With 1214 days gone by since the Brexit Referendum we might have got fed up with BBC ‘benefits of Brexit ‘ programmes . But in all that time has there even been one such programme ?
Like many institutions the BBC has devalued itself through an anti democratic bias which shames the country – just like the politicians . With no sign of an end .
Happy Trafalgar Day
Woo-hoo, first again and once again i claim my prize of a clean exit on 31 October
Still a lot of good stuff back on the Weekend thread
– We got as far as page 5 Sunday night
– page 4 started Saturday night and page 3 before that
Which year would you like?
2018? July?
“Do I hear August?” “I have August 2018 in the room.”
“I have January 2019 on the telephone from Gina Miller”
“I have 29 March on the telephone from Downing Street. Any more bids”
“I am sorry Sir, I must have a positive bid.”
12 April 2019.
31 October 2019. (Gasps in room)
“At a record bid for an EU Departure, 31 October 2019, are we all done, asking for the first time, for the second time, (gavel crack) sold to the gentleman at the back with the tousled hair and bemused look. Sorry Sir, I don’t know your name. Would you show your bidding paddle clearly, please?”
‘I do apologise sir, I forgot to add that the sale will attract a commission of 17% plus VAT (or shall we say TVA for simplicity?) so that will be an additional £4173000. Thank you for your custom.’
10% plus VAT on top will be a very nice earner for this auctioneer and his house.
Beltane is the £39 billion included in the sale? I may have to borrow FedUp2’s fingers and toes to work out my commission on that!
‘Cmon now! ‘Tax is up for discussion’ and re-alignment under the current BRINO. Here’s the EU VAT rates per country.
What say you to 20% VAT or, perhaps, 25%? We will be on our way shortly if the Marxists have anything to do with it…………..
What’s to like about the EU, Chapter 1.
Al Beeb – “Brexit: What happens now?”
IMHO MPs Are following the usual directive from the EU……………
A second Referendum?
This is where they set the rules ‘heads they win tails you lose’.
In truth the MPs are scared stiff of the British People, that’s why they would completely avoid democracy in action, i.e a General Election. It would bring in the Brexit Party!
We voted out ! We voted to leave !
The Tory wets might lose their seats and some are stepping down anyway so they don’t care but sadly Labour will win their as their voters will vote for them a few times over.
One thing is for certain unless central office intervenes, there will be a lot fewer alumni of the rotten school, as they have been the main wets to join the webels and lose the whip.
As Peter Hitchens says, the Tories only exist to perpetuate jobs for the sons of gentlemen, so the have no real beliefs passions or policies, just what ever might seem good to them at the time.
Well I have not been looking at anything BBC at the moment because I cannot stand any smugness from them.
Looks like another Brexit delay coming our way and the winning remainers will then feel confident enough to force enough referendum.
The bias will be beyond anything that we have ever experienced before.
We need a GE but my guess is that Corbyn the coward will hold back with some excuse that ‘not until Brexit is sorted’ so we will be stuck in the same limbo for some time longer.
Other than that I have nothing else to say 🙁
I do wonder what must be going through the minds of (mainly) Labour MPs who have followed the directive from Corbyn to vote against everything put forward by the government on Brexit, regardless of how their constituents voted. They must have this feeling of being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Whichever way they go, they will lose their jobs, it’s just a question of how long they can keep getting paid before being made redundant. They must know it. Labour couldn’t even get canvassers to go knocking on doors in a number of areas for the MEP elections because they a) felt betrayed and/or b) were afraid of the amount of abuse they would receive on the doorsteps.
Why doesn’t the bbbc draw attention to this? It’s a rhetorical question of course.
The only pledge that Corbyn has stuck to was when he stated that he will ‘vote down’ everything that the Tories do and unfortunately that includes anything to do with leave.
For Corbyn it is about his rout to power and he will stop at nothing to get there. The ironic thing is he is a Euro-skeptic himself but maybe for different reasons to other people. He is no Brexiteer though and his main love is Marxism.
Labour have not been in power for almost a decade now but this past couple of years they have caused more trouble now than ever during the Blair/Brown years. We are actually starting Marxism right in the face and it does not look pretty.
“Labour have not been in power for almost a decade now …………”
And they wont be again if there is a General Election, and they know it so do the other so called “democratic parties”.
Simples .
I would love to know that there will be a day where they will never goven again but sadly I know that they have their own Marxist followers and media on their side. Split Tory/ Brexit Party votes could put them there so I urge tactful voting and maybe some nose holding.
I live in a Tory safe seat and my MP Connor Burns has been decent throughout. He gets my vote but if I live in a Labour safe seat I would vote for the Brexit Party if they stood a chance of knocking Labour out.
I can understand party loyalties and some people might be reluctant to vote for either Tory or Brexit Party against the other but there must be no split votes otherwise we get Lib Dem or Labour and FPTP benefits Labour more so they are the danger we must fight. There will be no Brexit with Labour so they are of the same remain breed as Lib Dems but their policies will be the end of this country. We must not let that happen
For a poster who “Other than that I have nothing else to say ????” you were certainly saying it well, and a lot, last night, smoogie. 🙂 Keep going. We luv ya!
I’m a bit stuck. Am in a new marginal with Lab MP who keeps voting to make me poorer.
The new Tory candidate is a bit of a ‘lookalike’. Have been on the point of telling said candidate that ‘I’m voting for The Brexit Party next time.’ but I realise that that may well let Labour back in. Tactical voting will be the thing.
Unless Bungling* Bojo changes his mind on an electoral pact with TBP.
(* We may have to wait a while longer – a whole week and a day – to see if Boris claims his procedural nicety [and at the right time] to win the day but I hope and pray that he does. Or he may just be doing his usual bumbling Micawber thing.)
I have no idea how this week will work out. The Letwin amendment has thrown everyone off balance. It is another win for remainers but they are only winning the battles.
I do think that Boris will have to go for a pact with TBP in the end and if the push comes to the shove he might have no choice but that really depends on how polling works out. Farage is disappointed in Johnson’s deal but with the remainers blocking any hard Brexit there is not going to be a lot more on offer.
