The website for monitoring BBC Have Your Says has Removed Comments buttons so you can see the BBC being tricky by removing comments
Says a multimillionaire who endorsed & campaigned for an institutionally racist far-left Labour Party backed by jew-killers. But Europe’s only community to face near annihilation in a Holocaust don’t count for you do they @Stormzy? Oh, and why block me big man? Snowflaking, much?
Grime star Stormzy has said he believes the UK is ‘100 per cent’ a racist country – about 10 a.m.
Sajid Javid commented on Twitter –
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
MoreSajid Javid Retweeted LBC News
“100% wrong.”
From the LBC piece: “In February of this year, a study found that the UK was one of the least racist countries in Europe.
British levels of racism against immigrant workers and people ‘of a different race’ in general were found to be relatively low, as was bias against Hindus, Jews, Gipsies and Muslims.
The findings were published in the Frontiers in Sociology journal and the study was carried out by Professor Mariah Evans of the University of Nevada, Reno.
“Prejudice against immigrant workers or minority ethnic and religious groups is rare in the UK, perhaps even slightly rarer than in equivalently developed EU countries,” she said.”
I agree with what Javid said but if “Stormzyinateacup” doesn’t like being here perhaps he’d like to f-off to Ghana or somewhere else where he feels there is less racist persecution? I’d have thought he’ll be able to “purchase residency” almost anywhere in Africa, for example, with all his money.
If he did I, like the vast majority of Brits I suspect, will miss him not one iota.
Pretty clear that having the Brexit ball taken off them, the despicable trio, BBC, Guardian and Independent have turned their bile on Trump big time. They are literally crowing about the devious mad woman Pelosi and her underhand and sneering, leering manoeuvring.
“you are impeached… you are impeached… nah! nah! nah! nah! nah! almost playground stuff!
Well, they tried that with Boris and look where that got them! I hope Trump kicks the whole stinking lot into touch in 2020 and the Demo-rats end up in the same wastepaper basket as Labour over here.
Can Anyone out there translate drunk granny? WTF is she trying to say? And this if the Crazy Drunk speaker of the house! She needs to be removed ASAP! God help the USA ????????
Article in the Telegraph today by john Whippingbum highlighting
some of the recent BBC and Channel 4 bias and how “broadcasters must adapt if they want to survive”
He then goes on to say how he is convinced that there will always be a need for a publicly owned impartial public broadcast service and the BBCs services, such as news and Current affairs will always need to be publicly funded” Why John?
If Whittingdales article represents the thinking at the heart of government we cannot expect any serious reform to the BBC and this also goes a long way to explain why he was so weak at the last Charter Review.
As things stand I foresee that the BBC will be virtually untouched and I think the current furor is just an exercise in empty chest beating by politicians who are desperate to be seen to be doing something because they know that most of the public now realise that this organisation is utterly, corrupt and deceitful. Unfortunately though, what the politicians really want is back to “business as usual” and as they have little real stomach to bring this midden of traitors to book and it will all soon be forgotten, so these well paid luvvies can continue to undermine our culture and democracy by still being allowed to pedal their very own slow acting poison and lies to the young, the impressionable and the terminally naive.
Oaknash – I fear your observation about ’empty chest beating’ is spot on. I seem to recall Whittingdale saying something provocative about the beeb as Sec of State, and then immediately backing down. He prides himself as having laid down parameters for ‘impartiality’, but we have seen , in practice, that those were no more than empty words.
I can’t see Boris or Nicky Morgan doing anything to ‘interfere with editorial content’ either.
That is why we must continue our campaign against the beeb, for what it is worth. There are many other campaigns – (I yesterday greatly enjoyed the 50 strategies for bbc bias in ‘Conservative Woman’, for example) and we must aspire to administer ‘death by a thousand cuts’ to dispose of beeb.
The public mood is currently one that does not take kindly to being bossed about by bloated leftist quangos, and I don’t see the beeb as being much more than this. If the politicians won’t take action, we -the people- will have to do it for them.
At the same time we must also be noisy lobbyists, who will not leave the politicians in peace on this issue. So, a dual strategy, with the simple objective of getting rid of the licence fee (which enables the beeb to simply ignore all criticism) and, ideally, of this ‘public broadcaster’ itself.
FNW – We must also remember that Boris s background is “journalism”
the same “trade” that seems to have had almost constant access to the BBC revolving door.
It is no wonder even so called “conservative” journalists are very often nothing more than liberal/new labour types that are more than willing to sell their soul for either a gig on the Times or the BBC.
Oaknash – This is the ‘hold’ that beeb have over the politicians: ‘We can give you exposure IF we like, and we set the scene’.
That is why Trump is so fantastic: he is unimpressed by this ‘hold’, exposes it for what it is, and takes on the broadcasters and WINS.
Trevor Philips had a long article in the Times also.
Towards the end he changes tack and defends the BBC
– ‘It was the only place I could make my Windrush prog’
– ‘Naga was right to say Trump is a racist’
Phillips has had a long and profitable career in the past riding the back of the grievance culture that he helped to create. I thought for a short while, he had finally realised that by turning, “playing the race card” into such an effective weapon, in effect he had not only worsened relations between different communities, he had adversely harmed the prospects of much of the black community by creating the grievance culture and in effect saying to many talented blacks – “why bother, they all hate you anyway”.
Like so many of these lefties what it all comes down to is money. He was quite prepared to sell his “anti racist principles” when he was selling articles to newspapers critiscising his former conduct and now he wants to make more money by flogging his “Windrush programme” despite knowing that all it will do is feed resentment.
We see it all the time in the left. Lady Nugee, “Sir” Keir Starmer, “Stormzy”, George Clooney, Cumbertwat, The BBC crisp seller, Prince Harry all of them at the end of the day care more about their income and lifestyle than their beliefs – hypocrites all.
Today’s outrage bus
“Top golfer compares Greta Thunberg to Hitler”
Actually he didn’t directly … they are creating that narrative
He actually countered the claim that someone is holy if they are named person of the year by Time.
The wide range of worthy giggles available via our PC society has currently increased by one – the deletion of Dominic Cummings surname from some on-line posts.
I can only assume that the symbolic replacement was as the result of an ejaculation of outrage from one of our computerised thought police.
Sarah Mohamed Wiki – Bio Sarah Mohamed is a college student who urged her besotted boyfriend to murder his ex-girlfriend during a macabre plot 'to prove himself' was jailed today for 16 years.
I see the lovely (not) Ash has go embroiled in today’s Twitterspat
over Owenisa*anker trending tweet.
Here we have it “Ash Sarkar
7h7 hours ago
“Everyone’s a big man behind a hashtag eh.
*uck every one of these fascist c*nts who, were it not for the invention of the internet, would just be sitting around pulling wings off flies. Solidarity with @OwenJones84.”
Such a way with words Ash! (my asterisk in the “Hunt sir.. not Cunningham word). She’s a one ain’t she!!
Pert – I monitor Twitter but have never engaged . However the ‘battle ‘ going on over the Owen Jones character is beyond me .it has also led to a BBC favourite – Ash – to engage in the industrial language you’ve recounted ( I edited the eff word a bit ) .
Which leads me to wonder at what stage the BBC ceases to hire kidult snowflakes like ‘Ash” because of their vile online abusive language .?
That lady however, seems to hold a position of authority in the BBC similarly to old Toynbee and that ethnic lady who promised to leave the UK /go home if democracy went against her .
sorry Fed (initially typed FU2 but realised it could be taken as the current climate)..the f-word seemed so innocuous compared to the less oft-used Cunningham word I quite forget to * the u.
As I said a few days ago I hope she gets her come-uppance sooner rather than later…and is deprived of the media oxygen that she quite clearly craves, especially re the national broadcaster, when I pay 2 TV licences (one for each house!..but can’t be in 2 places at once). Yes it hurts but the Capita Nazis so upset my other half with their venal tactics I just thought pay the effin’ thing (second one).
Now if I’d owned up (Q. is it a actually crime yet? A. No, but it possibly would have been if comrade Corbyn was PM!) to owning 2 properties on Twatter I’d have the fascist left on my ass in short order. So I am enjoying little Owen’s day being ridiculed in the are many by the looks!
