This week two BBC TV current affairs presenters have been found to be overtly biased by their own corrupt organisation . Naga manchetty falsely accused President trump of being a racist . Emily Maitliss was found to have ‘bullied’ an interviewee on Newsnight .
It remains to be seen whether this will have any effect on these biased women and whether BBC discipline procedures are of any value at all. To add even more heat – plenty of non white lefty journalists are ganging up on the BBC complaints department
Brexit is becoming even more heated and I’d like to thank everyone contributing to this site for the restraint they are showing as we watch the country being turned into a dictatorship .
Second thoughts, as you stated, which witch is which ? both deserve a ducking in the village pond
Brexit Party MEP Lance Forman just parodied the speech Greta’s PR people wrote for her
Lance Forman Jewish BP MEP
whose family own a smoked fish factory
which had a giant swastika painted on it’s wall after he declared he’d stand
.. You know about it cos the Labour and Liberal parties made such a fuss of sympathy … not
Where is the Witchfinder General when we need him ? You can be sure neither of these or Naga Munchety will float
Nothing to do with you know what.
So, another media luvvie discovers how the bbc works.
A reply there

Absolutely shocking language by Boris i must say! Its so shocked Jess Phillips and the whole of the kindler gentler labour side with horrendous words like surrender and humbug they they can’t bear to hear it.
Meanwhile the kindly, affable John McDonnell can go back to lynching Ester McVeigh and frightening Jews to death.
By the way. It IS people v parliament.
Some will say there is no such thing as witchcraft, especially in 2019, some will say otherwise, the craft of abusing someone for three years as ignorant, thick, racist, xenophobic, and yet when challenged whinges and whines to the BBC about stirring hatred, and have the absolute gall to complain about their electorate not liking them ? or feeling threatened well so they should be, they are lucky their despicable behaviour did not happen a few hundred years ago when natural justice would have been served
Is Guardianlalaland not beWITCHED by Greta ?
..or the Greta her PR puppet masters have created
Is anyone on here able to explain how labour politicians are able to verbally abuse for years on end and now start complaining about Boris using surrender as a hate term ? via bbc of course
Sounds like Labour hypocrisy
A wit on Guido believes the left are continually guilty of it.
Calls it hypercrisy, I may adopt it.
Labour MP applauded after criticising Boris Johnson’s ‘derogatory and racist remarks’ Irish times
well done, bombers, murderers kneecapers, and those wonderful members of your gypsy population scamming pensioners we cannot be derogatory or racist thats bad….and if one would really like to look at the Irish psyche, apart from absolute racism , why are their travellers all over here ? because the Irish chucked them out of their country FACT
So could a hard border sort this problem for us ?
OT, but had to share.
Every single aspect of this, in word and image, is perfect.
The freak and the moron. A match made in heaven.
One likes blackface, one likes greenface. Both false.
lack of adequate facilities and housing for members of the traveller community in Northern Ireland amounts to an “out of sight, out of mind” attitude, according to a new report.
The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission said it had found 13 systematic concerns around traveller accommodation.
These included inadequacy of sites for travellers and racial discrimination.
The report will be launched officially later on Tuesday.
It makes 45 recommendations in order to tackle the problems it outlines.
Les Allamby, chief commissioner, said travellers face “the unpalatable choice of living in poor conditions to retain their culture or moving into standard social housing at the expense of their way of life”.
Maybe the EU should step in to include the travellers as migrants and forcefully distribute them throughout Europe? They could then marry up with their brethren, the Romanian gypsies. Ah! I love the smell of ‘Diversity’ first thing in the morning…………..
Jesse Phillps all over the News claiming she has received death threats and loads of vicious messages. She can’t stop smiling as she gives interview which suggests to me she is making it up.
“Hundreds freed from Nigerian ‘torture house'”
Children as young as five were among those in chains at what was thought to be an Islamic school.
Why is it controversial to expect newsreaders not to air their personal opinions in public?
I remember when I first started watching the news in the late 80s and early 90s, newsreaders were extremely careful never to reveal anything about their personal opinions. No-one has any idea who people like Jeremy Paxman, Sue Lawley or Nick Witchell support at election time, and that’s how it should be.
Because they’re Lefties, they’re BMEs, and Nag Munchy is female.