If Boris had a majority right now then we would be out but as he does not then we have to put up with the undemocratic antics from the opposition for the time being
I hope he does. This seat could go back to the Tories and if Bojo got an agreement with Farage, I’m sure some Brexit enthusiasts will be only too pleased to pile in and help canvass and campaign for a Tory win here.
Who does Parliament work for : The people of Britain or for the EU ?
Who does Al Beeb work for : The people of Britain or the EU ?
Who pays for the both of them ?
Not me. I have no license fee. I refuse to own a TV as long as the BBC are on air.
I am not joking either. I refuse to pay into anything that supports the Labour Party
Neither do I and I would advise others to do the same .
Save yourself some money and get some satisfaction by doing so .
I strongly urge everyone who is dissatisfied with the BBC to do the same. C4 are actually even worse so you won’t miss much.
I have an internet connection and as far as I am aware BT internet do not seem to show any bias to anyone
Despite me thinking otherwise, the other half has it still set up as a direct debit that she won’t stop no matter how many times I blather on about it. So, since we are paying for the damn thing, I insisted we watched a film on i-player this afternoon; ‘Night of the Living Dead’. Hehe..hehehe. That’ll learn ‘er.
taffman- “who does parliament work for?”
Themselves, I’d say.
They may occasionally mention ‘their constituents’, but that is only when they want to manipulate somebody.
Most of them act and talk as if they were beholden to nobody, and their attitudes towards their ‘subjects’ appears similar to that of Marie Antoinette to hers.
They appear to have entirely forgotten that -at some time- elections are due.
They can then be brought back down to earth.
As said before ‘Who rules this nation? We the people should rule and attended by those that we the voter put into a seat in Westminster-that privilege does entitle those members to treat the voting public with distain, and not to use actions most duplicitous.
Sorry if this has been brought up before but excuses etc
Margaret Becket , ex Labour cabinet member being interviewed by the BBC .
She says we must stay in the EU because she didn’t know till one minute previous that there was no UK legislation to give us all holidays with pay . We get that from the EU . She thinks .
Well let us take her at her word ( although there’s a film called Holidays With Pay 1948 because we had holidays with pay legislation in 1938 ) .
Labour were in power
1945 to 1952 .
1964 to 1970
1974 to 1979
1997 to 2010
Over thirty years in power . And they never introduced holidays with pay ?!
That and the BBC fellow couldn’t put that to her !
Methinks people don’t get value for money from both the BBC and the Labour Party . Not that I buy either .
Nibor, every full time job and one part-time job that I have had as an adult, I have had to sign a contract of employment. In that contract it set out the holidays that I was entitled to.
BBC and Labour: dim and dimmer or deliberately deceptive, both.
She, like Corbyn, used to pretend to be anti-E.U. too.
Al Beeb is a swamp, Parliament is a swamp. Both are in need of draining.
I was correct about trump winning and I called the referendum correctly. My next big prediction is that Labour will have less than 100 seats come the next GE……watch this space.
Going by the recent EU elections my prediction would be a landside victory for The Brexit Party.
Funny Al Beeb and the MSM hardly mentions them these days despite the party being the biggest in the EU ?
Liebour is finished.
Reminder: Kinnock, Foot, Blair, Milliband, Corbin and the rest of the wealthy charlatans .
I wouldn’t disagree with that Halifax. There must be millions of people waiting to get their own back on the Labour party. It’s been an absolutely disgraceful, as well as revealing, era of political history and it will not be forgotten for many years to come.
I do sense a hostile uprising at some point and am surprised it hasn’t happened already.
All it takes is a protest to get out of hand, someone arrested, someone else pushed or knocked over and missiles start flying. I am against violence but I can feel it building up in people.
How far will things go before someone gets hurt or even killed?
Brexit has not killed anyone yet but if it does then that would be the start of something new and even darker.
Needless to say we all know who the BBC will blame for anything that does happen
The MSM are getting bored with XR, Antifa, Remain Ultra, TDS and the leadership (singular) is getting desperate.
How long before an old man with a beard persuades a young zealot seeking their fifteen minutes to go out in style for the cause.
Already there is talk of false flags being set up for the news headlines.
Any broadcaster who gets a call and does not warn innocents of the location in advance is complicit.
I agree smoogie, a Police Officer said to a number of us gathered in my house many years ago that, before we worry about war we should concern ourselves with Civil unrest that could evolve into Civil strife. Has been moving that way for some time, and the EU’s and Britains encouragement in mass immigration destroying our Christian culture and ideology together with the resulting considerable over pooulation, all leads to an endangered uprising.
Hate to say enevitable, but what else can one say?
Surely, Jo Cox was killed by those who wanted to vote Leave. Or that was the claim at the time.
“Needless to say we all know who the BBC will blame for anything that does happen”
We’ve got a, ‘get out of jail free’ card because the Lord said, “”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Well, that’s alright then! Its oft stated: “They didn’t know what they were doing, didn’t understand………..”
Two can play at that game.
Maybe we need to tell the pollsters a few porkies and say we’ll all vote Labour when they ask about voting intentions? Give the Marxists a bit of encouragement and hope that they will agree to a GE.
Might be worth putting up with the celebration gifs that people use on Britain elects when ever Labour are in the lead:
Some of those gifs are silly but the lefties will do anything to see their Corbyn ahead
I agree Labour is going to lose heavily. The question is how many seats each of the other parties take off it?
Iin the ‘traditional ‘ labour seats which voted Leave at the referendum it will be either the Torie or TBP, in the seats with a lot of New Labour types who voted Remain the Lib Dem’s will take votes.
A month ago I thought that only a pact between Tory and TBP could win for Leave at a GE but things have changed rapidly.
