what you missed on Sunday
– short page 3 started 7pm Sunday
Douglas Murray :The Hate Crime Hoax, sneering from Jon Sopel
– page 2 started 9pm Saturday
: Locals knew that Purfleet was a transport hub for illegals,
Labour saying Leave-voters didn’t know workers rights would be different outside the EU, Sophie Ridge rubbish, ISIS boss killed,
The Limburg beheading media-blackout, The Cardiff Uni loaded question Brexit polling, Swedish girl speaking AGAINST Greta and PCness, AFNeil shouts media blackout on the bombing in Swden,
Now only disciples can see ProfBrianCoxes tweets,
Another sermon from Tele-eco-evangelist Harrabin
Ash Sarkar wearing a shirt with a Marx logo, BS from Ofcom and Sharon White, A quick snapshot from Inoreader
Sweden’s descent into politically correct madness continues apace.
Coming to Britain soon, aided and abetted by al-beeb.
The strange suicide of Europe.
Watch and weep.
vlad, Stew is right to flag up the timeline thing. It is going to become increasingly important in future on any public forum (such as this one) to be very accurate, eg. dating of material, links, whether image manipulation has been applied, whether something is a joke (see Cassandra’s clever and very funny – and pointed – 8.53am post below) or is an image straight from camera or copyrighted or whatever.
Isn’t it astonishing how brave these fifty Muslim men are bullying a lone white woman?
One interesting thing our bearded bully spouted was…
“You’re happy for the women to be raped in Kashmir.”
Actually, I’m not, but then…
I’m not happy that our own little girls are still being raped in Rotherham, Rochdale, Bristol and Leeds etc, etc, etc.
And guess who’s doing the raping…
Katie is worth following on Twitter and You Tube. I assume her days are numbered as our Government will find a way of removing her from social media. Probably repeated prosecutions for hatey hurtey speech crimes.
Now imagine if that had been a white man removing a hijab from a Pakistani woman. Hate crime only seems to work one way.
2 tier legal system right here in the UK.
My old man used to say that one day we would be second class citizens in our own country. That day arrived some time ago.
Maximum respect to Katie, anything can happen at an event like this, as these people are not rational. She showed great bravery.
I did not know it was Diwali yesterday, but I did wonder why there were so many fireworks round my way. It looks like there are more Hindus than I thought, but I do not mind them, as far as I know they do not plan to kill me.
Catching up on Radio 4’s Last Word this week I find it has been a good week for the famous, only four women that we have never heard of died!
Had it been four men that we had heard of then we would never have heard the end of it, probably a whole edition of Feedback!
Not BBC Bias but Moneybox reported on the failure of a ‘payday lender’. We were supposed to be sympathetic about a man who had taken out 14 loans and the regulator had decided that he shouldn’t have been given 12 of them.
It seems that if someone takes out a loan to pay off the previous loan then it is the lender’s fault for handing out the money, not the stupidity of the borrower for doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
Having said that millionaire Martin Lewis didn’t explain exactly where the borrower should/could get the money from.
Praise be to Allah that Cynan Jones’ totalling non-gripping T-W-E-L-V-E part Stillcide has finally come to an end. Unfortunately it is still taking up space on the Sounds server.
Do Provident Cheques still exist ? because back in the day when I was at school in the 50’s, these ‘cheques’ meant I had new school uniforms. Mum paid it back at 1/- in the £ per week – and never defaulted. Dad got paid his wages in cash in a small brown envelope, so in their eyes only the wealthy had bank accounts.
Don’t corporations, especially banks, keep on rolling over their loans? Using other peoples’ money to make money – ROCE it is called – Return On Capital Employed. Individuals can do it to advantage, if careful, too.
moneybox . It used to be about saving money and the limited ways of cutting personal taxation . Now it’s about claiming more benefits and ‘moral hazard ‘ of people who can’t control themselves and borrow too much money to fund a ‘lifestyle ‘ they cannot afford.
I listened for years but only tap in every once in a while. The presenter now is more ‘to the left ‘ than most state broadcasters me thinks . But then – I’m a not rich capitalist .
Mrs D is watching a recording of Attenborough’s latest, about Antarctica. I am doing my best to ignore it, because I know what will be coming. And sure enough, the phrase “climate change” can be heard from the TV at regular intervals. As I have been ignoring it, in order to keep blood pressure low, I can only guess at the context.
What a pity that the BBC’s constant harping on about its favoured agendas has rendered its nature programmes unwatchable. And encouraged Attenborough in his twilight years to turn into something of an end-of-the-world cultist. A world in which all but the great and good, of which he is of course one, must cease flying.
The BBC is so amateur that they just put up a video piece about coastal erosion in Ghana
.. except they didn’t notice the camera is pointing in the opposite direction so in the 2016 shot the sea is on the left, and on the AFTER 5 years shot, the sea is on the right.
By coastal erosion, they mean people living on sandbanks which every so often get bashed by huge storms (hence there are no 200 year old churches in the shot)
I wonder how Hilary Benn’s taxpayer funded coastal protection of his property is faring? Do his neighbours also benefit from our largesse, or is it just swamp rats?
Interesting that with 1,000 comments, the very first one is the most liked by far with 332 votes
.. Dermot Staivanker 9h ago
I think most people feel the BBC is biased *against corbyn* and *in favour of brexit.*
I’ve not had a Guardian account for 10 years so can’t click Like
They used to just ban you at a whim if you didn’t toe their metroliberal line.
Comment from Swanpride currently 98+
“Instead they are deliberately filling the audience at Question time with Brexiters”
News to all on this website.
A visit to the profile of this contributor reveals that the invasion is all about economics.
“But the investment is also starting to pay off. Due to a recent study it is expected that by 2022 they will earn us more than they cost. In other words: They turn out to be a long term net gain for the country, especially the Syrian refugees.”
Ignore the mass indigenous youth unemployment in the EU since 2008 (caused by EU economic policy). ignore the looming recession.
Ignore the rapes, the bombings, the stabbings, the burning of Christian churches etc, Islam is good for us.
I don’t know, all I can say is that I see very few of them when I’m riding my bike to work through a predominantly immigrant area of Luton in the mornings. Black and white people are far more often encountered, including E. Europeans currently at a big building site. Minicabs are much in evidence still on residential driveways. Your experience may vary.
However, on your way home on a sunny afternoon in say, July? Well, you’re definitely in the minority if you don’t have a headscarf or a beard. Or both.
Banned years ago myself from the far, far, far, far left Guardian. Which still travels ever leftwards.
Here is DJT1Million on the BBC
“… when the news output is resolutely pro-brexit”
Really? Let us resolutely scrutinise its profile.
“To have any chance of getting through this mess, millions of us are going to have to vote tactically and that will means some voting Labour or Lib Dem whilst holding their noses. Some things are more important than tribalism.”
Such as tribalism, and blocking 17.4 million inconvenient votes.
Bollox to Brexit in the blood of Guardianistas, as certain as Blackpool rock having, well Blackpool, down the centre.
If the BBC believed in democracy the DG would make a statement –
“Many of you asked that I personally review coverage of the brexit referendum. I have done so and looked carefully at all of the remainer arguments that have been made.”
“This is not a finely balanced and difficult judgement and we have decided that the matter is settled.”
“I have therefore asked the editorial and leadership teams to discuss how we manage live exchanges on air around this topic in future.”
“Our impartiality is fundamental to our journalism and is what our audiences expect of us.”
Mystery of the skeleton hijacked by Nazis and Soviets
For decades, archaeologists have grappled with the identity of a 10th-Century skeleton discovered at Prague Castle, and the remains were exploited by both the Nazis and Soviets for ideological purposes. But attempts to pin a clear ethnic label on a 1,000-year-old corpse perhaps reveal more about us than him.
Below is a striking picture that Al-beeb won’t be showing you any time soon.
It shows Hungarian leader Viktor Orban praying with Nick Vujicic, an Australian evangelist and motivational speaker who was born without arms or legs.
Al-beeb prefer to demonise Orban for the unforgivable crimes of being a Christian, loving his country and preferring not to see it overrun by an inimical and alien ideology.
He doesn’t want to see it go the way of Sweden.
“When we draw the boundaries of our identity, we mark out Christian culture as the source of our pride and sustaining strength. Christianity is a culture and a civilisation. It is within this that we live. The essence is not how many people go to church, or how many pray with true devotion. Culture is the reality of everyday life: how we speak and behave towards one another; the distance we keep from one another and how we approach one another; how we enter this world, and how we leave it. For European people, Christian culture determines the morals of our daily lives. In borderline situations, this gives us a benchmark and a compass. Amidst the contradictions of life, Christian culture shows us the way. It determines our understanding of justice and injustice, the relationship between men and women, family, success, work and honour.
The fundamental elements of European life are now under attack. There is now a threat to the self-evident nature of European life… The essence of culture is that if it is not self-evident, we the people will lose our reference points: one will have no footholds, and one will have nothing against which to check one’s clock or one’s compass. Regardless of whether or not we attend church—or if so, which one we attend—we do not want to be forced to celebrate Christmas behind drawn curtains to avoid hurting the feelings of others…
We do not want our Christmas markets to be rebranded, and we definitely do not want to have to retreat behind concrete barriers. We do not want our children to be deprived of the joys of Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus and the Christmas angels. We do not want to be robbed of the Feast of the Resurrection. We do not want our religious festivals and ceremonies to be haunted by anxiety and fear. We do not want our women and daughters to be molested in crowds of New Year’s Eve revellers…”
Couldn’t agree more. Especially the bit about not counting how many people go to church – that is just one facet..Christian culture doesn’t require us to be constantly prostate to a our god but to live and treat others as we would want to be treated…Unfortunately the leaders of the CoE in the UK are a bunch of Woke virtue signalling self important creatures who seem unable to relate to the vast bulk of the country..rant over sorry
In my local parish the new bishop bought in some of those false accountancy thingies like counting how many people come to Mass . He says it’s because they can’t get priests now . Since the state broadcaster is , in my view , an instrument of the devil – anti Christian – and pro a false prophet – there is no surprise that chaps aren’t attracted to the CofE or RC now . Things change though
From what I see and hear of them, the leaders, priests and vicars of birth the CofE and RC churches are no longer Christians.
They may as well call themselves pagans because that’s what they most resemble.
1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
I stutter to go too far into theology on this biased bbc site but …
John – that’s a broad brush I can’t respect and I think the devil might have got to you . There are plenty of serious bad sinners in these outfits but I don’t believe it’s a ‘majority ‘in my version of Christianity .
Fedup2, I agree we’re all sinners and only through the grace of Jesus Christ can we be saved. I believe that and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
My views are based on what I see; for example, an Archbishop of Canterbury ( Rowan Williams) who is also a druid? The Pope allowing pagan idols and pagan worship in a Christian Church. The evidence is all to obvious to me.
Fed, sadly, now with 39 dead bodies in Essex mortuaries, we have to ask about links between Roman Catholics in Viet Nam and Roman Catholics in various positions of power and authority within the EU hierarchies, including those less visible to scrutiny.
It could very well be just that. In fact, I rather hope it is.
I am afraid that the very much more sinister alternative might also well be true.
PS: There are many Protestants, of all sorts – not necessarily evangelical or CoE – who pray for the revival of the Church and that would include their own denominations and others. I know for certain [I have my sources 😉 a friend spent childhood in his church] that Rev Ian Paisley Snr prayed for Catholics and for the spiritual revival and restoration of the Roman Catholic Church, even at the height of The Troubles.
