Move over Mrs Kitty.
I’m identifying as first. I claim the right to enter your space. If you deny me that right by insisting that I am not first then I will be grossly offended and will report it as a hate crime.
Stew – the list of 50 forms of BBC bias / propaganda could be useful for those here who just want to indication what techniques the BBC is using in each case .. interruption , false fact check , use of ‘far right ‘ … the whole weaponry the monster uses … thanks
I hope every one on this site sees this list – if personally thank the person who put these propaganda techniques in a useful form . – a great game for Christmas “ spot the bias “.
You can’t polish a turd, which is what Boris called it. Corbyn might have spent a lot of money on re-nationalising the railways, but at least he would have had something to show for the money, Boris has agreed to give away £390 billion for nothing in return.
Boris is so far doing well in setting up the government to implement some much needed reforms in addition to delivering his version , better than Brino in my view, of Brexit. The threat to let the people cut the BBC income stream is one, winding up the foreign aid dept is another , particularly if it results in the foreign aid budget being drastically cut. A points based immigration system is a move in the right direction provided it discriminates against those who can contribute little to the country, only time will tell if the system will stop the flow of third worlders looking for hand outs. Stopping groundless claims against our soldiers is another.
But will the government be able to stop the civil service from watering everything down? Will the government be able to stand the onslaught from the wokists who still have control of most quangos and the HoL and of course most of the MSM. The cleansing of the stables has only just started with the expelling of the Tory rebels , hundreds , thousands more wokists need to be removed from any positions of power. As the President has found swamp draining is a tough and dirty business. Does Boris have the stomach for it? If he doesn’t it’s unlikely the Tories will be re-elected in 2024 because the new Tory voters are pro Brexit and anti wokism. Boris must remember this.
I recently read “The History Man” by Malcolm Bradbury. Although fictional I think it gives quite a good insight into the crassness that passed as a University education in the 1960/1970s and I believe still continues to this day.
takes one back!
It is set in ’ someone who was “there” ’68-73 there was quite a change in students from the 3rd years I encountered as a “fresher” and those of 5 years later…in all sorts of ways..attitudes, dress, use of “recreational” (!) drugs are three that come to mind.
I suppose I would say it but any “crassness” was in its infancy when compared to today imo. Also I’d say that it very much depended which place of learning and which subject was studied. ..though radical change was definitely afoot in the years that I attended.
Thank you for that. I forgot to mention that “The History Man” centres around the activities in the Sociology Department of the university which probably explains a lot.
..indeed LW..aka “The School of Social Sciences” (or similar) ..titter!, as it was often rather pretentiously labelled in some of the trendier establishments back in the day.
A points based system for legal immigration is all well and good but what are they going to do to get rid of the millions of illegals?
What are they going to do to weed out all the commie and globalist judges who refuse to give out proper sentences to criminal invaders and who block deportation of illegals and criminal invaders?
Boris will get a lot of stick if he cuts our overseas aid, so why doesn’t he send someone with a camera to the benefiting countries to show the public on what (or if) our millions are being spent in relieving the suffering of the deprived.
We should also be shown how the Despots in those countries live in contrast to their ‘subjects’ and investigate if any of our cash ends up in their accounts.
Speaking of sh…….es, the news showed Muslim demonstrators/protestors in Delhi getting all fired up about lack of citizenship for the illegals of their number, but my attention was focused on the backdrop of those protesting in a clearly built up area, and I do wonder why anyone in their right mind would even consider going to visit the place. We might have left the place in 1948 and we still send them millions, but have they embarked on a programme of progress and lifted their peoples out of poverty ? have they f…k. Politicians in this country rant about how many thousands of kids here are living in ‘poverty’, but they’d be better turning their attention to those of limited intelligence in the sub-continent.
Hi General
i’m retired now & have the great pleasure of being bombarded daily with charity ads to save kids in africa/etc,,,
for some strange reason no one ever mentions what the home country for these people are doing to help!!!
“Brexit: MPs back Boris Johnson’s plan to leave EU on 31 January”
How many ‘Remoaners’ have left for the Continent?
In the interest of the nation, Its time for all political parties to work for a good freedom & independence trade deal with The EU and more importantly the rest of the world .
In the meantime, expect more whining, moaning and whinging from the ‘Remoaners’.
BTW there is a HYS running on this one.
Rule Britannia ! (Al Beeb just love that tune 😀 )
Further help and advice for Boris if he’s going to be a non woke anti Gramscian PM .
Don’t be afraid of being ” populist ” in a democracy .
Ignore the intelligentsia , who hate ordinary people , and do populist things that working class people like
Guard our borders
Throw foreign undesirables out
Have minimum jail sentences rather that maximum jail sentences for all crimes that affect us , like housebreaking and stealing .
Stop judicial activism . Tell the judiciary they can only do political things if they are elected .
Tell government organisations to stop trying to be representative of us by ” inclusivity ” ie; taking in a few BAME , gay , Trans , disabled etc . If they want to be like us ordinary folks , tell them you’ll cut their wages to what we ordinary folks earn . Then they’ll be representative .
No concurrent sentences , unless we workers can pay concurrent taxes .
Don’t sacrifice jobs and businesses here , or tax us , just to allow civil servants and diplomats to boast at international conferences ( like the junket in Glasgow coming up ) that Britain is ” leading ” in something or other .
Make senior civil servants accountable , and cut their salaries .
No more knighthoods and other gongs for civil servants .
Ask Lily Allen if she’s as stupid as she looks .
PS – Should have added, I bet the average rate/tax payer would be enraged if they found out how much money is spent & and wasted (in my opinion) on vanity/PC projects.
@FedUp This is important who are the VICTIMS to do with Tommy stuff ?
TR knows it’s not him or his supporters being spat at by antifa
.. but rather 5,000+ mainly white, some Sikh girls (and their families)
raped/slaved/traded/prostituted by the grooming gangs
(and some of the bad people are WHITE liberals in authority who turned a blind eye, especially vile when they did for political ends)
It’s all about political Will to deal with these criminals – the resources are there – it’s a matter of priorities whether allegations of ‘hatee bad words ‘ are more important than organised gangs of sex offenders from the third world .
The outcomes of trials are becoming so common as to not be noticed – which suits the BBC Muslim as victim agenda …
Just an aside – 6 dead in London from stabbings in the last 3 days – although I’ve lost count . The Met seemed more interested in resourcing historic sex abuse allegations by nutters ….
Gillian Birdsays comments
Mr Sweeney Please don’t blame the President of USA for your problem
… for years journalism and the reporting has been unfair biased and distorted to fit certain agendas
…. for once in my lifetime and im probably oder than you I see what started off as honest reporting has changed to dishonest
… you only have to look at the Washington Post…and likewise papers where the truth is twisted
for e.g. when the President first elected they reported (because they wanted to turn people against him) that he had removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval office….. all papers and news outlets reported this
.. Well it was untrue…. this is one of many lies and twisted thruths they still do today.
As for yourself you were trying also to do a hit job on Tommy Robinson (turn people against him) even to the extent you would lie about him… the media once had full run of reporting the news for years and can manipulate the mood of the nation … but now alternative news is avaialble online but even then they still continue to lie and spread their opinion to influence. Fortunately the people can now see that
… I went to a rally two years ago it was peaceful and well organised…. the following day I was appalled to read that far-right thugs had rioted all untrue… in fact I made a complaint to the said newspaper…of which they never replied..
It is your obsession for sensationalism that has caused the problem… remember the news between Princess Dianna and Charles…. now its with Megan and Harry…. the smears slurs speculations meant to spoke the crowd…. but not real honest news…. so you wonder why People get annoyed and why Tommy was annoyed!!
you were going to lie about him and paint a bad picture
…. you worked with Hope not Hate to bring him down… and if you go on any of their sites and read the rhetoric they write its not only abusive, offensive and provocative but full of hate… you chose your partners in crime because you wanted street wise info you could use against a person.
Well the people I guess have had enough the media have now been called out for what they have become… all we want is honest unbiased news… and for the news not to be manipulated to suit an agenda. the media has been called out long before President Trump but it is him that will get the blame from people like yourself because he is vocal about it
… #Take a long hard look at your own methods and reporting
….what you did and were trying to do with the Tommy Robinson documentary was vindictive biased and so very wrong you are in this situation because of the hateful ways some of the media have adopted just to get or manipulate what we see and hear… all respect has gone and the media will continue to get called out for not reporting honestly
… the times of manipulation are over and people are waking up. I suggest you turn back to your early reporting years where ethics were important in getting to the truth
Fiona said
How very one sided Mr Sweeney!
I put it to you that had you kept to your professional roots & not tried to get a girl drunk in order to make up a story that Tommy was a sexual menace, amongst all the other lies you wanted to put in that program, you wouldn’t have had to seek help because you weren’t being a professional journalist, you were an MSM hitman.
Journalists tell the truth!
You singlehandedly destroyed the reputation of Panorama & the BBC knew that. You’d already got away with fake news but this backfired on you spectacularly. Tommy had undercover footage of you trying to bribe people to lie about him & released his own documentary – Panodrama.
Everyone needs to watch that to come to their own conclusion.
You would’ve ruined his marriage, relationship with his children & his life & that’s what you wanted.
