Nearly half way through the election campaign and the Far Left Pro Labour bias is pretty much set . Stories which potentially harm Conservative pro Brexit views are maximised whilst stories harming Labour are avoided or minimised . The Brexit Party is refusing to take part in C4 politics programmes and it can’t be long before the BBC is boycotted because of left and anti brexit bias . At least the Chief Rabbi can’t be shut up .
Midweek Thread 27 November 2019
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I should still be asleep.
Cassie, I was. 🙂
Cassandra – I have to wake up early to put the thread up because I get told off for putting it up in the evening ….yawn…
BBC News
Reporting that the British Army won’t be able to fight the Russians if they roll into the Eastern EU . Am I missing something ? Doesn’t the BBC know we voted to leave the EU – so it will be able to defend its self and leave Blighty not to get involved in European wars again? 1914 and 1939 come to mind .
Unfortunately, Fed, we will still be tied to NATO. Under our commitment there we have to defend an attack on another member.
It is NATO that has kept the peace in Europe, btw, NOT THE EU as a some Remainers and the BBC love to tell us.
I play a lot of chess and believe that once we have left the Reich and president trump is re-elected ( if the Obama FBI don’t kill him first ) then the EU will end NATO . All part of building their EU empire …
I don’t think Britain would be fighting a war against the Russians, more like Islam-many nations in the EU currently suffering with the hoards that have invaded from outside the EU with their ruthless, murderus barbarous ideology. Not certain of the population figure for Muslims in this country but must on the basis that there are 75 million Muslims currently residing in one way or another in Europe, there be several million Muslims living in the UK and all breeding like crazy.
I’m surprised that the BBC is worried that the British army wont be able to fight the Russians.
1. Russia is no longer a communist totalitarian entity and is not engaged in replacing Western norms with communism.
2. Britain was never able to fight Russia or the USSR. It can only do so as a small component of of NATO.
Oh dear, fourth. Haven’t been first forages. But Classic FM using same formula as BBC. If Labour’s antiSemitism mentioned it must be immediately followed by Tory Islamaphobia. Wednesday morning 7am news.
“same formula”
Stopping a home run.
Deborah I replied to you on the previous thread about Sky being the same. In fact they are getting more strident about Conservative “Islamophobia” with their only evidence being those comments from Johnson with regard to the medieval dress code some adopt upon arrival in this country.
There is no comparison between Labour’s real antisemitism and Boris’s attempt at humour from a few years ago. I also mentioned the treatment Ruth Smeeth got and how Corbyn laughed at her with her bigoted abuser. Along with his support and friendship for organisations that have promised to kill Jews all over the world his protestations about how he fought against antisemitism ring very hollow.
I also mentioned that Tonge creature from the “Liberal” “Democrats” that shows they’re not free of it either.
“the medieval dress code” that has been banned in some European countries?
I suspect that Corbyn’s Labour isn’t too worried about the anti semitism label being attached to them. Certainly they will lose the votes of sensible people who are appalled by it but they will consolidate their base amongst RoPers and lefty folks who side with the terrorists over the Israelis. To have an openly anti Semitic party with 30% of the vote is a condemnation of the UK. To have the Lib Dem’s and SNP even considering forming any sort of government with Labour is an indictment of both parties and their lack of moral compass.All of which makes the Tories the only possible choice for decent people.
This is exactly right. Andrew Neil really should have destroyed Corbyn last night with this point. Corbyn is happy for Labour to be perceived as an antisemitic party because it panders to the huge antisemitic Muslim immigrant community in this country who want to see Israel wiped off the map. But not even Andrew Neil dares to mention this.
And, as so many wiser people than myself here have long noticed, the pushing of the supposed Tory Party Islamophobia as an issue of equal importance is devious and duplicitous. The Muslim spokesman on Today this morning, when pressed for examples of Islamophobia, said that a Hope Not Hate poll found that two-thirds of Tory Party members believed that there are areas in Britain that operate under Sharia law. This is his best evidence of the hate, discrimination and prejudice seething in the heart of the conservative Brit!!!!! Even if it weren’t true, the worst you could say about the finding is that it is a false impression. I had to turn off this garbage.
is just me but sticking “phobia” on the end of something is now regarded by the MSM as meaning something!!!
various definitions abound for this – “A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object”
now after 9/11 & terror attacks by “you know who” around the world & UK (latest yesterday) how anybody can call our response an “irrational fear” is beyond me.
“All of which makes the Tories the only possible choice for decent people”
The only POSSIBLE choice? Really? That’s what CONservatives want you to think. There is no Brexit Party candidate in my area. (thanks to Tory Party betrayal) There is an independent and a Libertarian Party candidate though. I will be voting Libertarian. Conservatives are lying remainers. They will never get my vote again without thorough reform and a drastic change of personnel.
Lucy you must do as you think best but I think that you are risking Corbyn being PM.
Tories keep saying that we have to vote for Johnson’s BRINO or we might get Corbyn. The Tories are depending on people acting on that fear. You will never get what you want by voting for what you don’t want.
The establishment is protecting their two party system. The Tories have had their chance. The practice of holding our noses to vote for a party that doesn’t represent us in order to stop another has made this mess. No more!
I think that the Boris deal is better then Brino although not everything that Leave voters wanted. But in my view it is better to have half a loaf than none and we really do get nothing unless the Tories win a majority. I paid my dues for TBP back in April and voted for them at the Euros to force the Tories to get rid of May and hopefully put in a PM who was sympathetic to the Leave cause. If May or Hunt was PM today I would still be voting BP as would millions of people who voted for them in The Euros. But I’m prepared to try Boris et al rather than see Brexit taken off the table entirely as it surely would be by any combination of Labour Lib Dem’s SNP Green etc etc.