Each time the Remainer Alliance pulls a stunt in the HoC , or the Liberal Establishment courts interfere, and Boris is seen to be pushing for his deal despite their opposition, it unmasks them as being opposed to Brexit in any form, and Boris wins another large chunk of votes for the Tories and undermines Labour. But it also undermines TBP . Although the Boris deal isn’t a full Brexit and many on this site oppose it, the more the Remainers attack it the better Brexit it appears to the public at large and more of them desert TBP and move to the Tories. This is the consistent message that the polls are telling us.
Additionally , the childish pranks played by the Remainer Alliance in the HoC and their continued denial of democracy is driving a steady stream of Remain voters who believe in democracy into the Boris camp not TBP who they won’t vote for.in other words Boris is winning the middle ground on Brexit and marginalising TBP.
Each time the Boris deal is delayed the Tories get stronger. They are going to win the next GE with a substantial majority.
I have noticed a few things with the polls but not just Westminster voting intentions but local bi-elections that a few months ago both Labour and the Tories would lose support giving over to Lib Dem gains but recently every single election sees growth in the Tory vote and not Labour. There are Conservative holds at the moment so it is clear that Boris is winning back lost support.
Trying to appeal to both leavers and remainers is not easy but it is vital for a majority. Corbyn has tried this but failed badly at it. Remainers think that Corbyn is too much of a euro skeptic while Labour leavers see him as a sell out while Corbyn tries to avoid talking about Brexit altogether. He criticised Johnson’s Brexit deal without actually reading it.
It does seem that Johnson is getting some remainer support from the mild remain voters. These are not remoaners and do respect the Brexit result. I think that with the actions in parliament and the aggression from people demanding a second referendum I think that some remainers are starting to see through it. I do think that Brexit could gain more support in the long run if it is not portrayed as the nasty that the BBC think it is and there is no guarantee that remain would win a second time.
Sadly the only time remain win is in parliament. Bercow is in control and that needs to change
I expect that the political, ‘Cradle of Democracy’ is earning much mirth from totalitarian leaders around the Globe.
Woweee! Halifax!! Where do you get that from?
‘Fraid I’m with Rod Liddle who, while chatting with Nigel Farage over a glass or two, got very gloomy (in his cups?) about Bojo’s prospects in the next GE.
There will be a General Election at some time and that will be the day of reckoning for all swamp the dwellers . The ones in Parliament, C4 and Al Beeb .
It certainly ought to be the day of reckoning for the swamp if I or , I suspect , you , had any say in things. But a Tory majority , or even a coalition of Tory and TBP, Government will spare the establishment the retribution it so richly deserves. The best that we can hope for Ishtar The role of Speaker is defined and made accountable in some way, the Supreme Court is scrapped and the BBC is cut down to size.The rest of the liberal left will be allowed to stay in post and will still make sure that the UK heads down a broadly liberal path towards Globalism and multiculturalism.
You would have thought that in the US when Trump elected.
All it did was take a giant stick to the msm wasp nest and made them madder and more biased than ever.
Brexit achieved or a Tory majority in a GE will see the BBC and C4 move to full war footing and ditch any semblance of balance.
The War on democracy continues. The EU has condemned Turkey invasion – but will not go any further than that, as they want Turkey ‘IN’ Europe and as the US has finally agreed to pull out of Syria – Erdogan is the only ‘hard man’ in the area to ‘normalise’ an area bordering Europe. The EU ignored his buying Russian Aircraft only last year. After all ISIS has been reported defeated and the Kurds are now ‘unimportant’. The EU can hardly complain as most of those ISIS fighters came from Europe, particularly France and the UK. Brussels now pleads with Erdogan to NOT flood Europe with millions of Syrian refugees, (bad publicity) but that primary cause – is the fault of EU inviting Turkey into the EU as part of its expansion plan.
When the US (Trump) asked and the UK and EU refused to remove (repatriate, take back) those captured by the Kurds, those UK and EU born prisoners, the response from both the UK and Brussels is the impossibility of that ever happening. Islam is too well protected by EU protocols here and in Europe. The EU refuse to fund NATO properly but they want to create a new EU army.
The EU thinks it does not need NATO any more. Trump is pulling out due to that lack of support, Its understandable if your American, why should they all have to pay for our (EU) mistakes (that is not identifying the nutters in our countries due to that it might be offensive to name them). This is very much like the BBC reporting that a man called Muhammed was involved in an offence that cannot be reported and later ran off to join ISIS). The trouble is that these nutters were home grown in Europe and well funded by regimes that we the UK and others in Europe continue to trade with. As for EU that is why they cannot admit that the multi-cultural dream is a total failure and complete disaster everywhere it has been adopted with EU policies of ‘integration’. Sweden and Germany can testify. You cannot fight it legally in the EU. You cannot even report it in certain districts of Germany.
The EU is unprepared for actual war. War in Europe means that ‘multi-cultural-ism’ is not working. Far better to prepare the current European inhabitants to adopt the same customs and values of the worst Arabic practices and lifestyles as being comparable and preferable to our own. Sweden is particularly hard hit with this ‘enlightened’ thinking that cannot condemn or criticise ,and thought – it could not happen here– BUT it has – and all over Europe. Despite the EU denials that its a problem. Its a problem for all of us in Europe. Not all news media is yet shut down. But the BBC has shown that its possible and easily done. We are ignorant of the problems of Europe if listening to the BBC.
Turkey invasion of Syria is another example of EU incapable of protecting anyone in or out of Europe. The best we have is the UK armed forces, and that will be disbanded if we are to remain in Europe. The new EU Army will have to be used to ensure compliance ‘IN’ Europe (not outside it).
So I learn in THE WEEK that even have EU armed forces are against ‘EU Carbon emmisions’, half French Aircraft are permanently grounded, German defences are depleted and both would take six months in an emergency to move anything anywhere. As for the rest of Europe, it has ‘eternal pacifists’ and reliance on NATO (which the UK is part of) and the EU would prefer to rely on its own EU own brand of legislation and dialogue and fines. So goodbye NATO protection.
France has particular problems with Police suffering from Stress and are currently on strike from the Muslim onslaught and the problems of Macon insisting on de-carbonising French industry and primarily cars. Macrons’ eye is on the EU presidency when German industrial might is on the wane.
