On Toady at 0715 we get an in-depth article into ……tactical voting.
Which focussed entirely on Labour and Lib Dem interplay to keep out the Tories.
How very impartial. Not.
And just to make sure you get the message, straight afterwards Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein has her usual cosy chat with Uncle John Mcdonnell, whose outright marxist economic policies have, needless to say, never been challenged.
Around 15 minutes of constant Labour issues, agenda, narrative, pro Labour bias, and anti tory tactics.
PS and even with a 10 point lead the Tories are not sure of a majority, so the bias takes on particular effect. The BBC editors are campaigning every bit as much as Corbyn, and disturbingly, possibly with greater impact.
I suppose that viewed from State Broadcaster’s perspective there’s no point in being in the game without purpose. They probably see themselves as brave.
“It was us that done it” is Friday’s secret headline.
As ever great – be just like The Mirror though with funding only coming from the like minded not through tax.
Today: In the last burst of campaigning, we follow Jeremy Corbyn and hear from 0720 johnmcdonnellMP & 0830 @michaelgove. Also Aaron Sorkin on Harper Lee and Donald Trump.
Last 2019 campaign splash for State Broadcaster. Corbyn first with slogan. Room for the Scottish woman and Farage is shut out. Actually all mention of leaving the EU is forgotten (why is there an election again?). Prime space is offered up for SB’s own Climate campaign.
From beginning to end, the BBC’s election narrative has been clear – bash Boris and guide people on to Labour’s safe ground.
So, we’ve been handed lots of coverage of issues such as the NHS and ending austerity, and latterly tactical voting tips, and very little about the anti democratic EU, national security, immigration or anti semitism.
Today’s website “reality check” section is a humdinger that’s so typical of the way the BBC manipulates the narrative – it’s all about “the image that catapulted the NHS to the forefront of the election”, which is being reported as if the Leeds hospital photo appeared magically out of nowhere and its wall to wall coverage had nothing to do with the BBC’s desperate news agenda.
So, here we are, on the eve of the vote, and the BBC is still banging on and on about that photo.
And (they think they’re so clever these BBC journos) they’re using “reality check” to have a go at anyone who queries the photo’s authenticity, implicitly blaming Tory activists of creating fake news about it.
Three days of coverage now on that photo, and not a word all week about the deluge of criticism out in the country about Corbyn’s terrorist sympathies or his party’s institutional anti semitism.
Yet it’s website does find space for a story today about a Labour candidate alleging that their Tory opponent is Islamaphobic! What a surprise.
But shockingly there’s not a mention of a new advertisement appearing in local papers all over the country penned by 15 former Labour MPs urging people NOT to vote Labour because of its rampant anti semitism.
How can the BBC call itself impartial when it ignores such an important news story based on an existential threat to a part of our population?
Well, of course, it can’t. It is biased to the core, manipulative and long ago crossed a line. A great swathe of quietly patriotic voters know that.
You can check out the real news here…. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/election-labour-party-jeremy-corbyn-vote-mps-a9241411.html
And following the reality check, the presenter said that the problem for Boris was that he didn’t “show enough empathy” when the photo of the child in A&E was pulled out.
That’s the BBC showing its true virtue-signalling preferences.
It’s ludicrous – it’s no longer the content of speech, or actions that matter, but how good a show of empathy a politician can display.
I suspect people don’t get taken in by it – those who already hate Boris have some extra fuel for their hatred; those who don’t are unswayed. Meanwhile, all the BBC accomplishes is the infantilisation of absolutely everyone.
I’m going to pitch a new idea for BBC daytime called ‘empathy watch “ ( pat. Pending ) in which public figures compete to show compassion – obviously with the likes of Jacinda the bar is very high but the semi educated snowflakes expect their ‘leaders’ to shed the occasional croc tear over an awful event like a volcano blowing up /erupting .
Thoughts , prayers , counselling , learned lessons can all go in the mix . I’m suggesting it be ‘hosted ‘ by one of those many sour lefty ‘comics’ – jo brand , nish ? , the chap who wears make up , the bitter Scots one – to suggest a few ….
No one I know would call the party ‘Blue Labour’ formerly known as “The Conservatives” as centre right, most people would put them as centre left. Although there are a few hard left nutters who seem to believe that every other party is ‘far right’.
Even if you are an elderly person and incapable of accepting things have changed still clinging onto a belief the Tories are centre right there is still a problem with bias.
Lets say we take a scale, and the furthest Left is -10 and the furthest right +10
Labour is currently -8 and the Tories -2
When the BBC comes along and says we receive equal complaints from both sides therefore we are impartial it actually is an admission of bias of -6 !
The issue the BBC have is that they have assumed that the Tories are the equal and opposite to Labour which they clearly are not. For the BBC to occupy impartial ground they would need the Tories to be at +8 on the right wing scale and I don’t think there’s anyone who would claim them to be that!
The BBC are therefore damned by their own words, equal complaints from both sides is in reality an admission of left wing bias !
You are correct about the BBC’s concept of the political ‘zero’, but then that is not helped by the Conservatives effectively campaigning on the basis that ‘we too are on the left, just not quite as much as the others’, (Oh for someone to push for free-thinking , personal responsibility and enterprise!).
However the nature of the complaints that the BBC uses to confirm its balance is different. It’s “Why do you only cover Labour?” versus “Why don’t you cover Labour more?”, the debate is centered on Labour’s battleground.
Thoughtful by name, thoughtful by nature.
A very neat point.
The key economic issue (which has had almost no coverage) is this.
You can draw a scale from Johnson, May, Cameron, Blair and maybe even Brown.
Now to an extent they all believe roughly the same thing, with varying degrees of reluctance.
Which is that the market economy and capitalism is the way to go. The differences are in degrees. The amount of regulation needed to put the brakes on the excesses of capitalism, and the amount of public spending but within the context of the private sector creating the wealth in the first place. I am certain Farage is on that continuum and probably the Lib Dumbs, if they thought about it. Wee Krankie is probably also there too.
Corbyn and Mcdonnell are not. They want to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an entirely state run bureaucratic economy. A vote for them, masquerading to the gullible as cuddly investors in public services, will ruin the country and take decades to put right.
T, I did notice the BBC described the Conservatives as Far Right yesterday or this morning but I think that is – in their view – because Bojo is the current leader.
The more bias they show the more people turn against them. I dont know anyone (except my mate lefty Andy) that is going to vote Labour. Im expecting a massive win for the Conservatives and labour with near 100 seats. Corbyn wont be Labour leader on Friday, meaning that Labour will have to elect a BME women as leader they cannot possibly do anything else they have painted themselves into equality corner. So dont loose heart and I for one will be stopping up late Thursday early Friday to watch the results on the BBC as I did with the referendum, nothing like seeing them squirm.
I’m unsure of the victory of either side, in all honesty, I want a Blue win, not a Red One. The Labour Party are far too cocky, going around telling people to be ready for them to Leader of this country, its a joke, all of them should be put in front of a Judge for lieing to the public.
If you live in a marginal constituency, don’t be surprised if a prominent politician turns up in your neighbourhood later. Party leaders will be breathlessly criss-crossing the country in a last-ditch effort to win votes. Boris Johnson will say the Tories are the only party who can “get Brexit done”, while Jeremy Corbyn will say Labour offers a “vote for hope”. Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson will say voting for her party can stop Mr Johnson getting a Conservative majority, and so prevent the UK from leaving the EU.
The SNP, whose leader Nicola Sturgeon published an open letter calling Mr Johnson the “greatest danger to Scotland of any Tory prime minister in modern times”, will argue it is the only party strong enough to “deprive him of the majority he craves”. Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage will tell Leave voters in traditional Labour strongholds “not to waste your vote” on Tories who have little chance of winning. In Wales, Plaid Cymru’s Adam Price will publish a draft law which would make lying by politicians a criminal offence.
A YouGov poll suggests the Conservatives are on course for a small majority of around 28, with a hung parliament or a larger Tory majority in the margin of error. The BBC’s opinion poll tracker suggests the Conservatives retain a solid lead.
Polling analyst Sir John Curtice sets out five things to watch out for on election night, while our political editor Laura Kuenssberg reviews the campaign and its recurring themes.
Speaking of recurring themes, Jaja clearly in the bbc happy place with what the bbc find time for as their third story on the Moaning Emole the day before the GE in the U.K…
‘Our parents ran a secret gay porn empire’
Outwardly they were a respectable family. Karen had been a journalist on well-known newspapers in Chicago and Cincinnati. Barry had worked as a special effects engineer in the film industry, including on Star Trek and 2001 A Space Odyssey. Their three children went to Shabbat services, prayer meetings and studied hard at school.
