The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
Got to take my hat off to you . Once upon a time I’d have watched it but not any more .
Meanwhile the murders by stabbing in Londonistan continue – 3 separate murders yesterday with plod imposing some sort of search order after the knife has done its job .im sure the local state broadcaster will mention the ‘police incidents ‘ in the traffic reports .
Much Al Beeb crowing on TV news at 1pm.
Barry Sheerman screaming himself close to a heart attack.
Jo Swinson is there. Soubry is there.
Norman Smith tells us Johnson is ‘deadlocked’.
Then quite unexpectedly (NOT) we’re off to Glasgow, to hear what the people and the papers think.
Al Beeb, transparent as ever.
Don’t suppose they’ll be giving us a bit of Starkey.
That would may sense for baffled people, set out what’s really going on.
But no, that wouldn’t be promoting the Beeb agenda. Who knows, we’re going to get ‘fact-checking’; perhaps we’ll get Starkey there? But I wouldn’t hold my breath…
It’s not so much that he broke the law; it’s that he didn’t follow it. Thus the action to prorogue was of no effect.
Yes, I get that entirely. But in legal fiction, the law isn’t retrospective. It was always there but had never been ruled upon.
It’s akin to saying the beautiful wood carving of an owl was always inside the branch, but simply hadn’t previously been revealed. Preposterous, but I don’t make the laws.
Labour to abolish all border controls.
Millions more Labour voters to follow.
Reject acceptance on utility!
No more immigration, full stop.
Stop foreign aid, use the cash for repatriation.
All the left-wing press hyenas are encircled around Boris. A typical cowardly attack by the Independent trumpeting about Boris’s use of a 335 seat jet for his trip to the USA, dredging up some more looney Activists to howl at him.
The headline imputes that he was the only passenger on the jet but much, much further down adds that the (RAF) jet is in fact kitted out as a business jet with only 58 business seats and 100 economy seats. AND that all the seats were occupied. Plus it was previously used by May on trips to the USA.
This is typical warped reporting designed to push an agenda designed to rubbish Boris rather than report the news.
My advice to the Independent is, keep doing this because it just reinforces the distrust that you are held in by the average level-headed citizen. No wonder The left-wing press circulation figures are so low and declining fast. They are not newspapers, they are just Corbyn mouthpieces as is the BBC.
All the left-wing press hyenas are encircled around Boris. A typical cowardly attack by the Independent trumpeting about Boris’s use of a 335 seat jet for his trip to the USA, dredging up some more looney Activists to howl at him.
The headline imputes that he was the only passenger on the jet but much, much further down adds that the (RAF) jet is in fact kitted out as a business jet with only 58 business seats and 100 economy seats. AND that all the seats were occupied. Plus it was previously used by May on trips to the USA.
This is typical warped reporting designed to push an agenda designed to rubbish Boris rather than report the news.
My advice to the Independent is, keep doing this because it just reinforces the distrust that you are held in by the average level-headed citizen. No wonder The left-wing press circulation figures are so low and declining fast. They are not newspapers, they are just Corbyn mouthpieces as is the BBC.
digg- there is nothing independent about The Independent.
I don’t even bother reading he left wing press because I know that it would always be worded in the left’s favour.
Yesterday Stephen Bush from the New Statesman had an article deciding that because the prorogation was ‘illegal’ that would somehow be a boost for Corbyn?
I don’t even bother reading he left wing press because I know that it would always be worded in the left’s favour.
Yesterday Stephen Bush from the New Statesman had an article deciding that because the prorogation was ‘illegal’ that would somehow be a boost for Corbyn?
We now have a large ship lying offshore Great Yarmouth, which is awaiting permission to dock because it ‘contains stowaways’.
UK Border Force and Police are arriving, in small numbers.
Presumably the ‘stowaways’ are to be ‘processed’, only to disappear into the country somewhere, like all the many other ‘migrants’, escorted to Dover by the Border Force?
We heard of one or two who were sent back to France, but that seems to have been the exception.
