Not quite our last weekend before being EU free . And we need to get ready for the Far Left Biased BBC to laud the outgoing speaker with interviews and celebrations befitting such a ‘character’. In the meantime OFCOM – affiliated to the BBC – reports continuing erosion of ‘ the younger ‘ British engagement with BBC output . Nice to have good news .
Weekend thread 26 October 2019
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Oh yeah!
I think the BBC has no business speculating who might have died on that lorry – never mind giving us an emotive script of what they might have texted to their parents as they died. Pure gutter press. I will be watching to see if they are correct with the identification.
I think sky are worse than the BBC. Would love to see the viewing figures
Thanks for that jagman. Patronize that Burley
I did write and thank SKY for re-assigning Burley to the breakfast slot. It meant she would be off air before I got up in the morning !
Backlinks to what you might have missed
– page 4 started midday Friday
Topics : Another Huddersfield trial, Abbott, “local man”
– page 3 started 5pm Thursday
Topics :Abbott, Drag, Lammy, Lineker, A black journo is caught red handed in contempt of court, judge awards just 7 day suspended sentence, why knife crime susects always have white hands, St Greta
A snapshot from Inoreader which helps you keep up with posts

Great job . Thanks very much . Busy times .
“Winter election: What difference does it make?”
A lot of snowflakes.
Roll on The Brexit Party.
Simples !
*In the interest of health and safety please don’t applause, “Jazz Hands” are quite sufficient.
I’m not sure it was covered on the other thread but Guido on Twitter has a wonderful clip of our favourite – Diane Abbot – on breakfast TV today announcing that Kate Hoey is no longer a labour MP. Which was news to Ms Hoey .
Clearly the shadow Home Secretary is not just ‘ unfamiliar ‘ with numbers but also ‘ unfamiliar ‘ who who and who is not an MP in her own Party .
The gift that keeps on giving
Also – the new reason for not having a General Election is because it’s cold because it’s winter .
Reason for not having an election in December – number 2
The mentally challenged Alistair Campbell says people won’t vote because there is not much daylight .
He did a text about it . I’m not lying .
So prey tell us, why do you post on this site ?
Maxi will be along to explain why his friend has deleted all her tweets that shouted ‘zionist conspiracy’
Maxi is back in in his safe space.
Further to the Zero Hedge article – The DOJ’s Russiagate Probe Just Turned Into A Criminal Investigation
The BBC are predictably defending the Democrats –
So far, the justice department has not made clear what potential crime is under investigation.
It is also unclear why this investigation has started now, or what prompted it.
Jo Swinson has been an MP since she was 25.
She first stood for parliament aged 21
and her career consists of:
Marketing and public relations manager for Hull-based commercial radio station Viking FM from December 2000 and media company Space and People.
In other words not a bloody lot !!
Stew – you know when somebody says marketing and publications manager and they are young – it means office admin….at least she is against gender quotas…but like most MPs, never really had a proper job..
Kate Hoey gets attacked for telling the truth –
Trouble in Paradise. The bbc do like an apology fight.
Does he campaign against halal slaughter? Haven’t seen it yet
Too good not to share
{Edit sorry, A moderate amount of well-deserved abuse is fine, but that was way too rough, way too personal.
Thinking about it ..they’re both as thick as mince.. as it goes!
he hasn’t got the balls to have an election..never mind an erection!
Uh-oh, Dom’s on it.
Despite the tragic death there is one thing the media is ignoring, that is the FACT that she died undertaking criminal activity to enter a country by criminal means in the hope of criminal enrichment.
The fact the political elites have employed a light to non existant touch towards illegal immigrants has aided & abetted this criminality.
They and the media have these migrants blood on their hands – and now the Gestapo arrests the hated Whites iin an effort to cover it up for them.
Why doesn’t the British government issue an international warning that illegal migration to the UK is indeed illegal, dangerous, and contributes to international crime through smuggling gangs? The Australian government has always been happy to make this clear, but it’s almost as if the UK government doesn’t want to say this for some reason.
“Despite the tragic death there is one thing the media is ignoring, that is the FACT that she died undertaking criminal activity to enter a country by criminal means in the hope of criminal enrichment.”
Absolutely. If a burglar, in the process of breaking into you house, falls of the balcony/ladder to his/her/its death, would we mourn their life having been cut short? No.
Except, of course, the late burglar’s next of kin could sue for damages because the householder allowed the use of an insecure and life-threatening means of entry to the property.
I don’t think even the appropriate Occupiers Liability Act would permit that……. (surprising as it sounds!)
“would we mourn their life having been cut short? No.”
The lefties at the BBC would and the frequently do. Remember the Gypo who was stabbed by the elderly man when he found him in his home burgling it?
Yes Thoughtful, the BBC prefer to treat this in the same way as for instance a travel country letting down it’s customers.
I see compensation coming down the line next….
Nice to see the casciani on an honest job . Wonder when he’ll link it to TR?
One has to wonder what on earth made this very attractive youg woman want to leave her country, which in fact is far better off than it was, and apart from anything else why would she accept being dumped into a Ice cold container? Incomprehensible when she had many other ways of achieving her aim-seek legal entry for starters, however her intended target the UK is more than full up and already approaching unsustainability in every direction.
It is somewhat mysterious when we are told that the price for a ‘ticket’ is around £30K. That is quite a substantial amount of money – certainly enough to start a business in Vietnam (although in some instances the economic migrants would have taken out loans for their passage). The prospects in the UK for illegal Vietnamese migrants are limited, typically working in high street ‘Nail bars’, tending Cannabis farms or being forced into prostitution. It is difficult to see how this benefits Britain, generates revenue for the Inland Revenue, or results in nothing more than indentured servitude for those who have illegally entered the country.
If 30k is a roughly accurate figure, then they have the financial means to buy a passport and enter the UK legally I would have thought.
So much about this does not add up, requiring sensible questions from media to politicians and civil servants when so far all of them are doing seem to be is trying to out emote one another.