I can see that in the near future, as there is no reporting by the BBC (well established), that to report any EU ‘troubles’ with the multi-cultural problems, industrial scale ‘carbon’ fraud and the fraught and under equipped EU Army – that will be predictably be hopeless. But we will never know from the BBC – as everything in the EU is a ‘Rose garden’ and much better than our UK ‘democracy’.
The Americans are right to be sceptical of the EU to finance anything and they still expect the US to pay for problems which Europe has helped create, but won’t admit it. The EU will not move against Turkey. Meanwhile Turkey will flood Europe with more refugees, no doubt waived through to our side of the channel. BBC will inform us that this a normal way of travel to and from the EU to the UK. The EU is ‘marvellous’ in all its glory to the BBC and Guardian Reader, nothing that happens is the fault of the EU, only those that are against it; are the enemy. So why do they need a EU Army?
Who are they fighting? Hate crimes are the new terror tactic by the EU state. Along with alarms on Climate/food/population, that the BBC is well versed in providing on our behalf.
If we have not left the EU, we will never have another vote on it. That I think is the point, to prevent and deny the vote ever took place. It will be removed from history, as easily as the BBC denies its has any bias towards the EU joining an EU Army whilst our own deterrent is removed.
Blair removed ‘Treason’ for a reason. We now know why. The future is not good in the EU, in that none of us will have a future ethnically or financially.
Agree. The only hope is that the Estern Europeans hold firm, Salvini wins in Italy and President Trump is re elected. But the forces of Globalism are working day and night to break up the Visrgrad Four, defeat Salvini and stop Trump. In the UK I see zero possibility of us getting an anti Globalist government in the next ten or twenty years by which time we will so far down the road to Islamification that we won’t be able to turn back.
Slight point, Bliar did not remove Treason. The criminal offence of Treason remains. All that Bliar did, is to remove the Death Penalty so as to make a nice comfortable introduction to the Human Rights Act.
Probably as you, we will have many regrets in months and years to come that he did what he did.
With Turkey in Europe, it will become a full Muslim Caliphate, detroying Europe as we know it now. Horrible to contemplate.
Last night, failing all else, we watched a film called Kinky Boots. The film was made in 2005 and oh, how the world has changed. Lead character was a black transvestite in need of shoes that could hold him up when dressed in woman’s clothes. But it was a charming film, perhaps relevant that the lead character was black, perhaps not but what you knew was that the actor was not cast purely because he was black but because he suited the role. He was a transvestite not transgender, not totally happy but seemed to live life to the full. If the film was made in 2019, especially by the BBC, all joy would have been destroyed. The lead would definitely be transgender, many rather than some of the workers in the shoe factory would have been black, and the owner of the factory instead of being a nice man working hard to save his employees jobs would have been a wicked capitalist probably wanting to sell the factory for residential units before discovering that he too was a homosexual and falling for the man wanting to be a woman. Less than 15 years and no fun in anything the BBC does anymore.
Summary of Polish Election result
The BBC reported the first part of last weeks election
The second story mentions the senate
but doesn’t say how many seats they are short of a majority
Jeez if 2 seats flip they get a majority
In Senate opposition has a majority 51 to 49.
On those figures, they need a re-run of the Referendum. Sorry! fingers slipped, I meant, ‘election’……………..
Croatia rape case :After massive demonstrations the President intervenes to assure judge has focus on “preventing violence against women”.
The 5 Released perpetrators are brought back in custody!
There’s no mention of ethnicity cos they are youths identity is suppressed
The suspects, aged between 19 and 20, are accused by police of repeatedly raping their teenage victim for nearly a year in their village outside the coastal town of Zadar.
They also allegedly filmed the abuse on smartphones and then blackmailed the 15 yo girl with the footage, until she eventually told her school’s psychologist, local media reported.
Antique Roadshow and the fragrant Miss Bruce did her bit trying to identify the fake bayonet. As usual she asks the ‘crowd’ around her for their opinion. There was one black lady or should I say of ‘Asian’ origin and everybody else was white. Miss Bruce only asked 2 or 3 for their help. She went straight to the Asian lady. If this continues I will have to start keeping a tally of numbers around the three items, the number of BME and the proportion of BME’s Miss Bruce asks. I think we can guess the numbers.
said before i’m sure, but most tv advert now seem to push the multicultural UK scene with white UK people as an afterthought.
PS – we & many generations before us have paid tax & national insurance into the government/nhs pot
the BEEB has a report via FOI (surprise) that NHS needs more money (again – well the NHS will always need more money – more patients/more treatments/best equipment etc)
France : Eric Zemmour a French straight talker has been hired by C-News
.. so libmob are trying to get politicians and advertisers to stage a boycott
Zemmour quoted the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, who said that the no-go zones are “small Islamic Republics in the making”. Zemmour said that a few decades ago, the French could talk freely about Islam but that today it is impossible, and he denounced the use of the “hazy concept of Islamophobia to make it impossible to criticize Islam, to reestablish the notion of blasphemy to the benefit of the Muslim religion alone…”
Thank god, Channel4 have knocked down the British terraced house they built in Namibian tribal territory after filming a show.
The idea was to put a Durham family and naked nomadic tribe side by side.
To me that was totally irresponsible
British people are resilient, but we carry a whole lot of bugs that tribal people don’t have resistance to
Plus culturally we are not pristine, and they are.. once we show them alcohol, gambling and consumerism you can’t put the genie back on the bottle.
The Times article mentioned that the presence of the TV operation had pushed up local transport prices, and they haven’t come down.
… that’s not the half of it.
THIS – https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/7074990/scarlett-moffatt-mental-health-fan-anxiety/
Scarlett Moffatt hints at ongoing mental health struggle in candid exchange with fan on Twitter a year after she revealed battle with anxiety
after this tv disaster C4 should pay for her rehab.
ps – mental health is hard to quantify/pin down (said the voice in my head)
They only had to go to Brixton.
