The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
Well the two left wing pollsters, Survation and Conres have had their polls up now (Funny how they rush polls out when they think that people would be angry at the PM) and Survation have the Tories 3 points ahead. Had Theresa still been PM then Labour would be 20 points ahead by now.
Will need to wait to see what the other ‘Tory owned’ pollsters come out with.
Also Survation have a prefered PM rating up.
Johnson on 41%, Swinson 21% and Corbyn at 18%
Not bad for a pollster who nearly always had Labour ahead before Johnson became PM.
No doubt the BBC would be frustrated in the public not buying into the bias. Johnson and Cox ran the show today and even though more aggressive stunts will be pulled from the opposition this next few weeks the public are starting to look wise. It really is the people against parliament now and the BBC are obviously going on with the bad guys.
Al Beeb have always been “going on with the bad guys.”
That swamp badly needs draining .
Oh and the link to Twitter:
The comments from lefties and remainers is a joy to read as usual
“The comments from lefties and remainers is a joy to read as usual”
A parody of the US Democrats?
They’re all of the exact same Marxist brood.
While Auntie gets her knickers in a twist over such dreadful words as “surrender” and “humbug”, here’s an example of the sort of humbug and hypocrisy from our MP lowlife. Which the BBC will never raise.
(Apologies for the language, but it’s key to the point).

Former Labour?
Once Labour always Labour
A rather stupid comment, smoogie.
Sorry read the comment wrong. Been a long day 🙁
Hi smoogie, I know the feeling. There’s a few times I posted stuff when tired and kicked myself afterwards.
Keep posting.
Tough times. I am finding myself commenting on certain Facebook statuses and then end up getting into an argument somewhere lol
9pm Radio4 Evan Rentboy-look Davies presented a 90 minute special about ADDICTION
He opened the show by asking
So why does Britain have the highest drug use of any county in Europe ?
Dunno Evan, why do all those almost 100% white countries have such low drug use ?
Is it worth asking if we have a lot of Black and Pakistani drug dealers ?
. Of course there are a lot of bad white people and many talented black and Pakistani folks.
Evan then spoke his first guest : a girl who told us she got into drugs at age 12 cos her father was a Rastafarian .
A later female drug girl was named Africa.
Although the example throughout the show was that of @JoelLewin an FT journo addicted to heroin, who is presumably white.
“…..many talented black and Pakistani folks.”
Yes, we know. You only have to think Londonistan and paedophilia to appreciate their …..’talents’.
The next prog at 9:30pm was about a British black female saxophone player visiting Africa and Ethiopia
Thu 11:30am Radio4
Harlem’s New Renaissance
1919 sees the start of the cultural movement The Harlem Renaissance, but 100 years on, what’s happening now?
Novelist and playwright Darryl Pinckney, resident of Harlem, finds out.
Saturday 14:45pm another Lenny Henry repeat
Who is BBradio4 profiling in 3 episodes over the weekend ?
A judge they rather like
Trump pics a black woman to head rump’s The Wildlife Service
a Senate committee approved Skipwith’s nomination Wednesday in a party-line vote of 11-10.
How do you feel about that Guardianlalaland ??
Monday 11am :Muslim and Gay …Double points !
Sayeeda Warsi asks why Islam and same-sex attraction are often presented as black and white
Speaking to five Muslims who experience same-sex attraction,
Sayeeda will hear about the discrimination some of them have experienced in gay communities
Special graphic as well
If the BBC wnted to save money it could stop doing fancy graphics for radio progs
Aha next Friday
The Brexit Murder?
The Corrections re-visits four news stories which left the public with the wrong idea about what really happened
The week after the issue is “The Times published a piece with the headline ‘Christian child forced into Muslim foster care’. The story was front-page news – but was it right?”
More stories al-beeb won’t tell you if they can possibly avoid it:
UK: Muslim of the Year nominee is probed by police after she was filmed telling a rally ‘jihad is the only solution,’
France: At least 46% of Muslims want Sharia to be applied in the country
India: Muslims drug, rape girl, threaten her with blackmail unless she converts to Islam
Germany: 40 percent of welfare recipients are Muslim migrants
France: Muslim “girl in search of recognition and love” on trial for botched jihad attack on Notre Dame Cathedral
UK: Police take no action against Muslim cab driver who threatens to sodomize Christian converts in viral video.
Etc etc etc.
Just because there have been no major acts of terror in recent months, don’t think Jihad is abating for one moment. It is relentless.