I think you got off lightly just having to see a psychiatrist!
As for the supposed key laughing player SNP Cherry all you need to know is that apart from being involved in the MP’s expenses scandal big time she was also a mate of the Horrible Gina Miller and led the Scottish Court dastardly Decision….
What a despicable creature she is!
Cherry was the leading litigant in the Scottish court case challenging the five-week prorogation of Parliament by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Her case Cherry v Advocate General for Scotland, together with a case brought in England and Wales by Gina Miller, was ultimately successful in the Supreme Court, resulting in the quashing of the prorogation on 24 September 2019.
C4 News -caught a tiny bit – Matthew Frei interviewing two labourites and a Conservative . At the end , as mr Frei dispairs about the Tory majority labour MP Wes Streeting says to him “ cheer up Matt it’s Christmas” – and they left it in the news .
Maybe C4 is going even further against any pretend rulers about neutrality . BoJo – sell it off – see if anyone cares and use the same method for the BBC thereafter .
Not the BBC but one of their favourite agendas;
Talk Radio phone in this evening discussing the gender row and how 30,000 angry tweets have been aimed at JK Rowlings for defending the rights of biological women.
The presenter had the view that, if someone born a biological man, has gone through all the pain of hormone replacement, and counselling and surgery, then as far as he was concerned they are a woman.
A caller made a very good point, that if a body was discovered in someone’s back yard, the first thing the police would do, would be to call in forensics and then report one of two things. Either, the body of a man has been found, or the body of a woman has been found. Therefore there is a likely risk that the police could be “misgendering” the deceased.
The presenter said he accepted that one cannot change their XY chromosomes to XX (was he being transphobic in stating that fact?), but he opined that, because someone has had the operation, they are a woman.
It got me to wondering what madness comes next.
I once saw a programme where someone had undergone surgery to split their tongue down the middle and had scales tattooed all over their body. They had the delusion that they were a snake. Should we challenge their claim that they are a snake or indulge it?
After all, why let scientific facts get in the way.
What happened to all the mentally ill people that used to reside in an asylum? Why did they close all the asylums down?
Care in the community?
Do normal sane people not see what is happening when a person can lose their job for stating a scientific fact because a noisy minority thinks their right not to be offended trumps our right to tell them they’re deluded?
On politics live today there was NO panel member from the Guardian.
Usually one of the 3 remainers on the panel is from the Guardian but not today.
Somebody is ‘in for it’ in the bbbc’s specially selected panel department.
This case was not about whether someone can change their gender, it was about whether it was legal for someone to ignore UK and EU law because they didn’t like it.
In his Obiter the Judge made that Crystal clear perhaps you didn’t read the judgement or that bit wasn’t what you wanted to hear?
He was very specific that you cannot call into question the legal gender status of someone who holds a GRC (Gender recognition certificate) which is what the evil Forstater was doing.
This is an employment tribnual Forstater was claiming she should be free to intimidate, gratuitously offend and insult other people simply because of her ‘philosophical beliefs’. It was a case she couldn’t win.
I’ve written about this earlier on the other thread. A GRC merely grants legal recognition of the change of gender as required by EU law. There are very few countries in the world which don’t do this, Saudi and North Korea being amongst them, surely you wouldn’t want the UK to be one of those few?
This case was not about whether someone can change their gender,”
No but the radio discussion to which I referred was.
I agree, as you say, in that particular case there was more to it.
However, it does seem to be getting to where one is not permitted to have an opinion based on scientific facts, or at least where voicing ones opinion in the workplace, could threaten ones employment.
Dystopian – I did not see the aspirational serpent on screen, but wonder whether an interesting view of this incident might be not provided by the Bible, or -for that matter- Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’?
Probably very divisive in the ‘modern day’ would be the aspect of ‘demon possession’ which again, is a Biblical concept we would now find hard to come to terms with; even the alternative view – of ‘mental illness’ now seems -as you rightly observe- to be going out of fashion.
Yet it is hard, when observing unusual behaviour in a detached manner, not to wonder what has become of us? We’re all far too clever and enlightened to believe in all that ‘old-fashioned’ stuff, but now and then one wonders whether much has changed over the last two thousand years?
Where are the asylums, you ask. Perhaps the observation that the inmates are actually running the asylum contains a grain of truth? Then again, Truth itself has become a disposable commodity, so we’re in deep waters…
So I shall leave you with a thought from the Good Book (or Milton): in the final temptation of Christ, the prince of this world offers Him dominion over all its kingdoms, if He would bow down and worship him. This is met with a refusal, but -since you can’t offer what does not belong to you- it is a revealing bit of old-fashioned stuff.
So, you are wondering what madness comes next? We probably ain’t seen nuffink yet…
There was a case a few years back where a bloke of 33 who looked young attended college pretending he was 18 to pass exams .
He was found out amongst discrepancies he remembered Elvis Presly’s death .
Can we change biology .
Sid James in the famous Carry On Nurse film claimed a hospital bed because he thought he was ill ( or shamed it) .
Can we claim we are ill now , or better , or uber fit .
Can I claim 20/20 vision and become an airline pilot ?
But then next week claim AOP status and get the pension ?
But if the really complex world of biology , gender , and self declared identity can be easily be determined by how you feel , why can’t we apply to simpler things ?
Therefore I feel my 44 ton truck is no longer a truck but a disabled persons conveyance and will park it in the disabled bays forthwith .
Your comment that the police could be at risk of “misgendering” a body brought to mind the case of transsexual Bryan Hooley/Christine Chappel, whose body was washed up on a beach in Suffolk in 2000. If I remember correctly it was initially reported that Police had mistakenly identified the body as female before discovering it was a man (the case made an impression on me because of the Star Trek connection).
The BBC report of 2001 (below) refers to Hooley/Chappel as both sexes. I’m not up to speed with the sensitivities regarding these things, but would this be the case with BBC reporting these days?
Nope, it's a mandate to proceed with any form of Brexit he so chooses. That's what happens when you win a massive majority & your opponents are useless.
The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 enshrines all current EU law into UK law as we exit the EU. I’m at a loss to see which ‘rights’ are being taken away. Did Lammy sleep through all of the Parliamentary sessions when this act was passed?
The complimentary/sycophantic response roster is awesome.
Well as someone once said, that is that, the end. Last live (worked out I’ve done over 2000). Had an unforgettable three years. Will miss @SkyNews colleagues and the best politics team in Westminster. Have learnt so much from all of them. Now for a very long sleep until January.
monthly reach is a BS metric
Mins spent per head of population would be a better metric
and the BBC would get more in one day that the Independent gets it one month.
@GuestWho a couple of points their
#1 The Independent’s tweet is marked that it is sent from an app call ed “Echobox Social” ..ironic since lefty Twittersphere is an echochamber
#2 Despite bragging that its some grand newspaper the tweet is liked by only 49 people , that’s nothing
Dover, I’m sure I read somewhere that Nigel is actually partial to wine rather than a pint of beer and that he only poses with a pint to make himself look like a proper geezer.
I read a great comment somewhere that the U.K. suddenly looked as though it had been given a neat new haircut, a shower and a shave.
After the election our great country is looking refreshed, shiny, invigorated.
That’s certainly not the picture that springs to mind via the ultra biased prism of Newsnight, however.
This dreadful BBC programme still views the U.K. as a raggedy old soak who has lost his way – to be pitied, scorned, talked down to.
On Thursday night – after a Queen’s Speech that offered hope for the great silent majority who’d just voted for a fresh start – Newsnight led with a totally misleading scare story suggesting the Government was aiming to radically alter and undermine the constitution. They weren’t interested in anything positive.
Then last night, after the overwhelming Commons vote for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill, viewers were greeted by a three person panel that bizarrely included two blatant Remainers who continued to talk down the U.K., talk up the EU and cast doubt on our credentials as a global power.
The people may have spoken, the Commons may have changed, Brexit will be happening, but nothing changes in the bonkers la-la-land that is Newsnight.
This all reminds me of the sort of comments you get from people when you are considering setting up a new business. Many are negative; “What will you do if you fail?”
The message I receive is, “I’m too scared to consider doing something like that, so you should be too.”
Somebody on TV whining about how ridiculous it is of Boris to enshrine leaving the EU in Law as, with his huge majority, he could change the Law at any time so it is unnecessary. Missing the point that if it is enshrined in Law nobody could concoct a case for taking him to Court for unlawfully, incorrectly or recklessly taking the country out of the EU. And most importantly removing it from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Evan Davis on Friday’s PM admitted that the Twittersphere is often to the Left. Why then does the BBC frequently use it to get quotes? (rhetorical question, don’t answer it). I just hate it when the BBC, when someone’s died, quotes all the luvvies with their tweets of condolence. I presume it is to keep all the has beens who are their friends or BBC sources for stories in the public eye.
News 24 Alibaba brown ……ranting on and on so anti Boris as usual…thought she was going ….perhaps she’s in panto somewhere…please go far far away to Neverland
Straight to the finals for me Jo Coburn-Emily Maitlis. Let it
go to a penalty shoot out . And in between each penalty which
will be never ending, they can remoan, remoan and remoan!!!