I ‘get’ that there is some awful ‘debt’ collection that may be involved in coyote slave running, but as others have pointed out the money earned even if a risky journey works is a pittance. That said, the policing and sentencing appears farcical. Maybe if it could be established these charmers used inappropriate pronouns?
Also, while fear of capture can see caution in seeking help, surely imminent death trumps this? If cell reception can transmit last texts to relatives around the world, cannot cell tower information locally triangulate location if so directed?
The whole thing smacks of another Alan, with a few cynical parents back home hoping for a payday from Western guilt reactions.
Does not look good any any young girl in ‘Asia’ who has yet to be married off, and Ma and Pa take them for a outing to the chiller counter at the local Asda.
Barely resisting a ‘Blazing Saddles’ reference.
A Blooom award, no less.
Me either.
BBC Look East about a band worried it cant play in Europe due to Brexit .
Roger Daltry has already scorned that canard months ago .
And if it were true would it matter ?
Auntie Beeb is not just suffering memory loss in her old age (forgetting to report news accurately or even at all) but is now developing dimensia.
I do not wish to minimise the difficulties of this family or the horror of their situation but a room 18 feet wide is definitely not narrow. Judging from the photographs it appears almost twice as long as it is wide. Let’s say 1.5x or 18 x 27 which equals 486 square feet. There are people in the UK now, renting or owning apartments smaller than that!
The BBC appear to be creating a ‘victim’ situation without due regard to facts. After all, we know we can trust the BBC. They tell us that every day on the web-site.
What about women who take their children to a refuge in a small three bedroom semi-detached or terraced house where there may be four families in temporary residence?
Barred windows? Not apparent in the photographs of the restored building.
Awful harsh conditions? Er, maybe not that either, BBC. “However, the National Trust, which now owns the site, says some social historians view such shelters as similar to workhouses.”
Hours spent rock-breaking or rope picking? ” “I used to spend hours with my little doll, looking out of those windows, thinking, ‘When is somebody going to come and take us away?’ ” and ” “My mum gave up. She didn’t care if she lived or died. She would either sit there being quiet, or cry.” ”
The mother, dependent on alcohol and sleeping pills, was not forced to work. Not really true workhouse conditions then.
I think anyone would be right to question the quality of the BBC’s work that has gone into this item. No wonder people are giving up on the BBC. It is time for the current DG, Tony Hall, to go and to take many of the senior staff, especially Editorial staff, with him.
One of the issues the OFCOM report raised was transparency within the state broadcaster . This should include the selection of senior staff . Mr shall has admitted that he selects senior command which reflects himself without an objective selection procedure . When this happens every one down the chain knows what to say and do without a policy . It leads to the kind of group think we , here , suffer every day .
They are big on diversity . But by following that line they diminish diversity in thought or expression . It can only be of the state approved type . Which is why viewers are reducing and people are going elsewhere .
It won’t change and with a bit of luck we , and our sister sites like ‘ isthebbcbiased’ will contributed just a bit to the demise of the enemy.
Hasn’t got much to do with the Beeb, though if I’m honest it’s a documentary that would probably never be shown on the BBC, I’ve just finished watching Walking with Destiny on Amazon Prime.
It’s all about Churchill and his time when he came to office and up to the joining of the US into the war. It’s narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley and is an excellent piece for reminding myself of what a great man he was.
It’s truly dis-heartening to watch how this once great country and it’s impressive leader fought off talk of appeasement and negotiation to stand solid and proud when all around us was collapsing. To think that the likes of Boris and May and all other spineless weasels in our parliament and establishment could think so little of this country and have such contempt for it, that they would sell us completely down the river, is just an outrage.
What we for and what we endured to so readily capitulate breaks my heart and spirit.
Buki wants her art to start conversations about what it’s like to be a black, Muslim woman living in the UK.
(via BBC Stories)
Wow, that is unexpected.
An inspirational story from the BBC…
…which may not be inspiring to the public as they had anticipated.
A six figure salary yet his teeth still look like he lives in a swamp. Well done mate.
Perhaps he thinks a few rotten teeth is a price worth paying to help identify with the oppressed and subjugated world masses.
Then again, maybe he was a pay-day lender ‘banker’.
Jumped before he was pushed, I’d wager.
Will probably be scrounging off the taxpayer this time next year, but at least he knows where to find a sympathetic ear.
Jesus : CCBGB doesn’t half get a kicking
*Millionaire retires”
“He’s made his choice. Where’s OUR freedom of choice ?
“Pork pie short of a picnic”
Claims Long career in derivatives etc.
That’s our RBC; a publicity machine for those intent on disrupting other peoples’ lives.
That and drag queens.
More fool you-as has been said so many times by those that know, Climate Change has been going on since the world began 400 billion years ago-Human contribution during the last 150 yrs as to having any effect on the worlds climate is barely registering-what is serious is the pollution caused by man that needs to addressed.
“what is serious is the pollution caused by man that needs to addressed”
How many men do we need to populate the Earth? Do we really have to be so many and everywhere for the planet to function?
Does anyone still remember what NE Spain looked like before it was concreted over for man? Today we even have artificial salt marshes built as a token to the ‘unspoilt by man’ world there used to be.
Only 4.5 billion years of climate change actually, give or take a few millions. Earth has had no ice at all for long periods and been an ice planet for others, all before ‘you monkeys’ (quoting Cat in Red Dwarf) turned up.
nah – just like others have said -he has been made redundant on a big pay off and pension – I know it happens because one of my friends a banker at 52 has just gone through the same – now off swanning around the world..this chap is doing this for a bit of ‘wokeness’ – moi sceptical?..maybe but if the BBC are promoting it then we haven’t heard the whole story
It demonstrates how much you need between the ears to get a six-figure salary from a bank then.
What will all the people who buy this anthropogenic global warming stuff do when the penny finally drops that it’s tripe? Suffer from amnesia probably and re-jig their reality in a manner consistent with their imagined intellectual superiority.
