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“Brexit: No-deal plan threatens UK fuel plants”
“While a flood of cheaper imports could initially mean lower fuel prices for consumers, the industry says relying on foreign suppliers will ultimately lead to higher prices.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-49405270
Silly me, and I thought most of our fuel was “foreign” ?
The cost of producing a litre of fuel is less than 30p. The retailer’s margin (profit) is around 5p. Most of the cost is tax: fuel duty is 57.95p a litre and VAT accounts for 20-25p a litre, depending on the final retail price. There is enormous scope for the government to tinker with the tax levels to cushion any possible impact. Or perhaps we should just import more “foreign” fuel. Maybe from Europe’s 2nd largest refinery, the one at Rotterdam. Oh wait – that’s owned by BP…
The cliche runs : Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
If you don’t have evidence that something does exist
that does not mean you have evidence that it doesn’t exist.
But you have to define the terms for that
cos in the Case of Owen Jones
The absence of proper context evidence for his attack is as fishy as heck
… Only one witness speaks , Owen himself
no CCTV produced , kicks to the head, but only evidence is photos of scratches on a paunchy stomach.
Come on
This reminds me of this mathematical theory of logic based on the creation of plus one and minus one from nothing proving the existence of God as being everything that is not nothing. Although it doesn’t prove whether God is intelligent or an inanimate object.
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
If you don’t have evidence that God does exists
that does not mean you have evidence that God doesn’t exist
If nothing should exist then everything that is not nothing is evidence that God exists
Therefore God is everything that exists
And Richard – perhaps that one exists in order to question the existence of God proves that God Exists – and is amused by human kind questioning existence … now the weather …
Unicorns, dragons, moon made of cheese, etc don’t exist, therefore they do exist.
I want to see the unicorns defending the brie moon from the cheese eating dragons
I posted this in the last thread but going to post it here as I have questions that no one seems to known the answer to.
First: Does Boris now actually have a more viable reason for No Deal? He tried to negotiate but they refused. Does this mean he can walk away without being told that he made no effort?
Second. Rumour has it this week that he is signing an act repealing EU law most likely this week. If so what does this mean? Does this set the fact that we are leaving in stone? If so would that be the reason why the BBC are choosing to remain quiet on this news as they do not wish to weaken the moral of remainers?
Thirdly I have read sources stating that Johnson is pulling officials out of the EU by the end of the month. Is he serious about leaving? A lot of signs are pointing to yes but of course the BBC would rather it be a no
Well Theresa May , the worst Prime Minister ever looked as though she wasn’t putting much effort into Brexit.
But perhaps the best strategy is to really put no effort into it ie; walk away .
If Boris breaks EU laws and stops payments, then the EU will have no option but to throw Britain out. Repealing EU laws and pulling officials out of the EU could be ideas learnt after studying the Lisbon Treaty about ways of how to get thrown out of the EU. Brexit MEP’s could help by throwing custard pies at Remainers in EU buildings.
Modern legislation is stuffed with provision for Statutory Instruments. Parliament can pass a law but it might not come into effect until a minister wants to use the power and that requires an SI. Because the legislation is already passed the SI doesn’t need to be approved by parliament.
“Our friends in the EU” (ahem) are continuing to play hard ball because they know we have an overwhelmingly remainer parliament. The EU can afford to hang on until the holidays are over to see what mischief these parasites can inflict on our negotiations. We’re being betrayed by the very people we pay to represent us. We have modern day fifth columnists sitting in the house of Commons and propagandising for them on the BBC…
If we look at the facts rationally, parliament has rejected their atrocious backstop offer three times. But still our remain contingent in parliament insist that they won’t let us leave “without a deal.”
Seeing as the the only deal on offer is totally unacceptable and the only sane alternative is to walk away, one would have thought that going to WTO was sensible, but no…
What the remainers are actually saying is (in old fashioned honest English) No to “the backstop”, no to “no deal”…we’re staying.
And in response to that I say (politely)…
Foxtrot Oscar.
@StandUp4Brexit 11h11 hours ago
“One thing that complicates the picture is that our EU friends still clearly think that there is a possibility that Parliament will block Brexit. As long as they think [that] they’re unlikely to be minded to make the concessions that we need.“ @BorisJohnson
@StandUp4Brexit 20h20 hours ago
“Boris has got to show the EU that it is the settled will of this Govt that we are leaving on the 31st Oct. Obviously that’s not clear to quite a few MPs, and they are encouraging the EU to believe this is another hoax” @johnredwood
Betrayed is quite correct, however could these traiterous MP’s face 17.4 million people who voted LEAVE-I very much doubt it, in any event most will lose their seats nect time aroun-hopefully.
It puzzles me why the Remainer majority in the HoC didn’t vote for May’s WA. It left us in the EU but without a vote and perfectly positioned to rejoin as a full member when they judged the time to be ripe. I can only think that they thought they could kill Brexit altogether and that we wouldn’t even leave on the sham deal which had been ‘negotiated’ . Perhaps they are right and the Remainers will oust Boris and form a new government which scraps Brexit altogether. Anything is possible at the moment. But the damage that such a manoeuvre would do to our democracy would be enormous. No matter how many lies the BBC et al tried to ram down our throats about it being democracy in action and all for the best , I think that millions of people will vote for TBP at the first opportunity . Nigel may not become PM but he will have a large number of MPs and MEPs behind him. As the Remainers have shown contempt for democracy I think that Leavers should show contempt for the Remainer government and mount a large scale coordinated programme of continued civil disobedience designed to bring the government and its institutions to their knees.
“Vitamin D: Add ‘sunshine vitamin’ to flour, study says” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-49408015
What is the real reason for this additive, we have managed without it until now ?
Put it this way: if the Vitamin D was only added to chapati flour (whole wheat flour or atta, as it’s called in Asian stores) then that would go a long way to resolving the problem.
Breaking news : Anything on Al Beeb about a London bomb threat in block of flats ?
Perhaps their “researchers” will have a look after seeing this post?
If there was news of this it would be dressed up in the ‘ police incident ‘ phrase used in traffic reports which usually means another dead 16 year old – or Owen Jones has been in an alleged ‘ tiff’ outside a pub at 2 in the morning again .
I’m not far from Barking at the moment so if I hear the bang I’ll let you know …
I was asked in the pub what I would do if im held up at the ports after Brexit .
It was hard for me to reign in but I I had to point out that there are next to zero British hauliers going abroad . No job losses there .
Or rather , no British job losses . Mainly Polish and Roumanian jobs put on the line .
Carry On EU
A government of national unity by the globalist losers of General Elections and Referendums is planned. Made up of collaborators, traitors, quislings and separatists who do not respect democracy because they support the undemocratic European Union which regards democracy as populist, and therefore should be abolished. The members in the Lords fell the same way.
They plan to create imaginary crises such as “No Deal” or “Climate Emergency” using “Project Fear”. They plan to use this to appoint a fascist leader who will promise to save them from falling off a cliff. In the words of Henry Mencken “keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”. The establishment could then use this to declare a “state of emergency”. The emergency could then be used to permanently suspend democracy under emergency laws. These fascist ideas originate from the French revolution with Bertrand Barere saying “Let’s make terror the order of the day!” The reign of terror followed. The reign of terror ends when the Remainers start turning on each other by accusing each other of being in the pay of Brexiteers, Trump, Russians, Jews or any other hated hobgoblin. The leader then dies like either Robespierre, Mussolini, Hitler or Stalin. Only then do we leave the European Union.
Interesting Richard – all these talking heads who know what we “need” rather than what we want.
If a proper brexit does not happen I think we are all much closer to some form of totalitarian government than most of us realise. We will not be given the opportunity to make such a major decision again. In some ways the brexit vote was more of a “wake up call” for our enemies than it was for much of the population, who still seem to think we live in a liberal democracy and it will all work out OK in the end.
The majority of the BBC led MSM are pretty much all singing from the same progressive hymn sheet,
Alternative media and voices are being shut down.
The judiciary and in particular the police force have become increasingly politiscised.
Brexit is only the first step in our escape from “Oceania” There is much work to do, and none of it will be easy, as the progressive/cultural marxist tumour runs very deep.
Today it’s transport – the world will end on the south coast . I don’t get it though because we are also told by Project Fear that large numbers of people will starve to death from shortages . Stuff will not get to Blighty so the lorries won’t be needed .
All those EU lorry drivers can go home and get a job in their booming economies …..
Toady is also concerned about Boris meeting the krauts and frogs . I just hope that he gets told that these two enemy governments will refuse extending A50 again thus cutting off another line of remainer desperation .
Bias by omission
The on,one press seem vexed by minor royals using 11 private flights in a couple of weeks or so – yet the BBC doesn’t seem to cover it – yet when it comes to a 16 year old girl with mental issues they’ll report every time she goes to the loo.
I care about neither and celebrate the burning of hydrocarbons via aircraft because I’m a climate change denier .
Just as in 1914, the Brexit buildup is making calamity feel inevitable
[The Guardian exaggerate, surely not.]
The Damascene moment remainers hoped for shows no sign of coming, and disaster feels all too predictable
[The treason plan of the hard left may fail and we traitors are devastated.]
… the nation’s course irreversibly changed by a combination of cultural complacency, political pomposity, bogus patriotism …
[After fourty+ years of being lied to British people have had enough. We have seen the hard left global future and it
does not work (yet again), we are leaving.]
… converged on disaster.
Sometimes a weight of bad choices already made presses down on politicians …
[the author includes some Shakespeare here to demonstrate how clever he is.]
The choice was between propping up the corrupt South Vietnamese regime or abandoning it to the Viet Cong. One path led to military quagmire, the other to pillory at home for surrendering Asia to communism.
[Nearly correct, we have had enough Marxist mass murders and we are leaving. This time it is communism which will collapse.]
By the time US national humiliation was complete …
[A totally inapt analogy, the EU enemy is being humiliated, the goodies are winning.]
Brexit is not a military atrocity …
[But the Guardian is now so desperate that the comparison must be made.]
If the European project is rattled by financial crisis and fractured by vandalistic nationalism …
[Any problems in the EU and the British are to blame, at least the patriots are. No introspection whatsoever, no extrospection either, the hard left determination to see only a pure, innocent, EU is lovely to behold. The EU, which should have been strangled at birth, is now moribund and hundreds of millions of Europeans are delighted.]
… it might still take many years for the foolishness of Britain’s self-relegation to be accepted as fact.
[It will take forever in the Guardian.]
Pro-Europeans must hope that there is a way back …
[Non democrats, liars, traitors and cowards not facing reality.]
I hope I am wrong. But already it feels as if decisions not yet taken this autumn are shrouded in a mist of inevitability …
[At least one Guardian journalist has scraped the bottom of its mendacity barrel without finding any more lies, tricks, treasonous MPs or corrupt judiciary to stop Brexit. Behr started with a comparison of WW1 and Brexit. I think it is more like the 1929 stock market crash, hopefully millions of lefties will start jumping out of skyscraper windows.]
