Islamic Terrorists are attacking again and it’s 10 days to the General Election . Plenty of mud will be thrown about and we ll witness the biased Far Left BBC trying to make it stick to the Conservative and Brexit Party as much as possible . More and more people are finally realising how biased the BBC is ( see Andrew Marr ).
Start the Week Thread 2 December 2019
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Look North up to their usual tricks. The lead item was given a lot of time. It was about a lesbian who had been refused a post with a religious organisation because she was married to a woman. Is this really the most important thing that’s happened today? Next a non-news item about food banks. Then, video of Priti Patel sensibly refusing to be doorstepped on the subject. The the Political Editor slagging off the Tories in a guarded and sly way. Then a long item about schools being short of money, the clear implication being that the reason was ‘Tory cuts’. Interviewees carefully chosen to reinforce the BBC’s party line.
I don’t know why they bother making the programme. Why not just put up a card saying VOTE LABOUR?
Backlinks to last pages of previous thread
– page 4 a few posts from Sunday night
– page 3 started 1am Sunday
Look North up to their usual tricks. The lead item was given a lot of time. It was about a lesbian who had been refused a post with a religious organisation because she was married to a woman. Is this really the most important thing that’s happened today? Next a non-news item about food banks. Then, video of Priti Patel sensibly refusing to be doorstepped on the subject. The the Political Editor slagging off the Tories in a guarded and sly way. Then a long item about schools being short of money, the clear implication being that the reason was ‘Tory cuts’. Interviewees carefully chosen to reinforce the BBC’s party line.
I don’t know why they bother making the programme. Why not just put up a card saying VOTE LABOUR?
BBC1, 5.15pm: Countryfile – the carbon footprint of meat
BBC2, 6.00pm: The Honest Supermarket – the carbon footprint of things you buy in the supermarket
BBC1, 6.15pm: Attenborough – how we’re generally ruining the planet.
OK, so over to Quest, and I won’t be buying a TV licence next year. I don’t see why I should pay for the BBC’s relentless brainwashing.
@Fred ‘Good news’ for you cos the BBC is serving up even more Greencult for you today
10am Green Xmas with Woman’s Hour
15:30 A repeat of George Monbiot telling you not to eat meat in a Food Prog special
14:15 Mon & Tues “David Morley’s environmental thriller”
15:30 : @Costingtheearth Talking environmental politics and manifestos
09:00 Amy Powney is a fashion designer determined to produce beautiful clothes* sustainably*
09:30 What would become the dominant species if, or when, humans go extinct?
11:30pm Nian is a fourth-year medical student in London committed to doing what she can to draw attention to climate change
@Fred something else now on Y&Y
Flight-shaming : “Our reporter, Kevin Mousley, speaks to Mark Smith from the Man in Seat 61 website about how to do foreign holidays with a *clearer conscience*, by dumping the plane for the train.
Another item on the show is about how the man greens rushed in to enforcing tower blocks to install eco-cladding
..and now they realise it’s not up to standard
There is also Black Poetry
11pm Monday George the anti-white Poet
4pm Tuesday Natalie Steed “with the brilliant poet @YomiSode”
11:30 Wednesday Lemn Sissay explores what charity means when it comes to food.
“What the London Bridge Terrorist Should Have Learned about Islam While in Prison” (David Wood)
Bias by omission
Have you noticed one big subject which had not featured in the Election campaign and nor by the BBC ? Answer – immigration .
Yes I know that immigration is part of Brexit but non European ( non white ) immigration is more of a threat to Blighty – in my opinion .
Whilst the MSM is still crying crocodile tears over London Bridge 2 – we must prepare ourselves of warsi, Lammy et al to come out shouting over forthcoming ‘islamophobia ’ as the ‘mo’s get going on reporting ‘hatee’ incidents ….. it’s almost a script now .
If you want a sick laugh on a Monday morning watch the 2 minute segment of the shadow Home Secretary being quizzed by Dermot murghahan on Sky over a counter terrorism report done by her own party .
Then decide if she had actually read it – it’s a Diane Abbot special . That woman could be in charge of National Security in 12 days time – a revolutionary Marxist like her ex boyfriend …
It’s on Twitter
Immigration from the Third World is the source of many of Britain’s problems. Whether it is terrorism, gang crime, overcrowding in schools and hospitals, social security fraud, child rape gangs, the prospect of incompetent half-wits being in positions of political power or the demographic replacement of the British people, it’s down to Third World immigration. Yes, there are many other factors at work and most individual immigrants are not personally responsible or involved (always try to remember that the problem is immigration itelf), plus there are plenty of rotten apples in the indigenous population, too. But it is key to much: it is a foundation stone built on sand – undermine it and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down. And that’s why the politicial parties and media have an explicit or implicit agreement not to discuss it.
Easier ground for the dictatorial to tell us “what we must do”. Governments may come and go though XR (or their ilk) citizens’ committees (the dream) will ever be eagerly standing over us.
Overcrowding is the opportunity. Climate Emergency the war cry. State Broadcaster the trumpet.