Barry had begun working as an inventor, and developed a safety device for dialysis machines, but the project suddenly collapsed, leaving the family in urgent need of cash. It was then that Karen spotted a job advert in the LA Times – for someone to distribute Hustler magazine and other merchandise produced by porn magnate Larry Flynt. And so the Masons entered the porn industry.
I do hope the mods on here set up a “BBC Election Results Special” Thread so that we can communicate real time and you can only join the thread if your watching the results on the BBC !!
Although I’m going to be a couple of hours ahead of UK time I always arrange my affairs to watch until the declaration .
I’ll put a separate thread up but they do tend to merge .
I also think election night is not one for evidence of BBC bias apart from the nature of the mouthpieces turning up – ( see all the snowflakes on C4 which won’t have any pretence of neutrality ) . And at 0500 we will get an emotional Jon snow giving us a reprise of “F the Tories” Glastonbury stylee..
I will be drinking cheap champagne throughout the event because in the event of a communist win all drinking will be banned unless a Party member .
I’m looking forward to HMS Nugee and HMS Rees Mogg surfacing from their long Secret trip in the deep ….
I thinking about a one off language amnesty but if it gets too bad I’ll just delete whole sections – thought welcome ….
Dear Fedup2,
If you are two hours ahead of UK time, I wonder if you could do me a favour and email the football results on Saturday before the 5pm results are broadcast,so that I can put a few bets on? I’ll give you 10%
Invicta – I can give you a treble now – Liverpool , Spurs to win – Norwich to lose – other tipsters are available – you can lose money but it’s risk/reward ….
1. Weather
2. It was dark early.
3. Students at Uni / Not at Uni.
4. People didnt get voting cards.
5. Russian Interfereance.
6. Not ready for Socialism.
7. Labour need a BME leader.
8. They actually won if you look at votes from vegans.
9. Voting system is scewed towards shires.
10. South west train strikes.
11, Trump.
12. BBC Conservative bias
13. MSM Bias
14. Election was illegal and should be anulled.
15. All conservative voters are ignorannt white men aged 50 plus
16. EU doesnt recognise elections in Dec.
17. Christians.
18. Wetherspoons spending 200 million.
19. Weather.
20. Russians….again.
How could you miss out the outrageous character assassination of comrade ‘can I finish ?’ Corbyn – the terrorist loving Britain hating scumbag who is well past his sell by date ?
I’d be interested to read that thread Halifax. I won’t be watching BBC cover it because I no longer pay the tax or watch live TV. I’ll be following events on Twitter when I’m not working.
I read that a certain Welsh MP is pushing to make lying a criminal offence by MP’s.
An extract from Wiki….(bet most Politicians hate wiki!)
“Following the 2007 Welsh Assembly elections, a parliamentary standards and privileges committee found Plaid MPs Price, Elfyn Llwyd, and Hywel Williams guilty of improperly advertising during the elections.”
Whoa there! Just don’t you know that very obvious lying by politicians has stepped up, year on year to date. It’s growth matches importation of the replacement population. Quite expected actually. If you Import millions of invaders whose only common characteristic is to lie instinctively it is bound to rub off eventually. Politicians spot that Taquiyya works for them so they ask themselves, ‘why could it not work for me?’ Quite right. If you dilute a essentially honest indigenous population with instinctive liars the elite will simply have to get with the programme for one-half (or is it two-turds of the population using our Marxist BABC / DFS advertisement et al. rationale). After all, daily we are shown that blacks and asians are now the predominant elements of the population……….
And look – all because you get a call from babatunde on a 234 ( Lagos) phone number asking for your bank details to pay in your lottery winnings doesn’t make him a bad person does it ?
Or the indian from some call centre in Delhi / southall telling you there’s a virus on your puter he can take off if you give him you card details ( don’t forget the PIN ) despair …
I hear on Toady that Aaron Sorkin is putting ‘To kill a mockingbird’ back on the West End stage.
And yet Sorkin had a lot to say about President Trump. It’s clear, he hates the man with a vengeance, and the liberal contempt and sneering flowed freely.
And yet we hear nothing about the place where rape is endemic (as admitted by that country’s President), and where whites -often elderly- have been singled out as a specific target: South Africa. The reign of terror there is simply ‘blacked out’, and someone like Lauren Southern doesn’t even get into our oh so liberal Britain to tell her tale.
Crime is out of hand, big time, over there, and the police are often criminals themselves. In the 25 years they have been in power, the ANC have buried Mandela’s vision of reconciliation and co-operation and created a chaotic Afrocentric shambles, in which other minorities, whether Indian or White or ‘Coloured’ are excluded wherever possible; only their taxes are welcome and keep the place going.
Mismanagement has ensured those don’t go far: frequent power breakdowns, polluted drinking water, decaying infrastructure are a feature, due to ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (i.e. completely unskilled and unqualified blacks given all the top jobs.) Asset stripping and looting then become a feature. South Africa Airways has decayed and is looking for a rescuer. So is Eskom.
Farm attacks are ten a penny. Rapes. Murders. Now I wonder how Atticus Finch would do, if he walked into that little lot!
How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? ????????️
(Via BBC World Service)
There is hope.
Meanwhile our local station has impressed with its final attempt to get folk to vote Labour by posting an image of four pols, including Krankie, whose party is not standing here, and not the other one who is.
– How is climate change influencing voters… – BBC Radio 5 live …
https:// http://www.facebook.com › posts
4 hours ago – How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? … Radio 5 live Sport. News & Media Website. BBC Politics. Media/News Company.
– BBC Radio 4 – Could voters’ concerns about global warming …
https:// http://www.facebook.com › BBCRadio4 › videos › could-voters-concerns…
23 hours ago – How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? ????️ (Via BBC World Service)
The video is actually branded with both the BBC logo and a Reuters logo
– BBC West ..and BBC World Service also have FB posts with this video
3 have very few comments the WS version has 66 comments ..and 308 emojis
..most of the comments don’t go the BBC’s way
The over all tone is “not interested” cos comments get very few likes either way
With 1 day to go before the count I have arrived at a moment of enlightenment and calm…
If Boris wins we can move forward and get stuff done…
If Jeremy wins I can sit back and enjoy the satisfaction of watching all his deluded followers get dumped slowly into the shit as we tumble back into the last century…
This realisation means that it’s a win-win for me either way. Takes a lot of the tension away I can tell you!
Imagine how annoyed Corbyn’s supporters would be when the realise that one the year on the NHS is not fixed. Or when the students do not get their debts cleared. Or poverty levels stay roughly the same.
A bit like Blair really. Everyone thought that we would be riding unicorns by the millennium yet a lot of people said ‘nothing has actually changed really’
That would actually be the best case scenario for a Corbyn win.
The worst case would be riots especially if there is yet another Brexit delay (which there would be in January) and a very toxic second referendum.
If there is a Labour minority the Tories would have to spite a VoNC and hope that the other parties are angry enough to follow.
The BBC though would be keeping Corbyn’s pitifuls quiet however
I’m almost resigned to handling that for a while FNW just to witness for instance the shock of zillions of London snowflakes waiting for trains that don’t arrive and being unable to charge their iPhones because of power blackouts. Not to mention all the progressives who suddenly find their shiny new eco-electric car is now just a shed on the road or the radical activist students in posh halls of residence without light or heat.
While the old punk rocker in me would love the chaos of a Corbyn/Sturgeon morass, unfortunately I have business interests and assets now as a grown up.
It still completely baffles me how nearly 1m Scots voted for the SNP………..
The photograph of the little lad on the hospital floor is obviously staged. He is lying on one jacket and being covered by another and someone has placed a drip feed bottle beside him on the floor purely for effect as the drip feed bottle need to be raised above him with the tube coming down into a vein in his arm. Very obvious but nobody in the media has pointed that out. Did he have pneumonia ? NO.
Secondly the outrage of the London Bridge victim’s father regarding what he claims to be Boris’ politicising his son’s death. It is being ruthlessly politicised with plenty of media exposure, but it is not Boris who is callously using the death of this young man to influence voters. As a father of four I am disgusted.
A little late and off topic but three cheers for ITV last night.
Yes they were banging on about climate change but unlike the BBC-Labour coalition, they pointed out that China is contributing 28% of all CO2 and growing, mostly from coal burning, whereas…..and this will be news to the BBC, emissions from the ‘evil Trump’ USA at around 15% are…..errrr….DOWN 40%.
One might almost call it a ‘Reality Check’ though not one expected to be on the bBBC webshite any time soon.
How are the school Mandarin lessons going, Greta ?