Around 7:18pm Radio ran a trailer about a new prog about ho white people don’t understand their privilege
.. I just checked Twitter and the R4 schedule but I cant find more about it
Damn! Do you realize, Stew, that we might all miss it? Something we will regret for years!
Spot on JHB on “surrender” and “humbug”
A man has been stabbed to death in Ealing during a fight involving a number of men. (All part and parcel of Khant’s London.)
For some reason the story is surprisingly hard to find on the beeb webshite, even once you drill down to London, and surprisingly short on detail.
The DM however quotes an eye witness as saying ‘they were all black and looked around 19 or 20. He was stabbed on the high street and then the guys fled.’
Oh, I see.
Vlad – the London murder numbers have now exceeded the number at the same time last year so it should well exceed the total for the year . If the child of an MP became victim I suppose we’d hear more about it
Instead we get re runs of a Labour politician who was killed some years ago . The way they are behaving it could become an occupational hazard .
The BBC Radio 4 Audience (2017) – They were missing their target
Possibly the only programs keeping it alive now are – Today, News and Weather and the Archers?
“The station continues to have a balanced audience in terms of gender (49% male / 51% female). The average age of the Radio 4 listener is 56 years old and skews towards an older audience. Our target audience of 35-54 ABC1 (commonly termed ‘replenishers’) makes up 24% of the audience. The station also continues to have an upmarket bias – 75% of those tuning in fall into the ABC1 demographic.”
Click to access R4_44_Minute_Drama_Audience_Pack.pdf
Poor Fauxcahontas. When your whole life has been built on a lie, the truth must be a very scary prospect.
This is essential listening for anyone (like me) who wants to understand what was going on in parliament yesterday –
RBC on its News front page tells me of outrage at Johnson invoking the name Cox (seemingly only those on one side of the debate are allowed to do this; which of course they did as a stick to beat Johnson with). RBC think this more important than telling me that a General Election has being ducked by the opposition (who are a majority) for the third time.
Corbyn rages for Johnson to resign though won’t let him and the hypocrisy is hidden by our State Broadcaster.
I see the BBC are extolling the virtues of the new polar research ship the “Sir Richard Attenborough” they say….Its entry into service comes not a moment too soon.
Wednesday witnessed the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) special report on Earth’s oceans and frozen regions.
This document paints a grim picture of rapid and accelerating losses from the ice sheets of both the far north and the far south.
However what they fail to tell you is that it is powered by :
Dieselelectric propulsion system powered by the new Bergen B33:45 engines (two nine cylinder and two six cylinder engines)
With enough diesel to circumnavigate the world twice that’s about 2 thousand tons of (my guess) diesel being moved into the Arctic / Antarctic . Oh and it carries helicopters as well just to further pollute the polar regions……
The lefties at the BBC probably think it all runs on dolphin pooh.
The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
It will always be boaty mcboatface rather than named after a bloated state broadcaster well past his self buy date .
It is a bit of a strange echo of the referendum.
The powers that be asked the public what to name the ship. The public decided on Boaty McBoatface. The powers that be then had a fit and decided to name it after their favourite climate change propagandist (at the time that is, now it would be the Greta Thunberg).
If the powers that be didn’t want the public to name the ship, why ask them? Same as the referendum. If you aren’t willing to accept the result, don’t ask the bloody question!
Perhaps the new Ship of Fools could be dedicated to rescuing Greta’s soulmates when they get trapped by the Arctic ice that is no longer supposed to exist. As happened earlier this month, with the Swedish-registered MS Malmo in the Svalbard Archipelago. Again.
Ooops David soz
Not Gwent
The Remainer Broadcasting corps’ Norman smith – somewhat slimy creature – gave his view on the performance of the PM against the traitors in their parliament yesterday .
Mr Smith claims that bojo is no longer talking to their parliament but directly to the public ( I won’t used the term “people “ because there is too much communism about ) .
Language is important – and at the moment it needs to be as brutal as it can be .
If a ‘normal’ member of the public ( with limited knowledge of the current corruption of British politics ) was told what the situation is regarding the inability of a British government to call an election they’d just say “this is madness “ – get voting .
Our Justin interviewed a remainer traitor Tory chap who apparently is Churchill’s grandson . The fruit rolled a long long way from the tree.
This character is surprisingly thin skinned and moaning like the snowflakes on the opposition benches about the language being used .
