This week two BBC TV current affairs presenters have been found to be overtly biased by their own corrupt organisation . Naga manchetty falsely accused President trump of being a racist . Emily Maitliss was found to have ‘bullied’ an interviewee on Newsnight .
It remains to be seen whether this will have any effect on these biased women and whether BBC discipline procedures are of any value at all. To add even more heat – plenty of non white lefty journalists are ganging up on the BBC complaints department
Brexit is becoming even more heated and I’d like to thank everyone contributing to this site for the restraint they are showing as we watch the country being turned into a dictatorship .
The real problem is a Government with a tiny majority, until that is sorted nothing will proceed, the only way forward is to whip every Tory MP into voting to act upon the clear mandate that was exercised in this country through a national referendum unequivocally a national referendum, clearly or expelled from the party as an individual who does not recognise their role as a public searvent and considers their opinion above others
Perhaps some of you who have legal knowledge on this site can answer my question. I hear the mafia that is currently the opposition parties are going to call for boris to stand down and put a vote of no confidence against him, they are just sorting themselves out now as to which party will the spoils go to. I take it Corbyn will be put in charge !! God help us. My question is it at all possible that knowing all this boris can just leave without a deal , leave now, not wait to be thrashed. If he says hes leaving on the 31st. He obviously must have some knowledge that there is a loophole. Why cant we just go now, he can justify this by saying the eu are not entertaining our position just keeps saying bring us your plan. Perhaps I’m naive about this.But all I know is that if Corbyn gets his feet under no 10 desk he will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of there. Any comments welcome to this confused brexiteer.
Some are working towards a deal some are not, and some are even saying we have already left but their voice is not allowed
Cromwell . Sticky . The A50 extension expires on 31 october. The UK must ask for an extension if no deal is achieved . The EU must unanimously agree the A50 further extension . There must be a purpose to it – if there is no chance of breaking the backstop impasse there can be no justification for an extension and we will be out with no deal on 1 November .
I think the surrender law has now prevented unilateral declaration of leaving today .
There is concern amongst remainers that boris could comply with the surrender law by agreeing a mad deal with the EU – bringing back to parliament – which says ‘ no ‘ and thereby obeying but ending the surrender act .
There may be moves by the traitors this week to amend the surrender act to prevent bojo from effectively escaping the benn surrender act .
The EU isn’t really talked about at the moment . There is an assumption that A50 will be extended again . There has always been an assumption that Brussels wants to show all member states that leaving the EU will be painful and difficult . They are certainly achieving this .
But then one must ask what are the limits of the desire for the EU to destabilise the UK. ?
There haven’t been the kind of physical protests which would have happened in many other nations by now .
But I reckon it is only a matter of time before more than words will be exchanged – particularly if there is a coup this week which overthrows the government after a vote of no confidence ,
I’m choosing my words carefully because softer types will interpret what I write as incitement when it is not . It’s just my personal read .
In Fedup world I hope that the EU doesn’t agree an A50 extension and let’s us out – as it were . And I hate to say it but it would be worth Offering a bribe to do so . Then it must be General Election time .
Yes the EU are definitely trying to show other nations how difficult it is to leave by showcasing the UK situation, but do you really think the Governments of other EU countries would betray their voters in the way in which our MPs are trying to do. Had they not acted as they have we would have been out and on our way to being a profitable and sovereign Nation again. I am sure other countries would not have the same problem and their transition would be an awful lot easier.
Thanks fed I get what you say, but I was just wondering even though A50 runs out 31st Oct. we couldn’t just leave before and disregard the surrender bill, I know they would have heart attacks but at least we would be out. Maybe I am too simplistic thinking that.
It is a 3D chess game. Remainers have just brought their queen into play (courts) but that may have been to just win a pawn (who cares about a pesky prorogation?).
There remains the actual queen who has much power in theory but is so worried about being taken (they live in obscene luxury off us and nobody really complains) that she will probably play it as safe as humanly possible.
Of course so much hinges on what Boris can get from the EU, which one could liken to a sneakily positioned rook which moves unexpectedly to win the game. My favourite idea is that all the other EU states agree to an extension but Britain, a member of the EU, vetoes it’s own extension!