Since I am naturally bloody minded – I have looked for a website which announces the opening of the latest coal powered station on the PRC – they say its one every 2 weeks .
Luckily the atmosphere isn’t joined up so it won’t affect us with our hugely taxed non approved way of life .
I notice that after all that awful weather in November, ‘due to climate change and global warming’, the monthly temperature was……errrrr…. 0.9c below the long term average and rainfall was……wait for it…….3% BELOW the long term average.
Three percent below. I think we need to call a climate emergency because the weather is……completely normal for Autumn.
Just remind our pesky children who may be currently obsessed with Socialism that they will receive bugger all from our hard earned loot due to Marxist Corbyn’s IHT reforms.
Other than that..
I’ve obviously taken into consideration what I consider to be the following swaying points on the two main parties.
On the one hand the Conservative Boris Johnson is a bit of a rascal with the ladies and can sometimes bend the truth a bit, he’s also a bit posh.
And on the other hand..
Labours Jeremy Corbyn Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing.
Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna.
Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney.
Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament.
Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson.
Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly.
Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane.
Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists.
Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS.
Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview.
Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time.
Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview.
Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths.
Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants.
Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers.
Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain.
Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant.
Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists.
Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing.
Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey.
Didn’t support IRA ceasefire.
Said Hamas and Hezbollah are his “friends“.
Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list.
Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“.
Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist.
Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP.
Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag.
Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun.
Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker.
Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“.
Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.
Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria.
Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted.
Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela.
Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“.
Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader.
Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria.
Opposed shoot to kill.
Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC.
Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects.
Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS.
Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel.
Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK.
Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”.
Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”.
Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”.
Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich.
Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal.
Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”.
Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC.
Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO.
Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times.
Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad.
Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah.
Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda.
Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS.
Received endorsement from Hamas.
Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani.
Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS.
Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel.
Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage.
Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers.
Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today.
Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers.
Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel.
Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group.
Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg.
Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group.
Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings.
Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops.
Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”.
Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj.
Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”.
Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer.
Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta.
Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen.
Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences.
Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services.
Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel.
Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John.
Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”.
Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible.
Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks.
Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”.
Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain.
Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime.
Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic.
Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”.
Voted against banning support for the IRA.
Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles.
Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11.
Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group.
Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism.
Voted against banning al-Qaeda.
Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror.
Voted against control orders.
Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism.
(Borrowed from elsewhere, but still terrifying )
I’m trying to work out the expected body language on election night for labour win/ loss / hung and whether the BBC staffers will switch into black tie and armband if the worst happens to them …. as well as putting on shades and Bermuda shorts ensemble should their hero comrade win ….
As for your list – the twitter which records the anniversary of PIRA murders reports on this day they killed a 17 month old baby in a bombing in the Shankhill . One for Corbyn there .
Fedup2- I am waiting for the result before I start my
facetious comments, please god. Maybe you can
tell me how “facetious” about the BBC, I can be
I remember in 1992 I was on holiday abroad on election night but stayed up all night to watch the results. It started with Jon Snow enthusiastically showing off his ‘Swingometer’ and dribbling with excitement as he pushed the indicator arrow from the red ‘seats’ over onto where the blue were to represent where Labour were going to take Conservative seats and take control. Over the next couple of hours he gleefully ran backwards and forwards to his machine unable to control his excitement. By 1pm however he was totally pissed off and with a glum face abandoned the machine altogether.
Excellent listing. The distressing thing is that most people in the country are aware of at least a few of the items you raise but 30% plus are still going to vote Labour. I have lost patience with Labour voters and am close to regarding them as no better than anti Semitic, anti British fellow travellers. As for those who were previously Tory voters but are considering voting Labour to stop Brexit. I think they are seriously mentally ill, terminal cases of BDS . Most of them said they opposed leaving because of the economic damage that would ensue but even the most stupid of them must realise that Cornyn and his Marxist thugs will wreck the economy for many years to come and it will be far far worse than any conceivable damage caused by leaving.
you are absolutely right… I still haven’t had a positive reason for remaining from any remainers that isn’t just their opinion…no facts and usually full of obvious holes….so it doesn’t surprise me that they would vote Labour,,,
Not GE but R4 doing ‘Assisted Loving’ ie sex for the disabled – and goes into the legal aspect of consent. Imho this isn’t suitable for public broadcasting – also seems to recommend using ‘sex workers’.
“Assisted Loving”? Is this a new benefit for the disabled? Could be creating some excitement amongst Middle Eastern Muslims. Expect an influx of phoney disabled refugees.
I was surprised to just read on the BBC website that Romanians
have been arrested for keeping brothels and involved in slavery. I thought
that the Albanians had become the masters in that occupation.
Romanians I thought just had PHD’S in cash machine fraud.
I say like Corbyn ,let them all come in. What’s wrong with
some diversity.Give them the vote as well at the General
Election as Corbyn wants. And why not at 16?
Re criticisms of Boris as not ‘caring’ enough. It’s disgraceful that this should be touted as a vote decider.
Corbyn can always be relied upon to emote at the drop of a hat. We saw this after Grenfell when the media were contrasting Theresa May unfavourably with Corbyn who was there like a shot.
Wasn’t H*tler fond of dogs and probably went around patting children on the head?
Boris could be riding along on his bicycle, throwing plastic play money at people sleeping in doorways but I still will not vote ‘Labour’.
Good points. Another thing I have noticed about Corbyn and other lefty ranters is that they like to state a fact or factoid about social inequity, e.g. “There are four million children in this country who go to bed hungry every night”. If delivered with the right mixture of dismay, pity and outrage, voters, they seem to expect, will then get the impression that only they understand, care and have the policies to eradicate the social evil. In reality, they have said nothing of substance about its origins or the solutions to it or how much more they are going to have to tax you to provide any solution. Unfortunately so many voters are taken in by appearances (very few here on this site I would bet and hasten to add). But the power of emoting in public ought not to be underestimated.
Party political broadcast for Labour
Note the lyrics “next year all our troubles will be out of sight”.
They think they’ve got it in the bag.
Gives the impression that, as a middle aged, straight white man, I’m already a minority in my own country.
R2 Vine show the “What’s make a metroliberal ?” slot
… the actual title is “What makes me human ?”
..but Vine makes it clear if you don’t spout metroliberal views then you are NOT HUMAN
… I switch on and a black British female says “We called our friends aunty and uncle cos you see when my people were slaves thats how they got back at the massa who demeaned the slaves by calling him BOY. we gave in the community him back his dignity by calling him uncle”
… hmm that seems racist to me to say that only white people call underlings boy
… I bet black rulers did it to slaves as well.
Who is that black woman ?
..ah she is the new black female bishop, who was born in Jamaica.
BBC tick box, tick box
…ah now she is on her own *absent father*
…I suppose that is whiteys fault as well
she just said “back in the day the menfolk were used as studs”
She says she came to Britain in 1979 aged 18 to come to bible college.
Her mother already lived here, but had her own different vfamily and children.
“We are not good in Britain with OUR history” she lectures us
2:15 pm the Radio4 drama starts with a 1960s immigration lady being incredibly racist to a Kenyan-Indian immigrant fleeing Kenya cos of the Africanisation of jobs there.
\\ Avin Shah’s comedy celebrates the enterprise and grit of British Asian citizens forced to leave East Africa in the 1960s, in our series about child refugees arriving in the UK // https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000c4wd
When he was sent back to Kenya he paid the Kenyan immigration officer to reject him there and got back on the plane to Britain.
Rob going great guns trying to placate lefty loons just how much they are cramming in every Labour attack point.
A) We couldn't show it all and thought the fridge part was the most important B) he uses a swear word so that's not great at noon and C) In reality, the Tax Payers Alliance have never been on Politics Live https://t.co/MjjOUHVHhQ
O/T Unlike Gif89 images, jpeg images like this one only have one layer
they cannot have moving frames
So if you think this image is moving you must be a bit mad.
Well, I’m looking on the bright side if we get a Labour government, which is the annual payment of £6,700 into our household. Will Corbyn send a cheque, or can we have it paid direct into our bank accounts? In fact, I might get a bit more than the average bacause I have a small private pension, and rely on the income from my investments to top up my income, which is still below 60% of the average wage, I am in Relative Poverty, I believe. Or as Liebour would put it ‘Poverty’, so I am one of the many they want to help…………………..or so they say.
This morning, listening to the radio, I got the distinct impression that Boris, when asked for an interview (for Piers Morgan), ran away and hid inside a fridge.
I imagined him squeezing inside your normal kitchen fridge and how ridiculous that made him.
I’ve since seen the incident.
Boris was doing a tour of some factory which stored frozen foods and was confronted by someone wanting an unplanned tv interview. Boris, instead of doing what this chap wanted just carried on with his planned tour and was led into a large refrigerated storeroom along with several others, the kind you walk about inside.
