@theisland Here’s the direct link https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/266925
but note what happened to their last petition Jan 10 Disgraceful that, despite receiving nearly 130,000 signatures,
Parliament is refusing to debate this petition calling on the Government to reject the Global Compact on Migration.
They appear to be indifferent to the concerns of the public.
Come now, how could anybody see this Petition as possessing any chance of being taken seriously: “Boris Johnson is reported to be “considering an ‘amnesty’ for illegal immigrants……”.
Almost as bad as the BBC people here condemn for their, “….some say…”moments. Point one.
Point two, history does not smile on our fictitious pseudo attempts at, ‘democratic’ posturing. History also proves that it is a waste of time signing these things just to perpetuate the illusion of UK so-called ‘democracy’ at work.
Nigel and Boris both regard continued migration to the UK as an ‘essential’ part of their post Brexit plan. I’m afraid that whether we leave or stay there is no prospect of the volume of migration reducing. In fact as I have said many times if we leave we are likely to see Eastern European migration replaced with increased third world migration. Which is certainly not a good thing.
Of course I want to see the Globalist elite given a good kick in the teeth by the UK leaving the EU. It is a triumph of democracy over the anti democratic technocrats and must be saluted. But it isn’t going to help in anyway with mass third world migration and all of the existentialist issues that stem from migration. In fact it may make them worse.
First let’s get out of the eu.
If we’re out on the 31st. Boris will have done what we wanted and we can move to UKIP/TBP or one of the other Parties that will do as the majority want.
Then we can concentrate on the unwanted mass immigration.
Thoughtful is dead right.
Boris will never win the left over but will lose the right with these soft immigration schemes.
There is an absolute dearth of info on the net in any way connected to TBP’s views on migration. Probably because Farage believes that this topic is the Achilles Heel of TBP. That can only mean one thing: he/they support continuing mass migration over the continuing references to the, “Australian Points System” which, practically, in terms of stopping savages entering Australia, hasn’t done too well.
As our politicians lie and cheat on their electoral promises, we the people have to take action. Nothing dishonest like the politicians do, but simply use our power.
Our strategy should be “horses for courses”.
Support B Johnson and Farage to get us out of the EU. Once out, choose UKIP over the rest of the flock who wish nothing but sharia for the UK.
If the Donald is still president , we know from his thoughts, he will support UK 100%.
At this moment in time, there is deep cynicism about polics and politicians. Repeat the strategy of “horses for courses” a couple of times, and the general level of political honesty will rise by leaps and bounds.
Yes I agree . If we are out it is up to us ( after a fashion) what we do about Islamification. If we stay in the EU it is up to Brussels. Oh God I hope we learn from Italy and the Visegrad bloc.
This is the trouble, or serious fault with all professional politicians. They make promises to get elected, and immediately renege on them once elected. This has led to contempt of politicians and deep cynicism of politics in general. Bad for society.
This trait of lying makes politicians corrupt. Corrupt in the most venal way. I really don’t care of their previous sex lives or financial shenanigans. What I want is they do what they promised.
In my book, Pres Trump is unique. He keeps his promises despite being subject to continuous vicious attack over the last three years. I cant think of any politician or human, past or present, who could have stood it. All would have folded.
To compare Boris Johnson to Donald Trump would be like comparing Chamberlain to Churchill. There is no comparison.
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No one is going anywhere until @UKLabour sack this evil individual @NazShahBfd for her horrendous belief system that young raped girls should shut up in the name of diversity. I take it you support her on this Lammy or do you think she should be sacked? pic.twitter.com/2491zIOhTN
— Jack ???????????????????????????????????????? (@MannersJack) July 26, 2019
It’s disappointing that the expert commentator / alibi – somewhat brown isn’t available anymore as she has gone home to Uganda as promised now that BoJo is PM ….
Interesting to see how this site has evolved since I last commented here many moons ago. It used to be a well organised blog with plenty of original articles about specific examples of BBC bias. Not any more. There are more comments than there used to be, but any sense of reasoned argument went out of the window long ago. Scrolling through the last few months output it’s become just another Alt Right/Nationalist echo chamber with little connection to BBC output and plenty of general ranting about immigrants/Muslims/lefties. Yawn. No coincidence that most of the old regulars have long departed. Except the tortured prose of Guest Who, of course, who really does seem to have too much time on his hands.
Interesting also that the overnight departure of the prolific Alan passed without comment or explanation. I suspect that his abrupt disappearance was no accident and the the reasons for it would prove embarrassing if they were ever to come to light.
All a bit of a missed opportunity, because this site once served a useful function and often used to get noticed by people who matter. Those days are long gone. David Vance really does have the inverse Midas touch – anything he touches turns to ashes.
Hi Pollyanna – I approved your comment – the software alerts me to some posters -despite the vitriol . I’m sorry ‘ people who matter ‘ don’t look at it any more .
I’m sure you matter more than the ordinary plebs like me who just want to do anything to extinguish the BBC in its current form .
Sorry I’m unable to ‘ bite ‘ in response to your comment but thanks for your valuable – er – contribution – despite no observation about the subject of the site itself – namely the Far Left Biased anti British State Broadcaster ..
@pollyanna seems to have a grudge against David Vance
And uses the word “Alt Right” as a smear & dismiss label
When in fact its creators specific meaning is “white supremacist” ie pro-inequality
Whereas the contributors here seem pro-equality
.. and keep writing about the INEQUALITY that the BBC & liberal establishment preside over.
ITTB cover a load of issues as well .
so if they’ve cover an issue we don’t open a new post here
It is nice to have a judge looking at the comments here. Every day there is clear evidence of the bias of BBC broadcasters and programmes but this poster seems to miss these .
I read all the comments . Sometimes people are very angry when they see bias and injustice . But I think it is a fundamentally patriotic and good natured site – compared to the kind of stuff the likes of the national press allow in their comments sections.
As far as attacking David Vance – well I don’t know the history as I only got involved because I became so fed up with the unceasing Far Left bias of the State Broadcaster that apart from declining to pay for it I had to do something else – however ‘ meaningless ‘ some might view it .
As historian Arnold Toynbee has said, Quote: “Nations rise and fall with the health of its families.”
Now this Toynbee I could welcome into my home/TV room.
Not the one that the MSM admire who also hates religion and self sacrifice. Self sacrifice according to that Toynbee is simply too much like religion that’s why she hates it. That’s why people like her are usually pacifists and admire communism.
The saddest thing about Arnold, other than writing a book rather grandiosely entitled ‘Mankind’ and which some – with more patience than erudition – regard as a classic, is that he was grandfather to the everlasting Polly. Without this link to potential academia it’s doubtful she would have been inflicted on us for so long, let alone become a Guardian columnist for almost 24 years. Speaks volumes, does that.
So you thought you’d stop by just to criticise people going off topic by indulging yourself with an off-topic rant? Quite hypocritical of you. That and your matter-of-fact style use of “Alt Right/Nationalist” as a smear makes you appear rather like one of David Vance’s Twitter account trolls.
Who are the old regulars then Pollyanna? What do you know of them ? Have they confided something to you ?
And if lefties won’t come on to this site to complain about the left wing bias of the BBC who would you expect to complain about the bias of the BBC ?
Well I don’t watch the BBC much, and anyway knowledge of BBC bias has gone mainstream. Instead I tend to explain what has been censored by the BBC as has been mentioned on other forums like GWPF, Tallbloke, Weatheraction and the Mensa forum. Or explain BBC brainwashing techniques as has been explained in some books as well as in some emails from Astronomers. But most of the censorship by the BBC seems to be caused by the ignorance of its political and scientific advisors. It seems like there are two types of inferior people who have taken over society since Tony Blair. Posh people who vote Labour and support the European Union, and those environmental activists who were to thick to pass a science or maths exam but still went on to University to pass an exam on the Philosophy of Marxism, essential for those who advise the BBC on Science and Politics.
Have you ever heard about the “Calibration of Carbon Dioxide warming on Mars and Venus proving that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or, “Thirty year Retrospective Computer runs for Climate Models prove that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “Isotopic evidence for 84% of the increase in CO2 is attributed to the 800 year thermal lag in the deep ocean emissions of CO2 caused by the Medieval warm period which peaked 800 years ago prove that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “the Ideal Gas Law works for the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus, proving its a Hoax“ on the BBC, or “Never mind the 2011, pressure and grey body temperature based formula of Nikolov & Zeller, James Clerk Maxwell proved that it was a Hoax in 1871” on the BBC. But then according to the BBC, Greta Thurnberg is much better educated than anyone else known to the BBC and the Metropolitan elite, proving my point about the BBC being run by inferior posh people who vote Labour.
Greta news she’s apologised for the antifa T-shirt Activist Greta Thunberg records song on climate change “emergency” with The 1975
In the PR shots she is wearing an antifa T-Shirt
Yesterday I posted a photo wearing a borrowed T-shirt that says I’m against fascism. That T-shirt can apparently to some be linked to a violent movement. I don’t support any form of violence and to avoid misunderstandings I’ve deleted the post. And of course I am against fascism.
Not going to waste my time answering Pollyanna, but I would like to tell the other contributors and readers here how much I value the site. I do try to keep my posts only relevant to bbc bias, otherwise I’d be ranting permanently, but I see how easy it is to divert into politics of Twitter, newspapers, other tv stations etc as in the main they are all singing from the same liberal lefty pc hymn sheet. We are bombarded with the same mantras on immigration, climate change, diversity, lgbt from almost all media and there is no major outlet giving an alternative view.
I really value the links to interesting sites and articles given by contributors here, as well as Twitter stuff. Sure, people come and go, and such is life…I miss Pounce and Grant.
It is in general a polite site..well done everyone!
Thanks to Fedup for your considerable time and effort, and stew green for a wealth of info.
Loobyloo, you have expressed far better than I could my appreciation of those who run and post here. I too want to thank Fedup for not only putting up the new posts but also the censoring. Pounce I could forgive for his choice language but only him. Richard P I appreciate your slant on things.
I try to keep my comments to the BBC but when pushed try to start with ‘not the BBC but…..’ but by time I finish I sometimes realise I can link to the BBC.
For what it is worth this is the only online thing I do as I have found the rest are just sites for rude angry people to get into verbal fisty cuffs that they wouldn’t in real life. Here the vast bulk of contributors are polite even when they disagree and in the main the topic still is Bias at the BBC and that of course includes what they don’t report and their constant narratives which do revolve, in part, around Islam, muslim and EU positive bias…
So I would suggest that you just don’t read this site again and everyone will be happy.
This is the man who persecuted Tommy Robinson on trumped up charges and achieved the distinction a creating a political prisoner in England. Boris should sack him & ask HM Queen to give TR a Royal Pardon. https://t.co/gPmEsaR2Pm
Selective reporting at feminist BBC.
A drug called Lynparza is to be made available to women with Ovarian cancer on the NHS.
Not reported is the apparent fact that the drug increased remission rates to 60 % from the 27% value of a placebo. In other words only twice as effective as absolutely nothing.
Also not reported is the cost. NICE estimate the quality of life break even drug cost is about £49,000 per year.
The pills are available over the internet for around USD7000 for 15 days of pills. That’s over USD 150,000 per year. None of this got mentioned. No wonder the NHS budget is shot to pieces.
I just don’t see the same largesse for either male prostate cancer sufferers or dementia care costs.
But wimmin is wimmin, so blank cheques must be OK.
Funny how the equality argument the BBC uses to justify massive pay rises for female autocuties seems not to apply when men’s health is concerned. The life expectancy of men, of course, is several years less than for women.