FFS How naive are Sue Perkins and the BBC team
When filming for a BBC show in Cambodia in 2014, TV personality Sue Perkins was ‘groped’ by a hermit monk
Doh what did she think “oh he’s a holy man”
– The Daily Mail reported.
Disappointment all round, I imagine.
why like the comment ?
the link is blocked unless “Already registered?”
no thanks – can guess the story anyway from the header.
Ex-Bake Off host claims colleagues laughed after harassment incident.
bum slapped with cupped hand is the Tibetan/Cambodian way of greeting guests/same as Scotland(west Lothian In particular)
“When an employee goes to work, there is the expectation that they will be treated fairly and in a way that is free from discrimination and harassment”
oh give it a rest luvie (what year again?)
I didn’t see much coverage of last weeks Peterborough bomb threat
Afterwards police said
\\ It emerged the witness “misinterpreted” what they’d seen//
[Edit, TrueToo: This is the wrong place for “daily hate,” especially dark fantasies about killing people. It endangers you personally and endangers this site in a country verging on becoming a police state. It also gives the mods work we’d rather not have to do. Please refrain from such comments.]
Thanks – glad you are 2 hours ahead of me. Sometimes when I come onto this site first thing in the UK morning I dread what the nighttime comments might say …..
No problem. Things have been quite hectic lately but I’ll try to stick closer to the site.
LastChanceSaloon was really out of line with that comment. There were parts of it that were OK but I agree with you that it’s often better just to delete the whole comment rather than waste time on it by choosing what to delete.
UK: 20-strong Gang Target ‘White Bastards’, Cut Off Teenager’s Hand with Axe
More enrichment, from the usual low IQ organisms.
BBC search 0 results.
I cannot believe this has not been reported on BBC – at least not in a meaningful way when they take great pains to make sure we know two far right white men were found guilty of having posters in their room!! Has anyone asked the BBC why they haven’t reported this in main news (I stand to be corrected if they have) perhaps it was reported as “men attack other men, one loses hand”
Funny how these British newspapers managed to run the story, LCS:
Just had a look on BBC regional news and it would appear the BBC are ignoring the story; a black footballer says he heard racist chanting and it’s all over the BBC News channels, yet a man has his hand chopped off…nothing.
Sorry I reported this comment in error instead of pressing reply.
This story illustrates the down right arrogance of these savages.
Their families welcomed to our country in the 70’s and this is how they repay us. Now they claim parts of our country as their “territory” and “their country”.
When are the useless, self serving, corrupt politicians going to be held to account for their crimes against humanity in allowing these savages into our country and putting our safety and our children’s futures in jeopardy?
We have seen how useless our politicians are with the Brexit farce.
They are supposed to be serving us, not the other way around.
The time will come, in the not too distant future where we will have no choice but to take matters into our own hands and rid ourselves of these savages who hate us, our values and our way of life.
They do not deserve to call themselves British.
One wonders what teachings gave them the idea to chop off the hands of the unbelievers? Especially when we are told that their ideology is that of a religion of peace.
Here is Brexit MEP Martin Daubney talking sense about the betrayal of Brexit, alone among the Question Time panel, of course.
And here he’s accused of racism by a lefty in the audience who asks how many black and Asian MEPs are in The Brexit Party. As a section of the audience gears up to challenge and deride him after he simply states there are 5, he plays a trump card by observing that it’s 5 out of 29 and that’s more than Labour and Lib Dem MEPs. Then Bruce proves her narrow lefty bias yet again by failing to follow up on that interesting observation and allowing the frizzy-haired Labourite next to Daubney to change the subject faster than greased lightning.
But the cherry on top of this lefty cake was when a Sikh woman in the audience was allowed to give a lengthy and repetitive speech on the evils of racism in general and “white supremacy” in particular while Bruce listened in hushed reverence, along with all of the panel, I imagine. The Sikh woman did ask a few questions, I suppose since she was on QT, but they were rhetorical. I thought Bruce would eventually invite her up to address the audience but instead she expressed her support for “such stunning and extraordinary interventions” from the audience as she closed the show.
Somebody pass me a bucket.
How much longer before vigilante teams are self created to police their own neighbourhoods?
Just to make another point on that QT, LastChanceSaloon posted an example above of what should be called “Asian Supremacy” or, if we want to be accurate, “Muslim Supremacy.” This is of course the real danger in the UK, throughout Europe and practically the entire planet.
I’m not sure what it will take for the useful idiots at the BBC to eventually acknowledge the evils of Muslim supremacy, rather than pretending that “white supremacy” is a real threat to the UK and beyond.
Deborah, have a look at the fragrant Fiona in The Antiques Roadshow from 1st September this year. Start at 28m to see Fiona choose who she talks to in a mainly white audience.
(I don’t want anyone to say that these people were placed at the front deliberately because that would not be nice.)
When’s Caroline next on BBC rotation?
Also happening in Canada but there, anti-politician derogatory comments.
Get this man thrown in the Tower. This is just getting (well, already got) absolutely ridiculous now !!!!
3m3 minutes ago
Replying to @BBCPolitics
They’ve given up pretending now haven’t they? They just want to overturn the democratic referendum result being implemented. An utter disgrace.
As a QC and Chairman of Lawyers for Britain has stated the Ben Act is Constituionally Illegitimate Law.
Been doing the numbers on KGM’s telly subs.
If £154.50 is a ‘fraction’ of his spend, even assuming he is on full whack Sky, Netflix and a Prime, his porn commitment must be huge,
Assuming he pays.
Given it is basically smoke and mirrors designed to create spokeslags for the media, I have rarely thought much about Economics in detail.
However the basics are making me ponder realities of the free market more and more.
For instance, if flights are to be restricted to one plane for Emma once a year, what will Boeing or BA staff do the rest of the time?
My wife had an interesting suggestion on Always.
She reckons they should run a limited edition pack, priced for the reduced economies of scale, just for Woke pretend leakers.
If they do not sell, does that then mean they are woke but broke?
