Tuesday sees the start of the Supreme Court hearing on Prorogation. I’m guessing it will take a couple of days to hear with a result at the beginning of next week. The outcome may give the Bercow Party – which now has an ‘opposition ‘ majority of 48 – the opportunity to recall Parliament for yet more abuse of Democracy . I’m sure the BBC is enjoying every moment .
Start the Week thread 16 September 2019
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Boris Johnson was scheduled to appear alongside Mr Bettel after a meeting in Luxembourg but cancelled after a group of anti-Brexit protesters heckled him nearby.
Guido understands that the PM’s team requested an indoor press conference, where Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay had his press conference when he visited, as they wanted both Boris and Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel to be heard over the Remainer protesters. The Luxembourgians rejected Number 10’s offer and insisted on holding it outside alone with two podiums to a baying Remainer audience.…
Boris instead did media at the Embassy, where it could actually be heard.
Comments favour BoJo. But what on earth is he doing there anyway?
I wonder how they would report a similar scenario with somebody like Gay Verhofstadt making an outside speech in the centre of Sunderland.
I did see a funny scenario when the Sky reporter was giving his piece to camera outside. In the background could be seen Kuenssberg and her crew going in one direction, then about turned and hurried off in another direction, then her camera man returned with Kuenssberg following him – all the time looking at her phone. It was more interesting than the Sky dialogue, and funnier – like the keystone cops !
Eyes on the Brexit Ball …

Remember Andrew Breitbart disbanding a crowd …Andrew Breitbart Confronts Hateful Protesters At Right Nation 2010
An interesting rant from Raheem discussing the plot to stop a non-aggression pact with TBP.
Click on the patreon link at the bottom to listen.
Laura Kuenssberg Retweeted – Mischievious
And here are our taxes ..

Is Boris after a Treezer deal and bring back the 21?
BBC 16pm news.
Laura Doomsberg having a rant at Boris.
This is interspersed with fulsome coverage of an attack on the UK by the Prime Minister of…….Luxembourg 1111
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Luxembourg. As big as Coventry (no offence, Cov). Who have the highest earnings per capita of all the EU countries.
I wonder why ?.
Long ago I used to listen to Radio Luxemburg for the top twenty pop songs. The sound kept fading and returning. They could not run a radio station. But I see they have finally mastered the ability to drown the UK PM out and in so doing their security officials collaborated in an attempt to humiliate our PM.
Perhaps we should send in the Paras and kick the merde out of thi joke of a country.
The traitors in the Commons disrespecting a PM is bad . But a ‘leader ‘ of a non country like Luxembourg doing so will really stiffen the resolve of decent british people . You’d expect it from the likes of an Irish PM but it does make one wonder what the longer term relationship of the UK and these minor states will be .
Perhaps lux. Will be the one to veto A50 extension . Shouldn’t cost too much in bribes …
I’m more cynical than that fedup – a set up? – all 27 need to agree an extension? if one country is not in agreement then no legal probs. for Boris. I need to lie down now – time for my medication.
The BBC tried to spin the Luxemburg PM’s contempt for the British voter as EU frustration with our inability to follow through on Brexit!
6:30pm Look North opens with item about Hate Crime
The entire focus on “extremism” is that UPON Muslims
Imam Hifaz is the headline guest ..actually he says tolerance is increasing.
The item mentioned 2 local Nazi nutters, but no local Muslim sex crime or terrorist Muslims.
In their background videos all marchers were white and in one EDL banners are shown.
Now they are doing church choirs
.. The ones that are GIRL only.
Featuring he one in Beverly that has been going for 10 years now.
Is it OT?
The NYT is headed by the ex-BBC DG.
Jon, Katty and squad use it as their primary source.
Unbelievably vitriolic “interview” by ITV news on Cameron. It was close to a public flogging of Cameron for ever allowing UK continued membership of the EU to go to a democratic public vote.
The mantra was pure EU, don’t risk democracy when you can just use entitlement and force.
There are times when you do wonder about the intelligence of BBC Editors:
Of what interest, pray, is that to UK users of the BBC web-site? And is it likely to be of interest to USA users of the BBC web-site?