From Migration Watch – ‘Family visas’ up 23% – I bet that’s not Aussies and Canadians
Have to say that I agree 100% with you Ian- I have said it many times in many places that the problem is immigration and it will get worse as the weak clowns sitting in our House of Commons continue to push the issue aside. The Muslim population is I understand about 75 million in Europe and some millions in the UK. These people that follow the teachings of Islam will never integrate as it is imagened. The Islamic culture will not allow it to-the total destruction of Europe is in their sites as it was once some hundreds of years ago under the Otterman Empire. Look at how many Muslim men and women hold positions of power in our nation, through our political system, County Councils, and other associated gatherings of industry, Pharma, Medical, the Media inc BBC, everywhere. Even a contingent have been populating the Isle of Mull-incomprehensible. No wonder literally millions of African, Middle East and Pakistani people are gathering on the shores of North Africa ready to come to Europe, the land supposedly filled with honey-NOT anymore. Those that now govern the EU in Brussles will not stop the influx, their route is also to destroy Europe and its peoples. Escape? But where to?
Poor Charles Martell, Jan Sobieski, and the victors at Lepanto, must be spinning in their graves. All their bravery and sacrifice was of no avail, as our current political leaders, not only opened the ‘Gates of Vienna’, but also invited our historic enemy by the tens of millions with promises of Benefits.
Poor Charles Martell, Jan Sobieski, and the victors at Lepanto, must be spinning in their graves. All their bravery and sacrifice was of no avail, as our current political leaders, not only opened the ‘Gates of Vienna’, but also invited our historic enemy by the tens of millions with promises of Benefits.
by Imam
Abu Baseer, one of the leading supporters of al Qaeda: ‘One of the goals
of immigration is the revival of the duty of jihad and enforcement of their power over the infidels. Immigration and jihad go together. One is the consequence of the other and dependent upon it. The continuance of the one is dependent upon the continuance of the other’
Poor Charles Martell, Jan Sobieski, and the victors at Lepanto, must be spinning in their graves. All their bravery and sacrifice was of no avail, as our current political leaders, not only opened the ‘Gates of Vienna’, but also invited our historic enemy by the tens of millions with promises of Benefits.
R4..Jesus the BBC are really bigging up their Islam religion of peace campaign…Can I ask anyone who is more knowledgeable – when was the Middle East last at peace within its Islamic countries? Nobody seems to ever mention this? For religion of Peace they have an awful lot of wars
@James You don’t understand ,
when there is war or civil war in Islamic countries it is always Britain’s fault.
If Corbyn enters No10 I have had enough of the UK and it moronic hordes. If I was younger I would leave and I would advise anyone who can to do so.
I voted Leave because I believed in sovereignty of the nation state, in our British identity and in democracy. But if the result of British democracy is Corbyn in No 10 I despair. He loathes our values , our identity and will ditch democracy if he can.
If this is what the British people want they are mad and I can only think that this is the bitter fruit of forty years of the Tories allowing the BBC and the educational establishment free rein to propagandise and indoctrinate on behalf of the left. It’s far too late now to start trying to roll back the tide of leftism.
Amol Rajan (who personally I think is a self important idiot) is on R4 later…discussing a subject we have never heard about before – India and how it was colonised by the UK… we all know the narrative here..
Why is it the BBC never look at the positive effects of UK around the world ?
Now on R4 – Labour giving more of our money away – reducing train ticket prices…
Just using modern figures that can be seen to be a nonsense, how can 70 million colonise 7 billion?
We didn’t have the manpower to rule the world, mostly it was a case of ‘ruling’ the local ruler using the tools of trade and religion or the British District Commissioner being seen as a fair and impartial administrator of justice.
Amol Rajan, (who personally I also think is a self-important idiot), would be better employed in an examination of the colonisation of the UK by his kind. There is no way that the UK could ever have provided enough people to outnumber the natives in India yet we are seeing the opposite of that happening in some of our major cities.
Excluding WWII, the total European population of India never rose above 200,000. Think about that: there are more Indians living in West London today than there were Europeans in the entire sub-continent. The system worked because it was co-operative, a joint venture between ruler and ruled, such that the distinctions were often blurred. From 1857 to 1947, when it was under direct British government control (prior to that it was managed by the private East India Company), nearly 40% of the territory was controlled locally by Maharajhas. It was, both in name and practice, an Anglo-Indian empire that managed itself and neighbouring territories such as Burma and Ceylon. There is a sense of shame amongst some Indian historians and politicians that it was a cooperative and collobarative undertaking, even if one side had the upper hand.
During the time of the involvement of Britain in India, starting with the East India Company, the population of India grew from 100 million to 250 million (approx. of course). Ask your snowflakey friends who wail about the evil British ‘colonisation’ of India what they think was the maximum number of British people in India during this time, including civilians? Without looking it up, I think the answer is about 150,000. Probably best to research exact figures, I’m relying on memory here.
Compare that with the number of people originally from the Indian subcontinent living here now. According to the likes of YAB it’s a just revenge for ‘colonialism’. People do confuse the two.
Ian Rushlow; Despairada et al.
This quote is from the following website and well worth reading.