In his interview by Andrew Neil, Jeremy Corbyn continued to insist that he was against Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and racism. Islamophobia was his main concern. Anti-semitism in the Labour part, which was he was being questioned on, took second place to Islamophobia.
He was keen to establish that his government views attacks on mosques, temples and synagogues, totally unacceptable.
1. Islam is not a race. Islamophobia is a made up Thought crime.
2. Attacks taking place in the UK and worldwide, is on Christians and churches.
I moved from Classic to a local station as Global Tripe was unbearable. But they get a Sky feed just as bad.
Going to buy a DAB for the kitchen to stream digital music from overseas via my iPhone.
I think Global own Classic. I just la la la through the news .
Deborah – declare yourself 3rd as I cheat …
State Broadcaster breakfast had a Plaid politican who said 55% of young people wanted independence.
What was he asking – that only 16 to 24 year olds to have a vote to get the result he wants?
Sofa dweller unquestionly allowed the Plaid man his say.
‘Oh sugar’ says the BBC webshite editor.
‘Our Jeremy had a total car crash with Andrew Neil last night . What are we going to do?’.
The answer is to relegate the Corbyn story to the general election area and to conjure up another headline.
So out of nowhere the main story becomes ‘Sturgeon pledges to protect Scots from the Tories’.
The BBC. World class in alternative universe creation.
Mr Neil might be getting a few funny looks in the BBC canteen today but it is done now. Corbyn made another huge blunder and even an article from the Guardian (or BBC newsletter) questioned Corbyn’s behavior while Tom Peck from the Independent has taking a day off from his usual Boris bashing and ripped Corbyn apart instead.
Not a good week for Labour I don’t think!
I will add some of the biggest forms of bias actually take place on the BBC website.
Maybe A.N. has a future as a replacement for Lord Hall-Hall?
From the ingratiating little smiles that Corbyn was casting at Andrew, Jeremy Corbyn was trying to tell Neil that his questioning was moot, as it was most unlikely that Labour would be forming a government.
Of course don’t forget BBC stands for
Bash Boris Corporation
I was appalled at Andrew Marr last Sunday , never really noticed how biased he is
Has anyone noticed that in the furore over the ridiculously named WASPI pressure group, where the I laughably stands for ‘Inequality’ there is not the slightest discussion of the inequality and discrimination against men which the plan to equalise pension ages, among other things, aims to eradicate?
If I recall correctly there is a political party called the Women’s Equality Party, in part led by one of the BBC’s favoured ‘wimmin’, Sandi Toksvig.
I look forward to hearing their campaign for women’s equality on this issue – ensuring women get paid state pension on an equal basis as men.
But I could be waiting a long time……..
What about me – as a chap – I started my working life with the expectation of retiring on a full -state pension at 65 – then it went to 66 now it’s 67 . Where s my compensation for those 2 added years ? Am I a MASPI ? Am I being discriminated against because I’m a chap ? Am I a victim of ‘jenda ‘ bias . ?
Fed Up , you most certainly are a victim of gender bias. But assuming your older than 50 you have been discriminated against because until the last decade women retired at 60 and men at 65. This despite women living much longer than men and therefore getting much more cumulative pension over their retirement.
I find those who advocate ‘equality’ are very selective about what they want to equalise and only pursue those things that are of advantage to particular interest groups.
Double – thank you – where can I get the ‘PPI’ form for ‘compensation ‘? ……
Back on to more political issues ….. I’m still waiting for a BBC favourite to be interviewed about anti semitism in the Labour Party – namely baroness Shabi …. who is so vocal when she wants to be but seems to be ‘ducking her nut ‘ at the moment .
No doubt when the Equalities Commission Inquiry on `labour anti semitism reports in 2020 she ll have to say something then …. ( but I think that outfit will draft a report according to the party in government …).
Very often – in Biased BBC terms – it’s whom we don’t hear from as much as the muppet thar gets put up to defend the indefensible as the anti Semitic Burgeon labour front bencher did this morning .
Reparations are needed. For decades, men were vilely discriminated against in pension provision, having to wait until 65 whereas women (and wimmin’) could receive their state pensions at 60. The difference amounts to tens of billions of pounds over decades. Millions of those men are now dead, including many who died before they were even old enough to receive a pension. It is a major historical scandal and it stigmatises all men. The only way this can be partially redressed is through a non-discrimatory reparations package, whereby all living males receive compensation, regardless of their age or circumstances. To pay for this, all foreign aid would be scapped, which would provide around £500 per male per annum at ‘net zero cost’ to the economy. This would need to continue for around 50 years to address the historical imbalance. Men cannot be slaves to history for ever. We urge progressive politicians such as Jo Swinson, Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon and Jo Swinson (again) to make an election pledge on this.
It’s even worse than you suggest.
Women haven’t only retired earlier, they usually live longer and have never been required to partake in hard manual labour.
You really can’t compare working in an office with digging the road or hauling vast quantities of bricks or cement in a wheelbarrow. How the hell some of these blokes are supposed to continue in this sort of work well into their late sixties is beyond me.
The only time the “progressives” will put their ugly heads above the parapet is if they’ve got some gripe about wimmin’s pay. It’s fashionable. Beloved by the Guardian and The Beeb.
The only complimentary remarks I’ve ever heard one of these creatures make about builders is to praise our eastern European workers at the expense of our natives.
They’re never in a million years going to stick up for British working class white men.
I really fail to understand why these WASPI women are complaining that they weren’t informed earlier about the longer retirement date, as I remember hearing about this long before I retired 13 years ago ! In fact it was mentioned in the early noughties that changes would be made. So if it was me, then bells would have been ringing and I would have made inroads to get something sorted, but no, complacency sets in and heads in the sand attitude.