(1) Fear of Independence
(2) Fear of Democracy
(3) Fear of Referendum results
(4) Fear that no nation on Earth could survive not having a deal with the EU, because the EU does not trade freely with none members who do not pay a tribute
(5) Fear that the Civil Service cannot cope
(6) Fear of trade with non-Europeans on WTO rules
(7) Fear that the EU will put up a wall on the Irish border
(8) Fear that the EU will collapse due to losing its trade surplus with Britain
(9) Fear that the EU will collapse due to not getting its £39 Billion
(10) Fear of Fear itself, leading to alarm, distress, dread, apprehension and anxiety leading to the European Union becoming an authoritarian superstate for white European supremacists with mental illness
Ten reasons to vote Brexit, Tory and Leave.
(1) Love of Independence
(2) Love of Democracy
(3) Respect for Referendum results
(4) The benefits that Australia has in not having a deal with the EU, because Australia can trade freely with a trade surplus on WTO rules, but does not have to pay a tribute to the EU for the privilege
(5) Hope that the Civil Service can reintroduce recruitment by ability
(6) Love of trade with the Commonwealth on WTO rules
(7) Knowledge that Britain will not put up a wall on the Irish border
(8) Hope that the EU will collapse due to losing its trade surplus with Britain
(9) Hope that the EU will collapse due to not getting its £39 Billion
(10) Love of Love itself, leading to hope, confidence, trust and belief in Britain’s future as an independent sovereign democratic free nation.
I guess that no-one who uses this site will be surprised that I could not find any mention of this little incident that occurred today at ALDI in Brimingham on our taxpayer-funded Biased BBC – https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=CzEjQ_1564177005
I am a senior BBC executive who must remain nameless for obvious reasons, although I did go to a fine public school plus I have a PPE from Balliol College, Oxford. I am writing in response to your misleading claim that the BBC do not cover important incidents that happen at ALDI supermarkets. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth, as today our website provides an indirect link to an article on a bodywash cream costing LESS than £1 in ALDI and which has been hailed by an ‘Aldi mum’. To read this important news: goto the BBC News website; click UK > England at the top of the page, followed by Regions > Birmingham & Black Country. Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the section marked ‘From other local news sites’ and click ‘Killer who thought he was God’ butchered neighbour in savage ‘blood moon’ attack’. Scroll to the bottom of that page, and underneath the video entitled ‘Birmingham has highest female genital mutilation rate than anywhere in UK’ is the story about the 85p cream that has been hailed by the ‘Aldi mum’. For those who wish to save time, here is a direct link: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/aldi-mum-hails-85p-cream-16648910
Whilst I appeciate that this article is not currently on the BBC home page, this is simply because there is no ethnic or LGBT+ angle or suitable stock photo from Getty Images. Instead, as the World’s Most Truthworthy News Source, we have simply chosen to provide a simple link to a trashy clickbait link another reliable and accredited news provider.
Yours sincerely etc
strange..couldn’t load that liveleak Aldi Birmingham link on my (Linux) laptop..until I used a VPN.. set in the USA. On iPhone I also got “Safari cannot open the page because the network connection was lost”? ..again it connected to that page fine once I switched on the VPN (this time set a UK server)..odd??..anyone enlighten me?
\\ After the Christchurch attack several websites including Voat, ZeroHedge, Archive.is, LiveLeak, and others have been blocked in Australia and New Zealand //
Liveleak was allowed again from June
Help Stop BBC Bias by helping to crowd fund a case for judicial review of the BBC, into why the World looks on and Donald Trump comments on those problems censored by the BBC. Censored problems such as who causes the knife crime in London, why fear of Islamic terrorism is illegal in Britain leading to the imprisonment of Political prisoners who mention it, why Causational Climate Scientists from America were banned from debating climate science on University property in Britain, why the obvious benefits of Brexit are censored by the BBC and why the BBC censors issues such as what causes the housing crises in Britain.
I agree with some of pollyanna’s observations above but not with ‘her’ underlying implications.
I miss the lead articles that Alan used to produce but it is hard work doing that sort of thing and given that really they should be reactions to the BBC it is hard to write something that is original when the BBC is like a stuck record in so many ways. The lead writers for IsTheBBCBiased blog, for example, must put in a lot of work and their journalism is of a far higher standard than that of the BBC’s, consequently they might only write once per week.
We are living in strange times. Three years ago the public were asked an important question and they gave their answer and for three years politicians in and out of government have ignored that answer. If the BBC was ‘holding power to account’ they would be screaming about this from the roof tops but no, nothing. The reality is that the BBC is ‘power’ but is never held to account, it is natural then that a lot of comment here has become political.
That brings up another point. This site is made up with what people, plural, post. It is what these posters make it and they are individuals, not some collective under the control of David Vance, TR or BBC Editorial Central.
There are several reasons why people stop posting here I expect. It hurts banging ones’s head against the wall! If one is hurt and one can’t forgive the hurt continues. Unfortunately with the BBC the hurt is continual so one can’t forgive so the other strategy is to move out of range of the ‘bully’, i.e. stop listening/watching. I used to listen to Radio 4 in the morning and early evening and Radio 2 midday and 7 p.m. on for the music. I gave up on the morning sessions because it was too depressing and changed to Radio 3. I gave up on the PM programme because I got disgusted with the way Eddie Mair kept trying to be a Paxman – “When did you beat your wife? When did you beat your wife?…”. I gave up on Radio 2 music because they moved all the good programmes to 10 p.m. and then got rid of all the good presenters.
That just about leaves Jeremy Vine and that only for the laughs at his expense!
Which brings me to what I really came here for! On Friday there was a non-story about footballs in gardens. At first the story seemed to be a dud because none of the parties wanted to take part so Jeremy had a solicitor on to explain the law. He was the star turn! Vine had said, quite reasonably, that he was surprised that the police had got involved. The solicitor had clearly done more research than the BBC because he said he wasn’t surprised by all the police harassment because the amateur football team, whose footballs were the cause of the upset, was led by a serving police officer! Whoops! That’s where all your policemen have gone Boris!
I could smell trolling in the polly post but thought it right to publish it . There is often an accusation that this place is an echo chamber – on the assumption that that is a bad thing . I disagree on the accusation .
I’ll wait for a further comment from polly . If there is none then the trolling accusation is well founded . There are a number of people who write on this site – stir things up and run away – but like ‘ knock down ginger ‘ . That is trolling – right maxi ?
I’ve not yet got to the stage of instantly consigning such comments to the trash – fortunately we receive very few – compared to what you might read on more ‘ public’ sites .
Polly is one of those people who just want to close down the opinions of those who are of the ‘ right’ . There is clearly no respect for the opinion of people who ‘ don’t matter ‘ .
It’s a shame that such view is so easily expressed and contrary views are so easily dismissed . I look forward to a response but think polly has gone away .,,,
Floating in like a Hindenburg-sized Weiner dipped in Diane Abbott’s ice lolly meltings and pontificating like Michael White’s more pompous idiot pr agent is hardly an effective way to close down anything, especially opinion.
There are many comments here – good ones may I add – which are not directly related to BBC bias. Such comments may draw attention to matters which are ignored by the BBC because of their bias, and therefore are rightly discussed here.
Fedup2, may I thank you for your work and tolerance
The red tops in the last few days have reported some unhygienic things some women are doing with ice-lollies to stay cool in the heat of the last few days, Guest. I do hope Diane heeds these warnings and doesn’t get caught on the tube in an embarrassing photo scoop like when she was caught drinking booze in a tube train.
On the other hand, we might now have a reason why she displays some of these painful facial and eye rolling gurns in tv interviews.
If stirring things up and running away is trolling, what is luring some one into a quarrrel over nothing then not running away but keeping it going for pages and pages just for the pleasure of causing annoyance? It doesn’t happen here, thank goodness, but some blogs become unreadable because of it.
TOADY Watch #1 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Ladies Day on Toady. I wonder if they have looked at a map and realise how far apart – or more correctly how close – Manchester is to Leeds. I doubt there is enough distance between the two for a High Speed (225mph+) locomotive to economically reach top speed before it is applying the brakes for arrival at the terminus in the other city.
Then there is the other Carbon NetZero question: why not just modernise the existing line and its rolling stock? Will that not create fewer Carbon Emissions than a completely new line, built for high speed rolling stock? Funny how Global Warming and Climate Change are so important at 7.25am but not just after 7am and again before 8am.
Was thinking similarly – BBC staff often seem to need a geography lesson . They must just get on the train between Manchester and London but no go anywhere else .
Confession – I’ve had limited exposure to north of the m25 – but what I do notice – as you say – is that there are not enormous distances between towns and cities – so the rail system should meet those needs . It’s not the prairies of East Anglia ..
Fed, the topography between Manchester and Leeds is not exactly HS1 or HS2 friendly, let alone HS3, as you hint. Flat, it isn’t. There are ‘some people’ who now state that the ‘3’ in HS3 does not equate to speed. That really shows up the whole AGW/CC rail & political deceit. Even so, a conventional 125mph or less would be more than sufficient. The key thing would be a dual electrical system.
The heat of Thursday should teach rail engineers a thing or two: we need third rail and pantograph/overhead lines not just one or the other, so that trains can keep running in difficult weather conditions such as frost and snow as well as summer heat.
Not a rail expert, or even close, but I’ve heard it said that modern efficient signalling can reduce the safe distance between trains and thereby deliver many of the advantages of high-speed rail.
Helen, I’m happier around cars but I’m sure you are right. There has been a horrible lack of investment in UK infrastructure in the last 50 years. Funnily enough, for most of that time we have been in the EEC/EC/EU.
Surely, Up2, you must recognise that the nobility of contributing towards the cost of thousands of kilometres of beautiful if largely unused roads, in Greece for example, far outweighs any of our petty needs.
After all, that’s why we are in the EU, isn’t it?
Beltane, I do, I do. That nobility should be proportional however. How long have Greece been members?
I have had a ride on some of those roads in a small farming community northern Greece. They have unfinished tarmac edges. No doubt the first few hard winters resulted in damage.
I have also been both driver & passenger on some so-called ‘EU funded’ roads – rather better finished – in north-west Scotland. The natives and incomers up there loved the roads. However, they were renewed in the late 1980s using our EU money to enable a new fish processing plant to be built with UK only funds. The natives were not so pleased about the overseas trawlers from the EU and elsewhere that then hoovered up Scotland’s fish, some of which went into Russian factory ships and were processed on board and taken away, never to be seen again.
I hope I don’t get told off by Pollyanna because this is not a biased bbc topic.
The distance between Sunderland and Newcastle is only about 10 miles. Building 2 new out of town stations for HS whatever, the time taken to go to the out of town station, then Sunderland to Newcastle and then from the out of town station into Newcastle would probably double or treble the time taken at present.
So then, I would expect the line to be built because those making the decisions will be those making lots of money from it.
Let’s say £20 billion cost (which means £50 billion as the cost always doubles and more)
Logic and common sense don’t feature when you get a cartel of fabulously rich people making these decisions to make themselves a bit more fabulously richer.
I think most of us would prefer the whole of the rail network to be modernised rather than a rich persons train set.
I think an answer to this problem is to construct extremely long trains, say 10 miles in length. Such a train could serve the Newcastle – Sunderland line perfectly. Passengers could get on at one end and alight at the other. The train would not need to move, thus being carbon neutral it could save the planet from climate catastrophe. I’m surprised that nobody in the government has thought of this.
Sorry guys, but in the Theresa May spirit of NetZero, trains can only be one carriage of 65 feet long, pulled by a loco that is running on twisted elastic bands.
A ten mile train would be just too much in the carbon stakes to tolerate.
Better still, passengers could be supplied with mobility scooters for the journey from one end to the other, thus sparing them the drudgery and boredom of walking.
Beltane, maybe the platform could be ten miles long between Newcastle and Sunderland but as passengers often have to stand during journeys anyway, then they might all take it in turns to pop a leg out onto the platform to propel the train forward in scooter style. The guard could do Trireme Duty with a large whip and a drum to maintain rhythm and speed.