If they do sell, does it mean they are woke and flush?
Is the 9am R4 show all about immigrants as usual ?
– Sikh writer : Priya Basil
– Restaurant chain owner Shamil Thakrar on the much-loved cosmopolitan Bombay of his childhood.
– Thomas Harding’s relatives came to Britain in the early 1800s and created J. Lyons.
+ Coming up soon on anti-food-additives woman Joanna Blythman
*challenges* the idea that only by giving up meat can we save our planet from climate change.
It’s not like the next prog will be all about immigrants as well
..oh it is one week twice daily about the Windrush generation
Very puzzling this emphasis on a captured German troop ship that was renamed Empire Windrush after WWII and then only ever made one voyage from Jamaica to the UK.
Even more puzzling as to how it lost half its name!
Just turned on to hear the Jamaican story – all I heard was how crap British were before switched off…
Congratulations. Was there cake?
Do we have a connection going on between my two posts and Amol’s tweets ?
Do the London immigrant generation feel the BBC BELONGS TO THEM ?
KGM what do you reckon ?
I disagree with much of the Grauniad’s analysis, but agree that the beeb’s in crisis and rejoice in the fact. May it get worse until the final collapse.
One line gives hope: “the current government … is temporarily led by someone who long drew a paycheck from some of the most virulent anti-BBC publications, which have a direct vested interest in dramatically reducing the level of the licence fee.”
But a line in their conclusion is a bit chilling: “…and the necessity to regulate technology platforms could not be more urgent priorities.”
In other words the Grauniad are calling for censorship of social media, and something tells me it’s not leftist views like theirs that they want censored. And no doubt they also want competing platforms restricted so the bbc hegemony can continue unopposed.
Hadn’t noticed you were missing, Amol.
Please stay away a little longer!
It appears the MSM has mandated that certain MPs cannot appear together. Sources close to other planets say.
It just shows that a university education is not proof of intelligence or common sense. But I can’t see how pointing this out could be racist.
Affirmative Action +.
James Burnham (an author I commend) notes somewhere in his works, that even before WW2, it was
common [in the USA] for Africans to be given good marks, even though they did not merit them.
Burnham, who was then a Marxist philosophy professor, states that he went along with crowd despite “never having one [African] who was a first class student.”
With the grade inflation in the UK during the past thirty years I expect the situation is now worse.
So Lammy went to Harvard and Abbott went to Cambridge. Are we meant to be impressed by that, or ignore the obvious rubbish they spout day after day?
If they had not been black, neither of them would have got into Scumbag Polytechnic. The only thing which got these two chancers into top universities was the colour of their skin.
Wondering if Piers was being crafty and it was a ‘win-win’?
Comments…. and ‘analysis’ suggest yes.
I suspect it’s more a case of a right-of-centre commentator feeling he constantly has to prove he’s not racist by denouncing racism at every opportunity.
Of course Lammy’s not dumb.
Celebrity Mastermind.
Q: Who succeeded Henry VIII?
A: Henry VII
And neither is Flabbott.
“Diane Abbott gave several estimates of how much the new officers would cost ranging from £300,000 to £80 million.”
Watch these lying b@stards…
Perhaps at the time they made their statements these poor people did not know what they were saying. Maybe they should be granted another chance so that they can correct their error.
St Doreen of Lawrence is now accusing the London fire service of being racially selective in their response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
The answer is as simple as it is obvious, a BME-only Fire Service designed to respond solely to ethnically suitable fires, with financial and custodial penalties for any white or similar indigenous attempts at involvement or participation. Job done. Another strawberry for the coronet.
It’s like race-baitey Channel4 News, called in Doreen hoping she would say something race-baitey
Beltane – This woman is only confident she can loud-mouth her biases because she’s been encouraged by all the boot-licking she has experienced. All the apparent adoration went to her head, and now she thinks she can pronounce on anything , despite being clueless most of the time.
She is a Frankenstein we have constructed over the years with our unwarranted guilt-ridden adoration. Instead of being appreciative of all the sympathy, she has exploited and politicised her own misfortune, which has turned my initial sympathy into nothing but disgust.
Britain leaves the EU
Removed by Facebook, but here it is from You Tube. Britain leaves the EU
At least Laurel and Hardy moved a few inches – which is more than we’ve done in 3 years.
Any other views out there BBC ?????
If we do take this line. Its simple.
A – Boris deal
B – No Deal
My god, i detest these folk, i really do. Call a general election then you daft cow !!!
Justine: wake up girl and/or stop lying through your back teeth. The British people have had their choice. They voted LEAVE. They don’t need yet another referendum, cos you didn’t like the answer.
You don’t have to break it up into all kinds of different things to confuse the issue in order to stall, waste time and try ultimately to block the referendum result. And you certainly don’t need a rerun!
I think this is a great idea for suicide spots
This one is in Shrewsbury
“You have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.”
(There’s a second : image and tweet )

Equality & fairness is the right thing
but the Labour Party created a front group to leverage our emotion
…. They named it Hope Not Hate …. That is an *ambush name*
Now I spot they have added Climate Change to their PR agenda
“Eco fascist” has always had a clear meaning ..ie totalitarian-greens
but see how they now try to redefine it to smear skeptics as “fascists”
and couple that with their mudslinging technique of throwing the word “extremist” on people
And some BBC presenters are all for promoting them
BBC – Extreme Bias.
So there it is A Treaty of subservience to a foreign power, to hand back that which we voted for. One would go as far as to say its CRIMINALLY IRRESPONSIBLE of the fake and virulently anti-British CON Party to consider signing this sell-out document particularly as it threatens to break-apart our country of the UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain AND NORTHERN IRELAND. When INTERNATIONAL TREATIES are concerned, you DON’T just sign them purely on account of ‘getting it done. If those considering voting for this consider that ‘this is the best that we can expect’ they are unfit for office. Those who have stood firm against May’s Treaty but consider this as fine, will lose what little integrity people thought that they had. Is this what they regard as restoring belief in our corrupt Parliament? Sometimes it seems as if Parliament is only going to do what it was elected for through physical force. That sad day seems to get ever closer as it becomes ever more evident that this is not a democracy but a tyranny. What action will the BBC take to support ? A no deal? Doubt it, yet that is what is now best for this nation, to stand alone and on its own two feet and no longer interferred with.