10 Tory MPs who didn’t vote in today’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill:
1. Crispin Blunt
2. Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
3. Philip Davies
4. Roger Gale
5. Cheryl Gillan
6. Caroline Johnson
7. Kwasi Karteng
8. Jonathan Lord
9. Mary Robinson
10. Gary Streeter
I suppose that lot will find themselves as the ‘conservative ‘ speaker on various BBC programmes to add balance to the illiberals, the green and the various factions of the communist party .
No Toady for me as I heard the line up ugh . But a heart warming story on the twitter that as a result of an interview on Toady before the election between John McDonnell and a billionaire McDonnell so frightened the billionaire that he gave the Conservative party £500 000….. if he gets a gong in a week or two – complete coincidence …
Another story not on the BBC is a now ex labour MP who won a defamation case against the UNITE union last week .
Apparently she’d applied to join UNITE but didn’t declare she was an MP . It was alleged that she had used fraud or similar with the aim of stopping UNITEs support for comrade Corbyn .She sued and won.
They think she got over £100 000 of Union money . Strange that the BBC didn’t report it .
I’m intrigued by some of the names on that list, particularly that of Crispin Blunt, my MP.
He’s a through and through Brexiteer, so if he didn’t fancy the deal it’s not due to any lingering Remainiac desires.
He was one of the first to reject May’s God awful submission treaty and to call for her resignation.
That’s an odd one.
And a little worrying…
However, some are now of the opinion that Steele was used – (the patsey)
The WSJ has an article –
“Now that his impeachment work is over, here’s a new assignment for Adam Schiff: To investigate whether the bad intel in the Christopher Steele dossier was there because the former British spy was a sloppy partisan—or because he was the patsy in a Russian disinformation campaign.
As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Schiff is plainly the man for the job. Such an investigation fits comfortably with his oft-stated complaint that Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 presidential election and will do so again…
I don’t watch or listen to the BBC, so I have to admit I am rather hard put to post comments on BBC bias. So this means – yes, I suspect some of you have already guessed – another link from the Daily Mail is coming up!:
The DM this time focuses on how people’s lives have been made miserable through the relentless and ruthless enforcement of payment of the BBC’s hateful TV tax. As there has also been a rash of articles on BBC bias recently, I wonder:
Is the Brazenly Biased Corporation feeling a teeny weeny bit of pressure nowadays?
Is it slowly turning into the Beleaguered & Besieged Corporation?
And from there, if there is real reform as hinted at during the election campaign, could it … could it finally come to be known as the Banished by BoJo Corporation?
Right Angle – and happy Christmas to you too . A wise man / woman to avoid the BBC . To think 10% of court cases are conducted by the BBC via its agent .
I was happy to get home from overseas to be greeted by two letters from TV licencing telling me I’m to get a visit on the 8th day of Christmas – which I think is the 2nd of January .
I’ve been looking forward to ‘ engaging ‘ with a tv licence drone and would publish the recording I’d be making of it here if it wasn’t to…. fruity .
Fascinating use of non language in the BBC report on the chap you used a tusk to take on the thankfully dead Islamic terrorist murderer in London Bridge.
The words ‘ Islamic ‘ and even ‘terrorist ‘ are not used in the report . Orwell would be unimpressed because a proper state broadcaster would have ‘ un happened ‘ it by now …
Avi, I'm coming to Israel soon. You and I need to talk about "Tommy Robinson" and Adolf Hitler. Name a venue. I'll come with a film crew.
Not sure wheeling out tanned bbc millionaire grandees now off to hit the slopes for a month is going to resonate with the remaining TVL payers in their Transits working through next week is scoring as hoped
I don’t know if this is done here though Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all at this entertaining and informative site – my antitode to what State Broadcaster puts out.
“Gay people don’t need to see pink stormtroopers and gay aliens making out to feel validated… when you go and see a work of art… you’re not looking for those things, you’re not ticking boxes.”
How BBC’s TV Licence bullying now leads to one in ten of all magistrate hearings, a third of criminal cases brought against women – AND children as young as ten prosecuted
Saturday morning BBC Radio 4 Today leading with the most important story in the world, demonstrations in India because the government there has dared to bring in a law to give refuge to people from 3 neighbouring countries, except Muslims. Lots of people on explaining to the unprejudiced Mishal why it isn’t fair. There has been no explanation why India thought this was necessary or what the people who are needing to flee suffering in their country of origin. The only thing the BBC wants to tell us is that it is unfair to Muslims.
I have been visiting the BBC website a little more frequently lately, just to watch the squirming really but guess what? I put up a post on the Have Your Say attached to the report on the HoC debate around the proposed Johnson withdrawal agreement and it got removed!
Not after quite a number of up votes I might say with smugnossity. Here is my comment re the debate:
* Worth watching for Blackford’s “The people of Scotland blah blah de blah blah blah”, which is like watching a re-run of Rab C. All he needs is a string vest. *
It was removed because it was not considered relevant to the discussion. However, woldn’t that apply to Blackford as well?
I feel quite proud of the attention. A bit like a streaker running across the pitch…kind of.
Talking about comments getting removed, I had one removed from Guido yesterday. Talking about the labour leadership fight and the wimmin only short lists I made reference to Bessie Braddock labour MP for somewhere in Merseyside way back in the 40s or 50’s. She did it with shear guts and determination without any form of patronisation. Maybe the staff at Guido are too young and thought that her name was made up or whatever.
I just want to wish everyone who posts here a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, living abroad I only have access to the Beeb web site so rely on everyone to point out the TV and radio bias. Many thanks also to the admin team and maxi a thread without a troll is a sad thing.
With more hats in the ring than a gay haberdashers’ swingers bowl, how the BBC continues to treat that of yet another famed alumnus will be interesting.
Twitter, curse its evil propensity to find and share facts and footage, sees him off to a good start pulling faces and surely inspiring a whole raft of Samaritans directors to demand pole position on the breakfast sofa.
Maybe, if aware, Huw, Nick, Emily, VD, etc might ponder such available examples of his worthiness to lead as they bask on beaches or chalet balconies over the coming month?
I haven’t watched Have I Got News For You for over a decade, but I thought I’d risk it last night. It’ll be another decade before I watch this awful tripe again…if ever.
It used to be “must see” telly on a Friday night and I was sorry if I missed it. I remember all those years ago when Roy Hattersley didn’t show and they replaced him with a tub of lard. It was sitting next to the lithe, rapier witted, Paul Merton. Now, I’m afraid, Paul Merton has morphed into that tub of lard. Blimey, he’s a lump!
Ian Hislop was always a spiteful little man, but Merton was quick and witty and I remember roaring with laughter. No one was spared. Now he sits there like some podgy parody of his former self, smug and plump, his face like a wobbly unset blancmange. He’s become the sozzled saloon bar bore. His “wit” is no longer clever, it’s just ugly.
His top “joke”, that had all the pathetic loser lefties squealing, was when they showed some film of Jacob Rees Mogg. The BBC’s premier wit came out with a classic put down, “He’s a toss-pot.” Honestly, it’s not exactly Oscar Wilde, is it?
I gave it my best and lasted about ten minutes before groaning and reaching for the off switch.
A glass or two (ahem) of Merlot and a a good book.
Have I got news for you?
It’s crap!
Damning truth of the BBC’s relentless pursuit of its licence-fee billions: How the Beeb’s bullying now leads to one in 10 of all magistrate hearings, a third of criminal cases brought against women – and children as young as 10 ‘prosecuted’
More on the programme this a.m. from India and the demonstrations against the new citizenship legislation which I gather has now passed into law. To be fair to the BBC, a bit more balanced on the TOADY Prog but the story is being still left rather muddled. You would think that a news Corporation with massive resources and indigenous journalists would be anxious to find out what is really happening nearby in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan and internally to incentivise the Indian Government introduce and pass such a law.
Could it be that Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Bhuddists, Christians, Jews and others are being persecuted in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan and are becoming refugees in response to that persecution?
For example, about twenty years ago, there were about four million active Anglicans, yes, members of the Church of England(!), in Pakistan. Is that part of the population of Pakistan under threat and being forced to leave Pakistan and seek sanctuary in India?
That doesn’t surprise me chancy. My niece was telling me yesterday that, in her “philosophy” lesson they were discussing whether or not life is a punishment!
These snowflakes honestly believe that they are hard done by.
No wonder they have such a ‘no can do’ attitude when the teachers are filling their heads full of such nonsense.
Don’t worry dystopian. I saw your post(s). Looks like you might have been smitten with double-post syndrome. Something we have all been smote with at one time or another.
That doesn’t surprise me chancy. My niece was telling me yesterday that, in her “philosophy” lesson they were discussing whether or not life is a punishment!
These snowflakes honestly believe that they are hard done by.
No wonder they have such a ‘no can do’ attitude when the teachers are filling their heads full of such nonsense.
And comment:
Seems to me that our dilligent World Class State Broadcaster will keep totally silent about this Bill as, within it, is the mechanism to shut down news that they don’t like.