Oh ..before I go ..and in the spirit of Christmas..a message to Corbyn and McDonnell.
You were decimated in the f*ck off and make way for the next set of clowns. Night all.
In actual fact she is a very poor quality actress, as indicated by her exaggerated face-pulling antics. It’s a stock-in-trade for a majority of the lefty fake ‘academics’ that the BBC appear to have on speed dial.
No worry – i actually wanted to leave the lady’s Eff word in for effect but apparently some search engines spot bad words on blogs so i did an edit .
As for FU2 – when I chose an ident I didn’t realise that FU2 would be a cut down version … happy days …
Yes I remember that. Several thousand of them.
In the Midlands, a self building organisation was set up with £millions from both central government and Birmingham council funding.
I remember BBC Midlands news running a programme on this.
Quite soon it was wound up, money suddenly vanished. The suspicion was that apart from plain stealing, that money was diverted back to Somalia. Help the pirates? Or help pay for more migrants, or holidays back there.
John Bercow and the entire executive management and senior staff of the BBC were all charged and convicted of Sedition.
They were condemned to watch constant re-runs of David Attenborough chasing Walruses off a cliff for 23 hours a day followed by a one hour loop of Greta Thunberg saying “How dare you’ over and over again.
It all was to take place in a room at deep freeze temperatures with snacks of an albatross on a stick served by Jeremy Corbyn wearing only a beard and a Thong.
I woke up with a big smile on my face but a little nauseous at the thought of the image of Corbyn.
The BBC are using the world club championship (one of the few matches they show…..thankfully) to promote women’s football.
A doodle and thoughts on events across the pond. I genuinely can’t wait for the trial to be mainstream so that the left can be taught a very public lesson on how ‘feelings’ and ‘opinions’ are not the same as ‘criminal evidence’
SC – There IS some criminal evidence, but NOT against Trump. The trail leads back to Hillary Clinton, via the murder of Seth Rich. It all has to do with the ongoing coup attempt WHICH STARTED ON DAY ONE OF THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY, THEN CARRIED ON WITH THE ABORTIVE MUELLER ‘INVESTIGATION’! Pelosi is merely carrying on with it, both as a diversion from a number of real Democrat crimes (eg Hunter Biden, to name another) and an attempt to dispose of Trump.
The Democrats know they have no chance in 2020 (no credible candidate), so this is their way of ‘winning’. What remains hidden is Hillary’s abuse of classified information, the hack from WITHIN the DNC (not the Russians!), which Seth Rich knew about, and paid for with his life.
Do we even start looking at Hillary’s involvement in the sale of uranium? Do we look at what went on on the 7th floor of the FBI HQ, the diversions, the cover-ups etc etc? Do we hear what Obama said about going to his ‘WAR ROOM’ on the day of Trump’s inauguration, to kick off the coup attempt?
Pelosi is in for a big fall! On YT you will find Georgia congressman, Doug Collins -I think, spelling out for her why this is going to happen. There are many very guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours, but look for them among the Democrats, not at the Presidency. And, believe it or not, I’m not even a great fan of Trump, the person.
Never mind, I’m sure Jon Sopel, from the impartial broadcaster, will keep enlightening us.
Like I said, everyone outside of twitter is very aware of the facts but the Congress is like a school common room to the Senate where people have longer/safer roles and tend to be intimately related to the real goings on. They know exactly who to call to the stand to expose this thing and won’t ‘forget’ certain key witnesses like the house did.
Honestly, even I am surprised that the Democrats are stupid enough to continue weaving the rope to hang themselves on, especially when they might have actually stood a chance at winning a case on emoluments or something else. Perhaps it’s just the only way they think they can get someone other than Biden (who will lose to Trump) out of the race in time.
SC – I was looking on YT for Doug Collins tearing Nanci Pelosi to shreds.
(according to him, her enemy is the clock and the calendar, which tick away mercilessly) when I came across a feature on Prof Noah Feldman, saying on Bloomberg that -at this point- President Trump has NOT been impeached, as Pelosi has not yet handed over the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Perhaps Pelosi was actually listening to what Collins said? It sure is worth listening to! But if the President has actually not yet been impeached, things do get confusing?
With no evidence yes, we could potentially be at the end of this story, in which case it probably helped someone raise some money at an LA fundraiser? It will of course be mentioned ad-infinitum like that tripple-dip recession that never actually happened but even in that scenario though, it just makes them look incompitant and it’s just handing across massive amounts of ammunition that Trump will use to destroy whoever ends up debating him next October.
Calvin interesting that the Americans have a system to put a president on trial without public involvement and we ( at the moment ) have a system where a commons majority can prevent a government bringing itself down by calling an election – again without public involvement . Thanks for the ‘ jottings’
Sad to hear the death of Martin Peters. Watching him score in the World Cup made this country come together in a way that no PM has ever done. I saw him play numerous times with Tottenham alongside Martin Chivers, Pat Jennings, Alan Mullery, Steve Perryman when Bill Nicholson was coach. It really is the end of an era when players from another age, and not much older than us now, start passing, and makes us aware of our own mortality. Rest in Peace Martin, you were part of an elite team, the like of which we shall never see again.
The reason why we will never see a team like this again is not one was greedy with the ball. They were a team not like today where every single player is playing for their own and not for the greater good. Just look at any rugby match and compare it with a football match rugby wins hands down.
So sad. I hadn’t heard this. I knew he was ill. That leaves us with just six and two of them are very ill. Very good player and I don’t remember anything negative about him.
I also look to the Man Utd team that beat Benfica in 1968 of which there are only eight left.
7pm Radio4 It’s Profile
… Stars Wars is topical on the premise that the new film is just out
So they pick one actor.
.. One who’s third time this is
.. who plays the part of the *black* stormtrooper
27 year old black actor from Peckham
… He was in the same class and close friend of famous stabbed Damiola Taylor
The guy being a Nigerian pastor got into acting, not gangs
This week I heard “Channel 4 Bans Non- Political Journalists From Tweeting About Politics.
The new policy came into force after a “number of errors” made by broadcast journalists””
Channel 4 News has a new policy banning non-political journalists from tweeting about politics — @BBC should do the same for their green campaigners
Thought you’d all like to know that Miss Sherrock has just beaten another man at the world darts so the BBC may just mention it once or twice which is nice as they usually pretty much ignore the sport all together preferring to search out items on racism in sport in other parts of the world as I heard on two different days this week on 5live on my drive home from work in the early morning.
A Christmas Quiz: as nominated by the Royal Statistical Society (2019). Appeared in The Times this week. I thought it worth highlighting for our ‘end of year’ do here at the celebrated ‘Biased BBC’ year Awards… the questions that never get answered (or even asked at the BBC). Its a liberal bias culture war.
1. At the United Arab Emirates gender balance awards, what percentage winners were male?
(a) 75%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 100%
The BBC have already awarded themselves a pay rise due to pay differentials. If a BBC staffer (Woman) gets a pay rise, then the BBC males will give themselves a bigger pay rise. Only fair in vertical tier BBC middle class (mis)-management.
Guess! (see below for real answers)
2. How many black and white BBC TV licenses are in force in 2019?
(a) 879
(b) 1,923
(d) 4,288
(e) 6,586
The BBC are trying to ditch b/w TV licenses, as they cannot tell if any TV is watched or in color. The BBC iPlayer can give them (BBC) all kinds of personal viewing information, so best avoided. Then those who are registered colour blind do not get a discount either, or the deaf (who should get 50% discount), but then they would prefer NetFlix anyway, everybody does.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
3. In 2019 Britain went the longest period since 1882 without coal-powered electricity. So how long do you think that period actually was?
If I were to listen to the BBC daily then the entire nation is run on wind farms entirely seven days a week. In practice Windmills have a life of 25 years max, in which time the cost is offset by the subsidies on construction and tax breaks which = zero cost benefit.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
4. In the past 22 months China has produced the same amount of steel as Britain has done over what period?
(a) Past 23 years
(b) Past 79 years
(c) Past 112 years
(d) Past 150 years
If I were to listen to the BBC daily, then the UK is the prime net polluter to the entire planet and we are all doomed. Thanks to the Carbon Tax, our electricity cost is escalating upwards, with subsidies to install more windmills, even though they cost totally a lot more to run and maintain.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
5. Since 2009 the average contribution of wind power in UK electricity has risen from 1.3% to what do you think the proportion is now ten years later (2019)?