The entire report is in video form
She is a Muslim who paints nudes
That is strange cos Islamic galleries usually only show abstract images
as it is forbidden to portray anything Allah created
The Hadith has rules against creating idolatry
“He who creates pictures in this world will be ordered to breathe life into them on the Day of Judgment, but he will be unable to do so.” Hadith, Sahih Muslim (818-875)
So apart from when there is an overriding reason eg to teach medicine ..such images are very rare in Islamic countries.
Growing risk of no-deal in six days after Macron blocks Brexit extension
Thank you . This was being touted on the web earlier but thought it too good to be true . If macron doesn’t block the A50 extension BoJo must have promised him a lot of cash and promises . It will be worth it just for the despair for a lot of traitor remainers .
All the reckless gamblers are now on display.
BBC do like a diss. When it suits.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell was apparently snubbed by the pallbearer at the memorial service for veteran Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings.
Media in full GE mode now. Smears will be coming out left, right and centre and quite literally!
The BBC have chosen a side to endorse and the bias would be nothing like before!
Expect the BBC and Guardian to be joined at the hip
“Brexit: Will the Falkland Islands wildlife suffer?”
Anti-Brexit Propaganda , “From the sublime to the ridiculous”! .
I read the report and I’m surprised the article didn’t draw greater attention to the horrific fact that the local squid are being caught and then…..eeuuw…eaten by people in Europe!
Shouldn’t the Falkland Islanders be re-educated and shown how they can grow jelly-beans rather than killing jelly-fish??
Where’s an XR person when you need one?? Nowhere near Goose Green that’s for sure.
“Between 2008-2019, the EU has provided the Falkland Islands with more than £10m – including £1.5m to undertake environmental projects. But this will no longer be available once the UK leaves the EU”
They are still peddling this lying nonsense.
Please continue BBC, everybody knows this is just more EUBollox, you are irritating readers not converting anybody.
I hope the Sun will have the following headline “Brexit – it was the lying BBC what dun it”
The Sun would probably be correct.
I still believe that this BBC masterpiece helped tip the balance towards leave.
Many of my former work colleagues, who we undecided on the issue, were prompted to vote leave off the back of it. “It’s on the BBC so it must be true!” was a typical comment after viewing it. “Undoubtedly”, I said……
The one and only (slightly) pro-Brexit programme from the BBC?
It was probably intended to have quite the opposite effect but many interviewees were far too candid, about the real nature of the EU, than they realised.
The Times Magazine last Sunday was right Tele-evangelist in pushing anti white dogma
pg 8 You are programmed to think light is right
by Lupita Nyong’o
pg17 Sportswomen of the year awards
large photo of Dina Asher Smith
pg 24 to 33
The rise of the far right
The page doesn’t use that title it uses HATE INC by Matthew Goodwin
He quotes US mass shootings .. mentioning the anti-immigration line,
…but not the environment one
He mentions Christchurch 51
“concerns about more aggressive street activism that has followed the likes of TR, and which shows little interest in elections”
.. Misleading cos TR did stand for election
… but the message HnH and the police sent was
‘if you try elections we will hound you to the extent that we will stand back and allow mobs to attack you with rocks ‘
It talked about a “growing threat of far right terrorism”
It failed to acknowledge that Guardianlalaland drives frustration that could lead to violence
.. as Guardianlalaland suppresses things like open debate and thus causes a build up of pressure.
And I expect that HnH dressing up in their black face masks, some members openly violent and behaving like fascists .. drives actual real violent nationalists recruitment.
In Scotland a tattooist would place four blue triangles on the back of the head, and above that place the tree letters S.N.P.
One has to wonder what on earth made this very attractive your woman want to leave her country, which in fact is far better off than it was, and apart from anything else why would she accept being dumped into a Ice cold container? Incomprehensible when she had many other ways of achieving her aim-seek legal entry, however this nation is more than full up and already approaching unsustainability in every direction.
It is not their toxic ideology that Goodwin should be concerned with but the Islamic ideology which is far more dangerous as he will soon find out.
The notion that US mass shooters are all White and ‘Far Right’ (sic) is a media fantasy. When it comes to nutjobs shooting up people, the USA is very much a land of equal opportunity. Here’s a selection: judge for yourself.
Virginia Beach, May 2019, 12 killed by DeWayne Craddock.
Orlando Nightclub, June 2016, 49 killed by Omar Mateen.
San Bernardino, December 2015, 14 killed by Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik
Washington Navy Yard, September 2013, 12 killed by Aaron Alexis
Fort Hood, November 2009, 13 killed by Nidal Hasan
Binghamton, April 2009, 13 killed by Jiverly Antares Wong
Virginia Tech, April 2007, 32 killed by Seung-Hui Cho
The incidence of enrichers photo’s on this site is reaching proportions similar to TV ads. Is there no let up?
Dear Lupita Nyong’o:
I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care what colour you are.
I often see this lady gracing the fashion pages of womens magazines, normally on the red carpet wearing some designer or other’s evening dress. Apparently she’s a top female black movie star. Well, I’ve never heard of her, and I suspect neither have most people, so she’s clearly made an impression – but not here.
The probable Bill Cash “No Deal” trap revealed, now that it is unavoidable:
Labour says there wont be an Election unless “No Deal” is off the table. The French say they wont take “No Deal” off the table unless there is an Election. No Deal or no Election on Monday, we leave without a deal on Thursday. Get a Deal with or without an Election on Monday, but refuse to introduce legislation, we leave without a deal on Thursday. An Election without a Deal on Monday makes an extension certain, so Government refuses to amend the “Exit Day” in the Withdrawal Act 2018, Boris sends a fourth letter post dated 1st November, refusing to accept the extension, then the European Communities Act 1972 is repealed on 31st October, we leave without a deal. Boris wins a landslide because the Brexit Party is happy to only win in Labour areas, and then Boris legislates against any revenge by the judiciary trying to decide whether or not the way we left the EU was legal or not. Any dispute with the EU about membership ends at the end of the extension with Britain offering the EU a half price payment for the period of the extension. Britain is FREE.