I may have a strange view but I’ve always questioned the difference between State controlled communism and our, so-called “free” democracy. In the former, generally speaking, the Executive stop any and all threats to their continuance even to the extent of making it up as they go along. The latter? Well, we’ve got ‘legislation’ that threatens to, ‘dice and slice’ everybody and their every action or inaction. Ponder this and be truthful, how many times a day do you break the law? For many, that’s unwittingly numerous. For the ‘goody, goody two-shoes’ (like Diane Abbott at the ballot box a few days ago…..) perhaps a few times. Studying law to Masters level is an eye-opener as to the possibilities of the State turning up the volume of the ‘catch-all’ legislation when needed. Tommy R springs to mind. By the way, where’s he now? Perhaps, as the State desired, he’s living in the UK as, effectively ‘free’ a licensed prisoner. Until the next time they find a bit of law to prosecute and re-incarcerate him.
Legally then, life in a ‘Democracy’ increasingly becomes even more characterised by the scene in ‘Resident Evil: Retribution’. I think I’ve go that right. The scene where they have to pass through a passage protected by lasers. Some die in the scene, ‘diced and sliced’. What better analogy?
Online Harms? Watch as the State prepare to install another laser in the passage.
The Marsh Harrier was the subject of the Saturday Nature Notes. Martha expended some CO2 to go to Norfolk and a gent from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust explained how the marsh harrier had disappeared from the UK.
Amazingly, Global Warming was given as the reason by him for the birds revival in the UK (estimated 400 breeding pairs) because, he claimed, they would normally migrate away from the UK in winter. He had previously stated that the marsh harrier disappeared from the UK because “it was persecuted in the Victorian era.” Tut! Those wicked Victorians. It is true that gamekeepers take a dim view of birds of prey when they predate on the game birds (and super furry animals) that they would be expected to supply for food in those times.
Anyone who knows anything about the Victorian era knows that it was a period of very cold winters. I sensed some cognitive dissonance at work in the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
Global Warming has some benefits then?
I have been able to watch marsh harriers in the Swale in Kent, including while they hunt, which is an impressive sight. But was it really necessary to send the Bee Lady on a taxpayer funded, CO2 emitting, jolly to Norfolk to enhance the AGW/CC narrative? They could have dialled up the NWT or RSPB and chatted about the bird and its recovery of numbers on the phone.
Each morning some BBC gets up at 5:30am reads the Guardian and starts constructing Message Adverts to insert within genuine news
Today at 8am all local news buletins and Radio4’s had this
“The deputy Australian Deputy PM has CONCEDED that more needed to be done to tackle Climate Change”
.. this was followed by a clip of him NOT saying that, but instead saying that today’s bushfires were caused by electrical accidents , arsonists ..etc. etc.
WTF have such messages got to do with LOCAL NEWS in counties in the opposite site of the world ?
In January 1990 I lived in Sydney and it literally rained for 15 days without stopping.
The week in Westminster – a programme which usually has a lefty guest journo . Today there was someone interviewing
Von Heseltine on the election result . Von Heseltine , being highly influential , told people to vote illiberal – result 22 seats becomes 11 – including the death of sweater for a couple of weeks before she becomes baroness swinson….
More importantly – the BBC said that they wanted to interview a new Tory MP – none was put up to be interviewed . Excellent – just don’t bother . The BBC doesn’t want to hold the tories to account – it just wants to start the splits and should be avoided .
Marr or Neil can do a little 3 minute rant about the supremecy of the BBC .
He could have added that the fires are largely fuelled by vast areas of tinder-dry undergrowth. This acknowledged fire hazard is normally removed in controlled burns to reduce the evident and tangible risks – but thanks to ‘ecological considerations’ better known as climate change hysteria, they decided not to let all that nasty smoke pollute the atmosphere. The out-of-control results are there to be seen, appreciated and shortly to be labelled the Harrabin-Monbiot Bushfire Syndrome.
I’ve just been watching the old BBC series of ‘The Survivors’, a post-Armageddon type thing. It’s on youtube. It was made back in the 70’s and if you can make allowances for a slightly slower pace than we are used to these days, then it ain’t half bad. I watched when it first came out around forty odd years ago and it was pretty absorbing at the time and not a jot of ‘wokeness’ in the whole thing. .
The first series was the best and most ‘believable’ It also featured Talfryn Thomas as Tom Price. I loved his character. The second series, still made in the 70’s, was slightly ‘sexed up’. The women had an extra button or two undone on the blouses and the aggressive ‘remainers’, (had to use that word somewhere), were being polished off by our leading characters, using a variety of methods, at an alarming rate. In fact, had the second series not finished when it did I’m sure the whole surviving population would have been wiped out.
The series was remade a few years ago but I’m not even going to go there. It was as you might expect; dreadful.
11:42 Radio4 item on Changing Antarctic
Kate Adie begins with 20 seconds of hyperbole about Climate Change
Justin Rowlatt going to see Thwaites Glacier receding
Claim half metre rise in ocean possible, three metres if it all goes.
(no mention this will take hundreds/thousands years)
The rest was waffle Rowlatt gave us no new info
He fails to context it by pointing out he is in West Antarctic peninsula where ice has fallen
whereas in the vast majority of Antarctic it has risen
prog blurb – Our main focus this week is on the natural world and we begin at the South Pole where Justin Rowlatt is holed up in a research station eating chips and patiently waiting for a change in the weather.
– At the opposite end of the earth, we go trekking around Greenland. Rich in rare earth metals some are calling this Artic country the Saudi Arabia of the Green future.
Horatio Clare fears for the future of one of the most pristine environments left on the planet.
That second item hasn’t pushed CC yet and didn’t except for the sentiment of worrying about possible change.
“Greenland has a quarter of the Earth’s supply of Rare Earth metals”
(… FFS despite the name they are NOT rare)
“We saw no polar bears”
“The little ice age ..assailed their crops in the middle ages”
“there are big Chinese mines here”
GreenLand prog is going to be on Radio3 24/25/26th
“Slow RadioArctic Sound Walk Episode 1 of 3
Horatio Clare’s immersive Slow Radio Sound Walk on Greenland’s Arctic Circle Trail. Bringing to life the stark beauty of the Arctic tundra and exploring how Greenland came to be.”
Further in the blurb
– Climate change may soon make it even harder to find black truffles in France (will it fk)
– Heidi Fuller Love joins a treasure hunt with Magda the pig
The first item was about the first trans minister in Taiwan
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
Well I never 1st ok second 1st
Move over Mrs Kitty.
I’m identifying as first. I claim the right to enter your space. If you deny me that right by insisting that I am not first then I will be grossly offended and will report it as a hate crime.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 started 11pm Thursday to Friday evening
so overlaps with this new thread
– page 3 started 10am Thursday
Other useful places
– And lots of BiasedBBC old Proboards archive : start with the 2014 list of BBC Labour links
Stew – the list of 50 forms of BBC bias / propaganda could be useful for those here who just want to indication what techniques the BBC is using in each case .. interruption , false fact check , use of ‘far right ‘ … the whole weaponry the monster uses … thanks
@Fed @TheIsland already posted a link 10 posts below at 8:56pm
The original ITBB list is from Dec 2018
Here’s theDec 2019 version
Thank you Stew
I hope every one on this site sees this list – if personally thank the person who put these propaganda techniques in a useful form . – a great game for Christmas “ spot the bias “.
Silver again
CONservatives are celebrating their BRINO treaty. Theresa May is smiling. Not a good start to the weekend.
You can’t polish a turd, which is what Boris called it. Corbyn might have spent a lot of money on re-nationalising the railways, but at least he would have had something to show for the money, Boris has agreed to give away £390 billion for nothing in return.
‘You can’t polish a turd’… but you can roll it in glitter :0)
@Thoughtful December 20, 2019 at 4:23 pm
any link to – Boris has agreed to give away £390 billion ?
Lucy Pevensey
How on earth was she allowed to stand again ?
The worst Prime Minister in the history of Great Britain?
Maybe the swamp rats need their ghost of Christmas past to remind them of what a loser and traitor looks like.
Boris is so far doing well in setting up the government to implement some much needed reforms in addition to delivering his version , better than Brino in my view, of Brexit. The threat to let the people cut the BBC income stream is one, winding up the foreign aid dept is another , particularly if it results in the foreign aid budget being drastically cut. A points based immigration system is a move in the right direction provided it discriminates against those who can contribute little to the country, only time will tell if the system will stop the flow of third worlders looking for hand outs. Stopping groundless claims against our soldiers is another.
But will the government be able to stop the civil service from watering everything down? Will the government be able to stand the onslaught from the wokists who still have control of most quangos and the HoL and of course most of the MSM. The cleansing of the stables has only just started with the expelling of the Tory rebels , hundreds , thousands more wokists need to be removed from any positions of power. As the President has found swamp draining is a tough and dirty business. Does Boris have the stomach for it? If he doesn’t it’s unlikely the Tories will be re-elected in 2024 because the new Tory voters are pro Brexit and anti wokism. Boris must remember this.
“But will the government be able to stop the civil service from watering everything down?”
Them and the courts.
The universities are the biggest problem and they are the ones turning out the woke graduates who will one day be in senior positions.
I recently read “The History Man” by Malcolm Bradbury. Although fictional I think it gives quite a good insight into the crassness that passed as a University education in the 1960/1970s and I believe still continues to this day.
takes one back!
