on R4 this week to absolutely zero fanfare or recognition. His gardening leave from Sky hasn’t half gone on a bit. Vis a vis KA, FI appears to be a chip off the old block as far as the EUNation goes.)
“Some people” are obviously expressing such fears.
beeb great report, keep up the good work
Best regards
EU President
New BBC drama documentary exposes the far far far right.
Basically it tells a story of a young man who feels hopeless is drawn into an Islamophobic crime after being enticed by the far right.
-The left behind’.
The message is that a large section of the white working class are gormless and easily led on as they feel hopeless, don’t understand politics and are not like the sociologists who are making a living explaining why stupid workers vote Brexit and support Trump. But these gormless working class members are lured into Islamophobia.
Note how half way through the article there is a header saying that Tommy Robinson is guilty over facebook broadcast. See, the gormless working classes have to be reminded that the solution to austerity is not with bad Tommy Robinson.
The makers of a BBC docudrama about the rise of far-right movements in the UK believe it’s largely driven by a growing sense of “hopelessness” in some sections of society.
The future of, ‘Free Speech’, UN ‘style’.
The sooner the UK extricates itself from this Globalist/Marxist organisation the better.
“Saudi Arabia Has Arrested 3.4 Million Illegal Immigrants since November 2017”
What’s the matter with these muslim arabs? Have they not heard of the UN Migration Compact?
\\ The BBC (Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation) have decided to make a drama about the so called ‘far right’, depicting the right wing as having a terrorist like mentality, when the truth is that the left and islamic militants are more likely to commit these offences.
#ClownWorld ????
ONLY the far left are right lol
lets all throw Acid – thats the way to do it, and laugh it off
Over on another forum ..some friends who are logical on other things, for some reason think it’s OK to be nasty about TR
\\ When Tommy Robinson or his pet gorillas can explain why he tried to sabotage a trial, with numerous vulnerable victims, they may be wiser, but they will still be gorillas.//
To me this nastiness is the same way many of the WW2 German public were willing to dehumanise Jews.
“there aren’t that many extremist Mosques in The UK”
BBC Online News:
“”Climate change: UK government ‘like Dad’s Army’ “”
By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
“”The UK has been dealt a “brutal reality check” on its climate change ambitions, environmentalists have said.””
“”The government’s official climate change advisers warn ministers are failing to cut emissions fast enough, and adapt to rising temperatures.””
“”Committee on Climate Change chair John Gummer likened them to the hapless characters in 1970s comedy Dad’s Army.””
Has Harrabin any scientific qualifications? I think not.
Where is the opposing view?
Ooops, I forgot. The BBC have stated very clearly that they won’t allow any debate on this vital scientific topic.
And we pay them to be blinkered?
@Dover every morning MarkH puts up a series of links to BBC articles like this over on
He refuses to post them here cos he reckons this site is “too right wing”
..I try to post some here, but I don’t always get time
He has put up a few today
Thanks, Stew.
I am 73 years old and am just glad I won’t be here to see the
UK to become part of a greater European caliphate. It’s as sure
as night follows day because of demographics . 4 times 4 times
4 times 4 = 256 1 times 2 times 1 times 2 =4
This is for four generations. BUT as what we have heard about
Universal Credit fraud. Does not one think that Postal ballot
fraud is just as easy. In fact it’s much easier.
Of course the very strange postal ballot occurrences in
Peterborough will not be investigated properly. And the likelihood
of it happening all over the country is very possible.
The BBC could well be playing the Adhan in the early morning ,
much sooner than later. I just hope that Tommy Robinson
wont be here to see it as well. He could just be a side note in the historical
archives somewhere . Of somebody who committed “suicide”
under mysterious circumstances in prison . Whilst being
imprisoned for letting us know the truth about mostly men of
Pakistan Muslim heritage raping white girls.
I think you are correct. And we can forget the Boris v Hunt panto as we are heading fast towards the United States of Eurabia. No Brexit, and end of ties with the US.
In or out of prison TR’s suicide is imminent.
You sound as pessimistic as me . Unfortunately as years pass those growing up now will see this as ‘normal’ . Yes I know I’m stating the obvious but it is something to have as background .
They’ll think the third world multicultural swamp is ‘normal ‘ and wonder what people over a certain age are going on about .
TR has said he will never commit suicide and if his suicide is reported we will know the truth.
Regarding demographics, The Iconoclast made a frightening video in 2017 about the population changes between the 2001 and 2011 censuses (on bitchute).
Anne Marie Waters and Richard Inman suspect there may well not even be a 2021 census because the authorities wouldn’t want us to know the results.
