Cracking effort again lobster – some might say youâre being shellfish ….and thank you stew – I thought Iâd be missing out the midweek thread as activity reduced but thereâs enough bias to go around and plenty of people seeing it . So thanks
taffy, Lobbie is hot at the moment, scoring in the low and mid 60s, holing the 20 footers for birdies, reaching the par 5s regularly in two – the advantage of those huge arms.
Come on Martin , just a tiny bit of free â fun â for such a grim subject – especially when the trolls are thankfully under their rocks – ( but not bumping into the esteemed lobster ) .
“Leo Varadkar: Post-Brexit vote on Irish unity not the way forward”
In the interest of The Republic of Ireland, Leo Veradkar should consider holding a referendum on whether or not his country should leave the EU and join their biggest customer – Great Britain.
Gwynedd bus company introduces youths limit after driver ‘spat at’
And the Welsh Assembly wants to ban smacking ?
You could not make it up.
“spat at”. This is a favourite act for the RoP. On my very first flight into Saudi, we had a short stop at Jeddah. Time enough to grab a tea/coffee. It was then I witnessed a Yank being physically kicked around the cafeteria area. The Yank did not defend himself or respond. I have no idea what that was all about but, no one assisted. No one intervened. When the Saudi had finished, (or become bored – arabs have a low boredom threshold), he spat at the Yank.
All, ‘part and parcel’ of living alongside savages I guess.
“Texas police apologise for horseback officers leading black man by rope”
Al beeb doing what they love, stirring up race hate.
Next time a black man shoots a white policeman (probably in about 5 minutes) will the beeb take the blame for having incited hatred against the police?
To me that image (and indeed the action) was truly shocking. Of course, I don’t know the full background, but it seemed to show the two cops had neither an ounce of historical perspective nor the common sense to realise how their action would be perceived. It was like an image from the past Democrat Deep South. [btw, I don’t speak as a wishy-washy liberal, but from the other end of the political spectrum] .
Whenever an alleged crime is committed and the person arrested isn’t publicly named as a “white person” we always know what it means. We’ve had a few cases like that recently. Of course, whenever a white person is arrested, the media and the police always shout it from the rooftops. It’s almost funny how they don’t realise that not naming a suspect as “white” means that we all know what type of person has been arrested.
Regardless of his background Mr Basu is still a member of the wrong gender, that makes his position a little precarious. He may just be saying what he thinks will best see him to pension.
I agree they should be allowed to practice in open BUT not to disobey the laws of the UK, to be subject to the same criticism as everyone else, to be arrested for breaking the law just like everyone else, to not cry Islamophobia everytime somebody does something they don’t like.
In short , obey and agree to the laws of the land and not to have them changed for them – if you don’t like it well there are plenty of muslim countries
‘assimilate’ and ‘ integrate’ are different words
British Muslims should not be FORCED to ‘assimilate’
..but if immigrants don’t integrate then there will be trouble
The problem is libmob want it the other way around
that the British native population should integrate into foreign customs.
âHe also said more needed to be done to eradicate poverty, improve education and increase social mobility if community cohesion was to be improved.â
Yes, I heard Mathew (Lefty) Wright talking about this on Talk Radio. Apparently, if we make the followers of Islam feel more welcome and give them more concessions, they will not feel the need to become radicalised.
(However, they will still go to mosque and will still follow the teachings of the Quran to the letter.)
These liberal types really donât get it do they.
They think their motivation comes from their desire to be more like us? Really?
BBC report Ofcom survey shows live TV viewing plummeting fast. It seems it’s all down to streaming services growth and not the fever-pitch anti-UK, anti-indigenous woke content and views they spew out non-stop.
I for one do not at all accept that the BBC “reflects our way of life”, the key a reason Ofcom gave for retaining the services.
Too true digg. The BBC reflects what they want our way of life to become about ten to twenty years into the future. They have been successfully doing this for the past several decades and have been a major force in ensuring the great replacement project has gone smoothly so far. This organisation has done more damage to our country than any other. Getting rid of it is a critical step towards halting the replacement project, retaining our culturevand our values which are fast disappearing.
1) How come you've never mentioned her before? 2) What did she open your mind to, specifically, because you're the most narrow-minded person on Twitter.? Seems fair to ask, given we pay you to play on Social Media all day. ????
— UK Rants: Anti Professional Miserablist League (@uk_rants) August 6, 2019
There’s disappointment for fans of the Wu-Tang Clan, Florence + The Machine and Foals with the news that this weekend’s Boardmasters festival has been called off because of warnings about the weather. Tens of thousands of fans were expected to gather in Newquay, Cornwall, for the annual celebration of live music and surf culture. But organisers say they pulled the plug after talks with police and independent safety advisers. A Met Office yellow weather warning is in place for much of England and Wales on Friday and Saturday .
Greta set off from Europe West, presumably around this coastline, a few days ago. Hope fair winds and calm seas will accompany the voyage.
A quick trawl around the high street reveals dresses aplenty for under a tenner, and you can get a bikini for as little as ÂŁ1. Globalisation means things can be produced in far-off lands at low cost, meaning more choice and lower prices. But how is that even possible? And what of the environmental cost of our shopping habits?
The relationship between shopper and fashion industry may have become dysfunctional. A BBC Radio 4 investigation for the Today programme took us from Spain to Ethiopia as we examined whether the planet, and some of its poorest inhabitants, are footing the bill for our unquenchable thirst for fashion – and how we should tackle that.
Read full analysis >
Dharshini David
Top âanalysisâ, Darshini who, one is sure, looks fetching in a bikini, as do the rest of the W1A gels. Plus some of the ladies.
As to the planetary cost of this âinvestigationâ…. Greta do like a cheap T-shirt. Apparently.
Disgraceful reporting by the BBC over a fake Ugandan Asylum seeker who has been returned to Britain after a crazed leftist judge claimed she hadn’t had enough time to put her case – in other words the greedy weasels who are his colleagues haven’t got their snouts in the trough.
The BBC have shouted from the rooftops that this woman claimed to be homosexual and yet when immigration officers raided her home they found her in bed with a man ! Of course the incriminating evidence which proves she NOT a lesbian at all! They conveniently failed to mention this.
Nor did they mention since her return that the woman has been living in Uganda for 6 years and no harm what so ever has come to her. To make a sucessful claim the claimant has to demonstrate a well founded fear of persecution – the fact she’s lived there for 6 years proves she is NOT in a well founded fear of persecution.
Tim so you are clear. I would pour whatever I can get my hands on, on an avowed White Supremacist. My ancestors died fighting this shit. I donât give two bloody hoots what your apologist arse thinks about it. (thatâs me being polite) You lay down with dogs you get fleas.
Which of Lammy’s ancestors died “fighting this shit”?
Isn’t Lammy a Nigerian? Nigeria was a pretty peaceful and well run part of the British Empire. As soon as it was given independence, it dissolved into the Biafran war. Perhaps that is the fighting Lammy is referring to, in which one set of Africans tries to destroy another set.
That may be it. He does get a bit confused about facts, as his hilarious Mastermind appearance showed. Luckily for him, the good people of Tottenham elect him for his skin colour, not his intellect.
Like many dim people, he thinks that overstatement presents his case more effectively, not realising that each new outburst must be stronger than the last.
A few well chosen words from someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg can find their target in a way that Lammy will never understand.
It should also be realised that Lammy operates in a very competitive part of the race industry with lots of eager young Wimmin of colour attacking whitee via the BBC and Guardian
At least he can console himself with a promise of sticking his fat backside on the cushions of the Upper House before too long . He ll squeeze in next to Lady Abbot of numpty.
Yeah right! You think the cowardly incompetent Tories would dare do that? They’re frightened to death of their own shadow, they know the BBC pension fund is in defeceit and instead of forcing the corporation to fund it NOW. The incomptent assholes just let them weaponise it against privitisation.
Then there’s the issue of the world service which the loons regard as something of a jewel in an old colonial crown, and which they don’t want to lose.
The Tories are never ever going to end the TV Tax so stop dreaming about it, and vote for someone who will.
I worry that if the TV tax is abolished and the BBC is funded from the money tree of direct taxation – which means I -we d all be paying for it again without being about to take any action at all apart from avoiding it .
Subscription has to be the way forward but it might take a few more years for âlate adoptersâ – like me – who recently signed to amazon – to come to terms with direct pay TV –
I didnât sign to amazon just for the TV though – other features were value for money to me ….
I do enjoy the desperation of the BBB when it produces the occasional succeed – the good old police dramas like bodyguard and line of duty – but they always frog their few successes to death -as see in the âeveâ thing and the awful second series of âfleabagâ….