I also worked for almost 40 years non-stop with 2 years extra NI paid with no benefits, so why did I do that ? if women no longer need to work that long but still get the same payout when they retire , and most only paying half stamp ?
I don’t have any sympathy, because if they stopped work to raise children then they would have received child benefit, whereas I made the choice to continue working and make provisions for my old age. You need to think carefully because only the super rich can have it both ways.
I find those who advocate ‘equality’ are very selective about what they want to equalise and only pursue those things that are of advantage to particular interest groups.
Very true. If groups can get extra dosh if they have convinced society that they have been hard done by, fair do. But really, its men who have always been hard done by. They are the ones who do most of the dangerous jobs, and then discriminated against high paid jobs by people claiming discrimination.
There is no more gender bias regarding retirement age.
When I was young the retirement age for women was 60. Now it’s 67.
We are being punished for allegedly living longer.
Lucy, you’re not “being punished” you’re being treated exactly the same as men. Surely this is what feminists are always asking for?
I think most of us would have liked the idea of men’s retirement age coming down to 60, not both going up to 67, but you can’t argue that it’s unfair.
And as for living longer.
Most of you do…
Meanwhile the BBC literally jumps on the bandwagon…
The boss of TRNSMT festival says that there aren’t enough female acts to make gender balanced line-ups possible yet.
He says more women need to be “picking up guitars, forming bands, playing in bands”
The local Hooters is struggling to find fellas with Moobs too. Maybe the HoC bar? Or Sweeney’s basement?
Meanwhile, also in the Moaning Emole, the VD show is concerned with the Minger imbalance in the Vanity world.
No, just joking. That discrepancy is an exemption permitted only for broadcasters. Apparently.
This is about queens of the catwalk being bitchy. There’s a thing.
Clearly more state employees and lawyers are needed on the public purse.
One awaits some daft Shadow babe role being created to emote on Newsnight later and promise £1T to address this. I reckon Jess down the Graun studio for a new glamour shoot.
The beauty industry’s ugly problem
The British Beauty Council is calling for an independent government body to be set up to investigate claims of bullying and unfair dismissal in the industry. “I was seeing grown women, strong women, crying at their desks. It was so toxic and harsh that people were just desperate to leave,” says Sarah (not her real name), who had a senior role working for an international beauty brand.
The Victoria Derbyshire programme has spoken to more than 20 people, from a company director to make-up artists in department stores, who claim to be victims of bullying, abuse and bad practice. The industry has no union, so employees can find they have no-one to put their case to or seek advice from outside of their company.
Read full article >
Ellie Costello
Victoria Derbyshire programme
Ellie, btw, is quite easy on the eye.
VD best watch out.
The BBB Moaning Emole is, as always, a treat.
Usually trumpeting the latest ‘JezSez’, despite the biggest story of the day being his triumph over Andrew Neil, for some odd reason the BBC has prioritised thus with ‘analysis’ from a BBC Willsay Editor cut and pasting an SNP PR email. Hope it doesn’t change on the day as that would make them look idiotic.
Sturgeon pledges to ‘protect Scotland from Tories’
Story detail
Nicola Sturgeon will launch the Scottish National Party’s manifesto later with an attack on Prime Minister Boris Johnson as “dangerous and unfit for office”. Calling his Brexit deal a “nightmare” for Scotland, Ms Sturgeon will say only the SNP offers a chance to “escape Brexit and put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands”. The party – the third-biggest in Parliament after the 2017 election – hopes to have the balance of power, and the chance to force another Scottish independence referendum, if no party wins a majority this time around. Mr Johnson has ruled out giving consent for another public vote if he remains prime minister.
Jeremy Corbyn will be back on the campaign trail after admitting in a BBC interview that Labour’s plans to scrap a tax break worth up to £250 for married couples could result in some who earn less than £80,000 a year paying more tax. That’s contrary to previous claims, although the Labour leader said those affected could benefit from a higher living wage and extended free nursery provision. Mr Corbyn also struggled to move on from claims of anti-Semitism within his party, says our political editor Laura Kuenssberg, on a day when the Muslim Council of Britain accused the Conservative Party of “denial, dismissal and deceit” over the issue of Islamophobia.
The Liberal Democrats say they would increase the minimum wage by 20% for zero-hour contract employees.
A Conservative candidate is criticised for apparently setting up a door knock at a supporter’s house in front of a political journalist by phoning the householder in advance.
We run through the key issues affecting the natural world to help you scrutinise parties’ pledges.
Are any big names worried about losing their seats? We analyse who might be getting nervous.
The BBC has a Nervousness Editor now too? Apparently. Who knew?
Get the feeling Labour’s PR crisis management agency is desperate much?
On the sofa this morning we had the gruesome twosome swooning over Rapman. (Director of the film Blue Story)
Couldn’t understand why it had been pulled. Such a wonderful film all about love.
Rapman can’t understand why there was any violence, and doesn’t know if anyone was injured. Even suggesting it could happen with the Frozen audience, and says perhaps Frozen should be pulled also..
Frozen should be pulled. It is a racist movie: all the snow and ice is white.
Snowflakes are racist? Who knew, and since when.
Food Banks
We get Food banks ! Food banks! Food banks!
My reply……………. Foreign Aid! Foreign Aid! Foreign Aid!
“Charity begins at home ”
Honestly folks what do you really think this “religious” row
is all about. The more it is said that Labour is anti- Semitic ,
the more the Labour party is lapping it up. Perhaps 80% of
the Muslim community who actually vote were going to
vote Labour. It’s probably over 90% now.