Up2- I think it’s pushing it a bit to link the RC church with 39 people from Vietnam who died from hypothermia hours or days before they left the EU Reich and left the taxpayers of Essex to clear up the mess .
Connecting religion and bodies in boxes is a bit too much .
As for what you say about Paisley – thankfully he is dead – together with Mcguiness. But sadly not other in the IRA . yet . I’ll have a quiet jig the day jerry Adams passes .
Fed, the big question is why did a bunch of so-called Christians, in a country where they are no longer persecuted and is not at war and is said to be doing quite well economically (the tiger economy in ASEAN?) hand over loads of money to traffickers to get them illegally into the UK via the EU?
Why were they prepared to break the law?
It just doesn’t add up.
Until you add something deeper and more sinister into the mix.
I don’t wish to prolong this discussion but I thought this was worth posting in the light of my earlier comments. It’s only about 3 minutes long and I found Bishop Schneider’s comments at the end interesting and pertinent:
I think as you do Vlad as millions of others think the same in this respect-that piece should be posted in every council office throughout the UK, all over Parliament, on the underground and over ground transport systems, in fact every dam where. We shall have to fight to regain our culture our Christian indentity our way of life, as the powers of evil that now surround us on all fronts will continue to undermine us one way or another. Strange but people in general I feel do not believe us? What do they believe? The rotten core of individuals now in charge of Brussles/EU-destined to ruin the 27/28 countries that make up a weak trembling Europe. I pray we leave without a deal, good bad or indifferent we shall be free of the that socialistic control.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The Sweater Swinson comes in for a pally chat with JustRemainIn Webb. Bit early in the day for a man still with his mind on the ruggerbee in Japan at the weekend. He’s forgotten the script and drops the Sweater in ‘it’ by stating on air that she has been traitorously conniving with EU leaders.
Is that legal? For someone outside the Government to negotiate with EU leaders?
According to The Sweater, the PM lies and cannot be trusted.
On the evidence clumsily provided by Justin, M/s Swinson also cannot be trusted by UK voters.
Since the unDemocrats have cornered the market of remaining ( until the Labour Party joined in to split the vote) the lovely Ms Swinson thought she had a clear way to connive and sell out Blighty for her cause .
With all those ambitious traitors who joined her party I would think she is getting a bit nervous about being deposed by a chuka or Soubry or – or so she has to come up with stuff like no brexit however many people vote to leave .
I really hope she does a 2020 calendar …
As an aside – there is a lovely piece about a lady democrat senator who has had to resign for some sexual thing in the states – she was on the impeachment committee so Pres Trumps weekend got even better .
I hope he releases the ‘kill’ video and that the army dog is going to recover from his injuries .. our thoughts and prayers are with the pooch ….
0k – the idea for a bit of a ‘tease ‘ and in the interests of equality perhaps the outgoing Speaker could do a calendar as well showing him in various poses of threatening , bullying and making his ‘I am ‘ speeches ….
…. unless of course he recanted on leaving using the sane excuse he used last year “ I need to see Brexit through “.
Fed, I guessed. 🙂 It’s just that the thought of a calendar from the person pictured on the BBC w-s today was just too much for Snuffy early in the morn.
It’s nearly 2.30pm but Snuffy still ain’t buyin’ !
Have a good trip. Is it Mediterranean oriented; if so I trust the sun will shine on you. Safe travels.
I’m becoming paranoid. Today, I took from Toady all I need on a short visit and just before the ‘Thought For the Day’ and the risk of hearing ‘Mona Sidiq’ (Professor of Islamic Studies) or another negative propagandist, I did what many here do: I flicked over to Classic FM. Only to hear a familiar voice referring to a ‘Guardian article’ and its reporter. The issue? “Climate Emergency”! The Classic FM conveyor of this propaganda? John Humphreys”. Off button immediately.
Clearly the likes of Soros and his Marxist Shock Troops has seen Classic FM as a refuge for people like me and I guess many here, hence the now growing ‘News’ summaries from Moira Stewart. She moved in some months ago and has been progressively elongating her, ‘News’ slot steadily in that time. Now must we add Classic FM to our revulsion for the BBC?
Bad move Classic FM.
ClassicFM is becoming the rest home for old BBC retirees looking to pad out the pension a bit more.
And those ‘familiar’ voices simply remind me to pop over to the internet channels.
They’ve got sneaky in the morning springing the voice of gloom with ‘Global News’ at odd moments in the hour now, so between Jon, Bill, Moira and Alice I may just forgo endless dire ads for old biddies.
G, if you had stayed with R4 you could instead have had a Bishop from Bolton (or some such – does Bolton have a Cathedral?) as your TftD, instead of the Moaning Siddiqi.
The Bishop from Bolton based his TftD on bodies. He claimed the dead VietNamese people were financially poor, despite the fact they had probably paid their traffickers tens of thousands of dollars to get them into the UK illegally.
The Bishop claimed these people are everywhere, working in cafes, restaurants and nail bars and that they were ‘invisible’ to ‘us’ and we should ‘notice’ them. (This irrespective of the fact that should you notice an illegal immigrant then strictly speaking you should inform the authorities of their presence and the crime.)
He then sort of misapplied a passage from Scripture to their plight although, in truth, the passage did actually have a comment to be made on people trafficking and crime in general. Luke Chapter 13 refers.
The point the Bishop did not make was that Satan grabs hold of people (and, I think, organisations as well – not necessarily ones that set out with criminal intent) and uses them for his evil purposes. Trafficking, the EU and Mutti being very fine examples of that fact. 1 Peter ch.5 verse 8 refers.
Edit update on Bolton’s status: it is a town, does not have a cathedral but does have a Bishop. What a gas!
“This irrespective of the fact that should you notice an illegal immigrant then strictly speaking you should inform the authorities of their presence and the crime.”
Here is a little illustration for you of how our cowardly useless incompetent administative elite view this.
You know the number to call in an emergency – what is the number you call to report illegal immgrants working in the UK?
The fact that it’s not an easily available number tells you all you need to know about the way the government supports illegal migration.
T, apparently the people living in south central and south west Essex had been informing the Police (via 999?) about illegal migrants – if the newspaper reports are correct – and they had taken no action.
The EU charges the UK a supplement on its Budget Contribution if it deems our economy has been too successful in profiting from crime, such as illegal narcotics, prostitution and trafficking. I don’t know whether this is only something for the UK to bear.
When Mutti unilaterally threw open the EU’s borders back in 2015, it was claimed just a year later that people trafficking was a €5billion+ business for Europe. I wonder if Germany pays an EU Budget Contribution supplement for that?
Do you like jazz at all? Below is a link to one of my favourite radio stations. Swiss Jazz. I discovered it on holiday a number of years ago and was delighted to discover it’s available on the interweb for fee.
Hardly any talking , just a variety of non stop jazz and blues. I never did like talking on the radio. I don’t know why anyone puts up with it.
Lucy, thanks for that tip. Hope it can be accessed via DAB.
I’m still cross about the BBC’s racism over rugby fans singing Sweet Chariot. Any excuse for linking to this, I think, is a good one:
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free of the BBC’s racism, sexism, EUism and all its other isms.
That is their aim G to control our minds our thinking and anything else we may have thought was free, through TV, Radio and the Socialistic Media-mass demonstration and entry into BBC HQ London W1, take charge of all broadcasting, and sack all the TV journalists and News Speakers, without redress. Good Idea? Of course, whose with me? Oh! only you, well that’s that then.
Yes, I’ve pointed out the Moira Stewart phenomenon here, before. We don’t need a news bulletin every twenty minutes, even less so if it’s “read” by her – her voice antagonises me bigly, and she’s no longer that good at reading, either.
I’m not keen on the Blue Peter style presentation of the usual breakfast man – at least Humphrys made it a bit more bearable, for a time.
Most of the media are carry news of a possible general election, and here are a few facts you should know.
The backers of an election aside from the hopeless Tories are the SNP and the Fib Dems, both of whom believe they are going to be net winners in any election.
The Tories also believe they will win, however they are going to lose despite having the same polling advantage as Teresa May did before going to the polls.
Ruth Davidson who saved toxic Tess from defeat has resigned and at least half those seats will now go SNP.
Remainers of all shades see a credible remain (wasted) vote with the Fib Dems.
In inner cities thanks to the total utter incompetence of the Tories in promoting mass migration Labour will take full control .
In marginal areas the Tories will lose thanks to migration Remain votes and their utter incompetence forming some kind of alliance with the Brexit party.
The only place the Tories will increase the vote share is in safe constituencies which they would have won anyway, but now with a larger vote share which doesn’t result in any more seats.
I hope for an election but just can’t see one with consistency in the polls as well as the cash the conservatives have . Besides people like ‘ know boris but dislike Corbyn (apart from airhead kids ).
Labour will need the SNP to win. The price will be an independent Scotland. That will mean a Tory majority here in England more or less for ever come the next Scotland free election. Labour will think very hard before they go down that road.
Person hosting a TV show no one has heard of is paid less than more famous person hosting a TV show everyone has heard of. Shocking stuff.
Thinking about it the lady will provide a service by . Perhaps , othering a glimpse of the policy ( if any ) that the state broadcaster uses regards “compensation ‘ or as decent working people say ‘Pay’ or ‘wages ‘ .
After all last weeks’ ofcom report called for more transparency …
I don’t know and don’t care about the rights and wrongs of the case, but any in-fighting at Al-beeb is good news. May it tear itself apart. And if those still paying the extortion tax have to cover the legal bills and the obscene salaries, more fool them.
BBC’s Samira Ahmed at employment tribunal at 9am:
*Already got backpay after being paid 50% less than male colleague on Radio 4
*Now seeking backpay after receiving 85% less for hosting Newswatch than Jeremy Vine got for Points of View
*BBC says the programmes are very different”
“Samira Ahmed was paid £465/episode for a 15 minute program
compared to Jeremy Vine who was paid £3000 for program of similar format
They’re all paid too bloody much for what they do – whether man/woman or other. I don’t care if its £465 for 15 minutes work (nearly 2 grand an hour) or £3K they aint saving lives. And when I read who is the highest paid on tv for doing f…. all except read an autocue then that pees me off worse than Brexit.
Yes. I noticed how JHB is constantly feeding anti Trump material. Yesterday she was re- tweeting someone claiming that the photo of Trump watching the raid was a fake, and not correcting that same person’s statement that Trump had left the Kurds in danger, when Trump appears to have negotiated a successful ceasefire. Me-thinks the Lady is keeping in with the BBC.
Then this guy says’ it can’t be *live* cos Trump was playing golf at the time of the raid
and the laptops are unplugged’
#1 Em that’s a STRAWMAN, cos the WH tweets did NOT say the photo shows the room at the exact moment of the hit
It could well be that they lined up for the photo before the operation began and then kicked the photographer out the room.
The army team on the ground had a job to do, it made no difference to them whether someone was live watching them in the White House, cos all the WH can do is OK the raid to start. Once it’s started the local commander has control.
The big thing to me is that the Trump haters
deceived by omitting context.
They didn’t quote the original tweets or say where the photo came from.
Instead I had to dig for it.
What part of ‘we do not want an extension’ did the EU not get?
Expect some smuggery from the BBC today. We are staying in another few months.
Thanks, Benn, you got what you wanted. Here is to a split vote and a Labour government before Xmas and of course, more smuggery from the BBC. I seriously hope not!
