You mentioned the 8 thousand per day lorries going through Dover . Even I didn’t think it was that much .
Now out of that figure , how many were British ?
You mentioned the 1.6 million lorry journeys per year going through Dover alone . Most of them will be double manned now ( that’s two drivers to each lorry ) . Foreigners. Earning money , as will their companies . Admittedly that’s not 1.6 million people , but it’s still a heck of an amount . What companies in the highly competitive market of haulage can withstand a huge hiatus ? They haven’t got an equivalent telly tax to impose .
Above all , BBC , why the sudden interest in trucks , when you never bothered when British hauliers had problems abroad ?
The real question must be, what are those trucks carrying in or out the country and what proportion is essential? Do we need those items or not? In the case of foodstuff, I would suggest we do.
Let me make a sober assertion momentarily, with no hidden agenda or bias simply personal experience: The Overseas Development Secretary, Liam Fox disappears. Silently. Why? At the outset, a firm Brexiteer. I speculate here. He remained a firm Brexiteer until he started grooming so-called ‘British Industry’ and trying to wean them off the EU and encourage them to think ‘World’ rather than EU. Sorry for my negativity but I have personally sought to encourage ‘British Industry’ to think globally and, ‘out the box’. The ‘uphill struggle’ and I failed and I think Liam Fox did as well, which perhaps undermined his Brexit credentials. The problem with so-called, ‘British Industry’ is that, in the main, they need a ‘Club’ of likeminded business people so that some form of cartel can exist. Call it a, Trade Body if you wish or perhaps, the ‘Association’. Which makes life ‘comfortable’ and that’s the way they want it to remain. Put themselves out for the country? Nah, won’t happen. Did you know there was even a, ‘Packaging Society’ (“Home of Packaging Professionals”). Apart from the fact that these people are to blame for diligently working toward the public not being able to cut through their packaging to reach the item, e.g. domestic batteries etc, they are a prime example.
Getting back to the eight thousand lorries a day, would the UK have enough people to replace most of the drivers? No. Can you imagine a Boris announcement that he would be putting millions into training to become lorry drivers, the largest group of unemployed – muslim and black women?…………..
First again? Oh no Nibor beat me to it, and with a long post. Congratulations. So while posting see that the BBC has booked a duchess or other member of the aristocracy to appear on 2019 Strictly. I am sure they wanted Meghan but got the nearest they could.
Sorry Deborah I didn’t mean it to be a long tedious post , but in EU matters , there are long tedious details , which is why I didn’t mention cabotage and ECMTpermits .
The glossy outside ; everyone in the EU being happy and the governments working together to make everything better and peace and love is what the BBC wants to broadcast about .
The intricate inside about the workings and who gets what and who pays more and who really loses out ( and who troughers in ) is – glossed over .
So too make a longer post I surmise the following groups .
Pro EU
People who are paid directly by the EU .
People paid indirectly but rely on the existence of the EU
People who have a grudge against the status quo ante
People afraid of whatever the EU supposedly garantees it will eliminate.
People who think travelling about the EU can only be garanteed by a benevolent EU ( and think it’s exciting) .
People who think without the EU we will be unemployed , starve and children of the future will be bigoted, and wars and massacres will happen .
And people who think that the EU respects and upholds their human rights .
I’m not even going to mention about bank holidays .
People against the EU are
ill informed
Starry eyed for a previous era
Left behind
Timid ( about going forward with the EU , not timid about leaving )
Lacking vision
Whereas I would say and Brexiter was
Outward looking
Run a business
Not indoctrinated
Not snobbish
Normal .
(1) Negative (Project Fear)
(2) Young (indoctrinated before they can read)
(3) Ill informed (only watch the BBC)
(4) Bigoted (don’t respect referendum results)
(5) Starry eyed for a previous era (dream about the days of a united Europe under Hitler, Napoleon and the Roman Empire)
(6) Left behind (lost the referendum)
(7) Obdurate (unless an ethnic minority tells them that the EU is corrupt)
(8) Timid (about leaving and the future without a deal)
(9) Lacking vision (always oppose democratic change and reform)
(10) Insular (Pro-Europe, Anti-Commonwealth)
(11) Nasty (Hate Jews, Russians, Americans and anyone White with a van, and wants to rub their noses in crime, terrorism, educational and social decline)
#1 People for Brexit are mostly people you RESPECT plus a few you don’t
#2 People for the EU are almost always people you DON’T RESPECT
Think about it… in any political argument, there is usually someone you respect, who is on the opposite side
but NOT on Brexit
I could stretch to respecting Corbyn for sticking to socialism, but I’d hardly call him pro-EU
Who is on the anti-Brexit side ? Alistair Campbell, Blair, Lammy, Abbott, Owen Jones, Political Greens, every money making charlaten you can think of , every race-baiter
I have often wondered about what drove many of the people who voted remain to do so, and it was in these days of left wing hate that which they have willfully ignored – fear.
Not project fear, but the often seen fear of change. The business I work for is doing OK and I have my pension, I don’t want to do anything which might jeapordise it.
Anyone who thinks the vast majority of people were politically active and were motivated by any real sense of anything is deluding themselves.
It might be a better description that those who voted either way were both pessimistic and optimistic at the same time, but for different reasons.
It is the hate of the left which polarises people and explains a complex situation in terms of ‘isms’ and fauxbias, because that is the only way they can now rationalise the world.
the AfD are ‘right-wing’ only if you ignore the fact that what used to be ‘the centre’ in Germany twenty or thirty years ago, has moved way over to the left. Even worse, Merkel has even outflanked those now on the Left, in the new dispensation, to steal their policies on issues such as energy and immigration, breaking laws (in both cases) with gay abandon. She has illegally written big cheques and thrown them around with even less reluctance, once again breaking laws which -it seems- nobody can be found to enforce.
Her cover for all this has been her successful creation of a wholly bogus image of ‘Mutti’ (Mom), in which she keeps her CDU status, while plundering policies from the Greens (who are now up and coming, so it works both ways) and the SPD, who prop up her 30% party, and keep her in power because top jobs like President and Foreign Minister then come their way.
There are signs that the AfD may do well in elections in 3 Bundeslaender in the old East, later this year. In fact, the old East is once again, becoming a different country, in some ways. They have gone though Socialism there, and know what Merkel and her style really mean.
The BBC on the other hand, will continue to refer to the AfD as ‘far right’ with the same enthusiasm with which they will try to pin the El Paso shootings on Trump. The facts and reality don’t matter. The fact that AfD policies are identical to those of the CDU twenty-five years ago, before Germany became subject to a bout of insanity, doesn’t matter either. Just how insane is illustrated by the fact that lawbreakers generallyend up in court, whereas no one has lifted a finger to put the lawbreaker supreme behind bars.
Still, there are mutterings. Things could change rapidly, if suddenly the economy were to crash…
A seemingly harmless picture of a woman cleaning windows could actually have a very sinister meaning.
The picture has been put out by police who say that it could actually be an indicator of someone being a victim of domestic servitude, a form of modern slavery
I would say that on a beach in an English seaside town in 30 degree heat wimmin forced to site there in black headscarfs and black robes while their men all sunbathed as I saw on Saturday is more relevant cause for alarm
Sunday evening Radio 4 listening gets even more dire.
Me And My Sister with the Titter Sisters, a vehicle for some of the naffest jokes of all time. Was the purpose to ‘prove’ that the ‘old’ comedy’ from ‘the golden age’ was rubbish and ‘cutting edge’ TrumpFarrageBorisBrexit is a worthy replacement?
Annika Stranded, the World’s Worst Police Officer continues to bore for Norway, but at least it was the last.. for this series. Don’t say they have commissioned more? Who writes this stuff, Lord Hall-Hall’s nephew?
(Non) Feedback continues to tell us what the BBC thinks about other people. Evan Davis doesn’t get it that if he keeps going for that ‘gotcha’ moment politicians will keep repeating the script from Central Office. In this ‘post-truth’ world he makes up his own figures for the number of pro-‘backstop’ experts (85%). Later confessing to faking it but so what, Roger Bolton knows he is right. Seeing as no-one mentioned Ireland during the referendum where did all these ‘experts’ pop up from? How can one be an expert on something that hasn’t been done before? In my experience there are always at least 85% of people available to tell one why something new can’t be done – the real British Disease – “We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy but because it is hard!” – ‘Can-Do’ versus ‘Can’t do BBC.
Last Word. Minnie Mouse and half the cast of The Simpsons are dead. Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ is dead. We can’t have museums of exotic stuff because it is against the culture of exotic people. But it is part of our culture to be interested in and to record exotic things. But we are clearly wrong because we can fly to the moon and they eat bugs.
The Money Clinic. Can the BBC get a couple running a small business to divorce? She is careful with money and he is a spendthrift. (The solution would be to set aside an ‘at risk’ budget for him to spend. If he gets it right the business benefits, if he gets it wrong they still have a business). Not sure what the point of this is. Perhaps he is Lord Hall-Hall’s nephew and he gets to get free advice out of our pockets?
In Business. Business has to be ‘responsible’ and work to lefty-rules, – stuff the customer. Interestingly yet another small ‘ethical’ company, flogging herbs, has sold out to Unilever, (Ben and Jerry’s anyone? The old owner of the business makes dubious non-proven health claims for his products but that is OK because he is ethical and comes from Bristol.
I put myself though this because I am driving and the car has an idiotic ‘touch screen’ that I daren’t go near whilst on the move. (Oh for those ‘old-fashioned’ buttons that could be felt first and then operated ‘eyes off’. Still, we’ll all be back to eating bugs soon.
You should have slowed down so you could listen to the “ Westminster hour” at 2200 when a bunch of bubble dwellers sit around and score meaning less points to impress their Party Whips .
I’m guess it’s still like that as I gave up on it long ago …… and I’m sure it’s just aimed at other bubble dwellers …..
Well BBC, is the perpetrator WHITE or BLACK ??? As soon as you are aware, make sure the colour is in the main headline. You have set a precedent now after the mass shooting reports !!
Won’t hold my breath . I am sure if indeed it is a ethnic minority , it will be days before we are told by the BBC , not minutes like if they are white . Agenda ? What agenda !!!!!
It is unfair in this situation to blame the BBC for failing to report a description. The London Gestapo is run by Khan and it is almost certainly they who have not given a description of the attacker.
In the Fascist Burhams Manchester, people now make fun of the Gestapo posts where they consistently identify White people but never anyone from an ethnic background.
