Back to business . The BBC charter isn’t currently due for renewal until January 2028 . So for those who see the BBC as a Far Left Biased Monster -reviewing the Charter system and funding to cut it down to size must start now . This got mentioned a bit in the General Election but must be maintained in the collective consciousness – particularly since it is too arrogant to change .
Weekend Thread 14 December 2019
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“The Papers”: gabby Observer babe won’t let the FT guy get a word in edgeways.
Abysmally chaired by the host who should give them equal air time.
Thanks stew – that piece nails it ….
Pug, great post.
I have for a long time nurtured a fantasy that a group of super-hackers knock out or jam the BBC signal. 🙂
If only I had the skills!
They keep spreading HATE … and division
No open borders at the Madrid Climate summit
they built a wall
Pic of the captain of the Red Star lines Titanic after it sunk
It collided with a gigantic Bor-ice-berg
.. The shrieks & squeals of the crew could be heard for miles.

They called for the working class to rescue them
.. but the working class still remembered how they had been labelled “racist scum” by the Red Star Line
Now he knew he’d never be captain of Titanic’s sister ship. . . the Britannic.
Fact Checked
Away from politics for a nano-second. My current fav programme is on the BBC (as I duck under the parapet) – The Repair Shop, a rare gem in their programming. But amongst all the hugely talented, – and articulate, repair people, is Jay Blades – he who like to shake hands first (no ladies first with him !) with the participants, and I just wonder what the point of him is ! He wanders about, saying “well done” to these craftspeople who are infinitely more talented than he is, and though I have nothing against his East London accent, his lack of intelligence is breath taking. He constantly asks “woz that for”, or “woz that”, and when one participant mentioned a Chief Petty Officer, Blades asked “woz wanna them?”. The show is all the better when the repair people themselves greet the participants, and proves that the show simply doesn’t need Jay Blades.
Who else has the skill to paint each table leg a different colour?
I really like this program and love to see the genuine skills of the actual craftsmen and women. I am always commenting about Jay pretending to be a part of it with his pristine leather apron with various unrelated brand new tools randomly stuck in various pouches. I have no problem with Jay as a person as he seems to be a nice guy, but why can he not present himself as just the presenter rather than a member of the team. Occasionally you get a glimpse of him supposedly doing some basic ‘task’ and it is so obvious that no matter how simple that task might be he has not got a clue.
Its when he goes off camera to get some special product the repairers need, or professes to ‘sort that out’ , that really grates, as we all know there is a team of goffers who would be doing that. No, he doesn’t bring anything to the table (as it were), and despite all the craftspeople being terribly nice, its not right that Blades basks in their glory at the end.
Nothing on the BBC about antifa having a protest because their Corbyn lost and Johnson won?
Did they really think that Corbyn was going to win?
Did they think that by harassing people they would be able to get Labour elected?
Why are the BBC not interested in any of this?
Once again the BBC are ignoring the right wing press who of course are the only ones keeping us informed about how unhinged the left are. They have no power but they still have agression!
Did you know Antifa is an anagram for ‘Fanatic extreme-left tossers’?
Sort of.
Not a lot of people know that.
Blimey mate. Is the zoo on fire?
Dear BBC,
2014 Scotland votes to remain in the UK
2015 Conservative David Cameron wins General Election
2016 British people vote to leave the EU
2016 American people vote for Donald Trump
2017 Conservative Mrs May wins General Election
2019 Brexit Party biggest party in the EU
2019 Conservative Boris Johnson wins General Election
2019 US Inspector General reports that ‘crooked’ Hilary faked Russian dossier
You guys took one hell of a beating!
Yet still you make up fake news, make programmes for the youth that the youth don’t pay for and don’t watch and still hope to appeal to the indigenous British by stuffing your output with representatives of the 15% that aren’t!
P.S. Is Gerald Ratner on your board of directors, or one of his students?