“The real problem is a Government with a tiny majority”
Where have you been for the last two years?
Mrs May ‘won’ the election with 317 seats but it takes 326 to have a majority.
Jim s I have been in England and yourself? cloud cuckoo land ?
Veterans are protesting in London #OperationZulu – but no remainstream coverage
Just checked the BBC London News page.
Apparently a few old people have posed naked to highlight the problems of getting old.
The Evening Standard has missed this important event and instead talks of thousands protesting outside parliament.
Thought I’d tune in to BBC’s Any Questions for the first time in ages. Having first endured a trailer to a radio programme all about “white privilege”, AQ started with its first question: “what sort of role model is our Prime Minister for young people?”
Thirty seconds in, I hit the off button.
The choice of such a loaded question, right at the top of the show, was clearly intended to cast the PM in a bad light, to undermine his status, to further the very division and hatred of which he himself is being ridiculously accused.
Day after day after day, we are being fed this non story which is being stoked up by the illiberal mob for their own political purposes, led by the biased BBC.
It’s humbug. Meanwhile, democracy dies.
Obviously not black enough for coverage
The Komrads are planning to shut down the Tory Conference
Sounds like incitement to violence. Or at least anti-democratic intimidation and obstruction. No doubt the beeb will condemn it.
From the UAF, whose founder member is David Cameron, former PM
– Defend EU migrants’ rights
– End the ‘Hostile Environment’ for migrants
– Oppose racism, Islamophobia & Antisemitism
– End racist stop and search
– Refugees welcome
Thousands of anti-austerity and anti-racist campaigners are set to to descend on the Tory Party conference in Manchester on Sunday 29 September. The protest has been called by the People’s Assembly. Whoever becomes Tory Party leader we are going to see the Tories use the Brexit crisis to impose more austerity. They are also continuing with their racist “Hostile Environment” for migrants and the scapegoating of refugees and the Muslim community. Boris Johnson’s Islamophobic description of Muslim women as “letter boxes” was a disgrace. We can see the racist direction the Tories are heading in. If you reject the politics of racist divide and rule join us. No to racism, Islamophobia and Antisemitism.
Yes these lefty protesters might go to Manchester and commit acts of violence, assault while looting and burning, but they won’t go as far as saying “humbug”.
For Britain do not advertise their venues for their local meetings. It’s all very clandestine even for the national events.
Never thought that in my lifetime I’d see a Conservative Party suffering this antagonist behaviour. After all, ‘The Party of Law and Order’?
If it’s not blatantly obvious where we are heading with all this lot, I can only assume the Marxists would welcome a massive confrontation soon. It will all end in tears.
I do despair, if one wants to work one does so, quite easily in this economic climate, so what do these above want ? I come home after a 13 hour day to these sitting in their gardens on benfits the only one who works within 100 yards at least
Simple economics dictates I have to do this to keep them sitting on their fat arses and the ambulances called regularly when the fat bastards have a health problem, those next to me have never worked in the 7 years I have lived here yet just bought a brand new car yet still get deliveries from supermarkets, of course they are not white
I do sympathise totally. I guess, all that can be said, is, ‘Hail the mighty UN Migration Compact! Treason May signed us up to this a few years ago. For it to work, it can only have the voluntary support from all of a national taxpayer group to support these people ad infinitem. Cos, that’s the only way such a naive policy can survive. I have often thought and said that the only way to stop these Marxist lunatics is cut out their funding.
Stan, don’t tell Annunaki..he’ll be incandescent!
xxx Sumerian Gods rule
RE Fedup they are immune to ISPs ha ha
as long as it doesn’t come to “handbags”!..had enough in the HoC this last few days.
Its not handbags you should be worried about, dictatorship takes many forms…..its my site
I can do what I like, I work so so hard and am tired but we will wind you all up about various subjects but do not get wound up, now please calm down after I have wound you all up, because I do this voluntarily, so you should feel the need to thank me as the brown noses do. whine whine whine, followed by the usual syncophants (I could not possibly comment but see below)
Times Mag : infiltrator hit piece against Lucy Brown etc.