In the Labour Fascist supporting MEN today the ineffectiveness of Burnhams Gestapo is outlined, but the paper doesn’t go so far as to actually accuse Labour of causing the problems through its active anti white race hate and persecution of anyone who dares say a word it doesn’t approve of.
This is of course a direct consequence of Tory cowardice and incompetence, the two hallmarks of that useless rotten party who handed control of the Police to Labour and are now to scared to take it away from them. It should have been obvious what would happen but not to them!
Just remember they are only vigilantes when the anti white race hating left know White people are involved. When they are Muslims, and especially the brown eyed boys they are local heros:
The BBC , as the state broadcaster for America , just loves to report on mass killings there if they can be linked to President Trump .
Sopel was in full charge blaming President Trump for mass shootings there . It’s well trodden ground upon which he is happiest
Meanwhile in the country which actually pays for the BBC – last night an 89 year old lady was murdered in her home in Tottenham . And a 6 year old thrown off a roof at the Tate .
Such horrors at home are barely covered . I just don’t understand their news agenda .
Funny they don’t mention that under saint Obama there were shootings too and even if we factor in these recent shootings under Trump it is 24 Obama to 7 Trump and the number dead is 236 to approx about 150..neither of these stats is good but it is funny how Trump gets the blame but Obama doesn’t
ps. you notice the garlic shooter doesn’t get mentioned – is that because they can’t call him white right wing – due to his Iranian background?
I like it but it is not a rule the BBC uses for
1. The US economic growth rate (much higher than that of the Eurozone)
2. US new jobs creation, around 160,000 per month.
So Rule Two is ‘Ignore all good news about the US’
BBC racism on show later today – looking at the R4 schedule ( I barely bother anymore ) The is a programme about the ‘ black blood shortage ‘ – why not enough blacks give blood .
I bet the listening numbers for that will be up there in the millions …meanwhile of course young black men are happily killing each other in London postcodes .
Raceism against the whites all the way from now on. As per Jon Sopel’s words yesterday-whitesupremacy is now what the other colours are labelling at the whites-however Multiculuralism does not and will not work-the history and development of the first world is too far ahead for them to catch u, in the main-segregation makes the problem of integration more difficult as is being seen in London as much as anywhere else in the world. More Police is not necessarily the answer-world trafficking is far too financially powerful for even governments to control and so the flood of immigration will continue and so will the white and coloured problem ensue for the future; a considerable problem for us all.
Give someone a hi viz a clip board or a dog collar in this case and they suddenly become Captain Mainwaring. We don’t like upstarts ordering us about when a crisis arises.
Very true. Decades ago the same was said of ‘men in uniform’, before day-glo colours became the gauleiters’ fashion accessory of choice.
Now the ‘men in uniform’ watch too much TV and have taken it one step further by wanting to look like the SAS assaulting the Iranian Embassy or an LA SWAT team.
Not British policing as I used to understand it. Turning up after the event in a blaze of flashing lights does not unrape, unburgle, unstab or unmurder the poor damn victim.
I have to say the ‘man in uniform’ in this case, Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Swann, might not inspire the locals with same level of confidence achieved all those decades ago.
“….Rachel’s broad range of skills, excellent operational abilities and commitment to inclusion, fairness and transparency set her apart.”
I see what you mean. The only ‘inclusion’ that matters to most people is the inclusion of criminals within prison walls but I don’t believe for one minute that this is what they had in mind. Perhaps Robocop has some virtues after all.
Unbelieveable hair-seems as though she has only just left school-far too young-why female? Don’t mean there were no other policemen in the offing, perhaps they were all told to step-aside- normality is nowhere to be seen.
There are various theories as to how this should be calculated, generally along the lines of: 100 (ave IQ) minus 10 as soon as it is placed on the head, with a further deduction based on the angle it is worn at, up to a max of 180/3 for complete reversal. Thus the IQ of the average full reversal model is 30, which sounds about right.
Sleeveless T shirts are also believed to have an impact when worn as an outer garment.
A full on remainer ‘ academic ‘ prof Tim Lang – has written a paper in the lancet ? Saying there won’t be fresh food because of brexit .
The BBC used Martha the bee keeper to ‘ challenge ‘ him – if only they had a brexiter to challenge him it might have been an unbiased interview – but it wasn’t
The police lady also said they had been asked why they had not arrested the Remainers but admitted they hadn’t worked out under which law this could be done. If they came knocking on my door I think by now I would be complaining of police harassment.
I think by now I would be wanting more time to remove personal effects.
Nick Robinson finished by asking the lady vicar if people would be ok once they returned. She started. Y giving the wrong answer but with hints from Nick changed her tune and said people could take a long time to recover.
An addition to the comment about Prof Tim Lang – who is very active on social media ( I was trying to find out who funds him )
Anyway – as a socialist he will fail to realise that in a capitalist system if there is a void – someone will fill it . Does he really think that EU food producers in their Europe will stop selling into the UK – or that German owned supermarkets won’t overcome notional difficulties . ? Project Fear lives on .
The BBC will be more than happy to broadcast price increases , racketeering, panic buying , the fight for the last can of Lidl baked beans or Waitrose sun dried pesto ( whatever that is )…..
This site should give a prize for the first ‘shortage’ ‘panic ‘ story ….
Quite right, Fed. Not only that but the national diet changes around the beginning of October. Do you know why it’s difficult to buy an onion, carrots, a parsnip and a small swede in those handy ‘all-in-one’ packs at the present time?
They originate mostly in the UK and right now, they are out of season. We are currently munching either foreign salad crops or those that are forced in the UK in Thanet Earth or in polytunnels & greenhouses in the southern half of the country. In October the produce on the shelves changes in type and origins.
Maybe a 31st October date was a fortunate change from 29 March?
The picture shows deforestation in Indonesia in order to create palm oil plantations.
Back in the day lots of cosmetics and personal care companies, like Body Shop, responded to the whim of the day which was appease the vegetarians to stop using animal derived chemical products. The result was an explosion in…….palm oil demand.
Strangely the BBC seem unable to join the dots between trendy vegetarianism, vegans, palm oil growing, and forest clearance.
Perhaps the solution to global warming is for vegetarians to become carnivores. After all, we literally have the teeth for the job
…. attack on Brexit, more Project Fear, more scaremongering.
Chuka (failed politician) Umunna is brought on by the BBC. Chuka doesn’t realise that the reason why businesses are not registering for new arrangements with the EU is that 1. they may no longer be selling to or buying from the EU, 2. the business may have closed or become dormant, and, 3. the business although registered as doing business with the EU, merely has that as an ambition in its Articles of Association and that it has not yet reached that ambition in its first few years of trading. Chuka is not bright enough to know about that … or … perhaps does not want to know about that and does not want listeners to know about that.
Martha (or was it Nick?) is also not bright enough to know about that and to thoroughly question Chuka about his claims.
OTish, but I actually did find this worth reading whilst bearing in mind the insane, ideological blatherings of supposed impartial editors like American beauty.
As shocking as this is. Why does the beeb feel the need to mention a list of people, with what colour they are? white male, black male etc etc
If there is a stabbing in the UK – they will only report eg 27yr old. Not that helpful when trying to identify the person who did the stabbing for example
The BBC have a mission, to make white folks hate themselves. In the process they are legitimising white hatred , making POCs believe they are victims of white oppression, making white folks believe their homelands and cultures are worthless and not worth defending.
PThe outcome of this is hardly likely to be a harmonious multicultural utopia . The likely outcome is that rather than lead to their utopia it leads to increased fragmentation and inter racial violence.
The separation of India with the creation of India and Pakistan.
It will all end badly in the UK. Mainly the beeb believe its all super smashing wonderful (yes okay, that was ITV) 🙂
Worth remembering that Jinnah demanded a separate homeland for Muslims at the Shimla independence conferences. And got it.
Not a lot of multiculturalism in that approach.
Guest – I read that France was complaining about the Russian police being brutal to protesters in Moscow .
Judging by some of the twitter clips of the French riot police they use the same training manual -and no doubt somewhere in Blighty they are practicing similar techniques should protesters hit the streets if full brexit doesn’t happen …..
We now have to endure ten months of football from next weekend. Matt Hancock is playing in the Premier League as Secretary of State for Health and is invited on for the prime interview spot with Rick Nobinson. On the subject of an early General Election and Brexit, Nick provides Matt with an open goal. He misses it and shoots over the crossbar.
Hancock could have had more than a half hour of fame had he really nailed the Remainers and Remoaners (including those in the media, especially at the BBC) but he fluffed it.
The Commentators: “Ohhh! That could have finished it. An opportunity missed. It’s not over yet.”
The BBC will keep the anti-Brexit theme & propaganda going and going into all of the injury time allowed and then some.
Thank god for footy – 90 minutes anaesthetic spoilt by the occasional appearance of a bloke who sells crisps and plots the demise of democratic voting using his position to promote his own personal £ interest ….
Ps – Liverpool didn’t win the charity shield so I was waiting for them to blame BoJo or do the ‘ victim ‘ act again …remember Heisel .
Wonder if the bbc, Ed, Caroline, Michael, etc will notice that Greta and XR are moving into additional areas of influence?
Or, given they are ones the BBC shares, will the bbc simply promote these too?
The UK Government should fear or rather care about and #ActNow on The Climate And Ecological Emergency because if they continue to fail to do this people will go very hungry.
“There is no food on a dead planet”. Food scarcity? All the more reason to stock up on bog rolls and similar consumables before end October. More popcorn as well……………
\\Brexit: ‘Radical change is needed for UK to survive’//
Yes, start by getting rid of the bureaucratic assembly called ‘The Welsh Government ‘.
Wales aint going independent, the Welsh Nationalists are a nonentity.
For Britain to be great again we need to remain United.
How much EU money is being pumped into breaking up the UK ?
The danger signs, taffman, were when the then EEC decided to divide itself into regionalities. Have a notion it was in the 1980s but cannot remember exactly when.
The good people of Hong Kong are desperately fighting for democracy while the deluded Remainers in our country are happy to throw it away to stay in the EU ‘dictatorship.’
‘Democracy is Hard Won but Easily thrown away’.
Remember Comrade Taffy,
We are not an island
Freedom is slavery
Arbeit Macht Frei
Diversity is our strength
Islam is peace
BBC is impartial
Did I miss anything?
Oh how right you are taffman-now it will be even worse to be a member of the EU as the woman Von Lyden takingn over from Junker is and has firmly advocated that immigration from those people living from outside Europe will encourged to fill Europe. The woman in completely bonkers. I heard her adress to the EU Parliament in July, it was enough to know how glad I am that Britain will soon no longer be tied up in the socialistic federalistic swamp.