Will be interesting to see what happens at Great Yarmouth. Maybe beeb will tell us? Maybe not.
If they do they’ll spin it: desperate asylum seekers, women and children (aged 30+), engineers and doctors, anyway it’s all our fault that their countries are economic and political basket cases (nothing to do with islam), our moral duty to accept them and dole out benefits for life (even if some will plot against us), invite over the rest of their very extended families, etc.
Does this new type of law making mean that everybody who has ever driven over 70mph before that became the speed limit can now be tried and found guilty of breaking the law.
If they have any problems proving someone drove over 70mph maybe the SC can say if their ‘opinion’ is that the driver has broken the law.
OK guilty I apologies.
OK guilty I apologies.
Some good cheer for us all.
Naga Munchetty banged to rights.
Hey Naga today – maitless yesterday – what’s going on ? Are the state broadcaster employees biased or something ? And Aaron banks no illegality in the brexit campaign ?
In case anyone missed it, this is the Mateless reference:
BBC upholds complaint against Emily Maitlis over her ‘sneering’ Newsnight debate with columnist Rod Liddle over Brexit
Gritted teeth.
It’s like the BBC has let the dogs loose.
Thank you vlad .
Hmm. Yahoo’s report doesn’t really hide what it thinks. Part of the swamp.
The photograph of that thing………urgh
pg2 of a newspaper is where they hide stories in plain sight
Times pg 2 – Naga story
+ Arron Banks cleared by electoral Commission
+ Mark Thompson (NYT ex BBC) in his big Lecture
Thompson said
– The regional papers have declined, but the politicians shouldn’t restrict the BBC in response
instead BBC and commercial outlets should work together.
.. Newspapers and broadcasters “should be liberated from. government regulation” to thrive in global market
… ie government should not implement Levison.
‘Says BBC would be in top tier of global media giants if wings not clipped by hostile policymakers’
‘ warns “print-centric” UK newspapers face mass closures and says it is a myth to blame Facebook and Google for news industry’s difficulties’
A rather foul mouthed view from the other side about BBC apologising for Naga
Suddenly leftmob lay into the BBC
.. with their usual constant outrage bus PR technique.
The creativity of their ‘supreme court’ is amazing.
1. The government does something that governments have done for decades without anyone going to law.
2. The ‘supreme court’ invents new law that isn’t on the statute book.
3. Post-event it retrospectively decides that the government action was illegal.
4. It does this on the basis of no evidence, just supposing that if there was evidence that it would support their decision.
Truly the world of antipodean mammals!
I am also intriqued by the ‘prorogation never happened line’. My understanding was that nominally HM The Queen does this. Now back in the 1960s Birmingham built a tunnel that formed part of an inner ring road and HM was invited to open it. When she did this she said, “I name this road Queens Way”.
Now supposedly only the tunnel was being named but because the Queen said ‘road’ all the local functionaries decided that her word had to be followed to the letter. As a result all the other parts of the ring road had new signs made so that, say, ‘Masshouse Circus’ became ‘Masshouse Circus Queens Way’. Utter nonsense but by convention we do what the Queen says (and she in turn is careful to say very little).
The idea that what the Queen said, (proroging parliament), never happened because it was ‘unlawful’ is a joke. But then and they all, in a very sick way?
“2. The ‘supreme court’ invents new law that isn’t on the statute book.”
Then calls anyone’s acts contravening that new law, “Unlawful”.
You were spotted by a camera driving through a local village a day before signs were erected and a legal limit imposed on that stretch. You were charged and found guilty. But, you plead, that law was not in force the day you were filmed. That’s by-the-way they say. But, you reply, ‘why not then charge me for other similar infringements of the ‘New’ law going back further in time?’. “How far would you like us to go back” they ask…………
Outright tyranny: Next on the Judiciaries ‘to do’ list. Just after Tommy Robinson.
A bow to Melanie Phillips, David Starkey and the Attorney general for restoring some balance and appraisal of the Supreme Court’s efforts.
The more comes out…the more you feel we have been judged by waxworks.