On my journey to Retford today I put the van radio on. I don’t have DAB so it has to be BBC R4. The programme was about “dramatic upheavals in the 1980s for Britain’s South Asians.
On my journey home from Retford I put the radio on. The programme was about a refugee child’s journey; and not being part of the host country’s culture.
On my late night journey to Sheffield I put the radio on. The programme was a left wing topical show with no men in it.
I have now remembered that the van has a CD player, so I’ve put some Mozart and Beethoven and Charlie Pride in the glove compartment. I’ve also experimented and found that I can listen on line on any station I like by connecting my phone to the radio’s aux socket.
While still in state of euphoria, I was (and still am), wondering more about the BBBC’s so-called charter.
If the sordid little dictum gives them all this ability to spout fake news, support left-wing stuff, and generally waste an awful lot of money, then why can’t the government just say, ‘OK, here’s your bloody charter, get on with it. Oh, and by the way, you can actually do what the ‘charter’ says, but there will be no reason for the good citizens in the UK, to pay you anything at all’!
‘And another thing, when your income dries up, you can still have your ‘charter’, but you’ll have to actually say and do something which earns the trust of the good citizens who used to fund you, so stick that Beeboids’.
(Seriously, does the ‘charter’ actually state that it has to be paid for via the TV tax)?
I was reading State Broadcaster’s analysis of the election result this morning. Interesting to note that Labour were counted as a remain party.
NG, have you seen the front page of the Grauniad today? Very deceptive. Easy to mis-read. 😉
In the Times this morning there is mention that the replacement for Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan might be Penny Morduant and that decriminalisation of non payment of the LF is on the agenda. Of course the pro BBC lobby will be going into top gear to protect the foul corporation but the time to strike against the BBC is now. Millions of people have experienced its extreme pro Remain bias over the past three years as well as its endemic leftist bias. Millions of other use its services less and less and resent paying for something that they don’t use or are ever likely to. Decriminalisation will test the BBC assertion that it everyone loves and trusts it. Let the people vote with their feet Boris . We will get rid of the BBC for you if you give us the tools. Within a year or two of decriminalisation the BBC will be forced to ask to become a subscription only service.
When any legislation is eventually framed that puts the BBC on course for subscription I hope it is thorough and done very carefully. I would either completely disband the BBC or make it a subscription service tomorrow but the licence fee paying victims have invested in the BBC for a long time. There is no way that a ‘privatised’ BBC can be allowed to retain any ownership rights of programming produced, real estate, equipment etc etc. All previous BBC output must be handed over and made available to all via an on-line archive. The new BBC must also either buy or rent the premises and equipment we have bought through the licence fee.
You can be sure the BBC will squeal like a stuck pig as they are dragged into the real commercial world.
You can also be sure that once they think they are a target then saturation coverage of how great the BBC is will commence on all channels and platforms.
An early New Year’s resolution. I am not going to be drawn into any more responses to Remainers on any form of media, nor am I going to allow them to annoy me, instead I shall just ignore them.
The basis for the above is that after four electoral defeats in a row and well over a thousand days they have become boring. Their record has been played so many times that it’s worn out. They are clearly mentally troubled and beyond help and unable to accept the reality that they have been comprehensively defeated. Their European Blue and gold parrot is well and truly dead. So in my view they can stay stuck in 2016 while the rest of us move on to the other pressing issues which affect the lives of people in our country.
Our interesting times are going to continue . For labour supporting remainers the next few week is going to be deliciously painful as they watch their EU flags being removed, celebration 50p coins being circulated and further grief on top of their current loss .
The government has to do something tangible to show that we are out of the ReichEU as the ‘denial’ phase of the grief will be strong – particularly in the BBC.