That should help minimise the Carbon Emissions of the rail network
Toady watch
BBC news sounding very depressed today . President Trump wins his fight for more cash forvtgr southern wall and does a deal with Guatemala to intercept illegal immigrants .
Further depression is caused President Trumps’ eagerness to get a trade deal done after we are out of the EU on 1 November .
We can see why there was so much effort put in by the MSM to stop BoJo from being PM . He is a remedy to Project Fear .
Indeed – even today Ms Maningham Buller – formerly a civil servant now taking the coin of a pharmaceutical company – did a luke warm Project Fear about Brexit stopping science ( again ) .
Toady interviewed Toby Elwood – sacked from the government yesterday – who described the MZoD as ‘ a rolls Royce department ‘! Really ? Mr Elwood seemed not to have heard what the ReichEU has said – there will be no change to the sell out . So going to Brussels cap in hand will be a waste of a rail fare .
The BBC question of the day seems to be “ when will the next General Election be ?” As a diversion from brexit . Desperation .
Further depression is caused President Trumps’ eagerness to get a trade deal done after we are out of the EU on 1 November .
Indeed Fed. He says we could do 5 x more trade and that the EU are actually, currently impeding trade between the US and UK. President Trump and Boris have spoken and both ready to crack on. So good news , great news ….YES ???
Well amazingly NO !!! According to the BBC !!!!
8am, over to our (unknown) weekend political reporter for HIS view ……these things can take years and can often fail even if the relationship is good between the countries , we’ve already seen issues around the nhs, there could well be problems with food ,like chlorinated chicken, he went on and on. So this great news is not so great in the twisted world of our national broadcaster who seemingly wants it’s own country to fail !!!!!
The whole negative vibes of the piece was actually staggering to watch.
Indeed, the BBC would prefer the POTUS to tell us we will go to the back of the queue.
Because the BBC, like Obama, is an enemy of all European people.
Yes Doob.
I also saw that, and noted the comments about US agriculture standards. I also noticed he mentioned animal welfare, or something like that.
Funny how you never see the BBC’s condemning the welfare of the 20% of animals that get slaughtered unstunned in halal abattoirs.
Hope Pollyanna doesn’t see this post..
Have you noticed the owlish and depressing Ben Chu, always on hand with the most pessimistic interpretation? Where did he spring from? He is quite a find.
TOADY Watch #2 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Tobias Ellwood is deceitfully brought on as a Minister sacked (yesterday!) by Boris Johnson. Unless something happened within those twenty-four hours that I haven’t heard about, the true position, I think, was that Tobias Ellwood was not appointed by Boris Johnson, as Prime Minister, to his first Cabinet having been in Theresa May’s Cabinet.
The BBC is being very dishonest this morning on Toady.
Peers have written to the Home Office saying it is “extraordinary” that the EU funding has not been used.
[Al Beeb in a lather over this non existent problem.
It is our money, some of which our mortal enemy, the EU, has made available for its own propaganda purposes.
The HoL dimwits and fellow travellers are now taking their snouts out of the EU trough to indulge in some anti UK activity.
Which wil be made irrelevant by Brexit.
How is the share price of the two major German banks doing BBC?
Fallen by 95%? You don’t say! Exactly so, the BBC does not say, my search of the BBC website produce zero results.]
The EU takes our money , gives some back to us with all kinds of conditions
A BAD civil servant would say well ” just spend it in a bad way, instead of losing it”
but this seems to happen a lot in gov and big orgs
as budgets are p*ssed away otherwise, they’ll get cut next year.
The BBC mentioned the Deutsche Bank problem in a few stories July 7 to July 10 \\ Shares in the firm have fallen by a quarter over the last year. Last month they fell below €6 a share, but have recovered a little since then, and on Friday closed at €7.17.
BTW in 2007 they peaked at 113, but fell back to 20 just 18 months later
It got to 33 in 2015 but has fell back since then
Commerzbank is at €6.49 the price it’s been at for five years
but it too in 2007 had a peak of €364 so since then it’s lost 98% of its value
TOADY Watch #3 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Alper Mehmet has to put Mishal right on Windrush although to be fair, Alp Mehmet equated Windrush with his own Cypriot migration which is strictly incorrect. There is an obviously pre-organised Quick Response Attack Unit going for Bojo & Brexit and the BBC are part of it. Just checking – or trying to – that Tobias Ellwood had not been appointed and then immediately sacked by Boris, I find the Evening Standard (Editor: George Osborne!) and the Guardian(!) carrying articles in his support. I gather Ellwood is against a No-Deal Brexit but not against Brexit in principle.
Even with modern computerised printing of newspapers, it appears that this has obviously been organised in advance. If so, it is a disgraceful attack on our democracy from within.
Re Tobias Ellwood – he is ex military but doesn’t choose to understand the wide ranging ramifications of EU military integration and defence initiatives.
He voted to remain in the EU and voted for the WA three times.
In May 2018 he ‘blocked’ Veterans for Britain from his twitter account when they asked to meet him to discuss the problems of EU shipbuilding ‘rules’ after he had refuted their research .
TOADY Watch #4 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Eliza RemainIngham-Buller was all over BBC R4 a while back, some considerable while back (early/mid 2017?), when the BBC wished to undermine … er, pardon me …. express concerns over Theresa May’s future negotiations with the EU on the subject of the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Suddenly, she is back in the R4 limelight to help undermine Brexit again.
What endless resources the BBC enjoy! Not just taxpayer £billions of income but all these people they can suddenly re-organise to appear on radio or TV and who will predict the future and say how bad it will be if we leave the EU.
This festival near Thirsk prides itself on its family atmosphere !. Good to see places like this still have lefties brainwashing the kids with their lefty views even in the school holidays.
For 30 weeks a year they are indoctorated by the liberal left in school, give em a break.
Mean people like Donald trump !!! Give it a rest for crying out loud !!!
Ever seen Yoda and a load of kids debate whether as good human beings we should still be kind to mean people like Donald Trump and Jabba the Hut? Clearly you've never been to Deer Shed… #Talkaoke ???? pic.twitter.com/duUDfdveRL
“”‘I will pave the way for post-Brexit trade deal with US’: Dominic Raab reveal he will fly to Washington within WEEKS to step up negotiations and says ‘Brussels isn’t the only game in town’ “”
Anybody think that changing the requirement for police to be graduates instead of tough, common sense people is all part of the left’s plans to make the PCs pc.
It’s worked with education and the civil service.
Meanwhile…….over in the USA.
Second quarter growth came in ahead of all the estimates, up 2.1%. That’s in one quarter. The sclerotic EU will struggle to do that in an whole year. Not that the Brussels beaurocracy actually cares, as long as their job security and expense accounts stay on track.
Somehow I suspect the USA growth figures may not get prominent attention on BBC news programming.
Oh wait. I spoke too soon. They’ve found an angle.
‘US economy slows below Trump target’.
I kid you not.
The ‘Rheinbad’ in Duesseldorf had to be cleared again yesterday as about 60 young men of ‘North African’ appearance attempted to take it over and lay down their own laws, forcing the manager of the swimming bath to call in the police.
Not for the first time.
The brain surgeons, rocket scientists and nanotechnology engineers imported by Ms Merkel to enrich the German culture, appear surprisingly prone to establishing and enforcing their own brand of law and order.
It follows that one of the reasons she must have chosen them was for their strong creative bent…
On that basis, one can only predict a great future for Germany.
BBC bias
BBC employs one Steve Richards – a journo who wrote a piece in the Guardian as to why BoJo would never be PM – hostile of course – then on the panel – someone from the Guardian – the remainer traitor Oborne and a chap from The Times.
So 4 anti Boris – 4 anti brexit – makes QT sound unbiased . Off switch .
Back in the day, I remember being in a science research group and we had close ties with groups in Japan and the Soviet Union among others !!!!!!!
Which as far as I recall, were not and have never been in the EU.
People talking, sharing ideas, and collaborating can happen without a quasi-superstate apparatus above it administering cash hand outs by opaque processes.
Not something the BBC project fear cheerleaders can contemplate.
Yes the project fear about the UK not having any EU scientists was back on the BBC plate of bias for breakfast – I actually know some of the younger scientists at the Institute who are from Germany and they really don’t care about Brexit – but the BBC have to find the ones that do…and as for the Sir somebody they interviewed – we are not “turning our back on Europe” you idiot but the EU..but I suspect he has some nice contracts and holiday home in France.
If Boris brings in a point system there won’t be any problem for real scientists ..and we can still collaborate with scientists in the European countries and the USA and lots of other non EU countries for that matter like India – like we used to. Expect more BBC bias to be thrown at us.. it is also now the Boris Beating Corporation
The wails about the Wall.
California judges had barred the president from spending $2.5bn of Pentagon funds for a section of wall
The US Supreme Court has overruled them
The decision by the Supreme Court means that the money will be used for wall projects in California, Arizona and New Mexico https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49135255
Just a reminder for those who say BoJo has no mandate
Votes for Boris: 92,153. Votes for new EU Presidents were between 28 and 383 (the latter being from EU Parl't MEPs for the new EU Commission President). #Brexit summary here: https://t.co/Juof5pWwDJpic.twitter.com/pDvZucf0De
— Pro-Brexit Facts4EU.Org (@Facts4euOrg) July 24, 2019
As I understand it, no deal will happen on 31 October because that’s the law (unless some kind of deal is agreed)
How is it that on tv, they all say that no deal will not happen because there isn’t a majority for it in the hoc and it would not be passed.
Surely it’s already passed and must happen on 31/10.
What’s to stop Boris from doing nothing and then we’re out on 31/10. He doesn’t need to call an election because the vote to leave is already law.
EG the choice for the traitors seem to be to bring the government down by triggering an election in time for a new Remain government pass an Act to withdraw or extend A50 again
To use a parliamentary technique to get an act through against the government using a variety of Tory remainer traitors .
So A50 would be withdrawn , the Tory whip would be withdrawn from the traitors and we get an election as a result .
If a new government is a majority brexit one then in theory A50 could be re submitted … but it would depend – I think on whether the election manifesto is based on that .
Some one tell me I’m wrong . Happy to be corrected …
If we had to start leaving all over again we surely should not need to do so via Article 50, etc.. We could just repeal all the appropriate legislation and go.
A very positive and intelligent article by The Sun as regards Boris and Brexit.
The Sun is intentionally ignored by the BBC in their snobbery. But The Sun judges the mood of the population perfectly. That is why it’s circulation is about ten times greater than The Guardian, which is so favoured by the BBC.
“”Boris needs MPs to think they will pay an electoral price for standing in his way. That is why he is in full campaign mode: Firing out popular policies, touring the country and making big speeches.””
“”A sizable poll bounce would mean MPs would be far less likely to try to throw obstacles in Boris’s way.””
“”After all, what’s the point in bringing down the Government and forcing a general election if that only results in Boris coming back stronger: With a majority and a personal mandate.””
“”Only if it is clear that Parliament will not block No Deal or bring down the Government will the EU consider listening to Boris. Right now, the EU thinks they can pretty much ignore what the new PM is saying because Parliament will block him.””
“The Sun is intentionally ignored by the BBC in their snobbery.”
Reminds me of comments by Carl Benjamin on attitudes to Tommy Robinson. He admitted that it took him time to accept that his own initially negative attitude to TR was a result of unconscious prejudice against arguments framed in a way that is normal for people with TR’s background.
As we all know from the BBC/Guardian/most of the MSM, the most absurd opinions are taken seriously when framed in an approved manner. This usually means middle class, but BAMEs are automatically entitled to sympathetic treatment. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Lammy and Benjamin Zephaniah spring to mind.
I’d bet the Guardian would be overjoyed if their circulation were just 10x below that of the Sun – it’s a lot lower than that and dropping daily.