The Queen can’t be expected to take on the liberal establishment deep state by declaring that there must be a GE. All the civil servants who advise her will be 100% Remainer and we can imagine what they will be telling her.
It seems like we are now 95 days until we leave the Reich EU again . Any bets on the date of the next extension ? I’m going for April 1.
As I write this I’m sitting in an airport lounge to leave Blighty . I thought when I return next week I wouldn’t be a ‘citizen ‘ of the ReichEU any more ….
The bigger point here is that Micron has now caved twice to his Mutti, who probably threatened to put him over her knee if he didn’t behave. If anyone really needs any proof that the EU is run by a single individual – Merkle in Berlin then this is it.
Thoughtful- I think that’s cos that’s where the money is?
The present Germany is actually a non-assertive, Green, soft liberal state. The Germans are pretty sick of ‘Mutti’. They would be happy to let the French lead in Europe. Macron has to play second fiddle only because France is not where the money is.
Money speaks.
BBC £3.5 billion news service with reporters on salaries of £250K paid under threat of prosecution … what is the cost of each letter used in the report ‘ouch’ to the TV BBC Tax Payer.
I thought reporters help to expand on the news and give context?
BBC £3.5 billion news service with reporters on salaries of £250K paid under threat of prosecution … what is the cost of each letter used in the report 'ouch' to the TV BBC Tax Payer.
I thought reporters help to expand on the news and give context?
Interesting to see how our favourite arbiter of all things ethnic will react if England are fined by the WRFU. Their ‘disrespect of the cultural ritual protocol’ that is the All Blacks absurd, confrontational, intrinsically pathetic and thoroughly unsporting ‘haka’ was an excellent and entirely valid response.
The V-sign, for all its coarse symbolism attributed by some sensitive souls, has been an accepted reaction to intimidation since Agincourt. The England team should be applauded for their refusal to be cowed by one ‘cultural ritual’ and returning a far more simple and straightforward one of their own.
“England players formed a V formation to stare down the All Blacks’ pre-match ritual and then went on to claim a famous 19-7 win.
But six English players illegally crossed the halfway line during their haka challenge and British media expect World Rugby to consider on Monday whether any punishment will be handed out.”
Surely it was the refs job to put them the right side of the line
..bit late to complain now
England should bring on some tables and chairs, brew some tea in a T Pot, drink then politely clap (with sarcastic undertones )when the AllBlacks have finished dancing
It seems to me to be quite reasonable to ask who is in charge of the country today?
The obvious answer is parliament though whose coalition will decide this afternoon on holding an election?
The president of the EU council has more power than our PM. On Breakfast they ran a film of Corbyn complaining about ‘another unelected Tory PM’. Clearly he forgot about unelected Brown, elected (all be it after a year and in a coalition) May and the multiple offers of an election by Johnson turned down by Corbyn.
The following is what I am about to send to my MP:
I have contacted you before prior to either the Council or European elections. I said that I am a natural Conservative voter but planning to not vote for the Conservative Party again. Now, however, I could find myself voting for you in a General Election but only in certain circumstances.
The “deal” that Mr Johnson has been handed by the EU is only marginally better than the terrible one foisted on Mrs May. If the Conservative Party campaigns on trying to get the revised deal instituted then it will be slaughtered in the General Election as the Brexit Party will take almost half their votes in current Conservative seats. I couldn’t vote Conservative if this deal is in the manifesto so the Brexit Party would get my vote in those circumstances. It would be the Conservative Party’s fault that Corbyn or McDonnell would become PM leading an extreme-left coalition including the Liberal “Democrats” and the Scottish and Welsh National Socialist parties. The country would be destroyed but not the fault of us voting for the Brexit Party, but the fault of the Conservative leadership not pushing for true Brexit.
Mr Johnson must make a deal with Mr Farage with the terms of “No-deal” or “Clean Break” as Mr F. calls it. The Brexit Party would then leave Conservative seats with Brexiteers, like yourself, alone and you would be re-elected with an increased majority. The Conservative Party should stand down in un-winnable seats, say in the North of England, to allow the Brexit Party to add Brexit supporting, ex-Labour supporting, votes to the small number of Conservatives in those constituencies. As an electoral pact you could, between you, win a decent majority in the Commons and true Brexit can be implemented and the whole country can then get on our lives.
I hope I can vote for you, as I like you and I am a natural Conservative but any platform less than full Brexit would mean I could not do so. The Leader of the House could become the Go-between between the two parties and deal with his sister who, famously, is an MEP for the Brexit Party.
@Demon You know what TLDNR means ?
I reckon in 2019 an MP is unlikely to read a long letter
Just tweet him/her a short message
and also add it to their Facebook page
If you attach a small video that’ll be be even more traction
But if he is retiring or has a huge majority he won’t care anyway
Stew, thanks for the advice. I just feel that I have a lot I want to say to him and point out the dangers of following their current trajectory. I will seriously consider what you said.
Please say what this catfish thing is as well as the TLD thingy is . Is it something to do with the railways ?
And a general plea – as moderator – can people please avois ‘ in the in the know ‘ shorthand here . For example. – people refer to ‘ toenails ‘ who I think is the Robinson chap on Toady . I don’t know why he is called ‘ toenails ‘ but if I don’t know I’m sure there are others a whole wonder wtf ?
The gay thing and bottom feeders and catfish is also thankfully an unknown to me , but if people use it here they should explain it . Unless of course I have to censor it . …
Amazing how quickly the Gestapo were able to put together the pieces of the people smuggling ring after the event. Makes you wonder why they didn’t do anything sooner, unless of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are telling them to turn a blind eye to the continuing illegal migration which should never even bear thinking about with the Tories, but alas they are now nothing more than liberal apparachiks.
BBC and the other lefty media chortling the failure of Boris’s “dead in a ditch” promise. None covering the undemocratic bunch of reptiles in the house who stitched him up!
We will of course remember all of this when it comes to payback time at the now inevitable election!
Between them they have gained nothing and simply cost millions to UK businesses.
All those on the Soros payroll will be jubilant with no Brexit on the 31st. It’s ‘slo-mo’ death of Brexit by a thousand cuts. I’m quietly resigning myself to us staying in, “….despite Brexit.” “But they’ll get their comeuppance next election”. Too late and even then, I imagine they’ll stop any election before its begun. That’s the death of any democracy the World had conceived the UK spread to all four corners.
I still entertain faint, if most likely forlorn hopes that he will pull some rabbit out of the hat to nullify the Benn Act. If only to watch the Remainer apoplexy.
So, it looks like Leaving the EU has been deferred yet again.
My thought is why are we continuing to pay these rats? They are our servants and they’re not doing as they were told. We pay them to do a job for us. They refuse to do that job, so why are they still being paid?
Surely we should withhold any more payments to them until they fulfill their obligations to us, their paymasters.
Basically either via the ballot box , which people have less and less faith in after 2016, or via extra democratic peaceful measures, ie mass civil disobedience, like the JJs in France. In my view a mass refusal to pay the BBC LF would be a good first step. If millions refused to pay up it would demonstrate that there was mass anger at the political class andthe liberal establishment and that this anger could be directed to achieve significant objectives. It may wake the politicians up to the fact that there are playing with fire without doing any damage to anyone or anything save the foul BBC.
Yes, I floated that concept here yonks ago. What it wants is to stop all tax payments. That’ll put the cat amongst the pigeons. Maybe the ‘Taxpayers Alliance’ could suggest something? I did ask them some years ago and got no reply. Too revolutionary for them I guess. We’re all hamstrung with legislation – probably by design – crept in under the guise of tax changing legislation. Like gun law. The public? emasculated, intentionally no doubt.
G/jic -won’t you don’t get is they are not representatives -they are delegates ( or is it the other way round ?) anyway way – what it means is that people vote for them when they promise to do one thing and then they blatantly do another .
My pinup girl for this is the lovely ‘Heidi Allen ‘ -her you tube clips promising and honouring the outcome of the brexit vote is like porn to a 14 year old boy. How she can wake up in the morning and have any integrity is a testimony to how politicians can pervert themselves to keep their bottoms sitting on the bench in the commons .
The state broadcaster likes her although she is white which we all know is a bit of a downer these days .
1pm BBC Local RadioRemainer News
The newsreader seemed so enthusiastic to read out that Boris had failed to get Brexit on Oct31
Someone had DECIDED that they’d only play a clip of ChukaUmmuna’s response
A guy with NO local connection
… who sees extension as route to STOPPING Brexit
I don’t like Paul Embery cos he’s a Labour man, who believes in socialist dreams.
However I respect him cos he is a Brexiteer
and does so much to stand up to Labour conformity bullies.
I see after he served as a Fire Brigade Union rep for so many years , cos he dared (in his own name & own time) to stand on the same stage as Nigel Farage, they threw him out.
Here’s a good Spiked podcast
In the Times today there is an article on the 23% vote for the AfD in Thuringia yesterday. The article says the local AfD leader , a Herr Hoker , has been under investigation by the ‘ internal security services’. I commented that the large increase in the AfDvote madeit much more likely that Herr Hoker would be found guilty of something orother as this was the way in which the liberal establishment dealt with those who challenged it.
I specifically didn’t mention our own UK example of Tommy Robinson because I knew that the comment would be removed by theTimes censorif I did . But I was surprised that my comment re HerrHoker was removed .
Of course the Times has long since cracked down on anything that the woke folk might find offensive Whichof course is just about anything imaginable. Still I was surprised that such an innocuous comment was removed. Perhaps the German State doesn’t like a little gentle sarcasm being aimed at it and has calledfor solidarity from the woke MSM.
Seriously it is really getting to the point when it is virtually impossible to say or write anything which the wokist establishment doesn’t like. Melanie Phillips was on the New CultureForum lamenting that her last three booksk can’t be published in the UK , she has to get published in the USA, and that no large book store or chain will stock them in the UK. They are only available on Amazon. The crack down on what the public is allowed to know or hear is in full swing.
Yes Guardian comments are useless, cos any against party line tend to get deleted,
Whereas Times comments are really useful, but on certain woke topics eg TR they will either never open comments or delete them.
I haven’t looked for a while cos my Times password has now expired.
Double- This 23% is an admirable result, given the hysterical, non-stop attack on Hoeke and the AfD in the German MSM for weeks before the vote. It was apparently quite acceptable to label him ‘fascist’ and denigrate the AfD as a neo-Nazi party.
The MSM know perfectly well that this is a lie, but virtue-signalling remains a priority. The real problem is that the once conservative CDU has, under Merkel, drifted way over to the Left. At a national level, I should not be in the least surprised to see them entering into a coalition with the Greens at the next election.
They will do anything to maintain their grip on power, and fear losing votes to the AfD at every level of government. So generating anti-AfD sentiment, both at home and abroad, has become a pastime for them as well as the other ‘main’ parties as they shrink ever more rapidly into oblivion. The once mighty socialist SPD has all but vanished.
Very sad and very worrying . It seems they don’t learn that ideas can’t be extinguished . I can understand the thought process which leads to your situation . Someone thinks it will impress someone up the chain and onwards that goes .
No one has the gumption to say ‘ hang on -we are doing what the nazis did in the 1930s ‘ because they have no idea about the recent past . But let’s talk black slavery …
To get it to embed you need to put the tweet URL on a fresh line
Result! As it's winter remember when Keith Vaz turns on his heater at home he gets it paid as an expense due to using his house as a constituency office …. For the Many Expenses, Not the Few Expenses.
