Back to business . The BBC charter isn’t currently due for renewal until January 2028 . So for those who see the BBC as a Far Left Biased Monster -reviewing the Charter system and funding to cut it down to size must start now . This got mentioned a bit in the General Election but must be maintained in the collective consciousness – particularly since it is too arrogant to change .
Weekend Thread 14 December 2019
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Like the tories…
First. . ..?
If you add up all the people who weren’t first, we all beat you.
Cancel any direct debits , standing orders to the BBC . Don’t buy a licence .
Write and tell both the BBC and TV Licensing .
If they write back and
say you will have a hard time proving you don’t watch live broadcasts , tell them you don’t have to . It’s up to them to prove you’re watching live broadcasts , not for you to prove your innocence . How do you prove a negative ?
After a few of the threatograms , challenge them to take you to court . They will write a conciliatory letter , changing their Enforcement Officers into Enquiry Agents . But they would never dare take you to court .
Bring them down before 2028 .
Just because you are first WestWyvern doesn’t mean you are first. I want a peoples thread.
I wanted to be first!
I’ll scweam and scweam and scweam until I’m sick!
Sorry Swelts, if Corbin can get battered and still hang on in there as leader then I’m doing the same.
Anyhow it was the Russians.
I try to steer clear of AlBeeb because of its blatant bias but confess that I was compelled to stick with it last night to pick up some tips on how to talk through gritted teeth.
Marr and Naga looked totally shellshocked by it all but the best bit was watching that odious scouse commie tw*t McDonnell having to suck it up when Andrew Neill told him that he and his party were pretty much finished. The best night’s telly since the Referendum.
It is often said that a country gets the government that it deserves – we haven’t had a government we deserve since Thatcher was ousted and only time will tell whether we got one last night. There have been plenty of good policy ideas circulated on here but the most appealing of them is the scrapping of the international aid target and properly dealing with our elderly social care issues. That would be a great start.
Labour got exactly what they deserved last night – to be so out of touch with the people they profess to know and care about is just staggering and already the infighting has commenced with each wing turning on the other – pass the popcorn.
I am proud that the British people have stood up in such numbers and taught the anti-democratic dark forces what I hope is a very painful lesson. It feels like a weight has been lifted from the shoulders of our nation – like a particularly unpleasant turd being flushed away. The likes of Femi, Jones, Soubry, Mason, Grieve etc. can now STFD and STFU. Our patriotism was spat at us and labelled as racism just so they could illustrate how “right on” they were. They were wrong and we were right and now they have 5 years to let it sink in.
The MSM tried to nail Boris on his alleged lack of truthfulness. Now that so many in the shadow cabinet are finally admitting the truth about how they view Corbyn as a liability just hours after assuring the electorate, with perfectly straight faces, that he was the right man for the job and how they would be so proud to serve in his government. Hopefully they will get similar treatment to that dished out to Boris for their wanton dishonesty. I’m not holding my breath though.
“It feels like a weight has been lifted from the shoulders of our nation – like a particularly unpleasant turd being flushed away. ”
A remarkably unpleasant mixed metaphor if I dare say so. I suppose a zoo keeper in the elephant house might end up with a heavy turd on his shoulder, but otherwise?
I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone on here for keeping the Faith. For helping to keep me sane in a mad world. For the comfort of knowing that I am not alone with my common sense outlook on the world. Special thanks to the people behind the scenes who keep this site going.
We must not now become complacent but must carry on. We have won another major battle, but we have not won the war.
The BBC’s bias will intensify in a last ditch attempt to derail the Brexit process.
We must continue in our quest to identify, highlight and call out the bias and to enlighten others and awake them to the subliminal brainwashing they are subjecting themselves and their children to on a daily basis.
We must try to release them from their involuntary hypnosis and set them free from their cosy prison.
Al Beeb will now turn its sights on Trump and promoting the SNP’s deluded push for a so called “Independence” referendum where
the Scots want to surrender their sovereignty to the EU.
I’ve been dipping in and out of al beeb today and wonder if any of those ‘ go to ‘ dead politicians such as Blair , major , brown and heseltine during the day ?
These people featured so heavily in the MSM to deter us from voting for BoJo that I thought they’d have something today other than ‘ sorry ‘ .
So – any sightings?