He did not say anything such as I’m not doing this, he was completing this planned part of his day.
Such a blatant piece of misinformation by the bbbc.
Joe Corbyn was smirking about this to her other fellow lefty guests on politics live and then added “Jeremy Coburn has said he will give anybody interviews at any time”
Thanks EG for the description of the incident. Avoiding the BBC as much as I am doing, I wrongly rely on the Daily Mirror. I had imagined Boris in on of those American kitchen fridges.
I can only see six mugshots on that link. Needless to say, five of the six are either foreign or of foreign extract. If I extrapolate correctly, that means that 83.3% of similar crimes to the six, will be carried out by foreigners. http://newobserveronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/anythoughts.jpg
one minute he’s like yeah Conservatives are fine for a majority and in the same sentence he will say however labour are now trending in the polls.
Im at a loss now, a week ago id of said this is an easy win for the conservatives…however im seeing either lie’s from media or thruthful misunderstanding of polls….
We cannot elect a maniac like corbyn…ill be screwed being a single man owning a home on my own! i may as well move back home if he/labour take over.
one minute he’s like yeah Conservatives are fine for a majority and in the same sentence he will say however labour are now trending in the polls.
Im at a loss now, a week ago id of said this is an easy win for the conservatives…however im seeing either lie’s from media or thruthful misunderstanding of polls….
We cannot elect a maniac like corbyn…ill be screwed being a single man owning a home on my own! i may as well move back home if he/labour take over.
Boris has led in every single poll since MPs voted to hold the election back in October. This is something that neither Theresa May in 2017 nor David Cameron in 2015 and 2010 managed to achieve.
Of the 65 polls that have been conducted since the start of the election campaign, the Conservatives have not only led in all of them but have held comfortable double-digit leads in 43.
Tuesday morning \\ in major Czech city called Ostrava near Polish border, so far unidentified man entered hospital and shot six people dead.
He shot himself after being approached by police several hours after running away from the hospital
It is not treated as terrorism for now//
He doesn’t look jihadi in the BBC photos https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50725840
anyone seen this tactical ANTI TORY voting site? i searched for Election polls on google and it came as the top result. I searched for for anything with word Election or Polls and near top if not top result.
Funny though as the tag line differs on results
I had some state “Save our NHS” others “Politics Affects us all”
and guess what, it’s all about stopping Brexit. according to there research using my postcode the strongest candidate to topple tories is LABOUR !LOL! talk about paying for a propaganda machine
anyone seen this tactical ANTI TORY voting site? i searched for Election polls on google and it came as the top result. I searched for for anything with word Election or Polls and near top if not top result.
Funny though as the tag line differs on results
I had some state “Save our NHS” others “Politics Affects us all”
and guess what, it’s all about stopping Brexit. according to there research using my postcode the strongest candidate to topple tories is LABOUR !LOL! talk about paying for a propaganda machine
“Laura Kuenssberg leaks “grim” postal vote results for Labour
Laura Kuenssberg could find herself in hot water today after she revealed “grim” postal votes for Labour one day before the general election takes place.
BBC’s political editor was speaking to Jo Coburn on Politics Live from the campaign trail.
Asked about voter turnout ahead of the big day she said:
“The forecast is that it’s going to be wet and cold tomorrow.
“The postal votes have already arrived.
“The parties are not meant to look at it but they do get a hint and on both sides people are telling me that the postal votes that are in are looking pretty grim for Labour in a lot of parts of the country.”
The leak has been reported to the Electoral Commission because it could have broken electoral laws.”
A propos of nothing.
The BBC is prominently featuring the ‘four’ party leaders in photos on its webshite today, and has given such parity on numerous occasions – and have excluded Brexit.
But wee Krankie is
a. Not standing in the election and
b. Has no representation nor candidates in over 90% of the country.
That’s a piece of massive bias that has gone well under the radar.
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://x.com/bbcpolitics/status/1897567844792946946?s=61 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
This is an achievement. First and I am not a regular.Soz.
Morning Angus! Well done that Man!
The call of a mug of Yorkshire Gold complements a great start today!
I was yesterday’s first man, and am still taking calls from the Conservative press, Fox News etc, but the BBC haven’t even bothered to try yet!…
Cheers ! Although I’m beetroot with blushing at my sheer audacity.
Congratulations Angus – for the few not the too many
Angus well done, I’ll bet you’ll be contributing more now !!
That’s enough ‘well dones’, thank you very much!
I had to let the dog out!
Backlinks to previous thread
– We just over spilled onto page 4
– Tuesday’s posts 10am-10pm were on page 3
– page 2
There was a Brexit Party Press Conference yesterday. Did it get any coverage on the bBC?
I wouldn’t know. I’m avoiding it like the plague.
New day.
Same appalling bias.
On Toady at 0715 we get an in-depth article into ……tactical voting.
Which focussed entirely on Labour and Lib Dem interplay to keep out the Tories.
How very impartial. Not.
And just to make sure you get the message, straight afterwards Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein has her usual cosy chat with Uncle John Mcdonnell, whose outright marxist economic policies have, needless to say, never been challenged.
Around 15 minutes of constant Labour issues, agenda, narrative, pro Labour bias, and anti tory tactics.
PS and even with a 10 point lead the Tories are not sure of a majority, so the bias takes on particular effect. The BBC editors are campaigning every bit as much as Corbyn, and disturbingly, possibly with greater impact.
“the bias takes on particular effect”
I suppose that viewed from State Broadcaster’s perspective there’s no point in being in the game without purpose. They probably see themselves as brave.
“It was us that done it” is Friday’s secret headline.
As ever great – be just like The Mirror though with funding only coming from the like minded not through tax.
The Today Programme
Today: In the last burst of campaigning, we follow Jeremy Corbyn and hear from 0720 johnmcdonnellMP & 0830 @michaelgove. Also Aaron Sorkin on Harper Lee and Donald Trump.
Quite the line up. And who follows who.
And Martha looks lovely in red today.
Does John ‘marxist’ Mcdonnell have a bloody bed at BBC..I am fed up with his constant blah blah blah – he is more dangerous than JC
Last 2019 campaign splash for State Broadcaster. Corbyn first with slogan. Room for the Scottish woman and Farage is shut out. Actually all mention of leaving the EU is forgotten (why is there an election again?). Prime space is offered up for SB’s own Climate campaign.
From beginning to end, the BBC’s election narrative has been clear – bash Boris and guide people on to Labour’s safe ground.
So, we’ve been handed lots of coverage of issues such as the NHS and ending austerity, and latterly tactical voting tips, and very little about the anti democratic EU, national security, immigration or anti semitism.
Today’s website “reality check” section is a humdinger that’s so typical of the way the BBC manipulates the narrative – it’s all about “the image that catapulted the NHS to the forefront of the election”, which is being reported as if the Leeds hospital photo appeared magically out of nowhere and its wall to wall coverage had nothing to do with the BBC’s desperate news agenda.
So, here we are, on the eve of the vote, and the BBC is still banging on and on about that photo.
And (they think they’re so clever these BBC journos) they’re using “reality check” to have a go at anyone who queries the photo’s authenticity, implicitly blaming Tory activists of creating fake news about it.
Three days of coverage now on that photo, and not a word all week about the deluge of criticism out in the country about Corbyn’s terrorist sympathies or his party’s institutional anti semitism.
Yet it’s website does find space for a story today about a Labour candidate alleging that their Tory opponent is Islamaphobic! What a surprise.
But shockingly there’s not a mention of a new advertisement appearing in local papers all over the country penned by 15 former Labour MPs urging people NOT to vote Labour because of its rampant anti semitism.
How can the BBC call itself impartial when it ignores such an important news story based on an existential threat to a part of our population?
Well, of course, it can’t. It is biased to the core, manipulative and long ago crossed a line. A great swathe of quietly patriotic voters know that.
You can check out the real news here….
And following the reality check, the presenter said that the problem for Boris was that he didn’t “show enough empathy” when the photo of the child in A&E was pulled out.
That’s the BBC showing its true virtue-signalling preferences.
It’s ludicrous – it’s no longer the content of speech, or actions that matter, but how good a show of empathy a politician can display.
I suspect people don’t get taken in by it – those who already hate Boris have some extra fuel for their hatred; those who don’t are unswayed. Meanwhile, all the BBC accomplishes is the infantilisation of absolutely everyone.