Last chance –
Sorry – I don’t know if it’s me but your most seems almost unreadable . Which bit is the comment and which bit is your ?
I read the frankly ridiculous Behr piece you linked to and quite frankly the man needs help with his hysteria over pseudo historic comparisons with brexit . vietnam ? The assassination of franz Ferdinand ? What bilge . He left out the bit about the British voting to leave the EUReich . It is choice – not accident .
If he is looking for a historic parallel – the Battle of Britain is nearer because that was the last time the German s attempted to dominate Britain – and failed – and i don’t say that from a jingoistic standpoint . Their intention is to construct a fourth Reich according to the directions of Germany and we won’t have it .
I occasionally listen to the Rush Limbaugh show on u tube and yesterday’s show was very interesting. Rush was highlighting a story about the New York Times which has begun a series of articles in which it claims that the USA has only achieved its world dominant position on the backs of slavery. Apparently this series of articles is going to last for a year and will appear in every aspect of the NYT output, business, news, travel , arts and sport. Mr Limbaugh believes, rightly, that the long term goal is to undermine American society and for this re writing of American history to be taken into American schools etc.
I e mailed the show explaining that the current CEO of the NYT is Mark Thompson ex DG if the BBC and that this was the approach taken by the corporation for the last thirty years with regard to the UK, re write our history, undermine our self regard, despise our culture and ultimately destroy our country . The only difference between the NYT , under the leadership of Thompson and the BBC is that the Americans aren’t forced to pay for the NYT under threat of imprisonment .
Toady watch
Sopel is presenting Toady – suggesting that the regular propagandists such as meeshhaalll and Tourette’s Robinson are on their holidays back in Cuba for a Marxism refresher .
Sopel talked to some one worked for a bush who suggested POTUS didn’t want to go to Denmark because Obama would be there at the same time – so he offered to buy Greenland from the Danes .
I wonder what Greenlanders think ? There are 60000 of them . They live in Nuuk – the capital . I looked it up . It’s the silly season .
Sometimes I wish I lived in Greenland . I wonder if they do Grexit ?
“Sopel is presenting Toady – suggesting that the regular propagandists such as meeshhaalll and Tourette’s Robinson are on their holidays back in Cuba for a Marxism refresher .”
I imagine the usual culprits are taking counseling. At their employers expense needless to say. The human being cannot take/give hours of daily propaganda without that affecting their health. I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of these people suffered PTSD when (?) we extricate ourselves from the EU. Just think of the void that will exist in their narrow minds. Marriage breakups? Certainly mental health problems at the least.
“Greenland originally joined the then-European Community with Denmark in 1973. At that time Greenland had no autonomy from Denmark, which it gained in 1979. … Greenland left in 1985, following a referendum in 1982 with 53% voting for withdrawal after a dispute over fishing rights.”
Familiar numbers, (53%, three years)? Another people that didn’t know what they were voting for?
The offer to buy Greenland was an audacious move by Trump but I see a series of ‘investments’ being made in the country, by the USA, if the claims of vast mineral deposits are true.
Arrogant, aggressive, abusive, intrusive, interrupting constantly, trying only to score points, Humph uses Toady to attack Robert Jenrick in his ‘interview’ with him. Humph sounds like an amateur, no – worse than an amateur. In Portsmouth, a LimpDumb has said that government has given them too little money for Brexit preps. Well, he would, wouldn’t he..? From Humph, zero attempt to elicit information, discuss calmly and constructively, pure ‘rip Boris’ stuff instead.
Toady really needs to be squashed. scaramu
Sopel has probably recruited Anthony Scaramucci, whom he interviews in order to hammer Trump. Scaramucci
talks about ‘Amendment 25’ – that Trump is mentally unstable and should be impeached. He is a former Trump employee , with an axe to grind. Is he now, attached by umbilical cord to Sopel? Money flowing in from beeb?
But he is not the only one. Sopel has found a former ambassador to parrot the line that Trump is out of order/mad? to want to buy Greenland.
Toady has a narrow agenda. It needs to be squashed.
Fedup – Thanks, left that out. I take your overall point, but there is a principle here. I don’t need the ‘off switch’ today, I need a pen.
Almost the whole of Toady now seems to function – as we on this site expected- as an attack dog against Boris and Trump. Humph does really primitive interviews to attack the former. Sopel has possibly recruited Scaramucci to unleash against Trump. His interviewing technique is more sophisticated than Humph’s.
Sopel asks questions that sound as if they may be sympathetic to a Trump action. Of course, they’re no such thing. They allow the answerer to deny any such thing, and point out how nuts and weird Trump actually is …the impeachment game, directly supported by the bbc! Unvelievable!
We should be writing and complaining, explaining that WE WILL NOT PAY BBC POLL TAX in order to have a foreign leader impeached and constantly character-assassinated. This level of bias has gone beyond a joke,
The so-called reporters on Toady need to be fired and the programme itself abolished. It has become an abomination.
Fake – I like throwing that one in when the BBC get a yank spokesman for something – the yank is invariably connected to the democrats and there is no rebuttal .
As I wrote earlier I listened too long to Toady –
But I was struck by the almost paired subjects – Brexit/ POTUS/ POTUS / brexit as if there is nothing else going on anywhere At All .
Is it because it’s easy ? Specially when the bubble it away on its hols counting down the days until Bercow makes one of those hilarious bombastic speeches about ‘ tradition’ and how great he is .
Don’t you just love the suggestion that the oh so softly spoken and sensible Jeremy Corbyn might head a government of ‘national unity’ to ‘bring the country together’. Or Caroline Lucas. Or dear old Ken Clarke.
If this isnt absolute proof the the whole anti democratic remainer movement have lost the plot i don’t know what is.
Panda – I have been saying for years on this site, that one possibility for the UK is a GNU or, as the Germans call it, a ‘Grand Coalition’. Corbyn and dear old ken Clarke show how the idea is very much alive.
That was because my feeling was that May, modelling herself on Merkel, would do anything to stay in power, regardless. Merkel has used the CDU (less than 30% support) in coalition with the socialist SDP (less than 20%)
to stay afloat forever and a day by way of a GNU. (She actually is a Socialist/Green/Feminist -definitely NOT CDU, but she has had unswerving MSM support -mainly from lotsa wimmin, who help with camouflague She could even be a Stasi plant, a deep agent).
But May turned out to be less cunning than Merkel, and was flushed out by Brexit. Merkel had one great skill (other than ruthlessly disposing of competitors): she often lay low, almost vanishing from view. Her ministers could be set up to take the rap for failures. May couldn’t do that in the Brexit spotlight. (Also, we Brits are not as naïve and guilt-ridden as the Germans; we got rid of our Merkel)
The GNU game is till being played, though. Like the grand Coalition in Germany, it is a device to ENSURE THE EU stays in the driving seat.
We shall see what Boris achieves. Poor old Jerry doesn’t have a Boris (or a Farage, or a UKIP) anywhere in sight. There is only a Macron, just across the border, waiting to latch on to German money and take over political leadership in the EU as the national numero uno, via ‘ever closer and deeper integration’.
History is still with us. Different setting, different flags. But really, it’s all about how the ‘big three’ are aligning in Europe.
Government of National Unity. =GNU
Germany’s (The Grand Coalition) is an example. Putting one together under her own leadership has been a Merkel skill (with massive media support). She will get together with anyone to stay tops. My own suspicion is that the powerful Greens would be a favourite, should the socialist SPD falter even further.
There is one stated exception: the AfD of course, even though they represent what the CDU did, twenty/thirty years ago, before Merkel hijacked them to gain power. Now they are suddenly ‘far right’ (in Germany that has flavours of guess who?).
So Merkel will virtue signal frantically on this one, as will the top movers and shakers in her party, all wimmin, and all handpicked Merkel clones. Head of intelligence service, Maassen, was recently sacked by Merkel for saying something mildly nice -open to interpretation- about the AfD. her successor as CDU Genl Sec wants Maassen chucked out of the party.
Gives you a flavour of what the EU will be like under Merkel buddy, Ursula v d Leyen. Authoritarian. Fascist?
Dear Winston Smith from the Memory Hole Department,
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
**imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group**
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019} https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-49298720
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Terrorism: “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Seems your article might want to mention the UN definition of genocide and also mention it to the Anti-natalists.
The anti-natalist viewpoint clearly hasn’t got through to Tesco. Plenty of posters in the children’s clothing section of my local branch showing smiling babies – exclusively black babies, that it is, so perhaps it’s a matter of having the ‘right type’ of babies. In fact, the whole store looks like it is has been transferred from Nigeria, Jamaica or the mind of a BBC Director. Perhaps the UN definition of genocide should be updated to include propaganda that promotes ethnic replacement.
P.S. Other supermarkers are available, as they say.
Fantastic uniforms for manic mornings. All our uniform come with a ????-day guarantee, not to mention a pocket-friendly price, so you know your kids will always look their very best #EveryLittleHelps. T&Cs: Available in selected Extras and Superstores. Subject to availability. pic.twitter.com/dIUFFEWV3n
And they chose a coloured child, however her legs do look rather white? Suppose this is to be expected with the propaganda of multiculturalism & diversity. Who are they kidding, not the majority of white people who were the first peoples to settle in this land.
BBC prog about a bunch of Syrians who have settled on the Isle of Bute-what on earth were the authorities thinking by bringing those that follow the teachings of Islam into a small very Scottish community. It was of course show how these Syrians had settled setting up a Barbers shop, a take away shop and all have got jobs?-if as these Syrian people stated they had nothing when they arrived on Bute, where one might ask did the money come from to set up these businessses, to ensure supplies, to pay the council tax and business rates and so on. What cost was it to the council to supply interpreters as few if any spoke English-the prog was a wonderful piece of propaganda, emphasing how very sad we all are for what is happening in their country and kind and wonderful of Britain in supporting these supposed asylum seekers. Yet we have those who have served in our military never really shown the thanks from this nation-if it had not been for Charities like ‘Help the Hero’s’ these poor vetrans of the British Military would be in a worst state. Believe me that in supporting as we have the introduction of thousands of immigrants into the UK and indeed Millions into Europe, the destruction of our way of life will die as more of the other culture’s from the Third World infiltrate year after year and there are literally millions swaming towards the Med coast of Africa right now.
Anyone watch Breakfast – what a load of tosh – could only stomach it for 5 mins. They now sit around and read selected headlines from the newspapers..journalism at its best.
Of course the big headline is how the NHS wil be ruined by US trade deals…then a POTUS knocking discussion. We pay them for this!!