They are all in their European holiday homes..crying into their champagne now they realise they are nobodies – I haven’t heard a single graceful admission of defeat from anyone today
I was posting here during the last Scottish referendum and you are very much mistaken.
The BBC gets a lot of money out of Scottish unique funding and they are scared rigid about losing it. They made it crystal clear they were opposed to Scottish independence, but only to protect their own income stream.
I’ve had a lovely afternoon enjoying a pre Christmas lunch with friends.
I immediately fired up my ancient, steam powered computer, on getting in and a piece of tragic news popped up.
Lily Allen, that well known left wing pain in the arse and (sometime) songstress has deleted her Twitter account… due to BoJo’s victory.
She signed off telling her 23 followers that Britain is a deeply racist country…Oh dear.
The poor old luvvies seem to be having another well rehearsed hissy fit.
No doubt in the coming weeks we’ll hear from those intellectual giants Lineker, Hugh Grant and Lenny Henry informing us of our catastrophic error of judgment.
We’ll be called bigots, halfwits and little Englanders…
We’ve been called it all before (and worse) for the past three and a half years.
Just smile, nod and move on…
We won!
And try your best not to give any of them any of your money.
And no money to the BBC .
Business continues as usual at the Trump hating BBC !!!
Maybe they think it refers to the impeachment of Hitlery Clinton or Bathhouse Barry or little Adam Shit. Or gangster Pelosi or maybe the glove puppet Chucky Shiner?
There is no proof of any crime or actual malpractice. The so called proof is based purely on hearsay, speculation and hatred. Any court would not accept second hand statements and claims. The Senate will throw it out. As for the BBC they have obviously not been watching the proceedings or are so consumed with anti Republican hatred they fail to represent the facts………..but of course that is the usual process for them.
I do not like Trump and he says stupid and embarrassing things, however he understand commerce and knows how to negotiate.
BBC News : Remain backing parties together received more votes than the leave backing parties in the GE. Therefore…
…more people in the UK wish to remain in the EU 🙁
I have heard that already. It is a new excuse that will be pushed around for the next few weeks until we actually leave and then they will say that Johnson ‘removed us at our own will’ or something.
New excuses will always be found but they are growing thin
I am in that really comfortable state of being half-cut (celebrating) and tired from lack of sleep last night. I am also now famous: my rear-side having been photographed by the BBC to show what counting agents look like standing in a hall, from the rear.
And I can tell you. That really was my rear-side. There was no bias at all. Well done the BBC!
The job was interesting, if a little lengthy, watching my allocated table counters count the votes, initially into piles of ten and then split into the various candidates and again back into piles of ten, paper-clipped together and wrapped with the colour of the party for ease of counting.
There were 180 boxes that came in from the polling stations. I counted about 10% of the votes (informally) in eight of these boxes and deduced a Tory win of 10 to 15% over Labour. What was astonishing was the deluded conclusions of the Labour-appointed agents near me who I overheard predicting the opposite in favour of the Labour candidate.
There was a certain ‘menace’ in the atmosphere within the room. Some people wouldn’t even talk to me! I’m assuming it was the Brexit rosette.
I had a brief conversation with a Green Party agent who had the customary way of dropping her ‘t’s and sounding like she had been on pot all night.
When the results came in, the Labour ‘supporters’ showed their true colours, blaming everyone but themselves, loudly honouring the candidate (who lost by 15% of the votes) and mocking the other candidates. The reminded me of some kind of modern ‘brown-coats’ and I was glad to see them leave the hall. They were the same foul-mouthed bunch I had heard earlier in the foyer, f’ing this and f’ing that.
Anyway, in conclusion, I wouldn’t do it again even with the carrot of seeing the spoiled votes that varied from blank forms to passages entry from ‘War and Peace’. Quite funny actually.
Tired but satisfied on the back of a bolstered stockmarket and two Gin and Tonics.
Chancy – lovely piece – and duty done – thanks . There doesn’t seem to have been as much intimidation and fraud as might be expected from the comrade Corbyn mafia – or perhaps the anecdotes will start to come out in coming days . The McDonnell count sounded a bit – ‘tasty’….
BBC Look North reporter asking public what they thought of the vote. First person approached has pink hair. Guess what….she’s not happy with the result.
Boris ‘not my PM’ protests have started?
Corbyn ‘not my terrorist sympathiser’.
“….. a dystopian tactic”
Not me guv!