It cannot be a slow news day today, can it?
7:30pm BBC1 your local virtue signalling shows
“Blimey…..BBC’s Annabel Tiffin gets a jolly to the US of A to check out Chuck”
Western region
???????????? The parents who are keeping their child’s sex secret
???? Investigating the source of flies plaguing a neighbourhood
???? A hero hound gets a well deserved treat at a hotel for dogs
The mothers name is Hobbit and that’s not the surname. Says it all really!
My guess its either male or female?…….
But lets not let science get in the way
And boy do they have the right faces for it.
BBC Radio 5 Live this morning.
Re the above story.
Nicky Campbell and his fellow presenter didn’t have the guts to criticise this mother. Its as if their Boss was stood directly behind them making sure they give this mother an easy ride. Which of course they did. However, I doubt they would have contradicted themselves as they more than any other BBC employee knew what the consequences would be if anyone disagrees with BBC-Freaks united.
This woman should have a word with the lady who swallowed her engagement ring – as seen in the piece directly above this piece – and give it to this white woman getting too close to her African American murderer.
They would make a nice couple.
BBC programme commissioners can vouch for that.
My sincere thanks to the puffed-up Luxembourg prime minister for reminding us, if we needed reminding, just what a shower of political midgets are at the heart of the EU. Boris needs to get serious and stop messing about with these nonentities. It is clear to everyone that a deal is not going to suddenly materialise. Why wait until the 31st October; let’s just leave now and wipe the contemptuous smiles from their smug faces.
After Mays circus I honestly believe that the EU leaders think that our MPs are somehow unbalanced in the head. How many times have we – MPs – visited that continent yet came home with nothing but insults and jokes against us.
The public can see that they are playing with us. I worry that our MPs can’t.
Why do middle eastern airlines only use white people in thier adverts ?
Bet they don’t feature gay couples !
Arabs / muslims despise blacks, going all the way back to Mo.
And in contrast to here in the UK where they are hardly used at all.
Latest eBay TV commercial on British television. Anyone remember the original film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
Do white women ever marry white men these days ? Obviously the men ( sorry non specific gender persons) in the media do not think so.
The BBC managed to raise a sickly smile on my face yesterday whilst watching the Antiques Roadshow. A man had brought a rare christening mug, into which a celebratory drink could be poured causing a cherub to emerge from the centre. “Do you have any champagne ? ” said gentleman enquired ” Oh no ” said the expert pouring in mineral water “this is the BBC we can’t afford champagne ! ”
I nearly choked !
This reply is on the money imo.
Can the EU do any wrong in the eyes of the BBC ???? For over three years of Brexit negotiations, have you ever heard any negativity from the BBC towards them ?? No !!!
But non stop negativity towards the UK !!! A National Broadcaster that seemingly hates its own country !!! Weird, very very weird. It’s almost as if they are being bribed in some way , surely not !!!!!!!!
There is a ‘game of chicken’ going on. If the EU are serious that we make no difference to them and that they don’t need us, they will refuse an extension and in the words of Dimbleby “we are Out” .
But I think they need our money because they are going bust.
How much have we being paying the EU since we voted for independence ?
Seemingly hates ?
Seemingly hates ?
Up2 mentioned a BBC slow day.
I don’t have a handle on the scale of the BBC operation, it’s organisation, public vs private funding – this is the ‘media action’ part
In a nutshell , we need to out of the EU and shot of Al Beeb .
Both are anti-British and both are parasites.
Pay Disclosures – P 112
Click to access BBC_Annual_Report_and_Accounts_2018_19.pdf
Not BBC but just musing on Brexit .
The mind gets hazy after so long since the Referendum . I recall that there wasn’t much talk of deals or of Northern Ireland.
And it looks the same with A50 . There is so much concentration on whether or not we are leaving that there is nt much on “ what then ?” What will be our relationship with the Enemy after we be left ? Or what they’ll do to screw us if A50 is revoked . ?
Obviously the State Broadcaster won’t talk about either because they are still in denial about the outcome of the Referendum in the first place .