(a) 14.8 %t
(b) 18.8%
(c) 28.7%
(d) 92%
If I were to listen to the BBC daily, ‘wind power leads to lower cost electricity’. It doesn’t as it has to pay for the loss of all other industry that relies on electricity (such as car production) or even electric car charging. Windmills cannot power Electric Cars. We are using Russian Gas primarily when in high demand during Winter months. Not all of it sustainable and at high risk by foreign powers.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
It would be interesting to ask the BBC, how much electricity it needs on a daily basis just to stay on-air. Not that they have to worry about the rising costs of electricity. Cost will more than double over the next five years to reach (invented) C02 targets that can never be achieved. Even with a zero population would not change the fact that C02 has been far higher in the past. Hotter and Colder by a vast amount. That is BBC media suppressed facts, although well known outside the media bubble.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
6. What percentage of Britons have no savings at all?
(a) 8%
(b) 10%
(c) 20%
(d) 37%
At the same time the BBC are insisting that OAP’s should pay a TV license when 75% of all BBC TV viewers are over 75 and the simple fact that The UK county Courts regularly prosecute Woman (again fines 75% against Woman) who are then less able to pay anything and fall into more debt. In that case the BBC is only on for background noise in a lonely world where real life BBC presenters argue over expected £4000 per hour wage increases.
ANSWERS: [ 1.d, 2.d, 3.d, 4.d, 5.c, 6.b ]
Happy Christmas to all!
As the BBC would no doubt say, that ‘Christmas’ is ‘despite BREXIT’!
‘click’. Off!
TV licence , in the 1990s the BBC stazie were constantly hounding me because I had a B&W licence . They did not believe me and insisted on a personal visit , my problem was my house was in a very affluent area and they presumed everyone had the dosh for colour …let’s hope things change next year
Re Q3 it would be interesting to know if the ’25-year life’ of a windmill is based on terrestrial or marine installations. I’m sure all those interested parties will quote their costs on the far more easily installed and maintained land-based units while, on corrosion grounds alone, the overall life-price of a marine mill will be unfortunately and inconveniently high.
Even, dare it be spoken, to the extent of making any power produced a negative benefit throughout each unit’s entire working life. Still, ‘Saving the Planet’ is what counts.
One of the most important things to happen tomorrow according to Saturday night news on BBC1 (and I thought news was about things that have already happened) is that two men are going to skate together on the opposing channel. And this is news?
Deborsh-It’s called virtue signalling. The BBC is utterly
obsessed with “educating ” us on their kind of diversity.
As you say they even advertise a rival television
programme tomorrow night . Telling us the licence
fee paying public not to watch the BBC , but watch two
fellows dancing on ice . Go f–k yourself BBC !!!
I think it is more than that.
Bearing in mind that the BBC prides itself on leading “the debate” I think it is all part of the Cultural Marxist drive to normalise what was previously unacceptable, whether it be a gay snog on Eastenders to broadcasting whole programmes on gay relationships on R4 in the middle of the day.
The Boys and girls at Auntie are like twelve year olds who like to shock but are also obsessed with sex and especially gay sex. I can confidently predict that at this rate in a few years time they will be broadcasting “Buggery” on Ice or similair.
Probably introduced by “care bears” such as Owen Jones or Jeremy Whine.
In a new poll, commissioned by the BBC, the election result has been described by Stormzy and Diane Abbott as, for 123% of the country, ‘it was worst of times, it was was the even worser of times, innit’, in the Christmas message to the nation.
I have no desire at all to be versed in perversity so I just never view the Bum Boy Corporation. As a transgender the BBC could indeed literally “go f–k itself” and the sooner the better. What a sick shower they are.
See ’em off Boris!
"reporters… are the public… voice of the BBC…. audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal opinions of our journalists… in matters of… political… controversy… including in social media."
Be a real shame if senior BBC execs were already settling into the gluwein or Cuba Libres and get summoned home to be quoted by an anonymous spokesweasel as feeling it was about right but they will screw over Boris in the Christmas message to atone.
Rob Burley has probably legged it to a mobile signal dead zone.
‘Broadcast House’ on R4 has dug up defeated Antoinette Sandbach, to tell us that the election outcome was “an Executive Power Grab”, which has given us a Henry VIII type government.
Oh dear. One can see why she’s gone. But for beeb, typical.
This followed on the Australian bushfire lead story, about a poor Prime Minister who hadn’t cottoned on to the fact that his absence on holiday was just what the doctor ordered for the Climate Crisis/XR types in the media, who -as it were- burnt hay while the sun shined, as it were.
Boris got it in the neck for promising a ‘golden age’ while hinting that ‘child refugees’ might not be coming in as freely as in the past (which he did not). Actually, nobody could argue for help with a Kindertransport if the Gas Chambers were really hard at work, but this hand-wringing is dishonest. Behind it lurks the little-publicised UN Compact on Migration, and THE FAR LESS KNOWN EU legislation of March 26, 2019, outlining the ‘Rights’ of African Migrants in Europe; linked to this is a totalitarian clause which boils down to the fact that you may not criticise or even discuss this issue.
It is when you start looking at numbers (never mind that we are talking about totally different cultures being imported, when compared to WW2). We are talking here , not about hundreds, or even thousands, but millions of Africans and people from -well, anywhere really, when you think about it. The beeb won’t tell you about any of this, of course. They will be playing the ‘cruel at Christmas’ card.
That traitor Ken Clarke on R2 news still bitching about Boris and Brexit……why are the BBC still promoting the lost cause , Heseltine yesterday wonder who’s next tomorrow ?
Perhaps another category, one all of her own, but I would like to nominate Miriam Margolyes as the most disgusting TV ‘personality’ for 2019 – and a good many years before.
The revolting Miriam Gargoyles was disgustingly anatomical on a Graham Norton show. Even her fellow luvvies who are well used to potty-mouth looked queasy.
Another national treasure, eh?
Was that the time she commented on the need to remove her girlfriend’s pubes from between her teeth before continuing her monologue? Or some other similarly detailed delight?
A mainstream Aussie channel gives time and a sympathetic hearing to an intelligent defence of Christian culture (versus the post-modern neo-Marxist hegemony).
Somehow I don’t see this happening on our ideologically biased BBC.
Pug – well said as usual -I suppose the best we can expect is a Royal Commission but then membership will determine the outcome . If BoJo is going to take any action against the BBC it has to be soon otherwise we ll have wait until the next election and action before the next charter renewal .
Cummings knows that the BBC will continue to be a propaganda instrument of Brussels and do their best to plant brexit failure in the minds of the UK public .
The main thing is not to expect sudden improvement is the state of the UK as we uncouple from the corruption of the EU .
Remainers will keep their heads down for a bit and then start the ‘ rejoin’ party with all the usual traitors pretending they never lost …
vlad – I deliberately don’t have Sky, but from all I’ve read here, Sky UK is very different from Sky Australia. You merely need to look at Sky Australia contributions on YT, to realise this.
A defence/promotion of Christianity is certainly not an agenda you would find on the beeb. Quite the opposite, since that would undermine many favourite beeb narratives. They will, no doubt, point to ‘Songs of Praise’, but that is an exception to the rule, and also quite a neutral thing, focusing largely on music.
I do wonder what accounts for the apparent differences between Sky UK v Australia?
Might the powerful and erudite political colossus that is David Lammy be basing his entirely predictable failure to secure a viable nomination for Labour party leadership on institutional racism?
I’m sure he must hope so.
Beltane- someone who IS standing for the Labour leadership is Norwich South MP, Clive Lewis, who may well carry on the Lammy tradition.
His ‘inappropriate’ touching, as well as staging a mock suicide in parliament, by placing two fingers in his mouth and ‘pulling the trigger’, seem to have done him no damage.
Unsurprisingly, beeb TV news in the East brought him on for a lengthy chat, allowing him to explain himself, and giving him astonishing publicity. I believe he is a Momentum fan.
He has a smooth tongue and a card to play, so should do well, given the competition, but I do worry about the states of mind of the Labour voters in Norwich South. What on earth possessed them?