It is set in ’ someone who was “there” ’68-73 there was quite a change in students from the 3rd years I encountered as a “fresher” and those of 5 years later…in all sorts of ways..attitudes, dress, use of “recreational” (!) drugs are three that come to mind.
I suppose I would say it but any “crassness” was in its infancy when compared to today imo. Also I’d say that it very much depended which place of learning and which subject was studied. ..though radical change was definitely afoot in the years that I attended.
Thank you for that. I forgot to mention that “The History Man” centres around the activities in the Sociology Department of the university which probably explains a lot.
..indeed LW..aka “The School of Social Sciences” (or similar) ..titter!, as it was often rather pretentiously labelled in some of the trendier establishments back in the day.
It was made into a good TV film as well, whether BBC or not I can’t remember.
I thought that was “The History Boys”…
A points based system for legal immigration is all well and good but what are they going to do to get rid of the millions of illegals?
What are they going to do to weed out all the commie and globalist judges who refuse to give out proper sentences to criminal invaders and who block deportation of illegals and criminal invaders?
Simples, to start with disengage from the European Court of Human Rights. Membership is compulsory as a member of the EU. But now……………. (maybe)
Boris will get a lot of stick if he cuts our overseas aid, so why doesn’t he send someone with a camera to the benefiting countries to show the public on what (or if) our millions are being spent in relieving the suffering of the deprived.
We should also be shown how the Despots in those countries live in contrast to their ‘subjects’ and investigate if any of our cash ends up in their accounts.
good point General..I think we know the score in most of these shitholes.
Speaking of sh…….es, the news showed Muslim demonstrators/protestors in Delhi getting all fired up about lack of citizenship for the illegals of their number, but my attention was focused on the backdrop of those protesting in a clearly built up area, and I do wonder why anyone in their right mind would even consider going to visit the place. We might have left the place in 1948 and we still send them millions, but have they embarked on a programme of progress and lifted their peoples out of poverty ? have they f…k. Politicians in this country rant about how many thousands of kids here are living in ‘poverty’, but they’d be better turning their attention to those of limited intelligence in the sub-continent.
Hi General
i’m retired now & have the great pleasure of being bombarded daily with charity ads to save kids in africa/etc,,,
for some strange reason no one ever mentions what the home country for these people are doing to help!!!
“Brexit: MPs back Boris Johnson’s plan to leave EU on 31 January”
How many ‘Remoaners’ have left for the Continent?
In the interest of the nation, Its time for all political parties to work for a good freedom & independence trade deal with The EU and more importantly the rest of the world .
In the meantime, expect more whining, moaning and whinging from the ‘Remoaners’.
BTW there is a HYS running on this one.
Rule Britannia ! (Al Beeb just love that tune 😀 )
Further help and advice for Boris if he’s going to be a non woke anti Gramscian PM .
Don’t be afraid of being ” populist ” in a democracy .
Ignore the intelligentsia , who hate ordinary people , and do populist things that working class people like
Guard our borders
Throw foreign undesirables out
Have minimum jail sentences rather that maximum jail sentences for all crimes that affect us , like housebreaking and stealing .
Stop judicial activism . Tell the judiciary they can only do political things if they are elected .
Tell government organisations to stop trying to be representative of us by ” inclusivity ” ie; taking in a few BAME , gay , Trans , disabled etc . If they want to be like us ordinary folks , tell them you’ll cut their wages to what we ordinary folks earn . Then they’ll be representative .
No concurrent sentences , unless we workers can pay concurrent taxes .
Don’t sacrifice jobs and businesses here , or tax us , just to allow civil servants and diplomats to boast at international conferences ( like the junket in Glasgow coming up ) that Britain is ” leading ” in something or other .
Make senior civil servants accountable , and cut their salaries .
No more knighthoods and other gongs for civil servants .
Ask Lily Allen if she’s as stupid as she looks .
And shut down all those bloody useless quangos!
good stuff Nibor..
email it to Boris..why not!?
Leave the last line out though please.. need..she is!
great comment/first step
only thing I would add to your list is –
ask every council in the UK to list top 100 spending projects in the past 10yrs with taxpayers £ spent.
PS – Should have added, I bet the average rate/tax payer would be enraged if they found out how much money is spent & and wasted (in my opinion) on vanity/PC projects.
UK Press Gazette reports This
“John Sweeney says BBC’s failure to show Tommy Robinson film led him to seek psychiatric help”.
I thought of TR this morning as our Justin on Toady talked to someone who claimed grooming and paedophile rape was still going on in Telford ….
And Luton apparently. TR’s stomping ground.
@FedUp This is important who are the VICTIMS to do with Tommy stuff ?
TR knows it’s not him or his supporters being spat at by antifa
.. but rather 5,000+ mainly white, some Sikh girls (and their families)
raped/slaved/traded/prostituted by the grooming gangs
(and some of the bad people are WHITE liberals in authority who turned a blind eye, especially vile when they did for political ends)
It’s all about political Will to deal with these criminals – the resources are there – it’s a matter of priorities whether allegations of ‘hatee bad words ‘ are more important than organised gangs of sex offenders from the third world .
The outcomes of trials are becoming so common as to not be noticed – which suits the BBC Muslim as victim agenda …
Just an aside – 6 dead in London from stabbings in the last 3 days – although I’ve lost count . The Met seemed more interested in resourcing historic sex abuse allegations by nutters ….
The article is long
Gillian Birdsays comments
Mr Sweeney Please don’t blame the President of USA for your problem
… for years journalism and the reporting has been unfair biased and distorted to fit certain agendas
…. for once in my lifetime and im probably oder than you I see what started off as honest reporting has changed to dishonest
… you only have to look at the Washington Post…and likewise papers where the truth is twisted
for e.g. when the President first elected they reported (because they wanted to turn people against him) that he had removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval office….. all papers and news outlets reported this
.. Well it was untrue…. this is one of many lies and twisted thruths they still do today.
As for yourself you were trying also to do a hit job on Tommy Robinson (turn people against him) even to the extent you would lie about him… the media once had full run of reporting the news for years and can manipulate the mood of the nation … but now alternative news is avaialble online but even then they still continue to lie and spread their opinion to influence. Fortunately the people can now see that
… I went to a rally two years ago it was peaceful and well organised…. the following day I was appalled to read that far-right thugs had rioted all untrue… in fact I made a complaint to the said newspaper…of which they never replied..
It is your obsession for sensationalism that has caused the problem… remember the news between Princess Dianna and Charles…. now its with Megan and Harry…. the smears slurs speculations meant to spoke the crowd…. but not real honest news…. so you wonder why People get annoyed and why Tommy was annoyed!!
you were going to lie about him and paint a bad picture
…. you worked with Hope not Hate to bring him down… and if you go on any of their sites and read the rhetoric they write its not only abusive, offensive and provocative but full of hate… you chose your partners in crime because you wanted street wise info you could use against a person.
Well the people I guess have had enough the media have now been called out for what they have become… all we want is honest unbiased news… and for the news not to be manipulated to suit an agenda. the media has been called out long before President Trump but it is him that will get the blame from people like yourself because he is vocal about it
… #Take a long hard look at your own methods and reporting
….what you did and were trying to do with the Tommy Robinson documentary was vindictive biased and so very wrong you are in this situation because of the hateful ways some of the media have adopted just to get or manipulate what we see and hear… all respect has gone and the media will continue to get called out for not reporting honestly
… the times of manipulation are over and people are waking up. I suggest you turn back to your early reporting years where ethics were important in getting to the truth
Fiona said
How very one sided Mr Sweeney!
I put it to you that had you kept to your professional roots & not tried to get a girl drunk in order to make up a story that Tommy was a sexual menace, amongst all the other lies you wanted to put in that program, you wouldn’t have had to seek help because you weren’t being a professional journalist, you were an MSM hitman.
Journalists tell the truth!
You singlehandedly destroyed the reputation of Panorama & the BBC knew that. You’d already got away with fake news but this backfired on you spectacularly. Tommy had undercover footage of you trying to bribe people to lie about him & released his own documentary – Panodrama.
Everyone needs to watch that to come to their own conclusion.
You would’ve ruined his marriage, relationship with his children & his life & that’s what you wanted.
I think you got off lightly just having to see a psychiatrist!
> is seemingly endemic.
Lewis is really going to make BBC 2020 a professional state news organisation the government can be proud of.
So the belligerent remainers in the HOC are still spitting…
The Express headline…
Shameful moment ‘rude’ SNP MPs laugh during Suella Braverman’s speech – ‘Utter contempt’
As for the supposed key laughing player SNP Cherry all you need to know is that apart from being involved in the MP’s expenses scandal big time she was also a mate of the Horrible Gina Miller and led the Scottish Court dastardly Decision….
What a despicable creature she is!
Cherry was the leading litigant in the Scottish court case challenging the five-week prorogation of Parliament by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Her case Cherry v Advocate General for Scotland, together with a case brought in England and Wales by Gina Miller, was ultimately successful in the Supreme Court, resulting in the quashing of the prorogation on 24 September 2019.
Come on Boris, get that swamp drained….
C4 News -caught a tiny bit – Matthew Frei interviewing two labourites and a Conservative . At the end , as mr Frei dispairs about the Tory majority labour MP Wes Streeting says to him “ cheer up Matt it’s Christmas” – and they left it in the news .