I’m not saying much here – I’m just kicking it around .
And as for the traitors ? So many political careers are going to be culled when revenge comes . No wonder quite a few have announced they won’t be standing again .
They want to be high up in the ‘Honours list ‘ for politically dead politicians .
Talking of politically dead politicians One Kirsten Johnson – an anti democratic ‘ liberal ‘ crashed her car on the world at one by linking her prospective white constituency to racism – hate crime – and brexit .
And made it far worse when she realised she was using her own mouth to speak with .
Imagine being Jo Swindon s
Speech writer ?
“ go back to your constituencies and prepare for extermination – because we want to Revoke A50 and pee on the Democratic wish of 17.5 million people”
Well, if Jo Swinson really really wants to channel her inner David Steel, she could reprise his rallying cry for a by-election many years ago, in a seat won this year by the Lib-Dems:
I see a BBC old timer is doing the lecture circuit
” The History of ‘Auntie’
Ken Robertson-Scott presents an illustrated journey through the history of the BBC.”
Strange , lots of fires in London recently ?
One big one now . Nowt on Al Beeb yet, but perhaps the will catch up when they read this post ?
Still nowt on Al Beeb’s website?
Someone wake them up .
Al Beeb
“Energy suppliers get more time to install smart meters”
Do we really need these stupid meters ?
We don’t, but they do – how else are they going to monitor and control your consumption?
Al Beeb……………
“HS2: Ancient woodland clearance halted while review held”
Time we scarped the project.
Wasn’t that ardent Remainer ‘Lord’ Adonis part of this white elephant ?
taffman, Adonis had a conversion – apparently – earlier this year and switched from ardent Remainer as you correctly described to ‘pragmatic Leaver’.
Funny thing, I haven’t heard anything since then from him on the BBC. I wonder why? He used to be all over Radio4 at the drop of a hat.
I wonder if he will resign from the New Remain Labour Party just before or during the Party Conference* and join the Tories?
The BBC will have no choice but to get him back on then for an interview.
(* If they get one. It’ll be a laugh if the New Remain Labour Party and Conservative Party Conferences get scuppered by the Supreme Court. Not so funny for the micro-economies of the hosting towns.)
Lineker wants a wages cut ?
Will he get Al Beeb to give him ‘extras’ in expenses instead?
Al Beeb “robs from the poor to give to the rich”.
Lineker will get big wages from the pensioners TV Telly tax.
Boris , note that they get paid more than you.
Scrap Al Beeb or privatise it .
Feeling utterly sick of the onslaught on Boris, Brexit, Trump etc. The MSM seem to be getting away with their extreme bias with impunity, and the EU commissars are now joining in and taking advantage. In this article (Sky, not Beeb)
‘Labour candidate Emily Owen: I was raped and had drink spiked in ‘politically motivated attack’’
the Labour candidate says
‘For the first time in history, we have a prime minister whom the far right regard as their leader’
No one seems to be publicly calling them out, and so it gets worse as they push the boundaries. If this is a war, we are losing.
For the first time in history we have a leader of the opposition whom the far left regard as their leader.
I thought that as well.
As soon as I saw that young woman I just knew she and Labour would associate rape with leave voters.
Absolutely despicable.
Beeb headline: Nurse numbers rise ‘eclipsed by jump in patients’.
Will anyone at the World’s Most Trusted ask WHY the number of patients has jumped and what could be done to slow down the increase?
Will they heck.
The problem with joining the EU was always that of sovereignty.
I think it is inevitable (if not this week) that the history of the UK membership will be examined in court. Also, if Boris ‘breaks the law’ and takes us out on the 31 st that would definitely go to court.
The final result will imho be that our ‘unwritten constitution will be strengthened to avoid the danger of becoming a vassal state.
I’m also wondering what would happen if France or Germany decided to leave, would they find it as difficult or do they have stronger written constitutions?