Title : Young. Female. And extreme right
To me thats smear-labelling
Lucy and Lauren are of course liberals who don’t fall in with left y dogma and their Alinsky tactics,
I don’t think they are racist or discriminate on grounds of skin colour
‘Lauren was banned from the UK in 2018 for giving out leaflets in Luton (true)
.. declaring Allah to be gay (not true)”
‘they declare themselves not to be racist ..and then they quote Enoch Powell’
I had a good laugh at the bbc ‘news’ channel, where Shaun Ley desperately tried to persuade a Limp Dumb MP to join in a no-confidence vote in order to ‘get rid’ of Boris, and put up with Corbyn as PM. His marshalling efforts didn’t succeed. She spoke of Ken Clarke doing the job. So sorry, Shaun. No sign of a newsreader anywhere in that little lot. Maybe Shaun could get a position as go-between for the opposition parties in parliament?
Now Shaun is trying to establish whether President Trump can be disposed of.
Then comes ‘Brexitcast’ with Laura K and little Chris Mason, i.a. They show us the shrieking Labour wimmin from parliament the other night. The theme, unsurprisingly, is how bad Boris is and the ‘Humbug’ moment. Then they actually give him a moment to speak. Wow!
Allah may be gay or not gay, who cares really he does not exist, but one does not murder a human being because they debate this or other aspects it makes you less than an animal to do so (animals only kill for food) which, funnily enough is the epitome of racism, when one considers those not of your faith to be less than human. well done muzzies
But that is only their starting point,they are the most racist and intolerant and, of course one needs evidence
Revealed: Face of woman in hijab who hurled racist abuse at man on a bus telling him ‘You smell of curry you dumb b****’ as police launch investigation
tick, tock, tick, tock…………………..
BBC wasted £200K on maintaining the blank *.bbc web address
Look if you own a trademark you don’t have run around buying up domain names.
Yet the BBC reserved *.bbc in 2015 and hasn’t used it
cos it just uses and
It’s paying £20K year rent on top of previous charges.
.. They are nuts.
It is debatable whether the BBC actually needs the top-level domain name ‘.bbc’ but it is hardly a ‘trademark’, certainly not an international one. Indeed for many years Brown, Boverie & Cie (BBC) would have been better known around the world and indeed was being used in the UK before our national broadcaster was formed.
A trademark might be formed from three letters but it is the way they are presented (font, position) that actually forms the ‘mark’.
It would be a very unfair system if an organisation was able to assert a moral right to a domain name, denying its use to anyone else, yet didn’t have to pay for it.
I’ve worked with assigning domain names.
I also know Boveri merged with Asea to become ABB 30 years ago
No-one would nab the bbc domain
..not even a porn site.
On Beeb ‘Brexitcast’ they are saying this leaving thing could take years longer, maybe even 10-15 years.
Really, we should leave the EU RIGHT NOW. 31 October was after all, merely an extension. 29 March, we were promised endlessly by Ms May, was the date we were going to leave, no question. So, let’s leave. We are supposed to be out by 31 Oct. Let’s leave, now then. It’s not gonna be straightforward, but things have a habit of sorting themselves out. Gove has assured us we’re ready.
Having seen the whole farce with the ‘Supreme Court’, as well as the stunt of Boris being referred to the police, I wonder if there is any more point in working on a ‘deal’? If there ever was.
That would catch the whole of the beeb off-guard, since they’re plotting hard to try to co-ordinate the opposition and chuck Boris out.
Why drag this out endlessly? More pointless ‘extensions’. We are simply becoming a laughing stock. On Brexitcat, Katya Adler says there is no way a ‘deal’ will be done by mid-October. An extension has to happen. She thinks ‘the Court’ will also back parliament for another extension.
LET’S SIMPLY LEAVE NOW. 29 MARCH HAS PASSED, LONG AGO. NOW IS THE HOUR. BUT WHERE IS THE MAN? (Is one still allowed to say ‘man’, or has that been banned by Lefties and media?)
news is PR, so the better connected your family is the more coverage you get
– When the airport girl rushed into Pret A Manger grabbed a sandwich without checking and died on the plane it was big news.
But when the hyperallergic guy died in Byron Burger, tger wasn’t huge coverage even though he asked tgthee right questions.