Kevin Connolly was on, talking about the Brextension that isn’t because it’s been turned into a Flextension. He mentioned that the EU 27 have to act in harmony. A sharper presenter than the Montacutie might have asked if that claim was true, thinking in particular of a time when Mutti acted unilaterally (against EU rules), since when the dead bodies have been piling up.
Here is a point, we keep calling them traitors. I’ve done it myself. But they are worse than that.
How I feel when I look at those Remain MP's who have discarded democracy in favour of their own selfish interests. I won't call them traitors, they've never had any loyalty to this country. They're mercenaries, mouths for hire…
Quick stop Brexit !…………………
\\Christmas meal treats ‘under threat’//
They are not broadcasters, they are fools and anyone that pays that Telly Tax is also a fool .
“Its chief executive, Nick Allen, told the BBC that wrapping cocktail sausages in bacon was done by hand.
He said the job was “fiddly and hard to mechanise”.”
Simple solution. Buy bacon, buy sausages, wrap them yourselves.
Christmas food has been under threat for years as, according to our major food retailers, only the 5% of people in the UK who are black celebrate Christmas.
(The 85% that are white, don’t have any culture and don’t celebrate anything [anyfink], accordingto the BBC).
Does make one wonder who is twinned with Keith Vas ? A Tory who can snort cocaine of the the bottom of a 14 boy seems to be the job qualification .
I like that ‘ twinning ‘ thing which is the early introduction to Corruption within their Commons when one from either side doesn’t need to turn up and or do any work .
After that comes the corruption of select committee and the free bees which come with that and the ‘ approval ‘ of the mafia / cum whips . Notice I’ve not mentioned any party yet cos the bastards have been running it for years .
In my naivity I thought the first act to be repealed By a new government would be the ‘ fixed term parliament act ‘ but then I realised any new MP of any party would sell their souls ( if they had one ) to keep it cos it’s a guaranteed 5 year pension Job.
( sorry if the first paragraph unduly aroused the 3am theatrical troll but theres always a price )
Keith Vaz has form – as they say and it goes way back, beyond trying to sell coke to his fellows at Westminster. He was heavily involved in a political cover-up, of a disclosure of child abuse in a certain part of London, where he worked in the next borough where young ‘boys’ in a council ‘care-home’ were ‘bussed-in’ for the entertainment of a select bunch of politicians. Vaz just knew a lot about was going on there (ELM GUEST HOUSE), as it was at one time ‘a pick up area’ outside. The Police never charged anyone and all evidence was later destroyed. Some of the names were well known Tory MP’s (it is alleged) but we will never know for sure. VAZ was there (nearby it seems) in the shadows. Perhaps gloating, but also that he knew far more than he could ever admit to parliament, or the Police.
BBC in full-on “get Boris” mode today, playing the “he didn’t get us out by 31st like he said he would” card until the corners are worn out and the picture on the front is no longer visible. Consistently biased. Beyond meaningful repair. Needs closing down.
Idiotboy – for once it seems quite fair . Yet another Tory who lied to the public about ‘ dying in a ditch ‘ . So after ‘ brexit Means brexit’ as well as ‘ strong and stable’ we know that Tory manifestos and words are equally meaningless —-and that the Cummings character is just another mentally challenged policy wonk in the same type as Alistair Campbell .
Stew- I also learn that my own complaints (made under FOI) to OFCOM (about the BBC) were later ignored (by OFCOM) as they did not go through the correct ‘BBC Complaints process’ which is filtered by a private company to offset liability – as far as possible. It seems, that only the most persistent and factually pin accurate charges (with video or radio evidence required, along with air-time and names involved) and that is a lengthy time-consuming process. You then get constant ‘denials’ by BBC junior Solicitors, who’s only job is to fob off BBC complaints. My own complaint was about the BBC Complaints procedure itself, made direct to OFCOM, who in true BBC fashion refused to reply, as I had not gone through the ‘proper’ BBC channels. I only learnt why in this report, that I am one of 2,600 or so that did not go through the proper channels of complaint. So it does not count as an actual ‘complaint’ against the BBC. But they do ‘count’ them. Mad isn’t it?
11pm R4 of course slot is given over to a black guy
What Radio4 for have been doing is simply playing the podcasts that he put on the internet last year 2018
Tonight’s is about is black guys coming through Libya
He has the woman on from the Libya Aid charity on
She claimed that the EU/UN send the Libyans $500m in 2017
and that is on a commission basis for migrants rescue.
So she claims the Libyans are still in enticing more Africans , cos the most they get to “rescue” the more money they get.
No challenging was made to that claim.
During the podcasts George appeals fr people to donate to her.
#Impartial ?
Last year @NimaCNN broke a story about black Africans sold for slavery in Libya. It led me to write Episode 7
Facebook falls for the myth that “Peer reviewed” =True
No it doesn’t it merely means it’s supposed to have been checked by peers
The problem is that some topics suffer such groupthink and confirmation bias that, reviewers don’t pick up obvious errors
..yet a man in a shed does
..Yet Facebook would consider his opinion worthless cos it’s not peer reviewed
At present there are 8 articles (out of about 26) on the BBCs UK web page concerning murdered, battered, missing or death-by-suicide females. Perhaps a BBC journalist could address this for us – is this a true representation of the proportion of crime against females, or is it just that these subjects are juicier clickbait for the viewer?
PS I watched the Astros/Nationals baseball game last night on TV, didn’t notice any particular loud booing when Trump and Melania waved to the crowd. In fact at times it seemed like the crowd were booing the team.
Times Review of Attenborough
“The message was that melting ice, rising sea levels and unusual weather events such as the gale that blew that albatross chick off the nest, its pink legs pummelling the air in its death throes, are part of the slow global car crash we are watching.
However, we can correct our mistakes, the cited resurgence of the whale population being an example.
… cameraman Rolf wept at the end, because the future of sites such as St Andrews Bay, South Georgia, now teeming with life, are under threat.
As Attenborough, in a new red parka, said,
“This might be the most critical moment for life on Earth since the continents formed.”
Programmes such as this act as the distress flare.
The ‘Albatross’ scene looked more like it was filmed on a bird table in Milton Keynes at the home of a registered handler who runs weekend master classes for would-be Countryfile calendar winners.
Labour MP John Mann switches. to House of Lords
and says he has sex scandal to expose.
Following John Mann's resignation as MP to join the House of Lords, here's an updated chart of the current composition of the House of Commons!
And of course one reason I know they have been sat on is that I personally raised them before, as did others, and on three complaints nothing has been done.
Bojo is either:
– a plant, an undercover operator for Remain, never a true Brexiteer
– or he’s switched sides again
– or he’s been offered a big reward for dumping on 17.4 million voters
– or he’s being blackmailed
– or anyone of the above plus being a bear of very small brain and very big mouth.
Bojo, you have around 72 hours to prove it ain’t so by coming up with a spiffing wheeze that gets the UK out of the EU with a no money No-Deal/Clean Break Brexit on 31 October 2019 or along with millions of others, I will be voting for The Brexit Party in the next General Election, a GE that you may lose.
Since Boris voted for May’s deal I have argued that his bid to become PM was May’s deal plan B. It looks very like that is the case.
An election near Christmas will give the electorate time to evaluate the Boris deal and the Tory Party and I believe it will result in many Brexiteers turning to the Brexit Party. Boris’s poll lead will not be that secure.
G.W.F., it is a bit like watching a very slow express train crash, preferably not on the Great Western line but elsewhere, seeing Bojo destroy his majority, his Party and his credibility.
One excuse after another from Labour. Everyone can see what's happening. They won't allow any acts to pass and they won't allow the people to have their say in a GE. They're a disgrace.
I actually watched this live, she was a DISGRACE !!! Vile woman , full of hate and entitlement !!! Listen to her cronies egging her on. Disgusting.
I watched this live and I thought her behavior was appalling, she was aggressive and her face was full of hate, Johnson is and always will be a balloon but on this occasion it was she who should be apologizing
Just Don’t Watch It .
I gave up last week after the Saturday sitting nonsense and then the thing about getting the sellout heard it 3 days .
We’ve gone past the stage of witnessing the shananagans of the commons . Apart from the coming announcement that Bercow is staying until the next renewal of A50 it’s just not worth it .
They really are just playing their parts . Try watching ‘ house ‘ on paramount channel -they’re on series 1still and it’s far funnier than those clowns pretending to be ‘ statesmen’ .
Cheers Fed !!! I have cut down my BBC exposure massively, as I was about to explode a couple of weeks back.
I caught a few minutes of this earlier and it was strangely compelling , after all the fuss about showing each other respect, to see that earlier was frankly staggering !!!
Great speech by Redwood though !!! Belter.
Now , back to emmerdale, the pub is having “meat free Monday’s” ! !!!! Give me strength !!! Lol
Im on a cruise ship to Spain. I was looking forward to visiting an EU country to return to an independent country but they swooped in their so no chance to get my hands on those new 50 pence pieces yet.
It sounds like Corbyn has bottled the election again although the BBC are keeping this quiet. He has his reason I am sure and I am sure that those reasons are a poll that shows Labour 16 points behind.
Back home Sunday and then back to the same old same old for a few more months until extension mania kicks in again
vladMar 6, 03:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here’s weasel Khan celebrating ‘diversity’. That’s code for celebrating the invasion and conquest of Islam and the fall of Britain.…
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
taffmanMar 5, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 Who is our government or Border Force (Farce ) is letting in to our country? We are in need of…
StewGreenMar 5, 23:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Patrick Christy’s report .. ..It’s ruined by shouty lefty Stella getting 80% of the speaking time She opts for…
Wow those weekends get shorter even with an extra hour! what you missed on Sunday
– short page 3 started 7pm Sunday
Douglas Murray :The Hate Crime Hoax, sneering from Jon Sopel
– page 2 started 9pm Saturday
: Locals knew that Purfleet was a transport hub for illegals,
Labour saying Leave-voters didn’t know workers rights would be different outside the EU, Sophie Ridge rubbish, ISIS boss killed,
The Limburg beheading media-blackout, The Cardiff Uni loaded question Brexit polling, Swedish girl speaking AGAINST Greta and PCness, AFNeil shouts media blackout on the bombing in Swden,
Now only disciples can see ProfBrianCoxes tweets,
Another sermon from Tele-eco-evangelist Harrabin
Ash Sarkar wearing a shirt with a Marx logo, BS from Ofcom and Sharon White,
A quick snapshot from Inoreader
Sweden’s descent into politically correct madness continues apace.
Coming to Britain soon, aided and abetted by al-beeb.
The strange suicide of Europe.
Watch and weep.
That PJW vid dates from 21 Feb 2018
So what? Things have only got worse since.
vlad, Stew is right to flag up the timeline thing. It is going to become increasingly important in future on any public forum (such as this one) to be very accurate, eg. dating of material, links, whether image manipulation has been applied, whether something is a joke (see Cassandra’s clever and very funny – and pointed – 8.53am post below) or is an image straight from camera or copyrighted or whatever.
Berlin Germany : racist police do anti-gang raids
and raided places like shisha cafes
.. well they did nab a Turkish paedophile
KTHopkins got some agro today
AFAIK Pakistanis always protest on October the 27th, it’s called Black Day in memory of what they say is Indian oppression
However this year the Hindu of Diwali is on the same day.
So Boris banned the protesters going near the Indian Embassy.
IMHO you shouldn’t counter protest against someones demo, cos that causes trouble.
So I think Katie may have been asking for trouble.
However someone should document if a protest is almost 100% male.
She has more balls than all our MPs put together.