“Andrew Marr’s interview with Boris Johnson attracts 12,000 complaints”.
One juicy exchange:
‘The interview saw Marr and Mr Johnson frequently talking over each other, with the presenter saying: “You just keep going on and on and on – you’re chuntering.”
The prime minister replied: “You’re interrupting if I may say so. I think people might be quite interested in my answers as well as your questions.” ‘
Go get him Boris! You’re Master of the Universe now, Lord of all you survey. To the Tower with the traitors.
I remember posting on here about a month ago with maybe Taffman, not sure maybe someone else regarding how you could get o/u 203.5 seats for the Labour Party at the bookies.
I bet the under with Hills and I followed it steadily for a month and even yesterday it had risen to 225.5 which obviously annoyed me.
Jeez, I was made up when St. Ives didn’t go Labour today ???? ????
For those of you who live outside the London Region I have
and EXCLUSIVE for you. I just watched the Londonistan
Programme presented by Liz Rateef AND LABOUR won
the General Election. Well it seemed like that. The
programme which is basically for the ethnic community
in the capitol featured the fact that LABOUR won Putney
from the Conservatives. Nearly everybody interviewed in
the programme despised Boris Johnson . And from the
way that Lateef says Toreeeeeeeeeeees you know that she
is in agreement. However she is not alone. Fellow presenter
Asad Ahmad is no different. But maybe I am not being fair
to them. Because their editors, sub editors, researchers are
either Trotskyist, Socialist Worker, or Anarchist.
BBC Look North featured the new Labour MP for Sheffield Hallam, Olivia Blake. She looks a bit odd.
No edit function
But I was going to make the point that the Conservatives are in government yet the BBC choose to feature a Labour winner.
Dyst – I’ve made enquiries regarding the edit function and will let you know .
Just watched a hugely entertaining “channel 4 news ‘ ( I don’t usually bother ) . Sadly no Jon snow but plenty of wonderful gloom amongst the guru Murphy – cathy newman et al … had a strong smell of gloom about it . Hopefully . Dumping C4 will be easier than taking on the BBC but will be a good start …
Dyst, she’s very young – under 30? Has a track record as a Councillor.
The Conservatives also took Wakefield for the first time in 87 years. Somehow to the BBC featuring the Labour winner was a bigger story.
Just in from work, tired, full of man-flu but magically elated to witness so many contradictory and frankly hilarious sound bytes from the usual Lefty c**kwhisks. Life affirming stuff I tell you! The vitriol and self-flagellation is compulsive media. The delightful Comrade O’Brien’s abject misery a complete delight an Masterclass in, ‘How to be Wright, oops, sorry, wrong on everything’
Incidentally, the successful Wakefield Conservative candidate is one Imran Nazir Ahmed Khan. How racist those Conservative voters are!
There’s a report in the Daily Express of violent protests by the lefty losers.
It occurs to me that there is more than a passing resemblance between the behaviour of the lefty losers during and since the election of President Trump and the election of Prime Minister Johnson.
It would be normal behaviour for the losing side to go home, lick their wounds, regroup and reassess their objectives. But that hasn’t happened in the USA and I don’t think it will happen here. The commie thugs will continue a campaign of violence and intimidation on the streets and the brains guiding them will develop plans to obstruct Prime Minister Johnson and negate his endeavours at every opportunity.
That’s what I think we have to look forward to for the next five years unless these wicked people are neutralised and contained in some way.
j-i-c, there’s an obvious problem that Bojo and his administration will face that Margaret Thatcher encountered for the first time: deliberate obstruction from officials and elected people at Local Authority level. It is potentially worse now with City Mayors in place in some major cities.
Bojo wants to build 40 hospitals. That’s going to require land and dovetailing into the local infrastructure. I would not be surprised if ‘resistance’ is encountered and planning objections are raised. The Department for Health has, even recently, been most keen on closing hospitals and centralising services. Helps to raise more Fuel Duty for the Treasury! 😉
As to the efforts of Labour supporters to protest and resist democracy, with a good, unbiased media – especially TV (hello BBC!) – shining a strong light on the activities of these people should be sufficient to make it not worthwhile to engage in such behaviours. In the USA, the Democratic Party had gone a long way to losing the 2020 race before the previous mid-terms. Similarly, the Labour Party could lose 2024 before we have left 2019 behind.
