This week two BBC TV current affairs presenters have been found to be overtly biased by their own corrupt organisation . Naga manchetty falsely accused President trump of being a racist . Emily Maitliss was found to have ‘bullied’ an interviewee on Newsnight .
It remains to be seen whether this will have any effect on these biased women and whether BBC discipline procedures are of any value at all. To add even more heat – plenty of non white lefty journalists are ganging up on the BBC complaints department
Brexit is becoming even more heated and I’d like to thank everyone contributing to this site for the restraint they are showing as we watch the country being turned into a dictatorship .
Here’s how I see it right now. We don’t have a Government. No Government that could even contemplate any legislation to countenance this rising Marxist takeover. This is serious stuff and many here, expected it at some point. That point is here in my view.
I recall in the 50’s the efforts of the Civil Defence League to recruit members for the common cause, then. But different now, perhaps. But our whole way of life is, whether we like it or not, under threat from Communism and the same people who threatened us then, threaten us now. Just look at contributors above at random. Marxism to be precise. But Communism, then, learnt, quickly and went underground. It is really emerging now, and with a vengeance.
We need a new Civil Defence League. Now. I would rally to that concept. How about you?
Hello, hello, anybody there………………….
No, I guess not.
Points of View earlier on BBC 1 .
Bloke (use the term lightly) emailed in saying his 7 year old daughter, while watching last week’s BBC coverage of One MAN and his dog, asked why it is called One MAN and his dog as girls are participating. !!!!!!!
Needless to say, the snowflake bloke in question thought it was a good point and indeed, it should be updated !!!! I give up, I really do.
British Traditions, heritage and history mean sweet fa to these liberal pansies !!!
Have they nothing else in their lives ?? Is that all that really concerns them ????
Welcome to this year’s One non binary, non gender specific, gender fluid, trans gender and their dog !!! Not quite got the same ring to it !!!!! LEAVE it ALONE !!!!
The little girl has a point . Indeed – why does ‘ man’ feature before the ‘dog’
Surely it should be called ‘ canine and homo sapien In partnership ‘ much more agreeable to the state broadcaster mindset .?
I’m sure lots of other programmes should have the snowflake treatment …
Why one man and his dog indeed? Why not one man and his bitch?
haha GWF..good idea.
The BBC website has many mentions of “MOTHER Nature” they’ll all need changing as well
Just seen that 9 of the 11 Supreme Court Judges also sit on the European Court of Justice.
I am gobsmacked !!!!!!
The General – you might have missed it but in the middle of the previous thread there is a list of what EU jobs those 11 law lords had – and thus have a direct fiscal interest in the outcome of Brexit .
But there is no one to appeal to – and the MSM are uncritical because they approve of the decision . As I said in the preamble – all the arms of the State ( incredibly – except for the PM and the 140 ish decent Democratic MPs of both parties ) are against the democratic decision of the sizeable majority of British voters
Sorry I missed that but there is an awfully large amount of content on this site these days and if one misses a day this can be the result.
I must try to keep up !
However I am amazed that the Conservatives have not brought this up. Had the shoe been on the other foot there would have been uproar from Her Majesty’s “loyal” Opposition and we would all have known about it last week.
Why “Gobsmacked”?
Not wishing to be rude, but, how can you be that naive to think that they do not think that we, the public, is dense, thick, obtuse and unable to see through their facades?
Wakey, wakey.
Any evidence to back up your assertion?
UK Supreme Court –
European Court of Justice –
Last week they cried, chanted, staged protest after protest and all the Remainer politicians lined up on the BBC shouting
This week, all getting together to well, err, arrange a COUP against Boris !!!!!
Deplorable bunch !!! “Do as I say and not as I do” , should be the Lefts motto !!!
But none of the msm ever pull them up over their glaring double standards, funny that !!!!
Some yang people using boxing metaphors to show their opposition to Boris.
I see they want an election now.
Word of advice, get in out of the rain, at your age you might catch your deaths of cold
Boris squeezes a woman’s leg in 1999. Haha, I mean it is getting ludicrous, simply ludicrous. What on Earth will they dredge up next?
‘Boris looked at me in a funny way in 1995’
‘Boris trod on the cracks in the pavement in 1986’
‘Boris crossed the road without looking right then left then right again in 1972’
I’m not sure I have ever seen such a transparent witch-hunt in all my life.
I did see a post revealing that Farage had said he could murder a cup of tea.
The other Countryfile controversy

was the flippin charidee WILDLIFE calendar winner
Strangely most people would go into the WILD to win a WILDLIFE photo competition
but their winner did it in a studio
The winning photo is the mouse in apple
The only thing country about Countryfile
is that that the progs ethics are manure
It happened 10 years ago in a similar competetion
and 2 years ago
@BBCCountryfile your rules state you won’t deceive the viewer.