In another time there would be a war by now – instead we sit and type out feelings here. I really do wonder if the volcano of public opinion is going to erupt – physically .
I’ve never been on a march – but I would consider going on one to protest about the refusal of their Parliament to go to a General Election . If the outcome of that GE was 49 brexit 51 remain I wouldn’t accept the outcome due to corrupt voting practices but I think there would be a clear result with large numbers of traitors flushed away ….
That fruit did not roll anywhere. It simply cratered the area and set off seismic alerts in Christchurch.
There’s a line in Citizen Kane: “If the headline is big enough, it makes the news big enough.”
That’s how red top journalism has always worked. Sensationalism to sell papers.
And its why the BBC is now nothing more than the broadcasting equivalent of a sensationalist, biased tabloid rag. A left wing one at that.
The screeching, blatantly biased anti Johnson headlines on the BBC today – attacking him for apparent “dangerous” language while ignoring the increasingly demented, defamatory howls of outrage from the left – is typical of the way the broadcaster resorts to gutter press sensationalism.
The BBC ought to be leading with factual reporting and balanced debate. It could be seriously talking about the precedent being set by the judges placing themselves above the rule of the sovereign and the executive, or about the threat to democracy if the will of the people to leave the EU is overturned.
But no, it yells about an apparently “dangerous” reference to Jo Cox, it goes all shrill about use of the words “humbug” and “surrender”.
This is pure red top journalism with a clear political aim. Except, unlike those avid readers of the red tops, people out in the real world just aren’t buying it.
Toady 2
For some reason James Cleverley – chairman of the Tory Party goes on the Toady programme to be fried over language used in their parliament
The bubble – he and the state broadcaster don’t seem to realise the last thing people care about is whether a few MPs get teary over criticisms of their anti democratic conduct .
Traitors – surrender act – perfectly acceptable .
Why the hell are tory brexiters still going onto State Broadcaster programmes . It’s not about accountability – it’s just about the remainer broadcasters giving them a kicking
‘Boris told to moderate his language by senior Conservative MPs’.
The headline item on Radio 3 news this morning.
Really BBC, is that the most important thing in a world of 7 billion people this morning?
(Anything to ‘bash Boris’. Yesterday he was to blame for buying buses when he was London major from a company that has now gone bust. If the Supreme Court can create retrospective legislation then I’m sure Boris could have engineered retrospective bankruptcy!)
BBC now in full Prindass Diana mode over Jo Cox being dragged into the fight.
Lets be clear:
1. Her name was brought up by a Labour harridan.
2. Boris did NOTHING to besmirch her name.
3. An SMP wanted to hang draw and quarter Conservative MP’s a short while back and got very little mention on the BBC.
Keep going Beeb, you can’t help but keep showing your hatred and bias!
TOADY Watch #1 – Mind your Language
I made the mistake this morning of switching on the radio during Nicholas Soames rant, er, sorry, I mean ‘provision of a BBC soundbite’, er, no, sorry again, that will probably not do for the truly sensitive, how about ‘interview’ instead? Sir Winston would be deeply disappointed in his grandson who obviously does not know his House of Commons history too well or has forgotten it, inconveniently or otherwise.
James Cleverly, Conservative Part Chairman is bravely setting the record straight in the face of an obdurate Mishal who doesn’t listen to his answers.
James Cleverly 4 : 0 Mishal Husain
Match of the Day verdict: “The boy done good.”
I disagree – I thought cleverley was just not clever at all . Why go on the programme just to be abused by remainers ?
Where was his aggression ? Why not go on the attack against the remainer broadcasting corporation ? His party had nothing to lose because of the overt hostility shown it by the MSM .
Personal career issues I suspect came into his timid behaviour with the Asian type .
You are welcome to disagree, Fed, but I thought he stuck four goals past Mishal. A win according to this referee. 🙂 But your VAR may differ. 😉
The BBC were after a divisive soundbite from him that they could use out of context in News broadcasts on R4 throughout today and into the future in order to bash Bojo. He was sharp, he didn’t provide and scored his own points, showing up Mishal and the BBC for what they are.
That, sadly, will not get airtime any time soon.
Sensing an election, the beeb went into overdrive last night, especially R4, to attack Boris and support Labour.
It did not comment on the failure of MPs to deliver Brexit, as promised, but created a diversion: Labour were ‘offended’ by his language. At the end of the session, the ‘threats’ MPs claim they are receiving became a big issue.