On the SkyNews NZ’s volcano coverage the voiceover said
“And you can see Jacinda’s empathy shining through”
… that is bias
I’m going to pitch a new idea for BBC daytime called ‘empathy watch “ ( pat. Pending ) in which public figures compete to show compassion – obviously with the likes of Jacinda the bar is very high but the semi educated snowflakes expect their ‘leaders’ to shed the occasional croc tear over an awful event like a volcano blowing up /erupting .
Thoughts , prayers , counselling , learned lessons can all go in the mix . I’m suggesting it be ‘hosted ‘ by one of those many sour lefty ‘comics’ – jo brand , nish ? , the chap who wears make up , the bitter Scots one – to suggest a few ….
Who’s “the bitter Scots one…”?
Blimey, you’ll have to narrow it down a bit.
You do know our beloved Nicola isn’t actually a comic.
Mind you…
Here’s a little thought for a Wednesday Morning.
No one I know would call the party ‘Blue Labour’ formerly known as “The Conservatives” as centre right, most people would put them as centre left. Although there are a few hard left nutters who seem to believe that every other party is ‘far right’.
Even if you are an elderly person and incapable of accepting things have changed still clinging onto a belief the Tories are centre right there is still a problem with bias.
Lets say we take a scale, and the furthest Left is -10 and the furthest right +10
Labour is currently -8 and the Tories -2
When the BBC comes along and says we receive equal complaints from both sides therefore we are impartial it actually is an admission of bias of -6 !
The issue the BBC have is that they have assumed that the Tories are the equal and opposite to Labour which they clearly are not. For the BBC to occupy impartial ground they would need the Tories to be at +8 on the right wing scale and I don’t think there’s anyone who would claim them to be that!
The BBC are therefore damned by their own words, equal complaints from both sides is in reality an admission of left wing bias !
You are correct about the BBC’s concept of the political ‘zero’, but then that is not helped by the Conservatives effectively campaigning on the basis that ‘we too are on the left, just not quite as much as the others’, (Oh for someone to push for free-thinking , personal responsibility and enterprise!).
However the nature of the complaints that the BBC uses to confirm its balance is different. It’s “Why do you only cover Labour?” versus “Why don’t you cover Labour more?”, the debate is centered on Labour’s battleground.
Thoughtful by name, thoughtful by nature.
A very neat point.
The key economic issue (which has had almost no coverage) is this.
You can draw a scale from Johnson, May, Cameron, Blair and maybe even Brown.
Now to an extent they all believe roughly the same thing, with varying degrees of reluctance.
Which is that the market economy and capitalism is the way to go. The differences are in degrees. The amount of regulation needed to put the brakes on the excesses of capitalism, and the amount of public spending but within the context of the private sector creating the wealth in the first place. I am certain Farage is on that continuum and probably the Lib Dumbs, if they thought about it. Wee Krankie is probably also there too.
Corbyn and Mcdonnell are not. They want to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an entirely state run bureaucratic economy. A vote for them, masquerading to the gullible as cuddly investors in public services, will ruin the country and take decades to put right.
T, I did notice the BBC described the Conservatives as Far Right yesterday or this morning but I think that is – in their view – because Bojo is the current leader.
The more bias they show the more people turn against them. I dont know anyone (except my mate lefty Andy) that is going to vote Labour. Im expecting a massive win for the Conservatives and labour with near 100 seats. Corbyn wont be Labour leader on Friday, meaning that Labour will have to elect a BME women as leader they cannot possibly do anything else they have painted themselves into equality corner. So dont loose heart and I for one will be stopping up late Thursday early Friday to watch the results on the BBC as I did with the referendum, nothing like seeing them squirm.
I can’t wait to see the MSM meltdown.
I’m unsure of the victory of either side, in all honesty, I want a Blue win, not a Red One. The Labour Party are far too cocky, going around telling people to be ready for them to Leader of this country, its a joke, all of them should be put in front of a Judge for lieing to the public.
Whats good for one, must be good for all.
I wish I shared your optimism..I hope you are right so we can just get on with life
“…elect a BME women as leader…”
Yes! Diane Abbott, please!
Moaning emole:
Leaders in final push for votes ahead of election
Story detail
If you live in a marginal constituency, don’t be surprised if a prominent politician turns up in your neighbourhood later. Party leaders will be breathlessly criss-crossing the country in a last-ditch effort to win votes. Boris Johnson will say the Tories are the only party who can “get Brexit done”, while Jeremy Corbyn will say Labour offers a “vote for hope”. Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson will say voting for her party can stop Mr Johnson getting a Conservative majority, and so prevent the UK from leaving the EU.
The SNP, whose leader Nicola Sturgeon published an open letter calling Mr Johnson the “greatest danger to Scotland of any Tory prime minister in modern times”, will argue it is the only party strong enough to “deprive him of the majority he craves”. Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage will tell Leave voters in traditional Labour strongholds “not to waste your vote” on Tories who have little chance of winning. In Wales, Plaid Cymru’s Adam Price will publish a draft law which would make lying by politicians a criminal offence.
A YouGov poll suggests the Conservatives are on course for a small majority of around 28, with a hung parliament or a larger Tory majority in the margin of error. The BBC’s opinion poll tracker suggests the Conservatives retain a solid lead.
Polling analyst Sir John Curtice sets out five things to watch out for on election night, while our political editor Laura Kuenssberg reviews the campaign and its recurring themes.
“Recurring themes”.
Speaking of recurring themes, Jaja clearly in the bbc happy place with what the bbc find time for as their third story on the Moaning Emole the day before the GE in the U.K…
‘Our parents ran a secret gay porn empire’
Outwardly they were a respectable family. Karen had been a journalist on well-known newspapers in Chicago and Cincinnati. Barry had worked as a special effects engineer in the film industry, including on Star Trek and 2001 A Space Odyssey. Their three children went to Shabbat services, prayer meetings and studied hard at school.
Barry had begun working as an inventor, and developed a safety device for dialysis machines, but the project suddenly collapsed, leaving the family in urgent need of cash. It was then that Karen spotted a job advert in the LA Times – for someone to distribute Hustler magazine and other merchandise produced by porn magnate Larry Flynt. And so the Masons entered the porn industry.
Read full article >
Jaja Muhammad
BBC Stories
I do hope the mods on here set up a “BBC Election Results Special” Thread so that we can communicate real time and you can only join the thread if your watching the results on the BBC !!
Although I’m going to be a couple of hours ahead of UK time I always arrange my affairs to watch until the declaration .
I’ll put a separate thread up but they do tend to merge .
I also think election night is not one for evidence of BBC bias apart from the nature of the mouthpieces turning up – ( see all the snowflakes on C4 which won’t have any pretence of neutrality ) . And at 0500 we will get an emotional Jon snow giving us a reprise of “F the Tories” Glastonbury stylee..
I will be drinking cheap champagne throughout the event because in the event of a communist win all drinking will be banned unless a Party member .
I’m looking forward to HMS Nugee and HMS Rees Mogg surfacing from their long Secret trip in the deep ….
I thinking about a one off language amnesty but if it gets too bad I’ll just delete whole sections – thought welcome ….
Dear Fedup2,
If you are two hours ahead of UK time, I wonder if you could do me a favour and email the football results on Saturday before the 5pm results are broadcast,so that I can put a few bets on? I’ll give you 10%
Invicta – I can give you a treble now – Liverpool , Spurs to win – Norwich to lose – other tipsters are available – you can lose money but it’s risk/reward ….
As for being 2 hours ahead – I wish it was 1972….
Ah, 1972, the year I was dragged to every Spurs match home and away by my then boyfriend. What we did for love 🙂
I’d have to be drugged as well as dragged.
Thank Gawd you didn’t marry him.
This could turn awkward.
Ummmmmm, actually I did. Best I don’t say anymore then.
RD, you deserve a 100x multiplier on your likes for that post.
Yes, I agree, I couldn’t stop chuckling. Most apt.
(why is it taking forever to register a post ? I’ve tried Chrome/Internet Explorer, but its so slow).
I’m also still chuckling. The whole exchange ought to be printed out and put on the wall somewhere for posterity.
Cheers one up when you think of what the country might be doing to itself on GE19 Day.
We need to get the Labour Excuses ready.
1. Weather
2. It was dark early.
3. Students at Uni / Not at Uni.
4. People didnt get voting cards.
5. Russian Interfereance.
6. Not ready for Socialism.
7. Labour need a BME leader.
8. They actually won if you look at votes from vegans.
9. Voting system is scewed towards shires.
10. South west train strikes.
11, Trump.
12. BBC Conservative bias
13. MSM Bias
14. Election was illegal and should be anulled.
15. All conservative voters are ignorannt white men aged 50 plus
16. EU doesnt recognise elections in Dec.
17. Christians.
18. Wetherspoons spending 200 million.
19. Weather.
20. Russians….again.
Or the Tory ones.