Then in car..R4 and they are still banging on about bloody chlorinated chicken..and GM crops….anyone would think a free trade deal with the USA was a bad thing if you listen to the BBC..
lasted 4 minutes…
I like to watch a bit just to keep my blood pressure up – but it s getting less and less..It is just sad when you think there used to be intelligent balanced debate and well crafted comedy on the BBC
Much is being made of the ‘absurdity’ of the suggestion to buy a country – Greenland – by the usual preachers and proselytisers with no knowledge, or more likely, acceptance of history.
If they had any such awareness they would be able to cite the Louisiana Purchase, from France in 1803 and the Alaskan Purchase, from Russia in 1867, but that would limit the amount of potential Trump Sopelism so, as usual, it’s best to ignore reality.
Radio Lincs local news “Donald Trump has cancelled a state visit to Denmark, because it’s Prime Minister won’t sell him Greenland.”
.. Sounds like absolute tosh.
Has Trump cancelled a state visit ?
Why ? Trump Tweeted
Denmark is a very special country with incredible people,
but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland,
I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time.
I don’t read that as Trump saying he seriously wanted to buy Greenland
..cos for a start it is an independent country
I read it as Trump made a private joke and the PM decided to put out PR mocking him saying he was serious.
Or that Trump wanted to get out of the meeting and deliberately threw out a weird explanation for the media to go crazy about.
I am very pleased that Amy Satterthwaite and Amy Lea Tahuau
two New Zealand cricketers are going to have a baby. But
honestly BBC is this news worth major coverage on your website?
All it is is virtue signalling. It’s the virtue signalling we see day after
day after day on the BBC.Give us a break!!
Al beeb informs us that Barcelona is experiencing a crime wave.
‘Coincidentally’ there has been a parallel spike in illegal migrants from North Africa.
Local residents know exactly who is behind the crime wave and have even formed vigilante patrols.
The beeb naturally chooses to look the other way, and does what it does best when faced with an inconvenient truth:
1) Obfuscate with confusing statistics and theories: “But while the authorities and the police acknowledge that the Catalan capital is struggling to cope with this trend, they do not see one clear cause driving it.”
2) Quote sources with the same agenda to misinform as themselves: “Statistics supporting Mr Fernández’s claim do not appear to be available and city hall, led by the leftist mayor Ada Colau, says no such link should be made.
“The presence of these unaccompanied minors in Barcelona is a social problem,” says a city hall source. “[But] we never associate their presence here with the increase in crime.”
3) Blame the authorities: The legislative and judicial powers are not managing to provide a response to a specific problem in our society… The current legal framework… offers a degree of impunity to professional thieves.
So you can read the article and come out none the wiser as to who’s behind the wave of often violent street crime, pick-pocketing, mugging and drug wars.
Barcelona’s left-wing activist mayor appointed as her director of comms Agueda Banon — an activist and visual artist known for something called either ‘alternative pornography’ or ‘post-pornography’ (take your pick).
There are pictures of her urinating standing up in the street (I won’t post here). As she’s literally pissing on Barcelona’s streets I don’t imagine their approach to crime being up to much.
BBC don’t do cause and effect unless it is the Far Right, Brexit or white supremacists..anything else would smack of good journalism and the truth – but we can’t have that can we?
Looking forward to the Tory Conference. I wonder if Priti Patel will support her cops when they escort this lot to harass the Conference Delegates as they did over Tommy Robinson’s supporters. Remember, these thugs will attack children and old people. Remember that Priti.
From the UAF’s blurb. Remember David Cameron is a founder member of this lot.
Thousands of anti-austerity and anti-racist campaigners are set to to descend on the Tory Party conference in Manchester on Sunday 29 September. The protest has been called by the People’s Assembly. Whoever becomes Tory Party leader we are going to see the Tories use the Brexit crisis to impose more austerity. They are also continuing with their racist “hostile environment” for migrants and the scapegoating of refugees and the Muslim community. Boris Johnson’s Islamophobic description of Muslim women as “letter boxes” was a disgrace. Jeremy’s Hunt supported Donald Trump’s attacks on London mayor Sadiq Khan and his retweeting of far right Katie Hopkin’s attack on “Londonistan”. We can see the racist direction the Tories are heading in. If you reject the politics of racist divide and rule join us. No to racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.
Oh Dear! The Soros checkbook has been out again. (That’s the one labelled, “Marxism”).
I bet that if I researched this bunch of Marxist/islamic loonies, I’d find his name somewhere. http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/supporters
I wonder if Priti Patel will support her cops when they escort this lot to harass the Conference Delegates as they did over Tommy Robinson’s supporters. Remember, these thugs will attack children and old people. Remember that Priti.
Well said G.W.F. – worth repeating, again and again and again – until the penny finally drops.
1. No online abuse, unless it’s quite funny.
2. When online, no virtual touching of a knee – especially historically.
3. Have a loff – ideally at someone else’s expense.
4. No political posts please.
Members should also share our core values:
1. We don’t really like politics.
2. We don’t like Political Correctness, because it has the word Political in it, and it’s usually not correct. We prefer instead the old-fashioned concept of ‘common sense’. Political Correctness is also damaging comedy, which is a centuries’ old tradition and far more important than the latest progressive identity politics fad.
3. We won’t tolerate people who are intolerant.
4. If something is saft we will say it is.
5. People who take offence too easily are usually offensive.
New from PR trickeryland, where you can make absolutely wild claims which have no connection with the REAL world
As our country enters into a crisis like never before, we are retreating into a new kind of tribalism.
So pleased that I am finally in the last stages of
writing my book this summer, Tribes. ………….. #DireTribe http://tidd.ly/315f030e
If you haven’t already guessed the name of that tweeter-holic
..you won’t be surprised
61 likes from half million followers
oops I meant to put that quote in italics As our country enters into a crisis like never before, we are retreating into a new kind of tribalism.
So pleased that I am finally in the last stages of
writing my book this summer, Tribes. http://tidd.ly/315f030e
Brexit was the fifth news item. This surprised me as to how it had fallen in the BBC charts.
The Brexit feature related to Boris visiting Macron and Merkel to see who would blink first.
The BBC then interviewed a German who was the former UK ambassador. He stated that the backstop was there to prevent terrorism, save lives and to save Ireland from being ‘thrown under a bus’. This of course was not challenged by the interviewer. Had he been Lord Farage, he wouldn’t have been allowed to finish a sentence.
Low-key stuff from the BBC. Are they through gritted teeth, now beginning to accept the inevitable?
Jeremy Vine is shocked to learn that things are made out of naturally occuring materials!
“Why can’t they be synthesised?”
With what dear Jeremy? Unicorn droppings?
(If these elements are so rare might it be a good idea to hold on to old ‘technology’ until such time as a) they are desperate and b) we can be sure that they will be recycled, not shredded and dumped in the Indian Ocean?)
A a straight person I find it intimidation & discrimination that when I log onto a Twitter search, under a headline “For You” it chooses to yet againn push a Trans story at me
Do pro Israeli stories appear first on the blank search page for Islamic people ..marked “For You” ?
Wednesday : I log onto Twitter search and under the headline "For You" #TwitterBias is pushing a BBC3 trans transvestite show at me Ru Paul's Drag race pic.twitter.com/xMIIf0Uo2a
How exciting it is to be told every day by the BBC about some transgendered person finding love and happiness. I wonder if she would tell us all how she obtains sexual gratification, with a dildo,
a hand, or some other means. Oh do tell. On second thoughts, can’t these people keep their personal lives to themselves. We are not interested.
Tv1 news on beeb is taking us to Hamburg. Brexit will cause fish price rises. Hamburg also worries about aviation, cos Airbus wings come from Wales and Hamburg needs them. Germany not happy.
Beeb says, Germany will not change its stance on Brexit. Ian Watson says the Boris/Merkel meeting will be ‘convivial’. Privately there will be heat – don’t wait for UK parliament to shoot ‘no-deal’ down, is Boris’ message, and the Frauenfuehrer won’t like it.
Jenny Hill says that Mr Johnson is putting Britain first, so expect Merkel to put the EU first. We would never have guessed.
It cannot be ruled out that, with her reckless border opening of 2015, Merkel herself swung enough votes to give LEAVE the majority in the referendum. So she should blame herself for Brexit. Like with everything else she touches, she has stuffed up. Examine anything from power supply to allowing Erdogan control of the ‘Balkan route’ (in return for E 6billion). Stuff ups everywhere. No media criticism.
TV1 news also has a message about 210,000 homeless children in the UK.
Those that we do see (and hear complaining loudly with outrage at our poor hospitality) are -well, exactly what we would have expected…
Can think of a few Lords and MPs who would be keen to virtue signal and increase that particular number greatly.
And then complain about child homelessness.
As someone on this site pointed out, poor appreciation of cause and effect, is rampant.
Agree faken, what should have been said but of course wouldn’t be is; If you don’t like what you have here and be thankful then bugger off back to your own country. I am sick of the British media et al continually advertsing the case for those people, mainly Muslims that have have been graciously accepted into our land and been given in most cases more in support terms than those indig peoples. Liberalism at work-destruction is its aim.
Only the middle class liberal elite, the Labour Party and the EU, using their media mouthpiece – the BBC – would think that the Irish, like the working classes, are so bereft of any morals that they would start murdering again, if there was a problem with the Irish border. It’s the same as suggesting that the unemployed quickly take to crime, or that knife attacks are the result of boredom. It clearly illustrates though, the complete and utter contempt they have for anyone beyond their bubble.
New religious brainwashing with “Young, Welsh and Pretty Religious”, showing in familiar dumbed down BBC style how equal religions are and have so much in common.
Four diverse followers — Christian, Jew, Hare Krishna and Muslim — all bonding and laughing with equal joy which are visible throughout the clips (well technically three smiles and one ‘don’t know’)
Why has the woman on the right got a partially opened pedal bin on her head – has she got bad halitosis or worse affliction? Maybe she should seek treatment, they can do wonders these days.
I sometimes think I am paranoid. BUT could any of you help me
with what I think is a new BBC agenda? Am I seeing things ?
But more and more when I see a member of the general public
being interviewed . Be it on the beach in Bournemouth. Outside
a railway station. On topics like street crime. Or like today on
living in converted containers, we see a lady in a burqa being the
first one on our screen to be interviewed.
The BBC agenda is to try and convince the indigenous population that having millions of aliens with strange customs and incompatible culture is quite normal and ok. It’s part of the softening up process to continue to aid the great replacement project as it moves into a phase where it can no longer be hidden from the public, simply because there are so many of the invaders here already. Once they get through this phase , perhaps lasting a couple of decades, without the replacement policy being rejected it will too late for anyone to stop it and Britain will no longer exist.
Foscari – “Agenda”, in a word. Very little we see or hear now is real news or balanced content. Narrative is all.
The most blatant and unsubtle propaganda, serving a socio-political agenda, is almost a constant.
On the beeb, the same messages are hammered in over and over again.