What with the BBC’S 90% Machiavellian support for Labour
and as quite an astute bookie. I know that 1 to 2 chances
to win anything ,such as an overall majority,very often get beaten.
You couldn’t make it up but the BBC is now praising it’s black
gang film to high heaven. And anybody that doesn’t agree is a
Why are the Labour Party anti Semitic.
I don’t know of any instances where Jews have blown up buses, and pop concerts, killed Brits on the street (Lee Rigby for example), carried out any ramavan vehicle attacks, machete attacks and the whole list of abominations carried out by other enrichers.
So why do they hate Jews?
Is it to curry favour and get a peaceful religion’s vote (until labour have served their purpose and are then cast aside)
Jews are being attacked in cities all over Europe, even Germany. But we are never told who these attackers are. We get their ages, but nothing else.
Europe will be Judenrein soon, and no one will know why. All we are told is its because of Right wing groups.
There needs to be more Richard Burgon.
Difficult not to have a wry smile when clicking the first of those links to @IanLaveryMP. It features a video of American Democrat politician Bernie Sanders (estimated value $2.5 million) going on about inequalities in wealth and income. He is also singing the praises of BBC/Labour candidate, Jeremy Corbyn. Mr Sanders… you do realise that as a Jewish man, you might have some ‘difficulties’ in parts of Comrade Corbyn’s party?
That’s Richard Burgon who did an antisemitic speech to a Muslim audience , denied it
and then the video came out.
I m out of the country and couldn’t see the Corbyn interview . So I found out on Twitter that the Conservative Party Facebook page has put the whole thing up . Which I’ve now seen .
An interview of the leader of the Labour Party being used as campaign material by the Conservative Party . Amazing .
I have long maintained that all they need do is put up images of the ShadCab and their “quotes” and they would walk it.
Most statements the Saatchi copywriters could not have dreamed of.
A service from the Speccie.
Regarding the Corbyn interview…
I’m still avoiding any and every news related item on both TV and radio. However, I did put the telly on just as this interview/suicide note was finishing.
I could tell immediately by Corbyn’s demeanour that things hadn’t gone well. He had a face like a smacked arse (one of my gran’s pithy phrases) and removed his mic. It looked like he was about to storm off.
The aged Trot’ is okay if he’s receiving nice soft questions from his Momentum groupies or Andrew Marr, his fellow hard left traveler, but not so good when the going gets hostile.
As Corporal Jones always used to say…
They don’t like it up ’em.
It is amusing how the interview is so bad for Corbyn that the Tories have no problem using it as a campaign tool while Labour and the rest of the BBC are now desperately trying to brush it under the carpet
Posted, I think, about one of milder of the deranged Sky pilots, but definitely an eloquent summary of the entire bbc.
This is what needs etching on the wall by the statue Robinson oozes past daily.
Having now watched the last journo in the BBC – Andrew Neil – carrying out a proper challenge of Comrade Corbyn my thoughts are with any Labour supporter today .
And I think the BBC will take further revenge on Mr Neil .
‘’Quick’ says the BBC webshite editor.
‘We must get the Corbyn car crash interview story off the pages and get back to the evil Tories narrative’.
So how about this ?
‘UK has particularly extreme form of capitalism’ .
This carefully selected total non-story comes to you courtesy of a Professor I’ve never heard of writing for an institution I’ve never heard of.
But it’s of course good enough to get straight onto the webshite front page.
Normal Far Left service is quickly resumed.
Excellent find of socialist claptrap.
The accompanying photo speaks loud. It shows the city of London under a dark almost evil cloud, dominated by a black phallic Gherkin.
The city of London is made out as a menacing evil entity, threatening the well being of the world.
Meanwhile, in the world of Balanced Burley Claims…
Arthur T27 November 2019 at 08:40
On the BBC News website Election 2019 page this morning, there isn’t a single mention of Boris Johnson nor is there any photo of his campaigning. On the other hand, there are six images of Jeremy Corbyn. How’s that for balance?
I’m of the view that the more coverage comrade Corbyn gets the worse his Party will perform at the vote in 14 days time . Conservatives should avoid the MSM – particularly the engineered ‘questions ‘ from the ‘people ‘ which are just ambushes ….
The Andrew Neil one – to – one is the way to find out about any politician . Bojo will get a hard time from Brillo and rightly so.
I was thinking this myself. Johnson needs to avoid the likes of audience questions as was seen on question time the other night they can be rigged and Labour activists are lurking.
The one to ones with Neil are better as Neil actually does do balance. He grills everyone but his questions are pressing and will focus on the likes of costings and scandal.
As Corbyn found out he was not allowed to just rant freely uninterrupted as he or his party usually would and he was truly exposed for being the incompetent that he really is. Why would anyone else vote Labour after that?
The vantage that Johnson has is he has seen how Corbyn dithered so if he is wise then he would avoid making those mistakes. Johnson will not get an easier time so he had best be prepared if he wants to come off as the stronger man.
My guess is questions on the economy and manifesto pledges along with supposed Tory Islamophobia and of course Brexit and the delay will be presented to him. It will be interesting to see how he comes out but it would not be possible for him or anyone else to be as bad as Corbyn.
Agree up to a point but many people will judge not on the interview itself but on the reporting of it and the analysis of it by the MSM. We know that they will distort the outcome and blast Boris anyway they can. I also expect that Brillo will at least delve a little into Boris’s past record of being economical with the truth. In many undecided people’s minds the comparison of the two interviews won’t therefore be as clear cut as think it will be.
Today in the French city of Strasbourg, 27 men and women will formally be approved as EU Commissioners for the next five years. They will start work on Monday and will have a direct impact on the lives of all British people.
