This week two BBC TV current affairs presenters have been found to be overtly biased by their own corrupt organisation . Naga manchetty falsely accused President trump of being a racist . Emily Maitliss was found to have ‘bullied’ an interviewee on Newsnight .
It remains to be seen whether this will have any effect on these biased women and whether BBC discipline procedures are of any value at all. To add even more heat – plenty of non white lefty journalists are ganging up on the BBC complaints department
Brexit is becoming even more heated and I’d like to thank everyone contributing to this site for the restraint they are showing as we watch the country being turned into a dictatorship .
I thought followers of this site might like to see some of the replies to Arthur Scargill’s letter in the Telegraph last week, as was posted earlier here as a copy of a Tweet.
I’ve copied the letters here:
SIR – Wonders never cease. Arthur Scargill shows support for a Conservative Prime Minister (Letters, September 26).
I suspect Mr Scargill voted Leave in common with the many Labour-held constituencies in the North that have been betrayed by their party and, in a number of instances, by their MP. Good on him.
Ron Mason
East Grinstead, west Sussex
SIR – Brexit makes British politics weirder by the day. Now, not only have I read a contribution to the Telegraph’s Letters page from the redoubtable Arthur Scargill, but I also find myself agreeing with him.
Michael Cleary
Bulmer, North Yorkshire.
SIR – I could never in a million years have imagined myself writing this but: hooray for Arthur Scargill!
Lesley Barnes
Henfield, West Sussex
I made the mistake of switching on Radio4 9:10am on #BroadcastingHouse @IanBlackfordMP was being interviewed
‘Oh you see we have to have a vote of no confidence
so we can overthrow Boris and have a general election’
@bbcpaddy made no challenges
he didn’t ask “but Boris just offered a general election and you voted AGAINST it”
PS It’s a bit ironic
#1 That the Independence for Scotland party is determined to stop England/Wales getting independence
#2 THe SNP to complain that Boris has a minority government
when in the Scottish parliament the SNP are in minority government
Usual Andrew Marr bias today. He constantly interrupted Boris Johnson and kept ignoring Boris’s answers and kept returning to a previous question hoping to get the answer he wanted.
At the end of the farce he interviewed Labour’s Angela Rayner and gave her a easy ride all the way through. Even when she said she wanted all private schools to close and votes for 16 year olds Marr didn’t offer any counter argument. The least he could have asked her was “were you responsible when you were 16?”. To which she could have replied “yes, I dropped out of school age 15 and pregnant”.
Whatever will Rob say
BBC got this ?
.. BreitbartLondon tweet
More Daniel Hannan
On @LBC Alistair Campbell
“powerful me, I’ve never had an agenda … look over there at Dominic Cummings”
… PR people constantly say things they know aren’t true
I don’t understand why Nigel Farage had this odious creature, Mr Campbell, on his programme so often. I’d rather hear from Tommy Robinson but that’s never going to happen.
The most important story of the day has to be the Mail on Sunday’s splash about a probe into links between European governments and the MPs who allegedly worked together on the “surrender” Act to block Brexit.
These same anti democratic MPs have also supposedly got a plan for another law to enable the vile pipsqueak Bercow to bypass the PM and go straight to Brussels to get a Brexit delay.
Important, constitutionally explosive, certainly anti democratic developments – but where are they on the BBC?
Nowhere. Not on its news coverage, not on its website, skirted over as the only major headline not discussed by the paper review panel on Marr.
The Jennifer Arcuri non story is everywhere – of course it is, it’s Boris bashing.
But the BBC yet again shows its blatant bias by omission – alleged collusion between some MPs and foreign governments to thwart a British democratic process is apparently not deemed newsworthy by our state broadcaster.
And this is what really pees me off !!!! . Remain politicians seem to be able to do what the hell they want and gerrymander any rule / law to suit them , UNCHALLENGED !!!!
But the Leave camp pull any sort of stunt like this and Gina Miller is in court the following day having it stopped.