‘Irfan Husain in his article “Demons from the Past” observes:
“While historical events should be judged in the context of their times, it cannot be denied that even in that bloody period of history, no mercy was shown to the Hindus unfortunate enough to be in the path of either the Arab conquerors of Sindh and south Punjab, or the Central Asians who swept in from Afghanistan…The Muslim heroes who figure larger than life in our history books committed some dreadful crimes. Mahmud of Ghazni, Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, Balban, Mohammed bin Qasim, and Sultan Mohammad Tughlak, all have blood-stained hands that the passage of years has not cleansed..Seen through Hindu eyes, the Muslim invasion of their homeland was an unmitigated disaster.’
Why is this history of India never taught in schools?
Labour 1 hr ago:
The BBC yesterday:
Quickly re-time stamped to make it look like they were reporting rather than acting as advance PR.
However looking at the comments on the tweet, this latest act of uncosted generosity with other people’s money… ‘could be going better’.
The bbc just look like idiots. Again.
Usually I share the whole bbc Moaning Emole, but here is another of their editorial integrity techniques… the ‘quote’.
By Andrew McFarlane
Climate talks to open as ‘point of no return’ looms
Of course, that looming point is according to an outfit who likes scaring people to get the money they need to keep flying to jollies around the world.
I wonder how many of Andrew’s colleagues fancied a bit of Spanish sun, too?
One for Rog, Dave, Sir Boaty, etc not to have time or space for…
The climate appears to be doing well for many…
But not so well for others:
Make me your PM and I will make all train fares free – in fact I will pay you to use the train – by the way I’m putting up personal taxation ‘A little bit; to pay for it ……
Horlicks. Pull the other one! Have a very Happy and Brexity Christmas.
And a Brexity Christmas to you to – I’m a member of the Scrooge party so we’re giving away humbug too – but you’ll pay for it . …
Its obvious what Corby and his cohorts are doing. They know their ridiculous promises are totally unrealistic and they have no intention of implementing them. Should they get into power they will simply announce that the Conservatives have left the economy in a far worse state than they ever anticipated and therefore they are unable to fulfil the giveaways they promised.
They will however be sure to attack the so called ‘rich’ as well as businesses, landlords, second home owners etc.
The polls are showing Labour closing God help us. And remember the fraudulent postal votes, proxies and double voting students will not be accounted for in the figures compiled for the polls.
They are bound to be ‘closing’. Which side of the political divide are most of them firmly entrenched on?
General – the 18-23 are the target, with free everything, sounds great/cool.
the target have never worked/payed taxes/ns & live in a dream world where it’s so unfair.
General – the 18-23 are the target, with free everything, sounds great/cool.
the target have never worked/payed taxes/ns & live in a dream world where it’s so unfair.
The BBC had Nicola Sturgeon in for a chat this morning. She was treated like a visiting well-loved auntie with lots of cosy chat and coffee. She was also give the unchallenged opportunity to slag off Boris on his personality, dress, etc. multiple times…. “No woman in politics would ever get away with it!”
This now seems to be the sneaky morning BBC political party broadcast format, get anyone on who can be rolled under the Conservative bandwagon and compare Boris with Trump.
All this backed up by pretty much the same message in the Guardian and Independent. I counted 5 bash Boris articles on the Guardian home page this morning.
It stinks to high heaven!
It was ‘live’ on Farcebook.
Billed as her answering ‘our’ questions.
Well, after the bbc had done their thing first.
They are a joke.
I wonder why the Tories are unable to see that the BBC has now given up all pretense of impartiality.
If BJ becomes PM, he should appoint a new DG of the BBC, to modernize it. Under this guise, a major re-organisation to make the BBC fit for the 21st century. That should be the MO, despite squeals from the BBC.
A similar strategy was applied to the miners ie to modernise British power generation and industry.
“If BJ becomes PM” he should get rid of the hated Telly Tax and let the Biased Broadcaster pay for itself by subscription.
The bbc just look like idiots. Again.
It was the bBC’s coverage of the 2015 election followed by the 2016 referendum that finally did it for me. Someone said at the weekend that Marr had become a parody of himself. Looking at the reporting here and clips/articles on the internet over the past few years it appears that the bBC in its entirety firstly became a parody of itself – and then rapidly became a parody of that parody.
Surely it is so ridiculous now that no normal person takes it seriously?
On Radio4 Amol Rajan and anita Anand have managed to bring Amritsar back into discussion again, and -although I’d have to go back and listen again- managed to squeeze Trump (bad) and Obama (good) into the narrative of India.
Amol saya they are getting to partition, and I guess that is when Britain will really get it in the neck. The actual murderers were -of course- not to blame, were I to hazard a guess…
I note the Frau Merkel has been making sinister remarks that anyone who indulges in free speech which contradicts the established view of what is and is not acceptable must expect to pay a price! In other words free speech isn’t free . Of course the likes of the BBC , in the vanguard of the ‘progressive movement’ , are the arbiters of what is and is not acceptable. So they can spout stuff on a daily basis which I and many others find offensive but because we have no power there is no sanction which can be taken against them. This can only end with complete censorship of every point of view the establishment don’t agree with. Depressing.
Frau Merkel? She’s German, right? I believe they ‘have form’ for supressing free speech and ideas in that country, especially when they can’t argue against them from an intellectual or moral standpoint. The litttle chap with the moustache would be proud…
Doublethinker – you have to realise that Merkel is ex- GDR, in all likelyhood an ex- functionary in the FDJ (a sort of ‘Young Communist youth league’) and an opportunist who gives that term a whole new dimension. She is also known to be extremely ruthless, something I think we can take for granted.