Reason to delay or oppose Brexit no. 374 on Toady.
Being interviewed, and I use that term loosely, Labour’s John Ashworth says we need to stay in the Customs Union because if we don’t the NHS will be sold off to big American corporations.
It is of course laughably preposterous and Ashworth seems to be arguing that everything in the NHS should be publicly sourced. How does the National Magnetic Resonance Imaging Corporation sound ? Lots of economies of scale there. Not.
But needless to say it all goes out over the BBC airwaves with almost no challenge whatever.
Absolutely pathetic.
Pathetic indeed – why doesn’t anybody ask the obvious killer question:
“So mister Labour politician, are you saying that when you win the next General Election (which, by the way, you could force at any time) you will sell off large chunks of the NHS to American corporations or are you saying that you won’t win the next General Election?”
If these people actually told the truth they would already know that the NHS uses private companies all of the time and quite a few are owned by US companies…disingenuous is the polite word for what they are doing…surprised chorinated chicken hasn’t clucked again..
What about all of Labour’s Public Finance Intitative (PFI) contracts, a financial fiddle to move capital spend onto current spend, basically renting a hospital from a private contractor who, at the end of the day, still owns it?
Providing we are allowed to maintain any of our traditions
Currently busy, but on a quick scan the numbers seem unlikely unless these are those that got through the BBC Complaints Labyrinth.
Click to access issue-14-complaints-about-bbc-online-material.pdf
Or ex-BBC staff at OFCOM decided to log.
That is a useless brand new Ofcom report about complaints about BBC Online
.. except *Most complaints were IGNORED*, 3 not upheld, Zero upheld
No one has tweeted about it.
It’s only 3 pages long
Section I : List of Complaints assessed, not accepted (just 3)
Section II : List of Complaints (about 20) closed between 17 Aug to 11 Oct .. that were ignored cos you have to exhaust BBC process first
Section III : List of Out of remit complaints (3)
So basically Ofcom spend all day reading complaints and then throw 90% straight in the bin
Maybe there is a missing page of 1000 complaints assessed AND upheld
That is a useless brand new Ofcom report
Tautology, Stew.
I wonder how much it cost?
From Afua Hirsh’s tweet about saving Bumi Thomas from deportation
“Bumi Thomas was born in Scotland” to Nigerian parents
“At the age of three-and-a-half, Ms Thomas and her family returned to Nigeria. She came back to the UK as a teenager,* thinking she automatically had dual British-Nigerian nationality.”
Her sister is legal cos she was born one year earlier .. before the government changed the British Nationality Act that removed the automatic right of citizenship for children of parents from former colonies.
The supporters see the case as clear cos she finished school went to university and paid some taxes, she is British
Actually It’s just like us going to a rich country dropping a child and coming back 12 years later and saying that country has to pay.
If her parents were in Nigeria when she grew up and not paying UK taxes then the UK taxpayer has lost out in paying for her school and subsidising her university place.
It’s not that the government is being super cruel now
.. it’s she who has been taking advantage for years when she was illegal.
* “teenager” interesting they use that instead of the actual year..I guess she was not 13 but more like 18-19 when she returned so was living in Nigeria for 15 years ie 80% of her childhood
Yes between the ages of 3 and almost 19 she lived in Nigeria
“I finally came back to the UK in 2002 when I was 18”
She was born in June 1983 so she was almost 19
If I heard correctly. According to Talk Radio, should any amendments be selected by (the traitor) Bercow and attached to the “deal” then the government will pull the whole agreement and not have a vote on it.
R4 now Indian computer scam call centres shut down
in the example they hacked the british guy’s computer so that a live video appeared of a Russian gangster spending the householders money, then they phoned him and he thought they were the good guys and paid then £4K.
Quick snapshot of bubbleworld — here’s the first 20 of the beeb’s 100 most inspiring and influential women. Word count:
– 18 activists
– 9 campaigners
– 5 environmentalists
– 9 writers / authors
The BBC ask “what would the future look like if it were driven by women?” Well it would look like there’s not much room for entrepreneurs called Sharon…
They feature sexual abuse survivor Hollie from the US, who was trafficked from the age of 15 and now works to help other victims. I guess they couldn’t find any similar examples closer to home
That’s diverse…poor Nadiya didnt make the cut..but I am sure she is there.
Working at home skipping in and out of R4…
I am sorry but how is it that Brexit affects women differently to men? Especially since we are all the same..seems we are not when the BBC decide..or as Douglas Murray says in his book Woman are equal to Men unless the attribute is seen as good …then they have more of that..
@JA is the list diverse ?
…or is it a list that CONFORMS to Guardianlaland think ?
..so only contains “the Woke”
If it were a British list it would be filled with Brits.
OK so it’s a global list
and therefore should be mostly Chinese and Indian,
The world is 20% Chinese, but the only 2% of the BBC’s list are
By what fair process are the 100 chosen, it wasn’t left for BBC staff just to choose was it ?
Yes , it was
“*The BBC’s 100 Women team* drew up a shortlist based on names gathered *by them*
and *suggested by* the *BBC’s network of World Service languages teams*
BTW it is discriminating to divide the world into lists of women
And anyway at least 2 of the BBC’s “100 women” were born male.
I was joking…we all know how the BBC produce these lists…and we all know again as Douglas Murray points out…the Liberal’woke’ brigade like to give a leg up to groups/individuals they think need the help but all it does is create another biased hierarchy – replaces one poor model with another…
Really BBC.. does anyone take any notice of these lists?
It’s the BBC “Woke Women List”
No ‘stuck in the kitchen’, Nadiya?