Just stinks to high heaven !!!!!
It seems Mrs Miller has a colourful background, to say the least, as reported by John Ward on his The Slog blog:
Ed Hitter
“Parliament is dead” it has killed democracy .
Democracy is dead so its time to Drain The Swamp.
BBC and Guardianlalaland obsessed with making up fantasies about “far right”
I thought it is the satanic sign for 666.
so no chucking masturbater signals at anyone in case you are misinterpreted as a nazi
Well before anyone’s thoughts strayed to the possibility of the current Marxist drive to undermine everything and everyone trying to do their best, the hand signal was used by divers representing, ‘OK’.
Pandy Marr interrupts BoJo every few seconds and allows over made-up, flat-vowelled Angela Rayner to spout her lying propaganda without pause.
An ominous headline coming from a German newspaper……………..
” Alarming Message”, ” Germany Seeks to Limit EU Budget Contribution”
Will Al Beeb’s European economic researchers look into it ?
“Brexit: ‘Clear’ support in Wales to get it done, says leader”
Note the photo shown of the flag waving . It tells the opposite?
Impartial Kay, hits the wine on a Sunday morning
I don’t think Boris looks “shifty”. The poor bloke’s trying to avert his gaze from the hideous apparition sitting in front of him; the ghastly jug eared skeleton that goes by the name of Andrew Marr. And who could blame him?
And when Skeletor is berating Boris about using dangerous or hurty words like “Surrender” you’d think he might have thought twice about his own phrasing “Crush the 48% of Remainers.” Sound very Marxist to me…
If you’re a right wing Brexiteer you don’t go to be interviewed on the BBC these days. You go there for an in depth character assassination, to be endlessly interrupted and to put up with puerile snide references about your personal life.
And then the Labour Remainer come on the be interviewed and guess what.
Nice cosy chat…
Can’t take it anymore! I switch on BBC1, 2 BMEs presenting. Change to C4 for the breakfast show, Tracy Ann Oberman (an alleged actress) is talking about her new book or show / radio show?, how she interviews her fellow Jews and BMEs, about how dreadful the UK is for them! This is now on steroids; it’s literally impossible to get away from it! Solutions?
Siempre Recht
Its called Brainwashing.
Cut off their ‘life supply’ stop paying the Tax that robs from the poor and gives to the rich.
I can think of a simple solution for all these unhappy people whilst their free movement to the EU is still available
YAB’s article I am a Migrant*. Treat me with Respect”
@MartinTwigs68 replied
I’m a leave voter! One of the majority, treat my vote with respect
* the word should be”immigrant”, they are playing language tricks
(and there is nothing wrong about being a legal immigrant)
Ex Foreign Secretary David Miliband’s pay soars to $911,000 at US refugee charity.
That extraordinary difficult thing of finding hypocrisy from metroLiberals
Jess Phillips : September vs July
\\UK ‘may well’ leave EU without a Brexit deal on 31 October, says British health minister Matt Hancock//
Its not on Al Beeb yet , perhaps they will catch up ?
Another day, another university club does inverted racism
Rampant Marxism. Nothing more, nothing less. If not more prevalent in US Yoonies.
I’ll bet this is another report that the racist far-left bbc collective aren’t covering. The inhuman treatment of Julian Assange incarcerated in Belmarsh prison:
While the people of Hong Kong are desperately fighting for Democracy, we have lemmings in this country rushing to “fall of a cliff” and lose it to Europe. Democracy was hard won but easily lost .
Has Al Beeb featured Hong Kong or even the “Yellow Vests” in France this weekend yet ?
What price freedom?
A normal individual would surely rightly be worried, and could rightly ask themselves and their fellow countrymen and women: what is there to like about all of that?