The real mystery/story will be how she came fro nowhere in 1989 to become ‘the mightiest woman in Europe’ by the naughties, and successfully hijack an entire conservative party (the CDU/CSU) to become a green socialist movement, leaving the people who have the policies of the old CDU (the present AfD) with a ‘far-right’ /neo-nazi label hanging around their necks.
That will have taken some doing, and whoever reveals the truth is really going to publish and cash in big-time. Meanwhile Merkel, lawbreaker supreme, is hoping her ‘humanitarian’ work is going to keep her well clear of the courts. If not, it is said she has a place in Paraguay awaiting her retirement.
Finally, Ian Rushlow, I have to differ with you, although i understand where you are coming from. Have a look at someone like Alexander Gauland or Alice Weidel, and you will find there are Germans committed to the truth. In fact, to the extent that ANY politician of ANY nationality is committed to the truth, there are plenty of Germans who, post-war, have a reputation for honesty, from the socialist Willy Brand to the ‘unifier’ Helmuth Kohl, and the ‘father’ of post-war Germany, Konrad Adenhauer.
But Merkel? A bout of very, very bad news. Although one could learn from her on the topics of a) staying in power regardless, and b) deals in smoke-filled back rooms from which she invariably exits triumphant.
How the H has it been possible for Germany to lead the way, a nation the UK went to war against to smash Nazism-they should never have been granted such powers. To rebuild them after the War agreed, but never should they be allowed a Military force of any credible size that coluld once again endanger Europe-well Just consider who is at the helm, a woman whose birth and background is of being in a Communist led environment. Communisim is the aim of the EU. Complete subjugation all the way. Civil strife if I am not mistaken will rise, when ? But it will.
Back to my earlier comment about ‘Start the week’. Nope, for once Britain didn’t get the blame. In Jammu and Kashmir the Hindu v Moslem conflict seems to be the fault of the nasty Hindu nationalists. Got their ideas from the Nazis, apparently. So Moslems not to blame, if i understood correctly?
They never are.
VD scratches a sore the BBC will ensure is viewed one way.
After Corbys “Chat” with Sophey on Sunday he was asked who do you want as next Arsenal manager ? He Replied Patrick Vieria ….and said “he has done some good work with the kids back home” ( Senegal) . Now then if I said to a immigrant “go back home” I think I would be in trouble but its ok for Jezer to say that …?? He has lived in France since he was Seven and didnt go back “home” to visit till 2003…..when he was 27…
R4 Woman’s Hour (The Lib-Supremacist, Green-Supremacist show)
Having a Green Xmas with celebrity non-binary cook Jack Monroe
Woman’s Hour : Green Christmas Food, Gaia Vince, Glass Walls
As the EU declares a global ‘climate and environmental emergency’ will you be changing your food habits this Christmas ?
Will you ditch the turkey for a more sustainable alternative, buy less and consider food miles when you shop?
How will you reduce the amount of food waste over the holiday period?
Jane is joined by Jack Monroe the food writer and campaigner,
Journalist Nina Pullman and Jenny Costa from the company Rubies in the Rubble.
Male supremacy, for all its ubiquity, is surprisingly recent, according to the science writer Gaia Vince.
In her new book ‘Transcendence’ she tells how there is compelling evidence that patriarchal societies date back less than 10,000 years.
She joins Jane to talk about her research and her belief that humans probably evolved as an egalitarian species, remaining that way for hundreds of thousands of years.
How long have baboons been patriarchal ?
How long have elephants been matrilneal ?
‘Wimmin’s Hour’. An entire hour every day of the week, in which to spread whatever propaganda you wish. (Usually not about issues as comparatively harmless as ‘green’ food.) You can talk any rubbish you want, cast out any unsubstantiated pearls before swine (the listener and licence-fee payer) and neither Lord Hall nor Ofcom will lift a finger to stop you. Christmas every day, in fact.
Now ain’t that as good as a free licence to print money? Or better?
Had any Conservative or Brexit politician made that reply you can be sure he/she would have been mauled for it. But the whole point of asking Corbyn his opinion on football is to show us that he’s a ‘man of the people’.
I am still feeling a bit uneasy by the opinion polls and possible Labour gains. This is because of my strong belief that Labour will be relying on voter fraud to swing things. The very issue that seems to be absent from any left wing (which includes the BBC) journalism.
Electoral Calculus predicts a Tory majority of 34. A slight improvement on their previous prediction. The lowest possible number of seats is actually higher than the Labour average.
Is it safe to say that at the very worse the Tories would have just 10 seats? Enough to just about get Brexit over the line?
I wonder if any torys are wishing they got the boundary commission changes thru before embarking on Treasoner Mayhems attempt to throw the last election
“the opinion polls” … “boundary commission changes”
To win offer more stuff – someone else will pay. Don’t ask – just vote.
The Electoral boundaries couldn’t be updated because the Lib Dems wouldn’t allow it. The calendar may say 2019 the boundaries are still reflective of 2000 population distribution?
Whatever happened to leaving the EU? The new parliament will be up for it? Is Corbyn still being mature?