So they hold 3 Aces that trump everything else, including common sense and good journalism.
Carte blanche to do as they please.
Carte blanche? Surely ‘Carte noir’?
“Barry council in row with Wetherspoon over pub carpet”
“Town council chief officer Emily Forbes said the council was taking legal advice from solicitors and the College of Arms.”
How much ratepayer’s money does it have to waste on this pathetic case of anti-Brexit propaganda ? How much does Emily Forbes get in her annual salary?
Use you money wisely Barry council or we will get rid of you.
“After hearing drinkers were walking on the coat of arms to get to the bar and toilets, the town council unanimously voted against granting retrospective permission for the pub to use the image.”
I wonder who would complain if it was our national flag that was woven into a carpet?
NOT on Al-beeb:
Former CIA officer: Stop calling Islam a ‘religion of peace’
And not all Germans in the 30’s were Nazi’s but we all know what happened.
Quick scribbling and thoughts from DC where the Democrats make the Labour deposition rantings against Boris look comparatively well thought out!
The BBC publishes YouTube videos which presumably have been previously broadcast. This one starts with the ‘Biden’ Trump impeachment investigation where there are a lot of negatives comments (I think) because folks have done their own research elsewhere.
I’m surprised that they’ve put out anything really; you can read through everything online and there really is no story. They bet the farm on this allegation and it turned out to completely exonerate Trump and simultaneously lead people to investigate whether there was something suspect about Biden.
The impeachment will likely pass the house (for political reasons) and fail in the senate. End result: the Democrats’ candidate will (for fund-raising purposes) be be the one that chose the loosing side, that is actively portrayed as ideological, rather than a normal candidate looking for progress or optimism or the like. 2020 will be “Trump vs PeopleWhoDislikeTrump and we know how that turns out”
The Democrats (and some Republicans) have denied Trump much success with cross-party issues on immigration reform, gun control, infrastructure, and opioids, etc.
In the UK, parliamentry (lack of progress) is beginning to take on a similar appearance, where here it is about those who would leave with a deal and those who would never agree to any deal
“In the UK, parliamentary (lack of progress) is beginning to take on a similar appearance, where here it is about those who would leave with a deal and those who would never agree to any deal”.
Yes, more parallels with the US are emerging by the day. Totally fits in with my conjecture that the World is in the process of breaking up in roughly a 50/50 split.
I notice that Boris has been reported to the Police over the J Arcuri business, according to beeb R4. So really, the lefties are following the Trump impeachment model in Britain. Not happy with the Supreme Court’s transparent partisan political efforts to back parliament take over the government agenda, any strategies, fair our foul are being employed to get rid of Boris. Very much like in the US.
The camouflage for this is Boris’ ‘language’ , which is supposed to endanger MPs. The Left, including the beeb, are SO VERY TRANSPARENT.
And the politics of the Left in the UK, are getting that nasty ‘ anything goes’ look, which we notice in the US.
Sports news @ 7.25am on Toady. Rugby at length, athletics and of course horses.
No mention of the World Cycling championships in Harrogate and yesterday’s result in the Under 23 men’s race and controversial disqualification of the Dutch rider!
Why not?
Just heard Jack Dromey on Andrew Castle’s LBC show complaining about Boris’ violent vocabulary inciting people to riot. This is the same Jack Dromey whose words of peace inspired Arthur Scargill and his miners, and thousands of flying pickets to clash with the SPG at the Grunwick print works in 1977.
I know, because I was there.
He was also accusing Brendan O’Neil of Spiked of getting people to go out on the streets to riot because The Leave Vote is being ignored.
As if Labour MP’s don’t use violent language in their sound bites and Tweets:
I posted this yesterday but it went out shortly before the midweek thread closed, thought it might be worth posting again though.
They have no honour, at each and every opportunity point out their hypocrisy, although this can be tiring as there are so many liars, fake news peddlers, cheats and opportunists attempting to spread their message.
According To Guido this Phillips “urgent” question yesterday was presented after the time lapsed for acceptance.
Bercow accepted it, yet another breach of the rules.