I heard the interview with Major before switching off. Not one mention of the ‘Public’ or ‘Voter’.
HMS Queen Elizabeth: Leak forces aircraft carrier to abandon sea trials beeb reports. then goes onto say for 5 weeks sea trials.
The leak has forced the aircraft carrier to return to Portsmouth – about 5 weeks later.
If it was only going for 5 weeks, and returned 5 weeks later – is the beeb making this us?
Returning to Portsmouth without its scheduled load of migrants. I sail from Portsmouth often and noted during the ship’s absence that the cops who guard it in their little boat are off somewhere else. Nice job guarding this migrant ferry
Andy – what’s going on ? Leaking FCO .. leaking boats . ? No shortage of leaks this year …
What’s never mentioned by the BBC, is that Hunt actively campaigned for Remain back in those innocent days of 2016.
Our US Ambassador has resigned
Sir Kim resigns. An ambassador who believed that emails could be kept secret.
There was no need for a Diplomat to use the sort of language he did in describing Trump and his administration. He should have expressed any concerns in a more reasoned way. His language shows he was a Trump/Republican hater and he got, in my opinion. what he deserves.
The Media are all up in arms about it saying Trump is too thin skinned, but how could he have any sort of meaningful relationship with the Administration having expressed his views in such a manner?
What do you think would have been the Media’s response had he made these ‘observations’ about Obama ?
They should go back to writing proper letters and putting them in the diplomatic bag.
Excellent news.
The BBC is aware from their sources that a man known only as ‘Nigel’ is en route to the USA. His contact is a man known as ‘The Don’.
I disagree on Nigel . He needs to be in Blighty / Brussels making life hell for the traitors . Maybe he could be cloned and another version sent to the USA.
Cheered me that news about Darroch . Our president will be chuffed too. Will he Twitter ?
Richard Tice?
No – need him here too. And HMS Widdicombe .
The man for the ambassador job is Sir Tommy Yaxley Lennon Robinson who has indicated that he wants to live in the US.
Ah yes, Nigel and The Don. I think I heard Corbyn refer to them in PMQs at one time.
Does this mean May (the current PM) gets to appoint a new ambassador of HER choosing?
Theresa May’s incompetence, I’m afraid, again. To think I called for her to be given a chance (in EU negotiations) a couple of years back.
Correct procedure in my book would have been for the PM to call Ambassador Kim back to the UK for ‘consultations’. If he was a truly decent bloke – as he has been portrayed by BBC R4 – he would have wanted to pop back home to help with the search for the culprit, anyway, assuming it was not him. And probably if it was, too!
Theresa May put him in an impossible position. Entirely her fault.
The BBC will probably blame (President) Trump.
It is incomprehensible to believe that this man Darroch with some 40 odd yrs in the Civil Service of this nation could have written such Emails concerning the President of the United States-whether he considered that the Emails would never be leaked further illustrates this man’s stupidity-Very glad that he has resigned and trust he will never again be allowed to occupy such a position representing the UK. Not convinced now that such people have to come from the Diplomatic service necessarily-A prominant business man or woman might have equal skills- however giving these people Knighthoods means absolutely nothing to any other country but ours and in fact it is about time we did away with this 1000 yr old military reward given as then by the King/Queen.
UK should not deny media access based on propaganda label
“The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH
United Kingdom
July 9, 2019
Dear Mr. Hunt,
I am writing to express my concern at your government’s decision to deny accreditation to the Russian media outlets RT and Sputnik to cover the global conference on media freedom taking place in London this week based on “their active role in spreading disinformation.” As you know, the Committee to Protect Journalists defends the rights of journalists around the world to report the news and has been actively involved in supporting the conference which gets underway tomorrow.
While we are well aware that both RT and Sputnik have broadcast disinformation, some of which has undermined democratic elections and put journalists at risk, we do not believe excluding them from covering the conference is an appropriate response. To the contrary, for the British government to deny access to RT and Sputnik, or any other news outlet, based on its determination that they constitute propaganda actually empowers autocratic governments around the world who use a similar rationale to justify repression of critical journalism.
In November 2018, CPJ was awarded the Chatham House Prize in recognition of our contribution to the improvement of international relations. In my acceptance speech, I noted, “There is a deliberate strategy underway to tempt the freedom of expression community, and liberal democracies more generally, to betray our principles. Adopting an ends-justify-the-means rationale to limit free expression only gives solace to tyrants and empowers those that seek to set this trap.” By denying RT and Sputnik accreditation based on a determination that these outlets are a form of propaganda, your government risks undermining the very principles of free expression that the conference was intended to promote. We urge you to reconsider your decision.