They connect this, not on their failure after 3+ years to deliver on their promises, but to Boris’ ‘language’.
It is quite clear that the beeb are going to use their Trump template again: Boris is going to be vilified and attcked, wherever possible. And, of course, beeb are launching yet another ‘impeach’ Trump campaign at the same time, doing the bidding of Democrats and the likes of CNN.
Balance? Impartiality? Completely gone.
Beeb had to spend 5 days reporting on the Labour conference IN FINEST DETAIL, but -it seems- they don’t want the Tories to have theirs. Little trick with the ‘Supreme Court’ employed here, and most Labour/SNP droned on about ‘the Law’, referring to the coveniently conjured up NEW law we had from that political court. About which Boris mustn’t say anything ‘nasty’ either.
Where is the fairness in this. THERE IS NONE. a NEW PEAK IN BIAS HAS BEEN REACHED.
And as for the people: totally forgotten. Parliament floats in glorious ‘sovereign’ isolation, up in the clouds.
Fake – I don’t think the state broadcaster ‘senses an election ‘. Far from it – it shows no indignation of the traitor shadow government to either call a no confidence of go for a General Election – instead it just diverts by talking about judges
( corrupt remainers ) and parliamentary language – which no one has yet said must be ‘ok’ because other wise the mini speaker would have ruled ‘out of order ‘…..
TOADY Watch #2 – The Science is Settled.
Oh, no it’s not.
You couldn’t make it up. I imagine there will be some bright GCSE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level science students smacking their foreheads in frustration at all the scientists and environmentalists (including Sir David Boaty) saying they really do not understand Antarctica and this wonderful new boat will help them find out more about it and ‘the truth about what is going on’.
Oh dear!
What an admission!
Will there now be a change of BBC policy and they will permit dissenting voices to debate Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency and Carbon NetZero?
I thought not.
Thank you for your confirmation of what I heard similarly. I thought my ears had deceived me. The female interviewee said the ship would be going to the Antarctica to see, “…..what is going on…..”. There, that’s “settled” then. Unlike the use of the same verb as in, (‘Climate Change’) being, “settled science”.
Suggestion: As the Swedish poison dwarf who has an inherent dislike of schools, has obtained her sea legs now perhaps she should be invited along? If then the evidence eventually supports her madness we in turn could support her – fully.
As an afterthought, who is financing this research? Couldn’t be Soros and Co. could it?
Anyone mention that this new ship is powered by some massive Diesel hardware?
No, thought not!
So it will be bobbing about in Antartica to “See what’s going on” whilst spewing Diesel exhaust!
György Boy? Favourite bogey man of the Far Right, Hard Right, slighted Wilted Right and Feeble Right? Especially according to the BBC.
I don’t know. Have an idea that the boat was funded by public subscription (and probably taxpayer money, too), hence, the naming opportunity for the public that didn’t quite go to plan.
I’m glad that others like yourself are picking up on that. It was an amazing admission. However, I am in favour of the research. Just not the pre-determined results. I am amazed at the amount of Arctic and Antarctic tourism that currently goes on in massively polluting ships. That should be stopped right now, if ‘they’ really mean what they say about environment, pollution and Carbon NetZero.
Much has been said and written about the Supreme Court judgement. But here, in my humble opinion is the most accurate assessment given in relatively simple terminology. It is the academic lawyers who usually give the best appraisals of areas of law as they are free from any financial incentive as is their brethren in the field of legal practise.
BBC on social media this morning has been… very BBC.
Every. Single. Post. wheeling out an emotive whinger as the actual nation the bbc is supposed to speak for laughs at these faux histrionics.
Still, when in a hole, play the Queen:
Please! I’m having breakfast.
An article about the experience of Greenland, the only Country so far to successfully leave the EU.
I am sure you will all see the parallels to the Uk situation but of particular note are his comments:
“I think [the EU] will have the same attitude now as they had 30 years ago,” he says. “That when you leave the family, you should not expect to get anything easily.”
“A referendum was held, resulting in 52 percent of Greenlanders voting in favour of leaving, the same number as the UK vote. The relatively close result, says Vesterbirk, “had an enormous influence on the atmosphere. We were told again and again that the minority was just as big as the majority and we couldn’t do it,” he says. “I guess you will hear that in Britain as well. It’s the drawback of referendums in a democracy. You have to take it seriously, you have to live with the fact that the majority is the majority.”