TWO PEOPLE have been murdered and a third critically injured after a young man armed with a knife went “berserk” in Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Anything on Al Beeb ?
BBC using “downplay” language
… Other media do say he is related to the man is related to the two dead
… which makes it sound like family dispute, not like a terrorist rampage
BBC news is reporting that the new Speaker is saying that traitor Bercow should get a peerage . I really hope this is ignored . I understood that Bojo was intending to put a few Brexiters into the traitorous Lords so at least one less remainer – Bercow – would reward the many of Us who have suffered from the ‘Few ‘ like that wretch .
Let the EU give him a gong since he is their agent – but the BBC wants one of their own ‘rewarded ‘ . Incidentally – if I remember his pension is at the same level as a PM .
Other report are that the speakers chambers are so filthy they are uninhabitable and require a deep clean, before the present speaker can actually take up residence !
Fe2 If he does it would be the nothing less than the political establishment sticking two fingers up at the electorate. In many ways it could be the final death knell for the Lords and would also show Boris,s contempt for the electorate who have had to put up with this insufferable, mealy mouthed bastard for the last three years trying to rob us of our democratic decision.
The man is nothing less than a traitor in its truest sense just a pity that we dont still have the same sanctions in place that were visited upon traitors a couple of hundred years ago when it had been shown that they were working for a foreign power.
To an outsider it would seem obvious that Bercow should just be consigned to never world – no peerage – but it becomes. In my opinion , a bargaining chip in a private political game – which is the dishonour in the ‘honours’ system .
The coming list will give a good indication of how the whole establishment works – also of course – whether certain awards are put off to the next time .
Any bets On letwin , Ken Clarke , grieve , Tom Watson , swinson , Caroline flint , Dom Cummings , chuka….
Fe2 – If these self serving, self regarding snakes do get “ennobled” I am wondering whether it could well be the start of something that may well lead to the complete revision /abolition of the House of Lords.
Who would have thought that so many perma Labour constituencies would have voted Tory?
We are living in strange times, working people have shown they are tired of being taken for granted and taken for fools .
I heard somewhere that 90% of the peers are Remainers and illiberals in no way reflect their ‘popularity ‘ amongst voters .
The ‘constitutional inquiry ‘ which I think was mentioned in the Tory manifesto gives the authority to ‘reform ‘ the lords , the Supreme Court and other written bits of the system .
Any attempt at change to a ‘rightward’ system will be fought day and night by the new opposition party – otherwise known as the BBC .
What is twitter pushing at me today ?
The idea that Stormzy is being universally praised for “calling out racism”
Today’s news is that he claims he was misquoted
And that the bizarre quote that he said “Britain is 100% racist” is a twisting of his reply to the Italian journalist
“Do you think the UK is racist ? ”
“Yes 100% I think that”
I put it to you a native British speaker doesn’t use language like that.
You would NOT reply that “100% , you think the Labour Party is racist” cos you’d be careful not to throw that label on Labour Party members who are not racist.
Who cares ? They are wasting their time .
They turned their backs on democracy when we voted for Brexit in 2016. They and did not defend it, on the contrary they tried to prevent it. They did not listen to the working classes and the working classes taught them a lesson.
“Lessons to be learned”
Al Beeb next ?
“The supermarket said it would de-list the supplier of the cards, Zheijiang Yunguang Printing, if it was found to have used prison labour.”
Perhaps our “Jail Birds” should be given work to do to repay society for the crimes they commit ?
‘The Misinformation Virus’ (Radio 4 5pm)
Caught some of this earlier. I think it’s a repeat so someone might have drawn attention to this earlier in the week.
Apparently ‘The Great Replacement’ is not happening. People are being fired up by evil folk on the internet to think it’s true.
So, as you walk down the street in Blackburn, Luton or numerous other places, you are only imagining that the town looks a bit different than it did 20 years ago.
And, that Somali lolling on a street corner in Slough and taunting an old lady passing by* with ‘one day this land will be ours’, that’s not happening either.
* I read this as a comment somewhere, Maybe it was written by someone with a virus.
Despairada- it could have been me. I recall catching a piece of the earlier broadcast. Wasn’t there mention of the ‘right wing’ (mis)using science or some garbage like that?
– The BBC obviously think it’s fine for this man to abuse our PM … a man whose vocabulary normally consists of swear words..He’s banned in my house.
– I hope they scramble the BBC so those who want it can pay for it ~ I haven’t watched it for years cos of their bias.
– He had a televised foul-mouthed rant against May a year or so ago too. Shocking. The Beeb have really lost the plot #ScrapTheTVTax
– Nasty bloke who sings about ejaculing his semen all over a womans face ironically becomes the new face of @BBC religious programming.
– Boycott the @bbc
– They’re promoting hate of white, British people.
They’re promoting hate of our great Prime minister.
The BBC do not represent Britain.
– @BorisJohnson stop this now!!
– It’s like they’re trying to lose the licence fee.
– @bbcone Scrap the licence just got another vote. Your organisation is totally out of touch
– This is going down well @BBCOne , not!
– There is something seriously wrong with you if you consider this bigoted, hate-filled adolescent suited to read from the bible at all, let alone at Christmas.
– Defo the end for the BBC’s licence!
– Even my mother is now going to cancel.
– Until now I never thought about cancelling my TV licence. Until this.
– This is an example of why I cancelled my TV licence. The BBC do not represent my values.
– Well done BBC One. Another nail in your funding coffin. Turning more viewers away and giving Boris another reason to get rid of the licence and make you self-sufficient. Great work! I’m looking forward to that.
Etc etc etc, pages of it 🙂 The end is nigh, beeb, Vengeance Is Mine.
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Only because Kamela didn’t know where either the USA border was or Europe.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Angela Eagle’s question to David Coleman is insufferably stupid, e.g. ‘do you believe in human rights?’. What on earth is…
This week on the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Government Orders Review of BBC TV Licence Fee.
– Using Your TV Set to Listen to Radio: An Important Reminder.
– TV Licensing Gets a Well Deserved Festive Kicking.
The website for monitoring BBC Have Your Says has Removed Comments buttons so you can see the BBC being tricky by removing comments
Rather a lot often
‘Italian man’ Salim Youssufi making mischief in the midlands.
We really need to crack down on all the organised crime operating out of radical pizzerias
He has a very Italian name, typical of someone from Florence, Milan or even Naples.
He has a very Italian name, typical of someone from Florence, Milan or even Naples.
But something tells me our Luigi Youssufi isn’t big on the Prosciutto or salami, washed down with a nice Valpolicella.
Stormzy the snowflake
Young Stormzy hasn’t done too badly for himself in our 100% racist country that half of Africa seem to want to come to.
Grime star Stormzy has said he believes the UK is ‘100 per cent’ a racist country – about 10 a.m.
Sajid Javid commented on Twitter –
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
MoreSajid Javid Retweeted LBC News
“100% wrong.”
From the LBC piece: “In February of this year, a study found that the UK was one of the least racist countries in Europe.
British levels of racism against immigrant workers and people ‘of a different race’ in general were found to be relatively low, as was bias against Hindus, Jews, Gipsies and Muslims.
The findings were published in the Frontiers in Sociology journal and the study was carried out by Professor Mariah Evans of the University of Nevada, Reno.
“Prejudice against immigrant workers or minority ethnic and religious groups is rare in the UK, perhaps even slightly rarer than in equivalently developed EU countries,” she said.”
I agree with what Javid said but if “Stormzyinateacup” doesn’t like being here perhaps he’d like to f-off to Ghana or somewhere else where he feels there is less racist persecution? I’d have thought he’ll be able to “purchase residency” almost anywhere in Africa, for example, with all his money.
If he did I, like the vast majority of Brits I suspect, will miss him not one iota.
Clear bbc news bias
“The government isn’t taking back control -it’s giving it away “ says a BBC reporter reporting on the sale of Cobham to the Americans .
By the sound of it the adults have handed over news reporting to the kids in the news room .no balance in that comment.
Pretty clear that having the Brexit ball taken off them, the despicable trio, BBC, Guardian and Independent have turned their bile on Trump big time. They are literally crowing about the devious mad woman Pelosi and her underhand and sneering, leering manoeuvring.