Maybe C4 is going even further against any pretend rulers about neutrality . BoJo – sell it off – see if anyone cares and use the same method for the BBC thereafter .
Cherry was on university challenge couple of days ago (one of the Christmas celebrity ones) and she was absolutely hopeless.
Thick as mince.
..she is also a grade “A” piece of filth..and a nasty, poisonous little witch to boot..all imo of course. Now is there anything else I ask myself?
Not the BBC but one of their favourite agendas;
Talk Radio phone in this evening discussing the gender row and how 30,000 angry tweets have been aimed at JK Rowlings for defending the rights of biological women.
The presenter had the view that, if someone born a biological man, has gone through all the pain of hormone replacement, and counselling and surgery, then as far as he was concerned they are a woman.
A caller made a very good point, that if a body was discovered in someone’s back yard, the first thing the police would do, would be to call in forensics and then report one of two things. Either, the body of a man has been found, or the body of a woman has been found. Therefore there is a likely risk that the police could be “misgendering” the deceased.
The presenter said he accepted that one cannot change their XY chromosomes to XX (was he being transphobic in stating that fact?), but he opined that, because someone has had the operation, they are a woman.
It got me to wondering what madness comes next.
I once saw a programme where someone had undergone surgery to split their tongue down the middle and had scales tattooed all over their body. They had the delusion that they were a snake. Should we challenge their claim that they are a snake or indulge it?
After all, why let scientific facts get in the way.
What happened to all the mentally ill people that used to reside in an asylum? Why did they close all the asylums down?
Care in the community?
Do normal sane people not see what is happening when a person can lose their job for stating a scientific fact because a noisy minority thinks their right not to be offended trumps our right to tell them they’re deluded?
Sorry, posted this on the last thread. It of course becomes relevant here now:
On politics live today there was NO panel member from the Guardian.
Usually one of the 3 remainers on the panel is from the Guardian but not today.
Somebody is ‘in for it’ in the bbbc’s specially selected panel department.
Oh my goodness. Are we all “face-ist” if we’re not attracted to unattractive people next?
Oh dear, here we go again.
This case was not about whether someone can change their gender, it was about whether it was legal for someone to ignore UK and EU law because they didn’t like it.
In his Obiter the Judge made that Crystal clear perhaps you didn’t read the judgement or that bit wasn’t what you wanted to hear?
He was very specific that you cannot call into question the legal gender status of someone who holds a GRC (Gender recognition certificate) which is what the evil Forstater was doing.
This is an employment tribnual Forstater was claiming she should be free to intimidate, gratuitously offend and insult other people simply because of her ‘philosophical beliefs’. It was a case she couldn’t win.
I’ve written about this earlier on the other thread. A GRC merely grants legal recognition of the change of gender as required by EU law. There are very few countries in the world which don’t do this, Saudi and North Korea being amongst them, surely you wouldn’t want the UK to be one of those few?
“Oh dear, here we go again.
This case was not about whether someone can change their gender,”
No but the radio discussion to which I referred was.
I agree, as you say, in that particular case there was more to it.
However, it does seem to be getting to where one is not permitted to have an opinion based on scientific facts, or at least where voicing ones opinion in the workplace, could threaten ones employment.
Dystopian – I did not see the aspirational serpent on screen, but wonder whether an interesting view of this incident might be not provided by the Bible, or -for that matter- Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’?
Probably very divisive in the ‘modern day’ would be the aspect of ‘demon possession’ which again, is a Biblical concept we would now find hard to come to terms with; even the alternative view – of ‘mental illness’ now seems -as you rightly observe- to be going out of fashion.
Yet it is hard, when observing unusual behaviour in a detached manner, not to wonder what has become of us? We’re all far too clever and enlightened to believe in all that ‘old-fashioned’ stuff, but now and then one wonders whether much has changed over the last two thousand years?
Where are the asylums, you ask. Perhaps the observation that the inmates are actually running the asylum contains a grain of truth? Then again, Truth itself has become a disposable commodity, so we’re in deep waters…
So I shall leave you with a thought from the Good Book (or Milton): in the final temptation of Christ, the prince of this world offers Him dominion over all its kingdoms, if He would bow down and worship him. This is met with a refusal, but -since you can’t offer what does not belong to you- it is a revealing bit of old-fashioned stuff.
So, you are wondering what madness comes next? We probably ain’t seen nuffink yet…
Dystopian ,
There was a case a few years back where a bloke of 33 who looked young attended college pretending he was 18 to pass exams .
He was found out amongst discrepancies he remembered Elvis Presly’s death .
Can we change biology .
Sid James in the famous Carry On Nurse film claimed a hospital bed because he thought he was ill ( or shamed it) .
Can we claim we are ill now , or better , or uber fit .
Can I claim 20/20 vision and become an airline pilot ?
But then next week claim AOP status and get the pension ?
But if the really complex world of biology , gender , and self declared identity can be easily be determined by how you feel , why can’t we apply to simpler things ?
Therefore I feel my 44 ton truck is no longer a truck but a disabled persons conveyance and will park it in the disabled bays forthwith .
I am quite certain I am a rich woman trapped in a poor woman’s body. All I need is some surgery on my bank account.
Your comment that the police could be at risk of “misgendering” a body brought to mind the case of transsexual Bryan Hooley/Christine Chappel, whose body was washed up on a beach in Suffolk in 2000. If I remember correctly it was initially reported that Police had mistakenly identified the body as female before discovering it was a man (the case made an impression on me because of the Star Trek connection).
The BBC report of 2001 (below) refers to Hooley/Chappel as both sexes. I’m not up to speed with the sensitivities regarding these things, but would this be the case with BBC reporting these days?
Don’t archaeologists determine a persons sex from their skeletons / skeletal remains ?
Better not bother with archaeology
Originally from ‘Monkey Brains’, Is the BBC biased, 16 December
Piers answers back well
“Lammy, my little Lammy, I’d walk a million miles for one of your smiles my Lammy.”
..the lumpen oaf!
Are they water-melon smiles?
The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 enshrines all current EU law into UK law as we exit the EU. I’m at a loss to see which ‘rights’ are being taken away. Did Lammy sleep through all of the Parliamentary sessions when this act was passed?
The complimentary/sycophantic response roster is awesome.
Newsnight have scored a winner here.
This should confuse BBC panel bookers.
The devil may be in the detail
monthly reach is a BS metric
Mins spent per head of population would be a better metric
and the BBC would get more in one day that the Independent gets it one month.
@GuestWho a couple of points their
#1 The Independent’s tweet is marked that it is sent from an app call ed “Echobox Social” ..ironic since lefty Twittersphere is an echochamber
#2 Despite bragging that its some grand newspaper the tweet is liked by only 49 people , that’s nothing
A BBC tale of woe, possibly quoting a woman, but being the BBC who knows?
“You’ve not got your make-up, your nice hair, your shoes – none of the little things you take for granted that make you feel like you.”
I suspect that Boris is almost literally approaching his second bottle of red as I type. Try not to spill it 🙂
Cheers! You’ve earned it.
Nigel is almost literally approaching his fifth pint as I type.
Cheers! You’ve earned it.
Of the two, who should take the most credit for getting us this far?
Dover, I’m sure I read somewhere that Nigel is actually partial to wine rather than a pint of beer and that he only poses with a pint to make himself look like a proper geezer.
Noticing many Beeboids ‘logging off’ twitter for Xmas… for ‘a month or so’.
Which is nice.
All funded by the tv tax payers of course.
Let’s hope they are duly defunded then they can log off and jog on…for good.
I read a great comment somewhere that the U.K. suddenly looked as though it had been given a neat new haircut, a shower and a shave.
After the election our great country is looking refreshed, shiny, invigorated.
That’s certainly not the picture that springs to mind via the ultra biased prism of Newsnight, however.
This dreadful BBC programme still views the U.K. as a raggedy old soak who has lost his way – to be pitied, scorned, talked down to.
On Thursday night – after a Queen’s Speech that offered hope for the great silent majority who’d just voted for a fresh start – Newsnight led with a totally misleading scare story suggesting the Government was aiming to radically alter and undermine the constitution. They weren’t interested in anything positive.
Then last night, after the overwhelming Commons vote for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill, viewers were greeted by a three person panel that bizarrely included two blatant Remainers who continued to talk down the U.K., talk up the EU and cast doubt on our credentials as a global power.
The people may have spoken, the Commons may have changed, Brexit will be happening, but nothing changes in the bonkers la-la-land that is Newsnight.
This all reminds me of the sort of comments you get from people when you are considering setting up a new business. Many are negative; “What will you do if you fail?”
The message I receive is, “I’m too scared to consider doing something like that, so you should be too.”
Yes, that was disgraceful. Those people are impervious to what is happening around them; they are determined to learn nothing.
Somebody on TV whining about how ridiculous it is of Boris to enshrine leaving the EU in Law as, with his huge majority, he could change the Law at any time so it is unnecessary. Missing the point that if it is enshrined in Law nobody could concoct a case for taking him to Court for unlawfully, incorrectly or recklessly taking the country out of the EU. And most importantly removing it from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Evan Davis on Friday’s PM admitted that the Twittersphere is often to the Left. Why then does the BBC frequently use it to get quotes? (rhetorical question, don’t answer it). I just hate it when the BBC, when someone’s died, quotes all the luvvies with their tweets of condolence. I presume it is to keep all the has beens who are their friends or BBC sources for stories in the public eye.