Bercow has been getting off on rubber stamping joke urgent questions in order to drag ministers in for a good kicking by his traitor friends . Some call it giving power to back benchers – others just call it overt bias in favour of remain . That’s why I say the legitmate side of the house should just not bother and leave a skeleton staff – if that . It is beyond respecting the institution or the chair now .m
Men and women have many similar traits, but we are not the same.
And when it comes to emotion they give it away in different ways.
Nearly all of the BBC political news presenters are now women
at the BBC and they find it impossible not to show their liberal
bigotry .Emily Maitlis and Jo Coburn are probably the best
examples on TV , but I am sure you can name me many more.
Of course they are entitled to their personnel opinions. But we
don’t pay our TV license to hear them.
The male presenters are better at covering up their own political
views. Andrew Neil being the perfect example.Andrew Marr with
his very left political views as a Daily Express columnist finds it
much harder. But most of the time just about controls his
contempt for Conservative politicians, which I am afraid the above mentioned ladies can’t. The only one that comes close to being
balanced in her comments is Fiona Bruce ,who at least tries to
hide her own views and mostly succeeds.
Toady watch
A delighted sounding Our Justin interviewing an equally bouncy SNP type about the coming ‘ vote of no confidence ‘ aimed at getting Comrade Corbyn into number 10 – for a short time ( my read – until 2022) .
It’s time to watch the £ – €$ rate to see how likely this is to happen because the £ will just die at the prospect of the money tree being shaken even more .
The SNP bloke was chuckling away at the prospect that the SNP will get another referendum on independence
So it seems the very Un British coup is coming .
This was followed by Turrettes Robinson pretending that the situation the UK is in had nothing to do with the Remainer Broadcasting Corpse spouting propaganda to prevent a democratic outcome to our vote .
And interviewing one of those Blair appointed lefty ex chief constables for a reliable approved view .
Will it be a soft border ? how do we deal with deep fried mars bars and black pudding exports ? and of course the language barrier if they come from Glasgow, I say build a wall…oh…wait a minute…
What did the Romans ever do for us ?
Stan – there would have to be a land border between Scotland and England because they would have to adopt the ReichEU . I’m sure the SNP would be happy with such a thing since I view them as being stuck in some kind of ‘ braveheart ‘ loop .
The last time they tried to fund the Scottish state it was based on oil being about $120 a barrel . Otherwise there wouldn’t be the income .
And once they really get on the moral high horse and declare alcohol a poison bang goes the whisky industry .
I’m not sure, (everything that I knew is wrong now apparently), but isn’t oil still a fossil fuel and hasn’t Nicola ‘gone green’?
And as you say, what with all those alcohol pricing measures it is surely unethical to produce whisky?
Nicola also wants to bring in more English-hating ‘migrants’ a la mode Irlandais, (as Justine Trudeau would say, a true Scot wants to come to Scotland, a bastard sassanach Scot just happens to be born there), and once that happens the habitat of the wild haggis will be concreted over and gone for good. (They will have to buy in chlorinated American haggis or maybe garlic haggis from France?)
The (Labour controlled) GLA has made allegations against Boris Johnson.
Will the police and the relevant authorities investigate these allegations with the same (lack of) zeal they showed when provided with early evidence of child abuse in, say, Rotherham, Bristol, Peterborough… oh just about anywhere really?
And will Al Beeb stay silent and fail to amplify these as yet unproven allegations?
The BBC have taken away my ‘future’!
They haven’t done much for my ‘past’ for that matter, and are definitely buqqering up my ‘present’ at the moment…
Is there anything else they can meddle with, while wasting TV tax on pensioners?
When ever I see St Greta all I see is the child from the film “The Killing Fields” with her gun and her look of hate and anger picking out her victims and of them being dragged away at her behest.
If I was Donald Trump I would walk past her a couple of times a week just to see that look on her twisted little face, I suspect she had a little accident in her pants which matron had to sort out
Another contributor here beat me to it a few days ago. I could not remember the 60’s film in B & W about the children: ‘Village of the Damned’.
“At age three, the children are precocious, physically and mentally the equivalent of children four times their age. Their behaviour has become even more unusual and striking. They dress impeccably, always walk as a group, speak in an adult manner, and behave maturely, but they show no conscience or love, and demonstrate a coldness to others, causing the villagers to fear and be repulsed by them.