Without the BBC ‘buying’ several thousand copies in an entirely artificial massaging of the ABC figures, the organ would have withered away by now. Tutankhamen’s would look positively rampant by comparison.
EG – Remainers would have to push through alternative legislation, rather then merely passing motions expressing their disapproval of ‘no deal’. They need to revoke A50.
(And we know they are pretty good at passing motions..)
Remind me again please Damon , how did all these “experts” you like to quote do in forecasting economic figures during project fear mark 1 ????
Then why do all of the Government’s economic forecasts – written by actual experts, not blathering blaggards – say Brexit will seriously damage our economy?
Let’s remind ourselves shall we ? Remember, this was what the experts said would happen on a vote to leave, not leaving, just the vote to leave.
a dossier published by the Treasury in the run up to the referendum said a vote to leave “would cause an immediate and profound economic shock” which would “push the UK into recession”.
the Treasury also claimed unemployment ‘would increase by around 500,000’ in the wake of a Brexit vote.
one of the most infamous claims, the Treasury said UK households would be an average of £4,300 a year worse off if Britain left the EU, according to figures.
Civil servants said that greater economic uncertainty would drive investors out of Britain, sending asset prices – including the value of homes – plummeting.
The Treasury warned that by 2018, house prices would be at least 10 per cent lower and possibly fall by up to 18 per cent.
All WRONG. Way out. But now we MUST listen to them to avoid Armageddon. Rubbish.
I Just checked local council events page
: Pride logo,
Pride banner,
top event : youth pride meetings
“A safe space for 11 to 17 year old members of the LGBT+ community “
TrueToo’s excellent resume of the Mueller testimony under the ‘BBC slips up…’ thread, and the demolition job by John Ratcliffe is well worth a read. The parallels between Democrat and BBC speak are remarkable but then, they’ve had plenty of time to compare notes and agree policy over the past three or four decades.
Times : Review section : Hugo Rikind spends half a page bitterly slagging off the Geoff Norcott show.
…He insists that Jeremy Hardy used to criticise the middle classes all thetime.
The host had contacted 2 callers who did not like Boris.
Both males were of Asian birth – according to their accents.
One was clearly a frothing at the mouth member of the Momentum party the other was more sympathetic to Boris’ Election.
Now here’s the thing:
When the momentum fella was asked a question the line was crystal clear and he went on and on without any interruption by the host.
But, when the other more understanding caller began to answer – all of a sudden, – you’ve guessed it – screeth, muuszzzzyyy- screeeeeech, wispers, dot dot dash…. then near the end of his comments the listener caught his last few remarks. We had no idea what he meant?
It appears that the second caller was agreeing with Boris’ plans for his choice of brown MPs in his cabinet while the momentum caller called it a Racist attempt. The other was their disagreement re a Leeds to Manchester rail line the other did not agree hence the BBCs silencing of most of the milder callers comments.
It was plainly a blackout of another caller who did not agree with the BBC Elites.
Why do I do it?! I know what will happen! Yes I fell for it and tried Any Questions today.
I live in Exeter (a university city), which is being over-run by students and student accommodation. The local Labour run Council see votes in students, so the city is being inundated with new student accommodation.
Anyway my point being that Any Questions came from Ottery St Mary, a charming market town about 15 minutes from Exeter. The sort of location where a few minibuses of students could easily be rounded up and taken there quickly (along with their single plastic bottles of water).
Anyway Ottery and East Devon voted to leave, so I was looking forward to listening to Geoffrey Cox and feedback on the new look Government which is going to enact (hopefully) the wishes of the majority of voters with a suitable Brexit. East Devon voted to Leave the EU by the way.
The audience wasn’t just biased it was rabid, both for No Brexit and for full abolition of anything that moved for climate change. Even Greta Thunberg was decreed a prodigy.
Even when Geoffrey commented that the majority of people in the UK voted from Brexit he was jeered and booed; FOR QUOTING A FACT!
It was a horrendous example of a biased audience. The host Shaun Ley, did actually admit it was not a selective audience, it was first come first served. So all the “oldies” in rural Devon were outdone by the rabid students who no doubt got there first. That actually could be described as discriminatory as if you had any sort of mobility issue, you were effectively barred from attending.
I simply cant understand why there is not a bigger backlash against our media, not just the BBC but all of them. Look at poor Leon Britton and others whose lives were ruined by false accusations. But this all happened when another rabid bunch, the media, particularly the BBC, were trying to find anyone famous to do for child abuse or worse.
Meanwhile back to climate change, its the same, the BBC go on and on about this AND YET, if we do what these genuine left wing extremists want and get to zero carbon, we will still warm up, due to the rest of the World ignoring the issue. NOT ONE MENTION OF THIS ON ANY QUESIONS; poor Geoffrey didn’t even dare go there – if he did he would of been slaughtered!
Where should we get our information from. I have now to do my own research on such topics from a range of sources. Absolutely EVERYTHING I now see on the BBC I don’t trust.
Anyway rant over. I am going to have a cuppa before heading down to Wetherspoons for my gammon and chips later!!
Burgsey – I would have bought you a shandy out of my winnings from maxi boy running this afternoon but I think he was withdrawn because the going was to firm …
I think the falling viewing and listening figures reflect what people think of the BBC . Nature will take its course as far better stuff can be found on cheaper platforms . I just hope we can do a bit to hasten its’ demise .
However, the OFF-switch was exercised twice: first time when Mary Creagh MP interrupted Alice Thomson before she could get started on her answer to the first question merely so Creagh could get in a comeback rant in response to Geoffrey Cox’s answer. Later, Creagh barged in again. Shaun Ley was not bothering as Chair to try and keep order.
Second time, I had switched back on in the middle of the second question (on AGW/CC?) at the end of Mary Creagh’s answer. Bad timing. I listened to the next – cautious – answer from Stephen Bush but then I think Motormouth Mary was revving up, so I switched off again. That was it. About 15 minutes.
The audience was very stacked, very Labour/LibDem, very shouty. Another reason for staying with peace and quiet.
Burgsey, I also try to avoid that, usually. But I caught some of the last question put to the panel which was who would they put in the stocks. Loud cheers for the answers Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson.
Also heard some of Any Answers with Anita Anand primly disapproving of a woman who dared to point out the percentages of immigrants in London and Birmingham were heading for majority status and this was not a good thing. Anita seemed to accuse her of racism because the caller meant not-white. Of course once they have a passport or are born here they are true ‘britons’.
Topless sunbathing falls out of vogue among French women “A new factor is that among under 25s, there’s a fear of leering looks and 51 per cent of them fear being assaulted,” Mr Kraus said. https://t.co/Nw4CW2Voyo via @YahooNews
Nothing much happening in France, more tumbleweed moments from our “world class” BBC jouranalists, what kind of poxy world are they talking about when they pat themselves on the back ? maybe they live with the Clangers,
Even in a city as traditionally turbulent as Paris, recent scenes of police violence have been exceptionally shocking. Victims over the past few weeks have ranged from journalists and students to environmentalists and asylum seekers.
No matter what their background, or political persuasion, all have been viewed as legitimate targets for heavily armed paramilitaries trained to deal with any perceived threat to order with extreme brutality. These specialist riot control officers – and there are thousands of them – consider summer as a time when every type of undesirable takes to the streets, and they see nothing wrong with imposing their authority as harshly as possible.
The sheer horror of the situation was made abundantly clear on the Champs-Elysees last week where – as usual – the catalyst for much social disorder was France’s forces of law and order using chemical weapons on their own citizens.
Videos shot on the most famous avenue in the country show young children struggling to get away from clouds of fumes created by teargas that is banned in warzones. Astonishing as it may sound, French police are allowed to use substances designed to burn eyes, mouths and lungs against ordinary civilians, but, because of international treaties, soldiers up against genuine enemies are not.
I followed your advice today and wagered a not unconsideral amount of money on a horse you recommended in the 4.15 at Ascot called Maxi Boy. The results are below:
While people in Hong Kong are fighting for Democracy, we have idiot Remainers and Remoaners in this country happy to throw it away ………………………….
“Hong Kong protests: Police fire tear gas at Yuen Long rally” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-49123445
I will copy the BBC :” in case you missed it” as you will on the BBC: French police have been doing this for months with NO mention on the BBC about the concuct of police at the level they report the Chinese protests
Even in a city as traditionally turbulent as Paris, recent scenes of police violence have been exceptionally shocking. Victims over the past few weeks have ranged from journalists and students to environmentalists and asylum seekers.
No matter what their background, or political persuasion, all have been viewed as legitimate targets for heavily armed paramilitaries trained to deal with any perceived threat to order with extreme brutality. These specialist riot control officers – and there are thousands of them – consider summer as a time when every type of undesirable takes to the streets, and they see nothing wrong with imposing their authority as harshly as possible.
The sheer horror of the situation was made abundantly clear on the Champs-Elysees last week where – as usual – the catalyst for much social disorder was France’s forces of law and order using chemical weapons on their own citizens.
Videos shot on the most famous avenue in the country show young children struggling to get away from clouds of fumes created by teargas that is banned in warzones. Astonishing as it may sound, French police are allowed to use substances designed to burn eyes, mouths and lungs against ordinary civilians, but, because of international treaties, soldiers up against genuine enemies are not.
“No-deal Brexit ‘threatens’ UK science industry, says Wellcome Trust” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-49133625
XL Project Fear?
Have they not learned from the landslide majority win by The Brexit Party in the European Elections. We voted to leave three years ago, nothing has changed .
Lessons to be learned ?
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Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence.
Another petition they will ignore.
can’t win over the left, but he can alienate the centre
@theisland Here’s the direct link
but note what happened to their last petition
Jan 10 Disgraceful that, despite receiving nearly 130,000 signatures,
Parliament is refusing to debate this petition calling on the Government to reject the Global Compact on Migration.
They appear to be indifferent to the concerns of the public.
Come now, how could anybody see this Petition as possessing any chance of being taken seriously: “Boris Johnson is reported to be “considering an ‘amnesty’ for illegal immigrants……”.
Almost as bad as the BBC people here condemn for their, “….some say…”moments. Point one.
Point two, history does not smile on our fictitious pseudo attempts at, ‘democratic’ posturing. History also proves that it is a waste of time signing these things just to perpetuate the illusion of UK so-called ‘democracy’ at work.
only 9,810 signatures so far
“They appear to be indifferent to the concerns of the public.”
…. unless you are a muslim, or a migrant, or LGBTQ ….
Dear Nigel
It did not take long for the Boris the traitor to out May, May.
Civil War please, on our terms.
Nigel and Boris both regard continued migration to the UK as an ‘essential’ part of their post Brexit plan. I’m afraid that whether we leave or stay there is no prospect of the volume of migration reducing. In fact as I have said many times if we leave we are likely to see Eastern European migration replaced with increased third world migration. Which is certainly not a good thing.
Of course I want to see the Globalist elite given a good kick in the teeth by the UK leaving the EU. It is a triumph of democracy over the anti democratic technocrats and must be saluted. But it isn’t going to help in anyway with mass third world migration and all of the existentialist issues that stem from migration. In fact it may make them worse.
First let’s get out of the eu.
If we’re out on the 31st. Boris will have done what we wanted and we can move to UKIP/TBP or one of the other Parties that will do as the majority want.
Then we can concentrate on the unwanted mass immigration.
Thoughtful is dead right.
Boris will never win the left over but will lose the right with these soft immigration schemes.
There is an absolute dearth of info on the net in any way connected to TBP’s views on migration. Probably because Farage believes that this topic is the Achilles Heel of TBP. That can only mean one thing: he/they support continuing mass migration over the continuing references to the, “Australian Points System” which, practically, in terms of stopping savages entering Australia, hasn’t done too well.
As our politicians lie and cheat on their electoral promises, we the people have to take action. Nothing dishonest like the politicians do, but simply use our power.
Our strategy should be “horses for courses”.