Caught the beginning of the Media Show on R4 a few minutes ago, topic : advertisers blacklisting of key words (we should really get up to date and call that ‘whitelisting’) with which they did not want to have their product associated -negative connotations. Presenter eager to point out ‘racism’ ‘immigration’ and ‘Trump’. It took him only moments to add ‘Farage’ to that list.
This happens consistently, across programmes: Steve Punt in a ‘joke’ during a Quiz on R4 will do the now compulsory negative quip about Trump or Farage. It will come up in Science, History, Cooking -you name it.
Seldom-if ever- a Corbyn, Swinson, Bercow or Lammy, unless the programme is politics.
Doublethinker has outlined perfectly what that agenda/narrative is.
The still interesting question remains ‘why?’. Historically, self-destruction on a grand scale was never exactly popular. Why, I can remember a time when, if you didn’t have the right visa, you were turned back at a border, no matter if you had the return ticket and a stash of cash. ‘Migrant’? Don’t make me laugh!
What was it that happened in the sixties/seventies…?
More right than most can appreciate-Millions literally millions of peoples from Africa, and Middle East are on the move towards Europe-the Naval fleets of all EU countries have to be placed into the waters of the Med to push the mass immigration invasion back to their own shores. The leaders of those African countries have to be held to account and clearly understand that Europe will not take anymore immigrants no matter what. The result otherwise, as has been pointed out will be the destruction, of Christian Europe as we know it-certainly our grandchildren will be the ones to suffer.
Twitter announced on Monday it had removed 936 accounts it said belonged to a state-backed Chinese effort to sow discord and undermine protests in Hong Kong.
The accounts taken down represented “the most active portions of this campaign”, the company said.
I find it utterly distasteful that the morally entitled, in this case Stuart Heaver of the Independent have suddenly forgotten how they have been systematically berating the UK for it’s Colonial past only to try to take a kick at Boris for not wading in to assist the protesters in the once UK Colony of Hong Kong.
It was elitists in Parliament who were responsible for colonialism. Elitists refused to give representation to the colonies, the Americans were the first to revolt. Only reluctantly did elitists allow representation, but only in separate devolved parliaments, the first being that in Canada. Up to 1931 Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland and Ireland were devolved. The first fully independent Republics since America came after the war. First Burma on 4 January 1948, then Ireland on 18 April 1949 and then India on 26 January 1950.
But the elitists in Parliament are now responsible for refusing to restore democracy to Britain and give representation to the British people in the House of Lords.
So its not the British people who are responsible for the ills of the past. No, the ills of the past and present are the fault of all those elitist remainer scumbags in Parliament.
Iran games shouting spy.
An expat Iranian works in the UK for 10 plus years
One tine went back to Iran on holiday.
Iranian government arrested her saying cos she worked from British Council (in the UK) she is a spThey confirmed a 10 year sentence on her.
A UK resident has lost her final appeal against a ten-year jail sentence for spying.
Aras Amiri, 34, an Iranian citizen with permanent residency in the UK where she lived for ten years, was arrested last year as she visited her sick grandmother in Tehran. The Iranian government accused her of spying for the British Council, for which she worked promoting Iranian culture and art in the UK.
Sorry for her but the BCs job is not promote Iran in Britain
so her job does seem to be counter Iranian government propaganda.. So i can see how they could try to claim that’s like spying.
I love the gullibility of Muslim women when they believe the narrative that wearing the veil is empowering. I bet their husbands, brothers and fathers just can’t believe their luck that they live in a country that supports their misogyny.
In the West it is empowering. They get to choose to speak to you or not. No identity checks, no need for make-up, and the rest of us have a legal obligation to treat them with maximum respect, or else.
I suspect it is the younger women that see it that way, they are revolting against their parents’ soft Islam. The older women, with children, probably are ‘persuaded’ to cover up.
Not quite BBC but Piers Morgan , not someone I have much time for ( I don’t watch ITV) has a really good 2 minute rant on Twitter about the effect of ‘ snow flake culture ‘ and the reaction to it ….
Upandatem – I expect they would be able to feel just how “empowered” they really if they try and attend Friday “prayers” and remove it in front of all of the “faithful”
On another note I was given a sharp reminder today as to why I listen to R4 far less than I used to.
I tuned in when they were broadcasting an extract from “the Coventry essays” by Rachael Cusk . It seemed to be about manners and politeness, I thought I wonder where this will go (bearing in mind it was on R4)
Well she told us about a racist white immigration officer at the airport who was rude to the serene black woman , whilst being nice to her white friend. Moral of story being -“all whites in authority are racist”
Next story was brexit related, She then told us about how ignorant, rude and unthinking leavers were in comparison to the surprised elite. The extract at the end telling us that at the same time as the brexit vote “a poor polish man was beaten to death by a gang of white racist thugs” for speaking Polish.
As far as I can tell there was no correction that the man in question was beaten to death by a black lad.
Still thats the BBC for you, never the truth get in the way of the narrative.
Time I think for me to have a proper “away from the BBC” holiday.
the new editorial in JAHA
talks about the new Ferry et al paper that says that mens and womens symptoms are very similar in 9 out of 10 cases
\\ Presenting Symptoms in Men and Women Diagnosed With Myocardial Infarction Using Sex‐Specific Criteria // https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.119.013739
”#Women with typical chest pain should be triaged for #ACS therapies similarly to #men & associated symptoms taken seriously. Clinicians should not forget that the major source of mortality in women is #heart disease.” @JAHA_AHAhttps://t.co/h08lIRHCqF
#ManFiles a media codeword
Most media are using the word “man” on this
and someone might confirm that back in March it was called a “far right” attack
Windows of the mosques were smashed on the evening of 20 March and into the morning of 21 March. Arman Rezazadeh, aged 34, from Greenhill Road, Handsworth was detained under the Mental Health Act, but has now been deemed fit to charge.
Deeply concerning & distressing to see number of mosques have been vandalised in Birmingham overnight
Deeply concerning & distressing to see number of mosques have been vandalised in Birmingham overnight. @WMPolice are investigating motive but let me be clear – hateful behaviour has absolutely no place in our society & will never be accepted https://t.co/G9EFerOt9W
OK if you shout “false flag after every attack that does make you a conspiracy theorist.
However one should always consider whether an attack is a false flag.
Look at the way so many reported violence at a Tommy Rally turns out to false flag, either media failing to make clear that those arrested were antifa, or no reporting antifa violence or it turning out that antifa infiltrators came in to provoke a TR supporter ton throw a punch thus getting the photo they want.
When i checked to see if anyone had mentioned false flag at the time of the Ball Bearings attacks there was one mention.
A website which seems to take its inspiration from the banned US far right site Stormfront
The way things work this https://dailystormer.name might be a police front.
The tweet is dated the day after the attack.
UK: Mosque Windows Smashed! Saxon Awakening or Moslem False Flag? – Daily Stormer https://t.co/gxFueaA5k9
Times Gladwell debunked
A decade ago the author Malcolm Gladwell argued that the key to achieving elite levels of performance lay in putting in 10,000 hours of practice
Actually many people saw from the beginning that his book was narrative trumping truth from the beginning as he was full of Confirmation Bias.
Another lefty full of wishful thinking.
A quick check says people said it was debunked in 2013
As with most things its not groundless
eg Beatles did do a lot of practice in the Cavern and Hamburg, but they were geniuses as well.
Elite, hmm, elite A levels now apparently require a mark of 54% for an A grade, and how much of that, probably half or more is achieved through course work using Google, so in any exam taken, if such a thing exists now with all the “stress” it puts our snowflake millenials under, 30% will probably suffice for an A grade
If your mother forced to keep going to night class, over and over again to try and get an English A level. And then a selection panel at Oxford asked you about having everything necessary except an English A level, and you said “I am doing it at night class”. Then you could get into Oxford without an A level in English in the 1970’s.
Man, 30, is charged with brandishing a knife and hammer near a Home Office building just DAYS after government worker was stabbed in a separate incident
Members of the public raised alarm after man with knife ‘made death threats’
Oluwaleke Yisa, 30, of Deptford, has been charged with weapons offences
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Its the 21 August 2019 and we are still in the EU ?
Despite voting to leave in 2016 .
72 days until the next extension of Article 50 . First again Taffman ….
– 4 pm Tuesday we started page 3
– Before that page 2
If you want to use Inoreader to follow the new comments on this blog
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One advantage with Inoreader is that is has a Feed Settings button at the top
And you can set comments to appear NEWEST first
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Stew -thanks for that post -so much goes on its easy to miss good stuff
Great idea. Can’t find the Feed Settings button at the top. Any more information? I’m on a Mac.
@Spiderman : i sometimes says “Folder Settings”

Many thanks.
“Brexit: No-deal plan threatens UK fuel plants”
“While a flood of cheaper imports could initially mean lower fuel prices for consumers, the industry says relying on foreign suppliers will ultimately lead to higher prices.”
Silly me, and I thought most of our fuel was “foreign” ?
The cost of producing a litre of fuel is less than 30p. The retailer’s margin (profit) is around 5p. Most of the cost is tax: fuel duty is 57.95p a litre and VAT accounts for 20-25p a litre, depending on the final retail price. There is enormous scope for the government to tinker with the tax levels to cushion any possible impact. Or perhaps we should just import more “foreign” fuel. Maybe from Europe’s 2nd largest refinery, the one at Rotterdam. Oh wait – that’s owned by BP…
How depressing 30p a litre – is that the source of the Money Tree every politician seems to be shaking these days ?
@Ian So the EU base price is 30p per litre
and the world tariff free price is 28.5p
a 1.5p difference
The cliche runs :
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
If you don’t have evidence that something does exist
that does not mean you have evidence that it doesn’t exist.
But you have to define the terms for that
cos in the Case of Owen Jones
The absence of proper context evidence for his attack is as fishy as heck
… Only one witness speaks , Owen himself
no CCTV produced , kicks to the head, but only evidence is photos of scratches on a paunchy stomach.
Come on
This reminds me of this mathematical theory of logic based on the creation of plus one and minus one from nothing proving the existence of God as being everything that is not nothing. Although it doesn’t prove whether God is intelligent or an inanimate object.
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
If you don’t have evidence that God does exists
that does not mean you have evidence that God doesn’t exist
If nothing should exist then everything that is not nothing is evidence that God exists
Therefore God is everything that exists
And Richard – perhaps that one exists in order to question the existence of God proves that God Exists – and is amused by human kind questioning existence … now the weather …
Thou wouldst not seek me if thou hadst not found me.
Unicorns, dragons, moon made of cheese, etc don’t exist, therefore they do exist.
I want to see the unicorns defending the brie moon from the cheese eating dragons
EDS Beware of the Soup Dragon.
Good evening.
I posted this in the last thread but going to post it here as I have questions that no one seems to known the answer to.
First: Does Boris now actually have a more viable reason for No Deal? He tried to negotiate but they refused. Does this mean he can walk away without being told that he made no effort?