“The question of sovereignty had been discussed at the time in an official Foreign and Commonwealth Office document. It listed among “Areas of policy in which parliamentary freedom to legislate will be affected by entry into the European Communities”: Customs duties, Agriculture, Free movement of labour, services and capital, Transport, and Social Security for migrant workers. The document concluded (paragraph 26) that it was advisable to put the considerations of influence and power before those of formal sovereignty.[4]
The Treaty of Accession was signed in January 1972 by the then prime minister Edward Heath, leader of the Conservative Party.[5] Parliament’s European Communities Act 1972 was enacted on 17 October, and the UK’s instrument of ratification was deposited the next day (18 October),[6] letting the United Kingdom’s membership of the EC come into effect on 1 January 1973.[7]”
In 1975, the United Kingdom held its first ever national referendum on whether the UK should remain in the European Communities. The governing Labour Party, led by Harold Wilson, had contested the October 1974 general election with a commitment to renegotiate Britain’s terms of membership of the EC and then hold a referendum on whether to remain in the EC on the new terms.[8] All of the major political parties and the mainstream press supported continuing membership of the EC. However, there were significant divides within the ruling Labour Party; a 1975 one-day party conference voted by two to one in favour of withdrawal,[9] and seven of the 23 cabinet ministers were opposed to EC membership,[10] with Harold Wilson suspending the constitutional convention of Cabinet collective responsibility to allow those ministers to publicly campaign against the government.
On 5 June 1975, the electorate were asked to vote yes or no on the question: “Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?” Every administrative county and region in the UK returned majority “Yes” votes, apart from the Shetland Islands and the Outer Hebrides. With a turnout of just under 65%, the outcome of the vote was 67.2% in favour of staying in, and the United Kingdom remained a member of the EC.[11] Support for the UK to leave the EC in 1975, in the data, appears unrelated to the support for Leave in the 2016 referendum.[12]
In 1979, the United Kingdom opted out of the newly formed European Monetary System (EMS), which was the precursor to the creation of the euro currency.
The opposition Labour Party campaigned in the 1983 general election on a commitment to withdraw from the EC without a referendum.[13] It was heavily defeated; the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher was re-elected. The Labour Party subsequently changed its policy.[13]
In 1985, the United Kingdom ratified the Single European Act—the first major revision to the Treaty of Rome — without a referendum, with the full support of the Thatcher government.[citation needed]”
Your piece asks whether the frogs or krauts could pull out of the ReichEU . The reality is that whoever wrote that does not accept that the ReichEU is a francogerman stitch up with the UK used as a mug to keep it from competing on a level playing field .
As well as being milked for cash and used as a dumping ground for EU states unable to employ their own people – without reference to the suffering inflicted on the mugged UK population already trying to deal with various ‘ cultures ‘ from the indies and other former colonies . Screwed again .
I don’t know why but this cartoon reminded me of the BBC’s Last Night the Proms…
Caught a bit on the way to work . Interview with the boss of Eurotunnel . It wasn’t very long . They’ve been planning for ‘ all outcomes ‘ of Brexit and “are ready “. Deep gloom from the bee keeper ? It cost £30 million ( cheap ) . Then asks with a barb whether this was the compensation for the ferry tendering fiasco where idiot Grayling had to pay out for a screwed up tendering process .
“No no – we were planning long before then “ . But the Far BBC had to get one easy dig in .
Now to find another project Fear Job
Big bucks in the law courts – we ll be paying for the appeal over prorogation for the next few days and a lot of barristers and their gangster crews will be dreaming of ££££££….
Cassandra-I can imagine at the first meeting for BBC Proms
2020. BIG BROTHER at the BBC will start his, hers, or its presentation
with something like this.
“We are succeeding in our education of the masses even in the
field of our transformation of the Proms into a “diverse” musical
experience. I only want to make one alteration for next years musical programme. I do not want to see any male Caucasian
composers with a surname beginning with B on the programme
menu !!
“some say” That Ineos Automotive are opening up a new factory down in South Wales . Anything about it on the ”Despite Brexit” channel yet ?