Certainly there are some great minds at work on our behalf – such a shame that so few of them are in parliament.
“…for restoring some balance…”
But, regrettably, they cannot reverse the decision which is now cast in legal ‘stone’ awaiting its application the next time an Executive makes a decision that Parliament don’t like so the courts can stretch this decision a little further to embrace other issues. That’s Precedent for you. Creeping rot.
However it can also be used against them. And I’m pretty certain it will, eventually.
If the judgemental decision of the highest court in the land can be so obviously and embarrassingly rigged, why on earth do all those clamouring for an election think that that result can’t be rigged too?
Thanet, Peterborough and the Labour conference are just minor examples and the system can only get slicker.
Expect it to be rigged. The elite have Labour on their side and will stop at nothing. If I was Nigel I would tread carefully too, the cops might start rounding up a few of his more outspoken Brexit supporters, especially if they dare to raise matters relating to immigrtion.
Then again, using the system currently in place, to delay Brexit until a high proportion of Leave voters have died, at which point the EU-approved second referendum will be held, the losses to the Supreme Court bench within the same time scale might well be even higher. Assuming there are no assassinations, of course.
Don’t forget Beltane that, this Supreme Court can be disbanded once we are out of the EU. It was introduced by that slimy traitorous T Blair-that lot are an anathema. The prime minister was entirely proper in testing the limits of his jurisdiction in respect of the governance of the UK. This so because of the unique set of circumstances imposed upon the prim minister by the recently formed Supreme Court combined with the hitherto unconscionable actions of the opposition in not calling for an election, only allowable through the new fixed term parliament act. This current set of circumstances has created a jury of 11 only able to pass a verdict on such issues in anything but a unanimous manner. The reason being that in the absence of a written constitution, such a jury is being asked to govern the country. The only way such judgments could be made fairly is if the decision was put to a referendum. Thus the judges are being asked to represent 60 million people. Such a Judgement, if it is to have any thread of substance would have to be unanimous. In this unique set of circumstances it is now the responsibility to prorogue parliament for three weeks, in order to test whether this is lawful or not. This action will eventually expose the farce of the existence of the existence of a Supreme Court in the absence of a written Constitution.
I’m pretty sure Government intervention would have been against EU law.
Apologies if anybody else has mentioned David Starkey’s take on the Supreme Court which he explained on LBC with Ian Dale last night.It has clarified a lot for me personally and I knew there was something ‘fishy’ about this whole saga.
Many of us are ignorant of the Law no doubt.But the fact that BLAIR created this ‘court’ and rejigged the courts system a few years ago makes huge sense and makes me somewhat suspicious.
Starkey essentially said that the Remainers are using this whole saga and this ‘Supreme Court’as a ‘campaign’ vehicle.
Any of you would like to enlighten me further I would be grateful
@Luckyharry69 I put the Starkey video up on the previous page
Isn’t Labour’s new open door policy genocide? Time to take them to the Supreme Court!
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
A mental element: the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”; and (TALKING OF STOPPING HAVING KIDS ALL THE TIME ON BBC)
A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (MASS IMMIGRATION OR LETTING IRANIANS WALK INTO THE UK)
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (MASS IMMIGRATION)
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group (ECO LOONS)
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
BBC 1 TV News @ 16.18 today.
Interview outside Parliament.
Female reporter from the Guardian interviewed (Dawn somebody).
She stated: ‘People don’t want a No Deal Brexit’.
BBC interviewer failed to challenge her sweeping statement. If she had said that people wanted a No Deal Brexit, I’m sure that the BBC man would have corrected her.
Standard procedure for the anti-Brexit BBC.
Just seen this on Twitter, shock horror!
Wonder if it will be lead story on the 6.00 pm News …..hahaha
Surely on a serious note how can the SC judges have been selected knowing their existing dispositions and conflicts of interests?
Just read this comment in the Law Gazette.
Is it verifiable?