1. Farage
2. Farage
3. Farage
How could you miss out the outrageous character assassination of comrade ‘can I finish ?’ Corbyn – the terrorist loving Britain hating scumbag who is well past his sell by date ?
I’d be interested to read that thread Halifax. I won’t be watching BBC cover it because I no longer pay the tax or watch live TV. I’ll be following events on Twitter when I’m not working.
I read that a certain Welsh MP is pushing to make lying a criminal offence by MP’s.
An extract from Wiki….(bet most Politicians hate wiki!)
“Following the 2007 Welsh Assembly elections, a parliamentary standards and privileges committee found Plaid MPs Price, Elfyn Llwyd, and Hywel Williams guilty of improperly advertising during the elections.”
I think that welsh MP candidate may be lying …
Plaid MPs are deluded if they think that they can win independence, or even survive economically if Wales breaks away from the UK.
We should never mind about the so-called, “Canada +++” or the, “Norway” deals with the EU, what are the bets that the Welsh nation will vote tomorrow overwhelmingly for a Venezuela +++
Whoa there! Just don’t you know that very obvious lying by politicians has stepped up, year on year to date. It’s growth matches importation of the replacement population. Quite expected actually. If you Import millions of invaders whose only common characteristic is to lie instinctively it is bound to rub off eventually. Politicians spot that Taquiyya works for them so they ask themselves, ‘why could it not work for me?’ Quite right. If you dilute a essentially honest indigenous population with instinctive liars the elite will simply have to get with the programme for one-half (or is it two-turds of the population using our Marxist BABC / DFS advertisement et al. rationale). After all, daily we are shown that blacks and asians are now the predominant elements of the population……….
And look – all because you get a call from babatunde on a 234 ( Lagos) phone number asking for your bank details to pay in your lottery winnings doesn’t make him a bad person does it ?
Or the indian from some call centre in Delhi / southall telling you there’s a virus on your puter he can take off if you give him you card details ( don’t forget the PIN ) despair …
I hear on Toady that Aaron Sorkin is putting ‘To kill a mockingbird’ back on the West End stage.
And yet Sorkin had a lot to say about President Trump. It’s clear, he hates the man with a vengeance, and the liberal contempt and sneering flowed freely.
And yet we hear nothing about the place where rape is endemic (as admitted by that country’s President), and where whites -often elderly- have been singled out as a specific target: South Africa. The reign of terror there is simply ‘blacked out’, and someone like Lauren Southern doesn’t even get into our oh so liberal Britain to tell her tale.
Crime is out of hand, big time, over there, and the police are often criminals themselves. In the 25 years they have been in power, the ANC have buried Mandela’s vision of reconciliation and co-operation and created a chaotic Afrocentric shambles, in which other minorities, whether Indian or White or ‘Coloured’ are excluded wherever possible; only their taxes are welcome and keep the place going.
Mismanagement has ensured those don’t go far: frequent power breakdowns, polluted drinking water, decaying infrastructure are a feature, due to ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (i.e. completely unskilled and unqualified blacks given all the top jobs.) Asset stripping and looting then become a feature. South Africa Airways has decayed and is looking for a rescuer. So is Eskom.
Farm attacks are ten a penny. Rapes. Murders. Now I wonder how Atticus Finch would do, if he walked into that little lot!
BBC Radio 4
How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? ????????️
(Via BBC World Service)
There is hope.
Meanwhile our local station has impressed with its final attempt to get folk to vote Labour by posting an image of four pols, including Krankie, whose party is not standing here, and not the other one who is.
– How is climate change influencing voters… – BBC Radio 5 live …
https:// http://www.facebook.com › posts
4 hours ago – How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? … Radio 5 live Sport. News & Media Website. BBC Politics. Media/News Company.
– BBC Radio 4 – Could voters’ concerns about global warming …
https:// http://www.facebook.com › BBCRadio4 › videos › could-voters-concerns…
23 hours ago – How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? ????️ (Via BBC World Service)
The video is actually branded with both the BBC logo and a Reuters logo
– BBC West ..and BBC World Service also have FB posts with this video
3 have very few comments the WS version has 66 comments ..and 308 emojis
..most of the comments don’t go the BBC’s way
The over all tone is “not interested” cos comments get very few likes either way
Krankie isn’t even standing in Scotland.
RD: no but if the SNP does badly tomorrow it will only increase the pressure on her to go. I get the feeling that the SNP are haemorrhaging support.
RT article that correctly calls out Kuensberg for being biased against Labour for once.
With 1 day to go before the count I have arrived at a moment of enlightenment and calm…
If Boris wins we can move forward and get stuff done…
If Jeremy wins I can sit back and enjoy the satisfaction of watching all his deluded followers get dumped slowly into the shit as we tumble back into the last century…
This realisation means that it’s a win-win for me either way. Takes a lot of the tension away I can tell you!
Imagine how annoyed Corbyn’s supporters would be when the realise that one the year on the NHS is not fixed. Or when the students do not get their debts cleared. Or poverty levels stay roughly the same.
A bit like Blair really. Everyone thought that we would be riding unicorns by the millennium yet a lot of people said ‘nothing has actually changed really’
That would actually be the best case scenario for a Corbyn win.
The worst case would be riots especially if there is yet another Brexit delay (which there would be in January) and a very toxic second referendum.
If there is a Labour minority the Tories would have to spite a VoNC and hope that the other parties are angry enough to follow.
The BBC though would be keeping Corbyn’s pitifuls quiet however
Should that not read “keeping Corbyn’s pitfalls quiet.”
digg – Only problem with your analysis: that ‘shit’ is going to engulf us all!
I’m almost resigned to handling that for a while FNW just to witness for instance the shock of zillions of London snowflakes waiting for trains that don’t arrive and being unable to charge their iPhones because of power blackouts. Not to mention all the progressives who suddenly find their shiny new eco-electric car is now just a shed on the road or the radical activist students in posh halls of residence without light or heat.
While the old punk rocker in me would love the chaos of a Corbyn/Sturgeon morass, unfortunately I have business interests and assets now as a grown up.
It still completely baffles me how nearly 1m Scots voted for the SNP………..
The BBC still running this and hiding behind the Mirror front page to do it, despite all that has transpired since…
Meanwhile Paul Mason is doubtless due on every bbc sofa with his eye witness account of a Boris Spad ramming a French nun… or something.
The BBC will need Corbyn to force the country to accept him as DG forever at this rate.
The photograph of the little lad on the hospital floor is obviously staged. He is lying on one jacket and being covered by another and someone has placed a drip feed bottle beside him on the floor purely for effect as the drip feed bottle need to be raised above him with the tube coming down into a vein in his arm. Very obvious but nobody in the media has pointed that out. Did he have pneumonia ? NO.
Secondly the outrage of the London Bridge victim’s father regarding what he claims to be Boris’ politicising his son’s death. It is being ruthlessly politicised with plenty of media exposure, but it is not Boris who is callously using the death of this young man to influence voters. As a father of four I am disgusted.
A little late and off topic but three cheers for ITV last night.
Yes they were banging on about climate change but unlike the BBC-Labour coalition, they pointed out that China is contributing 28% of all CO2 and growing, mostly from coal burning, whereas…..and this will be news to the BBC, emissions from the ‘evil Trump’ USA at around 15% are…..errrr….DOWN 40%.
One might almost call it a ‘Reality Check’ though not one expected to be on the bBBC webshite any time soon.
How are the school Mandarin lessons going, Greta ?
Sluff – ‘reality check’ and ‘bbc’ —- an oxymoron?
In Guardianlalaland ambush naming is a characteristic
Thus injecting unreality into stories is called “Reality check”
Since I am naturally bloody minded – I have looked for a website which announces the opening of the latest coal powered station on the PRC – they say its one every 2 weeks .
Luckily the atmosphere isn’t joined up so it won’t affect us with our hugely taxed non approved way of life .
I notice that after all that awful weather in November, ‘due to climate change and global warming’, the monthly temperature was……errrrr…. 0.9c below the long term average and rainfall was……wait for it…….3% BELOW the long term average.
Three percent below. I think we need to call a climate emergency because the weather is……completely normal for Autumn.
Yes, but The ‘Climate Emergency’ makes local flooding more likey according to some academic writing papers to obtain even more funding…
Shukman tweet from 9:08am Madrid time.
FFS the delegates priority at 9am should be to hear a sermon from the cult child ?
#BBCbubbleworld #Guardianlalaland
Squeaky bottom time with the latest polls..
Just remind our pesky children who may be currently obsessed with Socialism that they will receive bugger all from our hard earned loot due to Marxist Corbyn’s IHT reforms.