Richard, Celtic_Mist thinks there may be a flaw in the (Bill and) Benn Act and I agree with him.
What say you? It revolves around a three letter word. 😉
May be wise not to be too explicit right now. nudge nudge 😉 😉
Let’s hope. But I think the continuing debacle in Parliament has shown many that our political system is, as is said, “Not fit for purpose”. If all goes as you suggest and Boris achieves a landslide, things will return, eventually, to their normal ‘comfy’ state. Personally, that’s what I don’t want. Things have to be uprooted and improved, starting with a Constitution.
Wonderful Richard, perfect in fact-that should definitely be the result-if Boris Johnson has the guts we think or hope he has, then he should simply leave without a deal on Oct 31st-it will not, as many believe, be disasterous for the UK, only disasterous for those in the remain camp whose actions the voting public will eventually determine. Maybe just maybe those duplictous little S……., will all emigrate to the countries in the European Union-although I doubt that any will want them. For goodness sake lets bring back Capital Punishment and execute such traitors. Liberalism has gone too far.
I’m appalled. I turned on the radio for the 810 interview . Bee lady interviewing a voice saying he wants a referendum . Clearly a remainer . Who was this `MP ? Representative of the people ? Couldn’t place the voice . Plenty of authority – must be a traitor peer .
‘David Milliband Thank you “ says the bee lady .
I fumed . What is it about the state broadcaster that it goes to a citizen who now lives and works in America – being allowed to pontificate about UK politics . I’ve got more res gestae to drone on about brexit than he has .
The bee lady never asked milliband senior about how much charity money he is trousering . Strange that .
Nor do they ask the identity of the super-rich individuals financing his meal ticket and their agenda, International Rescue. And no, it’s not the Tracy brothers.
He had to be parked somewhere nice to keep in the manner accustomed until the ‘anything better than Jez’ return, but the Momentum faction rather grew a bit more than anticipated.
Still, the bbc also has patience, and limitless resources, for his eventual return.
I remember reading when Mr Milliband took the job that it had been started by the CIA as a front for other activities. It meant that Mrs Clinton would have been his boss. Strange that.
I would suggest that old Dave Milliband has got ‘designs’ on Corbyn’s job ?
Could he be taking over where his brother left off ? I dare say, he could be the “darling” of Al Beeb ?
I think the state broadcaster would like to see Milliband senior back in UK politics – presumably being an mark2 version of Blair . That would explain his access to the radio waves despite holding no office and living in America . I wonder what his former constituency voted in the referendum ? I doubt he can remember where it is by now …
It was South Shields and they voted 62% for leaving the EU. At least the electorate in Corbyn’s seat voted a few times each for remain. His approach to Brexit is likely based on it.
It was South Shields and they voted 62% for leaving the EU. At least the electorate in Corbyn’s seat voted a few times each for remain. His approach to Brexit is likely based on it.
Does anybody know if RTE the Irish Republic state TV
broadcaster have an English women news sports reporter ?
Maybe they do . I just find it a little strange that to hear about
the latest news about the Rugby World Cup . It is presented
on BBC by a lady with a strong Irish Republic brogue.
Never mind that the BBC TV hardly ever shows top
UK live men’s sport anymore. We even had TWO women
sports reporters talking about the rugby this morning. Is that
called positive discrimination? Diversity? Or has the BBC
finally flipped its lid?
I’m not sure – but I was in the Republic ( what’s left of it ) a few days ago and felt at home as the TV was plastered with warnings to buy an RTE TV licence . Apparently you need on whether you have a TV or radio or not . …..
There were also plenty of shops selling “Feck Brexit “ Tee shirts .
We often listen to ‘Marty in the Morning’ 7-10am weekdays on RTÉ lyric fm. The presenter Marty Whelan is quite amusing. I think there is a woman who reads the news but I turn that bit down/don’t listen (sounds like the bBC).
TOADY Watch #1 – Back on the Chain Gang
My BBC R4 fast ended at 7.57am this morning. I found that I could not listen for a full hour. Naughtie was absent, thankfully, but as it was Ladies Day (again!) at TOADY with Martha and Samira, one of them was forced to go and look at Lucian Freud in the nude. A man, with boots on, about to paint.
The item ended with some typical BBC misandry, Lucian in the all-together wearing only his paint spattered boots notwithstanding.
Next, there is another ‘arts’ item; a wimmin has composed a piece of music and there is a moan about wimmins rights and wimmins equality and wimmin being poor and wimmin being oppressed and wimmin being ignored (except in paintings) and wimmin being obstructed in life and wimmin being denied and wimmin being second-class and wimmin being downtrodden.
Off switch activated in protest.
That return to Radio4 didn’t last long.
I’d like to say ‘welcome back’ but like you I can only take limited exposure to toady and state broadcaster output . After that my hair starts to fall out and all the signs of a fatal overdose are there .
I cannot use the word ‘British ‘ in relation to the State Broadcaster – it would be a lie .
I wonder is the MSM use the likes of milliband senior , Heseltine , Adonis ( less ) because they are reliable mouthpieces who everyone knows won’t say anything new or unacceptable to the editorial narrative .
For an outfit which uses the word ‘diversity ‘ every minute it certainly lacks diversity of speaker or view . Weird that .
As an aside – I’m still waiting to see a chinese type journo on the state broadcaster – they’ve got Africans and Pakistani types coming out their ears – even more than the average DFS advert but where’s the chinky ( is that allowed ?) declaration – I am not chinese or know anyone who is chinese . I do like sweet and sour chicken though ….
Aah, Fed, thanks – you have explained the increasing number of brown(ish), grey and silver hairs stuck in my combs! Brilliant.