As for the other stuff âperiod â drama – itâs good if you like playing âspot the blacky â in 18th century England ( yeah yeah there were 10 ) but otherwise forget them .
So if the BBC went subscription I donât know what take up would be like if it carried on as a self serving biased monster it is now .
Ofcom will always give the state broadcasters a free pass as itâs an incestuous relationship ….
Boris can put it on his second term wish list but not is a manifesto of lies ….
I don’t like reading certain newspapers so I don’t buy them.
I don’t like what I see on certain TV Stations but I am forced by law to pay for them.
Perhaps Boris can tell us why ?
“Zimbabwe: A third of population faces food crisis, says UN”
Once the ‘breadbasket of Africa’ , now all the farmers are dead or gone?
I wonder why?
The black population of Southetn Rhodesia were once the wealthiest and best educated in Africa living in a peaceful well ordered society where they were safe and secure . of course they were ruled by the white settlers and had been for a hundred years or more. It certainly wasnât a democracy but crucially Africans were making steady progress in acquiring the skills to run a modern economy and country, whilst enjoying ever increasing prosperity. Whether full equality would ever have been reached is unknown. Then came African self rule, corruption , tribal politics and dictatorship , within twenty years everything had been thrown away.
South Africa is following exactly the same trajectory.
I spent time in SA, an ex-girlfriends brother lived in Kempton Park, JoBurg.
A gardener would visit the property twice a week to cut grass, trim shrubs etc. I got talking to him one day, he was sheltering from a rainstorm in the shed whilst bemoaning the generally dry conditions that were preventing the vegetables from developing properly.
I asked why the rain, pouring off the roof was not being captured in water butts and stored for future use.
Ah he said, ‘but that is where Whitey is different, he thinks about the future, we just think about the here and now, why would we want to store water for use in the future, when it is raining now?
taffman- you may well wonder. On seeing your question, I wandered over to the South African press, to see how the attacks by black gangs on white farmers are going, as South Africa tries hard to replicate the Zimbabwean experience. (Here too, another breadbasket that will eventually become a begging bowl!)
At the outset, you must realise that these attacks, although they look like violent ‘racism’, what with frequent torture of victims, etc. are not ‘racism’. That word is never used in the SA context, ever. Especially not by the MSM.
As you can see from the US, if a white man is a perpetrator against people of colour – that’s ‘racism’. The word is used endlessly, for weeks. Not so if the victims are white.
Strange, isn’t it? Maybe this term is not all it seems! Maybe it is merely a propaganda insult, used exclusively by ONE side in political conflict. And by the ‘media’, worldwide, who play along…
I think it should also be unlinked from murder. Murder is always murder, regardless of colour. Adding ‘racism’ to politicize murder is not helpful.
Anyway, the thousands of SA farmers and their families, who have been murdered since 1994 go virtually unmentioned in the press.
Is it because of their race that they are not of interest? Doesn’t make a good story, because somehow it’s not ‘racism’?
The hypocracy is breathtaking.
I see ‘Doublethinker’ has made the same point in one, single sentence. I need to cut back!
Andy – the region is still a tinderbox, it seems. Late last night I listened to an hour or so as radio4 presented a look back to independence/partition in 1947 and the murderous conflict between Muslim and Hindu, people who had apparently been living peacefully together. It was a shocking eye-opener, or rather, ear opener.
Now India and Pakistan are two nuclear-armed states, and you wonder whether the almost irrational hostility has survived over the last seventy years? Radio4 seemed to think it possibly had? I notice the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ being used by leaders-referring to the present day context, so perhaps they’re right?
The UN has been unable to resolve, or even assist in resolving, the Kashmir issue for decades. Can’t see it doing anything useful now.
Last time they tried to do that, well did it actually during partition, , at least a million died . Of course as others have mentioned on the site the need for partition was a direct result of Muslim intransigence.
James – Listen carefully. It wouldn’t be the first time Britain gets the blame for all the killing, and not only by the bbc. On the subcontinent, they are apparently not responsible for their own behaviour (a strange phenomenon), it’s us up here wot dunnit, according to certain people in both – now 3 – nations involved.
The radio alarm came on at 0720. What agenda would await me today?
Mischal âuselessâ Hussein was very sympathetically interviewing…..a Ugandan lesbian who has been denied UK asylum, even on appeal, and deported. But a UK judge has ruled that a comma was in the wrong place and that UK taxpayers had not contributed enough, so she is back in the country making a further asylum application. She wants to live openly as a lesbian, you see. Oh, and she now has a child. FFS.
The next story was basically âwhite supremacist mass killers in the US being encouraged by Trumpâ
The radio alarm went off at 0730, after the sports news.
BBC breakfast – no wonder people are turning off…3 idiots talking shite amongst themselves interspersed with anti Brexit anti Trump and fear mongering about food shortages and not being able to have a holiday after Oct 31st
Does the BBC not realise we can get most fruit and vegetables from outside EU and we do…and we will still have is a choice as to where you go and how much you want to pay..always has been….the truth is out there but not at BBC..
My local Asda yesterday evening (I walked there to offset my carbon footprint having driven the dirty diesel a couple of hundred miles to Brum and back at the weekend) Asparagus bunches, wrapped in clear plastic bags. Produce of PERU. Thatâs a 12hr flight. I know cos Iâve been.
Really the British asparagus season is from April to end of June. I really object when I see asparagus from Peru during the British asparagus season.
But I wonder if all these climate activists restrict their food intake to UK grown food – so save food miles and their carbon footprint. Would mean that they would have difficulties with citrus fruit and bananas and would be very limited on the amount of quinoa they could eat – and they can only fill up on potatoes if they don’t mind the carbs. But British beef and lamb is the best in the world.
@ Deborah… Agree. British grown strawberries and plums are the only ones worth buying. Imported ‘leave to ripen in the bowl’ produce just means you have to wait until they go soft – not the same thing. Sainsbury this morning still had plastic bags to put your purchases in – wait until ‘you know who’ finds out they have not gone over to the paper ones yet. I seem to remember that over use of paper affected the rainforests….
The LSO is visiting Hong Kong, mainland China and Vietnam in September. The LPO is just back from New York. American orchestras come here. What’s the problem?
The problem, of course, is people stirring up trouble unnecessarily and being resistant to simplifying gravy-train bureaucracy. That’s the EU all over. The LSO toured America in 1912, narrowly missing crossing on the Titanic. If flying hasn’t made it easier, it’s because self serving civil servants and other bureaucrats are choosing to put up obstacles.
Brexit: no deal would harm UK security, senior officer warns…
…Counter-terror chief raises âdeep concernsâ as key crime-fighting tools will be lost
It’s OK, someone tell him we won’t need them when the flow of drug runners, slavers and sex worker thugs from the Eastern end of the EU find it more difficult to get here will we?
However Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy etc. will be able to use the spare capability as the scum will have to target them instead.
“âŚCounter-terror chief raises âdeep concernsâ as key crime-fighting tools will be lost”. Let’s prepare then?
Aw! So that’s the reason the uk police have become so incompetent then – they’re simply running down their reaction to crime anticipating no further support from?…………..Well, no further support from? Don’t know. Anybody?
Skimming what this chap said – I was trying to find out what the exact nature of the âterrorist threat â was – I think Islam got a passing mention .
He wasnât to bring in criminologists – well god help me – Iâm a rarity – a right wing one . These criminologists will figure out why Muslims want to kill non Muslims or form gangs to rape white non Muslim young girls up and down the country –
I read that the medical industry is being freed up so it can carry on coining NHS money . Emotion gets in the way of the angels and saints making up that industry –
So they can under recruit to keep pay and overtime high – as well retaining their personal power –
Added to this is the ability to take reprisals on any one who complains about poor or no treatment
And at the higher level when they kill someone – your relative perhaps – theyâll cover it up by silence , fraud and more lies .
But the NHS is wonderful though isnât it ?
Ladies Day again on TOADY. Project Fear v7 release 5.4, there will be a shortage of bacon after Brexit, esp. a N-D-B. Martha will not be able to cook breccie for her man. Oh! Woe! Thrice Woe! The BBC suddenly omit to tell us about how long bacon lasts because it is a cured meat.
They also forget that at regular intervals they, the BBC, are telling us that
0. food miles cause global warming, climate change, asthma and premature death
1. red meat is bad for us
2. bacon makes you obese
2a. trucks transporting bacon give your child asthma
3. processed food (cured) gives you cancer
4. red meat is bad for the environment
4a. processed food makes you obese
5. eating bacon at the same time as a sausage will give you a heart attack and cancer and make you obese
6. you will not live for ever if you eat bacon.