‘Nine out of the eleven justices receive stipends of £175,000.00+ from the EU & the Supreme Court itself is a member of the network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU. Vested interests much? ‘
Comments covering this were made earlier in the thread when the EU connection of this corrupted Supreme Court were laid out .
Funny that these characters were bought up on chancery rules about not having an interest in the case . When the majority of the 11 surely did .
“Parliament suspension: Angry Commons exchanges as MPs return to work”
Do MPs work ?
Question to Al Beeb and The ‘Turkeys in Parliament’. What was the purpose of the 2016 referendum ?
HYS running on this and it looks like a lot of Remainers are voting. Or perhaps its been ‘fiddled’ ?
Seems a fair summary. Not sure about that ‘half’ though.
Pug -where is Greg Dyke, I wonder? He should be out there somewhere, declaring them to be HIDEOUSLY white. The beeb obviously lost a sophisticated political commentator when he left.
Of course he, like Their Worships -or whatever they’re called, will have been handsomely rewarded for every word he spoke. And a pension well in excess of 174 thousand Euros, no doubt?
Anyway, I am hugely impressed by all that gold, adorning those high-worth individuals. And in the middle of the web sits the Spiderwoman, although -in this snap- her pet is conspicuously absent.
Ian Duncan Smith on R4, currently pointing out that -in the absence of a written Constitution- the role of the Supreme Court is completely unspecified. He seems to think there is really no place for it. Understandably, perhaps, since it is a creature of Tony Blair, if memory serves.
Well, if we didn’t really know where the SC fitted in before, we know now. Listening to their words reveals them to be political, rather than judicial creatures. Perhaps they shouldn’t look quite so smug, hiding behind all that gold…
We can see right through it.
PS Dyke is still very much around, spreading it. Wiki says he’s chairman of a children’s television company and on Sky News’ ‘The Pledge’.
And when he’s on The Pledge he takes great delight in mentioning how “during my time at……….. “when I was Chairman of……….” “at the time I was CEO of………….” the blokes a complete a…….se.
Jeffrey Taylor predicts that an election is a long way off. Good account of remainer strategy
Well said, Charles Day!
From the BBC News site on-line.
“A transgender man, who has given birth to a child and does not want to be described as “mother” on a birth certificate, has lost a legal battle.
Freddy McConnell wanted to be registered as “father” or “parent”.
But a High Court judge ruled the status of “mother” was afforded to a person who carries and gives birth to a baby.
He said while Mr McConnell’s gender was recognized by law as male, his parental status of “mother” derives from the biological role of giving birth.
Mr McConnell, a journalist at the Guardian, has told the BBC he plans to appeal against the ruling.
During the trial in London, the High Court heard how Mr McConnell was a single parent, who was born a woman but now lived as a man following surgery.
He was biologically able to get pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy last year, but had legally become a man by the time of the birth.
Mr McConnell’s journey to parenthood was documented in a film called Seahorse and included his thoughts and footage of him going through fertility treatment, conception and the birth of his baby boy.
When he registered the birth of the child, he was told by a registrar that the law required people who give birth to be registered as mothers, the court heard.
Mr McConnell took legal action against the General Register Office, which is responsible for the registration of births and deaths in England and Wales, accusing it of discrimination.
He said it breached his human right to respect for private and family life.”
This is all very ‘de nos jours’. A Guardian journalist (what else?) trying to redefine gender for his own deviant and selfish purposes. The very fact that ‘he’ could give birth, gives the game away.
“But a High Court judge ruled the status of “mother” was afforded to a person who carries and gives birth to a baby.”
Nod, nod, wink, wink. We know a ‘woman of colour’ who knows of a person who will put the money up for you to take your appeal against the verdict to the Supreme Court where, as they are on a roll at present, you could obtain a reversal of that HIgh Court judgement and ‘make new law’ in the process………….
‘Advances’ in medical science coupled with ‘advances’ in extreme wokeness will increasingly create such freaky Frankenstein situations, with deranged people demanding ever weirder ‘rights’.
By the way next week I shall be self-defining as a trans Orangutan and anyone not addressing me as Oink will receive a letter from my solicitors for infringing my human rights.