Am I being unnecessarily nasty ? No – because I won’t be forgetting Traitor Bercow , Grieve , Benn ,Clarke letwin and the rotten rest who undermined democracy and basically spat at brexiters like me,
The SNP will be deciding how to take on the numbers opposite to them in the Commons who will be seen as enemies and not opponents . Lindsey Hoyle will have his work cut out dealing with them but I think that if /when the Scots National Socialists over do it I think decent Scots will become alienated by the obsession to become a separate nation and part of the EU Borg – good by pound – hello border control with Scots having to decide which passport to have – an EU one or a British one …
This is so even if the SNP walk out of Parliament or try to disrupt it .
I think that the Speaker will be able to control the SNP without too much difficulty. After the appalling example of Bercow he will be very keen to ensure that the HoC is run according to past precedent and the advice of the clerks. I think he will stamp his authority on the MPs very quickly. The first few who step out of line will be made examples of.
Lindsay Hoyle has already put the SNP in its place when filling in for Bercow. He stopped them singing the EU Anthem (me neither) in the HoC. Having read his bio he does seem to be a decent person from the era of Old Labour.
Poor Justin – anyway – poor BBC goes to a new blue northern constituency to find out why they were so stupid as to vote Blue . A bloke is interviewed , says he took his kid to the GP and was the only one in the waiting room who spoke English .
The BBC interviewer instantly went off about racism -colour- to which the reply was – it wasn’t about colour – which of course – it isn’t – wasn’t – but will the BBC ever get that ? No – because it’s far easier shouting ‘racist’.
Get Brexit Done – Drain the Swamp .
Speaking from my own experience as a longtime Socialist I would say that the folks in the North of England have realised that they are being conned out of their country. Hence the conversion from “woke” Socialist to “woke” Conservative. In my case it is a permanent change and I’m sure I cannot be the only one.
As far as I am concerned the Labour party put a noose around it’s own neck and the voters slapped the horses’ arse.
Lefty , first chuckle of the day – thank you . A capitalist like me shouldn’t say it – but a big governing party does need an effective opposition – which the one trip SNP pony won’t provide – so I hope who ever gets the labour job is sane and not of the Corbyn cult.
“who ever gets the labour job is sane and not of the Corbyn cult.”
Well, that rather narrows the field down a bit. Generally speaking, poor leaders tend to be followed by even poorer leaders: May followed Cameron, Foot by Kinnock, Brown by Miliband etc. Often, it takes a political ‘generation’ before another credible leader emerges. We should look forward to Labour adopting an even more unlikeable leader (sic) in the form of Angela Rayner, Jess Phillips or, best of all, Diane ‘two left feet’ Abbott. Any of these ladies will do an excellent job in continuing to wreck the Labour Party and keeping them out of the picture for another decade or more. The point about having an effective opposition is a good one, but one suspects the Tories will provide their own internal opposition in a year or two, once the eurphoria has evaporated.
So some protests about the GE results. Just some children having a tantrum. Stamping their feet and saying ‘It’s NOT FAIR!’. As they say in Scotland ‘Go and have good greet’. Then come back when your all grown up?
TOADY Watch #1 – Fed beats me to it, but if two of us spotted it …?
JustRemainIn Webb is looking for opposition to Boris Johnson. Right from the outset, after the 7a.m. news, Justin Webb has been seeking help. Paul Nowak is described as TUC Gen. Sec. Has Frances O’Grady moved on? It gets worse. The EU is dragged in. Then Kim Leadbetter is dragged on after 7.30a.m. digging up the ghost of her sister, the late Jo Cox MP.
Now, JustRemainIn Webb is looking for help from NHS studies to undermine Boris.
Shameless BBC.
Shameful BBC.
If two of us spotted it, then it could be real, probably is, almost certainly is. real.
Just-REMAIN-in Webb
… classic
I can imagine Dominic Cummings sitting quietly in his number 10 office at 7am listening to that as he plans out to get Conservative policies done and to prepare for the 2024 election .
At least – now – he can take on the Remainer establishment for the first time – a lot of career blood shed this weekend …. and bags being packed .