“you are impeached… you are impeached… nah! nah! nah! nah! nah! almost playground stuff!
Well, they tried that with Boris and look where that got them! I hope Trump kicks the whole stinking lot into touch in 2020 and the Demo-rats end up in the same wastepaper basket as Labour over here.
What, this Pelosi?
I’ve been avoiding BBC news but would assume that clip didn’t make it.
Now Trevor Philips is speaking out against the licence fee !
Article in the Telegraph today by john Whippingbum highlighting
some of the recent BBC and Channel 4 bias and how “broadcasters must adapt if they want to survive”
He then goes on to say how he is convinced that there will always be a need for a publicly owned impartial public broadcast service and the BBCs services, such as news and Current affairs will always need to be publicly funded” Why John?
If Whittingdales article represents the thinking at the heart of government we cannot expect any serious reform to the BBC and this also goes a long way to explain why he was so weak at the last Charter Review.
As things stand I foresee that the BBC will be virtually untouched and I think the current furor is just an exercise in empty chest beating by politicians who are desperate to be seen to be doing something because they know that most of the public now realise that this organisation is utterly, corrupt and deceitful. Unfortunately though, what the politicians really want is back to “business as usual” and as they have little real stomach to bring this midden of traitors to book and it will all soon be forgotten, so these well paid luvvies can continue to undermine our culture and democracy by still being allowed to pedal their very own slow acting poison and lies to the young, the impressionable and the terminally naive.
Oaknash – I fear your observation about ’empty chest beating’ is spot on. I seem to recall Whittingdale saying something provocative about the beeb as Sec of State, and then immediately backing down. He prides himself as having laid down parameters for ‘impartiality’, but we have seen , in practice, that those were no more than empty words.
I can’t see Boris or Nicky Morgan doing anything to ‘interfere with editorial content’ either.
That is why we must continue our campaign against the beeb, for what it is worth. There are many other campaigns – (I yesterday greatly enjoyed the 50 strategies for bbc bias in ‘Conservative Woman’, for example) and we must aspire to administer ‘death by a thousand cuts’ to dispose of beeb.
The public mood is currently one that does not take kindly to being bossed about by bloated leftist quangos, and I don’t see the beeb as being much more than this. If the politicians won’t take action, we -the people- will have to do it for them.
At the same time we must also be noisy lobbyists, who will not leave the politicians in peace on this issue. So, a dual strategy, with the simple objective of getting rid of the licence fee (which enables the beeb to simply ignore all criticism) and, ideally, of this ‘public broadcaster’ itself.
FNW – We must also remember that Boris s background is “journalism”
the same “trade” that seems to have had almost constant access to the BBC revolving door.
It is no wonder even so called “conservative” journalists are very often nothing more than liberal/new labour types that are more than willing to sell their soul for either a gig on the Times or the BBC.
Oaknash – This is the ‘hold’ that beeb have over the politicians: ‘We can give you exposure IF we like, and we set the scene’.
That is why Trump is so fantastic: he is unimpressed by this ‘hold’, exposes it for what it is, and takes on the broadcasters and WINS.
Trevor Philips had a long article in the Times also.
Towards the end he changes tack and defends the BBC
– ‘It was the only place I could make my Windrush prog’
– ‘Naga was right to say Trump is a racist’
Phillips has had a long and profitable career in the past riding the back of the grievance culture that he helped to create. I thought for a short while, he had finally realised that by turning, “playing the race card” into such an effective weapon, in effect he had not only worsened relations between different communities, he had adversely harmed the prospects of much of the black community by creating the grievance culture and in effect saying to many talented blacks – “why bother, they all hate you anyway”.
Like so many of these lefties what it all comes down to is money. He was quite prepared to sell his “anti racist principles” when he was selling articles to newspapers critiscising his former conduct and now he wants to make more money by flogging his “Windrush programme” despite knowing that all it will do is feed resentment.
We see it all the time in the left. Lady Nugee, “Sir” Keir Starmer, “Stormzy”, George Clooney, Cumbertwat, The BBC crisp seller, Prince Harry all of them at the end of the day care more about their income and lifestyle than their beliefs – hypocrites all.
Interesting : Why UK2019 Left loses
The author posts a review of his new book
… fullscreen size
Today’s outrage bus
“Top golfer compares Greta Thunberg to Hitler”
Actually he didn’t directly … they are creating that narrative
He actually countered the claim that someone is holy if they are named person of the year by Time.
Someone has done a representation of Greta

The wide range of worthy giggles available via our PC society has currently increased by one – the deletion of Dominic Cummings surname from some on-line posts.
I can only assume that the symbolic replacement was as the result of an ejaculation of outrage from one of our computerised thought police.
Strong and stable. borders ?
Owen Jones brags he is “anti-fascist”
but I think there are 2 types of AF
..One is the lefty propaganda type.
I see the lovely (not) Ash has go embroiled in today’s Twitterspat
over Owenisa*anker trending tweet.
Here we have it “Ash Sarkar
7h7 hours ago
“Everyone’s a big man behind a hashtag eh.
*uck every one of these fascist c*nts who, were it not for the invention of the internet, would just be sitting around pulling wings off flies. Solidarity with @OwenJones84.”
Such a way with words Ash! (my asterisk in the “Hunt sir.. not Cunningham word). She’s a one ain’t she!!
Pert – I monitor Twitter but have never engaged . However the ‘battle ‘ going on over the Owen Jones character is beyond me .it has also led to a BBC favourite – Ash – to engage in the industrial language you’ve recounted ( I edited the eff word a bit ) .
Which leads me to wonder at what stage the BBC ceases to hire kidult snowflakes like ‘Ash” because of their vile online abusive language .?
That lady however, seems to hold a position of authority in the BBC similarly to old Toynbee and that ethnic lady who promised to leave the UK /go home if democracy went against her .
sorry Fed (initially typed FU2 but realised it could be taken as the current climate)..the f-word seemed so innocuous compared to the less oft-used Cunningham word I quite forget to * the u.
As I said a few days ago I hope she gets her come-uppance sooner rather than later…and is deprived of the media oxygen that she quite clearly craves, especially re the national broadcaster, when I pay 2 TV licences (one for each house!..but can’t be in 2 places at once). Yes it hurts but the Capita Nazis so upset my other half with their venal tactics I just thought pay the effin’ thing (second one).
Now if I’d owned up (Q. is it a actually crime yet? A. No, but it possibly would have been if comrade Corbyn was PM!) to owning 2 properties on Twatter I’d have the fascist left on my ass in short order. So I am enjoying little Owen’s day being ridiculed in the are many by the looks!
Oh ..before I go ..and in the spirit of Christmas..a message to Corbyn and McDonnell.
You were decimated in the f*ck off and make way for the next set of clowns. Night all.
just leave you this tasty morsel..oh how I chuckled at the seemingly obligatory “ethnic” dimwit
Does she think she’s a female Russell Brand?
p.s. thanks Sean
In actual fact she is a very poor quality actress, as indicated by her exaggerated face-pulling antics. It’s a stock-in-trade for a majority of the lefty fake ‘academics’ that the BBC appear to have on speed dial.
No worry – i actually wanted to leave the lady’s Eff word in for effect but apparently some search engines spot bad words on blogs so i did an edit .
As for FU2 – when I chose an ident I didn’t realise that FU2 would be a cut down version … happy days …
She has competition. How long before the BBC gets back the old gang?
The EU jollies continue at our expense though…
BoJo had better stick to his promises regarding OUR fish!
How raaacist would it be considered by Al Beeb if BoJo’s lot did something like this….
Mind you, their Somali trouble makers came over here for better benefits and housing many years ago.
Yes I remember that. Several thousand of them.
In the Midlands, a self building organisation was set up with £millions from both central government and Birmingham council funding.
I remember BBC Midlands news running a programme on this.
Quite soon it was wound up, money suddenly vanished. The suspicion was that apart from plain stealing, that money was diverted back to Somalia. Help the pirates? Or help pay for more migrants, or holidays back there.
I had a wonderful technicolour dream last night.
John Bercow and the entire executive management and senior staff of the BBC were all charged and convicted of Sedition.
They were condemned to watch constant re-runs of David Attenborough chasing Walruses off a cliff for 23 hours a day followed by a one hour loop of Greta Thunberg saying “How dare you’ over and over again.