“The atmosphere between us and the member states wasn’t good,” he says. “We spent a lot of time convincing the EU that of course you can leave – the EU is not a prison.”
Food for thought I think!
Al Beeb
I love it !
‘a boiled sweet, especially one flavoured with peppermint’. I love em .
Very funny , but then comedy has been banned in this country now hasn’t it , especially on Al Beeb.
No most definitely not should The Prime Minitser soften his tone, he said what was needed to be said, he showed that he was not to be walked over by some also ran, pretending to be leader of the Labour Party, now seen by most as a farce and an anathema. He and his cronies as well as that excuse for a speaker should be taken out and shot-Oh my goodness we can’t say that sort of thing now, can we?
Boris won EU referendum +1.
Boris confused why he won and didn’t take control -1.
Boris said Burka like a letterbox +1.
Boris was in charge of FO and promoted WorldHijabDay -1.
Boris said he wants no deal on the table. +1
Boris backed the Withdrawal Agreement. -1
Boris is currently at 0.
The BBC publicises ECU decisions when it suits them
For my pains I watched all of the debate yesterday in parliament. It shone a light on the terrible opposition benches. Honestly what it brought home to me is that a load of 3rd rate charlatan’s have got lucky, got voted in,making lots of money without having to do much work. They are frightened of losing all this and clinging on to the power they have. The labour women were a disgrace, all sat together, reminded me of a gang bullying and bringing Jo Cox into it. If you haven’t got a good argument bring her name into it, that will make sure the BBC are on your side. What an absolute disgrace, still someone voted this trash in.
There’s a light that can penetrate under those rocks?
Watching the Labour girlies attacking Boris, repeating the same questions, same phrases, – ought to be ashamed, ought to aplogise, highest court in the land, blah blah – with no concept of organizing an argument, brought home the fact that all wimmin selection committees are a disaster.
And almost all of them selected on women’s only short lists for which the selection criteria seem to be worked in public sector in low level job and/or trade union brains needed just aggression and a loud voice , preferably overweight…
Not sure if this has been on the bbc yet, but Raheem has shared the latest wisdom from their Nobel savant.
Oh. Stew!!
Reported my own comment. Going well.
It is certainly viewable, if not shareable.
He has a video of Squad Greta being ‘interviewed’ by some Northern journos lobbing softballs and it going cringingly shape du poire. She seems a bit off form so the team leader shares it to the others. Result…. dead air. Or await Stew making a link work I appear unable to.
Try his Facebook feed or that of ‘Democracy needs borders’.
@GW maybe Facebook have blocked embedding from Raheem
Here’s same vid on Youtube
\\New headlines ‘Greta Thunberg, doesn’t even know how to explain her, “OWN”, speech’.
Well done puppet, thunberg!//
“maybe the others can answer”
original YT
Or you can use this Facebook link
Just about sums her up. Air-head puppet with not a single original thought in her little head. And “adults” hang on her every word (or lack of word…).
Raheem’s Facebook post has 912 comments on that video
That is a lot considering his account has twice been banned then reinstated.
I don’t see BBC FB posts that get as many comments.
Tx, Stew… UdaMan.
The BBC need not worry as it is ‘unique’. £5Bpa and 20,000 staff and fails across the board.
The only way the blob can handle one man actually reporting is to work together to block him.
Oh dear. Two very simple questions and her initial reply, “what was the first question?”
Also, it was obvious to me that her recent speech was not her thoughts as she was frequently reading from her notes.
F***ing hilarious
This really showed her for what she is..a kid who is being led by manipulative adults who suddenly finds she knows nothing…a world expert…
The extraordinary faux hysteria over the PMs “extreme and intemperate language” is reaching rather ludicrous levels.
Of course, our beloved BBC are there in their role as Remainer spokesmen. Yesterday Labour were screeching about the late Jo Cox and. lo and behold, today their propagandists at the Beeb have interviewed her husband. This is just so tacky and distasteful.
From what I’m seeing this morning you’d have thought Boris was threatening all sorts of carnage, but it was the opposition that were mainly to blame. One pathetic Labour MP, going for his Oscar, was almost spewing bile. It was so obviously put on I burst out laughing.
When all the rhetoric is said and done there’s only one solution to this problem. We voted for Brexit. We were solemnly promised that Parliament would obey the will of the people. They’ve not. Parliament is doing everything it can to deny us our democratic rights.