Second. Rumour has it this week that he is signing an act repealing EU law most likely this week. If so what does this mean? Does this set the fact that we are leaving in stone? If so would that be the reason why the BBC are choosing to remain quiet on this news as they do not wish to weaken the moral of remainers?
Thirdly I have read sources stating that Johnson is pulling officials out of the EU by the end of the month. Is he serious about leaving? A lot of signs are pointing to yes but of course the BBC would rather it be a no
Smoogie ,
Well Theresa May , the worst Prime Minister ever looked as though she wasn’t putting much effort into Brexit.
But perhaps the best strategy is to really put no effort into it ie; walk away .
If Boris breaks EU laws and stops payments, then the EU will have no option but to throw Britain out. Repealing EU laws and pulling officials out of the EU could be ideas learnt after studying the Lisbon Treaty about ways of how to get thrown out of the EU. Brexit MEP’s could help by throwing custard pies at Remainers in EU buildings.
Some answers?
Modern legislation is stuffed with provision for Statutory Instruments. Parliament can pass a law but it might not come into effect until a minister wants to use the power and that requires an SI. Because the legislation is already passed the SI doesn’t need to be approved by parliament.
A good explanation of the situation.
Very interesting and straight to the point. No bias and no one there to interrupt him
Why throw custard pies when there’s battery acid, is something a comedien might say
Jeff Taylor on Bitchute
Keep an eye on Jeff Taylor. I find his appraisals pretty accurate.
He’s normally on the ball.
Jeff Taylor on Bitchute
“Our friends in the EU” (ahem) are continuing to play hard ball because they know we have an overwhelmingly remainer parliament. The EU can afford to hang on until the holidays are over to see what mischief these parasites can inflict on our negotiations. We’re being betrayed by the very people we pay to represent us. We have modern day fifth columnists sitting in the house of Commons and propagandising for them on the BBC…
If we look at the facts rationally, parliament has rejected their atrocious backstop offer three times. But still our remain contingent in parliament insist that they won’t let us leave “without a deal.”
Seeing as the the only deal on offer is totally unacceptable and the only sane alternative is to walk away, one would have thought that going to WTO was sensible, but no…
What the remainers are actually saying is (in old fashioned honest English) No to “the backstop”, no to “no deal”…we’re staying.
And in response to that I say (politely)…
Foxtrot Oscar.
@StandUp4Brexit 11h11 hours ago
“One thing that complicates the picture is that our EU friends still clearly think that there is a possibility that Parliament will block Brexit. As long as they think [that] they’re unlikely to be minded to make the concessions that we need.“ @BorisJohnson
@StandUp4Brexit 20h20 hours ago
“Boris has got to show the EU that it is the settled will of this Govt that we are leaving on the 31st Oct. Obviously that’s not clear to quite a few MPs, and they are encouraging the EU to believe this is another hoax” @johnredwood
Betrayed is quite correct, however could these traiterous MP’s face 17.4 million people who voted LEAVE-I very much doubt it, in any event most will lose their seats nect time aroun-hopefully.
It puzzles me why the Remainer majority in the HoC didn’t vote for May’s WA. It left us in the EU but without a vote and perfectly positioned to rejoin as a full member when they judged the time to be ripe. I can only think that they thought they could kill Brexit altogether and that we wouldn’t even leave on the sham deal which had been ‘negotiated’ . Perhaps they are right and the Remainers will oust Boris and form a new government which scraps Brexit altogether. Anything is possible at the moment. But the damage that such a manoeuvre would do to our democracy would be enormous. No matter how many lies the BBC et al tried to ram down our throats about it being democracy in action and all for the best , I think that millions of people will vote for TBP at the first opportunity . Nigel may not become PM but he will have a large number of MPs and MEPs behind him. As the Remainers have shown contempt for democracy I think that Leavers should show contempt for the Remainer government and mount a large scale coordinated programme of continued civil disobedience designed to bring the government and its institutions to their knees.
“Vitamin D: Add ‘sunshine vitamin’ to flour, study says”
What is the real reason for this additive, we have managed without it until now ?
“Things like sun cream, air pollution and full-body clothing often stop people’s skin from naturally making the vitamin in the sun”.
Who on earth wears full-body clothing on a sunny day?
Answer that and the real reason for the suggestion may appear
Put it this way: if the Vitamin D was only added to chapati flour (whole wheat flour or atta, as it’s called in Asian stores) then that would go a long way to resolving the problem.
Odd, isn’t it, looking at a graphic by the bbc that is not like most bbc graphics. For some reason.
Even the BBC doesn’t dare dress its high street of lesbians in hijabs.
I can see at least 2 (two) lesbian couples in that photo.
BBC – every opportunity.
@GuestWho we’ve seen before BBC hiring their graphic designer mates
from https://michaeldriver.co.uk/About-Contact
“Hello! I’m Mike, a London, based freelance illustrator”
Twitter @michaelwdriver
“ UK weather means not all of us get enough of the “sunshine vitamin” between October and April.”
Some of course do not get it all year round, even where it is sunny.
Loitering within tent is not a criminal offence and is actively supported by the BBC.
Breaking news : Anything on Al Beeb about a London bomb threat in block of flats ?
Perhaps their “researchers” will have a look after seeing this post?
If there was news of this it would be dressed up in the ‘ police incident ‘ phrase used in traffic reports which usually means another dead 16 year old – or Owen Jones has been in an alleged ‘ tiff’ outside a pub at 2 in the morning again .
I’m not far from Barking at the moment so if I hear the bang I’ll let you know …
I was asked in the pub what I would do if im held up at the ports after Brexit .
It was hard for me to reign in but I I had to point out that there are next to zero British hauliers going abroad . No job losses there .
Or rather , no British job losses . Mainly Polish and Roumanian jobs put on the line .
Carry On EU
How is the EU going to cope with 20% of its lorry fleet parked on the M2 BBC?
Who will pay the child benefits of all those imaginary East European children BBC?
Where will we get our copies of The Big Issue BBC?
So many questions but no answers.
A government of national unity by the globalist losers of General Elections and Referendums is planned. Made up of collaborators, traitors, quislings and separatists who do not respect democracy because they support the undemocratic European Union which regards democracy as populist, and therefore should be abolished. The members in the Lords fell the same way.
They plan to create imaginary crises such as “No Deal” or “Climate Emergency” using “Project Fear”. They plan to use this to appoint a fascist leader who will promise to save them from falling off a cliff. In the words of Henry Mencken “keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”. The establishment could then use this to declare a “state of emergency”. The emergency could then be used to permanently suspend democracy under emergency laws. These fascist ideas originate from the French revolution with Bertrand Barere saying “Let’s make terror the order of the day!” The reign of terror followed. The reign of terror ends when the Remainers start turning on each other by accusing each other of being in the pay of Brexiteers, Trump, Russians, Jews or any other hated hobgoblin. The leader then dies like either Robespierre, Mussolini, Hitler or Stalin. Only then do we leave the European Union.
Interesting Richard – all these talking heads who know what we “need” rather than what we want.
If a proper brexit does not happen I think we are all much closer to some form of totalitarian government than most of us realise. We will not be given the opportunity to make such a major decision again. In some ways the brexit vote was more of a “wake up call” for our enemies than it was for much of the population, who still seem to think we live in a liberal democracy and it will all work out OK in the end.
The majority of the BBC led MSM are pretty much all singing from the same progressive hymn sheet,
Alternative media and voices are being shut down.
The judiciary and in particular the police force have become increasingly politiscised.
Brexit is only the first step in our escape from “Oceania” There is much work to do, and none of it will be easy, as the progressive/cultural marxist tumour runs very deep.
Vicky Price the criminal was front and centre with Naga to impart their gravitas on the EU negotiation.
Toady Project Fear
Today it’s transport – the world will end on the south coast . I don’t get it though because we are also told by Project Fear that large numbers of people will starve to death from shortages . Stuff will not get to Blighty so the lorries won’t be needed .
All those EU lorry drivers can go home and get a job in their booming economies …..
Toady is also concerned about Boris meeting the krauts and frogs . I just hope that he gets told that these two enemy governments will refuse extending A50 again thus cutting off another line of remainer desperation .
Bias by omission
The on,one press seem vexed by minor royals using 11 private flights in a couple of weeks or so – yet the BBC doesn’t seem to cover it – yet when it comes to a 16 year old girl with mental issues they’ll report every time she goes to the loo.
I care about neither and celebrate the burning of hydrocarbons via aircraft because I’m a climate change denier .
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/21/1914-brexit-calamity-inevitable-remainers @rafaelbehr
Wed 21 Aug 2019 06.00 BST
Just as in 1914, the Brexit buildup is making calamity feel inevitable
[The Guardian exaggerate, surely not.]
The Damascene moment remainers hoped for shows no sign of coming, and disaster feels all too predictable
[The treason plan of the hard left may fail and we traitors are devastated.]
… the nation’s course irreversibly changed by a combination of cultural complacency, political pomposity, bogus patriotism …
[After fourty+ years of being lied to British people have had enough. We have seen the hard left global future and it
does not work (yet again), we are leaving.]
… converged on disaster.
Sometimes a weight of bad choices already made presses down on politicians …
[the author includes some Shakespeare here to demonstrate how clever he is.]
The choice was between propping up the corrupt South Vietnamese regime or abandoning it to the Viet Cong. One path led to military quagmire, the other to pillory at home for surrendering Asia to communism.
[Nearly correct, we have had enough Marxist mass murders and we are leaving. This time it is communism which will collapse.]
By the time US national humiliation was complete …
[A totally inapt analogy, the EU enemy is being humiliated, the goodies are winning.]
Brexit is not a military atrocity …
[But the Guardian is now so desperate that the comparison must be made.]
If the European project is rattled by financial crisis and fractured by vandalistic nationalism …
[Any problems in the EU and the British are to blame, at least the patriots are. No introspection whatsoever, no extrospection either, the hard left determination to see only a pure, innocent, EU is lovely to behold. The EU, which should have been strangled at birth, is now moribund and hundreds of millions of Europeans are delighted.]
… it might still take many years for the foolishness of Britain’s self-relegation to be accepted as fact.
[It will take forever in the Guardian.]
Pro-Europeans must hope that there is a way back …
[Non democrats, liars, traitors and cowards not facing reality.]
I hope I am wrong. But already it feels as if decisions not yet taken this autumn are shrouded in a mist of inevitability …
[At least one Guardian journalist has scraped the bottom of its mendacity barrel without finding any more lies, tricks, treasonous MPs or corrupt judiciary to stop Brexit. Behr started with a comparison of WW1 and Brexit. I think it is more like the 1929 stock market crash, hopefully millions of lefties will start jumping out of skyscraper windows.]
Last chance –
Sorry – I don’t know if it’s me but your most seems almost unreadable . Which bit is the comment and which bit is your ?