“A tragedy”: coroner says about death of Owen Carey, who unknowingly ate a Byron Burger chicken breast marinated in buttermilk, which he was severely allergic to.
Owen did explain his allergy to restaurant serving staff but “the system that Byron had in place broke down”
IMHO opinion you just can’t risk any restaurant food, you should be cooking it yourself.
Stella Mbubaegbu, principal of a Portsmouth college rated ‘requires improvement’ spent £150,000 on herself on first class air travel, food and accommodation.
Surely someone reminds us that, ‘Whitey owes it to us’?
Yes, let’s bring African standards to the UK. Not a day passes without a story of this kind.
Decision to scrap free TV license for over-75s could be a ‘bonanza’ for fraudsters!
‘Caroline Abrahams, Age UK’s charity director, says: “Fraudsters are always searching for new opportunities to part us from our cash and it seems that the BBC’s decision to make millions of older people buy a TV license from next summer could be a bonanza for them.’
The scrapping of the license means up to 3.7 million pensioners will have to start paying from June 2020. OH!… YES! MAKE THEM PAY! Make them all pay….!
It must be because the over 75’s voted for BREXIT – Therefore they must be sorely punished, whilst the remainers can enjoy a ‘modest’ gender neutral BBC pay rise (because WE the true TROTSKY believers are worth it, we have talent!, HobNobs!, Champagne! and two houses, Sandwiches with the crust taken off and an electric BMW and a BBC taxi service). We the BBC support those in need – those hard working ’Labour activists’ who wish the over 75’s to be ‘struck-dead’ – sometime very soon before the next election, (because obviously they voted for BREXIT and are all (typically) racist, homophobes who are part of the plot to overthrow CORBYN, OBHAMA, CLINTON and MARX who are all err.. over… ere. Rewind. TAX the over 75’s who watch UK TV, put colour on the poor AFRICAN and VENEZUELAN and RHODESIA radio and call it the WORLD SERVICE. Yes, onwards! revolution! Comrades, we have the power, we have the TV License fees, make them pay! No! better still give them GREEN electricity to immoblilse their electric chairs using Solar Power ONLY, make them watch Newsnight, Question Time and Points-Of-View until they expire en-masse. We BBC – hate the over 75’s, our last remaining audience, they must pay, pay heavily until they die, (that is why we always support EUTHANASIA and conservative ABORTION). It’s only fair if they voted BREXIT we make them pay twice for ‘World famous‘ BBC repeats… After all they will never notice. VIVA La revolution!, comrades, we have them pensioners on the run, one last push the over 75’s over the edge, they have served their purpose. They think they won the last war, huh! but we are now victorious! We will show them what GRETA can achieve along with Graham Norton and Gary Linekar, we shall shown them war, ‘climate change’ impartiality, democracy, mean – nothing – to us at the BBC. We are the ‘NEw QuEeNs’, shouty, snooty, supreme and so very, very worth it. That is why we (BBC) need the money, dear friends, so dig deeply you over 75’s because of BREXIT you’ve earned it – and – and – you did NOT vote the way WE wanted, – damn you!, why do you think we REPEAT everything, – REPEAT everything (all radio and TV stations), – we only do it for your benefit. And now you die Mr Bond, you Engleessh BREXIT pensioner with Black and White TV set with faulty laptop with bad battery from Argos.
I admit I may have edited ‘slightly’ the original AGE UK article (below). Makes more ‘sense’ on why the over 75’s have to pay before they ‘die’. You will listen to the BBC ZOUNDS App until you ‘die off’ Mr Bond. You will pay the TV license, before you go. Goodbye Mr Bond.
If the Olympics had a 100 mile swimmy competition wouldn’t all the contestants be women ?
.. I don’t think there’d be a huge protest by men saying it’s discrimination
It’s just the way it is.
Not only would all super endurance swimming champs be women
.. they probably all be white women, though I wouldn’t rule out an Eskimo woman.
This short six minute video from We Got a Problem is worth watching; in fact as many people as possible should watch it given the disgusting behaviour of the Remoaners in the HoC earlier this week.
Once again just when you think the commies can’t sink any lower, they demonstrate their depravity is a bottomless pit.