Joel Simon
Executive Director”
BTW \\ @POTUS has 7 women currently serving as senior WH advisers.
More than any of his 3 predecessors.
At the same time in their presidencies, Obama had 5; G W. Bush 3 & Bill Clinton 5.
He had an 8th until UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigned.//
darroch resigns according to beeb
Caused by deliberate leak by a Remoaner to scupper the longstanding UK /US relationship thus sabotaging any promising trade deals?
The liberal media will now blame President Trump . The Remainers are now getting desperate.
The Civil Service appears to have more leaks than HMS Queen Elizabeth ?
Sorry, taffman, you actually beat me to it but I posted above before reading yours.
The list of incompetent Departments of State appears to be growing. We can now add the F&CO to the list.
Time is long overdue for a major Public Inquiry into our Civil Service.
It is very sad that he has resigned – when he should have been sacked for not being ‘diplomatic ‘. …but the thing I go on about – his peerage – is waiting for him .
They’ll appoint a clone – as a replacement .maybe a Muslim version just to wind Potus up further …
I could hear Jon Sopel sobbing! Please don’t ask me to link to his tweet …
On another note, the Stop BBC Bias campaign has reached their target of £30,000:
At one stage, the cash was coming in at the rate of £1,000 per hour! All the best to them!
The Battle of Britain has begun.
Leavers/Brexiteers like Trump.
Remainers/Remoaners hate Trump.
Leavers support Boris
Remainers hate Boris
The leak has cleared the fog and points out the weakness of our Civil Service.
Look at the images of the two men being used.
Good choice or propaganda?
I was thinking along the same line . Listening to The World at `one – the FCO mouthpieces used by the BBC sound like a ‘mafia ‘ . They are stone honker remainers – clearly hate POTUS and think they know better than voters with respect to brexit .
Even if brexit turns out to be a disaster – we – voters have the right to vote to leave and live with the consequences . The political class has no place blocking what the majority want .
And if bojo calls an election to frustrate brexit – only god will help him
Not the bbc but their partner in propaganda, Channel 4.
Expect a hatchet job tonight at 8pm.
They call it “Islamophobia”. I call it “survival instinct” and “common sense”.
good to see re the “Stop BBC Bias” Campaign R A. (your post of 12.48).
While on the conwom site you linked I read this article on the BBC re the Cliff Richard business. They are republishing some of their earlier reports of BBC bias while their campaign is ongoing:
In the light of a recent Old Bailey ruling (final outcome tomorrrow) I was particularly interested to read this paragraph about Mr. Justice Mann’s findings re the Cliff Richard business :
“The usual suspects are now lining up to attack Mr Justice Mann. As already noted, the BBC itself – which can never accept that its journalism is wrong – has said it will appeal against the decision because it marks a ‘dramatic shift against press freedom’.
Over at the Guardian, veteran media pundit Roy Greenslade makes much the same point. He claims that reporting the details of suspects is a vital part of the process of holding the police to account. He adds that the fundamental error in the ruling is that Mr Justice Mann has allowed the right of privacy under the Human Rights Act to trump the public’s right to know.
Strong charges, but the reality is that such areas of journalism have always been grey and difficult. Offsetting the right to know is the ‘fair comment’ provision in court and crime reporting, which stipulates that certain actions and comment by the media can be contempt of court because they are prejudicial to the outcome of a trial, and suggest guilt.”
… and another one. 18 year old gang raped in a park in Germany; the attackers were boys (some as young as 12) and filmed it on their phones.
BBC version gives minimum details… focus is on the dispute about lowering the age of criminal responsibility. Disgraceful use of the passive when describing the victim: “The victim, found in bushes late on Friday, was taken to hospital.”
They don’t mention the fact that she was mentally disabled or that the group were Bulgarian. And the standard stock image of a white man in cuffs. The Sun pictures show a slightly more tanned look
The Sun version:
(edit function’s gone again)
Why would a rapist wear a top hat?
R2 Vine show : \\ A fish and chip shop has closed down following ‘environmental concerns’ //
…last time I looked there were more cod
The guy just said “Cos there are more mackeral in the North Sea they are eating more cod-roe” (cod eggs)
BTW The quotas were recently increased as if the gov is not too worried
ah now the BBC has a new report saying they fell again just in the last year
(hmm one year fall)
\\ @theJeremyVine only 5% of Cod consumed in UK fish & chip shops are from the North Sea.
The rest is from the Barents Sea which is independently certified as sustainable by @MSCintheUK .