Support B Johnson and Farage to get us out of the EU. Once out, choose UKIP over the rest of the flock who wish nothing but sharia for the UK.
If the Donald is still president , we know from his thoughts, he will support UK 100%.
At this moment in time, there is deep cynicism about polics and politicians. Repeat the strategy of “horses for courses” a couple of times, and the general level of political honesty will rise by leaps and bounds.
After dealing with the unwanted mass immigration there will be the matter of wanted mass emigration to attend to.
Yes I agree . If we are out it is up to us ( after a fashion) what we do about Islamification. If we stay in the EU it is up to Brussels. Oh God I hope we learn from Italy and the Visegrad bloc.
This is the trouble, or serious fault with all professional politicians. They make promises to get elected, and immediately renege on them once elected. This has led to contempt of politicians and deep cynicism of politics in general. Bad for society.
This trait of lying makes politicians corrupt. Corrupt in the most venal way. I really don’t care of their previous sex lives or financial shenanigans. What I want is they do what they promised.
In my book, Pres Trump is unique. He keeps his promises despite being subject to continuous vicious attack over the last three years. I cant think of any politician or human, past or present, who could have stood it. All would have folded.
To compare Boris Johnson to Donald Trump would be like comparing Chamberlain to Churchill. There is no comparison.
It would seem the knifing savages are enriching Rome too.
Backlinks to previous thread
Friday page 5 from 1pm to 10pm
– page 4 Thursday from 7pm
– page 3 Thursday from 7am
Then use the “←Older Comments” button at the top of the page to get to the older pages
Stew – thanks as always . A lot on the previous thread which is worth a read ….
Thank you.
Got to end the week with some Lammy laughter !!!!
Not been the best of weeks for Dave ….oh well !!!!
From 23rd August all you favourite wackos at the Byline Festival
It’s disappointing that the expert commentator / alibi – somewhat brown isn’t available anymore as she has gone home to Uganda as promised now that BoJo is PM ….
Interesting to see how this site has evolved since I last commented here many moons ago. It used to be a well organised blog with plenty of original articles about specific examples of BBC bias. Not any more. There are more comments than there used to be, but any sense of reasoned argument went out of the window long ago. Scrolling through the last few months output it’s become just another Alt Right/Nationalist echo chamber with little connection to BBC output and plenty of general ranting about immigrants/Muslims/lefties. Yawn. No coincidence that most of the old regulars have long departed. Except the tortured prose of Guest Who, of course, who really does seem to have too much time on his hands.
Interesting also that the overnight departure of the prolific Alan passed without comment or explanation. I suspect that his abrupt disappearance was no accident and the the reasons for it would prove embarrassing if they were ever to come to light.
All a bit of a missed opportunity, because this site once served a useful function and often used to get noticed by people who matter. Those days are long gone. David Vance really does have the inverse Midas touch – anything he touches turns to ashes.
Hi Pollyanna – I approved your comment – the software alerts me to some posters -despite the vitriol . I’m sorry ‘ people who matter ‘ don’t look at it any more .
I’m sure you matter more than the ordinary plebs like me who just want to do anything to extinguish the BBC in its current form .
Sorry I’m unable to ‘ bite ‘ in response to your comment but thanks for your valuable – er – contribution – despite no observation about the subject of the site itself – namely the Far Left Biased anti British State Broadcaster ..
@pollyanna seems to have a grudge against David Vance
And uses the word “Alt Right” as a smear & dismiss label
When in fact its creators specific meaning is “white supremacist” ie pro-inequality
Whereas the contributors here seem pro-equality
.. and keep writing about the INEQUALITY that the BBC & liberal establishment preside over.
ITTB cover a load of issues as well .
so if they’ve cover an issue we don’t open a new post here
That Toynbee! What’s she like, eh?
It is nice to have a judge looking at the comments here. Every day there is clear evidence of the bias of BBC broadcasters and programmes but this poster seems to miss these .
I read all the comments . Sometimes people are very angry when they see bias and injustice . But I think it is a fundamentally patriotic and good natured site – compared to the kind of stuff the likes of the national press allow in their comments sections.
As far as attacking David Vance – well I don’t know the history as I only got involved because I became so fed up with the unceasing Far Left bias of the State Broadcaster that apart from declining to pay for it I had to do something else – however ‘ meaningless ‘ some might view it .
“That Toynbee! What’s she like, eh?”
As historian Arnold Toynbee has said, Quote: “Nations rise and fall with the health of its families.”
Now this Toynbee I could welcome into my home/TV room.
Not the one that the MSM admire who also hates religion and self sacrifice. Self sacrifice according to that Toynbee is simply too much like religion that’s why she hates it. That’s why people like her are usually pacifists and admire communism.
The saddest thing about Arnold, other than writing a book rather grandiosely entitled ‘Mankind’ and which some – with more patience than erudition – regard as a classic, is that he was grandfather to the everlasting Polly. Without this link to potential academia it’s doubtful she would have been inflicted on us for so long, let alone become a Guardian columnist for almost 24 years. Speaks volumes, does that.
So you thought you’d stop by just to criticise people going off topic by indulging yourself with an off-topic rant? Quite hypocritical of you. That and your matter-of-fact style use of “Alt Right/Nationalist” as a smear makes you appear rather like one of David Vance’s Twitter account trolls.
A, ‘maxi’ by any other name……………
Who are the old regulars then Pollyanna? What do you know of them ? Have they confided something to you ?
And if lefties won’t come on to this site to complain about the left wing bias of the BBC who would you expect to complain about the bias of the BBC ?
Well I don’t watch the BBC much, and anyway knowledge of BBC bias has gone mainstream. Instead I tend to explain what has been censored by the BBC as has been mentioned on other forums like GWPF, Tallbloke, Weatheraction and the Mensa forum. Or explain BBC brainwashing techniques as has been explained in some books as well as in some emails from Astronomers. But most of the censorship by the BBC seems to be caused by the ignorance of its political and scientific advisors. It seems like there are two types of inferior people who have taken over society since Tony Blair. Posh people who vote Labour and support the European Union, and those environmental activists who were to thick to pass a science or maths exam but still went on to University to pass an exam on the Philosophy of Marxism, essential for those who advise the BBC on Science and Politics.
Have you ever heard about the “Calibration of Carbon Dioxide warming on Mars and Venus proving that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or, “Thirty year Retrospective Computer runs for Climate Models prove that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “Isotopic evidence for 84% of the increase in CO2 is attributed to the 800 year thermal lag in the deep ocean emissions of CO2 caused by the Medieval warm period which peaked 800 years ago prove that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that it’s a Hoax” on the BBC, or “the Ideal Gas Law works for the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus, proving its a Hoax“ on the BBC, or “Never mind the 2011, pressure and grey body temperature based formula of Nikolov & Zeller, James Clerk Maxwell proved that it was a Hoax in 1871” on the BBC. But then according to the BBC, Greta Thurnberg is much better educated than anyone else known to the BBC and the Metropolitan elite, proving my point about the BBC being run by inferior posh people who vote Labour.
Greta news she’s apologised for the antifa T-shirt
Activist Greta Thunberg records song on climate change “emergency” with The 1975
In the PR shots she is wearing an antifa T-Shirt
ah @Guest Who mentioned it yesterday July 26, 2019 at 8:50 pm
Not going to waste my time answering Pollyanna, but I would like to tell the other contributors and readers here how much I value the site. I do try to keep my posts only relevant to bbc bias, otherwise I’d be ranting permanently, but I see how easy it is to divert into politics of Twitter, newspapers, other tv stations etc as in the main they are all singing from the same liberal lefty pc hymn sheet. We are bombarded with the same mantras on immigration, climate change, diversity, lgbt from almost all media and there is no major outlet giving an alternative view.
I really value the links to interesting sites and articles given by contributors here, as well as Twitter stuff. Sure, people come and go, and such is life…I miss Pounce and Grant.
It is in general a polite site..well done everyone!
Thanks to Fedup for your considerable time and effort, and stew green for a wealth of info.
Loobyloo, you have expressed far better than I could my appreciation of those who run and post here. I too want to thank Fedup for not only putting up the new posts but also the censoring. Pounce I could forgive for his choice language but only him. Richard P I appreciate your slant on things.
I try to keep my comments to the BBC but when pushed try to start with ‘not the BBC but…..’ but by time I finish I sometimes realise I can link to the BBC.
If you think that fear over Islamisation is a ‘yawn’ inducing issue, you really are a Pollyanna.
‘and plenty of general ranting about immigrants/Muslims/lefties.’
And I thought that immigrants, Muslims and lefties were the main topics pursued by the BBC.
For what it is worth this is the only online thing I do as I have found the rest are just sites for rude angry people to get into verbal fisty cuffs that they wouldn’t in real life. Here the vast bulk of contributors are polite even when they disagree and in the main the topic still is Bias at the BBC and that of course includes what they don’t report and their constant narratives which do revolve, in part, around Islam, muslim and EU positive bias…
So I would suggest that you just don’t read this site again and everyone will be happy.
@ Pollyanna: Happy little thing aren’t you, always looking on the bright side.
Hello pollyanna !
I have not seen you here before. Welcome to the Bias Hunters Club .
Fraud is second nature to quite a few of BoJo’s government.
Selective reporting at feminist BBC.
A drug called Lynparza is to be made available to women with Ovarian cancer on the NHS.
Not reported is the apparent fact that the drug increased remission rates to 60 % from the 27% value of a placebo. In other words only twice as effective as absolutely nothing.
Also not reported is the cost. NICE estimate the quality of life break even drug cost is about £49,000 per year.
The pills are available over the internet for around USD7000 for 15 days of pills. That’s over USD 150,000 per year. None of this got mentioned. No wonder the NHS budget is shot to pieces.
I just don’t see the same largesse for either male prostate cancer sufferers or dementia care costs.
But wimmin is wimmin, so blank cheques must be OK.
Funny how the equality argument the BBC uses to justify massive pay rises for female autocuties seems not to apply when men’s health is concerned. The life expectancy of men, of course, is several years less than for women.
Horrible news for the BBC.
Boris Johnson and Priti Patel visited Birmingham today and were mobbed by ordinary people wanting to take photos.
Ten reasons to vote LibDem, Labour and Remain.
(1) Fear of Independence
(2) Fear of Democracy
(3) Fear of Referendum results
(4) Fear that no nation on Earth could survive not having a deal with the EU, because the EU does not trade freely with none members who do not pay a tribute
(5) Fear that the Civil Service cannot cope
(6) Fear of trade with non-Europeans on WTO rules
(7) Fear that the EU will put up a wall on the Irish border
(8) Fear that the EU will collapse due to losing its trade surplus with Britain
(9) Fear that the EU will collapse due to not getting its £39 Billion
(10) Fear of Fear itself, leading to alarm, distress, dread, apprehension and anxiety leading to the European Union becoming an authoritarian superstate for white European supremacists with mental illness
Ten reasons to vote Brexit, Tory and Leave.
(1) Love of Independence
(2) Love of Democracy
(3) Respect for Referendum results
(4) The benefits that Australia has in not having a deal with the EU, because Australia can trade freely with a trade surplus on WTO rules, but does not have to pay a tribute to the EU for the privilege
(5) Hope that the Civil Service can reintroduce recruitment by ability
(6) Love of trade with the Commonwealth on WTO rules
(7) Knowledge that Britain will not put up a wall on the Irish border
(8) Hope that the EU will collapse due to losing its trade surplus with Britain
(9) Hope that the EU will collapse due to not getting its £39 Billion
(10) Love of Love itself, leading to hope, confidence, trust and belief in Britain’s future as an independent sovereign democratic free nation.
Great points.
But I think you missed the one that comes with a warning from the remainers:
They shall have no more holidays in Europe.
And who will serve them their sandwiches in Pret?