I think he was on C4 news – looks pukker.
The achingly right-on Film Review can’t wait to tell us about The Sons of Denmark.
Why the interest in a minor film in Arabic and Danish by an unknown director? Clue: our ‘Danish’ director is called Ulaa Salem.
And the film’s narrative fits perfectly with Al-beeb’s own.
It’s about a ‘populist politician’ supported by ‘a white supremacist nationalist group’ who are behind lots of islamophobic attacks in Copenhagen, as a result of which young muslims are being radicalised…’
See? It’s racism and islamophobia that produces terrorism, not the quran’s violent verses and the imams’ hatred of the West.
What the film and Kermode forget to mention is that there has indeed been terror and violence in Denmark, all of it BY muslims, including the vile murder of the film maker Theo Van Gogh for daring to speak out against the treatment of women in islam, and death threats against the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
As usual, liberals turn reality inside out and upside down, confusing cause and effect in order to excuse the Religion Of Terror, and blame whitie – in this case one of the most liberal and tolerant societies on earth.
(What happened to the Edit button?)
I’m trying to find out and fix ….
Should be working again now. The comment editing plugin updated to a new version, which had a flaw (it didn’t work). I rolled it back.
Could John McDonnell have confiscated it in a fit of pique?
I am sure that all would agree with me in saying that you are doing a good but thankless job.
Well done Fedup2 !
Et tu Rufus McDufus.
Echo that + Stew & via long distance, TT, too.
Fed, I have an Op Ed piece that can be used as a header for a specific Thread (about Bojo & 1979 – yes, really) but it will be out of date after Monday. Are we still doing those sundry ‘conversation pieces’ or is it policy now to stick to just the general StW, MW and W-E Threads?
As far as I’m concerned there’s no policy. Post away eh ? I don’t want to run the show ….
Shall I mail it to you (via Contact Us) or post it here like I did with TT?
Please post away Up2 .
Herewith, for Monday next.
by Up2snuff
When Bojo heads to his desk this morning I hope he has spent the weekend reading some history. Not the (recent) history of the General Election campaign just fought and won, covered in the weekend papers. Not Classical history, either, but about the first few months of a Conservative Government in 1979. Why?
He needs to avoid making the same major mistakes.
Margaret Thatcher leading the Conservative Party in a General Election for the first time had won a great victory. She was put into power by the votes she called for from ordinary working men and women. Not the wealthy, not those in the elite professions like lawyers, doctors, stockbrokers (remember them?), bankers, actors and pop stars but by the working classes and ‘ordinary’ people.
Mrs Thatcher appointed a lawyer, Geoffrey Howe, as her first Chancellor. She then took her eye off the ball. Geoffrey Howe in his first Budget delivered on an election promise to cut taxes. Not for ‘ordinary’ people though. The Higher Rates of Income Tax were cut. The country’s finances were in no state to permit this. It had to be paid for, so Howe increased the rate of VAT and some other indirect taxes, including Fuel Duty. This, in particular hit the very people that Margaret Thatcher had called on to put her into a position of power to lead the country – the ordinary working man and woman. Not only that, it created extra inflation, something that the Conservative campaign in 1979 had pledged to bring under control.
One pledge delivered. One pledge immediately broken.
Howe was gracious and honest enough to later admit his Budget had been wrong and that he did not really know what he was doing in economic terms. He had blindly followed his Party’s manifesto pledges, apart from that given on inflation.
The real responsibility lay with the First Lord of the Treasury who should have been asking the Housewife’s Questions “Geoffrey, are you sure we can afford all this?” and “What is the likely effect of each measure?” Disaster might then have been avoided.
Disaster did indeed follow but not immediately apart from voters who had voted Conservative – perhaps for the first time – feeling colossally betrayed. They then had to cope with the extra inflation on top of that which the previous Labour Government had caused and then tried to cure. The extra cost of travelling to their ordinary jobs was particularly hard for ordinary working people who had had Conservatives campaigning on the importance of work and making ones way in the world.
The UK’s finances were further weakened, almost to the point of recession, so that when world recession really did hit within a year or so, the effect was devastating on both the country and the Conservative Party. Support poured away, ordinary people felt betrayed by the Conservative Party and not for the first time either. Edward Heath and Anthony Barber had done similar damage with their ‘dash for growth’ starting in 1970.