20 new murders dont’t mean El Paso “loses innocence”
… there were 23 murders in 2018
It’s not a murder infected drug town so it is relatively innocent
but just the other side of the border WALL in El Juarez
there were 24 murders EVERY WEEK in 2018
This new BBC story doesn’t mention El Juarez at all
But don’t you find rectangles just a bit offensive – ? Surely we’d all be happier with circles ….we can all be equal then …
The area of a circle is a squared pork pie …
I can’t make any apology for saying how annoyed I was to hear in ‘Thought for the day’ being given by an Islamic person. Why? Quite apart from being in a majority Christian country, why on earth should we be inflicted with their Ideological views which are completely alien to Christians and most other religions for that matter. By allowing such confirms the proposed view of the BBC that those that follow the teachings of Islam are welcome and to be accepted no matter their extremes against us.
Because we are now being brainwashed into accepting Islam as the second largest religion in this country. This has seeped into our psyche over the past couple of decades : – 10 years ago would we have countenanced a Home Secretary/Chancellor or some of our top jobs in civil service be occupied by a Muslim ?
I remember the days in the late 80’s when thousands (yes thousands) of Muslims in Bradford and Bolton staged demonstrations and burning books in the Rushdie affair together with burning the Union Jack, as we all looked on in horror. The police had to use force, and then immediately the cries of police brutality and racist were heard. This is aside from the sex grooming issues.
This is the problem with being a ‘tolerant’ society, we allow anything to happen. Other cultures other than our own are given carte blanche to do what they want with just a slap on the wrist. When the Hindus first arrived, they were all glad of the work that Britain gave them, but when challenged that the turbans would have to be removed as it wasn’t part of a work uniform they demonstrated in force ! what happens ? Britain gives in and they’re allowed to keep wearing it.
Aside that we give these peoples ‘a better life’, they’re not happy with that, and start making demands that even we wouldn’t make.
If changes can happen so quickly in the past 20 years, then I’m glad I wont be around to see what the state of this country will be in the next 30 years.
“This is the problem with being a ‘tolerant’ society, we allow anything to happen.”
Quite. At what point does “tolerant” become simply “wet”? People sharing our culture might recognise tolerance when they see it but I fear than many others simply see it as weakness.
We should tolerate the tolerant but not the intolerant, because you can be damn sure that it won’t be reciprocated.
Agree about Rushdie as well. That was our first big test and we failed.
The main problem in Britain is that there are not enough women and black bricklayers
So never fear the Construction Industry Training Board
has taxed building firms by £10m and spent it on a new programme
The head was unable to tell Ferrari what the target is.
He claimed cos recruitment is often by word of mouth white people are only recruiting their white friends.
“I wanted to make the most of my life, so step by step I set myself a target of being better off than my parents had been at my age.”
Oh look paywalled 2015 story
“Women outnumber men on new CITB board
Skills minister Nick Boles has appointed five women and three men to the CITB’s new eight-member board of trustees”
Seems like BoJo is practicing ‘ operation money tree’ modelling his government on the Corbyn system of jam and more jam .
Unlike many – I don’t want public spending going up -so I’m hoping most of these announcements will be repeats of lies from before or not followed through .
Looks like red Tories again – but as long as they take us fully out of the Reich by 1 November I’d let them build ‘ Wimmins hospitals ‘ in Truro or wherever .
Fair enough Theisland – in my minds eye I was ending overseas aid tax giveaways – 13 billion a year and putting a bit in defence and enough for decent elderly social care …..
The problem with the military is vanity projects like aircraft carriers when we haven’t got enough ‘basics ‘.
Been doing bloke jobs most of my natural, in my experience recruiting outside of the usual suspects wasn’t the issue, retention was the stumbling block. First sniff of an office job and they were ofski, sorry if it offends anyone, just my experience.
Is the ‘Great Replacement’ just a conspiracy theory? Globalists aren’t hiding their intentions very well. From Breitbart:
The Central Bank of Ireland believes that not enough migrants are arriving to have a “wage-dampening effect”, and that “if wages are not downwardly flexible” it could become a “concern”.
Top MSM newspaper “Die Welt” today reports that Migrant crime is polarising Germany. (See my contribution above). Under the heading “Schaffen wir das” – ‘Will we manage it?’, Johannes Boie, Chief Editor of ‘Welt am Sonntag (Sunday)’ says ‘complex’ processes involved in freedom and democracy are threatened if much of the population feels threatened, no longer secure.
It is beginning to dawn on Germans what Merkel really did by opening borders in 2015, but -like in all MSM- there are broad hints, not that this mistake should be corrected, but that the ‘far right’ may ‘exploit’ the situation.
The murder of a German 8 year old and near murder of his mother by an Eritrian ‘migrant’, who pushed them in front of an oncoming ICE in Frankfurt Main station, has drawn attention to the tidal wave of migrant crime. Merkel had said “Wir schaffen das” (We can manage this) in 2015, and many leftists are still yelling for more migrants.
But in some quarters, the feeling is that the party may be over. Even lefty editors are wondering whether – after all, the country CAN’T manage to cope with Merkel’s foolishness.
Is this really a country Remainers want to remain firmly attached to and (because of its size and industrial might, and leadership of the EU, possibly even ultimately be run by)? Don’t get me wrong, had the Left not taken over all philosophical reflection in Europe since the sixties, breeding an entirely new mindset, the UK and the Germans could and should have been the greatest of buddies. More than enough blood was shed on both sides, and the early German governments of the fifties, sixties and seventies looked every bit as democratic as did England. Then came the rather strange fall of ‘the wall’.
I still cannot understand how Merkel was allowed to import the third world so easily . It went against the fundamentals of the EU free movement of labour that unemployed workers from another EU State gets first dibs on vacancies elsewhere .
Merkel just blew a main reason for the being of the EU away and no MSM even mentions it .
As for the Germans – if they want to create their own problems – let them – as long as we don’t get involved. They are not our friends – as with the French – no favours done for us.
As an aside – I’d like to hear how the Royal Navy is going to deal with illegal fishing after we leave the EU….. which I consider more important than worrying about ‘invisible ‘ Russian submarines or Chinese warships in the English Channel….
Would any sane state want Blighty apart from using it to attack America ?
“I’d like to hear how the Royal Navy is going to deal with illegal fishing after we leave the EU”
Wouldn’t we all? Let’s ask BoJo and Ben Wallace (new Defence Secretary).
Ben Wallace could ask Javid for money to build more RN vessels.
Priti also needs patrol vessels to stop/turn back the ‘migrants’.
Javid, however, will be more concerned with welfare for his non taxpaying chums and throwing money at the NHS. Only UKIP and For Britain seem to have sensible policies on welfare and the NHS.
Fedup – It could have been an attack of virtue-signalling fever, but I am more inclined to study her past and her youth in the GDR in particular.
On the face of it, she simply popped up in the right place at the right time in ’89 and was simply very lucky.
If she is a Commie at heart, she will also be an in internationalist, so opening borders would pose no problem. More puzzling is that she hasn’t met much resistance; nobody wants to look like they might be a racist, and therefore a Nazi, and -while the economy is doing well and cheap labour is needed, nobody sees likely to rock the boat. The key enablers for all this (it will not surprise you to know) have been the German media, pro-Merkel all the way.
Worse than the bbc here, I can tell you.
Remoaner Talk
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will be out of food”
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will have no one to harvest British food”
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will have a lamb mountain, the price of lamb will be so cheap, millions will have to be buried “
Posted on Guido Fawkes. Grounds for Brexit encouragement? Not found on BBC.
“”Contrary to speculation last night, the much anticipated early morning meeting with Dominic Cummings did not turn out to be a cull of Remainer SpAds. Instead SpAds were given their “marching orders” to go back to their Departments and knock them into shape for Brexit, and warned that Philip Hammond/Greg Clark-style anti-Brexit antics would not be tolerated. Taking back control of Whitehall…
SpAds have been instructed to interrogate their Departments’ levels of no-deal readiness and report any issues back to Downing Street sooner rather than later. Any notion that Downing Street isn’t taking no deal preparations 100% seriously is out the window now.
Meanwhile Remainers’ latest idea to try to stop No Deal is to attempt to force an election – which Boris can delay until November anyway – and then get Mark Sedwill to ask Boris nicely not to go through with No Deal. Cummings will be quaking in his boots…””
I think David Lammy’s hourly cost to the tax payer, including incidentals, should be calculated. The time taken up on mindless twittering should be then deducted at his hourly rate times 100 or a Dianne Abbott multiplier of 1000 billion and 50p.
Most of these “mass shooters” are black criminals killing other black criminals in rotting cities controlled by Democrats.
The definition of a “mass shooting” is something like a shooting incident in which more than five people are killed or wounded, which is not hard when rival drug gangs start shooting at each other in the street.
If shithole cities like Baltimore were properly run and policed, these “mass shootings” would plummet. But the Democrats are firmly entrenched, because anyone who can leave already has. The dregs which remain will always vote Democrat. It is the same tactics Labour use to control our inner cities. It’s not pretty, but it works, for them at least.
If McDonald are serious about cutting out plastic, then why don’t they stop giving out those pointless crappy plastic toys they put in their sad meals!
PS I bought one of their iced fruit drinks the other day and they gave me a paper straw, whilst the drink itself was in a plastic container with a plastic lid. Completely pointless-as was the straw which quickly went soggy and useless.
I would like to draw your attention to an excellent discussion on u tube between Douglas Carswell and rod liddle covering amongst other things , bbc bias, Brexit betrayal and immigration. It is well worth is episode 9 of Room for Thought.
I watched the interview – bit of a waste of time . This is because when mr Liddell was ambushed on Newsnight he allowed maitless to make her assertions and ‘ rolled over ‘. Liddell is a journalist and makes his living by going on the MSM so instead of ‘ having a go back ‘ – he sat there as a victim .
Haven’t got much time for such people – just another resident of ‘the bubble ‘ – but thanks for the reference – a long 45 minutes
Liddle makes the case to Carswell that there are topics which the ruling liberal establishment will not allow to be discussed in this country, particularly anything to do with immigration.We all know that to be the case but I thought he showed how serious and widespread this suppression has become despite a likely majority of people sharing such views. I don’t see Liddle as anything like a typical resident of the bubble and certainly not a member of the liberal establishment. His columns in the Sunday Times and The Spectator are regularly satires against the prevailing PC culture on climate change, Brexit and Immigration. I think you are wrong to dismiss him as part of the bubble.