Censored Pro-Brexit Comedian
via David Vance’s timeline
I guess that no-one who uses this site will be surprised that I could not find any mention of this little incident that occurred today at ALDI in Brimingham on our taxpayer-funded Biased BBC – https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=CzEjQ_1564177005
Dear lojolondon
I am a senior BBC executive who must remain nameless for obvious reasons, although I did go to a fine public school plus I have a PPE from Balliol College, Oxford. I am writing in response to your misleading claim that the BBC do not cover important incidents that happen at ALDI supermarkets. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth, as today our website provides an indirect link to an article on a bodywash cream costing LESS than £1 in ALDI and which has been hailed by an ‘Aldi mum’. To read this important news: goto the BBC News website; click UK > England at the top of the page, followed by Regions > Birmingham & Black Country. Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the section marked ‘From other local news sites’ and click ‘Killer who thought he was God’ butchered neighbour in savage ‘blood moon’ attack’. Scroll to the bottom of that page, and underneath the video entitled ‘Birmingham has highest female genital mutilation rate than anywhere in UK’ is the story about the 85p cream that has been hailed by the ‘Aldi mum’. For those who wish to save time, here is a direct link:
Whilst I appeciate that this article is not currently on the BBC home page, this is simply because there is no ethnic or LGBT+ angle or suitable stock photo from Getty Images. Instead, as the World’s Most Truthworthy News Source, we have simply chosen to provide a simple link to
a trashy clickbait linkanother reliable and accredited news provider.Yours sincerely etc
strange..couldn’t load that liveleak Aldi Birmingham link on my (Linux) laptop..until I used a VPN.. set in the USA. On iPhone I also got “Safari cannot open the page because the network connection was lost”? ..again it connected to that page fine once I switched on the VPN (this time set a UK server)..odd??..anyone enlighten me?
\\ After the Christchurch attack several websites including Voat, ZeroHedge, Archive.is, LiveLeak, and others have been blocked in Australia and New Zealand //
Liveleak was allowed again from June
Some thoughts I had on this week’s changing of the guard. Should be an interesting couple of weeks.
Help Stop BBC Bias by helping to crowd fund a case for judicial review of the BBC, into why the World looks on and Donald Trump comments on those problems censored by the BBC. Censored problems such as who causes the knife crime in London, why fear of Islamic terrorism is illegal in Britain leading to the imprisonment of Political prisoners who mention it, why Causational Climate Scientists from America were banned from debating climate science on University property in Britain, why the obvious benefits of Brexit are censored by the BBC and why the BBC censors issues such as what causes the housing crises in Britain.
I agree with some of pollyanna’s observations above but not with ‘her’ underlying implications.
I miss the lead articles that Alan used to produce but it is hard work doing that sort of thing and given that really they should be reactions to the BBC it is hard to write something that is original when the BBC is like a stuck record in so many ways. The lead writers for IsTheBBCBiased blog, for example, must put in a lot of work and their journalism is of a far higher standard than that of the BBC’s, consequently they might only write once per week.
We are living in strange times. Three years ago the public were asked an important question and they gave their answer and for three years politicians in and out of government have ignored that answer. If the BBC was ‘holding power to account’ they would be screaming about this from the roof tops but no, nothing. The reality is that the BBC is ‘power’ but is never held to account, it is natural then that a lot of comment here has become political.
That brings up another point. This site is made up with what people, plural, post. It is what these posters make it and they are individuals, not some collective under the control of David Vance, TR or BBC Editorial Central.
There are several reasons why people stop posting here I expect. It hurts banging ones’s head against the wall! If one is hurt and one can’t forgive the hurt continues. Unfortunately with the BBC the hurt is continual so one can’t forgive so the other strategy is to move out of range of the ‘bully’, i.e. stop listening/watching. I used to listen to Radio 4 in the morning and early evening and Radio 2 midday and 7 p.m. on for the music. I gave up on the morning sessions because it was too depressing and changed to Radio 3. I gave up on the PM programme because I got disgusted with the way Eddie Mair kept trying to be a Paxman – “When did you beat your wife? When did you beat your wife?…”. I gave up on Radio 2 music because they moved all the good programmes to 10 p.m. and then got rid of all the good presenters.
That just about leaves Jeremy Vine and that only for the laughs at his expense!
Which brings me to what I really came here for! On Friday there was a non-story about footballs in gardens. At first the story seemed to be a dud because none of the parties wanted to take part so Jeremy had a solicitor on to explain the law. He was the star turn! Vine had said, quite reasonably, that he was surprised that the police had got involved. The solicitor had clearly done more research than the BBC because he said he wasn’t surprised by all the police harassment because the amateur football team, whose footballs were the cause of the upset, was led by a serving police officer! Whoops! That’s where all your policemen have gone Boris!
pollyanna’s post is anti-Vance and trolling.
No blog/site is perfect and they all have their own dynamics, including ours. I find this site to be fast moving, relevant and wide in scope.
The infection of the BBC’s bias is global.
I could smell trolling in the polly post but thought it right to publish it . There is often an accusation that this place is an echo chamber – on the assumption that that is a bad thing . I disagree on the accusation .
I’ll wait for a further comment from polly . If there is none then the trolling accusation is well founded . There are a number of people who write on this site – stir things up and run away – but like ‘ knock down ginger ‘ . That is trolling – right maxi ?
I’ve not yet got to the stage of instantly consigning such comments to the trash – fortunately we receive very few – compared to what you might read on more ‘ public’ sites .
Polly is one of those people who just want to close down the opinions of those who are of the ‘ right’ . There is clearly no respect for the opinion of people who ‘ don’t matter ‘ .
It’s a shame that such view is so easily expressed and contrary views are so easily dismissed . I look forward to a response but think polly has gone away .,,,
Floating in like a Hindenburg-sized Weiner dipped in Diane Abbott’s ice lolly meltings and pontificating like Michael White’s more pompous idiot pr agent is hardly an effective way to close down anything, especially opinion.
Let it lurk.
Re Pollyanna’s post
There are many comments here – good ones may I add – which are not directly related to BBC bias. Such comments may draw attention to matters which are ignored by the BBC because of their bias, and therefore are rightly discussed here.
Fedup2, may I thank you for your work and tolerance
The red tops in the last few days have reported some unhygienic things some women are doing with ice-lollies to stay cool in the heat of the last few days, Guest. I do hope Diane heeds these warnings and doesn’t get caught on the tube in an embarrassing photo scoop like when she was caught drinking booze in a tube train.
On the other hand, we might now have a reason why she displays some of these painful facial and eye rolling gurns in tv interviews.
If stirring things up and running away is trolling, what is luring some one into a quarrrel over nothing then not running away but keeping it going for pages and pages just for the pleasure of causing annoyance? It doesn’t happen here, thank goodness, but some blogs become unreadable because of it.
BBC Online News:
“”Boris Johnson backs high-speed Leeds to Manchester rail route””
“”………which would cost about £39bn.”””
£39bn? What a convenient cost to match a No Deal Brexit 😉
And garner support from the North.
TOADY Watch #1 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Ladies Day on Toady. I wonder if they have looked at a map and realise how far apart – or more correctly how close – Manchester is to Leeds. I doubt there is enough distance between the two for a High Speed (225mph+) locomotive to economically reach top speed before it is applying the brakes for arrival at the terminus in the other city.
Then there is the other Carbon NetZero question: why not just modernise the existing line and its rolling stock? Will that not create fewer Carbon Emissions than a completely new line, built for high speed rolling stock? Funny how Global Warming and Climate Change are so important at 7.25am but not just after 7am and again before 8am.
Was thinking similarly – BBC staff often seem to need a geography lesson . They must just get on the train between Manchester and London but no go anywhere else .
Confession – I’ve had limited exposure to north of the m25 – but what I do notice – as you say – is that there are not enormous distances between towns and cities – so the rail system should meet those needs . It’s not the prairies of East Anglia ..
Fed, the topography between Manchester and Leeds is not exactly HS1 or HS2 friendly, let alone HS3, as you hint. Flat, it isn’t. There are ‘some people’ who now state that the ‘3’ in HS3 does not equate to speed. That really shows up the whole AGW/CC rail & political deceit. Even so, a conventional 125mph or less would be more than sufficient. The key thing would be a dual electrical system.
The heat of Thursday should teach rail engineers a thing or two: we need third rail and pantograph/overhead lines not just one or the other, so that trains can keep running in difficult weather conditions such as frost and snow as well as summer heat.
Not a rail expert, or even close, but I’ve heard it said that modern efficient signalling can reduce the safe distance between trains and thereby deliver many of the advantages of high-speed rail.
Just a thought.
Helen, I’m happier around cars but I’m sure you are right. There has been a horrible lack of investment in UK infrastructure in the last 50 years. Funnily enough, for most of that time we have been in the EEC/EC/EU.
What a strange coincidence.
Surely, Up2, you must recognise that the nobility of contributing towards the cost of thousands of kilometres of beautiful if largely unused roads, in Greece for example, far outweighs any of our petty needs.
After all, that’s why we are in the EU, isn’t it?
Beltane, I do, I do. That nobility should be proportional however. How long have Greece been members?
I have had a ride on some of those roads in a small farming community northern Greece. They have unfinished tarmac edges. No doubt the first few hard winters resulted in damage.
I have also been both driver & passenger on some so-called ‘EU funded’ roads – rather better finished – in north-west Scotland. The natives and incomers up there loved the roads. However, they were renewed in the late 1980s using our EU money to enable a new fish processing plant to be built with UK only funds. The natives were not so pleased about the overseas trawlers from the EU and elsewhere that then hoovered up Scotland’s fish, some of which went into Russian factory ships and were processed on board and taken away, never to be seen again.
That is something John Redwood has often said.
How about a high speed link (HS?) between Sunderland and Newcastle.
EG, that would be HS4, I guess. 😉
500mph+ ?
I hope I don’t get told off by Pollyanna because this is not a biased bbc topic.
The distance between Sunderland and Newcastle is only about 10 miles. Building 2 new out of town stations for HS whatever, the time taken to go to the out of town station, then Sunderland to Newcastle and then from the out of town station into Newcastle would probably double or treble the time taken at present.
So then, I would expect the line to be built because those making the decisions will be those making lots of money from it.
Let’s say £20 billion cost (which means £50 billion as the cost always doubles and more)
Logic and common sense don’t feature when you get a cartel of fabulously rich people making these decisions to make themselves a bit more fabulously richer.
I think most of us would prefer the whole of the rail network to be modernised rather than a rich persons train set.
I think an answer to this problem is to construct extremely long trains, say 10 miles in length. Such a train could serve the Newcastle – Sunderland line perfectly. Passengers could get on at one end and alight at the other. The train would not need to move, thus being carbon neutral it could save the planet from climate catastrophe. I’m surprised that nobody in the government has thought of this.
That’s the spirit.
The ‘can do’ which has been missing.
Why couldn’t any of May’s lot come up with these types of solutions.
Sorry guys, but in the Theresa May spirit of NetZero, trains can only be one carriage of 65 feet long, pulled by a loco that is running on twisted elastic bands.
A ten mile train would be just too much in the carbon stakes to tolerate.
Better still, passengers could be supplied with mobility scooters for the journey from one end to the other, thus sparing them the drudgery and boredom of walking.
Beltane, maybe the platform could be ten miles long between Newcastle and Sunderland but as passengers often have to stand during journeys anyway, then they might all take it in turns to pop a leg out onto the platform to propel the train forward in scooter style. The guard could do Trireme Duty with a large whip and a drum to maintain rhythm and speed.
That should help minimise the Carbon Emissions of the rail network
Yes, including the reopening of some closed lines.
Toady watch
BBC news sounding very depressed today . President Trump wins his fight for more cash forvtgr southern wall and does a deal with Guatemala to intercept illegal immigrants .