Yesterday the PM was referred to the constabulary – and today ? Mr Farage a for saying he will take a knife to pen pushers .
On twitter he said that he should have said ‘ take an axe to pen pushers “ .
I think every one should think about referring themselves to the constabulary just to be on the safe side …
Is it a full moon or something ?
There’s a dearth of instruction for the normal people on how to deal with the current madness. Only rational suggestion I can make, is to hire the series of ‘Mad Max’ films and take notes cos’ we’re just about to enter that phase now and they could be useful.
Anybody ever watched any of Douglas Ducote’s videos on YT? He’s a military vet, ex-police officer and a patriot. His last video:
While Farage has received a non-stop barrage of vicious insults and death threats for years, our delicate little poppets in Parliament swoon at the use of the word ‘surrender’.
Aw, diddums.
Perhaps a Sunday paper should have a ‘ survival ‘ special – how to build and defend a bunker et al ?
The last time UK suffered from this snowflake hysteria was that time a mr al Fayed died in an underpass in Paris whilst sitting next to a member of the British royal family .
I suppose it’s the consequence of social media
If there is one poor misguided female the BBC adore more than Naga, it this one:
Interestingly, or maybe not unexpected at the grotesque generalisation attempted and passed on dutifully by the national discharge, #CCBGB.
Predictive typo, but actually it works.
If memory serves, the little troll was pretty hateful herself during her UN bucket-of-vitriol speech – you’ve stolen my childhood, how dare you, we will never forgive you… bla bla.
But I forgot, the ‘progressive’ left are allowed to be hateful, in fact it’s de rigueur: it shows how ‘passionate’ and ‘caring’ they are.
We all know the Education system is overrun with Labour loving lefties, always has been. You see all these brainwashed kids having days off to protest about climate change, something 99% of them don’t give a toss about , but guaranteed their teachers will have coerced them into it.
Like many things these days, the left are so used to having things their own way, they cannot comprehend it when it changes !!!!!!
Regan from The Exorcist is who she looks like, resembles and acts like, she spews bile as well.
Please someone more techy than me put together a vid where Greta’s head is spinning round and round ????
Why is it when we point out the Lefts little failings that we are described as haters ? Calling out someone with whom you don’t agree is not hate.
Greta Thunberg calls out the hatter: “The hatters are as active as ever, going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour and my differences”

For anyone near Manchester and not working on Mon?
The way things are going some of Corbyns’ thugs will turn up and ‘have a view ‘.
The London Evening Standard says that ‘ labour sources ‘ are claiming bojo is encouraging public disorder in order to invoke emergency powers to overrule the Commons . They really are losing it .
Will be interesting if the state broadcaster / msm run with it on Sunday . There will be enough fear during the conservative conference .
Just caught up with Andrew Neil’s twitter feed today.
Can only assume the stout defence of Naga by all in the bubble has inspired him to greater heights, daring them to even mention not having a view. But one:
The only thing they can possibly run with is ‘but if it is hurting our narrative it should be removed’. Which they of course have.
Is Paul Mason DG yet?
Didn’t we all know it? In one word, Soros.
Struth, why doesn’t someone put a call in to the POTUS and ask if it’s ok for half-a dozen UK personnel to be active in the US for a short period. Then ring Hereford and ask them to make up a shopping list……
Here, we have no Government at present, so, give me the telephone number and I’ll ring them.
I think the progressive left wing (BBC/Germans) who call themselves socialists are using (Well Educated/Superior) brainwashed Nordic schoolchildren, while persecuting (Uneducated/Inferior) Jewish Professors of Atmospheric Physics.

A Hitler youth versus Albert Einstein type scenario. I wonder who will win. The BBC’s Nordic Schoolchildren or the GWPF’s hated Jewish Professors.

Taking your intended point, I do still wonder about the education of someone, in any topic, who is allowed to withdraw from actual education.
Richard Pinder
I posted this picture on Facebook and was awarded a one week ban as it goes against community standards. Apparently it promotes extremism.
It was also published in the Metro.
BBC News
“There will not be another Sheku Kanneh-Mason coming out of a state school if things go on the way they are.”