Did you let the viewers know that the field mouse was in a professional photography set up? #countryfile
Stew: “The only thing country about Countryfile is that that the progs ethics are manure” LOL x 5
That winning photo
..might as well have photoshopped it
The horse on the beach seemed rather well blessed with sunlight in all the right places. A bit of ‘enhancement’ perhaps.
We were told that the winning photographer had had the assistance of a man that had a licence to handle the rodent stars.
I have always assumed that people who hold these wildlife licences are involved in conservation or scientific work, not exploiting them for ‘photographic workshops’.
That could be a whole new storyline for Countrfile, investigating the abuse of rare species by these licence holders.
They do like their bitter old lefties. Spitting Image, now…
J R-M will only have to sit in the House with his arms crossed the wrong way or with a shoelace untied and the LeftMob of Labour, IllibNonDems and the SNP will go into meltdown.
Beeb TV news at 10pm. Coverage of the start of the Tory conflab couldn’t be more hostile. Compared to last week’s coverage of Labour, like chalk and cheese.
Remarkable. Quite astonishing.
They hate Trump, and I think Boris may well overtake him quite soon. May already have done so.
‘Biased’ doesn’t begin to cover it.
They might be scared of another potential Boris bounce. Despite what people have said Johnson is high up in the polls and another poll out today has the Tories leading by 11 points. Yesterday a poll showed a 12 point lead. The public can see through the smears
So what could have TRIGGERED the BBC who are strong supporters of Extinction Rebellion, to do a hit piece against British Revival ?
#BritishRevival isn’t far right, it isn’t extreme – yet they demanded #Facebook shut us down.
Good use of your TV licence, no doubt.
Bin the BBC
Countryfile article already in the Express
Wow the express published the article whilst the show was still on
After the family show Countryfile, thw whole family got the trailer for the bBC’s new Trans /drag show
The rules say
‘No zoo animals or pets
UK wildlife in captivity must be declared as such’
No mention of staging photos
but if it’s staged that’s not in the wild is it ?
Libel, defamation of character?
“Austria election: Sebastian Kurz’s People’s Party tops poll”
Is the political tide in Europe beginning to turn ?
Forget tides, If we don’t get out of the EU there will be a tsunami in Great Britain . The Brexit Party is waiting to fulfil democracy. Next inline will be Al Beeb’s extinction. Everyone I talk to comments on Al Beeb’s bias. People are outraged with “Question Time” and its blatant bias.
Not saying bbc staff are thick or venal…
For every £2 pound that we give the EU we get £1 in return .
It was funded by us.
All the EU did was stick a stupid flag on it . That’s why we voted to leave .
This conference, reported on by the BBC, part-funded by the EU.
Did anybody see the whole of the first episode of World on Fire, BBC1’s new World War II drama? I only caught a bit of it, so I might be mistaken about some aspects of it:
Seemed like there was a fair amount of trying to impose liberal values into the period setting – empowerment for two of the young female characters, and what looked like signposting for a gay relationship between an American doctor and a black French musician.
In one scene, two Polish soldiers awaited execution by a young German wearing an outsize 1918-pattern helmet (anachronism?), and in a following scene we saw the same youth in a photo, same full-face pose, same helmet. You know, not the three-quarters profile, smiling, wearing a sidecap pose so familiar of WWII soldier portraits. But we had to recognise him as another character’s son, right? That was kind of funny in its ineptitude.
Production values looked fairly high, although they might have taken “World on Fire” a bit too literally, all the interiors seemed full of smoke!
“No 10 denies Boris Johnson ‘thigh squeeze’ claim”
“Charlotte Edwardes said the incident happened to her at the offices of the Spectator magazine in 1999.”
Why has she waited twenty years to bring this up ?
Very timely to bring it up now . Ulterior motive ? ……..Who is squeezing her leg now ?
There’s your answer.
Just take a look at Al Beeb’s news website. Its pathetic , hardly any news at all, just Boris Bashing .
See that tidal wave approaching? It’s 17.4 million British voters who are slightly annoyed….
Remainers say the good thing about the UK
is that allows each region to PRESERVE it’s traditional produce and brands from other regions exploiting them .
Could it be that that org British Revival is arguing something similar for British countryside ?
like if a region has blackface morris dancing and people come it from another region , and force through the banning of that blackface tradition ?
BBC the national Fraudcaster
A blowback thread #1
#2 ..another thread
Today know who to get in.
Same parallels as the US. The same Marxist culprits like Soros behind the scenes?
Meanwhile Jon just being Jon.
I blame all these “narratives”. Life was much better before they came in.