I caught a bit of Mediterranean with Simon Reeves yesterday. He got to speak to some Africans trying to get into Europe, ‘Babylon’, via Spain’s little secret colony in North Africa. Quite amusing that the Africans thought the scruffy Reeves was trying to make the journey too!
Now this is a programme that the BBC could have put on BBC One at 7 p.m. during the referendum! Where do these Africans go? Seems some work as slaves in super-hot plastic greenhouses supplying those ‘vital’ fresh food supplies that we will ‘lose’ post Brexit. And when the Spanish need a new greenhouse they just chuck it away, to eventually wash into the Mediterranean.
If only Spain was a member of the EU with its strictly enforced labour and environmental laws that we can’t draw up for ourselves!
A further thought: According to Reeves the conditions in the greenhouses were the ‘fault’ of the UK supermarkets that bought supplies from there, not Spain or the EU.
But the whole point of the ‘single market’ and ‘E-marks’ is that the buyer is assured that the product meets EU standards without having to do compliance and quality checks themself. (Remember the ‘beef’ horsemeat?).
TWATO….BBC trying their hardest to slag of the money given to the NHS..
Problem is that none of the interviewees agreed.. no matter how the BBC twisted the question to get a bad answer…
Now BBC quoting that is ironic…they really have given up being independent….
Now he misquoted a previous interviewee to new interviewee..unfortunately the interviewee disagreed and corrected him
Disgusting attempts to undermine the funding…
Caught the Intelligence Squared Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism debate a bit late. It was at the Emmanuel Centre (wherever that is) with two panelists for and two against and chaired by Carrie Gracie who, although being from the BBC, did quite a good job.
It was held on June 17th and plonked on YouTube on July 26th.
It’s worth a watch, if only to see how polarised the debate is and the excellent contributions from the pro-Israel side.
“I’m not saying it was HIS picture.
I’m saying it’s REPORTED that he reposted it on his (FB) page.”
.. Nope the context is much weaker than that
No Facebook account in his name had that post
BUT a dormant since 2017 Twitter account which had the same name Patrick Crusius
had LIKED a Trump’s name in guns tweet that SOMEONE ELSE had tweeted on 13 Feb 2017
Rule of thumb for social media claims
“If there is NO screenshot .. it didn’t happen”
“If there’s NO video .. it didn’t happen”
Stew, good detective work. I wonder if the police there will be as thorough.
I was a little puzzled by the guys name. It is Latinate. I found myself wondering why a possible Hispanic would attack other Hispanics on the grounds that he was a ‘white supremacist’? Hopefully, someone at the BBC will investigate thoroughly using their journalistic resources and £3.5bn of taxpayer money.
““If it supports NARRATIVE, then run it as if is true”
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Jonny ‘I————-want—to be—–a—Presenter——not—a—Royal Correspondent’ Dymond was in the chair. Poor Jonny really needs to go to BBC Presenter School. His stilted, Dalek delivery, is really unpleasant to listen to. Good presentation skills can be learned. He has a good voice timbre so it would be time well spent. He also needs to go to Secondary School and sit in a Geography class or two: Boston is not in Lancashire, it is in Lincolnshire. Ooops!
I hope Sarah Montague is OK. Her absences are increasing and becoming a little concerning.
Boris (& Sajid) should have given the NHS across the four nations that £18.7bn – with conditions attached – and then stayed schtumm. No grandstanding. No touring. No photo ops. And definitely no other profligate spending. Just the Brexit bonus up front, in full, for the NHS alone and leave it at that. No other spending at all.
They are now going to be attacked for the next six months, or more, by the BBC on that puny NHS spend. The NHS are likely to fritter it away as is evidenced by the embarrassing news from Scotland NHS today.
Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond was at it this lunchtime. He tried at least three NHS administrators or clinicians who all refused to play his game and attack Bojo.
Try one more?
Aah go on. Go on, go on, go on.
Here’s Jonny could – and should – have asked why, in this age of equality, should Liverpool be allowed to have a Womens Hospital? But he did not. Funny that.
is that who it was – never heard of him but he was point of my earlier comment..he was a complete numpty just trying to get a negative comment to the point of misquoting interviewees
James, yep – JD is now the official BBC Royal Correspondent but does stand-in presenting on TOADY, TWatO and, I think, TWiT or TWoT or however you might wish to acroname it.
Sorry, apols for duping. I read your post after I posted mine.
On a technicality, it occurred to me that the UK should have a law similar to the US 27th amendment, whereby parliament cannot set pay rises for itself, i.e. which take effect during that term of office.
MPs should get the average uk wage which is supposed to be about £29,000 (although that seems about £10,000 more than the average wage for normal people)
This is almost 5 times the uk pension pensioners are expected live on.
If MPs make things better their (£29k) would rise.
Performance related.
At £29k there would be no shortage of applicants, I would bet hundreds would happily apply to do the job for that amount.
Don’t fall for the ‘you need to pay high wages to get the best people’ lie because this shower of s**t are certainly not the ‘best’ but are a motley gang of greedy, expenses fiddling, bossy, self important, attention seeking, bigoted, two faced, virtue signalling, hypocritical, venal, gobsh*tes (apart from a few such as Francois, Redwood, Hoey and others we on here know of) who love money and telling others what to do.
They lie and mislead all the time.
You would get a better and more honest Parliament at £29k each instead of these money grabbers.
There’s never a shortage of people wanting to be MPs – and the methods they use to achieve the ultimate aim ( a seat in the lords for life ) reflects what they are .
Take the most important health issue – elderly social care – dilnott report et al – buried – no interest . They’d rather play games about Brexit and how nasty social media can be.
In many ways the best thing to happen is they have nt been able to meddle our few remaining freedoms – Such as breathing in and out – although the greens would probably tax that .
That is the main heading on The Times this Monday and whilst I was reading through the long list of QATAR backed former British institutions, sadly who have taken the money in return for promoting ISLAM. Once you accept the Bribe (as many well known Universities already have), continued funding is based entirely on NOT confronting the Islamic terrorism that it also sponsors widely around the world. That is why the BBC are happy to rent their new state of the art BBC complex in Salford-Quay, Manchester. They rent it all and they don’t own any of the complex which was developed by a Labour Northern Shopping mall developer who resides offshore (for tax reasons) and he used Qatari money to pay for its development. That makes the BBC an accomplice in acts of terrorism which it will not report under any circumstance as it conflicts with it’s ‘prime objective’. That is not UK based, not even EU but a new World Order of Soros and Marx with parts sold to Islam for cash.
Quite interesting that an ex BBC/ITV reporter is
#1 calling out the MSM
#2 saying yes Carl Beech was a liar, but don’t rush to close down investigation of political paedophiles
I call mainstream (old media) journalists liars and i stand by that. The Westminster paedophile ring was NOT fiction… view the evidence yourself
Those who are blaming Trump for the shootings can easily put the full blame on him by pointing out that before Trump was President these types of shootings never happened.
Those very same complainers have angry febrile Twitter output which encourages division and violence rather than healing it.
..Many open death threats to Trump
.. and dehumanising him and supporters with labels like “Nazi” and “far right” etc.
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
Beeboids ,
You mentioned the 8 thousand per day lorries going through Dover . Even I didn’t think it was that much .
Now out of that figure , how many were British ?
You mentioned the 1.6 million lorry journeys per year going through Dover alone . Most of them will be double manned now ( that’s two drivers to each lorry ) . Foreigners. Earning money , as will their companies . Admittedly that’s not 1.6 million people , but it’s still a heck of an amount . What companies in the highly competitive market of haulage can withstand a huge hiatus ? They haven’t got an equivalent telly tax to impose .
Above all , BBC , why the sudden interest in trucks , when you never bothered when British hauliers had problems abroad ?
Nibor, oooh, all that nasty, evil, diesel fuel! How can you bring yourself to mention the word ‘truck’?
Go wash your mouth out. Or your keyboard. Or touchscreen or whatever.
Then come back and write 500 lines for Greta: ‘There is a Climate Emergency and CO2 and Cows are Causing it.’
Backlinks to the stuff you missed
The weend thread has 3 pages
– page 2 started 8pm Saturday
– page 3 took us from 5pm Sunday til midnight
Ctrl-F and searching a page on “August 5,” would show up additional posts added from Monday 5th
Thanks for the help stew
The real question must be, what are those trucks carrying in or out the country and what proportion is essential? Do we need those items or not? In the case of foodstuff, I would suggest we do.
Let me make a sober assertion momentarily, with no hidden agenda or bias simply personal experience: The Overseas Development Secretary, Liam Fox disappears. Silently. Why? At the outset, a firm Brexiteer. I speculate here. He remained a firm Brexiteer until he started grooming so-called ‘British Industry’ and trying to wean them off the EU and encourage them to think ‘World’ rather than EU. Sorry for my negativity but I have personally sought to encourage ‘British Industry’ to think globally and, ‘out the box’. The ‘uphill struggle’ and I failed and I think Liam Fox did as well, which perhaps undermined his Brexit credentials. The problem with so-called, ‘British Industry’ is that, in the main, they need a ‘Club’ of likeminded business people so that some form of cartel can exist. Call it a, Trade Body if you wish or perhaps, the ‘Association’. Which makes life ‘comfortable’ and that’s the way they want it to remain. Put themselves out for the country? Nah, won’t happen. Did you know there was even a, ‘Packaging Society’ (“Home of Packaging Professionals”). Apart from the fact that these people are to blame for diligently working toward the public not being able to cut through their packaging to reach the item, e.g. domestic batteries etc, they are a prime example.
Getting back to the eight thousand lorries a day, would the UK have enough people to replace most of the drivers? No. Can you imagine a Boris announcement that he would be putting millions into training to become lorry drivers, the largest group of unemployed – muslim and black women?…………..
First again? Oh no Nibor beat me to it, and with a long post. Congratulations. So while posting see that the BBC has booked a duchess or other member of the aristocracy to appear on 2019 Strictly. I am sure they wanted Meghan but got the nearest they could.
She said she’d only take part if she could wear the trousers.
Sorry Deborah I didn’t mean it to be a long tedious post , but in EU matters , there are long tedious details , which is why I didn’t mention cabotage and ECMTpermits .
The glossy outside ; everyone in the EU being happy and the governments working together to make everything better and peace and love is what the BBC wants to broadcast about .
The intricate inside about the workings and who gets what and who pays more and who really loses out ( and who troughers in ) is – glossed over .
So too make a longer post I surmise the following groups .
Pro EU
People who are paid directly by the EU .