Trans issues
Professional BbcNews tweet jockey just posted a tweet saying that they have deleted a previous tweet. He quoted that tweet
It looks weird cos of course the image shows up as “This tweet is not available” cos he’d DELETED* the quoted tweet
Backstory : That reported the govt PR abut 40 new hospitals
and then decided they shouldn’t be reporting govt PR
and rewrote the headline as “Government plans billions for hospital projects”
The normal rule is that media should NOT delete news stories , cos that amounts to altering the historical record.
* Update the screenshot no longer looks ridiculous cos they have managed to undelete the quoted tweet
The deleted tweet

The replacement story is headlined : “Government plans billions for hospital projects”
Old headline : Government plans 40 new hospitals and a new mental health services pilot
New headline : Government plans billions for hospital projects
The radio news made it clear the 40 building projects are mostly 36 x £100m add ons to older hospitals
plus 6 brand news hospitals
Not enough popcorn.
Bet he’s on Newsnight this week though.
Don’t you just wish that Boris had just taken his old school jacket off and given Marr a bit of ‘Bob Hawke’?
Forward thinking seems out of fashion these days. But nevertheless in 2014 the Daily Mail told us that there were 1500 old lampposts still in active service in London.
These, as the photograph shows, still have the two horizontal ladder resting’s.
Question?: assuming the 1500 remain, will that be enough to use for a different purpose?
Here’s the thing for the, ‘Woke’ people, my reference to ladder rests on lampposts goes with the words, ‘dangling’ and ‘twitching’…………..
steady on, we are not going to be hanging politicians from lampposts
..I bet half of them are puppets in any case.
Noah Carl : writing about the culture of lefty intolerance that pervades
and got him removed from a Cambridge job
So, Lammy tweets earlier about the Lefts new fad “dangerous” language in politics. Up there on his pedestal.
Minutes later, this
They just don’t get the meaning of hypocrisy the left do they !!! Amazing.
Good to see piers calling him out
@HackneyAbbott Labour won’t scapegoat the people who have made our country their home and contributed to our society –
@AngelaRayner standing up against the Tories’ dogwhistle racism on #Marr
Still in denial that anti-Jewish Labour is the party with a known racism problem
BBC : “GNU Government of National Unity”
Reality : a partisan government entirely of Remain-ultras.
Stew- I frequently wrote on this site that I was expecting Treezer, as a pupil of Merkel, to go for a GNU, for exactly the reason you list. It’s worked for Merkel (the ‘Christian’ Democrats actually happy to bypass the Socialists on the left to set the pace, thus spawning the AfD) and I think it would have worked for Treezer.
She then went and ruined it for herself by declaring boldly that ‘Brexit is Brexit’, which said nothing but made her look committed to the ‘Leave’ cause. Then she cooked up her ‘deal’, which seemed to show that Brexit wasn’t quite Brexit, after all. Credibility shafted.
Since then Remainers have been dreaming up things we “didn’t vote against” from Customs Union and Single Market to ‘leaving without a deal’, for which they say there is thus ‘no democratic mandate’. Never have I seen so much ‘creative thinking’ going on in politics in such a short time, as the very essence of language and its meaning was trashed.
When I voted to leave, it did not enter my head that there should be a ‘deal’ before departure: it has a flavour of half in and half out, and -as we know from pregnancy- that doesn’t work, cos you either are or you aren’t.
I’m overseas and can’t get the BBC . Heartbroken . But I think your warning about people mentioning MPs and lamp posts is correct – . Lamp posts have feeling too and are much too valuable ….
As for banning language on this site – I personally find the term ‘ GNU Government of National Unity’ deeply offensive and is not a proper term for ‘coup’ which if what it will be if it happens in the next 21 days .
On the upside – the barking and ‘nam communist collective (labour ) party have put their MP Maggie hodge – up for ‘reselection ‘ .
Maggie has done well reinventing herself in recent years but I have a long memory and remember what she was like a good few years ago in the same boat as Jeremy , Ken livingstone et al .
She know that if she goes quietly she get the peerage but with a bit of luck – due to the Labour Party / momentum dislike for semetism she fight it . Strange how they waited until just after the labour conference to stick the knife in ( I’ve self reported myself to the constabulary ). . . .