The PM can’t move and due to the disgraceful and deceitful manoeuvrings of the opposition he can’t negotiate with the EU and now he can’t even call an election. It’s an impasse.
We need an election. We need to clear out the dead wood.
This Parliament is as dead as Monty Python’s parrot.
This Parliament is not pining for the Fjords. It’s passed on. It’s a stiff. If it hadn’t been nailed to the perch it would have been pushing up the daisies.
For the love of God go!
What are the honourable members doing with their time back in the den of thieves.
Shouting at each other and trying to find more ways of stopping what the people democratically voted for.
Good on Boris for not taking it lying down.
It looks like ‘surrender’ and ‘betrayal’ were too close to the truth for our honourable members. A pox on the lot with only a handful of exceptions.
Could we not just put the lot onto some remote Scottish Island, give them each a weapon and let them get on with it like The Hunger Games or whatever it’s called.
We can collect the last one standing.
What is it with democrats.
In the USA the democrats are spending all their time trying to get rid of the elected President.
Over here, the comically named Liberal Democrat’s are trying to overturn the biggest democratic vote we’ve had.
It’s like those countries with democratic in their name such as North Korea or the previously German Democratic Republic, the DDR.
We should change our name to The People’s Democratic Republic of Great Britain. (PDRGB)
I read in my paper (DT) this morning the UN says the climate crisis is now irreversible. We have passed the tipping point. So Violet Elizabeth Thunberg can return to Sweden and concentrate on her A Levels. Extinction Rebellion can pack up their placards and stop frittering away any more of nice Mr Soros’ money. The BBC can search for another topic to scare us rigid. And I can return to my marquetry.
Speaking of the poison Swedish climate dwarf – here’s a Swede explaining how mad the Swedes really are…
…amd also a good article by Lubos Motl on the subject:
The BBC reveals that Prince Harry supports the school strikers.
There may be enough time to save planet Earth, don’t surrender, don’t don’t say humbug, plant trees, or if you can’t do that get your photo taken with a child that is planting a tree.
Harry is out of his tree anyway ! Apparently he says he can barely get out of bed in the morning thinking about all the ‘issues’ facing the world today. FFS !
And now he’s on a ‘damage limitation’ exercise in Africa because of all his bad publicity of late, – perhaps taking the advice of his PR team and not his social climbing wife. Showing off his baby abroad, but knowing the photos would make the front pages back home. Oh, and doesn’t Meghan look nice in her headscarf – just like her late mother in law did decades ago (and roundabout the time that the young Meghan had photos of Diana on her bedroom wall – the one she shared with the father she no longer speaks to).
Too late Harry ! we’re seriously not interested anymore.
What do Prince Harry and Jeremy Corbyn have in common?
They both received a top class education, but only managed to scrape two low grade A Levels each.
Oh, and they both seem to think that what they say matters, despite both of them being demonstrably stupid.
If David is not guest of honour on Newsnight I will be surprised.
There is nothing the bbc likes more than a gibbering, incoherent, opportunist, logic free SNP MP jumping on their shared bandwagon.
10:10am LBC the usual insane PR trickery
switch to Talk Radio all sane and sensible as MIke Graham interviews a Tory MP Nigel Evans.
who points out the anti-Brexiteers inconsistencies, their nasty language and the way they prorogued implementing the public’s instructions in the referendum result
However some Remain nutter with a megaphone was trying to disrupt the interview.
The doubl standards are so so clear
The libmob can be as nasty as they want
.. yet they then play the victim at every opportunity .
with the media using lines like “Boris defends” just like they say “TRump defends”
Nigel Evans is one of the few full on brexiters – and a good follow on the twitter .
talking of toxic
The traitor speaker has granted an urgent question for the PM about the use of language . The MP? That idiot – Jess ‘no printer ‘ Phillips doing her “ I’m only a daft mouthy brummy “ act .
I really hope bojo doesn’t bother turning up . Why bother ? The 500 mp junta will be doing this stuff for weeks to come . Meanwhile we have to get brexit done , and deal with the traitors afterwards .
I’ll repeat – if what bojo said yesterday was ‘unparliamentary language ‘ Bercow would have turned his Mike off quicker than Bercow’s wife drops her knickers . ( allegedly – some say )…
The question is due about 1145- it will give the sisters something else to screech and blub about ….
Toby Young
That’s because there are no enemies on the Left.
The PM from which party enacted a huge policy which is largely though to be illegal ??
Blair ??
And the correct answer is——— BLIAR Tah dah!