People paid indirectly but rely on the existence of the EU
People who have a grudge against the status quo ante
People afraid of whatever the EU supposedly garantees it will eliminate.
People who think travelling about the EU can only be garanteed by a benevolent EU ( and think it’s exciting) .
People who think without the EU we will be unemployed , starve and children of the future will be bigoted, and wars and massacres will happen .
And people who think that the EU respects and upholds their human rights .
I’m not even going to mention about bank holidays .
People against the EU are
ill informed
Starry eyed for a previous era
Left behind
Timid ( about going forward with the EU , not timid about leaving )
Lacking vision
Whereas I would say and Brexiter was
Outward looking
Run a business
Not indoctrinated
Not snobbish
Normal .
Not that the BBCcould see this .
Actually, People for the EU are
(1) Negative (Project Fear)
(2) Young (indoctrinated before they can read)
(3) Ill informed (only watch the BBC)
(4) Bigoted (don’t respect referendum results)
(5) Starry eyed for a previous era (dream about the days of a united Europe under Hitler, Napoleon and the Roman Empire)
(6) Left behind (lost the referendum)
(7) Obdurate (unless an ethnic minority tells them that the EU is corrupt)
(8) Timid (about leaving and the future without a deal)
(9) Lacking vision (always oppose democratic change and reform)
(10) Insular (Pro-Europe, Anti-Commonwealth)
(11) Nasty (Hate Jews, Russians, Americans and anyone White with a van, and wants to rub their noses in crime, terrorism, educational and social decline)
Correction : Nobody watches the BBC.
Can’t think why.
BBC News
Transgender influencers are changing Brazil’s advertising industry.
I think Remainers are conservatives (small ‘c’ hate change) authoritarians.
There is a quicker list
#1 People for Brexit are mostly people you RESPECT plus a few you don’t
#2 People for the EU are almost always people you DON’T RESPECT
Think about it… in any political argument, there is usually someone you respect, who is on the opposite side
but NOT on Brexit
I could stretch to respecting Corbyn for sticking to socialism, but I’d hardly call him pro-EU
Who is on the anti-Brexit side ? Alistair Campbell, Blair, Lammy, Abbott, Owen Jones, Political Greens, every money making charlaten you can think of , every race-baiter
Which anti-Brexit person should we respect ?
I have often wondered about what drove many of the people who voted remain to do so, and it was in these days of left wing hate that which they have willfully ignored – fear.
Not project fear, but the often seen fear of change. The business I work for is doing OK and I have my pension, I don’t want to do anything which might jeapordise it.
Anyone who thinks the vast majority of people were politically active and were motivated by any real sense of anything is deluding themselves.
It might be a better description that those who voted either way were both pessimistic and optimistic at the same time, but for different reasons.
It is the hate of the left which polarises people and explains a complex situation in terms of ‘isms’ and fauxbias, because that is the only way they can now rationalise the world.
Agree with nearly all of this Thoughtful.
The beeb seem very keen to tell us that the suspect in the Texas shooting was white.
You refer to the AFD I Germany as right wing .
Presumably you think them xenophobic , right wing , authoritarian , racist , insular etc .
They have an English version of their website .
The LibDims just have a monoglot website about Jo Swinson .
That’s your poster girl of the week .
the AfD are ‘right-wing’ only if you ignore the fact that what used to be ‘the centre’ in Germany twenty or thirty years ago, has moved way over to the left. Even worse, Merkel has even outflanked those now on the Left, in the new dispensation, to steal their policies on issues such as energy and immigration, breaking laws (in both cases) with gay abandon. She has illegally written big cheques and thrown them around with even less reluctance, once again breaking laws which -it seems- nobody can be found to enforce.
Her cover for all this has been her successful creation of a wholly bogus image of ‘Mutti’ (Mom), in which she keeps her CDU status, while plundering policies from the Greens (who are now up and coming, so it works both ways) and the SPD, who prop up her 30% party, and keep her in power because top jobs like President and Foreign Minister then come their way.
There are signs that the AfD may do well in elections in 3 Bundeslaender in the old East, later this year. In fact, the old East is once again, becoming a different country, in some ways. They have gone though Socialism there, and know what Merkel and her style really mean.
The BBC on the other hand, will continue to refer to the AfD as ‘far right’ with the same enthusiasm with which they will try to pin the El Paso shootings on Trump. The facts and reality don’t matter. The fact that AfD policies are identical to those of the CDU twenty-five years ago, before Germany became subject to a bout of insanity, doesn’t matter either. Just how insane is illustrated by the fact that lawbreakers generallyend up in court, whereas no one has lifted a finger to put the lawbreaker supreme behind bars.
Still, there are mutterings. Things could change rapidly, if suddenly the economy were to crash…
A seemingly harmless picture of a woman cleaning windows could actually have a very sinister meaning.
The picture has been put out by police who say that it could actually be an indicator of someone being a victim of domestic servitude, a form of modern slavery
I would say that on a beach in an English seaside town in 30 degree heat wimmin forced to site there in black headscarfs and black robes while their men all sunbathed as I saw on Saturday is more relevant cause for alarm
They look at and lust after your wife and daughter but cover theirs up.
Sunday evening Radio 4 listening gets even more dire.
Me And My Sister with the Titter Sisters, a vehicle for some of the naffest jokes of all time. Was the purpose to ‘prove’ that the ‘old’ comedy’ from ‘the golden age’ was rubbish and ‘cutting edge’ TrumpFarrageBorisBrexit is a worthy replacement?
Annika Stranded, the World’s Worst Police Officer continues to bore for Norway, but at least it was the last.. for this series. Don’t say they have commissioned more? Who writes this stuff, Lord Hall-Hall’s nephew?
(Non) Feedback continues to tell us what the BBC thinks about other people. Evan Davis doesn’t get it that if he keeps going for that ‘gotcha’ moment politicians will keep repeating the script from Central Office. In this ‘post-truth’ world he makes up his own figures for the number of pro-‘backstop’ experts (85%). Later confessing to faking it but so what, Roger Bolton knows he is right. Seeing as no-one mentioned Ireland during the referendum where did all these ‘experts’ pop up from? How can one be an expert on something that hasn’t been done before? In my experience there are always at least 85% of people available to tell one why something new can’t be done – the real British Disease – “We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy but because it is hard!” – ‘Can-Do’ versus ‘Can’t do BBC.
Last Word. Minnie Mouse and half the cast of The Simpsons are dead. Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ is dead. We can’t have museums of exotic stuff because it is against the culture of exotic people. But it is part of our culture to be interested in and to record exotic things. But we are clearly wrong because we can fly to the moon and they eat bugs.
The Money Clinic. Can the BBC get a couple running a small business to divorce? She is careful with money and he is a spendthrift. (The solution would be to set aside an ‘at risk’ budget for him to spend. If he gets it right the business benefits, if he gets it wrong they still have a business). Not sure what the point of this is. Perhaps he is Lord Hall-Hall’s nephew and he gets to get free advice out of our pockets?
In Business. Business has to be ‘responsible’ and work to lefty-rules, – stuff the customer. Interestingly yet another small ‘ethical’ company, flogging herbs, has sold out to Unilever, (Ben and Jerry’s anyone? The old owner of the business makes dubious non-proven health claims for his products but that is OK because he is ethical and comes from Bristol.
I put myself though this because I am driving and the car has an idiotic ‘touch screen’ that I daren’t go near whilst on the move. (Oh for those ‘old-fashioned’ buttons that could be felt first and then operated ‘eyes off’. Still, we’ll all be back to eating bugs soon.
“there are always at least 85% of people available to tell one why something new can’t be done” conservatives (small ‘c’ hate change) authoritarians.
You should have slowed down so you could listen to the “ Westminster hour” at 2200 when a bunch of bubble dwellers sit around and score meaning less points to impress their Party Whips .
I’m guess it’s still like that as I gave up on it long ago …… and I’m sure it’s just aimed at other bubble dwellers …..
Well BBC, is the perpetrator WHITE or BLACK ??? As soon as you are aware, make sure the colour is in the main headline. You have set a precedent now after the mass shooting reports !!
Won’t hold my breath . I am sure if indeed it is a ethnic minority , it will be days before we are told by the BBC , not minutes like if they are white . Agenda ? What agenda !!!!!
I don’t think Ladbrokes will give you high odds for that one 🙂
It is unfair in this situation to blame the BBC for failing to report a description. The London Gestapo is run by Khan and it is almost certainly they who have not given a description of the attacker.
In the Fascist Burhams Manchester, people now make fun of the Gestapo posts where they consistently identify White people but never anyone from an ethnic background.
In the Labour Fascist supporting MEN today the ineffectiveness of Burnhams Gestapo is outlined, but the paper doesn’t go so far as to actually accuse Labour of causing the problems through its active anti white race hate and persecution of anyone who dares say a word it doesn’t approve of.
This is of course a direct consequence of Tory cowardice and incompetence, the two hallmarks of that useless rotten party who handed control of the Police to Labour and are now to scared to take it away from them. It should have been obvious what would happen but not to them!
The natural consequence of the Manchester article is, surely, vigilante groups forming to fill the vacuum and redress balance?
Just remember they are only vigilantes when the anti white race hating left know White people are involved. When they are Muslims, and especially the brown eyed boys they are local heros:
The BBC , as the state broadcaster for America , just loves to report on mass killings there if they can be linked to President Trump .
Sopel was in full charge blaming President Trump for mass shootings there . It’s well trodden ground upon which he is happiest
Meanwhile in the country which actually pays for the BBC – last night an 89 year old lady was murdered in her home in Tottenham . And a 6 year old thrown off a roof at the Tate .
Such horrors at home are barely covered . I just don’t understand their news agenda .
Funny they don’t mention that under saint Obama there were shootings too and even if we factor in these recent shootings under Trump it is 24 Obama to 7 Trump and the number dead is 236 to approx about 150..neither of these stats is good but it is funny how Trump gets the blame but Obama doesn’t
ps. you notice the garlic shooter doesn’t get mentioned – is that because they can’t call him white right wing – due to his Iranian background?
Despite Obama, Because Of Trump: Rule One BBC North America Guide.
I like it but it is not a rule the BBC uses for
1. The US economic growth rate (much higher than that of the Eurozone)
2. US new jobs creation, around 160,000 per month.
So Rule Two is ‘Ignore all good news about the US’
BBC racism on show later today – looking at the R4 schedule ( I barely bother anymore ) The is a programme about the ‘ black blood shortage ‘ – why not enough blacks give blood .