If the UK does indeed exit the EU at the end of the Transition Period (31 Dec 2020) their impact will diminish but will not disappear. And if the UK remains in the EU, these people’s actions will affect our lives for many, many years to come. Yet have we heard anything from the BBC et al? Not so far, if we wil ever- they, as a remian corporation will not comment on an EU matter no doubt. It cannot be emphasised strongly enough how powerful is the EU Commission in shaping the laws, directives, regulations, ‘reasoned opinions’ and overall direction of travel of the EU. These actions affect all EU countries and their citizens. And yet this is done without any popular mandate.
• The rubber-stamping exercise today in the EU Parliament will have repercussions for the British people for years to come – even if the UK exits the EU on 31 December 2020.
Sadly, the socialists/communists/marxists are emboldened right now.
Well said. The BBC is a pile of stinking excrement any public funded news station ought to be all over this process but not a beep because it looks bad for the EU.
Lets hope the EU collapses under the weight of millions of unemployed engineers and IT specialist asylum seekers, and their dependents, all wanting what they believe the West has promised – high paid jobs that require no expertise.
This is quite likely if Pres Trump is re-elected, and forces the EU to stump up for their defence. Germany is already stretched. It has a vocal AfD, and a restive population, losing its guilt for Nazism.
The bbc seems keen to look more at the medium than the message.
Just took a look at the BBC homepage and wish I hadn’t. Thought I was reading Pravda for a moment. In the run up to an election they had this lovely Marxist opinion piece:
UK ‘has particularly extreme form of capitalism’
“At the moment, how we conceptualise business is, it’s there to make money. But instead, we should think about it as an incredibly powerful tool for solving our problems in the world”
The most important factor in making countries wealthier is competition. Prioritizing anything other than the maximising of shareholder wealth leads to unemployment, reduced tax revenue, lower GDP as the competition eats them up.
But not in the BBC’s world.
It seems there’s now a woke narrative being pushed that businesses need to prioritise diversity, social conscience and whatever else the “progressives” demand.
Investors allocate capital to maximise the return per unit of risk, however much the left wish that wasn’t the case. I suggest that pushing these sorts of progressive opinions (even though it’s on the NEWS homepage it is basically an opinion piece – presumably because they know it’s mostly woke young people on the website) is promoting the Corbynista view in the weeks before an election.
BBC guest choices..again!:
Rigby has allegedly deleted her Twitter account(?)..but people are still commenting here:
I see Rigby writes for Novara media too ..Ash will have an opinion no doubt..expect see her on BBC soon!
TOADY Watch #1 – The Unasked Question
Our A* Martha, the Bee Lady, Cees only Global Warming and Climate Change on her Licence Fee taxpayer-funded jolly to Antarctica. (I’m so glad the Snuffy household doesn’t watch telly.) She interviews a scientist in the 7.30-8a.m. segment.
He sounds if he is reading from a wind-wobbled pre-prepared script.
Because it is summer down there, they are flying in more and more scientists and visitors to the International Research stations. No questions are asked about the CO2 expended and the Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency that this is causing. Funny how it suddenly all goes away, isn’t it.
I wonder why?
Was it only me that noticed how when Labour have been accused of antisemitism the MSM suddenly push the Muslim council calling for an investigation into Islamophobia in the Tory party – co-incidence or just election mongering?
On Piers Morgan this morning, Ranvir Singh who clearly supports Labour and hates Boris… was asked about the Labour party and antisemitism – I said to my wife, give it a minute and she will turn it to bad Tories – well actually it was less than a minute before the Muslim council was brought up….
Reminds me of something I saw a while back with Owen Jones. Antisemitism was brought up and Jones then pulled out some pieces of paper with ‘evidence’ of Tory Islamophobia and slammed on on the table like a stroppy kid.
It’s WhatAboutery
Was it only me who noticed Comrade Corbyn equally condemn all attacks on Synagogues, temples and Mosques?
Twice he said it but no mention of “churches”.
The only man I’ve ever seen with two a***holes – the one that he talks out of and the completely new one that was ripped for him by AN last night.
While the ghastly director of the ghastly film Blue Story plays the oh-so predictable ‘institutional racism’ card, here’s what the cinema chain say about their decision to scrap the c-rap film:
“Vue founder and chief executive Tim Richards said incidents involving groups took place at 16 cinemas in total, starting on Friday morning – the day of Blue Story’s release – until Saturday evening.
“In over 30 years of working in cinema exhibition in the UK, I have never seen a nationwide issue like this affecting so many cinemas in such a short space of time,” Mr Richards said.
The chain classes “significant incidents” as those involving illegal activity, harassment, intimidation, violence, public disorder, or anything requiring security, medical, fire or police intervention. But Vue has not given specific details of the incidents or where they took place.
“We have reviewed and assessed each and every incident in detail as part of our ongoing process of making decisions as to how we could possibly keep Blue Story on our screens,” Mr Richards said.
Additional security was put in place, but “we were still not satisfied the risk had been reduced to an acceptable level”, he added.
Mr Richards also said Blue Story, which has a 15 certificate, attracted a “very young audience”. Reports suggesting those involved in the incidents were there to watch other films – such as Frozen 2 – were “simply not true”, he added.
“A younger audience were attempting to purchase tickets for other movies to access the Blue Story screenings and were also resisting requests for ID. This also played a key role in incidents and our decision.”
“…..Vue has not given specific details of the incidents or where they took place.”
I guess that would be, ‘racist’ to do so……………..
You have to laugh at the left today. They are all screaming that the BBC is biased against Corbyn simply because their mighty hero was slammed in the interview last night.