@FedUp it’s another example of Ambush-Naming again
where “unity government ” = 100% MINORITY controlled government
uniting the country by throwing the views of 17.4m people in the dustbin
Apparently, Boris was interrupted 83 times on the BBC Andrew Marr show this morning.
Wow – how long was the interview ? An interruption every 10 seconds – Nigel Farage must have seen he has company when it comes to the biased state broadcaster .
( the marr – Farage encounter is memorably bad – and I thought marr looked ashamed of the questions he was asking )
Shows the power of group think doesnt it ? If he’d have gone on to calculate how long it would take to kill all the members of the Conservative Party they’d have been having a right old larff at cheerful John ‘ uncle’ McDonnell .
The leader in waiting of the ‘ coup ‘
Facebook has gone Stalinist over Mr Redacted
‘ No we can’t show evidence of him doing something wrong,
.. but we have classed him as a “HATE PREACHER”, and we have rules about them’
Anyone daring to speak positively about Mr Redacted is sent off to the gulags
FB will ONLY allow SLANDEROUS sick LIES about Mr Redacted on their platform!
They will allow people to PREACH HATE AGAINST him and people who support him.
This is Right out of the Communist Soviet Union’s playbook for handling dissidents.
The principle should be that all humans are treated equally, not that you can arbitrarily slap a label on someone without any judicial process and then eternally unperson them.
I can imagine a black woman might be concerned about gentrification of a black Chicago neighbourhood
.. and even use clumsy language like
‘stop rich white people taking over our neighbourhood’,
.. but they’d never class her as a hate-preacher .. so that is not equality.
I see that the BBC are reporting the the Health Secretary is looking at compulsory vaccinations for School children.
The BBC state that :
Measles is highly infectious and can cause serious health complications, including damaging the lungs and brain.
There were more than 82,500 cases in Europe in 2018 – the highest number in a decade and three times the total reported in 2017.
Of course the politically correct BBC won’t say that the in rese is due to uninoculated migrants oh no that wouldn’t be pc would it.
So they will keep politically correct and not look at the real issue and put our kids in harms way.
Utterly despicable….
TB has returned ……………..
They would submit us all to a pandemic rather than countenance banning arrivals from certain country’s……..the protection of thier Marksist ideals far outweighs our safety and security.
Are London Stabbings , Hong Kong demonstrations and the ‘Yellow Vests’ becoming so common that Al Beeb don’t report them any more or, is there some ulterior motive to keep quiet about them ?
I reckon it’s not at the level of ‘D’ Notice but I’m sure publishers have been given ‘ advisory ‘ advice about not bigging up events which might give people ideas such as protesting for non approved things like brexit or ‘ coups’ .
Their other Ally is that any demonstration which is not of the left is automatically labelled as far or extreme or hard Right and therefore an easy target for the ‘ condemn ‘ industry so prevalent on the state broadcaster .
The MSM has been doing a bit of a case study job in smearing the PM in the run up to the abbreviated party conference -. On the current pattern there must be a remain planted ‘ whistle blower’ due to make various allegations . I’m betting on a ‘ blacking up ‘ picture from some party 20 years ago ….
Remember Project Fear – No medicine after Brexit ?
Well, just look at what can be done in an emergency airlift……………..
“The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) says it has now flown a total of 61,000 Thomas Cook customers back to the UK, taking the total to 40% of passengers.”
Just substitute 61,000 people for medicine.
“Project fear” propaganda promulgated by traitors to ‘our’ Great Britain .
I think Germany has forgotten the ‘Berlin Airlift’?
Interesting example taffman. Passengers’ rights are protected by EU legislation. Good job that Thomas Cook’s collapse didn’t take place post Brexit isn’t it.
Unless I am misreading your comment – it really is nice to hear from a Remainer on the site .