I bet the listening numbers for that will be up there in the millions …meanwhile of course young black men are happily killing each other in London postcodes .
Raceism against the whites all the way from now on. As per Jon Sopel’s words yesterday-whitesupremacy is now what the other colours are labelling at the whites-however Multiculuralism does not and will not work-the history and development of the first world is too far ahead for them to catch u, in the main-segregation makes the problem of integration more difficult as is being seen in London as much as anywhere else in the world. More Police is not necessarily the answer-world trafficking is far too financially powerful for even governments to control and so the flood of immigration will continue and so will the white and coloured problem ensue for the future; a considerable problem for us all.
Some people in the village threatened by flooding from a dam which wasn’t maintained properly are refusing to leave their homes .
The state – Police – BBC – local woman vicar – do not approve . Nanny state in full flow – “ risking police lives “ they rant –
But I think people should be free to choose . If the dam breaks leave them too it . It’s about personal responsibility and choice.
Normally the BBC is first to blame someone for the failure to maintain the dam -for some reason not this time .
Give someone a hi viz a clip board or a dog collar in this case and they suddenly become Captain Mainwaring. We don’t like upstarts ordering us about when a crisis arises.
Very true. Decades ago the same was said of ‘men in uniform’, before day-glo colours became the gauleiters’ fashion accessory of choice.
Now the ‘men in uniform’ watch too much TV and have taken it one step further by wanting to look like the SAS assaulting the Iranian Embassy or an LA SWAT team.
Not British policing as I used to understand it. Turning up after the event in a blaze of flashing lights does not unrape, unburgle, unstab or unmurder the poor damn victim.
I have to say the ‘man in uniform’ in this case, Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Swann, might not inspire the locals with same level of confidence achieved all those decades ago.
Looked her up:
“….Rachel’s broad range of skills, excellent operational abilities and commitment to inclusion, fairness and transparency set her apart.”
I see what you mean. The only ‘inclusion’ that matters to most people is the inclusion of criminals within prison walls but I don’t believe for one minute that this is what they had in mind. Perhaps Robocop has some virtues after all.
Unbelieveable hair-seems as though she has only just left school-far too young-why female? Don’t mean there were no other policemen in the offing, perhaps they were all told to step-aside- normality is nowhere to be seen.
One can only wonder how many boxes she ticked. I doubt catching criminals comes very high on her skill set.
Don’t they look ridiculous in those baseball caps! Has no one told them what they do to your IQ?
Yes, it’s a scientific fact.
There are various theories as to how this should be calculated, generally along the lines of: 100 (ave IQ) minus 10 as soon as it is placed on the head, with a further deduction based on the angle it is worn at, up to a max of 180/3 for complete reversal. Thus the IQ of the average full reversal model is 30, which sounds about right.
Sleeveless T shirts are also believed to have an impact when worn as an outer garment.
Further research:
IQ study caps off theory
In this case though, an IQ of 90 suggests that the theory needs some work.
(If climate change fanatics can have their own facts, so can I.)
Buggered if I’d move. I’m one of the stubborn, awkward squad.
Project Fear
A full on remainer ‘ academic ‘ prof Tim Lang – has written a paper in the lancet ? Saying there won’t be fresh food because of brexit .
The BBC used Martha the bee keeper to ‘ challenge ‘ him – if only they had a brexiter to challenge him it might have been an unbiased interview – but it wasn’t
The police lady also said they had been asked why they had not arrested the Remainers but admitted they hadn’t worked out under which law this could be done. If they came knocking on my door I think by now I would be complaining of police harassment.
I think by now I would be wanting more time to remove personal effects.
Nick Robinson finished by asking the lady vicar if people would be ok once they returned. She started. Y giving the wrong answer but with hints from Nick changed her tune and said people could take a long time to recover.
An addition to the comment about Prof Tim Lang – who is very active on social media ( I was trying to find out who funds him )
Anyway – as a socialist he will fail to realise that in a capitalist system if there is a void – someone will fill it . Does he really think that EU food producers in their Europe will stop selling into the UK – or that German owned supermarkets won’t overcome notional difficulties . ? Project Fear lives on .
The BBC will be more than happy to broadcast price increases , racketeering, panic buying , the fight for the last can of Lidl baked beans or Waitrose sun dried pesto ( whatever that is )…..
This site should give a prize for the first ‘shortage’ ‘panic ‘ story ….
Quite right, Fed. Not only that but the national diet changes around the beginning of October. Do you know why it’s difficult to buy an onion, carrots, a parsnip and a small swede in those handy ‘all-in-one’ packs at the present time?
They originate mostly in the UK and right now, they are out of season. We are currently munching either foreign salad crops or those that are forced in the UK in Thanet Earth or in polytunnels & greenhouses in the southern half of the country. In October the produce on the shelves changes in type and origins.
Maybe a 31st October date was a fortunate change from 29 March?
I hesitated when I read your comment about buying ‘a small swede ‘ …..laughing emoji thing ….
Fed, I thought it might produce a titter or two.
Oh well, better than a (Presidential) Twitter or two.
Stop abusing land, scientists warn
The picture shows deforestation in Indonesia in order to create palm oil plantations.
Back in the day lots of cosmetics and personal care companies, like Body Shop, responded to the whim of the day which was appease the vegetarians to stop using animal derived chemical products. The result was an explosion in…….palm oil demand.
Strangely the BBC seem unable to join the dots between trendy vegetarianism, vegans, palm oil growing, and forest clearance.
Perhaps the solution to global warming is for vegetarians to become carnivores. After all, we literally have the teeth for the job
TOADY Watch #1 – another week, another ….
…. attack on Brexit, more Project Fear, more scaremongering.
Chuka (failed politician) Umunna is brought on by the BBC. Chuka doesn’t realise that the reason why businesses are not registering for new arrangements with the EU is that 1. they may no longer be selling to or buying from the EU, 2. the business may have closed or become dormant, and, 3. the business although registered as doing business with the EU, merely has that as an ambition in its Articles of Association and that it has not yet reached that ambition in its first few years of trading. Chuka is not bright enough to know about that … or … perhaps does not want to know about that and does not want listeners to know about that.
Martha (or was it Nick?) is also not bright enough to know about that and to thoroughly question Chuka about his claims.
Now, there’s a surprise . . . ……
OTish, but I actually did find this worth reading whilst bearing in mind the insane, ideological blatherings of supposed impartial editors like American beauty.
As shocking as this is. Why does the beeb feel the need to mention a list of people, with what colour they are? white male, black male etc etc
If there is a stabbing in the UK – they will only report eg 27yr old. Not that helpful when trying to identify the person who did the stabbing for example
The BBC have a mission, to make white folks hate themselves. In the process they are legitimising white hatred , making POCs believe they are victims of white oppression, making white folks believe their homelands and cultures are worthless and not worth defending.
PThe outcome of this is hardly likely to be a harmonious multicultural utopia . The likely outcome is that rather than lead to their utopia it leads to increased fragmentation and inter racial violence.
Hi Double
The separation of India with the creation of India and Pakistan.
It will all end badly in the UK. Mainly the beeb believe its all super smashing wonderful (yes okay, that was ITV) 🙂
Worth remembering that Jinnah demanded a separate homeland for Muslims at the Shimla independence conferences. And got it.
Not a lot of multiculturalism in that approach.
Evidence from Twitter that Ohio shooter was socialist, Democrat, strong supporter of Elizabeth Warren.
BBC article blames Trump.
Paris riots Gilets Jaunes started on 1 December, 2018, running for 9 months, no mention whatsoever on Biased BBC since mid-February.
Hong Kong riots – daily articles on every BBC News broadcast, radio station, BBC home page –
Seems Macron’s Marauders are trying to get the MSM to decry the state’s anti democratic activities in… Russia.
Bet the bbc will be all ears.
Guest – I read that France was complaining about the Russian police being brutal to protesters in Moscow .
Judging by some of the twitter clips of the French riot police they use the same training manual -and no doubt somewhere in Blighty they are practicing similar techniques should protesters hit the streets if full brexit doesn’t happen …..
Another day, another unique.
And the ONS, Guest, who confirmed the £350m (actually £361m) per week some months ago. The amount is also available on the EU’s own web-site.
Anyone else spot Nick Eardley of the BBC lying about it on the 7am and 8am R4 News yesterday?
TOADY Watch #2 – H h h Hancock’s ten minutes
We now have to endure ten months of football from next weekend. Matt Hancock is playing in the Premier League as Secretary of State for Health and is invited on for the prime interview spot with Rick Nobinson. On the subject of an early General Election and Brexit, Nick provides Matt with an open goal. He misses it and shoots over the crossbar.
Hancock could have had more than a half hour of fame had he really nailed the Remainers and Remoaners (including those in the media, especially at the BBC) but he fluffed it.
The Commentators: “Ohhh! That could have finished it. An opportunity missed. It’s not over yet.”
The BBC will keep the anti-Brexit theme & propaganda going and going into all of the injury time allowed and then some.
Thank god for footy – 90 minutes anaesthetic spoilt by the occasional appearance of a bloke who sells crisps and plots the demise of democratic voting using his position to promote his own personal £ interest ….
Ps – Liverpool didn’t win the charity shield so I was waiting for them to blame BoJo or do the ‘ victim ‘ act again …remember Heisel .
Fed, do I recall Bojo has some history with Liverpool?
He is ‘a Trump’. I do hope some good friends have told him to “Shut it. And keep it shut!”
Wonder if the bbc, Ed, Caroline, Michael, etc will notice that Greta and XR are moving into additional areas of influence?
Or, given they are ones the BBC shares, will the bbc simply promote these too?
“There is no food on a dead planet”. Food scarcity? All the more reason to stock up on bog rolls and similar consumables before end October. More popcorn as well……………
I watched the news last night and it was totally dominated by events in “Trump’s USA”. Not even a brief reference to this story
\\Brexit: ‘Radical change is needed for UK to survive’//
Yes, start by getting rid of the bureaucratic assembly called ‘The Welsh Government ‘.
Wales aint going independent, the Welsh Nationalists are a nonentity.
For Britain to be great again we need to remain United.
How much EU money is being pumped into breaking up the UK ?
Please add the Scottish Assembly as well.
The danger signs, taffman, were when the then EEC decided to divide itself into regionalities. Have a notion it was in the 1980s but cannot remember exactly when.
Divide and rule.
The good people of Hong Kong are desperately fighting for democracy while the deluded Remainers in our country are happy to throw it away to stay in the EU ‘dictatorship.’
‘Democracy is Hard Won but Easily thrown away’.