Mother of the BBC’s Young Musician of the Year calls for more funding for creative arts.
Unlikely to be a Nigel Kennedy, ever, if the BBC selection criteria are applied.
Lost me wayyyyyyyy before Jon Snow being bright, but that did clinch it.
Megan the Princess, ‘shows solidarity’ at memorial of murdered South African student.
The crime was horrific of that we must agree. But is Megan only going to draw attention to victims from her own kind or is she going to mention the many white South Africans, raped and murdered?
She’s gonna need a lot of ribbon for Rotherham, Rochdale, Huddersfield, Telford, Oxford etc etc etc for all the rape victims there.
Sorry wrong thought there, forgot her priorities.
Some facts about Greta and the elite networks manipulating her that the beeb won’t tell you…
Can I go back to the referral of Boris to an incompetent team of investigators over his technical lessons. I’m sure Private Eye will use it as a new version of ‘ Ugandan Discussions . Anyway, after the Shadow Chancellor described the monitoring officer at the GLA as non political, I did a bit of digging. Thank you Google, even on a French Server. The officer in question is called Emma Strain according to the GLA’s own website. She gets paid over £90k for her normal job, pro rata on a job share and another 18k for the nominating officer job. According to her Linkdin page though, she has four influencers, one of which is a certain Sadiq Khan. No referral to Boris though. Note, she was appointed after Boris left Office. I wonder who appointed her. Her Twitter feed Emma1 was removed when I checked it earlier. Maybe others with more technical skills could look into her, like the BBC for instance.

She is mentioned as some marketing person
who earlier worked in the housing dept
quick shot of her deleted twitter acct
It was being used as a routine work account, but just once a week as if she has another account as well
The Times reported on a possible paedophile gang from the 80s
A grave digger operated an unofficial youth club in a shed
and later he was convicted of paedophile offences.
Lee Boxell was 15 when he was last seen in September 1988 at the club which was rumoured to be connected with paedophiles operating an occult abuse ring.
Sorry for the double image. I thought you might all enjoy her Linkdin page as well. Note how much she thinks of herself. Also, she seems to have no legal training at all.
Surprise Suprise, look who they headline !!!! Do they ever give up ?? can’t wait to see the Lammy, Abbott, Soubry, Chukka , Jess Phillips puppets !!! Won’t hold my breath !!!
Unlucky BBC !!! Police taking NO further action. You sense even the Police are getting sick and tired of the Left dragging them into their petty minded liberal games !!!
Assuming the bbc can find an angle that fits the narrative, what their story ends up as will doubtless involve autonomous vehicles and ITMA passengers.
Envy of the world.
BBC News
The show follows one teen’s quest to become high school president, convinced that one day he will be doing Donald Trump’s job.
That’s…. BbC…. News.
Not BBC but I sure they’ll get around to ‘fact-checking’ it –
Watching BBC paper review at 10-30 tonight,scrolling breaking news at bottom of screen has subpoena wrongly spelt in Donald Trump impeachment story.Resident BBC airhead presenter Martine Croxall finding story of Boris building more hospitals hysterically funny.Over on Sky News paper review,with professional snowflake reviewer Rachel Shabbi.She totally loses it with fellow reviewer,who suggests that Supreme Court decision was welcomed by remainers.Loudly reprimanding him to respect the judges democratic decision.So a decision that goes in favour of remain is to be respected,and a decision that does not must be vigorously challenged.Getting to the point of giving up on all news channels as the relentless bias on display is becoming tedious!
If it was Trump’s spelling mistake they would be all over it!
Rach would likely have a total meltdown if in the same studio as Dan.
@GuestWho, you beat me to it
I pulled up Twitter explore
And the Hale/Rushbridger story is there
So before I post I did a Ctrl-F and that told me you’d already posted.
Great minds 😉
“Nigel Farage: No police action over ‘take the knife’ comments”
Is it safe to say that Al Beeb should be “axed” ?
\\Brexit uncertainty ‘could lead to interest rate cut’//
“The Bank of England may need to cut interest rates should Brexit uncertainty persist, one of its policymakers has said.”
Note the two active words “could” and “would”.