Incidentally the defeated MPs have until Wednesday to return their security passes and clear their offices … then the expenses stop.
Stop press Toady 2
HMS Heseltine has surfaced and is on Toady. He sounds old and depressed and – and a bit shamed . Martha the bee gave him an easy time . Why the BBC goes to him for a view – when it is now proven how out of touch with reality he is – is beyond me . He’s going to miss his £90k freebie from the EU ..
Aaugh, you beat me to it again! Well done, Fed – you are on top form this a.m..
Bojo does have a problem. They are talking about chucking out the Fixed Term Parliament Act. If the Parliament goes full term but to a summer GE2024, then the campaigning really starts in January of that year. That only leaves our new Government four years to deliver on its promises.
That’s a tough schedule.
Lord Heseltine is right in that he said it takes time to train Police officers, there will not immediately be an increase in numbers. However, giving some firm instructions from the Home Secretary about hate & on-line social forum crimes to Chief Constables might free up extra resources.
It was interesting that Priti Patel (Home Sec.) was ‘attacked’ on the programme this morning. Can’t remember who said it now.
Up2 – 20000 more cops is nothing in comparison to the population growth – increases in crime due to the coming recession / end of the current boom so there won’t be a visible change – I’d say you’d need another 100000 to see a real improvement – that’s not a Diane Abbott number BTW .
London does have significant problems and has exported them (‘County lines’) successfully elsewhere. Every now and then Hezza says something sensible. He suggested on the programme today that the PM gets the City Mayors together on policing and gets them to deal in a concerted way with the Policing problem.
Seems like a good idea to me. Even though I’m not in favour of extra layers of government, let’s give it one more chance to make itself work.
TOADY Watch #2 – Tag Team
Our BeeBC Martha takes over from JustRemainIn and Hezza (Lord Heseltine) is disinterred to strike a note of realism or possibly provide a soundbite that can be repeated to create an air of doubt around the northern Tory wall and Bojo’s promises.
Hezza concedes on Brexit. That’s notable.
Where is Hezza’s loyalty? He doesn’t say directly, he creates a diversion, but it is to the EU. Bit of a give away.
‘Disinterred ‘ ha ha – quality …
So, how are the media taking it all?
As expected,
Oh, and… quality…
Does the bbc know who won the election?
Craig at ITBB could do one of those comparisons. But it looks like the BBC are already pretty much Labour.
Can’t wait to see what that young twat Lewis, who is moving from Sky to Newsnight, comes out with…
The Asian girl in the newsnight clip was the Corbyn candidate for Chingford . My MP – IDS – held on with a 1000 majority . One of those votes was mine .
The lady moans about online campaigning . But let me tell you – the resources Corbyn momentum put into that constituency was enormous – frightening . There were groups of 6 calling door to door for months . How she can complain is beyond me .
The campaign was dirty and bordering on violence targeting the Conservative office and IDS . Chingford is a traditional out of London backwater which no one has heard of – yet the Guardian made it a target – and thankfully still failed .
Chingford is a lovely part of north-east London, Fed. It deserves better than that sort of Labour Party. Am glad ID-S held on.
In my book it’s still Essex.
ti, true, true.
But still attached to me in a special way along with other bits of the Capital and Home Counties. I come over all nostalgic whenever I drive east between the William Girling and King George’s reservoirs ……. and up the hill to Chingford.
I just hate that ‘greater London’ tag don’t you? They’ve ruined some good towns in Kent by ‘greater Londoning them’.
Yes exactly. Kent is Kent! Even though BoJo thought/thinks otherwise.
Lucy, you are right. Part of the blame can be placed at the feet of the Post Office. If I recall correctly, Chingford (or parts thereof) is in London E4. Meanwhile, chunks of ‘greater’ Enfield are in Hertfordshire.
Up2/Lucy .
My home used to be in Essex – but then it got moved to an E number . A lot of us moaned but Labour Council – Labour GLC – labour taxes …..