The partition of India was a tragic mistake. Now they want to turn beautiful Kashmir into another muslim hellhole.
Isn’t it astonishing how brave these fifty Muslim men are bullying a lone white woman?
One interesting thing our bearded bully spouted was…
“You’re happy for the women to be raped in Kashmir.”
Actually, I’m not, but then…
I’m not happy that our own little girls are still being raped in Rotherham, Rochdale, Bristol and Leeds etc, etc, etc.
And guess who’s doing the raping…
Katie is worth following on Twitter and You Tube. I assume her days are numbered as our Government will find a way of removing her from social media. Probably repeated prosecutions for hatey hurtey speech crimes.
She’s showing her hair; stone her!
Now imagine if that had been a white man removing a hijab from a Pakistani woman. Hate crime only seems to work one way.
2 tier legal system right here in the UK.
My old man used to say that one day we would be second class citizens in our own country. That day arrived some time ago.
Maximum respect to Katie, anything can happen at an event like this, as these people are not rational. She showed great bravery.
I did not know it was Diwali yesterday, but I did wonder why there were so many fireworks round my way. It looks like there are more Hindus than I thought, but I do not mind them, as far as I know they do not plan to kill me.
Catching up on Radio 4’s Last Word this week I find it has been a good week for the famous, only four women that we have never heard of died!
Had it been four men that we had heard of then we would never have heard the end of it, probably a whole edition of Feedback!
Not BBC Bias but Moneybox reported on the failure of a ‘payday lender’. We were supposed to be sympathetic about a man who had taken out 14 loans and the regulator had decided that he shouldn’t have been given 12 of them.
It seems that if someone takes out a loan to pay off the previous loan then it is the lender’s fault for handing out the money, not the stupidity of the borrower for doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
Having said that millionaire Martin Lewis didn’t explain exactly where the borrower should/could get the money from.
Praise be to Allah that Cynan Jones’ totalling non-gripping T-W-E-L-V-E part Stillcide has finally come to an end. Unfortunately it is still taking up space on the Sounds server.
Martin Lewis said their shouldn’t be any “loan sharks” or payday lending corps
..why ? cos people should learn not to buy crap they don’t need.
Do Provident Cheques still exist ? because back in the day when I was at school in the 50’s, these ‘cheques’ meant I had new school uniforms. Mum paid it back at 1/- in the £ per week – and never defaulted. Dad got paid his wages in cash in a small brown envelope, so in their eyes only the wealthy had bank accounts.
Don’t corporations, especially banks, keep on rolling over their loans? Using other peoples’ money to make money – ROCE it is called – Return On Capital Employed. Individuals can do it to advantage, if careful, too.
Martin Lewis should know that.
@Brissles These days if you want to pay £600 for a £200 washing machine you buy it from Brighthouse, the easy payments shop.
Plus a credit card is still cheaper than payday lender
.. and you get 5 weeks free credit.
moneybox . It used to be about saving money and the limited ways of cutting personal taxation . Now it’s about claiming more benefits and ‘moral hazard ‘ of people who can’t control themselves and borrow too much money to fund a ‘lifestyle ‘ they cannot afford.
I listened for years but only tap in every once in a while. The presenter now is more ‘to the left ‘ than most state broadcasters me thinks . But then – I’m a not rich capitalist .
Mrs D is watching a recording of Attenborough’s latest, about Antarctica. I am doing my best to ignore it, because I know what will be coming. And sure enough, the phrase “climate change” can be heard from the TV at regular intervals. As I have been ignoring it, in order to keep blood pressure low, I can only guess at the context.
What a pity that the BBC’s constant harping on about its favoured agendas has rendered its nature programmes unwatchable. And encouraged Attenborough in his twilight years to turn into something of an end-of-the-world cultist. A world in which all but the great and good, of which he is of course one, must cease flying.
The BBC is so amateur that they just put up a video piece about coastal erosion in Ghana
.. except they didn’t notice the camera is pointing in the opposite direction so in the 2016 shot the sea is on the left, and on the AFTER 5 years shot, the sea is on the right.
By coastal erosion, they mean people living on sandbanks which every so often get bashed by huge storms (hence there are no 200 year old churches in the shot)
I wonder how Hilary Benn’s taxpayer funded coastal protection of his property is faring? Do his neighbours also benefit from our largesse, or is it just swamp rats?
Didn’t he also manage to divert the coastal path inland so that people could no longer walk between his property and the coast?
The Guardian article has open comments
Interesting that with 1,000 comments, the very first one is the most liked by far with 332 votes
.. Dermot Staivanker 9h ago
I think most people feel the BBC is biased *against corbyn* and *in favour of brexit.*
I’ve not had a Guardian account for 10 years so can’t click Like
They used to just ban you at a whim if you didn’t toe their metroliberal line.
Comment from Swanpride currently 98+
“Instead they are deliberately filling the audience at Question time with Brexiters”
News to all on this website.
A visit to the profile of this contributor reveals that the invasion is all about economics.
“But the investment is also starting to pay off. Due to a recent study it is expected that by 2022 they will earn us more than they cost. In other words: They turn out to be a long term net gain for the country, especially the Syrian refugees.”
Ignore the mass indigenous youth unemployment in the EU since 2008 (caused by EU economic policy). ignore the looming recession.
Ignore the rapes, the bombings, the stabbings, the burning of Christian churches etc, Islam is good for us.
Only in lying lefty land.
What proportion of moslem immigrants in Luton, etc, are on benefits? Has there been any study of this?
I don’t know, all I can say is that I see very few of them when I’m riding my bike to work through a predominantly immigrant area of Luton in the mornings. Black and white people are far more often encountered, including E. Europeans currently at a big building site. Minicabs are much in evidence still on residential driveways. Your experience may vary.
However, on your way home on a sunny afternoon in say, July? Well, you’re definitely in the minority if you don’t have a headscarf or a beard. Or both.
Banned years ago myself from the far, far, far, far left Guardian. Which still travels ever leftwards.
Here is DJT1Million on the BBC
“… when the news output is resolutely pro-brexit”
Really? Let us resolutely scrutinise its profile.
“To have any chance of getting through this mess, millions of us are going to have to vote tactically and that will means some voting Labour or Lib Dem whilst holding their noses. Some things are more important than tribalism.”
Such as tribalism, and blocking 17.4 million inconvenient votes.
Bollox to Brexit in the blood of Guardianistas, as certain as Blackpool rock having, well Blackpool, down the centre.
How would voting Labour or Lib Dem ever be of tactical advantage?
If the BBC believed in democracy the DG would make a statement –
“Many of you asked that I personally review coverage of the brexit referendum. I have done so and looked carefully at all of the remainer arguments that have been made.”
“This is not a finely balanced and difficult judgement and we have decided that the matter is settled.”
“I have therefore asked the editorial and leadership teams to discuss how we manage live exchanges on air around this topic in future.”
“Our impartiality is fundamental to our journalism and is what our audiences expect of us.”
[modelled on an actual proclamation]
Morrissey has been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
BBC Moaning emole:
Mystery of the skeleton hijacked by Nazis and Soviets
For decades, archaeologists have grappled with the identity of a 10th-Century skeleton discovered at Prague Castle, and the remains were exploited by both the Nazis and Soviets for ideological purposes. But attempts to pin a clear ethnic label on a 1,000-year-old corpse perhaps reveal more about us than him.
Maybe xe identified as female?
Below is a striking picture that Al-beeb won’t be showing you any time soon.
It shows Hungarian leader Viktor Orban praying with Nick Vujicic, an Australian evangelist and motivational speaker who was born without arms or legs.
Al-beeb prefer to demonise Orban for the unforgivable crimes of being a Christian, loving his country and preferring not to see it overrun by an inimical and alien ideology.
He doesn’t want to see it go the way of Sweden.
“When we draw the boundaries of our identity, we mark out Christian culture as the source of our pride and sustaining strength. Christianity is a culture and a civilisation. It is within this that we live. The essence is not how many people go to church, or how many pray with true devotion. Culture is the reality of everyday life: how we speak and behave towards one another; the distance we keep from one another and how we approach one another; how we enter this world, and how we leave it. For European people, Christian culture determines the morals of our daily lives. In borderline situations, this gives us a benchmark and a compass. Amidst the contradictions of life, Christian culture shows us the way. It determines our understanding of justice and injustice, the relationship between men and women, family, success, work and honour.
The fundamental elements of European life are now under attack. There is now a threat to the self-evident nature of European life… The essence of culture is that if it is not self-evident, we the people will lose our reference points: one will have no footholds, and one will have nothing against which to check one’s clock or one’s compass. Regardless of whether or not we attend church—or if so, which one we attend—we do not want to be forced to celebrate Christmas behind drawn curtains to avoid hurting the feelings of others…
We do not want our Christmas markets to be rebranded, and we definitely do not want to have to retreat behind concrete barriers. We do not want our children to be deprived of the joys of Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus and the Christmas angels. We do not want to be robbed of the Feast of the Resurrection. We do not want our religious festivals and ceremonies to be haunted by anxiety and fear. We do not want our women and daughters to be molested in crowds of New Year’s Eve revellers…”
Couldn’t agree more. Especially the bit about not counting how many people go to church – that is just one facet..Christian culture doesn’t require us to be constantly prostate to a our god but to live and treat others as we would want to be treated…Unfortunately the leaders of the CoE in the UK are a bunch of Woke virtue signalling self important creatures who seem unable to relate to the vast bulk of the country..rant over sorry
Ranting is good. And cheaper than a therapist.
In my local parish the new bishop bought in some of those false accountancy thingies like counting how many people come to Mass . He says it’s because they can’t get priests now . Since the state broadcaster is , in my view , an instrument of the devil – anti Christian – and pro a false prophet – there is no surprise that chaps aren’t attracted to the CofE or RC now . Things change though
From what I see and hear of them, the leaders, priests and vicars of birth the CofE and RC churches are no longer Christians.
They may as well call themselves pagans because that’s what they most resemble.
The Bible is as relevant today as it always was –
1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
Celtic, old St Peter’s doing quite well today for coverage, isn’t he … 😉
I stutter to go too far into theology on this biased bbc site but …
John – that’s a broad brush I can’t respect and I think the devil might have got to you . There are plenty of serious bad sinners in these outfits but I don’t believe it’s a ‘majority ‘in my version of Christianity .
Fedup2, I agree we’re all sinners and only through the grace of Jesus Christ can we be saved. I believe that and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
My views are based on what I see; for example, an Archbishop of Canterbury ( Rowan Williams) who is also a druid? The Pope allowing pagan idols and pagan worship in a Christian Church. The evidence is all to obvious to me.
Fed, sadly, now with 39 dead bodies in Essex mortuaries, we have to ask about links between Roman Catholics in Viet Nam and Roman Catholics in various positions of power and authority within the EU hierarchies, including those less visible to scrutiny.
It could very well be just that. In fact, I rather hope it is.
I am afraid that the very much more sinister alternative might also well be true.
PS: There are many Protestants, of all sorts – not necessarily evangelical or CoE – who pray for the revival of the Church and that would include their own denominations and others. I know for certain [I have my sources 😉 a friend spent childhood in his church] that Rev Ian Paisley Snr prayed for Catholics and for the spiritual revival and restoration of the Roman Catholic Church, even at the height of The Troubles.
Up2- I think it’s pushing it a bit to link the RC church with 39 people from Vietnam who died from hypothermia hours or days before they left the EU Reich and left the taxpayers of Essex to clear up the mess .
Connecting religion and bodies in boxes is a bit too much .