7-10. all of the above jumbled up and churned out at regular intervals.
I think Brexit may be the best thing that has ever happened to the environment and British farming and British manufacturing and British waistlines.
The most popular meat in China? Pork.
But, right now they are losing hundreds of thousands of pigs – ‘African Swine Flu”. A massive uncontrollable and spreading outbreak. It’s that Africa again……………
I’ll be damned. Could that effect a World shortage of pork? Perhaps our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster would like to tell us?
After Brexit could British Pork be in high demand…………………Just thinking. As you do.
I love my bacon in rolls/sandwiches/with beans/with chicken in a salad etc etc however, I do realise that its not the bacon per se that does us damage, but the chemicals and preservatives that gets added to the stuff.
I hadn’t realised until recently that bacon can be bought WITHOUT ALL the added nitrates – from Sainsbury’s in a wrapper ‘without nitrates’, and it’s just as delicious, so look out for it and give it a try – if it concerns you that is.
Brissles, thanks for the tip. Might try it out. I tend to boycott Sainsburys a bit because of their attitude, IIRC, to Israel and Gaza. No, it doesn’t worry me – bacon and its contents. (My Mum would feed me the occasional fried breakfast before school. That is until we, as a family, discovered muesli and Mum made her own version. That has health downsides, too, but with the dentist rather than an oncologist or heart specialist.)
I’m happy to eat any old bacon but only have it now and then. Nitrates? They can help your day go with a bang! With some avocado on a nice slice of seeded brown, wiped with butter and then mayo on top – yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
And maybe she ll advise fisherman where to cast their nets in a sustainable way as described in the Gospels – which maybe need to be banned on health and safety grounds
Water into wine
Overfeeding five thousand
And much much more – I hope the boss doesnât mark me down as a blasphemer as Iâve been reading it again .,.
Canât get my head around healing people then telling them not to tell
Anyone heâd done it ….
Fed, re last para – God became fully man, so He got tired and felt all emotions, so it was understandable.
At other times Jesus instructed the healed to tell a particular person (the Priest on duty in the Temple) or everyone back in a home village or region.
I wonder how many of our children will make it through the summer holidays and how many will die of starvation and poverty.
For 6 weeks they get no free meals at school and have to rely on food banks to keep alive.
Bad news for the nurses who (we are constantly told) also need food banks to survive on their minimum of ÂŁ23,640 starting wage with all these starving children taking their food from the food banks.
Does anyone know what benefits a family of say two children plus mum and dad (mixed race of course) are entitled to, working or not, because I canât believe children are starving, as many lefties would have us believe.
Is it really happening?
If they are starving why are we told most are overweight or obese..they can’t be both surely..maybe summer diet will do them good
This is where the BBC get their narratives in a twist….it is like a muslim fighting a black trans man with a bacon roll…where would their sanctimonious meter go..
Maybe we could kill two birds with one stone. Michael Burke says we should let fat people die. So when they do, we could send them to food banks for the skinny starving kids to eat.
Since when have families consisted of âmum and dadâ surely itâs â mum and partner(s) – and kids are so inconvenient – as in the horror double murder trial of a â young mumâ last week ….
The two or three kiddies I saw in the local Asda yesterday will quite clearly survive the next 5 to 6 weeks. In fact both them and the parent could actually do with a week or two starvation diet.
Still, their trolleys piled high with Walkers Crisps, that will see them and the creature Lineker alright I guess.
Gina Miller was brought on early to Bash Brexit and introduced as Director of Best For Britain – a group that campaigns to keep the UK in the EU. It was founded by Gina – which gives the lie to the fact that she was not trying to stop Brexit in 2016 with her High Court application – but the Director is Lord Malloch-Brown, a former diplomat if I recall correctly. Gina quickly and firmly corrects one of the M&Ms about their mistake.
Said Martha or Mishal does not explain the aims of the Best For Britain group or ask Gina to explain. The M&Ms do not bother to ask where Best for Britain gets all its funding from.
As you no doubt guessed I’m from fax. Just sat in the doctors waiting room….there are people crying saying they can’t see a doctor for 3 weeks. The waiting room is full I’m having to wait hours. The staff are under considerable stress….is what the BBC wants you to think. Actually it’s empty the receptionist is reading a magazine I asked to see the doctor yesterday they offered me an appointment last night I couldn’t make it so I’m here first thing. I’m in a predominantly immigrant area sat in my beautifully appointed doctors surgery reading a 2 month old What Car…..No crisis here BBC.
Oh come now Halifax! The Government are doing all they can to relieve pressure on the country’s infrastructure. Here now, listen to our ex Home Secretary, now Chancellor, explaining what our Government proposes.
Have faith. (No, not that one……)
Up and down the country it appears that none of us can get an appointment for around 3 weeks at the surgery, so how is it, when we finally do get an apt and turn up, the waiting room is bloody empty ! I’ve spoken to friends and rellies around the country and we all experience the same. I think there is a GP conspiracy, as well as the huge number of appointments that are held back from release.
@Andy ..see that is Climate Change
..there is no way the organisers could have predicted that in a British summer there could be rain & winds .
doh, if you organise a festival .. you have a wet weather plan
One of the things you do, is don’t let the festival get too big.
We’ve done festivals where the stage is covered and had the punters all come up onto the stage
and the band play in one corner .
Or have the audience watching from covered marquees.
Flexibility must be built into the schedule.
So on a Friday to Monday fest.. you can advance some bands to Friday so you can close the festival on Sunday
Or delay the start so the festival goes on into Monday.
It’s not really a big staffing problem cos most of your crew will be on site for the entire week.
1765 âŚ. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one âs thoughts is a citizenâs natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking âŚThat is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. â Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 ⌠In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY â UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 ⌠**In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish oneâs thoughts is a citizenâs natural right.**
2018 ⌠**which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Not fit for purpose – but they will say it infringes (sic) her huwoman rights…
My recent experiences with the police ( as a useful citizen not a criminal ) have all been disappointing…standards have fallen as more have ‘degrees’ just like nursing and vet nurses and…..the list goes on..any profession that used to be skilled vocational that went to a degree loses practical and proficient and gains self entitled underskilled and over egoed
No glittery beards, eyeliner, eye shadow, garish nail varnish or other items of make-up, then – and no rainbow accoutrements and uniform attachments and unauthorised “accessories”, not to mention prancing in a poncish manner with the public at certain festivals and events. I bet most of these ghey plonkers contravene their own regulations and dress codes every second of their shift.
And is there any course of redress for an angry, and disgusted public? No, we must accept the diversity thrust in our faces.
In my day, it was an offence to smoke within public view, and one had to remove sunglasses when speaking to a member of the public. Those days of common decency and respect have long gone.
Actually, she looks more like one of those female serial killers in the US sat in court – now there’s a pun – trying to look like a spinster while trying to fashion herself as an ex-librarian or ex-social worker.
They always try the trick of wearing their moms old glasses.
I saw the photo of her/him/it yesterday and thought nope that’s been photoshopped, my jaw has now hit the floor. POLICE FORCE becomes Police Service now it’s POLICE FARCE. I seriously don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. That grinding noise we can hear is Sir Robert Peel spinning in his grave.
The Rebel calling out the BBC ‘!8 months to save the planet’ hyperbole
..Newspapers love scare stories cos it helps to shift their advertisers magic green solutions.
Stop press.
The BBC are reporting people will not be able to cut their toenails after Brexit owing to the absence of UK regulations about sharp objects impacting health and safety.
I just totally made that up.
But on the other hand, how surprised would we be if it were true?
I think he should keep his mouth shut – and as Iâve said here – they ( brexit politicians ) should avoid the MSM until after brexit at all costs –
But …. the line about which vote politicians respect – was somewhat armour piecing …
I hope that that loud mouth outside parliament reads the bit “no deal preparations are coming along great”
Only a matter of time now afore Blair, Brown, Major, May, Clarke, Branson and the other liars traitors realise that all their hopes and arguments are forever dashed against those EU rocks.
The Labour Party grasping at straws as they sink below the waves offering no opposition to Scottish Independence.
Let go back to 2012…
In 2012 they vigorously opposed Scottish Independence and along with the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. they established the cross-party “Better Together” campaign
Snake Oil salesmen the lot of them, they think we have no memory.
The encryption of the complete works of Shakespeare ?
The secret codes needed to launch nuclear strikes ?
The Mormons book of everyone who has ever lived ?
All the directives and regulations that the EU has imposed since 1957 translated into every language ?