For starters Andrew Neil is a rare breed at the BBC who actually does an interview fairly. He grills everyone. Johnson will get it hard as well but Corbyn being Corbyn just flopped badly.
It is not so nice for the left when the boot is on the other foot is it!
Can you explain how The CONservative Party is not left wing? Because to me they appear to be another left wing party, just less extreme than Liebour/Lib Dumbs.
I wouldn’t find them to be left wing. The left are convinced that they are far, far right.
I would have said right of centre
They SHOULD be right of centre but they certainly aren’t. The left are chronically insane and can’t be used as a yardstick. Everything is far-right to them because the extremists among them have become their mainstream.
To make my question more specific then- what about Tory policy and behaviour for the last 20 years has been traditionally Conservative or centre right?
The high taxes?
Big government?
Coalition with Liberal Democrats?
Encouragement of immigration?
Love affair with Islam?
Pandering to liberal political correctness?
Promotion of “diversity”?
I’ve watched my (now former) town go from a nice English place to a multi-cultural dump all under the watch of an alleged Conservative whose politics have been creeping left for years.
Wait and see if Boris joins the debate on climate change. Bet he tries to out Greta St Greta. eg. A Conservative Government will spend more taxpayers money on combating climate change than anyone else.
Donna has a post reminding us of Settled Sciences of winters past….
The Great Global Warming Swindle
If we’ve heard only one side of a debate, we can’t claim to be fully informed.
Just how, on this topic, Boris and likely Andrew will keep it. The BBc had a secret series of meetings on this matter.
The Tories are Blue socialists
– Pro big spend
– Pro EU
– Pro Global Warming cult anti-maths
– Pro Open borders
– Pro Virtue signalling
– Pro troughing
TOADY Watch #2 – Karthi Khant Ask Kwestions
Karthi presented a high-speed sports segment @8.25a.m. because she wanted to make time to chat to Clive Woodward of England Rugby fame. The suggestion was that we needed an international northern hemisphere Rugby Football league to encourage nations like Japan and others to raise the level of their games. No question was asked by Karthi about the CO2 expended and the Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency that this would be causing or about any travel difficulties this would pose under said Climate Emergency.
I wonder why?
What about a gender balanced State Pension then, BBC?
False moral equivalence is indeed alive and well at the bBC.
TOADY Watch #3 – No Questions please
Apparently the European Space Agency are all on a taxpayer-funded jolly to Spain at present. The UK are still paying into that project, our Carbon emissions and the effect on Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency notwithstanding.
All the talk is about co-operating with the Americans to go to the moon again by 2025. No questions are asked by the BBC about all the Carbon Emissions this would involve and the effect on Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency.
I wonder why?
Andrew Neil ,s interview of Sturgeon and Corbyn completely established the point that these 2 must never be allowed to govern or break up the United Kingdom.
The fact remains that , outside the Mail’s excellent contributors, the SNP have had a very easy ride from the media up here in Brigadoon . ( bBC Scotland largely silenced or gagged! )
The unenviable record of the SNP in government was spelt out by Mr. Neil….to such an extent that Sturgeon almost swallowed her own mouth……..however he fired all his bullets in one salvo….
he missed an opportunity to completely eviscerate this fraud to an even greater extent than the hapless Corbyn.
Indeed. Take this one here.
The NHS is a devolved matter in Scotland. A Westminster election can have no bearing on who the Scottish Government decides to sign Scottish NHS trade deals with. Don’t expect the media outwith Andrew Neil to press the SNP on that.
Just think if the Scots had voted for Independence the rest of the UK could be free from both Sturgeon and Brussels by now and about 50 billion a year better off.
Another view of our far left Marxist State Broadcaster and their mindset:
Mark Durkin, tv producer.
Worth watching at around 25′ in when they discuss Socialists in power utterly crashing when confronted by media on too rare occasions over issues they thought they shared comfort zones. Beyond AN and a few others… on occasion… the BBC in particular absolutely does not hold power to account when it is clearly required, more often than not because they share the love of the consequences of that power.
I again point out that Jez has explicitly guaranteed the BBC a free ride, which can be nothing other than a conflict of interest, no matter what niche programme interviews might spanner in their mutual works for a few days.
No one since Mrs T was that she did what she thought was right and, in face of massive blob frilly waving… she did not care.
Blanket coverage of Labour’s anti-semitism on the radio…the MCB played the Islamophobia card within minutes (probably camped out in the lobby of broadcasting house) and now the Hindu Council UK are in the mix. I do miss the days when elections were contested on grounds of policy differences, not clashes between special interest groups. Where will we be in 20 years with identity politics getting noiser?
There are research companies that produce data on word usage across the media. I’d like to see the proliferation of phrases like ‘bringing the country together’ and ‘healing divides’ plotted against use of the word ‘community’ over the last 20 years. I doubt anyone in the corridors of power would make sense of it though.
And yet the BBC are rallying around Corbyn and his latest NHS scare stunt about a report that it appears he or the BBC have even read.
The ‘NHS is for sell’ story has already been debunked.
Clearly, after last night’s fallout, ‘balance’ has been demanded and, duly gets supplied…
The Today Programme
The Conservatives are still allowing people to stand as candidates who’ve been Islamophobic says Miqdaad Versi of the Muslim Council of Britain – despite Boris Johnson saying anyone guilty of prejudice would be “out on the first bounce”.
Classic BBC ‘news’ allegation via ‘quote’, with added ‘despite’ afterthought.
“despite Boris Johnson saying….” I’d sooner die in a ditch. Oh! sorry, wrong quote………………
This was 15′ ago on social media:
BBC News
13 mins ·
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn unveiled a 451-page dossier he says shows “the NHS is on the table and will be up for sale” after Brexit.