From last Wednesday’s news about a 2006 rape of a 13 year old
– Nasar Ahmed, aged 41, – is accused of two counts of raping the girl, possessing a shotgun and falsely imprisoning the child.
– Majid Altaf, aged 41, been charged with six counts of raping the same girl and arranging or facilitating sexual activity with a child.
– A third man, Shahzad Khan, aged 43, accused of a single count of raping the same girl.
If it’s not a false accusation what have they been doing for the last 13 years ?
Anything about that on the BBC or from anywhere else in the left?
I mean they are going back as far as 1995 to try and smear Johnson and yet they cannot pick up on something from 2006?
Listening to the standard template for discussions on terror attacks in the UK, all based on the secondary problems: systemic failure… cuts in funding… setting up a survivor’s charter… don’t look back in anger…
Funny because the media are more than capable of discussing primary causes when the narrative fits. In the days following Darren Osbourne’s 2017 Finsbury Park mosque attack, the Guardian had six opinion pieces all very clear on the ideological impetus (word count for far / radical right = 21). Amber Rudd was quick to reassure Muslims that they will get full protection and that they “must feel safe”.
Since Friday’s attack, they’ve had just one opinion piece by Sadiq Khan (word count for Islam / Muslim = 0)
‘Comment is free’… but as usual no one’s got much to say when it doesn’t fit the agenda.
We have a choice, enforce our borders or install more bollards/PoI (pillars of Islam).
And straight in on the home page the BBC try to ‘balance the books’ with their brand of rubbish
Bless. No dogs they loved called Blondi though?
Like the Piranha Brothers, perhaps…
Just got this from a news industry aggregator. Breaking News. Not
BBC News has appointed Shaimaa Khalil as a Sydney correspondent, covering New Zealand and Australia for the BBC. Shaimaa previously served as Pakistan correspondent for BBC World News.
Seems BBC Oz is getting all the skills that saw Malala targeted by… remind me, who… where?
John Pienaar showing the accustomed BBC totally balance unbiased aprroach to politics with that tired old in-house dodge ‘some might say’ :
‘After 10 years of Conservative rule blighted by austerity and Brexit-weariness, it takes an almost breathtaking audacity – hostile critics might say the brassiest neck in the business – to campaign for a fourth consecutive Tory term in office as the face of change. It takes, in other words, Boris Johnson.’
Our John then treats us to a tick box list of Labour Party talking points:
‘face the BBC’s Andrew Neil’ Tick
‘voters are yearning for change’ Tick
‘The PM did, after all, allow a decent interval (of maybe two or three hours) to pass after the attack before he began reciting Tory election promises of more police and tougher sentencing.’ Tick
Thanks John, we know where you stand. It’s still etched into my memory how when Boris beat Livingstone for London Mayor by a couple of percentage points you said it was a close run thing. Days later Socialist French President Hollande won by a similar margin and Mr Pienaar observed a landslide. You see our John tends to see politics through his red-tinted goggles.
John Pienaar showing the accustomed BBC totally balance unbiased aprroach to politics with that tired old in-house dodge ‘some might say’ :
‘After 10 years of Conservative rule blighted by austerity and Brexit-weariness, it takes an almost breathtaking audacity – hostile critics might say the brassiest neck in the business – to campaign for a fourth consecutive Tory term in office as the face of change. It takes, in other words, Boris Johnson.’
Our John then treats us to a tick box list of Labour Party talking points:
‘face the BBC’s Andrew Neil’ Tick
‘voters are yearning for change’ Tick
‘The PM did, after all, allow a decent interval (of maybe two or three hours) to pass after the attack before he began reciting Tory election promises of more police and tougher sentencing.’ Tick
Thanks John, we know where you stand. It’s still etched into my memory how when Boris beat Livingstone for London Mayor by a couple of percentage points you said it was a close run thing. Days later Socialist French President Hollande won by a similar margin and Mr Pienaar observed a landslide. You see our John tends to see politics through his red-tinted goggles.
John Pienaar showing the accustomed BBC totally balanced unbiased aprroach to politics with that tired old in-house dodge ‘some might say’ :
‘After 10 years of Conservative rule blighted by austerity and Brexit-weariness, it takes an almost breathtaking audacity – hostile critics might say the brassiest neck in the business – to campaign for a fourth consecutive Tory term in office as the face of change. It takes, in other words, Boris Johnson.’
Our John then treats us to a tick box list of Labour Party talking points:
‘face the BBC’s Andrew Neil’ Tick
‘voters are yearning for change’ Tick
‘The PM did, after all, allow a decent interval (of maybe two or three hours) to pass after the attack before he began reciting Tory election promises of more police and tougher sentencing.’ Tick
Thanks John, we know where you stand. It’s still etched into my memory how when Boris beat Livingstone for London Mayor by a couple of percentage points you said it was a close run thing. Days later Socialist French President Hollande won by a similar margin and Mr Pienaar observed a landslide. You see our John tends to see politics through his red-tinted goggles.
Guido does an ITTB Craig.
Marr’d. Because he’s worth it?
Craig does Craig. Better.
Craig frames.
And the media think they should be the ones running stuff?
Stand. For. Office. Clowns.
I’ve been laid up with a bad back and had a couple of days resting on the sofa and watching more telly than usual.