No , its the numbers that appear on the BBC,s threatogram , the same missive sent every month for 5 years at this address with the same numbers .
But don’t think that Aunty is a bit staid in outlook , the colour of the envelopes change and Mr John Hales, Enforcement Manager , has moved from Southend to Cambridge .
( I wonder if this is the BBCs way of showing they`re getting closer to me ? This has being going on longer than the Second World War – should I retreat to a bunker and monitor their advances on maps with situation reports ?) if Mr John Hales moves into my street I shall continue my defiance .
Or can I thwart their offensive ? Perhaps if I write back but misquote 80845101012519400000001330010010000 00359 357 A
8084510101251940000001330010010000 00359 357 A
they will go to the wrong house .
( eagle eyed readers will notice the missing zero – but which one ? there are a sequence of seven zeros there , I just missed out the third . That will baffle them eh ?)
And now we move to the enduring and rarely mentioned scandal which is public sector pension entitlement.
Doctors on over ÂŁ100k are leaving or reducing hours because of the admittedly punitive taxation on pension savings above certian amounts
The government is going to overall the system to give the public sector even more benefits !!!!!!!!
They are proposing to give the doctors the money as salary that would have been paid as employer contributions.
The immorality of this, the partiality, the bias , is jaw-dropping.
Remember that a salary based inflation-protected pension (public sector) is converted into a notional cash pot by multiplying by a factor of 20, which presumes in effect annuity rates of 5%. So a doctor with pension entitlement of ÂŁ50k is assumed to have a pension pot of ÂŁ1 million, which is the limit before draconian taxation come in to play. He thus avoids the tax trap, set at 55%.
But the real annuity rate is about 3.33% . So a private sector worker with ÂŁ1 million pension pot would get a pension of only ÂŁ33k.
Now readers may take the view that they are all lucky to have this level of earnings. But that is not the point. The point is yet again a differential in favour of the public sector, which we all pay for, as well as for our own pensions.
The statist BBC are, of course, remarkably selective in their reporting, in the direction that suits their ideal of entitlement.
I think the other point is that many of these consultants have private work off the back of their NHS and I am guessing that goes into a pension pot too – so they could just stop the private work….when I hear a 45 year old medic moaning because he has passed million in his pension pot do I feel sorry for him? Nah…
As you say a gold plated pension in public sector beyond what a private sector person would get..
I’ve just been asked (well told really) that I need to wait another 2 months, after an initial wait of 6 weeks, to get a second opinion on cancer. Do they know I voted for Independence in 2016?
But I’ve nevah had a wait at my inner London GP surgery which is excellent.
But the private work is done in the mornings so that those who have paid can be put on the top bit of their NHS list by bunging the admin and nursing staff a few bob to fix it .
Common practice – and since the â medical professionals â have a strangle hold on ârestrictive practices â nothing will be done about it .,
The corruption in that out fit – yet alone the unentitled abusing it – would be a scandal if it ever made public awareness .
‘Andrew Norfolk is a witch’ Last month, a report, Unmasked: Andrew Norfolk, The Times Newspaper and Anti-Muslim Reporting: A Case to Answer, painted an ugly picture of Norfolk, now chief investigative reporter at The Times. The 66-page report, written by journalists Brian Cathcart and Paddy French, centres around three series of articles published between 2017 and 2018, which the authors suggest âtended to encourage fear of Muslimsâ.
BTW People often say that TR said nothing before Norfolk published , but that is not truew. AFAIK this is the genuine 2009 TR Luton video that mentions his 2004 letter
With eco-fascism gaining deadly purchase, as evidenced in the El Paso & Christchurch shootings, itâs crucial that the climate justice struggle not give an inch to racist nationalism… my latest @theintercept
“Bold climate policies like the Green New Deal, and even bolder challenges to capitalist production in the name of climate justice, must include a commitment to the free movement of people, especially on the part of countries, like the U.S., that bear vast responsibility for global climate degradation. As I have argued, wealthy countries have both the space and the resources to take in many millions of immigrants, if wealth, resources, and land were justly distributed.”
[The shooter wrote –
“The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heaing (sic) the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic âThe Loraxâ. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isnât willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of yâall are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”]
@CelticMist “eco-fascism” Spot the language trick
eco-fascism has a normal meaning ie totalitarian following of a dogma
And I note that there is Green-supremacism and lib-supremacism
whereby they believe they are so superior we have to obey them.
But she seeks to REDEFINE “eco-fascism” as an green person who opposes open borders.
Firstly it is not fascist to oppose open borders .. or lock your house.
One reply almost ‘nailed it’ – “Which is worse, climate denial or eco-fascism?” Trump can’t be accused of the latter and argues for immigration reform for the correct reasons.
Boris’s BBC continue to bash Trump over the shootings. The man proposes a visit to El Paso and Boris’s BBC find people who don’t want him there.
Same anti Trump propaganda that we had under the last government.
Thank you for reporting doob . Iâm sure TrueToo , the Higher Power and myself will treat your view with due consideration . Your view is important to us and although itâs likely to be dismissed after 2 or more weeks of sitting on it Iâm sure your view will be passed on to â editorial management and productionâ
Iâve written this on the template the BBC used when it bounces a complaint – 99.9% of the time . It loses the 0.1%…,
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargosâŚ. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlewsâŚ.oh the puffinsâŚ..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President CÄlin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel itâs their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
First again !!
Someone will think it is a bit fishy ….
Well done !
Or should I say boiled ?
Missed something ?
Backlink : The last thread finished on page 3
– page 2
Cracking effort again lobster – some might say youâre being shellfish ….and thank you stew – I thought Iâd be missing out the midweek thread as activity reduced but thereâs enough bias to go around and plenty of people seeing it . So thanks
taffy, Lobbie is hot at the moment, scoring in the low and mid 60s, holing the 20 footers for birdies, reaching the par 5s regularly in two – the advantage of those huge arms.
He may qualify for the Redder Cup.
Do please stop this stupidity. Having to scroll through several “me, me, first” posts just wastes everyones time. Thank you.
Come on Martin , just a tiny bit of free â fun â for such a grim subject – especially when the trolls are thankfully under their rocks – ( but not bumping into the esteemed lobster ) .
But each to his own annoyance …
MW, the clue was in Fed’s header …
… we’re only doing our best in response.
“Leo Varadkar: Post-Brexit vote on Irish unity not the way forward”
In the interest of The Republic of Ireland, Leo Veradkar should consider holding a referendum on whether or not his country should leave the EU and join their biggest customer – Great Britain.
Gwynedd bus company introduces youths limit after driver ‘spat at’
And the Welsh Assembly wants to ban smacking ?
You could not make it up.
“spat at”. This is a favourite act for the RoP. On my very first flight into Saudi, we had a short stop at Jeddah. Time enough to grab a tea/coffee. It was then I witnessed a Yank being physically kicked around the cafeteria area. The Yank did not defend himself or respond. I have no idea what that was all about but, no one assisted. No one intervened. When the Saudi had finished, (or become bored – arabs have a low boredom threshold), he spat at the Yank.
All, ‘part and parcel’ of living alongside savages I guess.
Brexit: ‘Radical change is needed for UK to survive’
Yes , get rid of the Welsh Assembly and spend the money saved on Health and Education.
And leave the EU.
Without paying a penny now or in future.
Is that radical enough?
I can do more.
WUWT : BBC: All the Cute Animals will Die from Global Warming
“Texas police apologise for horseback officers leading black man by rope”
Al beeb doing what they love, stirring up race hate.
Next time a black man shoots a white policeman (probably in about 5 minutes) will the beeb take the blame for having incited hatred against the police?
To me that image (and indeed the action) was truly shocking. Of course, I don’t know the full background, but it seemed to show the two cops had neither an ounce of historical perspective nor the common sense to realise how their action would be perceived. It was like an image from the past Democrat Deep South. [btw, I don’t speak as a wishy-washy liberal, but from the other end of the political spectrum] .
Comedian not on the BBC
‘Climate Change Trans Counselling’ by Will Franken
Stew, thanks for putting that up. That was a brilliant set by Franken.
At 18m 30s approx, I thought he was going to do a ‘Dr Strangelove’ segment but no.
Whenever an alleged crime is committed and the person arrested isn’t publicly named as a “white person” we always know what it means. We’ve had a few cases like that recently. Of course, whenever a white person is arrested, the media and the police always shout it from the rooftops. It’s almost funny how they don’t realise that not naming a suspect as “white” means that we all know what type of person has been arrested.