Are you making an assumption that in the post EU world the UK will water down consumer rights/ arrangements such as those invoked post Thomas Cook ?
I think there would be considerable resistance to such common sense arrangements . Also -.a lot of aviation treaties are made out side of the EU at national level so pulling out of the ReichEU at last won’t affect safety and other air regulation .
Happy for you to tell me I’m wrong though.
Fedup2, Piku
Thomas Cook was covered by ATOL (Air Travel Organiser’s Licence) which covers flight-based holidays. It’s essentially a financial protection scheme operated by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), and is therefore outside of EU control.
For design, manufacture, maintenance, etc, the UK is currently a member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the EU equivalent of the FAA in the US.
If we leave the EU with a deal, continued membership of EASA will be up for discussion as part of a future relationship. If we leave without a deal, the UK CAA has already taken steps to approve organisations performing the aforementioned tasks at a national level.
Many UK-based EASA-approved design organisations (DOA’s) have already moved their operations to EU member states to prepare for Brexit and ensure continuity of business. An option remains to become a ‘third country’ EASA DOA post-Brexit, but such organisations have a limited scope of approval for airworthiness matters.
As with most divorces, it’s all a bit of a mess. However, it is well known within the industry that EASA employees have been forbidden to speak to their UK CAA counterparts, which hasn’t exactly helped preparations for the future.
Bogtrotter – thank you very much and if you are ‘new’ welcome . I’d heard about the EASA antics with respect to the CAA but I suppose it is only the kind of spite we will experience after we leave .
Also – the kraut bit of Thomas Cook was saved by its government – I think the CEO was of the Reich too. Count those bonuses…
Thanks Fedup2. Yes, first post from a long-time lurker.
TWW, I’d also heard that report about the Condor employees, but I suppose you can hardly blame them for celebrating their survival. I understand the company is quite profitable, although needs a loan from Frau Merkel in the short term to avoid bankruptcy.
Not sure I’ve seen many EUSSR countries airlines scrambling to help in the TC airlift over the last few days.
In fact I heard a radio report early in the week (not the far left RBC) that German employees were castigated after postings on social media saw them laughing and celebrating as the German part of the TC aircraft operation and their jobs were saved following an intervention by the Kraut Government. Unlike their UK counterparts.
Anyhow good to see that the max incontinent pikey is up and out during daylight hours.
He’s back in his safe space with maxi, waiting for advice from his ‘line manager’ before he gives answer .
I’ll await a constructive reply from piku – particularly after what ‘bogtrotter ‘ has helpfully said – otherwise it’s just one of those – dive in – shouty post – then run away types who come here every once in a while .
Are you assuming that replacement legiislation protecting Consumer Rights will be in place as from Nov 1st 2019?
Good to hear from you . Replacement legislation would depend on the support of the 500 traitors wouldn’t it .
Assuming that they are still too cowardly to support a call for an election then I doubt whether alt legislation would be in place
Remainers will be doing anything to engineer harm to the British people to demonstrate that we should never have left their precious ReichEU. And I’m sure you’d agree with that Piku.- maybe you should read what bogtrotter said about the aviation situation .
maxi…. Piku ?
We leave the EU with the same rights as already legislated when we were members, until of course with freedom and independence, we can change them if we wish.
The Berlin Airlift happened a long, long time before we ‘joined’ (were taken in without a vote) the EU.
It was before you were born.
The BBC has no expertise in anything other than propaganda.
The target audience may welcome this whilst the minority itself probably won’t.
It may also have as much to fear from the community it wishes to be part of –
“Just over half of all black, Asian and minority ethnic LGBT people (51 per cent) report experiencing discrimination or poor treatment within their local LGBT network because of their ethnicity. This number rises to three in five black LGBT people (61 per cent).”
Yes pug – the coming coup .
Has Boris been arrested?
I doubt if that rabble represents Manchester.
How many Antifa supporters are there ?
Note the lack of BAME faces in the ‘crowd’, I can’t see many disabled people there either ?