Further depression is caused President Trumps’ eagerness to get a trade deal done after we are out of the EU on 1 November .
We can see why there was so much effort put in by the MSM to stop BoJo from being PM . He is a remedy to Project Fear .
Indeed – even today Ms Maningham Buller – formerly a civil servant now taking the coin of a pharmaceutical company – did a luke warm Project Fear about Brexit stopping science ( again ) .
Toady interviewed Toby Elwood – sacked from the government yesterday – who described the MZoD as ‘ a rolls Royce department ‘! Really ? Mr Elwood seemed not to have heard what the ReichEU has said – there will be no change to the sell out . So going to Brussels cap in hand will be a waste of a rail fare .
The BBC question of the day seems to be “ when will the next General Election be ?” As a diversion from brexit . Desperation .
Further depression is caused President Trumps’ eagerness to get a trade deal done after we are out of the EU on 1 November .
Indeed Fed. He says we could do 5 x more trade and that the EU are actually, currently impeding trade between the US and UK. President Trump and Boris have spoken and both ready to crack on. So good news , great news ….YES ???
Well amazingly NO !!! According to the BBC !!!!
8am, over to our (unknown) weekend political reporter for HIS view ……these things can take years and can often fail even if the relationship is good between the countries , we’ve already seen issues around the nhs, there could well be problems with food ,like chlorinated chicken, he went on and on. So this great news is not so great in the twisted world of our national broadcaster who seemingly wants it’s own country to fail !!!!!
The whole negative vibes of the piece was actually staggering to watch.
Indeed, the BBC would prefer the POTUS to tell us we will go to the back of the queue.
Because the BBC, like Obama, is an enemy of all European people.
Yes Doob.
I also saw that, and noted the comments about US agriculture standards. I also noticed he mentioned animal welfare, or something like that.
Funny how you never see the BBC’s condemning the welfare of the 20% of animals that get slaughtered unstunned in halal abattoirs.
Hope Pollyanna doesn’t see this post..
Have you noticed the owlish and depressing Ben Chu, always on hand with the most pessimistic interpretation? Where did he spring from? He is quite a find.
On the subject of a GE, JRM (Leader of the House) had a ‘phone-in last night (on LBC) here: https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/jacob-rees-mogg/the-jacob-rees-mogg-show-26th-july-2019/
Think he might know better than the SCbbc.
Who lobs up, again and again, on tv screens is interesting.
The BBC likes Ash a lot, and the lovely Kerry-Anna Mendoza.
And not forgetting the pervasive YAB.
All selected for their publications’ popularity and their own thoughtful personal insights, apparently.
Then on the Male side, there are ex-colleague luminaries beyond Lammy such as Paul Mason and Gavin Esler.
And who can forget Clive Lewis, currently also doing so much for his race?
And special mention must go to the saviour of Newsnight.
And… it’s Ash again.
Guess where?
TOADY Watch #2 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Tobias Ellwood is deceitfully brought on as a Minister sacked (yesterday!) by Boris Johnson. Unless something happened within those twenty-four hours that I haven’t heard about, the true position, I think, was that Tobias Ellwood was not appointed by Boris Johnson, as Prime Minister, to his first Cabinet having been in Theresa May’s Cabinet.
The BBC is being very dishonest this morning on Toady.
2019-07-27 04:30
Child poverty cash handed back to Europe unspent
By Sean Coughlan
BBC News family and education correspondent
Peers have written to the Home Office saying it is “extraordinary” that the EU funding has not been used.
[Al Beeb in a lather over this non existent problem.
It is our money, some of which our mortal enemy, the EU, has made available for its own propaganda purposes.
The HoL dimwits and fellow travellers are now taking their snouts out of the EU trough to indulge in some anti UK activity.
Which wil be made irrelevant by Brexit.
How is the share price of the two major German banks doing BBC?
Fallen by 95%? You don’t say! Exactly so, the BBC does not say, my search of the BBC website produce zero results.]
The EU takes our money , gives some back to us with all kinds of conditions
A BAD civil servant would say well ” just spend it in a bad way, instead of losing it”
but this seems to happen a lot in gov and big orgs
as budgets are p*ssed away otherwise, they’ll get cut next year.
The BBC mentioned the Deutsche Bank problem in a few stories July 7 to July 10
\\ Shares in the firm have fallen by a quarter over the last year. Last month they fell below €6 a share, but have recovered a little since then, and on Friday closed at €7.17.
BTW in 2007 they peaked at 113, but fell back to 20 just 18 months later
It got to 33 in 2015 but has fell back since then
Commerzbank is at €6.49 the price it’s been at for five years
but it too in 2007 had a peak of €364 so since then it’s lost 98% of its value
TOADY Watch #3 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Alper Mehmet has to put Mishal right on Windrush although to be fair, Alp Mehmet equated Windrush with his own Cypriot migration which is strictly incorrect. There is an obviously pre-organised Quick Response Attack Unit going for Bojo & Brexit and the BBC are part of it. Just checking – or trying to – that Tobias Ellwood had not been appointed and then immediately sacked by Boris, I find the Evening Standard (Editor: George Osborne!) and the Guardian(!) carrying articles in his support. I gather Ellwood is against a No-Deal Brexit but not against Brexit in principle.
Even with modern computerised printing of newspapers, it appears that this has obviously been organised in advance. If so, it is a disgraceful attack on our democracy from within.
Re Tobias Ellwood – he is ex military but doesn’t choose to understand the wide ranging ramifications of EU military integration and defence initiatives.
He voted to remain in the EU and voted for the WA three times.
In May 2018 he ‘blocked’ Veterans for Britain from his twitter account when they asked to meet him to discuss the problems of EU shipbuilding ‘rules’ after he had refuted their research .
“…after he had refuted their research.”
I bet he didn’t refute it. If he had he should have been willing to discuss it.
TOADY Watch #4 – Bashing Brexit and Bashing Bojo or Bashing Bojo and Bashing Brexit.
Eliza RemainIngham-Buller was all over BBC R4 a while back, some considerable while back (early/mid 2017?), when the BBC wished to undermine … er, pardon me …. express concerns over Theresa May’s future negotiations with the EU on the subject of the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Suddenly, she is back in the R4 limelight to help undermine Brexit again.
What endless resources the BBC enjoy! Not just taxpayer £billions of income but all these people they can suddenly re-organise to appear on radio or TV and who will predict the future and say how bad it will be if we leave the EU.
This festival near Thirsk prides itself on its family atmosphere !. Good to see places like this still have lefties brainwashing the kids with their lefty views even in the school holidays.
For 30 weeks a year they are indoctorated by the liberal left in school, give em a break.
Mean people like Donald trump !!! Give it a rest for crying out loud !!!
“load of kids”
..there are FOUR in the photo
One of them seems to be Greta. She gets everywhere these days.
Daily Mail:
“”‘I will pave the way for post-Brexit trade deal with US’: Dominic Raab reveal he will fly to Washington within WEEKS to step up negotiations and says ‘Brussels isn’t the only game in town’ “”
There’s a positive No Deal Brexit momentum gathering here. I hope it continues. (BBC not happy).
Anybody think that changing the requirement for police to be graduates instead of tough, common sense people is all part of the left’s plans to make the PCs pc.
It’s worked with education and the civil service.
*sorry again Pollytoynbee.
More graduates afflicted with leftist Marxist group-think.
I think it’s a method to stop ex soldiers from joining .
Yes, almost certainly. Priti should put a stop to this fiasco.
Meanwhile…….over in the USA.
Second quarter growth came in ahead of all the estimates, up 2.1%. That’s in one quarter. The sclerotic EU will struggle to do that in an whole year. Not that the Brussels beaurocracy actually cares, as long as their job security and expense accounts stay on track.
Somehow I suspect the USA growth figures may not get prominent attention on BBC news programming.
Oh wait. I spoke too soon. They’ve found an angle.
‘US economy slows below Trump target’.
I kid you not.
The ‘Rheinbad’ in Duesseldorf had to be cleared again yesterday as about 60 young men of ‘North African’ appearance attempted to take it over and lay down their own laws, forcing the manager of the swimming bath to call in the police.
Not for the first time.
The brain surgeons, rocket scientists and nanotechnology engineers imported by Ms Merkel to enrich the German culture, appear surprisingly prone to establishing and enforcing their own brand of law and order.
It follows that one of the reasons she must have chosen them was for their strong creative bent…
On that basis, one can only predict a great future for Germany.
BBC bias
BBC employs one Steve Richards – a journo who wrote a piece in the Guardian as to why BoJo would never be PM – hostile of course – then on the panel – someone from the Guardian – the remainer traitor Oborne and a chap from The Times.
So 4 anti Boris – 4 anti brexit – makes QT sound unbiased . Off switch .
Back in the day, I remember being in a science research group and we had close ties with groups in Japan and the Soviet Union among others !!!!!!!
Which as far as I recall, were not and have never been in the EU.
People talking, sharing ideas, and collaborating can happen without a quasi-superstate apparatus above it administering cash hand outs by opaque processes.
Not something the BBC project fear cheerleaders can contemplate.
Yes the project fear about the UK not having any EU scientists was back on the BBC plate of bias for breakfast – I actually know some of the younger scientists at the Institute who are from Germany and they really don’t care about Brexit – but the BBC have to find the ones that do…and as for the Sir somebody they interviewed – we are not “turning our back on Europe” you idiot but the EU..but I suspect he has some nice contracts and holiday home in France.
If Boris brings in a point system there won’t be any problem for real scientists ..and we can still collaborate with scientists in the European countries and the USA and lots of other non EU countries for that matter like India – like we used to. Expect more BBC bias to be thrown at us.. it is also now the Boris Beating Corporation
The wails about the Wall.
California judges had barred the president from spending $2.5bn of Pentagon funds for a section of wall
The US Supreme Court has overruled them
The decision by the Supreme Court means that the money will be used for wall projects in California, Arizona and New Mexico
Just a reminder for those who say BoJo has no mandate
Here’s a question.
As I understand it, no deal will happen on 31 October because that’s the law (unless some kind of deal is agreed)
How is it that on tv, they all say that no deal will not happen because there isn’t a majority for it in the hoc and it would not be passed.
Surely it’s already passed and must happen on 31/10.
What’s to stop Boris from doing nothing and then we’re out on 31/10. He doesn’t need to call an election because the vote to leave is already law.
EG the choice for the traitors seem to be to bring the government down by triggering an election in time for a new Remain government pass an Act to withdraw or extend A50 again
To use a parliamentary technique to get an act through against the government using a variety of Tory remainer traitors .
So A50 would be withdrawn , the Tory whip would be withdrawn from the traitors and we get an election as a result .
If a new government is a majority brexit one then in theory A50 could be re submitted … but it would depend – I think on whether the election manifesto is based on that .
Some one tell me I’m wrong . Happy to be corrected …
If we had to start leaving all over again we surely should not need to do so via Article 50, etc.. We could just repeal all the appropriate legislation and go.
A very positive and intelligent article by The Sun as regards Boris and Brexit.
The Sun is intentionally ignored by the BBC in their snobbery. But The Sun judges the mood of the population perfectly. That is why it’s circulation is about ten times greater than The Guardian, which is so favoured by the BBC.
“”Boris needs MPs to think they will pay an electoral price for standing in his way. That is why he is in full campaign mode: Firing out popular policies, touring the country and making big speeches.””
“”A sizable poll bounce would mean MPs would be far less likely to try to throw obstacles in Boris’s way.””
“”After all, what’s the point in bringing down the Government and forcing a general election if that only results in Boris coming back stronger: With a majority and a personal mandate.””
“”Only if it is clear that Parliament will not block No Deal or bring down the Government will the EU consider listening to Boris. Right now, the EU thinks they can pretty much ignore what the new PM is saying because Parliament will block him.””
“The Sun is intentionally ignored by the BBC in their snobbery.”