British Muslims should not feel forced to assimilate, says top counter terrorism officer’ | via @telegraph
Yes I wondered how long this would take? Does the argument work in reverse; do non adherents not have to assimilate?
Regardless of his background Mr Basu is still a member of the wrong gender, that makes his position a little precarious. He may just be saying what he thinks will best see him to pension.
I agree they should be allowed to practice in open BUT not to disobey the laws of the UK, to be subject to the same criticism as everyone else, to be arrested for breaking the law just like everyone else, to not cry Islamophobia everytime somebody does something they don’t like.
In short , obey and agree to the laws of the land and not to have them changed for them – if you don’t like it well there are plenty of muslim countries
‘assimilate’ and ‘ integrate’ are different words
British Muslims should not be FORCED to ‘assimilate’
..but if immigrants don’t integrate then there will be trouble
The problem is libmob want it the other way around
that the British native population should integrate into foreign customs.
âHe also said more needed to be done to eradicate poverty, improve education and increase social mobility if community cohesion was to be improved.â
Yes, I heard Mathew (Lefty) Wright talking about this on Talk Radio. Apparently, if we make the followers of Islam feel more welcome and give them more concessions, they will not feel the need to become radicalised.
(However, they will still go to mosque and will still follow the teachings of the Quran to the letter.)
These liberal types really donât get it do they.
They think their motivation comes from their desire to be more like us? Really?
British muslims should be given a remote island off the Scottish coast then so we do not have to suffer a middle east in our cities
I think you’ll find they already have one.
BBC report Ofcom survey shows live TV viewing plummeting fast. It seems it’s all down to streaming services growth and not the fever-pitch anti-UK, anti-indigenous woke content and views they spew out non-stop.
I for one do not at all accept that the BBC “reflects our way of life”, the key a reason Ofcom gave for retaining the services.
UK becomes a nation of streamers
UK becomes a nation of streamers⌠but traditional broadcast TV leads the way on UK content.
Content so leading… (whispers, âin the U.K.), few are watching it.
Envy of the world.
Glad Botneyâs pension is headed to ÂŁ7,000,000 nicely.
Too true digg. The BBC reflects what they want our way of life to become about ten to twenty years into the future. They have been successfully doing this for the past several decades and have been a major force in ensuring the great replacement project has gone smoothly so far. This organisation has done more damage to our country than any other. Getting rid of it is a critical step towards halting the replacement project, retaining our culturevand our values which are fast disappearing.
Bless him. Twitter really isn’t for David !!!!
“Martin, Nelson and Maya”… has she gone to some special apartheid heaven reserved for blacks? Sounds a bit racist to me.
Didn’t think the bbc did comedy anymore, clearly i’m wrong..
Irony alert. Bbc moaning emole.
Boardmasters music festival cancelled
There’s disappointment for fans of the Wu-Tang Clan, Florence + The Machine and Foals with the news that this weekend’s Boardmasters festival has been called off because of warnings about the weather. Tens of thousands of fans were expected to gather in Newquay, Cornwall, for the annual celebration of live music and surf culture. But organisers say they pulled the plug after talks with police and independent safety advisers. A Met Office yellow weather warning is in place for much of England and Wales on Friday and Saturday .
Greta set off from Europe West, presumably around this coastline, a few days ago. Hope fair winds and calm seas will accompany the voyage.
Bumper crop today.
The real cost of buying cheap clothes
A quick trawl around the high street reveals dresses aplenty for under a tenner, and you can get a bikini for as little as ÂŁ1. Globalisation means things can be produced in far-off lands at low cost, meaning more choice and lower prices. But how is that even possible? And what of the environmental cost of our shopping habits?
The relationship between shopper and fashion industry may have become dysfunctional. A BBC Radio 4 investigation for the Today programme took us from Spain to Ethiopia as we examined whether the planet, and some of its poorest inhabitants, are footing the bill for our unquenchable thirst for fashion – and how we should tackle that.
Read full analysis >
Dharshini David
Top âanalysisâ, Darshini who, one is sure, looks fetching in a bikini, as do the rest of the W1A gels. Plus some of the ladies.
As to the planetary cost of this âinvestigationâ…. Greta do like a cheap T-shirt. Apparently.
“Hope fair winds and calm seas will accompany the voyage.”
But watch out for those Flying [Michael] Fish!
Sad news for the drug dealing industry and local funeral directors .,.
Disgraceful reporting by the BBC over a fake Ugandan Asylum seeker who has been returned to Britain after a crazed leftist judge claimed she hadn’t had enough time to put her case – in other words the greedy weasels who are his colleagues haven’t got their snouts in the trough.
The BBC have shouted from the rooftops that this woman claimed to be homosexual and yet when immigration officers raided her home they found her in bed with a man ! Of course the incriminating evidence which proves she NOT a lesbian at all! They conveniently failed to mention this.
Nor did they mention since her return that the woman has been living in Uganda for 6 years and no harm what so ever has come to her. To make a sucessful claim the claimant has to demonstrate a well founded fear of persecution – the fact she’s lived there for 6 years proves she is NOT in a well founded fear of persecution.
Hope the squad in question were offered counselling.
Few police know how to cope with heterosexuals now.
Open doors, but only one way.
David Lammy MP: ‘I won’t let the bullies win’
Dead easy to spot bullies, isn’t it Lammy?
Which of Lammy’s ancestors died “fighting this shit”?
Isn’t Lammy a Nigerian? Nigeria was a pretty peaceful and well run part of the British Empire. As soon as it was given independence, it dissolved into the Biafran war. Perhaps that is the fighting Lammy is referring to, in which one set of Africans tries to destroy another set.
That may be it. He does get a bit confused about facts, as his hilarious Mastermind appearance showed. Luckily for him, the good people of Tottenham elect him for his skin colour, not his intellect.
Lammy, elected for the colour of his rosette, selected for the colour of his skin, joined Labour because of his intellect.
Like many dim people, he thinks that overstatement presents his case more effectively, not realising that each new outburst must be stronger than the last.
A few well chosen words from someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg can find their target in a way that Lammy will never understand.
It should also be realised that Lammy operates in a very competitive part of the race industry with lots of eager young Wimmin of colour attacking whitee via the BBC and Guardian
At least he can console himself with a promise of sticking his fat backside on the cushions of the Upper House before too long . He ll squeeze in next to Lady Abbot of numpty.
A step in the right direction..
Traditional TV viewing holds off streaming, Ofcom reveals
the tele tax will have its day. Who to tax now? after the over 75’s
Yeah right! You think the cowardly incompetent Tories would dare do that? They’re frightened to death of their own shadow, they know the BBC pension fund is in defeceit and instead of forcing the corporation to fund it NOW. The incomptent assholes just let them weaponise it against privitisation.
Then there’s the issue of the world service which the loons regard as something of a jewel in an old colonial crown, and which they don’t want to lose.
The Tories are never ever going to end the TV Tax so stop dreaming about it, and vote for someone who will.
I worry that if the TV tax is abolished and the BBC is funded from the money tree of direct taxation – which means I -we d all be paying for it again without being about to take any action at all apart from avoiding it .
Subscription has to be the way forward but it might take a few more years for âlate adoptersâ – like me – who recently signed to amazon – to come to terms with direct pay TV –
I didnât sign to amazon just for the TV though – other features were value for money to me ….
I do enjoy the desperation of the BBB when it produces the occasional succeed – the good old police dramas like bodyguard and line of duty – but they always frog their few successes to death -as see in the âeveâ thing and the awful second series of âfleabagâ….
As for the other stuff âperiod â drama – itâs good if you like playing âspot the blacky â in 18th century England ( yeah yeah there were 10 ) but otherwise forget them .
So if the BBC went subscription I donât know what take up would be like if it carried on as a self serving biased monster it is now .
Ofcom will always give the state broadcasters a free pass as itâs an incestuous relationship ….
Boris can put it on his second term wish list but not is a manifesto of lies ….
I don’t like reading certain newspapers so I don’t buy them.
I don’t like what I see on certain TV Stations but I am forced by law to pay for them.
Perhaps Boris can tell us why ?
Hi Fed
I’ve Amazon prime for the same reasons, TV also the extras
Subscription is the way forward, or taxing everyone would be like the poll tax again
Cancel your tele tax, legally as I have done.
Off to B&Q at lunchtime to purchase a blanking plate to cover the hole in the wall where the aerial cable used to go.
Spent a pleasant hour last night watching a YouTube video about the history of the Queen Mary Ocean liner.
Given the bbcâs History of ignoring stories that do not fit the bbc narrative, I am going with âunlikelyâ.