“The system is rigged,” says unsuccessful Labour candidate @faizashaheen .” That’s ‘First Past the Post’ for you………….
I recently watched a lecture by Dr David Starkey in which he, en passant, referred to the current problems in Europe where the end result of decades of Proportional Representation has led to numerous conniving political parties having had to resort to pacts, coalitions or, ‘arrangements’ of one form or another with their political enemies/rivals to get anything done. So much so that politics has become more of a blending than clear individual party policies. He concluded that FPTP was superior. Not that the EU would agree, it wanting total dictatorial control which eventually, PR invariably drives itself toward,
Dom, Dom, Dom…
And this is just 24 hrs later. Already 38 Beegees, Compass, etc are ramping up the protests and petitions again for the London luvvies to ‘report’.
Meanwhile my wife just quietly totted up the number of millions more who voted not for this noisy minority and their overpaid pr platforms.
Newsnight got Champion Ash on yet?
I had a little lurk on her Twitter yesterday. A lot of Labour supporters are now starting to miss Blair. I sense a juicy civil war!
“Thousands of Well-Funded Male Migrants Terrorizing Bosnian Border Town”.
One name connection? – Soros
“Immigration has not gone away, Boris”
Boris and his Blairite band of merry ministers need to heed the results of the recent Deltapoll survey for Migration Watch. As Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration Watch, explained on TCW last week:
‘Seventy-five per cent of Conservative voters thought the average annual level of net migration that the UK has experienced over the past five calendar years was a “substantial concern” for the public. It may come as a surprise to to some, but not to me, that 62 per cent of Labour voters and 53 per cent of Liberal Democrat voters felt the same.
The (economic) migrants are provided with MasterCard Prepaid debit cards. The link below is from MasterCard themselves. The long term aim is make banking and finance ‘more inclusive and accessible’; translation: extend the debt and financial industries to the 2 billion people in the world who do not have bank accounts. Each time a debit card is used, the bank receives a small commission. Eventually, customers will be pushed into taking credit cards, where the serious profit-making can begin.
This video is about 20 minutes long and gives some insight into how MasterCard fits into ‘the scheme of things’.
TOADY Watch #3 – Let the BBC help some with some excuses
The programme’s Ross Hawkins goes on the stump to find out what went wrong for Labour. Then Anna Turley comes on to provide some helpful support.
She’s the defeated Labour MP for Redcar. Pro-EU in the International Socialist tradition and dogma. JustRemainIn Webb promises that she will be having further conversations. Yes, I can see lots of that on the BBC and the TOADY Prog for the next four years or so.
I know we have had months of BBC lefty bullshit but this morning I switched on to get a feel for the post-apocalypse temperature there.
The first thing that came across is that almost to a man/woman the BBC-ites are all wearing either black or sombre grey instead of their usual coloured finery!! Dan even sports a black Christmas jumper!
Am I just being neurotic or did a missive come down from the top?
I am also absolutely delighted that Boris is to take the time to pop up North to give personal thanks to the good folk there for helping to drain the swamp!
A final note, I would also like to offer a load of grateful thanks to all on this site, particularly the managers for their magnificent trench-warfare over the last few months, well done everyone!
OK that’s my acceptance speech done!
Maybe “The top” is bigger than I thought, the ITV news-readers are also all wearing black!
A friend messaged me on Thursday night asking why all the BBC women were wearing Labour red. Sophie Rayworth wearing red coat and red jumper, Laura Kuensberg red jacket, etc, etc.
On Thursday I was on polling duty for our local council. We were given specific instructions at the training session not to wear party colours – red, blue, green, yellow, etc (hm, what does that leave?). If we can find some neutral hue, so can the Beeboids.
Mind you, red jackets show who take their impartiality seriously.
Deborah – I mentioned it to my wife, as it was such an obvious gesture of defiance in the face of defeat. We had both noticed it separately, and had a joint little giggle.