‘Proof NHS at risk under US trade deal’ – Labour says
The BBC are hiding behind two ‘one degree of separation’ ‘quotes’ already, so they either have no read it and hoping this will suffice, or…. have read it and hope this will suffice.
Andrew Neil needs to resign on air in disgust live, in front of Tony and Fran.
If there is any substance to this it should have been released prior to all interviews. Why was it not?
Half the hustings are over hereabouts.
I think labour have been saying the Tories will sell/privatise the NHS for at least the last 7 elections.
They keep on saying it but it never happens.
Somebody should collect all these previous labour ‘NHS will be sold’ claims and put them on a montage to play each time labour come out with their ‘the Tories will sell the NHS to America’ rubbish.
I couldn’t help but notice that the Manchester stabber Mr Mohamud — in court facing three counts of attempted murder and a terror offence —disappeared off the BBC home page within hours yesterday and now is off the UK news page too.
Whereas the black man who had a banana sent to his table at a Wetherspoons pub seemed to be up for a couple of days.
Whenever Al-beeb do one of their ‘disappearing acts’, I feel a strange compulsion to remedy their lacuna.
“A man who launched a frenzied knife attack at a railway station has admitted trying to kill three people, including a police officer.
Mahdi Mohamud, 26, stabbed and slashed at a couple and then attacked Sgt Lee Valentine at Manchester Victoria railway station on New Year’s Eve.
The couple’s injuries included a punctured lung and a skull fracture.
Mohamud pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court to three counts of attempted murder and a terror offence.
He admitted possession of a document or record likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism and will be sentenced on Wednesday.
The court heard Mohamud, of Cheetham Hill in Manchester, walked up behind a man and a woman in their 50s shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “Long live the caliphate” as they headed for a tram platform shortly before 21:00 GMT on 31 December.
He stabbed the man repeatedly in the back, shoulders and head and then slashed the woman across the face after the couple randomly crossed his path.
The man suffered 13 injuries including a skull fracture while the woman’s right lung was punctured and she suffered a slash to her forehead that cut down to the bone.
Four officers, including Sgt Valentine (second left) and two tram staff, received commendations following the attack
British Transport Police officers and tram staff confronted Mohamud, who witnesses said was “like an animal” and was “fixated” on stabbing and slashing.
The Director of the BBC film Blue Story has said there is no connection between the film and the violence despite the fact that it was the screening and venue of choice involving multiple gang fracas. How could Vue have done anything else than what they did as screening it was obviously endangering lots of innocent people on their premises?
The tweet may have to do with –
Oddly, I can’t find a BBC reference
The BBC has caught up with the Irish farmers’ protests – in the Europe section –
It’s unlikely that the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar won’t ratify the deal –
“‘A bad deal for Irish farmers’: EU signs massive trade agreement with South American countries”
Not the Beeb, but I am rapidly becoming certifiable at hearing Idris Elba a thousand times a day on Sky, ‘singing’ the jingle for Sky Store. Some one make it stop !
Bris ,
I discovered that life goes on without both Sky and a TV licence – choose life !
Luchtime TV news on beeb: lengthy, uninterrupted coverage of Sturgeon manifesto launch.
Then what? You guessed correctly, Comrade Corbyn was next, with his documentary ‘proof’ that Tories were going to sell the NHS to the US.
Really, beeb should present all news bulletins with pictures of Comrade Corbyn at the start, wrapped up in fancy graphics, so that they can fulfil their mission statement. They could do away with the whirling globe. They need to urgently send a team to Beijing to find out how it’s done for Xi Jinping. The Chinese could also advise on regular songs of adoration for a dear leader?
Two Commies together – what could be more natural?
Just wait until Trump arrives in the UK for Nato talks and the BBC plus Trots support the anti Trump demo, claiming that he has come to buy the Anychess. Perhaps they could fake a photo of Trump loading a few beds into his plane as proof.
Here’s yet another bit of local news which should be national news.
Yes, there are Jews supporting Corbyn. Jews for a Labour victory.
Yep. It’s not Corbyn, it’s Trump and the Tories who are anti semitic.
”’When Donald Trump stood for the US presidency on a Republican ticket in 2016, some 70% of American Jews voted against him. Mainstream Jewish bodies in Poland and Hungary have strongly criticised antisemitic tendencies in their governments.
Here in Britain, all Jews are rightly concerned that antisemitic incidents have been rising year on year over the last decade. That has happened under a Tory government which maintains close relations with the governments of the US, Poland and Hungary, and has itself openly declared a Hostile Environment against migrants and refugees, the policy that spawned the Windrush Scandal.
Uniquely, though, in the British case the governing party has managed to deflect responsibility for rising antisemitism on to the opposition – the Labour Party. Since Jeremy Corbyn became Labour leader in 2015, pro-Tory newspapers and Jewish leadership organisations have made repeated allegations of antisemitism against Labour members, or those believed to be Labour members. Despite his longstanding record of outspoken opposition to racism, Corbyn himself has been branded an antisemite, and these allegations against him have been conflated with his outspoken support for Palestinian rights. Jews who question this narrative and who are critical of Israeli government policies have themselves been accused of colluding with antisemitism.”
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 had most of Tuesday’s posts
– page 2 before that
Thank you Stew .
Following from my comment about a ‘man convicted of attempted murder following an attack in Manchester ‘ which I reported here yesterday …..
…. it seems that said Islamic terrorist has been sentenced to life with a minimum of 11 years in a psych prison where he’ll find a lot of his ISIS ‘friends’ as comrade Corbyn would characterise them .