The children begin to exhibit the power to read minds and to force people to do things against their will. There have been a number of villagers’ deaths since the children were born, many of which are considered unusual, and some citizens believe the children are responsible. This is confirmed when the children are seen killing a man by making him crash his car into a wall, and again when they force his suspicious brother to shoot himself.”
The film was based on the John Wyndham novel ‘The Midwich Cuckoos’ which I highly recommend.
Daily Mail
pg 1 Huge healdline : BBC TORN APART IN RACE ROW
about Naga then pg7 as wellpg 2 government to accelerate plans to ban gas boilers in new homes
pg 3 Lashana Lynch the new black female James Bond
pg 4 double page spread Prince Harry homage to his mother in minefield
pg6 Labour staff in anti-Semitism probe
– All frontline police to carry tasers
pg8 double page spread : Javid says No Brexit is worse than No Deal
– SNP threat to install Corbyn as PM
pg 10 Boris whipping up fear of riots
Grieve : we’ll go to court to stop PM
pg 15 : Pork crisis as Chinese buy up UK sticks
pg 16 3 pages about new Thatcher book
Not sure exactly what your point is here, but delicious to see the beeb tearing itself apart and tying itself in knots over Munchy’s racism. More of that please.
(Is the DM sliding leftwards like the rest of the msm?)
Naga, real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah.
I intend to use this tactic on all my posts on Social Media and Guardian comments.
If anyone can supply correct names and titles I’d be much obliged.:-)
Listened to a bit of Toady this morning. It was unadulterated leftist anti-government propaganda.
It now appears that anyone who supports Brexit must be by definition a ranting, vicious, Far Right extremist.
And the constant drip drip drip of hatred from Momentum and the Far Left has been airbrushed out of history by their BBC best friends.
Whenever I see Greta I think about all the traffic jams during the 8:30 – 9:30 school run, and again from 3 – 4 pm, the chaos of attempting to drive past a school during that time with all the precious little brats being chauffeured to school, and the consequent road rage from parents illegally parking, (never happened in the 70s or 80s we walked cycled or got the bus)
these parents verbally abused the fire brigade who turned up one morning to demonstrate their irresponsibility in blocking a road
And those sitting in their parents SUVs going on protests and strikes from school
The phrase that springs to mind is: think globally act locally they get the act bit a little wrong, Or more likely much easier to point a finger.
Do they insist on walking to school, cycling or using public transport? hmm
Heaters on in winter air con’ in summer whilst parked up.
9:50am Radio4 switch on and yet another guy is doing his coming-out story
Writer Armistead Maupin telling how he went to San Francisco as a young man and got into the gay scene
and now how at age 70 he is married to a man and just moved to London
Greta and Roger ok with this?
Yesterday the NI Appeal Court upheld the decision by the NI High Court (political and not justiciable).
Therefore it might end up with Spiderwoman and her chums so they can overrule everyone.
Hidden away somewhat on
Common sense at last ! No doubt they will turn to our Supreme court to overturn it.
Nothing to do with BBC but I am sure they will be over the moon…….The new James Bond is a black woman.
The quest to remove all semblance of white authority in Britain takes another step forward.
I must stress I have no problem with most black people who earn and deserve prominence in any field but the present trend is not that but aims to replace a disproportionate number of white people in all fields with those of colour as a matter of right regardless of merit.
The General,
Happy to state that that’s one film I will not rent on principle.
Does she have a zombie knife instead of a ppk ?
All female BME Ghostbusters failed at the box office.
85% white indigenous people in this country who are being ignored or rather the males are,
and also vilified automatically as racist if they come to office like Primeminister or President
for what reason ?
Whats next ? Led Zeppelin film is being touted will it have Sir Lenny Henry (remember Trevor Mcdoghnut, his finest creation) as Robert Plant ? and some bint in a hijab playing a Les Paul
R4 Any Questions
last night’s episode is still not available for listening again
I wonder what they are editing out.
Stew: I listened to it. It was worse than ever on the bias front, with a howling Manchester mob dominating the ‘audience’ and three lefties to varying degrees, ranged against Nadeem Zahawe as well as ‘compere’ Ed Stourton, who is as biased as they come. It kicked off with ‘get Boris’, who was badder than the baddest baddy.
What did you want to know?