Could be students from the Department of Media and Drama at the Manchester Metropolitan University?
That particular bloc looks like an antifa or anarchist bloc. The question is why did the police allow them to get so close to the PM. He could have been hit with a lethal weapon.
Manchester is a shithole of the worse kind, I say having lived there for nearly 20 years, leaving after repeated burglaries and muggings from cuddly BAMES
On this occasion the BAMES will be under the control of the unions
and Labour, and will not be seen to be offensive.
Yes I agree it’s a terrible place now. I was born there 1946 and left 1995 when I could see how it was going. When I think of the 1950s and 1960s hardworking people, you were looked down on if you were out of work as there was plenty of it there.I dont recognise now. Years ago I used to go to Stockport market, great place for everything then that went downhill and longsight and levenshulme is a place you would drive though fast without stopping at all. I had go go to a funeral in Burnage a couple of years ago and I couldn’t believe the disgusting state of the filthy place, I was worried about my car.The shops reminded me of Pakistan or Afghanistan villages. GWF.. try to leave if you can, it will only get worse.
Welcome Boris and I must apologize for scum who profess to be mancunians. They have been bussed in, I heard a trade unionist from Liverpool on TV a couple of nights ago saying he wasnt going even through the unions etc are putting on free buses for anyone who wanted to go, he said it wasnt fair as the labour party had their conference without problems. I thought well that is one decent labour member. All that rubbish thrown around, I wonder if they will clear it up before they go ( climate emergency and all that)
I was born and brought up in Manchester, it was a proud city then. Full of history and the people were so hard working. Oh dear how the mighy have fallen.
They don’t appear to be hard working mancunians, more like meeja students from the yoonie .
I agree taff, just the unwashed and hatey scum.
These are Mancunians. This is Rusholme, about a mile down the road from Oxford Road, where the two yoonies are located. These are Mancunians enjoying one their rituals..
Please dont call them mancunians my parents will turn in their grave, they are no more mancunians than I am Parisian. They are invaders.
I agree, they are invaders. Sadly they are rapidly replacing Mancunians, and a generation are being brought up to recognise them as British and Mancunians. You won’t see their children in white dresses and best cloths marching in the Whit Walks.
@ Cromwell at 4.58pm Re the decent Trade Unionist I wouldn’t give much for his chances once momentum works out who he is.
Bang on. They are making my blood boil !!! I really don’t mind counter arguments , everyone has the right to their own opinion , but it’s just the sheer hypocrisy that irks me !!! Can’t stand it.
From my law school days – we were always encouraged to reading House of Lords dissenting judgements to give a bit of clarity about an important judgement . But in this case all 11 agreed the outcome – despite who was on the court in England in the lower decision which they overturned – namely
The lord Chief Justice
The master of the rolls
The president of the Queens Bench .
Three big hitters but their judgement was struck down by a biased – some might say – corrupt Supreme Court improperly with skin in the game – ie receiving money – pensions from the EU- maybe at least 8 of them .
A case for the MI5 ?
Someone must be updating our PM?
I’m sure there is a battle going on between the intelligence outfits of various european states – particularly the Stasi and the frogs to get an advantage .
Some might say our enemies don’t need to work too hard because there are plenty of traitors like Benn, Grieve , Rudd Et al queuing up to undermine the uk interest in favour of that of the ReichEU.
I admit – I read the ‘ surrender ‘ act yesterday and I thought the language – drafting looked — foreign .
I’m sure Iread somewhere, maybe on this site, that any criticism of the EUSSR by current or former ’employees’ automatically disqualifies them from receiving their gold plated pensions.
What type of people put effigies of MPs from lamposts ?
If you look at the anti-Tory banner on a Manchester motorway bridge
you’ll spot it’s weighed down with two effigies
Media report this is the now deleted tweet
The Boris blimp

..But the Momentum protesters are not Hate-Preachers so are not banned from Facebook
Pure scum.