I saw a lovely old Miss Marple yesterday afternoon. It was the sort of series the Beeb used to produce, but can’t any longer. Brilliant scripts, superb acting, lovely scenery and no jarring political comments from 2019 that would have been totally inappropriate in the 1950s.
Then, yesterday evening, I caught the last episode of the trilogy they’ve made about HG Wells War of the Worlds. Blimey, what a contrast!
All the men are either bigoted, pea brained lunatics or pathetic wimps who spend most of their time snivelliing. There are only two strong characters in the piece, the woman (obviously) she’s feisty, intelligent and courageous and (I believe) a gay scientist..ditto.
The young woman is played by that tall ginger bird from Poldark. They’ve also introduced a mixed race child who’s appears to be there for no other reason than as a token.
The entire production is riven with subliminal political propaganda handled with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Towards the end of this corruption of a fine story, Ginger’s boyfriend (one of the wimps) starts screaming at his brother about how England had brought this invasion upon itself. “This is how we treat the rest of the world, we’re evil, we deserve this.” The poor bloke seemed to be going for his BAFTA and no doubt this PC baloney will be up there when the award season is with us.
All the luvvies will be there, back slapping and telling each other how wonderful they are.
You can watch it if you want.
I’ll stick with Miss Marple…
Jeff – You are right. Part 3 of War of the Worlds was truly pathetic. Nothing happened, but the programme was used as a PC political vehicle. So blatant. So obvious. One star out of ten would be generous.
Watching lunchtime TV news is no better: election news featured Sinn Fein, Labour and the SNP.
Conservatives? Nope. Brexit Party? Nope. UKIP? Nope. Of course, our ‘impartial’ broadcaster has been ignoring UKIP entirely.
LimpDumbs? Greens? Thankfully, nope. Now, that is a surprise.
Miss Marple had a lot more plot and action. Mind you it had nothing to beat.
I was really looking forward to WotW on the basis it was supposed to be set in its original locations. In fact it was incredibly, wrist-slittingly gloomy, boring and virtually plotless. Nor did it bear much relation to the book. By the end, I was rooting for the Martians.
But boxes were ticked which is the main thing these days.
I hear that next year the BBC have a new adaptation of Far from the Madding Crowd. Set in Tower Hamlets, Bathsheba is to be transgender and the plot centres on how Troy, Oak, and Boldwood, all new immigrants from Bangla Desh, respond with the ensuing challenge to their sexuality.
Apparently the beeb is doing their version of The Female Eunuch, starring Eddie Izzard,
Is it me or are the Tories trying to be as inept as they were in 2017 and so lose the election?
They have absolutely no strategy whatever and unworked out threadbare policies.
Whereas Labour have clear strategy of the ‘Orange Cream in the Chocolate Box ‘ variety.
Bear with me.
Years ago I was told a cautionary marketing story. A chocolate manufacturer wanted to increase sales of its chocolate boxes. So it did some research and they found that the Orange Cream was by far the least popular centre. Whereas caramels were very popular. So they replaced the Orange Cream with another caramel.
But sales went down. They could not understand why. They had done all their homework. Or had they?
In further research it turned out there were some customers who bought the chocolates BECAUSE the box contained the Orange Cream. Take out the Orange and you remove the reason to buy. Whereas the extra caramel was nice but the caramel lovers were already buying.
Corbyn knows this. He’s bribing all kinds of groups with money from the rest of us. Waspis, public sector in general, NHS in particular, trade unions especially in the to-be nationalised industries. Today the commuters are being bribed with lower fares.
If you are directly affected, a proportion will buy into the promise and worry about who pays later.
Meanwhile, what are the Tories offering? Brexit. It just isn’t enough. There are multiple targets to aim at but they are not only missing the target, they are not even firing.
Meanwhile Labour and their BBC chums keep talking about the ‘issues that matter’. Hey presto they are all traditionally strong ones for Labour. Schools, health, social security, anything failing where the failure can be attributed to ‘austerity’, which after the London Bridge attack extends now to the probation service.
And what of the centre-right agenda? Market economy, strong financials, defence, the benefits of Brexit, defence ???? Not a whisper.
Utterly pathetic.
Just for a change a word of praise for the Beeb. QI on Saturday. Normally I just look at the panellists and if the likes of Brand, Colman, Jupitus Johnny Vegas and any of the others who ruin the programme with their inane cackling and taking up minutes of time with their heads up their arses about some stupid comments, I don’t bother
Instead it was back to the way it used to be in another age. Informative, genuinely funny, and no nasty comments about Trump, Boris or any other politicians.
I don’t suppose it will last.
The BBC are brave enough to open up a HYS on wimmims football
dont think they will be opening another one soon
“wimmims football”
For me the mixing of men and women’s football on the same page doesn’t work. According to State Broadcaster the order of importance is Premiership, Women’s football, Championship and then the rest of the leagues.
Totally OT but I’ve had an idea, how about if the whole English under21 men’s team identify as female. The Beeb would go into orgasmic overdrive to support them and England ???????????????????????????? would be in with a chance of winning a cup. If this catches on with Scotland ????????????????????????????, Wales ???????????????????????????? and Northern Ireland joining in do you think anyone would notice the ridiculousness of it?