Whilst becoming conscious and that potentially another day of exposure to Brexit, the BBC and the evil of the EU (How Mutti sleeps at night, knowing that she is directly responsible for 39 dead bodies in an artic container-trailer, I do not know.) was in front of me, I was thinking about making a plea via this web-site.
Fed, you may need to moderate this para and the succeeding ones out. If you so choose, I go along with your decision.
I would like to encourage everyone on this site – maybe never posting but just popping in to read what others put up – and who has a TV Licence, to cancel it today. Yes, this may require the hardship of giving up TV viewing. It may be difficult in large households and lead to a certain amount of angst but it can be done.
I did it years ago – am over £2000 richer or less poor as a result – and only really miss it for a very few sporting events. Arts and culture and news is available in the millions on YouTube and similar on the Internet. There are box sets in your local charity shop if you need something to watch. Support your local library and read books instead.
You cannot have an election. You may not get another EU Referendum. But you can vote with your feet about the BBC and its biases.
Just give up telly. Don’t break the law. Don’t watch live TV. Don’t use iPlayer. Boycott the BBC.
Just give up. You know it makes sense. 🙂
Seems ok for me – I’ve just had a bright red
‘To the occupier “ letter delivered . I have no need to open it and I know who it is from . My tip never communicate with anyone from the TV licencing people . Tell them nothing . There is no legal requirement to tell them anything . Yet .
‘To the occupier’ – save them all up to give to the individual when he/she/it comes a knocking.
On You tube there is an excellent video showing how easy it is to say goodbye to the scurrilous BBC.
Search for ChilliJonCarne ,you will love it !
“I’m still waiting to see a chinese type journo on the state broadcaster “
Bert Kwouk bought the franchise years ago when the price was low and ethnics didn’t command a premium.
The Chinese are smart like that!
They make extensive use of Rico in Singapore
where the BBC run their overnight news operation from
Then early he’s on Radio5 to do the Asian market report segment
He sounds ethnic Chinese, but he’s Filipino.
British Chinese are all used to cover Chinese language operation.
There was a reporter just on Tech Tent
BBC reporter Szu Ping Chan
I wonder if Rico gets alternate Sundays off?
In joke for people who used to live in Singapore
and know about Filipino/Indonesian maids.
If Rico lived in HK he’d in the park on Sundays with 150,000 other Filipinos unless the Chinese government has put a stop to that.
TOADY Watch #2 – Miliband major Misleads and Misrepresents
I was horrified at the lies spouted by David Miliband. (see FedUp2’s post above) I lost count. He did say one true thing, though, but I have forgotten what it was because I was righteously angry at his lies and was busy talking back at the radio and ‘elsewhere’. (Psalm 118v10-14, in modern translation, refers)
It may come to me. Or I may have to do penance and listen again.
Or our computer whizz and ace BBC watcher Stew may come to my rescue and tell me where I can get a transcript apart from the BBC themselves. I have a notion that some voice recognition software does the job these days and it is put up on a web-site somewhere on the interwebby. Is it done by BBC Watch?
Craig at ITBB is yer man.
GW, ta – I did think of Craig (and I do pop in ‘there’ every now & then) as I have seen an increasing number of transcripts going up on his site. Hope he has this Miliband anti-Brexit propaganda er, I mean interview, covered.
The internet archive automatically transcribes news channels like BBC News, but not radio
There are also some Twitter accounts automatically scanning same news shows for certain keywords like “climate change”
Often R4Today post more info on their Facebook page
but they didn’t today
BBC work together with the Guardian
Friday Milliband had a piece in the Guardian
Saturday he was on R4 Today
‘Double-teaming’, eh? The BBC & Grauniad have learned something from American football, then.
Thanks for those two suggestions, Stew. I’m sure all sorts of interwebby scanning goes on, especially for the phrase ‘Far Right’.
Until I had written that sentence, it hadn’t occurred to me but do the ‘Far Right’ ever refer to themselves as ‘Far Right’ or have ‘Far Right’ in their group titles or names? Do the ‘Far Left’ do that, too?
Or do they just call themselves ‘BBC’ ?
Switch on BBC News about 9:38 and within seconds they had a pro Muslim propaganda agenda to push.
The sports presenter said “I love this video…. it shows a footballer who was shielded by other players on the other team when her hijab slipped. It showed remarkable sportsmanship. Even though the footage is 2 years old it has only just appeared on social media.”.
The presenter omitted that the footballer was woman and also a Muslim. I guess in BBC-la-la-land every footballer is now female and all females are hijab wearing Muslims.
Tabs, and didn’t every sane person watching think it’s just hair ffs! It barely uncovered the hairline. Surely we should be asking the question why on earth does it matter? And how can a grown woman be so brainwashed into reaction in such a way? Just beggars belief.
With the clocks going back tonight it’s a nice boost for all the solar panels out there in getting an extra hours daylight.
(Tell Abbott she can use this argument to encourage more solar power use)
My take on Brexit is that we will eventually get a deal where both leavers and remainers are unhappy with it. It will be an awful deal, a compromise of sorts.
Maybe that will lead to a Brexit Party government but more likely we will grudgingly just get on with life and those at the top will keep their power over us.
Maybe we will get a real leader who will get rid of the lot of them.
I heard on the radio that the driver of the 39 is being held on some murder charge but I thought when he picked the container up they were all already dead so how does that work. Was he the driver when the container was in Europe picking these people up?
Does anyone see any parallels with all those people fleeing the eu and trying to escape to the UK and the Berlin Wall with people fleeing communism and trying to escape to the (then eu) free Europe.
You are, I hope, joking about the extra hour of daylight?
It’s swings and roundabouts because we lose that extra hour in the summertime when the clocks go forward.
I think it’s good news to get an extra hours’ day light . Personally I’m putting my clock back to sometime around 1970. I think it all started going down when Peter purves left Blue Peter .