As for what you say about Paisley – thankfully he is dead – together with Mcguiness. But sadly not other in the IRA . yet . I’ll have a quiet jig the day jerry Adams passes .
Fed, the big question is why did a bunch of so-called Christians, in a country where they are no longer persecuted and is not at war and is said to be doing quite well economically (the tiger economy in ASEAN?) hand over loads of money to traffickers to get them illegally into the UK via the EU?
Why were they prepared to break the law?
It just doesn’t add up.
Until you add something deeper and more sinister into the mix.
I don’t wish to prolong this discussion but I thought this was worth posting in the light of my earlier comments. It’s only about 3 minutes long and I found Bishop Schneider’s comments at the end interesting and pertinent:
I think as you do Vlad as millions of others think the same in this respect-that piece should be posted in every council office throughout the UK, all over Parliament, on the underground and over ground transport systems, in fact every dam where. We shall have to fight to regain our culture our Christian indentity our way of life, as the powers of evil that now surround us on all fronts will continue to undermine us one way or another. Strange but people in general I feel do not believe us? What do they believe? The rotten core of individuals now in charge of Brussles/EU-destined to ruin the 27/28 countries that make up a weak trembling Europe. I pray we leave without a deal, good bad or indifferent we shall be free of the that socialistic control.
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
That’s from 2009
The 2019 one is to the right.
TOADY Watch #1 – Untitled
The Sweater Swinson comes in for a pally chat with JustRemainIn Webb. Bit early in the day for a man still with his mind on the ruggerbee in Japan at the weekend. He’s forgotten the script and drops the Sweater in ‘it’ by stating on air that she has been traitorously conniving with EU leaders.
Is that legal? For someone outside the Government to negotiate with EU leaders?
According to The Sweater, the PM lies and cannot be trusted.
On the evidence clumsily provided by Justin, M/s Swinson also cannot be trusted by UK voters.
Since the unDemocrats have cornered the market of remaining ( until the Labour Party joined in to split the vote) the lovely Ms Swinson thought she had a clear way to connive and sell out Blighty for her cause .
With all those ambitious traitors who joined her party I would think she is getting a bit nervous about being deposed by a chuka or Soubry or – or so she has to come up with stuff like no brexit however many people vote to leave .
I really hope she does a 2020 calendar …
As an aside – there is a lovely piece about a lady democrat senator who has had to resign for some sexual thing in the states – she was on the impeachment committee so Pres Trumps weekend got even better .
I hope he releases the ‘kill’ video and that the army dog is going to recover from his injuries .. our thoughts and prayers are with the pooch ….
Fed “I really hope she does a 2020 calendar … ”
I ain’t buying if she does!
0k – the idea for a bit of a ‘tease ‘ and in the interests of equality perhaps the outgoing Speaker could do a calendar as well showing him in various poses of threatening , bullying and making his ‘I am ‘ speeches ….
…. unless of course he recanted on leaving using the sane excuse he used last year “ I need to see Brexit through “.
Fed, I guessed. 🙂 It’s just that the thought of a calendar from the person pictured on the BBC w-s today was just too much for Snuffy early in the morn.
It’s nearly 2.30pm but Snuffy still ain’t buyin’ !
Have a good trip. Is it Mediterranean oriented; if so I trust the sun will shine on you. Safe travels.
I’m becoming paranoid. Today, I took from Toady all I need on a short visit and just before the ‘Thought For the Day’ and the risk of hearing ‘Mona Sidiq’ (Professor of Islamic Studies) or another negative propagandist, I did what many here do: I flicked over to Classic FM. Only to hear a familiar voice referring to a ‘Guardian article’ and its reporter. The issue? “Climate Emergency”! The Classic FM conveyor of this propaganda? John Humphreys”. Off button immediately.
Clearly the likes of Soros and his Marxist Shock Troops has seen Classic FM as a refuge for people like me and I guess many here, hence the now growing ‘News’ summaries from Moira Stewart. She moved in some months ago and has been progressively elongating her, ‘News’ slot steadily in that time. Now must we add Classic FM to our revulsion for the BBC?
Bad move Classic FM.
ClassicFM is becoming the rest home for old BBC retirees looking to pad out the pension a bit more.
And those ‘familiar’ voices simply remind me to pop over to the internet channels.
They’ve got sneaky in the morning springing the voice of gloom with ‘Global News’ at odd moments in the hour now, so between Jon, Bill, Moira and Alice I may just forgo endless dire ads for old biddies.
Isn’t it easier to just pop along to Woolworth’s and buy That’s What I Call Classic Music – Volume 59 and play it on ‘loop’?
Woolworth’s? Long gone.
Jokes too?
Would that be on the old Embassy label ???
Jokes have been outlawed. Rebranded as hate speech.
Not in Australia.
TOADY Watch #2 – Fraught for the Day
G, if you had stayed with R4 you could instead have had a Bishop from Bolton (or some such – does Bolton have a Cathedral?) as your TftD, instead of the Moaning Siddiqi.
The Bishop from Bolton based his TftD on bodies. He claimed the dead VietNamese people were financially poor, despite the fact they had probably paid their traffickers tens of thousands of dollars to get them into the UK illegally.
The Bishop claimed these people are everywhere, working in cafes, restaurants and nail bars and that they were ‘invisible’ to ‘us’ and we should ‘notice’ them. (This irrespective of the fact that should you notice an illegal immigrant then strictly speaking you should inform the authorities of their presence and the crime.)
He then sort of misapplied a passage from Scripture to their plight although, in truth, the passage did actually have a comment to be made on people trafficking and crime in general. Luke Chapter 13 refers.
The point the Bishop did not make was that Satan grabs hold of people (and, I think, organisations as well – not necessarily ones that set out with criminal intent) and uses them for his evil purposes. Trafficking, the EU and Mutti being very fine examples of that fact. 1 Peter ch.5 verse 8 refers.
Edit update on Bolton’s status: it is a town, does not have a cathedral but does have a Bishop. What a gas!
“This irrespective of the fact that should you notice an illegal immigrant then strictly speaking you should inform the authorities of their presence and the crime.”
Here is a little illustration for you of how our cowardly useless incompetent administative elite view this.
You know the number to call in an emergency – what is the number you call to report illegal immgrants working in the UK?
The fact that it’s not an easily available number tells you all you need to know about the way the government supports illegal migration.
T, apparently the people living in south central and south west Essex had been informing the Police (via 999?) about illegal migrants – if the newspaper reports are correct – and they had taken no action.
The EU charges the UK a supplement on its Budget Contribution if it deems our economy has been too successful in profiting from crime, such as illegal narcotics, prostitution and trafficking. I don’t know whether this is only something for the UK to bear.
When Mutti unilaterally threw open the EU’s borders back in 2015, it was claimed just a year later that people trafficking was a €5billion+ business for Europe. I wonder if Germany pays an EU Budget Contribution supplement for that?
Do you like jazz at all? Below is a link to one of my favourite radio stations. Swiss Jazz. I discovered it on holiday a number of years ago and was delighted to discover it’s available on the interweb for fee.
Hardly any talking , just a variety of non stop jazz and blues. I never did like talking on the radio. I don’t know why anyone puts up with it.
Lucy, thanks for that tip. Hope it can be accessed via DAB.
I’m still cross about the BBC’s racism over rugby fans singing Sweet Chariot. Any excuse for linking to this, I think, is a good one:
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free of the BBC’s racism, sexism, EUism and all its other isms.
That is their aim G to control our minds our thinking and anything else we may have thought was free, through TV, Radio and the Socialistic Media-mass demonstration and entry into BBC HQ London W1, take charge of all broadcasting, and sack all the TV journalists and News Speakers, without redress. Good Idea? Of course, whose with me? Oh! only you, well that’s that then.
Yes, I’ve pointed out the Moira Stewart phenomenon here, before. We don’t need a news bulletin every twenty minutes, even less so if it’s “read” by her – her voice antagonises me bigly, and she’s no longer that good at reading, either.
I’m not keen on the Blue Peter style presentation of the usual breakfast man – at least Humphrys made it a bit more bearable, for a time.
Most of the media are carry news of a possible general election, and here are a few facts you should know.
The backers of an election aside from the hopeless Tories are the SNP and the Fib Dems, both of whom believe they are going to be net winners in any election.
The Tories also believe they will win, however they are going to lose despite having the same polling advantage as Teresa May did before going to the polls.
Ruth Davidson who saved toxic Tess from defeat has resigned and at least half those seats will now go SNP.
Remainers of all shades see a credible remain (wasted) vote with the Fib Dems.
In inner cities thanks to the total utter incompetence of the Tories in promoting mass migration Labour will take full control .
In marginal areas the Tories will lose thanks to migration Remain votes and their utter incompetence forming some kind of alliance with the Brexit party.
The only place the Tories will increase the vote share is in safe constituencies which they would have won anyway, but now with a larger vote share which doesn’t result in any more seats.
I hope for an election but just can’t see one with consistency in the polls as well as the cash the conservatives have . Besides people like ‘ know boris but dislike Corbyn (apart from airhead kids ).
Labour will need the SNP to win. The price will be an independent Scotland. That will mean a Tory majority here in England more or less for ever come the next Scotland free election. Labour will think very hard before they go down that road.
Thinking about it the lady will provide a service by . Perhaps , othering a glimpse of the policy ( if any ) that the state broadcaster uses regards “compensation ‘ or as decent working people say ‘Pay’ or ‘wages ‘ .
After all last weeks’ ofcom report called for more transparency …
Already is on twitter, bless her.
Jez hampered by banning a few who might be supporters.
Or not.
I don’t know and don’t care about the rights and wrongs of the case, but any in-fighting at Al-beeb is good news. May it tear itself apart. And if those still paying the extortion tax have to cover the legal bills and the obscene salaries, more fool them.
BBC’s Samira Ahmed at employment tribunal at 9am:
*Already got backpay after being paid 50% less than male colleague on Radio 4
*Now seeking backpay after receiving 85% less for hosting Newswatch than Jeremy Vine got for Points of View
*BBC says the programmes are very different”
“Samira Ahmed was paid £465/episode for a 15 minute program
compared to Jeremy Vine who was paid £3000 for program of similar format
Hmm How are these two scenarios comparable ?
BBC : “Samira will you work for £465/episode”
Samira “OK”
BBC : “Jeremy we’d love you to present our show”
Jeremy Vine’s agent “Our Jeremy won’t do it unless you give him £3K/episode”
Not wishing to seem unkind though the holiday stand in was much better.
Also what’s the point of another programme to tell us how good State Broadcaster is? We know already.
They’re all paid too bloody much for what they do – whether man/woman or other. I don’t care if its £465 for 15 minutes work (nearly 2 grand an hour) or £3K they aint saving lives. And when I read who is the highest paid on tv for doing f…. all except read an autocue then that pees me off worse than Brexit.
This morning JHB and LBC were doing “Orange Man Bad”
.. ‘Oh that Trump used unpresidential language in saying he died like a dog, Obama wouldn’t have said that’
Yes. I noticed how JHB is constantly feeding anti Trump material. Yesterday she was re- tweeting someone claiming that the photo of Trump watching the raid was a fake, and not correcting that same person’s statement that Trump had left the Kurds in danger, when Trump appears to have negotiated a successful ceasefire. Me-thinks the Lady is keeping in with the BBC.