I read the frankly ridiculous Behr piece you linked to and quite frankly the man needs help with his hysteria over pseudo historic comparisons with brexit . vietnam ? The assassination of franz Ferdinand ? What bilge . He left out the bit about the British voting to leave the EUReich . It is choice – not accident .
If he is looking for a historic parallel – the Battle of Britain is nearer because that was the last time the German s attempted to dominate Britain – and failed – and i don’t say that from a jingoistic standpoint . Their intention is to construct a fourth Reich according to the directions of Germany and we won’t have it .
My comments are inside square brackets [].
I use italics to show quotes ..(i) ..(/i) in html code
(which uses pointy brackets)
Call me old fashioned, but I would have thought using QUOTATION marks would be the most suitable way. 😉
Clear enough to me.
I occasionally listen to the Rush Limbaugh show on u tube and yesterday’s show was very interesting. Rush was highlighting a story about the New York Times which has begun a series of articles in which it claims that the USA has only achieved its world dominant position on the backs of slavery. Apparently this series of articles is going to last for a year and will appear in every aspect of the NYT output, business, news, travel , arts and sport. Mr Limbaugh believes, rightly, that the long term goal is to undermine American society and for this re writing of American history to be taken into American schools etc.
I e mailed the show explaining that the current CEO of the NYT is Mark Thompson ex DG if the BBC and that this was the approach taken by the corporation for the last thirty years with regard to the UK, re write our history, undermine our self regard, despise our culture and ultimately destroy our country . The only difference between the NYT , under the leadership of Thompson and the BBC is that the Americans aren’t forced to pay for the NYT under threat of imprisonment .
DT – let us know if you get a reply please.
If the diversity-obsessed guilt merchants work across the pond, so should we.
Toady watch
Sopel is presenting Toady – suggesting that the regular propagandists such as meeshhaalll and Tourette’s Robinson are on their holidays back in Cuba for a Marxism refresher .
Sopel talked to some one worked for a bush who suggested POTUS didn’t want to go to Denmark because Obama would be there at the same time – so he offered to buy Greenland from the Danes .
I wonder what Greenlanders think ? There are 60000 of them . They live in Nuuk – the capital . I looked it up . It’s the silly season .
Sometimes I wish I lived in Greenland . I wonder if they do Grexit ?
“Sopel is presenting Toady – suggesting that the regular propagandists such as meeshhaalll and Tourette’s Robinson are on their holidays back in Cuba for a Marxism refresher .”
I imagine the usual culprits are taking counseling. At their employers expense needless to say. The human being cannot take/give hours of daily propaganda without that affecting their health. I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of these people suffered PTSD when (?) we extricate ourselves from the EU. Just think of the void that will exist in their narrow minds. Marriage breakups? Certainly mental health problems at the least.
“Greenland originally joined the then-European Community with Denmark in 1973. At that time Greenland had no autonomy from Denmark, which it gained in 1979. … Greenland left in 1985, following a referendum in 1982 with 53% voting for withdrawal after a dispute over fishing rights.”
Familiar numbers, (53%, three years)? Another people that didn’t know what they were voting for?
The offer to buy Greenland was an audacious move by Trump but I see a series of ‘investments’ being made in the country, by the USA, if the claims of vast mineral deposits are true.
Arrogant, aggressive, abusive, intrusive, interrupting constantly, trying only to score points, Humph uses Toady to attack Robert Jenrick in his ‘interview’ with him. Humph sounds like an amateur, no – worse than an amateur. In Portsmouth, a LimpDumb has said that government has given them too little money for Brexit preps. Well, he would, wouldn’t he..? From Humph, zero attempt to elicit information, discuss calmly and constructively, pure ‘rip Boris’ stuff instead.
Toady really needs to be squashed. scaramu
Sopel has probably recruited Anthony Scaramucci, whom he interviews in order to hammer Trump. Scaramucci
talks about ‘Amendment 25’ – that Trump is mentally unstable and should be impeached. He is a former Trump employee , with an axe to grind. Is he now, attached by umbilical cord to Sopel? Money flowing in from beeb?
But he is not the only one. Sopel has found a former ambassador to parrot the line that Trump is out of order/mad? to want to buy Greenland.
Toady has a narrow agenda. It needs to be squashed.
Fake -you left out the bit that the ambo was a democrat appointed by Obama and thus an enemy of POTUS .
I listened for too long . Enough BBC today .
Fedup – Thanks, left that out. I take your overall point, but there is a principle here. I don’t need the ‘off switch’ today, I need a pen.
Almost the whole of Toady now seems to function – as we on this site expected- as an attack dog against Boris and Trump. Humph does really primitive interviews to attack the former. Sopel has possibly recruited Scaramucci to unleash against Trump. His interviewing technique is more sophisticated than Humph’s.
Sopel asks questions that sound as if they may be sympathetic to a Trump action. Of course, they’re no such thing. They allow the answerer to deny any such thing, and point out how nuts and weird Trump actually is …the impeachment game, directly supported by the bbc! Unvelievable!
We should be writing and complaining, explaining that WE WILL NOT PAY BBC POLL TAX in order to have a foreign leader impeached and constantly character-assassinated. This level of bias has gone beyond a joke,
The so-called reporters on Toady need to be fired and the programme itself abolished. It has become an abomination.
Fake – I like throwing that one in when the BBC get a yank spokesman for something – the yank is invariably connected to the democrats and there is no rebuttal .
As I wrote earlier I listened too long to Toady –
But I was struck by the almost paired subjects – Brexit/ POTUS/ POTUS / brexit as if there is nothing else going on anywhere At All .
Is it because it’s easy ? Specially when the bubble it away on its hols counting down the days until Bercow makes one of those hilarious bombastic speeches about ‘ tradition’ and how great he is .
Don’t you just love the suggestion that the oh so softly spoken and sensible Jeremy Corbyn might head a government of ‘national unity’ to ‘bring the country together’. Or Caroline Lucas. Or dear old Ken Clarke.
If this isnt absolute proof the the whole anti democratic remainer movement have lost the plot i don’t know what is.
Panda – I have been saying for years on this site, that one possibility for the UK is a GNU or, as the Germans call it, a ‘Grand Coalition’. Corbyn and dear old ken Clarke show how the idea is very much alive.
That was because my feeling was that May, modelling herself on Merkel, would do anything to stay in power, regardless. Merkel has used the CDU (less than 30% support) in coalition with the socialist SDP (less than 20%)
to stay afloat forever and a day by way of a GNU. (She actually is a Socialist/Green/Feminist -definitely NOT CDU, but she has had unswerving MSM support -mainly from lotsa wimmin, who help with camouflague She could even be a Stasi plant, a deep agent).
But May turned out to be less cunning than Merkel, and was flushed out by Brexit. Merkel had one great skill (other than ruthlessly disposing of competitors): she often lay low, almost vanishing from view. Her ministers could be set up to take the rap for failures. May couldn’t do that in the Brexit spotlight. (Also, we Brits are not as naïve and guilt-ridden as the Germans; we got rid of our Merkel)
The GNU game is till being played, though. Like the grand Coalition in Germany, it is a device to ENSURE THE EU stays in the driving seat.
We shall see what Boris achieves. Poor old Jerry doesn’t have a Boris (or a Farage, or a UKIP) anywhere in sight. There is only a Macron, just across the border, waiting to latch on to German money and take over political leadership in the EU as the national numero uno, via ‘ever closer and deeper integration’.
History is still with us. Different setting, different flags. But really, it’s all about how the ‘big three’ are aligning in Europe.
Sorry – what is a GNU – I tried google but it’s a computer thing or a song by the excellent Flanders and swan
On that – can I recommend the song they do about the English …..
This one
Ha ha thank you – that’s the one – never seen it live – just on LP. I wonder when it was last played on the BBC .
Maybe Steve Wrong in the afternoon can play it as a request …
Government of National Unity. =GNU
Germany’s (The Grand Coalition) is an example. Putting one together under her own leadership has been a Merkel skill (with massive media support). She will get together with anyone to stay tops. My own suspicion is that the powerful Greens would be a favourite, should the socialist SPD falter even further.
There is one stated exception: the AfD of course, even though they represent what the CDU did, twenty/thirty years ago, before Merkel hijacked them to gain power. Now they are suddenly ‘far right’ (in Germany that has flavours of guess who?).
So Merkel will virtue signal frantically on this one, as will the top movers and shakers in her party, all wimmin, and all handpicked Merkel clones. Head of intelligence service, Maassen, was recently sacked by Merkel for saying something mildly nice -open to interpretation- about the AfD. her successor as CDU Genl Sec wants Maassen chucked out of the party.
Gives you a flavour of what the EU will be like under Merkel buddy, Ursula v d Leyen. Authoritarian. Fascist?
The island –
Thank you . I guess I couldn’t find the meaning of the letters because it is a non entity .
Dear Winston Smith from the Memory Hole Department,
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
**imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group**
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019}
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Terrorism: “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Seems your article might want to mention the UN definition of genocide and also mention it to the Anti-natalists.
Mr H
The anti-natalist viewpoint clearly hasn’t got through to Tesco. Plenty of posters in the children’s clothing section of my local branch showing smiling babies – exclusively black babies, that it is, so perhaps it’s a matter of having the ‘right type’ of babies. In fact, the whole store looks like it is has been transferred from Nigeria, Jamaica or the mind of a BBC Director. Perhaps the UN definition of genocide should be updated to include propaganda that promotes ethnic replacement.
P.S. Other supermarkers are available, as they say.
No Vitamin D issues here.
And they chose a coloured child, however her legs do look rather white? Suppose this is to be expected with the propaganda of multiculturalism & diversity. Who are they kidding, not the majority of white people who were the first peoples to settle in this land.
BBC prog about a bunch of Syrians who have settled on the Isle of Bute-what on earth were the authorities thinking by bringing those that follow the teachings of Islam into a small very Scottish community. It was of course show how these Syrians had settled setting up a Barbers shop, a take away shop and all have got jobs?-if as these Syrian people stated they had nothing when they arrived on Bute, where one might ask did the money come from to set up these businessses, to ensure supplies, to pay the council tax and business rates and so on. What cost was it to the council to supply interpreters as few if any spoke English-the prog was a wonderful piece of propaganda, emphasing how very sad we all are for what is happening in their country and kind and wonderful of Britain in supporting these supposed asylum seekers. Yet we have those who have served in our military never really shown the thanks from this nation-if it had not been for Charities like ‘Help the Hero’s’ these poor vetrans of the British Military would be in a worst state. Believe me that in supporting as we have the introduction of thousands of immigrants into the UK and indeed Millions into Europe, the destruction of our way of life will die as more of the other culture’s from the Third World infiltrate year after year and there are literally millions swaming towards the Med coast of Africa right now.
Anyone watch Breakfast – what a load of tosh – could only stomach it for 5 mins. They now sit around and read selected headlines from the newspapers..journalism at its best.
Of course the big headline is how the NHS wil be ruined by US trade deals…then a POTUS knocking discussion. We pay them for this!!