BBC Moaning Emole:
“By Rob Corp
Johnson told to curb ‘dangerous’ language
Story detail
MPs have accused the prime minister of using “dangerous” language over Brexit, after he accused parliamentarians of “surrender” and “cowardice”. There was anger on the Labour benches after Boris Johnson dismissed as “humbug” one MP’s concerns that the Commons needed to moderate its language, as members faced abuse and death threats. There was further uproar after Mr Johnson responded to a point made by the Labour MP for Batley and Spen – the constituency of Jo Cox – by saying the best way to honour the murdered MP’s memory was “to get Brexit done”. While opposition MPs criticised the prime minister’s response, Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan tweeted that Mr Johnson was “aware and sympathetic” to the threats MPs have received. The BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, writes that the Commons was a place of “fear and loathing” on Wednesday, not a forum for debate and discussion that could provide a solution for us all. We’ve also been answering your questions about what happens now that Parliament has resumed its business.”
Rob, ‘Corp of the Corp’ showing how he gets to write BBC subheads here.
The people ‘telling’ the PM to behave how they want are Labour, Limps, Remainers… and the BBC.
And if I see #bbcaccusedof once more I’ll laugh so hard I’ll have another hiatus hernia.
Another BBC Moaning emole:
“Congress sees ‘troubling’ Trump whistleblower complaint
Politicians in the US have seen a whistleblower’s complaint about President Donald Trump, which has led to calls for his impeachment. The complaint concerns a phone call in which Mr Trump is understood to have asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate corruption claims involving the son of Joe Biden, Mr Trump’s possible rival in next year’s presidential election. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Bidens. The US president has decried the impeachment proceedings as a “witch-hunt”. But a Republican senator said there were “real troubling things here”. Find out more about the phone conversation at the centre of the controversy here.
Another BBC subbing masterpiece from the new BBC Corpsmen, replete with #bbcquotes and…. not much else.
Another BBC mistress (me either)
Chris Burns
Head of Audio and Digital, BBC England
Chris Burns is head of audio and digital for BBC England, and is responsible for the majority of their local radio stations across the country. Starting as a late-night phone-in presenter for Radio Trent, her career has included stints editing shows on Radio 4 such as Woman’s Hour, Any Questions and Start the Week, and she is now tasked with reinventing the medium for the next generation. In this in-depth interview, Chris walks through a career dedicated to radio, having developed a love for it as a child, argues that “repeats shouldn’t be a dirty word” as they give people a chance to revisit much-loved programmes, and explains how new technology is driving a deeper “emotional connection” with listeners.
Love the ongoing attempt to grab the yoof whilst losing their dwindling actual audience daily.
And the spin on repeats whilst reintroducing the TVL to older folk.
Bet she is on oodles of lovely munny plus pension.
OT (Woot!) but who is surprised?:
Sky News has appointed Rhiannon Williams as climate change producer. Rhiannon was previously foreign news editor at Sky and can be found tweeting @_rhiannonw.
Another well qualified hire. Bet she has ‘interviewed’ Greta lots all round the world.
Top post pug.
Why can’t even one of the leavers come out with stuff like this on the tv.
They all seem to be too timid to say much yet, as pug has just posted there (and in his other comprehensive posts) there is so much that can be said.
Nigel can’t do everything and JRM is too polite.
We need some kind of female version of Emily Thornberry or a rabble rouser (like all the Labour honourables) to go onto the offensive.
Almost every post pug puts on here is backed up with links and videos. If he can do this on a small website like this with limited resources why can’t just one of the leavers with government scale resources and with media access come out and say this stuff.
Its infuriating always being on the defensive and with little or no fight back the pressure is building up.
Just seen the trailer for an upcoming BBC documentary due next Thursday 9.00pm….
The Met, Policing London
If the trailer is anything to go by the “villains” are 100% exclusively white chaps. It looks like most of the footage was taken at some sort of march, possibly EDL or Soccer Match etc. then carefully edited…
In any case they don’t seem to be going anywhere near the areas where hard crime such as murder and stabbings are going on all the time.
It looks like the BBC have had a word with their Mayor over the content and hope to try take the heat off him.
How much more of this concocted bullshit can they throw at us without any sense of shame?
We know exactly what you are up to BBC!
“A bomb fell on a Mosque (in Yemen) and a bomb fell on a family eating dinner.”
Keith Vaz on Parliament TV @ 11:52:36