As Sgt Phil Esterhaus would say at the end of Roll Call: “That’s it. Let’s roll. Hey, hey! Let’s be …. truly C A R E F U L … out there today.”
Boris, are you listening and paying attention?
Feel free to discuss, Biased BBCers, but please stay polite and on topic.
I’ll reform this piece and post it on Monday morning – is that ok ?
Yes, even then or Sunday p.m.-ish.
Read one of Kermode’s books once – The Good, the Bad and the Multiplex – basically don’t bother. Lazy, opinion-based writing that’s no better than a discussion with your film-bore mate in the pub. The only things I can remember are he likes The Exorcist and Silent Running and chucks in a (clearly, deliberately controversial) view that he regards Zac Efron as a superior talent to Marlon Brando.
Programmes like Film Review are a measure of the increasing irrelevance of the BBC – why would anybody want to hear the ever-so-PC reviews of the likes of Kermode or Jason Solomons when you’ve got YouTube?
(I recommend the videos of liver-damaged Scotsman, The Critical Drinker but I won’t link any here because of the no-swearing rule!)
TC, I enjoyed Silent Running.
Bruce Dern as a (slightly mad) scientist, in a bio-spaceship ‘lifeboat’, is that the one? Seem to recall during recuperation from a bout of serious illness, I saw that when it first came on TV. 1979?
That’s the one, made in the early Seventies so it probably was on TV around 1979. Bruce Dern is indeed slightly mad in it, he kills his crewmates to save the world’s last remaining forest.
Anybody read”
anybody with eyes open & half a brain to read reports from even before 9/11 knows there is only 1 to deal with these nutters.
I wonder if the BBC’s new plugin has stopped working also. The one they use to edit out Brexiteers from QT and to edit history to include ethnic minorities.
Radio 3 agenda pushing
Their previous tweet
I thought I’d watch Question Time for the first time in years . I can see how rigged the audience is . It’s as though there hasn’t been a General Election . I’m shocked ! Off switch after 12 minutes of listening to Kinnock minor lording it.
Fed – his dad has done well – He left the House of Commons in 1995 to become a European Commissioner. He went on to become the Vice-President of the European Commission under Romano Prodi from 1999–2004.
Kinnock minor has/is trying to follow the money
Here’s a question.
Much of London is held by labour and it is supposed to now be a minority white city.
I don’t know how true this is.
It’s also supposed to be home to a huge number of poor people.
I hear the rents are extremely high, much higher than for the rest of us.
How can these very poor people afford to live in London when normal poor people find it hard to manage on half the London rent.
Do the people in Tower Hamlets, for example, get £thousands per month dole money (or their expensive rents paid by other taxpayers money direct debited to landlords)
How can these poor people afford to live in such an expensive city.
I must admit I’m enjoying watching the bbc as the realisation that they have lost the election is sinking in.
* I’m adding this line using the click to edit function which has started working again on my ipad*
London is just a cess pit full of guest workers , third worlders and a lot of people on benefits . I’m sure there was plenty of identity fraud and postal fraud . Nothing will be done about it .
Mine is now one of the few Conservative constituencies and that was a close run thing . There is plenty of white flight and those who speak English as their first language is – I think – a minority in a lot of boroughs …
Glad to know the edit is working again …
@Emmanuel Goldstein & Fedup2
we are multi something now, so lets make a good stab at it.
A truly astonishing QT on BBC 1.
A massive Tory majority but you would never know it.
An audience stacked with children and students. Predominantly white but each of the three First BAME contributors each played the race card. Plenty of Corbyn supporters, descriptions of the country as a version of Venezuela continually unchallenged, a mostly quiet audience but still with more enthusiastic applause for Labour positions.
Grant Shapps gives a positive speech to silence, the SNP gets in a cheap shot at him and the audience cheer.
Have I missed something in the last 24 hours?
The biased BBC clearly have.
Watching QT , bbc …specially selected audience full of anti Boris …no surprise there then ….so the result of the GE means nothing ……obviously we didn’t know what we were voting for
BBCRADIO4/MSM news output is like a pantomime
There very much ONE real universe
but the output of the media reflects a totally different fictitious universe
I am staggered by the amount of people on this forum that actually watch R4Today, BBC Breakfast, Question Time. Peston, Marr and Jo on Daily Politics .. that output is just not the real world.
eg the way they portrayed this election
as if was neck and neck and that Corbyns giveaways and hospital floor boy would make a difference.