It all was to take place in a room at deep freeze temperatures with snacks of an albatross on a stick served by Jeremy Corbyn wearing only a beard and a Thong.
I woke up with a big smile on my face but a little nauseous at the thought of the image of Corbyn.
How many times have I told you not to watch the film ‘If’ after eating cheese!!
The BBC are using the world club championship (one of the few matches they show…..thankfully) to promote women’s football.
A doodle and thoughts on events across the pond. I genuinely can’t wait for the trial to be mainstream so that the left can be taught a very public lesson on how ‘feelings’ and ‘opinions’ are not the same as ‘criminal evidence’
SC – There IS some criminal evidence, but NOT against Trump. The trail leads back to Hillary Clinton, via the murder of Seth Rich. It all has to do with the ongoing coup attempt WHICH STARTED ON DAY ONE OF THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY, THEN CARRIED ON WITH THE ABORTIVE MUELLER ‘INVESTIGATION’! Pelosi is merely carrying on with it, both as a diversion from a number of real Democrat crimes (eg Hunter Biden, to name another) and an attempt to dispose of Trump.
The Democrats know they have no chance in 2020 (no credible candidate), so this is their way of ‘winning’. What remains hidden is Hillary’s abuse of classified information, the hack from WITHIN the DNC (not the Russians!), which Seth Rich knew about, and paid for with his life.
Do we even start looking at Hillary’s involvement in the sale of uranium? Do we look at what went on on the 7th floor of the FBI HQ, the diversions, the cover-ups etc etc? Do we hear what Obama said about going to his ‘WAR ROOM’ on the day of Trump’s inauguration, to kick off the coup attempt?
Pelosi is in for a big fall! On YT you will find Georgia congressman, Doug Collins -I think, spelling out for her why this is going to happen. There are many very guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours, but look for them among the Democrats, not at the Presidency. And, believe it or not, I’m not even a great fan of Trump, the person.
Never mind, I’m sure Jon Sopel, from the impartial broadcaster, will keep enlightening us.
Like I said, everyone outside of twitter is very aware of the facts but the Congress is like a school common room to the Senate where people have longer/safer roles and tend to be intimately related to the real goings on. They know exactly who to call to the stand to expose this thing and won’t ‘forget’ certain key witnesses like the house did.
Honestly, even I am surprised that the Democrats are stupid enough to continue weaving the rope to hang themselves on, especially when they might have actually stood a chance at winning a case on emoluments or something else. Perhaps it’s just the only way they think they can get someone other than Biden (who will lose to Trump) out of the race in time.
SC – I was looking on YT for Doug Collins tearing Nanci Pelosi to shreds.
(according to him, her enemy is the clock and the calendar, which tick away mercilessly) when I came across a feature on Prof Noah Feldman, saying on Bloomberg that -at this point- President Trump has NOT been impeached, as Pelosi has not yet handed over the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Perhaps Pelosi was actually listening to what Collins said? It sure is worth listening to! But if the President has actually not yet been impeached, things do get confusing?
With no evidence yes, we could potentially be at the end of this story, in which case it probably helped someone raise some money at an LA fundraiser? It will of course be mentioned ad-infinitum like that tripple-dip recession that never actually happened but even in that scenario though, it just makes them look incompitant and it’s just handing across massive amounts of ammunition that Trump will use to destroy whoever ends up debating him next October.
Calvin interesting that the Americans have a system to put a president on trial without public involvement and we ( at the moment ) have a system where a commons majority can prevent a government bringing itself down by calling an election – again without public involvement . Thanks for the ‘ jottings’
You can trust the BBC …
…… to bring you something essential.
This is filed under ‘Real-life stories’
Sad to hear the death of Martin Peters. Watching him score in the World Cup made this country come together in a way that no PM has ever done. I saw him play numerous times with Tottenham alongside Martin Chivers, Pat Jennings, Alan Mullery, Steve Perryman when Bill Nicholson was coach. It really is the end of an era when players from another age, and not much older than us now, start passing, and makes us aware of our own mortality. Rest in Peace Martin, you were part of an elite team, the like of which we shall never see again.
The reason why we will never see a team like this again is not one was greedy with the ball. They were a team not like today where every single player is playing for their own and not for the greater good. Just look at any rugby match and compare it with a football match rugby wins hands down.
So sad. I hadn’t heard this. I knew he was ill. That leaves us with just six and two of them are very ill. Very good player and I don’t remember anything negative about him.
I also look to the Man Utd team that beat Benfica in 1968 of which there are only eight left.
7pm Radio4 It’s Profile
… Stars Wars is topical on the premise that the new film is just out
So they pick one actor.
.. One who’s third time this is
.. who plays the part of the *black* stormtrooper
27 year old black actor from Peckham
… He was in the same class and close friend of famous stabbed Damiola Taylor
The guy being a Nigerian pastor got into acting, not gangs
typo : The guy being a Nigerian pastor’s son…
“Waiter… more popcorn”.
This week I heard “Channel 4 Bans Non- Political Journalists From Tweeting About Politics.
The new policy came into force after a “number of errors” made by broadcast journalists””
The Religion of Peace, Tolerance and Murder condemns an academic to death in Pakistan, for being slightly too liberal.
His defence lawyer has already been murdered.
Coming to the UK soon.
Merry Christmas all, before it’s banned.
“Academic sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan”
Worth a read:
Thought you’d all like to know that Miss Sherrock has just beaten another man at the world darts so the BBC may just mention it once or twice which is nice as they usually pretty much ignore the sport all together preferring to search out items on racism in sport in other parts of the world as I heard on two different days this week on 5live on my drive home from work in the early morning.
Wondered if anyone had spotted this –
It’s behind a paywall but the Mail has it –
“Broadcaster Trevor Phillips warns ‘woke’ BBC that it faces extinction unless it ditches liberal bias and embraces licence reform
Last year this probably went under the radar –
A Christmas Quiz: as nominated by the Royal Statistical Society (2019). Appeared in The Times this week. I thought it worth highlighting for our ‘end of year’ do here at the celebrated ‘Biased BBC’ year Awards… the questions that never get answered (or even asked at the BBC). Its a liberal bias culture war.
1. At the United Arab Emirates gender balance awards, what percentage winners were male?
(a) 75%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 100%
The BBC have already awarded themselves a pay rise due to pay differentials. If a BBC staffer (Woman) gets a pay rise, then the BBC males will give themselves a bigger pay rise. Only fair in vertical tier BBC middle class (mis)-management.
Guess! (see below for real answers)
2. How many black and white BBC TV licenses are in force in 2019?
(a) 879
(b) 1,923
(d) 4,288
(e) 6,586
The BBC are trying to ditch b/w TV licenses, as they cannot tell if any TV is watched or in color. The BBC iPlayer can give them (BBC) all kinds of personal viewing information, so best avoided. Then those who are registered colour blind do not get a discount either, or the deaf (who should get 50% discount), but then they would prefer NetFlix anyway, everybody does.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
3. In 2019 Britain went the longest period since 1882 without coal-powered electricity. So how long do you think that period actually was?
(a) 7 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes
(b) 15 days, 1 hour and 26 minutes
(c) 18 days, 6 hours and 10 minutes
(d) 23 days, 21 hours, 2 minutes
If I were to listen to the BBC daily then the entire nation is run on wind farms entirely seven days a week. In practice Windmills have a life of 25 years max, in which time the cost is offset by the subsidies on construction and tax breaks which = zero cost benefit.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
4. In the past 22 months China has produced the same amount of steel as Britain has done over what period?
(a) Past 23 years
(b) Past 79 years
(c) Past 112 years
(d) Past 150 years
If I were to listen to the BBC daily, then the UK is the prime net polluter to the entire planet and we are all doomed. Thanks to the Carbon Tax, our electricity cost is escalating upwards, with subsidies to install more windmills, even though they cost totally a lot more to run and maintain.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
5. Since 2009 the average contribution of wind power in UK electricity has risen from 1.3% to what do you think the proportion is now ten years later (2019)?