BBC News
One man who donated his mother’s body for Alzheimer’s research learned it was used to test explosives.
And Mrs. Choudary was livid when she found out.
“Zimbabwe: A third of population faces food crisis, says UN”
Once the ‘breadbasket of Africa’ , now all the farmers are dead or gone?
I wonder why?
Self censored a comment in poor taste.
Self inflicted I’m afraid by the local population, actively encouraged by their leaders.
No sympathy.
The black population of Southetn Rhodesia were once the wealthiest and best educated in Africa living in a peaceful well ordered society where they were safe and secure . of course they were ruled by the white settlers and had been for a hundred years or more. It certainly wasnât a democracy but crucially Africans were making steady progress in acquiring the skills to run a modern economy and country, whilst enjoying ever increasing prosperity. Whether full equality would ever have been reached is unknown. Then came African self rule, corruption , tribal politics and dictatorship , within twenty years everything had been thrown away.
South Africa is following exactly the same trajectory.
I spent time in SA, an ex-girlfriends brother lived in Kempton Park, JoBurg.
A gardener would visit the property twice a week to cut grass, trim shrubs etc. I got talking to him one day, he was sheltering from a rainstorm in the shed whilst bemoaning the generally dry conditions that were preventing the vegetables from developing properly.
I asked why the rain, pouring off the roof was not being captured in water butts and stored for future use.
Ah he said, ‘but that is where Whitey is different, he thinks about the future, we just think about the here and now, why would we want to store water for use in the future, when it is raining now?
taffman- you may well wonder. On seeing your question, I wandered over to the South African press, to see how the attacks by black gangs on white farmers are going, as South Africa tries hard to replicate the Zimbabwean experience. (Here too, another breadbasket that will eventually become a begging bowl!)
At the outset, you must realise that these attacks, although they look like violent ‘racism’, what with frequent torture of victims, etc. are not ‘racism’. That word is never used in the SA context, ever. Especially not by the MSM.
As you can see from the US, if a white man is a perpetrator against people of colour – that’s ‘racism’. The word is used endlessly, for weeks. Not so if the victims are white.
Strange, isn’t it? Maybe this term is not all it seems! Maybe it is merely a propaganda insult, used exclusively by ONE side in political conflict. And by the ‘media’, worldwide, who play along…
I think it should also be unlinked from murder. Murder is always murder, regardless of colour. Adding ‘racism’ to politicize murder is not helpful.
Anyway, the thousands of SA farmers and their families, who have been murdered since 1994 go virtually unmentioned in the press.
Is it because of their race that they are not of interest? Doesn’t make a good story, because somehow it’s not ‘racism’?
The hypocracy is breathtaking.
I see ‘Doublethinker’ has made the same point in one, single sentence. I need to cut back!
Scary, the UN might be told.. and what will they do, not a lot
Andy – the region is still a tinderbox, it seems. Late last night I listened to an hour or so as radio4 presented a look back to independence/partition in 1947 and the murderous conflict between Muslim and Hindu, people who had apparently been living peacefully together. It was a shocking eye-opener, or rather, ear opener.
Now India and Pakistan are two nuclear-armed states, and you wonder whether the almost irrational hostility has survived over the last seventy years? Radio4 seemed to think it possibly had? I notice the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ being used by leaders-referring to the present day context, so perhaps they’re right?
The UN has been unable to resolve, or even assist in resolving, the Kashmir issue for decades. Can’t see it doing anything useful now.
Why don’t they just divide Kashmir? I am sure the BBC will find a way to blame GB
Last time they tried to do that, well did it actually during partition, , at least a million died . Of course as others have mentioned on the site the need for partition was a direct result of Muslim intransigence.
James – Listen carefully. It wouldn’t be the first time Britain gets the blame for all the killing, and not only by the bbc. On the subcontinent, they are apparently not responsible for their own behaviour (a strange phenomenon), it’s us up here wot dunnit, according to certain people in both – now 3 – nations involved.
Hi Fake
The UN, guess they could talk about it. or maybe send soldier in, who aren’t allowed to fire a shot
The radio alarm came on at 0720. What agenda would await me today?
Mischal âuselessâ Hussein was very sympathetically interviewing…..a Ugandan lesbian who has been denied UK asylum, even on appeal, and deported. But a UK judge has ruled that a comma was in the wrong place and that UK taxpayers had not contributed enough, so she is back in the country making a further asylum application. She wants to live openly as a lesbian, you see. Oh, and she now has a child. FFS.
The next story was basically âwhite supremacist mass killers in the US being encouraged by Trumpâ
The radio alarm went off at 0730, after the sports news.
BBC breakfast – no wonder people are turning off…3 idiots talking shite amongst themselves interspersed with anti Brexit anti Trump and fear mongering about food shortages and not being able to have a holiday after Oct 31st
Does the BBC not realise we can get most fruit and vegetables from outside EU and we do…and we will still have is a choice as to where you go and how much you want to pay..always has been….the truth is out there but not at BBC..
My local Asda yesterday evening (I walked there to offset my carbon footprint having driven the dirty diesel a couple of hundred miles to Brum and back at the weekend) Asparagus bunches, wrapped in clear plastic bags. Produce of PERU. Thatâs a 12hr flight. I know cos Iâve been.
Really the British asparagus season is from April to end of June. I really object when I see asparagus from Peru during the British asparagus season.
But I wonder if all these climate activists restrict their food intake to UK grown food – so save food miles and their carbon footprint. Would mean that they would have difficulties with citrus fruit and bananas and would be very limited on the amount of quinoa they could eat – and they can only fill up on potatoes if they don’t mind the carbs. But British beef and lamb is the best in the world.
@ Deborah… Agree. British grown strawberries and plums are the only ones worth buying. Imported ‘leave to ripen in the bowl’ produce just means you have to wait until they go soft – not the same thing. Sainsbury this morning still had plastic bags to put your purchases in – wait until ‘you know who’ finds out they have not gone over to the paper ones yet. I seem to remember that over use of paper affected the rainforests….
“No-deal Brexit: ‘Big unanswered questions’ for UK music”
How the devil did we manage before we joined the EU?
Project fear Overdrive XXL.
Is this not a good thing?
We all know music died in 1990.
The LSO is visiting Hong Kong, mainland China and Vietnam in September. The LPO is just back from New York. American orchestras come here. What’s the problem?
The problem, of course, is people stirring up trouble unnecessarily and being resistant to simplifying gravy-train bureaucracy. That’s the EU all over. The LSO toured America in 1912, narrowly missing crossing on the Titanic. If flying hasn’t made it easier, it’s because self serving civil servants and other bureaucrats are choosing to put up obstacles.
Brexit: no deal would harm UK security, senior officer warns…
…Counter-terror chief raises âdeep concernsâ as key crime-fighting tools will be lost
It’s OK, someone tell him we won’t need them when the flow of drug runners, slavers and sex worker thugs from the Eastern end of the EU find it more difficult to get here will we?
However Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy etc. will be able to use the spare capability as the scum will have to target them instead.
“âŚCounter-terror chief raises âdeep concernsâ as key crime-fighting tools will be lost”. Let’s prepare then?
Aw! So that’s the reason the uk police have become so incompetent then – they’re simply running down their reaction to crime anticipating no further support from?…………..Well, no further support from? Don’t know. Anybody?
Skimming what this chap said – I was trying to find out what the exact nature of the âterrorist threat â was – I think Islam got a passing mention .
He wasnât to bring in criminologists – well god help me – Iâm a rarity – a right wing one . These criminologists will figure out why Muslims want to kill non Muslims or form gangs to rape white non Muslim young girls up and down the country –
They do it because they can .
I read that the medical industry is being freed up so it can carry on coining NHS money . Emotion gets in the way of the angels and saints making up that industry –
So they can under recruit to keep pay and overtime high – as well retaining their personal power –
Added to this is the ability to take reprisals on any one who complains about poor or no treatment
And at the higher level when they kill someone – your relative perhaps – theyâll cover it up by silence , fraud and more lies .
But the NHS is wonderful though isnât it ?
TOADY Watch #1 Bashing Brexit and Gammons
Ladies Day again on TOADY. Project Fear v7 release 5.4, there will be a shortage of bacon after Brexit, esp. a N-D-B. Martha will not be able to cook breccie for her man. Oh! Woe! Thrice Woe! The BBC suddenly omit to tell us about how long bacon lasts because it is a cured meat.