The shop in question took this decision due to their own failings NOT due to sustainability.
Also might have been worth asking Helen about the unpaid bills they still have with their suppliers.//
The restaurant had always been a veggie hangout
In January they announced they don’t serve meat
Yet on April 24 they then closed ..saying they would soon reopen
but they didn’t
I never ‘get’ the packaging on vegetarian food.
One I’ve seen says “chicken free slices”. Ummmmm, so why mention the word ‘chicken’ if there is no chicken in it ? If vegetarians don’t eat meat, then why would they want even a ‘chicken flavoured’ product ? Seems arse about face to me.
I have read the judgement in the Y-L case. I think this video is worth a watch re that:
(Who is this Politico chap? He is so good.)
Darroch does the only thing he can. Resign.
Got carried away foolishly and became unprofessional, so best to quit and go and plant veg.
bbc lunchtime news uses it to attack Boris (James Landale)
What a surprise….
May supports Darroch. Time for her to quit and go and plant veg.
The fact that she has been PM for three years suggests Trump is not the only one who may look dysfunctional.
Major wants to intervene with Brexit. He doesn’t want parliament ‘bypassed’. Old fool doesn’t understand that parliament actually GAVE THIS DECISION TO THE PEOPLE in a referendum. Direct democracy temporarily replaced Representative democracy, cos that (now hard to believe) is what the representatives wanted. May should have gone straight ahead and implemented…
If parliament had wanted to make the decision itself, it should not have given the people a referendum.
Major would be best going off to plant veg.
Fake – you and your veg… I’ve been planting lavender but those in Blighty at the moment might best be planting root crops for the coming Winter after Brexit when the people will be starving in the streets and we ll be getting survival airdrops from the EU airforce – a selection of cheeses and sun dried fruits and vegetables followed by strudel
Fed, that reminds me. Someone at the Beeb recently persuaded the boss of Tesco to go on Radio4 and spread Project Fear release 13.7 (they’re ahead of Microsoft programmers now!) about the lack of Christmas goods on the shelves due to Brexit on 31 October 2019. The lame idiot complied, too.
I laughed out loud when I heard it.
I remember John Humphrys grumbling every year, sometime in August, about the fact that Christmas goods had appeared on supermarket shelves. Year after year after year. The BBC presenter didn’t think to ask the Tesco bossman about that.
I wonder why?
At this very minute there are Chinese supertankers filling up with Christmas presents destined for the poor children experiencing their first EU free Winterval or whatever they want to call it without mentioning Christ ….
When it happens- brexit that is – we must be kind to the ex remainers in the dark months of November and December as they go through the stages of Grief and watch the EU flags being torched -particularly the 5th of November – Tusk – Barnier Night ….
Fed, you raise a possibility and a potential problem. I wonder whether figures of Tusk, Juncker, Verhofstadt and Barnier will be popular ‘Guys’ on Bonfire Night this year. And will our Police Forces be alerted that this could be a Hate Crime against EUNation?
Will arrests be made? Cautions dished out? Revellers carried off to chokey?
The BBC has a long article yesterday
Their guy James Landale chose to write
“Sir Kim, who is an honourable man
.. that is an NOT impartial
And James Landale has massive form on anti-Trump bias
he tweeted sneers at Trump for being at a conference with no translation headphone 18,000 likes
but he was completely wrong
What have you got against veg?
Were you once rejected by a veg when you asked for a date?
Don’t you realise how badly veg will feel after they realise you have dumped these reprobates on them?
Hey, my fellow posters / Logical thinkers.
hope we are all well & good!
just browsed the BBC website to see BBC Reality Fact Checker site on the Debate from Hunt & Boris, OMG do the BBC even try to hide any bias, at least this time lumped both HUNT & BORIS in this article but by just selectively picking the questions they wanted to fact check and only providing the ones whereby they choose to view stats/facts in a different shade/ angle because hey its numbers we can arrange them how we like in this country to suit our political needs & gains or match our POV.
at least the BBC is consistent if anything else.
Right then, back to the gruelling work of sitting behind a desk until 5 pm for me.
beeb says Wimbledon is ‘too white and middle class’;
more repetitive hype for someone knocked out earlier this week…
no prizes for guessing…
Buts its ok for the top 10 fastest men in the world (100 metre dash) to all be black then, and funny how not a mention is made that its ‘too black’.
Or that the fastest sprinters tend to be of (once upon a time) West African origin, where the fastest long distance runners tend to be of East African origin. You know, almost as though there was some sort of generic factor rather than athletic ability being just, er, a social construct.
With regard to West/East African runners, you too would run quick if you were being chased by a lion!