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, an Iranian Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Yemen Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Saudi Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, an Iranian Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Saudi Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Yemen Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can draw a cartoon and people will laugh, an Islamic Muslim should be careful when drawing cartoons or fellow tolerant Islamists will punish them with honourable stones or lashes of joy.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
Just to correct some inaccuracies here which are important.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Saudi Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
The penalty for not wearing a Hijab is nothing. Women is Saudi aren’t even allowed the ‘liberty’ of the Hijab, they have to wear the Abaya a full face covering, and although the dubious crown Prince says it isn’t law, the men in Saudi and the religious Police will kill any woman who fails to wear it.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, an Iranian Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
Currently there are at least 600 churches and 300,000–370,000 Christians in Iran.
Christianity is reportedly the fastest growing religion in Iran with an average annual rate of 5.2%.
It is illegal for Christians to prosletyse and it is of course a capital offence for a Muslim to convert. Reading a Bible however is not illegal at all.
British Muslim can draw a cartoon and people will laugh
If the Gestapo we used to know as ‘The Police’ find you doing this you will be arrested, prosecuted and imprisioned, probably you will be tortured.
You will almost certainly be exposed to Muslim extremists who will murder you. Your fellow tolerant British members of the Prison Officers Association will make sure the punishment you receive will be an appropriate Sharia one.
The point here is that Iran isn’t anything like as bad as Saudi – but although it does bribe Western politicians it doesn’t have quite the amounts of bribe money Saudi has. We are backing the wrong side. With some reaching out Iran could be back in the international fold. It’s people (the ones I’ve met) are friendly affable and civilised they are far more European than the backwards primitive Saudi Arabs.
Thanks for the corrections. Islam is good, West is bad.
British Muslim, no such thing, never will be.
Allegiance is elsewhere.
Accidently tuned in to Toady’s Thought for Today, which I have to admit, I have not heard for years. I wasn’t really listening but a lady with a very sombre voice was in droning on about helping Nigerians.
I suddenly remembered an article I read in The Irish Herald a few days ago about Brandon Shumba, a member of the rapidly growing Nigerian / African community in Ireland who claim to be refugees. Here is the link:
Brandon Shumba said he was ashamed of his behaviour.
“…The sergeant said Shumba told gardai to back away and told them he had HIV. He threatened to attack gardai and give them the virus. He also told officers to “ring gardai in Ballymum” and that they will “tell you how violent I can be”.
The court heard Shumba had 31 previous convictions.
Defence lawyer Annette Kealy said Shumba had a “troubled and difficult childhood” and spent time in Oberstown (Oberstown is a young offenders institute near Dublin). His upbringing was volatile and his parents had their own difficulties. Shumba was taking anti-psychotic medication and was stabilised. Ms Kealy said he had problems with drugs in the past but was now clean.”
“…rapidly-growing Nigerian/African community in Ireland…?” 31 previous convictions?
The Irish ought to be very careful about who they let into their country. There are tens of millions of Nigerians and perhaps even hundreds of millions of Africans who would be happy to spill onto Irish shores if they had the knowledge and means of getting there! (Or any other European shores, for that matter!)
The few million Irish, who actually inhabit the place, will simply get swept aside, if you really want to paint a worst-case scenario.
I think the Irish Foreign Ministry needs to sit down and do some homework. Try their hand at sums. Have a look at numbers. Do a few basic comparisons. Then tighten up their entry requirements.
And they’re not the only European country of whom that is urgently required.
If they don’t, they’re going to find rather a lot of Mr Shumbas, with “troubled an difficult childhoods” washing up on their shores.
The Nigerian population increases rather many times more every year, than there are people in the whole of Ireland. And most of those are not going to find employment in Nigeria. Sobering food for thought.
The Irish do care FNW but their liberal government in like ours, will not listen. This story about Oughterard, a village in Co Galway has been reported by the MSM in Ireland and also by The Times in the UK but not by the BBC.
The plan is to relocate hundreds of african ‘migrants’ to the village. The local people, quite correctly are arguing that they don’t have the infrastructure to accommodate them and they will have a negative effect on their way of life (there is not even a police station in the village).
The MSM is labelling the whole village as racist for voicing genuine concerns. The Irish government isn’t just relocating african ‘migrants’ here but to scores of towns and villages across the Republic of Ireland.