Remember Comrade Taffy,
We are not an island
Freedom is slavery
Arbeit Macht Frei
Diversity is our strength
Islam is peace
BBC is impartial
Did I miss anything?
Oh how right you are taffman-now it will be even worse to be a member of the EU as the woman Von Lyden takingn over from Junker is and has firmly advocated that immigration from those people living from outside Europe will encourged to fill Europe. The woman in completely bonkers. I heard her adress to the EU Parliament in July, it was enough to know how glad I am that Britain will soon no longer be tied up in the socialistic federalistic swamp.
Which one wrote this? I am going with Katty.
20 new murders dont’t mean El Paso “loses innocence”
… there were 23 murders in 2018
It’s not a murder infected drug town so it is relatively innocent
but just the other side of the border WALL in El Juarez
there were 24 murders EVERY WEEK in 2018
This new BBC story doesn’t mention El Juarez at all
2018 murder rate: El Paso 23 … Juaraez 1,247
UK : Evolution of British Education.

Ever more dumbing-down in maths exams.
You don’t know how right that is….hilarious at one level, depressing at another (I work in tertiary education)…
But don’t you find rectangles just a bit offensive – ? Surely we’d all be happier with circles ….we can all be equal then …
The area of a circle is a squared pork pie …
I can’t make any apology for saying how annoyed I was to hear in ‘Thought for the day’ being given by an Islamic person. Why? Quite apart from being in a majority Christian country, why on earth should we be inflicted with their Ideological views which are completely alien to Christians and most other religions for that matter. By allowing such confirms the proposed view of the BBC that those that follow the teachings of Islam are welcome and to be accepted no matter their extremes against us.
Because we are now being brainwashed into accepting Islam as the second largest religion in this country. This has seeped into our psyche over the past couple of decades : – 10 years ago would we have countenanced a Home Secretary/Chancellor or some of our top jobs in civil service be occupied by a Muslim ?
I remember the days in the late 80’s when thousands (yes thousands) of Muslims in Bradford and Bolton staged demonstrations and burning books in the Rushdie affair together with burning the Union Jack, as we all looked on in horror. The police had to use force, and then immediately the cries of police brutality and racist were heard. This is aside from the sex grooming issues.
This is the problem with being a ‘tolerant’ society, we allow anything to happen. Other cultures other than our own are given carte blanche to do what they want with just a slap on the wrist. When the Hindus first arrived, they were all glad of the work that Britain gave them, but when challenged that the turbans would have to be removed as it wasn’t part of a work uniform they demonstrated in force ! what happens ? Britain gives in and they’re allowed to keep wearing it.
Aside that we give these peoples ‘a better life’, they’re not happy with that, and start making demands that even we wouldn’t make.
If changes can happen so quickly in the past 20 years, then I’m glad I wont be around to see what the state of this country will be in the next 30 years.
“This is the problem with being a ‘tolerant’ society, we allow anything to happen.”
Quite. At what point does “tolerant” become simply “wet”? People sharing our culture might recognise tolerance when they see it but I fear than many others simply see it as weakness.
We should tolerate the tolerant but not the intolerant, because you can be damn sure that it won’t be reciprocated.
Agree about Rushdie as well. That was our first big test and we failed.
Has Kay rescinded or doubled-down on her Climate Doom tweet ?
The main problem in Britain is that there are not enough women and black bricklayers
So never fear the Construction Industry Training Board
has taxed building firms by £10m and spent it on a new programme
The head was unable to tell Ferrari what the target is.
He claimed cos recruitment is often by word of mouth white people are only recruiting their white friends.
Oh look paywalled 2015 story
“Women outnumber men on new CITB board
Skills minister Nick Boles has appointed five women and three men to the CITB’s new eight-member board of trustees”
Seems like BoJo is practicing ‘ operation money tree’ modelling his government on the Corbyn system of jam and more jam .
Unlike many – I don’t want public spending going up -so I’m hoping most of these announcements will be repeats of lies from before or not followed through .
Looks like red Tories again – but as long as they take us fully out of the Reich by 1 November I’d let them build ‘ Wimmins hospitals ‘ in Truro or wherever .
“I don’t want public spending going up”
Except on Defence.
Fair enough Theisland – in my minds eye I was ending overseas aid tax giveaways – 13 billion a year and putting a bit in defence and enough for decent elderly social care …..
The problem with the military is vanity projects like aircraft carriers when we haven’t got enough ‘basics ‘.
Been doing bloke jobs most of my natural, in my experience recruiting outside of the usual suspects wasn’t the issue, retention was the stumbling block. First sniff of an office job and they were ofski, sorry if it offends anyone, just my experience.
Is the ‘Great Replacement’ just a conspiracy theory? Globalists aren’t hiding their intentions very well. From Breitbart:
The Central Bank of Ireland believes that not enough migrants are arriving to have a “wage-dampening effect”, and that “if wages are not downwardly flexible” it could become a “concern”.
Top MSM newspaper “Die Welt” today reports that Migrant crime is polarising Germany. (See my contribution above). Under the heading “Schaffen wir das” – ‘Will we manage it?’, Johannes Boie, Chief Editor of ‘Welt am Sonntag (Sunday)’ says ‘complex’ processes involved in freedom and democracy are threatened if much of the population feels threatened, no longer secure.
It is beginning to dawn on Germans what Merkel really did by opening borders in 2015, but -like in all MSM- there are broad hints, not that this mistake should be corrected, but that the ‘far right’ may ‘exploit’ the situation.
The murder of a German 8 year old and near murder of his mother by an Eritrian ‘migrant’, who pushed them in front of an oncoming ICE in Frankfurt Main station, has drawn attention to the tidal wave of migrant crime. Merkel had said “Wir schaffen das” (We can manage this) in 2015, and many leftists are still yelling for more migrants.
But in some quarters, the feeling is that the party may be over. Even lefty editors are wondering whether – after all, the country CAN’T manage to cope with Merkel’s foolishness.
Is this really a country Remainers want to remain firmly attached to and (because of its size and industrial might, and leadership of the EU, possibly even ultimately be run by)? Don’t get me wrong, had the Left not taken over all philosophical reflection in Europe since the sixties, breeding an entirely new mindset, the UK and the Germans could and should have been the greatest of buddies. More than enough blood was shed on both sides, and the early German governments of the fifties, sixties and seventies looked every bit as democratic as did England. Then came the rather strange fall of ‘the wall’.
I still cannot understand how Merkel was allowed to import the third world so easily . It went against the fundamentals of the EU free movement of labour that unemployed workers from another EU State gets first dibs on vacancies elsewhere .
Merkel just blew a main reason for the being of the EU away and no MSM even mentions it .
As for the Germans – if they want to create their own problems – let them – as long as we don’t get involved. They are not our friends – as with the French – no favours done for us.
As an aside – I’d like to hear how the Royal Navy is going to deal with illegal fishing after we leave the EU….. which I consider more important than worrying about ‘invisible ‘ Russian submarines or Chinese warships in the English Channel….
Would any sane state want Blighty apart from using it to attack America ?
“I’d like to hear how the Royal Navy is going to deal with illegal fishing after we leave the EU”
Wouldn’t we all? Let’s ask BoJo and Ben Wallace (new Defence Secretary).
Ben Wallace could ask Javid for money to build more RN vessels.
Priti also needs patrol vessels to stop/turn back the ‘migrants’.
Javid, however, will be more concerned with welfare for his non taxpaying chums and throwing money at the NHS. Only UKIP and For Britain seem to have sensible policies on welfare and the NHS.
The island
Maybe we can rent some ships from the EU navy …..
Time to bring back the privateers!
We could get goods and a fleet of ships as well to replace the ones scrapped due to the Common fisheries policy!
Fedup – It could have been an attack of virtue-signalling fever, but I am more inclined to study her past and her youth in the GDR in particular.
On the face of it, she simply popped up in the right place at the right time in ’89 and was simply very lucky.
If she is a Commie at heart, she will also be an in internationalist, so opening borders would pose no problem. More puzzling is that she hasn’t met much resistance; nobody wants to look like they might be a racist, and therefore a Nazi, and -while the economy is doing well and cheap labour is needed, nobody sees likely to rock the boat. The key enablers for all this (it will not surprise you to know) have been the German media, pro-Merkel all the way.
Worse than the bbc here, I can tell you.
Less allowed, more encouraged – by the UN.
Unlikely the beeb will open an “Have your say” on this..
Likely to Have your say on Brexit – more divide and conquer tactics, brought to you by the eu sponsored beeb
But someone already added a comment with Dissenter
Oh @Andrew_Adonis blocks me on Twitter
that’s #FamousLeftyTolerance
since I only interacted with him once
A reply to his claim the BBC is pro-Brexit
Remoaner Talk
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will be out of food”
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will have no one to harvest British food”
– “Cos of Brexit the UK will have a lamb mountain, the price of lamb will be so cheap, millions will have to be buried “
Stew, by first of November the UK will be living on mince pies, Christmas pud and cake. 🙂
Posted on Guido Fawkes. Grounds for Brexit encouragement? Not found on BBC.
“”Contrary to speculation last night, the much anticipated early morning meeting with Dominic Cummings did not turn out to be a cull of Remainer SpAds. Instead SpAds were given their “marching orders” to go back to their Departments and knock them into shape for Brexit, and warned that Philip Hammond/Greg Clark-style anti-Brexit antics would not be tolerated. Taking back control of Whitehall…
SpAds have been instructed to interrogate their Departments’ levels of no-deal readiness and report any issues back to Downing Street sooner rather than later. Any notion that Downing Street isn’t taking no deal preparations 100% seriously is out the window now.
Meanwhile Remainers’ latest idea to try to stop No Deal is to attempt to force an election – which Boris can delay until November anyway – and then get Mark Sedwill to ask Boris nicely not to go through with No Deal. Cummings will be quaking in his boots…””
I’m sure there are no shortages of Cabinet Secretary’s yet …
Morning check on the hate preacher who is allowed to spread un-told hate without any censorship.
Do you really think if a Right sided figure used Twitter like this, their account would still be active ???? Not a chance.
I think David Lammy’s hourly cost to the tax payer, including incidentals, should be calculated. The time taken up on mindless twittering should be then deducted at his hourly rate times 100 or a Dianne Abbott multiplier of 1000 billion and 50p.
Are mass shooters always white guys ?

The population of the US is 327 million (2018 figures)
The killings are regrettable, but the beeb reporting sounds like its everywhere in the USA.
ajs, the Beeb reported yesterday that it was the 294th mass shooting in the US. Did I hear that right? Or was it the 294th gun killing this year?