Reminds me of comments by Carl Benjamin on attitudes to Tommy Robinson. He admitted that it took him time to accept that his own initially negative attitude to TR was a result of unconscious prejudice against arguments framed in a way that is normal for people with TR’s background.
As we all know from the BBC/Guardian/most of the MSM, the most absurd opinions are taken seriously when framed in an approved manner. This usually means middle class, but BAMEs are automatically entitled to sympathetic treatment. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Lammy and Benjamin Zephaniah spring to mind.
I’d bet the Guardian would be overjoyed if their circulation were just 10x below that of the Sun – it’s a lot lower than that and dropping daily.
Without the BBC ‘buying’ several thousand copies in an entirely artificial massaging of the ABC figures, the organ would have withered away by now. Tutankhamen’s would look positively rampant by comparison.
AFAIK Tut’s mysteriously disappeared.
EG – Remainers would have to push through alternative legislation, rather then merely passing motions expressing their disapproval of ‘no deal’. They need to revoke A50.
(And we know they are pretty good at passing motions..)
Of course in the Scottish news, it’s still biased as expletive deleted ( Fedup ); check this piece of propaganda out;
That’s right, I believe 29 paragraphs, and not until Para 29, do they finally tell us that these are all rejected asylum claims!
Despicable reporting. The quicker the people ( expletive amended fedup2 ) are privatised, the better.
Siempre – I’ve edited the first bad word and when I can access the site edit feature I will edit the second one .
Maxi Boy running today 4.15 at Ascot.
Hope he’s been gelded !!!!
He’s a 2yo colt trained by Michael Bell (Newmarket) who also trains a 3yo filly called Pretty Pollyanna!
(Deepest apologies for being OT)
Sired by Scotty ?
Certainly not intact, in one way or another.
Remind me again please Damon , how did all these “experts” you like to quote do in forecasting economic figures during project fear mark 1 ????
Let’s remind ourselves shall we ? Remember, this was what the experts said would happen on a vote to leave, not leaving, just the vote to leave.
a dossier published by the Treasury in the run up to the referendum said a vote to leave “would cause an immediate and profound economic shock” which would “push the UK into recession”.
the Treasury also claimed unemployment ‘would increase by around 500,000’ in the wake of a Brexit vote.
one of the most infamous claims, the Treasury said UK households would be an average of £4,300 a year worse off if Britain left the EU, according to figures.
Civil servants said that greater economic uncertainty would drive investors out of Britain, sending asset prices – including the value of homes – plummeting.
The Treasury warned that by 2018, house prices would be at least 10 per cent lower and possibly fall by up to 18 per cent.
All WRONG. Way out. But now we MUST listen to them to avoid Armageddon. Rubbish.
I Just checked local council events page
: Pride logo,
Pride banner,
top event : youth pride meetings
“A safe space for 11 to 17 year old members of the LGBT+ community “
TrueToo’s excellent resume of the Mueller testimony under the ‘BBC slips up…’ thread, and the demolition job by John Ratcliffe is well worth a read. The parallels between Democrat and BBC speak are remarkable but then, they’ve had plenty of time to compare notes and agree policy over the past three or four decades.
Times : Review section : Hugo Rikind spends half a page bitterly slagging off the Geoff Norcott show.
…He insists that Jeremy Hardy used to criticise the middle classes all thetime.
BBC Radio 5 Live this morning.
The host had contacted 2 callers who did not like Boris.
Both males were of Asian birth – according to their accents.
One was clearly a frothing at the mouth member of the Momentum party the other was more sympathetic to Boris’ Election.
Now here’s the thing:
When the momentum fella was asked a question the line was crystal clear and he went on and on without any interruption by the host.
But, when the other more understanding caller began to answer – all of a sudden, – you’ve guessed it – screeth, muuszzzzyyy- screeeeeech, wispers, dot dot dash…. then near the end of his comments the listener caught his last few remarks. We had no idea what he meant?
It appears that the second caller was agreeing with Boris’ plans for his choice of brown MPs in his cabinet while the momentum caller called it a Racist attempt. The other was their disagreement re a Leeds to Manchester rail line the other did not agree hence the BBCs silencing of most of the milder callers comments.
It was plainly a blackout of another caller who did not agree with the BBC Elites.
Why do I do it?! I know what will happen! Yes I fell for it and tried Any Questions today.
I live in Exeter (a university city), which is being over-run by students and student accommodation. The local Labour run Council see votes in students, so the city is being inundated with new student accommodation.
Anyway my point being that Any Questions came from Ottery St Mary, a charming market town about 15 minutes from Exeter. The sort of location where a few minibuses of students could easily be rounded up and taken there quickly (along with their single plastic bottles of water).
Anyway Ottery and East Devon voted to leave, so I was looking forward to listening to Geoffrey Cox and feedback on the new look Government which is going to enact (hopefully) the wishes of the majority of voters with a suitable Brexit. East Devon voted to Leave the EU by the way.
The audience wasn’t just biased it was rabid, both for No Brexit and for full abolition of anything that moved for climate change. Even Greta Thunberg was decreed a prodigy.
Even when Geoffrey commented that the majority of people in the UK voted from Brexit he was jeered and booed; FOR QUOTING A FACT!
It was a horrendous example of a biased audience. The host Shaun Ley, did actually admit it was not a selective audience, it was first come first served. So all the “oldies” in rural Devon were outdone by the rabid students who no doubt got there first. That actually could be described as discriminatory as if you had any sort of mobility issue, you were effectively barred from attending.
I simply cant understand why there is not a bigger backlash against our media, not just the BBC but all of them. Look at poor Leon Britton and others whose lives were ruined by false accusations. But this all happened when another rabid bunch, the media, particularly the BBC, were trying to find anyone famous to do for child abuse or worse.
Meanwhile back to climate change, its the same, the BBC go on and on about this AND YET, if we do what these genuine left wing extremists want and get to zero carbon, we will still warm up, due to the rest of the World ignoring the issue. NOT ONE MENTION OF THIS ON ANY QUESIONS; poor Geoffrey didn’t even dare go there – if he did he would of been slaughtered!
Where should we get our information from. I have now to do my own research on such topics from a range of sources. Absolutely EVERYTHING I now see on the BBC I don’t trust.
Anyway rant over. I am going to have a cuppa before heading down to Wetherspoons for my gammon and chips later!!
See you there!! 🙂
Burgsey- the same trap I fell into last week, when they were at Melton.
Shaun Ley gave the same assurances.
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Burgsey – I would have bought you a shandy out of my winnings from maxi boy running this afternoon but I think he was withdrawn because the going was to firm …
I think the falling viewing and listening figures reflect what people think of the BBC . Nature will take its course as far better stuff can be found on cheaper platforms . I just hope we can do a bit to hasten its’ demise .
Burgsey, so did I.
However, the OFF-switch was exercised twice: first time when Mary Creagh MP interrupted Alice Thomson before she could get started on her answer to the first question merely so Creagh could get in a comeback rant in response to Geoffrey Cox’s answer. Later, Creagh barged in again. Shaun Ley was not bothering as Chair to try and keep order.
Second time, I had switched back on in the middle of the second question (on AGW/CC?) at the end of Mary Creagh’s answer. Bad timing. I listened to the next – cautious – answer from Stephen Bush but then I think Motormouth Mary was revving up, so I switched off again. That was it. About 15 minutes.
The audience was very stacked, very Labour/LibDem, very shouty. Another reason for staying with peace and quiet.
Burgsey, I also try to avoid that, usually. But I caught some of the last question put to the panel which was who would they put in the stocks. Loud cheers for the answers Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson.
Also heard some of Any Answers with Anita Anand primly disapproving of a woman who dared to point out the percentages of immigrants in London and Birmingham were heading for majority status and this was not a good thing. Anita seemed to accuse her of racism because the caller meant not-white. Of course once they have a passport or are born here they are true ‘britons’.
whats changed in France ?
Not a mention of the real reason.
Nothing much happening in France, more tumbleweed moments from our “world class” BBC jouranalists, what kind of poxy world are they talking about when they pat themselves on the back ? maybe they live with the Clangers,
Even in a city as traditionally turbulent as Paris, recent scenes of police violence have been exceptionally shocking. Victims over the past few weeks have ranged from journalists and students to environmentalists and asylum seekers.
No matter what their background, or political persuasion, all have been viewed as legitimate targets for heavily armed paramilitaries trained to deal with any perceived threat to order with extreme brutality. These specialist riot control officers – and there are thousands of them – consider summer as a time when every type of undesirable takes to the streets, and they see nothing wrong with imposing their authority as harshly as possible.
The sheer horror of the situation was made abundantly clear on the Champs-Elysees last week where – as usual – the catalyst for much social disorder was France’s forces of law and order using chemical weapons on their own citizens.
Videos shot on the most famous avenue in the country show young children struggling to get away from clouds of fumes created by teargas that is banned in warzones. Astonishing as it may sound, French police are allowed to use substances designed to burn eyes, mouths and lungs against ordinary civilians, but, because of international treaties, soldiers up against genuine enemies are not.
Quite happy to report on any unrest from 6000 mile away, but just across the channel ?
Message to TheIsland:
I followed your advice today and wagered a not unconsideral amount of money on a horse you recommended in the 4.15 at Ascot called Maxi Boy. The results are below:
Maxi Boy was listed as NR; he was a non-starter.
LOL ‘Unsuitable ground’ apparently – how appropriate.
I hereby disclaim all responsibility.
A job in politics perhaps?
I understand it was a bad day for the Corbynista stable and their Venezualan owners
Maxi Boy: non starter
Happy Abbot : failed the weigh in
Lammy laddy: refused to start without a steward present, who was standing behind him, then could not find the stalls
Corbyns Hope: shat himself when he saw the opposition
Watsons Puppet: confined to stables for a while
While people in Hong Kong are fighting for Democracy, we have idiot Remainers and Remoaners in this country happy to throw it away ………………………….
“Hong Kong protests: Police fire tear gas at Yuen Long rally”
I will copy the BBC :” in case you missed it” as you will on the BBC: French police have been doing this for months with NO mention on the BBC about the concuct of police at the level they report the Chinese protests
Even in a city as traditionally turbulent as Paris, recent scenes of police violence have been exceptionally shocking. Victims over the past few weeks have ranged from journalists and students to environmentalists and asylum seekers.
No matter what their background, or political persuasion, all have been viewed as legitimate targets for heavily armed paramilitaries trained to deal with any perceived threat to order with extreme brutality. These specialist riot control officers – and there are thousands of them – consider summer as a time when every type of undesirable takes to the streets, and they see nothing wrong with imposing their authority as harshly as possible.
The sheer horror of the situation was made abundantly clear on the Champs-Elysees last week where – as usual – the catalyst for much social disorder was France’s forces of law and order using chemical weapons on their own citizens.
Videos shot on the most famous avenue in the country show young children struggling to get away from clouds of fumes created by teargas that is banned in warzones. Astonishing as it may sound, French police are allowed to use substances designed to burn eyes, mouths and lungs against ordinary civilians, but, because of international treaties, soldiers up against genuine enemies are not.
” While people in Hong Kong are fighting for Democracy, we have idiot Remainers and Remoaners in this country happy to throw it away”
Chilling, eh.
Makes one fear for one’s country, home, family and living.
Has Al Beeb covered this interesting report ?
Ask the Remainers would you join the EU now ?
They used to be called “Terrorists” now they are called “Dissidents”? …………….
Ahem, taffman, think the correct question to Remainers now (since opening of new EU Parliament) is: “Would you join the EU Nation now?”
“No-deal Brexit ‘threatens’ UK science industry, says Wellcome Trust”
XL Project Fear?
Have they not learned from the landslide majority win by The Brexit Party in the European Elections. We voted to leave three years ago, nothing has changed .
Lessons to be learned ?