The Trump haters try to say “Trump lied” when actually Trump didn’t say anything
@Scavino45 the WH social media director published a tweet stream with a photo of Trump and team staring towards the camera as if the camera was underneath a screen
A second tweet labels the staff and the third says tweet says “Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019, in the Situation Room of the White House monitoring developments as U.S. Special Operations forces close in”
Then this guy says’ it can’t be *live* cos Trump was playing golf at the time of the raid
and the laptops are unplugged’
#1 Em that’s a STRAWMAN, cos the WH tweets did NOT say the photo shows the room at the exact moment of the hit
It could well be that they lined up for the photo before the operation began and then kicked the photographer out the room.
The army team on the ground had a job to do, it made no difference to them whether someone was live watching them in the White House, cos all the WH can do is OK the raid to start. Once it’s started the local commander has control.
The big thing to me is that the Trump haters
deceived by omitting context.
They didn’t quote the original tweets or say where the photo came from.
Instead I had to dig for it.
What part of ‘we do not want an extension’ did the EU not get?
Expect some smuggery from the BBC today. We are staying in another few months.
Thanks, Benn, you got what you wanted. Here is to a split vote and a Labour government before Xmas and of course, more smuggery from the BBC. I seriously hope not!
A bit of nostalgia. HMS Vanguard –
Watch the short video and weep. The Queen playing on the deck with sailors……………. Where is this woman when she is needed?
The Queen can’t be expected to take on the liberal establishment deep state by declaring that there must be a GE. All the civil servants who advise her will be 100% Remainer and we can imagine what they will be telling her.
We must all have asked ourselves this question at some point.
RD, huh?
I don’t know either. But apparently it’s important to the BBC.
RD, I’m trying hard to avoid clickbait. I saw that one and succeeded.
What’s catfish?
On a Gay App, bottom feeders I’m guessing
Brilliant RD. That comment has made my day.
It seems like we are now 95 days until we leave the Reich EU again . Any bets on the date of the next extension ? I’m going for April 1.
As I write this I’m sitting in an airport lounge to leave Blighty . I thought when I return next week I wouldn’t be a ‘citizen ‘ of the ReichEU any more ….
The bigger point here is that Micron has now caved twice to his Mutti, who probably threatened to put him over her knee if he didn’t behave. If anyone really needs any proof that the EU is run by a single individual – Merkle in Berlin then this is it.
Thoughtful- I think that’s cos that’s where the money is?
The present Germany is actually a non-assertive, Green, soft liberal state. The Germans are pretty sick of ‘Mutti’. They would be happy to let the French lead in Europe. Macron has to play second fiddle only because France is not where the money is.
Money speaks.
Wrong way round, Thoughtful. Macron has more likely caved in to Merkle after she promised to put him over her knee.
We were stitched up on the way in, so the elite think its all right to stitch us up on the way out. Par for the political course.
Interesting to see how our favourite arbiter of all things ethnic will react if England are fined by the WRFU. Their ‘disrespect of the cultural ritual protocol’ that is the All Blacks absurd, confrontational, intrinsically pathetic and thoroughly unsporting ‘haka’ was an excellent and entirely valid response.
The V-sign, for all its coarse symbolism attributed by some sensitive souls, has been an accepted reaction to intimidation since Agincourt. The England team should be applauded for their refusal to be cowed by one ‘cultural ritual’ and returning a far more simple and straightforward one of their own.
“England players formed a V formation to stare down the All Blacks’ pre-match ritual and then went on to claim a famous 19-7 win.
But six English players illegally crossed the halfway line during their haka challenge and British media expect World Rugby to consider on Monday whether any punishment will be handed out.”
Surely it was the refs job to put them the right side of the line
..bit late to complain now
England should bring on some tables and chairs, brew some tea in a T Pot, drink then politely clap (with sarcastic undertones )when the AllBlacks have finished dancing
Empty, brilliant – love it!
It seems to me to be quite reasonable to ask who is in charge of the country today?
The obvious answer is parliament though whose coalition will decide this afternoon on holding an election?
The president of the EU council has more power than our PM. On Breakfast they ran a film of Corbyn complaining about ‘another unelected Tory PM’. Clearly he forgot about unelected Brown, elected (all be it after a year and in a coalition) May and the multiple offers of an election by Johnson turned down by Corbyn.
So who elected the president of the EU council?
Poor old BBC.
Two of their ‘pet projects’, maintaining our EU membership and Global Warming & Climate Change have just clashed:
A BBC Scare Story for the first gets dumped on by protagonists for the second.
Sad, really.
The following is what I am about to send to my MP:
I have contacted you before prior to either the Council or European elections. I said that I am a natural Conservative voter but planning to not vote for the Conservative Party again. Now, however, I could find myself voting for you in a General Election but only in certain circumstances.
The “deal” that Mr Johnson has been handed by the EU is only marginally better than the terrible one foisted on Mrs May. If the Conservative Party campaigns on trying to get the revised deal instituted then it will be slaughtered in the General Election as the Brexit Party will take almost half their votes in current Conservative seats. I couldn’t vote Conservative if this deal is in the manifesto so the Brexit Party would get my vote in those circumstances. It would be the Conservative Party’s fault that Corbyn or McDonnell would become PM leading an extreme-left coalition including the Liberal “Democrats” and the Scottish and Welsh National Socialist parties. The country would be destroyed but not the fault of us voting for the Brexit Party, but the fault of the Conservative leadership not pushing for true Brexit.
Mr Johnson must make a deal with Mr Farage with the terms of “No-deal” or “Clean Break” as Mr F. calls it. The Brexit Party would then leave Conservative seats with Brexiteers, like yourself, alone and you would be re-elected with an increased majority. The Conservative Party should stand down in un-winnable seats, say in the North of England, to allow the Brexit Party to add Brexit supporting, ex-Labour supporting, votes to the small number of Conservatives in those constituencies. As an electoral pact you could, between you, win a decent majority in the Commons and true Brexit can be implemented and the whole country can then get on our lives.
I hope I can vote for you, as I like you and I am a natural Conservative but any platform less than full Brexit would mean I could not do so. The Leader of the House could become the Go-between between the two parties and deal with his sister who, famously, is an MEP for the Brexit Party.
@Demon You know what TLDNR means ?
I reckon in 2019 an MP is unlikely to read a long letter
Just tweet him/her a short message
and also add it to their Facebook page
If you attach a small video that’ll be be even more traction
But if he is retiring or has a huge majority he won’t care anyway
Stew, thanks for the advice. I just feel that I have a lot I want to say to him and point out the dangers of following their current trajectory. I will seriously consider what you said.
Please say what this catfish thing is as well as the TLD thingy is . Is it something to do with the railways ?
And a general plea – as moderator – can people please avois ‘ in the in the know ‘ shorthand here . For example. – people refer to ‘ toenails ‘ who I think is the Robinson chap on Toady . I don’t know why he is called ‘ toenails ‘ but if I don’t know I’m sure there are others a whole wonder wtf ?
The gay thing and bottom feeders and catfish is also thankfully an unknown to me , but if people use it here they should explain it . Unless of course I have to censor it . …
Amazing how quickly the Gestapo were able to put together the pieces of the people smuggling ring after the event. Makes you wonder why they didn’t do anything sooner, unless of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are telling them to turn a blind eye to the continuing illegal migration which should never even bear thinking about with the Tories, but alas they are now nothing more than liberal apparachiks.
BBC and the other lefty media chortling the failure of Boris’s “dead in a ditch” promise. None covering the undemocratic bunch of reptiles in the house who stitched him up!
We will of course remember all of this when it comes to payback time at the now inevitable election!
Between them they have gained nothing and simply cost millions to UK businesses.
All those on the Soros payroll will be jubilant with no Brexit on the 31st. It’s ‘slo-mo’ death of Brexit by a thousand cuts. I’m quietly resigning myself to us staying in, “….despite Brexit.” “But they’ll get their comeuppance next election”. Too late and even then, I imagine they’ll stop any election before its begun. That’s the death of any democracy the World had conceived the UK spread to all four corners.
I still entertain faint, if most likely forlorn hopes that he will pull some rabbit out of the hat to nullify the Benn Act. If only to watch the Remainer apoplexy.
So, it looks like Leaving the EU has been deferred yet again.
My thought is why are we continuing to pay these rats? They are our servants and they’re not doing as they were told. We pay them to do a job for us. They refuse to do that job, so why are they still being paid?
Surely we should withhold any more payments to them until they fulfill their obligations to us, their paymasters.
So, the question is can it be done and how?
Basically either via the ballot box , which people have less and less faith in after 2016, or via extra democratic peaceful measures, ie mass civil disobedience, like the JJs in France. In my view a mass refusal to pay the BBC LF would be a good first step. If millions refused to pay up it would demonstrate that there was mass anger at the political class andthe liberal establishment and that this anger could be directed to achieve significant objectives. It may wake the politicians up to the fact that there are playing with fire without doing any damage to anyone or anything save the foul BBC.
Yes, I floated that concept here yonks ago. What it wants is to stop all tax payments. That’ll put the cat amongst the pigeons. Maybe the ‘Taxpayers Alliance’ could suggest something? I did ask them some years ago and got no reply. Too revolutionary for them I guess. We’re all hamstrung with legislation – probably by design – crept in under the guise of tax changing legislation. Like gun law. The public? emasculated, intentionally no doubt.
G/jic -won’t you don’t get is they are not representatives -they are delegates ( or is it the other way round ?) anyway way – what it means is that people vote for them when they promise to do one thing and then they blatantly do another .
My pinup girl for this is the lovely ‘Heidi Allen ‘ -her you tube clips promising and honouring the outcome of the brexit vote is like porn to a 14 year old boy. How she can wake up in the morning and have any integrity is a testimony to how politicians can pervert themselves to keep their bottoms sitting on the bench in the commons .
The state broadcaster likes her although she is white which we all know is a bit of a downer these days .
Suddenly the BBC website is full of polls, stories etc. reviving the possibility of a “Peoples Vote Second EU Referendum”
They can’t help but show their biased EU controlled hand can they?
1pm BBC Local RadioRemainer News
The newsreader seemed so enthusiastic to read out that Boris had failed to get Brexit on Oct31
Someone had DECIDED that they’d only play a clip of ChukaUmmuna’s response
A guy with NO local connection
… who sees extension as route to STOPPING Brexit
I don’t like Paul Embery cos he’s a Labour man, who believes in socialist dreams.
However I respect him cos he is a Brexiteer
and does so much to stand up to Labour conformity bullies.
I see after he served as a Fire Brigade Union rep for so many years , cos he dared (in his own name & own time) to stand on the same stage as Nigel Farage, they threw him out.
Here’s a good Spiked podcast
In the Times today there is an article on the 23% vote for the AfD in Thuringia yesterday. The article says the local AfD leader , a Herr Hoker , has been under investigation by the ‘ internal security services’. I commented that the large increase in the AfDvote madeit much more likely that Herr Hoker would be found guilty of something orother as this was the way in which the liberal establishment dealt with those who challenged it.
I specifically didn’t mention our own UK example of Tommy Robinson because I knew that the comment would be removed by theTimes censorif I did . But I was surprised that my comment re HerrHoker was removed .
Of course the Times has long since cracked down on anything that the woke folk might find offensive Whichof course is just about anything imaginable. Still I was surprised that such an innocuous comment was removed. Perhaps the German State doesn’t like a little gentle sarcasm being aimed at it and has calledfor solidarity from the woke MSM.