An aside – my next door neighbour is a switched on 90 something . She is a life long Labour Party suppprter . She remembers Corbyn and Tony Benn standing on the same stage slagging off the anti democratic EEC . Today she said to me “ Labour ? Never again “ which shocked me .
I wonder if the Labour high command know how toxic Corbyn is in election terms and can’t get rid of him – hence the message of ‘ no election ‘.
Why can’t we put our clocks back two hours and get two extra hours of daylight? I’m baffled.
“I heard on the radio that the driver of the 39 is being held on some murder charge but I thought when he picked the container up they were all already dead so how does that work. Was he the driver when the container was in Europe picking these people up?”
We could always as TR how it all works……………..
I read somewhere the comment that this is the worst murder enquiry since 7/7. As tragic as this is, it shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath or paragraph as islamic inspired mass murder.
listening to R4 in the background, including Any Questions, I didn’t hear anyone making the point that the Government’s soft attitude to illegal immigration is responsible for this sort of tragedy. It’s all very well blaming the traffickers but they know they will have a very high success rate because hardly anyone is sent back.
Mo the lorry driver patently did not murder the 39. The police are using a possible murder charge to make him talk. However, he is from Armagh, and touts do not last long over there, so I suspect he will keep his mouth shut. All he did was pick up a trailer.
As to who the people in Armagh who are behind this operation might be, well, as Gerry Adams once said: “They haven’t gone away you know”. How right he was.
An actual straight cut and paste from a trial regarding a BME man killing another BME in a car as reported on BBC news site
Camisan Emanuvel, 36, from Redbridge, London, was found guilty of killing Gopinath Karivisuwanathan, following a three-eek trial at the Old Bailey.
Is that slang for three?? Your paying £150 for that level of reporting robustness ….
Maybe it’s from Mishal’s Acceptable Death Chart?
A three-eeker sounds nasty.
Have we reached ‘peak black’ in the adverts?
McDonalds ‘uber eats’ has a young black man looking terrified/embarrassed to be in a ‘white house’ as the mandatory black male.
He looks as if he is thinking, “What the hell am I doing here?”, just as 95% of the audience is saying, “What the hell is he doing there?”.
Gerald Ratner marketing keeps on giving. Other ‘restaurants’ are available.
The ad for Sky Store is a prime example of half/half, 2 couples and a child settle down with popcorn to watch the tele. Both men – one young (son?) and older male (father?) snuggle up to non-white ladies, while the mixed race child languishes on the floor.
Most ads for banking firms and large corporates now feature black only participants. I suspect its the only industry where white actors/actresses wonder if its worth turning up for an audition !
Dear Sir
Thank you for your recent enquiry about Sky Store. I note from your call that you describe yourself as White; I am pleased to confirm that we do not want your business. As you may be aware, White people only make up a tiny 85% of the UK population, whereas Black people make up a huge 3.1%. It is therefore just business sense to concentrate on this small demographic, rather than try to appeal to as many people as possible.
Besides Sky Store, we have some other companies that you may wish to avoid including Sky TV, Sky Broadband, Sky Mobile and NOW TV. Additionally, you may not know but our parent company is Comcast, who acquired us last year and who are proud to have won the ‘Worst company in America’ award in 2014 (in fact, they also won it in 2010). Some of their brands include Universal Pictures, NBC, the Golf Channel and Dreamworks Animation, so please free to avoid them, too.
Yours sincerely
Head of Diversity and Great Replacement Marketing
P.S. Have you tried Sky News recently? It is a leading supplier of False News and if you like the BBC and CNN you’ll feel really at home.
The BBC podcast page is as usual chock full of virtue signalling and metroliberal pet agendas
History prog : Saladin
You’re Dead To Me
How does one man protect an empire against multiple crusades?
Take a chivalry lesson from legendary leader Saladin.
Greg is joined by Maria Shehata and Prof Jonathan Phillips
Go ENGLAND! What a performance! Let’s see the BBC try to find a negative in that eh :0)
They will be singing that slave song again……they don’t like that !!
Go ENGLAND! What a performance! Let’s see the BBC try to find a negative in that eh :0)
England 19 NZ 7
An excellent performance.
Now just get Brexit across the try line.
Amen, baby!
Well said, well done England ????????????????????????????
Glum faces all round at broadcasting house in W1 no doubt!
Anyone But England (ABE) ‘eh al beeb ????
I guess we should be glad that Boris has revealed his true colours by promoting this appalling deal.
At least if there was a GE, we now know that BoJo and his Tory cohorts definitely can’t be trusted.
I’ve signed up as a registered Brexit Party supporter. We really are now on our own and fighting in the trenches as we have no faith in any other party.
It was obvious that the blonde traitor had absolutely no intention of delivering a clean brexit as soon as he started slagging off Farage as not a “proper” person.
He would rather see Corbyn in power as long as the Tory party remained together.
Just another tory hypocrite who thinks that as soon as there is a general election all will be forgiven and forgotten – Lets hope he gets a shock.
We can but hope. It’s a mystery to my why anyone would vote for any of the legacy parties, but I suspect that enough people will continue to vote tribally to keep the traitors in power. I’d be delighted to be wrong.
The foundation for failure was laid in 2017 when we elected two parties, that had promoted remain in the previous year, as government and opposition.
What did we think the outcome would be?
Amazingly we might get a chance to put this right in December (if Corbyn allows it).
Doctor/Nurse aired turns out to be Labour activist
that BBC/Sky forgot to mention
I bet you are surprised cos that never happens
Cup-a-soup fortified, am wondering whether I now have the steel in me to endure the R4 1pm News and Any Questions repeat that follows.
I couldn’t take it last week after being warned on here that it was a ‘stacked’ audience.
Well, if I can grit my teeth through an entire hour of Question Time, you can check out Any Questions!
At least it’s audio so you don’t have to look at any of them!
TT, was it highly qwesh-onable again this week?