(a) 14.8 %t
(b) 18.8%
(c) 28.7%
(d) 92%
If I were to listen to the BBC daily, ‘wind power leads to lower cost electricity’. It doesn’t as it has to pay for the loss of all other industry that relies on electricity (such as car production) or even electric car charging. Windmills cannot power Electric Cars. We are using Russian Gas primarily when in high demand during Winter months. Not all of it sustainable and at high risk by foreign powers.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
It would be interesting to ask the BBC, how much electricity it needs on a daily basis just to stay on-air. Not that they have to worry about the rising costs of electricity. Cost will more than double over the next five years to reach (invented) C02 targets that can never be achieved. Even with a zero population would not change the fact that C02 has been far higher in the past. Hotter and Colder by a vast amount. That is BBC media suppressed facts, although well known outside the media bubble.
Guess! (see below for all answers)
6. What percentage of Britons have no savings at all?
(a) 8%
(b) 10%
(c) 20%
(d) 37%
At the same time the BBC are insisting that OAP’s should pay a TV license when 75% of all BBC TV viewers are over 75 and the simple fact that The UK county Courts regularly prosecute Woman (again fines 75% against Woman) who are then less able to pay anything and fall into more debt. In that case the BBC is only on for background noise in a lonely world where real life BBC presenters argue over expected £4000 per hour wage increases.
ANSWERS: [ 1.d, 2.d, 3.d, 4.d, 5.c, 6.b ]
Happy Christmas to all!
As the BBC would no doubt say, that ‘Christmas’ is ‘despite BREXIT’!
‘click’. Off!
TV licence , in the 1990s the BBC stazie were constantly hounding me because I had a B&W licence . They did not believe me and insisted on a personal visit , my problem was my house was in a very affluent area and they presumed everyone had the dosh for colour …let’s hope things change next year
Re Q3 it would be interesting to know if the ’25-year life’ of a windmill is based on terrestrial or marine installations. I’m sure all those interested parties will quote their costs on the far more easily installed and maintained land-based units while, on corrosion grounds alone, the overall life-price of a marine mill will be unfortunately and inconveniently high.
Even, dare it be spoken, to the extent of making any power produced a negative benefit throughout each unit’s entire working life. Still, ‘Saving the Planet’ is what counts.
Smart money is now on Wind Turbine decommissioning.
One of the most important things to happen tomorrow according to Saturday night news on BBC1 (and I thought news was about things that have already happened) is that two men are going to skate together on the opposing channel. And this is news?
Deborsh-It’s called virtue signalling. The BBC is utterly
obsessed with “educating ” us on their kind of diversity.
As you say they even advertise a rival television
programme tomorrow night . Telling us the licence
fee paying public not to watch the BBC , but watch two
fellows dancing on ice . Go f–k yourself BBC !!!
I think it is more than that.
Bearing in mind that the BBC prides itself on leading “the debate” I think it is all part of the Cultural Marxist drive to normalise what was previously unacceptable, whether it be a gay snog on Eastenders to broadcasting whole programmes on gay relationships on R4 in the middle of the day.
The Boys and girls at Auntie are like twelve year olds who like to shock but are also obsessed with sex and especially gay sex. I can confidently predict that at this rate in a few years time they will be broadcasting “Buggery” on Ice or similair.
Probably introduced by “care bears” such as Owen Jones or Jeremy Whine.
On the same theme – of Auntie liking to shock
BBC News
In a new poll, commissioned by the BBC, the election result has been described by Stormzy and Diane Abbott as, for 123% of the country, ‘it was worst of times, it was was the even worser of times, innit’, in the Christmas message to the nation.
I have no desire at all to be versed in perversity so I just never view the Bum Boy Corporation. As a transgender the BBC could indeed literally “go f–k itself” and the sooner the better. What a sick shower they are.
See ’em off Boris!
Oooh Lefty,
Him indoors likes to call the BBC ‘British Bum Chums’.
Now I’ll go and wash my brain out with soap and water.
Oooh Lefty,
Him indoors likes to call the BBC ‘British B*m Chums’.
Now I’ll go and wash my brain out with soap and water.
Not sure what happened there, it timed out twice.
2 cheeks of the same arse
“So, Tony, who do you think best to speak for the nation besides us at this time of the year?”
“Fran… there can be only one…”
Speaking of Fran, it might be time for one of those ‘Don’t write anything stupid in those ‘views my own’’ tweets. Again.
Oo, lawyers involved.
Be a real shame if senior BBC execs were already settling into the gluwein or Cuba Libres and get summoned home to be quoted by an anonymous spokesweasel as feeling it was about right but they will screw over Boris in the Christmas message to atone.
Rob Burley has probably legged it to a mobile signal dead zone.
BBC Newsbeat
Some people have called it ‘the world’s biggest drugs experiment’.
Should cannabis be legalised in the UK?
Next, Ceebeebies on the correct way to ingest coke anally.
‘Broadcast House’ on R4 has dug up defeated Antoinette Sandbach, to tell us that the election outcome was “an Executive Power Grab”, which has given us a Henry VIII type government.
Oh dear. One can see why she’s gone. But for beeb, typical.
This followed on the Australian bushfire lead story, about a poor Prime Minister who hadn’t cottoned on to the fact that his absence on holiday was just what the doctor ordered for the Climate Crisis/XR types in the media, who -as it were- burnt hay while the sun shined, as it were.
Boris got it in the neck for promising a ‘golden age’ while hinting that ‘child refugees’ might not be coming in as freely as in the past (which he did not). Actually, nobody could argue for help with a Kindertransport if the Gas Chambers were really hard at work, but this hand-wringing is dishonest. Behind it lurks the little-publicised UN Compact on Migration, and THE FAR LESS KNOWN EU legislation of March 26, 2019, outlining the ‘Rights’ of African Migrants in Europe; linked to this is a totalitarian clause which boils down to the fact that you may not criticise or even discuss this issue.
It is when you start looking at numbers (never mind that we are talking about totally different cultures being imported, when compared to WW2). We are talking here , not about hundreds, or even thousands, but millions of Africans and people from -well, anywhere really, when you think about it. The beeb won’t tell you about any of this, of course. They will be playing the ‘cruel at Christmas’ card.
There are other stories over on
The Griping Greta
a masterpiece created by Ingmar Rentzhog, the PR guru
Someone has to say it. How derrrrr you!
The Git World cup FINAL :john Bercow is on 43%
Surprisingly Soubry is way back, behind Lammy
… If there were a 11 man squad all of them would be in it, along with Gina Miller, Ash, OJ, Alistair Campbell etc.
Please can I have 4 votes.
That traitor Ken Clarke on R2 news still bitching about Boris and Brexit……why are the BBC still promoting the lost cause , Heseltine yesterday wonder who’s next tomorrow ?
Perhaps another category, one all of her own, but I would like to nominate Miriam Margolyes as the most disgusting TV ‘personality’ for 2019 – and a good many years before.
The revolting Miriam Gargoyles was disgustingly anatomical on a Graham Norton show. Even her fellow luvvies who are well used to potty-mouth looked queasy.
Another national treasure, eh?
Was that the time she commented on the need to remove her girlfriend’s pubes from between her teeth before continuing her monologue? Or some other similarly detailed delight?
It was the time she ‘creamed in her knickers’ upon meeting Laurence Olivier.
Yes. The very same woman who, on TV, referred to Donald Trump as “a piece of shit.” Hate speech or what? Drain the swamp.
For my own sanity perhaps I should avoid any BBC propaganda programmes……BBC reflecting Germany in the 1930s ?
Weimar Britain indeed Sir. Who left the f—–g cage open?
A mainstream Aussie channel gives time and a sympathetic hearing to an intelligent defence of Christian culture (versus the post-modern neo-Marxist hegemony).
Somehow I don’t see this happening on our ideologically biased BBC.
Pug – well said as usual -I suppose the best we can expect is a Royal Commission but then membership will determine the outcome . If BoJo is going to take any action against the BBC it has to be soon otherwise we ll have wait until the next election and action before the next charter renewal .
Cummings knows that the BBC will continue to be a propaganda instrument of Brussels and do their best to plant brexit failure in the minds of the UK public .
The main thing is not to expect sudden improvement is the state of the UK as we uncouple from the corruption of the EU .