As pointed out in posts above the motivation is not even hinted at.
Yes there’s never a problem in identifying “Tory cuts”.
Nice to be lectured on terrorism by the man who spent his life defending terrorists.
Yes, are Usman and Sadiq related? They certainly share the same surname.
BBCtrending say “look over there”
just 2 weeks after a Green hedgefund paid BBC Green PR man Matt MacGrath €100K ‘prize’
BTW their pinned tweet dates from Nov6th and is a debunk of fake news about Swinson
.. but there is fake news about every candidate so favouriting that story looks like biasing the election to me.
I see the father of one of the murdered loons in the London Jihadi attacks is a far left Labour activist – no surprise there.
No surprise either that he has politicised his sons death by attacking Boris Johnson, whilst at the same time moaning his sons death is being politicised!
If only all the victims of these Jihadis were leftist loons like this one they would be doing everyone a favour!
These people were not innocent. They are dead and injured as a diesct consequence of their own stupidity, alas it seems that not one single lesson has been learned.
Indeed Thoughtful. One needs more than a winning smile ,a writing course and a naive belief in the inner goodness of man to deal with these people. No wonder the Lefties are attacking Boris if they didn’t they would have to face the probability that they are wrong.
And of the three brave men who tackled the terrorist there is one we are hearing nothing about, because we was a convicted murderer, who presumably had been successfully rehabilitated. Why the silence?
So the selection of the two who died is simply a tragic coincidence, apparently. I wonder if any or all of the three seriously injured come from the same school of thought – a school which gains diplomas in naivety for believing that jihadis can be ‘taught the error of their ways’?
Actually such frightening ignorance transcends naivety, it steadfastly refuses to allow the awful reality that such terrorists giggle with private and superbly disguised glee when soft, gullible and well-meaning kuffars weep tears of pride as their efforts achieve ‘results’.
‘Oh look, Nassreem has written us a poem…..’
How many remember that the leader of the 7/7 London bombings, Mohammed Sidique Khan (no relation, I’m sure) was a primary school teacher?
Earlier today the comrade Corbyn carried a fulsome message deploring an attack on a rabbi in Stamford hill last Friday . I looked for it on the BBC site but could find no trace . The Hackney Gazette was also limited in reporting . I was interested whether the assailants were described as “white “. Description was omitted .
Tonight’s Londonistan news describes the event and says the suspects were’ “black” and wearing hoods ‘. No mention of whether Alan’s snack bar was involved …..
Didn’t quite fit the false far right threat narrative – that one ….
“The attackers were described as young, slim, black men who were wearing hooded tops. One was wearing grey trousers and white trainers”.
slim eh!?..thinks..
Antisemitism is now a mostly a moslem matter. Why is no one saying this?
The last BBC Trending prog says “Google and tech corps are the bad men”
Are they ?
When African agents sell Gulf Arabs “maids” and they sometimes treat them badly like not giving them holidays, or don’t pay them properly, and then sell them on with their employment permit
…. BBC Trending say it’s the fault of Google and tech for providing the online marketplace.
Just like “Nazi”, “far right” BBC Trending throws around the loaded word “slave”
The show did present that some of the maids are exploited, that SOME of the maids were underpaid and overworked, denied mobile phone and even under the age limit.
Overall to me is that SOME Arabs (some Kuwaitis in the example) were exploiting SOME African maids and coincidentally made a profit by selling the employment contract on.
To me the bad action is the exploitation
and that bad-man is those bad employers.
Certainly not the tech platforms.
That they allowed advertising with racist language is their fault.
That some of the employment contracts weren’t been run illegally is not within their control.
It is interesting that after all this time BBCtrending have done a prog where SOME Muslims are the bad guys
… but unusually they have put out no promo tweets for this prog that went out on Saturday
I do spot one promo tweet from the Radio station
but it doesn’t make it clear Muslims are the perps
“Women in Kuwait are being bought and sold
on apps available on the popular online platforms”
update I just listened to the end of the podcast
and then they added it wasn’t just Kuwait, but a thing that is spread through all the Arab states. Of trafficking maids with working contracts up the chain to take a profit each time.
BBC House Journal not, as such, helping, I would have thought…
Magic Fat Controller has today offered to buy everyone a trainset.
Another organ of idiocy has got excited.
Beyond the poofing, using a picture of when Jez was busted for lying again is impressive.
Oh, and here is another senile entitled Labourite playing with his set.
BBC & the establishment
.. YOU are all Ratners
.. you sell us tat ..and pretend its gold.
BBC local radio at lunchtime had some kind of hustings
.. One topic was this countries shortage of doctors.
The next topic was the 32 hour working week
the first 4 candidates were all in favour
… Strange they couldn’t see a connection with the previous topic.
Standby for a week of Al Beeb apologists, all blaming everyone for the despicable acts of the murderous terrorists except the perpetrators themselves.
If they had been kept incarcerated, the victims would be still alive.
Simples .
Mr Merritt’s father David… said: ‘Don’t use my son’s death, and his and his colleague’s photos – to promote your vile propaganda’.
What would Jo Cox have said?
The Liberals and the Left own this tragedy it has their paw marks all over it . . The narrative that is being pushed now on the BBC is outrageous . Anyone else remember? The flames of Grenfell were still burning when Corbyn and Co were politicising it. No one had a problem with that seemingly. .