Then in car..R4 and they are still banging on about bloody chlorinated chicken..and GM crops….anyone would think a free trade deal with the USA was a bad thing if you listen to the BBC..
lasted 4 minutes…
James – Haven’t had to suffer this sh1t for years since I gave up the telly tax, better for my blood pressure too.
Why dont the BBC start a campaign against “chlorinated” water – oh yeah most of us drink it already.
I like to watch a bit just to keep my blood pressure up – but it s getting less and less..It is just sad when you think there used to be intelligent balanced debate and well crafted comedy on the BBC
Trump cancels Denmark visit over Greenland spat… Apparently and according to the beeb
We all know that we trust the world most respected news organisation to tell the truth.
After all its states “Why you can trust BBC News” on the bottom of most of their webpages 🙂
Much is being made of the ‘absurdity’ of the suggestion to buy a country – Greenland – by the usual preachers and proselytisers with no knowledge, or more likely, acceptance of history.
If they had any such awareness they would be able to cite the Louisiana Purchase, from France in 1803 and the Alaskan Purchase, from Russia in 1867, but that would limit the amount of potential Trump Sopelism so, as usual, it’s best to ignore reality.
Radio Lincs local news “Donald Trump has cancelled a state visit to Denmark, because it’s Prime Minister won’t sell him Greenland.”
.. Sounds like absolute tosh.
Has Trump cancelled a state visit ?
Why ? Trump Tweeted
I don’t read that as Trump saying he seriously wanted to buy Greenland
..cos for a start it is an independent country
I read it as Trump made a private joke and the PM decided to put out PR mocking him saying he was serious.
Or that Trump wanted to get out of the meeting and deliberately threw out a weird explanation for the media to go crazy about.
Trump might float the idea of Buying Greenland to wind up the Russians or something
It’s an idea that would be a million miles from being serious.
Tough 100 years ago the US did buy the US Virgin Islands from Denmark
Scott Adams understands Trump plays 3D chess
The flak is always at its heaviest when you’re directly over the target.
I am very pleased that Amy Satterthwaite and Amy Lea Tahuau
two New Zealand cricketers are going to have a baby. But
honestly BBC is this news worth major coverage on your website?
All it is is virtue signalling. It’s the virtue signalling we see day after
day after day on the BBC.Give us a break!!
I wonder which one has the bails?
Al beeb informs us that Barcelona is experiencing a crime wave.
‘Coincidentally’ there has been a parallel spike in illegal migrants from North Africa.
Local residents know exactly who is behind the crime wave and have even formed vigilante patrols.
The beeb naturally chooses to look the other way, and does what it does best when faced with an inconvenient truth:
1) Obfuscate with confusing statistics and theories: “But while the authorities and the police acknowledge that the Catalan capital is struggling to cope with this trend, they do not see one clear cause driving it.”
2) Quote sources with the same agenda to misinform as themselves: “Statistics supporting Mr Fernández’s claim do not appear to be available and city hall, led by the leftist mayor Ada Colau, says no such link should be made.
“The presence of these unaccompanied minors in Barcelona is a social problem,” says a city hall source. “[But] we never associate their presence here with the increase in crime.”
3) Blame the authorities: The legislative and judicial powers are not managing to provide a response to a specific problem in our society… The current legal framework… offers a degree of impunity to professional thieves.
So you can read the article and come out none the wiser as to who’s behind the wave of often violent street crime, pick-pocketing, mugging and drug wars.
Job done.
“Local residents know exactly who is behind the crime wave and have even formed vigilante patrols.”
Coming to a town or city near you soon………………
Barcelona’s left-wing activist mayor appointed as her director of comms Agueda Banon — an activist and visual artist known for something called either ‘alternative pornography’ or ‘post-pornography’ (take your pick).
There are pictures of her urinating standing up in the street (I won’t post here). As she’s literally pissing on Barcelona’s streets I don’t imagine their approach to crime being up to much.
More progressive utopia unleashed upon the west.
BBC don’t do cause and effect unless it is the Far Right, Brexit or white supremacists..anything else would smack of good journalism and the truth – but we can’t have that can we?
Why can we not have guys like this on the BBC?
Looking forward to the Tory Conference. I wonder if Priti Patel will support her cops when they escort this lot to harass the Conference Delegates as they did over Tommy Robinson’s supporters. Remember, these thugs will attack children and old people. Remember that Priti.
From the UAF’s blurb. Remember David Cameron is a founder member of this lot.
Thousands of anti-austerity and anti-racist campaigners are set to to descend on the Tory Party conference in Manchester on Sunday 29 September. The protest has been called by the People’s Assembly. Whoever becomes Tory Party leader we are going to see the Tories use the Brexit crisis to impose more austerity. They are also continuing with their racist “hostile environment” for migrants and the scapegoating of refugees and the Muslim community. Boris Johnson’s Islamophobic description of Muslim women as “letter boxes” was a disgrace. Jeremy’s Hunt supported Donald Trump’s attacks on London mayor Sadiq Khan and his retweeting of far right Katie Hopkin’s attack on “Londonistan”. We can see the racist direction the Tories are heading in. If you reject the politics of racist divide and rule join us. No to racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.
Oh Dear! The Soros checkbook has been out again. (That’s the one labelled, “Marxism”).
I bet that if I researched this bunch of Marxist/islamic loonies, I’d find his name somewhere.
I wonder if Priti Patel will support her cops when they escort this lot to harass the Conference Delegates as they did over Tommy Robinson’s supporters. Remember, these thugs will attack children and old people. Remember that Priti.
Well said G.W.F. – worth repeating, again and again and again – until the penny finally drops.
Write out 100 times Priti.
Bet those three (3) guys on the right can’t believe how easy it is to begin a coup and they’ve only arrived in the country last weekend.
Notice how most of the women are white – they fall for it every time.
The Yam Yam Party has some good ideas!
Boris Johnson has now pulled the Tories into a 14 point lead with 42% of the vote in an opinion poll.
Remain parties are embarrassingly split it seems but will the BBC dare mention this?
New from PR trickeryland, where you can make absolutely wild claims which have no connection with the REAL world
As our country enters into a crisis like never before, we are retreating into a new kind of tribalism.
So pleased that I am finally in the last stages of
writing my book this summer, Tribes. ………….. #DireTribe
If you haven’t already guessed the name of that tweeter-holic
..you won’t be surprised
61 likes from half million followers
oops I meant to put that quote in italics
As our country enters into a crisis like never before, we are retreating into a new kind of tribalism.
So pleased that I am finally in the last stages of
writing my book this summer, Tribes.
It’s a David Lammy tweet of course
its racist apparently, for colouring in someones hair
Top reporting for the beeb, its fit their “agender”
BBC TV News 11.00 today.
Brexit was the fifth news item. This surprised me as to how it had fallen in the BBC charts.
The Brexit feature related to Boris visiting Macron and Merkel to see who would blink first.
The BBC then interviewed a German who was the former UK ambassador. He stated that the backstop was there to prevent terrorism, save lives and to save Ireland from being ‘thrown under a bus’. This of course was not challenged by the interviewer. Had he been Lord Farage, he wouldn’t have been allowed to finish a sentence.
Low-key stuff from the BBC. Are they through gritted teeth, now beginning to accept the inevitable?
Comedy well and truly dead!
Unless we all like the cr*p the beeb likes!
In other news the union of blonde women, have taken out a £10billion law suit for jokes from 20 years ago.
Jeremy Vine is shocked to learn that things are made out of naturally occuring materials!
“Why can’t they be synthesised?”
With what dear Jeremy? Unicorn droppings?
(If these elements are so rare might it be a good idea to hold on to old ‘technology’ until such time as a) they are desperate and b) we can be sure that they will be recycled, not shredded and dumped in the Indian Ocean?)
A a straight person I find it intimidation & discrimination that when I log onto a Twitter search, under a headline “For You” it chooses to yet againn push a Trans story at me
Do pro Israeli stories appear first on the blank search page for Islamic people ..marked “For You” ?
How exciting it is to be told every day by the BBC about some transgendered person finding love and happiness. I wonder if she would tell us all how she obtains sexual gratification, with a dildo,
a hand, or some other means. Oh do tell. On second thoughts, can’t these people keep their personal lives to themselves. We are not interested.
Aren’t the EU just prefect, according to the eu.bc
Tv1 news on beeb is taking us to Hamburg. Brexit will cause fish price rises. Hamburg also worries about aviation, cos Airbus wings come from Wales and Hamburg needs them. Germany not happy.
Beeb says, Germany will not change its stance on Brexit. Ian Watson says the Boris/Merkel meeting will be ‘convivial’. Privately there will be heat – don’t wait for UK parliament to shoot ‘no-deal’ down, is Boris’ message, and the Frauenfuehrer won’t like it.
Jenny Hill says that Mr Johnson is putting Britain first, so expect Merkel to put the EU first. We would never have guessed.
It cannot be ruled out that, with her reckless border opening of 2015, Merkel herself swung enough votes to give LEAVE the majority in the referendum. So she should blame herself for Brexit. Like with everything else she touches, she has stuffed up. Examine anything from power supply to allowing Erdogan control of the ‘Balkan route’ (in return for E 6billion). Stuff ups everywhere. No media criticism.
TV1 news also has a message about 210,000 homeless children in the UK.
Those that we do see (and hear complaining loudly with outrage at our poor hospitality) are -well, exactly what we would have expected…
Can think of a few Lords and MPs who would be keen to virtue signal and increase that particular number greatly.
And then complain about child homelessness.
As someone on this site pointed out, poor appreciation of cause and effect, is rampant.
Agree faken, what should have been said but of course wouldn’t be is; If you don’t like what you have here and be thankful then bugger off back to your own country. I am sick of the British media et al continually advertsing the case for those people, mainly Muslims that have have been graciously accepted into our land and been given in most cases more in support terms than those indig peoples. Liberalism at work-destruction is its aim.
Only the middle class liberal elite, the Labour Party and the EU, using their media mouthpiece – the BBC – would think that the Irish, like the working classes, are so bereft of any morals that they would start murdering again, if there was a problem with the Irish border. It’s the same as suggesting that the unemployed quickly take to crime, or that knife attacks are the result of boredom. It clearly illustrates though, the complete and utter contempt they have for anyone beyond their bubble.
‘Some say’ that it suits certain people to have different taxation and customs regimes either side of the border.
These certain people are quite likely to ‘discipline’ any ‘discontented’ people that upset the status quo.
This ‘Irish problem’ isn’t a problem for the Irish, the PIRA or the UK. The idea that the EU is worried about ‘peace’ in NI is laughable.
New religious brainwashing with “Young, Welsh and Pretty Religious”, showing in familiar dumbed down BBC style how equal religions are and have so much in common.