(Unless I change my mind before then, in which case anyone addressing me as Oink will likewise, for causing me extreme mental trauma.)
I just hope we taxpayers are not paying for all the medical and legal costs of all this nonsense.
I hate these fx9k!ng imbeciles. The c8nt should have the child removed and her sorry a8se should be thrown into a womans prison. The fact that the RBC calls this pr@tt a man says it all. We have gone f85c!ng mad…grrrrrrrrrr.
The times on the 16th picked up a Yorkshire Post story and ran it on page 3
Black lawyer Katie Kedward from Leeds joined a walking group, they arrived at Settle Folk Festival
and she was so outraged by blackfaced Morris men she wrote to the mayor.
She wasn’t outraged enough to mention it to the groups on the day.
That bloody Trudeau gets everywhere doesn’t he ?
I can’t take the self generated ‘ drama ‘ of their parliament anymore and am pondering what , if any , will be the long term consequences .
Who can ever trust political parties again – which stand for one thing in their manifestos at election time and casually bin them . Same with Prospective MPs spouting promises to honour the vote of the people and then just binning that promise – without much by way of challenge by the MSM .
Will people just shrug and say
– I’m not going to bother any more
– forget about current events
– forgive
– take real revenge
– continue to vote on a party basis .
Not all politicians in the commons sold out to their personal ‘ views’ but what is it ? 500?.
People have to spend time ensuring that their MP’s are keeping their word.
Most people I would say vote in an election, and then do not involve themselves in politics again until the next election happens.
During those years the MP’s do what they want with no repercussions as there are not sufficient voices pointing out their failures or lies.
If the electors want an improved Parliament they will have to use their free time to do so.
63 year old Caroline Kisko long-standing secretary of the Kennel Club has quit after a complaint that she used the expression ‘n***** in the woodpile’, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Caroline Kisko, official spokeswoman for the organisation she had served for 21 years, left abruptly two weeks ago after a staff member reported she had made the remark, even though he had immediately apologised.
Next they’ll form a squad that will come round on request for you and shoot the culprit.
Stew Green
The staff member who complained must have been a bit bitchy
Yes, they hounded him out of his job.
Government secretly funded wesites and Social Media for British Muslims to lure them away from terrorism
– #1 called “Woke”
– #2 SuperSisters the global platform for young Muslim girls
2 staff resigned when it came out.
One said that whenever she produced material quoting Mo it was removed cos the website wanted to not be overtly Islamic
What the Remoaners are not telling you: Apparently, Germany represents about 40% of the EU economy. It’s just gone into recession, a recession that’s predicted to worsen with France teetering on the brink.
“Merkel mismanagement plunges Germany into full on recession”.
Now why would anyone, let alone a brainless MP, want to tether a stable economy to one that’s failing very quickly and likely to implode the EU? It couldn’t have anything to do with the common cause – Globalism at all costs – could it?
Nigel, over to you, please inform, urgently, the people of the UK.
And why would the BBC choose NOT to cover the hugely significant story of looming German recession when it’s in much of the financial press?
It’s almost as if they had an agenda.
Soubry hypes up the political Supreme Court in parliament. Boy, does she do indignation….
Boris puts her right.
Then along comes Grieve. Now Bercow gets carried away, in support of him, all but giving a speech of his own.
True colours showing.
Were I a Tory, I should be pleased to have got rid of the Soubrys and Grieves of this world.
“Boris Johnson says Supreme Court ‘wrong’ over Parliament suspension”
Do these judges that make the law get some sort of remuneration from the EU?
Listening to Parliament tonight. They are digging a hole for themselves . We voted out , just get on with it !
They are turning the people against Parliament and Parliament are not listening to us . They never have since the great referendum of 2016 .
Taffman I read on this site today about these judges and most of them get remuneration from EU. I think it was this morning posts.
Has Al Beeb published these details ?
Na what do you think ?
taffman – watching the MPs carefully, most of them seem oblivious of the 60 million people they represent. It’s all about parliament. For the anti-Brexit members, there’s no one out there.