Look how the election started
The public had already voted in EU/local/GE/Referendum 6 times for Brexit.
Boris stood up in parliament and said to Labour
“Either vote for my bill or I’ll go for a GE, and you will lose cos your Labour voters voted Brexit and your Labour MPs betrayed them, so I’ll get it a majority and do Brexit that way”
… and that it was happened the whole 6 week media circus has been a charade.
Stew: “that output is just not the real world.”
That’s right. It is all so false. Or contrived. It makes me wonder, especially on a Saturday and Sunday, when I view the front pages of the papers, how the Hard Left, Left and soft LibbieLefties get all concerned about inequality, poverty, austerity, Global Warming, Climate Change and veganism and other -isms – especially when afforded a platform by the BBC – and then the headers and tasters on their newspapers’ front pages are all about recipes and weekend getaways and fashion (including jewellery!) and ‘Slebs’ and flying somewhere exotic.
I can hear ‘the Donald’ in my head: “Don’t you believe it. That’s all so fake, everything is fake. I’m going to drain The Swamp.” And he’s a TV Sleb, he’s one of them!
I have just realised that I’ve missed the start of the new Dead Ringers series on R4. Oh well, the repeat is on tomorrow.
Earlier today I wondered if the balance of the QT panel might change, following the seismic effects of the election.
The answer is unfolding as I write, not simply an unrepresentative panel but, as predictably usual, an absurdly unbalanced audience.
Reality is simply suspended where the BBC and political decision making is concerned. The situation can only be described as shameful – but shame is not an emotion with any relevance where the metro-elite and our multicultural population are concerned.
I just found out that Dennis Skinner the beast of Bolsover has lost his seat !
Not heard that on the BBC ! Such a sweet news story !
Thoughtful, old Red Dennis or Dennis the Red Menace was, iirc, a keen Brexiteer or at least a EUrosceptic.
I gather Frank Field has gone, too. He was the only one, along with Kate Hoey, who I could think of when pushed to name – on Nick Robinson’s Blog HYS – my political heroes after the 2010 GE. And I’m usually a Conservative voter! I just could not, at that time, drag any Tories to the front of my little grey cells. Feeble.
Only one in QT audience is pro Boris ……astounding
BBC at its worst !
CF, very ‘telling’ though. That could rebound on the BBC.
QT update.
Despite a 45% Tory popular vote.
After 35 minutes of anti Tory rhetoric, Fiona Bruce wakes up and says in terms ‘ surely there must be someone in the audience who voted for/supported Boris, hands up’.
No one raised their hands visibly on camera!!!!!!!!!!!
A black guy was selected to speak. He didn’t vote for Boris!!!! But at least understood that Boris was the only leader backing Brexit. An Irish guy didn’t admit to voting Tory but thought Boris should be given a chance. That was the sum total of Tory support.
The next QT editions are in Oxford (Labour) and Liverpool (Labour).
Absolutely unbelievable.
The BBC have managed to make people ashamed of voting Conservative, or at least of admitting it in a beeboid environment.
vlad, the ‘shy Tories’ that came out on the BBC HYSs yesterday were after all a good indication of the GE result. And they are back again today to enjoy the win. The Remainers, Remoaners and the Wee Hen are taking some stick in similar two to one proportions to yesterday.
The BBC clearly don’t understand the old saying:
When in hole stop digging.
They are digging their own grave.
I’ve just realised I’ve missed Any Questions on R4 but at least I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s posts on here, including those about Question Time.
I’m afraid we may be in for a spell of BBC, Labour Party, LibDem, SNP and leftylibbie media yelling Bojo = Trump and Trump = Bojo.
My synopsis at the end of today…………..
Following the result of The Brexit Referendum in 2016, democracy was in peril.
Last night democracy won!
No thanks to the so-called impartial Al Beeb. It should have ‘British’ removed from its title.
taffman, I agree.
I heard on R4 either Alastair Campbell or Grace Blakeley dismissing the turnout yesterday as “not as good as 2017.”. Not an hour ago, I read on BBC w-site that it was only 1.3% lower. 67% is not bad for a day with pretty foul weather across much of the UK.