African gangs of youths are committing crimes in all the suburbs of Dublin they are located in. It won’t be too long before all of the republic will be affected by similar problems wherever these ‘migrants’ live in The Republic of Ireland.
The mass immigration of 1609 worked well didn’t it?
While on the whole, the replacement of indigenous pupils in English schools in recent years has been hailed as an outstanding success, Jim.
It’s all part of being good EU citizens, or more correctly , citizens of a country that buys into the Globalism philosophy. Even if the UK gets out of the EU we will still be ruled by those who buy into Globalism and immigration. The Irish, if they can overcome their feelings about their history with the UK, would be much better off economically joining the UK in leaving the EU. But history makes us who we are and so I don’t suppose it will ever happen. Of course the BBC et al are trying very hard to rewrite our history and to create young generations who despise the history of their country. This will make them much more pliable in the future.
(So, 3rd attempt to upload a link that actually works! :o)
This isn’t so much about a crime “as such” but more that two worlds clash … seems “some” just don’t know how to behave in civilised society? :o(
In this case it’s in France (Paris apparently):
Just to remind people of recent history – although it does seem a long time ago now.
When the EU or its supporters are lying that it didn’t want Brexit, and it wasn’t responsible for the referendum. The EU absolutely was responsible.
Cameron in his manifesto promised a conditional referendum on EU membership, but only if he couldn’t get any concessions.
If you cast your mind back to the time leading up to the referendum you will recall his humiliating tour around European capitals begging for some concessions he could sell the the British public. The answer he was given, I believe was a major factor in the outcome of the vote.
Europe not only turned its back on the UK in its hour of need, it stuck two fingers up and spat in our face. The answer Non Non Non, Nein Nein Nein, showed the EU couldn’t give a toss about whether the UK was a member state or not. They wanted our money but they didn’t want to give a thing in return for it.
It was like watching Nikita Khrushchev at the UN banging his shoe on the desk shouting Niet Niet Niet. The EU made their view of us Crystal clear.
The referendum would never have happened if they hadn’t been so intransigent. Cameron clearly didn’t want to hold it, and even a small concession would have enabled him to spin a story and an excuse not to hold it but they didn’t even give him that.
So the next time the EU says that it didn’t want the referendum, just remember that they were the absolute cause of it, and they knew full well that in refusing to budge even a millimetre would force the referendum to take place.
If you can sum up the history so succinctly Thoughtful, why is it that no-one in politics or the media can do the same, or even approach doing so?
Cameron’s desperation and faux abasement is so acute, he is prepared to gloss over the most deeply insulting moment when Sarkozy ignored his outstretched hand, summing up the whole debacle in a gesture, and prefers to stab the one politician – for all his flaws – who is prepared to remain dogmatically democratic.
So far, anyway – hedging bets has become a required action.
It’s because the Tories are cowardly useless and incompetent. They cannot face the confrontation it would bring if they said this to the Luxembourg PM, nor can they stomach criticising EU leaders.
Iain Duncan Smith has taken to the usual cowards get out – what about the War? So tired and trite avoiding the real issue like the plague and making himself sound like Basil Fawlty.
The Tory party is it appears a dumping ground for upper middle class failures who couldn’t succeed at anything which is why when anyone with a modicum of talent appears they shine like a beacon!
American swimmer swims the Channel four times. Lot’s of questions for her Toady tells me. Could it be that one question was, mid-Channel, was she asked if she wanted a lift by Border Force heading towards France to pick up another cargo of………..’Refugees’ fleeing turmoil somewhere.
Bbc moaning emole, replete with BBc EU Propaganda Editor Katya’s ‘analysis’….
What does Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel’s scorn mean?
What exactly should we make of the oh-so-public venting on Monday by the prime minister of Luxembourg following his meeting with Boris Johnson? Does this mean the EU has lost patience and will no longer engage in negotiations with the Johnson government? Can we expect an Angela Merkel rant or a Mark Rutte rave next?
Quite the opposite. “As long as there is a chance of a deal, it’s in our own interest to engage. However frustrating negotiations are,” a high-level EU contact told me.