They also forget that at regular intervals they, the BBC, are telling us that
0. food miles cause global warming, climate change, asthma and premature death
1. red meat is bad for us
2. bacon makes you obese
2a. trucks transporting bacon give your child asthma
3. processed food (cured) gives you cancer
4. red meat is bad for the environment
4a. processed food makes you obese
5. eating bacon at the same time as a sausage will give you a heart attack and cancer and make you obese
6. you will not live for ever if you eat bacon.
7-10. all of the above jumbled up and churned out at regular intervals.
I think Brexit may be the best thing that has ever happened to the environment and British farming and British manufacturing and British waistlines.
Bring it on!
The most popular meat in China? Pork.
But, right now they are losing hundreds of thousands of pigs – ‘African Swine Flu”. A massive uncontrollable and spreading outbreak. It’s that Africa again……………
I’ll be damned. Could that effect a World shortage of pork? Perhaps our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster would like to tell us?
After Brexit could British Pork be in high demand…………………Just thinking. As you do.
And duck, G.
Toady unwatch
2 whole days of no Toady . Reading reviews here I might have to re listen on the iplayer or the silence app thing … or maybe not …
Up2….. re: bacon
I love my bacon in rolls/sandwiches/with beans/with chicken in a salad etc etc however, I do realise that its not the bacon per se that does us damage, but the chemicals and preservatives that gets added to the stuff.
I hadn’t realised until recently that bacon can be bought WITHOUT ALL the added nitrates – from Sainsbury’s in a wrapper ‘without nitrates’, and it’s just as delicious, so look out for it and give it a try – if it concerns you that is.
Brissles, thanks for the tip. Might try it out. I tend to boycott Sainsburys a bit because of their attitude, IIRC, to Israel and Gaza. No, it doesn’t worry me – bacon and its contents. (My Mum would feed me the occasional fried breakfast before school. That is until we, as a family, discovered muesli and Mum made her own version. That has health downsides, too, but with the dentist rather than an oncologist or heart specialist.)
I’m happy to eat any old bacon but only have it now and then. Nitrates? They can help your day go with a bang! With some avocado on a nice slice of seeded brown, wiped with butter and then mayo on top – yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
TOADY Watch #2 Ski-ing and a Sport Brother goes off piste
Rob Sport asks an important question of a right-on, environmentally concerned, ocean-going yachtsman: “What about the air miles involved?”
The yachtsman who was so clear, so certain before then, suddenly has to waffle like Bojo on a Bad Hair Day. He has no real answer.
Has the manner of Gretaâs return trip been discussed yet?
Guest, I think many people may be expecting her to walk back, speaking kindly to any icebergs she meets on the way.
And maybe she ll advise fisherman where to cast their nets in a sustainable way as described in the Gospels – which maybe need to be banned on health and safety grounds
Water into wine
Overfeeding five thousand
And much much more – I hope the boss doesnât mark me down as a blasphemer as Iâve been reading it again .,.
Canât get my head around healing people then telling them not to tell
Anyone heâd done it ….
Fed, re last para – God became fully man, so He got tired and felt all emotions, so it was understandable.
At other times Jesus instructed the healed to tell a particular person (the Priest on duty in the Temple) or everyone back in a home village or region.
I wonder how many of our children will make it through the summer holidays and how many will die of starvation and poverty.
For 6 weeks they get no free meals at school and have to rely on food banks to keep alive.
Bad news for the nurses who (we are constantly told) also need food banks to survive on their minimum of ÂŁ23,640 starting wage with all these starving children taking their food from the food banks.
Does anyone know what benefits a family of say two children plus mum and dad (mixed race of course) are entitled to, working or not, because I canât believe children are starving, as many lefties would have us believe.
Is it really happening?
If they are starving why are we told most are overweight or obese..they can’t be both surely..maybe summer diet will do them good
This is where the BBC get their narratives in a twist….it is like a muslim fighting a black trans man with a bacon roll…where would their sanctimonious meter go..
Maybe we could kill two birds with one stone. Michael Burke says we should let fat people die. So when they do, we could send them to food banks for the skinny starving kids to eat.
EG “… of say two children plus mum and dad (mixed race of course) are entitled to, working or not,………”
Most of these families have got work portraying the typical English family in adverts on the tele !
Since when have families consisted of âmum and dadâ surely itâs â mum and partner(s) – and kids are so inconvenient – as in the horror double murder trial of a â young mumâ last week ….
The two or three kiddies I saw in the local Asda yesterday will quite clearly survive the next 5 to 6 weeks. In fact both them and the parent could actually do with a week or two starvation diet.
Still, their trolleys piled high with Walkers Crisps, that will see them and the creature Lineker alright I guess.
TOADY Watch #3 The Miller’s Tale
Gina Miller was brought on early to Bash Brexit and introduced as Director of Best For Britain – a group that campaigns to keep the UK in the EU. It was founded by Gina – which gives the lie to the fact that she was not trying to stop Brexit in 2016 with her High Court application – but the Director is Lord Malloch-Brown, a former diplomat if I recall correctly. Gina quickly and firmly corrects one of the M&Ms about their mistake.
Said Martha or Mishal does not explain the aims of the Best For Britain group or ask Gina to explain. The M&Ms do not bother to ask where Best for Britain gets all its funding from.
I wonder why?
Mallock – not brown – a paid associate of … Soros !
Yes, Fed, Malloch-Brown, Mark of that ilk and now Baron, no less. But you are right about friend Georg.
As you no doubt guessed I’m from fax. Just sat in the doctors waiting room….there are people crying saying they can’t see a doctor for 3 weeks. The waiting room is full I’m having to wait hours. The staff are under considerable stress….is what the BBC wants you to think. Actually it’s empty the receptionist is reading a magazine I asked to see the doctor yesterday they offered me an appointment last night I couldn’t make it so I’m here first thing. I’m in a predominantly immigrant area sat in my beautifully appointed doctors surgery reading a 2 month old What Car…..No crisis here BBC.
Oh come now Halifax! The Government are doing all they can to relieve pressure on the country’s infrastructure. Here now, listen to our ex Home Secretary, now Chancellor, explaining what our Government proposes.
Have faith. (No, not that one……)
Halifax, this is the great mystery.
Up and down the country it appears that none of us can get an appointment for around 3 weeks at the surgery, so how is it, when we finally do get an apt and turn up, the waiting room is bloody empty ! I’ve spoken to friends and rellies around the country and we all experience the same. I think there is a GP conspiracy, as well as the huge number of appointments that are held back from release.
Boardmasters cancelled hours before gates open over storm fears
No need to cancel, why not use Cardboard Tents – as recently reported by the beeb!
@Andy ..see that is Climate Change
..there is no way the organisers could have predicted that in a British summer there could be rain & winds .
doh, if you organise a festival .. you have a wet weather plan
One of the things you do, is don’t let the festival get too big.
We’ve done festivals where the stage is covered and had the punters all come up onto the stage
and the band play in one corner .
Or have the audience watching from covered marquees.
Flexibility must be built into the schedule.
So on a Friday to Monday fest.. you can advance some bands to Friday so you can close the festival on Sunday
Or delay the start so the festival goes on into Monday.
It’s not really a big staffing problem cos most of your crew will be on site for the entire week.
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 âŚ. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one âs thoughts is a citizenâs natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking âŚThat is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. â Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 ⌠In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY â UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 ⌠**In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish oneâs thoughts is a citizenâs natural right.**
2018 ⌠**which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Whittled away piece by piece, day by day……..
LBC debating whether DCC’s punk hair breaks the police laws
She’s in Derbyshire
but these are the regs for Nottinghamshire
Disgraceful. Another common purpose drone.
Sir Robert Peel will be spinning in his grave.
Police Farce. #norespectfrommeanymore
Not fit for purpose – but they will say it infringes (sic) her huwoman rights…
My recent experiences with the police ( as a useful citizen not a criminal ) have all been disappointing…standards have fallen as more have ‘degrees’ just like nursing and vet nurses and…..the list goes on..any profession that used to be skilled vocational that went to a degree loses practical and proficient and gains self entitled underskilled and over egoed
No glittery beards, eyeliner, eye shadow, garish nail varnish or other items of make-up, then – and no rainbow accoutrements and uniform attachments and unauthorised “accessories”, not to mention prancing in a poncish manner with the public at certain festivals and events. I bet most of these ghey plonkers contravene their own regulations and dress codes every second of their shift.
And is there any course of redress for an angry, and disgusted public? No, we must accept the diversity thrust in our faces.
In my day, it was an offence to smoke within public view, and one had to remove sunglasses when speaking to a member of the public. Those days of common decency and respect have long gone.
I reckon he / she is on a bit of a sniff for a bit of âbullying â compensation and another promotion to be ânice â.
Glass ceiling eh?