All our little licence fee financed ‘impartials’, showing their true colours! I should have thought a little humility…
During last nights qt they (the audience) were all saying that the msm were all biased against the left.
I wonder if any of them got the irony when Fiona asked if anyone in the audience voted for Boris and one man put his hand up (and said he didn’t vote for him but understood why others did)
Some Irish bloke had something to say as well but nobody was supporting Boris.
Yes, a very right wing biased audience, just like they were all complaining about.
I felt sorry for Grant Shapps (?) who was the leaver on tonights show (although he told everyone he supported remain in the referendum)
We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.
It seemed appropriate. I would recommend the full poem to everyone “The Secret People”. As relevant today as it was then.
BBC Newspaper Front Pages Watch #1
Dreary Torygraph missing – again – today.
I wonder why?
(I reckon copies of Matt’s cartoons for 2019 will be popular as Christmas gifts this year.)
Telegraph headlines Saturday morning, ‘Tidings of comfort and joy’ and photo of Boris in front of an Xmas tree.
I noticed both female BBC presenters stand outside No 10 last night on the 10pm News were wearing red coats.
Well Well!
Invicta 1066
Yea, they used to work for Butlin’s?
I have often watched Paul Mason on TV. I remember him
as the economics editor on Newsnight on BBC. One thing
about him is that he is loquacious , so I thought that I would watch one of his longer video clips on You Tube. Mason is an avowed
revolutionary Marxist.
I will applaud the fact that unlike MOST at the BBC he could not
stand some restrictions stopping him from being allowed
to run riot with his political views, so he left the BBC.
It was amusing to hear that when he joined the BBC the first
question he was asked by the plethora of liberal bigots was
where did he ski?
So fair enough Paul Mason does not hide the fact of his political
views. He is is a Marxist journalist’s and writer and why shouldn’t
he be in a democracy?
BUT what about the 90% plus liberal bigots at the BBC who
go skiing in all the right places . And do their very best to
overcome the political “restrictions” put on them by the BBC.
And that’s just the liberal bigots. The extreme left wingers like Andrew Marr don’t even play on the left wing at Wembley Stadium.
You will find them left down the road in Wembley Park tube station!
I have to admit my greatest pleasure on Election night was to
see Marr’s sickly face when he realized what had happened to
Labour.But never mind , if he ever leaves the BBC he can always go
back to selling Trotskyist newspapers outside Kingd Cross station!!!
“Leatherback turtle found washed up in Essex”
I am surprised they haven’t blamed it on Brexit & global warming .
I would think that there are a quite a few MPs in the country today that are “washed up”, some definitely because of Brexit ?
I don’t watch daytime TV but in the current circumstances – BBC morning news with the Naga creature ( real name nagamunchy Yaxley ..Lennon ) . She introduced a nice girl who is 24 and the new Conservative MP for an excellent Northern constituency .
The introduction sounded like Nagamunchy had something unpleasant on her shoe… and then Charlie the stait tried not to say – you’re too young you Tory bitch’ and just about got away with it …. what a great piece of bias those 2 represent .
I’ve got to say – it really does look like nagamunchy is suffering . I’m sure the BBC has a helpline for employees for counselling to come to terms with their loss and hopeless future …..Maybe maxi has the number ????
And the BBC is reporting that the PM is visiting The North Of England ….. as though it’s …. unusual . It kind of reflects the BBC London focused view of the country stroke world . Which country it the North of England in ? Is it on a map ? Do they speak English ? Is there wi if ? Unbelievable .
Fed, “Can you get a good bottle of wine, there?” or even, with an Islingtonian nose in the air “Do they even sell wine there?”