A ‘Knife-edge’ situation:
“The interior ministers from France, Germany, Italy and Malta met on September 23 in the Maltese capital, Valletta, where they agreed to a tentative proposal for shipwrecked migrants to be “voluntarily redistributed” throughout the European Union…. ”
That’s 23rd September 2019.
“During just the past several weeks, the number of migrant arrivals to Italy has increased incrementally…. Many of the new arrivals are reaching Italy by using new people-smuggling routes that originate in Turkey.”
Soros fighting back.
If Red Corbyn get’s his hands on No.10 in any way, even temporarily, will he follow his communist colleagues in Italy with welcoming new migrants a’ la Merkel?
Guardianlalaland revisionism from Peter Tatchell
Yes, while we still practised foot binding, concubines and forced marriage, the wonderful Chinese revolution was murdering millions and starving millions more in the famine it created.*
I knew Tatchell was a leftie moron and apologist for murderous communist regimes, but not to that extent.
*”The famine is thought to have killed between 16.5 million and 40 million people.”
…….but as long as the millions murdered by the Communist state were killed equally irrespective of sex, colour, gender, religion, disability, or sexuality then it was all OK………
Far Left equals Equality of poverty and misery.
Corbyn and Mcdonnell and their Momentum chums will see to that.
Timothy Snyder asked the provocative question: Who killed more, Hitler or Stalin? As useful as that exercise in moral rigor was, some think the question itself might have been slightly off. Instead, it should have included a third tyrant of the twentieth century, Chairman Mao. And not just that, but that Mao should have been the hands-down winner, with his ledger easily trumping the European dictators’.
While these questions can devolve into morbid pedantry, they raise moral questions that deserve a fresh look, especially as these months mark the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of Mao’s most infamous experiment in social engineering, the Great Leap Forward. It was this campaign that caused the deaths of tens of millions and catapulted Mao Zedong into the big league of twentieth-century murders.
But Mao’s mistakes are more than a chance to reflect on the past. They are also now part of a central debate in Xi Jinping’s China, where the Communist Party is renewing a long-standing battle to protect its legitimacy by limiting discussions of Mao.
The immediate catalyst for the Great Leap Forward took place in late 1957 when Mao visited Moscow for the grand celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the October Revolution (another interesting contrast to recent months, with discussion of its centenary stifled in Moscow and largely ignored in Beijing).
The Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, had already annoyed Mao by criticizing Stalin, whom Mao regarded as one of the great figures of Communist history. If even Stalin could be purged, Mao could be challenged, too. In addition, the Soviet Union had just launched the world’s first satellite, Sputnik, which Mao felt overshadowed his accomplishments. He returned to Beijing eager to assert China’s position as the world’s leading Communist nation. This, along with his general impatience, spurred a series of increasingly reckless decisions that led to the worst famine in history.
The first signs of Mao’s designs came on January 1, 1958, when the Communist Party’s mouthpiece, People’s Daily, published an article calling for “going all out” and “aiming higher”—code phrases for putting aside patient economic development in favor of radical policies aimed at rapid growth.
Mao drove home his plans in a series of meetings over the next months, including a crucial one—from January 11 to 20 in the southern Chinese city of Nanning—that changed the Communist Party’s political culture. Until that moment, Mao had been first among equals, but moderates had often been able to rein him in. Then, in several extraordinary outbursts, he accused any leader who opposed “rash advance” of being counter-revolutionary. As became the pattern of his reign, no one successfully stood up to him.
Having silenced party opposition, Mao pushed for the creation of communes—effectively nationalizing farmers’ property. People were to eat in canteens and share agricultural equipment, livestock, and production, with food allocated by the state. Local party leaders were ordered to obey fanciful ideas for increasing crop yields, such as planting crops closer together. The idea was to create China’s own Sputnik—harvests astronomically greater than any in human history.
“Having silenced party opposition, Mao pushed for the creation of communes—effectively nationalizing farmers’ property.”
“Land for the many”. Not Mao but Corbyn & Co.
“Tax on homes ‘to treble under Labour plans for Land Value Tax'”
They make their plans in Islington with no idea of the consequences, Eurodisney or Euroisli
The BBC are seeming to be quite gleeful that there might be a VoNC in the government next week. They might be about to get their precious Corbyn as PM (although I would NEVER refer to him as a Prime Minister)
After the VoNC and the formation of a government of national unity the new government will pass the following laws.