Remainers will keep their heads down for a bit and then start the ‘ rejoin’ party with all the usual traitors pretending they never lost …
vlad – I deliberately don’t have Sky, but from all I’ve read here, Sky UK is very different from Sky Australia. You merely need to look at Sky Australia contributions on YT, to realise this.
A defence/promotion of Christianity is certainly not an agenda you would find on the beeb. Quite the opposite, since that would undermine many favourite beeb narratives. They will, no doubt, point to ‘Songs of Praise’, but that is an exception to the rule, and also quite a neutral thing, focusing largely on music.
I do wonder what accounts for the apparent differences between Sky UK v Australia?
Might the powerful and erudite political colossus that is David Lammy be basing his entirely predictable failure to secure a viable nomination for Labour party leadership on institutional racism?
I’m sure he must hope so.
Beltane- someone who IS standing for the Labour leadership is Norwich South MP, Clive Lewis, who may well carry on the Lammy tradition.
His ‘inappropriate’ touching, as well as staging a mock suicide in parliament, by placing two fingers in his mouth and ‘pulling the trigger’, seem to have done him no damage.
Unsurprisingly, beeb TV news in the East brought him on for a lengthy chat, allowing him to explain himself, and giving him astonishing publicity. I believe he is a Momentum fan.
He has a smooth tongue and a card to play, so should do well, given the competition, but I do worry about the states of mind of the Labour voters in Norwich South. What on earth possessed them?
TWO PEOPLE have been murdered and a third critically injured after a young man armed with a knife went “berserk” in Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Anything on Al Beeb ?
Doubt it’s the usual suspects, they say it’s the son of the murdered pair, possibly a schitzo.
taffman- nowt on beeb. The Express has it as lead. Most read on beeb is something about same-sex partners on ice.
Are we surprised?
There now ! 6 min ago . They must get their “heads- up” from reading this site ?
BBC using “downplay” language
… Other media do say he is related to the man is related to the two dead
… which makes it sound like family dispute, not like a terrorist rampage
As ever best to start with the police website
as most media will be sourcing from there.
“Crawley Down” is NOT part of Crawley .. it’s 7 miles away
Happened at 10:18am so basically the incident has been over 7 hours
the first BBC tweet was at 2:41pm
BBC news is reporting that the new Speaker is saying that traitor Bercow should get a peerage . I really hope this is ignored . I understood that Bojo was intending to put a few Brexiters into the traitorous Lords so at least one less remainer – Bercow – would reward the many of Us who have suffered from the ‘Few ‘ like that wretch .
Let the EU give him a gong since he is their agent – but the BBC wants one of their own ‘rewarded ‘ . Incidentally – if I remember his pension is at the same level as a PM .
Other report are that the speakers chambers are so filthy they are uninhabitable and require a deep clean, before the present speaker can actually take up residence !
Exorcism would probably improve the place as well.
Fe2 If he does it would be the nothing less than the political establishment sticking two fingers up at the electorate. In many ways it could be the final death knell for the Lords and would also show Boris,s contempt for the electorate who have had to put up with this insufferable, mealy mouthed bastard for the last three years trying to rob us of our democratic decision.
The man is nothing less than a traitor in its truest sense just a pity that we dont still have the same sanctions in place that were visited upon traitors a couple of hundred years ago when it had been shown that they were working for a foreign power.
To an outsider it would seem obvious that Bercow should just be consigned to never world – no peerage – but it becomes. In my opinion , a bargaining chip in a private political game – which is the dishonour in the ‘honours’ system .
The coming list will give a good indication of how the whole establishment works – also of course – whether certain awards are put off to the next time .
Any bets On letwin , Ken Clarke , grieve , Tom Watson , swinson , Caroline flint , Dom Cummings , chuka….
Fe2 – If these self serving, self regarding snakes do get “ennobled” I am wondering whether it could well be the start of something that may well lead to the complete revision /abolition of the House of Lords.
Who would have thought that so many perma Labour constituencies would have voted Tory?
We are living in strange times, working people have shown they are tired of being taken for granted and taken for fools .
Heres hoping!
I heard somewhere that 90% of the peers are Remainers and illiberals in no way reflect their ‘popularity ‘ amongst voters .
The ‘constitutional inquiry ‘ which I think was mentioned in the Tory manifesto gives the authority to ‘reform ‘ the lords , the Supreme Court and other written bits of the system .
Any attempt at change to a ‘rightward’ system will be fought day and night by the new opposition party – otherwise known as the BBC .
House of Lord & Al Beeb ?
Get rid of both, they are parasites .
What is twitter pushing at me today ?
The idea that Stormzy is being universally praised for “calling out racism”
Today’s news is that he claims he was misquoted
And that the bizarre quote that he said “Britain is 100% racist” is a twisting of his reply to the Italian journalist
“Do you think the UK is racist ? ”
“Yes 100% I think that”
I put it to you a native British speaker doesn’t use language like that.
You would NOT reply that “100% , you think the Labour Party is racist” cos you’d be careful not to throw that label on Labour Party members who are not racist.
Jonaya points out Stormzy does do racist actions himself.
Or as the BBC would say, “Real name, Michael Omari”.
“Labour leadership: How wide will the debate be?”
Who cares ? They are wasting their time .
They turned their backs on democracy when we voted for Brexit in 2016. They and did not defend it, on the contrary they tried to prevent it. They did not listen to the working classes and the working classes taught them a lesson.
“Lessons to be learned”
Al Beeb next ?
“The supermarket said it would de-list the supplier of the cards, Zheijiang Yunguang Printing, if it was found to have used prison labour.”
Perhaps our “Jail Birds” should be given work to do to repay society for the crimes they commit ?
Taffman – yes they could be put to work producing ‘get out of jail free ‘ cards … happy Christmas ….
Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda !
To all readers, posters and telly tax strikers .
Taffman ,
Our prisoners could redeem themselves by sorting out all the recycling from our rubbish .
‘The Misinformation Virus’ (Radio 4 5pm)
Caught some of this earlier. I think it’s a repeat so someone might have drawn attention to this earlier in the week.
Apparently ‘The Great Replacement’ is not happening. People are being fired up by evil folk on the internet to think it’s true.
So, as you walk down the street in Blackburn, Luton or numerous other places, you are only imagining that the town looks a bit different than it did 20 years ago.
And, that Somali lolling on a street corner in Slough and taunting an old lady passing by* with ‘one day this land will be ours’, that’s not happening either.
* I read this as a comment somewhere, Maybe it was written by someone with a virus.
Despairada- it could have been me. I recall catching a piece of the earlier broadcast. Wasn’t there mention of the ‘right wing’ (mis)using science or some garbage like that?
But oh joy, look at the comments…
– The BBC obviously think it’s fine for this man to abuse our PM … a man whose vocabulary normally consists of swear words..He’s banned in my house.
– I hope they scramble the BBC so those who want it can pay for it ~ I haven’t watched it for years cos of their bias.
– He had a televised foul-mouthed rant against May a year or so ago too. Shocking. The Beeb have really lost the plot #ScrapTheTVTax
– Nasty bloke who sings about ejaculing his semen all over a womans face ironically becomes the new face of @BBC religious programming.
– Boycott the @bbc
– They’re promoting hate of white, British people.
They’re promoting hate of our great Prime minister.
The BBC do not represent Britain.
– @BorisJohnson stop this now!!
– It’s like they’re trying to lose the licence fee.
– @bbcone Scrap the licence just got another vote. Your organisation is totally out of touch
– This is going down well @BBCOne , not!
– There is something seriously wrong with you if you consider this bigoted, hate-filled adolescent suited to read from the bible at all, let alone at Christmas.
– Defo the end for the BBC’s licence!
– Even my mother is now going to cancel.
– Until now I never thought about cancelling my TV licence. Until this.
– This is an example of why I cancelled my TV licence. The BBC do not represent my values.
– Well done BBC One. Another nail in your funding coffin. Turning more viewers away and giving Boris another reason to get rid of the licence and make you self-sufficient. Great work! I’m looking forward to that.
Etc etc etc, pages of it 🙂 The end is nigh, beeb, Vengeance Is Mine.
Twitter seems to be suppressing #StormzyIsAW*nkerDay from its trending list.
Brexit: What happens now?
Reminder , they sell far more to us than we sell to them ?