Seriously it is really getting to the point when it is virtually impossible to say or write anything which the wokist establishment doesn’t like. Melanie Phillips was on the New CultureForum lamenting that her last three booksk can’t be published in the UK , she has to get published in the USA, and that no large book store or chain will stock them in the UK. They are only available on Amazon. The crack down on what the public is allowed to know or hear is in full swing.
Yes Guardian comments are useless, cos any against party line tend to get deleted,
Whereas Times comments are really useful, but on certain woke topics eg TR they will either never open comments or delete them.
I haven’t looked for a while cos my Times password has now expired.
Double- This 23% is an admirable result, given the hysterical, non-stop attack on Hoeke and the AfD in the German MSM for weeks before the vote. It was apparently quite acceptable to label him ‘fascist’ and denigrate the AfD as a neo-Nazi party.
The MSM know perfectly well that this is a lie, but virtue-signalling remains a priority. The real problem is that the once conservative CDU has, under Merkel, drifted way over to the Left. At a national level, I should not be in the least surprised to see them entering into a coalition with the Greens at the next election.
They will do anything to maintain their grip on power, and fear losing votes to the AfD at every level of government. So generating anti-AfD sentiment, both at home and abroad, has become a pastime for them as well as the other ‘main’ parties as they shrink ever more rapidly into oblivion. The once mighty socialist SPD has all but vanished.
Very sad and very worrying . It seems they don’t learn that ideas can’t be extinguished . I can understand the thought process which leads to your situation . Someone thinks it will impress someone up the chain and onwards that goes .
No one has the gumption to say ‘ hang on -we are doing what the nazis did in the 1930s ‘ because they have no idea about the recent past . But let’s talk black slavery …
I hope those islamophobic Christians didn’t stop them going about their lawful business and peacefully setting fire to their church!
Wonder how BBC will report this …
To get it to embed you need to put the tweet URL on a fresh line
They won’t.
TWatO Watch #1 – Questions not asked
Kevin Connolly was on, talking about the Brextension that isn’t because it’s been turned into a Flextension. He mentioned that the EU 27 have to act in harmony. A sharper presenter than the Montacutie might have asked if that claim was true, thinking in particular of a time when Mutti acted unilaterally (against EU rules), since when the dead bodies have been piling up.
Here is a point, we keep calling them traitors. I’ve done it myself. But they are worse than that.
Yet another one which was averted by citizen heroics (read racist Islamophobia by the left).
No fixed address?
Roughly translates to “living with someone who is fiddling the benefits system whilst claiming to live alone”??
Quick stop Brexit !…………………
\\Christmas meal treats ‘under threat’//
They are not broadcasters, they are fools and anyone that pays that Telly Tax is also a fool .
but bacon and sausages are on the bbc’s haram list so they should be happy
and just how f***in lazy do you have to be to buy pre-made ones
“Comments could be going better”, as they say…
“Its chief executive, Nick Allen, told the BBC that wrapping cocktail sausages in bacon was done by hand.
He said the job was “fiddly and hard to mechanise”.”
Simple solution. Buy bacon, buy sausages, wrap them yourselves.
Christmas food has been under threat for years as, according to our major food retailers, only the 5% of people in the UK who are black celebrate Christmas.
(The 85% that are white, don’t have any culture and don’t celebrate anything [anyfink], accordingto the BBC).
Anything on Al Beeb about Mr Vass?
Perhaps they will catch up when they read this dig?
The have woken up ! 😀
Does make one wonder who is twinned with Keith Vas ? A Tory who can snort cocaine of the the bottom of a 14 boy seems to be the job qualification .
I like that ‘ twinning ‘ thing which is the early introduction to Corruption within their Commons when one from either side doesn’t need to turn up and or do any work .
After that comes the corruption of select committee and the free bees which come with that and the ‘ approval ‘ of the mafia / cum whips . Notice I’ve not mentioned any party yet cos the bastards have been running it for years .
In my naivity I thought the first act to be repealed By a new government would be the ‘ fixed term parliament act ‘ but then I realised any new MP of any party would sell their souls ( if they had one ) to keep it cos it’s a guaranteed 5 year pension Job.
( sorry if the first paragraph unduly aroused the 3am theatrical troll but theres always a price )
Keith Vaz has form – as they say and it goes way back, beyond trying to sell coke to his fellows at Westminster. He was heavily involved in a political cover-up, of a disclosure of child abuse in a certain part of London, where he worked in the next borough where young ‘boys’ in a council ‘care-home’ were ‘bussed-in’ for the entertainment of a select bunch of politicians. Vaz just knew a lot about was going on there (ELM GUEST HOUSE), as it was at one time ‘a pick up area’ outside. The Police never charged anyone and all evidence was later destroyed. Some of the names were well known Tory MP’s (it is alleged) but we will never know for sure. VAZ was there (nearby it seems) in the shadows. Perhaps gloating, but also that he knew far more than he could ever admit to parliament, or the Police.
BBC in full-on “get Boris” mode today, playing the “he didn’t get us out by 31st like he said he would” card until the corners are worn out and the picture on the front is no longer visible. Consistently biased. Beyond meaningful repair. Needs closing down.
Idiotboy – for once it seems quite fair . Yet another Tory who lied to the public about ‘ dying in a ditch ‘ . So after ‘ brexit Means brexit’ as well as ‘ strong and stable’ we know that Tory manifestos and words are equally meaningless —-and that the Cummings character is just another mentally challenged policy wonk in the same type as Alistair Campbell .
Summary : OFCOM reports on the BBC complaints procedure
Stew- I also learn that my own complaints (made under FOI) to OFCOM (about the BBC) were later ignored (by OFCOM) as they did not go through the correct ‘BBC Complaints process’ which is filtered by a private company to offset liability – as far as possible. It seems, that only the most persistent and factually pin accurate charges (with video or radio evidence required, along with air-time and names involved) and that is a lengthy time-consuming process. You then get constant ‘denials’ by BBC junior Solicitors, who’s only job is to fob off BBC complaints. My own complaint was about the BBC Complaints procedure itself, made direct to OFCOM, who in true BBC fashion refused to reply, as I had not gone through the ‘proper’ BBC channels. I only learnt why in this report, that I am one of 2,600 or so that did not go through the proper channels of complaint. So it does not count as an actual ‘complaint’ against the BBC. But they do ‘count’ them. Mad isn’t it?
11pm R4 of course slot is given over to a black guy
What Radio4 for have been doing is simply playing the podcasts that he put on the internet last year 2018
Tonight’s is about is black guys coming through Libya
He has the woman on from the Libya Aid charity on
She claimed that the EU/UN send the Libyans $500m in 2017
and that is on a commission basis for migrants rescue.
So she claims the Libyans are still in enticing more Africans , cos the most they get to “rescue” the more money they get.
No challenging was made to that claim.
During the podcasts George appeals fr people to donate to her.
#Impartial ?
Is that George the Poet or George the Soros?
Facebook falls for the myth that “Peer reviewed” =True
No it doesn’t it merely means it’s supposed to have been checked by peers
The problem is that some topics suffer such groupthink and confirmation bias that, reviewers don’t pick up obvious errors
..yet a man in a shed does
..Yet Facebook would consider his opinion worthless cos it’s not peer reviewed
Halloween scary story series of “Failed Climate Predictions”
via Heartland
At present there are 8 articles (out of about 26) on the BBCs UK web page concerning murdered, battered, missing or death-by-suicide females. Perhaps a BBC journalist could address this for us – is this a true representation of the proportion of crime against females, or is it just that these subjects are juicier clickbait for the viewer?
PS I watched the Astros/Nationals baseball game last night on TV, didn’t notice any particular loud booing when Trump and Melania waved to the crowd. In fact at times it seemed like the crowd were booing the team.
Times Review of Attenborough
“The message was that melting ice, rising sea levels and unusual weather events such as the gale that blew that albatross chick off the nest, its pink legs pummelling the air in its death throes, are part of the slow global car crash we are watching.
However, we can correct our mistakes, the cited resurgence of the whale population being an example.
… cameraman Rolf wept at the end, because the future of sites such as St Andrews Bay, South Georgia, now teeming with life, are under threat.
As Attenborough, in a new red parka, said,
“This might be the most critical moment for life on Earth since the continents formed.”
Programmes such as this act as the distress flare.
Oh Stew -I missed it . Nothing I like better than things melting . Maybe I can watch with something which doesn’t need a licence .
The ‘Albatross’ scene looked more like it was filmed on a bird table in Milton Keynes at the home of a registered handler who runs weekend master classes for would-be Countryfile calendar winners.
@JimS I think you are in breach of the Official Secrets Act
BTW Paul H has busted Trossgate
Labour MP John Mann switches. to House of Lords
and says he has sex scandal to expose.
Now we know.
Bojo is either:
– a plant, an undercover operator for Remain, never a true Brexiteer
– or he’s switched sides again
– or he’s been offered a big reward for dumping on 17.4 million voters
– or he’s being blackmailed
– or anyone of the above plus being a bear of very small brain and very big mouth.
Bojo, you have around 72 hours to prove it ain’t so by coming up with a spiffing wheeze that gets the UK out of the EU with a no money No-Deal/Clean Break Brexit on 31 October 2019 or along with millions of others, I will be voting for The Brexit Party in the next General Election, a GE that you may lose.
Since Boris voted for May’s deal I have argued that his bid to become PM was May’s deal plan B. It looks very like that is the case.
An election near Christmas will give the electorate time to evaluate the Boris deal and the Tory Party and I believe it will result in many Brexiteers turning to the Brexit Party. Boris’s poll lead will not be that secure.
G.W.F., it is a bit like watching a very slow express train crash, preferably not on the Great Western line but elsewhere, seeing Bojo destroy his majority, his Party and his credibility.
There’s still time but ….
“you have around 72 hours to prove it ain’t so by coming up with a spiffing wheeze”
NG, I did put not a little effort into coming up with something suitably Bojo like. 😉
CCBGB !!!!
Well no surprise really. If labour get into power there won’t be any more elections, ever.
I actually watched this live, she was a DISGRACE !!! Vile woman , full of hate and entitlement !!! Listen to her cronies egging her on. Disgusting.
May I , with respect , offer some advice .
Just Don’t Watch It .
I gave up last week after the Saturday sitting nonsense and then the thing about getting the sellout heard it 3 days .
We’ve gone past the stage of witnessing the shananagans of the commons . Apart from the coming announcement that Bercow is staying until the next renewal of A50 it’s just not worth it .
They really are just playing their parts . Try watching ‘ house ‘ on paramount channel -they’re on series 1still and it’s far funnier than those clowns pretending to be ‘ statesmen’ .
Cheers Fed !!! I have cut down my BBC exposure massively, as I was about to explode a couple of weeks back.
I caught a few minutes of this earlier and it was strangely compelling , after all the fuss about showing each other respect, to see that earlier was frankly staggering !!!
Great speech by Redwood though !!! Belter.
Now , back to emmerdale, the pub is having “meat free Monday’s” ! !!!! Give me strength !!! Lol
Im on a cruise ship to Spain. I was looking forward to visiting an EU country to return to an independent country but they swooped in their so no chance to get my hands on those new 50 pence pieces yet.
It sounds like Corbyn has bottled the election again although the BBC are keeping this quiet. He has his reason I am sure and I am sure that those reasons are a poll that shows Labour 16 points behind.
Back home Sunday and then back to the same old same old for a few more months until extension mania kicks in again
Stay warm. BoJo was 135 short of enough to get an election . It will be the same the next time he tries to amend the fixed term madness act .
We don’t live in a democracy any more .Clegg Cameron have a lot to answer for .