Other than that..
I’ve obviously taken into consideration what I consider to be the following swaying points on the two main parties.
On the one hand the Conservative Boris Johnson is a bit of a rascal with the ladies and can sometimes bend the truth a bit, he’s also a bit posh.
And on the other hand..
Labours Jeremy Corbyn Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing.
Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna.
Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney.
Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament.
Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson.
Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly.
Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane.
Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists.
Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS.
Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview.
Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time.
Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview.
Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths.
Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants.
Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers.
Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain.
Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant.
Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists.
Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing.
Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey.
Didn’t support IRA ceasefire.
Said Hamas and Hezbollah are his “friends“.
Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list.
Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“.
Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist.
Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP.
Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag.
Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun.
Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker.
Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“.
Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.
Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria.
Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted.
Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela.
Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“.
Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader.
Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria.
Opposed shoot to kill.
Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC.
Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects.
Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS.
Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel.
Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK.
Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”.
Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”.
Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”.
Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich.
Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal.
Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”.
Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC.
Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO.
Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times.
Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad.
Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah.
Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda.
Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS.
Received endorsement from Hamas.
Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani.
Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS.
Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel.
Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage.
Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers.
Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today.
Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers.
Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel.
Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group.
Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg.
Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group.
Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings.
Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops.
Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”.
Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj.
Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”.
Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer.
Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta.
Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen.
Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences.
Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services.
Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel.
Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John.
Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”.
Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible.
Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks.
Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”.
Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain.
Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime.
Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic.
Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”.
Voted against banning support for the IRA.
Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles.
Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11.
Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group.
Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism.
Voted against banning al-Qaeda.
Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror.
Voted against control orders.
Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism.
(Borrowed from elsewhere, but still terrifying )
So it’s a tricky one really.
Dyke – that is one hellova cut and paste ….
I’m trying to work out the expected body language on election night for labour win/ loss / hung and whether the BBC staffers will switch into black tie and armband if the worst happens to them …. as well as putting on shades and Bermuda shorts ensemble should their hero comrade win ….
As for your list – the twitter which records the anniversary of PIRA murders reports on this day they killed a 17 month old baby in a bombing in the Shankhill . One for Corbyn there .
Fedup2- I am waiting for the result before I start my
facetious comments, please god. Maybe you can
tell me how “facetious” about the BBC, I can be
I remember in 1992 I was on holiday abroad on election night but stayed up all night to watch the results. It started with Jon Snow enthusiastically showing off his ‘Swingometer’ and dribbling with excitement as he pushed the indicator arrow from the red ‘seats’ over onto where the blue were to represent where Labour were going to take Conservative seats and take control. Over the next couple of hours he gleefully ran backwards and forwards to his machine unable to control his excitement. By 1pm however he was totally pissed off and with a glum face abandoned the machine altogether.
Excellent listing. The distressing thing is that most people in the country are aware of at least a few of the items you raise but 30% plus are still going to vote Labour. I have lost patience with Labour voters and am close to regarding them as no better than anti Semitic, anti British fellow travellers. As for those who were previously Tory voters but are considering voting Labour to stop Brexit. I think they are seriously mentally ill, terminal cases of BDS . Most of them said they opposed leaving because of the economic damage that would ensue but even the most stupid of them must realise that Cornyn and his Marxist thugs will wreck the economy for many years to come and it will be far far worse than any conceivable damage caused by leaving.
you are absolutely right… I still haven’t had a positive reason for remaining from any remainers that isn’t just their opinion…no facts and usually full of obvious holes….so it doesn’t surprise me that they would vote Labour,,,
It was sent on WhatsApp to me this morning.
Not GE but R4 doing ‘Assisted Loving’ ie sex for the disabled – and goes into the legal aspect of consent. Imho this isn’t suitable for public broadcasting – also seems to recommend using ‘sex workers’.
What a nice term ‘assisted loving ‘ conjures up the romance of Wordsworth , Shakespeare ,babs Cartland….
“Assisted Loving”? Is this a new benefit for the disabled? Could be creating some excitement amongst Middle Eastern Muslims. Expect an influx of phoney disabled refugees.
The bBc should splash out the remainder of it Licence Tax Cash with a one-off Christmas spectacular of ONLY CONNECT
Team One – Virtue Signalers
Jo Stimson
Yvette Cooper
Lady Jacintha of NZ
Team 2 Permanently Offended
Wee Krankie
Miss D Abbott
Yvette Cooper/Rachel Shabi
If Rachel is unavailable MsBalls-Cooper to fit in easily to either team.
Only permitted for cases of self-immolation,
Midday and Johnson now third after Corbyn and the Scottish woman. Still no room at the inn for Farage.
Someone else is missing No fun Swedish poster girl is there but where is Begum?
How lefties see things:
Begum should be allowed to return as she was only a child (at 16) and didn’t understand what she was doing.
Begum should be allowed to vote (at 16) because she is an intelligent adult and knows what she is doing
Well observed.
I was surprised to just read on the BBC website that Romanians
have been arrested for keeping brothels and involved in slavery. I thought
that the Albanians had become the masters in that occupation.
Romanians I thought just had PHD’S in cash machine fraud.
I say like Corbyn ,let them all come in. What’s wrong with
some diversity.Give them the vote as well at the General
Election as Corbyn wants. And why not at 16?
Re criticisms of Boris as not ‘caring’ enough. It’s disgraceful that this should be touted as a vote decider.
Corbyn can always be relied upon to emote at the drop of a hat. We saw this after Grenfell when the media were contrasting Theresa May unfavourably with Corbyn who was there like a shot.
Wasn’t H*tler fond of dogs and probably went around patting children on the head?
Boris could be riding along on his bicycle, throwing plastic play money at people sleeping in doorways but I still will not vote ‘Labour’.
Good points. Another thing I have noticed about Corbyn and other lefty ranters is that they like to state a fact or factoid about social inequity, e.g. “There are four million children in this country who go to bed hungry every night”. If delivered with the right mixture of dismay, pity and outrage, voters, they seem to expect, will then get the impression that only they understand, care and have the policies to eradicate the social evil. In reality, they have said nothing of substance about its origins or the solutions to it or how much more they are going to have to tax you to provide any solution. Unfortunately so many voters are taken in by appearances (very few here on this site I would bet and hasten to add). But the power of emoting in public ought not to be underestimated.
The H&M Christmas ad making even the BBC look positively conformist:
Party political broadcast for Labour
Note the lyrics “next year all our troubles will be out of sight”.
They think they’ve got it in the bag.
Gives the impression that, as a middle aged, straight white man, I’m already a minority in my own country.
Well, I got halfway.
R2 Vine show the “What’s make a metroliberal ?” slot
… the actual title is “What makes me human ?”
..but Vine makes it clear if you don’t spout metroliberal views then you are NOT HUMAN
… I switch on and a black British female says “We called our friends aunty and uncle cos you see when my people were slaves thats how they got back at the massa who demeaned the slaves by calling him BOY. we gave in the community him back his dignity by calling him uncle”
… hmm that seems racist to me to say that only white people call underlings boy
… I bet black rulers did it to slaves as well.
Who is that black woman ?
..ah she is the new black female bishop, who was born in Jamaica.
BBC tick box, tick box
…ah now she is on her own *absent father*
…I suppose that is whiteys fault as well
she just said “back in the day the menfolk were used as studs”
She says she came to Britain in 1979 aged 18 to come to bible college.
Her mother already lived here, but had her own different vfamily and children.
“We are not good in Britain with OUR history” she lectures us
Now she is talking about “My church in Hackney”
“I love the people of Hackney”
… far from diverse this sounds like a London bubbleworld.
Vine lovers his voice
“Dover is quite Brexity” as if he ashamed
She says she has no Brexit opinion, but thinks Britain should be open to people
2:15 pm the Radio4 drama starts with a 1960s immigration lady being incredibly racist to a Kenyan-Indian immigrant fleeing Kenya cos of the Africanisation of jobs there.
\\ Avin Shah’s comedy celebrates the enterprise and grit of British Asian citizens forced to leave East Africa in the 1960s, in our series about child refugees arriving in the UK //
When he was sent back to Kenya he paid the Kenyan immigration officer to reject him there and got back on the plane to Britain.
You can’t make a metro liberal, it’s not in their nature
Twitter pushing agendas at me again
Rob going great guns trying to placate lefty loons just how much they are cramming in every Labour attack point.
O/T Unlike Gif89 images, jpeg images like this one only have one layer

they cannot have moving frames
So if you think this image is moving you must be a bit mad.
Yes it does appear to move, however if you close both eyes at the same time it doesn’t
Maybe that’s how liberals see Islam as peaceful. If you close both eyes at once…..