1. Reduce the voting age to 16
2. Give everyone over 16 who is resident in the UK the right to vote regardless of citizenship.
3. Scrap Brexit altogether or , more likely, use the revised sufferage rules to insist on a new referendum with no clean break option.
4. If the public is still banging on about Brexit and quaint notions like democracy , insist that at this time of national emergency the life time of the National Unity Government must be extended and the next GE due no later than 2022 be cancelled until further notice.
I’m just shocked – surprised – or maybe not that no one – no one – has said anything about the horror that is causing the pending coup – the Fixed Term Parliament Act .
Yes I know it was a Cameron /liberal legislation but who thought it up ? Why ? – I will find out myself but the Main Stream media seems to have avoided it .
My recollection is that Clegg required it part of the price for joining the coalition in 2010. He thought that this was a necessary safeguard to stop the Tories from doing party politics during the coalition , side lin8ng the Lib Dem’s, and then dissolving the coalition and calling an election whenever it suited them . He was probably right about it being a necessary feature to keep a coalition together but it’s having unintended consequences now. Well I think that they are unintended because surely no one could foresee the mess that Remainer intransigence and their mischievous use of the act has put us in today.
I think that this has been the Remainer plan for sometime and the referendum will be gerrymandered with no possibility of a clean Brexit being offered.
Remain vs Remain ‘deal’
This might have resulted in no more harm than local officials’ falsifying statistics to meet quotas, except that the state relied on these numbers to calculate taxes on farmers. To meet their taxes, farmers were forced to send any grain they had to the state as if they were producing these insanely high yields. Ominously, officials also confiscated seed grain to meet their targets. So, while storehouses bulged with grain, farmers had nothing to eat and nothing to plant the next spring.
Compounding this crisis were equally deluded plans to bolster steel production through the creation of “backyard furnaces”—small coal- or wood-fired kilns that were somehow supposed to create steel out of iron ore. Unable to produce real steel, local party officials ordered farmers to melt down their agricultural implements to satisfy Mao’s national targets. The result was that farmers had no grain, no seeds, and no tools. Famine set in.
When, in 1959, Mao was challenged about these events at a party conference, he purged his enemies. Enveloped by an atmosphere of terror, officials returned to China’s provinces to double down on Mao’s policies. Tens of millions died.
Tatchell is an ignorant idiot, he should consider becoming a labour MP, the genocide of the intellectuals (I.E anyone of any intelligence) comes first in Corbyns world so he will be back of the queue with Abbott and her non-functioning abacus, and the idiocy is the very immigrants they want over here to vote for them will string them up at the very first opportunity of achieving a majority, as they demonstrate so often in their home countries
I’m reading that our government is going to repatriate 16,700 stranded holiday makers left abroad because of the Thomas Cook collapse.
I’ve had a thought: assuming that they are planning to fly these people home and that perhaps some if not all planes will be flying out empty to collect these holiday makers, why couldn’t the government load up the planes with illegals on the way out and ship them back to somewhere else?
I know it wouldn’t be many in the scale of illegals already in our country but it would be a step the right direction and would send a message, perhaps, that we’re not going to abide by UN Compact on Migration that Dancing Terry May treacherously signed despite a huge response against it in the petition that was raised at the time.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way?
Sorry Ian, in the case of the British Electorate that seems not to be true.
Imagine this had happened a few months from now, the government of national unity , as part of its white replacement programme , decides that only those stranded passengers who aren’t white will be repatriated to the UK, the pale ones can stay where they are and fend for themselves. There are protests in some British towns and a Bring Whitey Home crowd funding appeal is launched. It is immediately labelled a far right terrorist organisation by the BBC and the Home Secretary , D Abbott , orders anyone who has contributed to the appeal be heavily fined and the ring leaders imprisoned. Any public service employees who have contributed are sacked and their pensions confiscated.
And please do not look for help from our emergency services, you have insisted they are full of females through lowered the fitness requirements putting lives in danger
SUTTEE 1800 …. FGM 2000 ….
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
Here’s a tip for all you stock market types out there.
Meghan Merkel has tied a yellow ribbon onto something somewhere in SA where someone was raped.