I used to find Fi quite pleasant to look at when she was first reading the news. Nice dimples! That feels like half a lifetime away, her N&CA debut on TV.
TT, I was going to listen to ‘Any Answers’ as well but Anita announced that it was an extended programme (again!) this week and, as she would be talking through most of it, I hit the OFF switch.
The LibDem woman on Question Time repeated this old illusion:
We believe the best deal we can get is the deal we already have with the European Union.
What she said right after that had me gaping at the screen in disbelief:
We think the best way to stop Brexit is to have a people’s vote so that the people can decide whether they still want to go ahead with it.
The LibDem woman inadvertently made her party’s position crystal clear: if the vote in another referendum is to Remain we’ll endorse it; if the vote is to leave, we’ll simply do everything we can to frustrate and overturn that democratic decision.
How do these people sleep at night?
Now if Fiona Bruce could emerge from her comfy, left-wing, anti-Brexit cocoon and catch a glimpse of the real world she would notice glaring hypocrisy when it stares her in the face and challenge the hypocrite.
Unfortunately, she can’t. And her enunciation is getting worse. Now there are entire phrases of hers that are really hard to understand. Well, she works for the BBC so as long as she stays in that cocoon she’ll have a cushy job for life with a huge pension on retirement.
Cognitive dissonance, I think it may be called, TT. Bit of a medical condition. Can you be an MP with that?
I thought MPs had to be sound in mind, if not in body.
It’s a bit like Hilary Benn saying “We need a Confirmatory Referendum but with a Remain option on the Ballot Paper.”. No Hilary, that is not a Confirmatory Referendum.
Yes, it was queshionable indeed, biased as always. And it doesn’t help that Bruce is becoming more and more difficult to understand.
Not a good week for the BBC
Boris out manouvered his opponents
No Europeans in the truck and Arderns boys took to the cleaners
Wonder what the emoter in chief will sport for the airport welcome?
And a nice scarf.
Just listening to R4 on the container tragedy. “Any questions”.
Endless talk about ‘desperate people’.
Nobody mentioning the very relevant fact that these ‘desperate’ people came from the safe country of France, or was it Belgium? Via other safe countries in Europe.
Surely that gives the debate a whole different perspective? How ‘desperate’ can you be in France? Belgium? Or Germany?
Seems impossible to have a rational debate any more.
Some caller is going to make himself very unpopular on ‘Any answers’ by saying that these people were trying to break into our country. Anita Anand isn’t going to be very happy. People running counter to beeb.
I did listen to R4’s ‘Any Questions’ and it was quite civilised. It was also quite revealing in three or four places.
Did I really hear Chris Mason say in his introduction that Hayling Island is the only island in the UK? Or did I miss him saying the word ‘mainland’ before the second island word?
Even then he would be wrong: Purbeck is jus’ oop t’road. Then there’s Thanet and probably a few more besides within our Sceptred Isle a.k.a. the UK. Oh dear! The BBC do not do well with geography these days. How do they cope with outside broadcasts? SatNav on their iPhones, I guess.
Was it Portsea island…
Anyway, someone suggested we needed ‘corridors’ thru to Britain.
The hundreds of millions who would like to come here WILL be pleased.
One caller says we should be more generous after our ‘dubious’ colonial history!
Oh dear.
fnw, oops did I get my Island wrong? (Where is maxi when you need him?) Can’t remember now where Portsmouth Poly .., er, sorry, I mean University is based. If so, there’s another one that Chris Mason missed and even closer by than Purbeck. In fact that area of coast is littered with mainland islands.
It’s a moot point whether Brownsea Island (off Poole) is a mainland island, like Thanet, or more sort of offshore like the Isles of Wight and Sheppey. Buried deep in the little grey cells of Snuffy is the fact that there might be an inland island, somewhere in Wiltshire or Gloucestershire or similar but then not a lot of people know that, so Chris Mason might be excused on that one.
Isle of Dogs, in blady larndarn, Isle of Athelney in Somerset, where Alfred the Great hid… the list goes on.
Whale island…
Jim & OG, thanks. I’m still doing the Gromit bit with the paw in the ear, not really believing what I heard. Think there might be some mainland islands in Scotland and one in Wales, too.
Perhaps what Mason was trying to say was “England is a green and pleasant land and so is the rest of the UK.” but his Inner Beeboid was forbidding an introduction like that, hence the alternative; the mangled geography that actually came out of his mouth.
On the other hand, perhaps the programme intro was written for him by one of the Portsmouth Yooni students, doing a bit of BBC work experience. That would definitely explain it.
OG I thought you would mention Goat Island in Scotland. Only 13 ha but an isle non the less.
I notice anti -Devon prejudice here because Burgh Island and Drake’s Island off the South Coast have not been mentioned by anyone .Tut tut. Do try and be more inclusive folks.
And what about Nomanisan Island which lies just off the rocky shores of Oxbridgeshire? What about that eh?
Equatorial Guinea corrupt leaders to get IMF bailout
@Stew –
just found a site you will love –
this stands out – “British journalists have become part of Johnson’s fake news machine It’s chilling. From the Mail, The Times to the BBC and ITN, everyone is peddling Downing Street’s lies and smears. They’re turning their readers into dupes.”
Their list of supporters comprises ‘the usual suspects’ of Soros, Big Money foundations, globalists and other enemies of humanity.
Snuff- Actually, I think C Mason started off rambling about bananas.
Maybe he thought he was in the Caribbean?
Currently we have on R4 a ‘satire’ on Trump. Written by someone hoping their little contribution to ‘culture’ will help the Democrats in 2020? Jonathan Myerson, apparently.
Anyway, somehow typically beeb.
Yes I caught that nasty piece of crap too! I wonder if they are considering doing another spurious hit piece on say Hilary or Barack?
Coincidentally the author has had a spell as Labour Councillor for Clapham for a few years, tells you everything you need to know!
Now it’s the turn of the Scandinavians to get blasted by ‘a woman of colour’ on R4. Along with some other wimmin, who are out to expose racism, and such like.