I’m heartily sick of seeing these treacherous losers (for that is what remainers are) flying that effing EUSSR flag in this country.
time to start burning them.
Not the state broadcaster but I thought I’d play the ‘ coup’ game – who is so bad that they are acceptable to all the traitors in the remain junta
Some one –
Not hard left
A Remainer
Ministerial experience
Pro scots nationalist
A former Tory
Insanely ambitious
I’m plonking for Rory Stewart – I’m guessing he is pro snp and can plays the ‘scots ‘ card
Course they will push back, he’s perfectly correct in what he says.
Radio 3 doing a words and music piece on the history of Espania.
5 minutes in and the catawalling of ‘Muslim music’ is blaring out of the speakers.
I know the moorish occupation of southern Spain shaped their history but boy, the far left RBC never miss an opportunity do they?
\\Nigel Farage warns Boris Johnson over ‘reheated Brexit deal’//
If Boris is a genuine Brexiteer he would be well advised to form a ‘coalition’ a ‘non aggression’ pact with The Brexit Party ready for the imminent general election. He needs to look at the number of Brexit Party MEPs that have already taken new seats in the European Parliament.
One thing for sure is that the other opposition parties will form a bloc to defeat him . Only together with the help of Nigel Farage can he win .
R4 gave us a ‘Profile’ on Lady Hale, Supreme Court Supremo, this eve.
She got lotsa ‘firsts’ in her life, apparently. Profile assures us how bright and clever she is. (Besides having Feminist credentials)
Not bright and clever enough to understand what a majority vote is. Nor what constitutes Democracy. No understanding of numbers, therefore. After 75 years, she has finally failed her biggest test. Probably wanted to prove to Boris, a man, that she’s ‘equal’.
This was not an occasion for loud jewellery and loud equality statements. This was the time to bring the law in line with common sense and the Will of the People.
I thought that the ‘unanimity’ of the court was questionable. I now think I know why.
Fact is, essentially, the Supreme Court’s decision is based on no case law. It is purely based on the judges personal preference only, apart from the Elephant in the room – Soros – of course. Their preference ultimately, in that respect, can carry no more weight that yours or mine. I cannot support a Bliar Court decision. Signed, LLb (Hons); LLm.
BBC1 Countryfile tonight…. “rise of the right wing in the countryside”. This programme used to be about TB and badger culling but these days its full on BBC agenda squeezing in immigration, anti Brexit, anti Tory and nothing about the countryside whatsoever.
Anyone whose pre-teen son runs political polls is clearly in touch with the public.
And 10,000 is enough to get you wall to wall bbc coverage all week.
Whereas 500,000 may not be if their editorial integrity is not in the mood.
It never stops, does it, our blatantly biased BBC is using its Countryfile programme tonight to explore so called “far right extremism” in the countryside.
No escape from this truly dreadful broadcaster’s propagandist, pernicious, elitist anti working class agenda – no programme is safe from its brainwashing and doubletalk.
What next? Antiques Roadshow looks at far right extremism in the French polishing world? The Sky’s The Limit probes racism in space? Postman Pat comes out as non binary…..
Mrs doobster78 had it on, I caught that segment. DISGUSTING. A quick search of Twitter shows people are thoroughly sick to the back teeth of this constant agenda pushing.
Apologies for the 3 tweets , even the Countryfile crowd have seen through the bbc. Relentless.
Ha another POV
So the @bbc & @BBCCountryfile have just given huge exposure to
@BritRevUK with only four hundred followers, expect the follower count to go up. #countryfile
Anyone not ‘into’ politics could be forgiven in believing that “the rise of the rightwing ” in the countryside could be a cousin of the Northern Lapwing !