That’s three stabbings include a police officer by the way ….
That won’t be reported on al beeb very long or at all….
Speaking of police, I have’nt seen this here
Thought Crime is effectively on the books in the UK
Brexit is important, but what is happening across the pond is likely to change the very nature of what we regard as the West.
A fine demonstration of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. 🙂
If Swinson & Co. had any brain, they would have seen that one coming. But, just goes to show what imbeciles contribute to the management of this country.
Catching up
Re : @SkeptikEye November 25, 2019 at 9:31 am
The ‘Jokestapo’ raid on for the crime of making Joke memes about high profile Muslims like Sadiq
The info was kind of already dated
cos F211 had an update last week
and there is an audio interview
StewG. I didn’t see the one dated 17 November, just the one uploaded on You Tube showing the cctv footage.
Here’s something further to contemplate on…
‘The policeman told me, “I need to check your thinking”‘
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
GuestWho November 25, 2019 at 2:07 pm
My lunchtime surf saw every other post a promoted Labour one.
Someone either has deep pockets or loyal friends. Like the BBC.
..@GW If that was on Twitter .. that’s illegal
cos Twitter political advertising was supposed to be stopped from Nov 22nd
I also surf Facebook. To be fair a lot is the sheer volume of politically-related sites I follow, but their algorithms appear to have amplified this to a ridiculous degree.
Last night’s local news opened with
“The BBC has been accused of bias over beef farming programme”
.. The first interview was with a foreign woman g=heading the Vegan Society
BBC excuse ‘we weren’t talking about UK farming but world farming.
Where are the bBC hiding the following operatives;
1) The Frenchman Monsieur Grieve
2) Anna ( joke a minute) Soubry
3) The poisoned Dwarf
4) Nick “oh dont go Nick ” Boles
5) Faisal of Islam
6) “My home’s Yours” Pixie Balls/Cooper
7) Mr Benn – the son of a father who wanted the Queens head removed from postage stamps,when he was postmaster general.
PS Dont be in a hurry to bring them back……….they are not wanted.
I find it strange that when they discuss the evils of the European slave trade from Africa to the Americas. That the question they never ask is. Just how did all those millions of slaves get to the the ports of West Africa?
Yet if they bothered to do just bit of research they would find out how the Islamic countries were so heavily involved along with the collusion of certain African tribe in the movement of slaves to the west coast ports. The other question they also never ask is why if in America and Caribbean there are descendants of slaves yet in the Middle Eastern countries including Turkey there are non?
Could it be because the practice of the Muslim slave traders was the full castration of young male boys of which roughly 40% survived this procedure. Those survivors were either forced into military servitude or became the eunuchs guarding the harem.
Perhaps ‘George the Poet’ would like to write a few stanzas so we can all have the opportunity to reflect?
In complement the BBC inadvertently highlights the joys of what came over too.
Plus a nice dollop of #1degreeofseparation BBC stirring.
BBC: creating divisions for decades
This looks as though it could become an all time classic.
In years to come we’ll rate this film alongside Great Expectations, Brief Encounter and Gone with the Wind.
This articulate and sensitive artistic innovator is understandably upset that certain racist cinemas are banning his astonishing work of genius.
But you know what?
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn…
I see the cowardly useless incompetent Boris the bottler has caved in to Labour accusation of so called ‘Islamofauxbia’ in his party, admitted such a thing exists, has happened, and apologised for it.
There is no way I could vote for the kind of thing we used to criticise BLiars government over.
So called ‘Islamofauxbia’ is a contruct of the terrorist organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood, banned in several Muslim countries, but lauded and praised in insanity Island. The aim is to bring Shariah law into Western countries by banning all criticism of Islam, and of course if Saudi offers enough money to Boris i don’t think anyone is in any doubt that he would sell us all down the river in the blink of an eye!
He really is a tool.
Then I look at Corbyn, Swinson and whatever combo the Greens have and realise he is still a tool, but one with a marginally more coherent team around him (not saying much).
1) Get out of EU
2) Get BBC out
3) Get out all in the HoP who have forgotten what national leadership is
“3) Get out all in the HoP who have forgotten what national leadership is”
The place would be completely empty !
Yes Thoughtful but Boris also knows that there are lots of Islam voters out there….. especially in the Labour Northern heartlands….Lets put it down to Islama-vote-ier – nuff said!!
And how many of those will vote Tory? next to none and they will be the ones vote rigging, something else the Tories have failed to do anything about.
Lib Dems in Gosport just released a leaflet pushed through every door urging everyone to vote Labour to try to kick Tory Dinenage out.
Results 2017
Tory (Dinenage) 30,647
Labour 13,436
Lib Dem 2,326
UKIP 1,790
Green 1,024
Independent 256
Apart from “Good luck with that then!”
What desperation is abounding all over fairyland now!
Swinson trying to work out why bleating “Stop Brexit” with a huge smile on her face angered so many people and whether to change it now to “2nd referendum”.
Well yes it did anger some people, at least 17 million of them and counting but I guess it takes brains developed outside the HOC to figure that one out.
Oh! and Gosport also voted 63.9% Leave in the referendum so a waste of good printing paper by the Lib Dems in my opinion.
Man the lifeboats!!!
Just to save time for anyone who was looking at the figures and thinking “Eh?” but couldn’t be bothered to grab a calculator.
13436+2326+1790+1024+256 = 18,832
So as long as they can find another 11 815 votes from, let’s say, students voting twice then they’re in with a chance.
The UAF – Tory David Cameron is a founder member – urging people to registar to vote.
Sickening. In effect saying that anyone wanting to vote for anything right of centre is a racist. Yes, an excellent and proven way to get people on your side, insult them.