It’s all about the ‘rise of the Right’ worldwide.
Turns out the Norwegians are oppressing the Sami.
And the Swedes are actually Nazis. OOOOOOH, the Swedes are bad!
And the Danes a bunch of colonisers.
So far the Finns have got away with it, apparently.
BBC propaganda, big-time.
Do you have a problem with Al Beeb ?
At least David Lammy watches still, albeit in the chamber, on the taxpayer’s dime.
But he’s no younger than Femi. And Femi is not young.
More absolute crap Brexit hysteria via the BBC.
“Doubts grow over UK environment protection post-Brexit”
Apparently come Brexit the UK is going to trash all the environmental standards currently forced on us by the EU by heavy fines so look forward to the return of smog, green rivers etc.
The BBC depict a smoke laden cityscape to ram home the point complete with an nasty post-production glowing orange overlay….
The report written by Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s top environmental guy who seems to have spent his entire career flying around with is BBC team to just about every country in the World to get his stories in!
They will try anything!!!
A while back StewGreen explained how to get a YouTube transcript of a video: click on the 3 dots below it and take it from there. Here’s Fiona Bruce interrupting the LIbDem woman in full flow, her interjection in bold:
…were gonna be able to wait see what the European Union say hopefully we will get a three-month extension and then what were they lived in tea I think that’s above my pay grade.
Here’s that section of the video
Having listened to it again a few times I finally realised Bruce was asking, And then what will the LIbDems say?
I can understand an automatic transcript having difficulty with LibDems but the rest is ridiculous. Everyone on that panel speaks more clearly and effectively than Bruce and she’s running the show?!.
Listening to Women’s Hour on R4 they rolled on some teachers who had been to some sort of environmental specialist training academy where they apparently are taught how best to introduce “climate change” issues to schoolchildren.
Much talk about children getting more fearful about the future etc.
Not long before the speakers revealed they were pretty much activists working to put questions and beliefs in kids minds that were not there before.
It became evident pretty quickly that the training program was actually intended to denigrate all the usual suspects, Dairy, Farming, Meat etc. etc. etc.
One teacher even described a walk around the town where the kids were encouraged to count who was putting washing on the line, who had solar panels etc.
This is what is making the kids fearful, get them young and recruited to swallow the bilge from the bunch of crazies who pump out this garbage – get ’em scared and you can control them in fact.
It seems more and more schools are re-inventing themselves as political indoctrination training grounds as more and more of these fanatical “teachers” spread their warped opinions and beliefs disguised as education.
This smacks of George Orwell-ism and is a very dangerous and disgusting trend in my opinion.
They are children teachers! Remember Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Sports? This is what the children need! Give them the teaching they need to best make their way in the World and then allow them to come to their own conclusions about the future as they become adults.
Let them grow up normally without trying to blackmail them into your blinkered, fascist ways of thinking by scaring the shit out of them.
The BBC doing what it does best for it’s chosen ones yet again!
Nothing is going to change. This nonsense will either burn itself out in the fullness of time, or we will be stuck with it, to our ultimate misfortune.
Everything is on the change, from politics downwards, for the worse. We seem unable to halt the process, or indeed, do anything about it at all. The lessons will be learned, eventually, come the next extended cold period, by which time it’ll be too late to say “told you so” (assuming there are any of us left to make that observation).
Our lives are screwed, and we’ve allowed it to happen. The very people and organisations which should support the truth, and the situation most beneficial for everyone, are agin us, because that’s what they do. Doom and gloom predictions, even when most of us can see that in the short term, the forecast catastrophes just don’t materialise.
The young (and their mentors) appear to have lost the ability to think critically, and merely follow an agenda into an inevitable cul-de-sac.
We’ve watched this happening over recent years, and chosen, largely, to keep schtum.
To our cost.
Changes aren’t always a bad thing, but many come without a mandate.
digg… The Greens are playing a long game here .they are not interested in older people who can think independently . Older people are there as the scapegoat .. Capture the minds of children and they win. That’s what all totalitarians do and that is what is going on apace now .
Swelter, quite correct. The Communists did it. The National Socialists did it. One or both of those groups went to hide within the Green Movement when the Berlin Wall came down.
Very useful cover.
They have sure fooled the BBC.
Before Strictly started the Beeb aired a trailer for Lord Boaty’s Seven Worlds, One Planet. The clip showed a seal pursuing a penguin through ice-laden waters. “The seal appears to be toying with the penguin. . .” The clip concludes with the “exhausted” penguin facing the seal on an ice floe.
Oh, eff off BBC – if this chase were filmed in real time it would have required the co-ordination of about five cameras, including surface, underwater and aerial/drone cameras.
The dumb broad announcer drivels, “Oh what’s going to happen to the penguin? Find out tomorrow. . .” Well I won’t be ‘cos I don’t watch these animal snuff movies. And if you think that’s a harsh judgement on these highly-praised flagship programmes, you’ve never had a conversation with some of the types who enjoy watching the deaths depicted in them.
The BBC have regular been caught out faking the scenes in Lord Boaty’s ‘documentaries’. So, much the same approach as their ‘news’ programmes, then. His most recent series on Netflix (no, me neither) was a collaboration with the globalist environmental propaganda organisation, WWF.
Congratulations to England’s rugby team on their win.
The best team won !
If we in the ‘West’ can pull it off tomorrow things would look good for a cracking World Cup final ?
Good wishes to Wales for a Brexit final and a Brexit finale, taffman.
The BBC are so fond of telling lies about the EU Referendum vote, saying Northern Ireland and Scotland voted to remain when they did not, in truth, because it was counted as a UK wide vote, not one counted on a constituency or national basis. It would be great to have an England & Wales success story on Monday’s front pages. And a Brexit success story filling the Friday and next weekend’s newspapers, too.
Hopefully, Bojo has been inspired by the rugby.
yep..pob lwc i Gymru