Parliament is the servant of the People not the other way round.
Our Swamp need draining and only The Brexit Party can do it .
Al Beeb facilitates that swamp. Cut off its life supply by not paying the Telly Tax .
I wonder what ordinary people in kindred countries to the UK think of what the parliament has become ?
The mad situation of the ‘ government ‘ being usurped without the support of voters and now being left in place even after demanding ‘ no confidence ‘ and a dissolution for a General Election . It’s a tyranny .
It could go on for a very long time . And the traitors can pass any law they wish without any democratic mandate at all .
We could even see Scottish independence without the view of the Scottish people – after all – parliament is ‘ sovereign ‘ and the Supreme Court will just rubber stamp it .
In 2016 Parliament was given a mandate to leave The EU . We are now over three years on and have not moved one iota out. Parliament has utterly failed the people.
We need a new government and we need to be rid of the Biased Al Beeb for good .
Boris demolished a Labour snowflake this evening in Parliament.
She stated that she was horrified at his description in Parliament of the Benn law as being a ‘surrender document’ to the EU. She was almost in tears at the use of his ‘intemperate’ language.
Boris replied that he had never heard so much humbug.
Good. It’s time people stopped accepting the left wing view of the world and started calling out f***wittery for what it is.
I’m just watching Boris giving as good as he gets. They faux outrage of the mainly Labour women is laughable, it’s like they have all got together before the debate to decide how they are going to behave. Every opposition MP is insulting him and he is giving as good as he get. Good on him.The labour women are very upset that they are getting flak from the public and blaming it on him, instead of looking at themselves and the fact that most of their constituencies voted to leave EU and each one of them are remainers. These MPs are something else, they truly believe they are in the right and stuff their voters. Nearly every opposition MP is asking for him to apologize Jo Cox name is being mentioned over and over again tonight.Unbelievable they need to look to themselves.
Exactly! I fully agree. It’s been great to see the posing soppy snowflakes meet their nemesis.
I hope to God that these hysterical harridans are thrown out at the next GE. If the last 3.5 years have shown us anything, it is the fact that these so called stupid female MP’s should not actually be anywhere near parliament.
6500 suicides registered in the UK in 2018 . 12 percent higher than the previous year . ( report in the Telegraph ) .
It would seem that although , with the encouragement of the state broadcaster for people to ‘ live how they want ‘ life expectancy isn’t increasing as a result .
It’s a sad and complicated subject – and I know that there has been a tendency for coroners to no declare a finding of suicide for both financial and reasons of ‘shame ‘ so it’s even more worrying .
I was wrong. First prize for staged indignation in parliament has to go to Thangham Debbonaire.
Talking of staged indignation.
But what’s this?
They must know we can check and just don’t care. Of course, it helps if you know the World’s Most Trusted will keep schtum.
They don’t worry about being checked as by the time the evidence is found (even later on the same day) the moment has passed. There is absulutely no way Cox would have known she has used the “phwaze” (as she pwonounces it) herself in the past.
I don’t see the phrase as a problem anyway. It’s hardly glorifying wife-beating – the opposite in fact.
Because their name isn’t Trump. To all these questions.
The more Al Beeb and parliament attack Boris and Brexit, the more the people are against Parliament and Al Beeb.
Each time Al Beeb tries to brainwash and alter the mindset of the people the more they fail
We have seen their through their ‘two-faced game’.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
BBC TV News strap line during their transmission of the Parliamentary debate was on a loop. It repeated:
‘SNP Leader in Westminster says ‘The PM fought the law, but the law won’.
The BBC love the SNP and it shows.
Dover Sentry
Al Beeb is Anti-British. It works in the interest of The EU.
My favourite stat 1 million scots voted leave . 1.6 remain – The SNP cannot speak for Scotland
I doubt that even half of that 1.6 million would identify as Scots. I’d happily wager that most of them will either be of Irish extraction (and thus anti-British) or otherwise originate from outwith the UK.