My tip:
Buy shares in ‘yellow ribbon’ producing factories.
In case she visits Rotherham or Huddersfield or Newcastle or Rochdale or ………………….. carry on to the bottom of the page.
If she ties a yellow ribbon for each enrichment she will need miles of the stuff.
What would happen if Boris told the Tories (and the DUP) to no longer attend cessminster. Only leaving the remoaners there to virtue signal and complain about everything.
Parliament is no longer relevant and maybe a gesture like this, a sort of strike by the right, might result in a GE.
What would lefty Bercow do?
A go slow, take their time, be late, misunderstand, ignore, create havoc attendance is my hope
Radio4 Muslim Pride
before the full episode on Monday
R4 have put up a 2 minute podcast
They should hang their heads in shame for their males raping and drug dealing but they never ever will, but happy to demand we apologise every time they feel offended, this TINY minority in this country with a VERY loud voice
The pages at
are choc full of virtue signalling and pet issue progs
Another example
“The imam and the artist The Documentary Podcast
On 27 September 1969, Imam Abdullah Haron – an outspoken Muslim cleric in South Africa – died in police detention. Abdullah Haron was the only Muslim cleric in Cape Town who used his sermons to speak out against apartheid policies and laws. His family do not accept the official conclusion that he fell down the stairs. And, to mark 50 years of his death, they want the government to commission a new inquest, which they say will uncover torture and murder. At the centre of the family’s renewed push for justice will be a series of artworks by visual artist Haroon Gunn-Salie.
I’ve been advocating that the 170 or so democrats in the Conservative party not bother with the false parliament for some time . And I’ve said the same about not bothering with the Remainer Broadcasting Corpse.
The ‘shout ‘ for not doing so will be ‘MPs must do their job ‘ or ‘ there needs to be accountability ‘ .
Well we know that both of those arguments are null and void now . Their parliament is only accountable to itself
There won’t be a General Election any time soon . If the vote of confidence is call early in the week Corbyn will be in power 14 days after that – if I’m recalling the Fixed Parliament Act rightly .
Then we ll witness’ a people’s government of unity ‘ with the front bench shared between the SNP, illiberals and the Remainer Labour Party .
Corbyn will go off to the council of ministers on 17? October – a d then guess the rest ….
I listened to the Week in Westminster which must have been done before news of the aforesaid coup started to be floated as there was no mention .
The current excuse being used by the traitors is that they don’t want a General Election because there will only be one subject being decided – namely brexit ( with the implicit acceptance that the traitors will lose ).
As for the traitor Bercow – I don’t know if he can hold a hundred and fifty ? MPs in contempt but no doubt the false traitor parliament would pass a law in a day to suspend them from parliament .
As for market tips – buy gold and dollars – a Corbyn government would run the pound into the ground , interest rates up , inflation up , unemployment up – back to the 1970s – then Corbyn ‘McDonnell can proclaim that capitalism doesn’t work …..
To outvote Boris pro-Brexit Labour MPs would have to vote against him
is that gonna happen , I doubt it
.. yet news reports assume they will.
Remember a few MPs are suspended on grounds of sexual allegations.
can we impeach them ?
Is it just me or do we really see self inflicted discord and recession in every labour government, the workers they invite to the table hold them to ransom and selfish self serving behaviour comes to the fore, they are already in control of most local governments from the officer level, try and call one on the phone before 10 o clock in the morning, fat chance, all eating their multi cultural breakfasts, try and call an environmental health officer out on the weekend for a noise nuisance, maybe, sometimes after 2 hours when the noise has gone..
Very happy to sit on their backsides making policy, have you ever met one ? they run a mile if asked to meet the publlc who are affected by their policies and plans
Another normal BBC day, the morning news did a newspaper front page slot. Of course every front page they showed was a lefty rag for instance carefully avoiding the Express, one of the top selling titles, and of course all the headline stories were just what they wanted the viewers to see!
Classic Bias by Omission
And the reviewer just happened to be the Guardian film critic, a gentle man who appeared to model his appearance and probable life-style choices on the late Godfrey Winn, though with rather less make-up, to be fair.
He found the Telegraph’s revelations on the part the adulterous and duplicitous slimeball Major played in the downfall of Maggie Thatcher to be Brexit orientated.