They inexplicably forgot to list the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali who speaks out against the horrors of islam at great risk to her own life (the religion of peace loves to murder its critics); and is highly qualified to boot.
Oops, wrong sort of activist, sorry. Not even lesbian or trans.
“Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born Dutch-American activist, feminist, author, scholar and former politician. She received international attention as a critic of Islam and advocate for the rights and self-determination of Muslim women, actively opposing forced marriage, honor violence, child marriage and female genital mutilation. She has founded an organisation for the defense of women’s rights, the AHA Foundation.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.”
Never heard of any of ’em (mind you, that’s probably my good fortune).
For those who still pay the licence and watch the TV news- Has BBC mentioned Trafalgar day at all? I’m sure they would want us to be thoroughly ashamed.
Pause and reflect.
But Lucy
Don’t you realise that none the sailors in the Royal Navy were British – they were a multicultural multi sexual variety of physically and mentally disabled people who deserve compensation .
Not BBC – but politics
Will the DUP get into bed with Corbyn and Labour ?
If they do – i would put a bet on a joined up Ireland within 10 years .
It was mentioned briefly on Forces TV. They also showed some of the the annual cadets’ parade, which was held yesterday at Horse Guards Parade because they were moved from their usual venue at Trafalgar Square due to ‘climate change protestors’.
God help us.
Nobody ever explains to me why diversity and inclusion are critical to success. The concept is nonsense.
Don’t be silly, Nelson was hideously white – stale pale and male.
A Christian too, but worst of all… a patriot who loved his country!
Or as the bbc might say, far-right and probably racist.
Wouldn’t it just be one of the greatest things ever if due to all this time wasting and game playing by these hard core Remainers. the EU said NO to a delay, and we left NO DEAL as per the LAW on 31st. They would only have themselves to blame !!! It could come down to this deal or no deal. The Remainers , for once, could be cornered.
That would be great, but I wish that I could be more hopeful. I overheard something today about “delivering on ‘Brexit'”. Well if they manage to do that then they are even more useless than I thought since they’ve been doing everything they could to prevent it for the best part of three and a half years.
Sounds plausible?
If MPs Vote FOR the deal are we Trapped in the EU with a Customs Union?
Is This a Carefully Laid Trap…?
The Letwin intervention on Saturday had the effect of invoking the Benn act requiring the PM to send an extension letter to the EU. But it ALSO REQUIRES additional actions, including that the Political Declaration is changed.
The Benn Act Section 1(4) describes this requirement as ‘..including provisions reflecting the outcome of inter-party talks as announced by the Prime Minister on 21 May 2019, and in particular the need for the United Kingdom to secure changes to the political declaration to reflect the outcome of those inter-party talks. See – Benn Act here:
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2019/26/enacted/data.htm …
Now this is slightly confusing. The inter-party talks didn’t result in any outcome as such. So, effectively they didn’t result in any further negotiations with the EU or subsequent changes to the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration. So the outcome was no change and no change means that these ‘provisions’, and changes to the Political Declaration, would mean the ‘deal’ therefore changes back to including a Customs Union – that’s what Theresa May had agreed. That was the status in May.
Sound odd? Well yes it is but why would this amendment have been tabled in this way months AFTER the inter-party talks had concluded with no agreement? Was it designed to confuse and mis-direct people away from the true purpose? A Brussels based barrister certainly thinks so. And ultimately its the EU who will decide how to interpret this.
If MPs vote for the deal thinking its the one that Boris presented last week and this explanation is correct they are wrong. They will be voting on a deal which makes the EU part of a Customs Union.
Skotch judge delays his (its) decision on whether Boris has obeyed the unconstitutional Surrender Act
Build the wall. And while we are at it, hand Northern Eire over to Dublin.
You do realise that these judges no more represent all of us north of the border than Lady Arachnid represents those south of it?
Quite right Roland. There are a million Scots who voted to leave, but as far as the Scots Nazis are concerned, they do not exist. Nicola would probably build camps for them if she could.
Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time frequently puts in the mandatory plug for ‘Climate Change’, (still waiting for my soggy lawn to go up in flames!), but last week they managed to sneek in a dig at President Trump too.
One of their panelists said that he would like a garden in Vancouver, a North American country with a ‘sensible’ government. Has no-one told him about ‘Blackface’ Trudeau, who wears ‘gay’ socks, who dressed up like a maharaja when he visited India, appoints women to his cabinet ‘because it is 2015’ and who thinks undocumented migrants are more ‘Canadian’ than Canadians because they ‘want to be Canadian’.
Sensible, yeah right!
I am sitting here with tears streaming from my eyes. Been watching the Beeb. News at 1pm.
Long stories about the terrible lives Prince Harry and Meghan are having to lead, and how unhappy they are.
Seems they’ve discovered they have to work while living in the lap of luxury and yes, this time that word ‘privilege’ applies.
Meghan feels the press shouldn’t be covering them so often. Of course, Princes Diana had no such problem, so poor Meghan couldn’t have known. Seems she expected privacy to go with her privilege.
Tough life, living in palaces, having to cope with untold wealth, jet-setting, etc.
Got to sign off and find the tissues.
She seems to share the late Diana’s ability to moan about press attention whilst doing everything possible to attract it.
RD, I thought actresses liked attention?
After all, would you want to play to an empty house, night after night before the producers cut their losses and closed the show?
This couple just keep digging themselves in deeper. Harry bangs on about still living with the grief of his mother dying, but soon the sympathy will run out for him, if it already hasn’t. Millions have to deal with a loved one passing, but we bloody well have to get on with it – and in the majority of cases are stuck with financial worries as well. Unlike Harry Dimwit.
Meeeeghan turns on the simpering voice, courtesy of acting school, whingeing how tough it is to be in the spotlight as a new mum. Oh, get over yourself and while you’re at it, give your Dad a break and show him his grandchild. You can dance around in Africa spouting “I am your sister”, how about being a daughter too !
And if they want to leave the UK and settle in another country, I’ll be at the airport to wave them off. At least Wills and Kate continually hit the right notes, thank God.