List of Labour leaders against the EU project
Clement Atllee
Hugh Gaitskill
Michael Foot
Neil Kinnock
Tony Blair
List of Labour leaders more pro EU
List of leaders of the British Union of Fascists pro EU
Oswald Mosely
Oh I forgot to put Jetemy Corbyn in the first list .
Nibor, think you may have confused Blair with Brown.
Blair was pro-EU and wanted UK to join in Euro in 1999. Brown was against. He set various ‘economic tests’ to be passed before UK did that.
‘Some people’ think that was the only good policy decision Gordon Brown ever made.
News 24 Alibaba brown ……ranting on and on so anti Boris as usual…thought she was going ….perhaps she’s in panto somewhere…please go far far away to Neverland
Time to vote in the Git World Cup
Click the “show the poll button”
playoff B
A close one, Guy Verhofstadt leads on 31%
Group C
60% for Bercow
That World Cup is so funny. Haha..I bet England still lose in the semi’s, even though they are not in it.
Can’t help thinking Soubry is going to be difficult to beat.
Straight to the finals for me Jo Coburn-Emily Maitlis. Let it
go to a penalty shoot out . And in between each penalty which
will be never ending, they can remoan, remoan and remoan!!!
“. I just want to see some aliens”
Try the beaches at Dover plenty of illegal aliens there.
10 Tory MPs who didn’t vote in today’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill:
1. Crispin Blunt
2. Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
3. Philip Davies
4. Roger Gale
5. Cheryl Gillan
6. Caroline Johnson
7. Kwasi Karteng
8. Jonathan Lord
9. Mary Robinson
10. Gary Streeter
I suppose that lot will find themselves as the ‘conservative ‘ speaker on various BBC programmes to add balance to the illiberals, the green and the various factions of the communist party .
No Toady for me as I heard the line up ugh . But a heart warming story on the twitter that as a result of an interview on Toady before the election between John McDonnell and a billionaire McDonnell so frightened the billionaire that he gave the Conservative party £500 000….. if he gets a gong in a week or two – complete coincidence …
Another story not on the BBC is a now ex labour MP who won a defamation case against the UNITE union last week .
Apparently she’d applied to join UNITE but didn’t declare she was an MP . It was alleged that she had used fraud or similar with the aim of stopping UNITEs support for comrade Corbyn .She sued and won.
They think she got over £100 000 of Union money . Strange that the BBC didn’t report it .
I’m intrigued by some of the names on that list, particularly that of Crispin Blunt, my MP.
He’s a through and through Brexiteer, so if he didn’t fancy the deal it’s not due to any lingering Remainiac desires.
He was one of the first to reject May’s God awful submission treaty and to call for her resignation.
That’s an odd one.
And a little worrying…
Is it possible these MPs were “paired” with Labour MPs, so did not have to vote?
I’ve concluded that the BBC doesn’t do any serious journalism preferring to persue it’s climate activism etc etc
The expected report on Russian interference in Brexit, so gleefully hyped by the Guardian, will not imho produce anything new.
However, some are now of the opinion that Steele was used – (the patsey)
The WSJ has an article –
“Now that his impeachment work is over, here’s a new assignment for Adam Schiff: To investigate whether the bad intel in the Christopher Steele dossier was there because the former British spy was a sloppy partisan—or because he was the patsy in a Russian disinformation campaign.
As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Schiff is plainly the man for the job. Such an investigation fits comfortably with his oft-stated complaint that Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 presidential election and will do so again…
Good morning, all!
I don’t watch or listen to the BBC, so I have to admit I am rather hard put to post comments on BBC bias. So this means – yes, I suspect some of you have already guessed – another link from the Daily Mail is coming up!:
The DM this time focuses on how people’s lives have been made miserable through the relentless and ruthless enforcement of payment of the BBC’s hateful TV tax. As there has also been a rash of articles on BBC bias recently, I wonder:
Is the Brazenly Biased Corporation feeling a teeny weeny bit of pressure nowadays?
Is it slowly turning into the Beleaguered & Besieged Corporation?
And from there, if there is real reform as hinted at during the election campaign, could it … could it finally come to be known as the Banished by BoJo Corporation?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Right Angle – and happy Christmas to you too . A wise man / woman to avoid the BBC . To think 10% of court cases are conducted by the BBC via its agent .
I was happy to get home from overseas to be greeted by two letters from TV licencing telling me I’m to get a visit on the 8th day of Christmas – which I think is the 2nd of January .
I’ve been looking forward to ‘ engaging ‘ with a tv licence drone and would publish the recording I’d be making of it here if it wasn’t to…. fruity .
Fascinating use of non language in the BBC report on the chap you used a tusk to take on the thankfully dead Islamic terrorist murderer in London Bridge.
The words ‘ Islamic ‘ and even ‘terrorist ‘ are not used in the report . Orwell would be unimpressed because a proper state broadcaster would have ‘ un happened ‘ it by now …
He still has a crew?
Think ‘crew’ means selfie stick …I’m sure he’s a great one for selfie sticks ….
Probably a loaner from Mason.
Excuse me… that’s Paul Mason ‘news’.
The Sun Says…
Not sure wheeling out tanned bbc millionaire grandees now off to hit the slopes for a month is going to resonate with the remaining TVL payers in their Transits working through next week is scoring as hoped
I don’t know if this is done here though Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all at this entertaining and informative site – my antitode to what State Broadcaster puts out.
I am so treasuring the typical Newsnight panel composition here, as much as the reactions of the freak show to one normal bloke speaking.
Shaimaa does not post often, but when she does, English it is not.
IIRC she was ported in from Islamabad, renowned for its air quality.
Don’t become the story, BBC.
Oh, too late.
Saturday morning BBC Radio 4 Today leading with the most important story in the world, demonstrations in India because the government there has dared to bring in a law to give refuge to people from 3 neighbouring countries, except Muslims. Lots of people on explaining to the unprejudiced Mishal why it isn’t fair. There has been no explanation why India thought this was necessary or what the people who are needing to flee suffering in their country of origin. The only thing the BBC wants to tell us is that it is unfair to Muslims.
I have been visiting the BBC website a little more frequently lately, just to watch the squirming really but guess what? I put up a post on the Have Your Say attached to the report on the HoC debate around the proposed Johnson withdrawal agreement and it got removed!
Not after quite a number of up votes I might say with smugnossity. Here is my comment re the debate:
* Worth watching for Blackford’s “The people of Scotland blah blah de blah blah blah”, which is like watching a re-run of Rab C. All he needs is a string vest. *
It was removed because it was not considered relevant to the discussion. However, woldn’t that apply to Blackford as well?
I feel quite proud of the attention. A bit like a streaker running across the pitch…kind of.
Talking about comments getting removed, I had one removed from Guido yesterday. Talking about the labour leadership fight and the wimmin only short lists I made reference to Bessie Braddock labour MP for somewhere in Merseyside way back in the 40s or 50’s. She did it with shear guts and determination without any form of patronisation. Maybe the staff at Guido are too young and thought that her name was made up or whatever.
I just want to wish everyone who posts here a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, living abroad I only have access to the Beeb web site so rely on everyone to point out the TV and radio bias. Many thanks also to the admin team and maxi a thread without a troll is a sad thing.
With more hats in the ring than a gay haberdashers’ swingers bowl, how the BBC continues to treat that of yet another famed alumnus will be interesting.
Twitter, curse its evil propensity to find and share facts and footage, sees him off to a good start pulling faces and surely inspiring a whole raft of Samaritans directors to demand pole position on the breakfast sofa.
ITBB, meanwhile, beavers away in complement.
Maybe, if aware, Huw, Nick, Emily, VD, etc might ponder such available examples of his worthiness to lead as they bask on beaches or chalet balconies over the coming month?
If aware. Or so inclined.
I haven’t watched Have I Got News For You for over a decade, but I thought I’d risk it last night. It’ll be another decade before I watch this awful tripe again…if ever.
It used to be “must see” telly on a Friday night and I was sorry if I missed it. I remember all those years ago when Roy Hattersley didn’t show and they replaced him with a tub of lard. It was sitting next to the lithe, rapier witted, Paul Merton. Now, I’m afraid, Paul Merton has morphed into that tub of lard. Blimey, he’s a lump!
Ian Hislop was always a spiteful little man, but Merton was quick and witty and I remember roaring with laughter. No one was spared. Now he sits there like some podgy parody of his former self, smug and plump, his face like a wobbly unset blancmange. He’s become the sozzled saloon bar bore. His “wit” is no longer clever, it’s just ugly.
His top “joke”, that had all the pathetic loser lefties squealing, was when they showed some film of Jacob Rees Mogg. The BBC’s premier wit came out with a classic put down, “He’s a toss-pot.” Honestly, it’s not exactly Oscar Wilde, is it?
I gave it my best and lasted about ten minutes before groaning and reaching for the off switch.