” Listen up everybody BIG BROTHER has more to say. I was
pleased of your coverage of the new London Bridge collateral
damage. We saw plenty of Muslims being showed
in a positive way. I expect the BBC to continue with this.
I want ANYBODY but Muslims to be blamed. In time we
will get the police officers that shot the mentally ill gentleman
to be investigated.
OK there will be memorials . There will be we will all
stand together. The holding of hands. John Lennon’s Imagine
etc. I want to see Muslims prominent in this. Get an Islamist
hugging one of the relatives of the deceased.Get a few , at
least Muslim looking folk to say they knew the deceased.
And also somebody who knew Mr Khan to tell us that he
liked cricket. AND no way are to we to
agree with Johnson, about locking them up and throwing
away the keys. ISLAM is a religion of peace. we at the BBC
all know this. These folk that commit collateral damage have
grievances and are are only following what their holy book
tell them to do.Remember we stand for DIVERSITY and POSITIVE
DISCRIMINATION at the BBC, and nothing else matters.
Now let’s really get to a really serious issue . Let’s get the Duke
of York!!
worth remembering
Biggest lie on that video: the sign reading ‘Terrorism Has No Religion’.
I think you’ll find 99.99% DOES have a religion, and it’s not Mormonism.
typical deluded Marrxist
Guido is sharing wonderful clip from Barry Gardiner, Labour, getting it in the neck from a former labour supporter who doesn’t let him squirm his way around the issue of Brexit and Labour shi**ting on the people of wales who voted out.
Yes, James (I think that’s his name ) speaks for me and many Taffmen .
Labour will lose many votes in Wales.
I really do hope so Taff!..they are truly the scum of the British political scene.
“We never voted HOW to leave!”
Doesn’t it make you sick?
I wonder if he knows HOW to use the toilet? Now let’s see: I suppose there’s not pulling your pants down at all! Then there’s doing it kneeling on the rim! Or running on the spot while in action? Etc etc. Really difficult, this. I mean, HOW do you do it? I see Barry’s dilemma. Typical Labour problem. Maybe if you did all of those at the same time? Really, really complicated, this is, Barry.
The caller saw through Barry all the way: “You take us for fools…”
\\Pisa tests boss: Wales education system ‘lost its soul’//
Education and health in Wales is a mess.
Time we got rid of The Welsh Assembly , its a total bureaucratic waste of money.
bring it on!
Usually ignore him but this is fun.
This is shaping up a treat.
British politics… ‘forced’ to be held to account by… the bbc, Ch4, Sky and… Paul Mason and Owen Jones.
” ‘forced’ to be held to account ”
And who elects the inquisitors? Or are we OK that they’re self appointed?
Perhaps we should save the bother of holding elections and rely on opinion polls taken after ‘grillings’?
In Londons multiculti heart a vigil was held for the brain dead millenials murdered by a Jihadi they didn’t believe in.
These are images of the crowd spot the Muslim showing their sympathy:
@Thoughtful FFS don’t called them ” brain dead millennials ” on the day of their memorial
I know you are saying the crowd is almost entirely white
but I can see some brown & white faces
Thoughtful. I think you will find the top picture is Cambridge Market…Cambridge is so Liberal……the election battle is between Labour and Liberals with Liberals likely to win.. You don’t see too many Muslims here just lots of Woke middle class climate change leaf eating pseudo intellectuals 🙂
Colour me shocked. The bbc… double standards?
There’s a report in the Express that a car has mounted the pavement in front of a school in Essex, injuring a number of children. Hit and run, the car was immediately driven away but no description of the driver.
This sounds familiar. Three children were killed in a similar occurrence a few years ago and their parents were harassed by the police for mentioning it was at least one muslim in the car.
Apparently somebody once claimed that The Church of England was the Tory Party at prayer. Is there not now a case for claiming that Islam is the Labour Party at prayer? Just a thought.
Yep. I’ve started referring to them as the islamic Labour party.
Not only do they hate Jews, they hate Christians just as viscerally.
john in cheshire
“Debden Park High School: Boy, 12, dead and several hurt in crash”
And the police’s number one priority?
“We would urge people not to speculate on the circumstances or people involved.”
9:40pm .. “Essex Police will be hosting a media briefing regarding the murder investigation in Willingale Road, Loughton, outside Loughton police station at 9:40pm this evening.
.. no questions”
Elsewhwere : “The driver also attempted earlier to ram into children at another school.”
and a Facebook discussion whic h may or may not be true
So, how many of our children must be murdered before they are all deported?
There was an attack yesterday in the failed state of Sweden where a Muslim in a stolen car mounted the pavement and ran some 14 year old kids over before ramming the wall of a spots hall where other kids were playing handball, and yelled Allah Hu Akbar, but the damage to the car was too much for him to be able to drive it inside.
>JIC…this one in Hayes ?
where a Jaynesh Chudasama was the driver?:
Once again a case of initial sentence reduced!.. WTF?
and whatever happened to the 51 year old male driver in this case in Huddersfield..the death of Katelyn Dawson?:
“BBC Panorama: How to Brainwash a Million People.”
By the experts.