I was in a wet fish shop in Hull early on in the year that Hull was City of Culture. A Highgate photographer had been sent up north by the BBC to take photos of Hull characters. Billy had gone to the wholesalers to fetch more salmon whilst I waited. I travelled miles for my fresh fish as did many (sadly Billy has passed on). Billy’s shop was situated in the area where the old trawlermen lived (‘essle ruud for those that know’, not exactly the green leafy suburbs where I live. But snobby socialist BBC photographer and his young assistant (yes it takes 2 people in BBC world to take one photo) could only assume I was a local, asking me if I dropped into Billy’s every day for a chat. I should have asked him if he drops into Poundstretcher in Dagenham for a chat as well.
Stefan is optimistic anyway
I wonder if labour understand what could very easily happen in the north where they have started losing seats to the Tories.
For decades, labour up here have been doing little for the ‘working man’ they are supposed to represent and have taken the voters for granted.
If the Tories can make a noticeable difference in the next 5 years then there’s no reason why the ‘people’ would not vote Tory again.
As well as that, neighbouring constituencies might notice how much better the Tories are doing for the ‘working men’ and they could also go to the Tories.
Up here in Sunderland, everyone complains about labour (but, sadly, still voted them back in ((not me)))
The majorities are now narrowing so if the Tories improve things then maybe there’s hope yet.
The Tories have a foothold in the north now, let’s hope they use it wisely.
BBC Newspaper Front Pages Watch #2
I have already mentioned above how deceptive the Guardian fp is this morning. Comma Misplaced-Code ? 😉 Sounds a bit like a posh (defeated) Labour candidate somewhere.
The i is priceless in both its virtue-signalling, its subtle propaganda and its hypocrisy, re left hand side of front page for the tasters.
Sorry if this has been discussed previously : can I assume the BBC won’t be using the services of Mr. Mark Steel after his foul mouthed Twitter tirade against half the country ?
I’ve never contacted the BBC but will be doing so to see what they think.
Can anyone please confirm the edit function is working again ? Ta
Fed the Mod
Yes it’s working
I just put a post in the wrong place and deleted it.
Yes, Fed although I did get shut out on a late-ish amendment to one post this a.m..
That seems to happen to me lower on the Thread page rather than at the top of the page and also in last few minutes, rather than at the start of 15m edit period.
For those who haven’t seen it, here is the tweet of the BBC favourite Mr Steel. I think he speaks for the whole BBC in all honesty.
Jon not happy !! Idiot.
Madrid Climate conference “you white men”
Did the BBC mention this ?
Bottomline he misleads
cos of course countries have been listed by PER CAPITA emissions before.
However if a country is very productive and has a lot of mining/manufacturing and exports.. then its pp emissions seem large
… whereas if a country just imports lots of stuff its pp emissions can seem low
I guess Tanzania is like that and the US is like the former.
Climate Depot has this slow to load page
Per capita (p.c.) emissions “Never been done.” ???
I seem to recall looking at the Guardian – in my local Library, Stew 😉 – in 2001 and seeing a list of the Per Capita CO2 emissions. Australasia as a continent at the top, with Australia higher than the USA p.c., and China climbing the charts but nowhere near the top back then.
If you live on a small island, say, a part of Vanuatu, among a small population with the only way to elsewhere and back – whether for people or goods – is via polluting boat or polluting airplane/seaplane then the p.c. emissions are going to be huge.
It’s just so delightful to see all those scruffy “anti racist” racists having a middle class tantrum on the streets of our capital. “Antifa” “UAF” and “Yobbos Are Us” the whole bleedin’ lot of ’em. They’ve been exposed. A bunch of privileged, undemocratic and deeply unpleasant people. Bullies and cowardly thugs…
We’ve now had three elections where overwhelmingly this rabble has been rejected. We’re getting Brexit!
I’m not usually a malicious sort of chap, but it has given me an unusual frisson of pleasure to see Anna Soubry’s miserable mug on the box. No seat, no constituency, rejected and unemployed.