A glass or two (ahem) of Merlot and a a good book.
Have I got news for you?
It’s crap!
Damning truth of the BBC’s relentless pursuit of its licence-fee billions: How the Beeb’s bullying now leads to one in 10 of all magistrate hearings, a third of criminal cases brought against women – and children as young as 10 ‘prosecuted’
If the Mail are going after the TV Tax then the Tories might just be waking up.
And has been for decades, if not now impossible and too late.
Chris Morris gets a well deserved dishonourable mention.
I think this is worth being shown to others:
TOADY Watch #1 – Slightly more accurate but ….
More on the programme this a.m. from India and the demonstrations against the new citizenship legislation which I gather has now passed into law. To be fair to the BBC, a bit more balanced on the TOADY Prog but the story is being still left rather muddled. You would think that a news Corporation with massive resources and indigenous journalists would be anxious to find out what is really happening nearby in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan and internally to incentivise the Indian Government introduce and pass such a law.
Could it be that Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Bhuddists, Christians, Jews and others are being persecuted in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan and are becoming refugees in response to that persecution?
For example, about twenty years ago, there were about four million active Anglicans, yes, members of the Church of England(!), in Pakistan. Is that part of the population of Pakistan under threat and being forced to leave Pakistan and seek sanctuary in India?
BBC to go and find out, please?
I will wait patiently.
Owen Jones wakes up and is not sure that the lefties own Twitter
.. #OwenJonesIsAW*nkerDay is trending
What if he comes up with an idea to block everyone who uses that hashtag ?
… Oh hangon he blocks almost everyone already …
That doesn’t surprise me chancy. My niece was telling me yesterday that, in her “philosophy” lesson they were discussing whether or not life is a punishment!
These snowflakes honestly believe that they are hard done by.
No wonder they have such a ‘no can do’ attitude when the teachers are filling their heads full of such nonsense.
I don’t know how this comment ended up right down here as it was posted in reply to a comment by chancygardner from much higher up the page at 12:08am
Don’t worry dystopian. I saw your post(s). Looks like you might have been smitten with double-post syndrome. Something we have all been smote with at one time or another.
That doesn’t surprise me chancy. My niece was telling me yesterday that, in her “philosophy” lesson they were discussing whether or not life is a punishment!
These snowflakes honestly believe that they are hard done by.
No wonder they have such a ‘no can do’ attitude when the teachers are filling their heads full of such nonsense.
Double post in wrong place. Russian interference ?
‘The Online Harms Bill’. Anybody? No, me neither until last week. It was mentioned somewhere. So I took a look.
Click to access Online_Harms_White_Paper.pdf
And comment:
Seems to me that our dilligent World Class State Broadcaster will keep totally silent about this Bill as, within it, is the mechanism to shut down news that they don’t like.
I may have a strange view but I’ve always questioned the difference between State controlled communism and our, so-called “free” democracy. In the former, generally speaking, the Executive stop any and all threats to their continuance even to the extent of making it up as they go along. The latter? Well, we’ve got ‘legislation’ that threatens to, ‘dice and slice’ everybody and their every action or inaction. Ponder this and be truthful, how many times a day do you break the law? For many, that’s unwittingly numerous. For the ‘goody, goody two-shoes’ (like Diane Abbott at the ballot box a few days ago…..) perhaps a few times. Studying law to Masters level is an eye-opener as to the possibilities of the State turning up the volume of the ‘catch-all’ legislation when needed. Tommy R springs to mind. By the way, where’s he now? Perhaps, as the State desired, he’s living in the UK as, effectively ‘free’ a licensed prisoner. Until the next time they find a bit of law to prosecute and re-incarcerate him.
Legally then, life in a ‘Democracy’ increasingly becomes even more characterised by the scene in ‘Resident Evil: Retribution’. I think I’ve go that right. The scene where they have to pass through a passage protected by lasers. Some die in the scene, ‘diced and sliced’. What better analogy?
Online Harms? Watch as the State prepare to install another laser in the passage.
TOADY Watch #2 – Some bird watching
The Marsh Harrier was the subject of the Saturday Nature Notes. Martha expended some CO2 to go to Norfolk and a gent from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust explained how the marsh harrier had disappeared from the UK.
Amazingly, Global Warming was given as the reason by him for the birds revival in the UK (estimated 400 breeding pairs) because, he claimed, they would normally migrate away from the UK in winter. He had previously stated that the marsh harrier disappeared from the UK because “it was persecuted in the Victorian era.” Tut! Those wicked Victorians. It is true that gamekeepers take a dim view of birds of prey when they predate on the game birds (and super furry animals) that they would be expected to supply for food in those times.
Anyone who knows anything about the Victorian era knows that it was a period of very cold winters. I sensed some cognitive dissonance at work in the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
Global Warming has some benefits then?
I have been able to watch marsh harriers in the Swale in Kent, including while they hunt, which is an impressive sight. But was it really necessary to send the Bee Lady on a taxpayer funded, CO2 emitting, jolly to Norfolk to enhance the AGW/CC narrative? They could have dialled up the NWT or RSPB and chatted about the bird and its recovery of numbers on the phone.
Each morning some BBC gets up at 5:30am reads the Guardian and starts constructing Message Adverts to insert within genuine news
Today at 8am all local news buletins and Radio4’s had this
“The deputy Australian Deputy PM has CONCEDED that more needed to be done to tackle Climate Change”
.. this was followed by a clip of him NOT saying that, but instead saying that today’s bushfires were caused by electrical accidents , arsonists ..etc. etc.
WTF have such messages got to do with LOCAL NEWS in counties in the opposite site of the world ?
In January 1990 I lived in Sydney and it literally rained for 15 days without stopping.
The week in Westminster – a programme which usually has a lefty guest journo . Today there was someone interviewing
Von Heseltine on the election result . Von Heseltine , being highly influential , told people to vote illiberal – result 22 seats becomes 11 – including the death of sweater for a couple of weeks before she becomes baroness swinson….
More importantly – the BBC said that they wanted to interview a new Tory MP – none was put up to be interviewed . Excellent – just don’t bother . The BBC doesn’t want to hold the tories to account – it just wants to start the splits and should be avoided .
Marr or Neil can do a little 3 minute rant about the supremecy of the BBC .
He could have added that the fires are largely fuelled by vast areas of tinder-dry undergrowth. This acknowledged fire hazard is normally removed in controlled burns to reduce the evident and tangible risks – but thanks to ‘ecological considerations’ better known as climate change hysteria, they decided not to let all that nasty smoke pollute the atmosphere. The out-of-control results are there to be seen, appreciated and shortly to be labelled the Harrabin-Monbiot Bushfire Syndrome.
Tony Heller on Australian “record heat”…
I’ve just been watching the old BBC series of ‘The Survivors’, a post-Armageddon type thing. It’s on youtube. It was made back in the 70’s and if you can make allowances for a slightly slower pace than we are used to these days, then it ain’t half bad. I watched when it first came out around forty odd years ago and it was pretty absorbing at the time and not a jot of ‘wokeness’ in the whole thing. .
The first series was the best and most ‘believable’ It also featured Talfryn Thomas as Tom Price. I loved his character. The second series, still made in the 70’s, was slightly ‘sexed up’. The women had an extra button or two undone on the blouses and the aggressive ‘remainers’, (had to use that word somewhere), were being polished off by our leading characters, using a variety of methods, at an alarming rate. In fact, had the second series not finished when it did I’m sure the whole surviving population would have been wiped out.
The series was remade a few years ago but I’m not even going to go there. It was as you might expect; dreadful.
11:42 Radio4 item on Changing Antarctic
Kate Adie begins with 20 seconds of hyperbole about Climate Change
Justin Rowlatt going to see Thwaites Glacier receding
Claim half metre rise in ocean possible, three metres if it all goes.
(no mention this will take hundreds/thousands years)
The rest was waffle Rowlatt gave us no new info
He fails to context it by pointing out he is in West Antarctic peninsula where ice has fallen
whereas in the vast majority of Antarctic it has risen
prog blurb
– Our main focus this week is on the natural world and we begin at the South Pole where Justin Rowlatt is holed up in a research station eating chips and patiently waiting for a change in the weather.
– At the opposite end of the earth, we go trekking around Greenland. Rich in rare earth metals some are calling this Artic country the Saudi Arabia of the Green future.
Horatio Clare fears for the future of one of the most pristine environments left on the planet.
That second item hasn’t pushed CC yet and didn’t except for the sentiment of worrying about possible change.
“Greenland has a quarter of the Earth’s supply of Rare Earth metals”
(… FFS despite the name they are NOT rare)
“We saw no polar bears”
“The little ice age ..assailed their crops in the middle ages”
“there are big Chinese mines here”
GreenLand prog is going to be on Radio3 24/25/26th
“Slow RadioArctic Sound Walk Episode 1 of 3
Horatio Clare’s immersive Slow Radio Sound Walk on Greenland’s Arctic Circle Trail. Bringing to life the stark beauty of the Arctic tundra and exploring how Greenland came to be.”
Further in the blurb
– Climate change may soon make it even harder to find black truffles in France (will it fk)
– Heidi Fuller Love joins a treasure hunt with Magda the pig
The first item was about the first trans minister in Taiwan