Read full analysis >
Katya Adler
Europe editor
Meanwhile, outside the bubble, most know a set up hissy fit when they see it, even if overpaid, corrupt #wefiles bbc drones won’t.
Guest WhoOT, that little Luxembourg spat may – I hope – result in another few hundred thousand past Remain voters becoming completely fed up with the behaviour of Remain campaigners, MPs in Parliament and the EU that it will affect their future voting in GEs and any more future referendums (may God forbid!) on the EU.
Nothing succeeds like excess.
Like the new handle, btw. If applied sparingly.
Precedent can meet the law of unintended consequences.
GW, the handle may wear off long before it is worn out. 🙂
Any guesses where this might be headed, beyond the election time post box?
“Our industry needs more women if we’re going to survive.”
How women could solve the shortage of trained chefs in the British Asian restaurant business.
(via BBC South) https://bbc.in/30nFLQ2
“How (WHITE) women could solve the shortage of……………………BABIES!
Last night R4 put out a programme about life expectancy- it only took 10 minutes of it to become an advert for the SNP- the producer took the easy route . Go to some bit of Scotland and broadcast stuff about deprivation -and people as victims as opposed to people with choice . Very BBC comrades .
What would the bbc do without ‘could’?
We have several ‘Asian’ restaurants in town. Beyond the Chinese and Thai, I cannot recall any women working in the others.
Something to look forward to early next year – a new film: The Personal History of David Copperfield.
A BBC review says: “Armando Iannucci’s The Personal History of David Copperfield is so imaginatively conceived and so gloriously cast…….”.
Well it would, the cast list looks like a UN summit. This is David Copperfield:
Can’t wait for ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, adapted so an old guy from Islamabad gets a young guy in Manchester to give his life for…
Perhaps someone should tell Iannucci that Dickens was a writer, not a magician’s assistant.
Isn’t that Dev Patel ? (Slumdog Millionaire and Marigold Hotel). Its ok it seems, to bring in all nations to play roles that were clearly written as ‘white’, but imagine the outcry if the reverse were to happen, and say the slaves in 12 years a Slave were cast as anything other than black.
In ‘Asia’ Western talent is on occasion deployed. Usually either as a Westerner or baddie. Usually both at once.
I think the next one might be a BBC production called: Low Expectations,
rt, brilliant! LOL x 5. 🙂
Cheered me up no end.
I haven’t watched a BBC drama series for years because I simply can’t stomach the increasingly overt political propaganda. But this liberal left globalism has spread across the world. I used to enjoy the Scandi Noir stuff but over the past three or four years this too has become infected by having story lines which minority groups are being persecuted by whites . I have stopped watching these as well. Infact my viewing is increasingly of programmes made before about 2010 or even earlier when the plot mattered much more than it does today and there was much less Politically Correct propaganda involved in the story line and casting.
Documentaries on the BBAc have gone exactly the same way and are pretty well unwatchable these days. The documentaries on Ch5 are significantly better but can still descend into PC at the expense of truth sometimes.
….surely The Personal History of Davinder Kapoorfield?
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about its origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – head scarfs, finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, Halal food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Is it possible to roll the film on a few frames?
Here’s an update on how far the British Government has come on the road to complete eradication of so-called, “Free Speech” compliments of their backers – The Muslim Council.
A state forced monopoly attacking choice-based broadcasting from other countries sounds very bbc.
Good luck with that, Tone.
Earning the massive wedge daily.
Apparently mr Hall is to make a big speech about the BBC having a ‘ higher moral ground’ than ‘ trade ‘ broadcasters like the excellent ‘ prime ‘ and others .
I wonder if he ll keep a straight face while he says it? But as a peer he should be well used to telling lies .
I suppose he ll invoke dim and distant past programmes and not put up a picture of the various sex offenders the BBC has employed across its time ….
Lord Hall Hall of Many Hundreds and Thousands will doubtless expect all his other BBC mates in the Chamber pot to afford a rousing round of applause.
This might see further legislation nodded through to crush the effects of public choice and market forces.
One for any media based there:
Holding the Mayor to account and investigating issues that matter to Londoners
Media Office: 020 7983 4228
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Why are Londoners so rubbish at recycling?