Can’t vouch for the accuracy but maybe worth a look too:
Most of these “mass shooters” are black criminals killing other black criminals in rotting cities controlled by Democrats.
The definition of a “mass shooting” is something like a shooting incident in which more than five people are killed or wounded, which is not hard when rival drug gangs start shooting at each other in the street.
If shithole cities like Baltimore were properly run and policed, these “mass shootings” would plummet. But the Democrats are firmly entrenched, because anyone who can leave already has. The dregs which remain will always vote Democrat. It is the same tactics Labour use to control our inner cities. It’s not pretty, but it works, for them at least.
Sky asserting that white men are mass killers
“McDonald’s paper straws cannot be recycled” beeb reports
Not fit for purpose, a bit like the beeb!
If McDonald are serious about cutting out plastic, then why don’t they stop giving out those pointless crappy plastic toys they put in their sad meals!
PS I bought one of their iced fruit drinks the other day and they gave me a paper straw, whilst the drink itself was in a plastic container with a plastic lid. Completely pointless-as was the straw which quickly went soggy and useless.
I would like to draw your attention to an excellent discussion on u tube between Douglas Carswell and rod liddle covering amongst other things , bbc bias, Brexit betrayal and immigration. It is well worth is episode 9 of Room for Thought.
I watched the interview – bit of a waste of time . This is because when mr Liddell was ambushed on Newsnight he allowed maitless to make her assertions and ‘ rolled over ‘. Liddell is a journalist and makes his living by going on the MSM so instead of ‘ having a go back ‘ – he sat there as a victim .
Haven’t got much time for such people – just another resident of ‘the bubble ‘ – but thanks for the reference – a long 45 minutes
Liddle makes the case to Carswell that there are topics which the ruling liberal establishment will not allow to be discussed in this country, particularly anything to do with immigration.We all know that to be the case but I thought he showed how serious and widespread this suppression has become despite a likely majority of people sharing such views. I don’t see Liddle as anything like a typical resident of the bubble and certainly not a member of the liberal establishment. His columns in the Sunday Times and The Spectator are regularly satires against the prevailing PC culture on climate change, Brexit and Immigration. I think you are wrong to dismiss him as part of the bubble.
Link to Liddle being interviewed by Douglas Carswell
.. click the gearwheel and you put the speed up to near double
I caught a bit of Mediterranean with Simon Reeves yesterday. He got to speak to some Africans trying to get into Europe, ‘Babylon’, via Spain’s little secret colony in North Africa. Quite amusing that the Africans thought the scruffy Reeves was trying to make the journey too!
Now this is a programme that the BBC could have put on BBC One at 7 p.m. during the referendum! Where do these Africans go? Seems some work as slaves in super-hot plastic greenhouses supplying those ‘vital’ fresh food supplies that we will ‘lose’ post Brexit. And when the Spanish need a new greenhouse they just chuck it away, to eventually wash into the Mediterranean.
If only Spain was a member of the EU with its strictly enforced labour and environmental laws that we can’t draw up for ourselves!
A further thought: According to Reeves the conditions in the greenhouses were the ‘fault’ of the UK supermarkets that bought supplies from there, not Spain or the EU.
But the whole point of the ‘single market’ and ‘E-marks’ is that the buyer is assured that the product meets EU standards without having to do compliance and quality checks themself. (Remember the ‘beef’ horsemeat?).
BBC Investigate the £350 million bus but won’t look at any claims – WHY NOT?
If the UK pays the EU £39 billion then the UK will get back £390 billion?!
If £39 billion is a divorce bill then the UK married an Islamic man who had EU27 wives!
If £39 billion is a divorce bill then the UK married an Islamic man who had EU27 wives!
If £39 billion is a divorce bill then why has NOT ONE MP asked for an itemised bill for what £39 billion buys?
TWATO….BBC trying their hardest to slag of the money given to the NHS..
Problem is that none of the interviewees agreed.. no matter how the BBC twisted the question to get a bad answer…
Now BBC quoting that is ironic…they really have given up being independent….
Now he misquoted a previous interviewee to new interviewee..unfortunately the interviewee disagreed and corrected him
Disgusting attempts to undermine the funding…
Caught the Intelligence Squared Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism debate a bit late. It was at the Emmanuel Centre (wherever that is) with two panelists for and two against and chaired by Carrie Gracie who, although being from the BBC, did quite a good job.
It was held on June 17th and plonked on YouTube on July 26th.
It’s worth a watch, if only to see how polarised the debate is and the excellent contributions from the pro-Israel side.
Lets change the wording… “never seen so many BLACK people in one place”
Imagine the outcry!!
The IMPARTIAL metro-liberal-media rule
“If it supports NARRATIVE, then run it as if is true”
John Sweeney liked 2 tweets with Trump’s name in guns
..“Shooters facebook page !”
..“Here’s a picture from Patrick Crusius’ Facebook page.
Pretty clear who his hero is. #ElPasoShooting”
Well that guy added a qualification
“I’m not saying it was HIS picture.
I’m saying it’s REPORTED that he reposted it on his (FB) page.”
.. Nope the context is much weaker than that
No Facebook account in his name had that post
BUT a dormant since 2017 Twitter account which had the same name Patrick Crusius
had LIKED a Trump’s name in guns tweet that SOMEONE ELSE had tweeted on 13 Feb 2017
Rule of thumb for social media claims
“If there is NO screenshot .. it didn’t happen”
“If there’s NO video .. it didn’t happen”
Stew, good detective work. I wonder if the police there will be as thorough.
I was a little puzzled by the guys name. It is Latinate. I found myself wondering why a possible Hispanic would attack other Hispanics on the grounds that he was a ‘white supremacist’? Hopefully, someone at the BBC will investigate thoroughly using their journalistic resources and £3.5bn of taxpayer money.
Or maybe not.
““If it supports NARRATIVE, then run it as if is true”
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Kamal Ahmed BBC.
TWatO Watch #1 No Sarah
Jonny ‘I————-want—to be—–a—Presenter——not—a—Royal Correspondent’ Dymond was in the chair. Poor Jonny really needs to go to BBC Presenter School. His stilted, Dalek delivery, is really unpleasant to listen to. Good presentation skills can be learned. He has a good voice timbre so it would be time well spent. He also needs to go to Secondary School and sit in a Geography class or two: Boston is not in Lancashire, it is in Lincolnshire. Ooops!
I hope Sarah Montague is OK. Her absences are increasing and becoming a little concerning.
TWatO Watch #2 No Money
Boris (& Sajid) should have given the NHS across the four nations that £18.7bn – with conditions attached – and then stayed schtumm. No grandstanding. No touring. No photo ops. And definitely no other profligate spending. Just the Brexit bonus up front, in full, for the NHS alone and leave it at that. No other spending at all.
They are now going to be attacked for the next six months, or more, by the BBC on that puny NHS spend. The NHS are likely to fritter it away as is evidenced by the embarrassing news from Scotland NHS today.
Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond was at it this lunchtime. He tried at least three NHS administrators or clinicians who all refused to play his game and attack Bojo.
Try one more?
Aah go on. Go on, go on, go on.
Here’s Jonny could – and should – have asked why, in this age of equality, should Liverpool be allowed to have a Womens Hospital? But he did not. Funny that.
is that who it was – never heard of him but he was point of my earlier comment..he was a complete numpty just trying to get a negative comment to the point of misquoting interviewees
James, yep – JD is now the official BBC Royal Correspondent but does stand-in presenting on TOADY, TWatO and, I think, TWiT or TWoT or however you might wish to acroname it.
Sorry, apols for duping. I read your post after I posted mine.
On a technicality, it occurred to me that the UK should have a law similar to the US 27th amendment, whereby parliament cannot set pay rises for itself, i.e. which take effect during that term of office.
MPs should get the average uk wage which is supposed to be about £29,000 (although that seems about £10,000 more than the average wage for normal people)
This is almost 5 times the uk pension pensioners are expected live on.
If MPs make things better their (£29k) would rise.
Performance related.
At £29k there would be no shortage of applicants, I would bet hundreds would happily apply to do the job for that amount.
Don’t fall for the ‘you need to pay high wages to get the best people’ lie because this shower of s**t are certainly not the ‘best’ but are a motley gang of greedy, expenses fiddling, bossy, self important, attention seeking, bigoted, two faced, virtue signalling, hypocritical, venal, gobsh*tes (apart from a few such as Francois, Redwood, Hoey and others we on here know of) who love money and telling others what to do.
They lie and mislead all the time.
You would get a better and more honest Parliament at £29k each instead of these money grabbers.
There’s never a shortage of people wanting to be MPs – and the methods they use to achieve the ultimate aim ( a seat in the lords for life ) reflects what they are .
Take the most important health issue – elderly social care – dilnott report et al – buried – no interest . They’d rather play games about Brexit and how nasty social media can be.
In many ways the best thing to happen is they have nt been able to meddle our few remaining freedoms – Such as breathing in and out – although the greens would probably tax that .
Al Rayan Bank a British bank owned by #Qatar is providing financial services to organisations linked to Islamists.
The orgs are legal in the UK, BUT some of those clients have had their accounts with western banks frozen,
… among its clients a charity banned in the US as a terrorist entity.
That is the main heading on The Times this Monday and whilst I was reading through the long list of QATAR backed former British institutions, sadly who have taken the money in return for promoting ISLAM. Once you accept the Bribe (as many well known Universities already have), continued funding is based entirely on NOT confronting the Islamic terrorism that it also sponsors widely around the world. That is why the BBC are happy to rent their new state of the art BBC complex in Salford-Quay, Manchester. They rent it all and they don’t own any of the complex which was developed by a Labour Northern Shopping mall developer who resides offshore (for tax reasons) and he used Qatari money to pay for its development. That makes the BBC an accomplice in acts of terrorism which it will not report under any circumstance as it conflicts with it’s ‘prime objective’. That is not UK based, not even EU but a new World Order of Soros and Marx with parts sold to Islam for cash.
Quite interesting that an ex BBC/ITV reporter is
#1 calling out the MSM
#2 saying yes Carl Beech was a liar, but don’t rush to close down investigation of political paedophiles
She adds
Those who are blaming Trump for the shootings can easily put the full blame on him by pointing out that before Trump was President these types of shootings never happened.
Oh, wait a minute……
Those very same complainers have angry febrile Twitter output which encourages division and violence rather than healing it.
..Many open death threats to Trump
.. and dehumanising him and supporters with labels like “Nazi” and “far right” etc.