I’m going to buy the Guardian tomorrow to read Our Polly’s and Owen Jones analysis of the voters .
And some champagne to celebrate Foghorn Sourface Soubry’ s defeat .
Save your money log in with your local library card
Nibor – please don’t buy the Guardian – it only encourages them ….if I recall Soubry only got 6000 votes . I bet the BBC keep her turning up to play the victim of something or other .
I’d like to see a full list of labour MPs who lost their seats . They can look fondly back at that magical night when they stopped parliament being prorogued along with their tame speaker – which has led to 5 years of a full Tory majority .
Fed, oh no! Have we got to do it again in winter?
Who invented that Fixed Term Parliament Act?
Up2 – I looked up the fixed term parliament act – it was a creation of Nick Clegg and received barely any parliamentary scrutiny in either house .the effects of group think and lack of imagination about circumstances where a parliament becomes corrupted and can’t be got rid of .
As for the scheduled election in 2024? Apparently it will be in May and not December – for some reason caused by the drafting of that awful act . I bet bojo doesn’t repeal it …
Fed, didn’t know that. Thanks. I felt fairly heroic walking to the Polling Station in the wind and rain although I deliberately avoided the worst of the weather yesterday. 75% turnout in my constituency.
Up2, were you asked outside the Polling Station which way you had voted ? Because I have never ever been asked, and neither has anyone I know , yet the Exit Polls appear to have had it spot on at 10pm last night what the result would be. Is there some magic formulae that works this out ??? Because isn’t it conceivable that people would lie to those asking the question ?
Master D was stopped outside his polling station in London at 8a.m. for the exit poll. He was only asked how he had voted, not his age (if they are bothered about his gender and colour, in his case it looks obvious). Given a card by IPSOS afterwards.
Brissles, on the way in, I heard others being asked that. It is meant to be a secret Ballot. Seem to recall in the past, the Party officials were only allowed to ask “Did you vote?”
On my way out, there were such a crowd departing after doing their Civic Duty, that I dodged ‘the bullet’.
I might have said something regrettable like “Mind your own business.” or rather better “Election Day? Goodness, gracious. What? Again? Should I have voted? Am I registered? Have I had my tea yet? Where are my slippers?”
We used to have some local nobs standing outside our polling station, asking to see our cards, as if they were important.
They don’t now, especially as Mrs O’Blene and I told them to urinate elsewhere…
Example of pantomime land
Jo Swinson kept appearing on our TV as some kind of eco-warrior
Yet Twitter says she flew 38 times this year Glasgow to London
and Many tweets say that actually she is based in her third home in Bath
\\ Jo Swinson, who spends £7,000 a year of public money on flights to fly to Glasgow
to her constituency and then back to Bristol to her home in Bath.
All because the Lib Dem leader chooses to live 500 miles away. //
SNP have done her favour… more travelling at our expense then ! , not that I could bring myself to support wee krankie ,
After QT we move onto HIGNFY, recorded after the result was known.
On this impartial programme, the ‘comedian’ delivers a pro Labour polemic and gets a big round of applause from the impartial audience.
Then we get the Boris ambushes, in a dairy and about the staged boy on the floor issue.
Dear Jezza is of course treated with jovial reverence and jokes at his expense get a very cautious titter in rather hushed tones from the fully impartial audience.
BBC have really sunk to the very lowest level ……going have stop watching any more of it …….are we in another universe?
Night of the long knives ala Germany 1930s will sort it
pug, Nick Clegg admitted – slightly coyly – in an interview with The Humph on TOADY in the summer (not long before The Humph retired) that Facebook had checked, twice I think, and could find no interference in the 2016 EU Ref or 2017 GE from Russia or any other source.
I did note, however, that Donald Tusk and Michel Barnier both interfered in our GE2019 via the Guardian or Independent or both this week and I do not recall one iota of protest from the Beeb in my hearing on R4.
“The Last Leg” on Channel 4 overtly lefty bias.
They reckon they need a bigger “bullshit button” for the next 5 years.
They have Rory Stewart and Anna Sourface Soubry on as guests shortly.
What a lefty load of (better press that button!).
Miriam margoyles? Scruffy old woman wearing black socks and shoes with an ill fitting dress has just called Boris a “f**cking b@stard on live TV!