It’s a mystery. Given the BBC is so keen on asking questions, maybe asking the demographic composition of ‘London’ might be a hint?
You cannot assume a baby wants to be born into this world and should ask first … Indian man to sue parents for giving birth to him
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
7 February 2019
He does not have to suffer, suicide is an option.
On Channel 5 late last night.
A programme about the billions cost to the NHS of self-inflicted illnesses.
Features included a hugely obese young woman gorging herself on junk food. She was hoping a change of GP would enable her to get disability benefits of £270 per week instead of unemployment benefit of £60.
Then we had an overweight older guy with diabetes. He was on 17 different medications and has not worked for 20 years.
Credit to C5 on this one for its political incorrectness.
Can you just imagine this programme as such on the BBC? No, me neither.
The BBC version would sound more like ‘evil Tories underfund NHS preventing vulnerable people getting the treatment they deserve’.
Switched on to R4, a programme called ‘One-to-one’. Propaganda. Off switch. Didn’t take more than ten seconds.
BBC Radio 4
Nil point no more?
It’s hoped the new system may help the UK achieve better results in the Eurovision Song Contest
The BBC: No point.
Plus ca change…
Today Programme
Are drag acts sexist?
Author Simon Doonan joins us to discuss RuPaul’s Drag Race, the hugely popular American TV series which is coming to the UK this year.
Surely an award winner? Somewhere.
Someone in that out fit – high in the management – has real issues about all this gender nonsense – they are obsessed .
Surprised the word management hasn’t been changed to
Yet ( copyright pending )
Citizens who are not interested in their politicians will get politicians not interested in their citizens.

Reference Cassandra’s post above about the new BBC comedy series ‘Scarborough’. Cassandra rightly points out the right-on multicultural police prescence.
However there is another, rather less amusing, aspect to the programme.
The programme features as a plot character, an Italian ice cream businessman.
I wonder if the writers were aware of a previous Scarborough ice cream businessman?
Our dear friends at the Guardian were fulsome in praise of him.
However others were a little more circumspect. Allow me to demonstrate.
You may recall that before the controversy, Savile was initially buried at a site overlooking Scarborough.
The BBC and Jimmy Savile. Who’d have thought?
I heard on LBC that there’s a world helium shortage. Bit of a personal interest in the story so I look on BBC for info. Surely there’s no way you can propagandise a story on helium? Ah…
**Getty image info: Muslim family pass helium filled balloon seller in Birmingham, United Kingdom. These balloons, all being held in a large bunch depict all sorts of characters from cartoons and tv.**
(Also 2nd image of MRI scanning looks like it’s been shot in Damascus)
To be fair to the BBC it is hard to take a photo in Birmingham without the obligatory head-covered woman ‘photo bombing’ the shot.
What you won’t see are all those families with a black father. They are too busy working full-time in the advertising agencies’ studios!
At risk of joining an OT convo, it may have changed but while Ad folk may have suggested talent for shoots at one stage, often clients mandated selection and always had final say,
The ‘creative industries’ can be surprisingly un-creative, they like to be ‘on trend’. That is why we have wall-to-wall programmes about buying/doing up houses.
The same thing happens with adverts, (maybe the successful agency gets all the business?), so once the big grocers started pushing ‘have a happy black Christmas’ everyone else has joined in.
No doubt the client gets to choose which black baby gets featured, but be assured, black baby there will be, even if it has to be shipped in from Chicago.
Oops. deleted the link.
BBC Producer meetings know who to cast though.
(Might have to use that freeze frame).
More ‘gobby’ foreigners jumping on the bandwagon.
According to a Guardian article our Sham predicts that the Supreme Court will rule against Boris.
If it does the British people will not take it lying down.
I thought there’d by 9 Lord justices but there are 11 . I wonder who is in goal ?
The world at one has already decided Gina Soros has won -and were excited by the prospect of Boris being bent over the dispatch box and being thrashed by President Bercow to the sound of ‘ ode to joy’
I’m not sure if their lordships are using VAR ..