The world at one has spent half an hour on a civil servant leaving his Job . Looks like the BBC wants to run and run on this . They got the awful Alan Duncan – MP for Brussels north – to attack the journalist who leaked the communications from the less than diplomatic ambassador – then they got a democrat ex ambassador American to say bad things about president Trump – without challenge .
Damn that swamp is deep.
“then they got a democrat ex ambassador American – who worked for the Clintons – to say bad things about president Trump – without challenge .”
itv quotes Hunt as saying that Darroch gave ‘dispassionate advice’.
If Darroch’s wild rant about the President was ‘dispassionate’, I wonder what he would have said when passionate?
What odds on him getting a plum job with the EU in a few months time?
Hint: pretty short.
And some fawning interviews on the BBC to express his ‘considered opinions’?
Hint: even shorter
We won’t be in the EU in a few months – right ? Or wrong ?
The Peerage – is in my opinion – the summit of the swamp – and that is where Teresa May will send him … I’m happy to put money on it .
The exclusive interview with the hopeless maitless or the meeshaall must be on the cards …..
Will he get his plum job in the EU before Teresa May gets hers?
2:15pm Radio4 Drama : a repeat of the anti-Clinton’s drama
..cos it’s a repeat the blurb still names it as new
AFAIK it was unusually anti-Clinton, I guess cos the BBC bought it in from the US
Much of todays R4 is tickbox agenda
eg lot of special shows about black issues etc.
I haven’t got time to list all
Many shows don’t list their contents until they air
3pm Money book just put up their topic
\\ Electric Cars
Adam Shaw and guests discuss the costs and considerations of driving an electric car. Call 03700100444 from 1pm-3.30pm [standard geographic charges apply] or email //
Guests seem usual EV PR people no skeptics
4:30pm The Media Show is a Wimbledon..behind the scenes SPECIAL
see 4pm prog
World at one watch
Had to laugh – who would be least objective about discussing the use of Judicial Review to prevent parliament to shut down to enable the UK to leave the EU ?
Yes – the former Attorney General Dominic Grieve – the one who has voiced his willingness to bring down his own red Tory government to stop the majority view of 17 million people being carried through .
Even this traitor realises that the idea floated by Jonnie Major to challenge the government and democracy through the courts – is something a bit too far – even for remainers . -a proper constitutional crisis which brings Her Majesty – Gord Bless Her finally into the mix .
She has swerved brexit so far – but even her hands might land up dipped in the political blood – as it were .
The BBC using Dom Grieve for a legal view on this is – well – high bias
4pm Radio4 pushes the Far-right is equivalent to Islamist threat
Engineers of Jihad. + Orange jumpsuits (that seg is a repeat)
Laurie Taylor asks why so many Islamist extremists come from an engineering background.
He talks to Steffen Hertog, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics,
about a new study which finds that Islamist and right-wing extremism have more in common than either does with left-wing extremism,
in which engineers are absent while social scientists and humanities students are prominent.
(Yes cos leftdream pushers can’t do maths)
Is there a mindset susceptible to certain types of extremism?
They’re joined by Raffaello Pantucci, Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute.//
I’d argue most righties don’t do violence
.. a handful do
Lefties often do direct action and violence.. but less often kill people
..Islamists, often don’t do violence, but a lot do, and a lot do direct action (Pakistani mobs/stonings etc)
..and they have disproportionate killings compared to other belief systems.
“…. Islamist and right-wing extremism have more in common ….”
Why would that be so surprising? islam is a right wing doctrine followed by muslims, and islamists are muslims.
The Austrian corporal learned his best tricks from islam.
nothing wrong with such plastics
if they are properly disposed, of eg waste incinerators to make leccy.
… energy has to be used to make/was glass
BBC rolling on everyone they can in support of the resigned Ambassador. In their eyes the villains are squarely Trump and now Boris.
No criticism at all of the Ambassador using pretty desultory insulting language, his staff allowing it to get into a position of being leaked etc. etc.
So a simple question, let’s just imagine Farage had been the Ambassador and done exactly the same thing. Would the reaction have been unflinching support from the BBC rolling on all his sycophants in support?
NO, it would have been, why should the president of the USA tolerate this abuse, he is our biggest Ally!!! sack Farage now!!! He has damaged the reputation of our great Country in the eyes of the World!!! etc. etc.
We know your little games only too well Auntie!
R4 8:45pm Identity Through Reading
Four Thought
Author Zoë Strachan charts her journey of self-discovery through reading.
She describes how fiction helped her to find her identity as a gay woman //
podcast already up