Unfortunately, until someone in government grows a pair, we’re still going to be lumbered with the increasingly irrelevant BBC and it’s adolescent sibling, Channel 4. And I’ve no doubt we’ll see old Sour Face Soubry, Bercow…and co popping up on some ghastly and pretentious, right on, panel shows, spewing bile. Nothing else left for them.
Still, the obnoxious little runt can bellow “Order, order” all he likes now.
No one gives a f…
After reading and listening to the BBC output over the last 36 hours, things are much clearer.
The election was totally fixed. The winning party has lied, and put out totally false slogans on its election material, hoodwinking the voters. Many voters really did not know what they were voting for, and not given enough information. The Labour Party and its leader have been subjected to totally unfair and misleading coverage of its popular policies. The people, especially in the North may have voted Tory but have not voted for a particular kind of Tory.
Thus the country is deeply divided.
This cannot be allowed to continue.
What we need is a people’s vote on the Tory election manifesto.
General Election result referendum now !
Sluff, was that on TV or radio?
Is it just me, or has the beeb continued obsessing about Labour now that the election is over, in the same way it focused endlessly on Labour and Corbyn before the election?
I can never shake off the feeling that beeb has a lot of ‘in-house’ chatter about the party they all seem to belong to, especially on R4.
Or am I being unfair?
Is it just me, or has the beeb continued obsessing about Labour now that the election is over, in the same way it focused endlessly on Labour and Corbyn before the election?
I can never shake off the feeling that beeb has a lot of ‘in-house’ chatter about the party they all seem to belong to, especially on R4.
Or am I being unfair?
Fake, no it’s not you. Al Beeb and C4 are still doing all they can to present ‘their’ beloved Hard Left satellites as simply being guilty of internal errors of interpretation and timing.
Problems with policy, relevance, racism, trust, Brexit, arrogance, radicalism, anti-semitism, loathing of the average British voter . . . ?
Move along Comrade, nothing to see here , . .
Is this foreigner still to be Chancellor?
“Millions More Migrants to the UK by 2030 Likely Planned Under the UN Global Compact for Migration”. Starting next year. That’s something to look forward to. He is actually smiling during his announcement.
Ah well, the voter has had their say so we enter a period of Tory dictatorship when they now do as they like………….
Business as usual.
G – I remember posting on here a number of times that, while we were obsessing about Brexit, Ms May (who else) was quietly signing the Compact on behalf of Britain, when the US, Australia, Austria, Hungary and a host of other countries. were refusing to sign.
We seem to be real mugs. If this is business as usual, I think a few business letters need to be sent, especially to the Home Office. That would be Priti Patel.
It will be interesting to see who Boris really is.
“General Election 2019: Who will be Labour’s next leader?”
Accompanied by a photograph of four females and Starmer.
No ethnics! they should all be ethnics!
Wrong Daily the dim.
Rayner the very dim.
The enormous Hugee.
Phillips the dim.
All giant intellects in the mould of 2 E’s Steptoe.
Meanwhile over at the LDs, next conference held in a shoe box in the middle of the road, they have a serious problem.
How to replace IQ 85 Swinson.
I have not heard any reports about Green Party, next conference held in a matchbox, changes so I assume that the female crackpots are still in charge.
The recent success of the Conservative party began with the removal of a woman who should be on trial for treason.
Last chance
At least I’m the absence of humour on the BBV we can be entertained by the choice of a new leader .
I’m not sure of the selection process but guess thar the membership / NEC have a big choice – so they’ll want a Corbyn disciple – such as one of the lady thickos on the front bench .
Meanwhile Evette Cooper is quiet and 17/1 and Rachel Reeve is 100/1.
I know they’ll be more content with a non white leader for the sake of box ticking so maybe Dawn Butler ?
Anyway -enough of this – off to the footy – far more important .. …. comrade Corbyn can pretend to support his team the gunner hammers Red Devil’s .
The next salvo from the bbc, with VD stirring like a good ‘un.