If we had left the EU three years ago the “uncertainty” would have ended.
Why do we pay the EU billions to allow them to sell us their goods ?
Strange ?
‘Could’ used to be the way the BBC presented most science predictions. Because science has become the new ‘religion’ there is no room for doubt.
I used to think that all the ‘Soros’ stuff was conspiracy theory. Even the BBC elsewhere has confirmed that it’s not, however, you won’t hear this –
“Though ostensibly ignited by the protests of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, the Global Climate Strike has borne from the outset the indelible fingerprints of well-funded, radical environmental activists. As it turns out, much of the funding has been coming from professional disrupter George Soros.”
“Among the organizations receiving Soros funding were Fund for Global Human Rights, Global Greengrants Fund,, Amnesty International, Avaaz, Color of Change, and People’s Action. Each of these groups has climate-related agendas and goals spanning from reducing global carbon emissions to less than 350 parts per million and 100 percent “clean energy,” to the elimination of new fossil fuel projects and a “green civil rights movement.”
\\Climate change: Greta Thunberg calls out the ‘haters’//
When is Thumbelina going to preach to China, Russia and India ?
“Boris Johnson’s referral to watchdog ‘politically motivated’ – No 10”
“He was referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) on Friday by the Greater London Authority’s monitoring officer – whose job it is to oversee the conduct of the mayor and other members.”
This is suspiciously timely ? Where have the Greater London Authority been until now ? Is Khan behind this ?
Why is Parliament afraid of calling a General Election ?
Answer – Democracy .
Parliament is afraid of Democracy!
Breaking ……………….it looks like The Tory Party have a 12 point lead over the Labour Party ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet?
Someone give them a ‘Nudge’ to wake them up .
It is incredible that the Tories are even ahead at all with the media bias against them but it goes to show that the public are not falling for the remainer smears.
Sadly I think that Johnson will lose a VoNC this week and will have to stand down as PM and not leader. My fear is a Corbyn caretaker but he is not trusted enough so who will do the running?
We need a GE with a Tory/ Brexit Party pact and some tactful voting from leave voters. The remain vote looks split between Lib Dem’s and Labour which is a vantage but I don’t think that we will leave in October. The numbers are just not there.
If a leave party win a GE only then we will be out but for now the current parliament will just obstruct it. They should be the ones who have to go and not Boris. He has proven to be one of few who actually want to get Brexit done and I think that given the choice he would have us out with No Deal but the numbers are just not there to allow it
Any idea who might be using these skin-lightening creams? Strangely, the BBC doesn’t seem to know, but the locations of the raids seems to give us some idea. Half the news all the time.
They are orgasmic about the Nada racism saga. The BBC clearly ruled against her for the PR coup of complaining about it, thereby getting much more publicity.
He said ‘go home’ in a deliberately inflammatory manner to get the media to do heavy-lifting for him: he wants ‘the squad’ to be the face of the Democratic Party and without the publicity the media gave him here that would not have been so effective. Of course any nuance or analysis is thought crime at the NPCBBC. “Trump baaaaaad! Immigrants goooooooood!”
I just switch off the second they talk about race, gender or homosexuality. It’s like a form of woke Tourette’s. It is so boring and patronising.
Jon Snow will be so proud.
Rest assured the World works in many ways. “My top girls” when they replace Emily on the rectangular screen all for the delectation of the viewers?…………………
Correct Michael.
One wonders why this suggested ‘code’ is getting special treatment and publicity when all the other ‘codes’ do not?
For example, the ‘code’ of not mentioning or publicising DEFENCE issues that they’ve all signed up to?
A House of Commons Code of Conduct already exists
Click to access 1474.pdf
Ditto the HoL
Click to access HL-Code-of-Conduct.pdf
No words required !!!!! Apart from HYPOCRITE !!!
“You lay down with dogs you get fleas”
‘Goose and Gander and all that:
‘If you continually rub shoulders with thickos, you become a thicko’.
And birds of a feather flock together.
And soon, many of the swamp rats will learn that there’s no honour among thieves – or swamp rats.
‘Long-awaited’. They seemed less keen on John Humphrys’ effort.
Looks like Naga is yesterday’s news.
Also via