Very, very few Scots of my acquaintance are pro-SNP. Indeed, it would be fair to say that Wee Jimmy Sturgeon is far from the popular figure that the BBC portray her as.
I watched the debate where Boris was supposed to be humiliated. The BBC repeatedly inserted anti Boris comments. But really ‘ Surrender Bill’ strong language. ‘Humbug’ more divisive hurtey hatey language. And infuriating Parliament by asking for an election, Good God.
Problem was that Boris wiped the floor with the lot of them.
And he stuck to his guns. He disagreed with the judgement, and said so, instead of falling on the floor prostrate in remorse.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man? I hope so.
I’ve just been watching Parliament live.
Anna Sourpuss is crying crocodile tears and giving some sob story about the language used in Parliament (eg traitor) and alleges death threats to her family.
They just don’t get it do they? The MPs left in the house are crying crocodile tears that they are having hurty words spoken to them and if I hear Jo Cox name one more time tonight. I’ll scream. What a load of two faced b**tards they are, they still cannot see their actions are making the public angry, they just dont get i All this has shown me tonight is judging by the way these MPs have shown disregard and have thrown off any responsibility they may have to pass any deal Boris may bring back.
Boris and the A.G. Cox have performed like lions today in Parliament.
I wish them both well.
Also, Boris has just stated “No” in answer to the question of whether or not he will ask the EU for an extension. John McDonnell is stirring the brown matter and Bercow has indicated that he has noted what was said.
From The Sun website:
Prominent Remainer Anna Soubry, who quit the Conservative Party over Brexit, spoke tearfully about death threats made against her family.
In an emotional statement, she urged her fellow MPs to be mindful of their language when using words such as “traitor” and “surrender.”
There’s a lot of it about.
I’d suggest that if she gets triggered by the word “surrender” then politics isn’t for her. How does such a low calibre of moron keep getting to the top of the party lists?
Roland –
Sounds like the next surrender act the traitors are going to pass is the “parliament ( restricted words) Act
To make words labour remainer traitors don’t like illegal . Bercow would love that
BBC Online News:
“Leader of the Independent Group for Change, Anna Soubry, said it “takes a lot to reduce this honourable member to tears” but she said she is “not alone tonight”.
“In this, the most peculiar and extraordinary of political times, the language that is used is incredibly important.
“We have evidence, whatever side of the debate you are on, when you use word like ‘surrender’, ‘capitulation’, and others use the word ‘traitor’ and ‘treason’, there is a direct consequence.
“It means my mother receives a threat to her safety. It means my partner receives a death threat.”
To quote Boris… Humbug!
Sounds like traitor victim Soubry is ready to do the rounds on the MSM Wimmins ‘ programmes again .
She must have been missing the victim limelight .
Reap and sow . … humbugs
Bloody woman needs to get a life and realise that no-one is interested in her continued sob stories.
Is the ridiculous language really “whatever side you are on”? The hysteria seems to me to be coming from one side only.
@BBCSounds seem to be very quiet on the day their flagship app has become the lowest rated BBC app of all time.
The very few bits of good stuff I’d kept on the old app got wiped . Glad I don’t pay for it.
SO BBC Radio4 which is the next Labour Luvvie you will induge with their own 5 part series ?
Ah guess who is this week’s daily book
BBC Trans obsession
See this 3 part thread
\\MPs’ fury at Boris Johnson’s ‘dangerous language’//
Was there such a fuss when Farage or Mogg was threatened ?
“dangerous” words like “surrender”, really ? is surrender a dangerous word?
Sounds like the lady is a drama queen .
taffman, at the present time, Bojo would only have to scratch his nose to have the rabid Socialists screaming with hurt, rage and pain.
And Gina Miller would take him to court.
“Ireland ‘open to Brexit extension’, says Varadkar”
He would say that wouldn’t he?
With so many Brexit Party Members in the EU Parliament, would the EU want to give us an extension? Or does the EU need us more than we need them ?
A typical Radio4 page
Note how elaborate it is
and the links to other progs at the bottom