Miriam Margoyles ..was probably asserting that Boris is hatey
She fits what I just wrote below ugly sister who thinks she has beautiful honour
Bit rich for a woman who lives most of her time in Australia with her lady partner, and is prone to farting, belching and spouting expletive deletives when on camera. And being Jewish should not her ire be aimed at Corbyn ? or perhaps she didn’t get the memo.
“prone to farting, belching and spouting expletive deletives”
Sounds like your average protester then…
Did I say Emily ‘Lumpy’ Thornbuggle…?
Shurely not!
Last night’s Radio3 “thinking” prog also came from the pantomime universe
The BBC guests were like the ugly sisters
two feminists who come on and consider themselves noble
..they spit hate at Boris and Trump
Yet they think they are talking about how hatey Boris and Trump are
Ostensibly about the language used in general election politics, they rushed to say it’s them “Trump and Boris ” who are the bad guys
‘you see the LibDems did use a vulgar term “B@llocks to Brexit, but that was an attempt to reach the public by being earthy
.. whereas look Trump he used “Lock Her up” and that is sinister’
Fem1 “There’s been a lot of language of hatred .. Every party has told me to HATE somebody”
..Nope vast majority of HATE comes from libmob
“most of the language has been MASCULINE ..we’ve seen Boris driving a digger” ..FFS driving is not language
Boris said “Brexit is oven ready”.. never heard that
“Boris was going to use the word onanism (shooting sperm), but he didn’t” he didn’t use it
Matthew Sweet : is the language getting simpler ?? like the 3 note slogans ..Trump said Lock Her Up ”
American guest Fem2 “ah it will be lock HIM up” ..all snigger
..”ah that is about getting to emotion without thinking” ..doh that is what slogans are
“Oh Obama did well with Yes We Can”
Fem2 … “When Boris invokes masturbation (he didn’t actually) It scares me, It’s a Trump trick a very Steve Bannon thing , it’s a very alt-right thing, it’s a very schoolyard thing .. appealing to your base and be real matey real guys”
… FFS a few minutes earlier she said “B@llocks to Brexit” isn’t very crass to me”
These people think the ‘slipper of honour’ fits them ..when it so doesn’t.
“most of the language has been MASCULINE ..” I suppose the language of defeat is feminine, then – I’ve just seen Swinson on the news bleating about what happens to you when you smash glass ceilings.
Nah, it’s what happens to you when you appeal to democracy to overturn a democratic vote you didn’t like. Just desserts for a woman with more tits than brains.
Jo Swinson ; bollocks to Brexit .
Electorate ; bollocks to Jo Swinson .
Its astounding how these lefties (The Last Leg) are now slating and laughing at Corbyn, yet had he won, they would be idolising him tonight.
Well if vinegar tits is gonna hit the glass at speed, at least she is equipped with airbags.
Anna Sourbry and Rory Stewart on Channel 4 now trying to keep themselves relevant.
Anna thinks it appalling that Boris has such a majority…
Oops she’s messed up already. Tried to make a quip about Boris probably having a small manhood and Donald Trumps little hands, forgetting that one of the disabled presenters also has little hands! What an idiot.
Anna Sourbry – a contestant next year for I’m A Celebrity, or Strictly ???? I imagine the producers of both shows are wetting themselves with excitement at the pick of potential ex-politicians who are now fair game and could do with a few thou in their pocket.
Well Anna Foghorn Sourface Soubry can
Suck It Up . Suck It Up
Antifa/police in London
Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
Once again, only one side is refusing to accept how democracy works,
.. therefore continuing to *create division*.
I take it that that’s just a representative photo? They surely weren’t wearing those clothes in today’s weather?
Scotland important context
SNP 48 MP’s for 1.2m votes,
Brexit Party + the Greens 1.5m votes for 1 MP
I had spotted that too and also noticed that the TV did not mention it. Of course something else to blame on Brexit.
Israel PM tweeted his joy to Boris
and now from Brazilian PM
Translated from Portuguese
– Compliments to the British and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, @BorisJohnson , for yesterday’s big win.
Brazil and the United Kingdom share the appreciation of self-determination and sovereignty.
– We are willing to work on strengthening our relationships and building an increasingly solid and beneficial partner for our people. ????????????????????
Stew, we would do well – out of the EU – to increase our trade with both nations. Brazil has a difficult job to do now, holding the continent together almost on its own, now that Chile appears to be descending into chaos.