Four diverse followers — Christian, Jew, Hare Krishna and Muslim — all bonding and laughing with equal joy which are visible throughout the clips (well technically three smiles and one ‘don’t know’)
Actually the only one whose laugh is genuine is the one on the right and even then we can’t see if she’s laughing or if she (he?) is smirking.
Having considered the two on the left I think I may be laughing also.
Why has the woman on the right got a partially opened pedal bin on her head – has she got bad halitosis or worse affliction? Maybe she should seek treatment, they can do wonders these days.
I sometimes think I am paranoid. BUT could any of you help me
with what I think is a new BBC agenda? Am I seeing things ?
But more and more when I see a member of the general public
being interviewed . Be it on the beach in Bournemouth. Outside
a railway station. On topics like street crime. Or like today on
living in converted containers, we see a lady in a burqa being the
first one on our screen to be interviewed.
The BBC agenda is to try and convince the indigenous population that having millions of aliens with strange customs and incompatible culture is quite normal and ok. It’s part of the softening up process to continue to aid the great replacement project as it moves into a phase where it can no longer be hidden from the public, simply because there are so many of the invaders here already. Once they get through this phase , perhaps lasting a couple of decades, without the replacement policy being rejected it will too late for anyone to stop it and Britain will no longer exist.
Foscari – “Agenda”, in a word. Very little we see or hear now is real news or balanced content. Narrative is all.
The most blatant and unsubtle propaganda, serving a socio-political agenda, is almost a constant.
On the beeb, the same messages are hammered in over and over again.
Caught the beginning of the Media Show on R4 a few minutes ago, topic : advertisers blacklisting of key words (we should really get up to date and call that ‘whitelisting’) with which they did not want to have their product associated -negative connotations. Presenter eager to point out ‘racism’ ‘immigration’ and ‘Trump’. It took him only moments to add ‘Farage’ to that list.
This happens consistently, across programmes: Steve Punt in a ‘joke’ during a Quiz on R4 will do the now compulsory negative quip about Trump or Farage. It will come up in Science, History, Cooking -you name it.
Seldom-if ever- a Corbyn, Swinson, Bercow or Lammy, unless the programme is politics.
Doublethinker has outlined perfectly what that agenda/narrative is.
The still interesting question remains ‘why?’. Historically, self-destruction on a grand scale was never exactly popular. Why, I can remember a time when, if you didn’t have the right visa, you were turned back at a border, no matter if you had the return ticket and a stash of cash. ‘Migrant’? Don’t make me laugh!
What was it that happened in the sixties/seventies…?
More right than most can appreciate-Millions literally millions of peoples from Africa, and Middle East are on the move towards Europe-the Naval fleets of all EU countries have to be placed into the waters of the Med to push the mass immigration invasion back to their own shores. The leaders of those African countries have to be held to account and clearly understand that Europe will not take anymore immigrants no matter what. The result otherwise, as has been pointed out will be the destruction, of Christian Europe as we know it-certainly our grandchildren will be the ones to suffer.
China controls twitter?
I find it utterly distasteful that the morally entitled, in this case Stuart Heaver of the Independent have suddenly forgotten how they have been systematically berating the UK for it’s Colonial past only to try to take a kick at Boris for not wading in to assist the protesters in the once UK Colony of Hong Kong.
The logic seems to be.. “What I say doesn’t matter, it’s who I say it about that counts , and it’s usually Boris, Trump, Farage etc. etc…”
I see straight through this pathetic propagandising, its’ schoolboy, rubbish and pathetic!
It was elitists in Parliament who were responsible for colonialism. Elitists refused to give representation to the colonies, the Americans were the first to revolt. Only reluctantly did elitists allow representation, but only in separate devolved parliaments, the first being that in Canada. Up to 1931 Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland and Ireland were devolved. The first fully independent Republics since America came after the war. First Burma on 4 January 1948, then Ireland on 18 April 1949 and then India on 26 January 1950.
But the elitists in Parliament are now responsible for refusing to restore democracy to Britain and give representation to the British people in the House of Lords.
So its not the British people who are responsible for the ills of the past. No, the ills of the past and present are the fault of all those elitist remainer scumbags in Parliament.
Iran games shouting spy.
An expat Iranian works in the UK for 10 plus years
One tine went back to Iran on holiday.
Iranian government arrested her saying cos she worked from British Council (in the UK) she is a spThey confirmed a 10 year sentence on her.
A UK resident has lost her final appeal against a ten-year jail sentence for spying.
Aras Amiri, 34, an Iranian citizen with permanent residency in the UK where she lived for ten years, was arrested last year as she visited her sick grandmother in Tehran. The Iranian government accused her of spying for the British Council, for which she worked promoting Iranian culture and art in the UK.
Sorry for her but the BCs job is not promote Iran in Britain
so her job does seem to be counter Iranian government propaganda.. So i can see how they could try to claim that’s like spying.
I love the gullibility of Muslim women when they believe the narrative that wearing the veil is empowering. I bet their husbands, brothers and fathers just can’t believe their luck that they live in a country that supports their misogyny.
In the West it is empowering. They get to choose to speak to you or not. No identity checks, no need for make-up, and the rest of us have a legal obligation to treat them with maximum respect, or else.
I suspect it is the younger women that see it that way, they are revolting against their parents’ soft Islam. The older women, with children, probably are ‘persuaded’ to cover up.
Not quite BBC but Piers Morgan , not someone I have much time for ( I don’t watch ITV) has a really good 2 minute rant on Twitter about the effect of ‘ snow flake culture ‘ and the reaction to it ….
Women protesting forced hijab days after the Iranian Revolution, 1979
Upandatem – I expect they would be able to feel just how “empowered” they really if they try and attend Friday “prayers” and remove it in front of all of the “faithful”
On another note I was given a sharp reminder today as to why I listen to R4 far less than I used to.
I tuned in when they were broadcasting an extract from “the Coventry essays” by Rachael Cusk . It seemed to be about manners and politeness, I thought I wonder where this will go (bearing in mind it was on R4)
Well she told us about a racist white immigration officer at the airport who was rude to the serene black woman , whilst being nice to her white friend. Moral of story being -“all whites in authority are racist”
Next story was brexit related, She then told us about how ignorant, rude and unthinking leavers were in comparison to the surprised elite. The extract at the end telling us that at the same time as the brexit vote “a poor polish man was beaten to death by a gang of white racist thugs” for speaking Polish.
As far as I can tell there was no correction that the man in question was beaten to death by a black lad.
Still thats the BBC for you, never the truth get in the way of the narrative.
Time I think for me to have a proper “away from the BBC” holiday.
Caroline Creado Perez has her own master keys to BBC studios cos she can be relied to say that ‘Women are special-victims’
the new editorial in JAHA
talks about the new Ferry et al paper that says that mens and womens symptoms are very similar in 9 out of 10 cases
\\ Presenting Symptoms in Men and Women Diagnosed With Myocardial Infarction Using Sex‐Specific Criteria //
#ManFiles a media codeword
Most media are using the word “man” on this
and someone might confirm that back in March it was called a “far right” attack
Obviously a far right white supremacist. Add it to the Tell Mama files
“We’ve had a white intruder strike in the middle of the night.
“It is very worrying after the atrocity in New Zealand….”
said Javid Iqbal, a spokesman for the Witton Islamic Centre
Deeply concerning & distressing to see number of mosques have been vandalised in Birmingham overnight
OK if you shout “false flag after every attack that does make you a conspiracy theorist.
However one should always consider whether an attack is a false flag.
Look at the way so many reported violence at a Tommy Rally turns out to false flag, either media failing to make clear that those arrested were antifa, or no reporting antifa violence or it turning out that antifa infiltrators came in to provoke a TR supporter ton throw a punch thus getting the photo they want.
When i checked to see if anyone had mentioned false flag at the time of the Ball Bearings attacks there was one mention.
A website which seems to take its inspiration from the banned US far right site Stormfront
The way things work this https://dailystormer.name might be a police front.
The tweet is dated the day after the attack.
6 months earlier there another 2 mysterious attacks on Birmingham mosques with ball bearings 17 Aug 2018
.. promoting armed police to turn up.
AFAIK No one was ever arrested
So was that a false flag too ?
BTW in 2016 The Economist called out HnH
cos they vastly exaggerated the number of hate crimes
PS another white man was arrested outside the Home Office
..This time with a knife and hammer
..White mental health person again AFAIK
Oh my error … thanks @Annunaki
The recent one doesn’t have a white name
.. only last week’s was white
“Oluwaleke Yisa”
The white guy is Dominic Hornberger 29
I expect from the Worcestershire ferret racing team
Times Gladwell debunked
A decade ago the author Malcolm Gladwell argued that the key to achieving elite levels of performance lay in putting in 10,000 hours of practice
Actually many people saw from the beginning that his book was narrative trumping truth from the beginning as he was full of Confirmation Bias.
Another lefty full of wishful thinking.
A quick check says people said it was debunked in 2013
As with most things its not groundless
eg Beatles did do a lot of practice in the Cavern and Hamburg, but they were geniuses as well.
Note the 2009 date on this tweet
Saw this on a site I occasionally visit.
scam emails – TV licence
Somebody pretending to be the BBC and trying to redirect Licence fees.
Let us hope they intercept all £4.5 billion.
Elite, hmm, elite A levels now apparently require a mark of 54% for an A grade, and how much of that, probably half or more is achieved through course work using Google, so in any exam taken, if such a thing exists now with all the “stress” it puts our snowflake millenials under, 30% will probably suffice for an A grade
Evolution of British education

In 1960 we would have to figure out what the question was !
…and then we would have to go back home to our shoe box in the middle of the road and eat gravel!
(1) Is the surface area in hideously white 1970 = 495 inches
(2) Is Michael Jackson in 2015 = Black
(3) Is the colour of the rectangle in 2018 = Black
In 2020 the question will be in Arabic or Urdu
In 1963, if you got two As at A level, you were almost certain to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Think about it!
If your mother forced to keep going to night class, over and over again to try and get an English A level. And then a selection panel at Oxford asked you about having everything necessary except an English A level, and you said “I am doing it at night class”. Then you could get into Oxford without an A level in English in the 1970’s.
But you used to need O level Latin or Greek, or an equivalent. I don’t remember when that requirement was dropped.
Times/Express quote Met Office.. no BBC yet
UK heatwave to spark hottest August bank holiday *ever*
as temperatures soar to 28C
…and I wonder if we will get a report that confirms that this Summer overall was extremely “average”!
Oluwaleke Yisa
Man, 30, is charged with brandishing a knife and hammer near a Home Office building just DAYS after government worker was stabbed in a separate incident
Members of the public raised alarm after man with knife ‘made death threats’
Oluwaleke Yisa, 30, of Deptford, has been charged with weapons offences
Anyone any idea which particular corrupt, crime ridden sh@t hole he hails from originally and his skin colour?
A user from Nigeria says the name Oluwaleke is of Yoruba origin and means “God Triumphed”.