The BBC Radio Shropshire presenter is in with the Hatey No Hopers
a modern witch-shouter-general who believes by hounding anyone who is not a virtue-signaller by screaming “far right at them”
.. he is saving the planet
Ambush name Countryfile , actual name #Wokefile
The photo of white supremacists holding night time gatherings

The screen caption claimed these newspaper headlines
“British Neo-Nazis using National Trust sites”
“Far-right cult holds secret hooded ceremonies”
The screen guy was Roger Griffiths a retired history prof of Oxford Polytechnic
They kept sticking in “extremist” every other word
Liberally throwing the words around “Fascist” “Nazi” “Far right” “Ethno Natinalists”
I bet a third of them are MI5 in disguise.
Riotous Assembly by To Sharpe
Griffiths “This mixing of the concerns for the preserving the countryside and preserving of the race
leads to this term Eco-Fascism”
..FFS that Marxist control of language again
..there is an established definition a lefty thing a totalitarian dogmatic attitude towards environmentalism Greta
How dare he try to change that definition.
I guess someone will do a full transcript later
Presenter : “Generation Identity””talking about the Great Replacement”
“THe govt says they promote damaging and EXTREME VIEWS”
..the screen changes to show a banner
what does it say ?
“Free Tommy” ..doh that is hardly damaging nor extreme
Presenter @CharlotteBSmith
“critics say orgs like Gen X can act as a gateway into even more extreme views”
.. but you already called them extreme, so you are playing word games
Next brought on Welsh psychologist Nick Dai nes
His twitter account @Safen3t only every mentions “far-right” stuff ..not things like Islamic attacks etc
He claimed rural people are not mixing with people from “DIVERSE backgrounds”
“In rural areas, There is access to MSM and online content that isn’t balanced out by experience”
..Que ? what’s that mean ?
“Then these extremist groups play on that their is a THEY & an US”
.. you mean like a Mosque group might or feminist group or trans group would do ?
“to cause further division”
“people living in remote areas like one isolated farmworker Nick helped …he felt he wanted to spray pigs blood across a mosque”
.. hmm people FEEL stuff, but doing it is totally different matter
(That vandalism is still wrong, though not physically harmful)
“It could be a gateway to more HARDCORE groups”
..That is the fallacy of the slippery slope , which says that people should not join a minor group like Green Tories cos they might then join a more radical law breaking group like XR
She quotes Gen X “They believe in peaceful activism”
“yet critics have called for the group to be banned”
(the “some people say” rhetorical trick)
“FB closed its pages saying it was a Hate Org”
is it ?
“But online you never know who you are dealing with
.. take this group British Revival”
She calls the retired prof again this time calling him Prof Roger Griffin
“It doesn’t look like a fascist site, but deeper with in it is something that links it in with fascist language ”
… em that is hearsay not evidence
“Michael Wrenn left GenX to found British Revival.. that is why it is not banned on FB”
He said he disagrees with GenX cos they are negative
“We went to FB and they quickly closed down Wrenn’s and the BR pages”
.. that is not right that pages are arbitrarily closed down without due process
The report ended didn’t gie the conext of the size of the group or mention their “cleaning up after Extinction Rebellion” stunt
Of course there are large scale groups in the countryside that spread brainwashing and intolerance
The National Trust who foisted PC events on its followers
and Green activist groups that will not tolerate dissent from dogma etc.
Prog vegan groups that have invaded farms , threats that have been made to farmers etc.
Delete double post.
Every BBC programme, and I mean EVERY programme, is just the blank canvas on which they can paint their narrative now. Whatever the subject, that is just the door by which to lead the innocent into their propaganda.
This evening on BBC1 it was a programme supposedly about the country to brainwash the unwary about the ‘far-right’.
This morning on R4 it was a programme supposedly about religion, with Cardinal Vincent Nichols brainwashing the unwary about the evils of Brexit.
In relation to BBC’s (WOKE)Countryfile
Hats off to the young guy WRENN…prepared to stand up on British TV and suggest being a British Nationalist who loves our rural communities and OUR identity, who knows our culture and country are being OVERRUN without our say….
I say BRAVO young Mr.Wrenn…..
BRAVO young man…it gives me hope for our youth…