Is the centre bit a graphical representation of Corbyn’s stance on Brexit?
Mr D says it can’t be a graphical representation of Corbyn’s stance on Brexit, ‘it isn’t wobbly enough ‘.
Well, I’m looking on the bright side if we get a Labour government, which is the annual payment of £6,700 into our household. Will Corbyn send a cheque, or can we have it paid direct into our bank accounts? In fact, I might get a bit more than the average bacause I have a small private pension, and rely on the income from my investments to top up my income, which is still below 60% of the average wage, I am in Relative Poverty, I believe. Or as Liebour would put it ‘Poverty’, so I am one of the many they want to help…………………..or so they say.
This morning, listening to the radio, I got the distinct impression that Boris, when asked for an interview (for Piers Morgan), ran away and hid inside a fridge.
I imagined him squeezing inside your normal kitchen fridge and how ridiculous that made him.
I’ve since seen the incident.
Boris was doing a tour of some factory which stored frozen foods and was confronted by someone wanting an unplanned tv interview. Boris, instead of doing what this chap wanted just carried on with his planned tour and was led into a large refrigerated storeroom along with several others, the kind you walk about inside.
He did not say anything such as I’m not doing this, he was completing this planned part of his day.
Such a blatant piece of misinformation by the bbbc.
Joe Corbyn was smirking about this to her other fellow lefty guests on politics live and then added “Jeremy Coburn has said he will give anybody interviews at any time”
Same procedure as normal.
Smear completed.
“Jeremy Coburn has said he will give anybody interviews at any time”
I’m terribly old fashioned in voting for MP and Party. If I wanted to find someone who interviewed well I’d look out an old Morse VHS.
We don’t vote for PM in the UK. Sometimes this needs pointing out.
Thanks EG for the description of the incident. Avoiding the BBC as much as I am doing, I wrongly rely on the Daily Mirror. I had imagined Boris in on of those American kitchen fridges.
I just waded through 500 sneering at Boris tweets
sent to JVine after his video ‘Boris won’t come on my top news show’
Stew, you deserve a gong in the New Year Honours List for doing that.
Aahh, smell the diversity!
‘Predator’ who raped teenager on her first night out in Aberdeen jailed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-50487009
Oh dear, didn’t see this on Al Beeb tho, I wonder how long before the Met Police are ‘advised’ to stop doing this:
Wanted Wednesday: Police release images of 19 suspects they are hunting across London
Sorry – it’s on sky news web page and the link doesn’t copy. Suffice to say, the list of suspects is very diverse.
I can only see six mugshots on that link. Needless to say, five of the six are either foreign or of foreign extract. If I extrapolate correctly, that means that 83.3% of similar crimes to the six, will be carried out by foreigners.
That John Curtis fellow is really confusing.
one minute he’s like yeah Conservatives are fine for a majority and in the same sentence he will say however labour are now trending in the polls.
Im at a loss now, a week ago id of said this is an easy win for the conservatives…however im seeing either lie’s from media or thruthful misunderstanding of polls….
We cannot elect a maniac like corbyn…ill be screwed being a single man owning a home on my own! i may as well move back home if he/labour take over.
That John Curtis fellow is really confusing.
one minute he’s like yeah Conservatives are fine for a majority and in the same sentence he will say however labour are now trending in the polls.
Im at a loss now, a week ago id of said this is an easy win for the conservatives…however im seeing either lie’s from media or thruthful misunderstanding of polls….
We cannot elect a maniac like corbyn…ill be screwed being a single man owning a home on my own! i may as well move back home if he/labour take over.
Another pervy doctor
Hang on a minute!
Why is it ok to mention this guy’s religion?
Why is he not simply labelled a ‘man’?
I bet everyone can guess why.
SkyNews are really afraid of being called biased.
.. That is why they’ve paid for a double page advert in today’s Times
“No strings attached
Independent, clear, impartial new coverage you can trust.
News with no agenda”
That’s great……….so when are you going to tell your staff !!
Perhaps Comcast haven’t experienced its Labour, anti Brexit ranting.
Hope the beeb don’t find out..
As the beeb and msn are joined at the hips, i’m sure the Brazilian President will get it!
Quote from Mathew Goodwin:
Boris has led in every single poll since MPs voted to hold the election back in October. This is something that neither Theresa May in 2017 nor David Cameron in 2015 and 2010 managed to achieve.
Of the 65 polls that have been conducted since the start of the election campaign, the Conservatives have not only led in all of them but have held comfortable double-digit leads in 43.
BristolUni acused of institutional racism by its students union say The Times & The Independent
\\ staff and students who have “perpetuated the hostile environment” for black and minority ethnic (Bame) students, the union says. //
The actual letter
Doesn’t give specifics , so is mudslinging
Meanwhile last night in Bristol
“Labour antisemitist demo”
says the Telegraph
Transgender pupil, 12, given puberty blockers, as mother says she ‘wanted to be a girl from age of three’
Tuesday morning \\ in major Czech city called Ostrava near Polish border, so far unidentified man entered hospital and shot six people dead.
He shot himself after being approached by police several hours after running away from the hospital
It is not treated as terrorism for now//
He doesn’t look jihadi in the BBC photos
One difference between Boris and Lammy
… I have seen Boris riding a bike.
anyone seen this tactical ANTI TORY voting site? i searched for Election polls on google and it came as the top result. I searched for for anything with word Election or Polls and near top if not top result.
Funny though as the tag line differs on results
I had some state “Save our NHS” others “Politics Affects us all”
and guess what, it’s all about stopping Brexit. according to there research using my postcode the strongest candidate to topple tories is LABOUR !LOL! talk about paying for a propaganda machine
Its a remainer site funded by Best for Britain.
Yeah figured as much, Just caught my eye cause it literally went to the top of my search results as a paid ad.
anyone seen this tactical ANTI TORY voting site? i searched for Election polls on google and it came as the top result. I searched for for anything with word Election or Polls and near top if not top result.
Funny though as the tag line differs on results
I had some state “Save our NHS” others “Politics Affects us all”
and guess what, it’s all about stopping Brexit. according to there research using my postcode the strongest candidate to topple tories is LABOUR !LOL! talk about paying for a propaganda machine
Don’t know what to make of this –
“Laura Kuenssberg leaks “grim” postal vote results for Labour
Laura Kuenssberg could find herself in hot water today after she revealed “grim” postal votes for Labour one day before the general election takes place.
BBC’s political editor was speaking to Jo Coburn on Politics Live from the campaign trail.
Asked about voter turnout ahead of the big day she said:
“The forecast is that it’s going to be wet and cold tomorrow.
“The postal votes have already arrived.
“The parties are not meant to look at it but they do get a hint and on both sides people are telling me that the postal votes that are in are looking pretty grim for Labour in a lot of parts of the country.”
The leak has been reported to the Electoral Commission because it could have broken electoral laws.”
#VoteCorbyn is ‘trending’ but Twitter itself is ‘lefty’ so I don’t trust it!
the hashtag can be trending, the context behind how the hashtag is used is hidden and therefore misleading.
I could literally put “#VoteCorbyn Get Fucked” doesn’t signify I’m going to vote Corbyn, exactly the opposite actually :).
what happened to twiiter removing politics from its platform, surely allowing PRO/NEG hashtags is using the platform as a polictical tool?
Well, we don’t have to worry about the Russians messing with the election; we have the BBC doing it for them.
Announcing “grim” postal results for Labour could be seen as an attempt to scare Labour voters to the polls in larger numbers.
A propos of nothing.
The BBC is prominently featuring the ‘four’ party leaders in photos on its webshite today, and has given such parity on numerous occasions – and have excluded Brexit.
But wee Krankie is
a. Not standing in the election and
b. Has no representation nor candidates in over 90% of the country.
That’s a piece of massive bias that has gone well under the radar.
So Fatty Blackford ought to have been included?
The Sun today:
“FAKING IT. Labour’s fake nurse actress who slammed Tories in election ad starred in BBC hospital drama”
“LABOUR’s fake nurse actress who slammed the Tories in an election also starred in a BBC hospital drama, it can be revealed.”
“Rhian Cheyne, 33, pulled on some scrubs and barked out the Jeremy Corbyn attack line that the Tories plan to “sell off the NHS to Donald Trump”.”
I knew that the BBC would be there somewhere. Surely the BBC recognised her but did nothing?
In a little over 24hours we will witness either:
The BBC in State Funeral mode.
The BBC in Second Coming mode.
I hope we soon witness the removal of the TV License or the requirement to pay it becomes Optional.
id love the optional one if I’m honest. im the type of person that just wants to watch the BBC burn …..slowly.