“Senior constable”
Wish I had me hose-pipe
Actually, she looks more like one of those female serial killers in the US sat in court – now there’s a pun – trying to look like a spinster while trying to fashion herself as an ex-librarian or ex-social worker.
They always try the trick of wearing their moms old glasses.
It never works – Life.
She looks as daft as a brush!
Lesbian ?
How to put this…. #CCBGB
I saw the photo of her/him/it yesterday and thought nope that’s been photoshopped, my jaw has now hit the floor. POLICE FORCE becomes Police Service now it’s POLICE FARCE. I seriously don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. That grinding noise we can hear is Sir Robert Peel spinning in his grave.
The Rebel calling out the BBC ‘!8 months to save the planet’ hyperbole
..Newspapers love scare stories cos it helps to shift their advertisers magic green solutions.
Stop press.
The BBC are reporting people will not be able to cut their toenails after Brexit owing to the absence of UK regulations about sharp objects impacting health and safety.
I just totally made that up.
But on the other hand, how surprised would we be if it were true?
Dominic Cummings speaks:
“I believe that politicians don’t get to choose which votes they respect.”
There followed a choice line about Grieve đ
I think he should keep his mouth shut – and as Iâve said here – they ( brexit politicians ) should avoid the MSM until after brexit at all costs –
But …. the line about which vote politicians respect – was somewhat armour piecing …
I hope that that loud mouth outside parliament reads the bit “no deal preparations are coming along great”
Only a matter of time now afore Blair, Brown, Major, May, Clarke, Branson and the other liars traitors realise that all their hopes and arguments are forever dashed against those EU rocks.
The Labour Party grasping at straws as they sink below the waves offering no opposition to Scottish Independence.
Let go back to 2012…
In 2012 they vigorously opposed Scottish Independence and along with the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. they established the cross-party “Better Together” campaign
Snake Oil salesmen the lot of them, they think we have no memory.
I hear that traitor Browns favourite song is… “Gold!”
80548101020519400000001330010000 000339 357A
IN01K5 IN-INNT-1EU-07-19 401EC/190724/123681/0099851 page 1 00000
What are these numbers and letters
The encryption of the complete works of Shakespeare ?
The secret codes needed to launch nuclear strikes ?
The Mormons book of everyone who has ever lived ?
All the directives and regulations that the EU has imposed since 1957 translated into every language ?
No , its the numbers that appear on the BBC,s threatogram , the same missive sent every month for 5 years at this address with the same numbers .
But don’t think that Aunty is a bit staid in outlook , the colour of the envelopes change and Mr John Hales, Enforcement Manager , has moved from Southend to Cambridge .
( I wonder if this is the BBCs way of showing they`re getting closer to me ? This has being going on longer than the Second World War – should I retreat to a bunker and monitor their advances on maps with situation reports ?) if Mr John Hales moves into my street I shall continue my defiance .
Or can I thwart their offensive ? Perhaps if I write back but misquote 80845101012519400000001330010010000 00359 357 A
8084510101251940000001330010010000 00359 357 A
they will go to the wrong house .
( eagle eyed readers will notice the missing zero – but which one ? there are a sequence of seven zeros there , I just missed out the third . That will baffle them eh ?)
Just keep wasting their time and money. That’s less money spent on propaganda.
And now we move to the enduring and rarely mentioned scandal which is public sector pension entitlement.
Doctors on over ÂŁ100k are leaving or reducing hours because of the admittedly punitive taxation on pension savings above certian amounts
The government is going to overall the system to give the public sector even more benefits !!!!!!!!
They are proposing to give the doctors the money as salary that would have been paid as employer contributions.
The immorality of this, the partiality, the bias , is jaw-dropping.
Remember that a salary based inflation-protected pension (public sector) is converted into a notional cash pot by multiplying by a factor of 20, which presumes in effect annuity rates of 5%. So a doctor with pension entitlement of ÂŁ50k is assumed to have a pension pot of ÂŁ1 million, which is the limit before draconian taxation come in to play. He thus avoids the tax trap, set at 55%.
But the real annuity rate is about 3.33% . So a private sector worker with ÂŁ1 million pension pot would get a pension of only ÂŁ33k.
Now readers may take the view that they are all lucky to have this level of earnings. But that is not the point. The point is yet again a differential in favour of the public sector, which we all pay for, as well as for our own pensions.
The statist BBC are, of course, remarkably selective in their reporting, in the direction that suits their ideal of entitlement.
I think the other point is that many of these consultants have private work off the back of their NHS and I am guessing that goes into a pension pot too – so they could just stop the private work….when I hear a 45 year old medic moaning because he has passed million in his pension pot do I feel sorry for him? Nah…
As you say a gold plated pension in public sector beyond what a private sector person would get..
I’ve just been asked (well told really) that I need to wait another 2 months, after an initial wait of 6 weeks, to get a second opinion on cancer. Do they know I voted for Independence in 2016?
But I’ve nevah had a wait at my inner London GP surgery which is excellent.
Hope the outcome isn’t too grim Cane.
But the private work is done in the mornings so that those who have paid can be put on the top bit of their NHS list by bunging the admin and nursing staff a few bob to fix it .
Common practice – and since the â medical professionals â have a strangle hold on ârestrictive practices â nothing will be done about it .,
The corruption in that out fit – yet alone the unentitled abusing it – would be a scandal if it ever made public awareness .
Surely, overhaul the system…..
‘Andrew Norfolk is a witch’
Last month, a report, Unmasked: Andrew Norfolk, The Times Newspaper and Anti-Muslim Reporting: A Case to Answer, painted an ugly picture of Norfolk, now chief investigative reporter at The Times. The 66-page report, written by journalists Brian Cathcart and Paddy French, centres around three series of articles published between 2017 and 2018, which the authors suggest âtended to encourage fear of Muslimsâ.
BTW People often say that TR said nothing before Norfolk published , but that is not truew. AFAIK this is the genuine 2009 TR Luton video that mentions his 2004 letter
The authors here argue for open borders –
“Bold climate policies like the Green New Deal, and even bolder challenges to capitalist production in the name of climate justice, must include a commitment to the free movement of people, especially on the part of countries, like the U.S., that bear vast responsibility for global climate degradation. As I have argued, wealthy countries have both the space and the resources to take in many millions of immigrants, if wealth, resources, and land were justly distributed.”
[The shooter wrote –
“The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heaing (sic) the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic âThe Loraxâ. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isnât willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of yâall are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”]
@CelticMist “eco-fascism” Spot the language trick
eco-fascism has a normal meaning ie totalitarian following of a dogma
And I note that there is Green-supremacism and lib-supremacism
whereby they believe they are so superior we have to obey them.
But she seeks to REDEFINE “eco-fascism” as an green person who opposes open borders.
Firstly it is not fascist to oppose open borders .. or lock your house.
One reply almost ‘nailed it’ – “Which is worse, climate denial or eco-fascism?” Trump can’t be accused of the latter and argues for immigration reform for the correct reasons.
Boris’s BBC continue to bash Trump over the shootings. The man proposes a visit to El Paso and Boris’s BBC find people who don’t want him there.
Same anti Trump propaganda that we had under the last government.
Breaking News …
2 Muslims have just crashed a speedboat in Whaley Bridge …… apparently it’s the start of RAMADAM !!
(sorry, just had too).
Doob – Iâm thinking itâs nearer to a red than a yellow card – and itâs too warm for a coat ..????
They were trying to cover up the Whaley Bridg Ram-A-Dam incident
..but now it seems to have leaked.
At least the top cop will have time to get her hair done now …
Fed, can you move this up to near the top of the Thread just to annoy MW.
Well done, Doobs. I enjoyed it.
I’ve just sprayed half a cup of tea all over my computer screen!
đ funny..but I will have to report you Doob
đ funny..but I will have to report you Doob
Thank you for reporting doob . Iâm sure TrueToo , the Higher Power and myself will treat your view with due consideration . Your view is important to us and although itâs likely to be dismissed after 2 or more weeks of sitting on it Iâm sure your view will be passed on to â editorial management and productionâ
Iâve written this on the template the BBC used when it bounces a complaint – 99.9% of the time . It loses the 0.1%…,
My old Aunt thought Faisal Islam was a new religious group!!!
R4 talking about “Eco-anxiety” disorders
Patrick Kennedy Williams
she pushes back by saying it’s no different to normal worry
It wasn’t in the running order I guess Radio1 have been reading this
Radio2 : Listening with your lunch
.. don’t use too much ketchup
If Vanessa Feltz didn’t exist, would anybody bother to invent her?